URBAN TREE VARIATION KĀPITI COAST DISTRICT PLAN - ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT R3525m DRAFT URBAN TREE VARIATION KĀPITI COAST DISTRICT PLAN - ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT Contract Report No. 3525m July 2015 Project Team: Astrid van Meeuwen-Dijkgraaf - Report author, field work Steve Rate - Report author, peer review Bruce MacKay - Field work Kelvin Lloyd -Peer review Prepared for: Kāpiti Coast District Council Private Bag 60601 Paraparaumu 5254 WELLINGTON OFFICE: 22 RAIHA STREET, ELSDON, P.O. BOX 50-539, PORIRUA Ph 04-237-7341; Fax 04-237-7496 HEAD OFFICE: 99 SALA STREET, P.O. BOX 7137, TE NGAE, ROTORUA Ph 07-343-9017; Fax 07-343-9018, email
[email protected], www.wildlands.co.nz EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Prior to human occupation, lowland Kāpiti Coast District comprised areas of dunes, dune, riparian and lowland forest, and wetlands. Less than 6% of these indigenous vegetation types remains within the relevant ecological districts and only about 22% of the Tararua foothill forest still exists within the Wellington Region. Much of the lowland areas are categorised as Acutely Threatened and Chronically Threatened Land Environments. The urban areas of Kāpiti Coast District all occur in these lowland areas where indigenous vegetation is significantly reduced from its original extent. Thus indigenous vegetation within the urban areas is threatened at national, regional and district levels. Trees in an urban landscape are important for a variety of reasons; ecological as well as aesthetic, economic, and cultural. The most ecologically valuable trees are found within ecological sites, which are remnants of original forests. These areas reflect the underlying historical vegetation pattern, are reservoirs of genetic variability within a species and provide habitat for flora and fauna.