Estonia: Public Expenditure Review
Report No. 12787-EE Estonia Public ExpenditureReview Public Disclosure Authorized July 12, 1994 Europeand CentralAsia Region FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Public Disclosure Authorized .L- --- .ihm+ .,--., -. : -. -.. +| .........., -..,,-...L Public Disclosure Authorized !!i i aE;- - - J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | t' E 0 5t is * * t > otew.s j :-- . - ; 1 W., tatiw. cotet may.t no0 0- ~, 't',' ~' ''=. |-';':' S , t | : . R B ' , ' - , - , v '. -, . .e-''-f.--,wOw§M,,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 l 0 _ - BS ................... *y,> ..b,e u,.r re -7 T :~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ra,.t1. _ o d' ww is'e '~' ~ ';>> ' ' ' ' 4 '' X . _ . , - ;,_F. :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Z Public Disclosure Authorized Glossary of Abbreviations ACB annual capital budget DCF discountedcash flow DEM German mark DH district heating EBF extra-budgetaryfund EBRD EuropeanBank for Reconstructionand Development EC EuropeanCommunity ECO enhancedcredit operations EEK Estonian kroon EF EnviromnentFund EEB EuropeanInvestment Bank EU European Union EU-PHARE EuropeanUnion's TechnicalAssistance Program FDI foreign direct investment FY fiscal year G-24 Group of 24 G&D generationand distribution (of heat) GDP gross domestic product IBRD InternationalBank for Reconstructionand Development IFC InternationalFinance Corporation IFI internationalfinancial institution ILO InternationalLabor Organization IMF InternationalMonetary Fund JEXIM Japan ExportImport Bank LIBOR Londoninterbank offer rate MIF Medical Insurance Fund MIGA MultilateralInvestment Guarantee Agency MIP municipal investmentplan MoEd Ministry of Education MoF Ministry of Finance MoSA Ministry of Social Affairs OECD Organizationfor EconomicCooperation and Development PER Public ExpenditureReview PIP public investmentprogram PIPWG Public InvestmentProgram Working Group PPL proposed project list PPR public/privaterole ROR rate of return RUR Russian ruble SNA systemof national accounts SSF Social Security Fund USD U.S. dollar VAT value added tax FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Conventions Government - Refers to the Council of Ministers.
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