141 Part 300—International Fisheries Regulations
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PART 300—INTERNATIONAL FIGURE 1 TO SUBPART E OF PART 300—BOUND- ARIES FOR SITKA SOUND LOCAL AREA MAN- FISHERIES REGULATIONS AGEMENT PLAN (LAMP) FIGURE 2 TO SUBPART E OF PART 300—SOUTH- Subpart A—General ERN SOUTHEAST ALASKA RURAL AND NON- RURAL AREAS Sec. FIGURE 3 TO SUBPART E OF PART 300—NORTH- 300.1 Purpose and scope. ERN SOUTHEAST ALASKA RURAL AND NON- 300.2 Definitions. RURAL AREAS 300.3 Relation to other laws. FIGURE 4 TO SUBPART E OF PART 300—PRINCE 300.4 General prohibitions. WILLIAM SOUND RURAL AND NON-RURAL 300.5 Facilitation of enforcement. AREAS FIGURE 5 TO SUBPART E OF PART 300—AN- Subpart B [Reserved] CHORAGE, MATANUSKA-SUSITNA, AND KENAI RURAL AND NON-RURAL AREAS Subpart C—Eastern Pacific Tuna Fisheries FIGURE 6 TO SUBPART E OF PART 300—ALASKA PENINSULA AND ALEUTIAN ISLANDS RURAL 300.20 Purpose and scope. AND NON-RURAL AREAS 300.21 Definitions. FIGURE 7 TO SUBPART E OF PART 300—WEST- 300.22 Recordkeeping and reporting require- ERN AND CENTRAL ALASKA RURAL AND ments. NON-RURAL AREAS 300.23 Persons and vessels exempted. TABLE 1 TO SUBPART E OF PART 300—DETER- 300.24 Prohibitions. MINATION OF COMMISSION REGULATORY 300.25 Fisheries management. AREA 2C ANNUAL COMMERCIAL ALLOCA- 300.26 Vessel monitoring system (VMS). TION FROM THE ANNUAL COMBINED CATCH 300.27 Incidental catch and tuna retention LIMIT FOR HALIBUT requirements. TABLE 2 TO SUBPART E OF PART 300—DETER- 300.28 FAD restrictions. MINATION OF COMMISSION REGULATORY 300.29 Observers. AREA 3A ANNUAL COMMERCIAL ALLOCA- TION FROM THE ANNUAL COMBINED CATCH Subpart D—South Pacific Tuna Fisheries LIMIT FOR HALIBUT TABLE 3 TO SUBPART E OF PART 300—DETER- 300.30 Purpose and scope. MINATION OF COMMISSION REGULATORY 300.31 Definitions. AREA 2C ANNUAL CHARTER HALIBUT ALLO- 300.32 Vessel licenses. CATION FROM THE ANNUAL COMBINED 300.33 Compliance with applicable national CATCH LIMIT laws. TABLE 4 TO SUBPART E OF PART 300—DETER- 300.34 Reporting requirements. MINATION OF COMMISSION REGULATORY 300.35 Vessel and gear identification. AREA 3A ANNUAL CHARTER HALIBUT AL- 300.36 Closed area stowage requirements. LOCATION FROM THE ANNUAL COMBINED 300.37 Radio monitoring. CATCH LIMIT 300.38 Prohibitions. 300.39 Exceptions. Subpart F—Fraser River Sockeye and Pink 300.40 Civil penalties. Salmon Fisheries 300.41 Investigation notification. 300.42 Findings leading to removal from 300.90 Purpose and scope. fishing area. 300.91 Definitions. 300.43 Observers. 300.92 Relation to other laws. 300.44 Other inspections. 300.93 Reporting requirements. 300.45 Vessel Monitoring System. 300.94 Prohibitions and restrictions. 300.46 Transshipping requirements. 300.95 Treaty Indian fisheries. 300.96 Penalties. Subpart E—Pacific Halibut Fisheries 300.97 Inseason orders. 300.60 Purpose and scope. Subpart G—Antarctic Marine Living 300.61 Definitions. Resources 300.62 Annual management measures. 300.63 Catch sharing plan and domestic 300.100 Purpose and scope. management measures in Area 2A. 300.101 Definitions. 300.64 Fishing by U.S. treaty Indian tribes. 300.102 Relationship to other treaties, con- 300.65 Catch sharing plan and domestic ventions, laws, and regulations. management measures in waters in and 300.103 Scientific research. off Alaska. 300.104 International Fisheries Trade Per- 300.66 Prohibitions. mits and AMLR first receiver permits. 300.67 Charter halibut limited access pro- 300.105 Preapproval for importation of fro- gram. zen Dissostichus species. 141 VerDate Sep<11>2014 10:08 Jun 25, 2021 Jkt 250245 PO 00000 Frm 00151 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\50\50V11.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB Pt. 300 50 CFR Ch. III (10–1–20 Edition) 300.106 Catch Documentation Scheme 300.175 Hail-in and hail-out reports. (CDS): Documentation and other require- 300.176 Prohibitions. ments. 300.107 Vessel permits and requirements. Subpart M—International Trade Docu- 300.108 Vessel and gear identification. mentation and Tracking Programs for 300.109 Initiating a new fishery. Highly Migratory Species 300.110 Exploratory fisheries. 300.111 Scientific observers. 300.180 Purpose and scope. 300.112 Vessel monitoring system. 300.181 Definitions. 300.113 CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring 300.182 International fisheries trade permit. Program sites. 300.183 Permit holder reporting and record- 300.114 Prohibitions. keeping requirements. 300.115 Facilitation of enforcement and in- 300.184 Species subject to permitting, docu- spection. mentation, reporting, and recordkeeping 300.116 Penalties. requirements. 300.185 Documentation, reporting and rec- Subpart H—Vessels of the United States ordkeeping requirements for consign- Fishing in Colombian Treaty Waters ment documents and re-export certifi- cates. 300.120 Purpose. 300.186 Completed and approved documents. 300.121 Definitions. 300.187 Validation requirements. 300.122 Relation to other laws. 300.188 Ports of entry. 300.123 Certificates and permits. 300.189 Prohibitions. 300.124 Recordkeeping and reporting. 300.125 Vessel identification. Subpart N—Identification and Certification 300.126 Prohibitions. 300.127 Facilitation of enforcement. of Nations 300.128 Penalties. 300.200 Purpose and scope. 300.129 Fishing year. 300.201 Definitions. 300.130 Vessel and gear restrictions. 300.202 Identification and certification of 300.131 Conch harvest limitations. nations engaged in illegal, unreported, or 300.132 Lobster harvest limitations. unregulated fishing activities. 300.203 Identification and certification of Subpart I—United States-Canada Fisheries nations engaged in bycatch of protected Enforcement living marine resources. 300.204 Identification and certification of 300.140 Purpose and scope. nations whose vessels are engaged in 300.141 Definitions. shark catch. 300.142 Prohibitions. 300.205 Effect of certification. 300.143 Facilitation of enforcement. 300.206 Denial of port privileges and import 300.144 Penalties and sanctions. restrictions on fish or fish products. Subpart J—U.S. Nationals Fishing in Russian 300.207 Alternative procedures for nations identified as having vessels engaged in Fisheries IUU fishing activities that are not cer- 300.150 Purpose. tified in this subpart. 300.151 Definitions. 300.208 Alternative procedures for nations 300.152 Procedures. identified as having vessels engaged in 300.153 Permit issuance. bycatch of PLMRs that are not certified 300.154 Recordkeeping and reporting. in this subpart. 300.155 Requirements. 300.209 Alternative procedures for nations 300.156 Prohibited acts. identified as having vessels engaged in 300.157 Penalties. shark catch that are not certified in this subpart. Subpart K—Transportation and Labeling of Fish or Wildlife Subpart O—Western and Central Pacific Fisheries for Highly Migratory Species 300.160 Requirement for marking of con- tainers or packages. 300.210 Purpose and scope. 300.161 Alternatives and exceptions. 300.211 Definitions. 300.212 Vessel permit endorsements. Subpart L—Pacific Albacore Tuna Fisheries 300.213 Vessel information. 300.214 Compliance with laws of other na- 300.170 Purpose and scope. tions. 300.171 Definitions. 300.215 Observers. 300.172 Vessel list. 300.216 Transshipping, bunkering and net 300.173 Vessel identification. sharing. 300.174 Logbook reports. 300.217 Vessel identification. 142 VerDate Sep<11>2014 10:08 Jun 25, 2021 Jkt 250245 PO 00000 Frm 00152 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\50\50V11.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB Int’l. Fishing and Related Activities § 300.2 300.218 Reporting and recordkeeping re- Subpart A—General quirements. 300.219 Vessel monitoring system. 300.220 Confidentiality of information. AUTHORITY: 16 U.S.C. 2431 et seq., 31 U.S.C. 300.221 Facilitation of enforcement and in- 9701 et seq. spection. 300.222 Prohibitions. § 300.1 Purpose and scope. 300.223 Purse seine fishing restrictions. The purpose of this part is to imple- 300.224 Longline fishing restrictions. ment the fishery conservation and 300.225 Eastern High Seas Special Manage- management measures provided for in ment Area. the international treaties, conventions, 300.226 Oceanic whitetip shark and silky or agreements specified in each sub- shark. part, as well as certain provisions of 300.227 Framework for catch and fishing ef- the Lacey Act Amendments of 1981. fort limits. The regulations in this part apply, ex- cept where otherwise specified in this Subpart P—Vessels on IUU Vessel Lists part, to all persons and all places sub- 300.300 Purpose and scope. ject to the jurisdiction of the United 300.301 Definitions. States under the acts implemented 300.302 Port entry by foreign, listed IUU under each subpart. vessels. 300.303 Port access by foreign, listed IUU § 300.2 Definitions. vessels. In addition to the definitions in each 300.304 Prohibitions. act, agreement, convention, or treaty Subpart Q—International Trade specified in subparts B through K of Documentation and Tracking Programs this part, the terms used in this part have the following meanings: 300.320 Purpose and scope. Assistant Administrator means the As- 300.321 Definitions. sistant Administrator for Fisheries, 300.322 International Fisheries Trade Per- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- mit. ministration, Department of Com- 300.323 Reporting and recordkeeping re- merce, or a designee. Address: Room quirements. 14555, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver 300.324 Seafood Traceability Program. Spring, MD 20910. 300.325 Prohibitions. Authorized officer means: Subpart R—High Seas Fisheries (1) Any commissioned, warrant, or petty officer of the U.S. Coast Guard; 300.330 Purpose. or any U.S. Coast Guard personnel ac- 300.331 Definitions. companying and acting under the di- 300.332 Issuing offices. rection of a commissioned, warrant, or 300.333 Vessel permits. petty officer of the U.S. Coast Guard; 300.334 Fisheries authorized on the high (2) Any special agent or fisheries en- seas. forcement officer of NMFS; or 300.335 Bottom fishing. (3) Any person designated by the 300.336 Vessel identification. head of any Federal or state agency 300.337 Requirements for Enhanced Mobile that has entered into an agreement Transceiver Units (EMTUs).