The PHILOSOPHICAL QUEST ISSN: 23194-634 Vol-6-Issue-5-September-October-2019

Peculiarities Of Coming The Turism In Valley During The Soviet Union Mansurov Muzaffarjon Sharifjon o'g'li - independent applicant, FERGANA, REPUBLIC OF Aannotation:The third step of developing the tourism in Fergana valley involved in 1970-1989 years. Third period was written in the history as the most flourished and the most degreased years of Soviet Union. It is shown that the purpose of tourism development has been to promote foreign tourists with the achievements of sociology. Keywords: Soviet Union, ttourism, rrecreational tourism, cultural tourism, historical tourism, Fergana tragedy. The third step of developing tourism stands out for its reform scale of services system, cultural, historical tourism, and recreational tourism. This time is also esteemed as the perfect period. Taking into consideration, the recreational opportunities of the Ferghana Valley, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution in February 1970 on the prospects of sanatoriums and organization of public holidays in the Ferghana Valley.In the framework of the five-year tourism development program for 1971-1975, a special tourist resort "Dugoba" Alpinists has been established in the Khamzaabad area of Ferghana region.A total of 12.5 million rubles will be allocated from the state budget for this project. The hotel will include 2.5 thousand beds and rest houses, health centers, camping, auto service and culture centers.1. In addition, a 500-seat turbine will be built in Shohimardon. In addition, 2 million 850,000 will be disbursed for the construction of paved roads, rest houses for 1,030 people. In Shohimardon wire carousels were put into operation in 1972.2 The creation of popular scientific film "Architectural Monuments of the Ferghana Valley" in 1970, which in turn will increase the number of foreign

1Fergana Regional Archives: 1,141 funds, 1 list, 50 collections, 17 pages. 2Fergana region archive: 1,160 funds, 1 list, 5 collections, 8 pages.

P a g e | 22 Copyright ⓒ 2019 Authors The PHILOSOPHICAL QUEST ISSN: 23194-634 Vol-6-Issue-5-September-October-2019 tourists visiting the Ferghana Valley.3In addition to the work being done to preserve the “nationality” of other nations within the Soviet Union, it is also showing the cultural and historical monuments in the Ferghana Valley to foreign and local tourists.The -Fergana-Vadil-Kadamzhay-Kokand route will be developed by the Kokand Tourism and Excursion Bureau in order to promote youth tourism and see the lifestyle and cultural monuments of their peers.4 In cooperation with the Ferghana Bureau of Tourism and Excursion and the Society for the Protection of Cultural Monuments in Ferghana, "Tourist routes" and "Road to Glory" will be developed. During the tour it is planned to visit monuments and monuments in the Ferghana region and meet with veterans of World War II and Labor and organize tours to 13 museums of martial arts.5By 1973, a 3-day tourist route will be developed along the historical cities of Kokand - Chust - Axikent - Namangan - Culture - Andijan - - - Fergana - - Hamzaabad - Ferghana.6In 1975, 14,278 people toured the historical and cultural monuments in the Ferghana region, of which 7,000 were students.7Some 3,000 people have traveled through 66 tourist routes along the monumental monuments.8 The decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan of May 2, 1975 № B - 140 "On the creation of an architectural and ethnographic zone under the open sky".He began his career by order of CP Committee of from May 30, 1975, № 5/6/5/5.Ethnographic Zone of Kokand The excursions to traditional Uzbek courtyards, libraries, tea houses built in the eastern style of the old city of Kokand are organized.9By the decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan of November 16, 1977 №477-51 / 25 Margilan city was given the status of "city of architectural and

3Fergana Regional Archives: 1,160 funds, 1 list, 8 volumes, 6 pages. 4Fergana Regional Archives: 1,160 funds, 1 list, 8 compilation volumes, 18 pages. 5Fergana Regional Archives: 1,160 funds, 1 list, 19 volumes, 4 pages. 6Fergana region archive: 1,160 funds, 1 list, 17 volumes, 54 pages. 7Fergana Regional Archives: 1,160 funds, 1 list, 66 volumes, 2 pages. 8Fergana region archive: 1,160 funds, 1 list, 66 volumes, 8 pages. 9Fergana region archive: 1,160 funds, 1 list, 96 volumes, 67 pages.

P a g e | 23 Copyright ⓒ 2019 Authors The PHILOSOPHICAL QUEST ISSN: 23194-634 Vol-6-Issue-5-September-October-2019 ethnographic museum under the open sky". An architectural-ethnographic museum to be opened in Said Ahmad Khodja Madrassah in Margilan10According to the decision of the Central Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 15, 1975 "on creation of architectural and ethnographic museums under the open sky, museums in the open air are located in the Afghan village of Afghanistan;In the Eshonguzar neighborhood of Margilan city; It is organized at Zayniddinboy House in Kuva district.The Saidahmadkhoja Madrassah in Marghilan is an open-air museum11The announcement of Kokand and Margilan as open-air museums has become an urgent task for the typical preservation of its old parts of the city and the creation of a unique ensemble in the residential areas of the city.12 In accordance with the decision of Ferghana Regional Committee № 418 of August 16, 1974 on tourism development in 1975-1980 a hotel for 200 tourists and 50 cars will be built in Fergana.13In addition, in order to promote foreign tourism, the Council of Ministers of the Uzbek SSR renovated the hotel "Fergana"..14 According to a sociological survey of the tourism industry, 34.2% of the more than 2,000 tourists in 1975 note that tourists are not sufficiently informed about the Soviet Union.15In order to address this problem, to provide foreign tourists with local tourist opportunities, they are producing more than 30 languages in Russian, German, English, French, Arabic, Hindi and other media.16 By 1976, tourist routes will be developed across 53 historical cultural sites. While over 11,100 tourists were served on these routes, in 1977, four routes were developed for the development of auto-tourism. In 1977 the delegation from Sri Lanka arrives in Kokand, Margilan and Rishtan. They are amazed by national

10Fergana Regional Archives: 1,160 funds, 1 list, 96 volumes, 69 pages. 11Fergana Regional Archives: 1,160 funds, 1 list, 115 volumes, 211 pages. 12Fergana region archive: 1,160 funds, 1 list, 161 compilation volumes, 111 pages. 13Fergana region archive: 1,160 funds, 1 list, 5 collections, 7 pages. 14UR NA. R.2753 Savings 1 List 262 Volume 28 pages 15UR NA. R. 2753 Savings 1 List 217 Volume 69 pages 16UR NA. R. 2753 Savings 1 List 217 Volume 74 pages

P a g e | 24 Copyright ⓒ 2019 Authors The PHILOSOPHICAL QUEST ISSN: 23194-634 Vol-6-Issue-5-September-October-2019 handicrafts and taken away from various national watercraft booths for commemoration.17 As a result of the law, which was adopted on December 13, 1978, 80% of tourists arriving at the Kokand excursion base were individual touristsand they should formalize their documents for tourists to service qualifiedly. 18Despite the problems in the tourist center, the Kokand tourist center was visited by 20-30 foreign tourists every day in 1979 and foreign tourists earn 433 rubles a day.19 In the 1980s, along with special tourist routes for parents to spend time with their children, they developed their favorite "weekend trips" for city residents.20Expands the opportunity for parents and children to travel together, exploration with parents and children21is emphasized. As a result of the above facilities, in 1980, the Namangan city Bureau of Travel and Excursion fulfilled the plan by 180.9 percent.2578 tourists from other cities are visited, including Krosnoyarsk, Donetsk, Yakutsk22 Decision of the Council of Ministers of the USU and Council of Trade Unions of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 882 of December 26, 1980 "On further development and improvement of tourist excursions in the Republic of Uzbekistan".23 In 1981 the Central Tourist Courses were transformed into the Institute of Advanced Training of Tourists and Excursion Officers in order to provide qualified services to tourists in the Soviet Union. Along with the organization of travel, the tourist associations also carried out an ideological work. During the Soviet era, atheistic propaganda sought to shape the idea that religion was affluent. In particular, there are no trips to religious places of worship. Religious historical monuments are not even included in the "Inturist" travel program.Even this has

17Fergana region archive: 1,160 funds, 1 list, 91 volumes, 46 pages. 18Fergana region archive: 1,160 funds, 1 list, 78 volumes, 110 pages. 19Fergana Regional Archives: 1,160 funds, 1 list, 136 volumes, 199 pages. 20ҳттпс://cрибс.ме/туризм/туристско-екскурсионное-дело-в-ссср 21Namangan region archives 858 collections, 1 list, 48 collections, 4 pages 22Namangan region archive 858 collections, 1 list, 48 collections, 10 pages 23Namangan region archive 858 collections, 1 list, 47 collections, 63 pages

P a g e | 25 Copyright ⓒ 2019 Authors The PHILOSOPHICAL QUEST ISSN: 23194-634 Vol-6-Issue-5-September-October-2019 caused a lot of foreign tourists to protest.Tourists from western Europe, mainly because of the saturation of tour guides with Lenin themes"Why there were many monuments of Lenin almost in all countries? "Are religious pilgrimages and religious prayers not conducted? " And there is an order to answer "No" for translators - Respect to Lenin is the close thing for religion life. There is nothing related to the cult. They order to tell that we do not need to pray for" buddha". 24The main purpose of tourism is to carry out ideological propaganda among foreign tourists.During the trip, foreign tourist groups will develop specific templates that must be answered when asked questions that contradict communist ideology.This guide was part of the compulsory professionalism of translators.25 World Tourism Day is declared to increase the role of tourism and strengthen friendship between nations.This holiday was celebrated on September 27, 1980 under the motto "Preservation of Art and Maintenance of Peace", since 1981, under the motto "Tourism and welfare of the people"has been celebrated. In 1982 "Inturist" section of Uzbek SSR attracted 268,0 thousand rubles in foreign currency, the plan was fulfilled by 119,44%.26This year, 4,450 students and workers from Uzbekistan district of Ferghana region are traveling on the route "Sochi - Gagra, - Namangan - Ferghana" and "Chust Volgograd", "Kosonsoy - Kiev", Chust - Leningradand trips were organized. In 1982, 1641 tourist tours were organized on historical and cultural monuments of Ferghana region, and in 1983 - 30075 people were attracted27At the same time, the national traditions and customs, customs and national folklore plays in tourism programs since 1984 have been recognized as an important factor in the attractiveness of the socialist system.28

24Bagdasaryan V. E., Orlov I. B. “Soviet Through the Looking Glass” (Foreign Tourism in the USSR in the 1930s – 1980s) Moscow 2007 107 p 25ҳttp: //

26UR MA. R.2753 Savings 1 List 366 Rolling Volume 11 pages 27Fergana region archive: 1,160 funds, 1 list, 166 volumes, 224 pages. 28Bagdasaryan V. E., Orlov I. B. “Sovetskoe Zazerkale” (Inostrian Tourism in the USSR в 1930 - 1980 - е год) Moscow 2007 y 122 p

P a g e | 26 Copyright ⓒ 2019 Authors The PHILOSOPHICAL QUEST ISSN: 23194-634 Vol-6-Issue-5-September-October-2019

Since 1986 in the Kokand tourist zone it is engaged not only in the provision of tickets to the historical cultural cities, but also to the health centers.Including: "Chimgan" sanatorium, "Esintuki"sanatorium and "Kharkov" sanatorium.29However, it should be noted that a number of problems have not been resolved yet. In particular, the delay of 1.5 - 2 hours for foreign tourists delivering their goods to hotels caused discontent with the tourists.30 In 1986, Yuldashbayeva, K.Olimova, M., participated in the establishment of Soviet power in Fergana region, in the movement of women. Many women, such as Boborakhimova, T. Shodieva, S. Schermatova, E. Petrova, and S. Shokirova, will be erected in recognition of their contribution to the strengthening of the Soviet power.31In addition, these places are included in travel routes by the Bureau of Tourism and Excursions to increase the youth's "loyalty" to the Soviet Union. In 1988, the mechanism of state regulation of tourism was abolished, market relations, privatization of state property and the creation of tourist enterprises of various forms of ownership began.32The transition to economic accounting in tourist enterprises and organizations of Uzbekistan began in 1989.The results of this were immediately felt in the economic activities. In 1989, tourism and excursion organizations and businesses provided services to 1 million 248 thousand tourists and 6 million 941 thousand tourists.33In order to maximize profits from the tourism industry in Ferghana region, along with the creation of conveniences for tourists at the railway station Ferghana station, the sale of souvenirs is organized.34 The Fergana region In 1989, 162 historical and cultural monuments were organized by thematic excursions. Thematic excursions were mainly carried out to

29Fergana region archive: 1,160 funds, 1 list, 185 volumes, 31 pages. 30UR. MA. R.2753 Savings 1 List 366 Rolling Volume 104 pages 31Fergana Regional Archives: 1,160 funds, 1 list, 260 volumes, 11 pages. 32ҳттп://тоурлиб.нет/статти_тоурисм/андреева.ҳтм 33Saidov A. F Tourism in Uzbekistan: perspectives and challenges. Tashkent "Mehnat" 1992. 30 p. 34Fergana region archive: 1141 funds. 1 list, 48 works, 10 pages.

P a g e | 27 Copyright ⓒ 2019 Authors The PHILOSOPHICAL QUEST ISSN: 23194-634 Vol-6-Issue-5-September-October-2019 the historical cities of the Ferghana Valley - Kokand, Namangan, Andijan, Khamzaabad. In 1989, UNESCO initiated the development of the project "The Great Silk Road" by the Uzbek playwright Celebration of X.X. Niyazi's 100th anniversary by UNESCO, establishment of the Kokand folk ensemble at the Museum of Applied Arts in the city of Kokand in Kokand will be of great importance for further development of tourism in the Ferghana Valley.35Besides, Ferghana textile factory and Margilan silk factory, Atlas factory, U Yusupov channel, H. Niyozi, Yu Akhunboboev, U Yusupov museums were shown to foreign tourists.36 In the years of the Former Union it has begun to pay special attention to the development of gastronomic tourism. The main task of the tourism industry is to promote the ideas of "socialism" and "communism" by improving the quality of services provided to tourists and increasing the attractiveness of tourism. In this way, the Soviet people tried to show the world a "prosperous life" and to form a unilateral vision. The tourism programs of the Soviet Union differed from those of the western countries. While tourism in the western countries has become a symbol of material welfare, the Soviet Union has developed travel programs in the name of a "fair future". One of the main tasks of tourism is to show travelers the daily life of Soviet citizens, "quick" resolution of industrial problems, educational institutions, science and technology, culture, arts, and social problems in agriculture. This was to demonstrate that the future of the Soviet Union was "bright". The transition of financial institutions to the self-financing system during the restructuring of 1985-1990 included: centralized economic activity planning, the formation of financial resources, and the integration of capital and debt. At the same time, the management of the economy, including the organization of tourism,

35Fergana region archive: 1,160 funds, 1 list, 340 volumes, 18 pages 36UR MA. R.2753 Savings 1 List 366 Rollups 146 pages

P a g e | 28 Copyright ⓒ 2019 Authors The PHILOSOPHICAL QUEST ISSN: 23194-634 Vol-6-Issue-5-September-October-2019 has not followed the principle of communist planning. The material and technical base of tourist enterprises has been improved. However, the poor quality of tourism services has not been eliminated. In the years of reconstruction, tourism development was viewed as a scientific and technological process. However, there was no focus on training staff with scientific degrees and special knowledge and skills. The Soviet Union was not a closed state. Foreign tourists from 162 countries visited the Soviet Union from 1975 to 1985. However, although the Soviet Union is open to tourists from all over the world, it has been practically narrow. In addition, the political and economic instability and unfavorable situation that began as a result of the “Fergana tragedy” that took place in the Ferghana Valley in the 1990s contributed to the decline of foreign tourists.

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