2006-06-14 to Gen Pete Pace Re General

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2006-06-14 to Gen Pete Pace Re General SECRETSECRET 3UHJUN 15i 5 200626206 TO: Gen Pete Pace CC: Eric Edelman CC: EricErie Edelman GEN John Abizaid FROM: Donald RumsfeldRumsfeld~Rumsfeld')/\..e-) _ SUBJECT: General McCaffrey's ReportReport on Afghanistan This is an interesting report fromfrom BarryBarry McCaffrey.McCaffrey. OfOf note,note, therethere is aa reference in here to the lack of effective small armsarms forfor thethe AfghanAfghan forces.forces. MinisterMinister WardakWardak mentioned that to meme asas wellwell inin Brussels.Brussels. It seems like a serious problem.problem. WhatWhat isis your assessment? WhatWhat dodo wewe needneed toto dodo aboutabout it?it? Also, he questions the sizesize of the Afghan forces, suggesting they should be larger than what we have programmed.programmed. Is he right? Thanks. Attach: 6/3/06 McCaffrey Report Attach: 6/3/066/3/06 McCaffreyMcCaffrey ReportReport DHR.ss SF061406-21SF06 1406-21 nnnnnn n nnn n n n nnnn n n nnnnnn n n nnnn nn nn nnnn n nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn n n n n n nnnn •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Please Respond By July 14,200614, 2006 Please Respond By July 14, 2006 Certified As Unclassified January 9 2009 SECRETSECRET IAW EO 12958, as amended Chief, RDD, ESD, WHS , . IP Adjunct Professor oflnternational Afl'air.s Adjunct Professor Professor ollnternationalofinternational A,ffairsAffairs June 3,3, 2006 MEMORANDUM FOR:FOR: COLONEL MIKE MEESE DEPDEPARTMENTARTMENT HEAD,BEAD, DEPDEPARTMENTARTMENT OF SOCIALSOCIAL SCIENCESSCIENCES UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY COLONEL CINDY JEBB DEPUTY DEPARTMENTDEPARTMEDEPARTMENTNT HEAD,HEADHEAD,, DEPARTMENTDEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY Subject: Academic Report-Report- TripTrip toto AfghanistanAfghanistan and Pakistan Friday, 1919 May through Friday, 26 May 1. PURPOSE: ThisThis memomemo providesprovides follow-onfollow-on feedbackfeedback referencereference visitvisit 19-2619-26 MayMay 20062006 toto AfghanistanAfghanistan andand Pakistan. Look forward to doing a faculty seminar withwith Department ofof Social Sciences atat youryour convenienceconvenience inin thethe FallFall semester.semester. 2. SOURCES-SOURCES AFGHANISTAN:AFGHANISTAN: a.a. AfghanistanAfghanistan PresidentPresident HamidHamidHamid Karzai:Karzai:Karzai Office: Office visitvisit andand discussion.discussion. AccompaniedAccompanied byby U.S.V.S.U.S. AmbassadorAmbassador Ron Newman and LTG Kar!Karl Eikenberry. b. Afghan Minister of Defense Wardak Office visit and discussions. b. Afghan Minister ofofDefense Defense Wardak: :OfficeOffice visitvisit andand discussions.discussions. c. AfghanAf ghan MinisterMinister ofof InteriorInteriorInterior Mogbil:Mogbil:Mogbil :OfficeOffice visitvisit andand discussions.discussions. Afg d.d. Afghan han ArmyArmy ChiefChief GeneralGeneral BismullabBismullahBismullah Kahn:Kahn:Kahn :OfficeOffice visitvisit andand discussions.discussions. e. AfghanAf ghan NNationalational SecuritySecurity OfficialsOfficials and Parliamentarians:Parliamentarians: MPRIMPRIMPR ISeminarSeminarSeminar andand LuncheonLuncheon InformalInformal discussions. 205thth f.f. AfghanAf ghan 20S205'h CorpsCorps CommanderCommander andand bafflebabattlettle staff.staft.staff .-- KhandaharKhandahar Visit:Visit:Visit: BriefingsBriefings andand informalinformal discussions.discussions. g. CommandingC ommanding General,GeGeneral,neral ,AfghanAfAfghanghan MilitaryMilitarMilitaryy Academy:AcadAcademy:emy: Briefings,Briefings, classroomclassroom visits,visits, informalinformal discussions. hh.. U.S. AAmbassadorAmbassadormbassador RonRon Newman:NeNewman:wman :One-on-oneOne-on-one LunchLunch andand discussions.discussions. i. LTGL TG KarlKar! Eikenberry,EiEikenberry,kenberry, CommanderCCommanderommander CombinedCCombinedombined ForcesFForcesorces CommandCCommandommand Afghanistan:AfAfghanistan:ghanistan :BriefingsBriefingsBriefmgs andand one-on-oneone-on-one discussions. j. LTG David Richards, UKUK Army,Army, CommanderCommander ISAFISAF (NATO):(NATO): One-on-oneOne-on-one discussionsdiscussions andand Briefmgs.Briefings.Briefmgs. k. MG Ben Freakley, U.S. Army, Commanding generalgeneral JTF-76:JTF-76: BattleBattle Staff StaffStaffbriefmgs briefingsbriefings andand one-on-oneone-on-one discussions. 1. MG Robert Durbin, U.S. Army, I. MG Robert Durbin,Durbin, U.S.U.S. Army, OfficeOffice of Security Cooperation Afghanistan.Afghanistan. BriefingsBriefings andand discussionsdiscussions status of Afghan National Army status of Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police.Police. m.m. BGBG TimTim Perryman,Perryman, U.S.U.S. Army,Army, CommanderCommander TaskTask ForceForce Phoenix:Phoenix: Briefings.Briefings. FormationFormation ofofofthe thethe AfghanAfghan National Army National Army andand Police. J Certified As Unclassified January 9 2009 IAW EO 12958, as amended Chief, RDD, ESD, WHS (i .. n. BG WilliamWilliam Chambers,Chambers,U.S. U.S.Air AirForce, Force,Deputy DeputyCommander CommanderCombined CombinedForces ForcesCommand-Afghanistan: CommandAfghanistan: Discussions. Discussions. o. BG James Terry,Terry, U.S.U.S. Army,Army, ADC-OpsADC-Ops -- 10th10th10th MountainMountai~Mouatain Division:Division: DiscussionsDiscussions andand Briefings.Briefmgs.Briefings. p. BG Christopher Miller,Miller, UU.S..S. AirAir Force,Force, CommanderCommander of AirAir CombatCombat CommandCommand forfor CJTFCJTF-76-76 q. BG (P) Stephen Layfield,Layfield, U.S.U.S. Army,Army, J3J3 ISAF:ISAF: One-on-oneOne-on-one discussionsdiscussions andand briefings.briefings. r. BG David Fruer,Fraser, Canadian Army, Commander CoalitionCoalition TaskTask ForceForce Aegis, KhandaharKhandahar (NATO):(NATO): Discussion and briefings. s. BG (Ret) Herb Lloyd, DYNCORP Afghanistan: Lunch. discussions s. BG (Ret) Herb Lloyd,Lloyd, DYNCORPDYNCORP Afghanistan:Afghanistan: Lunch.Lunch. One-on-oneOne-on-one discussionsdiscussions andand update.update. DrugDrug Situation.Situation. t. 10thth t. ColonelC olonel JohnJohn Nicholson,Nieholson,Nicholson, U.S. Army,ArmArmy,y, 101e Mountain DivisionDivision BrigadeBriBrigadegade Combat Team:Team : FieldField VisitVisit and Briefings - Battalion Commanders andand BrigadeBrigade BattleBattle Staff.Staff. u.u. CMDRCM))R RyanRyan Shoal,Shoal, U.S. Navy,NNavy,avy, ProvincialP Provincialrovincial Reeonstruction RReconstructioneconstruction Team.TeTeam.am. (PRT),((PRT),PRT), Kunar Kunar Provinee:ProProvince:vince: SecureSecure Telephone BriefingBriefmg and Discussions. y.v. ColonelC olonel CbrisCChrishris Toomey,Toomey, U.S. Army,ArmArmy,y, AfghanistanAfAfghanistanghanistan CorpsCorps DistrictDistrict Engineer:Engineer : BriefingsBriefmgsBriefings andand discussions.discussions. w.w. ColonelColonelColon e lMoMo Morrison,Morrison,Morrison ,U.S.U.S. Army,Army,Army, JTF76JTF76JTF76 J2J2 IntelligenceIntelligeneeIntelligence Officer:Offieer:Officer :One-on-oneOne-on-one briefingbriefingbriefing andand discussions.discussions. x.i. Mr.Mr . Tom Koenigs,Koenigs, UnitedUnited NationsNations RepresentativeRepresentative Afghanistan:Afghanistan:Afghanistan: UNAMA.UNAMA. One-on-oneOne-on-one discussionsdiscussions and briefmgs.briefings. y. Mr.Mr . DougDougDoug Wankel,Wankei,Wankel, U.S.U.S. EmbassyEmbassyEmbassy DrugDrugDrug Policy:Poliey:Policy: BriefingsBriefings andand one-on-oneone-on-one discussions.discussions. z. Mr.Mr . MichaelMichaelMichael Metrinko,Metrinko,Metrinko ,U.S.U.S. Embassy:Embassy:Embassy: BriefingBriefing - -OversightOversight ofoftheof thethe newnew AfghanAfghan Parliament.Parliament. aa.aa. CombinedCombinedCombined ForcesForcesForces Command-AfghanistanCommand-AfghanistanCommand-Afghanistan (CFC-A)(CFC-A)(CFC-A) BattleBattleBattle Staff.Staff.Staff. CampaignCampaignCampaign Brief.Brief.Brief. bb. Dinner Seminar NATO ISAF Staff: (LTC's and Colonels.) bb. Dinner SeminarSeminar NATONATO ISAFISAF Staff:Staff: (LTC's(LTC's andand Colonels.)Colonels.) cc. Dinner Seminar US JTF 76 : (Army and Air cc.ce. DinnerDinner SeminarSeminar USUS JTFJTF 76:76: (Army(Anny andand AirAir ForceForce GeneralGeneral Officers--Officers-- andand FullFull ColonelColonel Commanders).Commanders).Commanders), dd.dd. SpecialSp ecial OpOperationsOperationserations HeadquartHeadquarters-Afghanistan:HeadquartersAfghanistan:ers-Afghanistan :VisitVisit andand Briefings.Briefings. ee. JTF-76JJTF TF-7-766 JointJoint OperationsOpOperationserations IntelligenceIntIntelligenceelligence Center:CeCenter:nter :BriefingsBriefings andand discussion.discussion. 33.. SOURCESPAKISTAN:SOSOURCES-PAKISTAN:UR CES-PAKISTAN: aa.. U.S. AmbaAmbassadorAmbassadorssador RRyanyan Crocker:Crocker : EmbassyEmbassy residenceresidence - dinner discussions; Office callcall- -- one-on-one visit.visil. bb.. BG SandSandyy Davidson,Davidson, U.S.U.S. ArmyArmy,, U.S.UU.S..S. Defense Representative Pakistan:PakistanPakistan: :BriefingsBriefingsBriefmgs andand one-on-oneone-on-one discussions. c. ODRP BriefingBriefing bybbyy ColonelCColonelolonel AllenAllAllenen andand ColonelCColonelolonel Shapiro:SShapiro:hapiro :DiscussionsDiscussions SupportSupport toto the Pakistani Military. dd.. Mr.Mr . BobBob Cahill FFBIBI -- DOJDOJ LegalLLegalegal AttachéAAttachettache Team:TeTeam:am :BriefingsBriefings - War on Terrorism. e. U.S. DDefenseefense AttaAttacheAttachéch6 RoundRound TTableable with ColonColonelel Tom WahlWahlertert andand team.teamteam.. 2 Certified As Unclassified January 9 2009 IAW EO 12958, as amended Chief, RDD, ESD, WHS , . f.f. Mr. TomTom Nuse,Nuse, DEADEA SAC:SAC: DiscussionsDiscussions andand briefing.briefing. g. U.S. Embassy Political Officer Ms. h g. U.S. EmbassyEmbassy Political OffieerOfficer Ms. TberesaTheresaT
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