MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE HELD ON WEDNESDAY 9 DECEMBER 2009 FROM 7.00PM TO 8.1OPM Present:- Steve Chapman (Chairman), Stephen Conway, Lee Gordon-Walker, Norman Gould, Tim Holton, Jenny Lissaman, Claire Sfrefton, Julian McGhee-Sumner. Also present:- Peter Bourne, Team Leader, Highways Development Control Mark Cupif, Head of Development Management Tricia Harcoutt, Senior Democratic Services Officer Colin Lawley, Legal Services Manager MEMBERS UPDATE There are a number of references to the Members' Updafe within these minutes. The Members' Update was circulated fo all present prior fo the meeting. It is available to view on the Council's websife www,wokingham.gov.uk The Chairman welcomed a new Member to the Committee, Claire Stretton who had joined in place of John Kersley who had resigned from the Committee. Confirmation was given that she had received the appropriate training to allow her to take part in decision making. John Kersley was thanked for his work on the Committee 69. MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 14 October 2009 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman, subject to the addition in Minute 64 of a statement that Tim Holton arrived at 7.10pm; and the deletion in Minute 65 of the following phrase in the fifth paragraph - 'speaking on behalf of Michael Firmager who had listed the proposal, ' The meeting planned for 11 November was cancelled 70. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were submitted from Jenny Lissaman and Angus Ross. 71. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Claire Stretton declared a personal and prejudicial interest in ltem 83, application F/2009/1977 at Bowsey Hill House, Bowsey Hill, Wargrave, for the retention of a wall and steps, on the grounds that before she became a member of the Planning Committee she had been involved as Ward Member in discussions on this application. She indicated that she would speak as Ward Member then withdraw from the meeting during the discussion and decision making. 72. APPLICATIONS TO BE WITHDRAWN OR DEFERRED The Head of Development Management reported that ltem 81, application F/2009/2145, for the installation of a wind turbine and solar panels at Whiteknights Primary School, Shinfield, had been withdrawn from the agenda. The applicant had withdrawn the wind turbine from the application, and the revised application can be determined under delegated powers. The Councillor who listed the application has agreed to the withdrawal. 73. / APPLICATION 1 F1200911855 Erection of 594 studv bedrooms in 8 and 10 bed cluster flats. 300 studv bedrooms in 12 bed town houses, one resident tutor flat, energy centre, cycle store and associated . Demolition of Childs Hall. University of Reading, land south of Childs Hall, Upper Redlands Road, The Committee considered a report about-this application set out on Agenda pages 12 to 31. The Committee was advised that following receipt of additional information, further comments had been received from the Environment Agency, asking for an additional condition, details of which were set out in the Members' Update; and from Thames Water confirming they had no objection regarding the management of waste water, meaning condition 11 could be deleted. The Update also included details of a replacement for condition 15; a revision to condition 17; and a new condition restricting conference use to outside term time. (Tim Holton arrived at 7.1 Opm.) Andrew Renshaw, representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application. Concerns were expressed in relation to the increase in the ratio of students to parking spaces provided on site, and the potential for consequential parking on residential streets in surrounding areas. The Highways Development Control Team Leader, pointed out that, as part of the students' tenancy agreement the University has a strong policy to discourage them having cars if they are resident in the Halls on campus; and if they do have cars, not allowing them to park within a mile of the site. The policy is enforced. Also a survey of use of available parking spaces in the streets adjacent to the relevant part of the campus had shown that even at peak times, there were sufficient spaces for day time parking. RESOLVED: That application F/2009/1855 be approved subject to the conditions set out on Agenda pages 13 to 19, with amendments and additions as set out in the Members Update. 74. Retention of the wall and steps adjacent to the site access (Retrospective) at Bowsey Hill House, Bowsey Hill, Wargrave i fnr ktfiekl The Committee considered a report about this application set out on Agenda pages 32 to 46. The Committee was advised that the Members' Update included: clarification from the applicant; clarification on neighbour's comments regarding the height of the wall; details of an amendment to the reason for condition 2; and a summary and copy of a further letter of objection signed by seven neighbouring residents. Paul Whitmarsh, resident at a neighbouring property, spoke in objection to the application. David Denham, agent, spoke in support of the application. Claire Stretton, having declared a prejudicial interest, spoke as a Local Ward Member in objection to the application. She then left the room and was not present during the discussion and decision making. Concerns were expressed regarding the detrimental effect of the proposal on the visual amenities in the immediate neighbourhood, and Members felt it would be appropriate to carry out a site visit that in order to assess this issue. (Stephen Conway arrived at 7.40pm, during the discussion.) RESOLVED: That application F12009/1977 be deferred to enable Members to undertake a site visit to assess whether the proposal would be detrimental to visual amenities in the immediate neighbourhood. Claire Stretton returned to the Committee. -- 75. I APPLICATION / F12009/2060 Extensions and alterations to the existing- building-. to provide increased capacity for the Dragonfly Cafe. Dinton Pastures Country Park, Davis Street, Hurst Wokingham Borough Council The Committee considered a report about this application set out on Agenda pages 47 to 58. Clarification was given that the two kitchen areas proposed allow for separate wash-up and food preparation facilities. RESOLVED: That application F/2009/2060 be approved subject to the conditions set out on Agenda pages 47 to 49. k I The Chestnuts, Chestnut Avenue, Wokingham The Committee considered a report about this Tree Preservation Order set out on Agenda pages 59 to 70 The Committee was advised that the order should be modified to correct the description of the trees included in the Group to - 6 Birch, 1 Cherry, 1 Black Locust, 1 Maple. RESOLVED: That Tree Preservation Order 130512009 be confirmed with modification to correct the description of the trees included in the Group to read - 6 Birch, 1 Cherry, 1 Black Locust, 1 Maple. -- / APPLICATION / TPO 130012009 Tree Preservation Order I30012009 I95,201,203B, 203C and211 Finchampstead Road, Wokingham - The Committee considered a report about this Tree Preservation Order set out on Agenda pages 71 to 78. RESOLVED: That Tree Preservation Order 1300/2009 be confirmed without modification. 78. APPEAL MONITORING REPORT The Committee received and noted the appeals monitoring report set out in the Members' Update. 79. PRE-COMMITTEE SITE VISITS There were no recommendations for pre-Committee site visits. These are the Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee If you need help in understanding this document or if you would like a copy of it in large print please confact one of our Team Support Officers. Ref No No weeks on Parish Ward Listed by: day of Committee F/2009/1977 1618 Wargrave Remenham, Cllr. Stretton Wargrave and Ruscombe Applicant Mr Whitfield C/O Denham and Co. Location Bowsey Hill House, Bowsey Hill, Wargrave Proposal Application for the retention of the wall and steps adjacent to the site access. (Retrospective) TYpe Full PS Minor(8 weeks) Category Officer Hannah Wilson FOR CONSIDERATION BY Planning Committee on 06/01/10 REPORT PREPARED BY Head of Development Management SUMMARY This application was deferred from the December 9th Planning Committee to allow members to make a site visit to consider the impact of the wall upon the visual amenity of the surrounding landscape of Bowsey Hill and the neighbouring properties. The proposal is for the retention of a stepped brick wall that has been built close to the southern boundary of the site where it adjoins the neighbouring house known as 'The Wilderness'. Next to the wall is a set of steps that have replaced an existing pathway along this part of the site, leading from the main vehicle access down to an existing outbuilding. The brick wall has been constructed in order to enclose and support the new steps which provide the access to the outbuilding. The north-facing side of the wall has largely been covered over with soil to lessen its visual impact on the wider landscape. The brick wall has no function of enclosure and therefore does not fall under permitted development rights as a minor operation. The site is currently undergoing significant groundwork in association with the construction of the detached dwelling permitted under application F/2008/0415 and the landscaping scheme permitted under F/2008/1535. The current application is brought before the Committee as it has been listed by Councillor Stretton with regard to concerns over the status of the wall as inappropriate development within the Green Belt and its visual impact upon the Green Belt and the Area of Special Landscape Importance. At the Committee meeting on the gth December, concerns were raised about the accuracy of the measurements given within the report. The figures derived from the submitted plans have been checked and are correct and where measurements from other sources are mentioned this has been clearly stated within the report.
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