The man inside the Waterhoy It's been thirteen years since Whoever booked 's March previously unreleased material from the unconditionally, then how can I love and Scottish-Irish folk rockers The 13 solo gig certainly knew how to pick a early 1980s) reflected an intense period accept other people?" he asks. "Loving stage when they chose the St. James of personal growth. Scott admits that the oneself is a very difficult thing for us Waterboys released their first Community Centre. New York-recorded , which he humans. It's something that I think we all album. Since then, lead singer The former St. James United Church produced with an untried set of musicians have to learn to do." Mike Scott has fiddled with a may make for an unlikely rock concert who knew not his former band, was a Scott says the next album, which he variety of musical styles around venue, but in Scott's case, the choice was personal project masking itself behind "the starts recording six weeks from now in Waterboys identity." the globe. singularly appropriate—the candle on the London, "will probably swing another altar was a particularly nice, subtle touch- "I made the album [Dream Harder] way" from the confessional approach he Peter T. Chattaway caught since Scott's writing, which has always had under that premise," Scott told The Ubyssey, took this time out. up with Scott before his show in a spiritual bent, took a positively devotional "but once I made the album I didn't feel "This [Bring 'Em All In] was a par­ Vancouver to discuss his views on turn on his solo debut Bring 'Em All In. they were the right musicians to tour with. ticular album for a particular period of Even the penultimate Waterboys album I tried to find more musicians, I did a time. I really love this album, and I love music, spirituality and what it's Dream Harder (the subsequent Secret Life of whole lot of auditions in New York, and that the songs are so autobiographical like to go solo. was a package of B-sides and at the end of that it's like a lightbulb went and some are diarylike and they are very off above my head and said, 'This is not specific—place names, events and so on— happening. This is not but I don't think I meant to happen. Take could keep doing another course.'" that. I think that's this That course hap­ t—^Loving oneself is a album, and the next pened to include a very difficult thing for us album will be quite year-and-a-half stay in different." Scotland's Findhorn humans. It's something How different? community, as Scott that I think we all have Scott teasingly relates in his song to learn to do. suggests that he might 'Long Way to the call it a "punk-folk Light.' "It's a hard place to sum up," Scott solo record"-it will certainly be more says. "It's a spiritual community. It's an rock'n'roll oriented-and the slightly ecological community as well. Do you sinister preview he offered in concert of know the concept of the 'still small voice 'My Darker Side' stands in stark contrast within'? Eileen Caddy directed alot ofthe to the upbeat New Age vibes that typify early building ofthe community based on Bring 'Em All In. that voice, and it's very close to Christian Through all the changes in music, lyric mysticism, for what it's worth. and theme, does Scott see some sort of "I guess I would say it's based on what's consistent, unifying thread that binds his called the perennial philosophy, which is works together? the philosophy held to be behind the "I don't know, it's for you guys to figure majority of world religions, that life has a that out!" he laughs. "I know that the way purpose and there is a divinity and a that I write changes all the time. It has its power of love in all creation." own evolution, and that's the way it should These may sound like serious themes, be. but Scott handles them with a cheeky "I suppose the song is always the most sense of humour, following the prayerful important thing, and the musical styles are 'What Do You Want Me to Do, Lord?' the suit of clothes that the song wears," a with the raunchy T Know She's in the point Scott proved last Wednesday when Building' and the triumphant, energetic he closed his encore set with a soft acoustic 'Return of Pan' with the rustic, jaunty version of '.' A normally insouciance of 'Corn Circles.' aggressive bit of wailing guitar licks and "It's kind of mischievous, yeah," Scott fiercely pounded drums, Scott now sang says of the latter duo, "and Pan is this anthem gently into his mic. mischievous. I thought that was a really I couldn't help but smile when he got rood pairing. It rubbed a lot of to the lines: people the wrong way, but I I slipped into the cathedral thought that was very funny! It was quiet and cool I don't take myself too With the humid air moistening our collars seriously." and a speaker system that could be heard One might get the a block away, the former church that opposite impression hosted Scott's show was anything but quiet from Bring 'Em All In, the and cool that evening. first album to be released The hack technical effects also worked under Scott's own name against the joy and simplicity of Scott's (he even plays all the music: 'Building the City of Light' will instruments himself), and presumably take more than alternating the theme of self-love that blue and green filters, and a tacky black- occupies such tracks as and-white slide of a lunar landscape 'Wonderful Disguise' and 'I'm undercut the wondrously metaphorical Learning to Love Him.' lyric to '.' Scott, however, insists that But buried in the heart of all that was a MIKE SCOTT comes out of hiding and sheds his Waterboys chorus line to perform songs that these songs are not narcissistic. still Scottish voice that matched the still are honest, introspective, and tirelessly upbeat. KYM WYATTPHOTO "If I can't love and accept myself small muse Scott has followed all his life. EQUITY INEQUITIES • DAVID SUZUKI • RYAN DAVIES INTERVIEW feature An interview with AMS Director of Finance Ryan Davies

BOOK SALE. Battling with your political conscience English Dept. Buch.Tower. Mon. & Tues. March 18, 19 10:00-3:30. Bargains!! by Janet Winters saying, "Let's not do this again."

Macintosh Color Classic for sale. You 've said you 're committed to But what kind of precedent does 4/160 with kybd, mouse, carrying case. ensuring we live within our financial the Coke deal set for future contracts 822-1654. means. What do you mean by this? with the AMS? For Rent I meant in terms of budgets. I [With] the amount of concern want to make sure no one in the that was raised, I think they Accomodation Available in the AMS is not following their budget. would probably be wary of UBC Single Student Residences Rooms are available in the UBC single student If they have some special doing a corporate deal... I residences for qualified women and men circumstance where they need hope the university recognizes applicants. Single and shared rooms in both more money, then we should be the PR difficulties they'd have room only and room and board residence areas are available. Vacancies can be rented looking at that in the budget if they cut more of these for immediate occupancy in the Walter H. committee and amending the deals... The AMS should Gage, Fairview Crescent,Totem Park, Place budget to reflect it, not just develop a very clear policy Vanier, and Ritsumeikan-UBC House Residences. allowing them to overspend. that we don't allow further Applicants who take occupanncy of a How can we live within our corporatization on campus residence room are entitled to reapplkation financial means without sacrificing the You 've publicly addressed (returning student) privileges which will provide them with an "assured" housing quality and quantity of AMS the increased competition assignment for the 1996/97 Winter Session. programmes? AMS businesses are facing. Please contact the UBC Housing Office for If the budget is done early on How can you provide better information on rates and availability. The Housing Office is open from 8:30am - 4:00pm and well thought out, then we can services and prices to students weekdays, or call 822-281 I during office make the best uses of our resources without lowering wages or hours. because we get a clear picture from decreasing revenues? *Availability may be limited for some room types. the very start where we're going. I don't know if we'd What are the major differences be able to outright Employment between you and the previous AMS lower prices or Opportunities Director of Finance [Tara Ivanochko]? not...but certainly DENTIST In terms of the actual finance services can be An opportunity is available for a graduating portfolio, I actually think Tara did increased just by dentist to co-manage a dental facility.We offer you a unique opportunity to grow with a a good job and I'm impressed with general staff training company on the leading edge of new some of the things she started and and taking a look at technology, products and services. If you are intend to continue on with them. interested in becoming part of our team, why any given please submit your resume to: There was an operational audit business may not Rapid Dental Services Inc of our business office procedures be running at peak POBoxSI05l RYAA,DAVJK^; Edmonton.Alberta T5W I GO and Tara started implementing efficiency and ayS those changes. I plan to follow up making adjustments. "'««n^S DOES YOUR SUMMER JOB SUCK?? on the recommendations she's left Why should students patronize AMS SCOTT Do you want a challenge? Are you for me, because they're well- ^«°W independent? Do you like to travel? Do you food services when they can go I seemed to enjoy the want some meat on your resume?? Do you thought out ideas. elsewhere-the Village, for example? occasional hot dog from them. I need them. need to make $7,000+ this summer? We are Tara voted against the Coke Deal. By supporting AMS food think it was unfortunate they had How is your working relationship a 140 year old publishing company looking for 4 more UBC students. Call 325-8864 for How would you have voted? services, they are bringing money to leave. with the new AMS executive? more info. I've actually gone back and back in to student jobs... If our What important changes and Very good... I think there was forth in my own mind on that business declines, then we have to improvements are you going to make concern from insiders that we A creative solution to child hunger. Canadian Feed the Children needs fundraisers. P/T eve. issue. It still bothers me, the bigger in the upcoming year? wouldn't get along and I think we $7-$22 an hr. Call John 488-1428. issue of campus corporatization. I think at this time I very much want to see the surprised some of them by showing On the Coke deal specifically, I operations of the business office that yes, we actually do get along YOUR PHONE WON'T STOP RINGING the AMS should make when homeowners know what you offer! think I actually would have voted a clear policy improved in terms of speed and and not only that, [but] we're really High commission. Medical(Dental) plans yes. on campus efficiency. That does affect a lot of looking forward to working available. $ I 00,000 annual. If I had been just a general students. There's something like together... We are different people Pager 645-9091/Leave message 439-0925 corporatization. council member and not a Let's not do it again 14,000 students involved in from different backgrounds, but I clubs...they're always concerned think we've made an agreement to Language Instruction member of the executive I would have voted yes just on the basis that -Ryan Davies about the length of time it takes to work together and to resolve any TRAVEL-TEACH ENGLISH! CGTI offers in get a cheque or the difficulties in differences together and to come Vancouver a I wk. (June 19-23) eve/weekend the plan was in place. It was clear intensive course to certify you in TESOL the university was going to go cut jobs. Also, our businesses getting at their funds when they out with the best solutions we can. (Teacher of English). 1,000's of overseas jobs forward on this, and if we had not provide all the other services NOW! Free info pack (403) 438-5704. signed, we would have just lost out students want and they don't always because the money we were being directly see how supporting a Cops Word Processing offered was there. I think council business operation impacts on the Word processing/typing. 30 years experience. as a whole felt the student body ability of something like Joblink to '?_£<* APA specialist, laser printer, student rates. and Tel: 228-8346. supported the deal; I don't know remain open, but it does. That's a whether they were right in that large part of whereJoblin k gets their Save Time and Money! assumption or not. operation money-by supporting it Word processing, typing, resumes, etc. moms Fast turnaround, reasonable $ I think at this time the AMS they are helping the AMS to Call ICR 682-8905. should make a clear policy on provide students with services. agree. What do you think about Mr. Tube Essays $3/Pg. • Laser Printer campus corporatization, and I • Same Day Service- think we should lean towards Steak having to leave? join the ubyssey Tel: 925-2526 or Fax: 925-2591

WORD PROCESSING Laser printed. Essays, term papers, resumes.. Are you scared to go to the library Thursday, March 21 Central Kits location. Overnight service 'tween classes available. 739-3729. March 1 5 - March 22 at night because it's so dark? Forestry Awareness Monday, March 1 8 AIMS Gallery Come out for a safety audit of the Students for Forestry Awareness TYPING English Students' campus. Your input can help make Microsoft Word 6.0 or WordPerfect 6.1 "All in Place" presents prints and presents Carmen Purdy. "The A Woman's Comedy, a play by Beth some needed changes. SUB 205, Document & Image Scanning, Fax/Modem print-installations by four UBC effects of forest management on the Tel: 921-8839. Herst directed by Claire Fogal and 7:00pm-10:00pm. fine arts students Alice Koan, biodiversity and ecology in the produced by the ESS. Also 19th, Wednesday, March 20 Carpooling Tanya Salas, Jacqueline Weston, interior dry belt." 21 st-23rd). Vancouver Little Theatre, Gypsy Co. Victor Wong. Monday - Friday Students and Income Tax Mondays A car pooling assoc. 1141 Davie St We match 3102 Main Street. 8:00pm. 10:00am-4:00pm. Find out about your deductions. GLBUBC drivers & passengers for rides across B.C. Vancouver Public Library more secure than hitchhiking, cheaper than Saturday, March 1 6 Mar 20-Buch D224, Mar 21, 22- Lunch social. SUB 125N, 12:30pm. bus & environmentally wise. As driver you Women's Centre Presents Jan Conn as part of the Angus210, 1:00pm-2:00pm. Discussion group. Grad centre make more $ as passenger you save time & "City Poets" series. Peter Kaye room $$. 683-2409. Offers Wenlido, women's self VLC penthouse library, 5:30-8:00pm. defense course. $35 students. at VPL, 7:30pm. Vancouver Lesbian Connection Wednesdays Gardening Tuesday, March 1 9 public meeting. Britannia Centre, Dhanda Lawn Service Please pre-register. Contact GLBUBC Gardening & Lawn Cutting Victory 822-2163. Student Safety audit Room L3, 7:30pm-9:30pm. General meeting. SUB 211,12:30pm. Free Estimate 322-9736.

The Ubyssey Friday, March 15,1996 feature Students dying to be empowered: David Suzuki

by Andy Barham outside twice and come back ut Suzuki cautions in," Suzuki says, recalling the B against cynicism and he university has incident. "These are supposed depression, especially among become a terrible to be the most cynical kids— the young. T place," he says. I am you know, all they care about He cites wunderkind Craig talking to David Suzuki on Kielburger, the thirteen-year the telephone and our old child labour activist from conversation has turned to "Kids are just Toronto. the state of the university in "He went to India when the twilight of the 20th starved for some Chretien was there," he says, century. "and embarrassed the hell out "It's so totally preoccupied sense that there of Chretien by showing that a KIDS GET empowered (from Suzuki's Looking at the Environment) by the bottom line, which are other values lot of the cheap products seems to be cranking kids out we're getting from Southeast to get a job," Suzuki and other things Asia come from child labour- continues. that can be done." basically, they're like slaves. A question of priorities "I don't understand why This is a thirteen year old by Douglas Quan charged. university students aren't up kid!" Renowned environmentalist The urgency grows with in arms and breaching the —David Suzuki Suzuki marvelled over and UBC professor David the global populationwhich ramparts because our Kielburger's recent success in Suzuki says it's time to is expected to climb by one governments for decades raising $153,000 in just ten seriously re-examine the billion over the next eleven have done dick-all for is getting grades and getting a minutes from the Canadian environmental impact of years. students in preparing a job. But there was something Autoworkers to help stop science and technology. The depletion of the society that is rich in else there." child labour. opportunities and employment." The audience did seem "The nature of the world's resources cannot be "He's an incredible kid. technology is that it drives Suzuki blames a moribund extraordinarily receptive to blamed on overpopulation And when you look at the you in one direction," Suzuki political system. Suzuki's message. After two alone, he argued, stressing told a capacity audience at "Politicians, of necessity, the necessity for the the SUB auditorium last have to look out for the developed world to Friday. "It changes you "fundamentally reduce [its} forever." consumption." Constantly forced to deal Only once we realize with this change, the human where our priorities lie can "superspecies" has increasingly we begin to meaningfully act, Suzuki believes, and he argued-neglecting other the most effective way to species in the process. bring about change Science's tendency to remains to "think globally" isolate nature into parts has and "act locally." "shattered" the notion of Mark Brooks, president interconnectedness, he ofthe Student Environment added, causing us to forget Centre, which sponsored that a "forest is more than the event, agrees. He says [just] trees," for example. that while the heavy Growing urbanization has turnout last Friday was an further caused us to lose "encouraging sign" of sight of "the real world." increased awareness and "Children are being concern, change doesn't taught that nature is dirty happen without action. and dangerous," said Suzuki "It's great to go to a UBC And while events like the SUZUKI speaks to meeting and get educated, DAVID 1992 Rio Earth Summit may but we have to come away have marginally raised with something and carry awareness, Suzuki says the it through into meaningful response he gets from world has yet to respond to action," said Brooks. teenagers, you think, ~Oh my years at UBC, I've seen more the "urgent call to action." "Everyone has a god! Kids are dying to be people who vote for them. overt social concern from my "The lack of response from responsibility to do empowered and to do Children and youth don't profs than I have from my federal politicians is something." vote. Future generations fellow students. So why this something about their absolutely scandalous," he don't vote. So why should they sudden shift? ideals.'" enter into a political agenda "I think it's that they're that is concerned about an hungry," Suzuki speculates. CECIL AND IDA GREEN election coming up in two "They're just starved for some VISITING PROFESSOR years?" sense that there are overvalues and other things that can be uzuki's talk a day earlier done." S at the SUB Auditorium was packed to the gunwales ike other social and STEWART CLEGG FOUNDATION PROFESOR IN MANAGEMENT with students determined to environmental activists, L UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN SYDNEY, MADCARTHUR see one of Canada's most Suzuki once looked forward to well-known the 90s as a "turn-around" Vancouver Institute Lecture environmentalists and host of decade, a societal reversal of The Rhythm of the Saints: Cultural Resistance, Popular Music CBC's 'The Nature of the feeding frenzy and wasteful and Collectivist Organization in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil Things.' gluttony of the 1980s. 8:15 PM Saturday, March 16 in Woodward Instructional Resource Centre, Hall 2 The lecture was disturbed But then came war in the twice by false fire alarms. Gulf of Oman. This sort of thing has happened You had to have seen the Power in Organizations to Suzuki here before, and the fires over the Gulf, caused 12:30 PM Monday, March 18 in Angus 226 interruptions prompted him to with oil deliberately pumped leave the stage in disgust. But onto the sands of Kuwait, to Concepts of Power and Dissolution of Boundaries the audience stamped and understand the immensity of 12:30 PM Tuesday, March 19 in Angus 308 cheered until he finally agreed this environmental destruction. to come back on. Since then, the 'turn­ "I was astonished that around decade' has just kind audience was willing to go of gone downhill.

Friday, March 15,1996 The Ubyssey culture Lucy falls short of Antonia's Line Antonia's Line times of joy and suffering with­ at the Varsity theatre out losing its focus, driven largely by Maura Maclnnis by honest portrayals of strong women living meaningful lives in Unfortunately, this is not al­ Vancouver audiences less than enlightened times. ways the case. The dialogue is now have a second chance often self-conscious, stilted and to savour the fine perfor­ If Lucy Fell lumbering, and the actors them­ mances of this excellent at the Granville 7 theatre selves don't seem to be quite (and Oscar-nominated) comfortable with what they are Dutch film, previously by Robin Colwell saying. The conversations and screened in Vancouver at Eric Shaeffer's If Lucy Fell is the arguments between the leads are last year's film festival. story of two Generation Xers who so forced and unnatural that they Antonia's Line begins on vow to kill themselves if they tangle up and bring down what the last day of a matriarch's haven't found enduring love by is otherwise a quick and funny life, with the foreshadow­ the age of 30. Schaeffer and Sa­ plot. It is weak screenwriting, ing of many people gather­ rah Jessica Parker play best however, and not poor acting, ing around her deathbed. It that scuttles these attempts at Two people that the press kit forgot to identify toast the success friends; although they have lived is an intriguing launch into drama. The actors actually seem of feminist Dutch Oscar nominee ANTONIA'S LINE. together for years, they don't re­ a well crafted story from alize that they actually love each to be trying very hard to make writer-director Marleen Gorris. otherworldly visions are sparsely As her extended family multi­ other. That is, until they practi­ their roles work. Elle Mac- The narrative chronicles one and effectively used throughout plies through the generations, cally have one foot off the Brook­ pherson, who plays a Ms. Wrong woman's lifetime of achieve­ the film, and serve to harmonize Antonia pushes the chauvinistic lyn Bridge. This whimsical idea, for the male lead, gives a sincere ment, starting with her inherit­ the strangeness of the characters society around her towards a which is supposed to be the and convincing performance as ance of a family farm in the Dutch with their mundane village set­ greater degree of tolerance. The premise and the backbone of the the untouchable beauty whose countryside. In the aftermath of ting. Antonia's influence enlivens men of the village, to paraphrase movie, could probably have been looks prevent her from having the second World War, a wid­ a countryside battered into sub­ Antonia's assessment, "can't see left out altogether-it adds so normal human relations. Perhaps owed Antonia (Willeke van mission by years of war and re­ farther than the back end of a little. Between the setup and the this is not much of a stretch for Ammelrooy) returns home with ligious stricture. cow," but the few decent souls resolution of the suicide pact, her. her daughter Danielle (Els Having been away so long, among this tyrannical lot are however, there is a simple and Reality Bites' Ben Stiller is Dottermans) to bury her mother. Antonia is considered by the vil­ taken in by Antonia's family as funny love story which could frighteningly good in the role of They arrive to find the old lagers to be something of an ec­ lovers and friends. Antonia's line easily stand on its own. a deranged, inarticulate artist mil­ woman in the final, raving throes centric. The village is such a col­ is a legacy of love and accep­ The scenes of dating madness lionaire who paints with his feet. of death. After the funeral, the lection of oddballs, however, that tance that builds an oasis of free­ are funny and fresh. For instance, Parker does what she can with a two women settle in at the farm Antonia stands out by virtue of dom within the ritualistic con­ Parker's character dates an ec­ poor script, and Schaeffer, who and begin to assert a place for her normalcy. In van Ammel- fines of rural village life. centric artist who burns his work wrote it, tries hard to carry his themselves within the staid and rooy's luminous portrayal, An­ As with any generational saga, at the slightest hint of criticism. movie with an energetic perfor­ traditional village. tonia is a compassionate woman the plot meanders and there are The movie is also balanced by mance as the butt of many jokes. Danielle is a talented artist who never wavers from her de­ rapid transitions from light mo­ scenes of delicate and touching Overall, the movie doesn't quite with a gifted imagination. termination to live her life ac­ ments of love and triumph to romance. In fact, If Lucy Fell is at make it, but its bizarre humour Through Danielle's eyes, the cording to her own will, making darker themes such as sexual as­ its best when it's unabashedly and sometimes very funny comic icons and statues of the village her farm a haven for the village sault and suicide. The narrative silly and unapologetically roman­ situations might make it worth the occasionally spring to life. These outsiders. manages to reveal several life­ tic. price of admission. AMS Update -, Tuition Fee Policy Announcement !!! WANTED: POLICY ANALYST The Position: Glen Clark Reporting to the President, the Policy Analyst is an informational Monday, March 18th, 1996 resource for primarily the student Executive, but also Student Council. student societies, representatives, and students. The Policy Analyst 12:30 pm keeps track of relevant issues and news items, takes on research pro­ jects, researches and writes policy, assists the student Executive and Langara College cultivates external communications, and answers questions from both inside and outside the University. Working hours and job task-- are demanding yet flexible. Premier Glen Clark will be making a major Qualifications: announcement regarding tuition fees. Find out Candidates considered for the position of Policy Analyst will have at least two years of post-secondary education. They will have excellent how you will be affected by attending the information-gathering and writing skills, and have the abilitv lo com­ speech. Buses will be leaving the South Side of municate well on all levels. They will have extensive experience with Student Government, detailed knowledge of the B.C. Post-Secondary SUB by 12:00 pm. Education system, a strong understanding of B.C. and Canadian politics and proven ability in strategic planning. Computer literacy and familiar­ ity with the Internet and other information technologies are definite For more information, please contact: assets. The ability to sort and organize information is essential. Allison Dunnet, Coordinator of External Affairs at Applicants should be adaptable and quick to learn 822-2050. Please send a resume in confidence, by March 27, 1996, to:

David Borins, AMS President TUTORING SERVICES FOR YOU !!! Alma Mater Society of UBC AMS Tutoring Services is offering free drop-in tutoring in 1st year Room 238 - 6138 SUB Blvd. subjects: Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z1 • Math • Physics The Alma Mater Society is an equal opportunity employer. • Chemistry • English (composition)

Where" - SIB Plaza North (across from Travel Cuts. The Yardstick' (formerly known as the The Yardstick Anti-Calendar) is coming out ! Lower SUB Concourse) It will include academic tips and professor ratings for Commerce. Arts When? - Mondays 6-9 pm anti Wednesdays 3-6 pm and Science. And it's FREE, FREE. FREE ' "The Yardstick will be dis­ - March 18th to April 1". 1996 tributed in the SUB Concourse from March 25th to 29th. between

The Ubyssey Friday, March 15, 1996 culture Bach, Brahms and Bottom Musicolumn Cowboy Junkies — Lay it Down [Geffen] display a great flair for drama uKhifiiij for SOiTiS eXCitement iii yOUf life? If not, and you'd rather wallow in dull­ WM$i ness and depression, look no further than this, the Cowboy Junkies' sixth album. Its black and white album cover is appropri­ ate for this colourless compilation. The album starts off on a promising note, but after a while the songs tend to sound alike. 'Something More Besides You' is a striking opener with Its intense guitar riffs and melancholy lyrics. The funkier groove of Uust Want To See' also suits the sublime vocals of lead singer Margo Timmins. It sounds as if she's crying or trying not to break down while describing the painful void from a broken relation­ ship in 'Now I Know.' The recent devastation of such a break-up Is written all over the songs. If this is the case, guitarist/songwriter Michael Timmins should have allowed himself more time to heal and repair his creativity, which currently seems to be lost in utter despair. Time does seem to go by very slowly while listening to this tediously boring CD. - Janet Winters

Jr. Cone Wild — Simple Little Wish [Stoney Plain] Less country, more pop. That was my first thought when I heard the latest release from Mike McDonald's troupe of Albertan mu­ sicians. Simple Little Wish has the band sounding very much like a countryish Blue Rodeo, but without their dense harmonies. Not being from Edmonton, I first heard of Jr. Gone Wild in their brilliant Less Art, More Pop released in the late '80s. Ifs amazing to hear how much they've changed, moving toward a twangy country sound. I'll be forthright; I prefer the older, peppier Jr. Gone Wild, and this new one is too far removed from that. Unchanged are McDonald's funny and evocative lyrics, radically altered is the sound, with the muddy presence of too many musi­ cians. A few tracks transcend this, namely The Guy Who Came in from the Cold,' 'Swine Flew' and the standout track I'm So Glad.' Far from being an old Cream cover, ifs a tuneful song with great point-counterpoint vocals by McDonald and Bernlce Pelletter, with some sinuous harmonica flowing over the whole thing. If you like post-Bob Wiseman Blue Rodeo or that abomination called "new country;' this will fulfill your every Simple Little Wish. - Paul Kowalski

1000 AAona Lisas — New Disease [BMG] Royal Winnipeg Ballet ing ocean waves, and the dancers, dressed in Los Angeles underground band 1000 Mona Lisas mixes an closed Mar 2 at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre flowing black, seem to run with the notes of the undeniably late 1960s Influence with the best of today's grunge bands. New Disease is a unique collection of music meant to be by Rachana Raizada piano. The best section is probably the fourth, which features one of RWB's most talented danc­ played loud. Like Nirvana, this versatile three-piece band's phe­ There were only three pieces on the Royal ers, Jorden Morris, as a desperate scribe in search nomenal songwriting Is really at the core of their highly hypnotic sound. Winnipeg Ballet's program, but they managed to of his muse. span over a half-decade of dizzyingly different Rewind now to a midsummer night in a forest The strong writing is exemplified by the solid title track. The ballet styles. populated by fairies. Sir Frederick Ashton's 1964 group's knack for creative minor chord progressions are shown The evening began with Concerto Barocco, a ballet The Dream is a beautiful (if somewhat sim­ off in 'Dog,' 'Maybe if s all Forgotten' and 'Vile of Blue' while work by George Balanchine that first premiered plified) retelling of the classic Shakespeare tale, 'Glrlfriendly' and 'How Would You Know* revive the popular har­ in 1941. It is danced to Bach's 'Double Violin Con­ but I think the dancers made the transition from monies of three decades ago. The band's heavier influences are certo in D Minor' by ten women and one man. Miroirs to Mendelssohn with greater ease than obvious in 'Clarke Nova' and What's this Line?* The group could easily be mistaken for the Offspring in 'Tom no9.' The piece's utter simplicity and beauty is under­ the audience. As usual, the corps put in a strong scored by the pristine white exercise dresses showing which compensated somewhat for the Lead vocalist Armando Prado demonstrates an important ability to scream in the fast-paced, body-surfing 'I'd Rather Die which the women wear. As is often the case with unconvincing performances by Zhang Wei-Qiang than have to Touch You,' and brings Jim Morrison's poetic voice Balanchine ballets, the man's only purpose on and Suzanne Rubio in the roles of Oberon and back to life in 'Change & Decipher.' A delightful bonus track is stage is to help his partner through a difficult step Titania. The RWB has seen more than its fair share of included: a cover of the Wings' 'Jet' New Disease makes for either or two. great party music or a musical trip for two people who just want This dance really shows off the best side of turmoil lately and is still in search of a perma­ nent artistic director, which could explain the to mellow out together and enjoy the experience. Bring out the the RWB. Balanchine himself has said "the only doobies! - Janet Winters preparation possible for this ballet is a knowl­ somewhat unusual programming. In spite of this edge of its music." Its effect depends wholly on and the loss of a few principal dancers the the classical technical skills of the dancers since company's versatility is very much in evidence. If it is nothing more than an array of steps woven Concerto Barocco put the company's technique into pretty patterns which must be danced with under a spotlight, and Miroirs showed that even "Gd-rsi complete precision and strength. ballet dancers can hang loose if they want to. £ gji-IJJ" Fast forward next to a 1995 piece created by The Dream displayed that, above all, the 333d.Alrncl St* Mark Godden especially for the RWB. Miroirs is a company's dancers have a great flair for drama. 32-M392' modern work in five sections, Under New Friendly Management named for the piano music by Resume COPIES with an expanded new menu! Ravel to which it is danced. Open Every Night til Midnight!! Some sections are very dra­ • Classic Laid matic. In the third section the • Classic Linen XACHOS BREAKFAST music and lighting echo crash- • Sandpiper Laser • Passport Laser S0UVLAKIW/P1TA BBtt WINGS 10 Great selection of colours BURGERS VEGETARIAN DISHES Ancient Romans Sale ends march 29/96 0u> We are big on Value, Quality & Service own snmnxL SATAY/THAI STICKS brushed their Discover the Friendly Competition! unique special LASAGNE BAGELS teeth with urine. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK sandwiches! Mon to Fri 8am - 9pm • Sat to Sun 10am - 6pm SEATTLE'S BEST COFFEE

Friday, March 15,1996 The Ubyssey lllMrJP mm ™L £lE%k "^^r w*m .^pi^ jgpjg m HI n| |n 4P 'WkW •Jp .^L-#^ ^t«^ JPm. UP ^C? I I

Wi&£» UBC's equity office opened in Political Science graduate student Kim Williams change anything and may action to resolve her case. She calls her experience Cox says that if she directly 1994, it was heralded as a sign of the first sought the equity office's help over a end up...becoming another with the office "a waste of time." experienced something she r ti/itf f Vis t a Wj1 <* i/HJ ??£• tvis t- tsfffri^ ei'f v\/ discrimination complaint n:ude by a white male "Ti":osc peo *ic are ^ust looking out for their own i- tit- '$.' r ~U V '#- fvM - g anci is » sseiiig usea as negative experience." h^j^YgH was harassment iifid the campus climate. Two years later, some student against a woman of colour. ne 0Tfi€e can B H Kahn says the equity office interests," she says. "Every single person within wanted to pursue a complaint, She says she was skeptical going into the office, si ftnmn fttf i*4&ft'Ifiiif'i.fiafi ffl«ysilnrf winsnAn has to work from the inside [the administration] works together to protect one she'd "get [herself] a lawyer." students are arguing that the office should %TT5 vt ^ui* iii CS SS iS 4»?B m ^m" ^im\ iij B*ii? TLrnii tu H ^tf* 'i fj *SJL1 S"\X ^UfB BiB ^iiP %i ff ^Ljr MMlll HuP MS3 and Jeft convinced that her instincts were right. to be effective. system and the system is so corrupt." When asked if she wo.dd b& shut down. Sarah O'Donnell "There seems to be a lack of policy," she says. "In Somehow the process is flawed so thaf "What we're trying to do, Hoek admits that the confidentiality clause ever go through the equity investigates why. fact, there is no policy. and what I think the policy accompanying each complaint could be more office procedures Cox said she "If people cm campus...can't go to the equity- the office either can*f or won't stop is trying lo do, is change the flexible, but says it is important to have it in place wouldn't go with any nder BC Human Rights legislation, UBC office, where can they go?" those complaints they know to he of a organizational structure," to protect both the complainant and the expectation that they were is required to do everything in its power to UBC's Associate Vice President Equity, Sharon ,a Kahn says. "Administrators respondent—even if in some cases the complainant actually going to work. H prevent discrimination against students, Kahn, is one of the first to admit that the office harassing nature. are heavily responsible and feels the respondent does not deserve to remain "I would go into them faculty and staff alike. isn't perfect, but she says all problems can be -Robyn Cox we do try to involve them anonymous. because I would know that was But students like Robyn Cox, a UBC graduate solved with time. "There's a lot of confusion about because I think that's the "I understand the problem, I just don't know what I had to do in order to student and a member ofthe Alliance of Feminists the [university's discrimination and harassment] UBC Graduate student only way to make lasting the solution," she says. pursue a legal course of action." Across Campuses, say the university is failing to policy, but it's only a year old, and the office is change." Hoek, in contrast, feels that live up to that obligation—and that the equity only two years old." lawyers should be brought in office's attempt to foster a fairer and more equitable it can deal with. It's protect the status Powerless to snake a difference only as a last resort. "Once you environment isn't working. quo." bring in lawyers, it gets At its best, critics charge, the office is ineffective; Conflict of interest? UBC's equity officer Margaretha Hoek confidentiality and silence Harassment, according to the university's adversarial," Hoek said. "All at worst, it is a quasi-judicial process that ends up recognizes that equity officers are a part of the definition, is both "abusive and illegal." Whether you're going to get is punishing the people it's supposed to serve. Many students attribute the equity office's university bureaucracy, but says that doesn't The equity office received 205 discrimination the office has the teeth to do something about it, judgement, but you're not "The office can and is...being used as a form of perceived lack of political will to its affiliation with prevent I hern from speaking their mind or looking and harassment complaints according to its 19!)5 however, is another matter. going to get any change." retribution against women," says Cox. "Somehow the administration. They question the impartiality out for the best interests of students. annual report. Only three of these complaints were In Fariba's case, the respondent refused to show Dwyer says he would the process is flawed so that the office either can't of the office, given that it is the university who "I have challenged the president's office and I ever formally investigated; the rest were informally up for meetings. "If you read the sexual harassment eventually like to see the UlC or won't stop those complaints they know to be of signs their paychecks, not the students. am willing to do what I think is right," Hoek says. resolved. policy, there's nothing that would make the university establish an B have challenged the president's a harassing nature. Kevin Dwyer, president of the Graduate "If I find a lot of things are happening that violate Kahn says few complainants opt for the formal respondent go for the meeting," Farbia says. independent ombudsperson "More often than not, it's working for the Student Society, says there is a reason why only my integrity, then I can't be here. It doesn't matter procedures because they are time consuming and "They said he was not legally obligated to be office to deal with these issues office and I am willing to do what I think perpetrator of harassment." students, and not university officials, are who pays me." difficult. "At the end of a formal procedure, often there." instead of the equity office. is right. If I find a lot of things are concerned with the equity Cox, however, argues women who have already no one is satisfied," she says. Hoek admits that it is not always easy to get Until then, Dwyer says he office. "The university is experienced harassment or discrimination within Dwyer says the statistics only demonstrate how people to participate in the process. "We have had would also tell students to happening that violate my integrity, then happy with what the equity the university bureaucracy are understandably the office tries to brush students' concerns under some difficulty in getting the respondent to be part notify the GSS and then go off office is doing because it has wary of seeking resolution within that same the rug. "This is basically a way of making the ofthe process because the policy does not make campus to get help. E can't be here. It doesn't matter who removed alot of potential system—and with good reason, she says. issue go away." this mandatory." "Get yourself a lawyer n controversies and conflicts. "The perception, for a lot of women on campus, Hoek disagrees. She says that although her office She says die office has always managed to get because the university cannot pays me. "It's part of the institution, is that to go to the equity office means being does try to resolve complaints as quickly and at the respondent somehow, though—although it be depended upon to protect -IVIargaretSia Hoek and as such it's limited in what involved in a bureaucratic process that will not "unofficially" as possible, ii. is because her sometimes means rerouting them to another your rights as an individual," 'icer experience has shown that the informal method disciplinary process. he said. is the best way to affect permanent change. The other problem, addressed in the 199.5 Spring Fun Has Sprung! "For me it's the ones that go formal that are equity report, is the office's inability to deal with failures," she said. problems of a systemic nature. The office handles Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Fariba, a former UBC undergraduate, would only individual complaints. Allegations of systemic probably agree that her experience with the office discrimination, like those in Political Science "We can't solve all the problems in the world," But good intentions are little consolation for was a "failure"-but for decidedly different earlier this year, go unchecked. Kahn said. "What we try to do is improve a students like Fariba. "It's the end ofthe case and reasons. "They do not seem to be looking at issues of mechanism and a service and I am committed to [the professor] is siill teaching in his class," she $1.99 As both a respondent and a complainant in a power imbalance," Cox says. improving that service and mechanism to the said. "He's probably still laughing at me because I case involving a professor, hers was one of the Hoek does not entirely disagree. "I think we've benefit of all; not just students, but faculty and staff couldn't do anything." three cases to "go formal." After several months done a good job dealing with one on one as well. of staying quiet and receiving what she calls complaints, but there really isn't a process to deal unsatisfactory results, Fariba began distributing with systemic problems. It's not the same process." literature on campus informing others of her claim that she had been sexually harassed by her National Unify Campaign RETRO WEDNESDAYS professor. 'Get yourself a lawyer'! MUSIC AND PRICES FROM THE 80S When the university lawyer contacted her Learn Yogic Flying lawyer and said the university would cease the The question, ultimately, comes down to what investigation if she continued, she says she began students can do with an administration that To Create Coherence and National Unity to believe they were trying to silence her. demonstrates "a complete lack of political will on What is Yogic Flying? "I said 'to hell with your investigation. Nothing campus to really address issues of discrimination," Act now for Canada! "«•-?.*.' \ is happening here. You're just using the as Williams describes it. Yogic Flying quickly and "The result of the re­ investigation to keep me easily develops the ability cent referendum and ofthe individual to function © 9 quiet.'" \ the growing tension HttiHORSDA from the Unified Field of **^.* Fariba is now taking legal Natural Law, the central and disharmony in the switchboard of the entire country has made it 11 ., . i ii. nj i i • i . 11.. YOUR COMPLETE COPY SHOP universe. Just as an order coherence and harmony In society through the practice. clear that a new ap­ Ubyssey Editorial Elections from the Prime Minister Enjoy the bubbling bliss of yogic proach to preserving PRICFI FSS 20% OFF commands the total au­ flying and help our nation. At unity of the country is rrxlLCLCDD Full Serve Copies thority and resources ofthe this critical point in our national nations, so any intention needed. Yogic Flying awareness, it is essential that we offers a proven solu­ Friday and Saturday Screenings: March. 16-17 with this ad from the Unified Field of introduce an alternative ap­ • Colour Laser Copies Natural Law, deep within tion to the cultural ten­ • Computer Rentals proach to unity in our dear na­ the mind, commands the sion and disharmony in Big Specials + Colour Print-Outs tion. Yogic Flying reduces stress • Scanning Service infinite organizing power of and increases harmony by re­ Canada." Elections: March 18-24 Natural Law for its • Resume Preparation connecting individual life with Dr. Neil Paterson, Leader Dance Dance Dance • Binding immeditate fulfilment. Natural Law. Natural La w Party of Canada • Laminating VfifPr'^ I 8^f if your name does not appear on this list and you think it should, + Complete Fax Service VUl.cE a> iLidl contact the Coordinating Editor or the Screening committee immediately. • Graphic Design COPIES ^ Page Layout Desiree Adib Irfan Dhalla Rick Hunter Siobhan Roantree Paula Bach Wolf Depner Mike Kitchen Lucy Shih #103 - 5728 University Blvd. With Dr:Grexx;Wjl:S()iv'—()i)etf Federico Kevin Drewes Ben Koh Matt Thompson Barahona Nathalie Dube Megan Kus Wah Kee Ting Located in the Village at UBC Monday March 18 6pm -SUB 205 Thursday March 21 12 pm - Angus 421 2291 W.Broadway at Vine Andy Barham Sarah Galashan Richard Lam Stanley Tromp Tuesday March 19 12 pm - Anguy 421 Monday March 25 12pm -Scarf 1003 Chris Brayshaw Noelle Gallagher John McAlister Janet Winters 222-1060 SS.SJS Wednesday March 20 6 pm -SUB 211 Tuesday March 26 5 pm -SUB 205 Peter Chattaway Jesse Gelber Chris Nuttall- Charlie Cho Amanda Growe Smith WE PICK UP & DELIVER Bunk ydiir year end Joe Clark Douglas Hadfield Sarah O'Donnell Alison Cole Scott Hayward Christine Price M^^^^^^^^^^^m party now! 733-2821

The Ubyssey Friday, March 15,1996 Friday, March 15, 1996 The Ubyssey culture announces his engagement to the too sympathetic to be the satisfy­ Enough feathers to stuff your pillow daughter of an arch-Republican ing butt of anyone's jokes. As his senator (Gene Hackman). wife, Dianne Wiest reverts to the The Birdcage its opening and closing reels when a comic tease, all flirting and no The fact that an indelibly seri­ embarrassingly prissy mannerisms at the Capitol 6 and Dunbar Lane gets to flaunt his talents. Be­ consummation) and the son's intro tween these points. Lane (and the ous actor like Hackman was cast that defined her career before Bul­ by Peter T. Chattaway duction to the film begins on an in this farce demonstrates the ear­ lets over Broadway. Her perfor­ audience) are put through an im­ oddly risque note - we are led to Whatever happened to Robin plicitly homophobic wringer that nest, misguided nature of Nichols' mance is as shockingly regressive believe, at first, that he is Armand's efforts. The senator might be a as anything else in The Birdcage, Williams? He goes wild when left this critic squirming in his seat. lover - only to fizzle the instant Val called on to make outrageous This is made all the more con­ redneck on paper, but Hackman is and just as unfunny. cameo appearances in films like fusing because writer Elaine May Nine Months and To Wong Foo, and director Mike Nichols seem to Thanks for Everything, Julie think that this film will be an em­ A life in arts and crafts takes guts Newmar, but give him top billing powering experience. Moments of Peggy Vanbianchi & Emily Standley: River Styx Deluge is a strangely named sculpture, as it looks like an old, decomposing carcass left to dry at the Canadian Craft Museum until Mar 24 in some desert; hairs spring from the skin and its ribs are decorated with weathered, green copper. by E. Yeung Ceftxsis like another dead corpse, but this time, of a beached whale, its white-plastered, bone-like Have you got guts? Well, the Canadian Craft Mu­ branches forming its skeleton. seum does. Waste material to industry, gut (the Sea Lion, in contrast to the two symbols of V/2> casing of animal intestines) was, and still is, very death, is reminiscent of a birth place, some strange important to many cultures around the world. Re­ creature's broken cocoon. The branches spring­ call, for example, how difficult it was to discover ing out of Caspara also suggest life energy, even that violin strings were made of cat gut, that such more so than Sea Lion, as this life is still growing. beauty can be produced out of something so re­ Upon further reflection, Caspara also looks some­ .-*#'•• Robin Williams and Nathan Lane purport to be a middle-aged pulsive. The same applies to Vanbianchi and what like an animal bending back its neck, strain­ couple in the surprisingly regressive THE BIRDCAGE. Standley's AVer Styx, an exhibit of ten beautiful ing to see behind itself. sculptures made out of gut, sewn and glued to­ Untitled brings us back again to death and de­ — especially in an environment token dignity are tossed to the gay gether and then stretched over frames of branches. struction; the scorched raffia matting making the suited to his frenzied ways, be it characters like sc many leftover Most of the pieces are boat-like, as the name of craft seem old and worn, like a forest after a fire. the jungle wilds of Jumanji or the bones, but we never sense any the exhibit would suggest. Wind Prayer is my But even then, you must remember that in this more elegant flamboyance of The intimacy between Armand (Will­ favourite: a canoe painted with intricate, delicate death lies the beginning of rebirth. Birdcage - and he suddenly gets iams) and Albert (Lane), let alone designs in blue and red, it is set in contrast to the Vanbianchi explains that "these pieces are part the urge to play it straight, even between them and Val, the son rest of the pieces, which feature mainly natural of a personal longing I have for earlier times and when he's playing the manager of they've raised since his birth 20 colours of almond, tan, brown, green, black and a way of life more directly connected to land and a drag club situated in lovely, las­ years ago. Why Armand and Albert white. Kayak, another painted piece, has a snake sea." Directly linked to this are earlier works, also civious South Beach, Florida. would change their lifestyle over­ slithering along its length. collaborations of Vanbianchi and Standley, dis­ Fortunately, this means that night for this arrogant whelp - and The title piece, tinged with green with seams played in the mezzanine. Perhaps the most strik­ Nathan Lane (who voiced Timon why Albert puts up with Armand's left torn and unfinished, is reminiscent of an aban­ ing piece is the imaginary map depicting some the meerkat in The Lion King and self-loathing acquiescence — is doned cocoon or the leathery leaf of a succulent ancient, long-forgotten land, like one you would had a memorable cameo as a butt- never explained. tree left unwatered and forgotten. find associated with the worlds created by Tolkien. pinching priest in Jeffrey) gets to Nichols displays an awful sense Galilea is particularly ethereal, with its smooth, At only $2 admission for students. River Styx is steal the show, and The Birdcage of pacing and consistency, and he flowing lines and a very light, translucent body. definitely worth seeing. Though they are certainly is quite enjoyable whenever Lane repeatedly pulls his punchlines. A Borealis, the one vessel with sails, is surprisingly not sea-worthy, the vessels featured in this ex­ takes centre stage, be he in drag meeting between Armand and Val's distinct and coherent; it seems to sail majestically hibit can serve to carry you on a journey into the or not. The problem is, this limits biological mother drags on far too out of the gallery's wall. spiritual and metaphysical worlds beyond. The Birdcage's decent moments to long without going anywhere (it's

Add new section: . d) The Member has attended 3 out of 5 Ubyssey Notice of Meeting consecutive regularly scheduled staff meetings per term."

fl 120. Amend to read: "Staff meetings shall be held at least once each Publications Annual General Meeting week during the SchoolYear."

1 l45.Amendto read: March 29th, 12:30pm Norm Theatre, SUB "A Screening and Elections Committee shall Society be elected by Staff members prior to the annual elections. All Committee members shall be include one (I) Staff member and one (i) Staff members subject to any additional Proposed Amendments to the By-Laws ofthe Society Member of the Society," qualifications that the Board of directors deems necessary." 1)1. definitions: Society, but never less than five (5) voting Tf 81. a) Amend to read: % 8.Amend to read: Members in good standing." "have chosen a Chief Returning Officer no % 175. Amend to read: d) "Board Chair" - remove definition and "The amount of the Annual membership dues later the September 30 of that School Year, or "Upon being admitted to Membership, each change all subsequent references to "President" payable In advance by all voting Members of *H 42. Remove the phrase "editorial employees" by a date set by the Board of directors." Member is entitled to, at a maximum charge the Society, shall be determined by the voting and replace it with the word "editors". of $ 1,00,a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws n) "School Day" shall mean a period from 8:30 Members in General Meeting or by Referendum H 89.Amend to read: ofthe Society, which the Society shall furnish a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on a day during the School from time to time." ftf.Amend to read: "A referendum of the Society shall, subject to to the Member upon request," Year on which classes are regularly held; "(i)The Members ofthe Society may by Special these Bylaws, be acted upon by the Sodety K 18. b) Amend to read: Resolution remove any ofthe directors before where: fll76.Amendtoread: Remove definition. References to it other "The Directors shall call an Extraordinary the expiration of her or his term of office as a) a majority of votes cast support the "The Constitution and Bylaws ofthe Society sections were removed in the changes to the General Meeting of the Society upon receipt provided by Section 31 of the Society Act Referendum; many be amended by a Special Resolution of bylaws of March 1995. of a Petition signed by at least five (5) percent R.S.B.C., 1979, c. 390. as amended. b) The number of votes cast supporting the the Society passed at a General Meeting of of the voting Members of the Society, or by Referendum is equal to at least five (S) percent the Society where there is a quorum present U6.Amend to read: Petition signed by at least ten (10) Staff (2) A director who has been elected by the of the voting Members in good standing of the of voting Members in good standing, as set out "Voting Members of the Society shall be those members ofthe Society, all of whom are also Staff members may be removed at a general Society; and in these Bylaws. persons who have elected to become voting voting Members of the Society in good meeting by a resolution receiving a majority c) Acting upon the Referendum would not members by registering in a credit course or standing," vote of Staff members, provided that at least cause the Society, or the Board of directors K 178. Amend to read: were so registered on the last day of March 20 staff members, who are also voting Members to be in breach of the Society's Act, or any "The Board of directors shall publish the of the current academic year, subject to the t)ZI Amend to read: in good standing have cast ballots in the other legislation or common law." proposed amendments to the Constitution provisions of Section 27 of the University Act "The first Annual General Meeting shall be Resolution." not less than fourteen (14) days and not more R S.B.C. 1979, c. 419." held not more than six (6) months after the than thirty (30) days before the General date of incorporation, and after that an Annual % 68-Amend to read: U 105. Remove this section, Meetirig at which the Special Resolution is to 17. Amend to read: General Meeting shall be held at least once in "The quorum necessary to transact business be voted upon." "Non-voting members of the Society shall be every calendar year and not more than 15 at a meeting of the directors shall be at least K 107. Replace "President" with "Board of By motion ofthe Board of Directors, those individuals who are not voting Members months after the holding of the last preceding two-thirds (2/3) of the directors then in olee, directors". the preceding bylaw amendments will as provided by Paragraph 6 of these Bylaws, Annual General Meeting." provided, however that at least one (I) Staff be brought before the Membership and include the Society's business manager, Member and one (I) Member ofthe Society K 108. Amend to read: and voted on at the Annual General production manager, ad sales person, members f 26.Amend to read: is present. However, if one or more directors "Membership on the Staff is open to any voting Meeting. For more information, please of the faculty or employees of the university, "A quorum at a General Meeting or Annual . have waived notice of a meeting pursuant to Member of the Society in good standing, contact the UPS Business Office at or those persons who are employees of the General Meeting shall be five (5) percent of Paragraph 75, the quorum shall be fifty (50) provided that" 822-6681. Society." the voting Members in good standing of the percent of the directors then in office, to All members are invited and encouraged to attend; only members in good standing will be able to vote, Please address any questions regarding this ad or the meeting to the UPS Business Office, SUB 245,822-6481.

The Ubyssey Friday, March 15,1996 sports "Team Destiny" heads to Halifax for CIAU championships by Wolf Depner versatility, tenacious defence and and will be making-their eighth How confident are the first- solid rebounding. consecutive trip to the finals. ranked Basketbirds going into If, however, Mepham gets into They knocked off second this weekend's CIAU champ­ foul trouble, either Joel Nickel or seeded Victoria in the opening ionships? Vital Peeters will come off the round last year, while top seed "I think this team is 'Team bench, neither of whom have Brandon was upset by the Destiny," proclaimed guardJohn seen much playing time. University of Cape Breton. Dumont after the Bird's final Butler will also be missed since "Hopefully, that will change home practice Monday night. he is UBC's leading rebounder; this year," joked Enns. But "Team Destiny" will have the rest of the team has not When asked if the Birds worry to win its first championship in dominated its opponents along that history might repeat itself, 24 years without 6'6" starting the boards. Butler (who will cheer his team­ forward Eric Butler who is out In the past, the Birds have mates on in Halifax) said, "I think with a foot injury. shown they can adjust to the loss [being ranked Number one] is Diagnosed as a stress fracture, of a starter. When Ken Morris was definitely a positive. [Concordia is] the injury occurred about a out with an hand injury before going to be nervous playing the month ago, although Butler did Christmas, the Birds managed number one team in Canada." play through the end of the quite well. Then again, that wasn't So they should be. regular season and the playoffs the final eight tournament. despite worsening pain. UBC coach Bruce Enns sees Bird It was during the Canada West Butler's injury as just another final against Alberta that the pain roadblock and expects the team Watch finally caught up to him and forced to respond. "We've got veteran UPCOMING him to consult a specialist. "I never guys like Ken Morris and Mark suspected that it could possibly be Tinholt who will take the guys by EVENTS fractured," said a depressed- the neck if necessary and tell them Men's Basketball looking Buder. "The worst part is to either settie down or pick it up." Sat, Mar. 16 CIAU semi Finals- that I feel I could still play, but the The Bird's first-round opponent 5:00pm (TSN live) and doctors say otherwise." will be the eighth seeded 7:30pm (TSN 12:00am) "It'll be okay when we will win Concordia Stingers. They have Sun, Mar. 17 CIAU Final- it, but I will always wonder what consistently dominated Quebec 2:00pm fTSN) if..." he said, hobbling to Monday's practice on crutches UBC Film Society sporting a knee-high cast. UBC MM socitry Check for our flyers Just how much the loss of Mar.15-17 Fri. to Sun., "Norm" Theatre in SUB in SUB 247. Buder will affect the Birds' title 7:00 Apollo 13 Fri. Midnight $ i film aspirations has yet to be T2 determined. The 6'7" Curtis 9:30 Goldeneye 3 Mepham, will fill in well given his For 24-Hour Movie Listings call 822-3697 ERIC BUTLER opens the scoring in UBC's Canada west win over Alberta.

n March 26th & 27th, 1996, the O Ubyssey Strategic Deployment Force the ubyssey election crossword will be erecting polling stations at six locations across campus. At each of these six locations a Ubyssey Elections Trooper will operate the most powerful weapon ever created: A ballot box.

ou, as a member of the Ubyssey Y Publications Society, have the responsibility to cast your vote in the 1996 Ubyssey Board of Directors Election to determine which five students will serve your interests on the Board. One President. Four Students-at-large. These individuals will be responsible to you as they ensure the continued publication of the Ubyssey. So on March 26th & 27th take a moment out of your day and cast your ballot. Stop and say "Hi" to your friendly neighbourhood Ubyssey Elections Trooper and find out everything you need to know about your vote, your society and your candidates.

DOWN ACROSS If you think you're tough (or at least Alternate (lock sound. Aggravating word that doesn't rhyme with much 2. Irritating noise made by 14 Down. of anything. poor) we still need a few more 3. What you should do on March 26th & 27th. 2. Something you need to vote in the UPS election. Election Troopers. Call our Chief 4. Vanilla, coffee or lima... 3. Number of positions in the UPS election. 5. Board of ... 4. What you're reading... Returning Officer at 473-0929 if you 6. Number of muses in classical mythology. Large pink creature that makes nearly as good can work from 12 to 5 on either 7. Swedish music favored by Ubyssey production Department. of a pet as 14 Down. Number of dwarves killed during the production 8. Ruby (First day of voting) Tuesday, March 26th or of this puzzle 9. When UPS Polling Stations close each day.(March 26th & 7. (39 +(23(6)) - (3*+5 )) -... Wednesday, March 27th. The job 27th) 8. Surf (Also the people you're voting for in 10. Number of Polling Stations on campus. pays nine bucks an hour and we the UPS election.) When UPS Polling Stations open each day. (March 26th & Most common word in the English language. won't make you wear combat boots 27th) 12. March 27th, last day to vote in the UPS elections. Famous religious figure not running in the UPS election. or a helmet {unless you want to). What Mr. Samsa turned into one morning. 13. What the Ubyssey never is. Most popular artificial flavour. 14. Small meaty creature that tastes like beef.

Friday, March 15,1996 The Ubyssey opinion

Spring sprang sprung

e realize that spring doesn't and mate. Or does Mr. Sun just make us all feel lectively investigating the dangers associated officially start until next crazy? Perhaps humanity is just God's solar with Birkenstocks and expansive mudpuddles. week, but we here at pocket calculator. The Wreck Beach crowd started working on W The Ubyssey like to It's appropriate that spring officially those non-existent tan-lines weeks ago. make sure we're at least two steps begins with the vernal equinox; equal And whatever the reason for the unique ahead of the game. Inspired by the parts day and night There's a bittersweetness ofthe season, there's no arguing unseasonable warm weather and the wonderful symetry in all this- that it evokes a certain mixture of people we can see suntanning from life, death; love, hate. It's all trepidation and nervous glee-a sensation our dark, little hovel in 241K, we have there. not unlike the feeling engendered by decided to turn our thoughts towards Spring may still officially another seasonal fixture: graduation. fuzzy ducks and daffodils. be two weeks away, but Lower The leaf-dappled sunlight that warms Who can explain the season's peculiarly Mainlanders obey the sun, not the the freshly graduated never fails to schizoid nature? Perhaps it's a hormonal link to calendar. Give us a few days of unin­ leave you feeling simultaneously hope­ bee pollen, or a seasonal release of pheromones, terrupted sunshine and we're stripping ful and happy to be finished but won­ a pre-evolutionary instinct sparked by sudden off clothes and pulling the top down dering how you're going to eat exposure to sunlight that drives us to conquer on our convertibles. Vancouver starts col­

the March 15,1996 letters - ubyssey volume 77 issue 44 pen that produces a unique an area of "cyberspace" that The Ifeyssey is a fbundng member of Canadian University Press. Veep advice Information signature. He also waxed enthu­ allowed for a good deal The Ubyssey is published Tuesdays and Fridays by The Ubyssey I am writing regarding Lica siastically about finger print of money making - a primary Publications Sodety at the University of British Columbia. Editorial Chui's response to the article, Superhighway acknowledging car locks and concern for Mr. Ogden. opinions expressed are those of the newspaper and not necessarily "Chewing the Fat with the New replicating Arnold Schwarz­ Mr. Ogden's agenda for the those of the university administration or the Alma Mater Society. Vice-President". Ms. Chui's or enegger. He claimed that future appears to consist of three Editorial Office: Room 241K, Student Union Building, claims that questions directed to millions could be saved in things, in descending order: 6138 SUB Blvd., UBC V6T 1Z1 her by Th Ubyssey were related Future Schlock? making movies by replicating Elimination of full-time employ­ tei: (604) 822-2301 fax: (604) 822-9279 only to the portfolio of External actors such as Mr. S. and ment - especially government Business Office: Room 245, Student Union Building On Friday, March 1, self- Affairs Coordinator are simply thereby avoiding payment of and union personnel. Nothing advertising: (604) 822-1654 business office: (604) 822-6681 styled "futurist" Mr. Frank false. The Vice-President is their bloated salaries. Ditto for was said about what these Business Manager: Fernie Pereira Ogden visited the UBC book­ responsible for lobbying the libraries by putting all reading Advertising Manager: James Rowan store in order to hype his new people will be doing in the University on issues pertaining to Account Executive: Deserie Harrison book and CD entitled "Navigat­ material on CD-ROM and future. tuition policy. Currently, the ing in Cyberspace." Mr. Ogden, eliminating useless edifices and Sales of electronic and Canada Post Publications Sates Agreement Number 0732141 tuition policy does not properly who prefers the title "Dr. personnel: The general aura mechanical gimmickry. address the issue of accessibility Douglas Quan lived m a shack under the freeway. His only friend in the world was Andy Tomorrow," has been an enthu­ exhibited towards knowledge Make bags of money. Barham, the Goldfish in the Mason jar. Matt Thompson slept in a dry culvert 200 yards away. Sarah to education. I believe it is Lica siastic promoter of such diverse was similar to an encyclopedia O'Donnell was blissfully unaware of the society beneath her as her car bolted down Route 241K at J.P. Lucas 81 m.p.h. She laughed, remembering her hostile takeover of Ken Wu, Inc. Oh, Janet Winters said Chui's job, both as a student and things as heat conducting paint salesman who peddles facts but Chemical Engineering she wouldn't make it? as a student leader, to fight for no information on how to use The sign loomed: "Exit 11 - Scott Hayward Way EAST • \J'l mile" (the new way to heat your The society beneeth the freeway awakened. Wou Depner dragged himself up from beneath the an accessible education. home, just add a transformer them or determine their value. previous night's well soiled Times. Cluching for his trusty Siobhan Roantree's Finest Gin bottle he came upon the stltl warm body ofJo e Clark. Another day beneath the freeway began. Furthermore, if Lica is not aware and some connectors), mechani­ The "question" period was The Her car seemed to move effortlessly towards the ramp. "Exit 10 - Paul Kowalsld Turnpike." that information provided by her primarily filled with profundi­ Had she really fired Jenn Kuo? It was all some orgasmic dream. "STOP - PAY TOLL^" the sign cal goldfish, and the biosphere flashed to her school's student cult. Mr. Ogden also propagan­ ties such as "Wow, Dr. Tomor­ Ubyssey's As the traffic growled on the viaduct above Peter T. Chattaway kicked the dosing Ben Koh. newspaper about education "Federico Barahona crossed me, now he's dead. Gimme my bourbon back.** dizes for Reform Party associ­ row, I knew you 15 years ago "Me an' Rachana Raizada drank it Guess you'll hafta steel another. I hear old E. Young's liquor directly reflects her ability to ated projects such as destruction and I am amazed by your trans­ store ain't to well protected." Another kick silenced the drowsy thief- As the miles clicked by, she thought aoot Robin CowelL Struck down while so young. A shiver lead, then she should resign. It is of unions and the privatization formation: What are your ran down her back. "Exit 4A - Maura Maclimis Blvd - 1/4 mile," letters disappointing to see that an secrets to success?" and "How Tl»e two worlds crossed. Mike Kitchen crawled out of the drain pipe and up to the turnpike. of education. According to the The sun glinted ofthe car's winshield and another of the people who live beneath the freeway died. elected student leader is so introducing speaker he has also is genetic engineering going to Editors: willing to support the Strangway been an experimenter in LSD affect cyberspace?" The latter Coordinating Editor: Siobhan Roantree ideology; I only hope her short­ although he showed none ofthe question prompted Dr. T. into a Copy Editor: Sarah O'Donnell sighted views will not be used as loony flair of Tim Leary. long and convoluted exposition News Editor: Matt Thompson ammunition against students by Mr. Ogden's talk revolved that included his new eyes We just Culture Editor: Peter T. Chattaway government and University around computer and commu­ which were better than those of Sports Editor Scott Hayward administration. nications gimmickry such as any airplane pilot. There was couldn't make National/Features Editor: Federico Barahona Sincerely, cellular phones with mini satel­ some mumbo-jumbo about debt Production Coordinator: Joe Clark Namiko Kunimoto lite dishes, optical scanners and, reduction but very little about Photo Coordinator: Jenn Kuo pornography, which seems like this stuff up. former AMS Vice-President his prize achievement, a DNA LETTERS POLICY: Letters to the editor must be under 300 words. "Perspectives" are opinion pieces over 300 words but under 750 words and are run according to space. "Freestyles" are opinion pieces written by Ubyssey staff members. Priority will be given to letters and perspectives over freestyles unless the latter is time sensitive. Opinion pieces will not be run unless the identity of the writer has been verified. Please include your phone number, student number and signature (not for publication) as well as your year and faculty with all submissions. ID will be checked when submissions are dropped off at the office of The Ubyssey, otherwise verification will be done by phone.

10 The Ubyssey Friday, March 15, 1996 opinion there kissed up to him, I could not how should we think? We, the If I recall, it means the differ­ escape thinking that this was the audience, sucked up to this guy ence between saying "Saddam Leader of the pack general attitude. like he was some sort of socially Hussein is a murderer" and by Sheldon Steed at times amusing in our seemingly Both Sunday night at the Hotel omniscient super-hero: the "George Bush is a murderer." To Reflecting on Noam Chomsky's universal "right-batting" society. Vancouver, and Tuesday in the Leader of the Pack. say the latter is going to require recent stint here in Vancouver, I His off-the-cuff remarks about S.U.B. - in these two engagements The mortal-Noam does not some explanation - particularly in find that I am somewhat disap­ general policies are quite funny. it was like a question period to have all the answers. He has been the US. pointed: though not so much with But the problem I had was with some sort of universal expert. in a bit of heat regarding the issue But both periods of questioning Chomsky himself, as with us, his quesitons people put to him: they "What do you think about pub­ of freedom of speech and how it (with an amusing exception on audience. were so varied, as if he knows all lic schools?" "What should the al­ relates to hate literature. By Sunday) reflected a desire I find many of the Boston Pro­ the answers to our problems. ternative press do?" "How should supporting people's right to for the standard format - fessor's views both refreshing and Though obviously not everyone we protest?" In effect, we asked express themselves, he has people wanted the Mortal been accused of supporting to give pat answers that their various interests. p£tefVcT»v£ would fit with their pre­ Queer adoption: a right not a privilege This of course is not true, and conceived notions of what a good by Janet Winters 29, 1995 Western Report,"Wiat cal parents of the same Chomsky did give, I think, a de­ litde activist should think. Last year the NDP gov­ the lesbian couple really do child. cent response to the accusations. (To his credit, the Mortal an­ ernment introduced the by creating a needless "strug­ There are a host of other He makes a distinction between swered questions with explana­ new adoption act which rec­ gle" is use their child as a tool reasons we could argue supporting a person's right to ex­ tions, but he did not really man­ ognizes the changing reali­ in their own social and politi­ against opposite-sex head­ press her interests, and supporting age to escape the image of some ties of today's families. cal campaign." ed families. Children of het­ these interests themselves. Super-man giving the answers.) Rednecks accross the prov­ Wrong! It is the gay-bash­ erosexual unions may be at He takes this view because he On top of this, the posters out­ ince gathered to oppose the ing hate groups who are re­ risk for exposure to male- does not want to give the govern­ side reflected this attitude as fundamental rights of gays ally using these children in female conflicts and could ment power to decide how one well. "CHOMSKY SPEAKS to and lesbians to legally form their own hostile position possibly inherit intolerant should think, or whether one the students of UBC." Big deal! their own families. These against gays and lesbians. Fart homophobic views unlikely should be able to express his views. He has great ideas, but we homophobes have obvi­ of this agenda is to cite re­ to exist among same-sex But he supports public school­ should not want to see this guy ously failed to recognize the search which suggests chil­ partners. ing, in which a great deal more because he is promoted as some long overdue reforms dren from two-sex parent The fact is people are power to control is given to the gov­ demi-god for aspiring leftist needed to make the adop­ homes are better off than more than their respective ernment than the power it attains pseudo-intellectuals. tion process more justified those from one-sex parent sexual orientation. The gen­ with control over certain elements This, I think, is in line with and inclusive. homes. Many of these studies, der of one's bed-mate does of free speech. And does not the what the Mortal is trying to say. Anti-gay and lesbian ef­ however, are highly manipu­ not determine whether or very idea of a general education We should not allow ourselves forts have tried to under­ lative and fail to take into ac­ not the person will make a system inherendy contradict abso­ to be spoon-fed ideologies from mine and suppress the count confounding variables- good parent. Loving and lute notions of freedom of speech? the press, from our preferred po­ movement towards equality such as family income and teaching acceptance results To be fair, I am not giving litical association, or even from and the versatility of the education which would pro­ in caring, well-adjusted chil­ Chomsky an opportunity to re­ the Leader of the Pack himself. family by labelling equal foundly affect the results. dren, not preaching hatred. spond to this. But even if my con­ We need to think critically for rights "special'' rights and These groups preoccupied Allowing gay and lesbian sideration is somehow misled, it ourselves and come together, on trying to turn sexual "real­ with sexual orientation are couples to legally adopt is at least shows that his ideas are not this basis, as various communi­ ity" into an issue of "moral­ not as quick to attack oppo­ not only perfectly reason­ going to be without problems. He ties to support issue that are im­ ity." site-sex parents as they are able, it is an essential legal does not necessarily have all the portant to us: especially since we If heterosexual couples same-sex parents. Let's help safeguard to protect the answers. are fortunate enough to be mem­ can adopt healthy infants, them out children involved. Without To not realize this is to fly in the bers of the university commu­ why shouldn't gay couples Dysfunction and favourit­ legally recognizing both face of what the mortal-Noam nity. be able to? The anti-gay ism may arise in a once infer­ same-sex partners as the himself speaks out about. On Sun­ Sheldon Steed is a fourth year phi­ forces are quick to respond tile couple who miraculously parents of a child, the cou­ day night at the Hotel Vancouver, losophy student. with fear-mongering rheto­ conceives out of the blue. ple's possible split could footage was shown of different in­ ric pretending to be con­ Many of us have witnessed the prevent the legally unrec­ terviews with the Mortal, in which cerned with the welfare of pain of adopted children ognized parent from ob­ he criticized news programming: children. They argue we pushed aside and treated like taining any custodial rights the reason he has not been active have to put our children chopped liver by their adop­ over the child-leading to on shows like "Nightline" is be­ first tive parents after the arrival potentially devistating con­ cause the time segments only al­ SOPHOCLES' Teaching children intoler­ of a precious biological off­ sequences for the child in­ low for someone to regurgitate ance and homophobic spring. This problem is not as volved. popular notions that will be ac­ views is not putting children likely in same-sex headed Janet Winters is a Ubyssey cepted by the audience. Anything first by any means. Tom families as two people of the staff member and a fourth year which might deviate from, these McFeely argued in the May same sex can not be biologi­ political science student ideas would require an explana­ tion of facts. essay contest Subject: The responsible use of freedom Take a Free Prize: S1000.00 for the best original essay. Drive Deadline for Submission: May 31st ofthe current year

Details and application forms from: LSAT-GMAT-MCAT-GRE

M.C. Harrison A Tale of the March 1509, 1450 Chestnut Street If you took the test today, Bosnian Wars I 7 „ 77 Vancouver, B.C. how would you score? V6J 3K3 "Donation of Directed by • All 3rd and 4th year undergraduate and graduate $2.00 or a can Come find out. John Wright 8pm UBC students are eligible to enter the contest. of food for the Food Bank Take a 2 1/2 or 3 hour test, • Essays are to be typewritten on numbered pages proctored like the real thing. with double spacing.They are to be in triplicate .\OW IM.AYIM.! and of approximately 3.000 words. DOROTHY SOMERSET Receive computer analysis of your • The prize will be awarded on August 31st test-taking strenghts and weaknesses. of this calendar year. £TM»M»

Committee of Judges: Don't miss out on this cost-free*, risk-free opportunity. T James Hanrahan, CSB, BA, MA, LMS, Chair Call 734-8378 to reserve your seat today! BORN GUILTY Dr. Robert M. Clark, Pr. Emeritus Economics by Ari Roth Dr. Kurt Preinsperg, Philosophy, Langa ra College Directed by Chris Mcleod Dr. Margaret Prang, Pr. Emerita History U.B.C. Saturday, March 16 (Angus 310) Dr. Paul G. Stanwood, Pr. English March 5-16 SJF.U Sunday, March 17 (Wmx 2260) The committee reserves the right to withhold the prize if no appropriate essay is received or to divide r. - Only Two Shows Left! it if it proves impossible to judge between excellent essays. The use KAPLAN The answer to the test question. BOX OFFICE 822-2678

Friday, March 15,1996 The Ubyssey 11 Summary of forum 5 on V<4>4ASI> The UBC Library Held February 27th, 1996 Moderator: Maria M. Klaweuzc, Vice President, Student and Academic Services Panel: Ruth Patrick, University Librarian, Julie Stevens, Undergraduate Library Services Coordinator, Pauline Willems, Main Library Information Desk, John Gilbert, Chair. Senate Library Committee, James Boritz, Senate Library Committee, Mark Vessey, Arts Library Advisory Committee, Doris Huang, Netinfo Tutoring Coordinator, David Winter, Sedgewick Reference Librarian, and James Sherrill, Education Library Advisory Committee

Q I'm a graduate student in Math. Is the only books I could find were quite old. desks will be merged and the Reference mind. I think everyone will support you. Mathematics Library going to be moved to The older books really didn't deal with the Librarians will be spread too thin. I'm also the new Koerner Library? It would be real­ topic. The only place I could find current concerned that as we cancel print subscrip­ Q I often go to SFU because they have 20 ter­ ly helpful to have Math, Chemistry and information was in the journals and they tions and databases and move to on-line minals available for people doing research. Physics together in one place. I'm also con­ were really too specific. Where could I go searching that the cost will be passed on to Are there going to be terminals in the cerned about storage. It takes three days to to get current information? the student. Koerner Library where we can do research? retrieve material that is stored. If you do have terminals please put math- A It is difficult to generalize. This subject may A We are planning to provide a more structured scie on the network otherwise we'll have to A We do not have any plans to move the Math be more recent than many of the mono­ approach to instruction for Librarv users. go back and forth to the department. Library to Koerner. i agree that it would be graphs. Did you get any assistance from the This was one ofthe recommendations in the helpful to have the Math Library part of the instructor? Were there any books placed on recent Library Review. We're doing many A The Math Department did buv a workstation Science Library. The Koerner Library is the reserve? In many instances what you are things now but it's sometimes difficult for the to provide Internet access to MathSci for rhe first phase of four that were planned. Over describing is a normal scholarly predicament. students to see them as being connected. We Math Library. We will definitely have more the next six months we will be working on a Was there any suggestion that we are nor need to work with faculty on subject instruc­ workstations in Koerner. There will be 45-50 Library Master Space Plan to help us address acquiring or cataloguing material fast tion and identify the instruction on resources terminals and we are getting a new web-based several of these issues, and we will want to enough? If you have not already tried it you that they need for their students. system. There will be more databases that you hear from our users. We will be contacting might want to use Netinfo. can search with a common interface. We will various groups and arranging focus groups. I We are not planning to reduce the number of also have 20 workstations in a lab for student would welcome your comments. It would be It may be that you are missing something but Reference Librarian positions as we move use only and another 35 wotkstations in a lab easiest if you emailed them to me at it may also be that the material simply isn't into Koerner. One of the problems in the for teaching and student use. Different inter­ . there. I think you probably need to ask for Main Library is that when a Reference faces are a problem with all the standalone help from a Librarian to look for review arti­ Librarian sends a student to another area they CD-Roms. Q I think the Library does a great job but cles or perhaps a specialized encyclopedia and often get lost. We think that having the refer­ about a month ago I got a notice saying not always rely solely on UBCLIB. Although ence services in one place will be better for Q The weekend Library hours (e.g. 12 to 5 that I had damaged a book. I went to it is not always easy for a Librarian to find the students. at Woodward) are not enough. Can't we get Woodward and a monitor told me the exact material you are looking for, he or she longer access? spine was damaged. I wrote a letter of can always find something that will meet We hope to avoid the possibility of having to appeal and got a letter back saying that your need, I recommend that you talk to the charge students for the electronic services you A Our houts are now 10-6 on Saturday and 12- coffee had been spilled on the book. I real­ Reference Librarian in Woodward. have described. We are trying to increase pro­ 6 on Sunday. We do try to keep track of usage ly didn't do this and I think it's unfair that ductivity and provide better service through and shift the hours ro meet peoples needs. I should have to pay for something I didn't If you are aware of books that we don't have let us the use of technology. We are making an do. Is there anything I can do? I guess I know. We can try ro order them for you. argument to protect Library staff. Everyone Q When I go to Sedgewick to look for under­ would have preferred it if someone had Feedback from students and faculty is impor­ wants to preserve the collection but graduate Science/Engineering materials called me in and let me see the book that tant in terms of developing our collection. Librarians and other staff are important too (reference texts, etc.) I can't find much, and was supposed to be damaged. and will continue to be needed if our users what I do find seems to be old. Are there Q I am a grad student in Human Kinetics. I are to find their way through the physical and any plans to improve that or am I looking A I'm not really sure how to answer you. I went to the Library to pay a one dollar fine technological changes. in the wrong place? would suggest that you appeal it to the and was asked to wait until I had accumu­ Branch Head. You can also can submit anoth­ lated more fines. I have now received 2 let­ Q Regarding social study space, Sedgewick is A We try to balance our collections expendi­ er appeal which will be considered at a high­ ters. I think that's silly and wasteful. great but there are only three places to ture between Arts and Science. A large er level. We do make every effort to make study - the snack bar is too noisy, upstairs amount of Science material is in circulation sure that we send out overdue notices and A I'm sorry that happened to you. I don't know is too crowded and the typewriter room is at any point in time. All of the current mate­ fines to the right user but sometimes we make why we couldn't take your dollar (but I'd be not soundproof. Will there be areas to rial may be out. If vou can't find what you a mistake. pleased to take it now)! We normally only group study in Koerner? need in Sedgewick, ask if there is more in the notify people when their fines have reached Main Library. All Science/Engineering mate­ Q I understand that you are taking out the $5 and also send out a statement twice a year A I here will be five group study rooms. I'm not rial is moving from Sedgewick to Main in social and eating space in Sedgewick and telling people how much they owe. sure whether they're absolutely soundproof. preparation for Koerner. We need to make that it won't be replaced in Koerner. Why I hey're glass walled. One is quite large. The sure that we are buying enough copies ofthe did you make that decision? Q How much money is owed to the Library? others will hold 10-12 students. They will be current materials. If you can't find what you wired for laptops. We may need to make need you should talk to the Science A 1 was p?rt of the group that made the deci­ A The total in outstanding fines is now about some arrangements for booking them. When Librarians. sion to give up rhe space. The Main Library $300,000. With the new system that we are we had group study areas in Sedgewick foyer, can not be upgraded. We needed space in purchasing it will be easier to pay fines. some people jusr took them over for their Q I'm a grad student in psychology. When I Koerner for computer labs and quiet study own permanent use. go to the Main Library to look up journal space. It was a trade off We understand that Q I'm a Library School student and I like the articles the journals are often out or miss­ students like to study together and talk and UBC initiative on bibliographic instruc­ Comment: I would like to appeal to students ing. Are you going to anchor the journals eat while they work, but providing social tion. I hope it will be continually and staff who use the Library. I am a staff in Main? space is not really the Library's prime reason improved. I did a term paper clinic to help member at Main and have come across many for being. We will have some group study people with research. I don't think most damaged books. Sometimes we find covers A Eventually all of the journals will be rooms but students will not be able to eat 1st and 2nd year students really know how left on the shelf and the rest ofthe book gone. anchored. Security is a concern and we are there. The Library is working with Food to use the Library. We also find books with pages torn or cut "tattletaping" most of out material. Security Services to see if it is possible to find that out. It is sad to see damaged books and miss­ will be better in Koerner. We are continuing- kind of space somewhere else on campus but It's frustrating that there aren't enough ing journals. If pages are torn out of a book, to explore options to protect the collection. space near the Library is really limited. Reference Librarians. I am concerned that others can't use it. Sometimes we can't even when things move to Koerner the reference reorder it. I hope you will all keep this in

Comment: We agree that the University Main Library, but most of the books are located at is not just a place to read books and study The following written comments Woodward and Sedgewick. Would it be possible to have silently. CABSD has discussed this issue. were received following the forum: the CD-ROM in Woodwatd/Scdgewick as well? Food Services did provide space for after • AMS (SUB?) should provide a study space where stu­ comfort so that, e.g. the temperarure can be adjusted. • I am a part-time graduate student. The Education hours study in Pacific Spitit (SUB) but it was dents can eat. This does not mean Food Services need Library staff have been verv thoughtful. The Saturday not heavily used. It is possible that the AMS • We need improved group study spaces and rooms that to be involved as most students would/could bring their workshop on Research was excellent. Like many teach­ are soundproof. might be able to help out with social/study own food. Food and library books do not mix. ers. I continue to work in a school during the day and space. I know that they have made space the Library's evening and weekend hours are important • The computer menu search is very complex. Usually • It would be convenient for many students if food was available in SUB around exam times. At the when I do my research, I can't find the books that I to me. allowed in the basement of Woodward Library. As far as present time computers and books are taking want. The information under each book is incomplete I know there are no books on this floor, so the food will • The staff at the Education Library are always helpful priority over social space. It is important that and out-dated. I suggest the Library use the search cate­ not affect them. even when they are obviously rushed off their feer. Once you give us feedback. Let us know if you gories as in the Vancouver Public Library. They are more you get their time they give you all their assistance. think we are wrong. • I have used Main & Ed libraries and Special user friendly. Collections/archives. I am generally pleased with the ser­ • More Electronic Research workshops please. • The price for photo-copying in the Library is a bit high vices provided. My only "beef" is that I often find the Q I am in Geography and when I was work­ • I like the Education Library and think chat the staff do physical environment distressing - heat and light in par­ ($0.05 in SUB). ing on my last research paper I wanted a a very good job. The library is well organized. My only ticular. I wonder if there is any way to monitor student • The CD-ROM for Social Science is located in the general overview of the subject but the complaint is the noise. The next YOUR UBC forum will be held on Friday, March 15th and will focus on Academic Advising. The final YOUR UBC forum for the term Your UBC Forum 6 will be held Tuesday March 26th at 12:30. The forum will once again Friday, March 15th 12:30pm SUB Theatre focus on Safety on Campus and provide for a continuation of the dis­ cussions initiated last term in forum 2. Watch for further details. I Free Pizza for first 180 participants!]