VOL. 81, NO. 5 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH FEBRUARY 10, 1976 Volcanism, Structure,and Geochronologyof Long Valley Caldera, Mono County, California RoY A. BAILEY U.S. GeologicalSurvey, Reston, Virginia 22092 G. BRENT DALRYMPLE AND MARVIN A. LANPHERE U.S. GeologicalSurvey, Menlo Park, California 94025 Long Valley caldera, a 17- by 32-km elliptical depressionon the east front of the Sierra Nevada, formed 0.7 m.y. ago during eruption of the Bishoptuff. Subsequentintracaldera volcanism included eruption of (1) aphyric rhyolite 0.68-0.64 m.y. ago during resurgentdoming of the caldera floor, (2) porphyritic hornblende-biotiterhyolite from centersperipheral to the resurgentdome at 0.5, 0.3, and 0.1 m.y. ago, and (3) porphyritic hornblende-biotiterhyodacite from outer ring fractures0.2 m.y. ago to 50,000 yr ago, a sequencethat apparently records progressivecrystallization of a subjacentchemically zoned magma chamber. Holocene rhyolitic and phreatic eruptions suggestthat residual magma was present in the chamber as recentlyas 450 yr ago. Intracaldera hydrothermalactivity beganat least0.3 m.y. ago and was widespreadin the caldera moat; it has sincedeclined due to self-sealingof near-surfacecaldera sediments by zeolitization, argillization, and silicificationand has becomelocalized on recentlyreactivated north- west-trendingSierra Nevada frontal faults that tap hot water at depth. INTRODUCTION concentrates were treated with a dilute HF solution to remove small bits of attached glassand fragments of other mineral In the westernUnited States,only three calderasare known grains. Obsidian used for dating was totally unhydrated and to be large enoughand young enoughto possiblystill contain not devitrified. Small blocks sawed from many of the hand residual magma in their chambers:the Vailes caldera (•1.1 specimenswere used for dating.
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