CITY OF UTICA 1 KENNEDY PLAZA, UTICA, NEW YORK 13502 PH. 315-792-0100 | FAX. 315-734-9250 ROBERT M. PALMIERI MAYOR January 29, 2019 USEPA Region 2 Attn: Ms. Lya Theodoratos 290 Broadway, 18th Floor New York, New York 10007 RE: FY19 USEPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant Application - 1712 Erie Street Site | Utica, New York 13502 Dear Lya, The City of Utica is pleased to submit an application to the USEPA FY19 Brownfields Cleanup Grant program to remediate and position the 1712 Erie Street Site for redevelopment. Enclosed, please find the comprehensive application package. NARRATIVE INFORMATION SHEET 1. Applicant Identification City of Utica 1 Kennedy Plaza Utica, NY 13502 2. Funding Requested a. Single Site Cleanup b. Federal Funds Requested i. $500,000 ii. City is not requesting a waiver c. Hazardous Substance 3. Location a. City of Utica b. Oneida County c. State of New York 4. Property Information 1702 Erie Street Utica, New York 13502 5. Contacts a. Project Director: Brian Thomas, Commissioner of Urban & Economic Development 1 Kennedy Plaza, Utica, New York 13502 WWW.CITYOFUTICA.COM 315.792.0181
[email protected] b. Chief Executive: Robert Palmieri, Mayor 1 Kennedy Plaza, Utica, New York 13502 315.732.0180
[email protected] 6. Population: 60,635 7. Other Factors Checklist: Page Other Factors # Community population is 10,000 or less. n/a The applicant is, or will assist, a federally recognized Indian tribe or United States territory. n/a The proposed brownfield site(s) is impacted by mine-scarred land. n/a Secured firm leveraging commitment ties directly to the project and will facilitate completion of the project/redevelopment; secured resource is identified in the Narrative and substantiated in the attached documentation.