29 April 2021 Okanagan Senate Docket Page 1 of 157 Office of the Senate Brock Hall | 2016-1874 East Mall Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z1 Phone 604 822 5239 Fax 604 822 5945 www.senate.ubc.ca Okanagan Senate THE EIGHTH REGULAR MEETING OF THE OKANAGAN SENATE FOR THE 2020/2021 ACADEMIC YEAR THURSDAY 29 APRIL 2021 3:30 P.M. | VIA ZOOM 1. Senate Membership New Members: New Students Dylan Rogers, Faculty of Science Hisham Khan, Faculty of Applied Science Jane Udochi, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Laavanya Prakash, Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies Ramona Sharma, Faculty of Health and Social Development Jonathan Low, Graduate Student Amanda Shatzko Graduate Student Josh Anderson, Student At Large Brendan Heerema Student At Large (continuing) Rhys Herzberg Student At Large (continuing) Jia Fu Lee Student At Large (continuing) Kristen Morgan, Student At Large (continuing) TBD, Student At Large TBD, Faculty of Management *N.B. the Education Student Senator's term runs from 1 October 2020 to 30 September 2021. Nominating Committee This is a call for nominations for two (2) student members of Senate to serve on the Senate Nominating Committee until 31 March 2022 and thereafter until replaced. Nominations are due by 4 pm on Friday 14 May 2021 to
[email protected]. If more than two students 29 April 2021 Okanagan Senate Docket Page 2 of 157 OKANAGAN SENATE AGENDA –29 APRIL 2021 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ are nominated, an election will be held at the May meeting of Senate in accordance with Rule 24 (e) of the Rules and Procedures of Senate.