The City Record. Vol

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The City Record. Vol THE CITY RECORD. VOL. XXXVI. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 19o8. NUMBER 10756. Permit Department. THE CITY RECORD. Permits Issued— Builders............................................................... 32 OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORE. Crosswalks ......................................................... 22 Repairs to vaults ........................................................ 2 Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the Cementwalks ........................................................... 20 BOARD OF CITY RECORD. Driveways..............................................................3 Gas companies ...........................................................120 GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MAYOR. Electric companies ...................................................... 64 FRANCIS K. PENDLETON, CORPORATION Counsra. HERMAN A. METZ. CoMrnortÆa. Railroad companies ...................................................... 24 Water companies .. ................................................... 2 Special permits issued .................................................... PATRICK J. TRACY, SUPERVISOR. 146 Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays. Total........................................................... 435 Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries. etc., of the city employees), 2S cents; Permits Passed Official Canvass of Votes, so cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists, y cents each assembly district; Tap water pipes.... ................................................... 63 Law Department and Finance Department supplements, io cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of Repair water connections ................................................ 63 Real Estate, 25 cents each section. Sewer connections ...................................................... 6o Published at Room 2, City Hall (north side), New York City. Sewer connection repairs ................................................ 30 Entered as Second-class Matter. Post Office at New York City. Total........................................................... 216 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Cashier's Department. Moneys Received— Aqueduct Commission— Meteorological Observatory— Repaving over water connections .................................... $551 40 Minutes of Stated Meeting of July Abstract of Registers for the Week Repaving over sewer connections .................................... 318 65 28, 1908 ....................... 9994 Ending September 5, 19o8....... 9986 Assessors, Board of— Municipal Civil Service Commission— Repaving over electric light connections .............................. 464 90 Public Notices...................... 9999 Public Notice...................... 9997 Inspection of work done by corporations ............................ 446 00 Board Meetings ........................ 9997 Notice to Contractors................... r0003 Extra paving ...................................................... 35 62 Bridges, Department of— Official Borough Papers ................. 9997 Special paving .................................................... 64 8o Bids Received and Contract Awarded 9994 Official Directory ....................... 9994 Gas account ....................................................... 2 00 I'roposals ........................... 10000 Official Papers.......................... 9997 Parks, Department of— Brooklyn, Borough of— Proposals........................... 9998 $I,883 37 Proposals....... ..... 9999 Police llepartment— . Grand total ................................................ Report of the • President for the Auction Sale......... .,. .. 9999 Week Ending August 29, 1908. 9985 Oø•ncrs Wanted for Lost Property,. 9999 Change of Grade Damage Commission— Proceedings of September 8, 5908... 9992 Public Notice ...................... 9998 Reports of Sanitary Company (Boiler BUREAU OF SEWERS. Changes in Departments, etc............ 9994 Squad) for September 4, 5 and Correction, Department of— 8, 1908 ........................ 9993 Moneys received for sewer permits ...................................... $772 90 Proposals........................... 9997 Public Charities, Department of— Docks and Ferries, Department of— Proposals........................... 9998 Proposals........................... 10003 Public Service Commission for the First Number of Permits Issued (96) Education, Department of— District— For new sewer connections............................................... 69 Proposals........................... 9998 Calendar of Hearings............... 9985 For old sewer connections (repairs) ...................................... 27 Estimate and Apportionment, Board of— Queens, Borough of— Public Notices...................... 10000 Proposals........................... 9999 Finance, Department of— Street Cleaning, Department of— Requisitions Drawn on Comptroller (io)— x0002 Ashes, etc., for Filling in Lands.... 9998 Interest on City Bonds and Stock... Proposals........................... 9998 Appropriations ................................ ................... $5,995 41 Notice of Assessments for Opening Funds............................................................ I1 10002 Supreme Court, First Department— ,977 71 Streets and Parks............... Acquiring Title to Lands, etc....... 10003 Notice of the Redemption of New Supreme Court, Second Department— York City Stock ................ 10003 Linear feet sewer built, 90-inch to 166-inch .................................... 243 boos Acquiring Title to Lands, etc....... 10003 Notices to Property Owners......... Supreme Court, Third judicial District— Linear feet sewer built, 24-inch to 9o-inch .................................... 80 Notice to Taxpayers .......... .... t0003 Acquiring Title to Lands, etc....... 10004 Linear feet pipe sewer built ................................................... I,468 Sureties Required on Various Classes Supreme Court, Ninth Judicial Disirict- of Contracts.................... t0003 Acquiring Title to Lands, etc....... 10004 Fire Department— Notices of Applications for the Ap- Total number of feet sewer built .................................. I,788 Proposals ........................... 10003 pointment of Commissioners of o8, Transactions from AprilP 6 to II, t 9 Appraisal ment , .. 1000 5 built ................................................ it Inclusive .... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 9g8ó 1'axcs and Assessments, DepartmentDepartment of— Number of manholes Manhattan, Borough of— Public Notice......... ....... 9997 Number of basins built .................................................. 2 Report of Bureau of Buildings for Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, De- Number of basins repaired ................................................ .; the Week Ending September 12, partment of- Linear feet of pipe sewers cleaned ...................................... 61,ioo r9o8... .......... 9994 Proposals. ............ 9999 Linear feet of large sewers cleaned ...................................... 750 Linear feet of sewers examined .......................................... 82,o27 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FOR THE FIRST Number of basins cleaned ................................................ 654 Number of basins examined ............................................ 474 DISTRICT, Manhole heads and covers set ........................ I................... I Manhole covers put on ................................................... 6 No, 154 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Number of basin pans set ...................... em me ....................... 5 Number gallons sewage pumped, Twenty-sixth Ward .................... 57,496,500 CALENDAR OF HEARINGS. Number gallons sewage pumped, Thirty-first Ward ........................ 33,271,201 Cubic feet sludge pumped, Twenty-sixth Ward ............................ 72,552 Cubic feet sludge pumped, Thirty-first Ward .............................. 43,884 The following hearings will be held during the remainder of the week beginning Complaints examined .................................................... 54 Monday, September 14, 1908: Saturday, September 19-10:30 a...—Room 305.—Order No. 720.—HansoN & MAN- Laboring Force Employed During the Week HATTAN R. R. Co.—Retail Dry Goods Association, Complainants.— Sewer Repairing and Cleaning, Payrolls and Supplies— "Restoration of Sixth Avenue, 14th to 23rd Street, to original con- Inspectors of Sewer Connections .......................................... 9 dition."—Commissioner Maltbie. Foremen emme . ............... ........................................... iI Inspectors of Sewers and Basins .......................................... 6 Regular meetings of the Commission are held every Tuesday and Friday at Mechanics............................................................... 5 Laborers ................................................................ I0I I I :3o a. m. Horses and carts ........................................................ 38 Street Improvement Fund— Inspectors of Construction ............................................... 32 BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. Laborers................................................................ 30 Twenty-sixth Ward Disposal Works— REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN FOR Laborers................................................................ 19 THE WEEK ENDING AUGUST 29, 1908. Thirty-first Ward Disposal Works— Laborers................................................... ......... i3 BUREAU OF
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