2017­6­11 The BBC On

The BBC On Britain First

By Alexander Baron ­ Oct 8, 2015

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This is another documentary in the BBC’s racism series. Racism indeed. This time it tackles Britain First, which has a bizarre agenda, the purging of radical Islam from the UK – meaning Islam, period.

The BBC team’s main point of contact is the two at the top: Leader Paul Golding and Deputy Leader , a stunningly attractive redhead. Britain First has been around for about four years, and is said to be the first far right party in Britain to use a woman for its figurehead. Clearly the film crew need a little history lesson, the first Fascist party in England was founded by a woman way back in 1923!

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Britain First’s leader Paul Golding

Britain First claim not to be Fascist, or racist, but let’s face it, any white party or person who opposes non­white immigration or miscegenation could only be both, right? This documentary starts off reasonably enough, but objective it is not, and is a big disappointment after the fair hearing a recent, similar documentary gave the Ku Klux Klan in the Deep South.

Britain First view Islam as anti­British, which shows they need a history lesson as much as the BBC, because Islam was imported into the UK by white converts, and it is only really since 9/11 that we have seen this sort of nonsense.

One reason Jayda and company claim they don’t like Moslems is because they refuse to integrate. Seriously? What genuine racial­nationalist wants minorities to integrate, and ultimately miscenegate? Oh right, you’re not racist. On their website they claim:

‘The word “racism” was invented by a communist mass murderer, Leon Trotsky, to silence European opposition to

“multi­culturalism”, so we do not recognise the validity of this made­up word.’

Actually, Trotsky appears to have used the word racists in an isolated context; it was Magnus Hirschfeld who can be said to have coined the word racism, and Trotsky does not https://www.infotextmanuscripts.org/tln/The%20BBC%20On%20Britain%20First­.html 2/6 2017­6­11 The BBC On Britain First appear to have concerned himself with cultural issues to any extent. He paid lip service to combatting anti­Semitism, but his lunatic concept of world revolution was based largely on nonsense related to economics and political power.

After refusing to accept the validity of this made­up word (aren’t all words made­up?) they add “Britain First condemns racism wholeheartedly.” Hmm, it doesn’t exist, but we hate it anyway.

The BBC crew follow the two Britain First leaders around Luton where they hand out anti­ halal leaflets claiming that halal food is subject to the zakat tax which is used to fund terrorism. This is a canard on a par with the one about the Kosher food tax. Zakat is the third pillar of Islam, and would be a much better alternative to the ludicrous benefit system that now exists in the UK.

Deputy leader of Britain First Jayda Fransen

Although Britain First have a massive presence, or at least audience, on­line, they don’t fare anything like as well on the streets. Their attempt to organise a rally in Luton was nearly scuppered by a far­reaching last minute injunction by the police, one which they

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In his judgment, Mr Justice Knowles makes no mention of their being awarded costs, but from some of the wording used therein, it is clear that Golding and Fransen are fighting the wrong enemy:

“conduct that has caused, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to any person, and conduct capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to a person in relation to that person’s occupation of residential premises.”

Such ludicrous wording can mean virtually anything, but it is found in all manner of legislation, including the 1986 Public Order Act.

After Luton, Britain First travelled to Rochdale where they were better received, something that is not surprising when one considers the revelations about the grooming gangs. People of a certain political persuasion blame this on Islam, but although the majority of those so convicted were nominal Moslems, what is conveniently forgotten is that this kind of behaviour, when proven, attracts Draconian punishments under sharia. For example, in July this year, three men who kidnapped and raped a woman were executed in Iran.

The subject of homosexuality – one which is generally frowned upon by the far right – is one they gloss over, proclaiming that Islam punishes homosexuality with death. In fact, that is a crass oversimplication, as with many claims that are made about Islam. In any case, the brand of Islam peddled by the likes of ISIS is anathema to the overwhelming majority of Moslems, which is one reason so many of them have fled the Middle East to the UK, Europe, the US and elsewhere.

It is clear by the end of the BBC documentary that Britain First are going nowhere, but like the and the National Front before it, the organisation will doubtless provide lucrative sinecures for the opposition, the self­styled anti­racists/anti­fascists, ad

https://www.infotextmanuscripts.org/tln/The%20BBC%20On%20Britain%20First­.html 4/6 2017­6­11 The BBC On Britain First nauseum, not that most Moslems have any time for them, whether or not a particular meeting sees the appearance of the rainbow flag.

The film­makers do not entirely miss the point, however, they recognise Britain First supporters as disinfranchised, but it never occurs to them to ask why. If you tell people they are rubbish, their country, indeed their race is responsible for all the world’s problems, that they have produced nothing, that they owe everyone from starving babies in Africa to the seemingly endless stream of bogus asylum seekers that are at this moment trying to burrow their way here through the Channel Tunnel…if you quash all opposition to unchecked immigration with repressive laws and demonise those who oppose it as racists, bigots, haters…what else do you expect?

The anger behind Britain First is not really about Moslems, it is about people who have been told for the past three generations that they owe the world, that they deserve nothing, not even their own nation, their own culture. There are many reasons this has come about, it is not all down to cultural Marxism; the great irony is that Islamic values are not that out of tune with traditional British values; these include a sense of fair play, the extended family, a proper role for women, the marginalisation of homosexuality, and debt­free money.

The Government is now trying desperately to check immigration into the UK, but the reality is that we are now saddled with substantial minorities from all parts of the globe; clearly the current model is not working, but the Islamic model, which Britain First see foolishly as the ghettoisation of our cities, is surely a better one.

This opinion article was written by an independent writer. The opinions and views expressed herein are those of the author and are not necessarily intended to reflect those of TheLatestNews.com

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