Food Security Cluster Mali to OCHA Setrep

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Food Security Cluster Mali to OCHA Setrep Food Security Cluster Situation Report Input • Mali / Emergency A. Cluster Details 1. Lead Organization: FAO and WFP 2. Cluster Website: Robert Oliver/WFP (Food Security Cluster Co-Lead): 3. Focal Point Contact Details: [email protected] / +223 76404870 Maguette Ndiaye/FAO (Food Security Cluster Co-Lead): [email protected] / +223 20223713 Michel TIA / Information Management Officer / [email protected] / [email protected] / +223 75897505 B. Reporting Period 1. Report Number: 2. Report Date: June 8th, 2012 3. Time Period Covered: June 1st – 8th , 2012 Please note: sections C-E together should be no more than 200 words total. C. Overview Description of situation 1. 28.6 % of the population are directly affected by the food insecurity - 210 communes (3 474 473 pers.) are on the alert of “severe food insecurity or food crisis” - 56 communes (1 127 218 pers.) are on “economic difficulty or moderate food insecurity” 2. Agricultural Campaign 2012-2013: started since middle of May, the need assessment is in the course of finalization. 3. Degradation of the livestock and important needs of cattle’s food. D. Humanitarian Needs Description of total beneficiary needs, including needs the cluster is currently addressing 1. Funding need for the members of the cluster, 2. Emergent food Assistance to the affected populations (4.6 million), 3. Agricultural Campaign 2012-2013: need of support in seeds, fertilizer, small tools and technical support, 4. Livestock rehabilitation, consequent support in cattle’s food and animal health, 5. Strengthening of livelihoods of vulnerable and affected populations, 1 E. Humanitarian Response / Actors Contributions Description of humanitarian activities by cluster partners serving the needs listed above The first WFP unconditional cash transfers took place on 6 June for 1,520 beneficiaries who received 24,500 XOF (equivalent to US$47) in Toubakoro, Banamba cercle, Koulikoro region. The amount of cash provided is based on the current value of a monthly food basket for a family of an average of five persons in the region. It is the first time the Mali WFP Country Office implements this assistance strategy. This first monthly transfer targets 27,875 beneficiaries in Koulikoro region and the transfers are expected to be completed within three days. In Kayes, it is 17,125 beneficiaries who will benefit from this unconditional cash transfer activity. The two-month ration round of WFP targeted food distributions is ongoing in Koulikoro region with cooperating partner REACH Italia. Dispatches to cooperating partners are ongoing in Mopti, Kayes, Segou and Sikasso. FAO completed the distribution of 345kg of vegetable crops, agricultural equipment and 800 tons cattle’s food to the beneficiaries of the regions of Kayes and Koulikoro. They also were trained in cultural techniques and cattle management in Koulikoro CARE has completed the first round of general food distributions in the cercles of Bandiagara, Djenné and Mopti (Mopti region). The second round starting next week will include the circles of Tenenkou and Youvarou and the preparations are in progress in the cercle of Niafunke (Tumbouctou region). IDPs food and NFIs Kits distributions have started this week in the communes of Bandiagara, Bankass and Koro (Mopti region) CARE has completed the blanket feeding targeting and food distribution will be starting next week. Ongoing malnutrition cases screening in the cercles of Bandiagara, Djenné and Mopti (Mopti region). F. Gaps & Constraints Description of the unmet needs of both beneficiaries and cluster partners Secure access to the north regions (Gao, Tombouctou and Kidal) The Cluster is underfunded so could not be able to cover the emergent need of affected population. 2 .
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