T he Courier-Gazette. T W O DOLLARS A YRAR V olu m e 48. IN A D V A N C K ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY JUNE G, 1893 Entered a* Second Clans M ail Matter N l MBRJi 22

The place to.. GIRLS WANTED CITY CHAT. Thomaston extension is now fairly launched, MEMORIAL i'AY OUTLOOK. CHURCH MATTERS’ i natmakcra, Pantmakern and Veatraakera in a id with a decent amount of fair weather this mediately Call on or write b unch w ill be jnearly if not quite completed The Usual Elaborate Observance In Lace HAVE 20.21 • .1. 11. LA It KIN ft CO., 321 Main Ht. Here and There About Our Rapidly i Memonal Dav was all mat could be desired. A Meeting of Sunday School Workers ------Growing City. by the middle of July. This City.—The Oration. , For once it did not s’orm THEM in Thomaston. WANTED. Memorial Dav, 1.893, will bn remembered At 165 Broadway 3500 chairs t j mend w ithout o o CLEANED ND wasn’t “ Friend One day last week ns two gentlemen who The Maine Bflptist Sunday School Workers’ Curtains! regard to th* ir kind or condition. Prices accord- as one of tho most impressive celebrations The Gonnecticti’ Legislature decrees that the Iiik to amount of material used and labor. Frlte** ns presented hive •sailed the seas over,” gray-bearded and And Done up equal to new la at 11 of the day ever held here. The afternoon . ME. for Luwns, Flower or Vegetable Gardens. 1 ling in th? sight of a little country post march­ E. Thayer; 3 30, Discussion ; 4. Paper: “ Our being “ The Crust of Society,” the paper for too, of hearing the booming of the guns in the C. W . Brad lee, pastor of Pratt Memorial Primary Department,” Mrs. H. K. Thayer; 20-22 G. M. T IB B E T T S . ing to II»e an l drum than in that of a big which is now up, and The “ Span of Life,” that engagement between the Enterprise and Boxer, M. E. Church, this city. Mr. Bradleo apol­ 4.20, Discussion; 4.45, Question Box; militia regiment, with crowded brilliant ranks Cows and Calves For Sale. thrilling melodrama now exciting such a furore as she was living with her father ai the time on ogized at tiie opening of his address, refer­ EVENING SRSHION. Use the : : : Three new milch cows, three calves and blooded in Boston. We hope that the endeavors of the ihe Island of Matinic. What changes in a on a holiday parade ground — Boston Journal, row for sale. 20 Apply to G. W. FI8II, Union. ring to tiie fact of tiie severe sickness of Supt. H. P. Kallocb, President. 7.30, Praise Express Duplicator, managers of the Opera House to give us first life time ? She spoke o f being obliged to go to himself and wife, the trouble of moving o o and Prayer; 7 50. Paper: “ Tbe Sunday School If you winli to m ake many eopienof any Nautical Instruments For class nttrac’ions will be seconded by the hearty Owl’s Head to take tbe steamer lor Boston, The Chicago Record prints this hopeful Teachers Reward,” Mrs. R. C. H a ll; 8.15, from a distant city and other cares, hut Address: “ The Holy Spirit in Sunday School Writing or Drawing. No waaliing re­ S a le . co-operation of our people. while the other day she was seen stepping Into “ exact copy” of what one man spent in six quired. It la A Sextant Aneroid Barometer, Gliarts and Epi when he had completed his address all felt Work,” Rev. K. C. Whittemore. tome, m arly nil n e w . Will sell at les- than half an electric street car, a few rods from her door. that there was no need of an apology. The days nt the lair, counting from the time he left have been made with tbe rail­ tliocos- Inqulroof ISAAC UPHAM, I he Best All Around Copying Machine Richard Golden, “ Jed Prouty,” is to have a Mrs. Snow w ill have reached the age of ninety oration was eloquent, interesting, soul-stir­ his hotel until he returned in the evening— : roads of the 8tate securing half fare for the 20-23 Beech Street, Rockport. Gar fare...... Going, and i« one of the Cheapest For new play, which ho and W illiam G ill will in the coming September. Her hearing has $] jo round trip. Inquire at your railroad station. terms and specimens of work apply to ring, was frequently interrupted b y hursts Admissions ...... 3 no HOUSE FOR SALE. write together. The new play w ill be a contin­ failed her a little and her sight Is a little of applause, and proved to be ju s t what the Launches aud electric road...... 70 J. W. MITCHELL. Rockland. Me. A two story house In best ol order with cement dimmed, but her mind is as “ bright as a dol­ L u n d ie s ...... 300 basement, furnace, etc. Ever)tiling cor.ve. lent uation of the old favorite nnd w ill deal largolv soldier hoys wanted to hear. This was Mr. Admission to small show s...... 2 75 ami vood location. Enquire of with the airiirs of Tretty, grown up and with lar.” She ha, always been an active worker Brad lee's first appearance before a general Guide b o o k ...... 1 26 Tho state Christian Endeavor Union w ill 20 N. JO N E S. and quite a reader, and she still takes a keen Small sundries...... 2 00 children. A strong love story w ill run through audience in our city, and he certainly made assemble at Portland Aug. 30, 31 and Sept. 1. interest in all that is going on about her. £ T o t s ...... FOR SALE and there will he a naturai mingling of laughter a deep and favorable impression. $13 80 The committee has already commenced work Tomnto, lettuce, cabbage and squash plants. and tears. Uncle Jed w ill, of course, he the The lunch-basket did It. upon the program. Most people in Maine w ill Good stock. 19 II. M. LORD, 14 Orange St. PERSONAL POINTS. C oat principal part. The scene of the play w ill be probably recollect that this great society had ROSE LEAVES. FOR S A LE . entirely laid in the valley of tho Penobscot. OUR STATE. its birth in Portland at the Williston House w ith ell on Pine street. Lot 90x70. Price A Gentleman Well Known to Many of S. A . Keyes was Post Commander and church, an unpretentious structure in the $700, $300 down and balance to suit. Our Readers. performed his duties w ith s k ill. western part of the city. This was on Febru­ M a k e rs 16 WALKER, ROSE A CO. The Public Library movement Is constantly A Few Items of Interest from Our Maine Gen. Davis Tillson presided in his usual ary 21, 1881, and Rev. F. E. Clark, D. D., at gaining ground and there is a possibility that Exchanges. A New, Modern House For F. S. Hastings of E lm h urst, Gala., who masterly manner. present president of the United 8ociety, was ground may be broken for a building, this W a n te d . S ale. has boon visiting tho fam ily of Frank W . There are 195 names in the roll of honor. the originator. There are in the world at the season. We most certainly hope so. The fund Bath will have the electrics in two months. The McLoou, Lancester house, corner of Lime- Ham, this city, lias returned West. Mr. J. E. Burke, esq., of W a te rv ille ,’ who present time 15,000 societies having a member­ rock street and Shaw Avenue. A well built house, for books now reaches $4,000, and if the City KNIGHT & HILL. one of tiie finest in the city, lute style with modern Hastings, it will bo remembered, married delivered the oration in Thomaston, Tues­ ship of more than one and one-half millions. Government does what it should in the way of improvement-, will he sold on easy terms. Lizzie, sister of Mr. Ham . IIo has boon day afternoon, was on the platform during The looked for injunction to prevent Auburn There are four hundred societies in the State F. 1C. HI1 AW, Real Estate Broker, an appropriation, and the plans of the Library 18 No. 420 Main BL, Rockland* ’ cry successful in tho West as tho follow ing the evening. . otu buying the water works has been hied. of Maine alone. At the meeting in August the committee succeed, January 1 w ill see tbe iund from tho Elmhurst, Gala., Advance will following speakers w ill bo present: Rev. GUARANTEED j J ( Pump, Boiler, Engine for for books rising $5,000. This is a movement W iley’s Corner Band, re-inforced by one 1"||£ J show: Lewiston city fathers offer to take 81000 out Wayland Hoyt, D. D., Minneapolis, Rev. A. C. S ale. in which all our peoule irresponsible of sex. or two members of Ingraham’s Band, fur­ M r. Hastings is a native of Boston. of the municipal (ill for a Fourth of July cele­ Farrar, D D., Albany, N. Y., Rev. Charles One No. 8 Knowles Pump, one 30 II. P. Upright color, religion, politics and age, are deeply In­ nished excellent music for the day. This is Boiler, one 25 H. P. Engine, all iu good condition Arriving at maturity, ho moved to Now bration. Daniels, New York, Rev. I. J. Lansing, D. D,» York, where ho engaged in tho clothing anew hand, less than a year old, and it GOLDEN RULE^SHOE and will be sold at a bargain. terested. Rev. F. E. Clark, D. D., General Secretary, S. E. & II. L. SHEPHERD CO., business, in the w ell known Jennings certainly has made marked progress under 19 22 Rockport, Me. establishment. After the Givil War he the instruction of R. G. Ingraham. The Here’s a good week's shipment for a town J. W. Baer, Boston. J. W. Peabody of homaston struck tho first migrated to California, ami with his brother band expected to appear iu its new uniform s the size of Houlton, 33 carloads in a ll: Pota­ Rev. Dr. Clark, with his wife and child, is blow on the Thomaston extension of the elec formed the famous firm of G. G. Hastings toes, 9; shingles, 4; hay, 3; horses, 3; long ENCINES FOR SALE. & Go., of San Francisco, from which he but they failed to arrive in time. on his way home after a tour of the world. Two second-hand upright engines, in good order, trie railroad, Thursday morning. lumber, 2; hark, 2; cattle, I ; miscellaneous, 9. During his journey he has visited all o f the 5 ami 7 horse power; loo small for our use. Bar­ retired after having acquired a fortune. Atlantic Shoe Store, gains. Apply to THORNDIKE x HIX, Since that tim e he has resided in this vic in ­ RESCUE AT SEA. societies in foreign lands, and he w ill have t33c!7 Rockland. ity and become one or its prominent men. »-.j something interesting to say at the meeting In F. A. PETERSON, Proprietor, There are seventeen residents at the City He is a veteran of the W ar of the Rebel­ A Maine man the other day took out a licence his old home, Portland. Ilaa the Sole Agency In this city for Farm. There is quite a let of seed in the lion, where ho served w ith a New York How A Plucky Rockland Captain Saved tor a dog named Christopher Colnnbus. And SCH DIADEM FOR SALE. regiment. His staunch patriotism is a The State committee of the society is now theae Fine Wearing Shoes, and they Tiie vessel is 900 barrels capacity, lias been all ground and all things point to a large harvest A Vessel’s Crew. the license clerk made the transaction historic­ c innot be purchased at any other store. built over, well found in sa ils, rigging, etc. Just marked characteristic of the man, as is man­ arranging for a notable event in Endeavor They are a Maine made Shoe from the ifest in tho fact tha t lie has offered to erect ally complete bv numbering tbe license- the vessel tor lim e coasting to Boston. The perils of the sea educate seamen to acts circles. On July 0,6 and 7 the international Freeport Factory, and they are put out BURGESS, O’BRIEN ft CO. A resident of this city, living at the North- on the grounds of the Elmhurst school, a 1492. ______for a good btyle and Thom aston, May 8, 1893. 18-24* end, has a flock of chickens which were hatched Hag-staff as ta ll as can ho obtained, ami of daring, of heroism and of hardship that are convention of the society w ill he bolden at out in two weeks. T’was either a very smart from which “ Old G lo ry” can be seen to probably unknown to any other vocation, civil The Lewiston rumseiiers and drinkers Ap Montreal. On Jnly 4, a special train w ill Honest Shoe, SCHOONER FOR SALE. float for miles around. Although this pre­ or military. Scarcely a day goes by hut one pear to be thoroughly informed of tbe latest start from Portland at 9 a. m., arriving in Sch. Anna M. Dickenson of Edgartown; 207 hen, or restaurant eggs were used. sentation comes from a gentleman residing | Backed up by a tons; well found nnd in good condition. Will entirely without our school district it w ill' is able to read of rescues upon the sea,)or from devices for bringing tbelr -liquor into town and Montreal in the evening. I t is expected that carry about 2500 barrels lime. Enquiro of Capt. he none tho less appreciated and w ill stand the sea, little short ot miraculous. A case in avoid seizure. Tbe latest attempt but which 500 excursionists w ill constitute the Maine G. J. HART, on board, or E. W CHADWICK, We saw on sale in one of our city stores the G uarantee! a monument to those excellent qualities of point, illustrating the determination, the skill, didn’t work was to smuggle in alcohol in live delegation, coming from ail portions of tbe Agent, Edgartown, Mass. 14 other day a patent raisin seeder, tne device of American loyalty for which we revere our Thousands ol these Shoes have been the heroism and the untiring persistence of a gallon paint cans that looked for all the world State. -■old, and the verdict ot the w earer is C. L Wilson of this city. It is an ingenious forefathers. For Sale or to Rent. In business M r. Hastings has been un­ Yankee seaman, is that of the recent rescue by as though they contained oil. that they are the BEST. 18 little thing and does the business. Tin: Sidelinger bouse, corner North Main ami usually successful and now occupies one of the schooner James W. Bigelow, ot Boston, THE STEAMBOATS. Why Not Try a Pair? Maverick streets, house containing eleven rooms; tiie most magnificent houses in the valley. stable, carriage house and oilier buildings, with of all h inds from schooner Booth Brothers, of The 30 barrels of fruit which tho State Pointi- one lialf acre land. Also a new cottage house on Isn’t Rockland to havo a circus or two this His garden contains floral specimens of logical Society has been keeping in cold storage BLAKE BLOCK, NORTH END. every conceivable variety, a veritable Gar­ New London, Conn. In a tremendous sea the The City of Richmond was sold at auction to Frederic **treet, price $700, one-third down, easy and from which they take from time to time .

At the City Connell meeting last evening the Personal Paragraphs of More or Less Matters of a Religious Nature—Last A musical evening at the home of Mrs. Ada Interest to Our Readers. F. Keere, last Thursday. Riven in honor of her recommendation for an appropriation for the S unday’s Services. See What We Offer friend Miss Mrcs of Brooklyn, was a most de­ Frank Storer is oil duty with a touch of celebration of July 4 was laid on the table in the lightful occasion. * The several numbers of the There w ill be a special train to Thomaston Board of Aldermen by a vote of 4 to 3, and as a erysipelas. following program were well chosen and artist." The Largest and Handsomest Capt. H. O. Hal! made a business trip to at seven o'clock. Thursday in connection with result Rockland probably w ill not celebrate this the Sunday School Institute. cally rendered, the guests manifesting their ap­ line of Bo’ ton, last week. preciation by hearty npplatw. CIGARS? year. Benj. Fog'er of the Adams House. Boston, The Lincoln Co. Conference of Cong'l Duet—“Merry Wives of Windsor,” Nicolai COTTON, We trust all our readers w ill take pains to has been in the city. Churches w ill be held in Warren, Tuesday and Mra A D. Bird and Ml-a Morn. I When your customers Mrs. Dr. Chamberlain of Friendship is visit- Song—“A Summer Night," Thomn* PERCALE and CHALLIE HOUSE- read the Plymouth letter in this issue. It is Wednesday, June 13 and 14. Miss Moca. call for the from the pen of Prof. L. C. Bateman, ami is inc relatives in the city. The Woman’s Missionary Societies of the Plano Solo—"Sorata,” Mozart WRAPS, and TEAGOWNS, J. A. Millburn, formerly of this city, is lo­ Hannah K< < ne written In the happiest vein of that talented Lincoln Baptist Association w ill hold a basket Song—-“ rhkt I A lone Can K now ," Kelgg ever shown in Rockland,. author. cated in North Conway. meeting in Warren Wednesday at 10:30 a. m. W. F. TlbbetH. Mrs. G o. W. E. Barrows of Bangor is !>’>»- BOb-ltlJeh , c® Prices ranging from One Under the tutelage of T h e C.-G. the Rock­ Rev. J. H. Parshlev preached in the new the guest of Mrs. J. B. Porter Mias Moes Globe Trotter to Five dollars. land Ulcer is getting to be as pliable and mild Advent Chanel, W illow street, Sunday after­ Mrs. Leander Wheeler of Clark Island ban la “’TIsMorn,” Oeibel Excels all ethers. If you want the as an over-ripe tomato. It appeared again last noon at two p. m., the first service held In the I ‘ i b. * (), Ilueh Thee, My Baby,” Sullivan been visiting friends in town the past week. Mrs. Keene, Mbs Moes, W V. Hanscom, W. F. strongest, purest, and best, insist on Remember that they Friday and incredible as it may seem, it lailed new editice. I t w ill be dedicated Sunday. Tibbetts. having Williams' It is unequalled in The greatest bargain ever to slander some one—the third or fourth time Emma Anderson is at home from a four June 25. Sour—“ Love’s S tar,” Kucfeen wholesomeness and flavor. One bottle j arc lobbed by offered in TOW ELS is weeks visit in Massachusetts and New York. Dr. T. E. Tibbetts. of extract makes 5 gallons. Ask for it. in its history that such a thing has occurred. The work of improvement on the Cong'l Duet—"Grace,” Bohn our D amask with fringe Ralph Bird and Hannah Keene. The Augusta papers characterize Judge O. G. Church, this city, is being pushed along. A Ibis is not only " ju s t ns good" St. Clair Bros. <&, Co. An unprecedented press of advertising, due Song—“ It W as Not T hus to B e." Nessler :i«. others, but'/hr belter. One SOLD and huck with plain hem Hall's Memorial Day address as very eloquent. I)r. W. V. Hanscom. to our 3500 never less and often more, has so handsome dado has been painted around the t-i:il will support this claim. EVERYWHERE Frank Fales of Kansas is visiting his brother, Plano Solo—Selected. H llllaaa A CarleUa. Il»rif«rd. CL It is the best 5 cent reduced our space this week that our news mat­ interior of the audience room and the vestibule M bs Moes. tor 19 ctS. Orpheus Fales, at the oid home, Maverick is being frescoed. C. B. Emery does the work. t a. " A Spring Song," Plnsuti ' Cigar sold. ter is crowded down to the smallest compass. Quartet — •’ b. "Good Night, Good Night, Ail Silk Windsor Ties for 8ome of onr faithful scribes who read this will street. The exterior w ill be painted at once. ( Beloved," Plnsuti Mrs. Clinton Richards and two children of The lecture in the First Baptist Church, one Mrs Keene, Miss Moes, W. V. Hanscom, W. F. understand why their communications are cut Tibbetts. 19 cts. Wilton are visiting the fam ily of W. G. ween ago Thursday by Major Susie Swift of down so cruelly. Miss Moes is a person of pleasing address Brown. the 8alvation Arm y, was well attended, and { Look at onr Misses' Line, whote naive and winning manner makes her a Fall River has another murder mystery, the W illis K. Carleton of Rockport is frescoing proved intensely interesting. The lecturer is a very attractive lady to meet, and a musician of FLOUR! . including details of which in some respects resemble the the residence of C. E. Littletield, esq., Lime- cultured lady, thoroughly en rapport with her high ability, one whose execution shows intel­ famous Borden mystery. Between the hours rock street. work, and makes herselt felt. COTTON GUIMPBS, of 7 :30 a. m., and two p. ra.. Tuesday, a farm Mrs Pitcher, Instructor of music in the Bel­ ligent study, close application and a desire to 1 he second combined meeting of the Congre­ bring out the author's true meaning, and who FLOUR! ! BLOUSES and DRESSES. house in the suburbs was entered and Mis* fast schools, and Miss Bertha Bird, were in gational, Baptist and Methodist Young People’s proved herself equally at home amid the strong $2.00 Saved I have just received a car load of Fancy U Inter Bertha Manchester, a young woman who was town Friday, visiting schools. Societies of this city w ill be held in the First intricate passages of Bach or the more tender, Wheat Flour which I am selling for alone at the time, was murdered, the top of her Gen. Davis Tillson and wife left Saturday Baptist Church, Friday evening, June 9 Miss sympathetic strains of Chopin or Rubinstein skull being crushed to jelly. A neighbor liv- for St. Paul, Minn., where the general attends ( on every barrel of iMertie G. Colling w ill lead the meeting and L. She also possesses a clear, musical voice, $5.25 Per Bbl. CROCKETTS LOVEJOY., ing closo by heard no noise during the day and the meeting of the Loyal Legion. G. March w ill conduct the singing. The sub­ which shows cultivation and accuracy ot ! flour, by using the saw no one enter the house. Three large dogs W. H. Fogler and wile returned Mon­ Three Barrels for $15 25. Rockland, Maine. Col. ject w ill be "H ow Christ has helped me." A ll expression. The duet by Mrs. A. I). Bird about the house made no disturbance. The day of last week from Chicago and the Fair, are cordially welcome. and Miss Mccs was a number in which both axe with which the deed was done was found old reliable and report a most delightful trip. Iauie9 acquitted themselves with credit The For This Week Only: in the woodpile. This terrible deed certainly Following *,is the order of services at St. S M I T H ’S Mrs. Clara A. Cole of Brooklyn, N. Y., is 5 lbs. Nice California Itulslns, 25c. resembles the manner in which the Bordens Peter's Church, for next Sunday : 7:30 a. m., selections by the quartet were fine and welj H o rsfo rd ’s B read at the residence of Dr. W. A. Albee, Middle 3 packages Quaker Oats, 3fle. were killed. Several articles of value were Holy Communion; 10:30, Prayer and Sermon ; rendered, especially Sullivan's •*□ Hush Thee, street, doing interior art decorative work. (I lbs. K lee, 3fl©. MUSIC STORE. stolen from the Manchester house while noth­ 7 :30 p. in., full choral service and address by My Baby,” and “ Pinsutl’s, “ Good-night, Preparation, instead ' M. A. W ill and wife of Strong are guests of Geo. Gunnell, Jr., of New York City. The Beloved," the rich voices blending harmonious­ 1 lb. Hplce (any bind), 33c ing was missed from the Borden house. This O bars Soap, 25c. B. I’ . Brackley and wife, Myrtle street. They Bit-hop of Maine preached twice on Sunday at ly and Mrs. A. I) Biid proving an ideal accora of the ordinary high- contrast, however, may indicate but little. SPRING STOCK! The amount taken from the Manchester house w ill leave tomorrow, cn route for Chicago. this church and in the evening confirmation panist. Dr. T. E. Tibbctis, \V. F. Tibbetts and A Full Line of Fresh and was of no considerable value and a medical ex­ Prof. R. C. Rankin, the well known dancing was administered to a class of adults. Dr. Hanscom sang exceedingly well and their priced baking Corned Meats at the very solos which were an attractive feature of the eve­ Customers will find Standard Makers’ Klegun amination showed that aside from a desire to master of Boston, Is in Rockland for the Sum­ Love-feast was held at the Methodist Church lowest prices : : U pright ning met with great favor from the company. steal, to murder, or for revenge, there was no mer where many friends are more than pleased Sunday at 9 a. m. At 10:30 the pastor, Rev. powder in cans, and Miss Hannah Keene and Master Ralph Bird motive. The facta thus far known imply that to see him. C. W. Brad lee, preached on “ Trio of Graces’’ Prompt Delivery to any part of the pleased the guests with their playing,which was c ity . 21-24 there could have been no motive for revenge. Fred R. Spear returned from Boston Thurs­ -----Miss Jennie McLain presided at the organ, the result is better. PUflO pO/fTES exceptionally good for so young musicians,and day. Mrs. Spear s till visits at the Hub. Mrs. Cong’l Church. Sunday, and Mrs. F. M. Shuw In stock, such as DEMOCRATIC CLUB. indicative of good training as well as musi_ Louisa Furbish and Mrs. D. N. Mortland have sang soprano----- The morning sermon in the f T ry ? it. i H . XI. F L I N T , cal gifts. At the close of the program delicious HARDMAN, joined her there. Church of Immanuel was upon “ The Eternal A meeting of prominent Democrats was held refreshments were served and the remainder of 117 P ark St. Miss Lucy Mank and Mrs. Nancy Winslow Dwelling Place." In the evening the subject FISCHER, in the City Council rooms, Friday evening at the evening spent socially, the guests reluct­ from Waldoboro visited Mrs. W inslow’s son was “ The Faith That Saves.”----- A t the Free eight o’clock, for the purpose of forming a antly departing on the “ last car” a special EMERSON, ETC.„ W illiam on W illow street and other friends in Baptist Church Sunday morning at 10:30 the Democratic Club. M. A. Rice, esq., called the which had been provided for them, amid ex­ I In Antique Oak, Fancy Burl, Walnut, Mohogauy pastor, Rev. John Pettingill. preached on “ The and Kbonlzed Cases. gathering to order. A temporary organization this city this week. pressions of pleasure with the happy manner was effected with M. A. Rice as chairman and Law a Schoolmaster.” Prayer meeting was “ THE BEST G. H. Clifford and wife are in Bath, attend­ in which they had been entertained. A Candy Whale A. I. Mather as secretary. After a thorough held at 7:30 in the evening. PARLOR and CHAPEL ORGANS, ing the Universalist State Convention. From may be hugely sweet. discussion of the objects of the club and the Chester G. Savage, d Rockland boy, grad­ Bath they go n Phippsburg where they visit STEAMBOAT SPARKS. »’» CHEAPEST" BANJOS, general characteristics necessary for such a relatives of Mr. Clifford. uated from Newton, Mass., Theological School and very expensive; but it really body, two committees were chosenJas follows: May 19, where he took a two years course to isn’t a practical sort of a fish. The USE R. W . M illburn, who planned to remove to First Trip of the New Rockland and New Home Sewing Machines On Constitution and By-laws.—Capt. Henry No. Conway, N . H.. has been induced to re­ tit himself for the Baptist ministry. He was marvelous things of life have their Gregory, Oliver Otis, Parker T. Fuller. Ellsworth Boat. And a General Assortment of main here, and continues to manufacture nice ordained a week ago Wednesday at Meriden, place; but not in the front file of On Equipment and Necessary Expenses— N. H., and w ill settle at once over the Baptist Small Musical Instruments and Mer­ J. E. Sherman, A rthur L. Gray, John Hanra­ s weet stuff for St. Clair Bros. & Co. New steamer Catherine, Capt. Oscar A | every day business. han, Jr. Church at North Stonington, Conn., to which Crockett, will leave here July 1, on arrival • A Maine man says: "I keep ‘FLOURINE chandise. The fam ily of J. R. Cousins has been place he was called. Mr. Savage is the son of of the steamer from Boston for Deer Isle. • The meeting was characterized by earnest­ obliged to return to Bath because of the sick- m.v hundred dollar watch at home The Best Winter Wheat !'• Instruments warranted, Prices Low, and Mr. and Mrs. Asbury C. Savage, Union street, one of the prettiest little harbors and vil- . j Terms of Payment Easy. 14 ness of purpose, harmony, and a thorough uess of Mrs. Cousins. Mr. Cousins w ill con­ to look at, and carry a new quick­ this city. U ntil some six years ago he worked lages on the coast of Maine; thence to L ittle ' belief in the necessity of the organization. The tinue his business in this city, however. He w inding Waterbury, which keeps PATENT FLOUR with his father at coopering. He at that time Deer Isle, through the Roach to Sargent- | ALBERT SMITH. commi.'f.’es are to report at un adjourned meet- visited in Lath, Sunday. just as good time.” In the world. ingio be held Friday, June 16, at the same felt a call to the ministry and started out un­ ville, Sedgwick ami Brooklin, thence down 1 H. L. Thomas o f this city and Miss Alice M. Every barrel guaranteed. hour and place. aided to get the education necessary to fit him the Reach around Naskeag Point and up ' Wise man. He knows what it Beverage of No. Haven w ill be married June Advertised Taxes. for that profession. He has shown great pluck, the bay to tho beautiful Blueliill landing, I costs to keep a fancy watch in re­ FISHER & WISE, Agents, RAILROAD NOTES. 14. Mr. Thomas ha& bought a nice building All taxes on Real Estate for the year 1891 now stamina and ability, and many friends and ac­ ami lastly up Union River Bay, giving all ' pairs ; so do you; if you own ontu 3 Commercial street, Boston. lot on Chestnut street, west of J. C. Perry’s I remaining unpaid unless paid before J u n e 1 0 , quaintances here take pride in his achieve­ on board an opportunity to view the beauti- I Leave it at Home.' Ask your grocer for It. Sold by 1893, will be advertised and sold as the law directs. Yesterday a new arrangement in conductors All taxes are now drawing 10 per cent Interest, residence, and w ill build a comfortable home ments. He is well fitted to succeed in the im- ful scenery on either side of Union river I Your jeweler sells the new quick- and other officials of the trains over the Knox w in d in g Waterbury; all styles | payable ut my office, 40(5 Main 8t. Office open there this season. I every day, Monday, Wednesday ami Saturday & Lincoln went into effect. Conductor Sprague p< rtant calling chosen. He has been p «ssing a and bay, arriving at Gio Ellsworth landing. | and cases; jeweled works, COBB, WIGHT & COMPANY. Miss Fannie Burpee, who has spent the stem-winding. $4 to $15. 4O 11 :i7 1 evenings, of the Night Pullman is now on the main line, few days with his parents in this city. early in the afternoon. 1 22 W . n . SMITH, Colloc tor. Winter at New Orleaus, arrived home Sun­ running from Portland to ^Bangor, and Frank day accompanied by her cousin, Harry B. Keizer takes the Pullman in Mr. Sprague's Farwell, of New Orleans, who comes north for place. Frank Hooper,who has been officiating h s annual Summering. They are just from as baggage-master on the Night Pullman, is Chicago where they have been on a visit to the now serving in that capacity on Conductor Fair. Hooper’s train, out in the morning and back in the afternoon. Albert Berry goes onto the Mrs. W. F. Norcross very delightfully en­ Night Pullman as baggage-master, and Frank tertained lady friends at her cottage, Owl’s A.JClark, who was breaking on the Night Pull­ Head, Wednesday. Whist was played in man, goes to Conductor Hodgkin.*/ train which sight of the rolling sea, a delicious lunch was arrives in here at noon. This arrangement served and ’twas a real elegant time. Prizes w ill hold until June 25, when other changes were won by Mesd. J. H. Haines, E. B. w ill be made. Hastings, E. H. Rose and R. H. Burpee. With June I Charles A. Farwell entered into WANDERER RETURNS partnership with Richard M illiken, the well A Well Known Rockland Boy Visits known commission merchant at 135 Gravier His Old Home. -treeb New*" Orleans, and the firm is now Milliken A In.w e ll. The many friends in Capt. \V alter G. Tibbetts of C alifornia is ihis city of both gentlemen congratulate them ^visiting in this city, his old home, after an on the new business arrangement, and wish absence in the West of nine years. Capt. them unlimited success and prospeHty. Tibbetts is a graduate of our High School, Miss Winifred M.Sh.iw is home from Bost n, class o f ’78. He has been very successful, where she has taken a full years' course in the ami is in command of the tine four-masted well known Posse Gymnasium for the study of schooner Salvator, sailing on the Pacitic Sweedisb and medical gymnastics, in order to coast. tit herself for the teaching of the same. She Six weeks ago he was in Portland, Ore., will locate in this city and devote huiseit to qnd saw there Capt. Lewi* Colley of Thom­ instruction in this system of physical culture aston, commander of ship Indiana, and and the massage treatment. Miss Shaw has Capt. F. W. Amesbury of Rockport, of bark been one of the instructors of the Jordan A Jeunio Harkuess. Four weeks ago be was Marsh mass and has also had a class of ill Los Angelos, Cala, and called upon Dr. children from the Boston public schools. S. II. Boynton and family in their pleasan1 L. B. Walker of Boston was in town last home. He reports them all well. Mrs. Plain Black and Figured Saline week------Rev. C. W. Bradleo now occup cj Boynton, especially, is greatly improved in his home on Grove street-----Fred E Pottle Navy Polka Spot Satine Waist, figured & Corded Gingham Waists White and Figured Lawn Waist, Plaid Siik Waist, Waist, Lace Collar. health, which w ill be a grateful bit of news of Bangor has been visiting his sister. Miss to scores of the fam ily friends here. Dr. Myra Pottle, this city----- W. G. Fuller,Sr., has Boynton, Capt. Tibbetts informs us, has been visiting relatives In Oldtown------Mrs. $ 1 . 2 5 . $ 1 . 2 5 . 4 8 c . $ 1 0 . 0 0 , $ 1 . 2 5 . built np a splendid practice and is very John Reed and son of Damariscotta have been prosj»erous. Miss Nellie Boynton is mak­ visiting in town------Miss Dora Ames, for­ ing her home w itli her brother, and is one merly o* the Tribune force, was in the city last of the best known vocalists on the Pacific week, en route tor her notue in North Haven. T h e coast. Miss Maud Boynton, the daughter, She is employed in Boston------Levi Turner, so pleasantly remembered here, is an ac- Jr., of Port lard was in town Wednesday------complislied piunist and vocalist and has a The wife of Rev. l)r. Lyman of Brooklyn, Tire 88les, b rillia n t future before her in the musical N. Y., who died last week, was a very beauti­ Hue. ful lady, and was well known to a large num­ Capt. Tibbets on his way East visited the 1 ber of Rockland people. P r i c e s ! Exposition. W h ile in Chicago he met a I W illiam H. Clark Pillsbury and Miss Marion classmate, Oscar P. Erskine, son of A. J. K. Storey were married iu Winthrop Center, Erskine of this city. Mr. Erskine is oue Mass., Thursday last. They w ill be “ at home’ Print W aists ...... o e u l s White Lawn Waists. .48c, 75c, SI, of the Maiue boys who has prospered in after June 28 at Cottage Park House, W in­ Chicago, lie expects to visit his old home throp Center, where, as we learn by a hand­ and 842,50. in this city late in July. Frank Garcelou, somely engraved card, a reception w ill be held who form erly was express messenger over June 28, from eight until ten o'clock. Mr. Lawn Waists, White and Figured ...... -IS c e n ts the Ixuox & Lincoln, was also seen in C hi­ Pillsbury is the son of E. 11. Clark, agent of Black Lawn Waists ...... $1-35 cago, superintending the unloading of ex­ the steamer Frank Jones, this city, and the h ibits for the Exposition from the cars. adopted son of the late Samuel Pillsbury. He Percale Waists ...... 9b cen ts S pot M uslin W a is ts ...... $ tS 2 .f5 O Capt. Tibbetts will visit in Rockland un­ Is a young man of high character and great til August. business ability, and hasj^very many friends THE MAINE* CANDIDATE. in this city who most heartily congratulate him Chambray Waists...... 9 8 e e n t w Silk Wuists in a great variety of Styles, from S 3 .2 5 0 t o and wish all things desirable. Mrs. Pillsbury S l5 i.;» O , Miss Helen A. Kalloch of T u b C.-G. force has visited in this city, where she is most stood seventh In the Boston Journal’s World's pleasantly remembered. She is a very attrac­ Figured and Corded Gingham W aists ...... jfjll.2 5 Fair contest, Saturday evening. We hope her tive and highly cultured young lady. T h e Our Black Silk Waist at SiS.OO is the best in the friends w ill hustle in their votes this week so C.-G. extends its approval and heartiest bene­ that by next Saturday she may have advanced diction. Figured and Plain Fust Black Satiue Waists...... 1.X22S m arket. farther snJl up (he scale. The Journal has a OBITUARY. jarge circulation hereabouts, and we want the coupons. Cyrus Wentworth, who died at his home on Crescent street, Wednesday, was a ship car­ Buy Your W aists NOW W hile W e Have a Large Assortment of Styles and Sizes! We received yesterday handsome bunches of penter and a man much esteemed for his high coupons from Vinalhaveu and Bangor. We character He was horn io Hope. The fun­ hope every reader of the Button Journal who eral took place Friday afternoou, under the d!» sees this w ill save their coupons for Miss rection of Rock laud Lodge Masons, and the PULLER & COBB, : : Syndicate Block. Kalloch. j remains were taken to Warren for burial. TIIK ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, .TUNE G 1893 S

Saturday evening a horse was frightened by THE FLYERS. LAST W E E K ’S FIRE. Pain the Teacher. 'FOLKS AND THINGS. the electrics and ran up Rim street, knocking FA II WELL OPER A IIOI SE. 5 0 P A IR S down and severely bruising a little son of HE races at Knox Trot­ j Hewett & Co. had insurance to the amount •'Sorrow, next joy, is what we ought to pray or, Officer Geo. B. Yeaton. No bones were ting Park, July 4, I of $15,000 in the agency of Cochran, Baker As, next to peace, we profit most irom pain. A NEW PREMIUM BOOK. A Cross, and $2,000 in that o f Edwin Sprague. Wednesday, June 7, broken. promise to be contests The best, however, is considered none too Their losses have been adjusted at $4,895.96. One good for free-born American cititens; and the Fred B Dow has bought the Thorndike of unusual inlercst. Miss M orrill had insurance of $500 with We have secured a great bargain for our pursuit of joy ami peace, as the constituents House barber business, And has sold his A. K. Some of the best Cochran, Balter A Cross, loss was adjusted at of happiness, is one of the inalienable rights readers in the extensively advertised book Spear Block business to George Williams. The horses in the State will $322.12. Mr. Benner is damaged about $100 Mr, John Stetson's Players “ Samantha at Saratoga.” Josiah Allen’s wife claimed for all men in the immortal Declara­ two transfers w ill take place next Monday. participate. The July no insurance. Mr. Ilanly had $500 insurance tion of Independence. From Ihe Globe Theatre, Boston, In (he w rit It and she made a big hit with the job. I with Cochran, Baker A Cross; loss not yet Button Messrs. Dow and Williams are expert barbers, 4 races w ill be tho M r. Henry L. Weed, of Belfast, Me., has Agents sell the book for $2.50 and it’s being so that these two tonsorial estAblishments fall adjusted. Ilewett A Co. have moved their Croat Dramatic Triumph c’otte of n very hotly contested circuit —Lib­ had exceptional success iu the pursuit of that sold now for that price. We offer the work in into skilled hands. Mr. W illiams has been in undamaged goods to the armory on Spring without which, in general, neither enjoyment erty, Wesl Rockport and Rockland. street and w ill close out the damaged goods the original fine binding and beautifully illus­ the employ of Frank Manson for a number of nor happiness is possible,—good health. He trated by Opper o f Puck fame, as follows : Pay The races at Liberty occur Saturday, June by special sale. The insurance adjusters Kid Gloves, is a young man who, for thirteen years, ha-1 years. I spoke highly of the manner in which our de­ THE CRUST :• 82 for T h r C.-G. one year and 50 cents extra 24, and will he as follows: 2 :50, 2.40 and 2 :30 been afflicted with rheumatism, indigestion, There are quite a number of local gardeners partment handled the lire. and get the book, or pay 84 for T h e C.-G. for classes. The sum of #235 is offered in purses. ami a cough, which In^t was so constant ami All Shades, tills year. I)r. T. E. Tibbetts, who has a rep. two years and get the work free. I f by mail Entries close Tuesday, June 20, and must be I troublesome, particularly since a severe attack utation for having the first green peas in the of La Grippe, that he was apprehensive ot •: OF SOCIETY, send 25 cents for postage. Old or new sub­ made with ’.V. H. Moody, Liberty. BUSINESS LOCALS. i consumption,— two members of his family city, has his vines well along. They are about The races at West Rockport w ill occur Sat­ Following It* great micce** at the Broadw ay T h e­ scribers are entitled to this book on same Advertisements in this column rivit ckhts A one ‘oot high, and look healthy and strong. urday, July 1, and w ill be as follows: 2:40, having died of that disease. He suffered al­ atre. New York, Globe Theatre, Boston, and every 1KP PER | l in k . No Insertion less than twenty-five cents. terms. Call and see a copy. most constantly from Rheumatism, which par- city practically from tb- Atlantic to the Pacific. He plants the Daniel O’Rourke variety. E. B. 2:30 classes, and 3-year-old colts and under. 1 3 b PAIR. L a v r r i. L r a v b s. | ticularly affected his right foot, to such an Hastings lias a garden on the Fogler lot, west Entries must be made with G. B. Ingraham, Several cords fine old rotted manure for sale We have a few copies of Laurel Leaves on extent that he was frequently unable to work of I)r. Tibbetts, and he is making the Doctor West Rockport. For further particulars see I suitable for flower or vegetable gardens or FARWELL OPERA HOUSE ALSO hand and subscribers can have their choice of for days and even weeks at a time. He had a close call on pens. Up on the h ill, at the Mr. Ingraham’s bills , ,awns by C. M. Tibbetts. ' been treated by many regular physicians ami the two books so long as they last. IOO Pairs Short Waisted Baptist parsonage, Rev. J. II. Parahley has a Jnly 4, St Knox Trotting Park, Rockland, expended a large amount of money for various Best Butter In the City for 25 cents. Home popular patent medicines without receiving The lime business continues dull. Prices garden. The plants are not particularly ad­ #425 w ill be offered in purses. The races w ill FRIDAY, JUNE 9. vanced, but the landscape effects are exceed­ Cooked Pressed Corn Beef, at Quincy Market, I any benefit from either. He says: CORSETS! •are very low. be as follows : ingly fine. 8amuel Bryant and J. P. Wise 2:60 class, trot aud pace, 252 Main street. Meats, green stuff and gro­ ; “ Saturday evening. Jan. 28, last, my right Pay Day in the Rockland Loan & Building can always be depended on to get vegetables 3:35 ...... •< »160 ceries of all kinds delivered any where in the foot was so swollen ami painful that I could 3:28 ...... 175 25 Cents Per Pair, Association next Monday. along alxrnt as early as any of them, and are city. Green stuff of all kinds constantly on hardly stand upon it, ami, on the recommen- The conditions are: Mile heats, best three in , dation of Mr. It. II. Moody, druggist, of Bel­ The McGibeny Family. Color* White, Drab and Oroy Mixed, all sixes, nnd The U. 8. Marine Hospital, Rockland street, well up with the procession this year. hand. a very nice fine of five, (o harness, national rules to govern fast, I bought of him one hottie each of OKKAT RAND, has hut two occupants. * The members of N. A. Burpee Hose Cr. wish­ Purses divided, 50, 25, fifteen and ten per cent. Look out for the “ E. W. cigar. It's coming. j Ro-lolPs Discovery and Emulsion and com- 8PLBNDID ORCHESTRA, E. K. Spear’s residence, 128 Rankin street, ing to honor tho memory of their Ex-Chief Horse distancing the field or any part thereof , menced their use. Within 24 hours the IJ osiehy, QLoves, Co^ sejs FULL CHORUS, has been repainted white. Engineer the late N. A. Burpee place annually to receive but one money. Entrance fee two Gasoline Ranges are the coming Summer I swelling ha-1 subsided and the pain ceased, stoves. Millions are in use throughout the ! ami I have not been trouble-1 with either since. THE KINDKHGAKTNKKS, AND F. W. Puller w ill occupy the Atherton bouse. on his grave, on Memorial Day, at Bay View percent to name, 3 percent more to start, and 10 SOLOISTS 10. Cemetery beautiful and costly decorations. 5 percent additional Irom winners only. The west. Far and away ahead of kerosene. Jno. I have not been free from rheumatism so long Masonic street, this week. at any time during the past thirteen years. Small Wares of All Descriptions. park owners claim the rieht to postpone on ac­ Crockett, 333 Main street opp. Fuller & Cobb’s. The Lewiston papers speak very highly of This year they consisted of a large wreath of My stomach trouble has materially improve-1 count of bad wealher. Entries close Thursday, Rev. J. H. Parshley's Memorial sermon in that flowers and ferns, a tablet of white flowers on Call for Flora Nector when you order soda. ami is s till improving. My cough has almost A GRAND ENTERTAINMENT, June 27, at 12 o'clock m : entries mailed on Replete with Gem* of Wit, Humor, Pathos, Poetry, J. R. FROHOCK, 2lty. which were the words, “ Our Chief” in purple It is a new flavor, delicious and invigorating. entirely cease-1. I have now taken three bot­ the day of closing w ill bo eligible: entries must tles each of the Discovery and Emulsion, ami D ram a, Delwarte and High-Cln** Comedy. flowers and a mound of flowers. A ll were It is the most delightful drink yet. Ask for it. 366 Main St., : Rockland, Maine. W. B. H ix and the N. E. Dispatch Co. are choice and lovely, and made a touching tribute be made with F. H. Berry, Rockland, Maine. am continuing their use. My general health An Enturtninmeut Unit Kutertains ! 22 moving to their new quarters, foot of Orient of the hlch esteem with which the hose com­ This w ill make a most interesting circnll of Thurlow’s fish market, 35 Union street, cor. is much improve-1 and I have increase-1 in weight; my appetite is better and my capacity Price* 75c., 5 0 c . a n d 3 5 c . street, this week. pany regarded the man whose name they arc of Oak. has the best of everything in the fish Some of our grocers are having greens dug for work much increased. Iu short, I am J. B. McOIBKNY, Proprietor. proud to boar and who while he lived strongly line. It is kept scrupulously clean and neat now in better health than ever before within FRANK M< OIBKNY, Manager. for them to pickel for winter use. They pay reciprocated their sentiments. INSTANTLY KILLED. and is up to date. Telephone orders taken and my recollection, and ascribe it altogether to 20 cents a bushel. S h o u t s .—Mrs. L. 8. Tripp has a dandelion goods promptly delivered. Order a fish by the wonderfully beneficial effect of the truly See W hat We Offer: Saturday afternoon Michael Shady was A Young Thomaston Man Comes to telephone and see. remarkable remedies of the Rodolf Medicine root with 31 flowers and 20 buds----- Sheriff The Largest und Best Line of thrown from a buggy on Park street, and one an U n tim e ly E nd. Co. I have paid the full price for all o f these Auction Gray and City Marshal Crockett are keeping The June Fashion Books are now on sale at ot his legs was broken. which I have taken, ami voluntarily give this dealers iu the ardent on their mettle----- The late W ill Sanfey of Thomaston, a young man Huston’s news stand testimonial for the benefit of those who may Children’s Carts, Wagons, Seven teams are hauling gravel from a field A. R. Bills had $2,000 insurance in the Sale of twenty-twoyearB of age, employed by W. H. Nice Mixed Candy 10 cts. per pound at still be suffering as I have suffered.” Wheelbarrows, Bicycles, on the Austin farm, at the Meadows, for the Knights of Honor----- Miss Adelaide M. Glover & Co., this city, was shot through the Simmons Fruit store, If you want some nice electric railroad at Thomaston. Crocker is assisting some of the High School Bicycles! Velocipedes, Doll Car­ head and instantly killed at the home of a Walnuts to make cake with we have ’em, fine RODOLF'S Tho Salvation A rm y drum corps and graduates in their elocution and stage manners friend, Morris Gregory, this side of Glen Cove riages, Base Balls, Bats, ----- The N. A. A 8. H. Burpee Furniture Co. Chocolate Drops for frosting 20 cts. per pound Veazie'a Baud made Main street quite nois­ early 8unday morning. at E. E. Simmons Cor. Main and Myrtle St. Spring St. Opera House, Belts, Catcher’s Mittens, ily lively Friday evening. is to have steam heating apparatus put into Gregory and Sanfey had been out to a dance, theirt block — A runaway on Main street, New Medical Discovery Foot Ballsanda Large Line A cavc-in of the filling of the Limerock and as it was late Gregory prevailed upon his, E. B. Ingraham & Co. have fresh fish of all FRIDAY, JUNE 16, Tuesday, added to the excitement of Memorial AND Railroad track, In the rear of Sherman, Glover friend lo pass the night with him. Before re­ kinds constantly on hand, with meats and of Toys of all kinds. Day. No one hurt— A meeting of the stock­ Sc Co’s, badly twisted the trestle, Friday. tiring his atiention was drawn to a revolver green stuff of all kinds. Greens, spinach, Afternoon and Evening. holders of the Rockland Water Co. is called which had belonged to Gregory’s father. As Remember the Place is at the A rescript has been received setting aside the radishes and cucumbers now in stock. E. B. Roflolfs Cream Emulsion, Tw enty five Good Bicycle*, new and uccond for June 12 to consider the advisability of re­ he wished io examine it, Gregory removed, as ABSOLUTELY CUKE hand, suitable for Ladles, Gents und Children. verdict in the suit of R. D. Metcalf vs. Joseph Ingraham & Co. building the system----- E. N. Nelson w ill open he supposed, all the cartridges, but must have Must bo sold for what they will bring. L. Metcalf. The ju ry verdict was in favor of Flint Brothers, Bakers, w ill continue to de­ T hese machines are nil in first classor-ler. T hey BOSTON 5 & 10 CENT STORE, a branch barber shop on Tillson wharf. Mr. overlooked one, for after snapping the trigger CONSUMPTION, cost from >25.00 to >135.00, fisrt-named. liver Brown Bread to customers Saturday p. Nolson w ill conduct it himself— Our city several times the weapon exploded, and Sanfey Now is your time to get a good machine cheap. G. H. COPELAND, Prop. ra. Try our M ilk Bread and Rolls, fresh SCROFULA, Dell Jameson while bicycling at Ingraham’s schools w ill close June 16----- Samuel H. Bur­ fell to the floor dead. The authorities were Don't Forget the Date and Place. every day and the quality of each is guaran­ H ill, Wednesday, was run over by a team and pee was knocked down by a dog on Main notified and ibe body taken to the Burpee un­ ULCERS. teed to be unsurpassed by any in the market. 9erverely bruised. The wheel, a new one, was street, Tuesday, and received severe bruises dertaking rooms and prepared fbr burial, F. L. SHAW, Auctioneer. nearly wrecked. ----- F. W. Smith now has his office with A. J. ECZEMA whence they were taken to the young man's Go to 404 and get one of those Duplex AND 21 Erskine A S o n ....D r. T. E. Tibbetts is to Bryant A Cobb were hard pushed with or­ home at Thomaston. Trouser Stretchers. Only $1. No more bags All Disetifles of tho Liver, Stomach, Kid­ SHOES! ders to be completed in season for Memorial paint bis residence, Middle street, colonial yel­ Coroner Otis was notified but considered an in the knees. Buy one and keep your panta­ neys and Blood. 5 low with olive trim m ings....Jam es Feyler, FOR PARTIES. Day. They put on a grand hustle, and the inquest unnecessary. The bullet entered at the loons free from wrinkles. A. T. Blackington SOLD EVERYWHERE. The undersigned ha* a riding barge capable of Pleasant street, is having his house prettily We have a fine line of contracts were all fulfilled to the letter. left corner of the mouth and lodged in the back & Co., 404. ______carrying 20 people.land pair of safe horse*, and is painted in, yellow and white. Capt. Joseph prepared to take pnrtie* on picnic* and excursion* Hotel Claremont, corner of Claremont of the neck, severing the jugular vein, and at short notice. This barge will leave Simmon* the Latest Styles Ham is doing the work----- The electric is E. A. Callaraore is selling fifteen Dananas for Sirtbs. store Friday evening*, at 0.30, for Crescent Beach. and Masonic streets, has been leased for death must have been instantaneous. twenty-five cents. Also candy for 10 cts per stretching along towards Thomaston----- Ches­ Round trip fare 35 cent*. live years to Frank Perkins of l’iue Point, Deceased was a young man of good habits, pound. Lemons 15 cts. per dozen. New and P a c k a r d —Rockland, June 3, to Mr. and Mm. CHAS. F. PRESCOTT. ter F. Glidden and It. G. Robinson went to Daniel A. Packard, u son. Write I’. O. Box 904, or apply No. 12 Prescott St. near Biddeford, who w ill furnish aud open industrious and enterprising, and well liked by second hand show cases for sale. Collamore, Spring Bremen on the 1 :30 train Saturday----- Build­ Know lton—Rockland, Jnne 4, to Mr. and Mm. 20 it at once. his fellow employes and associates. He was Rankin Block. K. A. Knowlton, a son. ing sites arc getting scarce on (be north side of S p e a r —Rockluud, J u n e 2, to Mr. aud Mr*. E. B. And ’ H .N . Keene and F. W. Wight, Claremont unmarried. Park street Move over gentlemen----- Sadie Try the “ Bijou” a first-class ten cent cigar. Spear, n non. Assignee’s S a le ! street, have driveways through their grounds HIGH SCHOOL. Bucklin—Rockland, 5Iay 29, to BIr. and Mm. Webster from North Haven is employed in C. H. Moor & Co., Apothecaries, Main street, George Bucklin, a non. Sum m er of sifted coal ashes rolled tine. I t makes a Flint Bros’ bakery----- It was a picked nine, cor. Oak. Mo ulton—Rockland, May 25, to Mr. and Mrs. very substantial roadway and the landscape June 15 is the date of our High School grad­ Johu P. Moulton, a son. Stock anil Fixtures of the Rockland more or less, which played ball on the Broad­ uation. The School Board, Wednesday even­ Good Beef, Iron and Wine is a fino Spring N y e —Rockland, May 25, to Mr. und Mr*. Charles Packing Company to be Sold ut Auc­ Footwear. effect is very pretty. way grounds Saturday. That is, they picked H. Nye, a -laughter. ing, voted to pay all of the necessary gradua­ tonic. Prepared at the Bijou drug store. P haneuu—Rockland, May 8, to M r. and Mr*. tion ou TL'EShAY, JUNR 20, 1808, The Mather Greenery received an invoice of their way over the fence, not being able to open tion expenses, hall, music, programs and Ihe C. H. Moor & Co., Main street, cor. Oak. Achille Phaneuf, a non. nt 2 o'clock p. in. on Tillson’s Wharf, A Music Book containing fifteen orchids direct from .Surinam last week. Cu­ the gate. Ro b b in s—Camden, May 19, to Mr. and Mm. Jo h n like, and to take entire charge of the gradua­ T. Robbins, a daughter. Bockland. cumbers from the greenery hot beds and ripe Do you want something new and delicious In D a v is —Friendship, May 21, to Mr. and Mr*. Favorite Songs given to every pur­ tion, Including the disposition of the seats in mp tomatoes from the greenery vines are luxuries the fancy cake line. We have it. We lead, R alph W. Davis, u daughter—Leila Amanda. Amusements and Announcements. the hall. The graduates and members of the L e a d b e t t e r -P u lp it n nrbor, May 31, to Mr. mined at time of sale. The property consist* of which c..n be enjoyed now. chaser of One Dollar’s worth or School Board are to have ten tickets each, the others follow. Try our celebrated O. K. Milk anti Mr*. Isaac T. Leadbetter, a daughter. all necessary apparatus anti fixture* for C. M. Blake is having a portico added to the The Girls Friendly Society of St. Peter’s Bread, none genuine without our mark on it— Ro b e r t s —Vinalhaveu, Slay 20, to Mr. and Mrs. tiie fish packing buslnc**, including engine, fryer, City Government, clergymen, teachers, etc. to E. S. Roberts, n son. cooler und drainer, copper jacket kettle, blower, more of Goods. rear of his block. He has had the grounds Parish w ill hold a delightful strawberry feast drying closets, llnke*, zinc tables and sealing be provided lor, and the members ot tho High “ C. E. R.” A ll first-class grocers sell It. Hot M KRRITIIEW—Vinulhaven, May 20, to Mr. and about h's block and home handsomely graded, ;n the Guild Room, Tuesday evening. brown bread and beans every Saturday night Mrs. W. II. Merrltbew, a daughter. benches, Stickney fire pots, sealing gig*, zinc lined School lo occupy the front row in the gallery. La n e -V inulhaven, May 25, to Mr. and Mrs. truy*, bath tank, die*, shears, presses and other and tho premises look finely. He is to have his The A uxiliary to the Charitable Association and Sunday morning. C. E. Rising, the tool* and mochinory lor m aking cun* and all inch This arrangement w ill comprise about 500 ot John K. Lane, a daughter. stable rebuilt and beautified. w ill meet at 26 Granite street Saturday at family baker, 265 Main St., Rockland, Me. K a llo ch —W iley’* Corner, Ju n e 2, to Mr. and -ieutai* generally used in the fish packing bu* nt***. the 800 scats in Ihe hall, leaving 300 seats for Mrs. Adam B. Kalloch, a daughter. Also office furniture, safe, etc. Al*o stock includ­ Wentworth & Go., C. M. Tibbetts has supplied the Rockland 2 p. m. Telephone connection. ing can*, tin, solder, oil, 7 barrel* tomuto sauce, ♦37c2O Ihe general public. soldering solution, vinegar, mustard, fish barrels, market this season with lettuce. It at A ll over the country, wherever produced, retails The baccalaureate sermon before the gradu Dr. G. W. Thompson wishes the public to C a rria g e s. show cards, label*, cases and box *hooks, stencil* 38S Main S t., llockliintl, Me. 10 cents a bunch.—J. R. Richardson has celery from Boston to San Francisco, “ The Crust of and similar material. ating class ot the High School w ill be delivered remember that he continues to represent J. F. Tills property is in a building specially fitted Society" has evoked enormous discussion. It Ulm er —L unt—Rockluud, May 29, hv Rev. C. up and transplanted—Cabbage plants retail for in the First Baptist Church next Sunday even­ Gerrity A Co., the celebrated artists. He w ill for the packing business and Is all set up and □ne ceut each, tomato plants 40 cents a dozen. is crowding the theatres with fashionable aud­ W. Bradlee, Alden Uliner and Flora E. Lunt, both ready for operation. Has only been used one ing at 8:30 o’clock by the pastor, Rev. J. 11. take orders for enlarging portraits, also for of Rockland. season and furnishes an excellent opportunity for Veazio’s Band made our city a visit Fri­ iences and commanding attention from people Parsblcy, on "Tho Responsibilities ot the erayon, oil and water colors, and deliver only P r in c e -T il d e n —R ockport, May 23, Charles K. anyone wishing to engage iu the packing business I t W i l l in almost every walk o f life. Its interpretation first-class work. Prince und Mrs. Sarah A Tilden, both of Rockport. to obtain a plant at u bargain. For further infor­ day evening and gave a most delightful con­ Educated Classes." The church w ill be deco­ Mu rphy—G a r k e t t -V inulhaven, May 20, C h i* . mation call ou or write cert in front of Tho Thorndike, which was at the Opera House by John Stetson’s superb rated. II. Murphy and Nellie F. Garrett, both of Vlnal LITTLEFIELD. Attorneys. THE CRUST OF SOCIETY. haven. 22 Rockland, Me. N o t P a y ! enjoyedhyalargeconcour.se of our people. company w ill be a most notable event. The W il l ia m s -W il l ia m s —rit. George, nt the resi­ BUSY BUILDERS. Lota of Good Beata now ou sale at the Ticket dence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. A. R. Muc. This band plays most artistically, and is al­ lesson it teaches w ill be discussed from another Office, for C 5O c t s , point of view from that presented by the French Dougall, John T. Williams aud Jessie Williams, To run your old Mowing Machine ways heartily welcomed to our city. The Sound of Hammer and Saw Heard both of Clark Island. author. The play is rich in texts for the mor­ LOST. uuother sebson. Do not purchase T h e M e a d o w s .—Many o f the apple trees on All Sides. one until you have seen and tested alist, the lover o f the Idoal in the theatre, and A GLASS REFLECTOR, from a light painted The Bicknell Tea Co. hereabouts w ill have no blossoms this year. our*. We have the those who love discussion and argument lor Gen. Davis Tillson is to erect an the north carriage. The finder will be suitably rewarded by pea tbs. Whether It is the result of the ravages of the lcuvlng the same ut W ish to announce to the public that they tho sake of argument. As the play is long, site of the old Metcalf house, a large manufac­ C. A. CROCKETT’S STABLE, have pul iu a full line of canker worm last season is a question many SANFEY— Rockluud, June 4, William J. Sanfey O rig in a l special emphasis is laid upon the announce­ tory, to be occupied by St. Clair Bros. A Co., 22 22 Jam es Street. of Thomaston, aged 25 year*, 6 month*, 9 days. would like to have answered.... In this vicinity W en tw o rth —Rockland, May 31, Cyrus Went­ W o o d e n , Improved Buckeye ment that the curtain must rise at 8 o'clock confectioners, now doing business in Granite grass looks w e ll....M a n y of our neighbors WATCH LOST. worth, aged 67 years, 13 days. The remain* were precisely. The tickets are now being sold at Block. The flats, north of the street wall, w ill Last evening, b twotn Oakland aud the Oakland Liken io Warren for burial. F ib er, That has etood the test for two are patronizing the electric cars....Tho kiln DRAKE— Rockland, May 27, Olivo IL, wife of the Opera House. This great city attraction be filled in with rock, six feet deep, and on this switch, a stiver wateh and gold chain. The finder generations. It now has ail the h ill is receiving extensive repairs, hut the next will be rew arded on leaving the name at Amuriuh K. Drake, aged 26 years, 3 month*, 12 Tin, Crockery should be greeted with the largest audience of bed of rock tho foundations of ihe building latest improvements. We have hill below needs it much more....Dandelions 22 23 41 MAVERICK HT. ^Vo od—Jamaica Plain, Mass., May 27, Julia O„ and Class Ware. the season as it is given by the original metro­ w ill be laid. There w ill be a basement eleven the 4 1-2, 6 nnd fl foot cuts. If y«. t were never known, say some, to be so plentiful wife of Walter J. Wood, of Rockland, aged 56 W hich We G r ix z o with want u light machine we have politan company. Wednesday evening Xune feet deep and two stories above. The building CIRL WANTED. yearn. The remains were brought to itocklaud for as this year. Tea, Coffee und Spice, or sell ut the lowest 8th is the date. w ill be 35x70 feet. A girl to do general housework in a family of ouriai. throe. Apply at 74 MECHANIC ST. Wil l is —Thomaston, June 1, Lizzie C., daugh­ cash price. The Osborne, T h e C.-G. has through the spring published The M. B. Marlin cigar manufactory w ill ter of Edward A. und Lucinda Willis, aged 18 The McGibeny Family are so well known in 22 One aud two horse, with improved complaints of bad places In the roads here and have quarters on the second floor. Work w ill years, 11 day*. tilting bur, the worklug parts all Rockland that the announcement that they are CIRL WANTED. Muacil — Vinalhaveu, May 10, Mrs. Rebecca there, ana as a proof of the power ol the press commence at once. Murcb, age-1 75 years. steel. Come and see It. Have you to be at the Opera Bouse next Friday, June 9, To do tlie general work for a small family. S m it h —Vinalhaveu, May 20, II. B. Sm ith, aged Try Some of Our Candies! aud the businesslike character ot the Road The Brown house at Rucklanfl Highlands is 22 12 LIN CO LN HT. got to buy u Commission we wish to call attention to the ought of itself be sufficient. They are all of 72 year*. »A"We keep u full line of Kennedy's Goods, being elaborately renovated. Ba e r e i t —Union, June 4, Margaret Barrett, tiultines, Ginger Snap*, Etc. Bend your Club Or Horse Rake-’ fact that in all cases the causes of the complaints one household, and each is a musical pheuoin- Work has commenced on the foundation of WOMAN WANTED. aged 76 years. del * to u* und get the best Tea, Coffee, Hplce, Etc. enon. There is no instrument too difficult for A capable woman for general housework. Small Then look over our Osborne, all were promptly remedied. Last spring was an steel, self dump hay rake, all steej them to play, or song too exacting for them to Dexter Simmous’ house, Knox street. family. Apply 22-22* 17 M A PLE ST. Use “Good Sam aritan” Lhilmeiit. exceptionally hard one on our streets. The frost Eugene Brewster’s house, Jefferson street, Is G. H. COPELAND, - Proprietor. wheels. Wo have also the Thayer was deep and when it came out it twisted the sing, und all done with the marvelous effect boarded and shingled. It Is 1 1-2 storied, and TWO GIRLS WANTED. Silverware, Watches and Jewelry at Gent li­ F. J. HULL, Manager. 22 self dumping Hay Rake, oue of the thoroughfares about in a most vicious manner. and correct execution. They play on brass in­ Apply at HANDLEY’S RESTAURANT, ner’s. best iu the market. The hoeing w ill be a pleasant home. struments, on reed instruments and on string 19 245 Maiu St., Rockland. season is ut huud and you need a Notwithstanding this fact, however, Memorial Emerson F. Clurk’s new house, Columbia Day found our thoroughfares hard and smooth, instruments, both us a band and individually, NOTICE. good and they play ull grades and classes of music Avenue, Is painted and w ill be ready for occu­ COOK WANTED. Tills is to notify the merchant* und other* tiiat 1 and in the best condition they have been for Also three smurt girls for hotel work. Inquire ahull refuse to pay any bills that my wile, Clara Cultivator. from the simple plaintive little "O ld Oaken pancy by the middle of July. ut the Cliuton House, Thomaston. years. We hear this on all sides and a drive Nye, may contract. CHARLES NYE. EUKGHEAN FLAN. We have the best, the “ Planet, Jr.“ Bucket” to selections from Wagner’s “ Die A number of tine residences are to be built In 22-26* J- A. EMMONS, Proprietor. Rockland, Ju n e 5, 1898. 22 25 about town w ill prove It true. Our Road Com­ withadjuetable lever,can be changed Gotterdammerung” and “ Nibelungen.’’ They this city Ibis year—notably the bouse of M. S. Chambers St. and West Broadway, mission, Messrs. Ferrand, Donohue, and Sim­ W illiams, Geo. W. Smith and G. L. Farrand. CIRL WANTED. 1N1FMED 51. SHAW, In a second's time. We sold five of range iu ages from the little five year-old tot A girl for get AV NEW YORK. them last week. mons and Foreman Simmons and crew are The First Baptist parsonage. Beacon H ill, entitled to a great deal of credit. who thumps the big bass drum to the father. P upil of Baron Nil* Po»*e M. G . O. F. W ILUEY, Proprietor. 33 18 It is a performance that every husbaud should w ill he ready for occupancy in about six weeks 22 22* Room* >1 per day uud upward. Convenient Swedish Movements and Massage. io ull ruilwuy depots uu«l boat luudiugs. Forks, Hoes,Shovels, Rakes, take bis wife to, every father his children and ___ The foundation for A. 8. Littlefield's resi­ dence, Beacon H ill, is nearly completed----- Au CIRL WANTED Treatment given ui home or ut No. 43 Park St. The Tribune every young man his sweetheart. A ll lovers A girl to do general housework. High wages Scythes and all Farming Im­ Next Saturday will be a uuuiber worth addition is being made to the Arnold house, T. 22 85 D ll EC ROB’T M. READ. reading. of first-class music w ill find it u genuine treat. pui26.00 each. A pplication should be m ade to Will want to read the original depart­ on Ibe afternoon train, yesterday. TENEMENT TO RENT. J. A. BABBIDGK, Treasurer, ,oring Extracts, have now without ment published each week for their be forwarded lo Ueu. C. P. M atlock.: CREDITORS AND DEBTORS 22 Vinalhaveu. loubt the best Root lieer Extract benefit. A nice tenement for u small family. Near Elec­ Resolved, That we, the cburcbe. of Rock- DANCING CLASSES*. tric It. It. Six room*. Apply A* 1 have disposed of my business and um ?: epired Irom routs, barks laud, Me., do mom empbuilcally protest 22 13 MARINE ST., South End. anxious to close up my accounts 1 would icspect- And in Addition fully request ull who nave accounts against mu to DISSOLUTION. leikious, oppetlxtag. lx all the Home and County News, Tea agulust the opening ol Ibe Maiue Building at Parties wishing to make arrangements for present the same lor settlement, and all who owe The firm of Hteveusou A Mank, doing business G.ku used. Bvlusv Boa*t- 'fable Gossip, Maine Nutvs, and all the the Columbian Exposition on ibe Lord’. Day. small private clusses in dancing can do so by TENEMENT TO RENT nie are requested to call aud settle. at South Hope, is this day dissolved by mutual a lw a y s u sed , ful Substitutes. I interesting gossip. It is understood ibat others ot the city addressing R. C. R a s k in care C.-G. office, Lower purt of my bouse. il 23 JOSEPH PA LADING. oouseut. Higned, bTEVENbGN Ik MANK. It. H. BURNHAM Rockluud, May 27, 1893. South Hope, Ju u e 6, ldWL 22 Bookstores aud Nswihoyi. churches are in line with the movement. Rockland. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY. JUNE 6, 1893

ROCKLAND’S ZOO. CURRENT NEWS FROM ROCKPORT ■ U S E K B N D CENTRAL MARKET S. G P resco tt & Co N. P. Conant of thia city has a mmkey Have In stock all sires ol free burning Seasonable Happenings Served Up in Read which s acquiring quite an enviable notoriety ■ T H A T CURES m ALL ABOARD! able Form for Home Use as a wagx notwithstanding the tact that he is bob tai’ed. His tricks a e innumerable. Mr. I COAL Conant says he is fur sale. Industrial News That Shows Business Of th e Bowtl CpuzKlity.. For Chicago HeSveToniC cal That evi r an* m (none hut first clns* brands), —AND THE— Activity - Local Notes Regarding wJ leb w»* are pn to cell nt ihe VERY LOW L E llIO H COAL, Things of Interest—The Week’s W. H. Kittredge has at his home an ant- ni LHI PRIUEH, b a rrd W’A It It AN T E D tn cd. W e a h o hi ve in Mock Georges Creek Cumberland Coal, Colum bian Exposition Record of P ersonals. eater, * n l a fine f piM-lno n, brought from South I til* lbiP*t die of America »»y Capt. Fiank Pern. The Maine Central Railroad ha* placed on •uh* CHARCOAL. At their Ticket Office In Rockland ticket* toChlcag > The Advent ChHpel looks fine in Its new M l eas and Coffees and return over nil line*. Pa**--n D r 13% e Y r n r * »nv health = 4. f. CROCKETT & ( O. challenge the world for its equal. >. i m lttln f f . »h follow *: 4. It is expected that Mr. Walker w ill he en­ Gardiner, Me...... Messrs. Howard and Brown For Boston, Monday*, Wednesdays, Thursday* — Trouble,' mid n v. rv had case of Crockett Block, system in condition to re? gaged for a while by this’society. I'""1 Spring I hail n o 1 1 1 m y== and Baturday* at about fl .-On p. nt. The merits of thi edy have been est.alr- have been busily engaged engrossing High H=ho»-k %%-jih %«•!•.%• b u m -, mid I win For Camden, Belfast, Searsport, Bucksport, lished______by twenty, ye ... _ _. .ts standard for purity Rev. Geo. G. Tufts of Belfust gave a lecture School diplomas. Union, Thomaston, Bar m >>I v k . I could not work and was Uutabh = North End, Eccklend, M e Winterport, Hampden and Bangor, Tuesday*, and excellence will be maintained. It is not only a Wednesdays, Friday* and Saturday* a, about good Spring medicine but a good all-the-year-round in the Baptist Church, Wednesday evening, Harbor and Warren diplomas w ill this year be =3 While iii this i-iiudiltuii I commenced taking ■ remedy. Sold by druggists and dealers. 6 :00 n m., or upon arrival of steamer from Bos made on parchment, entirely with pen and ink Prepared by DALTON SARSAPARILLA CO., Belfast, Me. May 31, subject: “ A ‘ tour Through Switzer­ B D A N A ’S ton. . ... and w ill be superior to the finest engraving. This crowning triumph of modern II. For Green’s Landing, Swan’s Island, South West Use Dalton’s Pills and Plasters, also Haiti land und Ita ly.” The nudlence(was small but 0. GUKDY & CO Harbor, North East Harbor, Bar Harbor and Liquid Dentifrice for the Teeth and Gu waa|well pleased with the lecture. i SARSAPARILLA i milling science is absolutely the Sorrento, Wednesdays and Saturdays, at about "Farm Folks’ ’ is the title of a new agricultu land iH-fn, ■ the first t*,ttle was gone I e o n b l DEAI.F.RR IN— 0 a. m. Did you notice that fine specimen of stone %%nlk ii m ile M idi c»«e. I.-untimied iiningM BEST FLOUR ON EARTH RETURNING, ral und family paper published at Springfield- the SAIWAI’AIULLA nnd DANA S PILLS (1 = mason work on Commercial street, at Ams­ think the PII.I.S helped me us much n Ut-g and is so endorsed by expert cooks From Boston, Mondays, Tuesdays, ThtHdays and Mass., for general circulation. It is a bright, <1«» f lie W o r k | C ( ) A L Friday* at 5 :00 p. m. bury H ill. This isfthe smoothest square laced well edited sheet of 8 pages, 48 columns, pub­ |for F it e in it Fam ily, I think it lui* ALL OVER THE WORLD. Of all sizes, From Bangor, Mondays, Wednesdays, Thur* wall in jtc c k p o rt and reflects credit on the Beware of imitations. The genuine day* and Saturday* at 11:00 m ., touching at lished nt the remarkably low price of 26 cent Intermediate landing*. builders, Messrs. Sylvester acd Upham.. year, with a bewildering array of free books H a n d tin y Jiuvo cured her. “lUapcctfuHy, is always branded exactly as above. WOOD From Bur Harbor, touching at intermediate land- The KcadingfcRoom has been closed for the and miscellaneous premiums thrown in. Il Is Scbago, Me. MRS. GEO. ILVNSON. I COBB Sole A^ts- Ing*, Monday* and T hursdays at 10:00 a. ra. ■ Dana Sarsaparilla Co., Belfast, Maine. Long| ind fitted {for the stove. FRED LOTHROP, Agent, Rockland. Summer' and w ill| probably be opened next Issued by the Davis Publishing Co., who seem CALVIN AUSTIN, Agent, Boston. Limo, Cement and Plastering H air, WILLIAM IL HILL, Gen. Man.,Boston. W inter if the public responds to the tune of to he pushing it vigorously, and who w ill send l j L j about #100 for rent audjeost of reading matter. sample copies free to anyone applying for 1GROCEKIBB, PROVISIONS, The Heading Hoorn has been a success and them. Dr. Burnham. F U O V H A K T X J i I-ELEJD Maine Central Railroad. should be reopened next Winter. The Celebrated Optic­ «*Prom pt attention to orders by telephone ot “ Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled ian und Maker of Lunitoa, th e rw Ise. In Effect January I, 1893. The office of the Custom House w ill be re- Peppers,” was a line of alliterative nonsense, ___ to correspond with all kinds moved|to the beautiful room vacated by the that the children used to say. Nowadays they of peculiar uud falling *lidit, can be found at 5'2 No. 1 Camden St,, Rockland Me. can practice on the Perfect, Painless, Powerful WaohlDgton Street, Boston, (oppo fie the Adam* Heading Hoorn. This is the most suitable Properties of Pierce’s Pleasant Purgative House and Clark's Hotel) fully prepared to make room in the place, well lighted, warmed by Pellets. It w ill impress a fact which will be exunilnath ns by all the latest itupioved methods, -1 • F.; J l ...... useful to know. These Pellets cure sick head­ or grind to order, a* the case m ay require, glarsor- 0*1 steam, and a fine tire-proof vault is connected of every description. A full line of Optical Instru­ KNOX COUNTY.—In Court of Probate, hold at ache, billious attacks, indigestion, constipation ments. DR. BURNHAM’B EYE REMEDY lor Rockland, on the third Tuesday of May, D98 with this room. and all stomach, liver and bowel troubles. Waterville, Bangor, St. John, Portland and Bos *ule by your Druggist Trial bottle* 26 cents; A certain instrument, purporting to be the Inst QHISfltlll They are tiny, sugar coated pills, easy to take medium bUe-uts; large |1. ton, arriving in Boston at 4 :30 p. m. Parlor cnr 1 MATINICUS. will and testament of Tryphosu T. Bunker, late of for Boston. and. as h laxative, one is sufficient for a dosu. Rockland, in hh1<1 County, having been presented 1 j86 p. m. for Bath, Brunswick, Lewiston, Water­ No more groans and gripes iron) the old drastic for probate: z (A ville, Portland and Boston, arriving in Boston nt Arrived the 30ih Medora, Capt. Geo. Horton, remedies! Pierce’s Purgative Pellets are A. WOODSIDE. O k d ek k d , That notice thereof be given, three 9.30 p. m. Green’s Landing....Lotta May went on to painless us they are perfect in their effects. DK week* successively, In T h e Co l r if r -Oa z e t t k , 9:00 p. m., Express, every night, Sundays In­ printed in Rockland, In said County, that all per­ E llio t’s Ledge, floated again at high tid e .... Physician and Surgeon. cluded, for Bath, Brunswick, Lewiston, Au G u a r a n t e e d C u re. A g T .’ .. ~ son* interested may attend at a Probate Court to susta, Waterville, Bangor and Bur Harbor, Port­ Arrived the 20th IdaJJGrover, Capt. Thomas, RF.MDBNCE AND O FFIC E: 49 MIDDLE HTIIKET. be held at Rockland, on the third Tuesday of land and Bo*ton, arriving In Boston at 0:15 u. m. Rockland--** Arrived 23d Emma Jane, Harps- We authorize our advertised drnggist to sell ROCKLAND MAINE. June next, and show < au*e, If any they have, The 9:00 p. m. train from Rockland has Pullman Dr. K ing’s New Discovery for Consumption, why the said Instrument *hould not be proved, Sleeping Cars attached, running through every well; arrived 24th, Volant, Capt. Colliroore, Hovrh:— 8 to 9 a. m .; L to 2, and 7 t o , 9 p m approved and allowed u* the last will and testa- Coughs, and Colds, upon this condition. If Telephone Connection. night, Sundays Included, to Portland and Boston Vinalhaven, with material (for the Matinicus ment of ihe deceased. and connecting at Brunswick with train for Lewi*, you are afilicted with a Cough, Cold or aay BEST FLOUR 20-22 C. E. M ESERV EY , Judge. ton aud Bangor. Fishing C o....A rrived 26th sir. JeHsie,Capt. I Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, and w ill use Nr. P. JUDKINS, M. D„ A true copy,—A ttest .E d w a r d K .G ou ld , R egister. zand #1 j printed in lioukland, in said County, that all per­ F. K. BOOTH BY, G. P. & T. A. w . A . A L B R K , M . I>., JUST RECEIVED son* Interested may attend at a Probate Court to E. Horton and V. Fifield of Green’s Landing A lot of Fancy Boxl*Prunes, ! be le Id ut Rocklund, on the third Tuesday of were in town last week....Fred L. Young has The nip r f a poisonous snoke ip hut a slight OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, 45 M ID D LE ST The finest on the market,.lo be sold at I June next, and show cause. If any they have, Portland, Mt. Desert and Machias been putting a new (dress on his chimneys.... remove from being more dangerous than ihe 15 cents per pound. why Ihe said tnsirumei l should not he proved, STEAMBOAT COMPANY. ’f f ic e H o im a -S io 9 a. m. I lo 2 and fi to ; approved nnd allowed a* the last will und testa. W illard Bluisdeli and Geo. E. Smith are at poison of Scrofula in ,he blood. Acer’s Sarsa­ 9.30 p. in. A lol of Calll'ornia Green Gage Plums, I merit of the deceased. parilla purifies the vital fluid, expels all p<»i«on- work for the Matinicus Fishing Co....Isaac ,’elephone connection. In 3 lb. can-, at 15 cents per can. Sold ' 20-22 C. K. M K8ERVEY. Judge. ons substances, and supplies the elements of every w here at 25 cent*. A true copy,—A tte s t: MTTlIt. I ll lV k JOVE*. u.'.iSx.L-.-fl Uric is making extensive improvements on his life, health, und strength. E d w a rd K. Got i.d , Register. | ) K . <). L. B A R T L K T T . Fresh Self-inKIng Buckwheat, aid bouse und farm ....E dw . Arnes made a busi­ Pure Maple Sirup. T obacco. ness trip to Hock land in packet David Osier A L kadkk, 'KNOX COUNTY-In Court of Probate, held at Resumption of Hervlco for pointa Physician and Surgeon, J u - t in—nice for breakfast these Since it«ufirst introduction, Electric Bitters cold Rockland, on the third T uesday of May, lh93. Maine Coast. the 22d....H enry Young visited in Rockland 3-MIDDLE STREET, ROCKLAND morning*. It is fragrant and lasting, has gained rapidly in popular favor, until W.O. Hewett, Pxc.ubr of ihe last will und last week, returning the 24 h ....M rs . J K. O f f ic e H our* nrom 11 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 4, and l bs. Oates...... i'F-taineiii ol Clurlssu H ew ett, lule of R< cklunii, In now it is clearly in the lead among pure me­ 4 Knight, son and daughter, who have been visit­ 7 to9p. in. O' Telephone Connection. I said County, d< eeused, huvluu presented hi* first C o m in e n e Iiik Saturday, May 30tli, 18113 sweet anil savory. dicinal tonics and alteratives—containing 3 Lb*. I'ru n ea ...... und final uccouii’ ro, C aatlm , Deer !*!••, Sedgwick, L Young made a trip toKockland the 22nd on purest medicine for a ll ailments of Stomach, w . v Ju*t In, und going ut 80c |. r lb.; Ibis I in Rockland, in su:hl County, that hIIj ersons inler- (Bluehi 111 Bro. kiln, South West Harbor, Bar packet DavidLOsier, Capt. lliru in . S m ith .... Liver or Kidneys. It w ill cure Sick Head­ Tobncco I n..»«’(• by 'Jayo. and ihe reg ' ested may attend ~ he held at Harbor, Mlllhridge, Jom sport ai d Macldasport, U Physician and Surgeon, ular price ts 40c per lb. Try It ut j Rocklund on the third Tuesduy of arriving at Macldasport at about 6 :30p.m. She Wm. Grunt ol Matiuicus Keck Light Station ache, Indigestion, Constipation, and drive SYNDICATE BUILDING, . KOOKLAND id show cause,if any they have, why the RETURNING, arrived!from the Hock the 26th en route for Malaria from the system. Satisfaction guar­ ■■“ ^peciul attention given to Diseases of the I *1; hl nut b ulloi Eye uud Ear. E. MESERVEY, Judge. Will leave Macldasport, weather permitting, on Rockland. anteed with each'bottle or the money w ill be D onohue’s Cash Grocery Mondays, Wednesdays und Friday* at 4 a. m , refunded. Price only 60c. per bottle. Sold O ffic e IIourk.*—11 to 12 2 to 6 p. nu.; 7 to py,—A ttest via same landing*, arriving at Rockland at uboui 10 p. m. E d w ard K. G ould, R» gl»ter 6 p. m. L o o k e th SOUTH DEER ISLE by W. II. Kittredge. PAYSON TUCKER, Gen. Manager. KNOX COUNTY-In Court of Probate held ut F . E. Bo o u ib y . g . P a r . A. 2-Mrs. Alberta M. Hatch is^teaehing school in The l est wav t«- a v o id sculp diseases, hair C. H IL L , Rocklund, on the third Tuesduy of Muy, 1^93. W . s . E a t o n , Gen Freight Agent. u fulling out, and prematuie baldness is to use J. Distrtct,18... .Mrs. Lydia Taylor and daughter, J. II. Kallocli, Kxicutor of the last will and May 10, 1893. W e ll the best pieveniative known for tbat purpose— ! -luiuent ol Nancy 11. Cooper, laic ol South who have been visiting relatives here, leave Hull s Iluir Henewtr. Physician and Surgeon. 1'homuHion. in *ul*ed of certain real ••*’ale, situate I tirely relieved Bold by W. H. Kittredge. in Ea*t Union und described ua follow* : Guo un. A. Davidson, Agent, Vinulhuven. quite busy planting....M oody P. Gray is Trial Bottle Free. Ether and U»s>lwuys on hand. T. W. Sullivan, Ag« nt, Hurricane Island. divided fouith ol car’iage chop* ciiuated In Eu«l ng some farming fur H. G. H atch....E va I iiiun, bounds on th. north by and if F 8. Rockland, Me., A pril 5, 1*91. Joyce of Dccv Isle is visiting (her sister, Mrs. : It you desire a beautiful complexion abio- Gould, on the cact, *< udi and wi *t by tin road. ' lutely free Irom pimples and b'otche*. purity KKSKINE & SON, That it would be lor tin benefit of aaid ward that E. E. hp« fford, Green's Lauding....Hus the . vour bicod by the use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla A.' F a rm e rs , auld ( d a te should In wold, aud tin* proceed* placed Pulpit Harbor correspondent gone to the i Remove the cause ol these dlsfigureiuettls und ut iutercai bald Guurdinu therefore pray* thut Rockland aud Vinalhaven. Fire Insurance Agents, L a b o re rs, he may bi* (nipowered, ugleeably to law, to si ll World’s Fair....Mrs. L giijob Gruy und daugh­ 1 the skin w ill take care of itself. Be suie you 417 MAIN STREET, - ’ ROCKLAND, M9. ' get Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. ibe Hin,1 at public auction or privn’e *ale or wuch VOMMENCISG FRIDAY, JAN. 13. ter Althea go to Vinalhaveu this week to visit Office rear room over Rocklund Nulional Bank. T e a m s te r s , purl thereof a* tin Court may deem expedient. the New Shortening, instead of old friends there....Capt. Jasou Greenlaw Can find no better shoe than tlie ST M H. 1«I M M E B IN E F ell 1)e a i» Largest and Strongest English uud American lard. And this is in itself a rea­ ived home from Bostou today. Fire insurance Companies repr* sen ted. , KNOX COUNTY.—In Probate Court, held at W ill Run to Vinalhaven These words ure very familiar loour readtrs Traw/ers' Accident /nturanee CV». Bread Winner. Rockland, on the third Tueaduy ol May, 1893. son why ‘‘she looketh well” in as not u day pushes without the report ot ifiO It is strong, reliable, honest, and manufactured On the petldou ufor« *uid, O rdered. T hut notice lu place of the Steamer Vinalhaven, leuvhig Rook, NQRTH WASHINGTON sudden death of some prominent citizen, 'the e x i.rc s jy togivc ALL OUT DOOR W Oltk- be given by publishing a opy ol aaid p> tition with land at 1 30 p. m., uud Vinulhuven at 9 00 a. in., another sense, for she eats no l. KS the itoist Service lor the l.e a * t M o n ey . thia order thereon, three weeka auceeaaively, until further notice. explanation is “ Heart Disease.” Therelor- lard to cause poor digestion and O. U. Collius has leustd (be. Fred Howard heware if you have any ol ihe following symp­ Made for Men an d Roys, from soft, pliable slot k; prior to the third Tuesday of June next, In Tux 2 11. P. JONES, Vice President. in two btyles. seamless Balmoral aud Congress,* Co u r ier G a z i/i t e , a uewapgper printed in Rock­ a worse complexion. fat id lor three years. toms: Short Breath, Pain in Side. Smother­ with and without tap sole. land, Ihul ull peraona mil n sled muy attend ut u ing Spells, Swollen Ankles, Asthmatic Breath, ^OCURAN BAKER & CROSS, C o t t o i .ENK is much better Mrs. Clara Boynton u( Appleton is slopping c AMOS P. TAPLEY & CO- Court td Probate iheu to be held in Rocklund, uud with her daughter, Mrs. Collins. BOSTON, MASS. ahow cause, If any, why the prayer of auld petition BLUEHILL & ELLSWORTH LINE. than lard for all cooking pur­ Shoulder or Arm, Fluttering of Heart or Ir­ HUE, MARINE, LIFE AND 4W IUNT ahould not be grunted. poses, as every one who has tried Mrs. W ill Lessner of Boston is visiting her regular Pulse. These symptoms meun heart 20 22 C E . M I 8KRVKY, Judge. buahaiid's mother, Mrs. Aldana Lessner. disease. The most reliable remedy is Dr Insurance Agency. A true copy of the petition und order tberecu. it declares. Have you triedit? . , . , i Miles’ New Heart Cure, which has saved A tleei: E d w a r d K. G ou ld , R egister STEAMER JULIETTE Cyrus Southard of ^Waterville has moved thousands of lives. Book of testimonials free JAPANESE For sale everywhere. Capital represented over Ninety Million Dollars. O. A. CROCKE1T, Captain. onto the John Booker plaee, Somerville at W. H. Kittredge’s Drug Store, who also To the Judge o f Probate in and fo r the elis the New Heart Cure. Z#os«er Adfuited and Puld of bis team horses, < cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar- n r* * i M and many other diseaaea; it ia always a appointed lo assign dower to her in said eetutu. shave pointa, arriving in Rockland to couaect with last week... .Mustgol ihe fanners In this plaee aaiteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money {J G. MOKFITT, great benefit to the general health. The firat dis­ ADAL1NK M HAMMOND, Bteamei aud RuH for Boston the same evening. covery of a wediMu cure rendering an o{>erution By E zr a M. Ue id l in g r r , her Atty. Through TiokeU may be obtaiued on board via Mercantile Mutuai Accident Ass’n will liu itk Ibeir p l.uilpg Ibi. w uh No green ' ^fondw l. Price 26 ceuu per box. Fornale with the kuifo uuueceaaary hereafter. Thia Steamer or Kali to Bostou. OK BOSTON, MAM. pea. for ibe Fourth lbf» year....M r#. F. W. by W. I!. Kittredge. Fire and LifeBlnsurance. Remedy hoa never been known to full. $1 per KNOX COUNTY.—lu Probate Court, held ut •Flag Landing. <23 MAIN'UT., . . ROCKLAND, ME losses Adjusted at thia Office. box. U for $5; aout by mail.. by culler from ii.it Rocklund, on the third Tuesday of May, 1698. Covel relumed io her home In UtckJaud, Sun­ terrible diaeuao when a written guarantee ia pos­ 41 O. A . CROCKETT, Manager, Rockland. Me. AUo New York Mutual Life. M ilks’ N kuvk & I.ivku F il l s. UNION BLOCK, 271 ROCKLAND, MU Ou the foregoing petition, Ordered, That notice d ay....M r# . H . L. I)avi# vlkiltd at ibe ‘Kcag itively given with 0 boxea. to refund the money if thereof be given, three weeks successively, iu the Act on a new principle—regulating the liver not curi-d. Bond afttmp for free aample. Guar­ pi M ADAMS, M. D., la#t week... .Samuel Fierce and daughter ot Courier-Gazette priutad iu Rockluud iu auld county #tomacb and bowels Ihroiu/k the nervee A j^ALLOCU A M1UKKVEY, antee iaaued by our Agenta. that all peraous interested muy attend ut a Probate keyring Ibe ’Keag called on lelalhe# in Ibi# place laai new discovery. Ur. Miles' rills speedily cure j M oat of th e ubove IH«»eu*»**N are caused by a C ourt to be held at Rockluud, ou the third Tuesday Physician and Surgeon. Ml## Linule;Harnngion ot Si. George billiousne##,bad taste, torpid liver, piles, con- i L aw yers, ol gged c o n d itio n o f tin* S y n l e u i u nd im p u re of June next, and show cause, if auy they have, Acting Assistant tiurgeoa for the Port ol Rockland stipalion.Jpatlon. Unequalled w____ _ lor _ ...... men, women,...... MA| N STBKBT, ■ ROCKLAND, UK * CONSTIPATION why the prayer of said petitiou should not be vi#iled[Mr#. Cb#r. H IKalloib leal week.... illdreu. Smallest, mildest, surest. 60 doses I grunted. O m c i Houks—bponord BIook, J to 4, 7 to 9 Herbert; Newberl [1# iat; woik in Thomaston, Agents for German American Fire Insurance Go M puU lul bi JAPANESE LIVER PELLETS, 20 22 C. £■ M EBERVEY, Judge. p.m Custom House, 19 to 12 a. m. 4**TalephoQe 26 cents. Samples tree, at W. U. Kittredge’s , N. t .. W estern Assurance Co , of Toronto,Cana>4x, bUdoaea£>u. (1) Drug Store A true oopy,—A ttest: painting and Washington!Lif* Insurance C 0.4N .Y . if nr sale by Wm. H. Kittredge, Rockland, Me. E dw a r d K. Gould, Register. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, JUNE 6. 1893.

PLYMOUTH AND THE PILGRIMS. OTn,,i"*nF rcllr,<’f,hof'""nu’ !“,irr*or- the cruet spot where »*irst the Pilgrims wod. on the sbib ; fravp them that sturdy character which L A M M O N c*3 I’ mouth and the P ilg rim fathers! What tion. Br.veral articles of pottery asd some Dicturol it 'n tnv mitid a« a hug* boulder upon has h r ,tressed itself upon an *g9 and sus’ained WHEEL WORKS Under nnd sacred nsscctations w ill ever cluster written Jocumer s on e owned by Standish which the whole Mayfl -««’r parr/ might stand. tin a ltniG the har>d«h ps incident to an exile . SEA. S'l BEET HABDWAKB STORE. arowntl those names' Roll li r k the curtain of can alsr t>e seen, as well er a piece embroidery As a matter ot fact it is only about two feet in ravage land. ‘Hiror lives were'ike a tree, almost 300 years and stand with me upon the worked by his daughter with thest lines be­ high und er.me four nr five fenf long, and wi Jiered and lei floss, on wh ch love had spot where 1 have Ntood today. Ihe Ixauuful neath : hardlr tapable of holding evtn the few occu­ p' v e la ncr* skllJ, Uncle Poico could hitch on tc it with “ Them is wild and unknown behind us, while before Ab sri : condwt** to virtu en ald o f shame. 8tecrs” acd with one pr.nch of the brad and a e round the heart. Ah! could we but study the A nd will give the glory tv thy name * us the waves of old ocean are lieating In cease­ "gee. haw there!” in his rich, stentorian tones, < reams of the dead in the shadows of their less fury upon the sandy cliffs. The painted Now the abo*e is not very good poetry but til could had Plymouth Rock'dear across Cape i Tnvn«i! Perchane c a whispered benediction SLEEPER BROS., savage and the blood-curdling war-whoop are serves .o illustrate the dominant tbargbt ot the Cod! However wc should not seek to divest rould lie wafted al mg the silken cord o f love the only sights Hnd sounds we know around Pilgrims. Religion and doty were ever upper­ ‘The f in ’k ' of the halo of romance thrown hat would cause a nobler pa’rlotism to eg-, these lonely shores. But look! Yonder Is a most ic their r.iinds. It was the warp and around it by timc.nor violate the p'oprietfes by rand withto us as t he vio’ct expands at tho Plumbers, Galvanized? Iron and Copper tittle vessel battling with the storm-tossed woo< c< their entire existerce. B-vt right here looking the gilt horse In the mouth. Let us dss of an A pril shov rer. The grandost tempi® waves snd try lrg to effect a landing. I t is not I mar. refer to >ne popular error. Puritanism alone reci ember that— « im mortality s th • hear: of the people, and I Always Have a Good Trade for Cornice Workers. •.he Mayflower of popular belief. That vessel as wc now understand the term is associated li«rh in that t ’tuple th® fame and memory o f Is safely at anchor in Cape Cod Harbor several A rorl in the wiMeroprs vrefoomed our sirea, Wheelmen. In the poiblic minds with the Plymouth Pil- From-I &ndngft far over the dark rolling urn; be Pilgrim Fathers rew’ .secure. T h e Cleveland No. 3...... |160 00 miles below, while this is the shallop of the grirne. This is entirely wrong, und t is tlm t On that holy nllnr they kindled the Ares, Then grateful wv to them wi 1 pny The Cleveland No. 4...... 160 00 -----ALL KINDS O’7 MFTAL GUTTERS AND CONDUCTORS.------Mayflower manned by a party of explorers Jeb**!?, which glow in cur bosom* for Thre. The ueblot fume wre owe, The Cleveland No. 6 (Ladles)...... 100 00 that this injustice should 4e corrected. That Who planted here ihe tree cf life, We wish to cF.ll the attention of the cltizeneaf Rockland nnd vicinity to the The hand of each man is on his weapon for n« religtoca Intolerence and bigotry o f which So many years agj. Cleveland Tire, iRCt that we are prepared to do NEW WORK md REPAIRING in throe several one knows what foe lies in ambush on the tracestan still b? detected here and there ir. L, C. Ba t e m a n . branches in the best manner possible. XVe vm w come to the last and most gruesome Cleveland Rim, shore. No: a word is sooken nor a sound New Snclaud ran the fak.l gift and x’gacy ol point of great interest in Plymouth—Burm Used with Estimates for Work Riven. Orders Keopectfnlly Solicilcd. greets the ear save the whistling of the storm the Puritan Colenies that » tt led arouud Sal err. H ill. i. is located almost in the heart of the New “ l. C.” Valve. around. The eyes t tne leaders are anxiously and Boeton, in after years. The Pilgrims were ! village, tnd closely resembles many of th e old A fall line of We* ton Wheel Works Cycles for 229 Main Street-South End. - • ™ R0 KIANS, MAINE. .strained for a place to land. Hedesciies a low. emphatically a liberal pcopls. It war the Puri church-yards that I have seen around Engl «'i Ladies, Men, Youths & Boys. oval lock just at the foutol a eteep c liff and by tans that hung wucheaand j ersecuted „ makers cathedra.s. Here is the last resting place o’ a 1 PneumnllcM for $135, $100, $S‘>, $05, $50. the waters edge. A moment Tater the clumsy When Roger Williams was driven out of Bos­ large portion of the Pilgrim Fathers, and th- C ushions for $45, $70, $50, $36, $25. shallop grates along its side, the men spring ton it war, to Plymouth that he was welcomed graves o< many are unknown and unmarked. 1 T I I THERE: upon the rock, and ibe landing of the Filgritn with open arms be ore goln< to Rhode Island. In tho eerlier days of the colony tomb stone- I have a private school for beginners FREE, a most excellent chance. Call far farther psirtlcu- Fathers haa become immortal Let this disrinctiot ever be hrorne In rrind, for could ok y be obtalnod by Importing them t lars nt tny store. 13 I need not trace tho course of the Plymouth Paritaadecs is a stitm a that cannot historically from Eng.and. and the .great expense placed Rankin liloek, Rockland. Spring Styles of Goal R Ort’^ . , ERV. Colony from this time dowr. Their early >o applied :o the Pdlgrim F.us.ers. Hem beyxnd the reach of all save the fuv.ire 1 j JUST RECEIVED. ' hardships,their struggle with tb: savage nature few. Ic a few instances their descendant* >•!!: and a still more savage race hase passer into have erected marble monuments to those i Passing along the Gtandish i ise we notice hihtory and are now familiar fto all. J t is wLose gER/es were known, but they seem several articles ot cacique furniture brought Prices Reduced!,^. enough for uc to knoti tb.tt they were cast in stiangely out of place among the slate slabs over in cbe‘Mayflower. Here tre the h e iw that.heroic mould which knows r<> danger and and rough Lewn stones. The oldest stone that &» h chairs used by Elder W illiam Brewster upon which all great e.'.npires m u« he founded. JUST FOR FUN! COAL $6 and $6 50 a Ton <■) and Gov. Carver, and also the cradle that beers an inscription was erected in 1681 io Ihe i One-hall ot th?ir number died the tirtit winter Nice Cleft Hard Wood, per cord...... $0.00 once rocked Peregrine White. T tis latter was menory of EdwArd Gray. Near by is another XV K W ILL KELL Delivered. and corn was planted upon their graver the to Thomas Clarke, mate of the Mayflower, and , $1.00 buys a Foot of Nice Prepared Wood botn on board the Mayflower in Plymouth following sprieg. I his was dune that the bearing date i 398. The tablet to Major Wm. ! O**C<>ine E a rly a n d A v o id t h e Kutlc‘1 ’?£*’ Inflammation 61 preservation ol relies. In 1090 this hall was great distance of aae hundred and fifty-five f(EM EPIE5 A ll you that doth behold my stone, 1. ’f 1 ‘h’ddcr and E nlargem ent of the rebuilt at a cost ot nearly 920,000, and now rods. Its barrel is at least seven feet long, and Consider how soon 1 wa* gone. rostatc Gland, occasioning frequent passing of these previous memorials are secure from both ft is a mystery to me how anyone ould ever Death does not ulway* warning give, oi’m t’ '"si "le I" he up frequently Therefore be careful how you live, mglits. My diseases, with broken rest and age HEADQUARTERS the and storm. Pilgrim H all has but little to get a quick right with such an ungainly Repent in time, no time delay, inn, it to be working together to drive me to I iu m y prim e wa* called away. r'.'v m '.na - * "ur, a" "1 prominent local distinguish it in outward appearance. It Is ot weapon. p.nsuians and many different medicines, but For BlackflmithH, Machinist*, quarryinen,Painters Doric architecture, and its severe simplicity is But is impossihfe to inuumerate a tenth part Here is one to the memory of Elizabeth w i,bout anv henelit whatever. Three hotties of Fishermen, Sportsmen, Seamen and Farmers. flavery: I.I'OII s Niirsnimrllli, completely cured me. Shin, Boat, Carriage, and House Builders. in strict hursony with the character ot the men of the interesting relics here to be seen. They ami I am now, at the age of .6 years, well anj It you can’t find what you want, go to it io intended co commemorate. 4s we enter comprise articles of taruituve, dress, aud house­ to artv. 1 consider l.cnu'a Saratipurlllj. the Remember I pa** by, greatest remedy on earth. the building we first come to the ofllcc of the hold stentils of every Ascription. Each >nco wa* I » you Will be IT. N. W oodcoci^ curator, T. B. Drew. He is ubout titty years article i* catalogued and numbered, so it is an TheruTure prupnrt* to folio, H II. C R IE & C o .’S, of age, finely cultured, and thoroughly in­ easy matter to locate every object of Interest. EAChl BOTTLE GUARANTEED. “ To Funnle Cromble tve|flntl this puzzler: and ace tliolr stuck. A few leading articles In stock formed un all matters connected with Pilgrim Here is the original commission on parchment J^)R- K« k »l i. b t t , and just arrived, enumerated below : A . young a« b.-uutlTiil I mnl ,o lt n» young, history. .1 was kind') received by thisgeutlo- issued in Oliver Groin veil to Edward Wins­ And guy a. .oft, and innocent ii, guy. 60 Tons Ketined arid|Norwfty|IroD. tnuti, and alter puyiug my admission /ee of low in 1654, uud in the upper corner is a p> n Alter reading tne words of adulation and Dental Surgeon. «0 Tons quarry .and Carriage Steel. 1.1. K O o lS S O N , twent)-five cents wus immediately shown into and ink portrait of the Lord Protector dr religious warning on ihe stones o f tho many, it A. Iv. H PEA It BLOCK—Cor. Main aud i'arhJPIaej. 15 Tons Barb Fence Wire and Staple*. the mum hulk When Mr. Drew saw me taking by a contemporary artist. It im unquestionably is quite refreshing io Hnd ibis defiant inscrip- 1,000 Kegs Cut and Wire Nalls. Attorney at Law, no es, and learned thut .1 was to write the one of ihe most authentic likenesses of Crom­ 100 Kegs Ship and B' d Spikes. ■Ml .' J, . . . . UAIKX. mutter up for the press, he tusisied ou refund, well in exldence. 10O kegs Iron and i-bed i.oiso Shoos. mg me the m onej. Greut is the opeu sesame 1,000 Gals. Heady M in d House aud Whip I'd - Let Judg. of Probate uud Insolvency. 1,200 G als. Paint and,U acbine|()lhi. power of ihe press! The n am ball is about Space forb d* us to finger any f’-nger amid - ... __ 200 Gals. House, Ship uud Carriage Varriiv urta. fo tli-s ix icet iuug liy forty tect wide, and is these in’» resting scouts, and bidding the 10,000 Lbs. Muni!la : ’ lluuip Cordage lighud tulireiy from the rout’. Ihe relics and I courteous curator a kind u'Ji” u we hurry on to FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS. <) «F~\o It,literal 10,090 F‘-.» •’ l. curios uie iu large glass casus which entirely I the great monument erected in honor < f ihe water w ill produce the beneficial results that A Jab It Chain follow' the taking of ONE or more of “ Beecham’s Pills” ir 8,000 Lb' q u a rt> i an;round the room, while the walls Are cov­ Pilgrim Fathers. This is the great modern w ith a glass of water immediately on rising in the morning, it) 1,800 Lb Bars. ered with paintings and portiaits illustuitirig | pride of tho vil age, ami beyond doubt is the 260 Kege 4 B»« »g Powder. s Pi.'gfttu history. J he lirst and most striking I nablest specimen of sculptured gr in i t in 8,000 Hicko. und • U Spoken, objects to aui’st u ttentton are two immense and America. Our own stale has the honor of 160 Beta Hi kory id Oak Kin** mugnificeof paintings, one on each side of the 2,000 I.bi*. B i i-i Nail. •ml lihetB . produciug this work ot art c.s it . tv is cut by th il, representing the embarkation ot the Pii Bodwell Grunifa C«f. or H illow ell. It is in­ v, «js/r.i«>A i . t- R E T A rL , Sarsaparilla griius from Delft Haven, the one on the tended to commemorate In allegory the virtues ts superior to all other preparations south side was panned by XVier, and is flanked and the hardships of th? Ltiigri n F u ll rs, u;.d II. H. C H IP & i OMPAxNX claiming to be blood-puriliers. First uh side by portraits ol Rev. John Alden nobly though not fully doe* it accompliah of all, because the principal ingredi­ and Coi. John Trombull. Directly opposite, the design, h has an ociagonal pedestal, with A. J. BIRD CO. ent used in it is tin; extract of gen­ on the uorih wail, hangs the noble puiuiing by colossal figures ot Morality, Justice, Mercy uine Honduras sarsaparilla root, tlie Charles L uc), which wus presented by ex-Gov. and Education carved in granite. On ih PAlHhESS EFFECTUAL! ug drHtlqun] SAOK MARK Rice. '1 his is u magnificent work of art aud fssaks summit stands the statue ol Faith with u;-- uy variety richest in medicinal proper- took the hrat prize of u thousand guineas at llfted finger po ntlng towatds heaven. On the BEAUTIFULLY COATED. In many towns where this wonder- W ID O W G R E Y Cures Catarrh of the English exhibitions. And right faces of the pedestal ire bas-reliefs in marble fit! medicine has been introduced, and he re is a.tine iilustrution ot the contradictions representing scenes from l ’ rgrim history—tb-1 given a la ir trial, it has abolished the ...... low dock, being raised expressly for S u l f e r e r s ' and uncertainty ot historical facts. While “ Depirture from D d ftil iv .n ” ; the “ Signing fam ily medicine chest, and been found fre e Burning Cuai tho Company, is always fresh and se paintiugs uie both intended to cou.- of the Compact” ; the "Landing at Plymouth’ . sufficient to cure nine-tenths of the or­ of tho very best kind. With equal morate the departure ot the Pilgrims from and the first • Treaty with the Indians.’' Im ­ dinary complaints incident to humani­ lu Cheatuut, M ove, F.g< uud Itrnkeu Sir* Yun cm (.ii siil'r i remise discrimination and care, each of tho ' Dei:t Haven, Ihe one painted by Wier repre- mense panels also o u t tin ihe names of all 5 I ty ; and when diseases of months and Lehigh Gcal other ingredients are selected und s> ms the piayer ot John Rubmsou as beiug tboso who came over in the Mayflower. I he years are thus removed or palliated in a lew days, it is not surprising that W lllnVY iiLW ' delivered ou the deck ot the Mayflower; while monument was erected in 1876 »>y contribu I*1 t'KK uud Broken nlzoM. eouipounded. It is * b n \ ham's Pills should maintain their the Lucy painting represents the same scene us tions from every pari of the country. Oliver \ - acknowledged popularity in both Georges Creek Cumberland Cod. THE takmgjpluce ou the stone wharf, while the Aines alone gave #36.600 to wards its comp’e hemi-pht i < Tlioy cost only Are iecomnn ndi d 1 y home vessel ins moored close by. To be sure this lion, thus forever conn^ctim? his name with the 2.5 m ils, although the proverbial Until Wood, Flour, Groceries, l’ro |diy.-i' ians. I'Hry preset ibe is a matter ot ho great importance tiom a prac- magnificent project. Tb grounds, comprising expression is that they are " worth a visions, Pressed Hay and Straw, them because ilcy never t cul standpoint, but from another point ot some nine acres, are not yet la»d out, but when guinea a box,” for one box w ill often­ Superior Medicine times be the means of saving more than fail to cure. view it is very important. Here is one ot the cauipleted according t # the original designs Lime, English and American Cement, TASTELESS—SOLUBLE. one guinea in doctor’s bills. They because it is always tlie same in ap­ great events of history, and yet antiquarian* may well be the pride of a ll who reverence Western No. I and No.2 Cement. All Kcliuble . aleis Sell Them. pearance, flavor, and effect, and, be- and uilists ure unable fo agree as to where it Pdgritu history aud Pilgrim blood. f ^ O r d u r a proinpily tilled. 'I’uluphone connaaMoB | ing highly coneentrated, only small actually tiuLbpired. What then are we to be­ Noble as this work of artfmay be, I question CURE doses are needed, it is, therefore, lieve of (Le death of Cucsur, of Huunibal, ot if it ctn and any glory to those it commemo­ A. J. BIRD & HO., the most economical hlood-jmriller Napoleon,|or eveuot Geo. Washington ? Cur ar rates. Their tame is secure without such cosily HORSES! migh' never have fallen nt the base of Pompey 's trophies. It is not in accord with the stern SICK HEADACHE Norlh End, Rockland, Me PiirPQ lli '•xist,’nee- 11 statue,'Alexander the Great may have died in vui d o makes food nour- simplicity of their character, nor does it repre­ What a world of Misery is embodied in Sick Headache! bed like a gentleman, and tor ought we know sent an age in which the broken masses of Yes, Wiuow Grey C'ough Trotter*, Worker*, Geutlcmen’* Driver*, Sudd It q p R n n il A >shing, w orkpleas. ,’S Physical and mental anguish combined! Why w il l O b llU IU L M ant. sleep refresh­ Washington may have bean drowned iu the society gave out their deepest shaiow* and "jp people suffer from this evil when they can free them- C ure FOR SALE OR EXCHAWC ing, and life enjoyable. It searches Potomac!! On the left of the Lucy painting strongest coloring by the dawniug tight ot a hangs] the portrait ot Kdnaid Winslow, who V selves from it permanently by the use of Beecham’s Pills, out all impurities in tlie system and new civilisation. As I stood beneath i s (J) which also cure AT THE tlTEHT HTASIE Of was GovernoGOf ihe Ply mouth Colony undone expels them harmlessly by the natu­ mighty base the beautiful lines of Gray came Widow Grey Cough Cure M. FRANK DONOffDE, ot the ’ May flower Company. This is the ouly forcibly to tuv mind : ral channels. A YElt’S Sarsaparilla original portrait of any of that immortal baud Cuu storied urn, or uniutt't-d bu*t, Ts Perfection Itself Coruor I'urL and llulou Street*. I* gives elasticity to the step, and im­ Buck to it* uiuu*ion call the fic« tine breath? Constipation and is regarded us (Le choicest treasure of the ••eni ^-Telephone coouectlon. parts to the aged and inflim, re­ collection. He is a stately old geotlemau, and id ear o fd e u th ? WEST’S COUGH SYRUP newed health, strength, and vitality. closely lesembiea the painted portraits of Weak Stomach CITY OF ROCKLAND. Cromwcll.feTbe portrait was executed iu 1651, From the monument we traca our way down for Cough*. I'olds. Atdhinu WOTK'iv. 'roup. Wuuopiug Cough. Sor •Throutun.l aud comequeutly is or eof the oldest authentic Mam and beydea street* to "T he Rock." We >unt lo take he Joint Studding C iihinillve on Accuuut* und i woik* of aft iu America. 1 he Pilgrim relics Loss of Appetite ...... -...-'onUnued; old, f.o». no » , ftc .) old Claim* of the City of Kuckluud will tie in n nalon pass the spot where the great ludlao Chieftain. , bile Uow 60c. Boh! by ull D ru g g u U . ut the City Truu*urer’* oflice on the FRID A X' are all displayed under glass and so arranged 8aiuo«et, uttered those immortal words— EVENING pi feeding the lii>t Monday of tuch AYERSi a* to *be; easily observed. Here is the oldest uion ii, for the purpoou of examining eiuim* uguin»i ' "Welcome EtiKliahmen,” word* (hut proved Impaired Digestion the city. All bill* mu«t b> upprowd by the party I state paper iu America—the Patent issued to only too soou to be delusive. We pas* the contracting them, und ahoi.id be prennted ut i.uid Sarsaparilla John Pterceiin behalf of the Pilgrims in 1621 DISORDERED LIVER AND ALL KINDRED DISEASES. WEST’S LIVER PILLS. time uud place, or left with the committee previous ’ base of Coe's H ill, the early burial plaee of Prenurcd by Dr. J . ( ’.A y er & ( ’o., Ix>well, Mu**. Books,|magazine", seimoos uud other docu­ Prep tied only by TliOS. BEECRAM, St. Helens, Lancashire. England. T he old Reliable Remedy for Kick Heuducbe, Bil- Lo the dute above mentioned. Bold by ull D rugged*; Price $1, «ix bottle*, $6. the Pilgrims, aud a momeut later stand before B. F. ALLLX ( O ., Sole A gents for U nited S tates, 165 C anal S t.. New Y ork, who iousuvu*, Liver Complaint, Hour stomach, Dyapep- H M LORD, ments once the property of the Mayflower Pil­ that fhrine of New Umrlaud devotiou—Ply­ (if your di u^gist docs not keep them) will mail Beeeham's Pill* ou receipt of aia aud Couatipati<*u T heir univeraal »ule for 40 A. J. • 1RD. a5c.— but inquire first. U ear* i« ooucluaive evidence of their great merit. U.JJ SANBORN, Cures others, will cure you grims abound ton every side. Perhaps the mouth Rock. No matter of modem history Is Bold lu Rockluud by W. 11. K ittredge. i2 Comu)il' M‘- ou Accuuut* uud Claim*. m* interesting of all is,(he Miles Blandish case better authenticated than the fuel that this is 6 THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, JUNE 0, 1893,


i T hirteen mile* N. W. of Rockland. Settled Four nil’eR 8. of Rockland, Settled In 1779. Set B. F. Small died Wednesday night after a T h ree mile* west of Rockland, on K. A I. It j 1974 Incorpo rot >d Get. 20, 1789. 1590, poll" 417, off from Thomaston and Incorporated Ju ly 28, 1845, Baseball and Baseball—The National A Man’s Appearance vision of M . U. K. 11. F»r*i known iw a iru4lti< I Btat.R, $820,023. Po"ttnnRt«rR, R. W. Bartlett, 1590, polls 415; estate* $328,057. Postm aster*, J . jong sickness of consumption. He was about Game to the Front. pout In NW) Settlem ent commenced 1791. South, 8. W.Jot cr. North, A. Fossett; Ka*t, A- N1 B artlett; Owl’* H ead, Mi** A nn F a rr; Spruce 3S years old. Last Fall he was married to Miss unbraced until IMS Rockland and South Thom, W. Paynon; F. A. Alden, O. N. Butler, and Head, 8. L. Hall; Ash Point, Ralph Crockett: aeton. Incorporated March 20, 1777. l'opnl-ttion Gen. W. Payson, Selectmen, ARR*M*ora and Over- Selectmen, Mark D. Ames, Sidney Jackson, L. A. Alice Hatch, assistant postmistress at this Clifton A K arl’s men have organized a 1890,8000. In UvO the num ber of p Waldo. The latter won 3 to 2 ' in the usual way. A dinner was served in and he is now in great demand at Warren. Thomaston has a class in music at this place of the Piccolo Song and Love’s Plea, com­ Cuffs, Cloves, Ellis W. Prince and Richard Elliot arrived (». A R. hall tor tha soldiers and sons, after ----- Alfred Meservey’s little boy has the canker posed by Mrs. Louisa Lothrop Dam of Port­ home Thursday of last week from Boston which the G. A. R., 8. of V. and Ladles The Rocklands play Camden on the Broad­ rash----- There wa9 a concert in the chapel land. The piano solo, the Piccolo Song, was 1 where they have completed a year’s study In Heller Corps marched to the Soldiers Monu­ way grounds, this city, tomorrow, and Warren Wednesday evening given by.the Loyal Tem­ dedicated to her German teacher, Prof. ! the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ment on the Cum (non where appropriate Kofzschtnar, and is to be played bv the U. S. | at Warren next Saturday. perance Legion. Etc., generally are worthy of some thought The electric poles for lighting the streets, 1 services were held, then to the; Free Church Marine Band at a concert to be given at the etc , are being set cn Hyler street. They go where the address was given by E. K. Gould White House. We congratulate Mr. Lothrop The electric road coined money as a direct from M ill River ap Gleason and .Hyler streets | of Reck land which was listened to with close APPLETON. on having such a talented daughter. Another result of the Oakland game Tuesday. Every and attention. Spring and summer neces­ to Wadsworth, and thence to the State Prison attention from the start. Music was furnished piece by Mrs. Dam was a hymn written recently "u p ” car carried as high as 125 passengers, ' by an orchestra composed by Misses Edith L. Sixteen miles N. W. ol Rockland, on stage line sitate a entire renewal in these lines. We Clarence Henry of Brockton. Mass., a former from Wniren to Searsmont. Settled about 177.5* and sung in one of the leading churches in three fourths of whom made a bee-line for the Thomaston boy, is a guest at the house of Bessey and Lola M. Burrows, and Messrs. Incorporated Ja n . 25, 1829. 1892, polls 295, estate* Portland. ball ground. 1 \V. A Bessey and Mr. Sprague of Washing- $249,917. Postm asters, F. L. D avidson; N orth, Capt. David P. Oliver. Mr. Henry is a R.B. Keene; West, S. O. Bartlett; Burkettville, Free carriages now to the hotels at Green’s invite attention to the above mentioned Eiias J. Burroughs and Charles M. Robin­ book-keeper in the Douglass Manufacturing 1 ton. The church was beautifully decorated Elden Burkett; Elmwood, II. A. Morang. Select Landing. with flowers, flags and evergreen and pre­ men, S. J. Gushve, Elden Burkett and Wilbur son of this city and E llio t McFarland of Company of Brockton. Waterman; Town Clerk, V. O. Kellar; Treasurer, New houses are being put up here all the articles, and also to our line of sented a very beautiful appearance. This part Thomaston drove to Belfast on their pneumatics W. I. Weeks w ill be a great loss to our High Galen Keene. time. Chas. Marsh’s is up and boarded. was the work of A. B. Davis and did great Sunday, making the trip up in 2 12 hours. School. He is a most faithful anti efficient credit to his decorative skill. Chas. Towle of North Appleton is clerking HURRICANE. The return from Belfast to Camden was made teacher, and It w ill be difficult to fill his place. for U. S. Oushee....Cyru9 Perry is at work for in two hours. The boys reporta pleasant ride. May success attend him wherever he goes, and S o u th U n io n .—T h e foundation of W ill Fancy V ests Cummings’ house is nearly ready, and the F. O. K eating....A . C. Gunbee has secured Mr. and Mrs. John T. Landers returned fortunate w ill be the school that secures his The H M. Brown Club played the South- services. lumber is being huuled. W ork w ill commence the services of Herbert Collamore....The Tuesday. Miss Isadore Furguson, Miss May enders, Memorial Day, winning by a score of ------Wbicli we have in a great----- at once. This house is on the new street to foundation for the new hall is completed, most McInnis and Miss Isa Coganaccompanied them The Memorial Day exercises, as usual, were 22 to 12 the depot....James Payson of East Union of the timber on the spot and Mr. Titu9 com­ from Rockland. They are stopping at William impressive and instructive. Vannah’s Band was in the place la9t week, surveying land on menced h li job Monday....Services Decora­ Cogan’s at present.. - .Miss Ella Wooster oi of Winslow’s Mills furnished music. The THE FISH LAW- fhurston Bros. ;fa rm ....J o h n Creighton ha9 tion Day were highly interesting. The oration North Haven visited her sister, Mrs. J. T. V ariety of P atterns oration by J. E. Burke, esq., of Waterville, panned hi9 house and is about to add blinds at the Union house by Hon. J. O. Johnson ot Dean, the past w eek....J. H. McIntyre is home Alfred L. Stllphen of Pittston was brought was eloquent and inspiring, one of the best and new windows, which w ill add greatly to Its Liberty was instructive and entertaining. The on a v is it....M is s Fannie Mitchell is in Rock here Saturday by Fish and Game Warden John ------R an g in g in price from ------ever delivered here. appearance....Quite a number of our young house was well filled with attentive listeners. land.• • • ! ’. J. Duran has returned to Concord, L. Thompson of Lincoln County, and tried be­ Job Spear and Albert H ill on their way people attended the Christian Endeavor Con­ ....Jedediah Simmons has sold his large fat N. 11., Misses Maggie Duran and Mary Shields fore Trial Justice Ulmer for violating the fish home from Rockland Saturday upset |their vention in New Castle Friday ....There is not oxen to A. L. Henderson, and has bought a accompanying him and w ill spend a few week9 law. The offence was committed near Dres­ $ 1 . 2 5 t o $ 5 . o o e a c h . carriage near harness shop of Duffy A Tuttle, much prospect of apples in this town this sea­ pair of 4-year olds of W illard Sherman. there....Ceorge Campbell of Morse’s Corner Is den, and consisted in extending weirs into M ill River, and were both thrown out. Spear son The trees have;blossomed but little .... at work for the company with a pair of horses Eastern River more than one-fourth o f the E lm w o o d .— Elden Dyer has bought a nice received severe braises of the head and face, The roof of the foundry took tire Thursday, ....S ch. Edith Allen, while coming in to the width of the channel. Stilphen was convicted colt of Llewellyn R obbins....A horse belong­ while HaB escaped with only sugnt bruises. but by lively work with pails of water it was wharf, ran on to the rocks. It was found whet and sentenced to pay a fine of #70, which he ing to Mrs. E. S. Twiss got badly cut on a soon extinguished, otherwise there might have loading thero was a leak and she was taken to paid. ------We have taken the agency of the ------The old church on the b ill must remain. wire fence last w eek....M rs. E. S. Twiss has been a serious conflagration....Charles Rus­ Rockland for repairs....Memorial Day was The Knox mansion was taken down and our returned from Boston where she has been NEW CLUB HOUSE. sell is back again, boarding at W in. Hart’s, observed by the scholars, under the direction people now realize what a mistake was made. spending the W inter....M rs. L. Gerald of and assisting him on bis farm that he has of the teacher, Miss Collins. They decorated Don’t let us make another by removing the Unity ts visiting at H. P. Merray’s ...... Jere A committee consisting of Henry Pear­ leased of Mrs. Fogler. the graves at the northern end of the Island. old church, hut rather let all contribute to a Clark received the sad intelligence of the ill­ sons, D. N. M ortlaud, J. S. W illoughby, fund that shall be large enough to put it in 'Io . U n io n .— Where has our Good Templars ness of his sister, of 8miths Flat, Cal. She is James Fernald, E. R. Spear, S. I I . H a ll thorough repair, and thus preserve for future Lodge gone....The Stone school began Mon­ suffering from a shock of paralysis. MATINICUS. and C. E. Weeks has been appointed by generations the first church building erected in day and is taught by Miss Mabel N oyes....R . the Central Club Building Association, to Stone and wife are visiting in Boston and Bid­ erect a club house on School street, at a this section of the town and one in which Gen. ST. GEORGE. Mrs. Janette Thompson visited Rockland K nox wh9 interested. d efo rd....M rs. N. H. Moore is visiting rela­ la«ft week....Isaac Rosenbloom of Portland cost not to exceed #11,000. tives in U tiio n ....M rs . Geo. Carter, who has The fish commissioners are to be here on or was ic town June l....M rs . Esther Philbrook been quite sick, is im proving....R ufus ;Stone Thirteen miles 8. of Rockland, set off from Cush HOPE. about the 15th to see about the fishway at the lug and Incorporated Feb. 7, 1603. 1890 polls, 627, returned last week from a visit to Rockland has bougnt a five-year-old colt which shows estate* $441,7^8. Postm aster, Jam es T. Robinson ; dam. M ill owners on the stream have been ....B e rt Tolman of this place made a visit io Apple blossoms are very scarce, but wild great speed. Tenant’s Harbor, W. E. Sheerer; Port Clyde, notified of the meeting. The steadily increas­ Samuel Trussell; Martinsville, F. O. Martin; triends in Rockland last w e e k ....W ill and strawberry blossoms are plenty. Clark Island,A. L.Snow. Selectmen, Alex Kalloch, Freeman Young are at Deer Isle, visiting rela­ Comrade Albion Allen again placed the ing number of alewlves each year would seem WARREN. L. W. Seavey, Jamts Shrader; Town Clerk, «< DRESS $ SHIRT t* to warrant the building of the ways here. David 8. tieavey; Treasurer, K. Long; Collector, tives and friends....John Gott of Green's lags upon our soldiers graves, and flowers W ith them there is no doubt bu' salmon will Niue miles west of Rockland, on the K. & L. It. John S. Smalley. Landing, who has for some weeks past been at were laid there by grateful hands. It. Known uh a trading post in 1931. Buttled In be among the fish caught here, as this is a 1739; Incorporated Nov. 7, 1779. A rea about this place und So. Matinicus doing masoning, Miss Annie M. Payson took the train Mon- Guaranteed to be perfect fitting. If you’ve natural stream for them and offers fine spawn­ 27,000 acre*. 151H), polls 517; estates, $1-73,398. C i.a u k ’s Is l a n d .—Sch. Loduskia loaded left here the 30th ult. for his home for a short I day cn route for Chicago where she w ill meet Postmasters, G. D. Gould; North, W. II. Fuller; cut stone and sailed for New York June 1 .... ing ground to Chickawaukie Pond. South, W. O. Counce; W« sl, A. B. 4mea; Pleas, v is it... .Capt. Fred Norton has been putting in • N. F. Barrett, where they w ill be married, and any doubt about the lit come in and try antvllle, W. J. ltussell; Highland, Win. D. Btoue. The paeket L M. Webster discharged 75 bar­ a refrigerator for the Matinicus Fishing C o .... The public schools close the school year June after seeing the Fair a few days w ill proceed • Belectmeu, A. L. Vaughn, Jason Spear, Edwin rels of flour and quite a quantity of other goods James E. Hall has his new house completed 16th and the exercises of the graduating class Keatinv; Town Clerk, W. L. Lawry; Treasurer; I to Butte City, where Mr. Barrett is in the one on ; you’ll be convinced at once. M. R. Mathews; Collector, Alex Spear. for A. L. Snow Friday. . . . Mrs. Blethen and and nearly ready to occupy....Alfred Ward- take place at Watts Hall on Monday evening. ! undertaking business. While In Chicago So. WaitRaN — Miss Marcia Lermond of Miss Luda 'attended Memorial services in well of Searsmont arrived the 30th ul»., and is 19tb ot June. There are thirteen in this class they w ill make their home with their cousin, Sanford has been visiting at E. S. Bucklin’s. Rockland....David Harrolson, who had his engaged with J. H. Sanborn in the fish busi­ (three boys and ten girls). Brigham's Orches­ | E. M Payson. -...E d w a rd Hodges ol West Mansfield is visit­ hand crushed while using one of the large ness.... xMr. and Mrs. Horatio Hall arrived tra w ill furnish the music. The graduating Master Hal Spear of Rockport visited his ing at O. W. Counce’s....S ch. M. \V . GrlfMn, grindstones some two weeks ago, is able to here the 3oth ult., from A ppleton.... W ill Mer­ ball w ill lie on Tuesday evening, the 20th inst. uncle, L. P. True, last week....M iss May S t r a w H a t s Cavanagh, has discharged a cargo of coal for work a very little a g a in ....A dramatic enter­ it hew of Vinalhaven was in town last week. at Watts Hall, music also by Brigham's full Stevens of the Beach spent a few days with her Capt. Gleason Y oung....M rs. Ewin Lermond tainment by home talent, followed by a supper, A ll went to the school house to see the W orld’s orchestra. A grand time is anticipated. Every relatives last w eek....M rs. Mary Bartlett, who has gone to Camden, N. J., to join her bus- was held in the hall Thursday evening, the Fair. _ ___ ’yoiKig man should attend. Do not forget also has spent the Winter in Appleton, is now at band. They w ill probablv visit the World’s proceeds to go to the sidewalk fund. ye middle-aged man to come, and give the ROCKPORT. home, but w ill stop with Mrs. Sibley for a For Men, Boys & Children, Fair before returning home. class a good send off. Remember Brigham W il e y ’s Co r n e r —Melvin Kinney has tim e ... .Mrs. Sibley is in Appleton with her furnishes rare and lively music. P i.k a sa n t v ii. l e —Charles Payson bus left bought the Albert M. Kelloch bouse and w ill W e s t R o c k po r t .—Farmers are about daughter Mrs. Harwood for a short tim e .... the factory and w ill go to work at his trade, move into it ...... Ransil Coburn aud son are through with their plan tin g....J. H. Andrews, , Mr. Payson, who found the little wandering 2 5 c . t o S 1 . 5 O . jo in ering ... .Lewis Young's little girl who had home from Troy. VINALHAVEN surveyor in this district, is making needed re­ , boy spoken ot lust week, has sent him back to her arm broken a few weeks ago, fell again M artinsville .—Some of our summer cot­ pairs on the h igh w a ys....F ru it trees, on ac­ ! Mr. Gushee's.... We hear that Miss Lizzie Friday breaking it again in the same place. tages are already occupied...... Capt. Joshua count of cold, windy weather, are not so pro­ Bartlett is improving since she lias been at The ladies of the Union Church Circle wili MANILLA HATS, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00...... George Mank is helping Amos Leach llawley is in Providence, R. 1., superintending fusely loaded with blossoms as was expected Tenant’s Harbor with her brother the doctor. hold a levee anil entertainment at the church lay the foundation for an addition io his build­ the unloading of his vessel....The Ladies Sew­ earlier....Decorating the graves ot soldiers in vestry Monday evening, June 12, the proceeds ings...... Mrs. Willard Leach returned home ing Circle will meet Thursday with Mrs. Kate our cemetery was performed by a detail of men. PROCLAMATION TO THE PEOPLE ot which w ill go towards the general financial from Muss, last week. Mrs. 8. I. Leach came Hooper....Rev. A. 1). Graffam, pastor of the support of the church. AU interested are The usual services were not performed. No Rockland and Camden people w ill lie pre­ on with her...... Nelson Williams and Charles Martinsville church, baptized two converts invited to assist in making the occasion a suc­ prayer was offered, no singing was heard, and sented this week with something ot a reminder Payson have gone to the village to work on E Bunday afternoon. no address was made This has never been that hot weather is coming. Mr. W. A. Kim ­ Our: W orld's: Fair: Trunk cessful one. Jameson's new store. omitted before-...Dura B. Ames has sold his ball who bus been for the past live months in Vermont advertising the greatest selling Sarsa­ NORTH HAVEN. WASHINGTON. farm near Hope line to Mr. Gray of Camden parilla on the market, Allens’—rlio kind the ....Jam es Walden is quite sick, necessitating a , people take—is to present all good looking doctor...... The measles are working slowly, I ladies with a fun and the boys with cards—is Miss Augusta Q iin n of Etgle Island is in Twenty two mik-s N-W. of Rockland. Incorpo- marriage a failure Allen’s Sarsaparilla sells town, visiting friends.. . .Samuel Nutt, Elsie ratf] under name of Puinum in 1911, namo changed but surely around here....Rev. Urmh Drew at all our Drug Stores for 50 cents, the best in 1923. IfUO, polls 334, i-HttttcM $324,438. Postman- has resigned as pastor ot theBuptist Church in UpWith The Times! Crockett und Eva Sherburn attended the Teach­ Utr. I. W. Johnston; West; Win. M. Andrews; the market- I f you are sick buy Allen’s, if nothing ails you by somebody elses’ 11 ounces ers Convention at Rockport... . Mrs. Em ily Globe, Robert Suketorlb; Razorvllle, P. G. Ingalls; this place. No actiou of the church has been We Invite all readers of THE C. G that Helectuien, L. A. Law. M. D. Creamer, A. N. taken as ye t....T he next church sociable is to ot w nd and waiter und pay u dollar. Allen's wear the Latest Style* in Straw Ual» Sampson has bought a new buggy....Ulysses Sprague; Town Clerk, T-S. BuWiien; Truusurer, is 16 ounces, a full pint for 50 cents. P. G. Ingalls. meet with Mrs O. E. Blood...... Harry Drew to examine oui stock and see what we Prescott is at work helping Alexander Gillis of this place is clerking for II. 11. Crie A Co. in carry. build his w e ii....D r. Merriman is in to w n .... Mis. Olive Beverage has been quite sick with Deeo ation Day was generally observed here. R ockland....Frank M. Clark has reshingled la grippe....Robert Quinn fell from his cart The grave of every soldier and sailor in town and painted his house, and it improves its ap­ Costs You Nothing to Look! while working in the field, hurling his ankle was decorated. At one o'clock Borneman pearance greatly....Messrs. Andrew and A tte n tio n ! quite badly. He is now unable to w o rk .... Post assembled at headquarters and proceeded Henry Tolman have a contract to build a house Also to sll Ladles who Wear Colors uud Daniel Duncan is building a 16-foot s k iff.... in a body to the Free Church where the usuul at the Highlands in Rockland. Thu lutuuuHS of the huusod inaku* it Black Shoes your attention Is called to Is having "an immense sale. Canvas cov­ \V. Merrilbew of Vinalhaven was here last exercises were held, including prayer by Rev. nuceaaury to uhu u fertilizer to start look. We show you w ith hr good will W. W. Davis, reading, "The boys in Blue” by crops. us we sell you. Be sure to look at our week showing the W orld’s Fuir by means of a Mrs. E. W. Farrar, and address by Rev. W. Now don’t be induced to buy some ered, hard wood oleats, sheet iron bottom, stock. magic lantern....Q uite a number of people L Brown ol Newport. H'he music which was ‘Blue Label" thing "just us good" us some old ca. from this place were in Vinalhaven, Decora tublished brand but buy thu well- TK.W E CENTER FOR 1803 tine was by a quintet consisting of E. E. Light, tmu D a y....A lic e Beverage has returned home known aud best vulue fertiliser made, heavy bumpers, brass locks and deep trays Mrs. T. 8. Bowdeu, Mrs. Clinton Thurston, ....There was a grand show in Mullin's Hull, Best Slock vis.: L E V I S E A V E V Wednesday evening of last week. T. 8. Bowden, B. H. Mears. Mrs. L. M. »Sta inside. Sizes, 28, 30, 32, 31, 30; prices, $5, Walt* Block, I lioiiuHtou , pies piesiding at the orgun. The reading by The Cumberland Phosphate. SO. LIBERTY. Mrs. Farrar won much praise The address SLEEPER’S $5.50, $0.00, $6.50, $7.00. ' Work w ill begiu ugain on the new steam by Mr. Brown was delivered from the same Which we koep und have on bund ! m ill as soon us the planting season is o ver.... pulpit which he occupied 85 years ago when Our purpose lu advertising in not simply to ad vert lae; we will *ubtdun- ! Chas. Smith passed through here Wednesday first engaged in the ministry, and was most “EYE” HowisYour Blood? tlute all our etuleinenl*. ! with a big load of hoop-poles—lour horses.... forcible and eloquent, giving universal satisfac­ Youra truly, I had a malignant breaking out < ir my leg I Geo Overlock was in town recently with a flue tion. Atter the services the large audience was CIGARS below the kiiee, and was cured sound and well iuvited to refreshments which were served in | tro tte r... .Cunningham A Overlock’s team of Ask for with two and a half bottles of IKKSJNM) three hordes is lying still for want of casks Grange Hall by the ladies of the vicinity, of Whitten Messer. “ONE PRICE.” Other blood tuediciuei had failed to haul....O reu Overlook and son James went which all partook and of which there was an them U N IO N , M E . to do tuo any good. W il l o o f Tetter, and three bottles of ' running away, is reported not much better.... of Augusta was in town Sunday. . . . Mr. und I Dealers STORE TO LET. J. F. GREGORY & SON, co r e d iu c p c i ...... i n a i.c i ... 1

BURTON & WILLIAMS, GOAT HAIRS. BOSTON LETTER. MARINE MATTERS. Pra lical Pcsigners ai|d \bnimiiei|ta1 Builder^. The Movements of Vessds, Charter The Various Secret Societies and What Our Weekly Letter from New England's Noies and the Like. They Are Doing Great Metropolis. Have Railrond nnn Kilby street, when .be employs two for \e w York from F. Cold, A Co. Water Power Polishing Machinery., lar, is to entertain Palestine Commander} a-sismnts. She number, among her patron. Kelts. G. M. Brainerd from New Y.ork and No. 11, of Belfast, and De Valois Command- many of the insurance houses that have their Pearl from Boston arrived Tuesday Large Stock of Finiahed Work. Deaigns and ■ «•», vr«N o . ill,o! of Vinalhaven, .. in .this . . .citv I officesoffl,ccV in " thar ,h" ' viclnitv. v"’iDl^ ' \tinMiss Lewis has . eatimatea on application. No agent*. J iilv i, .0,1 - l»r..»-«r..,i ... ,1 . ' 'inlred that skill in her prolesslon that .he sel The four-masted schooner, Edith L. Allen ily m l ,. I reparations lor the enter- i of Vinalhaven worked the Royal Purple ploy of this firm, which is one of the finest re­ Sch. Maynard Sumner went to Vinalhaven S f i U E X I Degree on a class there at its meeting F ri­ tail shoe bouses In the city, since leaving Prov­ Wednesday to load for F’hiladelphia. idence some two jears ago. The same day I The tide tables for the Atlantic coast of day evening. There was a large number saw another Rockland boy, Geo. Crocker, who the United States, together with 207 stations | present and the work was done in a manner is on the opposite side of the street with Jordan. on the Atlantic coast of British America, for Marsh fr Co. ti,at was a credit to all and a revelation to * the year 1894, published by the United States O m n y V T the older members. Five applications for j Coast and Geodetic Survey, are now issued, A Word . . . . I membership were received and accepted. One of the first places that Vinalhaven peo- and copies tan be had at the agencies o f the A fte r the work a collation was served in the Ples v|s’L when tn the city, is 42 Franklin survey or by addressing the office at Wash­ street, where ibev are always sure of a hearty ington. Clearing Sale! dining room. By invitation of Rockland welcome from Capt. C. W. Roberts, a former To Carpenters and Painters Encampment these live w ill be taken to resident of that place, but who for the past five Three new buoys have been placed in Rockland next Friday, June it, where tbe years has been employed by the United 8tates Mackerel Cove, Swans’ Island, as follows: Express C i., as night watchman. Crow Island Ledge, a red spar buoy, No. 2, Patriarchal Degree w ill be conferreil by the And to the People! ■ - S2OOO Worth ST. 300 feet, from dry part of ledge, 4 fathoms Degree Staff of that Encampment. Arrang- Among those here last week were Capt. O. A. at l° w water. 1 ir Point Ledge, a black spar Surplus Stock rnetits are being made w itli one of the boats Crockett, Judson Richardson, Mrs. D. N. Mort- buoy. No. 3, NW 50 feet from shoal part of You can buy Clothing, Hats, to leave about six p. in. on that date and land, Mrs. F. R. Spear and her mother, Mrs. ledge, in 3 fathoms at low water. Round Caps, Straw Goods. Under­ Without Regard to Cost. return about 1.'. Tlie Vinalhaven Rand rurbfsb. Island Ledge, a red spar buoy, No. 4, S 100 wili accompany the excursion. Friends of * * feet from dry ledge in 3 fathoms at low wear, Overalls, Jumpers, tlie Patriarchs can secure tickets in advance, The old Boston Museum is undergoing great water. Ladies’ Fine Silk Hose, changes these days, and when its doors are Sch. Warner Moore C ant Frank Crnrk^H Trunks, Bags, Hammocks, from tlie committee having the matter in opened again in August, in old friends will L ' I "t! ’ Ladies’ Fine Lisle Thread Hose, D ryr G oods Stock, which was charge- kn ow lt only In- it, nttne and location. Tbe 18 , uni1 fr."n? 1 »i>la‘- A- ' - Crockett, Thorndike, is bound * ° . ,eni1 * rea,IT 10 ,b e «>“ frttm Phila lelpbia to I ernandina to load lum- A Knox County Man Does a Nice Piece lort of patrons. The seating capacity ot the the cheapest at [Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Un- iter for New York at ?5 J7 1-2. | d e rw e a r, of Detective Work. house w ill be Increased, and the lobby w ill be Damaged by Water Only, the finest in the city Sch. Gen. Ames, Jameson, is at Brunswick, BLACKI NCTON S. Linen and Paper Collars, A scheme for defrauding the United The season of light opera at the Bowdoin Ga., loading lumber for XewYork at $5.37 1-2. States government of revenue for imported Square Theatre begins tonight and the perfor­ Sch. Wm. H. Allison, Keniston, is at Fer­ Ladies’ Boots and Slippers mances announced promise greit enjoyment. tin was unearthed Thursday by .Special nandina loading lumber for New York at T his week I shall sell some Laces> Jewelryj Tn the recent fire will For the first week toe "Beggar Student’’ and $5 50. be offered for Customs Inspector T. R. Simontou at East- "The Black Hussar” are the attractions. A bargains in Boys’ Straw Hats J Dress Goods, Etc.. Etc. port. Mr. .Simonton lias been working on promenade concert will precede each evening's Sch. Florida arrived from New York Fri­ performance. day. and Knee Pants. A LI, MUST BE CLOSED sale at the the ease for the past week and awaiting the arrival of schooner Eva N., at Eastport, The new musical cornedv “ The Golden w ed- Schs. Grade J. from Harrington and Arios- AT SOME PRICE. ding made an instantaneous hit at the Park I to from Boston arrived Friday. Remember the Place, which was supposed to be loaded with wUni,d“ yi , ' ± ± , 8.. K ^ t ^ L ' Sch. James L. Maloy, Hemet, with stone dutiable tin . Thursday the schooner put - • « . *'■'«■"> >u.nave mt me popular t iit e , ; from Hurricane for New York, was in the Right Opposite Tibbetts’ Market, into that port and as soon as it had itght and musical attracdon 5 ’ a ) harbor and sailed Monday, 435 Main Streeti G. F. KITTREDGE, cltored Inspector Simonton boarded tlie Thes.condand last week of “ Rosedale" at ! ,Schs- Louisa Francis for Portland, and 402 Main St., Rockland. vessel. He accused Captain Holland of the Grand Opera House begins tonight. Tpe ' Richmond for New York, loaded from F. smuggling dutiable tin into tlie United has been very successful and attended by Cobb A: Co. and sailed Friday. £. BLAGKINGTON. States w ith ou t paying any revenue on it large audiences Sch. Elbridge ( Terry went to Bangor Friday and then lie proceeded to make an inves­ Kk l a f . to load lumber for New York. tigation. fie discovered 200 cases of tin GRATEFUL SAILORS. Schs. Addie Schaelfer from IL O. Gurdy Ten Thousand Men’s plate upon which no duty had been paid, A Co.; Clara Rankin from K. C. Rankin & Suit* wanted to Clean, Pre**, Dye and Re- and which were valued at over 51,000. They Return Thanks for Favors Re- Co.; Charley Woolsey from A. F. Crockett pair I make a Hpeciulty of tbl* work and SPRING ST., ROCKLAND, Co.; F. Arcularius, from Almon Bird for New The merchandise bad been smuggled ceived from Various Sources. am doing the same at price* within the i York, sailed Friday. reach of all, and Guarantee Satinfaction. across the St. Croix river into Eastport 1 ______rooD Sch. Marblehead sajled Friday for Boston. 1 H A W & I am connected with LKW ANDO’S French . front Beaver Harbor, N. li. Tlie tin is About the middle of last month, schooner Dyeing an '. Gleaming E*tnbll*hment of Bo*, j J. S. Ranlett reports a sharp demand for >MITH, ton, one of the largcat and beat firm* of the used chiefly by the manufacturers of sardine Addie J., Capt. Hall, of Kingston with sailors with a limited supply. The wages ORKERS kind in.the country, and forward and receive 1 boxes in Eastport. As tbe duty on tin is sand for Vinalhaven, foundered off the work from them every week. They make here are $25 a month and it is all that the epecialt.es of exceedingly high, the manufacturers reaped George's Islands. Otto of the crew in his coasting business can afford, but in Boston House and Cabinet Work, CLEANING AND DYKING a good liarvest in tlie profits by smuggling home paper gives an account of tbebappen- $30 is paid, hence the drouth. LADIES’ DRESSES WITH­ THURSDAY, JUNE into the city. ing fr0U1 wliich we IaijB t[,e fonowjng; Capt. A. N. Greeley, formerly of sch. Ira Band and Circular Sawing & Turning OUT KIPPING. Inspector Simonton seized tlie tin a n d 1 We then rowed before the wind lo r B urnt B. Ellems, w ill command schooner Clara E. —M anufacturer* of— Also of Kid Slipper*, Glove*, Lace Curtain*, . notified Collector Curran, who placed bis Island, about nine miles distant. We Colcord, now loading ice at Bangor for Phil­ Silk Good* of all kind*, Velvet*, Plushes, inspectors in charge of the schooner until it ?H!880^ J^{OU,K!A*16 soutbeast end of the adelphia. Capt. Colcord w ill remain at home7 , Corner Blocks, Luces, Crapes, Fouther*, etc., and make island, where the water was smooth, and is unloaded and sold by the government. Capt. I. H. Tolman is home from Ports­ Rosettes and Mantels, everything look u* good a* new. to the north west along the shore, when we saw a flagstaff, and on landing and going mouth. where his schooner, the Brigadier, is Screen Doors mid Windows, &c. W e a. «»., ami Con­ E lw ell, who received us kindly and sun- for Windsor to load plaster for Baltimore. SHOP ON GRACE ST., ROCKLAND. Why not have the old lant year’* Wrap or The Salmon Fishery at Matinicus— plied us w ith food aud dry clothing, wo Sch. G. M. Brainerd is loading from F. Jacket Cleaned and Pressed or Dyed and Prospect Regarding Mackerel. remained on the island over Sunday. Mon­ Cobb& Co. for New York. have one of those Butterfly Cape* put on/ tinue until stork is closed. day morning we were carried to Port Clyde They give the Garment a bright appearance R. F. Crie A 8ontt captured in their I weir at by C“ p.t,' E I«eH Tltero we secured a pass- Schs Chase and Alfred Keene from Port­ CLIFTON and make it look almost a* good as new. land; Milfcrd from Saco; Atlanta and Ne­ SouthSmith Matinicus, Ihursdav, n14 salmon, i inc 175 ^£0 field, to Capt.Rockland Dyer, on plying the 1 ittlesteam between er Frieud- May- PleuBn «all and get price*. vada from Boston, arrived Sunday. & nushels of herring, nnd 14 medium mackerel, ship and Rockland, touching at Tenant’s W. D. ANDREWS, The snlmou weighed 209 pounds, and on Fri- Harbor, Seal Harbor and High Rock. A t Sch. John S. Beecham arrived Monday, KARL, 4*41 M a in S treet, Rockland, Me. d»v seven more wero caught. Thev were r X o1.? X?1 «8<|- R,r ,Uoston £ " , from Salem, where she discharged coal from ,ob-or, . Boston a. Bangor S. S. Co. steamer Katah- New York. •W Out o f Town Order* for Good* attended to taktn to Boston. din, a rriv in g in Boston at one p. m. Tues- at on*e. — -...... * • “ *• 1 Sch. Billow is at Cobb, Butler & Co.’s yard This Sale includes our whole stock, o day. p.-dvph. m..,L V '. ‘b V . r r ,T ° K t r ‘,,,r fur rLT'1,rs- Sch' Harr>' Messer finished re- Paper Hanging, Graining, Hard Wood I For Sale. W ifi Spear and W. H. Wakefield snared two reMPeeotive Itotttea .by . . tlte O .L . R. R. Lout- pairs *a, this yard and ^ U| load ice on ,he Finishing, Etc. Wet and Dry, which will he Closed handsome salt,ton at Alford's Lake. U'ednes- Uwo^'tettmboat erlmpa'td^ Kennebec for Baltimore. Dealer* tn I’ulrit*, Oil*, Vurnl»he*, W hitlow 1 das, weighing seven and eight pounds.... of the Old Colony for furnishing us w ith Schs. Morris A: Clif t, Jennie Green hank Ola** and Painter*’ *upplie*. Agent* for llurrieon W. F. Norerobs and L. Q. 1’vler whipped the ,re” carriages, and w ill remember the great Ira B. Ellems, Mail, Racehorse, (Teorgie, Bro* ’ Town und Country Paint*. The beat line of MAINE MUSIC CO., Out before we g*o to a New Store. lake Thttr.day and s,cured a -tlm cn that ,,f ,ln ' tte" ial Unpt. E lw e ll. Wo Berry, for New York; Peerless for Lynn, and goods In K ucx County. C orner Main and I.lnierock fit*., - i ■> , i i , are at a loss to account for the sinking of < »ur work 1* alway* good—our men cureful— j Rockland, Me. weighed .» 1 . pound- and one pound trout, the vessel, as the pumps had been tried hut Florida for Boston are loaded and in the price* are right, and *atl*fncdon ntf-ured 13 Tyler was the lucky man....C. E. Littlefield a short time before sho sank and 110 water i stream’ and F. W. Wight went to the lake Friday and obtained. j Schs. Carrie G. Crosby from A. F. Crockett got-----back sale. A Bost m m in captured a In less than live minutes after the discov- Co., and .Mary Snow from C. Doherty, sailed Landscape Decorating. ery of the leak she had gone down. The Monday for Boston. CARRIAGES AND HARNESSES! handsome salmon In tbe afternoou. Addie J. was owned by Parker J. H all, , , , , * . W. 0. Hewett & Co. master, ami sister of Kingston, was about Sch. 11elen has been thoroughly rebuilt at J. M I )IJNN & < O. A large line of carriages and ha-nc*>-t*s I now fifty tuns burthen, built in 1880, at M ill- l *lc North Railway, having had new deck 40 Pine St. and OOH Blake Place, Itocklaud ready for the trek, fume great bargain* will be THE 'LECTRICS. offered. Call and see my Hue before inlying. ••ridge, Maine, she was valued at s i io<) and deck frame, new house, new rails and and insured for >1000. 'fho captain Inis m» hatchcoinbings, recaulked and painted, being of all kind* by contract or by the day. Mr. Jacobs, electriehui bincil insurance on his part or < Flow ■ Bed*, I . and ...... 3irgo. I practically as good as new, and one of the Rockville Ga.tiage Repisiiory, companies, has been put 1 21 22* ROCKLAND, MAINE. nto the lighting best lime coasters out of the port. She is pwn- iDK'liVl I.I.K, MAINE. service, and Mr. Chism Concreting G ian S/ ia .Mention. of Salem. M Tapley’ s “ Bread Winner” out-vsears a ll, i by K. C. Rankin A Co. and Capt. Bati,»»i>- H’ ROCKLAND, MAINE, AT <»i\v line* Otii-rit-tl the l>i«y. >Ve OZXTJE Gr3Ft_A.I\rZD Z U O S S , 1 lierefore Ini v«‘ been to Con­ tinue O ne JVIore W eek, and w ill olle>’ Beginning WEDNESDAY MORNING at 9.30 o’clock, sharp. o t liet* SPECIAL BARGAINS. 10 pieties left of Body Brussels at !_ace Curtains! Portieres! QUOTATIONS: Broken Prices. f4- BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! Jackets from . . . $1.48 Each, Upwards s 15 pieces left of Extra Super, at 39 Cents Per Pair, $2-98 Per Pair, j? Broken Prices. 79 Cents Per Pair, Mackintoshes that were $15.00, Marked Down to . $9.98 $3.48 Per Pair, $ 98 Cents Per Pair, $ Opaque Shades, Full Dado Border, $1.19 Per Pair. Silk Shelahs, were $15; Marked t 1 at 35c. See our World’s Fair Suit at . . . $5.00 $1.69 Per Pair. Down to $9.98.


The “ P. T.” CIGAR. ALMOST A MIRACLE. LOOK! The Most Astonishing Cure They all End in Smoke Ever Made by Medicine. (and ashes) At These New Prices New A TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE True, But think of the De­ light and Comfort the on B u ttle . iw n 's Rnrr.np«irllli» R * . » n man t«» Health «ml Strength A H e All Dope 11)1(1 Fled. For Sixteen smoker enjoys, re A Nice Bbl. of St. Louis Yearn lie Had a Sore which Discharged » Quart nDiiy. lie wan Helpless, Ited- ducing them to Ulddcn, nud Given Up to Die. England t h a ’ e n d . TTnr© nrn tlin plain facts of tho moot A P O IN T E K . astonish Dig cure on record. We offer FLOUR! to [prove tho jtriifch of just such atrito monts or forfeit Five Thousand Dollars. For tho Low Price o f rnty $4.50 Clothing B a n g o ii, Me., Feb. 17. The Payson Tucker Best Winter Ihheat Patent, 5.25 I, .Tames D. 6 lbs. Choice Itlce...... 26 Brans, sow a Is the Best C igar e v e r 4 “ N ew California RiiisinH...... 26 resident of 4 “ Turkish Primes...... 26 Abbott, Mo., made for 10 cents. 1 •’ Greyhound Tobacco, smoke...... 26 STEAMER HERCULES. do testify 1 “ Fighter 'Tobacco, chew ...... 26 under oath ua 1 “ Bplce, any kind...... House! follows j 1 “ Good T ea...... 26 Plying on the Kennebec River between Bath and Woolwich, on the Knox and Lincoln Division of the Maine Central Railroad' 1 “ Choice Coffee, guaranteed...... 26 A p ril 15, 1 gal. Good Molasses...... 25 1878, I wan 1 gal. Fine Molasses...... B uilt for the Maine Cintral Railroad fur transferring cars across the Kennebec river between Bath and W o o lw ic h .L e n g th , 216Jfeet; t a k e n sick 6 lbs. Best Canary Seed...... 26 breadth, 37.6 feet: depth. 12 1 feet; net tonnage C>96. Double engines; 34 inches diameter of cylinder, 8 feet stroke. Capacity, 6 Pullman or 12 w i t h w h a t 3 “ Best Currants...... 6 Bars Nice Boap...... height cars. Pro v e fl 10 I*6 THE (IjS/pi ja Ling fever. H A i DcT’n8 th ,a MLGUNT1COOK MATTERS. VINALHAVEN Y s ic k n ess, a C. E. TUTTLE, blister waanp- COLUMBUS The creditor given trust, Investments from Away—Summer The honest man is just, X plied to my 306 MAIN STREET. Homes Being Swept and Dusted. The tattler vents or busts, left side, tho But everyone gets dust. J a______m e s I). E v a n s . __ e f f e c t o f Spear Block. n? PACE’s OSTON capital being T. J. Lyon’s house is for sale. which caused a fever sore. I got through DELICIOUS V invtsied in Camden A great many strangers in town! the fever and moved about and oufrof doors shows which way the O. B. Jones i9 about to sell out and will re­ some, h ut 1 ho side and sore th o rrin be "an to swell and I was again pat. to bed. This wind blows. The tire from business. was about Jane, 1873. On June 17, ibis Maine Central also is Sch, Fillmore! brought Lane & Libby 49 soic. was lanced by Or. Trueworfliy, of interested in Camden G uilford, Maine, ami I have been told six Storer’s Best Cotosuet! Flavoring cords of edgings last week. and lltistrntes and de­ (piarts were taken from the side. Sch. J. Nickerson loaded paveing from the From that time until Jane 27, 1889, scribes her in a book­ 1(5 years, ID days, them was a constant, jlonn T H E C R F A T Co-operative firm last week. le t entitled “ T h e aye fro m mi7fii J, PATEJNT FLOUR, PURE SUBSTITUTE The Emmeline has left us. The Sedgwick Sutnraet State ot Mail anti the daily fotnaye of math r unis idyj^U FOR L A R D . takes her place until the Vinalhaven gets back. one ynart during all tJk&cvcors. E x tr a c ts The firm at Leadbettor Island is building a 'These sores were very offensive in their MANUFACTURED BY wharf. Capt. Cleaves with his sloop is doing odor anorked at htm- - S 2 . O O . the purest and of the most delicate' are all busy. p. tu. \ 1 ber operations and flavor. J d ^ i h g . I fe e l I have the Buckeye, an iron '1’he Hlamps are noid in donorninatlonn o f 6, 10 GRANITE CHIPS. J strong and weH, my and 25 cents, and arc to be pasted in books prepared These suits are made from MRS. E. I PERKINS. OBITUARY. one, for $1.75. This is the for the purpose. When a leaf is covered it amount side lias enti rely to $1, which Is then deposited In the bank and Restaurant aud lee Cream Parlors, 301 healed, I weigh A dispatch to the Boston Globe, emanating ope Best Trade ever offered in bank accourt opened. Main Street. ------hundred and th irty- this city. It Inculcates habits of waving on the p art of the Henry B. Smith, an old and highly respected from Gloucester, says: five pounds, wat and well, and extwrk- young. A great success wherever adopted. Call different styles of cloth of the These goods can lie found at the fol- citizen of Vinalhaven, died Munday, May 29, of “ It has been reported that the recent *pur- enee no inconvenience from my old fever and get lull particulars. lowing stores: heart trouble, uged 72 years. He leaves a chase by the Rockport Granite Company of the sores, save when I undertake to lift a See My 'Aftshing Outfit: heavy log or other heavy weight. 3 per cent interest will lie allowed on most beautiful patterns. They E P Rollins, Rockland wite and four children. The funeral took Cape Ann granite works at Bay View at a To the two bottles of Brow it's Sarsaparilla 1 Best Wringer. 100 feet Line. 1 Washboard. deposits. 14 Front Street plsce Wednesday. 2 Large Tubs and a l’eck of Clothes Pins. 6 Bars Perry Bros , recent auction sale is a p irt of a; plan for the I certainly owe n*/ cure and perhaps my life* Soap, all for 5 0 . You c innot equal it in any o c k l a n d 4 Camden " A G E N T S ! R —A. P. Crockett Co., H O. Gurdy & Co , consolidation or thepormation of,‘a trust ot tho In September, 1890, store in this city for less than $6.00, Ju». Domihiie. H ubiuoank—T. W. Bullivau. are strictly All Wool. The A. F. Crockett Co., 713 Main “ Mrs. Jessie G. Grant, wife of Charles S. granite producing industry of Cape Ann. I Introduced myself to V in a l h a v e n , Me .—D. II. Glldden. E. M. Perry. 73H “ Mr. Ara Warren, in his Gram and a native of Scotland, died Tuesday “ It is asserted that the scheme has been quietly store in Bangor, showed CITY MARKET, G. W Leach. 720 “ M iy30 , ai Vinalhaven. aged 32 years. She worked, the acquisition of the Cape Ann Com­ Wm. B Hills, H72 “ him my side and told Corner Park and; Union Streets. Pants have double knees. leaves a husband and several children to mourn pany being tho only remaining step to accom­ him my story. Had Aehorn & Thorndike. 608 ’• never seen him before. F.H. WHITNEY Prop. K C. Rankin & Co.. 056 “ ” her loss. She was buried Friday, June 2. plish the end. There were present two ROCKLAND TRUST CO. “ On the day of the sale it is asserted that the These Suits are thoroughly Farrand, Spear & Co.. 586 •• gentlemen, and to them A. F. Cr o c k ett, President. A 1. Riohardsou. 574 ” Week before last we pulished the news of the Rockport company were actively in the ‘ field, also I showed my side 1£. A. Bu t l e r . Vlc> President. sudden death of Rev. S. S. Biekmore, formerly being represented by a Boston broker whom and told my story. C. M. K a l l o c ii, Secretary. .1 E 1'iohof, 450 " * Feb. 10, 1801, a rep- and substantially made and C. A. Haskell. 4 L’ " ol South Thomaston. From an exchange we they employed for the purpose. He I was suc­ This Company transacts a general Banking Bus- resentative of Browni ness and deals in Bonds, Bank Stock anti other 11 G. Tibbetts, 434 •• take the following obituary : cessful in bidding off the property;for this Sarsaparilla saw me In' conservative Income securities. Bicknell Tea Co . 398 “ Mr. Biekmore was born in St. George, but company ot $90,700. Bangor, and at his Investors are respectfullv Invited to call and In­ each one is decorated with a 377 “ “ A leading stocknolder in tbej’ Rockport request I submitted spect our line of securities before placing their C Doherty, his parents moved to South Waldoboro when xny aide to a photog­ we shall give away dsewher 368 •• be was about a year old He received a com­ company, who is said to have ‘ inside’ infor­ rapher. I state my case, Safe ‘ epoHlt Bo t to rent »t W5, ISO, 07 C. E. Tultie. 306 •• mon school education an 1 learned the Hade of mation, s iid, when the matter was referred to for publication, to the Mini HID P er Y« »r. handsome and artistic Colum­ 292 •• slut) carpenter He resided in Waldoboro till Jere Harrington. 1866 when he remove 1 to St. George but re­ him, that he thought a consolidation ot the big end that others might to every purchaser of a Donohue’s Cash Grocery, 266 be benefited, and do-, turned to Waldoboro the following year. He four, the C ipe Ann Granite, the Rockport, the cause I am very grate­ White & Case, 262 •• entered the ministry about twenty-five vents Pigeon H ill and Lanesville Granite companies, bus Medal The price is .•go and has held various charges in the M. E ful to Ara Warren, the 0 . P. Hix. 246 “ *• was extremely probable. proprietor of Brown’s Barrel of Flour Mass. Real Estate Co, J H Flint 234 ” Conference. He was appointed pastor of the Sarsaparilla, for pro-1 church at Windsor a year ago, going thither These represent almost the entire granite 246 Washington St., Boston. each. We believe Theodore Honken, 156 ’• from South Thomaston. He was married three ducing the medicine $ 5 . 0 0 W E Iltlt. Stale St. interest on Cape Ann, although there are a tew that cured me, and One Pound of 6oc. Tea times and leaves a widow and two children, the smaller concerns in existence. The combined my re c o v e ry has Knox Farmers Ex Co, Limetock •’ one by his first marriage being a son twenty- always been a.source of F. li Wnitnet. 33 Park “ three years of age. He was formerly a mem­ capital of tho proposed trust, it is said, w ill be these suits to he the best value ber of King Solomon’s Lodge, F. A: A. M., ol ! about $1 000,000.” wondernfent to every­ We will make llie price Dividends Per Cent. 11 11. Flint. 117 •• •’ W aldohoro from which be was demitted ai the i body. A C Gay & Co . 105 Sea “ last regular communication at his request. Mr COUNTY COMMENT. J a m e s D. E v a n s . of the Flour as low ns for the money that can be Rockland Litue Co . 14 W ater ” Biekmore was a man who gained the love and I B a n o o r , Feb. 17, 1891. | Invests in Central Ileal Estate In growlngjoltleB W V Farnsworth Camden respect of the different communities where he Who Raised the First Flag Over a Then personally appeared the above Authorized Capltul, - 000,000 has been located- James 1J. Evans, and took oath to tho F. O Clark School-House ? truth of the above statement, before me. i you can buy the same CupiltU paid in, - - - - 1,500,000 found. J F Clifford O. A. B a il e y , Justice of the Peace. o r g a n iz e d in I486. C. E Shaw. SO. LIBERTY. The National Tribune of ; Washington is try­ W. W Hodgkins. Thomaston ing to tind out over what school-house the Reader, you may not bo afflicted as grade at auv other store per per~uutiuin since American flag was first raised. Hon. C. F. E I. Dillingham A Co . Laae Robioson had a lively runaway with James D. Evans was, but you nluy bo Richards of Rockport writes the Tribune as T. S. Andrews. his colt, Monday. While going to Washing- suffering from some form of disease Maak-rs di Slat ret I, follows: We make this otter for Hto< k ottered for sale at ttlOH per share. ington his rein broke and the colts ran into resulting from impure blood. Pimples, () G. Dinsmore. I understand that the question of to whom blotches, and boils show that the poison Bend to or call at the office for new Illustrated John Bryant’s field. Mr. Robinson jumped Also a Large Stock of S. F. & Il 1, Shepherd, Rockport belong the honor of first raising the flag of Is in the system and doing its work pamphlet. 16 28 Bodwell Granite Co., Vinalhaven out and the wheels went over him. The colts our country over the public school-house is a every moment. Remember, there is no two weeks onlv. If you mooted one. Some of our soldier boys, now n r n PCMT ‘’Elt ANNUM, net. to C H. Smith. ran to the mills where they brought up against blood disease from pimples to tho most men pust middle ugu. wish me to state what 1 horrible tumors hut what ■ ■ B I L ll L u ll I Investors. Uuurunu-ed O. B. Jones. a building. Mr. Robinson is confined to his know. In the beginning of the war in 1861 1 are thinking of buying a I aguiust loss. F Mytiek. bed. Internal injuries are feared.. . .The steam was the teacher ot Uie High School in Rock­ W. RODMAN WINSLOW, A Davidson. m ill is at a stand still now on account of plant­ port, Me. In the latter part of A pril, the same BROWN’S JL= 134 NASSAU ST. (Vanderbilt Building), CHILDREN’S SUITS Co Hurricane in g .... Chas. E. Gverlock has moved onto the year, the 4th Me. was being raised in the city barrel, call ami see us and Booth Bros & II I G of Rockland and vicinity. The High School NEW YORK CITY. Spruce Head farm of Elbridge C la rk ....F o lk s are busy Established amt doing business In these same offices Bodwell Granite Co.. boys were very much interested and very Sarsaparilla since Feb. 1, l«77. Fur 16 consecutive years dividends L A A re v. Owl’s Head putting in their planting. A man can’t ne patriotic. One of them came to me one day will oradloftte completely and perma­ liave bu n paid at the rate of 12 j»er cent per annum. get oui' prices. No default h nor delays: uo losses to clients. Do F 11. Smith North Haven hired for love or money ....T h e prospect is and asked me if 1 should object to raising the nently. No remedy known has ever posits received at uuy tune. Of Handsome and Durable C S. Stapleo. now we shall have pleuty of fruit this season. flag on the Up of (he school-building. I an­ produced such remarkable cures as E. N Brown So Thomaston swered, “ most certainly not, it is my duty to B ro w n ’s Sarsaparilla. It is g< ntle in teach patriotism, and I know of no better object Its worlc bu successful, sure, and lasting Remember the place. | W . S. S H O R E Y , J. M. Bartlett, MAIL ROUTES. lesson than the flag of our country flying from In results. Goods from $ 2 . 0 0 a S u it 11 S. Sweetlaml. our school-house.” The next day this hoy, P.eiaeuibor there is nothing “ Just as good” Magoun di Vannah Winslow’s Mills The mail routes w ill change hands on July 1, A. 1). Champney, afterwards in the 1st I). C. s* Brown’s Sarsaparilla. There is no remedy and 1st Me. Cav., went to the woods,cut a staff, OOK Hart & Mathews Tenant's Harbor Elbridge Watton takes the Waldoboro route which can sli -was many -enuinsaud remarkable S. G. PRESCOTT & CO. up. and with the help ot his schoolmates erected it. co re s us B row n’s .Sarsaparilla. Made by Ara G W Rawley, and Fied Burnham ot Cushing the Tbomustou The next Monday morning a large, beautiful Warren & Co., Bangor, Me. R. Long dt Sou route. flag was thrown to the breeze. The building Tillson’s W harf, INDER, .1 L Burns. Washington standing on a h ill overlooking the village and SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. surrounding country made the flag very con­ •1.00 PER BOTTLE, SIX FOR $5.00 ROCKLAND, MAINE. W M Staples, $100 R e w a r d , $100. BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, Room sun Bi or , Wiley's f omer spicuous. Many a cheer went up from the The »oeis of this paper w ill bo pleased to passers-by during the summer following. The Front St., Bath, Maine. J. Vi. Eastman dt Co Warren learn that (here is at least one dreaded disease raising of this dug occured not later than the TELEPHONE CONNECTION Geo. Forsett dt Son, Union that science has been able to cure in all its middle of May, 1861. Mr. Champney Is still 17 D. 11 Pul-iter. Waldoboro stages and that i» Catarrh. Hail's Catarrh with us, as ate several ol his schoolmates, who ♦ > “ Kv«tv Description of Work pertaining to I Cure is the only positive cure now known to will verify this statement. ARTHUR SHEA, Book Binding Business Executed Promptly. John Burnbi luier, Noun Waldoboro the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a consti- J W Haggett, D.am .rticotta Mills tutiouai disease, requires a constitutional treat­ Estimate* given ua Large or Small Jubs New England FISHING ARRIVALS. Practical Plumber, The Beet Place to Bin Flint