The City Record. Department of Public Charities. Board
THE CITY RE.coRD. VOL. XXXV. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1907. NUMBER 10439. THE CITY RECORD. August i8—Lynch, Mary A., resigned, Pupil Examiner, Bureau of Dependent Children, $480 per annum; course completed. August 7—Miller, Joseph, appointed, Hospital Helper, Storehouse, $i8o per an- OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORE. num; certified August 7, 1907. August 26—Murray, Timothy, leave granted, eight days, without pay, Apothecary, Published Under Authority of Section r5a6, Greater New York Charter, by the Metropolitan Hospital, $600 per annum. August 5—Newton, Eugene, increased, Hospital Helper, City Hospital, $6o to BOARD OF CITY RECORD. $24o per annum; certified August 5, 1907. GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MaTos. August 14—O'Brien, Mary, appointed, Hospital Helper, New York City Training School, $24o per annum; certified August 14, 1907. FRANCIS K. PENDLETON, CORPORATION CovuzL., HERMAN A. METZ, COMPTROLLER, August 2o—Ratterman, Wm., reappointed, Hospital Helper, City Hospital, $240 per annum; certified August 20, 1907. August 17—Ryan, Mary, dismissed, Laundress, City Hospital, $18o per annum; PATRICK J. TRACY, Sursavisoa. overstaying pass. Published daily, except legal holidays. August 13—Silsbee, Edward, dismissed, Hospital Helper, Randall's Island, $240 Subscription, $9.3o per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy, per annum; absence without leave. August 2o—Tencate, Louise, leave granted, fourteen days, without pay,. Hospital SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), as cents; Helper, Metropolitan Training School, $48o per annum. Official Canvass of Votes, to cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; August 17—Walsh, Michael, resigned, Hospital Helper, Storehouse, $18o per Law Department and Finance Department supplements, so cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of annum.
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