Powys Strays Index
. POWYS STRAYS INDEX. For FREE index searches please Email: the Strays Co-ordinator: Mrs Heather Bufton, 3, Cagebrooke Ave., Hunderton, Hereford HR2 7AS. philbufton@hotmail.com Names for inclusion in the index are welcome, from other counties where the event took place or within the counties which now make up Powys. The usual definition of Strays, are those persons baptised, married, buried, found in an obituary (and sometimes, on a census, etc) outside the county (not parish) of their birth. Record the details carefully for surnames & place names (BLOCK CAPITALS), county of origin, where the event took place, newspaper title, full date & page number, parish register, BT, gravestone (identify churchyard), etc. and email to the strays co-ordinator. Powys FHS Burials Index The Powys FHS National Burials Index 1813-1851 has now a total of 54,026 entries, of which 33,116 have been sent to the Federation for inclusion in the next NBI DVD. Breconshire & Radnorshire are complete for the period 1813-1851 and have been published on CD and are available from Heather Bufton, work is progressing on Montgomeryshire. The index contains checked data, unchecked information is not included in the main combined database, but is added as and when it has been checked. Free lookups are available from Phil Bufton. Address as for the Burials Index Rhif Ebrill 106 2019 Number April IF UNDELIVERED Mrs Angela Jones, Briar Patch PLEASE RETURN TO: The Ridgeway, Penally, Tenby, Pembs. SA70 7RJ ISSN 0261-1104 P R I N T E D P A P E R R A T E .
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