The Boreal-Tethyan Biogeographical Mollusc Ecotone in Europe During the Juras Sic-Cretaceous Transition
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Rivist;r It;rlian;r di Paleontologi;r e Str';.rtigrafia volLltìtr' I Iu no. I pp. 339-344 April 2004 THE BOREAL-TETHYAN BIOGEOGRAPHICAL MOLLUSC ECOTONE IN EUROPE DURING THE JURAS SIC-CRETACEOUS TRANSITION VICTOR A. ZAKHAROV & MIKHAIL A. ROGOV' Receit'ed October 9, 2002; Ltccepted October 7, 2003 Kel';'or,1t: nrollusc;.r, biogeographical ecotone, Jurassic/ ceous in the Boreal-Pacific Realm (Zakharov et aL. 1996). Cretlceous, Europe. The position of the Boreal-Tethyan ecotone in the Bo- real-Atlantic Realm from Late Volgian to Early Neoco- Abstr,tct. Llte Jur;rssic ;rrrd e;rrliest Crctaceous molluscs of the northern henrispherc s,ere clistinctly cìifferentiated geographicellv into mian is assumed on the basis of ammonites (Zakharov Bore,rl t,rr,r, usuallv north of 50' N, end trx;r, usuallv sourh of 8c Bosomolov 1998). It is very important to investigate -15'N. Betl,een these l;rtitudes certain lreas rvere displaced îronr tinre the Boreal-Tethyan migrations inside the ecotone at the to tinlc', ,rlthough the biogeographic;rl ecotonc was stable. The nrrsni- Jurassic/Cretzlceous transition to make a precise correia- tude of the ecotone and the migration of nrolluscs inside the ecotone tion between the Tithonian-Voleian and the Berriasian- variccl in tinrc lnd spacc, in direction (unidirectional and bìdirection- ,rl) ,rnd intcnsitr'(erp;rnsion;lnd "isoliìtc str;u'ing"). The frequencv of Boreal Berriasian. the Boreal-Tethvirn nrigriìtions of nrolluscs is explaincd b1. custacy and bl,geogr.rphicrl barriers existing betu.een the Northern C,ruclsus and Middle-Russìrn brsins. Material and methods Riassurtto.l rrolluschi nr;rrìni del Giur;rssìco superiore e del pri- D;rta on anrnronite, belemnite and bivalve migrations across the rlo Cret,tcc'o dell'cnrislcro scttcntrion,rle creno nettalrellte diffc.renzi;rti south nrlrsin of the Boreal-Atlantic Realnr fronr Lare Jurassic (Kimmer- d;rl pr.rnto di vistr geografico in tara boreali, di solito r Nord dei 50'N, idgirn :rnd Vrlgian) to Earll' Neocomiirn (Boreal Berriasian -Valangin- e tetidei, Sud dei Tra queste Jatitr,rdini certe lree trrxl di solito;r 45'N. ian) rvere revicwed. The migrltions were considered at substage inter- venivano di voltl in volta sposriÌte, sebbene l'ccotono bioseosrafico vals. The latitudes of 45'and 50'N rvere accepted as the northern mar- fosse stabile. L;rnrpiezz;r dell'ecotono e h migr:rzione dei molluschi ll gìn of thc Tethls-Pantalassa Super-realm, and as the southern m.rrgin suo interno è r.ariatr nel tempo e nello spezio, in direz-ione (unidirezio- of the P;rnbore;rl Sr-rper-realnr, respectively. A taxon "advancing" from nale e bidirczìonale) ed ìntensità (espansione e "dìspersione isolat,r"). north to south lnd crossing 50" N was considered a boreal influence, La frequenz;r delle nrisr;rzioni borelli-tetidee deì molluschi è spiegat;r and the limit of Tethl'xn influence ser ar the crossing of 45" N for dall'eustasil e dall'esistcnza un;r b;rrrier;r geografica bacinì del di tra i taxa "nroving" fronr south to north. C;ruc;rso setterrtrionale e della Russia centriÌle. Nes molluscan data collected over the last few decades, mainly from UpperJurassic lnd Lower Neocomian sequences of Europe, have irnproved our knon,ledge of the Boreal-Tethyan ecotone, of the posi- tion of the southern margin of the Boreal-Atlantic Realm (Sachs et al. lntroduction l9l1; Fis. l), and of the migr:rtìon of Tethyan mollusc associations and taxll into:rnd from the Boreal basins (Fig.2). Mìgrations with differ- The Boreal-Tethyan biogeographical ecotone exist- ent intensities ;rnd directìon from the Kimrneridsian ro the Valanginian, ed in Europe during the late Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous considered in thìs paper, rvere restricted to the Boreal-Atlantic Realm represented by a co-occurrence of Boreal and Tethyan (\ùí/est Europe;rn and East European Provinces). The nrolluscs, such as ;rnrnronoìcls, belenrnites lnd bìr,alves, were divided into 3 groups: Teth- forms. Durins the Mesozoic it was located in the North- y;rn, Boreal and Sub-boreal (nrostlv with Tethyan affinities typical for ern Hemisphere alons the Tethys-Pantalassa Panboreal / thc ccotones). It is impossible to attribute some ammonoids, such as Super-realms boundary. The ecotone was established by PhylJoceratide and Lytoceratìda, to either the Tethyan or Boreal Realm. the molluscs in the Triassic, Jurassic and Early Creta- Thcir clistribution n;rs probabll' controlled b1' u'atcr depth. Geologicel Institute of RAS, Pvzhevskii Lirnc, Moscol,, 1O9O1Z, Russia. E-m;ril: nrzarctic(ri; rogor,_m( 340 V. A. Zakharov 8< M. A. Rogor., Fig. 1 - Boreal-Tethyan ecotone rn the Upper Kimmeridgian (Autissiodorensis Chron) o{ Europe. 1 - land; 2 - Teth- yanammonites,3-Sub- boreal ammonites, 4 - Bo- real ammonites; 5-10. Finds of the selected anrmonire genera: Sub-boreal: 5 - Graoesia, 6 - Aulacostepba- nus; Boreal: 7 - Suboxydis- cites, 8- Amoeboceras; Teth- yan: 9 - Metahaploceras/ Neochetoceras, 10 - Aspido- ceras. -t3--'jr5 ffi 1i_--- I2l r6t7v 8n9 o 10 Results grations of the Mediterranean ammonoids into the East- European Province during the Latest Kimmeridgian and It is interesting to note that in Europe an ammonite Early Volgian), while influences refer to the moving ecotone was either absent for a rather long time (from the of separate taxa, usually with an insignificant number of Latest Volgian to the beginning of the Valanginian) or specimens (e.g., penetration of Aspidoceras îorrh:ward in- quite restricted (during the Late Boreal Berriasian). Sub- to West Siberia). Expansions quite often lead to the start- boreal ammonites are either unknown or they occupied ing of endemic clades (e.g. Riasanites in Central Russia, a small area (e.g. Garniericeras). At the beginning of the Late Valanginian Neocomitidae of '$festern Europe), but Valan ginian, P latylenticera.s appeared, presumably from they may be restricted to short intervals without new Boreal ancestors, but its geographical distribution was taxa. The most indicative example of such migrations typically Sub-boreal. During the Berriasian and Valangin- was the penetration of numerous Anaspidoceras neobur- ian, the bivalve Bwchia extended to the South, up to 48o gense into the East-European Province during the Early \West-European N in the Province of the Boreal-Atlan- Voigian (Pseudoscythica Chron, neoburgense hemera) tic Realm, and reached 42 - 40'N in the East-European (Rogov 2002). Buchia bivalves also illustrate the inten- Province (Zakharov 198 1 ; Kelly 1 990) . Tethyan trigoniid sity of migrations. The migration-influences in the Bo- bivalves penetrated up to 55o N into the East-European real-Atlantic Realm took place during the Late Jurassic Province during the Volgian (Gerasimov 1955). The most - Early Neocomian in the West-European Province (Fig. northern penetration of Tethyan ammonoids known was 2a), and during the Berriasian - Valanginian in the East- made by Aspidoceras (Late Kimmeridgian, East-European European Province (Fig. 2b). Province, 65" N; Bogomolov & Dzyuba 1998; Fig.1). Two kinds of migrations were determined based Based on intensity, migrations are subdivided into on the direction of penetration: bidirectional (e.g., Vol- expansions (mass migrations) and influences (isolated gian- Early Berriasian) and unidirectional (e.g., latest Va- <straying>, after Rawson 1973).Expansions are charac- langinian of \lest-European Province). Bidirectional Bo- terized by the moving of mollusc associations (e.g., mi- real-Tethyan migrations are explained by a reduction of Boreal-Tethyan ecotoile in Upper Jurassic of Europe 341 a ). Borcal-Atlantic Rcal nr ( Wcst-Europe'an Provincc ; I ' Krrrr- l-.rtc K11- l:rrlr \lrtltllc I rrl.' l.rrlr l-.ttc . .l .rtlr l.ltu !, = i ;ì;i,.jr;:;; Titlrrrrìan Tithrrnrrrr Titlrrrnnrr l.lcnr.rirrn Llcnrr:rarr \.rl.lrì!lrìr.It \ililt) i =:: : - /; f .,,1r fiin- f ,rr:Î;x-- l .rrlr \lrLlJlr I irtr lJ.,r..rl I .rII\ Lirl( /- 2 --= . ntcr'i,lgrrn nrerrrl_rr,rl \irllrin Yolgrirn \irlgtiu Bctttlstrn Vrlrnrrirrrn \:rhnginirn " t=t 80 80 o a c) .î\a- : :: o ì! (.) o= o ì> 70 hil .! iì ì>*:ì ,i E 0) :.! n I ^.-$ o (_) <{ :q -q: ìi: Ì E! I 60 t. I Èò s :-: c- Ò a< rrl a <() t ì{ -Y- rr 50i 50 c) ,--+.--, tha K S9 '._Ia I e8 l"l È at- 40 1 o E .)iì E* 40 -i UN -Y- í<{! g 6 E> =x o() o. : 30'E :s ì: ,;ó -àà 30 :l.i: On- .eó l.l I g t :< !^jìs ^z =è 20E !È 20 FT b). Bclrcal-Atlantic Rcalnr ( East-Europcan Provincc) l:.rrlr \'lrdril.' l.rt.' |Jrl\ l..ltJ I trrll Lrrc . fitlrruirn-litltrnr.rtt IitìtLrnntt [Jcrn,titrn Ilct \.tl.rtì!rDt.ttì \.rl.rrrLrilr.rrr =- - tn-l r:: \lrtitilc L.rlc ll.rrrrrl lrrlr l.îtc l- | \irlgrrn \irìgrrrn . llcrrnsrrrn Vilxn!rilnn Vrllrruinirrr lffi | \ Àa 80 f- | ar )rr.È + a \ = iì r.\ l/r lqqrr=-l ì ì=! ai o !!r 0) 70 trs: Q' h := N8 = 10 -:> < x ìì o)- E a! ì.F^l ! lc) x as o - v- È x .:ì ì .9 ÈV:?- o 60 60 È-j-._-------- =.: .B A.s _--. v E ilp î 91 50 ùÒ; 50 .sE _g_. Ar -_t OJ 9.9 40 .g ÉÉ z6 oP 40- t o= 'fr-;o o0 -oB riOE} !o r! Jfl l)o É, b 30 g9 àÉ .Í E€ .lo O 330 aa<G= só clti ó o LÀ 20 20 tìig. 2 - Setting of the Borell-Tethy:rn ecotone lnd bounclary benveen Boreal ;rnd Tethl's-Pantalass:r Super-realnrs from Kimnreridgian to Va- hnginian. l-2 - Bore;rl (A) and Tethvan (ll) expansions ( 1) and isoletecl strîving (2); 3 - finds of Rudistr together with Boreal amnro- nites; 4-findsofTethl,anbelenrnites (Hibolithes) torcthcrwithboreal anrmonites; 5-findsof hemratypiccoralstogetherwithboreal ;rrrnronires; 6-occ;rnic;rmÌìlonitcsinthchighlrtitudes(Ph-Phvlloceratid;r;I--Lytoceratìda; B-Ilocbíanites);7-ecotonebasedon lmnronoids; 8 - ecotone b;rsed on lnrnronites;rnd bir';rhcs or onlv on bir':rlves.