PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. JANUARY PRICE THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 38. PORTLAND, MAINE, MONDAY MORNING, 1, 1900._IgS^ViSSS) I _-gL- .ir~-1 M-JL!" ~i-- —— la thalr respective looollUaa, should position#, nrlif aleo that the native* DOU BAR BREAKWATER. !i KOVI* UN armed Dutch eelenlels gather. _HICK4A deelred to be rid of the preeenee of the K . mm ACCEPTS SORTIE STORY DISCREDITED m uriusiM mmsi. Tba theory la that tba British boa* Maeaoabaa, the friar* aad the oetered Ichtestr Currie T. Ills ef Rueliluud staying oolonlala should ba fully pre- Amsrtgan mldlcm, toward wham they Wrecked. pared to cope with tbe Dutch ooloatole eater a violent aaMpotby. Sixty- mined without the aid of regulars. The alert- eight elek^otil af Major Baoholar'a oom- Deo—iber 81—Tbu (Jlo« ouster, Moos., oars of tbs British makes united notion maad of IU0. are-eomlng to Manila. dog-bar tmlwikf, at tbe Felt for Bombs Found Will Become Bishop of nnoomplotsd Apprehension ou tbo part of pro-Boar re aidants dlfl- Explosive aatmaon thin baa plokad op FALLING BETTER. to harbor, oult. Unable to net openly, they ■R. ROUTELLE slip ■till aaathor reaaal, wboaa koaaa will un- Mafeking. in Manila House. Maine. away singly, or In small groups, to Jntn lad a there. ion btedly roofing plnoa tbs sue f arose. Ins authorities bars Strong Hope Kiproeeed of Hie Cltlmete ray's time It la tbe lime ladea aohooaer Thla bacn informed of many oentras of agita- 'Recovery. Me., from Uarria X. HU of Kookland, tion, wbloh It Is oonsM-red uodesliabls that far Now York. HAIR Bangor, DeoemUr 31.—A lelhr baa part to partloolarlso; but there Is nothing Uka She atraek about I o’olook Ihlo morn- at baan received from tbo phyalolane wb* His Boer Shelling Becoming Deadly ronoerted aotlon opporont oror wide Outbreak Was to Oeeur During Law- Told His Congregation Doty while endeavoring to make thla har- are treating Congr nnm Beotell*, *tat- ing, dlstrlota. bor. Iber* waa a atroag loutbwmt log that bla eymptom* already >low Im- Ladyxmith. Tbo east or Mr. Mlcbno, solicitor of ton's Funeral. Called Bin Here. braaaa nlowlng at tha Mma aad a thlek provement and thcmlcr* Ibtrc It eirong tho UeBears oompany, who la aoousad of ebeamed tha bueya Tha henry aea hop* af hie eemplet* reoovery In the near rupee treason, aoqulros Inercised linportanoo, ■. — on the RESTOREDby warm with Ctmecaa fob made her pound heavily one- shampoo* Soar, fatal*. ronalag as be baa been transferred from the lowed by light dressings with Ccnccu, pur- rook a aad aeon apaaad up aome The deapatob "»nt oat by the Amoeletod lagged tody of tbe otell authorities here to the est of emollieuu and greatest of skio cores. tha water large hole, through wbloh Boers at Ue His This treatment will clear the scalp and hair Pnss from Bcxen Friday night to the Cargo of Arms for military .authorities Anr, Be Thrown at Election Yet to be Acted anon her and driving of cruats, seals*, and dandruff, soothe Irrb Bombs to effect that Ur. D. A. Hohlnaon, tbe fam- ruehed la, Oiling high position onuses the Dnlob to watoh tated. Itching sorfaoee, stimulate the hair tha And arvw of Ova man on ily pbyelolan In tfaia oily had it*led that oaplain Seized. his rase keenly. follltlee, supply the roota with energy and tbalr Consuls. r«- leek. Realizing parllona pozltlon bass been nourishment, and produce luxuriant lustrous Foreign while Oongrvexwob Bontell* might Upon by Bishops. Parties of Boers operating tad benumbed by the Intanaa hair with claan, wholesome scalp. oover hie phyeleal health and vigor It la getting soma 70 mtlas south of Lord Methuen's tbalr boat they dadded to lannob on peaalbl* that h* may aavor be tba mm* oold, position. Boars appeared Christmas aad leouve tbalr aafaty wbloh, aftei much again mentally, was abeolatsly Ineer- day near tbe railway at out 90 miles waa aooompllahad, thay I reet. Dr. Boblitm made aa xioh state- trouble, finally Six Honrs south of Be Aar. A form of tbe Bake of the Engagement Reported Until Then His Eli«l ion Will aboard aaothav reaaal, Inalda to Plot Wan Discovered aud Slip- ment, and more than that ha was net la getting Kdlnbnrg's own volunteers prepared where (bay ware made wel- Borionatthe tine be Wes reported to breakwater, at Sterkslrom. engage them, hot tbe eo«roe retired. Not be Complete. come aad reeelTod attantlan. pressed. have dlMBaud Mr. Boatollo** oondltloa propw Another party Bred Into a Brllsb patrol Wrookmatar T. 1 Herd Tbe etatament waa eat!rely the work of This morning o>mp rioting tbe night of Wednesday, a foroa of man war notlQad, and with 87. This waa near Victoria ImkglnaUo* oa tbe put of mane eat aad December s ataam bo wrnt down to the baa mated math dDtraee among the on bU lighter road. An attempt was mode not fas the Teasel. London, January 1—4.30 a. m.—Iu tba of ■onto aad began (tripping from that point to damage the railway. — frlaada tba Coagrammao. 81.—H*». Hobart &UnlU, Deeember 81, &10 p. m. Four Bolton, Deters bar ba a total abaaaee of confirmation of the reported re- The HU will undoubtedly One man was In tbe aot end On tba ooairary Dr Koblaaon hae Oh u rob caught a few tire arms aad 800 Cod man, Jr., rector ot St. John'. F. tortle from that atory la dla- explosive bomb*, wreok She la ownad by the A. Ladyamlth •hot. Like are from peatadly exprveeed hla belief la tbe ultl- to- attempts reported rouade of ammonium ware dleooverad (Episcopal), In tha Box bur/ district, Hcok- oredtted. No auoh hopeful view can be Con- Crockett oompany and otben of several otbar Kvldently small mtte aad parmaaent rue very of annonnoed hit of tha elec- points. la a honee la ths oenUr of Manila this do/ aooaptanaa land and la valued nt uninsured. taken aa tba Boar account of tka Mafek- Thera la no founda- 13000; of Boers or Bntoh oolonlala have grogmaa Bou telle. tioa to tha of ids Maine dlo- parties morning while the police were leeching Blsboprlo Thu of lime U valued at 11000 and lag aortla aeema daalgned to coo toy. No exooet- lor MDmtloaal aargo been to Interropt the movement tion and bo the oaoa. trying Kecarte, the lnmrgent leader wha waa la Invurad. Ska la of 147 tone burden word regarding any anob movement baa statemeata that hav* b ten made ooa- of trains, but thus far they have been Manila In the Mia waa Informed praalona ■aid to haea come to hope pariah Jut and waa built Id Kookland In 1871. ytt arrived from Urltlab aaouroaa; and the British oralng Mr. Boutelle’e 'onndltlon, ea hie battled by tbe elaborate petroling. of an tak- to bit awmon. and In bta remarks, Mr. of la an It la effecting outbreakyesterday by feeling aoapenan dcependlog a Bred trleads have tuned e dally statement In one osse patrol of regulars ing advantage of the mobilisation of the Cod loan uld tbat be had ihoroogbl/ con- WATERVILLE HAS MVSI'ERY feared Col Uadeo-l’owell’a alienee lndl- baaed on Infer nation raoolvod from th* un a patrol of ooionlaL. Tbe latter wero Amerleaa troops at Usneral Lawton's sidered tha matter and felt that tbs hand catea that hi* U dee- My Mamma gives ma I position becoming wearing broad brlinmei bats, aud were fnnsral. attending physiolan*. of Uod dlraoted him to aooapt. It waa Nua Konud la House Who Hud Been BROWN'S INSTANT RELIEF, para let mistaken by the British for Boers, Mo It that the laelnd- hit ha tald, to raapond to tha oali from th* front breath a For Coughs, Colds, Colic, Cholera. Today developed plot COMPLICATIONS FKARKD. dot/, Deutl Five Buys. The daapatchea of Cod. would lw With sorrow and Morbus, Dysentery, Croup, Bore ed the ih-owing of bombs among ths for- ta A l.kw. K1 V lUeamha* >1 _llonM It confidant aplrlt which la by no meant "* Threat, Diphtheria, eto. ■Ion mnanla st.tiindlniF th« MNmnnT. In WuteTYille. December 81.—After being aath/iAat haeo complications are feared between Greet I THINK IT IS BEAL NICE TO TAKE. order to about International com- that have bound himself and hla parish- of latest ad sloes show thul bring Britain and Fraaoe over the mUsing six days.JBenjaratn Chlpman The Ladysmith expiration live Nobway M«WCT» **'>., Norway, Ma. These, It seems were to hare ioners together for the paat years. Ibis waa found daad at hla boma on ths Boer Is Frrpurd by plications. o tba New Foondland fisheries modus oily shelling brooming deadly, beeo thrown from the eeoolte’e blah During hie remark*, many In the at 8 and ennui must also L< Vivendi Western avenue, Sunday morning, while sloknsss tcdsy. to but tbe nvoldnnoe of tbe eeool- oongregatlon were moved tears. who noll- on ths Ibi balldlnge The oelonlal oannot meet o'clock, by Eogane Dearborn, telling strongly garrison. legislature baa been euooeeirul In ta tbe funeral spoiled tbe Mr. Codinan vary Ood Coroner Kdwarda and Dr. Ranooort. news of tbs of rebellion by precession for eome weeks and the British parlia- spread amonp his work at Ht. John’* and the perish There la somewhat of n «ur- oolonliti and of tbe attempt plan. ment aim oloaad so that there Is no pos- mystery tbe Datch HAY’S nnder his rec Tbe popnlaoe, It Is thought, bad been baa materially progressed t he affair. It aenma that tbe of Boers to out tbe at wide!] sibility of any legislation for some weeks rondlng railway for tbe attempt by a rumor, olr- torsblp. The oongregatlona have been In which baa for Is a. I prepared to the defect. France le thus house Chlpman Jived dlffaront points vary disquieting remedy most oulated widely among tho natives yester- large and hie sermons have tern Ike thirteen Is on the of ths extended made able to provoke muob trouble with past years oooupled bearing upon tbs safety LIQUID that was la Manila and Interesting. a the name of oorrss day Agnlnaldo the colonial offloo and It la feared ehe •rat floor by family by Has of ooraraunloatlon. All tbs lead tbs onbraak. The Her. Mr. Cod man will net sever his would personally Reed. They claim to heea eeen Chlpman pondents are beginning to hint of a for Quality h,.roadI will do so. St. John’s ohoroh at American authorities, haring hern ad- ooaneetlon with In fairly good health, Saturday or Sun- ward movsmrnl on ths part of Usn. Bui them the leading Cigar in CREAM. vised of what was for FLOATED UNINJURED. one* a* the oommnnloatlons tent to the GOLD brewing, prepared day last, but tu proved be bad gone from lsr, tbs danger of wblob la lndloatwl In ooinmlltees cf all oon tin gen oss Mondon. Be -ember 81.—The Hamburg bishops and the standing borne for tbe belldaya. despatch to the Dolly Telagtaph Iron NEW ENGLAND. AN EXCELLENT ARTICLE FOR mast Captain Morrison, who commands tha South American Has • teener Relate* the other ebnrohee In the ooontry The ooroner and pbyelotan claim Chlp- Fran the unfortunate fallur. and reoorolng A favorite in every home, club, troops In the moat turbulent district ol wbleh went be heard from. man died In a room at the head r ecu anal seen oes. In one tbi ('flapped Hands and I.tps. from Santos to Hotterdam, probably of two ante, or office. of choice the he dose net believe an actu- This will take at least two weeks aad Every judge hmihurn, Kruptiono und oily, ears ashore near Manganese Friday night, dur- •I the ataln to tbe eeeead elory, fully Boer Uhi at Colenao wars to bars beer from ooa has al uprising will ever osenr, as the natters woe drawn off about until nil have been beard la as hla wee blounted mtr cigars Inflamed kkiti ing n heavy storm, flee daye elnee, body partially tombardsd by nlgbt. arising cl the Maine lack the resolution to taka tbe lint etopa this Ova Urination of tbe choice and hie of toe diew Boer bra and It was Intended PERFECT CONFIDENCE in from cause. 10 o’clock morning by tugs. Ap- daoompoasd surroundings tbe any Inn that would entail hla election will not La cam movement fighting parently the vessel bee not reoelved serf ooasralMae, wont Imaginable. Dearborn bad gono to that ths nasal guns should bombard Waltt & bond Blackstones at close with the American quarters one Injuries. She proeeeded to Hotterdam piste. the hooao to torrow a gun of Chlpman, This, however, tbs latter failed to da Ko. 54 Biackstone . troeps. tow of two tugs. wbo woe somewhat of a hunter and lived am St., prepared by In MADK A viOOD THING. owing to toms misunderstanding •be life of a reoluas elnoe tbe death of ble tbe raeonaultirlng pasty was oompelled t ULIVKH NEWMAN. AN ADVANCE ON CAVITE. mother IS years ago. Tbe bourn la so tloundar book to cotap through tbs ws H. H. HAY & L'ocutber dl.—Oliver Ntw- Wrecking C ompany W uicli Bought SON, Lewiston, small tbat It would seem Impossible that and stormy nlgbt rnarub la mud oar Tu" Thousand Insurgents Under Arms gave PHARMACISTS, a well-knswn man of this ally,died Seboouer Holey Will Her. aro- issn, any noise oould be made within tbe water and with tbe greatest discomforts. HAVE YOU SEEN w Near Inina- of 71 after a brief tsdey at the age years, und story without tbe ooaupanta of tbe to the Sams oorrrspondem Junction Mingle an) Free Sts., Portl nl Me. 4 Aooording .THE. Illness. He was In the los huslnsaa for .Machine, December SI —The wracking same. — flrvt aware of tbe anolber reojonals Manila, December 31, 6.10 p. m An being a similar fate awaited some time with Daniel Lara and after- tag Sunns] U. Jonrs arrived here tedey a man Aiuerloan adranoe la Cavite province Cast Monday morning young by ■knee In tbe opposite direction. some of the wracked aobooner TUB wards la the Oliver Newman loe compa- from the same to tbe bouee south of Manila, is He- tbe name of Tbebodeeu “Two detaobments," says tba dss shortly expsoted. on near He was alderman of the olty for one M. J. Soley. aahere Bridge ledge, and later oame down llatls reports from native spies show that ny. to tee Chip man patob, “lost thslr way In ths darkness director In the Manufac- where tbe Jones has been jmar end was a Petit Manan, and went Into tbe Heads when he a ibare are of Insur- stairs They ware unable *o effect junotlcu foi ARTIE upward 8,000organized CHAPMAN NATIONAL BANK turers’ National bank for a long time. employed by tbs Mansbeld Wracking Mrs. gents undar arms within n mile of linns. Inquired for rome camphor, telling attack; they (tumbled Into water liolt-t sines to He leave* a widow and one daughter. company, Tuesday, endeavoring as be be wanted tbe of Maine. are their entrench- •Samuel Reed, states, and were oat all nlgbt, only to return Portland, They strengthening vessel and her TOCO boat the wrecked wbo bad a headache. Tble be ments and poreeas artillery. BRINGING LAWTON’S BODY. medicine, drenched and disappointed In the bushel* of corn At Novelata, tbe Filipino entrench- did not oltaln but returned upstairs morning. December 81.—The depart- The was the Manabeld Washington, Soley bought by later was beard to come down and CIGAR mente bare been muob etrengbteoed since and It Is roughly estimated that there an ure of the trar sport Tbomnsfrom Manila, Wreokiog company of Joneaport from <>en. bohwan’s adranoe. A thousand of go out. Mrs. Heed further atataa: Boers between Ladysmith anr CAPITAL, $100,000.00 with lha remains of tbe d5,000 yesterday, Major the oaptain en tbe morning fallowing Idea went tbo enemy are la that nod tbeie "I bad do but what Chlpman Colenso, some 4U0 being on the south nidi nolnlty W. Lawton was i'is General Henry aboard, wreck, together with her oargo, ns not are six hundred at ban Franoleoo De out of the hose with Thebodeau and, of the riser. At all points thi and Undivided $25,000.00 In a reoelved at the lhe Tugsla In Tin Cans? Surplus Profits, announced dsspatoh lay In bar exposed position, for iBnO had a a Bound after, vuppoeed he shows oeeseless Malabun. From twrlte to bnndred gar- from Gen. Otis bearing enemy aotlvelty. | war department today. veesel Is thought lo be damaged but little at Fall Hold Centers Solicits tlic accounts of Bank.,Mer- rison all the towr.s In tbe southern part gone to hie relatives A large number of Americans are salt The vessel comes to the United States she was at rnntile and end In valued at thaw, built ilia not 1'lrms, Corporations of Carlte provlnoe and tbs same may be for tha holidays, returning to be finding tnsir way Into tbe rarloui TWENTY-FIVE Individuals, and is to fur- via Nagasaki. Sfaa also baa aboard tba Kox River, N. S., la 1814, and has 80 feet prepared said of tbe towns In Patangas provlnoe. would not have teamed strange to me ea volunteer regiments being raised It nish its the best facilities remains of the late Major John A. Logan. and 8 feet In the and patrons learn hold, regis- went for a weak or uceomutodaflous. Tbe provisoes of North Camurlnee nod be at times away Caps Celony. It la also reported thai and liberal ters 84 tons net. Hsr oargo. though some- South Camarlnes bold qnaotlllsa of SUPPOSED TO HAVE FOUNDERED. more." many Afrloans ora arriving at Delagor what damaged by water, 1s yet worth ARTIE hemp, which tbe oannot lusrket. Dearborn, wbo found Chlpman, entered been expelled from tbe Bant people Marseilles, December 81.—Great anxiety dollars. Bay, having Interest Paid on several hundred door of the hones aud went up Deposits. As a cjneequenoe the populitlon In that Is felt here the fate of the the front oecaaie they bad refused to work the regarding woe from the lhe schooner pulled the Oat. He found part of Luzon la suffering from leek ol steamer Plem La Grand, due at H'alre Into Chlpman Johannesburg mines for tbe govern Frenoh Into whloh she brat struck Wed- f Klee now ocsts gulch the doors unlooked, and tbe man dead CIGARS rUrl SflVINliS. ccd. four times Its nor- Odessa a week ment. SPtUIAL UtPflKIIYItNI Ma rsslllea from ago. to bar nesday night but, owing upright bed laid tbe floor mal price. She Is to have fcnndsred dur- upon a feather upon The proofs of contraband traffic In Interviews end Invited. srppeetd while on the her oargo Packed in a Tin. Correspondence position ledge, Ktamlnatlon of the dead body dlsoloaed that It la estimated that lnsurgerte ing the recent gates with her crew of 45. praams dally. It Is alleged Kuropcan shifted forward to sooh an extent that, same fi.75 In money. Coroner Kdwarda CLI.LEN C. CHAPMAN, President. are entrenoiei at C-i'amba. In oftloers arrive ut Delegoa Bsy every week WEATHER. after eliding from her r.wtlng plods on will not hold au Inquest uniat* further porta bav* been xeoelvtd that 2,0C0 :n»or ~TUE warrant. and to the Beer Hors. The Cap< 1 HOMAN 11. EATON, Cashier. t.hm runki. her bow was several feet under developments proceed goats are massed at Mount Arayat, hav- Uanjamlu W. Chlpman waa 78 years of asserts that tbe latest lmportatloni FOR THEM. water. In Ibis Ion It was Argus ASK posit Impos- a re and a wldowar for dS DIRECTORS: ing strong positions whloh command years, leaving by way of Lou ran 10 Marquez, are (la deo2ft dtf lstp sible to get the vessel's anchor* or move two sons, one Id the west and anctuer CHAPMAN. SETH L LARRABEE. steep and narrow trails and that thoy are CULLEN C. her from ber moorings, as she resembled who Is Maine Central elation agent at E. M. STEADMAN. PERLEV P. BURNHAM prepared to roll bouldera down upon ad- UAMMI. ammunition, all of wbloh bar* arrlset a top, Hooting as the did npon her praw. Firemen’s Ball last nLht you will probsbBr vancing troops. at Pretoria. the BRICE M. EDWARDS JAMES F. HAWKES X diver arrived from Portland today, be tired, so rest up to-ulght and sleep late to- NEXT POPE. tne be- HENRV S. USBOOJ WILLIAM M. MARKS. Life along the ooasta of the provinces THK The Imperial authorities at tbe Capt morrow morning, hen flulsn up year by parted the holey’* ohslns and opened and to church. Of course you of Cagayan and Korth and booth lloooa, have seised at Adelaide an lmmener ing good going ADAM P- LEIGHTON, her butobee, and abe wne dragged to don’t like to eel up esrly Sunday, Out if you or- 1*1 M W&F ft la normal conditions. Abe Cardinal Gotti Said to Have Been Se- of arms end ammanltlo* der resuming be consignment eballow water, where ehe will pumped Bensou'.i Beady Charcoal, American troops oocnpy the Important lected. marked “Biscuits,”* sent by Boers to Always out and Hooted, after wbioh the schooner of can lie In bed aa long aa Exchange, new six flit block towns and the roads. farmers in this 11 your grocery you TJOR8AI.K—Or patrol oountry The Butoh neighborhood. to and •■111 be on time for tircaktast. I in Portland, now rented lor SH-ir per year, will be takeu to Jonesport and dis- you want and first natives Implore the Americana to con- Home, December 81.—It le asserted that la feared that the Biltlsb reeonnalasano AT AI.L GHOCIBS. built uils year, everything modern charged. BIO BAGS 100 Architects small amount class. plans, only tinue the oooupatlen to establish gov- December 81—Lo?al ft r < a't: the Pope, after the reoent ceremony of north of Dordreobt, described In a dee down. C. B. DALTON, M Exchange street. Boston, ernment and to terminate the uncertain- Increasing oleudlneas, probably followed XMAS opening the Holy Door nt St. Peter’e ca- patah to tbe war offlee, may torn oat t< (TALK Xo. 7a) _jauidtf AUGUSTA’S LIQUORS. Ulr- ty, abuses und conHsoatlone that have snow In tha oftarnoon or thedral dearly designated Cardinal base been n rather strloue affair. 8AI.K—Springfield gas machine, storage by light night; BOOK-KEEPERS. Foiltank, pipe., valves and shut oft*, all In characterized the rule of the Tagalog rev- winds olatuo Marta Gotti, prefect of the Congre- A of the Assoolated Freer light southerly Man Who Mold It Has Hern Ar- uorraapoadeat and first class condition, price very low. Would The majarlty of book-keepers! olutionists the last 18 months. Washington, Daoember 81.—F. recast gation of Indulgeneee and Hoc red Hellos, at Pterketroom telegraphing Deoember 81 exchange lor good horse. C. B. DALTON. rested. itsnographore need glueeee. The Janldtt Vest a noun t* of tobaooo, estimated tv for Now Snow Monday and nt his successor. Cardinal Gotti, the fa- atyat Kuglandi nature of their werk oalle for ear ora ere le a man of — be worth 12,000,000 reedy for vari- moue Genoese monk, great of the 31g| _-—-- ship- probably laeaday; oonllnaed oold, “Captain Montmorenoy Augusta, December 81. —Moss* C etraln upon the eyee. Heading Ugoree FAILURE OF BATii MAN. ment to Manila. The opening of the able winds plsty aad modesty. Ha Is now atout 64 lanoere, with a patrol of 13J, was r<*oon alias V. U. Cbasis of Lewiston, herder work than reading of Vlgaa, ban Fernando Choay, of end has lived the life miles north of Dordreobt. le anything ■facial ro iri ports Dagopau, years age always nolterlng eight PUASSj wss arrested In this city Balorday, on elee. In reading a took cr paper we Laoag and Aparrl tomorrow will permit LOCAL WEATHER REPORT. of en aeoetto, and despite the dignity of He met the Boers at Labusehanges Nek Bath, Deosmfcer 81.—William W. Pen- the obarge of Illegal tale of Intozloatlog take In whole wor.le at a glaaee. In the resumption of trade, bringing rvllef Portland, Dae. 81, 180#—Thi local a prlnoe of tka eharsb. he always sleeps Thy opened lire end the British replied, dextrr who haa bean in tbe He n Boston Urm. each chariot-r mail be con- dry goods liquors. represent* n on a hard mattress. flgurlng, to communities greatly la need of food weather bureau rejorde the la orll anl i'he fighting continued for stz houri business in as following: Christmas time he was la thi the eyes Bath for do years, IS yeare stuff veaaele have olearvd About olty sidered eeperetely. Running Many already 8 a. m.—Barometer, 29.771; thermome- when tbs Boers reoelsed strong reinforce- junior member of the tlrm of H. E. Pal- taking orders, and It Is said, between 80u TU1£ TREATY EXISTS. up and dowa a long column of fig- from Manila for these pons tcr, 6; dew point. —0; real humidity, bfl; menu laoludlng artillery Capt. Mont mer an i Co and lor the last ten years aad 4C0 paokajes supposed to oentaln Berlin, December 81.—Deeplte the semi- urea le particularly tlreeome to the Incoming bpanleh prisoners declare that direction of wind, W; wind velocity, 8; morene/ retired and took a defensive pe for hlmeelf under the same firm name, was delivered to his customers official disavowal several af tba mueolee. If there la the ellgbtial Agulualdo has ordered the release of all state of weather, clear. liquor leading ■lllon at Dordreobt. The Boera did nol made an assignment Saturday evening thermome- Tba clHosvs learned of this and, Satur- German believe In the exliteooe trr.r In the harmony of the eyes now In of the reb- 8 p. m.—Barometer, 29.891; papers him. It Is beUesed that the] bpaolarda possession la pursue If hr- a for the benefit of hla creditors, to Albert dew real 93; day, when tba agent again appeared of a acorel treaty oonoarnlng Dalagoa Bay the strain le doubled. you els. ter, 13; point, 4; humidity, retired on their main body. Tbelr loam H. Bbaw and Cb tries A. Coombs. The direction of wind, W; wind velocity, 3; the oily to oolleot tba pay for wbat he bad but they discredit tba ate tarn ante of tka took keeper and find that yonr eyee The mountain and are net known. paesae of Cagayan state of clear. or cause of the aeeignment waa brought, weather, sold and to taka order* for Now Year's, Lokel Aaxelgar regarding tba nature pain you, or the flgnree blerr, yonr the two llooos provtaees arc etlll guard- The Queen'a message to tbe British about by the panto in the money market Max temp., 10; min. temp., 9; mean arrested bln. Me olalms that be has The heed aches, you are taking ooanoee Hainburglaaker Coraespondsnt in booth Afrloa was sent to ed in tbs hope of eatehlng the lnenrgent temp., 10; max wind velocity, 14 N; of white ttoops ever) off whloh caused hla Nsw York, Pbliadsl- been selling medicine compered sayai every day jou put wearing who Is still a It 0. It ran tbne: “I wish you general. Tlnlo, fugitive. precipitation—24 hours, cus- general. phla and Boaton creditors to demand im- wine, Iron and quinine. Whin hi* '•Tbs treaty baa no definite form and It glasses. If yon wait loo long you la asserted that Lieut. dilator# la In Tin- and all my brave soldiers e happy Christ b* wear all the mediate payment of his obligations This tomers naked for liquors wrote them wonld oome Into farce In ease Por- tuny hove to glatere lo’e only rues. Bod and bless yon all. cuatody. WEATHER OBSERVATIONS. protect now ha coul t not do and so assigns! for the an order wblah they signed. Thtse were tugal should consent to sell a portion of time. If you begin very likely UKN. XIHA .NO AFRAID TO LAND. need them at ben* lit of all bl • or Isv | he esll uaud The agricultural department weather filled by the heuse In Boston and Wis pay bar oalonlas. It la oenfinad solely to her you will only your liabilities are him. He will ba seen HOME GUARDS. work. If eyee give trouble, tdo.OUO to IdU.uOtl, and the Manila, Ueoembe* 81—10 p. m.—To# bureau for yseterday, Dec.31, taken at 8 was ooUsetel by given Afrlean possession a. Haas la bos tka ORGANIZING yonr estimated assets f S.uOG to 130,000. A Zaflro has arrived at Manila a Monday forenoon In tba Mun- aad baa offered as come in and talk the matter aver and transport m., meridian time, the observation for hearing treaty objections." Colonial Authorities Doing All The] p. wbul to be done. meeting of the or.dltors will be called on bring Usd. Xlrano, who la niuoh grlavsd icipal oo art. I will toll yon ought each section being given in this order: BUWDOIN MAH ERECTED. Can te Present Inanrrecllou. January 11, wbea a complete statement at being eapplanted by CoL Bond as Temperature, direction of wind, state of HIMBELP. Thursday, December 38.- will be rendered. The assets oonalet of military governor of Cagayan pro vinos DROWNED Ellsworth, Me., Deoembar 80.—Prof. Capa Town, weather. The colonial authorities ore using ever) M. the stock of goods in hla store and aiv- He hesitate to land beosno he look* ap ■ Book land. Dec* labor IL—Joseph Cross Hanry Crosby Emery, Ph. D., of Ella- A. WENTWORTH, Beaten. 18, S, p eldy; New York, M, aad to an Insurrection ot eral pleoea of real estate. Manila aa n neat of Insurgent'-, who oommltted suiolda some time during last worth, professor ad political aeon easy prsoaatiea present HW. elear; Philadelphia. 2J, HW, clear i of tho Outoh In because was found at Bawdsln, fas the two tbs part disloyal Capi Practical may assassinate klm he vuirea- Washington, 80. 8, p eldy; Albany. IS, BB, night by drowning. The boy aoslology pom Opticlaa, and to a If sa< , c PARENT CAPTURED. dered He that wh>n Cel, p.aldy i Buffalo, 12, 8W, clear; Detroit, 10, thin afternoon near Tlllaon's wharf years has bean elsated to tba peofeanorahip Colony suppress rising Uagayao. says by 540 1-1 CoB|r«M M. ’V BW, snow: 0. NW, saew; be. 8T should ooour. Brery where tbe Brltlsl Lewis ion. December 81.—Paul Parent, Heod arrived the presidents of all tin (Jhteogo, Heharmea. Mr. Orosi was fit year* of ago of pellllenJ eoaaemy at Yolo. la It Paul, A NW, Oldy; HgrOa. Dak., 84, NW, late boar one of tbe for af us aad will bathe I solos lets am being organised prisoners who asoapsd from towns la the province rapalreu to Appall °*r' J“toon- aad baa lived la this oily several ysara you ages pro- drilled, armed and ready to ae , Office IIours--i:S£2:&i?:!S: Auburn jail Thursday, baa been captured. and nagged him to ooallnoo them In their °vi?»;: rtSL"1 yeans. fessor at Yolo. guards, ■_ _ _ -J AT A D1NNKR. SAW OLD TEAR DIE. orsnaltlra ocourred but,'In soneeqoeaee THE GALLIKGER CASK. WINTER COHEN. STATES WILL BUT. o' ibe Incident, an order baa been leaned cwatss AflAH. UN1TTD The Km*■ Clnh the Admin* Wateh Meetings Were Held At Varies! requiring all elatatu of troops to wear la AyylawM Hraring Brfnrr Grand Jnrf Will A Day rf ■•■bring far the Peer helmet* latmllon. Churches Abaci Town. ___ Csnylato Today, ttethea.

BOERS NEED FOOD. Biston, Unaabtf 80 —There area a Than were many people on (ha streets New York, December 80.—The ooldeet after to the faet that All Uoods al After Concord. M. &, Dwmte II.—Th* Another of Sale ganeroua attaodnnoa at tba annual meet- midnight Owing BrltUh Mapping Drlagoa Will Convene December 80 la maay yea re waa nab mad Report preoen tatlon before tbe Federal grand ing at tbe Kaaax olab nl tha Parker bonee New Year’s ere (ell upon Sunday tteta Bay. In today with a inert level temperature of the United 8 la tee of Danish Indies. thla afternoon and tbe epeaebaa arara wer not aa many gatherings to wateh the Holiday Recess. Jury chargee agetnot 80 dagreee below the corresponding data London, January L—A despatch to Senator Ualllnger, alleging violation of notable for tbetr sentiments and for tbe old year die aa iianal. There were, laat year and atlll felling. Genuine win- tha Dally Mall from Lonreaco Maiquea, the elrll eervlee will ba expreeeloei of warm approval of tba Phil- bowerer, many "autJh meetings" held law, probably tiy weathtr eeleed tpc olty la an loe- dated I seemlier i», saye: to a close with little to- ippine poller of President MoKInlay. In the chrrjhes. Midnight mats teat brought delay bonnd aad tba meagre tempera graap, lo the dhurchei aa "It !e report'd from Ladysmith by morrow, aa the one witness most desired Hon. Heerg* Von L. Merer.tba praatdent oelebratsd Catholic tnrea ware aaemtualed by aa Icyela gala wag of Pretoria,ibat tbe British are des- to tbe oeae In Its stage, of tbe olub, presided and tbe gneala in- had been annouooed sometime ago. lo Senate Will Take The Finanee complete present tbat blew oat of the northweet at tba No Exported From King tbelr heavy cannon, prior to n I’p Mr. John U. Walker of D. Opposition eluding ex-Congrumman Lmatnal K the Free strict church tie Cbrtetlan troying Woablagtan, rata of 45 mlleo aa boar. line! rorlle. to Senator la going of New York, Alt irney General Kudearorere watched the new year's ItilL a, secretory Ualllnger. l.ooal weather forecat ter Emery'a ther- Christian. Tbs Transvaal agents bare have here at tbe of tbe H. II. Knowlton and Congressmen Wil- birth. Ur. Nickerson conducted the personal request ebowed only 8 dagreee of al- % mograph Koberta ot Mas- ohoruc at was bought np all Ibe available milk, sugar eeantor. Mr. Walker, on liam 8. Knox and K. W. this meeting,which largely however, leged caloric at 0 o'clock, the reealt of and coffee. They have mansard to get the but (old that sachusetts. attended. 1'bera wete watch meeting* reaching olty night, a • tinea the reoord. toady drop midnight bald orders sent for shipment here by be was that ha was wanted Mr. Qulgg alluded to lbs Basing Again- also at the Congreci street Metho- Urge surprised Contracted with December 30 laat year, French aid Uirroan steamers. Prices and at tbe that he bad at- aldo, wblla dlaouealng tbe Uemooratlo dist ehurob, where Her. Mearrt. liorard. Not Debate Is snggestlone tba abow SO degraaa dltferenoee In Long tlgaree American of on wbloh tba Usmoorata Freeman and Thera have advanc'd £0 ret cent oooaeqoenos to no crate himself as a mat- Strong Sup- platform 1HWU, MoAlllcter olUelated. tempted for, of temperature at 0 o'olook. A balmy and the etooks are very short Something ter of prupoaa to stand again, and ha expressed waa a watch meeting held also at ite foot, he said, he waa on a fort- with tba thermometer at 40 degreea, Expected. day, Secured. aland Mountfort itiejt church ■He a famine la tnreatened as tbe Brit- vsostlon. port the opinion that they would 07 and the Uoepel night’s waa New York's portion a year ago. ish la stopping ell goods con- Agulnaldo If they could Bud blm.un Idas Mies loo. government Ihe grand Jury will reconvene In tho The tulTerlog today aad tba bitterneee here from civet ports wblob on need a roar of laughter. There signed morning and probably Mr. Walkar will of winter fell moat tba heavily upon wben be TRl’STE EN HAVE FA IT H. "Several members of the Volkeraad before It end the waa tramandoua applause, loo, appear pnllmlnarlee poor. Shelter and rafreebmant waa eagar- meet steamer doubtless to give declared that tba votera lo IWOO bare tba evtry will dose. Senator Uaillager la bore, hut wherever the oharttably In- btu- Nothin!; Laid Out For Th« House ly eought The Price His Been Fixed At at the ballet box lo do bono* to That the gUOOO WIU hr fnrtter orders. Portugal lb doing he diollnee to bo Interviewed. purpoaa gnrseary ollnad had posted tbeir depots, aad a bes t to maintain neutrality, but fcralgn tba administration wblob baa dooo bonor Pledged by Tonight. This Week. stream of woe hero Dee Mad In from Four Millions. la steady to them. opinion In Lourenoo Marquee generally GERMANY DOESN'T LIKE IT. tbe lime doors wars opened. wblob aroused In favor of aotlvely assisting tba Moere One woman, Mrs. Anna Mackey, waa Another asntlmant great The Y. M. C. A. haa until tonight lo carried Into tbe Yorkvllle ooort today enthusiasm waa bla atatsment that Sena- to prooore food supplies. Srliwr* of the Moll Ntrnnier Hunrfearath raleo the balance of the JiJU.OOb lo order by two policeman, wltb bar rare, hand* tor Hear watel ua to skulk from our du- "Herr Pott, tbe lranavaal consol geD Resented. to aratl Itself of the offer anil feet terribly frost bitten. ty In tba Philippines and that we oau whloh waa and tbe tral bare. Is losing Lloyds agenoy Uaeeaabar 81.—With the Mrs. Maskey was discharged frcm tbe not do. In of Henator made to pay off the debt. Col- Washington, January 1.—The Again, spanking floating and Buck woman's In Ulaakwell'a Island London, Copenhagen lit be raid that nn Amertoan who does agencies for the Castle, Union of its sittings Wednesday the Deoember tho prison nr, lection* In the churches were taken rtaoiaplloo Berlin, 31.—Ksgordlng officers of th a Daily Mali any.: In yes- lines In of yesterday and was found by tbe oorreapaadeat not sustain the government tbe Phil- nail steamship oona»quenoe Senate will pimotlsallf begin ths real seizure tbe Brltleb orolser and about f MO w aa by Moglelenne wandering around In tba streets, raving “The aala of (ha Danlah Want Indian to Islands puts blmaalf where a aery terday pledged. Only he ippine tbe position holds" wart, of ths session. Alter the present of tho mall itsamer mad the effeote of tbe bitter eolo. ■ celticism nan be made him. fit Mb no r remains to be collected and Imperial Bundeorotb, from tho U lilted Htatra bide fair to bo aooom- erloua upon the wtek seaalons will be the of the hast n Sbe Is In a serious condition. Again, Ur. Qulgg startled the mam here trustees hare faith longer dally German Afrtcin lino, high The Danlah that tbit amount will pllahrd. Captain Cbrlatmaa, of tbs club by raying that, by tbe testi- January 1— Later, Muntmor- rule, and very few mote adjournments olBolal of tho German foreign nflloe, who COLD WITHOUT SNOW. be pledged before tonight. London, who baa Influential cltlaena la tha United mony of the bercet of tbe war, of tboae Yesterday on DeoaioberiU, met superior furoes from Thursday to Monday are to be ex- woe Intervened tbe of December 20.—Tbe thermome- tbe atreral hundred dollars were •noy, by correspondent Button, Htatra and who baa aaenrad the anpport still living and tbosa wbo have died, pledged by to rear of Doers. as was oharacterlstlo of the ses- tbe mid: 3 shore baokbone there la to tba Insurrection men who bad before using artillery, operated ported Associated Pram ter registered a trifle over degreea Praatdent Admiral only refused to contrib- of McKinley, Dewey of Inlanders la contributed In con res of tbe be was sions of the weeks. "Silence moot ba at before Philippine ute to the fnnd. day compelled praat preserved preetnt aero ebortly midnight tonight, of erne tori la and a number Influential vary largely by tne oily of Uotton. to withdraw to Dordrecht In good order In the abeenoe of Senator Aldrich, tbe actual stains of tbe lowest mark of tbe seaaon. Tbe odd concerning negoti- the noting aa Intarmadlaty batwrea tha two There arara rounds ot upplauaa tor At- on by to men sent from Dordrecht, ohalrman of the committee finnnoe, ations wbloh have been wltb Great wnve baa Increased Id severi- General H. M. Knowlton when he obitlakY spslated began gradually gotarnmenta, direct oflldal communica- torney whloh we are In for de- who will have ebarge of the financial blU, Britain about the matter. New and In wua presented. Ula allusion to Congress- before position Appropriate ty throughout England tion for Denmark after lolng Impoaalbla man Uontelle, bla tribute to his courage fense. One severely wounded. no definite statement esn be made ns to steps have bean taken of wbloh Germany remote from the sea osaet It la placm repeated fallnraa In prerlona attam pta. and bla hope for bla return to publle life, UKOHUIt W. JOHNSON. THS. how ylgoronsly be will press that meas- must wait the result. Tbe mutter to re- mnoh odder. the Im- WELL FIXED FOU IUHEE MON Strangely enough “for eereral daya an attaohe of one ware applauded warmly. Mr. Knowlton ure at tbs of the business, but of the utmost about tbla has declared for the removal of du- Mr. George W. Johnson, who for many 1.—A to beginning garded by Germany Import- mediate region olty yat of tbe U. 8. emta.alaa baa Kean protective London. January despatch principal ties on articles by corporations years baa oonduotsd the tit. James hotel tbors Is do doubt of his gsnsral determi- ance because Involving the to eee a sizeable fall of mow, for barring produced Mall seriously here bating Intaralawa with tha to it the Dally says: long which have oonablned form monopoly on Free died nation to It along aa rapidly ns pos- of nettrals.’* a all the street, Friday olgbt at Deoeiuber D2.— push rights Barry la November, precipita- Danlah mlnlater of linanee. Dr. Hober- Kimberley, Friday, He has “boat 10.30. Mr. Johnson had sible after the present weak. given This afternoon, tho foreign secretory. tion so far baa bean lu tbe form of rain. several "We have food enough for three inonihe. rlng and tbla week, Capt. Cbrlatmaa will measure William S. Knox made ■hooks and had been In feeble health notice that be will oall the upon Count Von Bnelow, conferred ot tbe for- Unite a little snow stoim prevailed Congressman Fresh frnlt and are obtalnaole to nHUIUKtUII W OMini •>«« Jiuunun- he outlined the vegetables to issinana 11 ■ KisHwwnii ISnt gg an able speech In which for some time he had lllos wltb hie oWclal advisers and on Cod last but It went off Friday night an- from Kenilworth and water Is eign Cape nlirbt, tion of America's cfflolal offer. Mo op- work which the Hepnbllean parly had daily pl*n- other one which fatal. he will (hen or on (he following day then to tbe emperor. A cabinet to aea without visiting this city and there dooe nndtr the administration proved tllol and excellent.” reported position is expected from King Christian. I prevent make a statement In support of H. It Is seems to be little proapeot of any cover- and which (here was still for it to do !u Mr. Johnson was a veteran of the Civil A CAPTAIN KILLED. until next lbs has been fived at |4,C00 0C0." ing to the around year. price the matter of tha and oar war and a A. R. member. was the purpose of tbe supporter* of tbs bill It la also asserted In govern mo r t olrcles Philippine U. He 1.—The following The etesilj drop In the temperature has other island possessions. Ula declaration London, January to make very few the 50 years old Ihe burial will take place speeohes, leaving that the lirlttah right of searoh is ques- sheered the hearts of the loe men who SUICIDE HALL. that the party bad opened a patbway to hellgraph m«svage baa been received by over at Kennebunk. He leaves a opposition to do tbe greater share of the tioned and that in any avent the lirlttah were fast becoming despondent tte tin great east via Hawaii and tba Philip- Monday from dated way of Weenen Ladyemltb, Its on the other of a good loe harvest. and that it to it oo- wife, son and talking, while opponents right to atop passengers whether they in- prospects pine* proposed keep daughter. Wtdueeday, December 27: Alfred Jail a Favorite I'olnt of Drpart- an, aroused Intense * ntbusluiin. hand will use every endeavor to draw the tend to light for the Beers or not(!a stren- THU HUDSON ICE BOUND. are baulk a “The Boers actively bombarding of the bill Into debate. arr hIIIi Traveler* to the Other bicycle. friends running uously disputed as the teasel upon whloh HI struck the Devon- Rhine Cllffe, N. Y„ December 30—The 1 UK Y CAN COM NIC. the town. One shell the A man name! Lots and a There 1* no present purpose on part were la neutral and the territory to weather of the 48 hours baa World. Alden friend they cold past 30 shire mess tent, killing Capt. Dalzel and Chicago, December —Judge Tutbtll left their wheels at tbs curbstone of the opposition to delay the passage of whloh they were proceeding, namely Del- completely closed navigation on the un- on wounding seven lieutenants, Dent, Hudson, t rum here northward, the of the Superior oourt todav refuted to Federal tbe bill unnecessarily and likewise none agoa la also nautraJ. it Is iter street, Saturday night,while they Bay, Kedrasa, Is shut with los from two and UrsriAi to the r;tEj§.! for Tur- Trli.ghau, Byrne, Scafe river tight Issue the injuuctlon prayed by went a store. Twiss, Caffyn, on (he part of Its supporters to press the assert* ha insisted Hei- Into A little girl oaire d, will upon by a halt to three loot us thick and Is fast Dsooinber Si) —Ihs York coun- end hane." Alfred, man A.Taylor, a stockholder In the Pull- In ami measure to the personal Inconvenience of any. South of this the loe Is moving. running told them that two men place in thle town Is fast earning the Palace to the A later despatch from Ladysmith by At 0 the thermometer woe tt de- ty jail man Car company, prevent were to steal their Al- opposing senators. '1 ho German press today unanimously p. id., trying bloyoles. of title of suicides' ball. Within three years of that and the of Weenen, dated Friday, Die amber above zero, with the proapeot smarglug company Wag- deu ran way Those senators who are antagonistic to condemns British action In the Bundes- grees and hi* frlond out and were the zero mark or below before there have been three attempts at suicide the name reaching ner Palace Car company nnder In time to i39, says: the bill rh a rul* freely confess tnelr rath seizure whloh la characterized aa just see a man riding off luormog. men who have thrown themselves Pullman his “All well. The Boers have bean tiring by of the company. In ruling on Alden'* wheel and other Inability to drfest It, saying It will get "An Inatauoe of tnaolenoe” and m just about gross BELOW ZERO 7N MICHIGAN. from the corridors In front of the oells to Tuthlll declared the shells containing plum pudding vote If Judge allegations to mount the wheel. Alden plugged practically tbe entire Kepublloan "calculated again to Illustrate the need remaining reason. December 30 — the stone tloor below. Two of these at- of the bill did not contain sufficient aud the compliments of the They and one or two Demo- Grand Rapids, Mich., gave obese while bis friend needed probably of a Herman navy to render grappled their options and powerful Railroad officers here report the cold- were Immediately successful. The for the issuance of the Injunc- are still fortifying votes. W it o a session of unlimited tempts ground the other man the collar aud after a cratic such over bearanoe on the of of the In the by pait Kngland est weather winter upper third wbiah was is to bill onrn- are evidently determined to make a lirru yesterday, likely tion. It was claimed in the of duration before them they cannot hope In the future." part of the lower peninsular. At Ca- sharp scrimmage recovered his wheel. Impossible so. This time it was John Morrl- that the consolidation of eland." filibuster. dillao the was 15 below prove plaint through The wjre at onoe to omduot a suoctHifal Hence 'Ahe National argues today teinperuture policy notified, but up Zsltuug strongly and at Albal 8 below. Z«ro weath- a man about 45 years old, who tried a of the UN- zero sey, the companies monopoly sleep- to a late hour this METHUEN’S POSITION they will not seek to delay the measure that bad no to Interfere morning Aiden's kngland right er obtains all the way from Grand Rap- to end his Ufa. Hi waa serving a sent- business would bs secured In vio- CHANGED. to dlrouss Its ing car wheel had not been recovered. beyond the time neo»s.ary with the Uundesrath and expresses tbs ids to the Straits of Mackinac. nos of 60 day* for vagrancy and had lation of the anti-trust not. oo tin ben- London, January 1.—The war office provisions and give tbe try tbe that she has not a flexible hope adopted only about a week mora to serve.Whether Tut«hll held that the sleeping dated efit of their Itr Judge CITY SONG SERVICE. publishes the following despatch, analysis jr; .provision*. theory regarding contraband out Into the HALL MAINE SCHOONER LOST. be prospect of being turned oar business wns In the control of Ibn from the (Ulcer com- How long It muy take them to do this Loakal surmises tint hall has been Julius yesterday, general Tbs Aoaelger, cold world bis act or whether and combination be City granted E. tbe of New December 30.—The two- prompted railroad companies at Town: will depend largely upon length there rnuet have been a serious York, Ward on afternoons to a manding Cape quarrel be was Insane from some other oause them would have to tie shown be- Sunday give pub- masted schooner Rub bon!, Capt. Thurs- tween “Methuen’s is unchanged. tbe dally sessions and the freedom from between tin commanders of the Bundes- lic service. Those who have position will never be known in all probability. of the bust mas could song prom- other business bound from Provldenoe lor New fore auy monopoly Jbr*nch that the Hoers fearing Interruptions by ratb and the before tbs latter ton, ised to at these servlet* Include reports Maglolenne Jailer Anderson says the man aoted be dsclartd. The oar speak with a of barrels, Is sleeping companies, their communications would be out by At present there Is but oue matter oilioer bit In York, cargo empty Hev. Dr. Smith Rav. Dr. "overstepped prerogative for some days. Unlike the said Tuthill, are but the agents of Baker, Ueory which threatens to Interfere with tbe her anchors In Long strangely Judge our cavalry, have retired to Colesberg. oil the steamer" and tonight dragging Rev. Messrs carrying expresses others wh > threw themselves from up|>er the railroads under contracts, as Hlanohard, McAllister, tbe sound and will go ashore acting “Hear flora SUrkstroom continuity of tbe progrtsi on the that will an Island llksly unofficially hope Germany speedily Morrisey took the lower, fall- do the oilier of the railroads. Malvern, Woodward, P^arsDii, Phelan, tbe of Sena- All the crew, number corridors, employes that a British recon nalsanoa, seven miles financial bill. That Is right lb# of the evss.d. before morning. Hoo. Moulton and others force release ten or fifteen feet. This dis- The of the stock of the Pull- Augustus have been rescued. ing only transfer north of Dordrocht, tor Qiay to a seat in tbe Senate. Senator Even mouerato Voaeieohe lng six, from Lewiston and Boston. engaged superior the Zeltung tance was sufficient to fracture his skull for the of the Blddeford, Is owned T. J.Stewart man oompuny purchase was to retire on Chandler, chairman of tbe committee The Habbonl b> 'Ihe first will 14th. force) and obliged calls the proceeding "characteristic Eng- followed. At last ac- can now be ssrvio** belgn January and bulls fruin Me. and con«eatlon Wagner company's property Dordroob t." on privileges ar.d elections, has seated and adds that the "whole and Co., Bangor, Mr. Ward Invites all who wish to lish lus.lmoe" counts the mao was still alive. The decision of the oourt join At 1 o'clcok this In a heavy consummated. that a report will be made In tbe Quay of the before morning, his ohorus to meet him at Orient hall A BOKK MEETING. attitude English Uelagoa sustained the contentions advanced by soon of business. the schooner lost her malntopmast. oasj after the Iwginnlng a general protest." gale, Ki lJAH COOK DKAIE at 3 o’clook today. — B-ty provokes the oounsel for the Pullman oouipany. New York, December 31. The United The a tte tun ted to put har about It now seem* irjbilde that there will Jt Is announced that the Herman pro- captain Irish societies of New Ycrk and vicinity contest and her mainmast broke off near the be more debate over tbe Quay tected cruisers Condor and Bohwalbe are BKOCKTON BOY WON ME-SENDER HO DU DON RESIGNS. of Music at of lllf M«lf Llled the Academy tonight than over the linanelal measure. Up to deck, carrying away the foreman The Hr Wa* tlir Lnturrr Urtngf nuw on the way to Delaggoa Bay. New Bedford, Mass., December 80.— H. was George Uodgdor, county janitor a muss meeting called to express sympa- date not 'iooio than half a dozen senators anchors were let go, but so lieroe aud a Well Kuoua Man. John Dubois of Brockton Is the winner ar.d of the ha* Boers and to bold and messenger Superior court, thy with the opposition bavs announced a purpesj to make h t FOUK LAVES LOtsT. ihe wind that tbjy would net of the six-days* bicycle race In this city tendered his resignation to take effeot England iu oonseouenoe of the South linanelal while thn the sob toner was blown rauidly inshore. K^teshea. probabili- W. December hi. —An Uroamber SO.—Prof. which woe linlahed at 11 o’clock tonight, of Fairmont, Va., Vassall>oro, Klljab January 1. African war. Senator Mason Illinois, oas) out When Peojnlo, L. another ties ore that tbe Quay will call Vinlcead botrl to- opposite I., scores explosion of gas in the Cook of North Vassal boro, .tab) leotnr- the linal being: Mr. UutUdou baa held his present po- Congressman Sulzsr, Congressman Cum much animated discussion. It will he anchor was thrown out, but this also caused a destructive lire, and proba- Main. Patrons of Miles. and has been connect- reined day rr of the Husbandry, Laps. sition for five years mlngs of New York and others a Id on until within half a mile nf the difficult to bold the dUmifs of foreign loss of fonr lives. An unnkown dragged about bly ihe died at hi. home Friday night at Dubois, Brockton, 770 15 ed with the county building for 13 yeuts the meeting. the sub- Long Island shore wh*n It held fast. question*, es|Hv>lally Philippine man leaped from the fourth story win- 10 o'olook Munroe, Memphis, 77u ti lie retires on account of ill health. Justice Fitzgerald cf the Supreme court In check the financial dismis- At daylight signals of distresi were 774 1 5 ject, during dow of the hostelry when the lire was at Prof. Cook ban been 111 for tome weeks Mol esn. St. Louis, was ohesrad when h« com- d presided. He sion of the Southern senators are UU1BIBU. H1 'V Laurvx, Belgium, 772 klauy Its height and reoelvetl probably fatal in- n of Bright's disease UAVh HIM A.i UAlbKh.l.LA. his address and with complication Joe Boston, 755 2 luencod every point auxioub lO v JO U 1 Hi on lure who to Hooky Point Downey, LTlDg 1J' J'l quOfll.lUIl He was removed tu the telephoned was not able to at- Julies. hospital and pneumonia. Be airumiH'ib, now iu«h| hn’.urilttv Afternoon the of adored ugaiosl the British brought forth nod It be elation. '1 In Hie savers luaderi employes to toe frjnt may safely pr**- and remains In un unconscious condition, life saving State tend the last meeting of tbe Grange The Brooktoo buy belt! the lead Charles & gave rounds of After speeches by heir boats on a and travelled nine plucky of McLaughlin company applause. (11:tjd that there will be more or 1***b ref- hr.iM >kther iwraonH. inmates of the hotel wagon at muon to tbe regret of the ha bad the lirat dny and nut one an •Senator Mason and Mr. reso- on Augusta, gained to Charles Walker umbrella as Cummings, erence to it from the There miles to Peoonlo to resjue tbe uien Maj. beginnng. ore and a search la bring made fur Prof. Cook has been touch bliu. the missing delegates, long In the group could Tonight's a token of their regard for biin. 'lhe utlons were adopted condemning will be uo effort to the board the Habbont. Xhe Ilfs boat was early get up In the rulna for their holies. In Maine must sensational of the and one of the leading 'grangers tiding wee the itlon was male with the proper Action of the British government Samoan and It furnish a launch, d after much dlfiioulty anu with present treaty, may of the moat beloved members ot has ridden a most of the and one week. Dubois plucky and responses and was a very en- retognizlng the great struggle b.ssls for dtsout*i)D of tbe MARINE NKWb. a heed sea running It took the file savers speeches foreign pulley the order. Bis was read by Dr.G. under the disadvantage of as well hs report race, laboring occasion. burghers; protesting against if one should not be found before the over an hour to rraoh the schooner. Xhey joyable Halifax, N. fc., December 31.—Arrived, and showed that his year of sore on hie to bother him. food hie men and a aboard her Twitched a very bad blp the selzr.ro of American supplies, will have been consider* tl. found toy treaty During a learner Parisian, Liverpool, and sailed them asboore. The Kubbont. work tbs of the state hull tbs track bettar than Ills op- 'lfce notion of the Dominion of Canada in and took among granges Knowing W ILL BKTIHE. t ie r s nt week the foundations of the were i for Portland; Halifax, boston; Lila, curried tiro small boats, but they and of great good. be a four miles' lead to defeat tht i'oers wits bees busy produotlve ponents. got | good lleoamber 30 —The calen- tending troops linanclal discussion wiU oo laid end It In no oonditlon for luunofalng In a heavy mixed Washington, Sydney; Minis, s»a, repairing oable. Ur. Cook was a is an of plain ways and on the lirst day. He etoaped being also condemned. will be marked the stat- doubtless will reveal much of the plans sea. up In the spill which the others tcok dar year IflCO by Vineyard Haven, Mara., Dee m Cor 31.— cams from the good Quaker stock of old while used to the track and when of a number f both s’d*8 to the controversy. Then* getting utory retirement of promi- Arrived, Schooners Druid, Kendont for Vasaalburo He was one of tbe strong the OK XHP SKA. these fuel professionals busily got in and and will be a strenuous* effort to tans tbe XALKS nent oQioers the army navy Purthtnd; Lowe, liayonne for men of the hud a line eduoatlon of the track and tried to let cut Judge plaoe, hang Its both brandies bill without amendrnaut, but tbe JJeoerabar 30.—Xhe Hamturg on the he to be with consequent promotions oppcal- London, and was well oonueoted. His relatives leader, proved right Ea-tport. he be- will Insist votes on innumer- and South Amorioun line steamer Pe- them. Only anoe, on Thursday, did of the military service. Naturally, tlon upon Passed: Swatiira, towing barges been for connected with Tag have many years take a bad spill, at that time losing six numerical the Mrs. Bradish, of Detroit, Wrote able and on some of those from Santos for Hotterdaui, went cause of its strength, impositions Past, Philadelphia for Boston; Enter lotas, the cause of education In Vasaalburo and laps. be much more numerous in the of eoiue a§e»- osluro near soon aft’r mid- changes will they iray Ret support for Portland; Hear Hldge for Ports Dungeness have been In the affairs of Mrs. Pinkham and Tells the Result. prise prominent in the the known to have silver a atcrin. She was MAXWELL THE MURDERER. the army than navy. Among tc.ru pre Minings tchoouer Claries P. Notniao, night during heavy Grove Be bad a tine mouth; Oak seminary. in will be [LETTKB TO MBS. riNKHAM MO. &?,310] laden with coffee ana had eight pasesn- St. N. B., Deoember 30.—It has retirements tor age the army, News for Portland. and possessed a re- John, Newprrt platform presence of General Marrltt and “About two I to on bosrd. In of the heavy tieen Unallv decided that extradition will that Major We»)ey years ago began run IN THE HOUSE. gtrs spite markable gilt of natural eloquence and the life iu the ease ot Elmer Maxwell, Brigadier General T. M. Anderson. None down and sopn became almost a wreck. A .NEW YEAR'S DEAD. weatbtr pret alllug, Dungeness bis be resisted ready language. Moreover, delivery officer* of the in the I lost and to lose brat tuoceeded in reaoblng the steamer the slayer ot Capt. Bailey on the schron- of the blgneat grade my appetite began Deoamher HU.—At mid- was and lie was always Week Dun Biot l*ll( I'rviul.r of Detroit, Mich., very impressive A. will retire on aoouuat of flesn ; blood was and C'otiilug and remained with her all night. X'he er J. B. Vanduien. Today, U. Blair, navy age during my impoverished tomorrow the Prre rail- listened to wltb the greatest Interest. Murk night Marquette the crown; United States the year. This is somewhat un- 1 had to leave our store. Builiim Pelolaa Is so fsr Inshore that she Is left or two he has trav- Jr .representing oomlng will take full of Daring tbe past year rottd company charge United States as It Is usual for from one to The doctors me a little almost dry at low water. Utr stern-post eled much In different eeotlons of Mains. Consul My»rs and Deputy precedented pave tonic, of tbe Flint and Peru all the properties before four rear admirals to reach the but I worse and consulted Uoember 31.— The and l’Uddtr have been washed away. Marshal Hasty appesred Judge retiring steadily grew Washington, coming Urand and THE KNKMY. Marquette, Detroit, Rapids DKOVK of the case was set The next roar admiral another doctor. He me in some weak lu the house does not Her captain refused assistance and la Korbes and a hearing age every year. helped give promise and and Wist Western Chicago, Michigan Manila, December 81—9 3C a. m.—Col next. The eyldenoe taken to retire will be Hear Admiral F. V. Mc- ways, but my headaches continued, and of muob biislne-s The committees have rapidly jettisoning her esrgo. Tug* are for Tuesday lines, and the combined Mlohlgen sys- has bad a second engagement wltb where of the naval I to have sweats and work and there has her and It la hoped she trill Looket here will be forwarded ta Ottawa, Nair, superintendent began night my not jet begun native exceed nttendlug tem. with an aggregate mileage tlis northwest of Mont Alban of Justice will decide who will active duty rest was so disturbed that I would have been of Im- be r.-fioated at the next high tide. Xhe lnanrgenta the Minister aoadsmy, relinquish not any legislation pressing will be tbe builneee drove the lng KUO miles, doing and by a brllllsnt charge or not the men shall be extra- January 13, l'.K)l. hysteria and would cry and worry over t* nee The gale, however, continues. The Hamburg whether pel repott.d. appropriations of three. A deed transferring the Flint line Is In no enemy from their position. business matters and health. ■ has consldsied the and South American way dited. my poor onunlttse not yet to tbe and Pave Marquette'e property connected with the American one American offloer and five took me till the meas- Hamburg Only AKlilTHAIlON IN CHICAGO. “Finally.husband South,but urgent detlol.ucy although was Hied at SCHOONERS IN TROUBLE Pare Marquette company trading to New York. toldlers were but tbe loss of the EISUIN'U no benefit. This was a wouoded, with year ago; ure boa been prepared. This bill may be The British saiilog vessel Kmlly Lloyd Chicago, December 30.—A permanent Saginaw today. was heavy. Boston, Deoember 30.—The ilsbiog no one can ever know what a winter of In daring the week If them has been wricked netr Cherbourg. The insurgents arbitration board to settle differences be- brought of and Cabral and 12 ber rrew were drowned. Our troops oaptursd a number rifles sohooners Ktokersun Mary 1 Would bloat after be a from the executive 1HE LAWTON FOND. oaptain of labor unions and oontraof-ors au t misery spent. should request somewhat tween Xhe Kreuch steamer St. Jean has been a of ammunition and pro- returned to T wharf today In a and was troubled with and quantity of a eating palpita- asking Its early passage. As December HO. —The Lew- were the of the chances labor departments Washington, sunk near Brest. Seven of her crow condition as a result of a col- averting tion of heart and whites. read million of visions. damaged assured. At the meet- Having the bill will carry nearly titty ion home fund oontlnuee to grow, the lost. lision betweeu the vessels off Sound war, la practically of and by happy chance youi* medicine, 1 dollar! far the army, most of whtoh Is an daily lncreaae for tbe peat few daya CUK1SXIAN SCIENCE PAYS. Point light. Capt. Drorki of tha Mary ings ot the building* trades oounoll it aud wrote for Cabral stated that the aocldsnt ooourred oounoll bought your advice, account cf the Philippines It Is quite ranging between fel.uoo to gl.iwo. Ueae-- X'HHKK UKAVl KAILUKKS. Deoeuiber 80.— Mrs. the building trade contractors South Dakota, at S a m., while the Nickerson was try and before having finished the first likely there will be considerable dlseos- Corbln’a statement today shows that the report of the joint confer- al New York, December 30.—Petition* la Mary Baker Kddy of Coooord. N. H., Ing to oraea the Cabral's how. The lat- yesterday bottle of Lydia E. Ihnkham’s Vegetable slon of the Philippine while the to date are her while (he ence commit^** representing the two or- policy tbe total subscriptions up fttd,- bankruptcy were filed today as foUowe: tbe Christian Scientist, has given her ter carried away bowsprit, the measure Is before the house There are a Christ- damage sustained by the Nlokerton was Compound, hysterics nearly stopped 774.95. Stanley H. U. Stewart of Washington, son, George Clover of this elty, only ganisations Accepted. _ for waa the of her melnaail. and I some ulnar matters suoh os for mas occslating of a check tearing slept soundly. provision D. buslnees as Stewart & Co., present TI1K MODEK-N MOTHER L\, doing and a dear title to a •10,000 I used seven or eight bottles with clergs and routine management of boose • 10,000 of No. 40 Wall street; liabilities, MW,IIL dwelling house wbtoh Is the moat pala- A SLltiUT BLAZE. am as as her little ones are im- such benefit that I healthy I utfalrs that are to be pasaed upon. lias found that Slack of whloh 9241,477 scoured ; assets, <1,213,- tial In tbs There waa a lively little Are In the can ever remember of being. 1 shall more by the pleaaaut Syrup of Bills._ proved 867. basement of the store oorner of Congress to Aound li,ooo|coo Kill®"IN CUIUAUO. never oefcS* your praises.”— when In need of the laxative effect MAINE CKNTBAL WAGES. (treat about 6 o'clock Satur- Te."ru-na Figs, K. Merrlam, lawyer, liabilities and Temple .oeated. December SO.—A firs which Joseph Cure* Catarrh Wherever j fc Mita. E. M. Bralusu, 17? Dix Avr., Cbloago, a than other but woe discovered lu that cures! of gantle remedy, by any of whloh seoured, so It Is stated la a Watsrrills despatah day evening, A sure, talc, time tried remedy broke out In the Mven-story building, <150,481, 9124,1188 eerlons % Detroit, Mich. Children It and It beneAta them. that the reported advaaoe of 10 time to prevent a conflagration. Catarrhal Adections ol every description. 3:0 and 3d) Monroe street, early Satur- enjoy assets. to tba Chemical’s bouse Write its discoverer, f In the wagee of Maine Central Word was seal Sold by all Druggists. Mrs. Pinkham's advice is at the free day, completely destroyed that hnlldlng Tha true remedy, Syrup of Flga, la man- W. 805 Broad wsy, former- Are was soon extinguished by Dr. S. B. Hartman, of Columbus, Ohio. K. Weinberg, will not be mads at on OS, bat and the 1 and the two adjoining The He will advise free. of woman who badly damaged u fact ted tha California Fig Syrup Co. of Louis Weinberg of Cripple advance will oome la small portions the nld of a pouy obemleaL damage you disposal every ailing structures. Lose 31,000.000. Nine fire- by ly partner wishes Her address is Mass. do assets. as business warrant* It. was slight. help. Lynn, men were Injured,two ef them seriously. ouly. Creek,Colo; liabilities, 972,774, Every cate is sacredly confidential* 7 eempalgh o# Mi. Raj* laawte, mmcbl. lit on ad for a permanent1. uadirslaadlng, ■ John _roaomsOTii POWERS AGREE m EMini’S TROUBLES. ILL THE bat ot the reform Um bui laaldsntal qeesttoae involved, •m Johanaoabaeg commit IM, to lalaenee Washington opinion. •uoh as UM UM U Ml understanding — it tbo MW under eons Id era It on an Weeh the Dtehee on the territory known an "ephsrss at In- plaas Qutoktyf oarrled will a Oueaoe'a* wall aa ou the Mttlmry nstunl- agolam IM Mata, tha lapamatea af whlah oat, tba nMot las]ode j Itwili ** very prominent Boar agent and a pro- Maintain Door ly Iraead to tho foreign powers, ssoh as Hm public proccoclor America’s Friendship a To Open Tellen Wan, Klao Chan, and tho BritUb Tha Journal Dm DahaM eaaaladaa with Boer member at tba Brltlab parliament You can if you wbo and tnait porta. expreaalag itanlf la taror af tha atnpta Intended to anil tbla week bat wo* in China. Necessity. whs I to to b* n use Gold Dust. Besides giving those asoamneoa, Oonat eolntloa af tha oaMtlafaotary eliueWoo pnvaaeed by tbeaght * C eeetnl abowed pm—ally tha Mast MUMtart by tha Figaro, aaaMly that tampersry hitch In the arrangements. It does most of friendly spirit toward tha American propl M. Waklaak-KouMtau aooord tha oonrlot- Tbrlr daeln late sfflllnte Ibemealvee with ao Boa tar bat oil tlon. as wall aa bslng daslroas at giv- ad prieoaera tha taaadt of tha Daraager par party, by Inflasnelng the work. It Meal and to asonn at ing an answer In this oass wkleb would law, whlah pardoaa ltd offeadara leM at Twe Small poll pnbllo opinion, Assent Given to Secretary Hay's bo saother Instance of the friendly oo-op- Amy Bay ky least aa offer ot irradiation tram tbo saves time,mon- BEATEN. States. A ot tbo •ration long otserved between Hoeela and SEES BRITISH United nprasantatlva RepaMies. baa In- and labor. Proposition. tbs United Slates. The Bosnian position. Associated Press mads eamfal ey Berlin leek her Saeeete ef but failed to And olrouinstance It la uadsraood, la similar to those pre- In They quires any BOere. to warrant tba ballet tbna snob on ceding It, wlh tha same condition that offer, load for froo booklet—" Ootdoa Raise however noalve the Bosnia a lotto stall act bo bound bat that made,would slightest for Housework oooelderatlon. all of the Interested countries shall Join Berlin December DO-. Tha Booth Afri- The Brltlab rnonl la threaten ad Alone Fas Failed In tho agreement to hoop tho ports of can war orarahadowa eretj thing alee Finances at Home Are govern Italy with a ooal the most serloae de- THE N. K. PAUBAPUC COMPANY China forever open. bara. Tha aurraepoadant of tha A aaoelat- famine, ef rnosnt week*. Unless the SL LaaU to Reply, In what order In the negotiations Jap- ad Praaa haa Joet had aa lataraatlag la- Unstable. velopment CMcaf* NnM IK- an's favorable attitude was mads known, tarrlaw with tha Ldbaral leader, Dr. rood It lane Improve, many Industrial con- sents tbs eoal j cannot bo stated hot It so Bless that Jap- Barth, who la one af the moat ataadfaet depending open supply boos to e a* Woo s before an mads b»r position onmlstohsable la frlenda of Hieat Britain aad Amarlaa oot may pend opera favor of tho Amerloan proposition with who Andaman thla war. Dr. Barth aatd: February as tOotr inargle of profit Is rap- aa If All at Heels of idly being wiped eat. The root of tbo No Doubt That That Nation Will tho tamo rasstvotlea ss la all tho other "At praaaat It look! Bagland Europe Yelping troable to be the withdrawal of eases, that unanimity ehanld be rosebed. might lone the whole af Booth Africa. I appears of the so oalllen to take their In Respond Favorably. AI though Italy Is yet to bo hoard from ha to private Information from Afrlaa, Empire. many plaoee the rank* of the reserves. kave definitely no doabt Is entertained that via Holland, according to which tha re- Wages labor la bard to find. Tba that oonntry also will bo favorable, that ballloaa more meet among the Cop# Boar* gone up bat making she satisfactory re- of e oomplots baa aaaaad moah more amlona propor- normal Christmas oongesMoa trail sponses of oil tho groat powers. tbd admit. aggravates the situation, while the gov- tion! than KngUah nawapapar* 1800 tba Aeeoolated Praat.) Washington, Decern Dor 80. lhe'negotl- (Copyright by ernment war A CONTROVERSY AT AN END. There oarer wa* a greator plow of poilti- need ef fast for transports, atlona Secretary Bar w »h the Dteember to —It la to opened by eal etopldlty than tha* ehowa by Mr. London, ftraaga vessels and dspata oa the way to the Cape of and with fatten, that aa tba lew dawae (or gnat powers Knrope war rrlthoat ■iota yaar has created an unprecedented demand. The Chinese Concessions a Chamberlain la proroblng a ooramon unde stand- Settles baa WE towards eeourtn* Unat tba aba STILL HAVE tha Britain, grratatt army Among the latest distinguished men With haring made aaoaamry military prep- ing for a oontlnoed open door policy Diatcnlty Prance. erer In tba flald romalae lb are Boca. If had only waltad a pot paadn going to 800th Africa la Captain Holford, raoet Kaglaad throughout China, hare met with Ooatb Afrloa, bald at bay by two of tba who la ona of the closest friends of the taw year*, aha aoald bar* had everything results. Tbs ctatc depe trail t December 81.—The an- omalloot oa mo taaa of tba A Wood Assortment of gratifying Washington, wlthont war. If Knglaad la totally de- repoblloa Prices of Wales and hie equerry. The is at to tanks public nouaosmant that tbs extension of the for- wblla aa of tba unwilling present feated thla war will ha tha boat thing far earth, boaw.ls aplta largo captain mile January 0 to loin hie regi- tbs nature of the replies received, as thli eign oonoeasloos at Shanghai, China, has ▼olama of trada and Idle Hoards. Prom Itm tha world, araa for Knglaad. It will b* apparast praaparlty, ment, the Pint Information will be embodied to a speolal been finally approved, brings la a closs a bar baaaolal tataraata an la a atata of to 18M. Holferd was to a lemon aha will not aooa forget. It will Captain sqcerry menage to Congress. But In other quar- diplomatic controversy, between Ureas In at a at ana otaaa tba Barlag the late llaka of Claionos and stno* than Desirable Sulls, bar* a whoteaoma Infloonas open tha Jli- ability Overcoats, ter! tellable and In a position tbs UnlMd -States and oraah. All Knrooe la at bar baala Wales. thoroughly Britain, Franca, of all eountrtae, laolodlag tha Bar- yalplag baa base equerry to the Prtad* of In- goM to hive trustworthy and aoourete whlob has at times baaome rather aad tba naomalty of A marl oa'a frland- Ha la n land owner and sente, man. Oar nary Bahama, whlah la almoM wealthy propri- Trousers and re- Ulsters, formation, It Is learned that favorable France taking tbs position at one stage la on all lidaa. Papara etor of Dorchester House, ra- rare af adoption,mast ha andwetood t* b* ablp naagalaad London, havi been made Ureat Britain, of the that the Amerloan oo- aad who tar bare boon Is rise. sponses by negotiations la oonnectloa with tha war la Sooth Af- paopla yrara ready toons for Its plotnn gel Germany. France, Kneels, tlie K1 solan operation with tho British la opposing with a far Anurloa'a will no all tba man In Dublin rica, all fine phraeei offered In explana- Jibe good Nearly military Fancy Vests oomraunloatlon eomlag aa late as yester- the Frenob plan* of extension was aa un- in aka to belittle tba an for Ueaeral Hob- tion, notwithstanding. The In manat waa laager any attempt wsarlag mourning day, and Japan. Tbers la no doubt, 11 friendly act toward Franoo. Tbl«, and of bar friendship. erte'e son. daokted open beoaom Qermaay haa toot daalrabUlty aeourlng U thought Here,that Italy, the remaining the other dlffsreao**, hove boos happily " Amort jo,’’ mya tba Cloba, uatially coo fldMee la Um dim who mo ohaplng For those who have not jet oonntry iwat—tt) win nius ummn ad aooordtog to aonoDoooioenM hamoraoa at tba of all KIMBERLEY (IREETINtiS. joe tod, England's polloy. Tho brstsllty of tho expenee thlaga answer, If, lndaad. It haa not already from China whtoh am boro* oat by the t "with a of their Winter Outfits. promt English polloles rsnden Ger- rant-Atlaatic, atop 648,000, The Beleaguered Tama Meade a Message bought done eo. The position of Italy Is felt to be loformotlon of o lb ala la ham. rasny's position too leseean. Who* hap- So the geees. assured by the favorable oouree adopted The ooatmmray aaaumad an interna- urn." pens la tha Transvaal tedey on lead May help by the other four great powers of Europe. tiooal mope when the three colonies at The eoeeeeele shoe begins to London, Dooombor 80.—The war offloe happen to Ueraaay upon the eea tomor- already The Importance of this unanimous ver- Shanghai—British, Fisnoh and Amerloan tbo military foot—not very serious- leones a despatch dated Cage Tews, De- row. Distrust nf England makes It neoes- plneb dict by all the llret olaes powers of the —sought to extend their limits. The but to suggest grave eoglta- oamber 8% evening, saying tbat Colonel eary for Germany to be so strong at sea ly, enough world—Ureat Britain, Kueela, Uermany, oonoeealoss are just outside of the old na- tlone aa to what would If 8root Kekewlob wired, tbe general that the English jingoes will think twlae happen Ibrongh HASKELL&JONES, France, Italy and Japan, In oonjunotlon tive olty and llo along the river Whang Britain were at war with a at Modder river, ea Decem- before attaeklng Germany. If tho Eng- great power oommaadiag wltb the United States—oau hardly bo Poo. They om chiefly Important beoonso The fast that the hae char- ber aa follows: lish statesmen of today won of the typo gereremenl 80, over-estimated, to far at It relates to the Shanghai la tbs foremost port of entry tered so ha* resulted la “I am desired tbe mayor aad ooua- and of Glads toes and Hosier, we should have many transports by Tailors, Clothiers Furnishers, tutors of China and the oommoroe of the for foreign trade In the Chlaes* omplro. a rim la the of bread, while ooal Is eil to forward tha followlag for tree emis- DO ooaoaM; hat,with MOh political Jsok- prtoe world Id that empire. Ihe French settlement la mo mot the rising fay leapt aad bound* to famine sion through the proper channel: nONIMIE.VT SQUARE. o-lan terns as Mr. Cham barlain at the d«c27 state le loath to dleouat oily, and front* on the rtvar. It la rath unpleasant results as ••To Her Moat Uraolous Majesty, the The department holm, wo do not know what to aspect and prises. be Next eomee the British settlements so these that elleaoe the seofftr at The Inhabitants of Klmhertey the far reaching results to aeoured arm for any eventuality.” thing* Quteni os to take lo a area bask of tke aad lad eueh a tend Tour New Year's when the agreement advances to the stage large Tha German props, generally,dnrtag tho Amerloan ears vltupera- beg to Majesty consummation old olty, i minding Ore Amartean mlm- llre as Ur* Kevlew Tbe trouble they have passed of formal for arch'fav|>r- last low days has as pressed tha oplnloo publleatloa Saturday greetings. able response Is conditioned on the favor- loaorlos' institutions. Tbe British gov- to eay ■ "Tbe Americans her* had their through aad are still enduring only that Great Britain will lose not only the « no ernment the eextensloo quite to the of a leads to levs and towards your able notion of all the other parties opposed war hot also Booth Afrloa. A military eyes opeaed poaetbllltlaa for-, loyalty The BrlUeb plan of exten- aad are a be- Uura-e and that In each oase.the negotiations may t» vlgorootly. writer la tae Deuteobe Mages Zeltaag sign polity taking sounder, majesty's person. as bnellt sion woe for an “International settle- cause a of tbe situation. ••H. H. Henderson, on behalf of regarded short of absolute y. “It la no lo a of oeoler.rlew They Mayor, •ayai ngor question " le rnnnlng from the rvar of the Brit ere net less to ut than tbe Inhabitants.' But, while the department silent, tlhe meat," whether England will net subjugate the (rleadly before, Tbs war offloe also Issues tbs following details some from sonroee believed « Lie Ish oooorsslon op to the native otty. will but tbe sincere element has been elimi- Boar lepabllip, hot of whether oho address to tbs Doorstery of Ulate for Wari hat Fran os in torn protested against this on nated and bn* left n reliable enbstmtum fully conversant with what ooeurrait. also Iom Capa Colooy. It la true England ‘‘Please send the following to Colonel Brit- the ground that oho would be entirely of will." to According to this information,the will retain the harbors, for they lie.under good Kekewlch for communication tbe lie submitted surrounded, without exit, exoept by the Which oonuatsnation the He- mayor and oannctl from the Queen: ish answer was the first to tho guns of English ships, bat the satire Saturday native or over British ter- “1 ate deeply teaobed by your kind and was ansi riser, the olty, view, under different olrenmetancee. and exceptionally comprehensive interior she will lose, and, Instead of the loyal Now Year’s greetings. I watch with BOILER EXPLODED! ritory. would doubtless bare construed explicit In yielding to every suggestion dreamed-of enormous British South Afrl- Into admiration your doternilnatloa and gal- States relative to The United State* approved the plan of erldeno* at tb* of lant I regret the unavoid- made by the United om empire, England will only hasp a damning Insincerity defease,though to an International settlement as the Amer- able lose of life Ineurred.” Jones & in the maintaining the freest entry the poit^ number of ports. This will probably bo Amerloan friendship. Insured with E. C. Co., Mary- answer Is saPi to ican In tales I were substantially similar to It must not be Inferred that thl* view 1* SITUATION UNCHANGED. of Chino. The British tha Imoo of the war, If Knglond does not land Co. for which oompany they are Cen- those the British bat tb* Amerloan at- Casualty the concurrence with the of held of tha alnoere London, Dooombor 81, 4.8 0 a. m.—The emphasise harry op and oonolule pence.” by many Kngllth eral word for titude did not include an endoreement of friends of America who now to war when at about Agents. Unitea States by adopting, From aa exeellsnt enthorlty tha oorreo- point cflloe, oommunloatlng all the oootenUona made by the British. what are to term Its of the from the The has a to Policy Holders of word, mooh of the phraseology employ- pen tent of the Associated Pram hears they pleated great midnight copies massage Company surplus It was to this tbe Amerloan by Secretory Boy when he addressed his saurosjof gov- that Gnat Britain bee 1 Detracted her friendliness aa proof at what they hare Inbablante of Kimberley to tbo Queen 91,304,000 and thus gives perfect protection.Mi note to Ureat Britain and the ernment that France took exeeptlone an maintained. and of the wnlob was drlglnul minister at Tha Hague, Sir Henry How- always Queen's reply are a on was If you not protected by policy your Boiler, la snub as to tbe ground that It an unfriendly set With suob a serious outlook for the Hlr Arthur John Her other powers. The wording ard, to sign the peace convention with signed by iilgge, assum- to Frano*. The negotiations while is stated tbat no call at once. _ make plain thal the Brltleh government the reservation of ertlele 10, oil tho oon- reusing year. it hardly surprising that Majesty's private secretary, for the and ing no outward show of warmth wire articles under the "Are fnrtbor news bad baen reoalvad to conours, present hereafter, ferenoe powers having consented to suoh appear heading up ae oorrled on with toms briskness. Ambass- without limitation, In a policy of fret reservation. Wn Deondenti" and similar strains. On tbat boar aad nothing of linportanoe has ador Cera boo of France presenting tbe eouroee ores to China. Although muoh asereoy The correspondent of the Aasoeleted tha other hand, there Is still a small eso- oome from other during tbs transmission of the French tide np to a few months ago. and Was observed In the Press learns la government circles that tloa of tbe press puhllo whloh de- night. its aeon Tbe adjustment dually reached is satis- Its to The week's reoon- British answer, general purport Germs ay aoes not believe the report that votee energies senselessly abusing sorties, skirmishes, other factory to nil parties oonosrnsd. Tbe at rarlons 13 EXCHANGE ST. became known at the European Gnat Britain latMde to take aecialve tbe Boers end prophesying tb* speedy nalsaasss sod bombardments E. C. JONES & GO., was not a little Irrita- Freooh oonoeeston la extended, without tbe British and tbs Boers capitals er.d there soon at Delagoa Bay. It D admit- entry of the British Into Pretoria. Yet, points where __decl3eoUif_ the steps was ns a Including Amerloan missions. Tbe on tbe In the eaob so far as eau be tion at what regatded precipitate ted that Germany would be Informed be- tbe whole, organ vololng 2 oonfront other, to tmbiirare Ulrtleh and Amerloan settlements are ex- 1900 no tbe response, purposely designed ll eerlaas woe Intended better class of opinion fare and Its judged, bare had effeot upon gen- forehand any step WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY Theyh*»eitood th. t-« ofyy,™. Ureat tended and to aom* extant merged la tbe eventualities la Sooth Afrloa with an altuatloa at the seet of which the continental powers by showing end the reports circulated ate considered eral wer, international settlement bat the British- * Britain and ths United States to bs act- d'essai Issued the even-minded, unhysterloal determination Is practically the tame as It was a week to be ballons by STR0N6Ulliunu O m.Me'jaa Debility, Disxlaess, Sleepless* the rest of the world Amerloan extension doss not ro envelop* there ^ JRpAAA0a« ing In oonoert while countries Intonated la pnreattng Great that oompals admiration. That will Un» rklo alfsiatlnn two a maila tbs Frenob as to It la a oolony place be a day of reckoning for someone la a During til* nljht of Deoember 88, Lady- Britain from getting Delagoa Bay. AGAIN! the circulation, make digestion more to ths continental pow- pocket. that even the moat and emltb and were In full satisfactory certainty guarded Cbloveley Camp perfect, and impart a healthy Values of tbssr central o>n or salons STS to toe whole Ail drain* and losses are checked ers by their determination to aot for conservative da not try to conceal. communication, the former reporting vigor being. fiertn+Htntly, Unless patients WOOD’S LIEUTENANTS. are cured, their condition often worries them Into Insanity, or Death. Is said to have oomldered as the population of Shanghai lif kabkaa H Km mewl I .m a* mrl m me eem Tmer) property Consumption themselves. Germany “all wall.” Mailed sealed. Price#! per box; 6 boxes, with irea-dad legal guarantee to cure or refund tho Is auout six hundred of wbioh Send free book. been the next po srer to answer In the thousand, Woleelsy or General Bailer, It le Impoeel- While the tlx celling wee In progreea money, ts-eo* for Address. PEAL ME0ICINE CO., Cleveland, 0. the is In the settle- & aflirmatlre. According to tbe Informa- greater part foreign The Governor General Auaovacea the ble to tell. Bat ell the Information ob- the Boere attempted to muddle the mee- C. II. GUPPY CO.. AGENTS, PORTLAND, ME. moot. Bars the ham the tion already referred to, tbe German an- torelgoere right Members of Ills 1'ablaet. tainable at present anti the glet of orltl- eege with Hash light# from #eeh extremi- to on trade and control swer was rather more vagne than tbe one cqrvy property elem point to Laid Ianedown baring to ty of their long, entrenched line. The have their own and whloh bad preoeded It, bat Its general end also oourte,polloe ihoulder the oom for the terrible m Is- novel brigade took advantage of the op- & Mercantile an establishment. British tendenoy waa favorable,the only oondltlon organised military Havana, December 80.—The name* of management. portunity to ahell the Boor poeltlone North Insurance Go,, being that any arrangement aa to free the members of Usd. Wood’s cabinet and While Greet Britain feed! contentedly which were plainly revealed by their own OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. aooess to China should be universal and JO ARREST MERC1ER. the assignment of portfolios will be Is- upon long epeotal oeblee ebotrlng Amur lights. The naval battery regain'd the aisented to all tbe » sued tomorrow. It Is believed that the loan the Boer In Eu- of the Boer trenohee on the Insurance In the World a Fire by powers, _____ friendship, agents ebelllng The Largest Company doing Business. Tbe Frenoh answer Is understood to list will be as follows: rope bellere sentiment In the United morning of Deoember 8, bat their hie Huu|orHays (he Preach Oereraurnl at the Great have oome next and tbe circumstances at- Secretary of Slate and Government States Is gradually turning Uoer-warde failed to ellolt any elgn of life. §4,337.101.00 Lomm paid Chicago Fire, October, 1871. •May Take Thai Course.' Senor Diego Tamayo. §744,007.50 l.oun paid at the Great llostou Fire, November, 1874. tending It were ralber peoultar and not until the time Is now ripe to derelop It A deepatoh from Cape Town, dated De- Lomi at the Great St. V H.. 1877. Secretary of Jaetloe—Senor Lu Is Ks- §860,000.00 paid John, Fire, June, In tba nature of a direct answer,although Into material effect. Under this Impres- oember 87, annouaeed that an armored tevaa. ALL LOSSKS PROMPTLY ADJUSTED BY LOCAL AGENTS. the result was regaded as moat satlsfsc- Parle, December 80.— There are persis- Secretary of Kduoatlon—Senor Juan sion, the Assoolated Press learns that train had restored communication with Bautista Hernandez. tory. Secretary Hay’s note bad been for- tent -epcrte In nntlonaliet olrolee tbat they are contemplating despatching n Dordreobt, where the Free State flag had Represented In Portland bjr Secretary of Pinanot—Senor Enrique warded to General Horace Porter, the tbe decide] tbe ar- speolal mission to the United States for been haul'd down, and that the Boars governmentlbae upon Varans. & 17 Strut. AUSTIN & United Stales ambassador to Franoe, who rest aid tbe prosecution of Gen. Meroler, Secretary of Publlo Works—Saaor Joes the purpose of Influencing publlo opinion, have b«en driven from the adjacent bills NORTON HALL, Exchang# SHEARMAN, promptly oalled upon M. Deloasse, min- befcre a aeoond blgb oourt. According Ramon Villa Ion. possibly by open meetings end of person- to Storm berg. 28 Strut. District- of Industry and R, CUTLER LIBBY, Exchange During ister of foreign affairs In tbe cabinet. to these r p.rte, an Important debate Secretary Agriculture, ally assisting tbs efforts of those In Con- GREETINGS. arplTeodtl Commaroe—Ssnor Kins Rivera. THE SEASON'S _ General Porter made known bio mission, respecting the coaeplraoy oases and the gress whom they bellere friendly. Uore- All of the* nemos, with the exoeptlon Lorenzo Marquez, Friday, Deoember whereupon hi. Deloasse shewed the most charges against Gen. Mi rater, will taka orer, they oonsider It adslmble to off-eel of that of Saaor Hernandea, have been 88.—Advloes received here from Pretoria, sympsthetlo spirit and stated that be bad in .ha Chamber of Deputies ai soon what they declare has been n systematic plaoa expected for the past few days. The under date of Wednesday, Deoember 87, already made ample answer to just snob as tbe melon begins, and It la aald that m*ntlon|of the name of Saaor Hernandea say that an offlolal dispatch from Mafe- BRIDGE AND CROWN-WORK. a communication at tba time will although tbe preirier, M. Waldeok Rousseau, me examine your teeth and tell what and as secretary of education can* aa a sur- klng anaounoea that, In the sortie which Lei they require be bad not Intended It as an answer to reply adsenarlea by announcing what will be. Any tooth can be saved. to-^ls prise,although ha holds aa Important pro the Brltleh made from that plaoe Decem- my charges the Amerloan note. the arrest of Gen. Meroler and bla ar- OFBN BVKAJIltfGS. fsssorsblp In tbs university end 1* promi- ber 88, attaektng one of the Boer forts This M. Deoliaae raignment before tbe blgh oourt. Tbe answer, explained, nent In Cuban national aSalrs. The with oannon, maxima and an armored DR. E. P. Y. M. O. A. the Tima BLANCHARD, Bldg. waa given m a made by him on nntlonaliet organs Insist government speech papers generally have given the governor- Growing train, the Brltleh loot 108 men killed and __noViiiy.Hnm0 November -'4th In tbe Frenob chamber. has deoldad on tbe plan, but they suggest general great oredlt for the other 0v* ap- Children must have wonnded, while the Boors loot only two Tbe main of that speech. In Its ref- It may be changed la view of Its prema- just point pointment* s end tram a G alien point of men killed nnd seven wounded. erence to was that Franoe daslrod ture revolution. adde that Kirk- China, view the cabinet Is considered a strong the kind of food if The dlepateh Captains NEW DESIGNS of Gen. as tbe Is right wood and Grenfell were eaptnred by Boer WM. M. tbe most ample treedom oommeroa. Meroler, preesat moment, General Wilson has been ordered to MARKS, on*. to soouta near Colenzo, and were being sent ..OF. 11. Deloasse referred General Porter to a senatorial candidate In the Lolre-In- are become strong report at Washington and It Is believed they to Pretoria. Z this and told him that It ferleure One of bis friends, who was In- speeob fully here this means be will not return to men and women. A defi- Ten unloaded (hells, laaoribad “The the aeeuranoe which the United terviewed on tbs said the general have been bred at gave subjaet, Cuba. Season's Groatlnge," Card States desired. It Is said that the meet- had resolved not to dlaooss tbs matter of fat makes children Ladysmith. CHECKS Book, ciency AMD- ing waa gratifying on both aid** and that aa he waa determined not to give tbe KIDDED BY A GRAVE STONE. thin and and AN INTERVIEW WITH LSXDS. | .OX ALL. tbe results were considered to be a favor- a to uaeagainst him. white, puny government weapon Dover, N. H., December 80.— Gbarlee Hamburg, Deoember 30.—The Haodel- able acceptance from Franoe. Us waa convlaoed, however, tbat bis ar- and retards A. Spence of Berwick, Maine, eras fatal- nervous, greatly ■blatt publishes reports of Interviews BANKS JOB Tbe Hu sal an negotiation! have proceed- rest would souad the defeat of tbe govern- with Dr. Leyde In the oonrse of which PORTLANO PRINTER, a derrick In the Pin* Hill ly Injured by full and he Transvaal dentes the RRINTEBT EXCHAMOK, ed less briskly so that It seemed for a ment candidates In tbe Santorini elec- growth develop- t representative oemeteay bat* today. Bpeaoa, with sever- statement that munition# of war are be- Portland tlm* that Russia’s attltud* might not b* tions, while hi himself, was certain of need With New Date, IOOO. 07 1-2 Exckanie 8k, al other man, wart engaged la setting up ment. They ing Impo rted Into the Traoeaval through favorable. All doubt on Ibis waa election. aad tare these are point a large monument, when tb* beam of a DelagQa Bay reports the trial be- a* a for the Brit- FINE JOB PAINTING A SPECIALTY. dissipated, however, by tb* Russian am- It la axpjcted tbat present derrick ■preaid pretext opmlng swung suddenly, striking 6pesos ish Dr. Loyd* farther (aye All orders by Ball or telephone promptly bassador, Const Cassini, In the court* of t v the oourt will be ooaolndad In occupation. blgb an the back ef tb* bead, oruahing the ScBtR&mufoton. that the Boere are now able to mkhutaM- ACOOUNTBOOKS attended to. Oopataodtf w lth On tbe middle of nest wash and MM. interview* Seorstary Hay- skull. Ha dlsd a few mlaute* later. It just what nro their own war a unities a. three ooeaalona Const Cassini pointed out Deroulede and Goerac will aimed cer- supplies In great variety. ENGINEER OFFICE, M7 Congress HU, Spence waa 84 year* of age aad la sur- A STEAMER SEIZED. UK.• Ua, lleoemoer M, iloe.— asm all delicate and Portland, that a hurried answer was hy bo moans tainly be oon dated, although of tbs Healed for piano, stone In break- vived by a widow. growing Lorens) Deoamber 30.—The proposals the boot ovldsco* of a favors hi* attitude other prlaonara will probably be acquit- Marquis. water. near Bar Heritor, Me., trill bn reeolToa children Gorman ((earner Buudarath baa bash here until ri M.. ltOO, and then toward the Presets has require. January 30, Amerloan proposition, bat ted. Emperor Joseph appointed ■sited by a British warship and taken to uMtcly opened. Information furnished oa and all that Hassle was proceeding with due de- Tbs Journal Dee Debate, tonight says: Prlnoe Henry of Prussia aa admiral la Joe. fieo, druggists. Durban. It la alalmed that aha waa car- LORING, SH0flf&~ HARMON. appliaaUoa. t>. W. SCOTT * Chemists, New Yor* In the Boor deeil dodtf BoKasLEJOJaj.^Enjrts. liberation la order to arrive at soma mild "The nearer the trial draws to a oonoln- the Austrian navy. SOWNE, rying 81 man to aerrs army. mueiAk tmnniHrrfc I tawcum. DHt, aad that • naMea*e Importance and at old orchard. /aar /resb" Mending In MM world are greatly m- 9275,000 ofth? banaad tg onoaatonally ••lleklag" Mlulba mt Ik* Mew Methadtet THE EVENT SEASON. not a aad B0M7AY. JAMJABY 1. lWHk somebody. There are hw, fkwrrk la Tkst Town. h Per Cent. 20 Year Bond* they Include even some of the priests of —OF Tint— TKRNIi tlf hteoosneea, who extol war ee n grant / of Water Works JOHN la. KTODOARP f§ §n«;cci»or. "elvUIxer.” While nolody ndro- The preliminary dtdleatory exerol.es Akron, Ohio. Company. 'daII.Y rRESS- openly Uawed 1099. IUtarla| 1019. of the the Methodist ohurob.at OM Oroh.nl, took / »0 Id adv*nc« or *7 M tbo «nd •! (Stsa the propagation Nligion by Without option of earlier redemption, By tlwyMT, room of the new ed- laeeert to refund a Uka amount of aU rpoid nows then an plenty who place In the anllanos por I ho |MI. days, rent, bonds la lUoe at two o'olook Friday afternoon, la My «b< month. BO cants And no grfht dllBenlty reoonolllng We plaoed the original laaue of «U per cent themeelree to oonflloU that Mad to epan the pretence of a largo audlenoe. Among bauds on Uetae water works at the time the famil- the rial were Hera. Bo- works were constructed, aed bare been Illustrated Too many ting clergymen Holmes* new Aelda. Mr. Burton up mleelennry iar with the of Ike and the olty Lectures, growth property U delivered at th..e rale* ther Freeman and W. 8. Borerd of Port- visitations The The DAILY PRESB men an ftlll seeing tba hand of tba Lard from iliaf time, through several to mibaerlbmn In »n part. ol older of population then. 18M, wea 12,080; It la mow esti- every o.nrulng In whlah an nothing hot land; W. 8. Jooaa. ax-prooldlag Port- wan, really mated at 48.000. CITY 5 THURSDAY PortlAnd. Anil In We.tbrooA And South Or. W. H. Newhall of __ 14 HALL, EVENINGS, tba prodnot human eelAshneas and Portland dial not; The of supply la from Summit I-*ka jf and wells on lends between the lake and that we Wllbraham, Mae# ; W. Can bam of Con- lying ItT/USE STATE PRESS (Wookln- pride, to n ska It at all probable tho company's pumping station. The water Is Feb. 22d and March 1900. nr $I.2B nt u>« N. I. Booth Berwick; J. whenee ft let, Sth, 15th, 1st, By the year, *1 in ndrnnon. are very eloee to the time when the way, U., Loot, pumped to an elevated reservoir, Uorbam, falls by gravity to the olty, In addition to which Island* (Jrnnd tnrei month*. nation! will learn war no more. Ua- H. Clifford,Bearing; Caahmore, imjECTA: Manilla, .fnpnn Revisited. Hnwailitn For Hi uiTh., 60 cent*; for the company can supply water by direct pres- and othera. Mr. K. O. Fairfield of Bid- comprises about or Indian l.ife in sr> que etlonably then bee been progress to- In the fell end winter is worth * sure. The distribution system Canon of Arizona nml Mukl Land, ocnii_____ rUtv-Qve miles of Iron and steel The be- detord aobatltutad rery aooeptably for In hot weather. There'e e pipes. ward a bettar way ol settling disputes •barrel fiuaiiClal statement shows a handsome surplus New Mexico. *hoa* nr* not d*llr«r*d Btrout of 8aeo In lha Confar- thet never telle to fetch e«fi Fuh.orlber* paper* tween aatlone than an arpenl to Her. Mr. way of net eamlnas after of all operating ofRo* of by thet la to payment nr* requeued to notify lb* when they're wanted, end expenses, taxes, and Interest charges on all the promptly bat then It noob yet In be done anoa quartette. No. «7 Kictang. *tr**t, arms, feed, once e day. In a warm maab bonds. CROWDED HOUSES EVERYWHERE. the DAILY PRAM. After tba aborna obolr and bonds wee baton the gnat bom of the people will tinging by The mortgage securing theee Portlond M*. under our supervision, to carefully to __ the Conference and prayer by drawn, Cenne and *4.00, according lorntlon. demand and Insist upon this better way- quartette, the Interests of all luveators h these Tlrkcfa, *3.00, *MO of tba Lord'a guard Bar. L Boon,the aaerameot Sheridan's i bond*. It atao provides for an manual Staking who Hr* leaving town retir- Jau. !fnd and controlled by suc- DON’T MTSS IT. states- ette, Her. Bother Fraamao end English Lew's Malvern oondanMd tba eas- plumage on prise winners. If you cessful business tntn. English journals Her. dell fared au estab- not ttroot ehoreh, Portland, cau t get It we send one package, Price and further particulars on application ORDER* BY MAIL will be filled In the orders of their rnen srs tbs of tba lain Maine regi- receipt. vigorously opposing vloee. Members “The K eta.; five, II. 2-lh. can.ll.JO; ell staffs eloquent addreea, hla toplo being llsbinent of tbs that food ment association and many friends of the ■fcrt&. Kx s.wpt. Meiuy dy«r om. precedent of where la and paid sis that Kingdom Cbrlal; It, I, ». iohmiom * CO., iOSTok. »»» ; aie contraband of war. They deoeaaed wire In atMndanoe. H. M. extant and uf Payson.dc. Co., snob a what lta power growth!” JEFFERSON THEATRE In case of a general war with The eervioee wen In ehnrge of Long- It waa powerf ully dellrered. 38 EXCHANCE ST. set herself Kngland would of of precedent by fellow lodge, KalgLta Pythias, 1084. Rlaliner an4 Eullt, Wrrk. sbe After staging.Her. «. 8. Borerd, pee octSSdtf ■itabllsfesed Rprclal Kfw l'e»r’» bs at an immenfe disadvantage, elnci ahloh the deoaased wea a oharter mem- NOTIOB. tor of atraet Portland, her Congnree ehoroh, doss not raise food enough for people waa a ring of nla- ber. Then large gatb Introduced. Be "Im- the do agree THE E. V. PHELAN STOCK CO. countries. waa apoka upon We, undersigned, hereby aod roust depend on other ti res, neighbors and representatives of pulaa to o Forward Moraraeat.” Mr. Bo- to refund the on two 25 cent bot- With Ella CNmrron and Juck Drmnelr in the leading roles with which money TRUST the rsrlone MERCANTILE organization* from suooeeds In getting eard la a new mao In Maine,oomlng tle* or boxes of Baxter's Mandrake Bit- uni an A splendid vail levlll* Mil inlrodu In the charming If Secretary Hay olllllatea. Incomparable supporting company. deceased bad after- little trill we te. Mabelie Kstelle, tin* eeoentrlc comedian. Dus-IrI OeW’olfi the wonderful from all the powers to maintain California. Both epaakare of tba tern, If It fails to enre bil- piomlees The Thirteenth Maine Keglmental oe- constipation, La Nonl Children, the Famous Herald ftquare excellent. (Entirely invented An United Thnreday Night, The Great Story of Australian Bush Life. a number of ex-eoldlers, resident

* Jk w —"5S._ -i.---= ** CORK. Get manicto ..New York. .Uverpool. ..Jan ft WIIJURUTON I»rt- Ar SOI*. orh IslaoA MIUtAW. HARBOR T5UTE8. York F1HMCIIL AMD COHRERCUL Dec..... 30M Havana..New Havana.Jan « City, New York. Pomeranian ..Maw York. Glasgow .. .Jaa t May .. 8214 81% Caracas...... Mew York. ..Jaa I Foret gw Pert*. Picked thi OATS, Lacuayr* Heme eflalrrnl Up Along .. BOSTON A MAINE R. R, fartoiaa.Portland Liverpool. .Jan ft Hid fm Hone Kong l*w J1». barque Adolph December... 22 Uitor.New York. .Dmaarera. A Jaa ft Water Front. Obrlg. Ames New York. in Kitesft (hi. iM, 1K99 >8% York. bury. cm BAY May.*.28% Pkaealma.Maw .mMakart....Jaa • Hid fm Havre Dee SO. steamer (^Champagne. STEAMBOAT CO. IFORK. Uartrta.Maw York. .Uverooot. .Jan « New York. the '» VITIIIOT The steamer St. Croix of Interne OatoariMa.Mew York.. H—iknra... .Jan Hid fm * Doc steamer Fora Da WJEITBRM in January..• • 10 12% S7. field, CuMnn llomr Wharf, of Piodoets the .. Quotations Staple Bonaa. Portland Liverpool .Jaa :o vis. New York. Trans leave Tor Unix!, t'niea Station. ft tknsl line will be dtydooked et Itasl May. 10 47% At I Hie. .onto.Naw York. .Bo'ampton Jru to HM im Baitia for Rear boro tfUMlng, lo.eo a. m.. 6 2: I’orllnnW, steam uko. York.. iBih, barque Boylatnit.Rmall. Bos'on today to be oopp* red. The Meardiawd.New Antwerp_Jan 10 Baltimore. 0.30. p.m.; Sear boro Bench. Pine Point, 7.04 < online in Mot. Markets. Prince. New 2 Inc Monday, lit, 1899. Leading ... 6 Roman York. .BkrJsiietroJaa. JO W00 a. mu. JJO. *.* nu Oi o« or State of Maine orrlrsd In Boston Sat- Jan. 07% Hid im l.agos Nov P2. barque F.lla Avis. —. :..i£ p. May...,. 6 82% Grenada..New York. Trinidad- Jan 10 Hid fm Barbados Dec so. Penobscot' Chard, lose, Hiddeferd. Bouuebeuk. 7M tka St. CroLi barque F Will DAY Tl.tIK TAIII.K. urday ti take the plaee et Champagne ....Me* York. .Havre .Jan 11 lurks to Mi. I0.no a. m. 12.80. 8,ao 6.26. «.2< ama. Island, load for North of llatteras. Kornl I York. ... m. For work Is dens. Wilder.New Careeaa Jen 12 Ar at Polnt-a-Pitre to Dec Ccllna, p. Benuehnnkneri. 7.00. 8.45. 10.1* Hf Uailla(.Pr>ki l.l.ta.l, while the bring Jan...... 6 86 prior .0th, 10JB » ID.. Hildur.New York. .Curacoa .. Jan 12 Portland. *. m.r 1T.»». 8.80. 6.26, p. m. Well* IUO. 6.45, %0t. 2.15, 4.00. 8.1» p. m. w»s ol May. 6 66 Foi The June SO, 18*9 Looanta.Mew York.. Liverpool ... Jan 13 Bench. North Berwick. Devrr 4'ii.hlnga lalaual. MO, I <1*1 a. 4.00 yssr ending • At 8t Pierre Deo Id, acb Navarino, for Turks Mew terk Hlorh, Money and Urall Jan 7.' 0. 5. 6.86 p m. disaster to the of Nan Saturday’s quotations. Vancouver.Portland Liverpool.. 13 Island and Baltimore. H.45. IK.. 8.80, p.m. tteraersworth. great sblpnlng York. 13 Poe hoe 1 or. 7 *.4*8. 3.80 Kor anil tirrat Dlamoti'l lilnaili, WHEAT Marquette.New London.Ian Ar at Halifax 80th, steamer I.aureutian, from «K>, IP., 18 80, p. m, and the following Is a sum Market Review. York fteutos.Ian 14 Alton Her. Lake and Northern IN»U TrefeChrn‘a UMfUag, IVak* IiImkI, argland, inn. Closing. Hainan.New Portland. port, Open Trave.New York Bremen .Jaa id Ion. 8.45 e. m., 12 30 p m. Wore—tor (rta 7.00. 8.00, 10.90 IS. m.. 2.10. 6.1ft p. m. niary of total wraoks of nr set’s balling May.... •»% 69% Kor Po»r«'i MamlilaB ... .Portland.. ..Liverpool .Jaa 17 ■oniera*onto 7.00 a. mi. Wnnnti—r, Concord Landing, I.. l.iaml, KO?, fTJUi In Maine: Vasaris 73 July. 09% 70 St end 7.00 a. in 3.3 * id. Kse 10 30 a. m.. 2.1ft o. m. pcr.a lost, Paul...Naw York So'amoten.. Jar. 17 HA ILItOAM North, p. Dover. CORK Haverhill, law rone a, 7.UJ. 8.41 mine of vessels and oar AraRonia .New Yura.. Ant warp Jan 17 _ tor, Levell, C. W. T. OODINO. OtneriU Manager, tonnage, 24,348; ft. 11*.. 12.30. 3.80 ni. A*0ft. 7.0i May. 32% 32% Araaoiila ... ..New York Antwerp Jan 17 p. Kooton, now »Kf lies on veaaalaand 8.46 a. in.. m. Arrive Boston goes, |M4S,6:>6; eargova (Krom Price, MoGoriuIok St Go., 816 Mid- July.188% 38% Aqeitalae .Naw York. Havre.Jan 18 11.80. 3.&U p. Coleridge.New rork PeraambueoJan *0 fdhaftAfeiAjAiA AjdL* A-! A. A .0.4.0 7.26. lu.16 a. in., 12.46. 4.10. 7.16 p m. Leave (*19,161; number of persons on board, •MT» dle street.) Philadelphia. .New York.. Laguayra Jan 20 Boston lor Portion I 6.6U. 7.80, 8.30 a. m.. 1.20, 689; number of llvis lost, 201. Dee...... 22*4 Ktrurta.iKew York. Liverpool... Jan 20 4.16 p.m. Arrive in fortlaud IO.10.III60 a. in., New York, Deoeraber 311.—The msiket 12.10. 6.00. 7.60 m. The frigid temperature of yeekrJaj May.23% 23% Bam.New|York. .Genoa .Ian 20 : p. opened fairly strong although quotations FORK. Pennsylvania ..New York. Hamburg... Jan 20 California Excursions. MM* AY DOMINION awer front tbe (irant TRAINS. LINE. traded lo keep Uihn.New York. Bremen .. Jan 23 | from London were somewhat uneven. Jan... 10 10 henrboro Ranch. Pine Point, Old Or Oceanic NewfYork Liverpool ..Jan 24 • Trunk wharrm the uanal large numbei May. 10 46 to Lw cbnrd. Saco, Hiddeferd. Kcnncbnnk, North Halil more St Ohio securities Friesland .... York. Jan 24 suffered New Antwerp;. Washington, D.C., Angeles ftt Portland to via. of Sunday visitors, and quiet pri-valVd. Oaecogoe.New York. .Havre.Inn 2fl Berwick, Dover, actor, HnvcrhliL Mo Liverpool Queenstown somewhat to tha daelloa la Lon- renre, Lowell, Heston. 12.66, 4.80. w, liner tak owing Aur Viowrta .New York.. Hamburg;.. .Jan 26 md San Francisco change. la p. From Tne LeykiUd American, called, Arrive in Boston 6.18. t.'JI p. in. don hut at ho tlma and Jn no leiurity Mo*t modern tourist * I*lnt*ch light. Li v fy pool From Ing a large grtural orrgo. * wide vestibule observation high bark to Puri land wee there any pronounoid pressure and end*, KAATBRN DIVISION. Portland. of veeaslv that cams Intc upholstered w»u. two retiring room* for » m. The large IIset ■I4NITOJIK ALto 4 N at ...JANUARY 1. ladlee. Bocton and way stations 0.«mi am. Hidda- viaHallfai._ towards tha sloes the market Jan. 6 37 Sinttklug room, and every comfort Wteameri._jr. strength- **d convenience. > fnnl, Portsmouth, TKur. Dec. 7. ra\ the barber ter shelter, took advantage ol ftuortaee. 7 < Personally conducted. Klttrry, Newbury Dominion, I)er7» (Inal about the ,4!ll|gfcIn»" wa**'rwater !-1080 Hale in, Lynn, Boston. IB a. 1 bur. I>ee. 14, C ainbromhu. Hi Dec. ;*o ened, quotations being Sunsets.. 4 S3 \_1100 Stopover Allowed et ► BL, winds and sailed away. Portland Dally Press Stock (^notations. < WasMngfon. 43. r, on p. in. Arrive 6J7 a. Nat. Dec. 17. Wed. Jan. 10 favoring beat the Moon eett. 0(K)< Height.00 E*rt, Heaton, m. *Ronun, of day. Tha bank statement, al- Illustrated * The Uoratlo Hall arrived la good tlmi Corrected by 8wao Jk Barren. Ranker* 184 pamphlets supplied by 12.40, 4.00. Mb p. in. Lrsva Boston. 7.JO, Tbur. Dec. 28. Vancouver. Hut ,l«n. 13 though featureless, made e somewhat bet- Middle street. 8. K. t.00 a. m*. 12.30, 7.00, L46 p. m Arrive Port- Tliur. Jan. it. Dominion. br.r. Jan. •*•.» * on after 8 in. (TRRIKU, !». R. A. He. Pae. Ce.. yesterday, docking p. STOCKS. lend. 11.4ft A au, 1404 17.14, 10 40 m Tbur. Jau. 18. Catnbtonian. SaL Feb. J ter than-had been > • Mate Htreet, RAHH. 4J0. p. showing expected. The Par Valve Sid. Asked ROHTOR, > *Komau uud <>i toman no Saturday was one ol the bnsleat dayr Description. 4 * INDAY carry passenger*. Canal .100 too 102 MARINE NEWS tt. ( DA8IKI.H, *. V P. A.. Ho. Increase In loaaa was smaller then ex- National Bank.. Hy., * the water front < that has been known on Casao National Baas.loo 107 1 to Washington Ht., BOSTO*. MAHH. Blddeford, Klttrry, PortanoNlh, New BOSTON pooled, this being probably aoeonnted XnOa. SERVICE. of tbe olty alnoe tbe opening of the pres- Cumberland National Bank.IOC 100 102 bnryport, halem, Lynn, Boston, nrM. for the Inornate In k*ri trnat com- C National Bank.100 100 101 PORT OF PORTLAND. 12.43 p. in. Arrive Boston, 6.37 ft. in.. 400 To vflii Of small by by hapman Llvrrpool Qncenaiown. ent winter season. The work the oft© eod4m p. m. I-cave Boston, 9.00 ft. ni., 7 JO. p. ru. The loan market disclosed a Kli st National Sank .100 100 102 and offiolala of panies. fair D.C 30. Arrive Portland, 12.10, 1430p. in.. New army of longshoreman Merchants'National Baak.... 76 101 102 HATGRDAT, Portland England.Dec. 20,12..10 r. *t. slxed short the feature the 4k % srmonth Klertrtc Mg. Ce. linea waa In Interest, being National Traders'bank.luu 99 loo Arrived. A-Pally except Monday. the various steamer begun /''AB8 leave head of F.lm street for Underwood RnTKH OF PABSAUE. demnnd far U. 4k O. oomiuon hrnal and Portland National Bank.100 10* 110 Steamer earnest in the and contin- by Assyrian, (Br) Trent, Antwerp— ^ spring and Yarmouth at 0.45 a. m.. First C early morning Portland Trust Co.100 146 160 To K A Co. hourly W. N. A P. DIVISION. abin—lfto.00 and upwards. Itrtnrn honest. The year closes with a Leytaud until 7.43 p. m.. ihen !».i« and 10 43. Kxtra tor In the foreign Portland (las Comuauy ..... 60 *o 90 —fioo.oo and upwards, lo steamer ued with hardly a break until late Steamship Huenot Ayrean (Br) McDoacmll, Yarmouth week Station of Prrblr according cheerful In Portland Water Co.loo 193 106 days at 8 13 p. m. Street. and .-iccomodailon. condition ol feeling prevalent Wall street | Llverp ol—To H A A Allan. For Uuderwood at I'eol evening Thla buatllog Portland St. Railroad Co. .100 140 160 Spring only 1.1& S.'S, Merond C abin—To or London. In of 8 eomer Hay State, Dennison. Heston. 3.03 and For Worcester. Clinton. Aver, Nashua. Liverpool $:« spite the faot that the outlook la to MaineCe ntfal 160 170 •3.55. 6.15 p. m Motion to or allairs waa caused by the fast tbat during R'y.100 Boh i.iieretia. Colwell, Harbor. Windham and at 7.30 a. ni. and 12.80 Liverpiol Queenstown, $37.00. Portland R.R. 106 61 Prospect Leave Yarmouth for Portland at 5.45 a. m., Epping Me* •ome extent clouded by the war Id South k OgUensburf 60 Sch M m. rage —To Liverpool. London. London- the two of the big aoaan stonier* wera Auua Kimball, WnUtemoru. North-east hourly unill b 45 p. m. then 8.15 and 9.45. P. day BONDS. Harbor. For Manchester, Concord and North at derry. Dlasgow. Queenstown. $22..V> to $4.'.A0. Afrioa. I^eave Uaderwood spring for Portland at 0.10 points according to •tenrner. to leave port and that two more were to Portland 6a. 1907.119 190 7 JO a. n*. and 12.30 p. ni. Cleared. a. m.. aud hourly until \ 10 p.m then 1.50. 2J0. to The bank statement follows: Reserves, Portland 4a. 1902—1912 Funding.. lot 109 For Rochester. Walerboro At»plv T. P. MCGOWAN. 42« (ongreis arrive. Tb> steamers tbat left were the 3.10. 13.20, 4.10. 4.30. 5.10. 5.40, fl.10. 6.50, 7.10, 8.40 Sprlu*v;ile. Allred, B. Portland 4s. 1913. Ponding.109 109 Stsamer Almerlan. (Br) Parker. Antwerp and Haco Rivet at 7.80 «. 12JJ and 5.30 street,.!. KEATIVO, room 4. First Nation- Increased, $784,001; loans, end 10.10 p.m m., al Bank Cambroman of the Doralclon line and flu Increased, Bangor 6s. 1906.1Water.112 114 F Ley land Co. p. in. Building. CIIAKLFB ASHTON. W7A First two aud last tripe omitted Sunday. or DAVID $373,600; specie, decreased, tlB'i.SUO; legal Hath «%*. 1907. Munieloal....101 103 Steamer Carooroman, (Bn Moore, Liverpool— For Gorham at 7.80 and 9.46 a. m„ 12.30, 3.00 Congress street, TOHKANCK St Bellona of tbe Thomson line. The Cam- D Torrance A Co. •3.35 Sundav. tl Sunday. uovaodtf CO., general agents, loot of India street. tender, Increased, $1,103,000; depuslts, de- Bath 4%. 1921. Rafundiag.101 103 5.30 and 6.90 p. ni. orotnan got away at about five o'clook In Belfast -is. llunlelpal.103 106 Steamship Manhattan, Bennett. New York— For Westbrook, Cumberland Mills. Westbrook noT244lf pressed, circulation, Inara seed, ( alais 4s 1901—1911 102 J F Llsoomb. Junction and Woodford* at 0.15 a. the afternoon, leaving her dook just aa $348,800; Refunding....loO 7.30, tn., lAwlsum 6s,* 1901. Municipal.103 106 Steamer Kuterprtse, Race. South Bristol and 12.30, 3.00, 5.30 and 8.211 n. m. the snow tlakaa wars beginning to fall $46,80.1._ Lewtstcu As. 1913, Municipal.lo6 107 Bootbbav. Trains arrive at Cortland from W’orces er at Sch Three coal J 8 and when tbe Qrat real sign of winter at NIV. volt it, lire. »o. Saco 4s. 19ol. Municipal.106 102 Marys, Sprague, port— 125 p.m.; from Rochester at 8.80 a. in.. 1.25. Winn low A Co and 5.40 p.m.; from Gorham at 440. 8.30 and nn cat) steal v last 0 Mama Central R R7*. 1911.oon*. mtg 136 187 was notleed. The steamer Money at 8.*pcr at —«ti \ cent. • K) an A Kelsey. D. J. FLANPLlto, G. F A T. A. Boston. goes to London direct und takes a cargo 4s cons. mtg.. • .106 lot; was Arm with actual busi- • 103 SAILED—Steamer with TRAINS LEAVE PORTLAND Jew dll TKI-WEEKLV were oar- (iteiUng Exchange g*ts.l9OO.e*ton'sn.l02 Williamsport, barge SAILINGS. of about 6,000 tons. There also lor f< Portland A 1st mtal02 103 Corbin, ness in bankers bills at 4 87‘ 4 4 t»7 V* fur de- Ogd'c g«s.*9O0. Philadelphia. For s.io a. m„ *6.00 m. Portland Also steamer Lfwlaios, 1J0,4.00, p. rled ten oabln, ten Intermediate and 26 Water t«rs 4s. 1927 .... 106 107 sailed, CainbromaH, Liverpool, From Boston mand and 481% '*4 82 lor sixty days; posted an.! Hellona, for Loudon. For Island Pond, 8.10 a. in.. 1 JO. *0.00 p. in. Tuesday Thursday, Saturday. steerage paaaengera. Klghty-sevec head 4 rates at 821 -0.4 83 and 4 88 Vs, t otpuier cl* Boston Moek Market. SUNDAY. Dec 31. For Montreal, tlaebee, (bicago, 8.10 a. m., From of cattle were alao taken. billw 4 n4 Ph.laJelphii Monday, Wednesday 801 80%. The following were thecloslng quotation a of Arrived. *0.00 p. m„ reaching Montreal at 7.00 a.m. Th« llellona left ;the forenoon Silver certiicates and during 5S!is60H. stocks at Boston Steamer] Iloratlo llall, Bragg. New York- and 7.00 d. m Friday. From Central and took a fall otrgo. There were no 2 Bur Silver 09H Atchison. Ton. R.santa re.it. new. passengers and mdse to J F Liscomb. Wharf, Huston s p. m. F. om 19% TRAINS ARRIVE PORTLAND Flue street Wharf. Mexican dollars 47 Steamer Gov Dlnglev. Thompson, Boston. Philadelphia, at h p. m. paaaengera aboard hot 180 oattle and 02(J Vs suranoe effected at oflJc*. do ug irr nmun, wun oarge wau*'ua, irom Government omuls irrejcii!ar. | pfd.. 175 From Lewiston, *8.10, 11.K) a. ni.. 5.45 aud 0.43 for the West the were taken. Captain kindle la the eu Lvnu to load oil httrrels.. Freights by Pena. K. VL and Ihesp ou... p. m. In Effect Dccciubrr I, 1*99. forwarded •*o Heh H Weaver. Vanuatu an. Urunswiek, bouth by connecting hues. ■astir of thla ship and he will sail direct Mnnon. 10 Myra From Island ai.iM. with liaru pine to Peering. Winslow Si Co. Pond, *8.10, 11.30 a. m., 5.45 Passage $10.09. Hound Trip Malnep enirai. m. Train* leave Union Meats and for London Union Heh Elvira .1 French. Kendrick. Philadelphia— p. Station, Railway Square, room ineluded. The folio" imr quotations represent the Pacific.. 48 lor station* namrd aud pay coal to A K Wright Co. From Montreal, Rnrlirr, *8.10 intermediate Matlone n« For freight or passage apply to F. P. WIN (A. Jug In this market: Untoa Pacific Dta. 76'* Chicago, follow*: ".oo prices a. m.. m. For llaugor and 10.26 a. in., ▲gent, Central Wharf. Bostoi Mexican runirsi 711 v Sell Jus Young, Thorndike. Amboy. 6.45 p. anJ liuenos Cow ami steers.... • 8* i» ss. *12.36, 120 and #ll.oo m. For Hrlfkst 7 o.» a. T. li. SAMPSON, the Assyrian the Ayrean. Amaru-ao H^h Lizzie Williams, Candidge. Portsmouth. p. Treasurer and General Bulls Oflit t»t»c«.. ... 74 Hell 341'* Heh * Otbei trains week m.. l.?o and 11.Oo i>. tu. For Bruns** lek, Manager. « State at, FUke Building. Boston, of the Allao The latter A to enema .~»uamr. cumrooii.. .. Railroad, Sliuuiuus. Friendship. Dally. days. both line. Shuts—No 1 quality...10© 128^* Augusta auil wutervlllt T.UI hi*1 lO.J.V.i. Maas. ocU2dtt Vo J Sugar. nia. 113 SAILED — Steamer ich Th-ee 'rain leaves Portland SuudK reach’d her dock at a few minutes before .t c Aimcrian; Sunday every m *12.36, 1.20, 5.10 and *11 00 p. in. For Hath No 3 .B 7?7e Marys. for Lewiston, Durham and Beilin at 7.30a. nT an LfwUioii via Brunswick 7.00 and 10.25 noon and the former came in about high Cull* .26 a 50 New York Qaolatmai of Riocki and Bonds. Pullman PAlaoe Sleeping Cars on night a m. *12.36.1 5.10 aud *11 oo p. in. For Koeklaud PROM OUR COR RICH P'^X DEN eg. 7.00 u. 12.J5 au.i 6.10 For Hko%* be- three horns later. The Busnos Ajrean (By Telegraph.) trains and Parlor Cars on day trains. in., p. ni. Hrtall Grorrrt1 n. sugar Market. The following are the cloiiug quotations of lOGXraT, Pee 30— Hid. schs master R gan T.od m 1.10and ll.oo p ;n. For Foi- came direct from which port rrofl Liverpool, Tor Hand maraet—cut loaf 7c; confectioners Bonn: Lawrence, Linnell. Boston, Merman F Kimball, •n*li«dreeu«-|lle 1.20 and 11.00 p.m. For shs left sixteen and do. 7.00 a. m.. 12.35 and ll.oo in. For ALLAN LINE days ago. She experienced sc; powdered at OVfcei granulated at Uc; coflee Deo. 30. Dec. 29. I Mae, Catalina, Piper, lluckspurt p. liar Harbor 12.3'» and Careen crushed — c; yellow 4*>%c. New 4s. re•.1JHH 133** 11.00 p. in. For an average winter passage. On her sec- vllle and lloulloii Now 4«. coup.133 ** 133*/* Ticket Office, Depot at foot of India via Old town and B. Liverpool, Halifax & ond out a lieroe snow storm was en- & A, R. K. 12.26 ai d 11.00 i- m For Wash- day Pitrllaiid Wholesale Market* New 4s. tor.114 lie Two more Maine have been sold 011 Cali Street. Oit23dtf New ships ington Co. H. K. 12 35 and *11.00 m. F >r Half a was 4s, coup.115 115 fornia account. The James Drummond of Bath p. countered. cargo brought PUKl’LAND.Dec. 30 7.00 ft. Ill 1 20 and 11.00 in. Portland Service. Ifeuver A K. U. 1st.101** 101** 145v> tons, built in 1H81, and th<< Alexander Mattawainkeag p. For VaurelM.ro, SC. •tout no passengers. The Assyrian Is from Wheat options continue very steady with a Erie ueu. 4i». 70 69 Gibson. 2121 tons, built at Thonui«tou. Also, Htrphrn, llotlltou, Woodstoek aud Ht. John 7.00 a. HI. and sin li advance over a week Mo. Kan. ft Tex. 2ds.68 68 t»*rou© Guv C 1624 tors, built at Bath From Ulasgow whence eh? departed December ago; Friday at Cld Goss, 11.00 in. For I From From Kansas ft Tactile consols. hi 1679. p. Ashland, I'ruqnr Isle, I cago ecember closed at and at For Women. Fort Fairfield and Caribou via H. & A. R. Liverpool. STEAMEfi. Portland. I Halifax. 18th. Three or four days before arriving 65Vfre. May Oregon Nav.lst.110 110 closed Fishing schr I-aiidseer, ot Gloucester, loo Dr. Toliuan's Monthly Regulator has brought R. 11.00 p. m. For Lewlslou aud Mrdunlt- at the oil jeers that BU^itc; Saturday, December at COAsc, Texas Twine. L. G. l§ts....J’l lit this port report thuy tons, has been purchased by Chav Cushing of happiness to hundreds of anxious women. Falls h.30 a. m 1.10 aud 5.15 111. For Kuui l.aureuliaii 27 Dec. and » no reg. 2at» and Atchison... 20 10*/* yard p. I • This st'-amer does not quiet prices of Win Ro era on or arc wlltvsd in $ d.»\s without fail. No other Trains loavtnf Torrrand ll.oo in., carry passengers, The next steamer that Is is Atchison?ofrt. 62 61*.* Mouday Tuesday. p f Carrie* first class expected well supported. 1 4 aud 22 feet deep. matters of aprivateor delicate nature. Bear For 8.5o a. m., 1.00and 5.50 p. m. screws, passage fiom Port to aud Port in about seven tilities lu South Afrloa. .-uperflno and low grades.2 45 £2 BO Illinois Central.112V* 112*4 in mind this remedy is safe under For llridgtou Harrison 85o a. in and days. absolutely 5.50 I>. 111. For Berlin, Urovrton, Island Ihtid wiro no lish err;vale the Spring Wheat Bakers.h 46*3 65 Lake Kne A West. 23** 20V* IICHASUI DISPATCHES. every possible condition and will positively during Pond, I.HiiiKsler, No. Mtratford aud RATES OF spring Wheat patents.* 35*4160 Lake Shore.196*4 196*-* xd Hid fin 29th. steamer Kceinuo, for leave no after ill effects upon thehealth. By PASSAGE. and the lobster Arrival was the Glasgow Here her Falls 8.r>«) a. m .and 1 .<>) in. For day only Mien, and St.Louis si, roller_3 85*4 O Louts ft Nasn. mo'* 79Vs Portland. mail securely scaled, $2.00. l»r. K. M.TOL- p. Cabin- $50.oo to $ao.oo. A reduction of to and 85 MAN 170 Tremont I. uiirulinrg, Montreal. < hlcago, Ht. smack Hermann with about Mich, SL Louis clear..3 85*3 Manhattan Elevated.. 9»> 97V* Ar at steamer Etruria, from CO., 8t.. Boston, Mass. per cent is allowe ou return Hussslng Llveri»ool M*t, Paul, I.line and Quebec 8 50 ft. in. tickets, except Winter Wheal patents.4 15*4 25 Mexican Central... ll Vs 10*« New York. Itldge ou the lowest rates. 4,610 C»i u and I' Mit Michigan central. H'NDAYS. Skcond Cabin-To Liverpool. London or Itseemel a c that there mast Minn, ft St. lands. 69*4 59V* tewUion 0 50 rtalnty c orn, car lots.i. *44 Memoranda. Anniml .114M»fInfg—Notice. lot via Brunswick, Waterrtlle Londonderry— $35.( sing!«; $»!.'. return. Minn, ft 8L Loins pfd. 96*4 90*4xd and 7.20 h. m and in. For bTKKRAOK—Liverpool, I oudon, have been a lira In one of the at Corn, bag lots. *40 Edgartown. Pec 29—Sch Mail, which weut Bangor 12.3* p. all Glasgow, cottages Missouri Tactile. 4o-* 397h E of Union Wharf via Belfast, Londonderry or yueenstovn. $23.30. Meal, bag lots. r*44 ashore near this place .some weeks ago. was F|111 proprietor- Corpora- l*omts east, Augusta, except Skowbegan Peaks Island the afternoon. A Now .Jersey Central.II8V# 118* a 1. tlon are notified that their annual oo certificate* get. dcring Oats. car lots. 33 34 floated to-day. hereby II. p. m. Prepaid New York Central.131V* 180xd meeting will l>e held at the office of ihe Children under 12 year*, half fare. Kates to very bright could bd'seen from the Oats, bag lots. u: 36 ARRIVALS light Nortiicn; Pacific cotn. 68• * 63‘e on 2nd. at or I'roin other uoiuts ou application to v otlon need. car lots,.*8) 00*24 50 Domestic Porta Wiiarflnger Tuesday, January 1900, barge olliceand tb« re was even talk about Northern Pacific old. 73a* 73'* 2 o’clock in the afternoon, to act on the follow 8.2.1ft. rn. from Bartlett, No. Conway and T. P. Met JO WAX, 130 CcuifiirM tit., Cotton Seed. I tag lots.... .00 00*25 80 C Northwestern..— 168 articles: to choose a 2nd. ornish, 8.35 n. III. hewlstou and Me- l*oi t la ml, Mr. the I p boat fer a of In- Sacked Brau. car lots. ». is oo NEW YORK—Ar 29th. barque Jas W Klwell, lug 1st, president; preparing trip l>nu 22 lo choose a ami other for the chnnlc Falls; 8.43 a. in. Water*-llle, An Futrigtt Strum Hoom 1, sacked Bran, bag lots.00 00*18 00 ft‘West.122 Goodman, from Pascagoula: sells John I Huow. clerk, officer*. ship Agency, Tne gusln and liockland ; 11.53 a. in. Herehr First X >« I Ionii I Hu iik Port- vestigation to the island. light car Reading. lh»-* i»‘« Nichols. Gouaives 16 days; Pend In ten Brothers ensuing rear; :trd. to art on any business that lttilltllug, Middling, lots.18 00*20 OO Falls, haucaster. Fab)mis, Xo. land, Maine Bock I slant*.106*4 104* «xd Small, Brunswick ; Nimbus, Pater-mu, do: Ab- urn legally come before them. Conway seemed like that of a brisk l!ra but thu Middling, hag, loLs.10 (8**20 60 • ml St. Paul.117*« 117**.» ide Ingalls, Ht John. NB: Grace NATHAN 1). ROBERTS. Clerk Harrison; 12.15p.m. llaugor, \u- II. ▲ A. ALL AX', 1 lull* Ht. dec 1 Gd If Mixed feed. filOOO Webster, Lord, and fact that not a particle of smoke could be 3t. TaiU pfd.172 171 Provide uc*. Portland, December 23, 1899. dec2$d7» Hoeklnud; 12.20 p. III. Ktug- Suits'. Coffee, Tev Molmiti.lialelns. Xuafarld. Phillips, I armlngtou, linn Is. the The 81, Paul ft 0:natia.120 120 Cld 29th. barque Hiram Gorham, far discerned, explained puzzle. ray* 6 Emery. ICuinlord Falls, Lewlstnn; 5.20 p.m. sugar—Standard granulated. 27 st. Paul a Omaha old. Bahia: schs Canno. Colbeth, St Croix ; He on G ANNUAL NEETI.m of the wan were Hkowhegau, Wntervllle, Auguatu, International Co. shining brightly upon Sugar—Extra fine granulated. 6 27 Texas Pacine .I *5 16 Mosely. Holt, Havana. Hco'ia, Davis. Mobile. Steamship Hoeklnud, Hath; 3 35 III. Ht. John, liar Kxtra V. 4 *.»o I*. --- two or thr?e window of a Sugar— Union Pacific 76 Ar 30th. steamer Ht Louis. Southampton; sell HE annual meeting of the Cumberland FOH panes outrage pfd. 74** Harbor, Aroostook C oimty, Moosehrad rrrzrr Coflee—Rio. roast oil. 1 l a. 16 Wabash. 7*# 7»h Melissa A Willey Brunswick. If County Agricultural aud Horticultural and this reduction is what caosed tli? Coflee—-.lava ami Mo.ha. will be held at Ki lion’s hake anil llaugor, 5.16 1>. in. I(nngele), 27*28 Wuhasb piu. 21 *« 31*h Sid 36. barque llIrani Emery, for Bahia; sch Society Hall. Dorhaui. Teas— Farmington, Hiimford Falls, ben tston ; Ejsluort. lotos Calls. St John H.3..Ha!.tax N.S* wliioh at the same time Vmoys 22*30 Boston ft Maine.199 ( a men. for Hi Croix. Me., on Tuesday. January 2. 1900. at 10 o’clock light dlsappjnr*d I 199 S. 10 |>. m. Chicago, Montreal, Quebec, and and all of New Nova -eas—( ongous. 27 *50 New York and New- City Island-Passed east 29th. sch Mark Pen- in tlie forenoon lor the purpose of electing ofti parts Brunswick, Mcotla, that Old Sol ovtr the western Eng. pf.. all Wh'»e Mountain 1.25 a. ui. dallv from Prince KUward Island and Bieton. I lia dlwappruivd leas—Japan. .. M3 *38 dleton, Perth Amboy for Providence; Mddred •ers for the ensuing year, and to choose five point*; Ca|«e Did .Colony..20.1*4 2(3** liar Harbor, Bath nutl hrwta- favorite route to and be T eas— Formosa. 35 5 415 A Pone, Port Liberty for Silver 16) delegates »o a convention for the purpose o( llaugor, Campobello SL Andrews, rlzon. A dams .Ill ill Cohasset; Spray lon and 3.50 a. in. Momlav. from N. Molasses— Porto Rico. 33 u 30 Express New York for Portland. ‘lectiug a meroher of the hoard of Agriculture ; dally except IS. American Express.140 146 Halifax. Ht. Bar Water- Fir* was discovered early in the mcro- Molasses—Bar hadoes. 32 *35 BOSTON—Ar 29th, sch B Gar for three years, which convention Is to he held John, Harbor, Wlulfr U. ». Express. .. 45 45 Thos land,Cole- llle mid \rruugrmrut. Npk l.'ri i. iiiH 2 prmvii.Q *Jf or. \l the same on the same and to Augusta. ing In one of the i astmun huetr oars on People (las.10 • ** 105 man. Philadelphia. place day, { do 5 crown.2 3 60 'rausact legal husiucss. Daily. On and after Monday, Nov. f>. Steamer will *2 Pacific Mall.. 45*4 44 Sid 3oth. hamue Thos A Goddard. Rosario; any other uuiuq wnun mm me oaeuucui engine do 4 crown.2 "0*2 75 sch Vouti: lor t. II. LEIDHTON, Secretary. CiEO. F. V. T. & C. M. leave Kallroad Wharf. Pori laud, on Monday Pullman Palaco. 187'* 183 Brothers, Philadelphia. EVANS, and which Raisins. Loose Muscatel. 7Vkj>0 Sid fin the Roads 30th. sell James fin dcc25dtd F. K. BOOTH BY, ii. V. St T. A. Thursday at 5.go p. m. lieturnlng, leave responded succeeded In extinguish- Sugar, common.. .128' « 128' Young, St. I>rv Fish and Mackerel. South Amboy for Portlaud decJdtf John, Fastport aid Lubeo Monday only. the Humes. The with the OWestcrn Uulon.86 85*4 iii" it< will st. ing IJr.% work BRUNSWICK—Hid 29Ui, sell Willie L New- Mr lie HANTS NATIONAL BANK Monday boot run dhoel to (’o

.1 Rot. J. L. Jeaktaa oBatoMng. Inter- WILL VETO ORDER. _MBL*»awgw—_I_UMiMMBI THE PRESS. Ml ni In Farojt City Mastery. TIM AM MW. things of • like nature whleh We or* mw flrMlw Uw Ik*«l4 William Walsh m arralgasd In ten paylag for. It I# ** tro* of M, pmhapt. N Tabva to Pro- NKW AOVKRTI91CHBRTI TODAY* tort I ho other that there la ae Cttjr’o latoroot. » mnnlelpal ««t oa a joint wa«a> and as It to of elites, end and eebeaeoe to defraud ml rare warrant, returned agalast him- of JoMwy Oren Hooper’s Sons. self and Frad Kelly. Walsh rsselved a th* elty, bat *o the whole we an batter This feeing the fire* Monday of the John M. ionway. of whlah ha tbsa ere maay eltlse. We bare law* by month and of the year there will he a Oren Hooper Sons. fins $W> and ooata, paid. Interesting Address by Ptlce. McCormick A Co. KsUy la not yat la onstody. whleh tb* authorities seen to bar* ao meeting of the olty oannell. Some Impor- F. B. Bacon ManlfoM Co* Idea of It be that tb* aa- tant matters may some for notion. Biale of Maine. it. II. Varrlll. representing the bank- Rev. Mr. mferetug. may up Brown’s Quick-Fire Charcoal. Fenn._ thorlttaa an trylag to kill tbe tows Among other the order which rapt firm of Woodbury and lfaoltan, thing* Portland. t. Goss & Wilson. the .Trdurtp baa aakad Bankruptey Bafaraa Plana allow)og then to toU Into oostempt. peered ooeeoll at n reuent meeting au- amuskmpnt. made wonder- a for aa ax tension of time tar the filing of Kdoeatteoally the oily baa thorising eontraet to ho mode with the Linens will Portland Lodge of Elks. fol stride*. Wo ban a system at eobsate Peaks Islaad Water and department Portland ’laesire. etadltsn' eahadalM and kaa bean given Light Qonepeiy Jefferson Theatre. equal to the best la ta* world. It la a for twenty hydrants will bn returned to until aast Thursday. sell a hundred dozen The of Portland One Bandred aoboala eon null with THE fast ear the the t&day AUCTION SALES. Tbs polios have been raqoMted to find City well-kaowa that pablte mayo'a re So. It Is an *0 floe that eeboels eailtl nadaretood that thinks F, O. Bailey A Co. Gilbert Doyle of Philadelphia, a young private Mayer Rethaeoa Linen Damask Years of tlan. We wall of the pure Towels, man who has been boarding at 18 Spring Ago. exist hen for oay length rosy eofaeme to giro Penh* Is- l-ost. Found unlimited water. New Wants, To Lot. For Sale, •tree! for the lam three month* He was have maay olaba wblob gin land He believes that prorldln g and similar advertisements will be found under fourteen choice white, to oil for tb* study of the company can a ser- patterns, plain heir appropriate heads on pace A laat smb on Middle street, Thursday opportunities glee satisfactory vice the night. Us I* 28 yean of age, abont 6 history, liters tore oad otbsr eabjeots.” olty should make a contract red and la tb* with them for pink, blue borders, deep feet 8 lushes la height and we'gka lit Ur. Fsaa spoke of the laoreoas hydrant*. He dors net te- Winslow's Mr*. Soothing Byrwp. Drank Rum number *f mama's olaba aad that sash e eontraet Ha had no oeonpatlon In Port- Everyone opportun- ller*, how*Ter, Has Peon used over Fifty Years by millions of pounds. knotted at the dozen, ities for women. The ally I* among the Mould be mode without greater ears ha- fringe, $2.48 mothers for their chlldreu while Toothing, land. in Those lint In Its of I Union aad taken to Im- The com ml fee on an Days. apprsetotloa lag protect the olty than 1* with per feel succeas. It soothes the child, lights plael"g the half dozen, 21c each. The musls. Boston may tsoall ns la tbls, plied In the present order. Thors le $1.25 adftens the gums, allays Palm, cures Wind Walatneh burners In tbs gaa lamps Is the beet bat we stand among the vary Aral la toe nothing la this eider which prorldet that Colic, regulates INs bowels, and about the Soldiers' monoroent. Towels are all of excellent quality, remedy for Diarrhoea whether arising from The directors of the Invalids' Home world. the oent pony most fornlM a certain wat- causea For sale ts moob for to* er all the time le order to follHI teething or other by Drug- with to thank all who made donations to ”1 wish I mold say pressure soft and medium size. to oart of the world. Bo sure and Between the Its contract with the oily. Thlo In the bleach, large gists every their baskets. Thr Contrast City morality of tb* elty,” sold Ur. Feaa. Christmas mayor's opinion, to It le understood. ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, 25 cu "Tb* distilleries ban aad so ban The new quart the work wbloh de- they The regular reheursxl of the Portland spent In New York. greet and learned that had been ex- enoourage him In delivering hie sermon. theUblaie Fes ival chorus will be held at Y. M. C. Mrs K. A. Porter, 181 Llnooln street, volved on the oily If tbs Church of tinguished. j There was, however, little drunken- A. hall, Monday evening, at 7.48. A pub- left Bat ora ay afternoon for Bkowbegao, Chrlot lo to be advanasd. ness In the olty. In tbe middle of tbs rehears il will be the chorus where she will New Year's with "The oburoh lo making ellght lm- MU. MOSK8 WILL TAKE OATH TO- lic given by spend tbe tern an oe movement oentnry per on the oald Hev. cn Janunrr 15th. her brother, Ur. J. U. Pooler. preesiou olty today," DAY. started and brought about a different All members of fea Breezs Temple, Miss Maud B. True of Llnooln street Mr. Freeman. "The people don't go to Cjllestor of Cuetoma Faroe- JOHN M. CONWAY, condition of In Ihe early years Deputy things,but more one-third of oar No. are to meet with Mrs arrived ou Saturday from Bkowbegan, churob. Not than worth received tbe oommlaalon 5, requesed drank. There ware at that yesterday Ul 11 I_ 1 1.. 7d Meellu “soot 'I'llti!. everyone where she bad Christmas with rela- olty'o population oould get Into tbe of Hon. Cbariaa M. Moaes to be oolleotor spent no lass tban live distilleries In tbe time If tried. On the whole the 18 Free Street. January 3d at T o'clock. tives. churoboo. they or the Mr. Farnaworth waa In- day evening, and were oond ss far ns 1 perl. city tbey acted, are not half fall and hundreds The fifteenth annual reunion of the and Mrs. John K. Martin of Brldg- ohurohes ctruoted av oollectir to turn the ;air. have been able to learo, skilful men. aotlng by never attend divine wor- students of the Shaw Business college ton are at the Preble boose. They will of families sima over to Mr. Moses, and tha latter For 28 years under Portland Theatre. Tht morals of the people ware exceeding- past will take placi at the college rooms 111 sell from New York Janaurj lltc on the ahlp.” t day will take the oath of office. Jftnl-lt Thera was no Ice force be- ___ ly good. pol The said the ohuroh did not this city, Saturday evening, January 6, 1 :BluOI Iimuuioil IW |U« preaohsr cause there was no need of one. Tbe 1900 All old students of the college ore where they will remain several week*. not as a unit and It he wanted to run nlgbt watching was performed by 16 vol- Invited to be Mr. A. Chisholm, the writ- foranyoffloe "I oould enap hla linger prismt. Harry who tbelr taxes In this 44Good unteers, paid better half haa no vote Beginnings A narrow is rape from a sirlocs Are oo- known drug olerk, hue returned to hie In its raoe, for tbe way. Their chief duly was to see that currcd et Mr. Frsd W. Prloi's paint home In this eltr from Hanger, where and the other half doee not know anongo the laws for Sunday ube>rranoe wars SHIPPING RECEIPTS. 313 St John street, Saturday morn- he has been for eame time In to vet3 right bait the time.” Make ■hep, employed tnforoed and that the health was Good Endings publlo He referred to the soolal at- ing about 8 o’clook. In sime way a one of the leading drag stores of that gathering* oared for. Tie watcomen went about You at Iv trying to do County of Cumberland, ss. headquarters tbe beginning of the century. There Supreme Judicial Court. The winter custom of tbe Portland one Too mnob wa« Salesmen’s order books labor berlain of Belfast and Charlee B. Noyes too much in day. J. i City deliveries. and; were only four ohurobee here thsn. T'ha John Frye Ping, of Atkinson Wbeel club of bolding a supper every Sat- packed Into one day ana mob spasmodic vs. J lu Equity of till which sve would Pariah waa the then oame V and error suving method* kinds, last First oldest, Altham International Motor Co. The two men who have been detained urday evening was started night by work never did and never will reecli Its tit. the Urst churoh, The Plaintiff, John J. Frye of Portland. In the In use at our office. about 7.30. The atten- Paul's, Epleoopal of iu be to show you practical by the police on suspicion that they were a line spread at masses. He thought tbe Homan Cothollo County of Cumberland, aud hta'e Maine, pit-used than the tfeoord Pariah and tbe F'lrat behalf ol hlinselt and other stockholders of the was und had an teach some churches the who recently dim-dammed dance good everybody ohuroh oould a parties which waa opened In 1739 or Alhun International Motor Company, hour was tr liaptist, uuder a conductor on the Portland etreit rail- sojoyable time. One given methods In praotloal work and give them corporation duly organized and existing oame ilia first Metho- followed 1801. After that the law* of the State of Maine, and having Its road out of ft.00, were dltcbarged In live tables of progressive wblst, some valuable lesson s of business at Portland In dist, the present Chestnut street church, location and place F. E. BACON MANIFOLD default of sulficlent evidence to oonviot by an entert lining talk by Prank A. In the seooed place be epoke of the said < ouuty ot Cuintrerland, brl gs this bill of CO., the First Unlreraallst, whloh was opened complaint against said corporation, and there- them. El welt upon manners and oustoms In absolute necessity of personal oonteot of In 1*29, and the brat Cathollo, tit. Domi- by comp'alt lug shows unto this Houorable Bookbinders and Rulers, Funeral gervioee for the late Clara Europe, many amusing experiences ou tbe Christian with the non-Christian ele- Court as follows Manifold Printers, Paper which waa established in 1830-38. First:—That heretofore, to-wit. on the his tours narrat'd. The nie's, that the Vluol took from the C,eciy hos- wheeling being ment of a oommunity, and urged A. 1> the place Ur. Fean want on to describe tbe twenty-eighta day of December, 1899, pital at 3 o’olock c-lurday afternoon, season was started nuaplc'ously. duties ol members of oburohea ended not stockholders of said Altham International 184 MIDDLE STREET, PORTLAND, ME. ohorchcs of the times with tbelr high- Motor Company Item a meeting, aud voted t> with the mere attendance at worship as hocked pews wblob were passed down dissolve and terminate said co poratlon. iTIUllie 8 urcaien aiwrc. a means of re:t from the week's labor, Second That *ald meeting was held at Port- from father to aon and the stale with land at the office of the do the aloresald, Company* for If thle all, ohurob-golag la Is so officer, hinges whloh ware raised with a great Third:—That the plaintiff Janl-atf last analysis Is a seltUsb thing. Of oonrs) namely, a Director, and a stockholder in said Matter when the congregation arose tor and is instructed to bring this bill tJ to ohuroh for one's own corporation, It Is well go a vote of the stock- prayers. The churches were uol heated In equity as aioresald, by spiritual welfare, hut tbat Is net all the holder*. AUCTION SALE and tin women oarried wlih them to the Fourth:—That there are existing A LIGHT ohuroh should da inabilities BRIGHT said aud re- 0* little Iron boxes In which against corporation asset! thereof SELL distributed la an eaaeu- serrlees WE DON’T properly He epoke of the Sunday aebool work, quiring distribution: tial If would be comfortable iu your hamc. eoala were heaped to kesp them warm Wherefore Pla ntiff you but It did not go far enough for the prays:— New Year’s Presents, tbe eierolaee. These were the First:—That such notion be given in the and assortment of the during seem Our large clcgunt teacher a see her scholars only about an premises as to this Honorable Court may all matte* of for days of long sermoua and still longer meet. But wo ohall have sold at auction best pattern* ntid Lump* hour aaoh and he asked: “How Desirable Household work, Second:—That said be dl*solved Hall, and bitting room, will assist pray on, sometimes the latter being oyer corporation left with us more than six months, Library many who were lu our Sunday sohoola aud terminated and tnat such receiver or goods you Iu securing perfect comfort, an (tour in duratlo a. trustee be as may seem meet to this unless called for before Jan. 1st, 1000. llfteen or twenty years ago are now ao- appointed “It la not neoesaary to oontrust the Honorable Court. check has been lost como without Parlor Tablo Lamps lit China. tlve ohuroh membersf" Portland, December 2ith, 189J. If GOODS, with the oontinued Ur. HENRY C. PEABODY, to Dresden present pact," church members it ON globes match, pat ->t, ti‘»A To reach the masses, Bollclior for Complainant. In all colors, from t) 10 Feon. “There haa been an Immense terns, £>-«•-. should adapt themselves to tbe partlou rnoTrnio F«rnt cay i>><- obangs physically la the olty. There are OF MAINE. lar Individual. Home of our people are STATE o Thursday, Jau. 4th, Reception Lamps In Old Brass, better sidewalks and highways andfbet rUSItn w*oX^rp'‘“ Rhodia Celadon aud totally Indifferent and regard Sunday as Cumberland, ss. Balearic, tar modes ot transportation. Oar system Judicial Court. 13 Preble St„ opp. Preble House. 10 o oijOCK of reat. will not maks Supreme Romaic finish, gold trim- AA a mere day Others John J. ) of eleatrlo roads Is without a peer in Frye ty-Klii dloves Cleansed Every Day. we shall sell a choice lot of furniture belonging from 5'O.UU 10 thsre are thus vs. > Iu mings, $£0 tha personal saorllloe and Equity to the estate of Jr bn Hoffman, oi the world for and ooiufor;. The Motor Co. consisting rapidity Altham Intarnational ) Chamber and Dining furniture, White who say they have only working olotbee issue to re- parlor. Banquet Lamps in Onyx, Gold olty la better lighted and the comfort ORDER ED,—That subpoena Iron bed*. Chiffoniers. Couches, Rugs, Art the-Uospel to them In their corporation. Altham luternatiou il and Silver also the at “Carry spondent Squares and other miscellaneous goods. finish, of the people la mors than II was .Motor Company, to appear before our Supreme Iron AA homes," was tbe remedy suggested by fashionable Wrought y,) yar the beginning of the 19th oentury, but Judicial Court at Pori land, In said Couuty of kind, from JpfS.UU 10 JfwO Hev. Ur. kreeman, and be was perfectly Cumberland, on the first 1 ueaday of February. It Is today by no means a perfeot or A. D. 1900, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, by willing to exouse bis members from at- Wrought Iron Lamps, with IRuby Finish Body Ideal olty. Commercially and In popu- serving said respondent corporation with said GOSS & WILSON, tendance on prayer meeting If vliu time subpoena, an attested copy ol the within bill, Globes and Shades to match, also in Yellow. The lation tbe haa inode wonderful at LOANED. olty and tli* order ol court thereon, thirty days, MONEY lil middle Street. wav oooupled In hunting up and aavtng correct thing at right prices. strides. Our Cuban trade la at an end, least, prior to the first Tuesday of February, Janldtt soma one la their homes Work for Cod A. D. 1900, that said corporation may then and bnt others hart cams to take their plaoe there snow cause. If any it has, why a decree Heirs unrl oilier* desiring lo Jewelled Lamps for cozy corners and not oy prayer humanity, meeting noi as for ; and that notice in anil Think of the railroads whloh .hate been should lxtfue, prayed borrow money oil HEAL many pretty styles shapes alone but by personal work. be given by publishing an abstract of said bill now come testimony EYE* I -'TOR’S NOTICE. ^ the big steamera whloh and a of tbe order of court, lu the Port- household ^ opened, The eoolal side of the ohuroh woe con- copy ESTATE, NOTES, sail for for- land Press, a newspaper published in The subscribers hereby give notloe that they here all the year around and Dally ele. Business Executors ol the last a Cull Hue of Princess and and It was urged.tbat beaus were Portland, once a week for three successive furniture, pianos, have been duly appointed Also Night Lamps. sidered, ot eign porta. T'ho population haa Increased weeks, the last to be at least two Will and Testament ebeaper than boys, and boys were worth publication strictly couHdeuiiul. to nearly 60.000. weeks before said first Tuesday of February. SAMUEL H. COLESWORTHY, late of Por*. barrels aod o sui r cow that all Interested then and many cf tears, p 1900, persons may In the of Cumberland. decsMed. than hate bean groat show if have, said laud. county “Politically aod then might be tbe mesas of arousing there cause, any they why demands agalntt th. estate decree should m>t issue, as for. All persona having too. Instead of a tax rate of IS In the oburah. prayed aro desired to the ohangee, lotersst A. 1». 1899. of said deceased prescut “The Portland, Dectunber twenty ninth, and all Indebted thereto oa a thousand at a low the In conclusion, Ihv prenohrr said, THOs. H. SHAWMUT LOIN same for settlement, valuation, 1!AgKELL, CO., make demand of the day la a larger peraoual of Judicial are requested to payment Immediately. tax rata Is now 190 a thousand on a high Justice the Supreme Court. ■loSEPUO. CoLBsWORTHY activity of Christian worker* a truer city of the Dill and of Order of Me. Abstract copy 68 Market 81., Por.laud, HORATIO K. COLES Won THY. ralestlon. Wo bays not only paid for life whleb will latluenoe and determine Court. dtt deed Portland, Dec. 1». ltYJ. deoiMlawawM* the Introduction of railroads which ban for the better a national life." Attesti B. C* STOKE, Clerk.