T he Courier-Gazette. T W O DOLLARS A YRAR V olu m e 48. IN A D V A N C K ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY JUNE G, 1893 Entered a* Second Clans M ail Matter N l MBRJi 22 The place to.. GIRLS WANTED CITY CHAT. Thomaston extension is now fairly launched, MEMORIAL i'AY OUTLOOK. CHURCH MATTERS’ i natmakcra, Pantmakern and Veatraakera in a id with a decent amount of fair weather this mediately Call on or write b unch w ill be jnearly if not quite completed The Usual Elaborate Observance In Lace HAVE 20.21 • .1. 11. LA It KIN ft CO., 321 Main Ht. Here and There About Our Rapidly i Memonal Dav was all mat could be desired. A Meeting of Sunday School Workers --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Growing City. by the middle of July. This City.—The Oration. , For once it did not s’orm THEM in Thomaston. WANTED. Memorial Dav, 1.893, will bn remembered At 165 Broadway 3500 chairs t j mend w ithout o o CLEANED ND wasn’t “ Friend One day last week ns two gentlemen who The Maine Bflptist Sunday School Workers’ Curtains! regard to th* ir kind or condition. Prices accord- as one of tho most impressive celebrations The Gonnecticti’ Legislature decrees that the Iiik to amount of material used and labor. Frlte** ns presented hive •sailed the seas over,” gray-bearded and And Done up equal to new la at 11 of the day ever held here. The afternoon <tars and stripe* shall 11 »at over every school- Institute w ill he held in Thomaston, Thursday, Feb. 7. 5 R. M PILLSB U R Y A GO. bronzed, were walking up Water street they by the Manola-Mason services were held in Sea View cemetery. house. Jane 8. The following program w ill be car­ EPH. PERRY’S DYE HOUSE Co., Monday of last stopped to chat with Mrs. Lucy W. Snow who The beautiful Grand A rm y ceremonies .ac­ o o ried out: w a n t e d - a c ir l . was standing in her gate-way giving directions Hhe will be expected to do general housework week, a treat! A mag­ companying the decoration of graves were A European steamer landed 1164 passengers MORNING SESSION. nnd must be capable. Good wages will be paid nificent audience thor­ for planting her garden. One of them, who had hold, including an eloquent and appropriate lis t Monday in East Boston, enough to make Rev. W. A. Newcombe, President. 10.30. DR. BELLE S. AYERS, None but first-class help need apply. passed bis three score years, complimented her 16 NO. 14 (1RANGK ST. oughly enjoyed the address by L. It. Campbell, esq. such a town as Hope or two as large as North Devotional Exercises, Inductory Words and flno presentation. The on being smart, to which she replied fl that she Welcome; 10.50, Address: “ The Mission of a LADIES' In tiie evening Farwell Opera House was Haven. Baptist Sunday School,'* Supt. K. W. Porter; Office Rooms to Rent. fine presentation. The parts were all admirably was too old to he very smart, but she remem­ packed fu ll, tho member*. of Edw in Libby o o 11.10, Discussion; 11.35, Reports from the Good office rooms In the new and splendid 8yn- rendered, the singing nnd other specialties bered him when he was a grand looking, smart At the do lie ition of the MaineJjbuilding in schools represented, followed by free confer­ M edical Parlors. dicate building. Apply to Post, G. A. It., occupying the front rows of being exceptionally fine. It wns a rich treat, boy. This led to other recollections, and she | Chicago lemonade was the drink used. Tho ence as to needs and supply. / Electricity, 16 C. H. BERRY. seats. The May Fusty vail chorus choir •Of f ic e Houns y in « » n « e , and the management of Farwell Opera House remembered the time when Rockland was filled the platform, furnishing a substantial telegrams don’t state whether it was red lemon- AFTERNOON SESSION. c o o d r o o m t o l e t . Rev. J H. Parshley, President. 2 OO.praver a to 11A.M.? M edicated are entitled to a vote of thanks. called the “ Shore Village,” nnd comprised background to the presiding officer, speaker | ado or not. 2 IO 4 r . M. ? U n t il.. Room to let, furnished, to lodger by the week or o o for our Sunday Schools; 2 30, Address: “ Or­ month. Good location. Apply And while we are using space on theatrical scattering farm houses and a few small stores, and other dignitaries* There were several | They show their years, but they steo off ganization and Management of a Sunday 1S.18- T m s O F F IC E . matter*. It may bo well to call attention to the anil what limo they manufactured was^carried selections by the choir and hand, reading of School,” Supt. Edward Brown; 2 50, Discus­ Specialty ! Diseases of Women Sc Ohiliren. | proudly yet, these comrades of the Grand fact that this same management has a series of off to the vessels In scows, as there were no tho roll of honor by Comrade W. II. Sim­ sion ; 3 10, Address: ‘ The Sunday School SYNDICATE BLOCK, Third Floor. MANURE FOR SALE. j Army. I’tiere In more to set the blood ting- Teacher; Qualifications anti Duties.” Rev. H. Several cords fine, old, rotted Manure. .Suitable first-class attractions to give us among them wharves at which to load. She remembered mons. The oration was delivered by Rev. 17 ll»CKI.*M>. ME. for Luwns, Flower or Vegetable Gardens. 1 ling in th? sight of a little country post march­ E. Thayer; 3 30, Discussion ; 4. Paper: “ Our being “ The Crust of Society,” the paper for too, of hearing the booming of the guns in the C. W . Brad lee, pastor of Pratt Memorial Primary Department,” Mrs. H. K. Thayer; 20-22 G. M. T IB B E T T S . ing to II»e an l drum than in that of a big which is now up, and The “ Span of Life,” that engagement between the Enterprise and Boxer, M. E. Church, this city. Mr. Bradleo apol­ 4.20, Discussion; 4.45, Question Box; militia regiment, with crowded brilliant ranks Cows and Calves For Sale. thrilling melodrama now exciting such a furore as she was living with her father ai the time on ogized at tiie opening of his address, refer­ EVENING SRSHION. Use the : : : Three new milch cows, three calves and blooded in Boston. We hope that the endeavors of the ihe Island of Matinic. What changes in a on a holiday parade ground — Boston Journal, row for sale. 20 Apply to G. W. FI8II, Union. ring to tiie fact of tiie severe sickness of Supt. H. P. Kallocb, President. 7.30, Praise Express Duplicator, managers of the Opera House to give us first life time ? She spoke o f being obliged to go to himself and wife, the trouble of moving o o and Prayer; 7 50. Paper: “ Tbe Sunday School If you winli to m ake many eopienof any Nautical Instruments For class nttrac’ions will be seconded by the hearty Owl’s Head to take tbe steamer lor Boston, The Chicago Record prints this hopeful Teachers Reward,” Mrs. R. C. H a ll; 8.15, from a distant city and other cares, hut Address: “ The Holy Spirit in Sunday School Writing or Drawing. No waaliing re­ S a le . co-operation of our people. while the other day she was seen stepping Into “ exact copy” of what one man spent in six quired. It la A Sextant Aneroid Barometer, Gliarts and Epi when he had completed his address all felt Work,” Rev. K. C. Whittemore. tome, m arly nil n e w . Will sell at les- than half an electric street car, a few rods from her door. that there was no need of an apology. The days nt the lair, counting from the time he left Arrangements have been made with tbe rail­ tliocos- Inqulroof ISAAC UPHAM, I he Best All Around Copying Machine Richard Golden, “ Jed Prouty,” is to have a Mrs. Snow w ill have reached the age of ninety oration was eloquent, interesting, soul-stir­ his hotel until he returned in the evening— : roads of the 8tate securing half fare for the 20-23 Beech Street, Rockport. Gar fare....................................................................... Going, and i« one of the Cheapest For new play, which ho and W illiam G ill will in the coming September. Her hearing has $] jo round trip. Inquire at your railroad station. terms and specimens of work apply to ring, was frequently interrupted b y hursts Admissions .... .................................................... 3 no HOUSE FOR SALE. write together. The new play w ill be a contin­ failed her a little and her sight Is a little of applause, and proved to be ju s t what the Launches aud electric road........................... 70 J. W. MITCHELL. Rockland. Me. A two story house In best ol order with cement dimmed, but her mind is as “ bright as a dol­ L u n d ie s ................................. ............................. 300 basement, furnace, etc. Ever)tiling cor.ve. lent uation of the old favorite nnd w ill deal largolv soldier hoys wanted to hear. This was Mr. Admission to small show s................................... 2 75 ami vood location. Enquire of with the airiirs of Tretty, grown up and with lar.” She ha, always been an active worker Brad lee's first appearance before a general Guide b o o k .............................................................
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