What is your overall impression of the changes in terms of making travel routes safer and more comfortable?

You have not studied the problems. You are not fixing the right problem areas. 2nd street is not a problem. You have done nothing to improve the ability for residents to maintain their own ability to make travel choices. You can no longer travel, so I guess it's safer but incredibly inconvenient and anger inducing. You are moving the problem to another street. Improve the busy roads instead. You removed an lane off 4th street; you were part of the diversion problem. 2nd street isn’t bad at all as it was. I bike on it to work. This change was not needed. Would prefer Stop signs, however in the case of 30th Ave East and West bound, the existing signs are not totally effective. Check your records and you will see a number of accidents. Why put a diagonal at 2 st and 29 ave n.w. All ready a traffic circle at 2 st and 28 ave n.w. What a ridiculous move ! Did you even bother to count the traffic in the first place, before you effectively shut down the roads. Who actually asked for these? What was the problem? I never heard or saw 1 single complaint? Well, these changes may be throwing more traffic back onto main thoroughfares like 20 ave, 4 st NW and Centre St but that is likely where it belongs. Residential streets are not meant to be main thoroughfares and really should only be for local residents. We live in a neighborhood where there are alot of elderly people. I think these barriers are safety hazard for ambulance and fire trucks. way better Waste of tax dollars Waste of money Waste of money Very poor. We have one at 22nd Ave and 2nd St and it has just moved the problem to other streets like ours on 23 Ave. There are many small children on our street where you have increased traffic and travel speeds. Vehicle travel routes are much less comfortable and much more inconvenient. Less safe due to increased traffic on narrow streets on 21st and 23rd Avenues N.W. Unsure at first, but I've come to approve of the diagonal diverter at 1 ST and 18 AV, it improves the area. Unqualified FAILURE - its an attempt at a solution to a probelem that does not exist! Unfavorable opinion. Traffic is re-routed to busier streets where accessing community roads or businesses involves turning against traffic. Travel routes are not safer as more trips down house-facing residential streets are now required. This means more traffic in front of homes where kids may be playing in the yard or people trying to sit quietly in their front lawn Travel routes are not safer as a resident on 22 AV and 2 st nw I am now forced to do left turn onto 4th street and another left onto 20th to access 20th to trail. Left turns very difficult with rush hour traffic Traffic will now take 20th Ave rather than cutting through the neighborhood - specifically 22 Ave NW. No more high speed traffic on 22 Ave NW Safer for kids on the street Traffic is now rerouted to quieter residential areas like 23 and 22 Ave NW



Time to upgrade major streets Edm Tr, Centre St, 4th St NW to assist the residental diversions. Ie. 4th st -20th should have a turning light and made for full two lane traffic, centre to have absolutely no parking, all to have strategic a joining traffic This makes it more annoying for residents parking on the north side of the avenues as no people have to do left turns, or three point turns. This is far less safe for local traffic. To get groceries we are now forced to cross Edmonton trail or center street. This is a non-sensical change and not one that will make the streets any safer This has created very unsafe conditions as many people are ignoring them and finding ways around. For anyone who lives on the street as well it is infuriating as you are forced one way even if it is the opposite direction you need to travel. This forces me to turn left blindly on 4th during rush hour due to parked cars along 4th street. Very unsafe; I used 2nd street nw to 20ave to safely turn right to cross 4th street to bring my kids to King George school. This does neither. As a Tuxedo Park resident directly on 2nd St NW, I am now forced to make dangerous left hand turns onto commuter roads instead of being able to enter and exit my community in a safe manner. This causes accessibility and safety concerns. This directly impacts my travel route on a daily basis This change will likely divert traffic to 30th Avenue N., which already has a high-than-average volume of through traffic as a result of its East-West connection through Confederation Park from Edmonton Trail and N. They're great!!! They make leaving my house very inconvenient. They don’t make roads safer and more comfortable - they divert traffic through what used to be quiet side streets. They don't help They do not achieve this. They are unnecessary and not needed. I live in the neighbourhood and have a young child, and my husband uses 1st St NE to ride his bike to work and we have never noticed a high amount of traffic or speeding traffic. They are terrible, change it back. They are not working. People are using other streets and alleys to get around diverters. They are irritating, ineffective and frustrating. Safety is lost because drivers ignore the signage and go around the diagonal diverters. This makes it unsafe for pedestrians that are crossing (cars often mount part of the sidewalk as a shortcut). They are effective, except for the snow and ice build up in the bike lanes around the barricades They are confusing and only move traffic to another place. Just pushing a so called problem elsewhere. Waste of time and money. they are awful-for the people not familiar with area and likely using SATNAV they get extra distracted trying to find their way around - for us that live here, you have actually CUT OFF access to my area's safest access to major streets These things are making traffic worse and more dangerous in my area These only serve to reduce traffic on some avenues and divert it to others. There is NO overall increase in safety as some streets get less traffic while others get more. These measures have made everyday travel more dangerous by diverting local traffic out into commuter traffic in Centre street and Edmonton trail requiring left hand turns which are statistically more dangerous.



These have made our trips MORE dangerous. Previously when heading west out of Tuxedo Park one could take 2nd St to 20th Ave. Now a left turn onto busy 4th St is required with no traffic lights. These diverters make it really hard to get around. I live in Tuxedo Park. 2nd St NW and 1st St NE are essential community corridors for getting groceries and shopping local. They really have a negative impact. These diverters are awful! They literally trap me in my neighborhood and force me to drive longer and on more streets! These are the complete opposite of making it more safe and comfortable. I've personally seen 2 cars almost hit head on because there are no lines or enough room comfortably to pass two vehicles through. These are ridiculous - diverting the little traffic there is onto Edmonton trail and Center street is ridiculous These are poor traffic calming measures that just make it a hassle for local residents to travel around their community. These are not making it safer as everyone is focused on going around them or unsure of what to do when they come to them. They also restrict access to residents making us going around the block to get to our houses or garages. 2 parking spots were removed These are great! 1 st NE feels safer and more pedestrian friendly. These are great - incredibly innovative ways to create cul-de-sacs for vehicles, but let quieter/slower people walking/biking through These are features that make bicycle use far more dangerous as they force cyclists and cars to squeeze together at the point of the diverter. There was no problem at the intersection of 1st Street & 18th Ave NE before this (I have lived by this intersection for over 25 years). The changes have made it more dangerous. There are now vehicles driving over the sidewalk to get around the diverters. The diverters have made walking less safe. The travel routes were fine before. The travel routes have been made unsafe and frustrating to navigate on 2nd street and 22 avenue NW. The drivers don’t stop at the stop signs on 22 avenue NW which never happened before the diverters were installed. Cars and trucks drive up on the sidewalk The travel routes have been made unsafe and frustrating to navigate on 2nd street and 22 avenue NW. The drivers don’t stop at the stop signs on 22 avenue NW which never happened before the diverters were installed. Cars and trucks drive up on the sidewalk The routes are safer and slower. Also will keep non community commuters from cutting and speeding through neighbourhood The routes are not more comfortable and have just pushed the traffic and speeding to other adjacent roads The roads are now less comfortable to travel. The recent diverters have become a safery hazard to local walkers and bicyclists, traffic is ignoring them and consistently driving on the sidewalks. I don't walk their no more! The diverters are awful. They are just moving traffic to another road and the City will receive complaints from residents on the 'new' avenue routes. The diverted in 2nd are impeding local access The diagonal diverters on 2nd street serve no purpose other than infuriating drivers on their drive home.



The dangerous roads in Tuxedo are the east west routes as drivers cross from Centre to Ed. Trail. Not 1st street. Drivers are confused and aren't watching. As a pedestrian today I was almost hit twice by drivers unsure of where they're going. The City of has just created a problem that doesn't exist. The won't cross our neighbor before the 30' if not later. The changes were not necessary. I don't think that 2 St. NW was that busy before the diverter was installed at 22 Ave. I have walked down 2nd street for work downtown for more than 5 years, and it has never been very busy, even in the morning rush hour. The changes make my travel more dangerous and uncomfortable as I no longer have a safe way to turn southbound onto 4th The changes decrease safety because vehicles are forced off 2nd Street and onto 1st Street and 21 Avenue and/or 23 Avenue to get around the diverters.s The barriers are a hindrance to my otherwise quick route to get to my local Safeway. Instead of driving directly on 1st Street from my home on 25th Ave now I have to make my way around the barrier via Centre St or Edmonton Tr. Terrible. Want to see them removed. Terrible ideas. Hate it! Terrible STUPIDITY Stupid. Why only line in this topic for response. Stupid diagonal on 29A puts too much pressure on 28 which has circle Strong opposition, these installations cause a great deal of confusion and disruption. Streets in neighbourhood seem to have less traffic, safer to get around walking and wheeling. Some improvement Simplifies intersections, reduces car through traffic. All around win. 4 way stops are a mess safety wise anyways, the fewer we keep of those the better. Seems very unnecessary as there is not a lot of traffic except local traffic as is Seems significantly less safe for both drivers, bikes, and especially pedestrians. A round about would be way safer Scrap it safety is worse, now that vehicles need to make turns. Safer how? More comfortable? How? And for who?? Question doesn't make sense.? Safer for who? I just tried walking down a street with the diagonal diverted and the crosswalk is an absolute icy mess! The part for bikes to go through is just compacted ice and snow and we haven’t even had much snow. Ridiculous. There is no improvement to safety as it wasn't previously unsafe. They make the route decidedly less comfortable for drivers with no marked change for peds and cyclists. During winter 2 ST NW is best route to home to avoid icy hills. Rediculous, now we get diverted onto Edmonton Trail or Center Street. Really great simple change that I think has a huge impact. Really good for pedestrian/cyclist safety. Feel safer as a driver too at many intersections that now have the diverters. Probably safer but not comfortable Positive for community members Positive change Positive



People are ignoring these diverters and driving up and over the sidewalk in order to get around them (and drive in whatever direction they choose when passing through the interestion. This is very dangerous. The infrastructure needs to be improved Overkill Overall, the measures seem good but there are a few mistakes. Overall good and satisfied. opposite affect - more speeding and increased traffic on streets - better when spaced out One of these diverters has recently been placed at 18 ave and 1st NE. Having experienced this diverter for about a month, I do not like the addition to the street and do not feel it was needed. Nothing is safe about these diagonal diverters, and they have made it far more difficult to reach our home from main traffic arteries. I shouldn’t have to circle the block in order to get to my house. Not working. More shortcutting is occurring. Not working Not sure that safety is being implemented here with these diverters, just drives traffic down a specific avenue now. Not safer.people are not obeying signs Not safe. Very dangerous to all involved, especially given the time of year these were installed with regards to DST Not really useful ... not sure the point as traffic can still speed up and down the street . I think speed bumps would be a better option as it would slow traffic on the avenues down. Not necessary. There is not that many people and bikes that walk along 1st NE to have a blockage on 22nd Ave NE. Not impressed. It is causing confusion and frustration among drivers. It is harder to exit and not necessarily when there is not enough traffic to consider a danger zone. Not impressed. Not impressed! Not impress at all. North South traffic has been obliterated. People divert down alleys often. We already had numerous speed bumps, school zones, 2 way stops, traffic circles. Not helping, just diverting traffic to a bunch of other streets, people will just drive on sidewalks etc to get around. Putting a traffic circle would be more effective, the amount of traffic hasn’t been an issue, it the speed. I live on 2nd street. Not effective, circles are better; circles slow down traffic but permit flow, diagonal funnels to cause different traffic issues Not commfortable at all. People are not respecting the intent of it and continue to trun illigally. Too much going on in one spot that acciedents are/will happen. No safer or more comfortable. No more changes to 2nd street NW; already has a school zone, bike allowances, two round abouts and speed bumps. No increase in comfort level until I see stats that prove otherwise. No - I see traffic diverters as more of a frustration that a safety improvement. Negative. The diverters do not make routes safer or more comfortable. The diverters cause everyone in neighbourhood to take longer routes and forces all traffic onto other residential streets. Negative. Getting around the community is less comforable Negative. Frustrated trying to park at my house. Negative. Diverters cause people to get frustrated, make U-Turns, drive erratically.. Negative- detrimental to moving about the neighbourhood



My travel route has been eliminated entirely by the use of the diagonal diverters. My street, 23 ave NW, does not feel safer. There is increased traffic due to the diagonal diverter. My overall impression is that these changes have not actually been positive. Specifically the diverters at 22nd Ave and 2nd Street have caused a lot of confusion and are also very unsafe with cars attempting to drive around by driving onto sidewalks. More comfortable for whom? I live a block away and this is nothing but a nuisance. It forces me to make left turns onto 4th St at uncontrolled intersections across traffic. WAY less safe and much more uncomfortable of an experience. marginal if no improvement - restricting vehicles / more like traffic agitating Makes travel for all modes more dangerous as drivers are diverted to avenues and then cut onto streets. Cyclists on the streets appear to have become oblivious to car traffic off of avenues onto streets. Cars turning onto 4th S bound are now at risk. Makes sense for a few but not for the masses. Makes no sense. There are already traffic circles and speed bumps along 2nd street NW. It will increase traffic in 30 avenue NW which is already busy and a conduit to cross 4 st NW into confederation park Love them - helps cut down on volume, contributes to less speed and eliminates inappropriate traffic (like big trucks coming down 22nd NE) Love it Little change in terms of cycling safety Less safe. Less comfortable Less safe! less comfortable! The diagonal diverters (in particular at 22 ave) do NOT accomplish the objectives, are unwarranted, and NEGATIVELY impacts the quality of the neighborhood. Less safe in general - requires more driving to reach or leave my home. Sometimes requires left turns onto Centre St or 4th street when there were other options before - definitely less safe for everyone less comfortable for drivers where it will take an extra minute or 2 to get through. Its extremely inconvenient. It’s not safer, people go down the back alley or drive over the sidewalk It’s awful. Whereas I used to have a straight path to more main thoroughfares I’m redirected both in the opposite direction and end up traveling a greater distance on residential avenues. It's the right idea but execution is poor It's not safer or comfortable. It's confusing. It's an terrible change for local residents adding inconvenient navigation within neighborhoods It works for us on 22 nd Ave. NW. We are concerned that it just might be pushing traffic to other streets. We think speed bumps would be better. It will make my street less safe. I do not support these changes. It slows traffic and reduces volume It seems to be effective at making routes safer and more comfortable for pedestrians. Exeption is drivers bypassing and driving on sidewalks. It seems these features are causing the folks in the community to drive longer and in circles to still access safe intersections to access the busier streets. Seeing vehicle tracks on the boulevard to go around these features is not a safer situation It results in less non-local traffic cutting through. It slows down traffic speeds. It may make it seem safer but it is incredibly inconvenient getting around the community. I have had to drive down alleys to avoid a dead end and drive several blocks out of my way to get to my house. It makes us now have to turn left in 4th at a uncontrolled area!!! And traffic backs up on 16th during rush hour to turn on 4th- that rarely happen before



It makes the short trips in my area a lot more difficult It makes me very happy that the City is working to make less cars in our neighborhoods and at the very least having them slow down. But I think some work is needed to make this more effective. It makes a short trip a lot more difficult. It does nothing to slow traffic It is definitely making getting around the neighborhood ire difficult especially and I don’t think it’s safer as cyclists have to negotiate between the cement barriers It is a huge pain in the ass to get anywhere now. I have the choice of doing a u turn or drive an additional 6 blocks wherever I go. It has. Made it a lot safer. However with relatively colder weather bikers were not out much. It will make a big difference It does that. It does nothing to make safer/comfortable. Cars will speed east and west down the streets It did nothing. There was never a problem before this. Now it's super inconvenient to live on this street. It causes frustration for drivers and they act more aggressively making u-turns and speeding more. It can be designed better. At the moment, it tends to upset stressed out drivers. There has to be immediate alternative to compensate pain point for car drivers. It appears unsafe because drivers are ignoring the signage, and driving over top of the sidewalk so that they can turn the wrong way Is this a joke??? This wasn't an issue, and now all you've done is made it painful for actually residents to get around their own community? Installation of the diagonal diverters is an excellent strategy to control number more importantly speed of vehicles which appear to be using east west avenue traffic short cuts between Centre Street and Edmonton Trail.. In my experiences with diagonal diverters in other neighbourhoods, I do not feel particularly safer when on foot or cycling. If traffic moved more smoothly on main arteries, do you think there would be less short-cutting? I'm fine with the changes, but I wish we could do something about people speeding in Mount Pleasant and Tuxedo, and parking so close to the intersections that there's no visibility for pedestrians stepping out to cross. I was very confused when I approached the diagonal diverter on 22nd Ave and 2nd St NW. I ended up reversing out of the street because the signage and road made it seem like a dead end... On other occasions I've seen cars illegally turning. I tried it this AM and it made me turn over to Centre st, make a left turn there and travel about 4 blocks and make a left turn. This was a big and dangerous manoeuvre to go only a few blocks. I think this is a waste of money since we already have a number of traffic calming measures that already exist. I think they are less safe because the cause traffic to divert to the avenues. This is where are the homes are situated, front doors, people coming and going, therefore increase the likelihood of an accident. I think they are a waste of resources and time. We paid to pave streets to take us somewhere then we pay again to block them off and force us to detour unnecessarily.arilys I think these are an absolute waste of money in a time where the city needs to be reducing spending I think some of the roads need to be safer, but i dont think this was the right way to do it. I think not many people used 2nd street for cutting through. Through to where? It's a road to nowhere. I think the park on teh south of 20th is a good idea, but no need for such drastic measures north of 20th on 2nd. Just a slower posted speed is fine.



I think its a fantastic move in the right direction for our city I think it will be effective at reducing speeding along 2st. I think it was a waste of tax payers money and you’ve just made it extremely inconvenient for locals to access the grocery store and 16 Ave I think it is ridiculous. i think it helps I strongly dislike these. You have ruined north south travel on 2nd St W. Might as well tear up the pavement. I never saw 2nd Street NW as being unsafe. I find that so many diverters make our community feel more like a maze, not safer. I love it! I live on the corner of 2nd Street NW and don't see an issue that requires this to be in place. It's a beautiful street, please leave it alone. I live on 34th Ave NE and to get to work I always went down 1st St NE. Now there are, or will be, 4 diverters. There is also a diverter on 34th Ave at 1st St NE when I want to go up the street to go onto Centre. These are extremely inconvenient. I live on 27th ave. Usualy route is to take 16th and 2nd street home. This has changes my alley entrance access. I live in the neighbourhood and end up having to divert to Centre (which I won't be able to do when Green Line is built) or Edmonton Trail. I live in 23 aveNW btn 2/4 street. I DO NOT like the change at all. I live in 21 Ave and I find this incredibly inconvenient. Now, instead of taking a right onto 22 to take a right on Edmonton trail, I have to turn left on 20th which is a very dangerous intersection. I like the diverters to reduce traffic that uses 2nd St as an alternative to Centre St or 4th Street. I like that we are calming these streets, but there are more changes needed. Please contact me for more details. I like it. I have seen an increase in unsafe driving since the diagonal diverters have been installed. mid-block u- turns, trucks driving over the sidewalk to turn illegally. it’s nuts! I hate these diverters. It is a pain for those of us who live here!! I hate them. They just force more traffic into the already congested streets and create challenges for residents along streets such as 4th st and 20 ace. Terrible idea. I frequently walk down 2nd St on my lunch break, and I have really enjoyed the slowed and limited traffic on this road. I feel like traffic moves a lot slower, which I feel is safer as I don't have to worry as much. I feel it has just diverted traffic to other streets and alleys - with alleys being particularly more dangerous. I dont think this is relevant to my street. If an emergency vehicle needed to get to my street they would not have direct access to me or my neighbors I dont like it. I don’t think this is making things safer at all, in fact there will be a collision from people cutting through illegally I don’t like it. It has caused more diversions to other streets to compensate. I don't think it makes the route safer and it is certainly no more comfortable. I don't find it makes the bike route any safer because it was safe already. The diverters will only increase traffic on the avenues on either side of where they are installed.



I don't feel any safer walking or driving. I actually feel less safe as I can longer access 20 Ave NE from my home. I like to turn left at that traffic lights but there is now a barrier in the way. It is hard to see from 17th Ave NE or 18th Ave NE. I do not like them I didn't think they were unsafe in the first place! Except for rising crime in the area, but that's not really traffic related I don't think. I didn't like how the diverters force you a specific East/West direction. Especially if the wrong direction. Even though I live on 2nd St NW I will probably avoid using unless walking...which is your desired outcome. I appreciate the efforts to reduce non-local traffic from cutting through residential streets. However, the barriers completely obstructing access are infuriating for local residents. I am not pleased with the additions of the diagonal diverters on 1st NE. This prevents us local traffic from getting around our own neighbourhood. Presents more unsafe practices when others skirt around these diverters by driving on the sidewalk... I am not a fan, and it doesn't seem to really serve it's purpose of making it safer for pedestrians or cyclists. It seem to be pushing the traffic to adjacent residential streets. Cars seem to avoid those sections, but cut into 2nd street at other spots. How is this safer? You try turning left on 4th Street or Edmonton Trail especially during the winter or during rush hour(s)! Before I would drive and access these streets on 20th Ave where there are sets of lights now I can't. Way less safe. Horrible eyesore in the community. Makes traveling in a car for residents nearby less comfortable. Having lived in this area for 20 years (16 in Mount Pleasant and 4 in Highland Park) I have never been aware of the need to make these particular travel routes safer or more comfortable. In my opinion, this was not something that needed to be improved. Have not experienced yet Hate this Hasn't increased safety as far as I can tell, makes traffic worse. has the opposite of intended effect Good. Good! Good the way it is since a cross light walk was most important on 4th st and 30th ave. Good idea. Makes routes safer Good Given that these route have been safely travelled by vehicles and pedestrians for many years, the changes do not increase safety or comfort for locals. They may actually decrease safety by shifting more traffic to adjacent bottle neck intersections. For 1st street, completely stupid, which is what is expected from this idiotic city planing. Extremely negative, vehicles are finding unsafe ways to avoid the diverter, from speeding to make up for lost time to even mounting the curb to bypass them Extremely ineffective there are btter ways to slow traffic such as round abouts or speed bumps Everyone I have talked to agrees with me - the diverters have the opposite effect making the routes more dangerous and needlessly annoying. Doesn’t seem safer yet. Drivers are finding ways around the barriers Doesn't change peoples driving habits for the better, they take more risks and essentially their habits are worse. Does not make safer. Diverts traffic on to the more congested avenues. Does not make automobile travel safer or more comfortable.



Do not like Diverters are not the solution to loop everyone around by forcing left hand turns. dislike them. they cause drivers to go around more blocks and thru normally quieter streets. traffic on 22 ave nw 200 blk is increased 7x. dangerous, as drivers mount sidewalks to go through them. Different, but I am keen to see how they help make things safer Currently my travel route is now less safe. but it takes me longer to go see my kids, go buy groceries, go get gas, drive to work. There is no reason to slow down traffic in my area. Brutal, I disagree with these decisions on so many levels. Traffic circles could accomplish the goal of slowing down traffic and reducing it as a thorough gait without reducing the ability of residents to go South or East, or 98% of typical travel. Better for cyclists Awesome As there was no notice given I think short term it is worse. Probably neutral long term. As someone who bikes through this space regularly, this is a welcome change As of Nov 20, 2020: I can only comment for intersection of 1 St NE and 22 Ave NE: Safer - yes (reduces speed of traffic), More comfortable - not a term I would use in describing travel routes. As a daily bike commuter I feel the diverters are effective at reducing and/or slowing traffic on 2nd Street. However, I have seen some vehicles disregard and drive around the diverters. Bollards or something else needs to be installed to prevent this. As a cyclist I do feel safer. As someone that lives 3 houses from 2nd street I enjoy the quieter atmosphere. Annoying Annoyed. 34th Ave and 1st St. what’s wrong with a 4 way stop to slow ppl down? ANNOYANCE! An inconvenience. Absolutely Wonderful Absolutely horrible. Prevents me from driving easily through my own neighbourhood, pushing me onto other streets thereby inconveniencing them and onto 4th and Centre which I'd rather avoid due to congestion. 2nd Street is easier to use as a pedestrian. Although I've heard that some cars are driving over curbs near pedestrians which is a safety issue. 1st Street NE is not a cut through for traffic - I have lived here for 20+ years and it is NOT an issue. We live in an inner city neighbourhood - there is traffic but it is NOT a problem. Diverters are not effective and need to be REMOVED

What is your overall impression of the changes in terms of reducing cut through traffic?

You are not addressing cut through traffic. 2nd street is not a cut through. 21AVE is a cut through and is very dangerous, why not address it??? For me it wasn’t an issue before. And who is to say what is or isn’t cut through traffic. People are now driving on the sidewalks to circumvent the blockades. It’s truly worse than before. Cut through traffic wasn't the problem. The problem was people driving 80km/h down first street. Slow traffic down, don't make it impossible to drive. You have made it incredibly difficult just to get in and out of our property and go to our destination There will still be traffic cutting across 2nd street. The cut through along the bike path is more dangerous to me when I bike than traffic moving along the same direction as I travel on 2nd street.



It will not reduce traffic! It will slow down cut-through traffic. Will this not increase traffic on 30 ave (my street) never had that much cut through traffic???? COME ON I agree with the need for the diverters. While they have directly affected my route home ( I live on 22 av NW just off 2st) I am already noticing a decrease in cut through traffic going East and West (and vice versa) and I love it. They may divert from one street but then they come roaring down my street! way less cars More multiple dwellings, more people, more cars they need to get from one place to another. Let them be Haven’t noticed a change People are cutting through anyways. Waste of money Speed bumps and traffic circles are better. Decrease on 22nd Ave. N.W. Increase on 21st and 23rd Avenues N.W. I have spoken with neighbours on 23rd Ave. N.W., they are not pleased with the change. Less cut through traffic along 18 AV. Vehicles also travel at slower speeds. Same answer as above - completely superfluous Unfavourable, will just re-route to neighbouring streets. Main thoroughfares already provide enough alternate routes. Drivers are not cutting across 18 Ave NE, they are accessing businesses along this road It has reduced cut through traffic on the road it blocks, but has increased traffic on every other street cut through will be reduced with closure of balmoral circus preventing access to 16th. No need to prevent residents from access 20th safely with the traffic lights on 2 st and 20th remaining It's great. Way less traffic!!!! I don’t think it helps Should have traffic lights at major avenues onto main street arteries to accompany diversions or get rid of the diversions. This wasn't an issue before. On the streets they are implemented yes they work. But it increases traffic on the adjacent streets. I live on 22 and it does not reduce any cut through traffic - people are simply doing a run around u turn and this is ridicolously unsafe. I do not understand the motivation and this will not work This has done nothing to reduce cut through traffic, many of the areas were not very busy anyway. It has only impacted residents ability to travel effectively. Cut through traffic is an issue on the avenues not the streets! This just bring more traffic on the avenues where all the children play out front. 2nd street nw has very few homes facing the street. Majority of homes are on the AVENUES! Hate it. Zero resident engagement. The city is pandering and accomidating to others who don't even live in Tuxedo Park. The Tuxedo Park Community Association voted against this. I am not cut through traffic. It may help. But it will also impact local residents. It will reduce cut through traffic on 29th Avenue, but just divert it to 30th Ave, which already has high through traffic volumes due to its link through Confederation Park. 30th Ave will become less safe. Already I can tell they're working. It’s actually caused a higher amount of traffic on other side streets Not impressed They don't help They do not achieve this.



I had never noticed cut through traffic. I have found that mainly locals take these routes as the eventually end in a dead end. no changes, people just drive over the diverters How has this changed this? Traffic is now on 21 and 23 Ave. This has not reduced neighbourhood traffic but rather, displaced all traffic onto streets perpendicular to them. They are effective Not an issue. Roads are paid for us as taxpayers. I should get to use them. You are cutting off local users from driving in their own communities freely. cut through traffic wasn't much of a problem - whom all this impacts is the people that live here each and every day, the cut through traffic incurs a once in a while detour, we are stuck with it Traffic wasnt bad before these and now they are making things chaotic and dangerous These only serve to reduce traffic on some avenues and divert it to others. There is NO overall reduction in cut-through traffic as some streets get less and others get more. We now are experiencing much great traffic cutting though on east/west routes and our enjoyment of our home is and community is diminishing. This has only really impacted local residents and made it more difficult to get out around our own community. I've never noticed commuters using these streets. There's really no advantage for commuters to cut through. This is just inconveniencing residents. They are only increasing traffic on the surrounding streets and forcing cars onto Center Street. I've witnessed ten cars simply drive around them. Useless! Absolutely no change, it pushes all traffic to adjacent streets, people will still but through but now it's MORE traffic on the other streets. This didn't stop more traffic it essentially added traffic just not at those random intersections. Not impressed. They are placed in non busy spots Does not reduce traffic and increases traffic on the residential roads these divert traffic to. There was not a lot of traffic to begin with. I have not seen any change in traffic, just more confusion and frustration. Great: but cars are driving around the diverters! I’ve seen it a few times. Maybe added stop signs would be effective too Much better, and slows down the traffic that remains too. Doesn't make a difference in quantity, but it does increase congestion, noise (honking) and reduces safety by eliminating space between cyclists and vehicles. They are not working! It has had zero positive effect. Has made my street of 21ave busier with cut through traffic The barriers at 1 St NE and 18 Avenue get in the way of being able to get home from work and get to the Safeway. I do not appreciate that these were implemented with no notice. The diverters have done their job, they have increased the traffic flow on 22 avenue NW and done very little to decrease the flow on 2 street NW. The diverters have done their job, they have increased the traffic flow on 22 avenue NW and done very little to decrease the flow on 2 street NW. I like it. It seems to be working. Has made walking much safer and driving too. 2nd Ave north of 20th was not used to cut through much at all but used by residents to access their homes more safely than busy 4th or centre stree. Pointless exercise, and a waste of money. People are driving on sidewalks now.



I haven't seen traffic cutting through to use 1 Street NE as an alternative to Centre Street or Edmonton Trail. Cut through traffic wasn’t a problem Unnecessary I dont think it will reduce it. It will cause an increase on roads that dont have the diverters. There is no problem of traffic in our neighbor. The City of Calgary has just created one. Now I have a school bus coming in front of my house twice a day and more traffic. It definitely did reduce traffic on 2nd Street NW. All that the changes have done is move traffic from the N-S streets onto the W-E streets as residents still need to be able to access their houses! I am opposed to the diverters. To avoid the diverters, traffic is now forced to go onto 21st Avenue NW or 23 Avenue NW and then along 1st Street NW to skirt around the diverters. That only pushes more traffic onto those residential streets. Not impressed. Not working. Just putting pressure on formerly quiet streets. Not well thought out as usual. Again, not necessary very annoying Horrible. Making commutes more of a nuisance by vehicle. There was no issue with traffic before. STUPIDITY 2 st not a short cut! You put lights at it and 20av You put traffic lites at 2/20 so2 is not short cut Horrible, these diverters trap drivers and force them to U turn on narrow residential streets with parking on both sides. These streets are not designed to be cul de sacs but that is what these diverters effectively make them. Seems to work, noticeably less traffic on 22 Avenue and 2 st nw Definite improvement on my street Seems to reduce through traffic as expected. But I shouldn't need to tell you that, it's a matter of data collection, not opinion. I don’t think it’s traffic through these areas needs to be reduced It doesn't reduce cut through traffic. You just forced it onto 21st and 23rd. I'm confused how that could be missed. There was already cut through traffic on 21st. This should make it worse. Scrap it Traffic is now just forced to other community roads. I live on 24AV and i have noticed a major increase in traffic driving from 1st nw to 1st nw since they are diverted on 2ST Traffic circles would work better. These diverters make no sense. All it is doing if forcing WAY more traffic down my street (21st Ave NW & 4th St). Vehicle cut -thru on 2 ST NW had increased, but not dangerously so. Vehicles will just cut thru somewhere else - like on the streets you're directing them on to. Best way to reduce cut thru traffic is to make the route slower with stop signs Traffic is much busier on 23rd Avenue, drivers speed through. Use as main Thoroughfare. a lot less cut through traffic for sure. I'm happy with it (though wasn't concerned with "cut-through" volume but speed of any drivers local or otherwise) and this feels to have made improvements. Will not reduce cut thru traffic as 34 ave is dead end very positive. Even more could be done. It has calmed the traffic but I have noticed people driving around the diverter and proceeding to go straight. The street is a lot quieter. I live in 22nd ave nw 2st.



Seems successful Until they are respected, they will have no impact. Very dangerous in current format. Overkill a/a Cut through traffic has diminished for sure, but nobody stops at the stop sign on 22nd ave at 2nd street anymore. Someone will get hit soon for sure. on a couple streets - all the rest have increased traffic and faster traffic I have lived in this neighbourhood for over seven years and have never been concerned about the amount of traffic on 1st in this area. All this seems to have done is cause confusion and make it difficult on the residents of the neighbourhood Not working. We live at 227 23rd Ave NW and short cutting has increased. The area density has increased dramatically in the past 5 years. How do you tell what traffic is what. Cut through traffic is more on the avenues as traffic is cutting from 4ST to Centre ST or vice versa. Good idea.but needs more strict guide lines Horrible. Drivers are now speeding through our streets confused Don't really care for them Not required. Waste of money and residents living nearby have the hassle of going all the way around these obstacles to get home. Not needed. Daily traffic is not overwhelming. It will not deter cut through traffic as it was not busy enough. It may have the reverse effect as they may try to cram on another street. People are driving around them making them unsafe. Again, NOT impressed. One of the things I like about moving to this area from the far northwest communities is that you have many access routes and travel is not restricted to funneling all vehicles. This is annoying You have pretty much ruined the street for our neighbourhood. We had very little cut through traffic because of all the current calming measures. Locals like to take this calm route going north/south between 32 Ave and 16 Ave. You have screwed us. No difference. See comment above. Diagonals redirect traffic to increase where redirected...and looping around if necessary to reach destination Not, I feel that this was a waste of money and resources. It forces the cut through traffic onto side streets that were previously quiet and safe. No more changes to 2nd street NW; already has a school zone, bike allowances, two round abouts and speed bumps. Not impressed for one I drive a small car and the some speed bumps rub the bottom of my car. I'm more concerned about not enough lighted crosswalks on busy streets. Will force me to use busy streets to get home. Yes - you have basically paralyzed this street and that is only 2 of the 3 street shutdowns that are planned. Thumbs down!!!! No change. Negative. Having to cut through other roads to get to places Maybe it helps. I feel stricter speed zones, traffic circles, and speed bumps might be more effective. Furious. Now the traffic is concentrated to fewer streets. LIKE MINE. The traffic has practically doubled and is much less safe.



The diagonal at 1st St/18 Ave is not in a place where I notice “cut through” traffic. I have always noticed this to be E-W across the avenues, not N-S on 1st St. It’s in totally the wrong place. It severely restricts local traffic access to our homes and garages. No access to 20th ave from 23rd now without almost dying trying to turn left on 4th street. This plan didn't consider all the duplex homes north of 20th between 4th and 2nd street. It has not decreased cut through traffic. I never noticed an issue with people cutting through my community before, but now I am noticing way more traffic as it’s taking people longer go get where they need to go due to the blocked off roads. I do not feel that there has been any changes to reducing traffic. My experience with traffic in these areas is that it is less safe, less predictable and more confusing. 2nd St is used by locals to access 20th Ave for E/W travel. There are virtually no homes that face onto it. The bigger issue is the E/W traffic on the avenues, and all you are doing now is forcing locals to use the avenues to access 4th. it wont reduce cut thru traffic - i live in rosedale - the traffic circles on 13th ave NW @ 4A and 5th street are very hazardous - u need to send some traffic planners to observe this between 3 & 6 pm on a weekday - hi speed circles All they have done is increase traffic on the avenues (and risk to all modes) of transport. Only benedits a few. Makes no sense. There are already traffic circles and speed bumps along 2nd street NW. It will increase traffic in 30 avenue NW which is already busy and a conduit to cross 4 st NW into confederation park Fantastic. We've been waiting 18 years for this kind of thing and the reduction is awesome. Exactly what we were all hoping for! Thank you! I agree with the changes Good improvement on reducing cut through traffic Reduces some streets and increases others. Better to have open access. I live on 22 ave. Cut through traffic was NOT a major concern of mine, the street is already narrow. Vehicle speed and pedestrian cross traffic on 2nd street IS a concern for me. I don’t think it makes any difference right now - maybe once the LRT goes through but even then forcing local traffic onto Centre St is not a good idea (single lane road?) I think the “ cure” is worse than the disease. It's working. I didnt think cut through traffic was a problem in the first place. Not working they use 23, 25, 26, 27 Obviously less where there is a barrier but seeing increased traffic on adjacent avenues. There is already very few cut through traffic. It's better to have more traffic on 2nd street in winter for bikes because that would clear the snow faster. Also, a few speed bumps and traffic circles would slow the tr It does cut through traffic, but why could there not be a roundabout and speed bumps instead? It hasn't done anything but inconvenience residents. Seems to work on 22 Ave. It seems that big trucks are just going over top of the curb. It will increase traffic on my street. I am not supportive of these changes. It's great! Keeps people on 4th & Centre It appears to have reduced cut through traffic, especially on avenues they are installed on. Thoug Many people are bypassing diverters and driving on sidewalks unsafely.



The devices are stopping free flow traffic on 2nd ST NW and 1st ST NE; however, the diverters are consolidating traffic onto the Avenues that allow people to continue to drive north or south on 2nd ST NW It has already reduce cut through traffic. It will be necessary to reduce traffic from Centre Street with the Greenline construction. A roundabout would be more functional and effective, as well as make it safer and easier to get around the neighbourhood. I’ve seen people speed through the barriers and seen people approach and then they furiously back up. I have seen more cars on 24th!!!! They still cut through east and west on the narrower roads. Same as above. The traffic cuts through east and west not north and south. This only increased and diverted traffic to 21 and 23 Ave. Which are quite narrow and not meant for two lane traffic There was no problems in the first palce On the streets that the diverters were out in it has done a fantastic job. I am wondering why some of the proposed diagonal diverters were not installed. 24 ave and 1st NE see a lot more through traffic between centre st and Edmonton trail. It does that. It has increased traffic to residential area going east / west My impression is that the city hates us, and wants to make our daily lives as inconvenient as possible. I have not noticed a change. It has just made it more difficult for local traffic to get in and out. There has to be accessibility for cars i.e. Emergencies + social gatherings etc. Unsafe due to drivers driving over sidewalk ignoring signage I can't even get through my own community now. These are positive changes; the diverters placed on 1st Street at 18th and 22nd avenu have had a calming effect. Still need a diverter on 24th and 1st. I'm uncertain, it may be helpful but I haven't seen data to support or deny this claim. They are good for traffic calming, I approve of this method. Now all that needs to be done is that Calgary drivers have to learn how to use them! I haven't noticed a difference. I do like the idea of Balmoral Circus as a park. I've never noticed 22nd Ave and 2nd St to be busy to begin with, so I have not noticed a reduction in traffic. If anything, I've seen more confusion and illegal activity making it more dangerous for pedestrians! It was a bad decision that introduced dangerous turns. There is more traffic on many residential streets and promotes cutting through the neighborhood because there is no direct way to get out of neighborhood if you live on 2nd St NW. My impression is that it is currently local traffic on these roads versus cut through traffic. On 1 st & 34 ave ne there was no problem with short cutting.lem with traffic flow until the barrier was installed. It just moves traffic down different streets so it is not reducing traffic The diagonal diverters have just increased traffic on to other roads. 1street was wider and now that traffic is diverted on to 22ave and 18ave which are narrow, with more parked cars on them. good in some places, bad in others I am thrilled! The speed and amount of cut through traffic on 18th was getting scary between center and edmonton trail.



Probably effective. I dislike it. You’ve just caused annoyances for locals living in the area There wasn't cut through traffic prior to these ridiculous barriers. 2nd street appears calmer as I live on 2nd st at 23 ave nw I have lived in this neighbourhood, walk the streets quite regularly and have never seen a problem at the intersection of 2nd St W and 22 Ave. Totally unnecessary blockage. The one by the back corner of Beacon Hill Safeway seriously impedes store access I think it's creating more problems than helping. A lot of people in our community are very frustrated with these changes. Also, I am worried that emergency vehicles will be impeded when trying to access our community quickly! These measures are arranged cut through traffic which is great. This is not necessary It is causing us to zigzag and take inconvenient and longer routes to get out of our communities. Put in multiple speed bumps. Real residences would love this / non residence would avoid It is not. The traffic, especially large trucks, are now on 19th Ave NE. It made it worse on my strret and 21Av as drivers can’t get through 22Av, they a lot of time sped through 23 ave Haven’t noticed a difference. Too early to tell yet. It is better but needs improvement. It will hopefully keep our traffic local. no reduction. we are just getting more people driving down our street who can’t drive down 2nd Street. It is horrid and you just drive the traffic down more residential streets Minimal. In my experience there was little short cutting anyways. Lots of cars currently drive up on the sidewalks to cut through anyways, which has been unfortunate, but I think with time people will get used to it. I like it, there is no unnecessary cut through traffic I feel the majority of the traffic is from those who live in this area; I'm seeing more traffic on the avenue in front of my house now instead of on the street beside me. We don't have cut through traffic I dont think their is a need for this It has actually made things worse, people are cutting through the divider anyways, and it’s going to cause an accident. I don’t like it. These diversions have cause more traffic on other streets to compensate. 2 bud street is a Main Street and sound NOT be used to divert traffic further through residential streets. All these do is make travel through my neighbourhood more challenging. It's my neighbourhood, I'm not "cutting through" Anyone using them as a "cut through" will just find another route so you are only moving the problem around, not solving it. The cut through traffic still happens, they just use another avenue making that avenue busier. People can just ignore them anyway as there is enough space to drive through. More traffic on 17 Ave NE so it hasn't worked. I would prefer 4 way stops. People must stop rather than pushing through. I have seem bikes racing through with out even looking and cars rushing to beat the other through. For what? I've lived in the area for 10 years. The biggest traffic hazard is trying to cross the major streets (Centre and 4th St NW)



Even though I live on 2nd St NW I normally used Centre or 4th St. If there are people outside the community using to cut though I believe this will work. But it is too bad those in the community cannot use. I appreciate the efforts to reduce non-local traffic from cutting through residential streets. However, the barriers completely obstructing access are infuriating for local residents. It's ineffective. I never felt like cut through traffic was a problem in our neighbourhood and now it just provides an inconvenience to locals. Stops signs would be more effective at preventing cut through traffic for non-locals. It doesn't seem to be serving its purpose. Brutal idea. Now there is more ice build up on the sidewalk, EMS/CPS and CFD consulted? People cut through anyway. Makes it way less safe. I didn’t think it was needed as i never noticed cut through traffic and I live in the area. Similar to above, I haven't observed at lot of cut-through traffic on these routes. Traffic seems primarily local. Have not experienced yet This is senseless waste of money The streets that have the traffic directed on them are seeing an increase in traffic not decrease. People are using alleys as streets which is worse than the normal traffic was. badly misguided. when encountered, people angrily circle the block and at great speed to get where they're going. Very good. Will be effect when diverters don’t allow cars to squeeze through gaps including going over the sidewalk. Ok with another stop sign on 2nd st but no diagonal diverter; have enough with two round abouts and a school zone! Yes, great idea to slow down cut through traffic Good They don't reduce cut through traffic, they just shift the traffic to adjacent roadways. Did not help at all. Has not changed, though there is much more honking due to near collisions Merely diverts the traffic to another equally busy local street seemingly arbitrarily in an already not heavily trafficked neighborhood I have lived in Tuxedo for almost 8 years and this has NEVER been a problem. My neighbor who has lived here for over 70 years agrees. As such, they should be removed immediately. I think it has reduced traffic somewhat Cut through traffic is now on adjacent avenues. It increases cut through traffic in front of homes. Bad, these devices divert traffic to my street, 21Ave NE making it even worse than it already was. Annoying Hasn't changed one bit. was not a problem at 2 st and 22 ave nw. already have 2 st traffic roundabouts that slow traffic and playground zones that deter cut through traffic Absolutely effective. I am sure you are getting a ton of complaints that it is stopping people from cutting through. That should tell you how successful this is! Could have been done in a different intersection that doesn’t impact ability to access Safeway on Center St and 18 ave



but it takes me longer to go see my kids, go buy groceries, go get gas, drive to work. There is no reason to slow down traffic in my area. Not worth the cost to local residents impediments on their ability to live and drive. This also forces the thorough fare from 2nd to 22 Ave a street littered with young families. Slightly annoying for access to 16th/2nd amenities Totally has reduced cut through traffic. If people don't know they are there they will wind up cutting through twice once they get caught in the diagonal. it's early days, but it looks like it will work well. As of Nov 20, 2020: I can only comment for intersection of 1 St NE and 22 Ave NE: The temporary measures work for the drivers who obey the signs. Those who don't, have been simply driving 'around' the diverters, in both the South and North directions. Effective on the Avenues they are installed on but increases traffic to the adjacent Avenues. It does seem to be preventing cars from using 2nd instead of centre or 4th to get around. Waste of money Not necessary That you are not asking who pays the bills if this is ok! Negligible. Cut through traffic wasn't noticeable. Very minimal cut through on our street. (22nd Ave nw) IT DOESN'T WORK!!!! Drivers will just divert to other streets to get through or around the barriers. I think once drivers get used to it, it will reduce cut through traffic. 1st Street NE is not a cut through for traffic - I have lived here for 20+ years and it is NOT an issue. We live in an inner city neighbourhood - there is traffic but it is NOT a problem. Diverters are not effective and need to be REMOVED

Based on the noted goals and your experience do you think locations chosen for these improvements are appropriate? If no, where do you think these changes would be more effective?

No. There is no point to have a dead end 2nd street at 19th ave. There is not point to the barrier at 2nd st and 22a ave NW because there is already a traffic circle at 24th AVE. NO!!!! There were already several speed bumps along 2nd st and several avenues in the area. We don't need a park in the middle of nowhere. There is a great park at the school yard a block or two away. NO!!!! Don't remove traffic, just slow it down I hate how you’ve made it difficult for residents to access their avenues. Punish the residents because if outsiders that cut through. Round abouts would be better and less negatively impactful for residents who need to use these roads. No. 30th Ave NW East bound and West bound is a major cut-through to access Confederation park. I live on 30th and I see the constant cut-through traffic and have had a few close calls. would like to know current traffic data for 29 and 30 ave between 2 and 4 street NE. I would think 30 ave is busier because it is the last through ave across 4 st until 40 ave. NOT a good move The diagonal diverter at 2st NW and 22 Ave NW directly affects my routes to and from home (I live at 437 22 Ave NW). However I gladly put up with the inconvenience as I have already seen a decrease in cut through traffic and I'm grateful No, anywhere but my neighborhood. or stop this project, waste of money.


Neighbourhood Streets North Hill Area What We Heard VERBATIM COMMENTS ARE PRESENTED AS ENTERED WITH NO ALTERATION TO SPELLING OR GRAMMAR perfect The locations appear random or at best satisfying a squeaky wheel in the neighbourhood No, Don think they should be anywhere. Put in speed bumps or traffic circles No No. I would use this diversion at all. Remove controlled intersection at 20th Ave. N.W. and 2nd St. N.W. This has made it easy to turn off of 16th Ave. and use 2nd St. instead of Center St. during rush hour. Diagonal diverter at 1 ST and 18 AV is good location. 17 AV has speed bumps and is difficult to turn onto from Edmonton Trail and Centre Street. 18 AV is first easy turn into the community from Edmonton Trail and Centre Street before 20 AV. NO and again not needed in any in any capacity, context or 'reimagined' iteration. No, diagonal diverter renders the lights at 20th Ave/2St NW almost useless to anyone north of the diverter. traffic circle instead of diagonal diverter. Extremely difficult to make safe left turn onto 4 st and then onto 20 AV. Closing balmoral circus will significantly reduce cut through traffic Yes Not appropriate. Can you consider a roundabout? No. Maybe time to rethink, if this is all due to the new greenline, and maybe make it an overhead LRT up center! This appears to be a make work project for the City. No. implement these changes on all streets or none. otherwise traffic is concentrated on streets not designed for increased traffic. These diverters will not be effective, people will simply cut through on 23 or 21. No Direction shouldn’t be forced. Just causing issues for other avenues. It increases the volume and speeds on adjacent avenues. Remove the barriers and blockades/diverters. If you are truly concerned for safety, install speed humps down 2nd Street. I am not sure. No. If anywhere, traffic calming measures should be implemented on 30th Avenue N, which already has higher than average traffic (and speeds) because people use it to cut-through from Ed. Tr or Centre St. to Confederation Park. They seem fine? I just don’t think diagonal diverters are a good method at ALL. Not needed No. I don't think they are appropriate. I think they are unnecessary in this neighborhood because there isn't much traffic No. No where. They are a ridiculous addition meant to satisfy the residents on any particular block that has them. No, these changes are not needed and are a hazard and waste of money. Remove the changes, there was no issue with the configuration before Poor location choice. A very quiet street. Maybe on 25th Ave with the school. Yes however four way stop signs would be better. Yes they are appropriate No, no need of them anywhere.



NO, the diverters are awful for those of us that LIVE here, cut thru'ers won't be back they are a one- off we every day'ers pay the price - use 4-way stops, traffic circles, speed bumps but stop closing off our neighbourhood for us that live here They put one in beside the damn grocery store where people in the area need to go to get food, its stupid and serve no point. Please do not put these diagonal diverters anywhere. They aren't appropriate in an existing street/avenue grid system. Not at all. These changes have made it hardest as a resident to enjoy travel within our community and more difficult to support the local businesses in the area due to lost convenience. In the city planners’ neighbourhoods. Then they might realize how ridiculous these are. No. In speaking with the Tuxedo Park community association President, these changes were not wanted. There was no problem to solve, you've just made the community worse.. No, these have no place in Tuxedo Park. We are an inner-city neighborhood. We need to be able to move within our neighborhood! Random locations, these aren't bottlenecks or high traffic areas at all, I live 1 block from 2nd and 22nd NW and there was no issues that needed "traffic calming"! No. No. diverters are the worst possible option. traffic circles would be much more effective. No. They have not changed traffic except making it more difficult to get around. Not only did it remove 2 parking spots from in front of my house, but the changes made it such that if I want to get to my garage I have to drive around the block. Good locations. Needed on 24th Ave and 1 st NE: cars drive very fast and there’s no crosswalk. We need similar improvements to create a bike/pedestrian corridor somewhere in E/W direction too - like 20 Ave N. No reason why it can't be a quiet 2-lane street with thru/fast traffic on the 6-8 lanes of 16 Ave N. The basic design and implementation reduces safety by eliminating safe separation space between cars and cyclists. Any implementation of this type of design anywhere is a bad idea. Does a cyclist have to die before a design change happens? No, block traffic from turning on to 1st NE from 16th Ave NE It would be better to make 4th Street a more attractive commuter street. Put an advanced left turn light at 4th St and 20th Ave. So it is easier for cars to turn left off 20th eastbound onto 4th. Reduce the curb at 4th and 23rd so traffic so cars can pass No, it is difficult to get around the neighborhood now without going out onto a major road where there is much more traffic. There is no good place for those barriers. NO, use a for way stop. NO, use a for way stop. I very much like where they are No, they penalise residents who use their vehicles. Cyclists needs are trumping all others. If you want to calm traffic use speed bumps, 4 way stops or traffic circles. These balance the needs of all the local users of the roads. No. Make 4th and centre street a full 4 lane roadway from 16th st NW and all the way to McNight thus allowing no parking on these streets! No, They are not needed in Tuxedo Park at all. No, choose another option. Could 2nd and 20th just be an exit and not an entrance to Mount Pleasant? Local residents could still use the road to leave the neighborhood. Similar to the entrance in Crescent Heights on 4 St. Or use a traffic circle/4way stop



No where Prevent drivers bisecting the communities from being able to enter it. Dont impact residents from getting through their own neighborhood. There is no logic behind the location of those supposal improvement. You have just diverted the traffic to other streets and avenues. No. The changes should be reversed. I don't think there was a problem before. Remove the barriers and install circles and/or speed bumps if the goal is to calm traffic. The locations are inappropriate and removal of the diverters is the most effective solution. I've never found 1st Street NE to be overly busy with traffic so I find the barriers to be unnecessary. No. Definitely want the one removed by the old Spiller Hall on 2Street. There is a school there which needs access! Please remove and do not replace anywhere STUPIDITY 28AV and 2st has circle so why add more traffic with diagonal on 29 st? Don’t need more No, this is a terrible idea and shouldn't be implemented anywhere. Yes - at least for 2 st nw I really like the one on 18 ave/1 NE, not so sure about the one on 2st NW I'm fine with the locations I've seen so far. Could imagine more places for them. I don’t think diverters would be affective anywhere, roundabouts would make more sense for keeping traffic at a reasonable speed without completely cutting off certain routes Why would you only put these measures on some streets? Every street that can be cut through needs a calming measure if that's the intent. Otherwise you make a few streets way worse. Speed bumps or traffic circles would have been a better idea They would be most effective around city hall. Would prevent hobbiest (so called artists) and city planners from arriving to work and coming up with idiotic ideas traffic diverters do as they are named and divert traffic. they don't improve anything they move it to a different road In appropriate. For example 34th and 2nd NE.. I live in Highland Park and have to now go to 32nd to cross centre No! I don’t think there needed to be changes in the first place. No. They won't be effective anywhere. Any issue will just migrate to another street. No, Not at all Yes. They are working where they are in my experience. 34 ave not appropriate. Will divert traffic most likely to 32 ave. Very very inconvenient for homes east of the diverter on 34 Yes, with additional measures on 24th avenue Yes, they are somewhat appropriate . 21 ave nw 2st is a good choice as their street is wide. Diverting traffic west bound into 23rd 2st and 4st is not. It’s a very narrow road with many parked cars. Yes No traffic circles make more sense I live on 30th Avenue NW between 2nd Street and 4th Street. Many cars cut through on 30th because it gives them access through Confederation Park to the west. Diverter should be placed at 30th, not 29th, and speed humps should be installed on 30th too. Yes.


Neighbourhood Streets North Hill Area What We Heard VERBATIM COMMENTS ARE PRESENTED AS ENTERED WITH NO ALTERATION TO SPELLING OR GRAMMAR no - dumb not required I do not think that these diverters were needed in this area as traffic and speed have not been an issue on this section of road in my experience No. Improvements are not working. 4 way stop signs would work better Seems random and no thought as to location in my opinion. I think you should put all of them on mayor nenshi's commute to work No where - what about speed bumps or traffic circles No. Not appropriate. Just remove it and don’t waste money on non-essential items. No. Again not enough daily traffic to worry about cut through. No, do more stop signs. No where. Remove them! NO!! Those of us who live in this neighbourhood have seen our north/south artery rendered useless. No one I have spoken too appreciates this. See above. Not appropriate where placed, can’t think of anywhere this measure would be effective No, not appropriate at all. Not at all appropriate, they would not be effective anywhere. No more changes to 2nd street NW; already has a school zone, bike allowances, two round abouts and speed bumps. Make more changes to 4th and Center to allow faster and more traffic flow but included lighted crosswalks for safety first. No, absolutely no diagonal diverter on 2nd. Enough already with two round abouts and a school zone. Too much traffic will be conjested on 4th and Centre st. with these changes! Lets try some of these downtown and see how well that goes over. Maybe Nenshi's neighbourhood. The locations are appropriate. The diverters are not. Change to traffic circles, speed bumps, 4 ways tops if the goal is calming traffic. No. Remove them all from the area. Again with one way alleys trying to get parked in front of my house is very frustrating. I feel traffic diverters in most neighbourhoods infuriating and ineffective. No. I had no problems with previous traffic flows but if you believe you are targeting speeding, rat runs, look at the *E-W* traffic on 19th,18th and 17th Aves NE, I’ve never had problems with N-S traffic on 1st St. Diagonal diverters are a ridiculous choice here. Choose another method to calm traffic that doesn't severely restrict residents from leaving or enter their neighbourhood. No, I don’t think we require diagonal diverters in the first place. I do not have an issue with location as I do with the calming measures that are being utilized. I feel that a mini traffic circle or speedbumps would be more effective and achieve the same end goal. Not at all. It has inconvenienced residents in the neighborhood for the sake of non-local people commuting through the neighborhood. Put it up at the 24th Ave traffic circle to prevent traffic by the school. yes appropriate locations L:ocations are not appropriate. Don't use blocking streets to drivers as a solution to anything. No barriers, improve main arteries, 4th st NW and Centre street first! Maybe time to rethink a raised Greenline above centre street! No where. There are already measures in place and 2nd street effectively ends at 32nd Ave.



Yes - you added 22nd after consulting with the community. It works very well and feels better on foot, as a driver and on bike. This has been an ideal solution for those living here. I would like to see 1 additional stop at 24 Ave and 9 St. Due to the park entrance. No. These changes should have never happened No! I do support traffic calming along 2nd street but the directional dividers are UNACCAPTLE. Why not use mini traffic circle, narrowing principles, or speed bumps so cut through is inconvenient but allows RESIDENTS to use their own community. No - I think the diverters are not appropriate anywhere unless there are other safe traffic paths created - if you are going to divert south bound traffic traffic on 2nd St to 4th street - how do you do it safely ie left turn required at 22nd ave and 4th? Yes. Not appropriate at all. A four way stop would have made more sense. No diversion on 2st but more traffic circles & speed bumps You’re creating an obstacle course not using traffic calming measures. Yes, it does meet the goals, but in a negative way No. I can't get to my grocery store safely now. Unable to comment If any, it should be on 30th avenue. Also, if traffic will increase on other streets there should be speed bumps on those roads were there will be projected traffic increase. Yes - they are great I would suggest using more diverters or other measures so avenues with the diverters, or directly adjacent, do not see increased traffic as people are forced down that particular avenue. I think the intersection selected are fine for improvements to influence vehicles; however, I think different traffic solutions should be considered if the goal is enhanced pedestrian safety. I am curious to learn what other improvements were considered? I like sites as currently selected. Blocking off access to multiple sections of 2nd street, diverting you to a busy 4th street or centre street, or on 20th avenue, is more frustrating. No!!!!!!! They infuriated drivers, make them do stupid things. It’s unsafe. Calgary has mostly winter months- this is stupid to be closing so many roads for more bike and pedestrians. Put in stop signs so we can get through instead of long roundabout trips. Yes Put in a stop sign to slow down traffic. I don’t think any changes were needed as I have not noticed any vehicle or bike problems. No. Please just remove them. As 24th ave between centre st and Edmonton trail is a wider street we see a lot more through traffic speeding on this st. Would be good to stop this If we have to have them, put them below the North Hill Safeway - in their current location they prevent me from making short trips to the grocery store, which is absolutely infuriating. it would be better to use speed bumps. No. These things are ineffective. No. I don't know where this would work better, it didn't need fixing. On demand public transit services + car pooling/ sharing services + bike lanes (especially with the advent of electric assisted bikes) Unsafe due to drivers driving over sidewalk ignoring signage



This is a waste of taxpayers money, and a clear example that the City needs to trim their staff, as they're running out of logical projects. The chosenlocations are good but a diverter needs to be installed at 1st and 24th Ave (where we reside) reduce speed and traffic between Centre and Edmonton Trail. No, if diagonal diverters are effective, I think they should be placed on 12 avenue intersections. Every inner city intersection should have them. Why do only certain streets have them. Remind me what Stop signs are for? I wish the diversion at 1 St NE and 19 Ave could be moved a block south. It's become impossible to access Safeway without dealing with heavy traffic on Centre St No. I think the locations used in this area are unnecessary as traffic flow was not significant compared to other areas. A stop sign was sufficient for this location, or even a traffic circle would suffice. There are other ways to reduce speed on that street. No, the locations are not appropriate. I think there already sufficient traffic calming measure that are in place. Putting in more measures is overkill and a complete waste of money considering that the City of Calgary is considered about their finances I don't think cutting off traffic makes sense. I would remove these measures. These changes are an unnecessary waste of money and time. They don't seem to make any sense and we live in a city and there will be traffic. its a nice idea, I just think its a bit harsh Yes Yes. No. You should not have placed a divider between 16 Ave and 20 Ave along 1 St. You’ve blocked easy access to the grocery store and 16 Ave while diverting cars down 18th Ave which is much more residential then 1 St NE Put in a 4 way stop so then residents on the streets can get to their houses without having to go down other quiet residential streets in order to get to their houses. should be more of them along 2nd st-speed bumps are not large enough to deter or slow. round abouts should be hard stops The city would make pedestrians, like me, much safer with more inforcement of traffic controls on Centre, 4th St W re: safe crossing, distracted drivers, and those who do not stop, but race through crosswalks to "beat the light". There are too many of them so, no, not appropriate. If the City want to calm the traffic, put traffic circles or more stop sign. Not diverters that cause people to have to detour to get to their home. Yes, they are appropriate. I'm not sure where they would be more appropriate, but they're not necessary where I live. There are far too many along 1st St NE. I think traffic circles would be a far better idea. terrible. poor streets that have the traffice directed to them NO. Traffic circles would have achieved the intended effects. Not sure. I think the locations are good on 2nd Street. Add stop signs on 26 Avenue and 2nd Street NW for East/Westbound traffic, remove the bush on 30 Avenue and 2nd Street NW that is blocking the stop sign. Yes No! And get rid of them! These changes make getting around harder For everyone. Restricting access in a grid is contrary to good planning principles.



I think the location is appropriate but the improvement isn't the correct choice - would prefer a traffic circle or alternative option than makes 2nd street accessible No! I live on the verge of the industrial so this does not affect the traffic flow No these changes are not appropriate. No. I personally do not like them. Please remove. I don't think these diagonal diverters do anything but move traffic to different spots. I don't think they would be more effective at any location. No, they just appear to be randomly installed and traffic is moving to avenues without diverters. If there's a single way through people will find it. I feel these changes are pointless. I don’t like the concept so moving them would not solve my concerns. Not really, as I didn't see the need for them in the first place. Seemed to work. I'm glad I do not live on them. A traffic measure at 1st ave and 17 ave NE is appropriate. Please change to traffic circle instead. A traffic circle at 21 ave and 1st street NE would likely be more effective than barriers at 22 ave and 1st street NE No, stop signs or traffic circles would be more effective No, I don't believe 2nd street had any issues to begin with. No, take it out all together. Bad idea. Not appropriate as I didn’t notice an issue with cut through traffic. More effective in a very busy area. I do not think the locations are appropriate. See below. Yes Take them out of mount pleasant They barriers do not work. Period nowhere Yes. Yes. Need to implement traffic calming on 24 Ave NE between Centre Street and Edmonton Trail. Leave well enough alone. No I don't believe they are appropriate for these locations. However, they may be appropriate at locations with a history of significant safety incidents. Vehicle/pedestrian safety analysis based on local data could justify these type of changes. Again for 1st street, stupid. What a waste. No, and I'm not sure where they would be better Not effective regardless of where placed as far as I can see. Seen many vehicles go through the intersection illegally cutting through the crosswalk to turn the way they want or go straight. A safety concern. They are not effective and they should be removed entirely. They are NOT needed. 2 of the 3 paths I normally use to get out of Tuxedo have been needlessly blocked and have DECREASED my quality of life. I have no opinion as to where it would be more effective No. Nowhere. Not appropriate. Don’t think these changes are required at all. No and nowhere Ican think of unless the real intent is to impede automobile traffic. These types of diverters are not needed in Tuxedo Park. no. the diagonal diverter are poor choice. southbound 2 st nw has to go to busy 4 st nw to do a left dangerous turn to proceed.



I think so. I am not sure yet, still getting used to them No, the location of the diversion on 1St And 18 ave NE should be removed. Place it north of 20 ave or just remove it all together. No I think traffic circles that don’t reduce traffic flow can still reduce traffic/speed. Maybe could reduce the amount Yes. A diagonal divider right next to a large commercial space (Safeway) seems ill thought out. Should be moved one or two blocks further away. As of Nov 20, 2020: I can only comment for intersection of 1 St NE and 22 Ave NE: Yes, location is appropriate. Will hopefully reduce traffic flow and traffic speed. A traffic study would be useful at modelling the effects of the installation. Yes, the one on 22nd ave makes sense to me if the goal is to prevent people from using 2nd to get to 20th or 16th ave. LeVe our neighborhood alone No, not on all locations where traffic diversions were places I don't think these changes serve anyone but the city employees They are not needed. Traffic speeds/cut through traffic is not an issue. NO!!! No where, these diverters are not the answer. Put in 4-way stop signs and/or reduce speed limit to 40. And remove the roundabouts from 24th & 28th Aves and replace with 4-way stop signs to reduce speeding cut-thru traffic. I think these are appropriate. NO, do not agree that they need to be there at all . 1 question asks for them at 24th ave and 2nd NE - there is NO 2nd street at 24th avenue?? only 1st and 24th and yes put a 4 way stop sign in there NOT diverters.

Do these changes impact how you move around your community when driving?

Yes, I have to now travel on side streets with children, narrow streets with cars on both sides (more risk of not seeing kids) To get to Safeway for eg, I have to pass through more residential than I did before increasing risk of hitting kids or parke car YES!!!! I can not access my residence as easily as before and people are short cutting through alleys at high rates of speed to circumvent them. YES! I can't get around my community anymore. Remove the barriers, I should be able to get around my community by car. Yes Yes, as a resident I avoid then and divert to center street of 4th street for local errands. yes yes 100 % So much for emission targets. Driving all over the place Yes. Living directly on 22 ave I am diverted from driving straight down this avenue when either leaving home or when coming home. Totally OK with it though as its worth it to get the traffic off our residential street. Yes, I use 2 ST NW alot to prevent going down the Avenues as the streets are narrow with cars parked on both sides. no, i drive on 4 street 100% grid lock and congestion



No You're just diverting more traffic to other streets instead Yes. I have to drive further each day to park. This means higher traffic in the community overall and a minor environmental impact which, over several years will be significant. Example: When returning from Safeway I now have to go north on center St., then west on 21st Ave., then north on 4th St., then east on 23rd St., then south on 2nd St., then west on 22nd Ave. to park in front of my house legally. Slightly, but not in a negative way. It's an overall positive change for the community. NO other than dealing with the sheer inanity of this entire exercise. Yes, cannot access businesses that i frequent Yes, more driving down residential house facing streets, much more delivery and truck traffic in front of homes. Travel routes are now longer by about 5 minutes. Yes the community of mt pleasant is now isolated from each other. High traffic volumes on 4th and 2nd make access to other parts even as pedestrians difficult and unsafe. Sometimes have to drive an extra block to get to my back alley. Well worth it to cut down on traffic on 22 Ave NW Absolutely! I live on the 2nd block of 23 Ave NW and to get home I have to use 4th Ave or centre street. Useless!! Yes for adjacent avenues where diversions are now get ALL the excess traffic. It makes it much more frustrating for residents. Its much harder to visit local shops. Huge negative impact, we park outside of our house and now we need to do an entire 2 block circle to do this. This also forces us to do a left turn on 4th which can be unsafe at busy times Yes they have made visiting my brother and step dad who live directly beside one of these extremely difficult. I have had to alter my route to arrive to their homes and leave it now ensures I am spending more time on the roads parallel to center street to Yes. While dropping off my children at school during rush hour I now need to continue on 26ave (where I live) and I safely turn LEFT on 4th street to get to 20ave. It is an unsafe turn because there is always parked cars on all sides. Absolutely negative imapct for my family and I. I have to now make dangerous left hand turns into commuter traffic to exit my commuity instead of having a light at 20ave and 2nd St. The impacts are so far off the mark, i'd say they don't live here. Yes but will impact me No. Yes, but it's honestly not a big deal. We live in a gridded community....there's tons of options. Yes. I can no longer drive down my street to get to center. Make it worse Yes Yes, I live and pay taxes in my community and feel that I should be able to access all local public roads as necessary and without detours. Yes. I can no longer get to my local supermarket and either have to take centre street (which has lane reversals during rush hour) or Edmonton trail which also gets very busy. They make accessing homes in the neighborhood harder. Yes. I now travel through alley to get to fourth. Left turn on 23rd impossible with car numbers and rezoning for higher density. Large trucks make intersection and left turn impossible for turn as a car or crossing as a pedestrian.



Yes. I can no longer access the my home's garage directly but rather have to circulate an entire block to do so. I can't come home anymore by directly driving on my street either from Center St. or Edmonton trail. No Yes, they make me take more indirect routes and cause more safety risk by making more left and right turns into adjacent roads as stop signs. YES - i can no longer safely access certain traffic lights that allowed for safe passage across or onto 20AVE and 16AVE - i am now forced to access at much less safe intersections. and access to several schools and neighbourhood grocery store is impacted Yes they infuriate me, they force me onto busier roads that I dont need to go on to get home. Yes. Negatively. I live on 29th Ave NW. There is a proposed diagonal diverter for the end of my block. I do not want it. I want to be able to choose to go left, right, or straight when I get to the end of my block. Very much so these changes put me and my family at higher traffic collision risks in a vehicle or as a pedestrian. Yes, it has made getting out of Tuxedo Park to the SW much more dangerous. If these stay, traffic lights need to be added on 4th St. Yes, and I'm not happy about it. What's the point of living here anymore? Very frustrating. Yes, they force me to drive more and on more streets. I had to take five turns yesterday to get to Safeway when I normally would have taken one. Unnecessary detours, no need for these! Yes, and not in a positive way Yes, I know need to drive down more residential streets to reach destinations. for example, taking 4 right turns instead of 1 to avoid the diverter. Yes, I always have to go further to get to my garage or the front of my house. It has made it very difficult for me to get from the front of my house to my garage, I have to go around the block, getting on to center street to do so. Yes: i am more careful and drive more slowly. They make me drive with more caution and at safer/slower speeds. No. Yes, they block me from accessing the front of my home. Certainly makes it more annoying to get to places in the community. I'm sure it only negatively effects locals Yes they do. With the parking outside the Rosso coffee shop backs up the traffic all along 20th Avenue only allowing one lane to get through. If someone is turning left, then no one gets through. Put some no parking signs before the light at Centre St. I’m forced to make a left hand turn on busy 4 street NW, where before I could use the traffic light on 20 avenue NW which is a lot safer. I have to do a lot more driving to get from one place to another. I’m forced to make a left hand turn on busy 4 street NW, where before I could use the traffic light on 20 avenue NW which is a lot safer. I have to do a lot more driving to get from one place to another. Oh yes, but it’s fine. And everyone is slower and feels safer. A couple of minutes maybe. At the most Yes, immensely. I now have to turn left across two lanes of traffic, which is unsafe and near impossible during traffic rush or deal with the already over used centre street to head south or west. It also has increased traffic on 23 which is already busy. Yes they make my life more annoying when dealing with them I take the long way home now.



Absolutely. They make them worse. We can't access Safeway or Lina's from 1 Street, which is a safe, quiet way to drive to local businesses. Yes I have restricted access to my alley and front street to leave and enter my home Very much Yes. I can no longer drive south on 1st to get to the grocery store and restaurants without exiting to make left turns at uncontrolled intersections. Terribly. I now need to drive in the traffic to get where I need to be in my district. I need to drive more to get to the same same place. The worse part is that there is no traffic issue in those streets. Yes. It forces us to drive to Centre street or 4th Street NW, which are very busy and hard to turn onto in rush hour. It also made more traffic travel on our Avenue (28 Ave. NW) and get stuck going up the hill when it is icy. 2nd Street is wide enough to Yes - I now have to cut through on 19/21/22 etc. so all that has been done is to move traffic off a wide boulevard and onto much narrower streets. The changes negatively impact driving because I now have to skirt around the diverters and go onto adjacent 1st Street NW and 21 and 23 Avenues putting more strain on those adjacent roads. Yes. I am now forced to take alternate more traffic congested routes whereas before the barriers were installed the duration and ease to my destination was seamless. Yes. Yes. Negatively! Yes I can no longer turn right onto 2nd street from23 ave which is what I used to do after turning from Alley. Turning the other direction In myAlley is very tight and inconvenient and this has made dailyCommutes difficult. STUPIDITY Yes Yes.28 to become green line station why increase flow with diag on 29 ?. Very much so, I have lived in this neighborhood for 13 years and the routes I regularly use for things such as grocery shopping are now disrupted. Minimally not too much I'd hope they do, that's the point, isn't it? It's worth it if communities can reclaim some of their street area for social spaces, play and safe multi modal travelling. Yes, every day Absolutely. We live and play in this area. It impacts our access to local businesses They make driving frustrating and increasingly stressful. I will continue to drive and impede busses and bicycles wherever possible. i now have less options to access main routes safely, i try to avoid making left turns on major roads when leaving the community. Yes quite annoying because I find driving 10 blocks when I wanted to go three blocks. How does this affect greenhouse gas emissions Yes! I have very direct routes to and from where I live until now. Obviously. I will have more difficulty driving to/from my home. Especially when the hills are icy. Very much, can't go straight home, have to be diverted to Main Roads Yes, but not unreasonably. I've modified a few of my routes when driving. yes, it impacts how we go to/from home and almost anywhere but it's only a matter of changing habits/expectations slightly so we're fine. Again I wii just use 32 to get my home on 34. Thus does not solve anything as is very aggravating



Yes, but alternate routes are incredibly easy to utilize Not not really. No Yes somewhat as I live very close to one. I have no issue with the diverted but a HUGE ISSUE with the drivers who are ignoring them making the interestion very dangerous for pedestrians Yes They do but I'm ok with them as long as they slow cars down while cutting through on 30th Avenue. Yes, a mild nuisance but I don't mind given the positive outcome of less traffic. yes and i am mad driving around Yes! it has been more inconvenient to access my personal home, access business, and to leave the area Yes. You have made it far more difficult to navigate the community and are taking up significant amounts of my time. Yes. Definitely. Yes. I find it very frustrating to get around. I do not go for a walk on 2 street because of the changes made. Yes. 4ST at rushhour can be unsafe and busy to turn onto most of the time, having the alternative to driving south to 20AV now is is unattainable. Yes Yes. Im looking at getting a street and trail motorcycle so I can cut through these annoyances Yes Yes. Now residents have to maneuver around these obstacles to get home. It’s more of an inconvenience for everyone. Yes, to get to the next block I now have circle around 2-3 blocks. I have to reroute which street to get home. In away it is having the reverse effect as everyone on the block is doing the same thing which is causing a cram on another street. Yes, makes higher traffic areas for my neighbours on 1st NW. Forces local residents to use busier roads 4st and center NW which should have had improvements (i.e. 4th NW removal of concrete out dents for two lanes) prior to forcing residents onto to them! Yes. It makes it more difficult and time consuming which adds stress to an already stressful life. Of course they do. Now I, and all others, have to go immediately to Centre St. or 4th Ave W. I used to go straight south to the restaurants at 16 th Ave. Now, I must drive twice as far!! And face Centre St traffic. Great for safety and the envirnomen Yes. Yes, will need to redirect against traffic to get to destination or drive farther and in more circuitous manner. Yes, I drove south on 1st Stree daily and it has created signifficant increased fustration and anyoance; along with limited access to 16 Ave and 18th Ave to get to Saf3way Yes Yes, in a negative way. I would be forced to drive on a busier street just to get home! Yes, in a negative way. I would be forced to drive on a busier street just to get home! Yes - I will completely avoid the use of this street if I am driving a car. Is that what you want? Yes, it forces drivers to take longer routes and drive down specific residential streets. It may reduce traffic on some streets, but increases traffic on others. It also forces neighbourhood drivers to turn out onto busy Centre St or Edmonton Trail Yes, requires me to drive around more.



Yes and it is very frustrating. It’s causing more traffic to other areas in the community putting more risk in those areas. Yes. The closure of 2nd Street and the diverters on 22nd Avenue literally add extra blocks of extra driving to get home or to work. Yes, negatively. I used to exit my alley on to 1 St (I live on 20th Ave) and drive south on 1st to Safeway or down to 16th Ave. This barrier has ruined my normal route. South bound exit from 23 ave between 4th and 2nd is next to impossible. I used second to leave my home and travel N and S. This is unacceptable to tax paying, law abiding residents, who drive in and around their neighbourhood. Yes, I often need to get from my house to 20th ave. Now I have to cut through many community streets to make what would have been a 30 second trip before. It also forces me to make left turns that are less safe. Yes there is a diverter directly on the street I reside on and has directly impacted driving in my community. It has made it very inconvenient. Yes, they make it worse. I now have to turn left across 4th at an uncontrolled intersection instead of being able to turn right at a light. no Increased my risk and commute time. I now have to cross 3 lanes (lane reversal) to access the Safeway. How long do you think it will be until a driver is read-ended or t-boned as a result of this? Yes, will cause more traffic flow for my neighbours avenue over! Yes yes, even made me more mindful of where I drive in other areas - I cut through other blocks less...stick to the main streets. Yes, but I can live with them. To slow the traffic on 24 Ave. A little bit. Used to rely on 1st street NE to get to 20 Ave, but going to Centre instead makes little difference to me Yes Yes. I CHOSE to move to this area based on great access in ALL directions to transit, cycling, and driving. Now via driving I can only access my OWN house from ONE single path. I no longer have access to my own rear lane. We chose a grid not a suburb! Definitely - lots more driving around the block(s) yes, no more cutting through Yes Yes it’s very annoying, I can’t get to 20th now Yes. Very negatively Yes. Yes. It is now more circuitous Yes. It's awful Yes, it does take more effort to plan a route, but that is not a serious inconvenience Yes No No. Yes, I am driving on different Avenues so I don't drive in Circles now that I know the temporary features have been installed. I am still driving locally thru the community; however, in a zig zaggy pattern based on these changes. A little bit.



Absolutely! As I have stated previously, I am forced to go several blocks out of my way on a daily basis, making traffic busier on 4th street, centre street and 20th avenue. Yes!!!!! I now have to turn left to get in 4th street which is now unsafe during rush hour as there is no light!!!!!!and more backed up traffic in 16thave east bound to turn on 4th street They have made it difficult to get around in the area. Yes they do, it's very difficult for me to get to places within the neighborhood now without going onto Centre St or Edmonton Trail but I guess that's the point! Yes. I can not get to 16th on 2nd. I have trouble going north to visit friends. Yes, I find it frustrating trying to get in and out and around the community and the back lane to get to my garage Yes, a big pain. Makes it better for people who live in the area Yes. They prevent me from taking quick routes to my home and force me onto Centre St. or Edmonton Trail - which is frankly ridiculous, considering I live between them. yes. I use the 2nd streets lots and it has made me avoid it - even though i live in the community Yes. It is extremely inconvenient when I have to make a loop around my neighborhood to leave somewhere. Yes. It is very difficult to leave our community in rush hour and you have just taken one of the controlled intersections off the table for us at 1 st and 16 Ave NE as we can not longer go south on 1 St to leave. If I had to drive and in a hurry, these traffic interventions can be pain points. There has to be more cut-through traffic but better with roundabouts Yes I follow the signage For the worse. There is non significant impact as it possible to travel within the community and still access major arteries n/a (I rarely drive) Yes, now I don’t have to stop. It is the preferred route. Yes, see comment about access to Safeway Yes, it impacts me negatively. As a frequent visitor to this neighbourhood, I am always confused what roads I can and can't turn on and end up going in the most zig zag way. When I go to Plantation, it is a lot more complicated. Yes, they do. I now have no direct route to get out of my community which forces me to cut through the residential part of the community. 2nd street NW provided a direct route to 16Ave NW which is no longer available. I cut through the community now. These measures will make me use Center Street or Forth Street more frequently, which are already over congested and can be difficult to access. They restrict my route options and safety. Formerly I would drive south on first st to 32 Ave ne to make a safer left turn on centre street with the benefit of a traffic light. Now I'm forced to turn left from 34 Ave onto centre st and this is hazardous It now takes me longer to get around and I am driving further. Makes no sense. No, it actually makes it harder for me to get to the local Safeway. It is also more dangerous as I have to make turns from 22ave or 18ave where there is no access to lights. This is especially dangerous for left hand turns. Yes, I used to head south on 2 street to avoid a dangerous left hand turn onto 4th street. It does impact the end of my street but I don't mind having to go around the block for the peace it brings.



No. Yes. I drove 1 St NE every time I left my building. Now I don’t have a direct way to the grocery store or 16 Ave unless going to extremely busy streets when it is not necessary. Yes now we have to cut through a side quiet residential street in order to be able to get home and park in front of our house. yes but I'm fine with it to keep non community drivers out I am really angry at the impeded driving. Used to drive south on 2nd St W to go to the Vietnamese restaurant. Now need to drive 2+ times further. I also regulary took 18th Ave from Edmonton trail to North entrance to Safeway. Now totally blocked. Yes! Yes. But I welcome the small changes for wider community good. Yes, this would be incredibly inconvenient to my route, and cause a straight forward route to be a detour. absolutely and horribly! yes - i have to re rount my way home. the beautiful grid system is destroyed Yes Very much so, made it worse. The wait at 16 turning L on to 4becomes way longer with no other option to come home and from centre N to 23 Yes- it makes it much more inconvenient. Yes -- we will now drive directly to Centre or 4th instead of going down 2nd St to 20 Avenue first. Not much of a change really. No Yes, it makes it less convenient to get to the grocery store. Ye and not positively. I can’t drive down my own street so instead traffic is increased on 21st and 23rd. Yes it impacts and is a royal pain Yes. They make it harder and thus, piss me off. Yes. I like just a couple houses down from Balmoral Circus, so now we have to be careful to not turn down 2nd from 20th to get to our house. But we've adapted and don't mind! No I personally find them inconvenient and a hassle in exchange for the lighter traffic on that particular stretch of street; other streets will now Yes, I am being re routed 3 blocks to get to centre street Yes they do. Yes, can’t get to the house anymore from Edmonton trail and 18 Ave. Yes. I now have to cut through other residential streets to get to my home. Makes no sense when I was able to use a main road 2 sn street nw. Yes. Which is frustrating because it is my community. It makes my community driving more frustrating. If there is a business I am travelling to because it is along a convenient route for me. If that route becomes inconvenient, I will skip it. Yes I cannot drive down 2 St. in a car only bike forcing to move to 4 Street or Centre St. It makes driving and leaving my neighbourhood very difficult. I can no longer drive to Rosso on 20 Ave NE from my house as my access is blocked on 1st Street. I can no longer turn left at traffic lights which also makes me feel safer. Yes



Yes! I now have to try to turn left onto very busy streets and/or take convoluted ways home that force me onto very busy/congested streets when before I could have taken a safer, more direct route home. Yes, but I can work around them by avoiding using 2nd St NW and 1st St NE. Yes. Makes a simple trip to the car wash or bank much more complicated. Or Increases my commute time by 2-3 minutes. Yes - in a negative way. When trying to access local grocery store or shops, we typically use 1st street to avoid the busier traffic on Edmonton Trail and Centre Street. The diagonal diverter forces us on to busier roads even when traveling short distance Yes, it's an impediment, but I belie Yes, now I have to make left turns on 4th Street. Where there are no lights. It's far more dangerous. Makes driving around my neighborhood slower, less comfortable and more of a hassle. It took a 2 min drive and turned it into a 10 min drive. YES! These changes have negatively impacted how I am able to move around my community in a vehicle. It is significantly more difficult to navigate my regular routes between home, childcare (dayhome), grandparents/parents houses, and local businesses. Yes Yes Yes, it increases my commute time. It causing me to take routes where left hand turns are necessary or travel 4 blocks where 1 used to be the norm.. yes Yes. But I don't mind. Yes. Need to use Edmonton Trail or Centre Street More. Also may force drivers to use 24 Ave NE between Edmonton Trail and Centre Street more which is less than ideal for residents on 24th. Traffic is too fast on 24 Avenue NE! I use 2nd to come home on most days to avoid the traffic on 4th street. I'm ok with the stop sign but not the diagonal diverter. There is already a school zone and two round abouts on this 2nd street. Slows traffic down, which is a good idea Yes they make it a little more difficult to get to my house or access local business Yes. I am a local resident of Tuxedo Park and they limit my access to local business when main roadways are congested with non-locals leaving leaving/entering the core during peak times. Makes it much worse and just moves the traffic to a different street, still unsafe. Yes, the dividers cut off homes from their garages (located in the alley) causing a lot of inconvenience to bring your car to the front of your home Yes, it has inconvenienced my normal route to work, etc forcing me to take another local road one block south (defeats the stated purpose) or get stuck making a left turn from a stop sign on a busy street during rush hour. Yes, 2 of the 3 paths I normally use to get out of Tuxedo have been needlessly blocked and have DECREASED my quality of life. Very little impact. Yes. All travel to many essentials us now complicated and less safe.. Yes. Definitely. I used to travel south on 1st St NE to shop for groceries and north go reach anywhere in NE Calgary. Now I cannot do either and am diverted to Center St or to Edmonton Trail both much busier at all times of day.l Yes Yes. Access to Safeway limits me.



causes unnecessary reroutes. cars hop sidewalks. danger to us walkers. Yes, makes me more likely to use main roads. I was guilty of cutting through the community to get to Safeway or my house Yes, very much so. You act like you’ve forgotten that Center St utilizes a lane reversal. It is nearly impossible to turn east off of center st while travelling southbound during the afternoon lane reversal. So now how am I supposed to get to Safeway? Terrible idea. SO annoying. Yes at a level that I have difficulty expressing. Yes Yes. Mild annoyance Helps remind me to stay on the busier roads and leave the residential roads for folks travelling by bike or walking As of Nov 20, 2020: I can only comment for intersection of 1 St NE and 22 Ave NE: Yes, but I am not overly inconvenienced by the changes. Yes. I used to access businesses at the corner of 2nd Street N and 16 Ave NW using 2nd Street, but now have to use Centre or 4th St. NW. Yes but I'm ok with it. I am pissed Yes YES and if I had the equipment I would remove these myself! Yes, they increase travel time. No none at all. Yes, negatively as I am pushed onto 4th and Centre which are congested. It is hard to make a left- hand turn onto 4th Street during rush hours so would drive down 2nd St to 20th Ave instead to go west. Centre St has no left turning lanes so backs up. Not significantly. Yes, cannot go south on 1st NE to 20th ave which is a main e/w route. If diverters are put in on 24th ave/1st NE and already at 22nd I live on 23rd so will not be able to go nor/sout on 1st and will have to use alley to access Cen/ET

Do these changes impact how you move around your community when wheeling?

2nd street already a bike lane and never had issues riding my bike to work downtown from 21 AVE. No NO. I have always biked to work when there isn't ice on the roads and will continue to do so. 1st street has always been good to use to get downtown. I still won't allow my child to ride because we can't go anywhere without crossing a busy road No. But now there will be more snow on my bike route (how will the small opening get cleared?) no no no No. No. feel safer cycling on 2 street Makes no difference.



N/a Yes No. I cycle where I please irrespective of of these new measures. No change. No - not yet. NO - same answer as above. no The diverter has been blocked with piled snow that is hard to clear, so cycling would be more difficult. 2nd street and 20 av lights must remain for cyclists to safely cross. Even a 4 way stop is unsafe as the one on 12av in crescent heights has drivers not stopping and personally experience near misses. Cyclist safety is a high priority to cross 20th Less cars on 2nd St. so easier for biking Yes No, they neither help still the same. I don't even know what "wheeling" means. Biking??? No changes No No change Not at all. There's no change. 2nd Street was a wide corridor that allowed EVERYONE in the community free access to move around. Yes Yes - I live on 30th and am already wary of cycling on it, despite it being a residential road. Just makes it nicer. No Don’t wheel No Wheeling?? Cycling? Wheeling? I’m assuming you mean cycling. My husband takes this road regularly and never noticed heavy traffic, speeding or people cutting through. No impact Yeah, I now take 21nd Ave as it’s hard to see around large truck parked at 22nd&2nd. Plus cars are turning and bikes are going straight. It’s hard to know who has right of way. I have almost been hit there on my bike, walking and in my car ... now. I do not bike and there are very few people that do in this neighbourhood. They make it safer to bike through the community Not sure what wheeling is, but yes. Now I just take a different avenue. You are pushing more traffic onto other avenues. NO - does not impact or change how or where i bike They dont No. I can still ride my bike where I want, but I drive more than I cycle. What is wheeling? My motorcycle is considered a bicycle I suspect give most pedal bikes are motorized vehicles ravelling at speeds no less than 35 km/hr No. No because these streets were already cyclist friendly. No, these are not increasing bike use.



Makes it more dangerous for cyclists/walkers because of the confusion for drivers going through these. Numerous vehicles are cutting through them already. No Wheeling? if you mean biking, there is no change. the change was unneccessary. No. I cycle regularly and this has made no change to that. Yes: it is much safer to bike down 1 st. absolutely - the reduction in through vehicles / vehicle speed makes the neighbourhood streets far safer for biking, especially for kids Yes. I've told my children not to cycle past these sites because they are just too dangerous. I avoid them too, but I can't always. This is the most dangerous feature on the roadway to my safety. I commute by bike. Cycling down Centre Street is safer No Not at this point because I can't use it all winter No, wheeling was fine before. We don’t need more distractions. We don’t need more distractions. N/a I don’t wheel a lot in my neighbourhood. Especially when it snows half of the year. No, I still wheel in the same places. No, I don't ride my bike in the winter time so no biking for 8 months out of the year. We drive and walk; we don't cycle. No I don’t wheel much and 2nd was already a bike route that I happily shared with cyclists Yes No. Cars can still access these streets and I should be on or near the sidewalk. I don't need the City of Calgary to tell me how to wheel in the city. I'm a grow up cyclist. No. We ride our bikes in the neighbourhood, and it was fine before. I've always felt safe riding on 2nd Street because it is wide enough. Yes. Now I have to be much more aware of drivers cutting through on E-W streets rather than moving with me on 2nd. This is not good. I don't wheel. I see very little wheeling for 6-8 months of the year therefore why is the City giving such high priority to wheeling when they pay nothing. Why not charge wheels to be registered the same as vehicles? No. I am not a huge cyclist. No. No. But still annoying No STUPIDITY No no no No I don't "wheel". Not currently, but would feel safer bicycling on 2nd street now No Yes, feels a lot safer and more relaxing to ride in traffic calmed areas. This should be most relevant to young and new riders, so don't just rely on comments from experienced long term riders. They tend to be more comfortable with what they grew up in. No



I don't see it improving my life on a bike. It was already a really calm bike path. This just makes it more risky. When approaching a traffic diverter I will have to cross from the right hand of cars to the middle of the lane to pass through I refuse to wheel. Not ready for a wheelchair yet more cars are now turning and at the diverters even though the bikes are allowed through you need to pay more attention to turning vehicles. No Yes! I don’t have spikes on my bike tires and (again, we haven’t even had much) I already have to ride down roads without the diverters (the busier streets with all the cars) because the “bike lane” is packed with ice and snow!! I don't cycle in my neighbourhood. I don't see that it would change much for cyclists, etc. no No major change, my biking routes haven't ultimately changed Will make me more likely to cycle more often on the road (1st NE especially). Don’t wheel no, but my husband does use 2nd to bike to work No No, but it's nicer to have fewer cars on 2 St NW when I bike Not biking during winter No no No, same as before no NA Yes, they make it very difficult to move around the community. No. no No. No Yes. I now stay home instead of spending money at local businesses No because everything possible is done for bicycles, including getting rid of whole traffic lanes - this is a car town and all the lanes made for bicycles is getting out of hand. Yes, it’s not convenient and there’s not that many vehicles that go on 1st NE. Usually just residents. Yes, again I have to move further just to get down the street. Yes, because I usually don't wheel and mostlt walk. You mean biking? What is wheeling? Not one bit. Bicycles, including mine, already used this route a lot. All of us can just ride around the barriers. Although they do present a nuisance they are not impassable to bikes. No Wheeling??? Bicycling? I don’t bicycle to get groceries for 4. If leisure cycling, it’s probably fine, but I don’t prefer having cycle with extra traffic funneling my way...though only cycle 4-5 months of the year n/a No Most bikers don't stop or respect stops signs or crosswalks. Need more bike training. Yes in a negative way as I would be required, as a biker who follows the rules, to make more stops.



Nope - I felt safe before using this street as very low volumes of car traffic except for morning and evening when people are returning home. No, same routes as always. I bike frequently with children along 2nd St NW and never had prior issues - the diverters do not improve safety. No Yes. So frustrating. Not Applicable NA no effect - I am so busy working and staying at home to avoid the global pandemic. I don't have the time, energy or wherewithal to enjoy my neighbourhood. No I do not cycle. Yes I now have to slow down and watch out at an intersection I no longer did due to the congestion of the diverter. no No - I cycle on 2nd or 4th or throught the park depending on time of day, weather and mood. No and never did before changes. No Nothing negative - only positive - feels better on my bike - less like a car is going to race by me. Just less traffic all along 1st NE. It would be I would adjust. Slows traffic on 1st street NE, which is part of my cycling route No yes, NEGATIVE. again the directional divider is heavy handed and clearly designed by people who do not live/use the area. Why funnel cyclists into these tiny gates? I've lived on major bike routes in mtl. and van. These gates are unsafe and unnecessary! Don’t generally wheel no, I'm still able to use the same bike routes What is wheeling? These questions are worded terribly. The diagonal diverters are awful thats all you need to know. Don’t bike No No No. It's fine for bikes Yes No No I feel safer No. Yes, biking, running, scootering, rollerblading is the same with the exception of the vehicles driving on the boulevard and in a car a person drives a futher distance and uses more energy. No. No change noted at this time YeS!!! Now I have to take longer routes which is only more pollution!!!! More gas consumption!!! I can not ride a bike. N/A



I can not ride a bike I don’t bIke Wheeling? Do you mean riding a bike? Why would it make a difference there? Safer for kids as cars can’t speed though No No. change to wheeling I don't ride a bike. And not many others do on this street either. I'm not sure what you mean by wheeling. Yes. I generally do not like driving. But walking and public transit commuting can be inconvenient and uncomfortable. These services and experiences should be improved so car drivers actually have a choice. I do not wheel around the community Why is a bike pilot started during the winter? No negative impact It is possible that I would use 2nd avenue NW by bike more. More dangerous as now people speed through these intersections. WEll done! No. As a pedestrian I still feel unsafe. I've also already seen a motorcyclist drive through the crosswalk access to break through the diversion on 2 St NW I do not ride a bike in this area. I cannot ride a bike so these changes interfere with my movements. Yes, some intersections are busier on 2nd ST NW due to blocking off some of the streets. I feel not as safe because vehicle traffic is looking for different routes. I have to be more cautious when riding my bike. I assume you mean biking. These measures make no change. Don't know what you mean by wheeling. No Yes, some of the stop signs have switched direction on 1AVE NE making for a less continuous ride. These would be more beneficial being 4 way stops so everyone is stopping. no no No. Yes. 1 St was a great bike route previously. I was never worried about traffic. Now I’ve got to worry about cars not watching for bikes coming through the diverters Yes no Just the minor inconvenience of biking around the barriers. Not at the moment as I have not biked in that direction yet. And with winter coming I won't be biking much for a while. Yes. It makes the streets calmer and safer for cycling. Absolutely I don't ride a bicycle but I don't imagine they would since bikes are allowed access. no impact No No!! I cycle a lot in the summer with my young family through 2 St to crescent heights to cycle track. Never had issues on 2nd st. I let my 3y.cycle there No.



Nope - we already use 2nd Street NW a lot for cycling to get to the river pathways and now there will be less vehicle traffic so that's good. I have not been on my bike since it snowed. No N/A Hate the diverters No In the summer we often bike up 2nd (to get to Dairy Queen!), and now this route will feel safer with less traffic. No No No No No N/a No. On bike, no change. In car I'm forced to divert to 4 St. at 22 Ave. No impact, too cold to cycle currently, not sure why this is being tested in November. Yes Biking? No changes No No No No. NA No. I like to bike ride and I don’t see how this improves biking in the neighborhood. No. Yes Do not require these No n/a No No Most bikes don't stop or respect stops signs or crosswalks. Need more bike training. Slows cars down which is good. Quieter backroads make me feel more comfortable No. I regularly bike through my community. Additional bike lanes or limitations to motor vehicles do not impact local wheeling. I don’t ‘wheel’. Stupid term. No Just like vehicle traffic, there is only one direction that bikes are slotted to go through and if you want to go the way you need to detour a block, cut onto the sidewalk, or swerve through the blocks. I don't ride a bike but I can't see how this waste of taxpayer money helps bikers. I expect it will be more dangerous because the diverters needlessly divert the attention of drivers. No Not sure what is meant by "WHEELING".



No. N/A No No. dislike them. cut through was not a problem here to begin with. I would choose to bike the rods with these diversions in place No, I don’t “wheel”... whatever that means. I don't wheel in the winter. To a lesser degree but the traffic in my street is about to massively increase without any benefit and will reduce my young families ability/desire to go outside. No Yes. Unsure what wheeling is. I will choose to ride my bike more often along this road now that the diverters are in place As of Nov 20, 2020: I can only comment for intersection of 1 St NE and 22 Ave NE: No changes when wheeling. No, as I was already using 2nd Street to commute to work by bike. It will likely increase my family's bike usage of 2nd Street in the summer time however. Yes and they've made a huge positive improvement. Wheeling! There are a very low percentage of wheelers I. Our mount pleasant No N/A No. No Do not bike. N/A NO DIVERTERS WERE SURE TO INCLUDE A BIKE LANE SO NO CHANGES for the 12 bikes a day who use 1st NE

Do these changes impact how you move around your community when walking?

No because there were no issues walking - there are sidewalks and the traffice is not heavy on 2nd Street No NO. We will continue to stop and look both ways before crossing the road. Just like before. No no no no No, I still keep the same walking routes with my dogs. No. no still do not like traffic circle intersections, too many bind spots Nope No yes No. Our community was fine as it was. Stop spending money on fixing problems that do not exist.



No change. No, however I feel slightly more comfortable crossing diagonal diverters than a 2 way stop. NO - same answer as above. no Walking around the diverter is more dangerous as cars are driving on the sidewalk to get around it, causing large ice patches on the walk and endangering people's lawns. if 4th street traffic calmers are removed then very difficult to cross at mcdonald’s intersection. Many cars do not see the pedestrian lights and access to community centre is hard. Community seems divided Less cars when walking on 2nd Street. Makes it more enjoyable No No, still the same. We're still in a grid system. Not sure how this would change anything No changes Yes, this makes me feel unsafe as my boys and I have almost been hit twice. No these diagonal block don’t make it any easier to cross the street and now people see no reason to respect the stop signs because of the directionality of the streets so if anything it’s more difficult Not at all. There's absolutely no change. All this is doing is impeding the residents of Tuxedo Park. No Yes - I live on 30th and am already wary of walking along it, despite it being a residential road. Again, I love how quiet it is. No because I can walk through the diagonal diverted Nope No Obviously not. I have been on maternity leave for most of the past year and we would regularly go for walks along 1st NE during the summer pushing a stroller and would most of the time walk in the street and this is before your barriers and calming measures. No Impact Trying to avoid this area as it’s no longer safe. Ice everywhere so can not partially cross to see around vehicles for safety. If I look up, I may fall on the ice. Yes, I walk my dog several times a day and now have to be extra careful because drivers are always finding ways to circumvent the diagonal diverters making it dangerous for pedestrians. They make it safer No NO - but now i am extra careful as i find the drivers less attentive and whipping around the bend faster than before No they are on the road blocking traffic No. Yes. It’s more dangerous to leave the community. No. No. Yes, they make 4th Street and Center Street, where the bulk of pedestrians walk, much busier and less safe. Get these out of our community! Yes, more dangerous!



No No change. traffic was never significant enough to affect walking. No. If anything it has made it more dangerous because drivers are distracted or confused by the diagonal dividers. Traffic circle would be better. Yes it is safer on 1 st to walk. Improvements still needed for crosswalk at 20th, as that is busy and scary. Cars don’t stop or slow down enough to stop in time. I walk this daily. Yes - reduced traffic + speeds make neighbourhood streets and crosswalks far safer, especially for kids. No. No It has made it less safe to walk. It is also an eyesore Not so much. It would help to have a sidewalk on the West side of 1st Street NE between 20th and 18th though. Of course, you have to look front, back, right, before you dare cross the street. Of course, you have to look front, back, right, before you dare cross the street. No No impact No, I still walk in the same places. I stay clear now of the diverters as traffic is now driving through them up and around on the sidewalk. No, but taxpayers' dollars would be better spent on fixing crumbling sidewalks and fixing potholes, rather than diverting traffic out of the community. No No No other than as stated above with unaware drivers being more dangerous. Those intersections are more dangerous and unsafe that they were before. We now always have to watch whose coming around. There ware no issues before. No. It was fine before. No I walk 3-4 times per week in my community and I see no need for the diverters. Before their installation on 2nd Street NW it was perfectly safe for walking. The diverters are a waste of City money and an unnecessary inconvenience for the community. No. The barriers will not affect how I make my way around the community on foot. No. Would like to SEE PROPERLY PAINTED CROSSWALKS AT THE INTERSECTIONS. Cars blow through on 2 nd St and never stop for pedestrians. I would support four way stops on every avenue that intersects with Second Street Of course not. They are barriers for driving not walking. Yes big piles of snow by closures make difficultTo walk with myStroller STUPIDITY No No I live on 28 and use lights on 2 to connect No. No, but has made walking around the neoghbourhood far more pleasant. no Yes, calmed streets allow for easier crossing, less noise, more pleasant experience all around. No



I travel 2nd every single day multiple times a day. It will have significant impact on my life. And it is really poorly done. I prefer to drive there's more cars turning which lowers my safety at intersections. cars driving straight can see pedestrians waiting to cross from afar, turning vehicles are focused on traffic while they wait to turn and can miss pedestrians. No They do now! Again, now it’s hazardous to try and cross the street at these intersections that have been blocked. Also, vehicles are obviously choosing to simply drive over the sidewalks instead of taking a new route which further compacts the snow! More interaction with frustrated drivers. I've had no problems walking in my neighbourhood. The cut thru traffic on 2 ST NW wasn't affecting my safety when walking. But do need safe crossing at 2 ST & 20 AVE NW. no Some of the streets with diagonal diverters are quiter, which I feel improves walking. I walk a lot and continue to walk a lot - but feel much safer doing so. No no No. None at all No I will avoid the intersections until they are better set up to prevent cars from driving onto sidewalks. No no No, same as before no no No. No. No. There is no reason to walk on 2 street simply because of the changes. You need to create more green space in the community. No. No Yes, scared to walk now because of how unorganized and unruly everything is No No, there is not that many people walking on 1st NE to have the need to block vehicles on that road. There is sidewalks so pedestrians can use them, they aren’t walking on the road. The city is wasting money on this. Yes. We avoid the street which cut our outdoor walk shorter. Esthetically does not look good. Not inviting to take a stroll around the neighborhood and the confusion it’s causing among the drivers is dangerous to walk around there. Yes, they don't help me for walking at all. Would be better if had stops signs or lighted cross walks. No No at all. I walk this route several times per week. I and those I meet stop to talk about how stupid these measures are and I guess this slows us down a bit. No Uncertain if funneling redirected traffic will be a concern. Prefer traffic circles.


Neighbourhood Streets North Hill Area What We Heard VERBATIM COMMENTS ARE PRESENTED AS ENTERED WITH NO ALTERATION TO SPELLING OR GRAMMAR n/a No These changes currently proposed do not help me when walking. Where are the stats, incidences where people require safer walking routes? I anything maybe make or ensure the sidewalks are wider, maintained for safer walking! Yes in a negative way. As said the best improvement I seen over 25yrs in Mount Pleasant was the lightes crosswalk on 4th and 30th. Nope - I felt safe before using this street as very low volumes of car traffic except for morning and evening when people are returning home. No No No. Can still walk with no issue No. No because the barrier at does not stop foot traffic no effect - I am so busy working and staying at home to avoid the global pandemic. I don't have the time, energy or wherewithal to enjoy my neighbourhood. No Yes, I do feel like the diverters restrict access even as a pedestrian and make me feel unwelcome when walking in my community. The diverters also restrict my access to transit. No, they change nothing. It is a useless addition to people who live in the neighborhood and fixes a problem almost nobody had. no No No, never did before or after the changes to be done. Yes Nice for crossings, quieter, generally better. No Little impact for walking No Yes. NEGATIVE impact. Our biggest safety concern before this, that we hoped this project was going to address, was crossing 2nd street to access transit and shopping on 4th ave. These directional dividers have made that worse! No except much icier walking conditions not at all No? They obviously aren't meant to affect walkers at all. No No No No, there is no impact on pedestrians No No No I feel safer Yes. We are able to cross the road diagonally safer. Much easier to cross 2nd street at a diverter.



Not really from a route perspective; however, there is more confusion at the intersections so a person needs to stay aware; however, the piled snow in the wheel chair ramps would impact my route if I had a mobility device. No. No change noted at this time. I rarely walk cause I work so much!!!! And I walk in parks- the sidewalks are in shit condition and snow is rarely cleaned off the streets anyways!!! It is hard for me to walk far so I rely on the car to get around. Yes - I feel more comfortable taking my daughter out for a walk or on her bike. My destination is to far to walk. Not yet. But would reassess in the future No.. It makes us walk and ride more to the local stores for groceries which is good. Stops speeding cars and safer for kids No No Changes to walking No. No. I walk the community regularly and these measures do not make it better or easier. These intersections where controlled intersections before with stop signs. Yes. I am more cautious as a pedestrian because there are tire tracks in the ice over the sidewalk No. Impact is positive as it is easier to cross roads Not likely I have to pay more attention. No. I appreciate the city's efforts, but I still feel unsafe as a pedestrian. Drivers are not paying attention Yes. I've seen too many instances where 2 vehicles are confused as to who has the right of way, or cars driving on the sidewalk to avoid the diverter. This diverter has just made things more unsafe. I don't think it should be made permanent. It is very difficult for me to walk a long distance, now you are reducing ability to drive short distances safely. No. We are very lucky in our community to have wide streets and sidewalks on both sides of the street. These changes do not impact how I will walk in the community (which I do daily). No No These measures have not affected walking. no, I walk 2nd street to work every day no No. No No no Obviously not. You did not block the sidewalks,....YET. I hope you have figured out how much I dislike these changes.



No. I have made Balmoral circus a destination in my walking routes. Probably not No they shouldn't affect how I move around walking. It also won't improve it. no impact No NO!! No. No. I have not noticed. The changes I would like to see include no turn signs onto 31 Ave NW and 30 Ave NW during evening rush hour. No No I avoid them even walking because people just drive over portion of sidewalk to bypass diverters. I feel it is unsafe No I walk up 2nd from 16th Ave to ~36th Ave almost daily. It has been nice seeing people playing in the middle of Balmoral Circus, and observing less vehicle traffic on this road on my daily walks. I like it better with them in as I feel safer when walking because of less cut through and slower traffic No No, No No No. No. These are roads, not sidewalks. Walking should be done on the sidewalk. No. No impact, just as much traffic. Need to use common sense. No No changes. Improving major street crossings and making crosswalks more visible with flashing lights to enhance pedestrian visibility would be far more beneficial. NO No No No. NA No change when walking. No. I see no impact to my experience as a pedestrian. Yes What do you think? No change. n/a No No These changes won't affect my walking routes as I said the crosswalk on 4th on 30th (installed in 2014?) to the park was the best improvement for walkers in my area. . Slows cars down which is good



I don't walk No. There are sufficient sidewalks for pedestrian mobility without these changes. More dangerous now at the diverter. Yes, I avoid the intersections with the diverters as vehicles are behaving dangerously around them The crosswalks are just as accessible as previously for pedestrians. No, they have no impact on pedestrians. No Yes. On guard for vehicular traffic on the sidewalk now. No. N/A No No, not when walking. as above I don’t think so. Not yet anyways No No. Minimally. These changes will impact the length of time I will choose to live in this community. No Yes. No. not really, but I suspect the reduction in traffic will really make me feel more comfortable As of Nov 20, 2020: I can only comment for intersection of 1 St NE and 22 Ave NE: No changes when walking. No. No change, although I can see Balmoral Circus becoming an actual destination for me. Nope No N/A No. Nope Negatively if you change out the traffic lights at 20th and/or 16th Aves with stop signs. It will no longer be safe to cross those Aves. If a change must be made, at least put in timed, flashing crosswalks. Make it easier to cross intersections on 2nd Street. No, walking was not an issue before the diverters were installed so why would the diverters impact walking and the diverters have a bike lane that you could walk in if needed.. :(