Present:- Steve Chapman (Chairman), Stephen Conway, Lee Gordon-Walker, Norman Gould, Tim Holton, Jenny Lissaman, Claire Sfrefton, Julian McGhee-Sumner.

Also present:- Peter Bourne, Team Leader, Highways Development Control Mark Cupif, Head of Development Management Tricia Harcoutt, Senior Democratic Services Officer Colin Lawley, Legal Services Manager

MEMBERS UPDATE There are a number of references to the Members' Updafe within these minutes. The Members' Update was circulated fo all present prior fo the meeting. It is available to view on the Council's websife www,.gov.uk

The Chairman welcomed a new Member to the Committee, Claire Stretton who had joined in place of John Kersley who had resigned from the Committee. Confirmation was given that she had received the appropriate training to allow her to take part in decision making.

John Kersley was thanked for his work on the Committee

69. MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 14 October 2009 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman, subject to the addition in Minute 64 of a statement that Tim Holton arrived at 7.10pm; and the deletion in Minute 65 of the following phrase in the fifth paragraph - 'speaking on behalf of Michael Firmager who had listed the proposal, '

The meeting planned for 11 November was cancelled

70. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were submitted from Jenny Lissaman and Angus Ross.

71. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Claire Stretton declared a personal and prejudicial interest in ltem 83, application F/2009/1977 at Bowsey Hill House, Bowsey Hill, , for the retention of a wall and steps, on the grounds that before she became a member of the Planning Committee she had been involved as Ward Member in discussions on this application. She indicated that she would speak as Ward Member then withdraw from the meeting during the discussion and decision making.

72. APPLICATIONS TO BE WITHDRAWN OR DEFERRED The Head of Development Management reported that ltem 81, application F/2009/2145, for the installation of a wind turbine and solar panels at Whiteknights Primary School, , had been withdrawn from the agenda. The applicant had withdrawn the wind turbine from the application, and the revised application can be determined under delegated powers. The Councillor who listed the application has agreed to the withdrawal. 73. / APPLICATION 1 F1200911855 Erection of 594 studv bedrooms in 8 and 10 bed cluster flats. 300 studv bedrooms in 12 bed town houses, one resident tutor flat, energy centre, cycle store and associated . Demolition of Childs Hall. University of Reading, land south of Childs Hall, Upper Redlands Road,

The Committee considered a report about-this application set out on Agenda pages 12 to 31.

The Committee was advised that following receipt of additional information, further comments had been received from the Environment Agency, asking for an additional condition, details of which were set out in the Members' Update; and from Thames Water confirming they had no objection regarding the management of waste water, meaning condition 11 could be deleted. The Update also included details of a replacement for condition 15; a revision to condition 17; and a new condition restricting conference use to outside term time.

(Tim Holton arrived at 7.1 Opm.)

Andrew Renshaw, representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application.

Concerns were expressed in relation to the increase in the ratio of students to parking spaces provided on site, and the potential for consequential parking on residential streets in surrounding areas. The Highways Development Control Team Leader, pointed out that, as part of the students' tenancy agreement the University has a strong policy to discourage them having cars if they are resident in the Halls on campus; and if they do have cars, not allowing them to park within a mile of the site. The policy is enforced. Also a survey of use of available parking spaces in the streets adjacent to the relevant part of the campus had shown that even at peak times, there were sufficient spaces for day time parking.

RESOLVED: That application F/2009/1855 be approved subject to the conditions set out on Agenda pages 13 to 19, with amendments and additions as set out in the Members Update.

74. Retention of the wall and steps adjacent to the site access (Retrospective) at Bowsey Hill House, Bowsey Hill, Wargrave i fnr ktfiekl

The Committee considered a report about this application set out on Agenda pages 32 to 46.

The Committee was advised that the Members' Update included: clarification from the applicant; clarification on neighbour's comments regarding the height of the wall; details of an amendment to the reason for condition 2; and a summary and copy of a further letter of objection signed by seven neighbouring residents.

Paul Whitmarsh, resident at a neighbouring property, spoke in objection to the application. David Denham, agent, spoke in support of the application.

Claire Stretton, having declared a prejudicial interest, spoke as a Local Ward Member in objection to the application. She then left the room and was not present during the discussion and decision making.

Concerns were expressed regarding the detrimental effect of the proposal on the visual amenities in the immediate neighbourhood, and Members felt it would be appropriate to carry out a site visit that in order to assess this issue.

(Stephen Conway arrived at 7.40pm, during the discussion.)

RESOLVED: That application F12009/1977 be deferred to enable Members to undertake a site visit to assess whether the proposal would be detrimental to visual amenities in the immediate neighbourhood.

Claire Stretton returned to the Committee. -- 75. I APPLICATION / F12009/2060 Extensions and alterations to the existing- building-. to provide increased capacity for the Dragonfly Cafe. Dinton Pastures Country Park, Davis Street, Hurst Wokingham Borough Council

The Committee considered a report about this application set out on Agenda pages 47 to 58.

Clarification was given that the two kitchen areas proposed allow for separate wash-up and food preparation facilities.

RESOLVED: That application F/2009/2060 be approved subject to the conditions set out on Agenda pages 47 to 49. k I The Chestnuts, Chestnut Avenue, Wokingham The Committee considered a report about this Tree Preservation Order set out on Agenda pages 59 to 70

The Committee was advised that the order should be modified to correct the description of the trees included in the Group to - 6 Birch, 1 Cherry, 1 Black Locust, 1 Maple.

RESOLVED: That Tree Preservation Order 130512009 be confirmed with modification to correct the description of the trees included in the Group to read - 6 Birch, 1 Cherry, 1 Black Locust, 1 Maple. -- / APPLICATION / TPO 130012009 Tree Preservation Order I30012009 I95,201,203B, 203C and211 Road, Wokingham - The Committee considered a report about this Tree Preservation Order set out on Agenda pages 71 to 78.

RESOLVED: That Tree Preservation Order 1300/2009 be confirmed without modification.

78. APPEAL MONITORING REPORT The Committee received and noted the appeals monitoring report set out in the Members' Update.

79. PRE-COMMITTEE SITE VISITS There were no recommendations for pre-Committee site visits.

These are the Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee

If you need help in understanding this document or if you would like a copy of it in large print please confact one of our Team Support Officers. Ref No No weeks on Parish Ward Listed by: day of Committee F/2009/1977 1618 Wargrave , Cllr. Stretton Wargrave and

Applicant Mr Whitfield C/O Denham and Co. Location Bowsey Hill House, Bowsey Hill, Wargrave Proposal Application for the retention of the wall and steps adjacent to the site access. (Retrospective) TYpe Full PS Minor(8 weeks) Category Officer Hannah Wilson

FOR CONSIDERATION BY Planning Committee on 06/01/10 REPORT PREPARED BY Head of Development Management

SUMMARY This application was deferred from the December 9th Planning Committee to allow members to make a site visit to consider the impact of the wall upon the visual amenity of the surrounding landscape of Bowsey Hill and the neighbouring properties.

The proposal is for the retention of a stepped brick wall that has been built close to the southern boundary of the site where it adjoins the neighbouring house known as 'The Wilderness'. Next to the wall is a set of steps that have replaced an existing pathway along this part of the site, leading from the main vehicle access down to an existing outbuilding. The brick wall has been constructed in order to enclose and support the new steps which provide the access to the outbuilding. The north-facing side of the wall has largely been covered over with soil to lessen its visual impact on the wider landscape. The brick wall has no function of enclosure and therefore does not fall under permitted development rights as a minor operation. The site is currently undergoing significant groundwork in association with the construction of the detached dwelling permitted under application F/2008/0415 and the landscaping scheme permitted under F/2008/1535.

The current application is brought before the Committee as it has been listed by Councillor Stretton with regard to concerns over the status of the wall as inappropriate development within the Green Belt and its visual impact upon the Green Belt and the Area of Special Landscape Importance.

At the Committee meeting on the gth December, concerns were raised about the accuracy of the measurements given within the report. The figures derived from the submitted plans have been checked and are correct and where measurements from other sources are mentioned this has been clearly stated within the report.

PLANNING STATUS * Countryside Green Belt e Area of Special Landscape Importance Ancient Woodlands e Groundwater Zone 3 e TPO

RECOMMENDATION Planning permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions set out below:

1) This permission is in respect of plan nos. BHWD 149, BHWD 150A, BHHIO, BHHI 1 and BHH12 received by the Local Planning Authority on 22nd September 2009. The development hereby permitted shall be retained in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure that the development is retained in accordance with the approved details.

2) Before two months from the date of this decision details of soft landscape proposals shall have been submitted for approval in writing by the Local Planning Authority. These details shall include proposed finished contours, planting plan, specification (including cultivation and other operations associated with plant and grass establishment), schedules of plants, noting species, planting sizes and proposed numbersldensities where appropriate, and implementation timetable. All hard and soft landscape works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details in the first planting season following the receipt of written approval from the Local Planning Authority. Any trees or plants which, within a period of five years after planting, are removed, die or become seriously damaged or defective, shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of species, size and number as originally approved.

I Reason: In fhe inferesfs of visual amenity. Relevant Policies: Wokingham District Local Plan Policies WOS3 and WBE5.


Fl200413093 Proposed erection of one detached replacement dwelling. Demolition of existing house and garage. Refused (07102105). Appeal dismissed (13/07106). Fl200515916 Proposed erection of one detached replacement dwelling. Demolition of existing house and garage. Refused (28112105). Appeal dismissed (13/07/06). Proposed erection of one detached replacement dwelling. Demolition of existing house and garage. Approved (08/05/07). I F1200710682 Proposed erection of a replacement studio within residential curtilage. Demolition of existing chalet. Withdrawn. l FR00810357 Fl2008/0415 Proposed erection of one detached dwelling with underground swimming pool. Demolition of existing house and garage. Amendment to consent Fl200710682. Approved (10/09/08). Application for the proposed retention and completion of crib I F1200811535 retaining wall and associated earthworks. Approved (22112108). Proposed residential units 1 (under construction) Existing number of bedrooms N/A Proposed number of bedrooms N/A Existing parking spaces 2+ on drive Proposed parking spaces 2+ on drive

No objection 1 Eiiversity WBC Trees No objection. Condition 2 recommended. and Landscape Wargrave The Parish Council comments that the proposal's appearance Parish Council represents a bulk and mass incompatible with the open countryside.

If approved a condition is requested requiring screening planting to be undertaken and maintained on the boundarv.

REPRESENTATIONS Local Residents: Four letters of objection (one of which has been signed by seven residents) have been received on the following grounds:

The wall requires planning permission. The level of usage of the steps and the necessity of replacing the existing steps stated in the Design and Access statement is inaccurate. The wall and steps have been built higher than stated and part-buried. The wall is actually 2.7 metres in height [this is the neighbour's measurement and is not shown on the submitted plans] and is in use in its entirety as a retaining wall for spoil that was dumped in this location from another part of the site. (Officer Note: The 2.7 metre height of the wall stated by the neighbour is understood to be the full height of the wall above the original ground level. Parf of this height has now been buried due to the modification of ground levels in this parf of the site, so the total 2.7 metre height stated includes both the buried parf of the wall and the pad that now remains above the modified ground level.) The crib wall that was previously visible has been buried and levels on this part of the site have changed substantially. The previously approved planting scheme is now redundant. (See condition 2 proposed.) The construction of the wall took place in breach of a tree protection condition. (Officer Note: This has been discussed with Trees and Landscape and appropriate tree protection measures haife been implemented on the sife. No breaches of these measures were noted during the sife visit.) The wall results in increased loss of privacy to the Wilderness, and the existing boundary hedge cannot be relied upon to provide screening. The use of the outbuilding is unclear, but it is not in residential use and does not appear to justify the need for the new steps as access. The wall is a large structure that has a detrimental effect on the countryside character and special landscape qualities of the area and is harmful to the openness of the countryside. I * The wall is separate from the steps and does not serve to anchor them. The wall has been constructed as a retaining wall and is being utilised as such, retaining spoil from excavations associated with the new dwelling. The wall and spoil should be removed and the landscape restored as per the landscape plan approved under application F/2008/1535.

PLANNING POLICY National Policy PPSl - Delivering Sustainable Development PPG2 - Green ~elts I South-East Plan CC6 - Sustainable Communities and Character of the Environment

Wokingham District Local Plan WOSl - Sustainable Development WOS3 - Development Control Principles WCCl - Development in the Countryside WGBI - Development in the Metropolitan Green Belt WLL2 - Area of Special Landscape Importance WBE5 -Trees and New Development

Wokinqham Borouqh Local Development Framework - Core Strateqy (not yet adopted) CPI -Sustainable Development CP3 - General Development Principles CP1 1 - Proposals outside Development Limits (including Countryside) CP12 - Green Belt

PLANNING ISSUES Principle of Development: 1. The application site is situated within the Metropolitan Green Belt. PPG2 and Wokingham District Local Plan Policy WGBI both emphasise that the most important characteristic of the Green Belt is its openness. This needs to be maintained and enhanced where possible; any development which would result in loss of this open character is considered to be inappropriate. WGBI of the Local Plan states that development within the Green Belt will be strictly controlled to preserve countryside character and to this effect there is a presumption against inappropriate development in the Green Belt. In all cases development should not cause detriment to the visual amenity.

2. Bowsey Hill is situated in an Area of Special Landscape Importance (ASLI) (Local Plan Policy WLL2) and Ancient Woodlands with a blanket TPO affecting the site.

Impact on Landscape and Trees: 3. The stepped brick wall slopes downwards from the site access and curves around the outbuilding on the southern boundary of the site. A neighbour has commented that the wall is 2.7 metres high as built (this is the neighbour's measurement and is not shown on the submitted plans). However, the visible part of the wall above ground level does not exceed 2 metres in height (at its highest point it is 1.97 metres, shown on sectional drawing no. BHWD 150A). The level of the driveway into the site is the same as that which was approved under application F/2008/1535. 4. The bulk of the brick wall is in close proximity to the southern boundary and does not significantly project into the central open area of the Bowsey Hill House site. The top of the wall is partially visible through the vehicle access from the single lane track that runs down the east side of the property, but this visual impact is very limited and the wall is not visible from any other public areas outside the site.

5. The wall can be seen from the private residential property to the south (The Wilderness) but the density of vegetation on the boundary substantially screens the bulk of the wall from this neighbour. This situation may alter in winter due to the loss of leaves from some trees along the boundary, but it is considered that additional landscaping between the wall and the boundary would serve to supplement the existing boundary treatment and reduce this visual impact (condition 2 refers).

6. The north-facing flank of the wall is buried and from within the site only the top of the wall is visible when looking south down the hill. When looking north the wall and associated steps appear low in profile due to the stepped height and positioning of the wall close to the boundary where more screening is available. It is considered that eventual planting over the entire site (secured by planning permission F/2008/1535) and specifically around the wall (required by condition 2) would reduce this visual impact still further. The wall has altered the ground level near the access but has not affected the entire site which is still governed by conditions imposed under F/2008/1535.

7. Prior to the current works the upper two thirds of the Bowsey Hill House site was already an established residential garden with terracing. In this regard it is not considered that the character of the Green Belt and the ASLl has been affected through the disruption of an untouched rural hillside. The Landscape Officer considers that the brick wall is the only hard structure visible near the southern boundary now that the crib wall previously approved and implemented has been buried. She shares the view that the wall is not visible from public areas and does not cause significant harm to the sensitive surrounding landscape, subject to a revised landscaping plan (condition 2). Although hard structures such as the brick wall are not ideal within a Green Belt location, it is considered that the visual impact of the wall and its position would not harm the character of the Green Belt and the ASLl in this instance.

Impact on the Amenities of Neiqhbourinq Properties: 8. The only neighbouring property affected is The Wilderness, the property situated to the south of the application site further down the hill. The new wall brings the level of raised ground closer to the boundary,' but in this respect this would allow space for additional landscaping between the driveway and the top of the wall. The replacement pathway is at a lower level than the driveway and is already screened by the existing boundary hedge; the presence of an existing path in this location means that pedestrian access already occurred on this part of the site. In this regard the wall is not considered to worsen the existing situation with regard to the neighbour's privacy. In terms of overbearing impact, the wall is over 10 metres from the Wilderness and screened by vegetation, so it is not considered that it will overbear the neighbour's property.

Impact on Biodiversity: 9. The Biodiversity Officer has no objection to the proposal. CONCLUSION

It is considered that the zdrooosal 8 for the retention of the brick wall and steos near the southern boundary of Bowsey Hill House is not considered harmful to the dpenness of the Green Belt and ASLI, and that it accords with the Policies contained within the Wokingham District Local Plan, the Core Strategy and national policy. This application is therefore recommended for conditional approval.

N.B. All reports seek to identify environmental, community safety, customer care and equal opportunities implications. Consultation with residents and organisations which has or is about to take place, will also be reported

CONTACT DETAILS Service Telephone Email Development . / 01 18 974 6428 16429 / [email protected] I Management 1 I I 'I Sitc Plan N This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controiier of HMSO. (c) Crown Copyiight Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Capynght and may lead to WOKINCHA~ prosecution or civil proceedings. Date 2711012009 Wokingham Borough Council Licence Number 100019592. Scale 111250 9




i 1 i P,,,c:F Theresa Brawn . .;.,!:!q?r,g , ,. i !

Pi""!' ""I:.; From: Clerk - Wargrave Parish Council [clerkawargr ,?, ~,:\;, : .! Sent: 21 October 2009 21:lO Development Control; Nick Clark; Ashley Smith Hannah Wil$or I To: gg~2053 i Subject: Wargrave Parish Council - Planning Represent tions i aI i 1 ,-,\egp\Eb -.,. .- i Dear All L 1. -- $ i REPL.IEil ! Please find below the latest representations from ~ar~rd-ve-~ar.i-sh-.~ou~e-i-+.r---.--.~.--'

~$5F/2009/1944 Applicant: Mr R Hibberdine (Graceway Homes Ltd) c/o: JSA Architects (Charlotte Baker) . 50 Victoria Road, Wargrave. Application for change of use of existing structure to residential dwelling with external changes to include new windows and doors. NO OBJECTION A condition is requested requiring the retention of an off-road parking space.

. . , /... . , . ?'?. . o,ioosi/i"~~. , .' . . ... ^..J, . :.. . . . , -.. .. . ;.,..: . :.- <',. . . .>. ...i,".i. .. Yr' Applicant: ~r i irs P Harris C/O: The ~aliPartnership fao: Mr B Hail. Bear Ash, Bear Lane, . Proposed erection of 1 x5 bedroom dwelling with cellar and detached garage. Demolition of existing house and garage. NO OBJECTION

F/2009/1959 A~olicant: Mr G Pattie c/o: T Herrinu Associates (Chartered Architects1 T Herrinu. '+ L - 4 High Street, Wargrave. Application for part demolition of ancillary and service area and erection of 2 new dwellings with garages and new vehicular access and on site parking and turning area, plus new boundary wall enclosure. NO OBJECTION Note: The use of veloux windows on the front elevation may be imcompatible with the Conservation Area.

JC, F/2009/1956 Applicant: Mr D Montgomery c/o: Danks Badnell LLP fao: Mr M Cook Hennerton Heights, Hennerton, Wargrave. Proposed erection of replacement dwelling.



Applicant: Dr H Whitfield c/o: Oenham & Co. fao: Mr D Denham Bowsey Hlll House, Bowsey Hill, Wargrave. Application for the retention of wall and steps adjacent to site access. Retrospective. q.z. ..,. :'The proposal's appearance represents a bulk and mass incompatible with the open - ~ountryside. C,

Note: If approved a condition is requested requiring screening planting to be undertaken and maintained on the boundary.

J F/2009/1989 'w Applicant: Mr B Scholfield c/o: Segen Ltd - Louise Roberts wdrleys Farm, Worleys Lane, Upper Culham. Proposed erection of a 18m high wind turbine to provide electricity for Worleys Farm Removal of existing 12m wind turbine.


Kind Regards

Stephen Hedges Clerk & Proper Officer ...... If you have any questions regarding the content of this email please feel free to contact me.

F.ii,a L1 - [email protected],rare.Qrg. ok + , ...... ; . : . ... ,:. :': ' .. , , . (i.z;r.../...... ; . . .. ::. The information transmitted in this email is intended only for the person or entity to which it is address and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of,, any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited.

Wargrave Parish Council cannot guarantee that any files attached to this email are free from viruses or any other program code that may be harmful to your computer, and as such is not liable for any damage that may be caused as a result.

If you received this in error please contact the sender or Wargrave Parish Council and delete the material from any computer.

Wargrave Parish Council - 0118 9406084 Development No weeks on Parish Ward Listed by: Management day of Ref No Committee VAR/2009/2315 918 Barkham Application submitted by Member

Applicant Cllr Mrs P Stubbs Location 50 Bearwood Road, Barkham Proposal Variation of conditions 2, 8 and 9 of Planning Consent Fl200910488 for a change to the approved access from The Lilacs plus repositioning of garage for the 4 bedroom detached dwelling. Type Full PS 18 - Minor Development Category Officer Emily Temple

FOR CONSIDERATION BY Planning Committee 06/01/2010 REPORT PREPARED BY Head of Development Management

SUMMARY Application Fl200910488 was approved by Members at the 2gthApril 2009 Committee. he application was for the erection of a single storey shop unit with two storey three bedroom dwelling, plus detached four bedroom dwelling and garage, with creation of new access from The Lilacs and demolition of existing house and shop. A copy of the approved plan is attached to this report, labelled PLAN A.

New Legislation which came into effect on lStOctober has reinstated the ability of an applicant to apply to vary conditions under s73 of the Act, without the need to reapply for the whole application. This variation relates to conditions 2 (plans) 8 and 9 (access and visibility splays). As such, these are the only aspects that can be considered by the Committee under this application. All other aspects of the proposal have been considered under application Fl200910488 and have been approved under that same application.

The application is brought before the committee as the applicant is the local Ward Member.

PLANNING STATUS Category B Settlement

RECOMMENDATION Planning Permission be GRANTED subject to following conditions:

1) This permission is in respect of site location plan and plan nos. 967/1a, 96712, 96713 and 96714 received by the Local Planning Authority on 16'~March 2009, 25th March 2009 and 3rd April 2009. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approvea details. 2) Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to affect or vary the conditions and informatives imposed by planning permission Fl200910488, dated 8'h May 2009, which conditions shall remain in full force and effect save in so far as they are expressly affected or varied by this permission. Reason: The conditions on the original permission remain in force, and for the sake of clarify.

3) Before any other part of the development hereby permitted is commenced, the vehicular accesses proposed shall be formed and provided with visibility splays shown on the approved drawing number 96711C. The land within the visibility splays shall be cleared of any obstruction exceeding 0.6 metres in height and maintained clear of any obstruction exceeding 0.6 metres in height at all times. Reason: In the inferesfs of highway safety and convenience. Relevant Policy: Wokingham District Local Plan Policy WT7.

4) Prior to the commencement of development, the visibility splays for The Lilacs as indicated on Drawing No. 96711C shall be cleared of any obstruction exceeding 0.6m in height and maintained of any obstruction exceeding 0.6m in height at all times. Reason: In fhe inferesfs of highway safefy and convenience. Relevant Policy: Wokingham District Local Plan Policy WT7. 10) No other development of the site shall take place until the access from The Lilacs has been constructed in accordance with the approved plans. Reason: In the inferests of highway safefy and convenience. Relevant Policy: Wokingham District Local Plan Policy WT7.

5) No building shall be occupied until the vehicular accesses from The Lilacs has been surfaced with a bonded material across the entire width of the access for a distance of 7 metres measured from the carriageway edge. Reason: To avoid spillage of loose maferial onto the carriageway and in fhe inferesfs ol road safefy. Relevant Policy: Wokingham District Local Plan Policy WT7.

lnformatives 1) The development accords with the policies contained within the adopted / emerging development plan and there are no material considerations which warrant a different decision being taken 2) Nothing in this consent affects the terms of the s106 agreement relating to F/2009/0488

NB All reports seek to identify environmental, community safety, customer care and equal opportunities implications. Consultation with residents and organisations which has or is about to take place, will also be reported.

PLANNING HISTORY F/2007/3115 for the erection of retail shop and three apartments with detached dwelling dismissed at appeal. The Inspector concluded that: The forward siting, two storey depth and bulky roofline would be harmful in the street scene The space between the houses would be dominated by hardstanding, visible from the road and would be out of character with the street scene The amenity provision for all units is substandard

Fl2008/1290 for the erection of a retail shop with 2 apartments and pair of semi detached properties dismissed at appeal. The Inspector concluded that: The single storey retail section of the building is more in keeping with the street scene, although the large amount of hardstanding between the buildings would be visible from the road and would be out of character with the street scene The amenity provision for all units is substandard

Fl200910488 Approved application at 2gthApril 2009 Committee for the erection of a single storey shop unit with two storey three bedroom dwelling, plus detached four bedroom dwelling and garage, with creation of new access from The Lilacs and demolition of existing house and shop. A copy of the Decision Notice along with the amroved site plan is attached, labelled PLAN A.

Site Area Existing residential units Approved residential units I Proposed residential units 2 I Existing number of bedrooms 3 I Approved number of bedrooms 7 Proposed number of bedrooms 7 Existing density - dwellingslhectare I1dph I Approved density - dwellingslhectare 22dph / Proposed density - dwellingslhectare 22 dph Number of affordable units proposed None Previous land use Residential and retail shoplpost office Approved land use Residential and retail shoplpost office Existing parking spaces Approved parking spaces Proposed parking spaces

...... INSULTATION- RESPONSES I Hiahwavs: No obiection subiect ~oconditionsto "ary. .previous conditions 8 and 9 (clonditions 3 and'4 refer) Landscape: No objection

REPRESENTATIONS Local Member: Applicant

Barkham Parish Council: Concern regarding highway safety; whether visibility splays 1 can be achieved

Local Residents: 2 x letters of support 7 x letters of objection due to: Highway safety concerns regarding junction with The Lilacs and inadequate parking provision for residents and the shop

PLANNING POLICY National Policy: PPSl - Delivering Sustainable Development PPS3 - Housing South East Plan: T4 - Parking Wokingham District Local Plan: WOSl - Sustainable Development WOS3 - Development Control Principles WBE4 - Landscape and Planting WT2 -Access to development WT6 - Parking Provision VVT7 - Road Safety Appendix 8 - Parking Standards Submission Core Strategy: CP6 - Managing Travel Demand

PLANNING ISSUES 'rinciple of Development 1. This application is a variation to an approved application, reference Fl200910488. As such theprinciple of the proposed development has already been established. The mpact for consideration is on the character of the street scene and highway safety.

mpact on the character and appearance of the street scene 2. The additional access proposed increases the hardstanding adjoining the Lilacs, iowever it does not impact significantly upon the landscaping within the site. -andscaping is proposed between the two driveways which will contribute to the scheme and soften the access appearance in The Lilacs street scene. The proposal is therefore :onsidered to have an acceptable impact on the character and appearance of the street scene.

Impact on Hiqhwavs 3. Residents are concerned about the impact of the development on the existing parking situation along The Lilacs, which is an unclassified and unmarked residential road. The variation to the original approval does not reduce the parking provision on the site and so the proposal is still in accordance with Highway Standards in this respect. The Highways Officer has raised no objection to the access and parking arrangements for the site subject to an amendment to the varied conditions (conditions 2-4 refer) and considers the proposal to be in accordance with Local Plan policies WT6 and WT7. As such, this element of the proposal is considered acceptable.

CONCLUSlON The proposal accords with development plan policies and is considered acceptable

NB All reports seek to identify environmental, community safety, customer care and equal opportunities implications. Consultation with residents and organisations which has or is about to take place, will also be reported

CONTACT DETAILS Sew ice Telephone Email Development 1 0118 974 6428 16429 1 [email protected] WOKINGBAM BOROUGH COUNCIL TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACTS

Notification of Approval of Permission

Mrs P Stubbs C/O R G Butler & Associates 11 Strathmore Drive Reading Berks RGlO 9QT

Application Number: Fl200910488

Parish: Barkham

Location: 50, Bearwood Road.

Proposal: Proposed erection of single storey shop unit, with two storey three bedroom dwelling, plus detached four bed dwelling and garage with the creation of new access from The Lilacs. Demolition of existing house and shop.

Wokingham Borough Council in iursuance of its powers under the above Acts and Regulations hereby Approve Permission for carrying out the above development in accordance with the application and the accompanying plans submitted to the Council subject to compliance with the following conditiors, the reasons for which are specified hereunder.

Conditioris I. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason: In pursuance of Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

2) This permission is in respect of site location plan and plan nos. 96711b, 96712,96713 and 96714 receivcd by the Local Planning Authority on 16th March 2009,25th March 2009 and 3rd April 2009. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved details.

3) Before the development hereby permitted is commenced, samples and details of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the buildingls shall have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure that the extcrnal appearance of the building is satisfactory. Relevant Policy: Wokingham District Local Plan Policy WOS3. 4) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification) the garage accommodation~onthe site shall be kept available for the parking of vehicles ancillary to the residential use of the site at all times. It shall not be used for any business nor as habitable space. Reason:. To ensure that adequate parking space is available on the site, and reduce the likelihood of roadside parking. Relevant Policies: Structure Plan Policy T6; Wokingham District Local Plan Policy WT6 and Appendix 8.

5) No part of any building(s) hereby permitted shall be occupied or used until the vehicle parking and tuming space has been provided in accordance with the approved plans, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The 4 spaces at the front shall be solely for use of customers of the retail unit and vehicle parking shall not be used for any other purpose other than parking and the turning space shall not be used for any other purpose other than turning. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory form of development and to avoid adverse impact on the public highway in the interests of highway safety. Relevant Policies: Berkshire Structure Plan Policy T6; Wokingham District Local Plan Policy WT6 and Appendix 8.

6) Prior to the commencement of development, details shall be submitted for a disabledlover 65's parking space to be submitted and approved by the LPA and this shall he siyledlmarked out accordingly. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory form ofdevelopment and to avoid adverse impact on the public highway in the interests of highway safety. Relevant Policies: Berkshire Structure Plan Policy T6; Wokingham District Local Plan Policy WT6 and Appendix 8.

7) Prior to the commencement of development details of secure and covered bicycle parking for the retail unit shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and shall be implemented as approved. Reason: In order to ensure bicycle parking facilities are provided and encourage use of sustainable modes of travel. Relevant Policy: PPGI 3 Transport.

8) Bcfore any other part of the development hereby permitted is commenced, the vehicular access proposed shall be formed and provided with visibility splays shown on the approved drawing number 96711A. The land within the visibility splays shall be cleared of any obstruction exceeding 0.6 metres in height and maintained clear of any obstruction exceeding 0.6 metres in height at all times. Reason: In the interests of highway safety and convenience. Relevant Policy: Wokingham District Local Plan Policy WT7.

9) Prior to the commencement of development, the visibility splay for The Lilacs as indicated on Drawing No. 96711A shall be cleared of any obstruction exceeding 0.6m in height and maintained of any obstruction exceeding 0.6m in height at all times. Reason: In the interests of highway safety and convenience. Relevant Policy: Wokingham District Local Plan Policy WT7. 10) No othcr development ofthe site shall take place until the access from The Lilacs has been constructed in accordance with the approved plans. Reason: In the interests of highway safety and convenience. Relevant Policy: Wokingham District Local Plan Policy WT7.

11) The existing footway and/or verge crossings shall be re-instated within one month of the completion ofthe new accesses in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of highway safety and convenience. Relevant Policy: Wokingham District I.ocal Plan Policy WT7.

12) No building shall be occupied until the vehicular access from The Lilacs has been surfaced with a bonded material across the entire width ofthe access for a distance of 7 metres measured from the carriageway edge. Reason: To avoid spillage of loose material onto the carriageway and in the interests of road safety. Relevant Policy: Wokingham District Local Plan Policy WT7.

13) Prior to the commencement of development, a surface water drainage scheme for the site, based upon sustainable drainage principles shall have been submiited to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, and the scheme and all component parts shall thereafter be maintained as approved. Reason: In order to ensure that satisfactory drainage p~ovisionis made in accordance with the principles of sustainable development., Relevant Policy: PPS I and PPS25

14) Before any development is commenced, a scheme to deal with potential contamination ofthe site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall include an investigation and assessment to identify the extent of any contamination and the measures to be taken to avoid risk when the site is developed. No building shall be occupied until the measures have been carried out and a validation report has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Reason: To protect the future occupiers from potential contamination Relevant Policy: PPS23 and Wokingham District Local Plan Policy WOS6

15) No development shall take place until full details of both hard and soft landscape proposals have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. These details shall include the extcnsion ofthe landscaping at the boundary with 52 Beanvood Road and, as appropriate, proposed finished floor levels or contours, means of enclosure, car parking layouts, other vehicle and pedestrian access and circulation areas, hard surfacing materials and minor artefacts and structure (e.g. furniture, play equipment, refuse or other storage units, signs, lighting, external services, etc). Soft landscaping details shall include planting plan, specification (including cultivation and other ooerations associated with ~Iantand -grass establishment).,, schedules of plants, noting species, planting sizes and proposed nu~nbers/densitieswhere appropriate,-. . and implementation timetable. All hard and soft landscapc works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details prior to the occupation of any part of the development or in accordance with the timetable agreed with the Local Planning Authority. Any trees or plants which, within a period of five years after planting, are

-3- removed, die or become seriously damaged or defective, shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of species, size and number as originally approved. Keason: In the interests of visual amenity. Relevant Policies: Bcrkshire Structure Plan Policy EN1 and Wokingham District Local Plan Policies WOS3 and WBE5 and PPSl Delivering Sustainable Development.

16) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that order with or without modification) no buildings, extensions or alterations permitted by Classes A, B, C, D and E of Part 1 ofthe Second Schedule of the 1995 Order shall be carried out. Reason: To safeguard the character of thc premises, and to prevent an overdevelopment of the site and inadequate amenity space Relevant Policies: Wokingham District Local Plan Policy WOS3 and PPSl Delivering Sustainable Development.

17. The bathroom and en suite windows in the first floor of the West elevation of the 4- bed property, and the bathroom window in the first floor of the North elevation of the 3- bed property shall not at any time be glazed other than with obscured glass. They shall be fixed shut, with the exception of top hung openable fanlights and be permanently retained. Reason: To safeguard the residential amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring properties. Relevant Policies: Wokingham District Local Plan Policy WOS3 and Supplementary Planning Guideline B2.

18. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning, (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification) no additional windows or similar openings shall be constructed in the first floor or above of the West elevation of the Cbed property hereby permitted or the north elevation of the three bedroom dwelling except for any which may be shown on the approved drawing(s). Reason: To safeguard the residential amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring properties. Relevant Policies: Wokingham District Local Plan Policy WOS3 and Supplementary Planning Guideline B2.

19. Prior to the commencement of dcvclopment, details of a temporary building and associated parking, to support the continuation of the business during the construction period, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: 'To safeguard the rcsidential amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring properties. lnformatives 1) The development accords with the policies contained within the adopted / emerging development plan and there are no material considerations which warrant a different decision being taken. ;\pplici!!iun NO:I'ROO~):WIXS lil 1

2) 'I'his permission should be read in conjunction with the legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act dated 8" May 2009, the contents of which relate to this development.

3) The Corporate Head of Environment at the Council Offices, Shute End, Wokingham should be contacted for the approval of the access construction details before any work is carried out within the highway. This planning permission does NOT authorise the construction of such an access.

4) Adequate precautions shall be taken during the construction period to prevent the deposit of mud and similar debris on adjacent highways. For further information contact Corporate Head of Environment on tel: 01 18 974 6302.

5) Before development is occupied a planting license must be obtained under the Highways Act 1980 for any planting, other than grass, proposed within the highway. A license must be obtained from the Council's Highway Operations team at Shute End, Wokingham.

6) Prior to the demolition of the existing buildings an assessment should be carried to determine whether any harmful materials are present and where such materials are found then measures should be taken to such materials from contaminating the land to be redeveloped.

7) Any workslevents carried out either by, or at the behest of, the developer, whether they are located on, or affecting a prospectively maintainable highway, as defined under Section 87 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 199 1, or on or affecting the public highway, shall bc coordinated under the requirements of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 and the Traffic management Act 2004 and licensed accordingly in order to secure thc expeditious movement of traffic by minimising disruption to users of the highway network in Wokingham.

8) Any such works or events cornmissioncd by the developer and particularly those involving the connection of any utility to the site, shall be co-ordinated by them in liaison with Wokingham Borough Council's Street Works Team, (telephone 01 189 746302). This must take place at least three month in advance of the works and particularly to ensure that statutory undertaker connections/supplies to the site are coordinated to take place wherever possible at the same time. Reason: In order to minimise disruption to road users, be they pedestrians or vehicular traffic, under the requirements ofthe New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 and the Traffic Management Act 2004. In order to satisfy the licensing requirements of the Highways Act 1980.

Mark Cupit Head of Development Management Date: 08/05/2009



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RETAIL -P . . :'N'i~%LIL&C+,: :;.;,.: ~ap~&wP~~ish-~@ufl~i~",.tVL ,27ri~,rH r----..---- Li I -. lyArGr$hi<\ --. i .,it2 ~riza~l~nks f 2 $@\I 2359 Doles Lane i6- Wokinglcanz ;---- ! Gcpi&!; ! -_I._ -3erkskire

Emily Temple Development Conirol Wokingham Borough Council

Date : 12&November2009

Dear Miss Telpple,

Application Number VAR/2009/2315 50 Barkham Post Office, Beanvood Road AppIication for variation to condition 2,s & 9 of Planning Consent F/2009/0488 for a change to the approved access from The Lilacs to two separate accesses from The Lilacs plus repositioning of garage for the 4 bedroom dwelling.

Re?wish Comci: xould l&e to raise a caacem over the proposed changes to the access to the propeFties.

Cunently the plans show one wide shared access to the two properties, the variation is to create two sepyate accesses, one for the three bedroomed house and one for the four bedroomed house, these will be narrower than the original one. The concern is that with narrower accesses visibility will be impaired and with a constant stream of traffic into and out of The Lilacs this could prove to be problematic. Many houses on this estate share an access and this would not be out of keeping with the location.

Yours sincerely,

Judith Neuhofer Clerk to Barkham Parish Council