I'press List of Old Records
, - I'PRESS LIST OF OLD RECORDS - IN'THE PUNJAB CIVIL SECRETARIAT. VOLUME XXY~ Fro·m,·1849· to 1861. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, - - LaLore-~ 1'BlNTBD BY TmlI supEanfrENDENr. GOVERNMENr PB1NTlN~ PUN1A~ 1834.. • • R" A7 .. n ..O or '3£·ttls. Gd. , P,tlce.. ... ~ u ' Reviled List of Agen~1 for the Sale of Punjab Government PoblicatioDI. ' -'- ON !rBB COriiiiBii",;'AND UNI'IliD KINGDOM. "1 "':i;~blicati?ns obtainable either direct from the High Commissioner fot -JnCIJ.a. ~at India House, Aldwych, LondoB, W. C. 2, or through any book- ~er. ,>';..,:" • ' IN"""" INDu.' /" ,;, , .neMANAGBB," The Qaumi Daler" and the Union Pre~s. Amritsar. -The MANAGBB, The MOOd-i-' Am Press, Lahore. 'The ¥ANAGING PBoPBIBToB,'TheCommercial Book Company, Brandreth , , Road, Lahore. _ Mesara. RAMA KBIBlINA & BONS, Anarkali, Lahore. " -The HoNY. BBCBlIIuiy,P~jal\Reliiious Bppk Society, Lahore. L. RAM LAi BURl. Propnetor, '.. The BtudentiJ''{)wn Agenay," Anar· , tali, Lahore. _ :The, PBOPBIBTOB, Punjab Law Book Mart, Mohan Lal Road, Lahore. L .. DBwAN CSAND, Proprietor, 'The Mercantile Press, Nisbet Road, Lahore. ~. B. ,JAUBA, Esq., B.A., B.T., The Students' Popular "Dep6t, 'f .K~cheJi;.&ad",L~o:re.. ...•.( ' •• ' 't 'I"""' I~ ....t,::' -.I /'E\.,. ~" ' Masm:" Gop.u.lhNGB..Su:Bt:& '04.. La'\l.BookseUers and. Binders. Lahore. -The Mf-NAGBB, University Book Agency, Kacheri Road, Lahore. -rhe PBOPBIBTOB. City Book Co., Post Box No. 28S, Madras. -The PBOPBIBTOB, The Book Company, Ltd., College Square, Calcutta. ,The MANAGBB, Standard Book DepOt, The Mall. Lahore. -The PBOPBllIITOB. Aftab Punjab General Law Book Agency, near Old City Police Btation. Lahore. 'The MANAGING PABTNBB, The Bombay l300k DepOt, Girgoon, Bombay.
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