REP31 Objector

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REP31 Objector PoW County CoudlUÐP m1,2016 Conilbbn Dni Pory6 Count CoundlUDP rul-2014 THE PL¡I.¡NING AUTHORITY WLL REQUIRE PROPOSALS FOR NEW MINERÂL WORKINGS/WASTE DISPOSAL SITES OR THE EXTENSION OF EXISTING woRKtNGgstTEsTo INoLUDE MEASURESTO LtMtTTOAMtNtMUM (CONSTSTENT WfH SAFE WORKING) DISTURBANCE IO THE OCCUPIËRS AND USERS OF POLICY Mì¡\,I - NOISE NEIGHBOURING PROPERTIES BY REASON OF VEHICLE REVERSING ALARMS OR OTHER NOISES WTH OUTSTANDING TONALQUALITIES. APPLICANTS WTI NEED PROPOSALS FOR MINERAL WORKING AND WASTE DISPOSAL SITES, OTHER ÏO OEMONSTRATE THAT THE ISSUE HAS BEEN CAREFULLY RESEARCHED AND THAN BORROW PITS^^/ASTE DISPOSAL ASSOCIATED WTH ÊNGINEERING THAT THE MOSTAPPROPRIATE OPTIONS HAVE BEEN ADOPTED SCHEMES AND WTH VERY LIMITED WORKING LIVES, SHOULD BE DESIGNED TO COMPLYWTH THE FOLLOWNG CRITERIA 10.22 Tho Control ot Dult 1. THE NOISE ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE MINERAL WORKING OPERATIONS AT II.IE 10.22.1 Dust emiss¡ons from m¡neral working and wasle disposal s¡tês are slmost FACADE OF Al.¡Y NEARBY RESIDENTIAL, EDUCAÍTO¡\iAL OR OTHER NOTSE always, to one degte€ oranother, se€n ss be¡ng a prcblem bylhose l¡ving and work¡ng in SENSITIVE PROPERTIES SHOULD NOt EXCEEO 58 dB LAeq (1 HOUR). tN close proximity. ln some €se lhere is little doubt lhat the m¡neral operat¡on is unfa¡rly CIRCUMSTANCES WHERE THE BACKGROUND NOISE IS LOW THE LIMIT MAY blamsd for a propoft¡on of the dust that falls upon the ne¡ghbouring areas (tEng BE MORE APPROPRIATELY SET, POSS|BLY AS LOWAS 55 dB LAeq (i HOUR). @nt¡nental a¡r masses €n øry large qua'ntit¡es of fne dust padicles). ln some €ses, 2. WiERE WORKING IS PROPOSED BETVT/EEN lHE HOURS OF 06.00 AND O7.OO, however, dust complaints are fuìly just¡fed. Dust emissions w¡ll pDbably always be an IJì,/EEKDAYS, OR 19.00 AND 22.00 ON OR 06.00 AND 07.00 OR 13.00 AND 22.00 issue when mineral wofk¡ng is æncem€d bul the controls ¡ntroduced under the ON SATURDAYS, THE NOISE LIMITS SHOULD BE REOUCED TO 50 dB LAEq (1 Env¡ronmontal Protection Act should make an ¡mporlanl contr¡bulion to dul @ntþ|, The HOUR). Counly Council will continue to give æreful ænsiderãl¡on lo the dust ¡ssue when 3. WHERE WORKING IS PROPOSED BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 22.00 AND 06.00 mnsidering mineral planning appliEl¡ons, rccogn¡s¡ng that, with the bestw¡il in lheworld, ON WEEKDAYS AND SATURDAYS OR Â1 ANY TIME ON SUNDAYS, THE NOISE total ¿iust ænkol on mos( quarry or open€st s¡tes ¡s eñ€c{¡vely ¡mpossible. Vvh¡lst dust ¡s LIMITS SHOULD BE REDUCED TO 45 dB LAeq (1 HOUR). gengrally less ofsn issue on waste disposal sites, its Equ¡valent is littêrthat ¡s p¡cked up 4, THE NOISÊ SHOULD BE MONITORED AT SEVERAL POINTS ON OR NEAR THE by slrcng winds and blown onto adjaænt land. This is clearly an issue lhat must be very BOUNDARY OF THE MINERAL-Ii\/oRKING SITE THAT ARE CHOSEN TO BE æretully @nlrolled. LARGELY FREE OF EXIRANEOUS NOISE AND SUITABLY POSITIONED tN RELATION IO THE NOISE SENSITIVE PROPERTIES. THÊ LIMITS AT THESE POLICY MWII- DUSTAND LITTER POINTS SHOULD ENSURE II-IAT THE LIMITS AT THE NOISE SENSIIIVE PROPERTIES ARE NOT EXCEEDED AND MAY BE CALCULATED BY USING THE PLANNING AUTHORITY WLL REQUIRE ALL DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS THE PREDICTION METHODS CONTAINED ¡N 8S5228 ANO TAKING INTO FOR MINERAL WORKING OR WASIE DISPOSAL OR PROCËSSING OF MINÊRALS ACCOUNT THE ATTENUATION PROVIOED BY DISTANCE, SOFT GROUND AND OR WASTE TO INCLUDE ACCEPTABLE PROPOSALS ¡N RESPECÎ OF THE DUST BARRIERS. AND (WHERE APPROPRIATE) LITTER CONTROL MEASURES, IT IS ANTIC¡PATED 5. ALTHOUGH THERE WOULD BË LIKELY TO BE NO SPECIFIED LIMITS TO NOISE THAT THE PRINCIPLE THAT ì/VOULD BE ADOPTED WOULD gE THAT'OF'BEST EMISSIONS DURING SITE PREPARATION AND BAFFLE CONSTRUCIION AVAILABLË TECHNIQUES NOT ENTAILING ÊXCESSIVE COST", PERIODS OF THE OVÊRALL OPERÂTION, THE PLANNING AUTHORITY WOUTD NEED TO BE CONVINCED THAT SUCH OPERATIONS WOULD NOT PRESENT 10.22.2 The policy rccogn¡ses lhat dusvlitter contÍol is nol a prec¡se science and that AN INTOLER,ABLE BURDEN TO LOCAL INHABITANTS, definable limits qnnot curently be €stabl¡shed ¡n an enforceable and reasonable manner. "Bsst available techniques not enta¡ling excess¡ve cost (Batneec),, ls a conæpt 'i0.2f The noire produæd .3 by veh¡cle reversing alams ¡s almost un¡wrsally quoted as that is borwed from Health and Safety leg¡stat¡on and ¡s not usually apptied ¡n Town and be¡ng thst which ¡s tound most annoying, Such alams are odens¡vely used ¡n quaries, Courfry Planning polic¡es- ln th¡s ese there is overlap botwæn the two sets of openæst and waste dispoel sites and are of,en a surce of æmp¡a¡nt. Technology in leg¡slat¡on and the Minersl Plann¡ng Authority will exerc¡se @æ ¡n thls respec{ when respect of such alams ¡s @nlantly be¡ng r€fned and the Counc¡l would enæuEge deal¡ng with thê dusllilter ¡ssue. appliænts and exisling op€Ëtoß to Esearch this ¡ssue caretully. No¡se limits arc unl¡kely lo have any material ¡mpac1 upon lh¡s ¡ssue as it is the lonal quality olthe alam 10.23 Blast¡ng VlbEt¡on and Air Over-Pe3suÞ Elherthan its loudnessthal øuæslhe prcblem. '10.23.1 Blasting ¡s another wry contrcveß¡at subþst, although the ssnsitivity of POLICY MW1O - REVERSING ALARMS ind¡viduals to its eñects outside the development site varies cons¡dgrably. Some people seem to be able to s€nse grcund vibra'tions at very low levels whalst others may be t01 1ø2 PoW County Coundl UDP ä1-2016 Pory6 County CoundlUDP m1-2016 ob¡¡vious lo much higher levels. The ¡ntensily of a blast as measured by ground vibrdions doEs nol appear to cor€late very well wilh the olten much morc noflæable 'air ovs¡- 10.24.2 Duø regard w¡ll have to be pa¡d to ths *tt¡ng of the Brcæn Beacons and pressure." lt ¡s lhe Ialter phenomenon that Etiles w¡ndows and is prcbably lhe subþc1 of SnowdoniaNat¡onalParkswh¡chbothimmêd¡atelyabutth€planaßa. ¡nlhenorthofthe the most compla¡nts, even lhough it is not always ¡deûtifed problem as th€ by the Plan area, ths Nâlional Palk boundary largely æ¡ncides with the county boundary, but in æmpla¡narfs. the south, th¡s is not lhe 6se. The Brynhenllys Openæst Coa¡ Site straddtes thg 10.23.2 Ground vibrat¡on en be relat¡vely eas¡ly measured and monitored by special¡st boundary. of the Breæn Beacons National Park. Developmenl prcposals are all very equipment wh¡ch most oflhe larger mineEl operalors and the Courìty Council own. TheÞ d¡ñerent in characier and il ¡s dificult to envisage the adoption of a workable pol¡cy on is very littl€ dkectly relevarf re*arch ¡nto the impac{ grcund of vibrat¡ons upon the more than a very general¡sed fomat. A high landard of landscape des¡gn will be strudure of build¡ngs. Most of the research has bæn €riod out in lhe USA but the expected in all cases, and proposals will be exp€cled to be appropriaie and sensit¡ve to build¡ngs @ncemed were not of a @nlruction lypetypi€lofihis courìt. The fgurcthat ¡s lhe chaEc{e¡ ofthe suround¡ng lands@p€ in order to bE cons¡stent w¡th pol¡cy ENV2 in @mmonly refered to as be¡ng a "safe" llmit for blasl¡ng vibrat¡on ¡s 12 mm per ssond, the Environment chapter of th¡s plan. peak particle veloclty. Exp€denæ tends to indi€te that comptainls æn be forth-@m¡ng at very lil figurss but thal any ßad¡ng above 3 mm per second ¡s wry likely to attÉci 10,25. N¡lußConseryat¡on complairfs part¡cularly when the person conc€med ¡s unfamiliarwilh blasilng (for instanæ bocause the site is new orthe person hasjus| moved ¡n lo the aGa). 10.25.1 Powys ¡s a æunty that is blessed w¡th a range of rich and varied w¡tdtife habilats. Particularly having regard to lhe seveE loss or degradat¡on of nat¡ve w¡ldl¡fe 10.23.3 Air over-pressure ¡s a far more diñicult phenomenon to monilol As blasting habitals over recent de€des (both to€ily and nationaily) the Courfy Counc¡l @ns¡ders technology has advan@d, the problem has been vory sign¡færìüy reduced. The moß the thatthe conseryãl¡on and enhancement ofsites ofecolog¡@l ¡mpoftanæ waranls a h¡gh delonation and exp¡os¡on æn be ænta¡ned with¡n lhe rækthat is to be broken, lhe lower priority. Sites that enjoy a lalutory des¡gnation such as (biotog¡æD SSS| (Site ofspec¡at the likellhood of a¡r over-presuß problems. Air over-pressurg eñect¡vely arisas from Sc¡entit¡c lnterest) w¡ll geneElly be subþc1 to a very high degr€e of protection. Sites lhat waled explosiw energy and it islhus ¡n everyone's ¡nlerestthat it be m¡n¡m¡sed. may have no e¡st¡ng designalion but are neverthg less seen as being of ¡mportance will also bo lhe subl€c{ of @refu| erem¡nat¡on. Prcposals lhat incfude lhe comp€nsatory POLICY MWI2. BLASTING prcvisions for habilats deslrcyed or d¡srupied w¡ll usually need to be well researched and very atl€c1¡ve. Moving or repli@tlng habilatsthat weE estabt¡shed, usually oververy tong IHE MINERAL PLANNING AUTHORIryWLL REOUIRE ALL BLASIING OPERATIONS time periods, 1o ft lhe præ¡ss circumstanæs perla¡ning to the site, Is nomally an fO BE SO DESIGNED AS TO REDUCE GROUND VIBRATION AND AIR extremely dskiaden bus¡ness.
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