THE CITY RECORD. Vol.. XXXVII. , FRII).\Y, SHI'TI•:\IL'KR 24, 19(r), Xt Mtn:k 11O(4. THE CITY RECORD. THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the S'1•.\'1IE.l) \IEETIN(;. BOARD OF CITY RECORD. GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MAvoa. `rVctlnes,Itty, Sept untl,cr 22, 1rhr), 1.31) o'clock p. lit. FRANCIS K. PENDLETON, CORPORATION COUNSEL. HERMAN A. METZ, COMPTROLLER. The hoard net in the Alrlcrntanic C Icutler, City hall. l'rescnt: PATRICK J. TRACY, Suraxvtaon. lion. Patrick F. \Ic(;,,Wall, l'resiticnt r,f the Ct,ar(1 'If :U,lcrtncit. Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays, .AlticrInen Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. "flt',tua F. Baldwin, Juseplt Flanagan, Juhtt J. 1”. Mttic;thy, SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 cents; Chnntn; F. Barton, J,Ihn Sylvester Gaynor, lChotrtas J. Mulligan, Official Canvass of Votes, 10 cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; IFrancis 1'. 1lent, lierntt:u- d Goldschtui;lt, Julut i1[ulvanc•y, Law Department and Finance Department supplements, 10 cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation ll'crman W. Beyer, Henry II1'. Grimm, Arthur ll. Murphy, of Real Estate, 25 cents each section. It. W. D. ttrown, Jill 1). Gunther, Percival E. Nagle, Published at Room 2, City Hall (north side), . Jatnes W. Ii nitwit. I 'ti wand V. Ilandy, James J. Ntigcnt, Entered as Second-class Matter. Post Office at New York City. \lichacl J. ('artcr, John J. hickey, John W. O'Reilly, I.. 1I trt,'It Case, James J. I lines, Lewis M. Potter, (harlc; P. Code, Predcrick C. Ilochdorffcr. Thomas M, Ouirin, I):Iniel R. (a tienlan, J scplt 1). Katnuagil, Jt'lin J. Reard(m, TABLE OF CONTENTS. John J. Collins, Francis I', Ke-uucy, J:uncs W. Redmond, \latthew T. Cruvcicy, "tl:tx S. Levine, David S. Rendt. Aldermen, Board of— N„tics to ('olitr act .,rs ...... 10725 Prrcv L. Davis, Prcrle-rick Linde, \Villiatn P. Sanrlift)rd, Minutes „f Stated Meeting of Sep- t ttl(cial hr, ugh ['apers ...... 11)715 Charles Delaney, J. I.t os, - Ic,seph Schloss, temher 22. 1909 ...... 11)705 I )IIirial ltirectury...... 10713 James F. Nlartcu. Gcurye J. Schneider, A.r.;essurs, hoard of -- t 1)1 - al I'aper:.... ...... 107-1 1"hn I )ieutcr, Public N„tics...... 10717 l'arlcs, I)cpartment uf— R~-ginahl S. lb till, S; tttttcl Marx, ,lame, J. Stttitli, Itellcvne amI Allied hospitals-- Proposals ...... 10723 I-rank L. Ih'o'ling, Iii' ,ttln; J. \(r.\lecr, \lichnel Stapleton, l'rnp„sals ...... 1 ti t7 l ulicc I)epru'tntcttt— R„Lcrt I' I ), ncning, J„hlt \IcC':uln, Alexander J. Stormont, It t•Ir,I Ott-el tugs ...... IOi I (1w tiers Wanted fr Lost l'r„pt•rt y. 1)1715 \V ill ianl I)recchcr, Judo J. )b-Don;tltl, 1;tcob J. Veltc•n, l,riticm. Ilepartment of— _ I'n,ceethings of Septcntber 18, 1909 111711 1'n,p, 11.: ...... l07223 l'rop,,sals...... Gcn•ge Entcncr. (;surge A. \[I,rris,tn, lint l”. \Val,h, Bro„klyn. L'„rough of— Re pits of Sanitary ('„mp:wy ( li„iler I) I;rant I'aterl,r„v,1:, 1mI,,lI \In k twit,, Jautc•s R. \\'r'-toil. 1'np>al' ...... 107?2 'qua'!) for Septcmhcr 17 and I )tl„ N111illb:ulcr. Ree':t „f the President f„r the James 11. l innig;tu, 1N, 1909 ...... 1071' c•II. l'rcive gal t , t the nati,,ns. fraught with dent; if tie-prratc tl:tring, tlisat,- Snrrtie Regvirc d „ n \'ariou, ('lase, puintmctlI, rlisa;ter, during the Past ;hrcc centuries, h:t; at lac I:v the intrepidity. f"resught and m::r%ellous crtrltn-:utce t ,f our fcllnw citizen, Fire I)eparunent— N '!ices ,.f .\l,plicatit ,, f„r the .\1)- 1'n,1s sa)c...... 107'0 p„iutment of ('ummi,siuners of f- rctlt rick A. ('r,ni;. Al.I) , LL.I I. 11calth. I IC! tartment of— „ o„cn „ n of this mist aritnirtlile achievctttcnt, accrmtpli>hei „It l'rnpnsal...... 107 2 .\ppraisal ...... 107_r, R~•< lve,l, "I hat ill tri iii Manhattan, ltoruugh of— Water Supply, Board of— \I,ril 21, loO,I, which ha; alrcatly let-ti et;thtt;i:l;t;e:tl'y aiclaimrt[ ill other IanJ;, tthcre ...... 107 (1, 1'r„pn.a l...... .... ... .. 10 723 hurn„r; have i t•cn ;ht' ,tvt n•rl It Ihr brave matt who first pl:lntrrl the Star'; anti Stril c; and 1ublir \„tic.-...... ...... 1071„ \\- Ii t nl,!c. dos 1•:Icc;I city, lie- It "t'.c It, f of the tcnrlrl.' the .\Ill,-rmcn if Tile City' it New %'„rk ticcni it I,r'l,er t'r \luniril,:,l I is it Souse l n ;ii-. . - .,, .. •. •. ' •I - 1 imI lic ', !ire. . ...... 1 171, ,,1 .. ...... 11)715 cxtrn'' l, , the pre-torn c\i,l , rrr ..f tile' ttcrntietlt ccnlury a IWillie- tcc!ctrntr in the form „C :t r rc l ttir ,n ill the :\ldel-rltatlic Chamber. which ;hull Ile ntcnt„rahle, marking a lofty civic' sill-c ,,f what i; Ilnc In w„rk well (ills' ;111c1 a; art en('„uragcincnt tr, such euler- PROCLAMATION. uri-e in ')thcrs whit lot;tv in like nianner rrtlt:-t glory oil the City which is proud of sued( Rc<„]vc,l. Tlmt :I; a fnrtht•r mark of cli-tinrti, ni and as a lasting token if our Tr, the Citizens ti \e-w 1V „rk :I , Irttir:t'inn ii' and (,ride ill this Seim of the I?moire ('its. at the reception to be ac- In vial of the great iml,t,rt::nrc, from li ii; Ill, t htctti r.:tl :ul,l I'drills stair i- 'ii ticrl limn as herein ,l,tt•rn'int-tl the- frc'ctl„fin of "I lie Cu': if Nctc York be conferred ,'fit I”; t- lerirk .\ C:,,,1.. i ' tilt r 01111 a c„pv r,f this ['rr:unble an;l Rc;,,lotion,, >uitahly puints, of the (-tinting Ittul,nn-I:ultun Cclel,ratiun, I, a, Jl;(cur of -lie City of Nc\c c11er,<,•r1 nucl dill \ :Itlthcntir:rtccl in :he :It,U,gralth signatttmx r,f his Il , mr,t• the Mlavr ,r. York, c:trncrtic hope that tie httsinc,s mcn of this Cite will give their cn)pl, tyces aut til • 1'rceiticnl of tht. it art! ,f \Itlrrtncn, the B' art! if :\lcicriiien and the City Clerk. Which was tnt:tllimt'usi v al' title-ti, opportunity to Witness the l,rineil,al events s:ltctlulc,l. s1i-SS.\(;FS 11 l-O\l IIIS IIO\t)R •1- IHE V_\YOR. :\s chief executive of the City I have no authority to chrclare legal lu,licl;i s, but The President htitl he-fire- the ll,'ztrrl the f „ll,ming message from his linuur the I hereby request business oleo in the van (IS L'urtwghs to close their places of busi- \iav''Ir: No. 2832. ness at nt,un according to the fi llowing schcclule: City of New Y,,rk, Office „f the Mayor In the Itnrough of \L i;ltattan—Tucsrla), September 2i`, I listt ,riril 1'aggt ant Se tteinhur 22. 191$). "Thursday, Srptetuber 30,'tlilit;'rc Parade. it the Ilt'n"r;thlc the P,,anl of .\1'ls-rritut (,f flte City of Nc- e \'„rk: (;rnticluc'n—1 dc,ire to recall to Ill,,' attcnti„n of your h, ntnrahle lt,tanl the reso- In the Borough of L'rnuklvn--I ritla}, Oct"L.r 1, Ilistoric;tl ]':(grant. 1110 (1 if lilt, Ii.tarcl of r5tim:ttc toll App' rtiunntcnt. p;tisetl July 2. 191$), in regard to :It.- ]king of gradeis of a chief ina,crt, -r and inytcctt,r; if taxical,,. [ am inf,wine l In the Borough of Tltc llr,mc—\Vctlnesday, Septcnll)cr x), NIilitarc aunt IIisturical the:t illiI resnln+iun. inunctliattrlV after it= lax- c ill the guard „f E;tiniatc and -\1)por- Parade. Iinlnnlcnt, was tralI,Illitlrtl lit Vii for ;Ictit Ii. I hope that your It',norahlc Beard trill take this m:lttc•r tip and consider the ;ante In the Borough of Richnwntl--Satttnlay, (k•Wber 2, historical Pageant. at vrntr car!;est collvelmlice. It is 1))y Elute fir, fnrthcr s1) gent to %•r,ur It. ,rn,r:tble II„anl that wlicii I'm decide To which I have set my hand and aflixe-d me sell of r ,fie this 2t1 day of Sep- I'Ii the nllnlber of taxical, in;prctors you also take up tic question if prt,viding means tenibcr, 19-t9. for the to pay their salaries at'tl necessary cxltrntrcct; ,'f the C'ity of New York of tickets of admission to places of all ItI'etlt ill t.” No. 154 NAss.1u STREET. NEW YORK CITY. ) .lot trill remc)nhcr that ill the last paragraph of nth• veto messalz,• on this Senate Ili1I I slated th,!t the II. tart I of Aldermen was entirely capable of handling the situation, acid that action .votlld he take,t Iry the• Iltanil to meet the exi still iii ffictilt (Cs . CALENDAR OF III:ARINGS. I dupe that this :pttestion also will hit' taken up very soon by you. Re•.pectfnlly, GEO. B. \fcCLELLANT, Mayor. Ttie following hearings will be held during the remainder of the week commencing Monday, September 20, 1909: 1Vhicli was referred to the ("unlnlittees on Salaries and Offices and Laws and Lcgis[attitm. Friday, September 24-2:30 p. m.—Roost 305.—Case No. 1131.—LoNr ISLAND R.5lr.- PETITIONS AND CO11MU\IC.-\TIONS. ROAD COMPANY.—George Cook, Complainant.—"Rehearing as to ade- quate protection of crossing at Division avenue, Richmond Hill."— N o. 2833. Commissioner Bassett. Twenty-eighth Ward Taxpayers' Protective Association, Brooklyn, N. Y., Scptcnthcr 21), 1909. 3:00 p. m.—Room 310.—Case No. 588.—\w YORK CITY INTERBOROCGII Buartl of Aldertncu, New York: RY. Co.—Robert C. \Vood, complainant.—"Failure to construct rail- Gentlentett—Enclosed herewith please find resolution adopted at our last meeting. road through Borough of ." \Ve sincerely hope that P1)11 will look into this matter, and grant our request for the people in Greater New York. Thanking you in advance, and hoping to hear front you favorably, I remain, Regular meetings of the Commission are held every Tuesday and Friday at 11:30 Yours very truly, a. m, in Room 310. . A, ESTRUP, Secretary. 10706 THE CITY RECORD. Fltl l):\Y, SEPTEMBER 24, 1909.

11'hereas, It has cone to our nut ice that the proprietors of bathing pavilions at On the death (,f the father if ,\lderman O. Grant Esterhrook, adopted May Cones• Island have during the latter part „f the bast stnnnter charged exorbitant 25, 191)9; approtrd June 8, 19119: twenty-five dollars ...... 25 (M) rates, which action we deem to have hcru tntreasonnhle and unfair to the general public ; and $130tl0 Whereas, We believe that the 1{,rard of .\hlermen „f "1'he C'itt of New York —the said stunt of one hundred and thirty dollars ($130) to he charged to and paid and ,thcr proper City officials should do ail in their pot'er to provide proper relief out of the appropriation entitled l'itr (', mtingencies, 19(19. against such further imposition in the future, and that a large public bath should be H. S. I)OC'I.I.• I'I:.\NK L. I)t)\11.1NG, JOIIX \IUI.1'.\NEY, A. 11. MURPHY, erected at the txpcnse of The City of New York upon its property at C',mcc Island: J.1\II•a \\'. Pl:*WN1(1\I)• JOlIN I). GUNTIIER, Committee on Finance. therefore he it Vi' Iiich was laic( over. Resolved, That the 'I\cenly -eighth Ward Taxpayers' Pr tcertirr :\ss,,ci;tti, iii does Ni', 2814. hi'rehiv fat ir, aplin ,ce and end, rse• any ,end all limper and reasonable action uc,w taken or to he hereafter taken In our public officials serhtng anct tinting to provide The l'o iii ntitti.e nn finance, to which was referred on September 14, 191$) and maintain a pnhiie bath at ('lie)- Island in the inintc,li,tte future for use next 1 \Iittutes. page 827 I. the annexed resolution ill favor of paying sundry bills for stininter, and further that nu: Secretary be and lie htrrhy is instructed to fortcanl a telephone service, respcei Itch l% copy of this resolution t„ the \la}or of "I'the City of \ew Y„rk, lioat'il of .\hlcrmeu R I? P(11:TS and I;card of Estimate an,l Apportionment. That, oil careful scrutiny-, it finds that the services charged for have been properly ice rfi,rmcd and therefore nil' „m iii cuds that the said resoluti,in he adopted. Which was referred to the Committee in Affairs of Ruri,ughs. Resiolt•ed, 'that the Comptroller lie and he is hereby authorized and requested to clrant warrants is foll tws: - .\Xi) ilOI:ut'(;1I OFFICERS. ('l)\1\1C'X!C.\Tll)NS FRO\I CITY. l'OUXT1 Oete in favor ,f the New \',rk Telephone ('mtpany for the sans of two hundred The President laid before the It ard the f ,ll,ming c,ntnnunicatiiin front tits and f„rtc-lit-c dollars and ninety-tire cents ($245.95), being for telephone service President, lion ugh of Itichnioncl: furnished to the (lice ,.f the ('its- Clerk for the three tucmths ending June 30, 1909. N,,. 2834. (hue in favor of the New \ -u,rk and New Jersey Tclephone Company for the sum Local L'uanl• Staten Island I )istrj t, if one hundred and twenty-sct-en dollars and sctenty-niuc cents ($127.79), being for Borough tall, \cw Itri.,thtiin, telephone service furnished to the runts if the Board „f Aldermen in the Borough „f itrunkI, a for the four momths ending .\ttgust 31, 1909. New York City. Sel,tunihrr 21, 1chil). One in favor of the New fork and New Jersc•t• Telephone Company for the sum 1'. J. SCl'l.l.\. Esy.. Clerk, l:,-aril of \l,lerntcn. City hall, New York City: of thirty-nine dollars and ninety-fc,ur cents (*39.94), being fur telephone service Dear Sir—I beg to enclose herewith cicpy ,-f resolution acl„t,tccl 1,\v the Local furnished to, the office -,f the City Clerk in the Borough of Brooklyn for the four Board of the Staten Island ])"strict oti the 14th lust.. reconttnen,ling t , your Board months ending :\ugust 31, 1909. the changing of the name of the strcit hcreo,f,.,re known as Sarah Ants street, ex- The said several hills to he payment in full for all services rendered during the tending from Richmond turnpike t., \\ ashington street. and kichnt„ucl roved, extend- periods started and to he charged to and paid out of the appropriation entitled City ing from \\ illiaru street to \',tndcrliilt avenue, in this l lorouglt, it, \':ut lluzer street. Clerk, Contingencies, 19(19, \ o:crs very truly. P. S. l)OI'I.i., I \\K L. 1)O\\I I\G, Jt)11\ 'SILT .\':\\E\”, A. IF. MURPIHY, \1.\l ltl•RRV 1'LE ZING, Secretary. J.\MFS \V. 111:I)\Il)\U• JOflN 1), I;C'\TIIFR. Committee on Finance. Linder Bole 21, consiclrrati,n „f this repo i rt was deferred. Subsequently Alder- Resolved. That the Local Board of the Staten Island District recommends to the man I)wlille tcu reel the ad,ipti.-n ,tf this report. Board of .\Idcrntrn of The (itc of New V irk that the name of the street hereto- The President pttt the question tthciher the fl and would agree to accept such fore known as Sarah Ann street. extending from Richrmntcf turnpike to Washington ix port and adopt said resolution : street, and Richnuonil road, exten.lin Iron \\ illiartt street to \ .wncicrlilt acrnue, in Which was cleciclecl in the affirmative Try the following tote: the Ii in ,ugh if Richmond. he chanIed too the Ill! te cif \ an Ihii'r street, <„ as to \f(irntativc—.\Idernten Italclwin, Marton, Never, 1.. W. B. ISrown, J. W. Brown, make said Van I)tizer street o-utinucills front Richmond turnpike to \ anderhilt ave- Carter, Coleman. Davis, I)elatcev, I) cull. U„uliccg, Enterer, Finnig:ut. Guhlschntict, ntte, and perpetuate an !listo rue mine. (;nn(her. (land,, Ricker. I1„rh,I,oriTer, Kavanagh, Kenney, Lev-ine. T.00,s. Marts-ti, .-\doptecl h\ the Local Kuril of the Staten Island District on the lath day of \l , -sk ,ttitr, \Inlctln•, \lullivan, ),Iurl,h\. \agile. O'Reilly, Potter, (Minn, Reardon, September, 191)9. Alderman C-,1lin;, .\klernt,nt ken,lt, .\l,lcrinan ('ode and ]'resident Rc•nclt, Sanclif, , rJ• Schneider. Stct'mrtit. \"citen, \Walsh,''resident Cromwell and I'resi- Cromwell being present and ' ting in fari , r th reef. cicnt Nlurravv-40, .\ttest: Reports of Committee on Public Letting— \lavfiur~- Fleeting, Secretary. No. 2711. .\!,pri,trd this 21st day „f Septc,nhrr. 19;i I, the ('untmith:r on Public Letting, to which was r,-ftrncl on Julc It, 191)9 ( \Brutes, GEORGE CRC)\111 I:t.1.. Pre :lout f tic- It ,t. n-_lt „f Richtni.u,l. I':uge 94t, the at-ne\ccl res„luti, c its fae,n• (if authcirizin,L the President of the (Borough ]Which was referred ti the Committee in Streets, Iitghacays and Sewers. If \Ianhatt:ut to fit up a suptl, room for the ('its- Ii'ccord and offices fir the \lar- rimuge License I respectfully The President laid before the Hoard the i ell tri!i inn:nunirati in fr.-nt tits l:l{I'( WTS Ii ard (If Lstimatr and _\ll„rti, inmcnt: That, in view c, f the great incutc enirnre n,nc existing as to al>plir:tats for ntatri- Ni. 2835. ntnnt, proper acc,nnmuclati, -ns are al,si,ltnely necesstry arcs shotticl lee furnished with-- out delay and that the Lest s"luticiu of the difficult,• is to remote the supply roe nt Board .,f F:aiut; to and .\plt Irti„uncut, 1 ,f the City I:cccn'cl and incidentally to fit up both offices in a suitable manner. It, Office if the Chief 1•atgincrr, N. 277 lir,,:tdway. S, I,tcmLer 17, 19.19. therefore. rcr-ummencls that the said resc,ltttinn he :uluq,tecl. Resul t ich. •('hat, in pursuance of slit, prutisicros „f scrti„n 419 of the Greater New lion. P.\TRI('K F. \Ic(;O\1.\\, President ..f the Itarvl of .\ldermen: \'„rk ('barter, the ]'resident of the Borough of \lanliattan he and lie is hereby Sir—lli Honor the Mayor having in-tructed sue to conduct :t scrics of te't'. uuthurizc•cl :and etnp„ttcrc•cl to enter into, contract, with,ntt public letting, for the lilting of cinder concrete and other firepr iting materials to determine ii .1 iinly their ttl, of tilt !rcinist-s Xis, 96 and 98 krac!e strcct, as su),ply much for the ('its Record, strength, but their tire-resisting; ,lu:tlitic'. I ;tppli -d to the L'„aryl of I':; held nn this elate. but it thous;:nil it Mates 1$12,1II(I . seemed 1.t be the ,pinion ,f the 11 ;trc1, that, alth, ugh it was biped that the in- k.\\K L. Ill )\\I l\t;, l I l•:1)1•:I:ICI~ (. lfu('Ill)tIII f I I'. J.\\II:S J. formation ,ihtained would lie (If permunrnt value, there was some iii cult as to tile ti\ll1'll,'IflS. _I. \11.'1.1.1(".\\, J(tit•:PII l"L.\\.\G.\\, \I.\X S. LEVINE, Gmt- propriety ,it an issue of Corp irate Shock to meet the cspcn+c. and it was suggr tccl utith•,- ,m I'ttl,lit' Letting. that the necessary funds should be rai-ell ht• an issue of Special Revenue Bonds. T•nder Rule 21, cunt,icicratic,n ,of Ihi, report wau deferred. Subsrc{ucntic _Vth•r- Under these circumstances I hit c prepared a r: lut ,n ri.c„nmtending .,r,h nt:ut I)nwling move,( the al 9itii in of this relr,rt. an issue of Special Revenue Bonds. and if you can c, m>i.tentiv dc, so, I lag to a'k 'I lie President put the queIticm whether the Board would agree to accept such if you will not have this res,,luti,in presented to the Board of .-\idertucn at its nest report anal adh,pt said resolution. meeting. Which it-a: decided in the negative Inv the fulh,wing vote, three-fourths of all Respectfully, the ntenil cr. failing to role in fat' inthere if: NELSON I'. LEWI S. Chief Tngiucer. :\ffirmative--:\Idcrmen Ilalclwin. Barton, Bent, J. W. Prown, Colt-, G Ilia<, ('rocww- ley. 1),'la';cc. I),nll. I).,tclin I)rc.chcr. Emcn,•r, Cirri;;an, I lanagan, Ilandc. Ilickcv, Resolved, That, in pursuance of tltr lrr,,ci i n, of subdivision 8 of sectii,n 188 Ilines. Ilochui c'tTer, N:rt'anctglt, Leos, \IcI),malci, \lttic:ltt-• \lulligan, NlulVVane_c, \lur- of the Greater \eve• Vi irk Charter, the B ary f F'timate and ,\pp„rti iii mcnt I,c phy,Nagle, Nugent. ()'Rrillv. Reardon. Rcdn t(c'.,, n Renclt, Sta!tlemt,, Velten, AV'al,h; and it is hereby reeluested to authorize the (_)mtnr, ,ll,-t to i—tic Special Revenue Presider: \Ittrrar an,l the Prc.ident-36. Ponds t o the auuo nil t of thirty th-aussanrl dollars ($301NN)) to meet the expenses of N,•gatit'e—Aldermen Ilev-er, Il. W. 11. Ilrown, Case, Davis, Esterbrcuk, Go'd- tests of cinder concrete and other tire-rc.istirug matcri,ils, such tests to lie conducted schmiclt. t;unther, Linde, Mimi-on, Potter and Quinn-11. under the supervision of the Chief Engineer of the It iar,l of 1?>tiniate and _lppur- tionment in accordance with instruction f his l l tin tile \f: , r. Ni,. 271,8—(G. 0. No, 257). Which was referred to, the Committee on Finance. The C,'mmittee on Public Letting, to tchich was referred on Sel-tenilicr 14. 11Nt') (\linutes. pa; c 77$), a _• ills- of a resolution of the Board of 1•stiniate and :1p- REPORTS OF ST-ANI)ING ('1)M.Nil -rtEl:S. {,urtiunmcut in favor of applying mutt issue of $12.(NX) Special I.evenue ISi un,ls. already Reports of Committee on Finance— auth„rizecl, for fitting up it supply ,Icpartnicnt c.11ire for the Cits- Record and offices for the Marriage License littreau, respect fulls No. 2811—(G. (1. No. 255). I:1•:I'OI:TS The Committee on Finance, to which was referred ,.n September 14. 19119 (\!in- That the- olcl Fast l:it-cr hank Ituilcling first dccidcd on for the City Record tttes, page 825). the annexed resolution in favor if paying the Lill of the Kittsfcy- ,tl•ic,e being in r„ur-e of dcn,,,litic,n and therefore un:nailahle, a new location has De Felice Studio for engrossing resnluti,m= in memoriam l h,rencc- J. Sullivan, re- Item .clertt,l. N„ extra espensc is cut:tiled and the• died( ssity fur prompt acccnunto- spectfully datum for the \larriagc Liccuse Bureaus hying imperative, it reec,ntntend, that the REPORTS: accotnpancing mu's, luitii m be adopted. That the work was artistically and ati,faciorily performed, an,l theref-rre recont- kcscitveil, That the Hi and of Ahle nine n lie rcliv approves of, concurs in and makes mends that the said resolution be adopted. its own the re-olutum adopted by the I turn nil of L

No, 2771. Ise of the Sanitary Superintendent at a cost not exceeding three thousand five hun- The Committee on Public Letting, to which was referred on September 14, 1909 Iret dollars ($3,5011). (\I iii ntes, page 781 ), the annexed commun lea iii n from the ('o tin issioner of \Water FRANK 1.. 1x)\11.1\(;. l"llI•IT)h'IRl('N U. 11'lIDORPP1?R, (;. A. cOL(;:\N, Supply, Gas and Electricity withdrawing application for authority to constrt,ct a J.\l'U . J. VEI:I'I:\ , "1'11))5, J. 111'1,1,1(;.\N, \l.\X S. LI•:\'INt':, Committee on railroad switch at Rugby, in the Ii, iii ,ugh of Itri,i,klyn (now General Order Nil. I'ttldic Letting. 149), respectfully recotnnxnds that the request of the Commissioner oil he cinnplicd 'I he I'resillent put the question whether the It: and would agree to accept such with and the papers placed on file. report and ad ,pt said resolution. Which was decided in th • negative be the following vile, three-fourths of all Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. Lime members failing t, vote in favor thereof Nos. 13 to 21 l'ark Row, }J \ffirmatitc—:AIdermcn Baldwin, Barton, Pi.nt, (lever. J. W. Rri~wn. (Cole. CoI- New a ,rk, August 19, 1909. lin;, Cro whey, I )elancr, I )icnicr, 1)011, Dimling, Drescher, I•,niencr, (Finnigan, Grimm, Hon. PATRICK F. \IcGO\\ :\N, President, hoard of Aldermen, ('ity l tall, City Ifantlt•, II in'-, Ilochnlorffer, Kavanagh, Kenney, L,.vine. I.inde, l.n„c, \Iartyn, Marx, I)ear Sir—There is now pending in the Committee in Public Letting an applica- \IcC:tnn, NIcl)oii;tId1, Nlo;kowitz, \Itllcaht•. Mulligan, \Inlvtttie , \Iurl0iN. Nagle. tion of this Department for permission to enter jut ii a contract with the Lung Island Nugent, I)'Kcilly. 1'ottcr, Rcanli,n, Rednt~mll, R ndt, Schlu>s, Sntilh, St;tp'.ct~,n, Vel- Railroad Company for the expenditure of *2,(,l K) for the construe( iii of a si Ling at •n, \\ al'lt and the I'residet,t-46. Rugby to connect with the Canarsic Pumping Station. The Department desires to Negative—AIdernuert R. W. It. Brawn, Carter and Morrison--3. withdraw this request. On motion ,f .\ldcrtti'in I) roll, th,' alive Wile was reconsidered, and the paper Respect fully, was replaced on the list of General Al. F. LOUGIIMAN, Deputy and .\cting Comtnissiuncr. \(()CIO\S, ORI)I\.A\CI•:S AND RI•SOLUTIONS Rl-?SUM I;l). J. FRANK L. DO\\'LING, PREDFRI('K ('. IIO('lll)ORFI ha:, J.\\IIE.S N,, 2836. SMMITII, 1'IlOS. J. MULLIG:\N, JOSEPH FL.1NAGAN, MAX S. LEVI NE, Coin liv the I'r sirlcttt— mittee on Public Letting. Res ii ei I. That the f ill,ming-named persons Ile and they are hereby appointed Which report was accepted. ('innmi"sii nuts of Deeds: Itv the I'r.sident- Report of Committee on Salaries and Offices— ('nil ert' • .\. 1)t \ i •lli t, No. (03 \1 averlyv place, \lanitattan. Nos. 275.?, 2785 and 27)6. I'I Itc;u- l \\, Babcock, No. 179)) \\ al,un avenue, lhroux. The Committee on Salaries and Offices, to which were referred nn Sept eni1wr I t', t , Vice -Chairtnan— 14, 1909 (Minutes, pages 816 and }(17), the antic xecl resi iltitti us in favor (if appuin1111C I'liilit (.1,11z, No . 95 Send avenue, Manhattan. Ilerbert \I. 11cin, \Varren S. Jones and I 'at rick \Icl)omald )City Stirccyurs, re shed t- l~c .\Iilcrnt,tn 'I'Im tn:t; I”. ftdh• IIarr R. /.liner, No. 7116 Leonard str.(t, Itrooklyn. RP.t'ORTS: Ill- .\Iderntan l rancis I'. It •tn— That these applicants having tiled the ettstimmarc refcrcnct s from competent .\. F. ti;tcmlam, No. 11151 Niadis~ n street. llr„i,klyn. persons, it recontnttnds that the ace „ml and ink substitute res,lotioii lie adopte 1. It\- .\l lermnaii It. \V. L'. Itruwn--' (SU11S ITUTE.) \\nt. II •nry l"i,lsom, N. 927 Itn,a,ttcao, \taiih;tttart. Resolved, That the folb wing named persons be and they hereby are app Tinted \\ illi:tm S. \\'aoltttion he a lopted. \I. _\li,ury, No. 415) Scull 'tart, llr i,ikl n. Resolved, That, in pursuance of the pr ici'ii:ns of '.nli livi'.ion S of section I"N I;\ .\idcrnt;at Jantes J. Ilines— of the Greater New York Charter, the Ito aril of F.>tintatc an(l Apportionment h timid James J. Lynch, N. ;(lo West One Hurnlrt'd amid Thirtc-third street, Man- it is hereby requested I, att4huriit' tile Comptroller ti i<>uc Special Rev ciine L' ,tul hattan. to the amount of fifty thousand dollar; ($51),(itN)i. the proceed, tchu•re,f to be o.ccl lit' .\Icicrntan J. 1). Kavanagh— by the Comptroller for the purpose of replenishing hi: Advertising Fund. \\ illiant C. \ieiu;md, Ni,, 11113 I':trk avenue, \lanhattan. R. S. IOULL, FRANK L. I)O\\LING, JOII\ NIL'I.\:\NI:1', A. II. NIL'R- PHY, JAMES W. REDMONI, JOHN J. COLI.IXS, l i,nt:t,ittee on I"inancc. It - .\(Merman \\'m. 1'. Kcnn:allt--- I I. \I. Latnilgraf • 'ii. 211,$ East Eighteenth street, \Irtnh:ttt:tn. The City of New York, 1): 'part iii' iii ii I iii at; cc, I,t :AIderman lienncc— Scptcumler Itl, 19119. 1 . John 1'. Httrlcc, No. 350 Fulton place, itn,,,klvn. The Honorable Board of Aldermen l:_ .\l Lerman Max J. Lecine— Gentlemen—"I'he appropriation for advertising for the year 19;19, having hec~itne ttiiet E. Sei ller, Ni. lilt) East Fourth street, \latthattan. exhausted, I find it nccestary to request Your Board to issue at this little the shill Pasquale J. Col,pka, Ni, 117 \lott street, \lanhattami, of fifty thousand dollars ($5U,(KR)) Special Revenue Bonds, to replenish said fund. Moses 11. 1 ru„man. No. 115 hr ,a lw:ty, \lanhatttn. Yours respectfully. Herman )oIcCartln-, N. 115 Grua iwav, Nianhattau- Samps~m Srli„ No,. 115 lit' ti Iw•ay, Niallh:tttan. It. A. \IE'TZ, Comptroller. Robert A. Kelly, No. 115 Itr,~arlw:n, )olanhattail- (larcnc'' I1. Sour, No. 115 Iln,a~lw:n. Manhattan. The President put the question whether the Board would agree to accept such 1?ntanucl Tanenbaum, Ni. 115 hr a ltrn\, \I;tnhattatt. report and adopt said resolution. Itenjtt min Kirschsteirt• N,, 232 )lour - street. Nlaiihattan. Which was decided in the negative by the following voote. three- fourths of all Charles Large. N,. 5$ Essex street, .Nlanhatt:an. the members failing to vote in favor thereof : R_t• :\ldermmii Frederick Linrlc— Affirmative—Aldermen Baldwin, Barton, Crowley, Delaney, 1) mull, Dowling, Je;utnette Oettiuger, No. 56-I Piftt-lirst street, Brooklyn. Drescher. Finnigan, Flanagan, Ilickcv, Ilochdorffer, Loos, MIc('ann, Mcl)Imaltl, AI, kowitz, Mulligan, Mulvaney, Murphy, Nagle, Nugent, O'Rtilly, Rend 1, Smith, Sta- I1' Aldertn:.n John Loos— pleton and Velten-25. Ilannah Kaliski, No, 946 Union avenue, Bronx. On motion of Alderman Donll, the above vote was reconsidered and the paper 135 Alderman James P. Marten---- was placed on the list of General Orders. Elsie A. Locke, N, 21 Suydam place, Brooklyn, 135- Alderman Samucl F. \Iarx— GENERAL ORDERS. J. Newton Osr~ri,~, No. 159 \V est O ne Ilun,lred and Nineteenth street, Manhattan. Alderman Collins called up General Order No. 251, being a report and resolu- Levi J. bitch, No. 2135 Fifth :)venue, Manhattan, tion as fallows: Eugene A. Kessler, No. 318 East Seventy-eighth street, Manhattan. l3enson M. Feldman, No. 30 \Vest One Ilundred and Twentieth street, Manhattan. No. 2626—(G, O. No. 258) , Irving Isaacs, No. 791 Dawson street, Bronx. The Committee on Pnhlic Letting, to which was referred on June 29, 1909 Lester Alexander, Ni,, 2 West One Ilundred and Twenty-ninth street, Manhattan. (Minutes, page 1423), a communication from the Board of Health asking for author- Charles Miller, Jr., No. 319 ]West Nineteenth street, Manhattan. ity to purchase all automobile for the Sanitary Superintendent at a cost not to exceed Louis H. Perlman, No. 1988 'Madison avenue, Manhattan. $3,500, without public letting, respectfully Julian Michael, No, 1851 Seventh avenue, Manhattan. REPORTS: William Loeb, No. 149 West One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street, 'Manhattan. That Dr. Bensel appeared before the Committee and stated that this machine David ]Weinstein, No. 9 West One HIundred and Seventeenth street, Manhattan. was for his own use. That the machine he now used was over two years in the Hannah I-Tellernian. No, 56 West One Hundred and Fortieth street, Manhattan. service and had outlived its usefulness owing to the great quantity of work it was Samuel S. Gelherg, Jr., No, 261 Broadway. Manhattan. called upon to do. He also stated that it was practically impossible to secure the Raymond De Leo, No. 55 West One Hundred and Sixteenth street, Manhattan. type of machine lie required at public letting. Robert Spero, No. 69 \Vest Ninetieth street, Manhattan The Committee recommends that the accompanying resolution be adopted. Samuel Eysler, No. 48 West One IIundred and Thirty-sixth street, Manhattan. Resolved, That, in pursuance of the provisions of section 419 of the Greater New Samuel Goldberg. No. 201 Broadway. Manhattan. \ork Charter, the Board of Health of the Department of Health of The City of Mortimer W. Solomon, No. 400 Manhattan avenue. Manhattan. New York be and it is hereby authorized and empowered to purchase in the open Ellis M. Bloch, No, 59 East One Hundred and Fifteenth street, Manhattan. market, without public letting, at the lowest, price obtainable, one automobile for the Henry J. Krinsky, No. 320 Broadway, Manhattan. 10708 THE CITY RECORD. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1909.

By Alderman G. A. Morrison— No. 28.11. \Vcn,lcll P. \1cl,tmn,u No. 725 \\ estminster road, Brooklyn. liv Alderman 1)owling— 111artinus J. Zinnnerrnann, No. 42 \1'intls'r place, Brooklyn. Resolved, 'That, whet this Board adjourns it do adjourn to meet on Tues- Chas. A. llull, No. 1483 Dean street, Br... klvti. day, October 5, 19(K), at 1.311 o'clock p. in. Andre Stahl, No. 128 1lidwood street, lirooklvn. i\ Inch was adopted. Edwin T. Gibson, No. 100O Sterling place. lirookkn. No. 2842. I Larry L. Leggatt, No. 42 Hawthorne street, Brooklyn. liv Alderman Drescher— By Alderman Adolf \Ioskowitz— Resulved, That permission he an,l the same is Iterel)v viven to Schlesinger & Vogel lierutan li„tintan, No. Wl last Second street, Manhattan. to erect, place and keep three storm doors within the stoop line in front of the prent- Adolph Salzman, No. 318 East Third street, 1Iat!hattan. iscs on the ii. ,rtItwest corner of Pearl street and I'ark row, in the Borough of :\lan- battan, providc!1 the said storm doors shall he erected su as to conform in all respects By Alderman John J. Muleahy— tcith the ordinance in such case made and providlc,l, not he used for advertising \1 illiant C. I laverstick, No. 549 West One 1lutulred and Forty-fourth street, Man- purposes; the work to lie done at their Own expense, tnuler the direction of the Presi- hattan. dent of the Borungh. Such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Itv Alderman Mulligan— Board of Aldermen. James J. McGuire. Two Hundred and Thirty-seventh street, Bronx, \1 hich was adopted. 1'. 11. Donnell-, Carpenter avenue, opposite Two Hundred and Twenty-seventh No. 2843, etreet. Ile Alderman Enicner— BY Alderman \Ic_llcer— Resolved, That permission he art,l the same is herein' given to the George Voelk Robert Greenmail, No. 2,130 Bedford avenue, Brooklyn, Association to hold a carnival parade. with music. through the streets and thorough- lit Alderman T,4hn McCann— iares of the Itorough of Queens, under the supcnisiun of the Police Department. henry 11. Lloyd. No. 101 West Eighty--fifth street, Manhattan. Such permission to continue only for Saturday, September 25, 191)9. Peter C. Rasmussen. No. 22,; East Ninety-fifth street, Manhattan \\'hich was adopted. Louis Lustig. No. (.11) Sixth street, Manhattan. No. 2544. Dom C. I)uell. No. 02 \I 'rid ngside a yell ue, Manhattan. BBY Alderman Ifsterbrook— John Roberts. N. .. 14) 8 t r,'tona atenue, Bronx. Resolved, 'flat permission be and the same is hereby given to 1. Kleinberg, as James A. l a an. N.,. 1752 Second avenue, Manhattan. proprietor of "The Primrose II. use,” to parade a man in cost umc for the purpose of \\ illiam G. Greer, N,,. 32 Franklin street, Manhattan. nubertising, through the streets and thoroughfares of the Borough of Ilrooklyn, under Tames Sheridan. No. _(rill Fig htli avenue, \l all hattan. the supervision of the Police 1)epartnient. Stich permission to continue fur a period lances 1f. Smith. Jr., N,,. 215 1\cst Twcettty- thir(l street. Manhattan. of thirtt days front the date of approval hereof L%- his honor the Mayor. John F. lieogle, No. I(s1) .\nth, ,nv avenue. Manhattan. 1\ I,ich was adopted. I-raucis \Cullen, No. 2087 _\ntsterdaiii avenue, 'Manhattan. No. 2845. 1ienj:unin 1. Th,unas• N... 213 \\ eSt Iditv-third street, 'Manhattan. ICY Alderman Ilickev— Victor .\. Fontana. No. 13 1 )..wr!inp street. Manhattan. Res\deal, 'I hat permission be and the mine is hereby given to the Church of St. (antes 1'. 1)entpsct, Jr.. N.. 248 Fast Sixty-first street. Manhattan. .\nselm t., place transparencies nn the f .1!. wing lamp-posts in the II. rough of The Thomas Ii. Qualls, N.. 2(13 1•:ast ()ne Il nit !Ired and Third street, \Manhattall. Ilrunx, such permission to cutttinttc nnl} front Octuher I to October 17, l$), when the ICY .\l,lerntatt P. F. Nagle— sail transparencies are to lie removed at the church's expense: Isaac J. Sill:erstcin, N.., 041 Fifth avenue, Manhattan. \ortlncest corner 'Tinton as-.ntte atul One hundred and l'iftt--second street. BY Alderman James J. Nugent— \•.rtincc.t corner \\ ales and Westchester avenues. Janie; F. \IcI_arncv. No. 81,2 Lexington avenue, \lanhattatt. Southeast corner 'I tnton avenue and l)ne Ilnndre,l and l'ifti-sixth street. B_y Alderman l, hn \\. ( 1'I:eillv— S.,uthcast corner Itnl,hins avenue aunt Onc thin lred :tn l I.iftt-sccuntl street. F,ltr:tr.l Sc hick, N... 139 East One hundred and Nineteenth street, Manhattan. Soutluwest corner Pn,sl,ect avenue' anti Onr IIun,lrrtl and Sixtieth street. J. \Vhi.•Ii was adopte,l. liv Alderman L.ctcis M. I','ttcr— \1'nt. F. Kam, Jr., N.,. 135$ Fifty-sixth street, Brooklyn. No, 2846. [iv Alderman Hochdorffer— By .\Llertnan Tlt,.s. \l. Quinn— Nesulveil. I hat it is recommended to the Contntissioner of \\'ater Supply, Gas \lichaei llirschthal. No. 127 \fain street, Long Island Cite. Queens. :nut Electricity that electric liLhtc 1, plarc,l :!t proper iutcreals al, mg the line of the L'v Alderman J. J. I:ear,l,m— tulluwing thnn,ttglif:tre. in the R„n,ueli ,.t l-he Bronx: I rederick C. \Watson. N,,. 1342 Third avenue, 'Manhattan. Morris avenue. from Onr Ilnn,lreml ar,1 •.xt, sixth street I. (Inc hundred and By Alohrman Cannes W. Re!nt.,n,I— Sccentieth street: On,' Chin lretl and Sixt\-axth street. from Park avenue to the .\ll-urt A. .Smith. No. 1384 Union street, Brooklyn. Concourse : also, that lights be replace,' rr, the Cute 'terse. from Onc I lnntlred and liv Alderman J..seph Sehl.,ss— titxtt-hfth street to One Hundred and Si.\t-.--sixth Streit, and ,'it One llnndre,l and Joseph Fennellv. N... 2 Rector street. Manhattan. ,ixh- liftlt street. from Carroll place to the ('':ic.'nrse. Charles A. Smith. N.,. 3(,4 West One hundred and Seventeenth street. Manhattan. \\ hich was adopted. liv Alderman Geo. T. S hnci,lcr— No. 2847. \laxsell F. Rul,son. No, 29 :.venue D. Manhattan. By :\lderntan Jrohnson— Resulce,l, That permission be anal tite ;,nie is hereby given to Vs mu. \f.Clenehan B :Vderman Tastes J. Smith— :;nd keep a booth v itl!in the stool, line of his premises on the no,rth- Francis M . llnttrellc. N. ,. 781 East One Ifundred and Fight -tltir,l Street. Ilr,tis. to erect, 1.11:e c:,>t co rner of Seventh avenue an,! N iii et.cnth street (-,n the Ni net cent h street -ml.' 4, Thomas 1.. Ness, No. 5ti7 \\ est Forty-sixth street. Manhattan. in the 1borough of \lar!hattan, pr'sicicd the said 1:,.„tli shall be erected so as to c,>n- liv :11,lerntatt Michael Staid t• m— f..rtn in all respects with the unlinartce ill such case made and provided, not lie use,l Charles 1i.i lan. N .. 33$ 1:'ast 11fty-eighth street, Manhattan. f~,r advertisit:g purpose: the tc,,rk t~' he ,lane at Ins .'a'n expense, under the dirce- John F. Gleason, N... 47 Market street, Manhattan. tv,n of the 1'rcsi,ent of the B..ruugh: such prrmi:siutt to continue .mly tlttring the liv :\l,iertnan _lacy h I. \'clten— pit artc-fourth street, in the Borough of Brooklyn. here. 'F front his lion ,,r the May. .r. Which etas adopted, Which was acl.,ptcd. No. 2851. r_y Alderman McCann— By Alderman B. W. I;. P,r,,wn — Resultrc, That permission be and the saute is hereby given to William Tate to Resolved, That permi::i,.n i.e 111,1 the same i< li&rei,v given to the Il„ffntan-('...r ,lrit-c an r..1vertising wagon through the :lreets and Ihon, ugh fare's of the Borough of Mann fact urjug Company. of N.,. 55 \\'hile street, t.' parade a mall ,lressc,l in the c„s- thattsn, tinder the sum perti,i.m of the Po!ice I)e' artment; such permission to con- tunte -,f th!• Burls„n-I-nitnn t;eriud, at the Brooklyn Bridge, the Battery, Twenty:-tltir,l tinue only for the period of thirty days front the receipt hereof from his Honor the street and Brc.adwav, and the C„]tttnuue circle and I'iftc-ninth street, who may parade Mayor. with an advertising flag thr. ugh the streets and thoroughfares of the R 'rung Ii of Which was adopted. Manual tall, under the superci:ton of the Police Department. Such permission to c,m- No. 2852. iinue only for a period of thirty days from the receipt hereof front his Ilnnur the By the same— Mayor. Resolved. That his Honor the May. .r 1>e and he is hereby requested to return Which was adopted. to, this Board for further consideration a resolution now in his hands (Int. No. 2789) rlirccting heads of departments to excuse Spanish War Veterans for the Hudson- liuhimn parade. By the same— \1'itich was adopted. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to George Reeler Company to erect, place and keep a storm door in front of their premises, northwest The paper was then received front his honor the Mayor and is as follows: corner Forty-seventh street and Longacre square, in the Borough (If \Manhattan, pro- vided the said storm door shall he erected so as to conform in all respects with the No. 2789. ordinance in such case made and provided, not to be used for advertising purposes Whereas, Certain employees of The City of New York are members of the the work to be done at their own expcn=e. under the direction of the President of the United Spanish War Veterans, an organization devoted to the support of the National Borough. such permis ion to c.mtinnc• ()illy, during the pleasure of the Board of Government and to the inculcation of patriotism throughout the land; and Aldermen. \Whereas, 'l he members (if the said order have been assigned to a division in Which was adopted. the official military parade to be held in The City of New York on the 30th clay of September, 19(19, as part of the program of the IIndson-hulton celchration; and No. 2840. Whereas, The said celebration is being conducted under the official sanction of By Alderman J. W. Brown— The City of New York, and the successful issue of said parade will enhance the Resolved, That it is recommended to the Commissioner (,f Water Supply, Gas and effect of said celebration; now therefore be it Electricity that gas mains he laid, lamp-posts erected, street lamps placed thereon and Resolved. That the heads of all Departments and Bureaus of said City of New Ighted along the following thoroughfares in the Borough of The Bronx: York be and they hereby are directed to grant leave of absence, with pay, for twenty- St. Johns avenue, from Prospect avenue to boulevard. four hours, on September 30. 1909, to all City employees who are members of the Kelly street, from Prospect avenue to Leggett avenue. Camps of the United Spanish War Veterans, in order to enable them to participate Beck street, from Prospect avenue to Leggett avenue. in the said parade and the accompanying celebration, upon written request made by Leggett avenue, from Southern Boulevard to Dawson avenue. said employees to their respective Bureau and Department heads, stating their mem- Which was adopted. bership in a Camp of said order; and 'he it further FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1909, THE CITY RECORD. 10709

Resolved, That his Ilonor, George B. McClellan, \lavor (if said City, be and he No. '2864. hereby is respectfully requested to approve this resolution. It%- the satne— On motion of Alderman McCann, the vote by which the above rest lution was Itcsulved, 'I hat, pttr;ttant to the prot•irin us cif suhdivision 8, section 189 of the adopted, was recousiclered. (neater New lurk ( harter, the Itnarcl of 1•:stinuttc• aml :\ppo rtionnic t is hereby rc- The paper was then ordered on file. r)nesteel to :authorize the Comptroller to issue' Special Revenue H(~mils to the amount of twelve hundred dollars ($1,211)) to provole fur the salaries If three additional ln- No. 2853. spct'tnrr; tmnr the remaining to mths of this )car, Bureau of ISttilclint s, Itoruugh of By the same— :\lan hat tan. Whereas, Certain employees of The City ..f New York arc members of the \\ hirh was referred to the Committee on Finance. United Spanish War Veterans, an organization clet'iited t1, the support of the National \l~lcruian R eardon tnmecl that the Ilnarcl do now :uljuurn. Governtn nt, and to the inculcation „f pit rioti,m through~ntt the land; and 1 he I'resiclent put the clucstiun tshethrt thin' Board would agree with said motion. \Whereas, The ntenihers of the said ur,Ier have been assigeetl to :t divioion in the official military parade to be held in The I. it if New York on the 311th day of \\ hich was decided in the affirmative. September, 1909, as part of the program of the Iluclsi n- I~ullOn celchratiun; and .Anil the President declared that the Ituar,l sbnnd atlj„nrnccl until Tuesday. Dc- Whereas, 'I he said celebration is being conducted under the ul lie iii l saliction of tiler 5, l91)"), at 1.311 u'cluck 1). m. The City of New York, and the successful issue of said parade \ciIl enhance the 1'. T. S(i'i.l.Y. City Clerk nnnl (lcrk ii1 tlu• hiniarnl of AInlc•rnlrrt. effect of said celebration ; now therefore be it Resolved, that the heads of all Departments and Ilurc:uts of said City of New York be and they hereby are requested to grant leave of aloence with pay for mtrunc- fottr hours on Septctnhcr 311, 19(19, to all City employee, who are ntctnhcr< of tlu• BOROUGH OF QUEENS. Camps of the United Spanish War Vettrans, in order to enable them to part meI i,:C in the said parade and the accutulan)ing celebration, upon written regne.It made t•ll\1\I!88lt t\I.i: OI I'l'Itl.IC \V(WKS. by said employees to their respective Bureau and Department heads, stating their membership in a Camp of said order; and lie it further Ill accorcuu ee with the pr nvisions of section 1546 of chapter 466 of the Laws of Resolved, That his Hnn„r George It. McClellan, \lacer of said City, he anal Its- 19111. I transmit herewith the fllowing report if time tr:uisactiOi s nit the office Of hereby is respectfully requested to approve this re olution. the ('rnnntissioucr of }'optic \\ arks, Borough Of Oui•cn.s, fir the week ending July Which was adopted. 17, 19(y). No. 2854. Public \l outevs Received I )anion; the Week. By Alderman McI)onald— Resoived, Iii:it permission be and the same is hereby given h, the Church of For rest ,tiny I,atcntcnt over street openings ...... $480 49 the lncarnatiun, Rev. 1'. J. Mlahnncv, I). 1)., Rector, to constrttet anti nt,tintain vaults l'„r sewer connections ...... 23n It) under areas in front of school and rectory. School— lieginnit;g at a point un the south side of One lltnulred and Sctent\ - Total...... sit(, 49 fifth strett, 131) feet front the corner fiimn ed by the iutc•rsection of St. Nicholas ac - une and 'inc lined red and Seventy-lifth street. Regttisitious I )r:rn n nil ('r mat troller Rcctc:ry—lteginuing at a Isuit on the ca:t side of Sr. Nicholas avenue. 75 f:.'t Ilttreau of Ilil;htc:t); ...... kti..44 III from the cc rncr formed ht- the intursecticm of St. Niih11ias avenue :nail Unc tltnulrcil ISureau 'f Setters ...... 3.311 19 and Secant)-fifth street, in the lirottl;h of \Iauhatt:m, upon pa3tucnt to 'Ihc Litt Itutcau of Street l lc:nuns; ...... 7.834 28 of New York a; compensation for the privilege such nominal ale net a may 1w ISnreau nt'i'omiignttihiicai Survei . ...... 1,411 25 deemed :m equivalent by the President if the itonrugh if \lanhattan, the maxintutn sum in r)uesti~m nut to exceed tell chtllars ($11)) ; the work to l,c mine it hi., O tan cost Total...... $19,41x) 72 and expense tinder the direction Of the 1'reiiticnt of the ugh of 1Lutltattan. Such permi>siun to continue only during the pleasure it thic 1;-~ard „f .'1blcrucn. Permits Issued. Which was adopted. "in n open streets Inn tap Dater Pipes... 49 f~ r suhwc,ivs, steam mains and various No. 2855. To uprn streets In repair wetter en- mtc:ti its ...... 14 By Alderman \Iartyn— ncctions ...... 8- hr railtcav r~mstrnctinm and repairs. I Resolved, That permission be and the saute is herchv given to the I un m I. lt>'l, Inn open streets to make sewer con- T repair sides alks ...... 22 to parade on bicycles through the streets and thun~uthfares Of the item ugh of necti,ms ...... ...... 38 I- , .r sewer c,nnncrtin,ns ...... 23 ltrr oklyu, under the supervision of the Police 1)ep:crinlemlt. Such pernti n I m r1 iii 'I'.n lien streets t.• repair semen run- I'n~r ,.race ri•lrtirs ...... tintte only for the period of thirty days from the receipt hereof from Iii, I lnn„r n rtinns I I ~ ,r other hurl scs ...... 5 the Mavar. s c.. streets ; 1 - Which was adopted. 'i'nr Icoustruct lsttreettavaultl Total ...... 229 No. 2856. Shnecial Permits ...... 31 By Alderman Marx— Ti cross sidewalk ...... 21 Resolved, That permission be amt the same is hereby giVctt to l:uhin \\cxlcr to paraci.' :t neon With an advertising sign threuglt the streets :utcl thorintglthires it the Bureau iOf IIightcays Borough of Manhattan, ttncler the Supervision it the Police I )cl arttncut : such per- Paved Streets— mission to continue for a period of thirty days front the receipt hereof from his Square yards of granite nacctucnt repairs•n1 ...... 237 Motor the \Iav,ur. Square yards ,If trap rock p:nentc•nt repaired ...... 44 Which was adopted. Stuart' cants If brick pavement repaired ...... 231 No. 2857, 1. maths of sand uscnl in repairs ...... 18o By Alderman Moskowitz— LCIWIs of St l mile h:tatted ...... ...... .. 66 Pt s~dcrcl, That permissi in be and the same is ljcrehc. ;given to the Hanover \Tacaclainizccl Streets— Lunch Cuntpan to have four Hen l,aracic with tmhvertisuiig signs thrcnt li the streets Square )arils c,f mace lain l,atrtncnt rrpairent ...... (21 and thnn,ttthfares of the Itnnnugh of \Ianfiattan under the sut,rrcisi,m of the l',dice Square carols (If mace lent I,at.•mc•nt cleaned ...... 2.(44; I)epartmcnl ; such licrnti;siun to er utinue ante for the txeri~s l of thirty cla}s trio the Square s-antis of inacaclatn liacenient res;Lmled ...... 42.285 recei pt hereof front his l ionor the \favor. Square yards Of m.W;tdant road l,i.lcetl iii ...... ... . 1')5' Which was adopted. Square carols „f broken stunt' spread .,n Mickel-tap bottom ...... Ls,,tn 7 No. 2858. Square rants if tnacaol:tnt tenement sanileml toil screened ...... 17,825 Ili :\hlcrnail R card iii — St)n:ire s aryls nil tn:t: a lent l ace mcnl linil .bent ...... X8.'83 I.csult c 1. 'I hat t c miitisi ii he aril the salon is he rely giveii t, I). \ctnn:mn to ti mare v ar is of dirt wings honed...... 3' 305 erect, place and keels ;t .tarot chr wtitlun the shoot, lire in front Of No,. 1523 Secuixl Square carols nil dirt acing' cltCell ...... O.I1)) avenue, ill the Ituruu•_h of \lanliattan, nrmid l the shill storm door shall he erected Square saris of dirt wings repaired ...... 75)1 so as to conform in all respect; wcitlt the ordinance in such case mule and hrrnticletl. Lads c'f screenings tt:oil ...... 221 lit he used fir :ulcertising l,ut-lsrs: the work to, he dint nt his men ccl,cn,c, Loads of screenings h, iii It' d ...... 232 under the direction of the President of tile i(orott_h: such tncrmissitt to continue Loads „f broken shone tut•,l ...... 532 ads of hr nkcn St ne h:n,lccl ...... 1 unI_v chtring the pleasure of the Board of _\lcicnucn. 4, 1 Which teas adopted. 1. toms if sand itseel ...... Loads of sand hattic•mi...... II)7 By Aldertuan Schloss— Leads of worn out material hauled ...... 41i Resdeltcd. That permission be and the same is hcrch) given to Charles 11. Silver Unpaved Streets— berg, with the consent of the occupant of the ground thsn-, to place noel keep a show Sttiiare yards of roadway grectal ...... 1.87(1 if ln.hl l case within the stop line in front of No. 712 Colombo: ascuue, in the It rritugh it Square )ands roanitcay h mitt' 1_ ...... Square bards of roadway crowncnl and repaired ...... 311,041 Manhattan, pr vided the said slow case shall be erected so as ti, :onfornt in all 221) respects with the ordinance ill such case malt' and provided, not lie used for adver- Square sands of sidewalks rep tired...... of in ...... 91) tising purposes: the work to be alone at his own espouse, under the direction of the Square Lards sidewalks tilled cif hauled away ...... 1.104 1'resitleut of the Borough ; such permissioii to cutttiutte only during the pleasure Loads dirt Loads of dirt put on ...... 1,803 of the Board of Aldermen. Loads of brick pot un ...... 1. Which was adopted. Lads of loans and gravel put on ...... 22 No. 2860. Flagging, Curlting, etc.— By Alderman Schneider— Square feet of tlagstOiies relaid ...... 131) Resolved. That permission le and the same is hereby given to \Wolfson & Ifertz- Square feet „f cement sicleccalks laid ...... 120 berg, with the consent of the occupant of tltc groan l Hoor, to place and keep a shin n• Linear feet of curb reset ...... 14f) case within the stoop line in front of \us. 92 and 94 Second avenue, in the Borough Linear feet of curb inrntrcl ...... 106 of Manhattan, provided the said show case shall he erected Sr as to conform in all Linear feet of crosswalks reiaicl ...... 148 respects with the ordinance in such case made anal provided, not be used for adver- Linear feet of crosswalks tilled in ...... 120 tising purposes the work to be clone at their own expense, under the direction of the Linear feet of crosswalks dressed ...... Si President of the liorouth; such lxrutissiou to continue only during the pleasure of the Linear feet of curb used ...... 50 Board of Aldermen. Gtttters— Which was adopted. Square yards of gutters repayeel ...... 166 No. 2861. Linear feet of gutters cleaned ...... ...... .. 34,848 By Alderman Smith— Linear feet of gutters Bonnet ...... 9.368 Resolt•etl, That permission be noel the saute is hereby given to John R. Costeu to t ulccrts— drive all advertising wagon through the streets and thoroughfares of the Borough Board feet of lumber used Inuitdint; culverts ...... 4'20 of \lauhattau unch•r the supervision of the Police Department: such permission to Cubic feet of culvert; built ...... 420 continue ooh• for the period of thirty days front the receipt hereof from his Honor Linear feet of culverts replaced ...... ...... 14 the Mayor. Trees and \\ eetls— \\'hich was adopted. Square yards of weeds cut down and removed ...... 5,050 Loads of dead linihs hauled away ...... 44 By the same— \Iiscellaucous— Resolved, That permission he and the same is hereby given to the 1Tinsker Young Loacls of refuse removed front catch basins ...... 11 friends' Benevolent Association to drive an advertising wagon through the streets and Cubic yards of catch hasius cleaned ...... 7 thoroughfares of the Borough of Manhattan. under the supervision of the Police De- Loads of ashes hauled away ...... 40 partment. Such permission to continue only for the period of thirty days from the Square yards if trench opened ...... 78 receipt hereof from his Honor the Mayor. Miles of roadway oiled ...... ...... 11 Which was adopted. Gallons of water removed from catch basins ...... 10,200 No. 2863. Loads of dirt and stone used ...... 30 By the same— Cubic feet of trench dug ...... 707 Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Joseph Boylan to Barrels of tar used ...... 3 drive two advertising wagons through the streets anti thoroughfares of the Borough Loads of gravel used ...... 6 of Manhattan, under the supervision of the Police Department. Such permission to Square yards of tar and screenings put on roadway ...... 405 continue only for the period of thirty days from the receipt hereof from his Honor Loads of dirt removed from wings ...... 48 the Mayor. Bagsof cement used .. ...... ...... I1 Which was adopted. Square yards of screenings put on roadway ...... 200

10710 THE CITY RECORD. r"RID.\Y, SEPTEMBER 24, 1909.

Number of granite block used ...... 1,04(1 BUREAU OF SEWERS. Loads of dirt used in tilling in washouts ...... 489 Moneys received for sewer permits, $1,107.20. Barrels of oil used ...... 11 Number of permits issued, 140; for new sewer connections, 103; for old sewer Loads of oil used on roadway...... 60 connections (repairs), 37. Loads of brick hauled ...... 51 Requisitions Drawn on Comptroller—:\ppropriations, $12,703.47; funds, $15,259.07. Square yards of roadway oilerd ...... &3,556 Linear feet sewer built, 24-inch to 90-inch, 479; linear feet pipe sewer built, 1,346; Loads of loani used ...... 118 total number of feet sewer built, 1,825. Loads of stone used ...... 18 Number of manholes built, 22; number of basins built, 10; number of basins Loads of stone used tilling in wash nuts ...... 7 repaired, 4; linear feet of pipe sewers cleaned, 32,15O: pipe sewers, 6; linear feet of Loads of sand and dirt put „u ...... 25 sewers examined. 46,350; number of basins cleaned, 731 ; basins relieved, 829 cubic Feet of pipe used ...... 80 yards; number of basins examine(]. 1,1189; manhole covers set, new, (i: number of basin pans reset, 10; number gallons sewage pumped, Twenty-sixth 11 ard, 71,499,891.); number Bureau of Sewers. gallons sewage pumped. Thirty-first Ward, 35,779,615; cubic feet sludge pumped, Number „f manholes examined.. (.5 Open drains cleaned. feet...... 240 Twenty-sixth \\'ard. 48,296; cubic feet sludge ptnped, Thirty-first Ward, 14,108: Linear feet of sewer cleaned..... 91k) ('ulvert and stone drains cleaned complaints examined, 12; basin head repaired, 1 ; connections repaired, 8. Number of basins cleaned...... 45 and repaired, feet ...... 425 Laboring Force Employed During the Week. Linear feet of sewer examined.. 2,5(1) Material Used— Linear feet of sewer flushed..... 4,111k) Brick ...... 3(X) Sewer Repairing and Cleaning. Payrolls and Supplies—inspectors of Construe- Number of basins flushed...... 0 Cement, barrels ...... 11 tion. 4; Inspectors of Sewer Connections, 10; Foremen, 7; Inspectors of Sewers and Number of manholes repaired... 2 Loads removed from basins and Basins, 9; Mechanics, 4: Laborers, 83; horses and carts, 36. Nutp1er of manholes flushed.... 2(1 drains ...... 141 Street Improvement Fund—Inspectors of Construction, 29; Mechanics, 2; Number of manholes cleaned.... 39 Laborers, 23. Twenty-sixth Ward Disposal \forks—Laborers, 19. Street Sweepings, Garbage. etc.. Collected and Disposed Of. Thirty-first I and Disposal \Forks—Inspectors of Sewer Connections, 2; Mechanics, 1; Laborers, 20. .\shes. loads ...... 1.1304 garbage. loads ...... 1,112!; Cleaning Large Brick and Concrete Sewers—Inspectors of Sewer Connections, 4; Sweepings. loads ...... 1.(K)5' Miles of street swept...... 75 Lai rcrs, 42; horses and carts, 15. Rubbish. loads ...... 741 _--- Bureau of Typographical Surveys. BUREAU OF IHIGIIWAYS. Damage Maps—Hopkins avenue. Gosman avenue. _\ddison place, North \Vashing- Division of Street Repairs. tou place, Clinton avenue. :\ndretcs street. Charles street. Hull avenue, Fisk avenue, Force Employed on Repairs to Street I'acrntents—Mechanics, 104; Laborers, 248; Fresh P ii road, Stealer street, Skillman avenue, Boulevard, Columbia place, Grand horses and wagons, 59; horses and carts, 18: l-oremen, 311; teams, 32. View avenue. Madden street. Work Done by Connection Gangs—\1 atcr and sewer connections repaired, 105 Protilcs—North \1 ashingion place. electric. light connections repaired, 56; dangerous holes repaired and made safe, 171; Rule \laps—Ci small avenue. -\dldis n place. Perry street, North \Washington complaints received, 235: defects remedied, 121, place, l;ra aw street. IIunters Point acrnue. Shalcr street. Draft Benefit \laps— ' c;ctown avenue. Ely avenue and Sunstcick street. Work Done by Repair Gangs. Final Benoit Maps—Uassel avenue, Ely avenue, Suits;;ick street, Bridge approach, Hill street, State street. Final Damage Maps—Cassel avenue, Mount Olivet avenue. hill street, Ely avenue, Connec- State street. Bridge approach. Repairs. tious. Totals. Miscell:uteous—( pving old maps and records at the County Clerk's and Comp- troller's offices and hall of Ree'rds. Calctilati ti and Plotting oaf Field \Work. Square yards T. & G. granite ...... 2,155 191) 2.345 \fonumenting—Newt ten, Corolla. \\ inticld, Flushing. long Island City, Rock- Square yards sat l granite ...... 5,7(13 919 (.1 aways. Square yar is l elgian ...... '7 311 1,027 Plane Table Survev—Itacside, Little Nock and \1 illets Point. Square yards c..bhlestone ...... ...... 37.3 25 3c1) Traverse and Location \1 rk—College P, lint. Flushing and Springfield. Square yards iron slag ...... .... 5 5 Damage Surveys—Long Island City and Nctctotwn. Square yards wood blocks...... ... ' 2 4 Square yards macadam ...... 365 .... 365 Statement of Laboring Force Employed \Veek Ending Jul} 17, 19(9. Bureau of Highways— Total ...... 9,189 1,535 10,724 Forenien, assistant Foremen, Mechanics and Lal orcrs ...... 589 Teams.. ...... 46 Square yards six-inch concrete ...... 15? 444) 592 Horses and carts ...... ...... 131) Steam rollers ...... 3 'Miscellane, us \\' irk-1S linear feet ;v 'd drain laid : one cesspool cleaned ; 304 Bureau of Sewcers— miles street sprinkled : -'37.8(I square yards oil sprinkled : cli- utlug miscellaneous paved F oremen, _\ssistant Foremen, Drivers. Sounders, Mechanics and Laborers 14)) streets: repairing bridges: miscellaneous trucking: bricklaying; miscellany us work Horses and carts...... 21 i not street). Bureau Of Street Cleaning— Linear feet c iterute curl fun~lation. 716: total number of square trds of pave- District Superintendent. Foremen..\ssistant 1:,,remen. Mechanics. ! lclpers, ment repaired, 1(1,724: linear feet If curbing reset. 1.147: square feet of bridging relaid, Drivers, laborers and Clerks ...... 161 1,094: square feet t , f flagging relaid, 17.978: square feet cement walks, 528. Teams and trucks ...... 34 Horses and carts ...... 81 :Asphalt Plant Team and Sweeper ...... 2 Force at Plant—Superintendent, I : Foremen, 2; Engineers. 2; Auto Engineer, I Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices— Stokers, 3::\sphalt 1\ -, rkers. 16: Laborers, 2. Clerks. Foremen. Foci leer. firemen, Sts-kers, Carpenters, Plumbers, Pipe Plant 1'n'(luct-43? boxes \I . S. mixture : 105 boxes binder mixture. Fitters. Tinsmith, l l;-lpers. Painters. Laborers, Chatters. Janitors, l-orce „n \laintenanee—1 ,renter, 4: Engineers, 3: Asphalt \V rkers, 47: trucks, 6. \las, n. Helpers and .\tten~lant ...... 75 Material 1.aid-2.64i't cubic felt \V. S. mixture. 535.5 binder mixture. Bureau If Topographical Surveys— Free Rest ring Openings--I orcmcn, 5: Engineers, 2 Asphalt \\'orkers, 45; Engineer in charge, Assistant Engiocer. rcrs• S, -waders, Fl ilmen, trucks. 8. I)rivers. Foremen• Assistant 1 „rcmen, Draftsmen, Transit men, C nt- Foree Em p1 red on Macadam and Unimproved Roadways—Steam rollers, 4: puters. Riggers, :\ scoter and Flaggers ...... 233 Mechanics. 24: Laborers, 165 : horses and wag 27: teams, 411: sprinklers. 26; horses Horses and wag „ns ...... 3 and carts. 7: Foremen. 17. Horses and carts ...... 2 Miscellaneous paved gutters, l)(IP square cards; dirt r,,adtcay repaired and cleaned. 46,858 square yards : gutter cleaned, 3)N13 souare yards ; sidewalks repaired, .ALI kI'l) 1 IF. ...( )\. l ,n wit: i-,ner „f Public AWorks. 591 square yards : macadam repairs, 8,753 square }'arils. .\ppn,ve 1. Loads Material Ilauled—To work, 2,1177: to dunip, 1,501. Lawrence I ;n », r. I'n•,i~i, i t. Operations of the Bureau of Buildings, Borough of Brooklyn, for the \ eek Ending August 28, 1909. Plans filed for tie;; buildings, brick (estimated c~Est, ;1,02255)1) ...... 133 BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. Plans tiled for new buildings. frame (estimated r„t. $14)3,7251 ...... 38 Plans tiled f,-,r alterations le'tintated cyst, $130,(N9) ...... XI) REPORT OF THE I'kE'Sll)E\T OF Tl ll•: lu( tkt tl'GIl ON BROOKLYN FOR Ituilding slip permits issued (estimated cost. $l7.StkI) ...... 3? TILE \VEEK ENDING :\UGUST 28, 1909. Pat• window permits issued (estimate([ cost, $7,215) ...... 44 \-ii la tin cases tiled ...... 98 BUREAU ((F PUBLIC' BUILDINGS .\\D OFFICES. Unsafe case filed ...... 1 Violation notices issued ...... 98 During the week ending August 28, 1909. this Bureau forwarded eleven orders for Unsafe notice issued ...... 1 supplies and sixteen orders for repairs. Violation cases referred to Counsel ...... 91 Bills aggregating $3,479.67 were signed l v the Commissioner and transmitted to the Comptroller for audit and payment. Operations of the Bureau of Buildings, Borough ..f Brooklyn, for the Corresponding Week Ending August 2), 1918. BUREAU OF I CUMBRANCES .\ND PERMITS. Plans filed for new buildings, brick (estimated cost, $977,950) ...... 189 Complaint Department. Plans filed for new buildings, frame (estimated cost, $114,350) ...... 43 Department of Street Cleaning, 2; Bureau of Complaints, 3; mail, 5; office, 4; Plans filed for alterations (estimated cost, $24,728) ...... 68 Inspectors. 71: Police I)epartmeut. 2. Total. 87. Class( (cation and Disposal—Boulders removed. 6; trees and limbs removed, 22. BIRD S. COLER, President of Borough. Total, 28. Inspectors' Department. Complaints made. 71: complaints settled, 86; slips settled, 258. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES. Permit Department. List of Changes in the Department of Public Charities During the 11 eek Ending Permits Issued—Building material, 41 ; vault. 1: cross walks, 28; special, 143; vault September 18, 19119. repair:;, 4; cement walks, 23: driveways, 7; electric companies, 110; railroad com- panies, 36: gas companies, 100. Total, 493. September 1—Aitkens, Sarah, appointed, Hospital helper, Kings County Hospital, Permits Passed—Tap water pipes, 152; repair water connections, 74; sewer con- $180 per annum ; certified September 1, 1909. nections, 128; sewer connection repairs, 30. Total. 384. September 11—.\nthony, James, dismissed, Hospital Helper, Storehouse, $180 per annum; absence without leave. Cashier's Department. September 8—Ashley, Edward, dismissed, Hospital Helper, Kings County Hos- Moneys Received— pital, $2411 per annum; intoxication. Repaving over water connections ...... $641 00 September 12—Blachley, Minnie \I., dropped, Pupil Nurse, New York City Train- Repavingover sewer connections ...... 569 40 ing School, Blackwells Island, $1810 per annum : illness at home. Repaving over gas connections ...... 2,368 04 September 8—Brady, Frank S.. dismissed, hospital Helper, Kings County Hos- Repaving over electric light connections ...... 2,727 57 pital, $2(4 per annum; absence without leave. Inspection of work done by corporations ...... 253 50 September 15—Butler, Morris, resigned, Cook, City Hospital, Blackwells Island, Extra paving...... .. ...... ...... 55 38 $240 per annum. Redemption of street incumbrances seized ...... 1 00 September 16—Chamowitz, Joseph. appointed, Hospital Helper, City Hospital, Vaults...... 964 67 Blackwells Island, $240 per annum ; certified September 16, 1909. Special pavement ...... 3,324 10 September 13—Coffey, Thomas P., dropped, Pilot, Steamboats, $1,400 per annum; lack of employment. \Vas appointed temporarily. $10,904 66 September 16—D'Arcy, Elizabeth, appointed, Hospital Helper, City Home, Black- wells Island, $180 per annum; certified September 16, 1909. -


September 16-1)':\rcy, Elizabeth, (lismissed, hospital I Ielper, Metropolitan Train- N10RGl'I•: ing School, Blackwells Island, $30O per annutn; neglect of duty. Foot of East 'twenty-six' Ii street Sep tenther 8—I)ufly, Joseph, appointed, hospital 11elper, Bradford Street Ilospital, New- York, September 13. 19(9. 1)escti! 'ti 'it (,f ttn kit u ,wrt tn:tn, front of I tat terv. $480 per annum : certified September 3, 111119. Ni nth hirer—Age, ahc-ut thirty years; height 5 feet 6 inches; weight, rut, itt 135 September 2—i dwarrls, Isabella, appointed, 1anspital helper. New York City iwunds; color, white; eyes. r:tnnut tell; hair. dark brown: nntstaehc. none; beard. Children's Hospitals and Schools, Raudalls Island, $24fI per a iii uttt; ccrtilied Septem- nuns; tutu' upper and (tutu' lrnvcr Lack t:,, Ill nti;sing. Clothing: (;ray aml black small ber 2, 19O9. September 4—( ricves, \Wilhut, dropped, temporarily for ten days, Licensed Fire- chick sack cat, light gray pants, black stripe,; white shirt, Ll:tck check stripes: Wile man, New fork City Children's I I ospi tal sand Schools. Randalls Island, $3 per diem; socks. r;ne black cht;tii' gaiter, shocl~lack clastic garters, White suspenu lees, Ilruwn strip.... Ct,nuliti,, dly. !eeontposeil. Remarks: No underwear; about two days on account of illness. n of ho, September 14—Grieves. William, reinstated, Licensed Fireman, New York City to s:rer. No. 81173, C,,rnncr Ilarhurgen Children's IInspitals and Schools, Rantlalls Island, $3 per diem. (;I:U. W. 'MEI KS, Sttperiutcncicnt. September 2-1 Iarnett, Nellie L., app' 'in let l, 'Cclephunc Switchboard Operator, Central Office, Manhattan, $720 per annum ; certified by Civil Service September 2, 19()9. POLICE DEPARTMENT. September 16-1lendricks, .liar),, appointed, Hospital Ilelper, City home, ]'lack- wells Island, $18O per anntnn: certified September 16, 1'X$). September 18, 1'119, September 8—ITuckstep, Edward E., salary increased, Ilnspital Yelper, Kings The following proceedings were this day tlirectcul I,y Police Commissioner \\il- Comity Hospital, $240 to $3(N) per annum. li:tnt l . Iiruker: August 31—I fcn,lnt:ut, Nuhv, resigned. 1 fnspital I Ielper, New York City Children's Ordererl, That reulttisiti it Ic arnl is hereby nt:nle upon the Municipal Civil Service Iii spitals and Sch„uls, Randalls Island, $241) per annum. September 13—Jackson, Alexandler, dropped, Licensed Fireman, New York City Commission for an eligible list fruut which to coal lr the Police C1unnni>siuncr to appoint fifty (50) I'atruluien, anti that the fulluwiug monies be inclutictl in such Children's I lospitals and Schunl;, Ranrlalls Island, $3 per diem ; own request. eligible list: September 13—Jansen, Charles \1-., resigned, Ilospital Yelper, New York City Children's Ilospitals and Schools. Randalls Island, $241) per annum. 1lilliant Nicnast, Ifeury A. Snci'llhciincr, \l fret R. Ltultci.g, John G. (;ree•n, September 1(i—McCann, \V ill iam, api-intet). Clerical :\ssistait, Ccntral Office, I',ttrick A. Burke, Fred J. Bell, Anbm Srhultr, Patrick J. 1)illauv. Ilcnjantin \\-:txherg, J.,hn :\lexy, James I). Blythe, l"rank I'. \fanning, \\ illiant I). (utnl:ut, James F. Manhattan, $3( NI per :mount : certified Septet11I,cr 16, 194)9. Septenilcr 14—\f c(;nnagle, Rusc, dropped. Pupil Nurse, New York City Training 1)onnolly, John Rcis. School, lilackwells Isl:ut 1. $181) per annum; course finished. On file, Send Ggrv. September 14—\facKinlav, Frances R., dropped, Pupil Nurse, New York City Report of Lieutenant in contnt:tnrl of L'nilcr S:luarl, rlatc,l Septcnthcr 17, 19119, Training School, Blackwells island, $18O per atittuin graduated. relative to engineers' licenses grante,l. I uur pnldicatiun in the Ct-rt- Bu:rottn. September 12—Martin, Eliza, dismissal, Ii spital Yelper, New York City ]tone, Special Order X,. 261, issued this Ito, is hcrcl,y Made part of tltc proceedings Black wells Island, $1811 per anti it ahseucc without leave. of the Police Cuntntirsirmcr, September 1(i—\lichaels, Charles, resigned, Clerical .\ssistant, Central Office, Man- Special (1 rile r No. 260, relative to I lutlson-Ihltutt celehra(iu ti, was this Clay pro- hattan, $311) per annum. nntlgatcd by the I' lice Cumntissiuner. Septentl,er 7—\l iii ,han, Sarah J., alit,, ntcl, hospital 1[elper, New York City ('hildlren's I lu,spitals and Schools, Randalls Island, $180 per annum; certified .September Special ( )ruler N,,, 261. 7, 1909. The fulli,uving transfct-s and assigntn tuts are hereby ordered: Septeinl er 9—Mulvaney, \clli,•, appointed, 11 uspital I Riper. New York City- Train- To take effect 8 p. tut., Septetul,cr 20, 191)'): itig Schn,nl• lllackwells Island. $241) per anrtttnt ; certifie,l September 7, 1'l9. Sergeants I•:rintuntt Nalticr, frint 'l wentc-sixth I'recinct to Seccrttc--se,-cntlt l'rc- Scptcnticr 13—\lurphr. \I. Gmstance. druppeil. Pupil Nurse. City Training cinct; Robert \1. Spccht, from Seventy-sc\rnth Precinct to Twenty-sixth Precinct. School, ltlacktt•ells Island, $181) per annum; graduated. To take effect 8 a. tut., September 21), 19119: Septcntl,cr l3--Neuberger, Ji,hn, appu uinted, Cook, City ll,,spital, Blackwells Island, I'atrulntcn Denis Sullitun, I',,rtirtll Precinct, tran;fu•rrcul to) 'I'Itirty-secun l I'rc- $481) per annttnt; ccrtificvl Septcnthcr 13. 1 1K). ,rk (ity- Children's cirtct, and assigned as driver of electrical patr,,l tcag,n; Patrick Halley, Fortieth Septentl,er 5—\ , ,L;tn, Marv. appuintcul• IIospitaI I Riper, New Y- Precinct, transfcrrctl to 'fltirtc-sc•:,,i~tl Precinct, :mutt nssts;ncuI as driver of electrical IInspitals and Sch,,,,ls, h'anrlalls Island, $24)) Per :ntnntn: ccrtiticcl Sepleniler 5, 1'Nl). mnrll, Victor, dropped, hospital helper, Alunicipal Loulging patrol wruguutt::\nclrew Sutton. Onr Ilnnrlrccl tutu) Sixt\-sixth Precinct, tr:utsferrrl to August 31—O'I), !'u,rticllt Precinct, and •tssigucd its driver „f p:ttr-,l tragun; \\ilii:un (T:trru,ll, One 1louse, ;3f) per anrtnnt: dereliction iuf (late. Ilnnnlrcrl and Sixty-sixth Precinct, transferred t., fortieth Precinct, and assigned as .\ut;ust 31—Pn,hyn, Arthur \V., resigned, Hospital helper, Kings County IItus- driver of patrol wagon. pital, $24)) per anntnn. September 13—(luau, Maria. leave granted. sixteen Macs With pay and eight days To take effect 8 p. tut., Scptetuhcr 21), 1911): without pay. t,. (.fill Uct..ber 15, Matron, (ity- Monte, Ilrrnuklyn, $(;f1)) per annttnt. Patr, ulntcn I:irltarcl U'I lahcrte. front l'rallic Precinct A to, l-'u , rty-thirl Precinct; Se itrnther 5—keaslct. Georgic .\., rlro,i,perl, I I„spit:tl I lclprr, Metr-,Iwlit:ut Train- Jame. k. Nelleh •r, front 'l'tccnte-sixth 1'r •rinct ti , 'fhirt -sixth Precinct. ing Scltrn,l, l'lackwclls Island, $311) p,•r :tnnutu : inr"mpci•. nry. I)- ,Armen \\illi:un I'. II gait, front Sixty-fifth ]'reeirtct too Seveuuterntlt Precinct: September 111—knl:ins m . \\ inifredl If., dnippcul. l'ultil Nurse, City Training Gu>taf A. llcrgrcn, front Sctcntecnlh I'ncinct to, Sixty-fifth Precinct. Sch,,nl, Pl:trktrclls Island, $1811 per annttm ; gradtratcitium of tentbcr 17. 191(9: (;enrge Priul:ty, ( hue Ilundredl :toil Ports-f„urth Precinct, t~, Eighth August 14. I , furnish all h:thu.r at ttrtterial necessary to repair all leaders, gutters and !nspcctiwu District, duty in plain cl„thcs, fur vivo I:ns. form K p. tut., `•ptenther 2(1, slate work, and to cover all u,f the tin-wu,rk on the roof with one coat of pitch, etc.. 19)19: \\ illiant J. 1layes, One Iltuulrcrl Noel Fuurty-fifth I'r,-cinrt. too 1•:itiltth fnsprctiun etc.. tin the ]ndnstrial School Pttilding at Randall; 1

T. Cody, Twenty-sixth Precinct, and John 1'. \lnrphy, Sixteenth Precinct, from 8 Timothy \Valsh, Cornwall, N. Y., i11in• PRESIDENT. BOROUGH OF p. ni.. Septcmbcr 1$. 1909, instead of September 1'), Phri), it:; lineman. $3 per day, September 15.' QUEENS. Charlie 1.indsav, Cornwall, N. V., September 21— The fullott-ing Special Patrolmen are hercbv appointed Aliner. $3 per day (50 cents additional per To T:,kc Effect September 10, 19(19—Joseph J. )ilartin, John T. Moran, I?dward day when working iu shatts), September Changes. F. Riiiiev, John R)an, Richanl 1. .\tkins, John 1'. 1larocit, \\ illiam F. O'Toole. 10. August 24, Albert I.ingold, Rudman, J. 11 1ik;us, \latthew F. Castellanos and Arthur - . BBabcock, for Steinhardt Robert W. Page, Cornwall, N. Y., Bureau of Highways, salary fixed at I;rtthcrs t: Co.. \iutli avenue and Thirteenth street. \lanhattan. alines, $3 per clay (5U cents additional per $1 ,2(J per annuut. To •rake I?tier, .cpternl+er 17. 191$)—domes Carter, for Steinhardt Brothers & Co., tla~- when working in shafts), September August 24, Samuel Hendickson, Rod- Ninth avenue and Thirteenth street. \lauhattan. 9 ntan. Bureau of highways, salary fixed at 1• ...... IT ...... lo Take 1•.ticit Srptcml+rr 1.,. 131)9—lharles+ 11. Barnes, f or t tc ++++t a+\tt September 21—On September 15, 1909, $1,211)) per aunuut. lrmctcrc, N,,. _'(1 1:a>t r\ccnt\-third sirrct, \I:tnhattan. the salary of Ilannah \I. Flynn, Telephone August 24. Louis Cammcrcr, Rodman, \V.\1. P. 1;.\K1•:R, Police Commissioner. ()perator, was fixed at the rate of $750 Ibureau of Ilighways, salary fixed at per annum, to take effect imu,ediately. $1,2110 per annum. • On the saute (late the salary of John R. August 24, Thomas Walsh, Rodman, Freeman, Consulting Engineer, was fixed Topographical Bureau, salary fixed at POLICE DEI'.\RTMEN I. at the rate of $8.INKI per annum, to take $1,050 per annum. effect October 1, 1'u9. September 3, Carman Cornhes, rein- Sanitary Company t Iloilcr Squad. The follow lug resignations were accept- stated as a Driver, Bureau of Highways, Scptemlter 1`l. 1'H19. salary fixed at $3 per diem. To the I',+lice G+mn,is-Toner: Peter Lc(lell, Mining Blacksmith, Sep- September 14. George Schofield Nobles, tculher 3. appointed as a Topographical Draftsman, Sir—In c,mpliauee with orders relatlee to engineers' certi :ca fe k ued I,v tnc 312 of chapter 41)1 , , f the Laws of 1.S2. as :u feuded, the 1, lowing Sidney R. Dresser, Clerk, September 13. at a salary of $1,200 per annum. under section azl,er I ecsnicr, temporary Laborer, shoe the names „f the persons to ah ,in licenses wcrc is ne 1, cia;; of( September 14, Fred R. \Vochrlin, ap- report will Sept, nil cr 3. location for the aatc, during the tttcu:) four hours ending 12 itt:dnigPt. pointed as a Topographical Draftsman, at license and ]+ ]a -1. Raymund Sutter, Clerk, September a salary of $1,2(X) per annuni. September 17, 1909: September 14, Frederick D. Armstrong, First Class. Fred \V. Job, temporary Clerk, Septent- appointed as a Topographical Draftsman James Cox. One ITtm,lri• l and Forty-fourth street ant Soul hem i,, ,tlevard: Per 11. at a salary of $1,211() per annum. Will. T. Travis. 1'n,-peet Park, lirus„kl)11: Frank F. 1•:Ili'on. N. (wt N .trend :tvcnur. \\ulcer S. McDowell, Inspector, Septem- September 15, Louis Stoeckicht, Fure- Brooklcn: George Schener, No. 3)1(1 North Seventh trrrt- itru„kl_cn; William A. her 14. tnan, Bureau of Sewers, salary fixed at Madden, No. 33 Second avenue. College I' ins, L. 1.: Robert 11. Iir:ntt. No. 191 Fuser' Peterson, Clerk (temporary), $1.50(1 per armors. Ilikcman street, Brooklyn: frier J. Brown. \,,. 395 Lafacrttc street; Michael Daly, September 9. September 4, Thomas Clavcn. appointed Review avenue and Fox trcct. Lone Island ( itY. I)avi,l L. Gordon. Rodman, :August 31. as a Stoker, and assigned to the Bureau E. G. Ilaincs, Assistant Engineer in 'f Public Buildings and Offices at a Seca nd Class. charge of scctinn. September 14. salary of $3 per diem. Vu tlliclm O tendorf, N, . 53Q \\ c t l h rt_~ t "lhirtt--first 'Street: Patrick Daci:t, N, ,. 65 N„rtli 1 ml rt- ice, .\uinct 31: tran ferre•,l SURROGATES' C))URT, NEW YORK Eleventh street, Brookltn: Bevier Gol+i lie failc,l to report for ditty an ml his n:unc MAYOR'S OFFICE. I;rilge, N. \ ., temp .nary Laborer, $2 per has been dropped from the list if em- No. 5 City Hall, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturday, 9 L'O-U.D O1. \\ -1T1:R SUPPLY. day, September 9. ployces, by direction of the Commissioner a. M. to r4 M. John Schmidt, Shr,kan, N. Y., tempur- September 20—Thuma, L. Casey, s Telephone, Bozo Cortlandt. September 22— GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, Mayor. :,re Laborer, ;2 per day, September 15. Dcckl:and, died September 10, 197k). Frank M. O'Brien, Secretary. Separations. Ilarul, l Crutntt-ell, highland 1l ills. N. A leave of absence was granted t William A. Willis, Executive Secretary. Frederick L. Brouwer-Ancher, tenipor- 1.. Clerk, $450 per annum, September W. Matthew J. Alexander, Dock Laborer, for James A. Rierdon, Chief Clerk and Bond and R arrant Clerk. ary Inspector: last day's service, Septrm- Eugene 1_cnn"n, Browns Station, N. V.. a per ,d of three months beginning Dc- her 13: cstabli>hment of permanent list of Clerk, $4siI per annum, September 13. crtnber 11, 1905. Thi, leave of abocncc BUREAU OP WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Inspector. William .H. Carr, I,rn,lhcads, N. V., expired March 11, 1909. but Alcxaudcr Room 7, City Hall, 9 R. M. to 4 P. m ; Saturdays Walter S. \ ,sung, temp rare Inspector; It:sp, etor' 54.50 per day (5(1 cents per day has not yet reported for ditty. 9a.m.touIn. Telephone, 8020 Cortlandt. last day's service, Scl,temlcr 14: establish- additional when working in shafts or tun- A leave of absent•c was granted to Patrick Derry, Chief of Bureau. went of permanent list of Inspector. nc•ls t, September 13. James A. Anderson, Dock Laborer, for a William H. Carr. Rodman ; last day's :\udrew G. 1.uderw•uod, No. 672 \ia(lis,nt period of four months, beginning March BUREAU or LICENsa/. service, September 12; appointed Inspec- street, Brooklyn, Inspector, S4.5t) per day 21. 19(18. This leave expired July 21, Q a. to. to 4 p m.• Saturdays, 9 a. m. to rs m. Telephone, Scan ortlandt. tor. t 511 cu :!t; per day additional when work- 191st, but Anderson has not yet reported Francis V S Oliver, Jr., Chief of Bureau. The Board of \tat •r Supply has made ing in shafts or tunnels t, Selrtetnler 14. for duty. Principal Office, Room r, City Hall. the following appointments: Phillip Gannon, (,ornwall, N. Y., Min- In view of the above facts, Anderson Branch Office, Room rs, Borough Hall Brooklyn, Branch Office Richmond Borough Half, Room 23, Arthur P. Ackerman, No. 163 \Vest- in I:ngincntan, $4.SU per (lay (5() cents and Alexander have been dropped from New Bri hton, §. I. minster road, Brooklyn. Rodman, $840 per additional per day when working in the list of employees by direction of the Branch Office Hackett Building, Lon Island annum, September 7. shafts), September 14. Commissioner. City, Borough ol,Qussns. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 19(19. THE CITY RECORD. 10718

AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS. Edward J. Dooley, City Magistrate, Second Divi- Egerton L. Winthrop, Jr., President, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Room 207, No. 280 Broadway, 5th floor, 9 a. m. tc sion. John Greene, Vice-President. 4 p m. Samuel B. Hamburger John C. Heintz, Dominick A. Emerson Palmer, Secretary. Southwest corner of Fifty-fifth street and Sixth Teleohone 1942 Worth. Di Dario, James F. Boyle. Fred H. Johnson Assistant Secretary. avenue, Borough of Manhattan, 9 a. m. to 4 p, m. The Mayor the Comptroller, ex-officio, Commis Thomas R. Minnick, Secretary. C. B. J. Snyder, Superintendent of School Build. Burial Permit and Contagious Disease offices sioners john P. Cowan (President) William H. Ter ings always open. Eyck John J.Ryan and ]ohn P. iVindolph; Harr} Patrick tones, Superintendent of School Supplies, Telephone 49c0 Columbus. W. Walker, Secretary; Walter H. Sears, Chief En BOARD OF REVISION OF ASSESS- Henry R M. Cook, Auditor. Thomas I')arl]ngton, M. D., Commissioner of ginner. MENTS. 'J'humas A. Dillon, Chief Clerk. Health and President. Alvah H. Doty, M. D.; William F. Baker, Herman A. Metz, Comptroller. Henry M. Leipziger Supervisor of Lectures, Claude G. Leland Stuperintendent of Libraries, Commissioners. ARMORY BOARD. Francis K. Pendleton Corporation Counsel. A. J. Maguire, Supervisor of Janitors. Walter Bensel, M. D. Sanitary Superintendent, Lawson Purdy, President of the Department of Eugene W. Scheffer Stecretary. Taxes and Assessments. Mayor George B. McClellan, the Comptrcller BOARD OF SUPERINTENDENTS, Herman M. Biggs, M.D., General Medical Officer. Herman A. Metz the President of the Board of Henry J. Storrs, Chief Clerk, Finance Depart James McC. Miller, Chief Clerk. Aldermen, Patricl F. McGowan. Brigadier-Gen ment No. 280 Broadway. William H. Maxwell, City Superintendent of William H. Guilfoy, M. D., Registrar of Records, eral George Moore Smith, Brigadier-General )ohr, Telephone, rsoo Worth. Schools, and Andrew W. Edson, John H. Haaren G. Eddy, Captain J. W. Miller, the President of the Clarence E. Meleney Thomas S. O'Brien Edward Borough of Manhattan. Department of Taxes and Assessments, Lawsan B. Shallow Edward 1.. Stevens, Gustave Sttrauben- Purdy. BOARD OF WATER SUPPLY. maller, John H. Walsh, Associate City Superin- Traverse R. Macheld, M. D., Assistant Sanitary tendents. Superintendent; George A. Roberts, Assistant Chief Harrie Davis, Secretary Room 6, Basement, Hall Office, No. aqq Broadway. Clerk. of Records, Chambers ansi Centre streets. John A. Bensel, Charles N. Chadwick, Charles A DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. Shaw, Commissioners. Charles J. Burke, M. D., Assistant Registrar of to is m. Thomas Bassett, Secretary. Darwin L. Bardwell William A. Campbell, John Records. Telephone, 3900 Worth. J. Waldo Smith, Chief Engineer, J. Chickering, John W, Davis, John Dwyer, James M. Edsall, Matthew J. Elgas, Cornelius U. rrank- Borough of The Bronx, No. 3731 Third avenue. Iin, John Griffin, M. D.; John L. N. Hunt, Henry COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. W. Jameson, James Lee, Charles W. Lyon, lames Alonzo Blauvelt, M. D., Acting Assistant Sani- tary Su rintendent ; Ambrose Lee, Jr., Assistant ART COMMISSION. Rooms 114 and ri5 Stewart Building, No. s8o J. McCabe. William J. O'Shea, Julia Richman, Alfred T. Schauffter, Albert Shiels, Edgar Dubs Chief Clerk- Arthur J. O'Leary, M.D., Assistant City Hall, Room 21. Broadway, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Registrar of 'Records. g/ Cortlandt. Telephone, 435S Worth. Shimer, Seth T. Stewart, Edward W. Stitt, Grace Telephone call, ri C. Strachan Joseph S. Taylor. Joseph H. Wade, Robert W, de Forest, Trustee Metropolitan John Purroy Mitchel, Henry C. Buncke, Com- Borough of Brooklyn, Nos. 38 and 40 Cli'.ton street. Museum of Art, President; Frank D. Millet, Fainter, missioners. Evangeline R. Whitney. (One vacancy.) Alonzo Blauvelt, M. D., Assistant Sanitary Vice-President; John B. Pine Secretary; A. BOARD OF EXAMINERS, Augustus Healy, President of the brooklyn Institute Superintendent; Alfred T. Metcalfe, Assistant Chief of Arts and Sciences; George B. McClellan, Mayor CHANGE OF GRADE DAMAGE William H. Maxwell City Superintendent of Clerk; S. J. Byine, M. D., Assistant Registrar of of the City of New York; John Bigelow. President COMMISSION. Schools, and James C. Byrnes, Walter L. Hervey Records. of New 1 ork Public Library; Arnold W. Brunner TWENTY-THIRD AND TWENTY-FOURTH WARDS. Jerome A. O'Connell, George J. Smith, Examiners, Architect; Charles Howland Russell, Frederic B. Borough of Queens, Nos. 372 and 374 Fulton street Office of the Commission Room 21g No. Ho I amalca. Pratt, Herbert Adams, Sculptor. Broadway (Stewart Buildingj, Borough of Manhat- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. John Quincy Adams, Assistant Secretary. tan. New York City. John H. Barry, M. D., Assistant Sanitary Super- Commissioners—William E. Stillings, George C. Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, intendent; George R. Crowly Assistant Chief Norton, Lewis A. Abrams. 9 a. m. to 5 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to Is m. Clerk; Robert Campbell, M. D., Assistant Registrar BELLEVUE AND ALLIED HOSPITALS. Lamont McLoughlin, Clerk. Telephone, Ism Worth, of Records. Regular advertised meetings on Monday, Wednes- Herman A. Metz, Comptroller. Office, Bellevue Hospital, Twenty-sixth street and day and Friday of each week at 2 o'clock p. m, John H. McCooey and N. Taylor Phillips, Deputy Borough of Richmond, Nos. 54 and 56 Water street First avenue. Comptrollers. Stapleton, Staten Island. Telephone 4400 Madison Square. Hubert L. Smith, Assistant Deputy Comptroller. Board of l'rustees—Dr. John W. Brannan Presi- CITY CLERK AND CLERK OF THE Paul Loeser, Secretary to Comptroller. John T. Sprague, M. I)., Assistant Sanitary Super- dent: James K Paulding, Secretary; James A. ;Farley, BOARD OF ALDERMEN. intendent; Charles E. lioyer Assistant Chief Clerk Samuel Sachs Leopold Stern, John G. O'Keeffe, MAIN DIVISION, Walter Woud, M. D., Assistant Registrar of City Hall, Rooms 11, 12; 10 a. in. to 4 p. m.; Sat- H. J. Storrs, Chief Clerk, Room ii. Records, Arden M. Robbins, Robert W. ebberd, ex-officio. urdays, io a. m to r: In. Telephone. 7560 Cortlandt. BOOKKEEPING DIVISION. Scully, City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of DEPAR'T'MENT OF PARKS. APP. J. en Frank W. Smith, Chief Accountant and Book- BOARD OF ALDERMEN. oseph F. Prendergast. First Deputy. keeper, Room 8. Henry Smith, Commissioner of Parks for the Bor- No. rr City Hall, io a. in. to 4 p• in.; Seturday John T. Oakley, Chief Clerk of the Board of oughs of Manhattan and Richmond, and President in a. m. to12In. A dermen. AWARDS DIVISION. Park Board. Telephone, 7560 Cortlandt. Joseph V. Sculley, Clerk, Borough of Brooklyn. Joseph K. Kenny Bookkeeper in Charge, Room I William J. Fransioli, Secretary. Patrick F. McGowan, President. Thomas J. McCabe, Deputy City Clerk, Borough Offices, Arsenal Central Park. P. J. Scully, City Clerk. of The Bronx. CONTRACT DIVISION. Telephone, sol J'laza. Michael. Kennedy. Commissioner of Parks for William R. Zimmerman, Deputy City Clerk, Bor- John 11. Andrews, Clerk in Charge, Room 86. the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. ough of Queens. Offices, Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Park, Brook- BOARD OF ASSESSORS. losephTF. O'Grady, Deputy City Clerk, Borough STOCK AND BOND DIVISION. lyn. of Richmond. James J. Sullivan, Chief Stock and Bond Clerk, Telephone, 2300 South. Office, No. 32o Broadway, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Satur Room 84. Jo'eph I. Berry, Commissioner of Parks fur the days, 12 m. CITY RECORD OFFICE. Borough of The Bronx. Antonio Zucca. BUREAU OF AUDIT—MAIN DIVISION. Ultce, Zbrowski Mansion, Claremont Park. Paul Weimann. BUREAU OF PRINTING, STATIONERY AND P. H. Quinn, Chief Auditor of Accounts, Room 27 Office hours, 9 a. n7. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 12 M. James 11. Kennedy. BLANK BOOKS. Telephone, 2640 Tremont. William H. Jasper, Secretary. Supervisor's Office, Park Row Building, No. 21 LAW AND ADJUSTMENT DIVISION. Telephone, s9, 3o and 31 Worth. Park Row. Entrance, Room 807,9 a. m. to 4 p. m Jeremiah T. Mahoney, Auditor of Accounts, Saturdays. 9 a. M. to 12 M. Room ISS. Telephone, 1505 and r5o6 Cortlandt. Supply DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES. Room, No. 2, City Hall. BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL INVESTIGATION AND PRINCIPAL OFFICE. BOARD OF ELECTIONS. Patrick J. Tracy, Supervisor; Henry McMillen STATISTICS, Deputy Supervisor C. McKemie, Secretary. Foot of East Twenty-sixth street, 9 a. m. to 4 p. M. Headquarters General Office, No. 107 West Forty Charles S. Hervey, Supervising Statistician and Saturdays, Iz m. first Street. Examiner, Room i80. Telephone, 33 5o Madison Square. Commissioners—John T. Dooling (President), COMMISSIONER OF LICENSES. Robert W. Hebberd Commissioner. Charles B. Page (Secretary), James Kane, John L CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS DIVISION. Richard C. Baker, First Deputy Commissioner. ,alitk Office No. 277 Broadway. Thomas W. Hynes, Second Deputy Commis- ohn fit Bogart, Commissioner. Daniel C. Potter, Chief Examiner of Accounts of Michael T. Daly Chiet Clerk. Institutions, Room 38. sioner for Brooklyn and Queens, Nos. 327 to 331 Telephone, 2946 Bryant. ames P. Archibald, Deputy Commissioner. Schermerhorn street, Brooklyn. Telephone, 2977 ohn J. Caldwell, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE CITY PAYMASTER. Main. BOROUGH OFFICES. Office hours, q a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. in. J. McKee Borden, Secretary. to 12 10. No. 83 Chambers street and No. 65 Reade street. Plans and Specifications, Contracts, Proposals and Manhattan. Telephone, 38a8 Worth. John H. Timmerman, City Paymaster. No. rls West Forty-second street. Estimates for Work and Materials for Building, ENGINEERING DIVISION. Repairs and Supplies. Bills and Accounts, 9 a. m .o William C. Baxter, Chief Clerk. 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 12 m. COMMISSIONERS OF SINKING FUND. Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway. Bureau of Dependent Adults, foot of East Twenty The Bronx. Chandler Withington, Chief Engineer, Room 55. George B. McClellan, Mayor Chairman; Herman sixth street. Office hours, 8.3o a. nl. to 4 p. m. One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street and Mott A. Metz, Comptroller; James 1. Martin, Chamber The Children's Bureau, 1'so. 66 Third avenue. avenueSolingen Building). lain; Patrick F. McGowan, President of the Board DIVISION OF INSPECTION, Office hours, 8.30 a. m. to 4 p. m Cornelius A. Bunner, Chief Clerk. of Aldermen, and Timothy P. Sullivan, Chairman William M. Hoge, Auditorof Accounts in Charge Jeremiah Connelly Superintendent for Richmond Finance Committee, Board of Aldermen, Members Room 39. Borough, Borough hall, St. George, Staten Island. Brooklyn. Telephone, loon Tompkinsville. N. Taylor Phillips, Deputy Comptroller Secretary, DIVISION OF REAL ESTATE. No. 4a Court street (Temple Bar Building). Office of Secretary, Room a, Stewart building. George Russell, Chief Clerk. Telephone, t=oo Worth. Mortimer J. Brown, Appraiser of Real Estate Rooms for, 103 and toy. DEPARTMENT OF STREET CLEANING. Queens. No. 46 Jackson avenue, Long Island City. BUREAU FOR THE COLLECTION OP TAXES. Nos. 13 to 21 Park row, 9 a. m to 4 p. m. Carl Voegel, Chief Clerk. DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES. Borough of Manhattan—Stewart Building, Room Telephone, 3863 Cortlandt. Nos. r3 zr Park Row. O. William H. Edwards, Commissioner. Richmond. James W. Stevenson, Commissioner, David E. Austen, Receiver of Taxes. James J. Hogan, Deputy Commissioner, Borough Borough Hall New Brighton S. I. John H. Little, Deputy Commissioner. John J. McDonough and William H. Loughran, of Manhattan. Charles M. Schwalbe, Chief Gt lerk. Edgar E. Schiff, Secretary. Deputy Receivers of Taxes. Owen J. Murphy, Deputy Commissioner, Borough All offices open from 9 a. m, to 4 p. in.; Saturdays, Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. Borough of The Bronx—Municipal Building, Third of Brooklyn. 12 in. Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m. and Tremont avenues. Julian Scott, Deputy Commissioner, Borough Telephone, 6o8o Cortlandt. John B. Underhill and Stephen A. Nugent, Dep- of the Bronx. ut y Receivers of Taxes. John J. O'Brien, Chief Clerk. BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPOR- Borough of Brooklyn—Municipal Building, Rooms TIONMENT. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION. s-8. Thomas J. Drennan and William Gallagher, DEPARTMENT OF TAXES AND The Mayor, Chairman; the Comptroller, President CENTRAL OFFICE. Deputy Receivers of Taxes. ASSESSMENTS. of the Board of Aldermen, President of the Borough Borough of Queens—Hackett Building, Jackson No. 148 East Twentieth Street. Office hours from Hall of Records, corner of Chambers and Centre of Manhattan, President of the Borough of Brook- 9 a. m. to 4 p. m ; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to is m. avenue and Fifth street, Long Island City. 1 n, President of the Borough of The Bronx, Presi- Telephone, 1047 Gramercy. George H. Creed and Mason O. Smedley, Deputy streets. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, dent of the Borough of Queens, President of the John J. Barry, Commissioner. Receivers of Taxes. 9a.m.tolsm. Borough of Richmond. Borough of Richmond—Borough Hall, St. George Commissioners—Lawson Purdy, President; Frank George W. Meyer, Deputy Commissioner. James if. Tully, Charles Putzel, Hugh John B. Fitzgerald, Secretary. New Brighton. Raymond, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. John De Morgan and F. Wilsey Owen, Deputy Hastings, Charles ) McCormack, John J. Halleran. No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telephone, ss8o Receivers of Taxes. Telephone, 3900 Worth, Worth. DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND Joseph Haag, Secretary ; William M. Lawrence FERRIES. BUREAU FOR THE COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENT Assistant Secretary. Charles V, Adee, Clerk to AND ARREARS. DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, Board. Pier "A," N. R. Battery place. GAS AND ELECTRICITY. Telephone, Soo Rector. Borough of Manhattan, Stewart Building, Room Allen N. Spooner Commissioner, t. Nos. t3 to sr Park Row, q a. m. to 4 p. m. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER. Daniel Moynahan, Collector of Assessments and Telephones, Manhattan, 852o Cortlandt; Brooklyn, Denis A. Judge, LSeputy Commissioner Arrears. Nelson P. Lewis Chief Engineer, No. srj Broad Joseph W. Savage, Secretary. 3g8o Main; Queens, 439 Greenpoint; Richmond, 94 way, Room tao8. Ifelephone, 2281 Worth. Office hours, q a. M. to 4 p. in.; Saturdays, Is m. Richard E. Weldon, Deputy Collector of Assess- Tompkinsville; Bronx, 6z Tremont. Arthur S. Tuttle, Engineer in charge Division of ments and Arrears. John H. O'Brien, Commissioner. Public Ipiprovements, No. 277 Broadway, Room Borough of The Bronx—Municipal Building M. P. Loughman, Deputy Commissioner. 1408. T ephone, sa%r Worth. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. Rooms i- . 1. M. de Varona, Chief Engineer. , Nichols, Engineer in Division of James J. Donovan, Jr., Deputy Collector of As- George W. Birdsall, Consulting Hydraulic En. Franckyn 0277 Broadway, Room Sol. BOARD OF EDUCATION. sessments and Arrears. 71neer. phone, aMBa Worth, Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street Borough of Borough of Brooklyn—Mechanics' Bank Building, George F. Sever, Consultin Electrical Engineer. Manhattan, 9 a. m. to 5 p.m. (in the month of corner Court and Montague streets. Charles F. Lacombe, Chief Engineer of Light and August, q a. m. to 4 p. m.); Saturdays, 9 a. m. to John M. Gray, Deputy Collector of Assessments Power. BOARD OF EXAMINERS. and Arrears. Hubert S. Wynkoop Electrical Engineer. Borough of Queens—Hackett Building, Jackson Michael C. Padden, erWat Register, Manhattan Rooms 6027 and 6os8 Metropolitan Building, No, Stated meetings of the Board are held at 4 p m. avenue and Fifth street, Long Island City. William A. Hawley, Secretary to Commissioner. 1 Madison avenue, Borough of Manhattan, 9 a. in on the first Monday in February, the second Wed Thomas A. Healy, Deputy Collector of Assess- William C. Cozier, Deputy Commissioner Bor. to ~t p m.; Saturdays, q a. m. to Is m. sesday in July, and the second and fourth Wednes ments and Arrears. )ugh of Brooklyn, Municipal Building, Brooklyn. Telephone Gramercy. fays in every month, except Jul and August. Borough of Richmond—St. George, New Brighton. Walter E. Spear, Chief Engineer. Warren A. Conover, Charles Buek, Lewis Hard- Richard B. Aldcroftt, r.; Nicholas J. Barrett, John J. McGann, Deputy Collector of Assessments John W. McKay. Assistant Engineer in Charge, ing Charles G. Smith, Edward F. Croker, William Charles E. Bruce, M. .; Joseph E. Coagrove and Arrears. Borough of Richmond. A. borin g and George A. Just, Chairman. Frederic R. Coudert Francis W. CrowninshieId, BUREAU FOR THE COLLECTION OF CITY REVENUE William K. McGuire, Water Register, Brooklyn. Edward V. Barton, Clerk Francis P. Cunnion, 'lhomas M. De Laney, Horace AND OF MARKETS. Charles C. Marrin, Deputy Commissioner, for Board meeting every Tuesday at s p. m. E. Dresser, Alexander Ferris, Joseph Nicola )ugh of The Bronx, Crotona Park Building, One Francolini, George Freifeld, George J. Gillespie, Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, Hundred and Seventy-seventh street and Third fohn Greene, Lewis Haase. Robert L. Harrison. Room rot. (venue. BOARD OF PAROLE OF THE NEW Peter Aitken, Collector of City Revenue and Thomas M. Lynch, Water Register, The Bronx. YORK CITY REFORMATORY OF Superintendent of Markets. Charles C. Wissel, Deputy Commissioner Bor- MISDEMEANANTS. David O'Brien, Deputy Collector of City Revenue. )ugh of Queens, Hackett Building, Long island BUREAU FOR THE EXAMINATION OF CLAIMS. Office, No. 148 East Twentieth street. - John E. Bowe, Deputy Commissioner, Borough of P John I. Barry, Commissioner of Correction, Frank J. Prial, Chief Examiner. Room 181. Richmond, Municipal Building, St. George. Wm. K. Wyatt, Judge, Special So-loss, Fiat BUREAU OF THE CITY CHAMBERLAIN. Division. Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway Robert J. Wilkin, Judge, Special Sessbos, Second Ro)oms 6 to 67. EXAMINING BOARD OF PLUMBERS. Division. City Cmberlain. Bartholomew F. Donohoe President; John J. idi B. HoeM, City Kagietrate, First C' Henry 3• Walsh ~Deputy ChhambK41R, Moore, Secretary; John J. bunn, Treasurer; OE- DivWon. Telephone, 4270 Worth. officio, Horace Loomis and Matthgw E. Healy.

r-, 10714 THE CITY RECORD. FRIDAY, SL:PTEM)BER 24, 1909.

Rooms Nos. 14, 15 and lb Aldrich Building, Nos. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION. COUNTY OFFICES. QUEENS COUNTY. 149 and it' Church street. The Public Service Commission for the First Dis Office open during business hours every day in the trict Tribune Building, No. '54 Nassau street NEW YORK COUNTY. COMMISSIONER OF JUROR. year (except legal holidays). Examinations are held Manhattan. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday after I p. m. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; July and AAugust, 9 Office hours, 8 a. m. to II p.m., every day in the COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. R. M. to 2 P. m.; Saturdays, q a. m. to 12 in. year, includin. holidays and Sundays. Room 127 Stewart Building, Chambers street and County Court-house, Long Island City. Stated public meetings of the Commission, Tuea Broadway, q a. m. to 4 p. m. John P. Balbert, Commissioner of Jurors. FIRE DEPARTMENT. days and Fridays at 11.30 a. m. in the Public Hear Thomas Allison, Commissioner. Rodman Richardson, Assistant Commissioner. ing Room of the Commission, third floor of the Telephone, 455 Greenpoint. Office hours for all, except where otherwise noted Tribune Building, unless otherwise ordered. Frederick P. Simpson, Assistant Commissioner rom 9 a. m. to m.; Saturdays, ism. Frederick O'Byrne, Secretary. 4p. Commissioners—William R. Willcox, Chairman; Telephone, a41 Worth. HEADQUARTERS. William McCarroll, Edward M. Bassett, Milo R COUNTY CLERK. Maltbie, John E. Eustis. Counsel, George S. Cole Nos. 157 and r5q East Sixty-seventh street, Man- No. 364 Fulton street, Jamaica, Fourth Ward man. Secretary, Travis H. Whitney. Borough of Queens, City of New York. hattan Telephone, 4150 Beekman, COMMISSIONER OF RECORDS. Office open, q a. m. to 4 p. in.; Saturday, 9 a. m. to Telephone, 64o Plaza, Manhattan; a6S3 Main, Office, Hall of Records. 12 m. Brooklyn. William S. Andrews, Commissioner ohn Niederstein, CountyClerk. Nicholas J. Hayes, Commissioner. lames O. Farrell, Deputy Commissioner. P. A. Whitney, Deputy Commissioner. TENEMENT HOUSE DEPARTMENT. Jrank C. Klingenbeck, Secretary. James J. Fleming, Jr. Secretary. Henry Walter, Jr., Deputy County Clerk, Charles C. Wise, Deputy Commissioner, Boroughs Manhattan Office, No. 44 East Twenty-third street. Telephone, 3900 Worth. Telephone, 151 Jamaica of Brooklyn and Queens. Telephone, 5331 Gramercy. William A. Larneyt Secretary; Mark Levy, Secre- Edmond J. Butler, Commissioner. tart' to the Commissioner; George F. Dobson, Jr. Writ, H. Abbott, Jr., First Deputy Commissioner. COUNTY CLERK. COUNTY COURT. Secretary to the Deputy Commissioner, Boroughs Brooklyn Office ((Boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens Temporary County Court-house,ong Island City. of Brooklyn and Q ueens. and Richmond), Temple Bar Building, No. 44 Nos. 5. 8, q. io and II New County Court-house County Court opens at ro a. m. alTri Terms begin Edward F. Croker, Chief of Department. Office hours from q a. m. to 4 p. m. Court street. Peter J, Doolin first Monday of each month, except July, August Thomas Lally, Deput y Chief of Department in Telephone, 3825 Main. g County Clerk. and September. Special Terms each Saturday, ex- charge. Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. John F. Curry, Deputy. ohn McKeown, Second Deputy Commissioner. Joseph J. Glennen, Secretary. -eot duringAugust and first Saturday of September. Joseph L. Burke Inspector of Combustibles, Nos. Bronx Office, Nos. 2804, s806 and a8o8 Third Ave County udge's office always open at No, 336 Ful- 157 and I5q East Sixty-seventh street, 'Manhattan. nue. Telephone, 870 Cortlandt. ton street, Jamaica, N. Y. Telephone, h4o Plaza. Telephone, 967 Melrose. Burt ) Humphrey, County Judge. Peter J. Quigley, Secretary of Relief Fund, Nos. William B. Calvert, Superintendent. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Telephone, 286 Jamaica. 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Manhattan. Telephone, 64o Plaza. Building for Criminal Courts, Franklin and Centre Peter Seery, Fire Marshal, Boroughs of Manhat- streets. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. tan. The Bronx and Richmond. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., Saturdays BOROUGH OFFICES. 9 a. m. to t2 m. Office, Queens County Court-house, Long Island William L. Beers, Fire Marshal, Boroughs of City, q a. m. to 5 p. m. Brooklyn and Queens. Win. Travers Jerome, District Attorney, Frederick G. De Witt, District Attorney. Andrew P. Martin Chief Inspector, Fire Alarm BOROUGH OFT HE BRONX. John A. Henneberry, Chief Clerk. Telephone, 39 Greenpoint. Telegraph Bureau, horoughs of Manhattan, The Office of the President, corner Third avenue and Telephone, 2304 Franklin. Bronx and Richmond. (ore Hundred and Seventy-seventh street; 9 a. m. to Timothy S. Mahoney, in charge Telegraph Bureau, 4 p. in.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 In. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, (ohn F. Murray r'resldent. No. 119 Nassau street 9 a. m. to 4 p.m. No. 17 Cook avenue Elmhurst. William T. Beggin. Chief of Battalion in charge Henry A. Gutnbleton, Secretary. John T. Robinson, Public Administrator, County Bureau of Vk,lations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances, William M. Hoes Puhlic Administrator. — , Commissioner of Public Works. Telephone, 6376 dortlandt. of Queens. Boroughs of Manhattan. The Bronx and Richmond John A. Hawkins, Assistant Commissioner of Telephone, 335 Newtown. Nos t57 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Manhat- Public Works. tan. Brooklyn and Queens, Nos. 365 and 367 Jay Josiah A. Briggs, Chief Engineer. REGISTER. street, Brooklyn. Frederick Grelffenberg, Principal Assistant Topo- SHERIFF. Central office open at all hours. Hall of Records. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 grap hical Engineer p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. us. to is M. buring the months County Court-house, Long Island City. q a. in. to Charles Il. Graham, Engineer of Sewers. u-f July and August the hours are from 9 a. in. to a 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to ,am. Thomas II. O'Neil, Superintendent of Sewers, p. m. Herbert S. Harvey Sheriff. LAW DEPARTMENT, Samuel C. Thompson, Engineer of Highwa)s. Frank Gass, Register. John M. Philli ps, tinder Sheriff. Patrick J. Revlue, Superintendent of Buildings. William H. Sinnott, Deputy Register. Telephone 43 Greenpoint (office). OFFICE OF CORPORATION COUNSEL. John A. Mason, Assistant Superintendent of Telephone, 3900 Worth. Henry O. Stchleth, Warden, Queens County Jail, Hall of Records, Chambers and Centre streets, Buildings. Telephone, 372 Greenpoint. 6th, 7th and 8th floors, q a. in. to 4 p. rat.; Saturdays PeteryJ. Stumpf, Superintendent of Highways. q a. m. to 12 m. Albert H. Liebenau, Superintendent of Public SHERIFF. Telephone, 3cpo Worth. Buildings and Offices. No. sqq Broadway, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, q SURROGATE. Francis K. Pendleton, Corporation Counsel. Telephone, s6.8o Tremont. a. m. to 12 m. Except during July and August, 9 a.m. Daniel Noble Surrogate. Assistants—Theodore Connoly, George L. Ster- to 2 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to to M. Wm. F. Hendrickson, Clerk. ling, Charles I). Olendorf, William P. Burr, R. Perc Thomas F, Foley, Sheriff. Office, No. 364 Fulton street, Jamaica. Chittenden, David Rumsey, William Beers Crowe]], BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. John F. Gilchrist Under Sheriff. Except on Sundays, holidays and half holidays, John L. O'Brien, Terence Farley, Edward J. Telephone, 4984 WS'orth. the office is open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in.; Saturdays, McGoldrick, Cornelius F. Collins. John F. O'Brien President's Office, Nos. 15 and 16 Borough Hall, g a. ii,. to j p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. ni, to 12 m. from 9 a. m. to 12 m. Edward S. Malone, Edwin J. Freedman, Curtis A, The calendar is called on Tuesday of each week at Peters, Louis H. Hahlo, Stephen O'Brien, Frank B Bird S. t;uler. l'lesident. SURROGATE. ro a. m. except during the month of August. Pierce. Charles A. O'Neil, Richard H. Mitchell Charles Frederik Adams. Secretary. hn A. Heffernan, Private Secretary. Hall of Records. Court open from 9 a. m to 4 Telephone, 397 Jamaica. John Widdecombe, Joel J. Squier, Arthur Sweeny p m., except Saturday when it closes at to ni. William H. King. George Y. Nicholson, George Thomas R. Farrell, Commissioner of Public Works. During the months of July and August the hours are Harold Folwell, Harlord P. Walker, Alfred W. from 9a. iii. ti2p.In. Booraem, Gabriel Britt, Francis J. Byrne, Francis amen M. Power, Secretary to Commissioner. J. Dennis T. Donovan, Superintendent of Buildings Abner C. Thomas and John P. Cohalan, Surro- RICHMOND COUNTY. Martin, Charles McIntyre. Clarence L. Barber gates; William V. Leary, Chief Clerk. Solon t3errick, James P. O'Connor, William H. James Dunne, Superintendent of the Bureau ui COMMISSIONER OF JURORS, Sewers. Tackson, Edward Maxson, Elliott S. Benedict. Isaac Village Hall, Stapleton. Phillips, Edward A. McShane, Eugene Fay. Ricardc Joseph M. f.awrence. Superintendent of the Charles J. Kullman, Commissioner. M. DeAcosta, Francis X. McQuade, Raymond I) Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices. Patrick F. Lynch, Superintendent of Highways. KINCS COUNTY. John 1. McCaughey, Assistant Commissioner. Fosdick, John M. Barrett, 1. 'Townsend Burden, Jr. Office open from 9 a. m. until 4 p. in.; Saturdays, Secretary to the Corporation Counsel—Edmund 1 rom 9 a. m. to 12 M. Kirby. COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. Telephone, Si Tompkinsville. Chief Clerk—Andrew T. Campbell. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. County Court-house. Office of the President. Nus. 14, 15 and t6 City acch Brenner, Commissioner. BROOKLYN OFFICE. hall. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays. 9 a m. to 12 M. Jacob A. Livingston Deputy Commissioner. COUNTY CLERK. Borough Hall, ad floor, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Satur John F. Ahearn, President. Albert B. Waldron, Secretary. County Office Building, Richmond, S. 1., q a. m. to days,9am.to12m. Bernard 11uwning. Secretary. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. In.; Saturdays, 4 P. m. Telephone,8 Main. John Cloughen. Commissioner of Public Works. from 9 a. m, to 12 m. C. L. Bostwick, County Clerk. James D. Bell, Assistant in charge, James J. Hagan, Assistant Commissioner of Pub Office hours during July and August, q a. m. to 2 County Court-house, Richmond, S. 1,9 a in. to 4 lic Works. p. m.; Saturdays, q a. m. to is m. p. m. BUREAU OF STREET OPENINGS. George F. Scannell, Superintendent of Highways. Telephone, 1454 Main Telephone, 28 New Dorp. Edward S. Murphy, Superintendent of Buildings. No. go West Broadway, 9 R. m. to 4 p. m. Satur- Frank J. Goode in, Superintendent of Sewers. days q a. m. to tz m. John K. \',,.,rhis, Superintendent of Buildings COMMISSIONER OF RECORDS. COUNTY JUDGE AND SURROGATE. Telephone, 8Igc Cortland. and Offices Telephone. 6725 Cortlandt. Hall of Records. John P. Dunn, Assistant in charge. Office hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., excepting months Terms of Court, Richmond County, tgoq. of July and August, then 9 a. in. to a p. in., Satur County Courts—Stephen D. Stephens, County BUREAU FOR THE RECOVERY OF PENALTIES. BOROUGH OF QUEENS. days 9 a. m. to 12 m. Judge. No. 119 Nassau street, 9 a. m. to 4 p m.; hater- Lewis M. Swase First Monday of June Grand and Trial Jury. President's Office, Borough If all. Jackson avenue y, Commissioner. Second Monday of November, Grand and Trial dais 9 a. m. to is in. and Fifth street, Long Island City; 9 a, m. to 4 p. m. D. H. Ralston, Deputy Commissioner. Telephone, 4Sa6 Cortland. Jury Saturdays, 9 a. m. to lam. Telephone, 1114 Main. Fourth Wednesday of January, without a Jury. Herman Stietel, Assistant in charge. Lawrence Gresser. President. Thomas 1). Mosscrop Superintendent. Fourth Wednesday of February, without a Jury. John M. Cragen,$ecretary. William J. Beattie, Assistant Superintendent. Fourth Wednesday of March, without a Jury. BUREAU FOR THE COLLECTION OF ARREARS 01. Alfred Denton, Commissioner of Public Works. Telephone, lo8a Main. PERSONAL TAXES. Fourth Wednesday of April, without a Jury, Harry Sutphin, Assistant Commissioner of Pub- Fourth Wednesday of July, without a Jury. No. 280 Broadway, 5th floor. Office hours for pub lic Works. COUNTY CLERK, Fourth Wednesday of September, without a jury. lic. 9 a. m. to 4 p. In.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to lam. Patrick E. I-eahy, Superin`endent of Higl.wa.'s. Fourth Wednesday of October, without a Jury. Telephone, +555 Worth. Carl Berger. Superintendent of Buildings. hall of Records, Brooklyn. Office hours, q a. m to 4 p. ni.; durin Fourth Wednesday of December, without a Jury. Geo. O'Reilly, Assistant in charge. Cornelius Burke, Superintendent of Setsers. g monthsuf July and August,y a.m. Surrogate's Court—Stephen U. Stephens, Suzro- Arrow C. Hankins, Superintendent of Street Clean- to 2 p. m.; Saturdays, n a. m. to 12 In. Frank Ehlers, County Clerk. gate, TENEMENT HOUSE BUREAU AND BUREAU OF ing Mondays, at the Borough Hall, St. George, at 10.30 BUILDINGS. Edward F. Kelly, Superintendent of Public Build. Robert A. Sharkey, Deputy County Clerk. o'clock a. m. No. East Twenty-third street, 9 a. m. to 4 P. m. iu s and Offices. John Cooper, Assistant Deputy County Clerk. Tuesdays, at the Borough Hall, St. George, at to,3o Saturdays, 9 a. m. to tam. Telephone tgoo Greenpoint. Telephone call, 4930 Main. o'clock a. m. Telephone, 1961 Gramercy. - Wednesdays, at the Surrogate's Office, Richmond John P. O'Brien, Assistant in charge. BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. COUNTY COURT. at 10.3o o'clock a. in. President's Office, New Brighton, Staten Island. County Court-house, Brooklyn, Rooms, to, 17, t8, George Cromwell, President. 22 and 23. Court opens at to a. In. daily and sits DISTRICT ATTORNEY. METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE COM- Maybury Fleming, Secretary. until business is completed. Part I., Room No. a3; Borough Hall, St. George, S. 1. MISSION. Louis Lincoln Tribus, Consulting Engineer and Part 11., Room No. to, Court-house. Clerk's Office. Samuel H, Evins, Acting Commissioner of Pubiic Works. Rooms 17, IS and 22, open daily from 9 a. Dr. to 4 Telephone, 50 Tompkinsville, Office, No. r7 Battery place. George A. Soper, William R. Hillyer. Assistant Commissioner of p. m.; Saturdays I] m. Ph. D. President; James H. Fuertes Secretary, H. Public Works, Bureau of Engineering—Topography. Norman S. Dilte and Lewis L. Fawcett, County SHERIFF. de B. Ilarsons, Charles Sooysmith, Linsly R Wil- Theodore S. Oxholm, Engineer in charge, Bureau Judges. liams, M. D. of Engineering—Construction. County Court-house Richmond, S. 1. Telephone, t6q( Rector. Charles S. Devoy, Chief Clerk. John Seaton Superintendent of Buildings. Telephone, 41S4 and 4155 Main. Office hours, q a. in. to 4 p. as. H. E. Bud l Superintendent of Highways. Joseph J. Barth. MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE John T. iketherston, Assistant Engineer and Acting Superintendent of Street Cleaning . DISTRICT ATTORNEY. COMMISSION. Ernest H. Seehusen. Superintendent of Sewers. Office, County Court-house, Borough of Brooklyn No. aqq Broadway, a. m. to 4p. m. John Timlin, Jr., Superintendent of Public Build. Hours, y a. m, to 5 p, m. THE COURTS. Frank L. Polk, R. Ross Appleton, Arthur J ings and Offices. John F. Clarke, District Attorney. O'Keeffe. Offices—Borough Hall, New Brighton, N. Y., q Telephone number, 2955.67-Main. APPELLATE DIVISION OF THE Frank A. Spencer, Secretary. a. m. to 5 p. m. Saturdays, 9 a. m. to to m. SUPREME COURT. John F. Skelly, Assistant Secretary Telephone, loon Tompkinsville. FIRST JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. Labor Bureau. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. Court-house, Madison avenue, corner Twenty-fifth Nos. 54 CORONERS. No. 44 Court street (Temple Bar), Brooklyn, q street. Court opens at I p. in. (Friday, Motion day -60 Lafayette street. a. m, to 5 p. m, Telephone, ar40 Worth. Borough of The Bronx—Corner of Third avenue at 10.30 a. in.) Charles E. Teale, Public Administrator. Edward Patterson, Presidiug Justice; George L. and Tremont avenue—Telephone, ia5o Tremont Telephone, 2840 Main. and 1402 Tremont. Ingraham, Chester B. McLaughlin Frank C. Robert F. McDonald A. F. Schwannecke. Laughlin, John Proctor Clarke, James W. Houghton MUNICIPAL EXPLOSIVES COMMISSION. REGISTER. Francis M. Scott Justices; Alfred Wagstaff, Clark; Nos and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Head- William T. Austin Crhief Clerk William Lamb, Deputy Clerk. 152 Borough of Brooklyn—Office, Rooms land 3 Hall of Records. Office hours, q a. m. to 4 p. m., quarters Fire Department. Municipal Building, Telephone, 4004 Main and excepting months of July and August; then from 9 Clerk's Office opens at 9 a. in. Patrick A. Whitney, Deputy Fire Commissioner 400 Main. Telephone, 3840 Madison Squats and Chairman; William Montgomery, John Sherry, 5 a. m. to z p. m. provided for by statute. C. Andrade, Jr., Abram A. Breneman. Henry J. Brewer, M D., John F. Kennedy. William A. Ifrendergast, Register. Joseph McGuinness, Chief Clerk. Frederick H. E. Ebstein, Deputy Register. SUPREME COURT—FIRST DEPART- Telephone, 6ao Plaza. Open all hours of the day and niIgbt. Telephone, 2839 Main. Franz S. Wolf, Secretary, Nos. 365-367 Jay Borough of Manhattan—Office, Criminal Courts MENT. street Brooklyn. BuildingCentre and White streets. Open at all County Ccart-house, Chamber..keet. Court open Started meeting, Friday of each week, at 3 p. m. times of he day and night. SHERIFF. from ro.t a.m . to 4 p.m. Telephone, 3530 Main. Coroners: Julius Harburger, Peter P. Acrftelli, County Court-house, Brooklyn, N. Y. Special Term, Part I. (motions), Room No. 16. George F. Shrady, Jr., Peter Dooley. 9 a. m. to y. m.; Saturdays, is in. Special Term, Part II. (es-pstte besinam), Room ulius Harburger, President Board of Coroners. Alfred T. Robley Sheriff. No. 13. POLICE DEPARTMENT. acob E. Bausch, Chief Clerk. Lames P. Connell' Under Sheriff. Special Term, Part III., Room No. rl. elephones. to94,5oc7 058 Franklin. Telephone, 6845, 9846, 6847, Main. Special Term, Part IV. Room No. se. CENTRAL OFFICE. Borough of Queens—ace, Borough Hall, Fulton Special Term, Part V., Room No. 6. No. 3oo Mulberrystreet, 9 a. m to 49. m. street, Jamaica, L. I. Special Term, Part VI. (Elevated Railroad Lassa) Telephone, gloo Spring. Samuel D. NuttAlfred S. Ambler. SURROGATE. Room No. 3r. William F. Baker, Commissioner. Martin Mager, J'r., Chief Clerk. Hall of Record's, Brooklyn, N. Y. Trial Term, Part II., Room No. t'4. Frederick H. Bugher, First Deputy Commissioner Office hours from 9 a. m. to ro p. m. Herbert T. Ketcham Surrogate. Trial Term, Part MI.. Room No. is. Charles W. Kirby) Second Deputy Commissioner Borough of' Richmond—No. R Second street, Edward J. Bergen, (hid Clerk and Clark of the ial Term, Room A. Stover, third Deputy Commfssionar. New Brighton. Open for the transaction of busi- Surrogate's Court Trr Part V sj I AlfredAlfred W. Booraem, Fourth Deputy Commis- ness all hours of the dam and nbht. Court opens at so a. in. Office hours, 9 a. M. to Trial Term, Part Vf. Room No. IS. p.m.; Saturdays, Q a~ . as. to lam. Trial Term, Part vu. Room No.—. WITh H. Lipp. Claw Clerk. Telephone, 95 Main. -rem,m, Part Vitt., stoom No. a. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBE R 24, lX . THE CITY RECORD, 10715

Trial Term, Part IX. Room No. 35. Second Division. Seventh District--The Seventh District embraces Cornelius Furgueson, Justice. Jeremiah J. O'Leary, Trial Term, Part X., Room No. 26. the territory bounded on the south by the centre Clerk. Trial Term, Part XI., Room No. a7 Borough of Brooklyn. line of One Hundred and Tenth street on the east Clerk's Office open from q a. in. to 4 p. in. Trial Term, Part XI1. Room No.—. City Magistrates—Edward Dooley, James G. by the centre line of Fifth avenue to t'te northerly Telephone, 407 Bay Ridge. Trial Term Part Xlll., and Special Term, Part J. terminus thereof, and north of the northerly ter- Tighe John Naumer E. G. Higginbotham, Frank Sixth Distnct—The Sixth District embraces the ll. Room loo. g6. E. O')(eill Henry i. Furlong A. V. B. Voorhees. minus of Filth avenue, following in a northerly Trial Term, Part ?tIV., Room No, all. direction the course of tire Harlem river, on a line Ninth and Twenty-ninth Wards and that portion of fr.. Alexander H. Geismar, John F. Hylan, Howard the Twenty-second Ward north of the centre line of Trial Term, Part XV. Room No. 37. P. Nash. contermi,tous with the easterly boundary of said bor- Trial Term, Part XVt„ Room No. —. ough, on the north and west by the northerly and Prospect avenue; also that portion of the Eleventh Trial Term, Part XVII., Room No. to. President of the Board, Edward J. Dooley, No. westerly boundaries of said borough. and the Twentieth Wards beginning at the intersec- 232 Clermont avenue. tion of the centre lines of Bridge and Fulton streets; Trial term Part XV m., Room No. sq. Secretary to the Board, Charles J. Flant'gan Phillip J. Sinnott, David L. Weil, John R. Davies, Appellate 'i'erm Room No. s9. Justices. thence along the centre line of Fulton street to Flat. Myrtle and Vanderbilt avenues, and No. 648 Halsey bush avenue; thence along the centre line of Flat• Naturalization Aureau. Room No.-38 third floor. street. Heman B. Wilson, Clerk; Robert Andrews, Assignment Bureau, room on mezzanine floor Deputy Clerk. bush avenue to Atlantic avenue: thence along the Courts. Location of Court—No. 70 Manhattan street. centre line of Atlantic avenue to Washington avenue; Clem in attendance from 10 a. in. to 4 p. M. First District—No. 3r8 Adams street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holi- thence along the centre line of Washington avenue Cletu's Office, Special Term, Part I. (motions), Second District—Court and Butler streets. days excepted) from q a. in. to 4 p. M. to Park avenue; thence along the centre line of Park Rooir No. H. Third District—Myrtle and Vanderbilt avenuea. avenue to Waverly avenue; thence along the centre Clerk's Office, Special Term, Part II. (ex-parts Fourth District—No. 186 Bedford avenue. Eighth District—The Eighth District embraces line of Waverly avenue to Myrtle avenus; thence business), ground floor, southeast corner. Fifth District—No. 249 Manhattan avenue, the territory bounded on the south by the centre along the centre tine of Myrtle avenue to Hudson Clerk's Office, Special Term, Calendar, ground Sixth District—No. Gates avenue. line of One H undred and Tenth street, on the west b avenue: thence along the centre line of Hudson ave- 495 the centre line of Fifth avenue, on the north and nue to Johnson Street; thence along the centre line floor, south. Seventh District—No. 3' Snider avenue (Flatbush) Clerk's O,fice, Trial Term, Calendar, room north- Eighth District—West Eighth street (Coney Is. east by the northerly and easterly boundaries of of Johnson street to Bridge street, and thence along east corner second floor east. and). said borough, including Randall's Island and the i the centre line of Bridge street to the point of begin- Clerk's office, Appellate Term, room southwest Ninth District—Fifth avenue and Twenty-third whole of Ward's Island. ning. cornerthird floor. street. oseph P. Fallon, Leopoid Prince, Justices. Lucien S. Bayliss and George Fielder, Justices, Trial Term, Part 1. (criminal business). Tenth District—No. 133 New Jersey avenue. illiam J. Kennedy, Clerk; Patrick J. Ryan, Charles P. Bible Clerk. Criminal Court-house, Centre street. Deputy Clerk. Court-house, loo. 6rt Fulton street. Location ut Court—Sylvan place and One Hun- justices—Charles H. Truax, Charles F. MacLean, Borough of Queens. Seventh District—The Seventh District embraces Henry Bischoff, Leonard A. Giggerich P. Henry dred and Twenty-first street, near Third avenue. City Magistrates—Matthew J. Smith Joseph Clera's Office open daily (Sundays and legal hall- the Twenty-sixth, Twenty-eighth and Thirty-second Dugro Henri A. Gildersleeve, James Fitzgerald Fitch, Maurice E. Connolly, Eugene C. Gilroy. Wards. James A. O'(,orman fames A. Blanchard, Samuel days excepted) from 9 a. m. to 4 p. M. Telephone, 3950 Harlem. Alexander S. Rosenthal and Edward A. Richards' Greenbaum, Edward E. McCall Edward B. Amend, Courts. Justices Samuel F. Brothers, Clerk. Vernon M. Davis. Victor 1. bowling. foseph E. Ninth District—The Ninth District embraces the Court-house, corner Pennsylvania avenue and Ful- John W. Goff, Samuel Sea First District—St. Mary's Lyceum, Long Island City. territory bounded on the south by the centre line ton street (No. 31 Pennsylvania avenue). atzea, Peter A. Hendrick, Jr of Fourteenth street and by the centre line of Fifty- Clerk's Office open from qa. M. to 4 p. in.; Satur- Dayton, John J. Brady, M Second District—Town Hall, Flushing L. I. Third District—Central avenue, Far kocka'way ninth street from the centre line of Seventh avenue days, 9 a. in. to r2 m. Trial days, Tuesdays, Wed- Charles L. Guy, James W. to the centre line of Central Park West, on the east nesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. nan. L. 1. by the centre line of Lexington avenue and by the Jury days, Tuesdays and Fridays. )ooling, Clerk, Supreme Court. Borough of Richmond. centre line of Irving place, including its projection Clerk's Telephone, 904 East New York. through Gramercy Park, and by the centre line of Court Telephone, 905 East New York. City Magistrates—Joseph B. Handy, Nathaniel Fifth avenue from the centre line of Ninety-sixth Marsh. SUPREME COURT—SECOND DEPART- street to the centre line of One Hundred and Tenth Borough of Queens. Courts street, on the north by the centre line of Ninety. MENT. First District—Lafayette place, New Brighton, sixth street from the centre line of Lexington avenue First District—First Ward (all of Long Island City to the centre line of Fifth avenue and by One Hun- formerly composing five wards). Court-room, St. Kfags County Court-house, Borough of Brooklyn Staten Island. Mary's Lyceum, Nos. tt5 and 117 Fifth street, Long N. Y. Second District—Village Hall, Stapleton, Staten dred and Tenth street from Fifth avenue to Central Court open daily from so o'clock a. m. to o'clock Island. Park West, on the west by the centre line of Seventh Island City. avenue and Central Park West. Clerk's Office open from 9 a. in. to 4 p. m. each p in. Seven jury trial parts. Special Term for day, excepting Saturdays closing at 12 m. Trial Trials. Special 'term for Motions. Edgtr J. Lauer, Frederick De Witt Wells, Frank D. Sturges, William C. Wilson, Justices, days, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. All James F. McGee General Clerk. MUNICIPAL COURTS. other business transacted on Tuesdays and Thurs Telephone, 5460 kain. William J. Chamberlain, Cleric; Charles Healy, Borough of Manhattan. Deputy Clerk. days. First District—The First District embraces the Location of Court—Southwest corner of Madison Thomas C. Kadien, Justice. Thomas F. Kennedy, CRIMINAL DIVISION—SUPREME avenue and Fifty-ninth street. Clerk's Office open Clerk. territory bounded on the south and west by the Telephone, 2376 Greenpoint. COURT. southerly and westerly boundaries of the said laily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from borough, on the north by the centre line of Four- 9a.m.to4p.m. Second District—Second and Third Wards, which Building for Criminal Courts, Centre, Elm, White Telephone, 3873 Plaza, and Franklin streets. teenth street and the centre line of Fifth street from include the territory cf the late Towns of Newtown Court opens at 10.30 a. m. the Bowery to Second avenue, on the east by the and Flushing. Court-room in Court-house of the centre lines of Fourth avenue from Fourteenth Borough of The Bronx. late Town of Newtown corner of Broadway and Peter J. 1)ouling, Clerk; Edward R. Carroll, special Deputy to the Gera. street to Fifth street Second avenue, Chrystie street, First District—All that part of the Twenty fourth Court street, Elmhurst, slew York. P. O. Address, Clerk's Office opgn from 9 a. in. to 4 p. w. Division street and Catharine street. Ward which was lately annexed to the City and Elmhurst. Oueens County. New York. Telephone, 6o64 Franklin, Wauhope Lynn, William F. Moore, John Hoyei, County of New York by chapter Q14 of the Laws of William Rasqurn, Jr., justice. Luke J. Connor. Justices. 1895 comprising all of the late Town of Westchester ton, Clerk. William Repper, Assistant Clerk. Thomas O'Connell, Clerk; Francis Mangtn, and 'part of the Towns ut Eastchester and Pelham, James B. Snediker, Stenographer. COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS. Deputy Clerk. including the Villages of Wakefield and Williain,- 'foal days Tuesdays and Thursdays. Held in the Building for Criminal Courts, Centre Location of Court—Merchants' Association Build- bridge. Court-room. Town Hall, No. 1400 Williams- Clerk's Of~ice open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. Elm, White and Franklin streets. ing. Nos. 5 -6o Lafayette street. Clerk's Office open bridge road, Westchester Village. Court open daily Telephone, Si Newtown. daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from (Sundays and legal holidays excepted),from 9a. m. Court opens at 1o.3o a. in. Third District—Fourth and Fifth Wards, com- Thomas C. T. Crain, Otto A. Rosalsky Warren 9a. m. to 4 p. m. to 4 D. m. Trial of causes, Tuesday and Friday of Additional Parts are held at southwest corner of each week. prising the territory of the former Towns and Vil• W. Foster, Thomas C. O'Sullivan, Edward Swann lages of Jamaica, Far Rockaway and Rockaway Joseph F. Mulqueen, James T. Malone Judges of Sixth avenue and Tenth street and at No. 128 Prince Peter A. Shell, Justice. street. Beach. the Court of General Sessions Edward R. Carroll Stephen Collins, Clerk. James F. McLaughlin, Justice. George W. Damon, Clerk. Teleyhone, isoi Franklin. Telephone, 6030 Franklin. Office hours from 9 a. in. to 4 p. in; Saturdays closing at 12 m. Clerk. Clerk'5 Office open from q a. in. to 442' . Second District—The Second District embraces Court-house, Town Hall, Jamaica. During July and August Clerk's Office will close the territory bounded on the south by the centre line Telephone, 457 Westchester. Telephone r8q Jamaica. at s p. in., and on Saturdays at ma in. of Fifth street from the Bowery to Second avenue Second District—Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Clerk's OBice open from a. in. to 4 p. in. and on the south and east by the southerly and Wards, except the territory described in chapter 934 Court held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays easterly boundaries of the said borough, on the of the Laws of 1895. Court room southeast corner at q a. m. CITY COURT OF THE CITY OF NEW north by the centre line of East Fourteenth street, of Washington avenue and One Hundred and Sixty- YORK. on the west by the centre lines of Fourth avenue second street. Office hours, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. M. Borough of Richmond. from rourteenth street to Fifth street, Second No. 31 Chambers street, Brownstone Building, City I Court opens at g a. m. First District—First and Third Wards (Towns of Hall Park, from to a. in. to 4 p. in. avenue: Chrystie street, Division street and oltn M. Tierney, justice. Thomas A. Maher, Catharine street. Castleton and Northfield). Court-room, former Vil- Part I. Clerk. lage Hall, Lafayette avenue and Second street, New Part 1I. George F. Roesch Benjamin Hoffman, Leon Telephone, 3043 Melrose. Sanders. Thomas P. I)innean, Justices. Brighton. Part In. Thomas C. Brown, Justice. Anning S. Prall, Part IV James I. Devlin, Clerk; Michael H. Looney Borough of Brooklyn. Deputy Clerk. Clerk. Part V. Location of Court—Nos. 264 and 266 Madison First District—Com_pusing First, Second, Third Clerk's Office open from 8.45 a. in. to 4 p. m, Part Vi. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth 'Tenth and Twelfth Wards and Telephone, 503 Tompkinsville. Part VII. street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal that portion of the Etleventh Ward beginning at the Part ViIl. holidays excepted) from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in, intersection of the centre lines of Hudson and Second District—Second, Fourth and Fifth Wares Special Term Chambers will be held from to a. in Telephone, 2596 Orchard. Myrtle avenues, thence along the centre line of (Towns of Middletown, Southfield and Westfield;. to 4 p. in. Myrtle avenue to North Portland avenue, thence Court-room, former Edgewater Village Hall, Staph- Clerk's Office open from q a. in. to 4 p. m. Third District—The Third District embraces the along the centre line of North Portland avenue to ton. Edward F. O'Dwyer, Chief Justice; Lewis J. territory bounded on the south by the centre line Flushing avenue, thence along the centre line of George W. Stake. Justice. Peter Tiernan, Clerk. Conlan, Francis B. Delehanty, Joseph 1. Green, of Fourteenth street, on the east by the centre line Flushing avenue to Navy street, thence along the Clerk's Office open from 9 a. in. to 4p m. Alexander Finelite Thomas F. Donnelly, John V of Seventh avenue from Fourteenth street to Fifty- centre line of Navy street to Johnson street theme Court opens at 9 a. ni. Calendar called at to a. in McAvoy, Peter Schmuck, Richard T. Lynch, Ed- ninth street and by the centre line of Central Park along the centre line of Johnson street to lludscn Court continued until close of business. Trial days, ward B. La Fetra, Justices. Thomas F. Smith, West from Fifty-ninth street to Sixty-fifih street avenue, and thence along the centre line of f l.,dson Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Clerk. on the north by the centre line of Sixty-fifth street avenue to the point of beg'nning, of the Borough of Telephone, 313 Tompkinsville Telephone, 6142 Cortlandt. and the centre line of Fifty-ninth street from Seventh Brooklyn. Court-house, northwest corner State and to Eighth avenue, on the west by the westerly bound Court streets. Parts 1. and I1. ary of the said borough. John,J. Walsh, Justice. Edward Moran, Clerk. BOARD MEETINGS. COURT OF SPECIAL SESSIONS. Thomas E. Murray, James W. McLaughlin, Clerks Office open from q a. in. to 49. M. Justices. Building for Criminal Courts, Centre street be- Michael Skelly, Clerk; Henry Merzbach, Deputy Second District—Seventh Ward and that portion tween Franklin and White streets, Borough of Man- Clerk. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment hattan. of the Twenty-first and Twenty-third Wards west of meets in the Old Council Chamber (Room 16), Location of Court—No. 3t West Fifty-fourth the centre line of Stuyvesant avenue and time centre Court opens at to a. in. street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal City llall, eery Friday, at 10.30 o'clock a. in. Justices—First Division—William E. Wyatt Wil line of S:ftenectady avenue, also that portion of the JOSEPH HAAG, holidays excepted) from q a. m. to 4 p. m. 1 Twentieth Ward be'g innlng at the intersection of the lard H. Olmsted, Joseph M. Deuel, Lorenz teller Telephone number, 5450 Columbus. Secretary. ]ono B. Mayo, 9ranklin Chase Hoyt. William M. ce u r r e lineso f Nortf, Portland and M ydie avenues Fuller, Acting Clerk. I thence :lung the centre line of Myrtle avenue to Fourth District—The Fourth District embraces Waverly avenue, thence along the centre line of The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund meet City Magistrates to sit in the Court of Special the territory bounded on the south by the centre Sessions until November30, igo9 -Charles W. Har- avenue ce the in the Old Council Chamber (Room 16), City line of East Fourteenth street, on the west by the Washington lavenue, Ilall, at call of the Mayor. ris. J oseph F. Moss. centre line of Lexington avenue and by the centre i centrerflinevof avenue to Clerk's Office open from 9 a. in. to 4 p, m. thence along the centre line of Washington avenue N. TAYLOR PHILLIPS, line of Irvin place, including its projection through $ to Flushing avenue, thence along the centre line of Telephone, wqz Franklin, Clerk's office. Gramercy lark, on the north by the centre line of Deputy Comptroller, Secretary. Telephone, 601 Franklin, Justices' chambers. Flushing avenue to North Portland avenue, and Fifty-nmth street, on the east by the easterly line of thence along the centre line of North Portland said borough- excluding, however, any portion of avenue to the paint it beginning. The Board of Revision of Assessments meets Second Division—Trial Days—No. 171 Atlantic Blackwell's Island. , City avenue, Brooklyn, Mondays Thursdays and Fri- Court-room, No. 49g Gates avenue. in the Old C,,unril Chamber (Room 16) Michael F. Blake, William J. Boyhan, Justices. Van Wart and Charles J. Dodd hall, every Thursday at 11 a. m., upon notice of days at to o'clock; Town Half Jamaica. Borough of Abram Bernard, Clerk; James Foley, Deputy Gerard B. Queens, Tuesday at to o'clock Borough hall, St. Justices. Franklin B. Van Wart, Clerk. tl,e Chief Clerk, Clerk. Clerk's Office open from 9 a. in. to 4 P. M. HENRY J. STORKS, George, Borough of Richmond; Wednesdays at to Location of Court—Part I. and Part II., No. t5t Chief Clerk. o'clock. East Fifty-seventh street. Clerk's Office open daily Third District—Embraces the Thirteenth, Four- Justices—Howard J Forker John Fleming, Mor- (Sundays and legal holidays eaceptedl from 9 a. in. teenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eigh- The Board of City Record meets in the Old gan M. 1L. Ryan Robert I. Wilkin George J. teenth and Nineteenth Wards, and that portion of L. Kerrigan to 4 P. m. .'uncil Chamber (Room 16), City Ilall, at call amrs the Twenty-seventh Ward lying northwest of the ,f the Mayor. C~kk, John Dorman, DeputyJosephClerk. Fifth District—The Fifth District embraces the centre line of Starr street between the boundary line Clerk's Office, No. 171 Atlantic avenue, Borough of PATRICK J. TRACY, territory bounded on the south by the centre line of Queens County and the centre line of Central Supervisor, Secretary. Brooklyn, open from g a. m to 4 p. m. of Sixty fifth street, on the east by the centre line avenue, and northwest of the centre line of Suydam of Central Park West, on the north by the centre street between the centre lines of Central and flush. CHILDREN'S COURT. line of One Hundred and Tenth street, on the west wick avenues, and northwest of the centre line of by the westerly boundary of said borough. Willoughby avenue between the centre lines of Bush- OFFICIAL BOROUGH PAPERS. First Division—No. 66 Third avenue, Manhattan. Alfred P. W. Seaman, William Young, Frederick wick avenue and Broadway. Court-house, Nos. 6 Ernest K. Coulter Clerk. Spiegeiberg, Justices. and 8 t,9e avenue, Brooklyn. Telephone, )3c; btuyvesant. lames V. (silloon, Clerk; John H. Semis, Deputy Philip D. Meagher and William J. Bogenshuta, BOROUGH OF TILE BRONX. Second Division—No, nos Court street, Brooklyn Clerk, Justices. John W. Carpenter Clerk.; "The Bronx Star," "North Side News," "Bronx William F. Delaney.Clerk. Clerk's Office open from 9 a. in. to 4 p. in Independent." Telephone, 627 Min. Location of Court—Broadway and Ninety-sixth street. Clerk's Office open daily(Sundaya and legal Court opens at 9 a.m. holidays excepted) from 9 a. in. to 4 p. M. Telephone q95 Williamsburg. BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. CITY MAGISTRATES' COURT. Telephone, 4006 Riverside. Fourth District—Embraces the Twenty-fourth and "Staten Island World." "The Staten Islander." First Division. Twenty-fifth Wards that portion of the Twenty-first Sixth District—The Sixth District embraces the and Twenty-third Wards lying east of the centre line BOROUGH OF QUEENS. Court open from 9a. in. to4y.m. territory bounded on the south bythe centre line of of Stuyvesant avenue and east of the centre line of "Long Island Star" (First and Second Wards), City Magistrates—Robert C. Cornell, Leroy B. Fifty-ninth street and by the centre line of Ninety- Schenectady avenue, and that portion of the Twenty' "Flushing Ev,ning Journal" (Third Ward), Crane. Peter T. Barlow, Matthew P. Breen. Joseph sixth street from Lexington avenue to Fifth avenue, I seventh Ward lying southeast of the centre line of "Long Island Farmer t Fourth Ward), "Rocks- F. Moss, Henry Steinert, Daniel E. Finn. Frederick on the west by the centre line of Lexington avenue I Starr street between the boundary line of Queens way News" (Fifth Ward). B. House, Charles N. Harris Frederic Kernochan, from Fifty-ninth street to Ninety-sixth street and and the centre tine of Central avenue, and southeast Arthur C. Butts, Joseph E. Ctorrigan. Moses Herr- the centre line of Fifth avenue from Ninety-sixth Iof the centre line of Suydam street between the BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. man. Paul Krotel, Keyran J. O'Connor, Henry W street to One Hundred and Tenth street, on the centre rules of Central and Bushwick avenues, and "Brooklyn F.agle," "Brooklyn Times," "Brook' Herbert. north by the centre one of One Hundred and Tenth southeast of the centre line of Willoughby avenue Philip_ Bloch, Secretary, One Hundrel and street. on the east by the easterly boundary of saidb lyn Citizen, 'Brooklyn Standard-Union," "Brook' etween the oentre lines of Bushwick avenue and lyner Frcie Presse." borough, including, however, all of Blackwell's I Broadway. Island and excluding any portion of Ward's Island. Court-room, No. 14 Howard avenue BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. Herman Joseph Jacob Marks, ustices. Thomas H. Williams, Justice. G. J. Wiederhold Edward A. McQuade, Clerk; thomas M. Camp- I Clerk. Milton 1. Williams, Assistant Clerk. "Real Estate Record and Guide" (Harlem Dia- bell, Deputy Clerk; John J. Dietz, Frederick J. Clerk's Office open from gain,. to trict), "Manhattan and Bronx Advocate" (Wash- Stroh, Assistant Clerks. 4 p' na' ington Ileights, Morningside Heights and Harlem Location of Court—Northwest corner of Third I Fifth District,—Contains the Eighth Thirtieth Districts). avenue and Eighty-third street. Clerk's Office open I and Thirty-first Wards, and so much of the Twenty Designated by Board of City Record June 19, daily (Sundays and legal holidays e=apted) from 9 I second Ward as lies south of Prospect avenue. Court- 1906. Amended June 20, 1906; September 30, West Fitty4otuth sung, a.Tm Co .4 9 northwest corner of Fifty-third street and 1907; February 24, 1908; March 5 and 16, 1908, VA. Westchestr . isphone, 379 St. Third, anon and March 16 1909. 10716 THE CITY RECORD. l"RII:\Y, SE PTI?111IER 24,

BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. meeting .,lid petition will be submitted to the S;III' UF' PIItTII AVI:N(IE TO TIlE I•:.\S'r 20 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for Board. SIDE OF IX'I'II AVEN('F water manholes, to be furnished and J (111 N F..\ H I•:.\ R N, President. Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be set. IF I't,'F 'IF T1t1 I'Rt:sIirN-r IF T111'. k~rR,rl'l:II OF done: 09. I rassan 1/,r\\N+\1,, Secretary. P,(r75 square feet of new bluestone flagstone, to \1 AN IIAII .5 N, Xr\c Y,IRK, September 23. 1'1 3,180 squareyards of asphalt pavement, in- be furnished and laid. N(lrl( L IS IIEREIIY (11\'EN, IN .\lt'oRh- OFFICE OF THE I'RtiStnt.NT nF TItE I1,ROt'I:II OF cluding binder course. 14,425 square feet of old flagstones, to be re- ance is th sectiln 432 1'f the t_ hurter of The MMANHATTAN, NEW YORK, September 23, 1909, 625 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. trimmed and relaid, ('ity rif New York, that a communication signed 1,1,30 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, to 4,525 square feet of new cement sidewalks, to by the Clmunis;iouer sif Public Works requesting N tt'I'I('E IS IIEREIBY l;I\'EN, IN .\l'('uRD- auce with section 432 of the Charter of The be furnished and set. be furnished and laid. the repair of sidewalk at Nos. 31)4 to 308 Lenox (thy of New York, that a pclition. signed by 250 linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, to The time allowed for doing and completing the avenue, has been tiled in this ii Rice and is now be redressed, rejointed and reset. al;.-ve wurk will be sixty (60) working days. ready for public inspection, and that a meeting Irroperty owners and residents of the \\'ashingtun Ileights IIi'trict fur Local lntprurrments. re' 10 noiseless heads and covers complete for The amount of security required will be Fif- of the Board of Local I ntprovenients of the sewer manholes, to be furnished and tcen Thousand Dollars ($15,000). Washington height, Ilistrict fur Local Intpr.rvc- 'Iuasting the regulating, grading. curbing and flagging of Two Hundred and Eighteenth street, set. Nu. 10. F(lk REPAIRING WASH-OUT ON mrnts will be held in the Borough 1ltlice. lIs' 5 noiseless heads and covers complete for NORTHERN A'i'I:NI'I•:, NI;:Vt ITS JUNC- Ilall, on the 5th day of October, 1909, at 11 between Broadway and 5caman avenue, has been filed in this office anll is now ready for public water manholes, to be furnished and 'I'It1N ; 14'I'I'It 1'Ukl' \VASIIINGTON AVE- a. in., at which meeting said c.nnmuuication will set. inspection, aml that a meeting . f the Itoard of NUE. be submitted to the Board. The time allowed for doing and completing the Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be 3011N F. AIIE.\RN, President. Loral Itnlrruvrments of the Wa.hingt,m Heights District fur Local Intpruvt•ntcnts \% ill be held ill above work will be thirty (30) working days. dune: BERNARD Dow'xtNr:, Secretary. '1' he amount of securit y required will be Three the I(iorough 1 )fiice, ('ity }fall, loll the 51h day 2,300 cubic yards of earth excavation (includ. 'IT.,uaand I1„llars ($3,000). ing loose rock and any portion of the I)F rice OF THE PRESIDENT IF THE Boa, UI;ii Or ,of l lctohe'r. 1909, at I1 a, in., at which nta•eting No. 4. FOR RE(;ULATING AND REPAVING said petition will Ire submitted to the Board. wall which stay be necessarily take(( \tisH:\TTAN. NEW Yolks, September 23, 1909. \\'ITTI ASl1 IIAI"'1. I'xvI'; ENT ON CON- down). 11)IIN F..\111C.\kx. I'ra•.iolcnt. CREI'E rO('Nl.\ -rTOx 'rIIF: ROAT4AY OF NIIrIC'E IS 11EREItY CIVEN, IN .\('(Oki). R F:RS.\R n Buss Vlsr. Seerctary. 1,500 cubic yards of filling to furnish (exclu- ;tucc With se ti,-n 432 of the ('barter of 'nce 'I'\\'F:N'r\' SECOND S'I'REI':'I', FROM TIIE sive of that secured from excavation). (Its- „f New Y„rk, that a c„mninnication signed \•,'EST SIDE (1F SECOND -\VENUE "r0'r1IE 1,350 cubic yards of Portland cement masonry (ll'Fit- F. 'IC T111: l'Rrsims:r OF TIIE I1++R ne'i:ll OF I•: \5'1' SI lIE OF I,EXING'I ON AVENUE. he Ile (.,mmi,sionvi ,of Public Works requesting \Ii''ll\TTAN. 'IEw' Y, 'RS, Septel1111cr 23, 1911(1, for retaining walls and culverts. the tenting ,'f unfenced 1,15 011 the west side of Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be 85 linear feet of new guard-rail, to be fur. FMK, rmlbc as cone, between I Inc Hundred and N I) (ICE IS IIERFItV (;R EN, IN .\( l'IIKI)- dl tie: 11ished and built. Sixty-fifth and (Inc Hundred and Sixty-sixth ance with section 432 ,If the Charter of 'I'he' 3,1,25 square yards of asphalt pavement, in' 25 linear feet of old guard-rail, to he re- streets. has been filed in this office and is now ('itv f New Yurk. that a petition, signed by- elttdittg binder course. bui't. resist for mule in.pccti,in. and that a meeting pr„Irrrty u\\'nrrs and re,idt•nts of the Greenwich 715 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. 70 linear feet of new blurstone curbstone, f the Board If Local Improvements of the I )istriet f,r I , cal Improvomcnt'. rcyuccting the 2,130 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, to to be furnished and art. Washington Height; 1);,trict f„r L',cal Improve- c,rn,tructinn of a sewer in "Theatre alley, be- be furnished and set. 82 linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, to ment, will be held in the' Illrrnugh IIliice. ('its tweco .\nn and Beckman st rest a, has ))evil filed 30 linear feet of old hluestone curbstone, to be redrest'ed, rejointed and reset. 11a''% toll the 5th his ,If Oct,rher, lout). at it in this office and is nua' teals' for public in- be rrdressed, rejointed and reset. 290 square feet of necv flagstone, to be fur' a. In., at which luccune sail contmnnicati,m will spt•ction, and that a meeting of the Board of 10 noiseless heads and govern complete for 11ished and laid. IT, ,uhnlitted t„ the Hoard. L,'cal Im iris' ements of the I:rrenw'ich I)istrirt sewer manholes, to be furnished and 320 sit utIre feet of Old flagstone, to be re- 11111N F. .\IIF..\RN. !'resident. fur Local Improvements will br held in till- set. triumied and rclaill, ItlR]sail hiss stNl-„ Secretary. IU ,r,lgh I Iffect•, City hall, 'n the 5th day of 6 noiseless heads and covers complete for 7'lle time allowed fur doing and completing I lrb,hc•r 1'111. at 11.111 a. in., at which meeting water manholes, to be furnished and the above work will be forty (40) working days. ()FellF of TIIF: I'llIsine\T 'IF TIIE 1t illit":tl IF sail petiti'm will be auhmittrd to. the L', lar.l. set. The anmunt of secur'tv required will be Three al \\ It \T1'.\N, New '4K v, Septrmbcr 23, 1909. II)IIN I"..\III•: \RN, 1'ra"ident. The time allowed for doing and completing the 'I'Lousand Dollars ($3,000). N lrrlt l': IS lU•:KElll" GIVEN. IN .\c('1)kn. Iit.RV\Rn 16,PsIs,,, ticcrctary. abnvc work will he thirty (30) working days. 'l'llr hi•lder will state till- Prier of each item or :!ncc with srs'tiun 432 of the Charter of The The amount of security r'rquired will be Three artle's' contained in till- speciftcati,'ns or schedules illFIll- , (its ,ot \l\v l..rk- that a petition signed he 'F TII!: I'RISInF\'f l+r TII1: Moll OF Thousand Dollars ($3.0001. hen-in contained in ileretu annexed, Per foot, \I \ make a no if, Intl gra'h- !II,. I'rl -,I +.t ,f th. flit, ch of rbe annum( 1,t ":uritc required will he lit-in from Kivc rxi lc drive t., liroa•I wars ha+ lit-en Ii let I Vf::nh,l•ti+ II': I tv'lia::-i A IL 'm In, until .. • MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 190D. 7'hnusand Dull;trs Itlnnnl, in tili, office and is nmv ready- f„r Public in,pcc- .. ck t. n'' Nu. 1, FOR PENI'ING I'R)IPOSI•:l) PL.AY., and that a ntes'iing -,f the R.+ari 'f L+cal TCFISDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1909, No, 6, FIIK Rlil;t'L.\"I'ING AND REI'.\\'- t;kll('ND ON P.\It1C VENUE. fktl\I THE IX(; \\']Tit .\51'll:\l:l' P.\\'1•:'4II•:N'r ON Improvement+ of file WashintR,'n height. ill- I 11 1`lK\ISIIhN . ANII DELI\ - FIRING N'Ilt'l'II SIDE OF ONE IIUNllltEIl AND trim f..r L.ocal 1111Pn'\c!nc±ns "ill he held in tale ('I INI'RF:'I'F: P(il'NII \ Flux "1'IIF: Rut 'I'V- F:N l'II•:'I'll STREET TO Till, 5O111'11 11.lrrugh Office, ('its' hail, nn the 5th , Ilav lot + 11th I'.\ \\IF1. ,lI II':"I' "II;V'. ill' PuR•1'1'-SF\'F,N'1'Ii SI'KNI•:T. I'RIl\I •1'IIE s1 11E (IF ONE lll'NUREU AND TWF:NTV- Ilclivcry \\ II'~ h. nyuin-d I., III made at the I tether, 1909. at 11 a. m.. at which nlce:llg sail \\'1:S'r >IIIE IIF PIP"1'11 \\'F:NI'It 'ill '1111: I'Ill'I:'111 S'I'REI•I'l'. :'till an,l in tiii- manner and in sued quautitics Vetition will he ,uhlnittcd t, the 11'ard. 1':.\S•I' SI11E (IF SIXFIl :\\'EN('E. t t,gfnc,is estimate of the amount of work to l-1' rita, he dirtctt•d. Enginclr's c>;inenc ui amount of w'nrk to be 11111N It. .\IIF. \RX• President. The time f,'r the drlivery of the articles, ma' be tI us': IiFRW\Rn T1„n'xlx,:, Srcreta'v. -_ - --~ d„1,a: 1,990 linear feet of three-rail iron pipe fence, tetalt .111+1 supplies and the Pr'rforniance of the 3.155 square yards of asphalt pavement, in- 4 feet high. ,;)f l-'1' crrtract is during the year 1909. cludinK hinder course. Is TI ! F TILE 1'RFstnl'. NT '-r Till' 1l•iR''1' 'file atmnmt of s,curity required will he Five Time allowed for (filing and completing the \I is n • . c, N r:w \'„ RIB, Sc;.tr'nl,rr 23. to09. 120 cubic yards of Portland cement con- above work will be twenty (20) working days. I1tunJre,1 11„llars ($51,0), crcte. N lIll l: IS IIEREIIV I;I\EN. IN .\CC(IRD. l'he bidder will state the price for each item or Amount of security required will be Two 1.Se5 linear feet of new Bluestone curbstone, Hundred and 1'ifty Dollars ($250). an.c with ectiim 43_ ,'f this Charter lot •1'hc 1-1.CIc con tamed in the specifications er schedules to be furnished and set. The bidder will state the price of each item or I Iis' of Nrw Y,,rk, that a Ps'titi.,,I -iinrd in' hrrcin contained or hereto annexed. tier Pound, .-perry l•\\ncr< of the \i'a,1lingt,,n Ileight- Ui+- 300 linear feet of old hlucstone curbstone, article contained in the specifications or schedules p n. Iltzen, gallon, card or other rent of rtt_as- to be redressed. rejuinted and reset. herein contained Or hereto annexed, per font: tr t t'r la:! In,,l,r„v,ntcnt'. Irque-ting the snc by which the biJ+ will be te1tcd. The ax. 11 noiseless heads and covers, contplere, for yard or Other unit of measure, or article, by lacing nut upon the map of The City of New 5, l,sion< must lie made and footed up, as the sewer manholes, to be furnished and '41 ri: a tunnrd front th, new subwa\' stati+m at is' hich the hills will be tested, The extensions 'ri,l% still he read front the total for each item. set. 1 .!„ llurdra'l all I Ninety'-tint -trr,-t ao l it. Illank fauns and sneciftcatiur.s may he hal at must be made and footed ttp, as the bids will be , 9 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for real from the total. Nwilula avenue. re lilt ililt west In, Itruadway amt tic ,,tike of till- President of iii: Ilurnugh, Ruunt water matlholes, to be furnished and Fsrt \iashingtun avenue, ha, been filed in this l t, fits hall. l:orl+ngh of \Llnhattan. Plank forms and specifications may he had at office. and is now ready f,,r tublic insvectiun, I1)11N F. \11 F.\RN, Preti,l,'nt. set. the office of the Commissioner of Public Works, and that a meeting of the Il,iar,l o'f L„cal Int- The time allowed for doing and completing the Nos. 13 to 21 Park row, Bureau of Highways. 'f;,.. C'!y ,f Nivc Y"rk, SCI,tentbsr 22, 1'109. above work will be thirty (30) working days. provcmrnts of the \i' ash i ngtou II\igilts lli,t ric•. s2_2,o5 Room 1607, lh,rough of \lanhattan. for Local Iml'rovement, will be held in the R.,: The amount Of security required w'i.l be Three JOHN F. ATIEARN, President, X - 'See General Instructions to Bid- -thousand Dollars ($3,000). The City of New York. September 16, 1909. tough Ilffice, ('itv (hall, b1, the 5th day of ltct - drrn un the Ina pnh'e, last column, of her. 191.1), at i l a.m., at which meeting said No. 7. F(llt RIl'.\IRING AND M.\INT.\IN- s16,27 IF. •- City Record.” ING SIIEE'I' A51'HAI:I' PAVEMENTS IN petition will Ira sulrntittcd to, the Bourg. See General Instructions to Bid- J( Ill N P. .\IIE.\RN, President. fill•: 11t1B4)(Y;II (IF \I:\NHA'FT.\N WHERE. d?T l;U,\RAN'I'EE PERIOD 11AS EXI'IkICI). ders on the Inst pane, last column, of 1)i,wxttl.. Secretary, I +l }I, F li F- 711E 1'RCittLNT l'F THE BOROUGH OF the "('it' Record.” \l\]n.\I lAS, CITY IIAI.L, 'IHE CITY OF NEW Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be done: I Ii-F1, ( "F THE PRESIDENT 'IF THE ]tR' l', tI I'! 1,0,0)10 square yards asphalt pavement, including \I \, NEW Y+lks• September 23, 190'). SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATE, WILL RE binder course. MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE N11"rl('E IS IIEREIIY I;] VEX, IN .\crltki received by the President of tllc Iluruugh of 100 cubic yards Portland cement concrete. COMMISSION. Sues with ,action 433 of if,- Charter of 'I- h, \lanhottan, at t11 City )fall, kwnt 16, antil 2 'rile time allowed for doing and c'Impleting t. ..f Ni-Si- \',,rk, that a t'\-tition ,itno,d I,\ ,'cl,ck In, in. un the work will be until Itecember 31, 1909, trite iv ,suers anti rr,i,lents of the \Vashin-t''i, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1900. The amount of security required will be Fif - \Ir]Irl em- ( till. StkVI+E (', st sn sSl,,S. N,,, 29 1 Height, Iri,tria't fur Local Ill) i,no \ntcnt;, ra'lnu,t. tlan Thousand Dollars I$15,m111), !lit 's ,\\- \l', Nest/ '4'' is F, S,pt,rtber _3, 1'109. illy the acqui-itilm of title to the u- idcttina• of N'r,t No, 1, FOR REGULATING; AND RE1'.AV- N.'. x, 111R WIDENING '1III. R(t.11)V1'.AY IN1, WITH ASPHALT 1'.\\'I'-\Ih''\I' ON ((IN. l'Itl.11' NUTII I: 1S IIEREItY GIVEN Out Ilunlired and Eighty-first ,tryst, from lbtv-na \N11 RF:l'A\ - ING; \\'fell siiFi.:r \5191 \I.,i illat apl,licali„n> t\ ill his' rrccical fr„1,l i ista avener to River-i.le drive, and opening and (kl{'IE PII('Nll.\"!'luN TIIF ROADWAY (n• I'.\\'1•:\IEN'r (IN (4tNl'RE"1'E FUCNI).\'I'IuIN widening Riverside +hive, in,m V-,st One Hun- htI)'EF:N'111 STREET, FROM THE WEST 1lIE WIDENED RU:VIW.\Y I/N 'rill•: \VES't F'It1U.t', MEP'i'F11tHFit , 4, 1 NT11, 4 dred :n .h Scrcnt_v-a'\- , nth t, , Wc,t ()lie Hundred SIDE IIF FIFIli A\'ENLE 'ro 'rHE EASE sIIIF: III PIF"1'll A\'ENI'E, FilfuM NORTH 1. M. ON F'HIU.t's, O12"1'OBEIt S. and Eighty-first atrcat, loos bccn filled in till, '.I1 1E OF SIX'III AVENUE. 51116 I hI0 FUR'!'\ --i'E\'ENT1( STREET TO 11)1111. office, anti is now ready f,,r public in

Candidates will be expected to be familiar with said objections will be heard and testimony re. the Secretary of the Board of Assessors, No. 3]0 The lime f.,r the dclicery of the supplies and the provisions of the Sanitary Code relating to cciverl in reference lherrlti. Broadway, New York, oil or before October 19, file foil lice furm;rnrc ,f the contract is within disinfection and also with the most approved \N'I'(INIi) Nt'('('.\, 1909, at It a. in. at which time and place the forly-live (45) days 11,111 tilt date of like signing methods of disinfection. I'AVI. WI•:I\l.ANN, said objections will be heard, and testimony re- of the contract, Vacancies, one. J.\\IES II. KI•:NNI•:I)Y, eeicc-d to reference thereto. The biddrr must submit a sample with the Salary, $750, $900 and $1,050 per annum. Itoaril of :\ssessors. AN'T'ONIO ZUCCA, hid. The minimum age is 21. WILLIAM If. JASPER, Secretary. I':AUL Wh:[MANN The hills will be read from the total, and will (No application received at the office of the No. 33)) Itroadway, City of New York, lror• JAMES H. KENNk[Y, be compared and awarded to the lowest bidder Commission, by mail or otherwise, after 4 p. tt1. ,ugh of \t au It attan, September 24, 19119. Board of Assessors. as soon thereafter as practicable, according to on October 5 will be accepted.) s'4,u5 WILLIAM II. JASPER, Secretary, law. FRANK A. S1.'ENCER, Secretary, No. 320 Broadway. Blank forms may be obtained at the office of s21,o5 P Ull 11C NOTICE IS HERE[ Y GIVEN T(1 City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, the Contract Clerk, Ni'. al9 East Twenty-sixth the owner or owners of all It,,nses and 1. is. September 17, 1909. street, Borough of \lanbaitan. MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION1No. 299 impruvcd ti, unimproved lands ails-cud ther,-hy, s17,28 JOHN G. u'KEICPFE, BROADWAY, Naw YORK, August 17, 1900. that the following proposed assessments havr' Acting President of the Rnard of Trustees, been eomplcted and are lodged in the office of P UIlLIC NOTICE IS IIEREIJY GIVEN TO It(—lies—tie and Allied I1uspiials. UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the Board of .\sst—ors for examination by all the owner or Owners of all hooses and lots, 1latcd S,-tutcmhcr 16, 1909. P that applications will be received from persons interested, viz.: improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, that the following proposed assessments have 521,5 MONDAY, AUGUST 23, UNTIL MONDAY, Borough of Queens. g^;- OCTOBER 11, 1909, he'll cootIIletcd and are lodged in the office of See Gena•ral InstruetlnnN to Bi,1- List fill, Ni. 1. Rrgulating, grading, curbing, the lroartl of Assessors, for examination by all ders on the lust huge, last column, of for the position of laying crosswalk. and laying sidewalks un Prcc- persons interested, viz.: the "('It e I eciord.” man avenue, front Jackson avenue to :\caivnly PATROLMAN. POLICE DEPARTMENT. street. First Ward. Borough of Brooklyn. 570, (NO APPLICATIONS RECEIVED BY THE list No, 2. Regulating, grading, curbing, List 620, No, 1. Sewer basins on New Jersey POLICE DEPARTMENT. COMMISSION, BY MAIL OR OTHERWISE flagging and paving Iluntcr avrnu,, from Jam- avenue, at the southwest corner of Highland sircct to Ilarris avenue. First Ward. boulevard, at the northwest corner of Evergreen AFTER 4 P. M. ON OCTOBER 11 WILL B9 1'rtl.lr1: 111'. 1•\R'1NLN'1 OF 1111: CITY OF NI:W ACCEPTED.) l.ia 591, No. 3. Rtgulatiug, grading, curhiug place and at the northwest corner of Jamaica and paving Ondr•rdunk avenue. from Elm street YORK, :fir,. 301) 7th t'earkkY Sneer"r, )tr1ROt'Glt oP The subjects and weights are as follows: avenue. SIA%tlAT-rA N. to Sian 11001' street, Second Ward. Lit 625, No. 2. Sewer in Sixty-first street, Physical development and strength...... 50 List (129, No. 4. Temporary sewer in Eighth SI•:.\1.1?I) BIBS t)k la'I'I\L.\'I'ES WILL ItE Mental test ...... 1._0 between Pifilt and Sixth avenues. avenue, front Seven nccnth -ln','t to Eighteenth List 650, No. J. Sewer basins at the southerly rr cn'd by the hillier l~nnmi,-ion, r „f tilt strut, \Vltitestunr•, 'third 11'ard. and ea ttrly corners of Forty-third street and IS,lii( Ih partmm,it If 'Pile l'ity of N. 'ink ❑ t The subjects and weights of the mental test list 690, No. S. Sewer in Eight avenue, from First avenue; also on Forty-fourth street, at the th, R,,ikkecl,e t, ((time', l' ctrtral I lrpart nil pit. -1 oinn 125 feet north of Graham avenue to milil IU ,,'el„ck :r. m. nn are as follows: 2 east and south corners of First avenue. Memory test ...... I:nmdway, 1First Ward. List 662, No, 4. Sewer basins on Milford THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 11)09, Government ...... 1 list 691, No. r,. Sewer in Graham avenue, 2 stn-el, at the northeast and northwest corners PIIR l- l'IlNISIIIN(; .\l.l. '['Ill-: L.\Rult .NIT Localities ...... from Vernon avcnuc to Ilancuck street. and of Belmont avenue, and all four corners of Sot- \I. Arithmetic ...... 2 front Uuulaevard ti, Sherman virvel, First \Yard. \'I I-ill \).r .NF('1(SS\kl- 'I'I) I'.\INr ANTI '. itr avenue. I IN'1' -I111•: \\'.\I.LS .\NII ('I-:ILIY1;S IX 'lilt; List 194, NO. 7. Sewer in 'I'wellth avenue Lilt 664, No. 5. Sewer basins at the northerly Seventy per cent, will be required on the IWinans street), front Broadway to Jamaica \1•:11' Rl"11.111\I; I:h.INl; t•;ltl•afl•:ti (IN '1111•: and easterly corners of Nineteenth avenue and ItL(n l: itl ll'NI11:1) I:Y (it.\Nj), mental examination. 05 'me, First \\'ar11. I•:ighty-fifth street. (h-:NTRE Seventy per cent, will be required on strength. '1'h,• limits within winch it is prnpusetl lu lay .\\U I:Itrnl5ll( FRI-t-:'f.-' .\NB ('E.C'I'RE physical List 667, No, 6. Sewer basin at the northwest \I.\117:7:"I' I'L\l'1(. 1:Illtlll'lill nil \I.\till.\'I'- Seventy per cent, will be required on III,- said assessments include all the saveral house; corner of Snediker and Blake avenues. I'.\N, Pllk III-:\I)( )1'\It'I'I•:It5 I-Itit IIIE development. and lots if Rruuml, vacant lots, pieces and par- List 6G8, No. 7, Sewer basin at the northerly The minimum height for, applicants is S feet pp-I'. of land situated urn - I't)I.I('IC 111.1'.\It'I'\II•:N'I' uh '1111; l'1"f Y (it corner of Stockholm street•and St. Nicholas are- t•1\' '1)7th. 8 inches; the minimum weight, 140 pounds; the N,,. 1. L'uth sides of Fret-man avenue, front ml tie. minimum chest measurement. 334 inches. l:,cksun avr-nuc lu Aca(Icnty stn-ei, au,l it, the Ihr• tintc allnwr- l It- makin,y an,1 completing List 669, No• 8. Sewer hasins at all four cor- the amine w,trk will be thinly 13111 ,ltq'<. Applications will not be received from persons cxr'Int of half the block at the intcrsccling ners of Seigel and White streets. who are less than twenty-three (23) years of ,t reefs. 9'h(- :or-lint „( ,t-rtnnity regni t-d will Ill. fifty The limits within which it is proposed to lay It r ecut. (5))', I of till atnouut if bid or esti- age on October 11, 1909, or who are more than No. 2. Boil, sides of Ilttrtti-r avenue, from the said assessments include all the several nlate. thirty (30) years of age. lone Street to Ian-i., avonuc attd in the extent Itntices and lots of ground, vacant lots, nieces I:i,llt-rs arcparticularly .-qr help-itura to examine Applicants will be required to submit with their cif hnlf the hbck :It tilt- int(-r ecting streets. and parcels of land situatc(1 on--- No. 3. frith Stilt., of I)rolcrdunk avenue, from Ihr plan. p,ri6ertiun, slut luc:ni'in of hi,,- work applications a transcript of the Records of the No. 1. Both sides of Evergreen place, from In-fir,- bidding. and are Bureau of Vital Statistics showing the date of Elm street to Stanhope .Street, and to if,,. extcut they rxpr,,.ly notiti,d I't hlingtun place to New Jersey avenue; west side that uu rhviatiuu from the 'pv,itic;uions will hr' birth of the applicant, or in lieu thereof, a tran- it half the block at lilt- inters,•eting streets. III New Jersey avenue, from Jamaica avenue to script from the record of the church in which No. 4. Ituth sid,s ,if Eighth av,-nuc, bclwren all,nrcpl our) •'.s Ito- same• has b„ a pr, vi„ Highland Itmdevard. aulhprizcd by and written permi-.ion therefor he was baptized, signed by the pastor, under Scvcnit'( nth ant l-9ghtcenth atrccty. No. 2. Roth sides of Sixty-first street, from No. 5. I:. tl sinl,. of Eighth avenue, beta-cell „htainc,l from till' I'ulicr l'ummi.. i„ncr. seal. Fifth to Sixth avenue; cast side of Fifth ave- I-„r particulars a; to thur quantity and quality All foreign -born applicants will be required, to l;tahani avenue tml Broadway. nue and west side of Sixth avenue, from Sixtieth submit evidence of citizenship; naturalization .No. 6, Il,ith aid,. if Grabmn avcnur, front f like >upldirs ur tit,' nature ;toil exi, nit of the to Sixty-fr`t street. ii irk n,ltu it, I ur of the m:ucrial-, h, 6r' fur- papers should be attached to application. \',-ruin art-out- to Sherman street, Ni,. 3. East side of First avenue from Forty- Applicants will be notified later of the dates N. 7. ILgth sides of 'twelfth avenue, front ui,hcd. Lidkrt. rc a n,ferr,-d to if,,. spr-citicalitmr tltird street to a point ahmd 100 feet south of ltd lists of tn:ttcrials, ,npplic, and apparatus to of the physical and mental examinations. I:r,rtdw'ay to Jamaica avenue. Purty-fourth street; west side of Second avenue, Application blanks can be had at No. 299 .\II persons whose- lull ere is are afi'pcted by the he furni.h,,l, anal to th Ian< net file at the from Forty-third to Forty-fifth street; both shulec ,odic, ,f P. L. V. lf„pt,in, .\rehired. N,,. 244 Broadway, Room 1119, ahncratamcd proposal asles,nt(-nts, and who arc of Forty-third and Forty-fourth streets, from F. A, SPENCER, Secretary. npttnsc,l in the name, ur tither ..f thr'm, are re- Piflh ;L% ante, l:un,agh of \lootiattan, w'hvre First to Second avenue. Ll:,nk ft,rnu fir making bins or e-timate , with a19,011 t,uosted to 'rest-lit their objections, in writing, to No. 4. Both sides of Sutter avenue, extending rile ,-cr:-tary of the Ii„and of Assessors, Nu, 320 rile I,r„I,rr onc,-lnpc in which to inclu,c the same, about 100 feet west of Milford street and about nes- ho uhtainr'd. Mist, ii.SL CIVIL 5tkvIrr I.IIMMISSION, No. 299 lima, la-ay, New York, on or before I)etuber 'r,, 70 feet east .,f Milford street; both sides of \fil- 1'1111, -it I I a• nt., at which limo.- amt lilac,- the The bid,ler sleall 'tatc one aggregate price for 11R~,Anw'.1v, (*try or New 1u kK. f,ird street, from Satter avenue to Pitkin avenue; the ach~,lc work dc-rribcd and 5(5—edit—d, as the sail uhicctiims will he heard and ti-stvouuy re- both sides of Belmont avenue. from about 100 pCRLIC Ni 01(1: AVIr.I. BE GIVEN O1" e, irr,l in ref,-relict- tlterct,,. cunirnct is , Olin- soil for a cumttlrt,- tub. feet east of Milford street to about 150 feet west I:idil( r; \%ill wrier nut the t.rtal amount of all competitive examinations two weeks in \NTON[O 7.t•C('.\, of Milford street; south side of Pitkin avenue. advance of the date upon which the receipt of i'1( r. \\ E-I-I:\NN. th,ir ,.li~n:rl,;, in ad-litiun to inserting the same front Montauk avenue to about 100 feet east of in ti gore.,. aI,plications for any scheduled examination will J.\\11•:5 It KENNI•:I)Y, \lilfp,rd street, close. :\pplications will he receive,l for only Board of Assessors. N'ILLL\\l I-. l:.\RI-It. ( „nimi-•i.n,r. No. 5. Both sides of Nineteenth avenue, from Xtr 11, SrI tcmb(r '-4. l ot . such exanunations as arc scheduled. NO applica- R'Il.LISM if JtsrrR, Seen,tary- Eiglnv-fourth to Eighty-fifth street; north side of '1.,7 tiun will be accepted at the office of the C ono No, 320 Itr„a,Iwav, New York City, Borough Eikhty-f(th street, commencing about 250 feet missiun, by nwil or other s'ise, after the closing ,;f \Irurhauall. Septcnthrr 24, 1907. east of Nineteenth avenue and extending to about g-'Se.• (:eitertiI Inralrua•tiun, to IItJ- hour for the receipt of same, set forth in the s24.o5 395 feet west of Nineteenth avenue. derN on the lust ISIRe, IiiNl motto..,., of advcrtiserucut. No. 6. West side of Snediker avenue, from the •• ('II I(ee•ord.” When an examination is advertised, a person P IJISLIC NOTICE IS IHERI•:BBY GIVEN TO Blake avenue to Sutter avenue, south side of desiring to cum{.etc in the same may obtain all the owner or owners of all houses and lots, Sutter avenue and north side of Blake avenue, POLICE 1)rl'sRTMFH r of TiTF. CITY OF New application blank up„n request made in writing improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, front Van Sinderen avenue to Snediker avenue. YORK, No. 300 MI:LRERRY STREET, BOROUGH OF or by personal application at the office of the that the following proposed assessments have No. 7. North side of St. Nicholas avenue, Max IIATTAN, C onlmtsewn, Room 1119. been completed anti arc lodged in the office of Iron Stockholm street to DeKalb avenue; south The Cummiisnou cannot guarantee that applica- the hoard of Assessors for examination by all side if ('yt revs avenue, from Stockholm street to SE.\I.EU Itll)S OR ESTIMATES WIf.L B1: (ions mailed in response to written requests will persons iotcrc Steil, viz.: 1)e Kalb avenue; west side of Stockholm street, reccrv.d by [lie I'„licc ('„tnmi..i.-ncr „f the be received in little to permit of their being pre- from St. Nicholas to Cypress avenue. I', lire Ucpartrueot f lie I ltc of Nciv York at pared and filed prior to closing hour. Borough of Manhattan. No. 8. South side of Siegel street, from Rush- the 11 ,kkaeper's office uu:il 10 o'clock a. m. on All notices of examinations will be posted in Lilt 382, No, 1, Reregulating, regrading, wick avenue to White street: north side of Siegel TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1909. the office of the Cuntntis;ion, and advertised in curbing, recurbing, flagging and retlagging West sh'ect, from ilushwick avenue to Bogart street; the ('try RFr.„Ri for two weeks in advance of the One hundred and Forty-eighth street, from a west side of White street, from Moore street to FOR li('ItNISIIING .ALI, THE L:AI:BR AND date upon which the receipt of applications will point 225.7 feet west of Broadway to the easterly Siegel street. 7t;.\TI?R1.\1.5 RI`.(_)C'IREII IN \I.\KING lE- close for any stated Position. line of the Riverside drive; together with a list All persons whose interests are affected by the l'.111tS '19t 1')11•: 111•:.\T IN(; 5551 EMS OF Public notice will also be given by advertise- of awards for damages caused by a change of above named proposed assessments and who are fill•: Fii- i ml, SISTI1, I(IIi11 I'll, NINTH, meot in most of the City tapers. grade. opposed to the same. or either of them, are re- TI NTiI, '1'\\'ET.F7"I1, I-III'Itl'I(I{N -1" II, FIt'- Wherever an examination is of a technical Borough of The Bronx. rlttested to present their objeetions. in writing, to 'II•.AX'I'll, 'iIX It' ,'N' ill . tit•:\"I: N -rl•:h:N1'lr, character, due notice is given by advertisement file Secretary of the Board of Atsessors. No, 320 Ni\1-:'1'1-:1•:\"f11. 'I\\I•;\I1flL'cL' '1\11511'• in the technical journals appertaining to the par-. I-ist 632, No, 2, Sewers and appurtenances Itroadway, New York, on or before October 13, ',1; .I IN 1), '1'\1'1•'N't V-TII1111). '1'\\'1•:NTY-NI1;'111, tieular profession for which the examination is in Mohegan avenue, from East One Hundred 1009, at II a. ni., at which time and place the 'I'\\'r:\ '1'\'- I\'I'll 'I" \1- I NT\-Y.II11111, 'I'1\'1":N• called. and Seventy-sixth street to East One Hundred said objections will be heard and testimony re- T1'.NIX'III, TIhIRT\'-Furst', TillR'r1'.SE('- Such notices will be sent to the daily papers and Seventy-fifth street. ceived in reference thereto. ((NI), T11IR'e'1' - 1')F'rI[, T)IIRTY - 51X111, as matters of news. The scope of the examina- I-ist 634, No, 3. Receiving basins at the ANTONIO ZI CCA. - I'llIRTY-NINIll, id)lt'i-ii.- r1L -\\I) Pult'I'Y- tion will be stated. northeast and southeast corners of Walton avenue PATTI. WF.IMANN, I'IiIltI) I'Itl-;i IXI fs. IN 'fill, ItOItflt'l;I1 111. No infirrmation will be given by telephone, and East One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street. JAMES 11. KENNEDY, \I \\II.\'I'I'.\N; SI\l'1--I-Ilta'I',0IS"L'\'.1-II11t11, and the Commission will not be responsible for List 633, No. 4. Receiving basins and appur- Board of Assessors. tiIX'I'V - I. i'll. -ii X'I'1'-,IXT11, SIXl's'- such if given by employees, either as to date o1' tenances at the northeast southeast, northwest WILLIAM 11. JASPER, Secretary, Nllill"1'I . s1•:\'I•:N"r's'-l'o('R"l- lI AND SEVEN- tiling applications ur upon other subjects. and southwest corners of Last One Hundred and No. 3211 I3nrnlw•ay. I : -NIN'I'li l'Iti-;l INCTs. IN 'rill-: III(Rul'GhI Specimen questions of previous examinations Forty-second street and Robbins avenue. City of New York, P."r„ugh of Manhattan, Sep- (,r '[IIF I;RilNN: h:It;I11')F'1'1[ \ND I•:Iti11TY- may he obtained at Room 1108. List 9543, No. 5. Regulating, grading, curbing, tember 11- 1909. I il:a1C PRhaINCTS. IN TILE L'ORlll'1;11 Ill' Unless otherwise specifically stated, the mini- erecting fences and constructing steps and drains s15,25 Rll'llNIONI); ONE IIt'NhltEh ANI) rl(RrY- ntum age requirement for all nositinns 1, 21. in West One Hundred and Seventy-seventh 'rl!IRI), ONE 11T'N1)RED ANT) 1,(Ilt'I'Y- FRANK I.. I'OLK, President; street, from Sedgwick avenue to the easterly I ul'lt'r1I, ONI•: lll'NUlt1•:1) --AN1) 1,OwJ'V- R. ROSS APPLETON, line of Cedar avenue, and paving between BELLEVUE AND ALLIED 1.I1'TIl. ()NE lhl'Ni KI:U .\Nil PI)RTY- ARTHUR J. O'KEEFFE, Cedar avenue and a pointabout 160 feet east- aIN'1'll, ONE III'NI(RI(I) AND I UR"r1' aiiA'- Commissioners. erly therefrom, together with a list of awards HOSPITALS. I'.`•.'1'II, ONE !ll'NIIREII ANT) PnKT1'- for damages caused by a change of grade. 1':II;IITIf, ONE III'NI)RICI1 :\N I) FI)It'I'Y- The limits within which it is proposed to lay IIri.I.Evt•e Ask' :\I.t.IPII 11usrITsLs lie i'.+RTMt.NT NIN -fIl, ONE Ill 1NI(It1(II .\NI) FIF'I'Y- the said assessments include all the several r11t;"r, II UN1)ltl•:U BOARD OF ASSESSORS. houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces '1P Ne:ly YORK l'1TY, '1'w,xrY-six71[ S1auo:T AND ONE AND FIP-rY- FIRST .\vI-xuI:, ll„R, l; It 1,F 5l:\Nlt.\7'!A , '1lIF. :!:('ON1), ONE Ill'NFItl:D ANI) IAFTY• and parcels of land situated on— TIIIRII. ONE I1('NIlRI':U AN1) I.1F'rY- P t'l l.1C NOTICE IS HEREBY i;IVEN TO No. 1- Both sides of One Ilnndred and Forty- CITY OF Nt:w (IRK. the owner or owners of all houses and lots, Sl-.\l.b.hi I:IUs tilt rs,rim.v'ES WILL PI- l-Ill'R'r[l, ONE TII'N1)RI[I) \N1) Fll'1'Y- eighth street, from Broadway to Riverside drive, 0NE. III'Nltltl•;ll ,\NI) improved ur unimproved lands atieetcd thereby, and to the extent of half the block at the in- receired by t6,- I'rc,idcnt if the I:uard of FIP'lll, E11-TV. that the following proposed assessmentshave 'fructe.-s in th,- Stall R,,,,nt „f I:clhcar ILcpilal SIXr11. ()NE III'N1)ltl•:I) :\NI) ]'I17'1'- tersecting streets and avenues. SI \'F.N'I'Il, been completed and are lodged in the ullice •f No. 2, Both sides of Mohc an avenue, between (.-ntrutce \n. 411 Ea•t 'I to us sixth, street), un- (INN 111'Nllltl?1) :1NI) FIF'1'1'- h:[(;11'I'll. (1NE 11UNt)IIEI) 1N L) FIPl'Y- the Board of Assessors for examination by all One Hundred and Severity-fifth and One Ilan- lil 3 1.. in. nn perctms interested, viz.: dred and Seventy-sixth streets; south side of NI.Nill. ONI{ HUNUIth:l) \N11 SI\'1'IEl'11, TUESDAY, OCTOBItR 5, 1909, t1\F: I11, NilI 1..1) \Ni( -IX'I'\'-l'lltS'1', ONE Borough of Brooklyn. One Ilundred and Seventy-sixth street, and north IItll'il- II( \IIItICI) :\\I) SIX'l'1-51C1'(\U, ONE BUNS side of East One Hundred and Seventyfiftlt F) )ht 19It'LIItl'. t; It) l( I:11IITS, List 585. Opening, extending. laying out and street, from Mohcgan avenue to Marmion avenue. l(\ti \Ni) SI).\I'S. Ilkl•:II SNI) SINI'Y-'I'LIIIILi, ONE lll'N11REI) 'PIe .nreiv regni re-d will be not less than fifty \\U SI\'I'\'Illl'RI'll, 11N1•: Ill'NDiIl•:l) AND improving, Redford avenue. from Ea+tern park- y No. 3, Both sides of One Iluodred and Six- way to I'latbu:h avenue, pur,nant to the t -ninth street. from Walton avenue to Grand per rent. (5)(', I of the am,iunt of the bid. SlNrV-FII''rll, ONE 11(- Nl)RI•:I) :\NIT S1\'1'1'- ed visions of chapter 7u4, Laws of 1900. as amend Boulevard and Concourse; west side of Grand -rbc time fur the dclivery of file supplies and SiNful. ONE 1IIlNl)REU \N11 SIXTY-SE\'- by chapter 590, Laws of 19111, and by chapter Boulevard and Concourse, between Clarke place the full performance of rile cumract is on ur I':X'I'II.1I\I•: III' N'lltl•:1).\NU 5[S'1'F-F:it 11111 498, Laws of 1903. and One Hundred and Sixty-eighth street; east litf,Pr,' Ileceniber 31, 191w, ui-':t; llt'NIII:EI) SNI) SEVENTIETH ANI) The area of assessment for this iml,roventent side of Walton avenue, between One flundre'~ 'Iii,- IliIIS will he read front the total and the IINF TIi'N111(EI1 AND SF.VIENTY-I'IRST I'RH- as fixed by the ('otnmk,iuners of Estimate an'l and Sixty-eighth street and Clark place. c„ntract awar,lr,l hr the lowc,,t bidder for each ('IN(-'I'S VNI) PatO)(KI,VN ltORO1'GH HE-Al). Assessment appointed by the Supreme Court „I, No. 4, Blocks bounded by One Hundred and lint- as soon th,-rcafter as practicable, according ('I'ARTERS, IN THE ItCIRUI-(;II OF BROOK- the 13th day of Septernher, 1')01, includes all Forty-first street, St. Marys street, Robbins ave- to law. I:YN: TWO 1111 N1)REu :\NI) SEVENTY- those lands, tenements, hereditament, and prem- nue and Powers avenue; east side of Robbins blank fi,rnts may he obtained at the office of Fut'RT1L TWO 11UN BRED .\NI) SEVENTY- ises situated, lying and being, and which, taken avenue, from One Hundred and Forty-first street the Contract Clerk, No. 419 l-,act Twenty sixth FIFT1I, TWO lll'NI)RFI) AND SEVENTY- together, are bounded and described as fellow's: to St. Mary's street; both sides of One Hundred street. Ttur,iugh of \farnitaltan. S:X-1'II, TWO lllUNl)RED) AND EIGHTY. Beginning at a point on the southerly side of and Forty-second street, from Robbins avenue to JOIIN W. I1R.\NN.\N, ['resident of file Roam E lItS'I'. TWO IIIINI)REI) ANI) EIGHTY- Eastern parkway. distant 250 feet easterly of the Concord avenue. of Trustees, Bellevue and Allied Iluspitals. SI (Y)NI), TWt) 11ONURED ANI) EI(:1ITY- easterly side of Bedford avenue: running thence No. 5. Both sides of One Hundred and 1 latcrl Sepicmhcr 2l, 1909, rlilRn, T\1'() ItUNhRED AN)) E1rH'fY- southerly and parallel with Medford avenue to Seventy-seventh street, from Sedgwick avenue s24•o5 1 IFl.1L 9'\V-U Ill MIRED AND NINETIETH the northerly side of Flathush avenue; runuinz to the Harlem River; both sides of Cedar g•' See General Instructions to Bid- \`;U 'I'1''O Ill'NI)REU AND NINETY.SEC- thence northwesterly along the northerly side of avenue, from Sedgw-ick avenue to a point about ders on the last page, last column, of O?:U PRECINCTS, IN TILE IIOROUGII OF Flathush avenue to a point where a line drawn 307 feet northeast of One Hundred and Seventy- the ” l'Ity Reeord.- OL 1 KENS. parallel with Bedford avenue and distant 250 seventh street; both sides of Sedgwick avenue, 'Flue time fir the completion of the work and feet westerly therefrom would intersect the between Cedar avenue and Burnside avenue; BELLEVI:E AND ALLIED HOSPITALS DEPARTMENT the full performance of the contract is forty (40) same; running thence northerly and parallel with both sides of Undercliff avenue, between One IF NEW YORK CITY, TWENTY-stxTH STREET AND days. Bedford avenue to the southerly side of Eastern Hundred and Seventy-sixth street and Sedgwick FIRST Avt.Nl'F. (ENTRANCE, No. 411 EAST TWENTY- The amount of security required will be fifty parkway at a point 250 feet westerly of Bedford avenue; both sides of Tremont avenue, between SlxTlt S'IRE.ET'), 1JORol:GII or MANHATTAN, THE par cent. (50%) of the amount of the bid or esti- avenue, running thence easterly along the south- Montgomery avenue and Sedgwick avenue; both CITY or NEW YORK. mnte, erly side of Eastern parkway to the point or sides of Palisades place, for its entire length; SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE The bids will be compared and award made to place of beginning. both sides of Popham avenue, between One Hun- received by the President of the Board of lIt lowest bidder for each precinct. All persons whose interests are affected by the dred and Seventy-sixth street and Montgomery Trustees in the staff room of Bellevue Hospital Bidders are particularly requested to examine above-named proposed assessments, and who are avenue; also Lots Nos. 1, 50 and 58 of Block until 3 o'clock p. in. on the plans, specifications and location of the work opposed to the same, or either of them, are re- 2885. before bidding, and they are expressly notified quested to present their objections, in writing, to All persons whose interests are affected by the TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1909, that no deviation from the specifications will he the Secretary of the Boaard of Assessors, No, 320 above-named proposed assessments and who are FOR BLANKETS. allowed unless the same has been previously Broadway. New York, Oil or before October 26, opposed to the same, or either of them, are re' The surety required will be not less than fifty authorized by a written permission therefor ob- 1909, at I1 a. m., at which time and place the quested to present their objections, in writing, to per cent. (50%) of the amount of the bid. taitted from the Police Commissioner, 10718 THE CITY RECORD. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1909.

'I'lie bidder will state the price for which he office of the Department, Bureau of Chief En- ing the buildings to be disposed of may be 10, 17, Jetty 1, 15, August 19 and September 20, will do all the work, and provide, furnish and ginver. No. 21 Park row, New York City, where obtained. 1909, has been continued to deliver all the labor and materials mentioned and the plans, if anv. which are made a part of the 'the buildings will be sold, for removal only, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1909, specitication<, may also be seen and any further subject to the following described in said contract and specifications for at IO a, in., pursuant to section 1028 of the one or more precincts. information eihtaincd. A deposit of tell dollars will have to be male TERMS AND CONDITIONS. l;reate-r New fork Charter, and will be con- For particulars as to the nature and extent of tinued at that time at the Aldermanic Chamber, th• work required or of the materials to be fur- by those who apply for copies of the contract The buildings and appurtenances thereto will plans and streitications, and this deposit will be in the City Hall, as heretofore. rushed, bidders are referred to the specifications be sold to the highest bidder, who must pay cash DANIEL MOYNAIIAN, and to the plans on file in the ottice of the returned to bidders. or a certified check drawn to the order of the lu,pector of Repairs and Supplies of the Police ltllIN It. O'BRIEN, Commissioner, Comptroller of The City of New York, and must Collector of Assessments and Arrears. Dated New York, September 23, 1909. also give a certified check or cash in half the Dated September 20, 1909. Department, No. 300 Mulberry street, City of e2l,ol4 New York. s24,o13 amount of the purchase price as security for the Blank forms ani further information may be ft-;' Nee General Inwtructlons to Bid- faithful performance of the terms and conditions obtained at the Central Office of the Police De- ders un the last paare, last column, of of the sale. Where the amount of the purchase NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. partment, No. 300 Mulberry street, Borough of the '• ('Ely- Record." price does not equal or exceed the sum of fifty dollars the sum of fifty dollars shall be the \!anhattan. N PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE WILLIAM F. BAKER, Commissioner. amount of the security to be deposited.]'his Greater New York Charter the Comptroller Dated September 22, 1909. security stay at any time after the expiration of of The City of New York hereby gives public s22,o5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. the contract period be applied by the ('ity to the cost of completing any of the work required notice to all persons, owners of property, affected t' See General Instrnetion■ to Bid- NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. by the following assessments for LOCAL IM- der■ on the last page, last column, of under the contract, but unfinished at the expira- 1'RO\'EMEN'1'S in the BOROUGH OF BROOK- the "('It) Record." IN I'CRSI'.ANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE tion of the contract period. LYN: Greater New Yurk Charter, the Comptroller The purchaser shall not lease, occupy, cause or POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF NEW of The City of New York hereby gives public omit the building or buildings, etc., purchased TWELFTH WARD, SECTION 2. YORK, NO. 300 MULBERRY STREET, BOROUGH OP by him to be used or occupied for any purpose IMLAY STREET-SEWER, from summit notice to all persons, owners of property, affected other than that of their speedy removal, nor MANHHATTAN. by the following assessments for LOCAL IMf- south of Commerce street to Commerce street. shall lie collect any rental or outer revenue for Area of assessment: Both sides of Inlay street, 1'RU\'EMIF.N•1'5 in the BOROUGH OF MAN- the use of either the laud or the buildings, etc., SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE 1i,.1TTAN: extending about 210 feet southeasterly from Com- received by the Police Commissioner of the situated thereon. The breach of either or any of merce street. Police Department of The City of New York at SIXTHI WARD, SECTION 1. these conditions shall forthwith void the sale and the liookkveper's Office. Central Department, RESTORING ASI'IIALT PAVEMENT on cause immediate forfeiture of the purchase money TWENTY-THIRD WARD, SECTION 6. until 10 o'clock a. m. on l;AXFER 5•fREF:•f, in front of premises Not. and the security deposited for the faithful per- MADISON STREET AND STUYVESANT LI and 85. Area of assessment: South side of formance of the condition_ of the sale. The MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27', 1000, AVENUE-SEWER BASIN at the southwest Paster street, about 150 feet cast of Bayard placing therein or permitting the occupancy of corner. Area of assessment: East side of Madi- Ft)R COMPI-ETING CONTRACT EXE- set. any such building by any tenant free, for rent son street, front Stuyvesant to Lewis avenue, and CUTEl) BY NEW YORK STEAM FITTING ur otherwise, cxceptIng the necessary watchmen NINETEENTH \C:\RI1, SECTION 5, south side of Stuyvesant avenue, from Madison COMPANY, FEBRUARY 18, 19U5, WHICH or the workmen engaged in the actual demolition avenue to Putnam avenue. WAS ItECLARED ABANDONED, FOR FUR- RESTttRINI; ASPIC\LT PAVEMENT on thereof, shall of itself be a breach of the above NISIfING ALL THE LABOR AND FURNISII• E]G11T\'-SIX111 STREET, in front of premises conditions of sale. TWENTY-SIXTH WARD, SECTIONS 5 IN(. AND ERECTING ALL THE MATE- ? 232 Fast, Area of assessment: South side of The sale will be as of the condition of the AND 12, RIALS NECESSARY TO INSTALL THE Fast Eighry-sixth street, about 207 feet west of property oil date of delivery thereof to the pur- FENCING VACANT LOTS ON BELMONT HEATING 1\D VENTILATING SYSTEM, Second :venue. chaser. 'I'he City of New York will not be re- AVENUE, south side; on PITKIN AVENUE, 13011-ERS AND STEAM I'I1'ING IN THE The above assessments were certified to the sponsihle for any change or loss which may south side, between Snediker avenue and Hins- NEW BUILI'IXG TO BE ERECTED ON ('.:'ector of Assessments and Arrears, under the occur in the couditiun of the buildings, or their dalc street; on HINSDALE STREET, west side, 'rilE BLOCK BOUNDED BY tiRANlt, CEN- I revisions of section 391 of the Greater New appurtenances. between the time of the sale between Pitkin and Belmont avenues; on LIB- 'l'RF: \NI) BROOMl•: Slk'EEIS \Nl) CEN• 1 , rk ('harter. thereof and the time of delivering possession to ERTY AVENUE. north side, between Van Sin- THE MARKET PLACE, 11OROI'GII OF MAN. -that the same were entered on September 20, the purchaser. after bring properly vacated of derin and Snediker avenues; on ALABAMA lf:\'l'I \N, FOR 1lEAD\)U.\RTERS Ft 1R THE 1"o't, in the Record of 'titles of Assessments, kept all tenants. The sale and delivery to purchaser :]VENUE, east side, between Sutter and Blake POLICE DEPARTMENT OF TILE CITY OF in the Bureau fur the Collection of Assessments will be made as nearly together as the circum- avenues; on WATKINS STREET, west side, he- NEW YORK. and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of stance of vacating the structures of their tenants tween Glenmore and Liberty avenues; on ST. The time allowed for the erection and com- Water Rents, and unless the amount assessed for will permit. MARKS AVENUE, south side, and EAST NEW pletion of the entire work will be thirty (30) brt,etit oil any person or property shall be paid All the material of the buildings, sheds, walks, YORK AVENUE, north side, between the junc- working days. within sixty days after the date of said entry of structures and cellars of whatsoever nature, with tion of these avenues and Rockaway avenue: on The amount of security required will be fifty the assessments, interest will be collected thereon, their exterior and interior fixtures, appurtenances I,IVONIA AVENUE, north side, between That- per cent. (50;%) of the amount of bid or esti• a - provided in section 1019 of said Greater New and foundations of all kinds, except the sidewalk furd and Osborn streets; southeast corner of mate. 's o:k Charter. andcurb in front of said buildings, extending IDUMONT AVENUE AND STONE AVENUE. Bidders are particularly requested to examine said section provides, in part, that "If any within the described area and down to the level Area of assessment: South side of Belmont are- the plans, specifications and location of the work l.i.h assessment shall remain unpaid for the of the cellar bottom, shall be torn down and me' nuc and south side of I'itkin avenue, between before bidding, and they are expressly notified r,eri„d of sixty days after the date of entry moved from the premises. None of the dirt, Snediker avenue and Hinsdale street; west side that no deviation from the specifications will be ti'creof in the said Record of Titles of Assess- debris or waste resulting from demolition shall be of Hinsdale street, between Pitkin and Belmont allowed unless the same has been previously nwttt, it shall be the duty of the officer author- allowed to remain on the premises, except old avenues; north side of Liberty avenue, between authorized by and written permission therefor :zcd to collect and receive the amount of such mortar or plaster only, which may be left, but Snediker and Van Sinderin avenues; cast side of obtained from the Police Commissioner. as:essment to charge, collect and receive interest not higher at any point than two feet below- the Alabama avenue, between Sutter and Blake ave- For particulars as to the quantity and quality thereon at the rate of seven L,er centum per curb opposite that point; also the foundation nnes; west side of Watkins street, between Glen- of the supplies or the nature and extent of the annum. to be calculated to the date of payment walls of all classes shall be taken down only to more and Liberty avenues; south side of St. work required or of the materials to he fur' font the date when such assessment became a a plane whose elevation shall be the level of the Marks avenue, and north side of East New York nished. bidders are referred to the specifications lien, as provided by section 159 of this act." curb in front of the building. as-enue, between the junction of these avenues and lists of materials, supplies and apparatus t~ Section 159 of this act provides • "An The purchaser at the sale shall also withdraw and Rockaway avenue; north side of Livonia are- he furnished, and to the plans on file at the a•-essntent shall become a lien upon the real and remove all abandoned water taps and old nue, between Thatford and Osborn streets; south' office of F. L. V. Hoppin, Architect, No. 244 eaate affected thereby ten days after its entry in service mains, and in place thereof cause to be east corner of Dumont and Stone avenues. Fifth avenue, Borough of Manhattan. where tee said record." inserted a brass plug in the main water pipe in blank forms for making bids or estimates, with The above assessments are payable to the Col- the street, in compliance with the rules and TWENTY-SIXTII WARD, SECTION 12. the proper envelope in which to inclose the same. lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau regulations of the Department of ]Water Supply, RECEI\'ING BASINS, at the northeast and may be obtained. for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Gas and Electricity, and furnish the Department southeast corners of HINSDALE STREET AND The bidder shall state one aggregate price for 7•ases and Assessments and of Water Rents, of Finance with a certificate from the Depart. ItI.AKE AVENUE; northwest corner of IIINS- the whole work described and specified, as the Pont H. No. 280 Broadway, Borough of Man- mrnt of Water Supply. Gas and Electricity that I1:\LE tiTRI(I•:'C ANI! IDUMONT AVENUE: contract is entire and for a complete job. I,attan. between the hours of 9 a. in. and 2 p. m.. this has been performed. northeast and northwest corners of IIINSDALE Bidders will write out the total amount of .ru on Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 m., and all The l urchaser at the sale shall also remove all STREET AND LIVONIA AVENUE: northeast their estimates, in addition to inserting the same navrnents made thereon on or before November 19, house sewer connections to the ,vain sewer in and northwest corners of HINSDALE STREET in figure". 1 009. will be exempt from interest, as above pro- the street, and the opening of the rosin sewer ANl) RI\'ERI)AI-E AVENUE. Area of assees- \VTLT.TA\t F. RATER. Commiccioner. vii:ed. ao l after that date will be subject to a in street shall be properly closed in compliance ntcnt: I lot h sides of Hinsdale street, from It lake New York. Set,te•mber 15, 1909. th trge of interest at the rate of seven per centum e ith the directions of the Bureau of Sewers, avenue to Riverdale avenue; east side of Ilins- 515.27 t,e r annum front the date when above assessments Borough of Brooklyn, and furnish the 1)epart- dale street, from Blake to Sutter avenue; south tr see General lnstraetlona to Bid- lwcame liens to the date of payment. ntent of Finance with a certificate from the Bu. side of Sutter avenue, and both sides of Blake dera on the last page, last column, of HERMAN A. METZ, Comptroller. reau of Sewers that the work has been properly avenue, from Ilinsdale street to Williams ave- the - (It)- Record." City of New York. Department of Finance, performed. nue: both sides of Dumont avenue, front Snediker Comptroller's Office, September 20, 1909. The permit for all opening in the street to be avenue to Williams avenue; east side of Snediker s22,oS obtained by and at the expense of the purchaser avenue, extending about 206 feet north of POLICE DEPARTMENT-CITY OF NEW YORg- of the building. Dumont avenue; both sides of Livonia avenue OWNERS WANTED BY THE PROPERTY C iltl'( iR \TIIIN SALE OF BUILDINGS AND Failure to remove said buildings, appurtenances and north side of Riverdale avenue, from Will- Clerk of the Police Department of The \I'Pt.'RTF \.ANCES THERETO ON CITY or any part thereof within thirty days from the iarns avenue to Snediker avenue. City of New York, No. 300 Mulberry street, RE•:AL EST-\TE BY SEALED BIDS. day of possession will work forfeiture of owner- Room No. 9, for the following property. now in shtp of such buildings, appurtenances or portion T'VENTV-SIXTII WARD, SECTION 13. his custody, without claimants: Boats, rope, iron, AT THE REQUEST OF THE PRESIDENT as shall then be left standing, together with all LINCOLN AVENUE-SEWER, between At- lead, male and female clothing, boots, shoes, of the Borough of Brooklyn, public notice moneys paid by said purchaser on account thereof lantic and Ridttcwood avenues. Area of assess' wine, blankets, diamonds, canned goods, liquors, is hereby given that the Commissioners of the at the time of the sale, and the bidder's assent to ment: Both sides of Lincoln avenue, from At- etc.; also small amount of money taken from Sinking Fund, by virtue of the powers vested in the above conditions being understood to be im- lantic avenue to Ridgewood avenue. prisoners and found by Patrolmen of this Dc' them by law, will offer for sale by sealed bids plied by the act of bidding, and The City of New -that the same were confirmed by the Board of partment all the buildings, parts of buildings, etc., standing York will, without notice to the purchaser, cause .Assessors on September 14, 1909, and entered WILLIAM F. BARER, upon property owned by The City of New York, the saute to be removed, and the costs and ex- September 14, 1909, in the Record of Titles of Police Commissioner. acquired by it for street opening purposes, in the pcnse thereof charged against the security above Assessments, kept in the Bureau for the Collec- mentioned. tion of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and POLICE DEPARTMENT - CITY OF NEW YORK, Borough of Brooklyn. The work of removal must be carried on in Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the BOROUGH Or BROOKLYN. Being all the buildings, parts of buildings, every respect in a thorough and workmanlike amount assessed for benefit on any person or OWNERS WANTED BY THE PROPERTY etc., standing within the lines of Brooklyn ave- manner, and must be completed within thirty property shall be paid within sixty days after the Clerk of the Police Department of The nue, between Linden avenue and Church avenue, days from the day of possession, and the suc- date of said entry of the assessments, interest City of New York-Office, No. 209 State street. all of which are more particularly described on cessful bidder will provide and furnish all mate- will be collected thereon, as provided by section Borough of Brooklyn-for the following property, a certain map on file in the office of the Col- rial:. of labor and machinery necessary thereto, 1019 of the Greater New York Charter. now in his custody, without claimants: Boats, kctor of City Revenue, Department of Finance, au,t will place proper and sufficient guards and Said section provides, in part, ' If any such rope, iron, lead, male and female clothing, boots, R,-„sm 141, No. 280 Broadway, Borough of Man- fences and warning signs by day and night fur assessment shall remain unpaid for the tieriod of shoes, wine, blankets, diamonds, canned goods, hattan, the prevention of accidents, and will indenmtfy sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the liquors, etc.: also small amount of money taken Pursuant to a resolution of the Commissioners and save harmless The City of New York, its said Record of Titles of Assessments, it shall be from prisoners and found by Patrolmen of this of the Sinking Fund, adopted at a meeting held ofttcers, agents and servants, and each of them, the duty of the officer authorized to collect and Department tune 23. 1909, the sa'c by sealed bits of the against any and all suits and actions, claims receive the amount of such assessment, to charge, WILLIAM F. BAKER, ahuve-described buildings and appurtenances and demands of every name and description collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of Police Commissioner. this-retu will be held by direction of the Comp- brought against it, them or any of them, and seven per centum per annum, to be calculated troller un against and from all damage and costs to which to the date of payment from the date when it, they or any of them be put by reason of such assessment became a lien, as provided by DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLI, FRIDAY, OCTOBER S, 1909, injury to the person or property of another,. section 159 of this act." (iAS AND ELECTRICITY. at I1 a. m., in huts and parcels and in the manner resulting front negligence or carelessness in the Section 159 of this act provides ' ' ' "An and form as follows: performance of the work, or in guarding the assessment shall become a lien upon the real same, or from any imp roper or defective mate- estate affected thereby ten days after its entry DEPARTMENT OOF WAIFS SUPPLY, GAS Asp FLEC- Parcel No. 1. Two-story frame house and out- hit use and fences. rials or machinery, intplentents or appliances used in the said record." ' Tatr [Ts. RIM 1;36, Nos 13 TAI 21 P+RK Row, Sealed bids (blank firms of which may be ob- in the removal of said buildings. The above assessments are payable to the Col- Roloou':11 i.e MM.l\IIATTAN, NEW YORK CITY. tained upon application) will be received by Party walls and fences, when existing against lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears S E.\LF.0 BIDS OR ESTIM.\TES WILL BE the Comptroller at the office of the Collector of adjacent property not sold, shall not be taken City Revenue. R,x,m 141, No. 280 Broadway, tl'wn. All furrings, plaster, chimneys, project- of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, recei' ..I by the ('ontmissiun, r ..f Water Sup- in the Mechanics' Bank Building, Court and Ia. al El,-ctricity at the at 'se- office until C„rough of Manhattan, until 11 a. in. on October ing brick, etc., on the faces of such party walls, arc to be taken down and removed. The walls Montague streets, Borough of Brooklyn, between _ I n. in . n R, 1909, and then puhlicly opened for the sale for removal of the above-described buildings and shall be made permanently self-supporting, beam- the hours of 9 a, m. and 2 p. in.. and on Satur- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1900. appurtenances thereto, and the award will be boles, etc., bricked up, and the wall Pointed and days from 9 a. m. to 12 m., and all payments Borough of Manhattan. made to the highest bidder within twenty-four made to exclude wind and rain and present a made thereon on or before November 13, 1909, boors. or as soon as possible thereafter. chra exterior. The roofs of adjacent buildings will be exempt from interest, as above provided, Full 11'It\Irlll\I;, liF:LI\ ERINl; .\NU and after that date will be subject to a charge thrill 1'RES-.t R1% 1'Ikl: sER- Each and every bid must be accompanied by a shall be properly flashed and painted and made L\1'1N1: watertight where they have been disturbed by of interest at the rate of seven per centum per 1It'I' 'it l\'- \\U .\1'1't'kfl•:\.\S(.ICS IN dcpos t of cash or certified check in a sum equal annum from the date when such assessments FIo;II1 F.I.NT1I, NI\E. t 25 per cent, of the amount of the bid, except the operations of the contractor. '.I:\'F:\ 'fl{1-:X I II 'rime Comptroller of The ('ity of New York became liens to the date of payment. !F:F:Xf1L •I'W1:N".IETII. '1-WI:\•I'1•-FIRS]' that a minimum deposit of $50 will be required MERMAN A. METZ. Comptroller. AND TWENTY.SE(()Nt) STREETS. with all bids. reserves the right on the day of sale to withdraw The time allowed fir doing and completing Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re- front sale any of the buildings, parts of build- City of New York. Department of Finance. the work will be one hundred and fifty (150) turned within twenty-four hours after successful ing; and machinery included therein, or to re- Comptroller's Office, September 14, 1909. ject any and all bids: and it is further a16,29 working days. bidders have paid purchase price in full and The security re-quired will lie Twenty-five given security, and those of successful bidders Resolved, That, while the said sale is held under the supervision of the Commissioners of Thuu,anrl 1lullars I$'5.000). may be declared forfeited to The City of New NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. The bidder will state the price per unit of fork by the Comptroller upon the failure of t' a Sinking Fund, the Comptroller is authorized each item of work or supplies contained in the the successful bidder to further complywith tr, cause the sale to be advertised and to direct V PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE the requirements of the terms and conditions the sale thereof as financial officer of the City. I Greater New York Charter. the Comptroller specifications or schedules, by which the bids H. A. METZ, Comptroller. will he tested. of the sale as set forth hereinafter. of The City of New York hereby gives public The bids will be c„mpare•d and the contract The successful bidder will be required to pay City of New York. Department of Finance, notice to all persons, owners of property, affected the purchase money and deposit the required Comptroller's Office, September 21, 1909. by the following assessment for LOCAL IN- awarded for all the w, irk, articles, materials and s22,o8 supplies contained in the specificatiuns or sched- security within twenty-four hours of the receipt I'ROVEMENTS in the BOROUGH OF tiles attached thereto. of notification of the acceptance of his bid. QUEENS: Bidders are uarticularly eautoned that a pro- The Comptroller reserves the right to reject DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, BUREAU FOR THE SECOND WARD. vision in the contract requires the maintenance any and all bids and to waive any defect or in- COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS AND ARREARS, COL- furinalities in any bid, should it be deemed in LUDLOW AVENUE-SEWER, from Whit- of the pipes, joints, valves, connections, pavr- LECTOR'S OFFICE, NO. 280 BROADWAY, MANHAT- ney avenue to Eighth street, and EIGHTH ments, etc.. in good condition for the period of the ititerest of the City to do so. All bids must state clearly (I) the amount TAN. STREET-SEWER, from Ludlow avenue to one year from the final completion and accept- Lamont avenue, Area of assessment: Both sides ance of the work. of the bid, (2) the full name and address of the Bidders are requested to make their bids or bidder. NOTICE OF CONTINUATION OF MANIIAT- of Ludlow avenue, from Charles place to Eighth estimates upon the blank form prepared by the All bids must be inclosed in properly sealeu TAN TAX SALE. street, and both sides of Eighth street, from Department, a copy of which, with the proper envelopes marked "Proposals to be opened Ludlow avenue to Lamont avenue, envelope in which to inclose the hid, together October 8, 1909," and must be delivered or -that the same was confirmed by the Board of with a copy of the contract, including the sped' mailed in time for their delivery prior to 11 rpHE SALE OF TILE LIENS FOR UNPAID Assessors, September 14, 1909, and entered Sep- ficatiuns, in the form approved by the Corpora- a. in. of that date to the Collector of City Rev. taxes, assessments and water rents for the tember 14, 1909. in the Record of Titles of As- tion Counsel, and any further information. may roue, Room 141, No. 280 Broadway, New York Borough of Manhattan, as to liens remaining seasments, kept in the Bureau for the Collection be obtained upon application therefor at the City, from whom any further particulars regard- unsold at the termination of sales of June 7, of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and As- FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1909. THE CITY RECORD. 10719

state affected thereby ten days after its entry aessments and of Water Rents, and unless the The interest due November 1, 1909, on Regis- The purchaser at the sale shall also withdraw amount assessed for benefit on any person or tered and Coupon Gold Revenue Bonds of The and remove all abandoned water taps and old n the said record." City of New York will be paid on that day by ervice mains, and in place thereof cause to be The above assessments are payable to the Col- property shall be paid within sixty days after the ector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau date of said entry of the assessment, interest the Guaranty Trust Company, Nos. 28 and 30 nserted a brass plug in the main water pipe in will be collected thereon, as provided in section Nassau street, New York, in United States he street. in compliance with the rules and regu- or the Collection of Assessments and Arrears money, or, at the option of the holder, upon three ations of the Department of Water Supply, Gas f Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, 1019 of said Greater New York Charter. t the h ackett Building, No, 51 Jackson avenue, Said section provides, in part, that "If any weeks' prior notice, as stipulated in said bonds, and Electricity, and furnish the Department of -inance with a certificate from the Department ong Island City, Ilorough of Queens, between such assessment shall remain unpaid for the by Messrs. J. S. Morgan & Co., No. 22 Old Broad m., and on Satur- street, London, England, at the rate of $4.83 to if Water Supply. Gas and Electricity that this he hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. period of sixty days after the date of entry ays from 9 a. in. until 12 m., and all payment.[ thereof in the said Record of Titles of Assess- the pound. tas been performed, The purchaser at the sale shall also remove lade thereon on or before November 8, 1909, ments, it shall be the duty of the officer author- HERMAN A. METZ, Comptroller. ,ill be exempt from interest as above provided, ized to collect and receive the amount of such City of Nhw York. Department of Finance, ill house sewer connections to the main sewer in the street, and the opening of the main sewer nd after that date will be subject to a charge assessment to charge, collect and receive interest Comptroller's Office, September 15, 1909. I interest at the rate of seven per centum per thereon at the rate of seven per centum per In street shall be properly closed in compliance with the directions of the Bureau of Sewers, nnum from the date when above assessments annum, to be calculated to the date of payment ecame liens to the date of payment. from the date when such assessment became a Borough of Manhattan, and furnish the De- CORPORATION SALE OF BUILDINGS AND partment of Finance with a certificate from the HERMAN A. METZ, Comptroller. lien, as provided by section 159 of this act." Bureau of Sewers that the work has been City of New York, Department of Finance, Section 159 of this act provides ' • ' "An APPURTENANCES THERETO ON CITY REAL ESTATE BY SEALED BIDS. properly performed. 'omptroller's Office, September 9, 1909. assessment shall become a lien upon the real 811,24 estate affected thereby ten days after its entry The permit for all opening in the street to be obtained by and at the expense of the pur. in the said record." A T THE REQUEST OF THE BRIDGE The above assessment is payable to the Col- chaser of the building. Commissioner, public notice is hereby given Failure to remove said buildings, appurte- NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau that the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, by nances or any part thereof within thirty days for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears virtue of the powers vested in them by law, will from the day of possession will work forfeiture of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, offer for sale by sealed bids all the buildings, N PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE at the Hackett Building, No. 51 Jackson avenue, of ownership of such buildings, appurtenances, Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller partd of buildings. etc., standing upon property or portion as shall then be left standing, to- Long Island City, Borough of Queens, between owned by The City of New York, acquired by f The City of New York hereby gives public gether with all moneys paid by said purchaser entice to all persons, owners of property affected the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m., and on Satur- it for bridge purposes, in the on account thereof at the time of the sale, and days from 9 a. m, until 12 in., and all payments y the following assessment for LO€AL lM- made thereon on or before November 13, 1909, Borough of Manhattan the bidder's assent to the above conditions being ROVI:\LENTS in the BOROUGH OF MAN- understood to be implied by the act of bidding, will be exempt from interest, as above provided, being all the buildings, parts of buildings, etc., IATTAN: and after that date will be subject to a charge and The City of New York will, without notice standing within the lines of property acquired for to the purchaser, cause the same to be removed, TWELFTH WARD, SECTION 8. of interest at the rate of seven per centum per the purposes of the Manhattan Bridge, being annum from the date when above assessment and the costs and expense thereof charged against TWO HUNDRED AND TWELFTH STREET more particularly designated as the property the security above mentioned. became a lien to the date of payment. - REGULATING GRADING, CURBING ANl) known as the Kenwood House at No, 31 The work of removal must he carried on in IIER\MAN A. METZ, Comptroller. Bowery, which is more particularly described on -LAGGIN(; ANf) CONSTRUCTING NECES- every respect in a thorough and workmanlike IARY RETAINING WAI.I., from Broadway to City of New York, Department of Finance, a certain map on file in the office of the Collec- manner, and must he completed within thirty tor of City Revenue, Room 141, No. 280 Broad- he Harlem River. Area of assessment: Both Comptroller's Office, September 14, 1909, days from the day of possession, and the suc- ides of Two Hundred and Twelfth street, from a16,29 way, Borough of Manhattan. cessful bidder will provide and furnish all ma- Pursuant to a resolution of the Commissioners [roadway to the Harlem River, and to the extent terials of labor and machinery necessary there- f half the block at the intersecting avenues. of the Sinking Fund, adopted at a meeting held to, and will place proper and sufficient guards -that the same was confirmed by the Board of NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Tune 30, 1909. the sale by sealed bids of the and fences and warning signs by day and night above described building and appurtenances there- te•vision of Assessments on September 9, 1909, for the prevention of accidents, and will in- nd entered September 9, 1909, in the Record to will be held by direction of the Comptroller on dcmnify and save harmless The City of New IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE ,f Titles of Assessments, kept in the Bureau for York, its officers, agents and servants, and each he Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Greater New York Charter. the Comptroller WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1000, of then[, against any and all suits and actions, of The City of New York hereby gives public faxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and at II a. m., in manner and form as follows: claims and demands of every name and descrip- tnless the amount assessed for benefit on any notice to all persons, owners of property, affected tion brought against it, them or any of them, by the following assessment for LOCAL IM- Scaled bids (blank forms of which may he rcrsnn or property shall be paid within sixty days obtained upon application) will be received by and against and from all damage and costs to fter the elate of said entry of the assessment, I'ROVEMENTS in the BOROUGH OF RICH- which it, they or any of them he put by reason MOND: the Comptroller at the office of the Collector nterest will be collected thereon, as provided in of City Revenue, Room 141, No. 280 Broadway, of injury to the person or property of another, cction 1019 of said Greater New York Charter. FIRST WARD, Borough of Manhattan, until 11 a. m. on the resulting from negligence or carelessness in the Said section provides, in part, that "If any SEWER in JAY STREET. from a point about 29th day of September, 1909, and then publicly performance of the work, or in guarding the mch assessment shall remain unpaid for the 200 feet north of South street to the junction of npcnerl for the sale for removal of the above same, or from any improper or defective ma- cried of sixty clays, after the date of entry Stuyvesant place with Richmond terrace; in described buildings and appurtenances thereto, terials or machinery, implements or appliances hereof in the said Record of Titles of Assess- IIAMI1.TON AVENUE, from Jay street to and the award will he made to the highest bidder used in the removal of said buildings. ncnts, it shall be the ditty of the officer author' Stuyvesant place; in WALL STREET. from Jay within twenty-four hours, or as soon as possible Where party walls are found to exist between zed to collect and receive the amount of such street to Tompkins avenue; in DE KALB thereafter, buildings purchased by different bidders, the issessment to charge, collect and receive interest STRh:ET. from Jay street to Stuyvesant place; Each and every hid must he accompanied by a materials of said party walls shall he under- hereon at the rate of seven per centum per in S"I"UYV'ESANT PLACE. from DeKalb street deposit of cash or certified check in a sum equal stood to be equally divided between the separate tritium, to he calculated to the date of payment to Hyatt street; in HYATT STREET, from to 25 per cent, of the amount of the hid, ex- purchasers. from the date when such assessment became a Stuyvesant place to Central avenue; in SOUTH cept that a minimum deposit of $50 will he re- Party walls and fences, when existing against ien, as provided by section 159 of this act." S"1'REET, from Stuyvesant place to bulkhead quired with all bids, and that a deposit of $500 adjacent property not sold, shall not be taken Section 159 of this act provides ` • "An crib of the Department of Docks and Ferries, and will he sufficient to entitle bidders to bid on any down. All furrings, plaster, chimneys, pro- assessment shall become a lien upon the real in an easement through the property of the or all of the buildings. jecting brick, etc., on the faces of such party 'state affected thereby ten days after its entry Staten Island Rapid Transit Railroad Company, Deposits of unsuccessful bidders %%ill he re- walls are to be taken down and removed. The n the said record." from Jay street, opposite the foot of Hamilton turned within twenty-four hours after successful walls shall be made permanently self-supporting. The above assessment •is payable to the Col- avenue, to the bulkhead of Tier 4 of said rail- bidders have paid purchase price in full and given beam holes, etc., bricked up, and the wall ector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau road company, and a separate sanitary outlet security, and those of successful bidders may pointed and made to exclude wind and rain and for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears thence to the head of Pier 4. Area of assess- be declared forfeited to The City of New York present a clean exterior. The roofs of adjacent if Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, ment: Both sides of Jay street, from South by the Comptroller upon the failure of the sue- buildings shall be properly flashed and painted Room IT, No. 280 Broadway, Borough of Man- street to Richmond terrace; both sides of Rich- cessful bidder to further comply with the require- and made watertight where they have been dis- harl.n, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p, m. mond terrace, from Stuyvesant place to Nicholas ments of the terms and conditions of the sale, as turbed by the operations of the contractor. and n,t Saturdays from 9 a. in. to 12 m. and all street; both sides of South street, from Stuy- set forth hereinafter. The Comptroller of The City of New York payments made thereon on or before Ifovember vesant place to New York Bay: both sides of Successful bidders will he required to pay the reserves the right on the day of sale to withdraw t, 1909, will be exempt from interest, as above Hyatt street. from Stuyvesant place to Central purchase money and deposit the required security from sale any of the buildings, Darts of build- provided, and after that date will be subject to a avenue; both sides of Stuyvesant Place, from within twenty-four hours of the receipt of noti- ings and machinery included therein, or to .]large of interest at the rate of seven per centum South street to Richmond terrace; both sides of fication of the acceptance of their bids. reject any and all bids; and it is further per annum from the date when above assessment Carroll Place, from Wall street to Hamilton The Comptroller reserves the right to reject Resolved. That while the said sale is held became a lien to the date of payment. avenue; both sides of Tompkins street. extend- any and all bids and to waive any defects or tinder the supervision of the Commissioners of HERMAN A. METZ.. Comptroller. ing southerly from Hamilton avenue about 135 informalities in any hid should it be deemed the Sinking Fund, the Comptroller is authorized City of New York. Department of Finance, feet; south side of Hamilton avenue, from Daniel in the interest of The City of New York to to cause the sale to he advertised and to direct Comptroller's Office, September 9, 1909. Low terrace to Tompkins avenue; both sides of do so. the sale thereof as financial officer of the x11,24 Hamilton avenue, from Tompkins avenue to Jay All bids must state clearly (1) the number or City. street: both sides of Wall street, from Tompkins description of the building or buildings hid for; H. A. METZ, Comptroller. avenue to Jay street; both sides of DeKalb street, (2) the amount of the bid; (3) the full name and City r,f New York, Department of Finance, NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. from Stuyvesant place to Jay street; east side address of the bidder. Comptroller's Office, September 10, 1909. of Jay street, extending north upon the land of Allbids must be inclosed In properly scaled s13.29 the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railroad Com- envelopes, marked "Proposals to be opened Sep- ~1 PURSUANCE OF SI•:CTION 1018 OF THE pany. tember 29, 1909." and must he delivered or NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS, E -that the same was confirmed by the Board of ~ greater New York Charter, the Comptroller mailed in time for their delivery prior to II if The City of New York hereby gives public Assessors September 14, 1909, and entered on a. m, of that date to the "Collector of City IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE September 14, 1909, in the Record of Titles of tntice to all persons, owners of property, affect- Revenue. Room 141. No. 280 Broadway: New Greater New York Charter the Comptroller ,I by the following asecssments for LOCAL I91- Assessments, kept in the Bureau for the Collec- York City," from whom any further particulars of The City of New York hereby gives public tion of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Pltn\"E\IENTS iu the BOROUGH OF THE regarding the buildings to be disposed of may notice to all persons, owners of property, affected IRONS: Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the be obtained. by the following assessments for LOCAL IM- amount assessed for benefit on any person or The buildings will be sold for immediate re- PROVEMENTS in the BOROUGH OF TWENTY-THIRD WARD, SECTION 9. property shall be paid within sixty days after moval only, subject to the following QUEENS: WEST ONE IIUNI)RED AND SIXTY-FIRST the date of said entry of the assessment, interest FIRST WARD. shall be collected thereon, as provided in section ;TREI-;F--REGUI..vilNG, (;RADING. ltC1I.1)- TERMS AND CONDITIONS. DE BEVOTSE AVENUE-REGUT.ATING, ING SIGI'S, I•:RECTING RAIL"INi;S ANI) 1019 of said Greater New York Charter. The buildings and appurtenances thereto will I.AYING DRAINS, from Summit avenue to Said section provides that " If any such assess- (',RAI)IN'G, CURBING, FLAGGING AND LAY- be sold to the highest bidder, who must pay cash ING CROSSWALKS, from Jackson avenue to Sedgewick avenue. Area of assessment: Ituth ment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty or a certified check drawn to the order of the ;ides of West One hundred and Sixty-first street, days after the date of entry thereof in the said Flushing avenue. Area of assessment: Both Comptroller of The City of New York, and must sides of Be Bevoise avenue, from Jackson avenue front Ogden avenue to Sedgew•ick avenue: east Record of Titles of Assessments, it shall be the also give a certified check or cash in half the to FluThing avenue, and to the extent of half the ide of Sedgewick avenue, trom Jerome avenue duty of the officer authorized to collect and re- amount of the Purchase price as security for the I:loel: at the into-r,ceting and terminating avenues. Io the junction of 1-i id avenue: east side of ceive the amount of such assessment to charge, faithful performance of the terms and condi- GRANT) AVENUE REGULATING, GRAI)- Lind avenue, front the junction with Serlgewick collect and receive interest thereon at the rate tions of the sale. Where the amount of the ING. CURBING, FLAGGING ANI7 LAYING avenue to a point about 77 feet north; both sides of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated purchase price does not equal or exceed the sum CROSSW.\LKS, from Steinway avenue to Old if Ogden avenue, from Jerome avenue to One to the date of payment from the date when such of $50, the sum of $50 shall be the amount of Bowery Itay road. Area of assessment: Both Ihundred and Sixty-fourth street; both sides of assessment became a lien, as provided by section the security to be deposited. This security may sGhs of Grand avenue, from Steinway avenue to Due Hundred and Sixty-second street, between 159 of this act." at any time after the expiration of the contract Woods-crest and Summit avenues: both sides of Section 159 of this act provides ' ' ' "An Old Bowcry Bay road, and t,' the extent of half period be applied by the City to the cost of com- the block at the intersecting avenues. One llundred and Sixty-third street and south assessment shall become a lien upon the real pleting any of the work required under the con- PEARSALL AVENUE-STORM SEWER, ;ide of One Hundred and Sixty-fourth street, estate affected thereby ten days after its entry tract, but unfinished at the expiration of the from hunters Point avenue to Newtown Creek. from Woodycrest avenue to Ogden aveune; both in the said record." contract period. Area of assessment: Both sides of Pearsall ;ides of Summit avenue, from One Ilumlic I and The above assessment is payable to the Col- The purchaser shall not lease, occupy, cause Sixty-first street to One Hundred and Sixty- lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau street, from hunters Point avenue to Newtown or permit the building or buildings. etc., pur. Creek; both sides of right of way of Long Island fourth street. for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears chased by him to be used or occupied for am Railroad Company: Review avenue; Star avenue; WEST ONE IIUNT)RED) AND SIXTY- of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, purpose other than that of their speedy remove, Bradley avenue, between Greenpoint avenue and SIS"flI STREET-REGULATING, GR.-AI)INi;, at Borough Hall, St. George, Borough of Rich- nor shall he collect any rental or other revenue Pearsall street: both sides of Gale street, between (I'R111NG, I LA(;GINt;, LAYING CRt)SS- mond, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m., for the use of either the land or the buildings, Greenpoint and Borden avenues; both sides of 1\'.\I.KS, BI'II.DI\t; APPROACHES :\N I) and on Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 m., and all etc.. situated thereon. The breach of either or Borden avenue, between Greenpoint avenue and CONSTRUCTING STEPS, from Jerome avenue payments made thereon on or before November any of these conditions shall forthwith void the Pearsall street; north side of Grecnnmtt avenue, to Lind avenue. Area of assessment: Both sides 13, 1909, will be exempt from interest, as above sale and cause immediate forfeiture of the pur- between Gale street and Hunters Point avenue, of One Hundred and Sixty-sixth street, front provided, and after that date will be subject to a chase money and the security deposited for the and west side of Hunters Point avenue, between Jerome avenue to Lind avenue, and to the ex- charge of interest at the rate of seven per centum faithful performance of the conditions of the Greennoint avenue and Pearsall street. tent of half the block at the intersecting ave- per annum from the date when above assessment sale. The placing therein or permitting the oc. FIFTEENTH AVENUE-SEWER, from nues. became a lien to the date of payment. cupancy of any such building by any tenant free, Broadway to Jackson avenue. Area of assess- TWENTY-FOURTH WARD, SECTION 11. HERMAN A. METZ, Comptroller. for rent or otherwise, excepting the necessary ment: Both sides of Fifteenth avenue, from City of New York, Department of Finance, watchmen or the workmen engaged in the actual Broadway to Jackson avenue, including Lots Nos. RUSH STREET-REGULATING, GRADING Comptroller's Office, September 14. 1909.s16,29 demolition thereof, shall of itself be a breach 2, 3, 4, 19, 20, 21 and 22 of Block 216; Lots SETTING CURIISTONES, FLA(;GIN(; THE of the above conditions of sale. Nos. 5, 6, 7, 62, 63, 64 and 65 of Block 229; SIDEWALKS, I.AYINI; CROSSWALKS, The sale will be as of the condition of the Lots Nos. 19, 20, 21 and 22 of Block 215 and BUII.DING APPROACHES AND PLACING INTEREST ON CITY BONDS AND STOCK. Property on date of delivery thereof to the pur. Lots Nos. 7. 8 and 9 of Block 2,40. FENCES, from Anthony avenue to the Grand chaser. The City of New York will not be SIXTEENTHAVENUE - REGULATING, Boulevard and Concourse. Area of assessment: responsible for any change or loss which may GRADING, CURBING AND FLAGGING, from Both sides of Bush street, from Anthony avenue INTEREST DUE ON NOVEMBER 1, occur in the condition of the buildings or their o the Grand Boulevard and Concourse, and to T Broadway to Graham avenue. Area of assess- HE1909, on the Registered Bonds and Stock of appurtenances between the time of the sale there- ment: Both sides of Sixteenth avenue, from the extent of half the block at the intersecting The City of New York will be paid on that day of and the time of delivering possession to the pur- Broadway to Graham avenue, and to the extent streets. by the Comptroller, at his office in the Stewart chaser, after being properly vacated of all tenants. of half the block at the intersecting streets. CRESTON AVETUE-PAVING AND CURB- Building corner of Broadway and Chambers The sale and delivery to purchaser will be made -that the same were confirmed by the Board of ING, from Burnsi avenue to East One hun- street (Room 85). as nearly together as the circumstance of vacating dred and Eighty-fourth street. Area of assess. The transfer books thereof will be closed from Revision of Assessments September 9, 1909, and the structures of their tenants will permit. entered September 9, 1909, in the Record of ment: Both sides of Creston avenue, from Burn- September 30, to November 1, 1909. All the material of the buildings, sheds. walks, Titles of Assessments, kept in the Bureau for the side avenue to East One Hundred and Eighty' The coupons, that are payable only in New structures and cellars of whatsoever nature, with Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes their exterior and interior fixtures, appurte• fourth street, and to the extent of half the York, for interest due on November 1, 1909. on and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless block at the intersecting streets. Bonds and Stock of the present and former City nances and foundations of all kinds, except the the amount assessed for benefit on any person or PARK VIEW PLACE - REGULATING, of New York will be paid on that day by the exterior walls of the buildings and their founda- property shall be paid within sixty days after the Guaranty Trust Company, Nos. 28 and 33 Nas- tions and the sidewalks and curb In front of GRADING. CURBING, FLAGGING, LAYING ed date of said entry of the assessment, interest will CROSSWALKS BUILDING APPROACHES sau street. said buildings extending within the describ be collected thereon, as provided in section 1019 The coupons, that are payable in New York area, shall be torn down and removed from the AND PLACING FENCES, from West One of said Greater New York Charter. Hundred and Ninetieth street to Tee Taw avenue. or in London, for the interest due on Novem- premises. None of the dirt, debris or waste ra Said section provides, in part, that "If any ber 1, 1909. on Assessment Bonds and Corporate suiting from demolition shall be allowed to re• Area of assessment: Both sides of Park View such assessment shall remain unpaid for the [lace from One Hundred and Ninetieth street to Stock of The City of New York, will be paid on main on the premises, except old mortar or period of sixty days after the date of entry plaster only, which may be left, but not higher Tee [raw avenue, and to the extent of half the that day, at the option of the holders thereof, thereof in the said Record of Titles of Assess- either at the office of the Guaranty Trust Com- at any point than 2 feet below the curb onposite block at the intersecting streets. that point. The exterior walls and their founda• ments, it shall be the duty of the officer author' pa~ny, Nos. 28 and 30 Nassau street, New York, in ized to collect and receive the amount of such PROSPECT AVE*`UE-PAVING THE United States money, or at the office of Messrs. tions shall be taken down only to a plane whose ROADWAY AND SETTING CURB, from Tre- elevation shall be the level of the curb in front assessment to charge, collect and receive interest Seligman Brothers, No, 18 Austin Friars, Lon- thereon at the rate of seven per centum per mont avenue to East One Hundred and Eighty- don, E. C., England, in sterling money at the of the building. Where there is no curb the ninth street. Area of assessment: Both sides of elevation of the surrounding p-ound shall be con• annum, to he calculated to the date of payment rate of $4,8780 to the pound. from the date when such assessment became a Prospect avenue from Tremont avenue to One The interest due on November 1, 1909, on sidered curb level. All wells, cesspools. sinks Hundred and Eighty-ninth street, and to the etc., existing on the property must be filled tt lien, as provided by section 159 of this act." Coupon Bonds of other corporations now included Section 159 of this act provides • * ' "An extent of half the block at the intersecting in The City of New York will be paid on that the level of the surrounding ground with clear I assessment shall become a lien upon the real streets, day at the office of the Comptroller. earth. 10720 THE CITY RECORD. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, Imo.

TWENTY-FOURTH WARD, SECTIONS 11 Eightieth street, from Twelfth to Thirteenth ave- DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. MACHINE SHOI', STEAM, CIVIL AND AND 12. nue. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND MIS- CRESTON AVENUE—PAVING AND CURB —that the same were confirmed by the Board of CELLANEOUS SUPPLIES FOR THE EVEN- INGG from East One Hundred and Eighty-fourth Revision of Assessments on September 9, 1909, DEPARTMENT or EDUCATION, CORNER OP PARK ING HIGIH, EVENING TECHNICAL AND to East One Hundred and Ninety-eighth street. and entered September 9, 1909, in the Record of AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, BOROUGH or TRADE, VOCATIONAL AND EVENING ELE- Area of assessment: Both sides of Creston ave Titles of Assessments, kept in the Bureau for the MANHATTAN, CITY or NEW YORK. MENTARY SCHOOLS OF THE CITY OF flue, from East One Hundred and Eighty-fourth Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes NEW YORK. and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless SEALED AIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE to East One Hundred and Ninety-eighth street, received by the Superintendent of School The time for the delivering of the articles, ma- and to the extent of half the block at the in- the amount assessed for benefit on any person or terials and supplies and the performance of the property shall be paid within sixty days after the Buildings at the above office of the Department tersecting streets. of Education until 3 o'clock p. m. on contract is by or before December 31, 1909, HUGHES AVENUE—PAVING AND CURB- date of said entry of the assessments, interest The amount of the security required is fifty ING from Tremont avenue to the property of will be collected thereon, as provided by section MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1009. per cent. (50%) of the amount of the bid or 1019 of the Greater New York Charter. estimate. St. ohn's College. Area of assessment: Both Borough of Manhattan. sides of Hughes avenue, from Tremont avenue to Said section provides, in part, 'If any such The bidder will state the price of each item or the property of St. John's College, and to the assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of No. 4, Item 2. FOR MANUAL TRAINING article contained in the specifications or schedules extent of half the block at the intersecting sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the EQL'lI'MEN'I' of VOCATIONAL SCHOOL herein contained or hereto annexed, by which the streets. said Record of Titles of Assessments, it shall be FOR ItuYS AT PUIILIC 5111O111. 1n0, ON bids will be tested. Award will be made to the the duty of the officer authorized to collect and ONE HUNDRED AND 'I'HIR'l'Y-EIGhIf1I lowest bidder on each item, whose goods are TWENTY-FOURTII WARD. SECTION 12. receive the amount of such assessment, to charge, .NI) ONE IIUNI)REI) AND 'I'IIlRTY-NINTH equal to the sample furnished for inspection or EAST ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY. collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of STREET. .\ItOU"1' 100 FEET WEST OF referred to by catalogue number. NINTH STREET—REGULATING GRADING, seven per centum per annum, to be calculated l lhflI .AVENUE, BOROUGIi OF AIANIIA'i'- Delivery will be required to be made at the sET'I'1NG CURBSTONES FLAd°GING THE to the date of payment, from the date when TAN. time and in the manner and in such quantities SIDEWALKS, LAYIN(: CROSSWALKS, such assessment became a lien, as provided by I'hc time allowed to complete the whole work as may be directed. BUILDING APPROACHES AND PLACING section 159 of this act.' will he ninety (90) working days, as provided in Blank fors and further information may be ' R "An FENCES, from Webster to Marion avenue. Section 159 of this act provides the- contract. obtained at the office of the Superintendent of assessment shall become a lien upon the real School Supplies, Board of Education, the Bor- Area of assessment: Both sides of East One estate affected therebz ten days after its entry 'l'he amotmt of security required is Seven Hundred and Ninety-ninth street, from Webster Thousand 11ollars ($7,00(1). ough of Manhattan, southwest corner of Park to Marion avenue, and to the extent of half the in the said record." • to On No. 4 the bids will he compared and the avenue and Fifty-ninth street. The above assessments are payable to the Col- block at the intersecting avenues. lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau contract will be awarded in a lump sum to the PATRICK JONES, —that the same were confirmed by the Board of for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears lowest bidder. Superintendent of School Supplies. Revision of Assessments September 9, 1909, and Blank forms, plaits and specifications may be entered on September 9, 1909, in the Record of of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, ohtained or seen at the office of the Superin- Dated September 15, 1909, in the Mechanics' Bank Building. Court and Mon- x14,24 Titles of Assessments, kept in the Bureau for the tague streets, Borough of Brooklyn, between the tcndent at Eslin)ating Roont- ninth floor. Ilall of Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes hours of 9 a, in. and 2 p. m., and on Saturdays the Board of Education. l'ark avenue and Fifty- 1t8Y See General Instructions to Bid- and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless from 9 a. n). to 12 or., and all payments made nintlt street, Borough of Manhattan. ders on the last page, Last column, of the amount assessed for benefit on any person or thereon on or before November 8, 1909, will be C. 14 J. SNYYDER. the "City Record,' property shall be paid within sixty days after the exempt from interest as above provided, and after Superintendent of School Buildings. date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon, as provided in section 1019 that date will be subject to a charge of interest Dated Scplclnbcr 23, 1909. at the rate of seven per centum per annum from s23,o4 of said Greater New York Charter. the date when such assessments became liens to FIRE DEPARTMENT. Said section provides, in part, that "If any the date of pavinent. Ys MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1009, MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1009. from Verona street to Commerce street; both Taxes and Assessments. Boroughs of 1.11anhuttan and sides of Verona street, from Conover street to Taxpayers in this manner will receive their Borough of Manhattan. Richmond. Van Brunt street, and east side of Conover street hills returned by mail at the earliest possible extending about 220 feet south of Verona street. moment, and avoid any delay caused by waiting N.. 2, FOR S'FR('Cl'URAL AT.'l'ER.\TIONS No. 1. FOR Pt'ItNISIIlNI; All, -11th: 1-A- in lines, as required in case of personal applica- 1'1'Itl.Jt SCHOOL. 100 (VOCATIONA1. t uR AND \I.\'I'h-;ill 11.5 IthOl'lltl?U FOR TWENTY-NINTH WARD, SECTION 16. tion. St'lltu)L1, ON ONE 11l'NUItEI) .\NI) T11IR- 1'\I\ I'INI; 9111; I1 'I.LS 211 'IIll: I'lRi•; The requisition must be addressed and mailed 1-l-:lGtITll .\NI) ()Ni- HUNDRED AND Ill s.\'I'` "\\'11.1.1.\\I L. S'I'Rt)NG•" "('. W. EAST SECOND STREET—REGULATING, I'llllt'I'Y-NIN'fll s-rItl-:E-1- ', \\'I•a'1' OF FIFTY GRADING, CURBING AND LAYING CF.- to the Deputy Receiver of Taxes in whichever I..\\\Ith:Nil•:" .VKD "7.t)1'IL\R MILLS. Borough the property is located, as follows: AVE 114)1 )1V;II O1 \l.\\11.\'1'T.\N. The time fur the c...upl(4iun ..f the work anti MEN!' SIDEWALKS, from Greenwood avenue "fhc tire(- al!uwed to conl1J,-te the whu,le work to Vanderbilt street. Area, of assessment: Both John J. McDonough, No. 57 Chambers street, the full performance of the contract is five (5) Borough of Manhattan, New York. i1 be thirty (30) working days, ac provided itt days for each b.nat. Aides of East Second Street, from Greenwood tire contract. avenue to Vanderbilt street, and to the extent John B. Underhill, corner of Third and Tre- 'fhe amount of security required is fifty per mont avenues, Borough of The Bronx, New '1'lle amount of security required is Twenty-five cent. (50''; ) of the amount of the bid or csti- of half the block at the intersecting streets. 1l,uldred Dollars ($2,500). VAN DERIBILT STREET—PAVING between York, ntate. East Eighteenth street and Gravesend avenue. Thomas J. Drennan, Municipal Building, Nn. 3. FOR FURNITURE FOR PUBLIC It Is will be compared and the contract award' Area of assessment: Both sides of Vanderbilt Borough of Brooklyn, New York. S(Itt)(tl. till) (VOCATIONAL SCHOOL). t)N edI at a Inmp or aggregate stns. street, from East Eighteenth street to Gravesend George 11. Creed, corner of Jackson avenue I'Ni-; I1('N1)REU AND 'l'IIIRTV-El(;1ITII hiI-nnnk fnrnn, and further information may he avenue, and to the extent of half the block at the and Fifth street, Long Island City. Borough of +111 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-NIN'l'II nhtaiu(.1 at the office of the Fire I)epartntcnt, intersecting streets. Queens, New York, STREETS, WEs-I' OF FIFTli AVENUE, 11'0R- No,. 157 and 159 l-:ast Sixty-seventh street, John De Morgan, Borough Hall, St. George, U('011 OF MANIHA'1'TAN. Manhattan. THIRTIETH WARD, SECTION 17. Staten Island, Borough of Richmond, New York. The tittle allowed to complete the whole work NICHOLAS J. HAYES, Commissioner, FIFTY-THIRD STREET—SEWER, between After receiving the bills, the taxpayer will will he sixty (b0) working days, as provided in Thirteenth and Fifteenth avenues, and FIFTY- draw a check for the amount to the order of tlu contract. Dated September 21, 1909, the Receiver of Taxes and mail bill and check, '.. s22,o4 THIRD STREET, OUTLET SEWER, between with an addressed envelope, with the return post. The amount of security required is as follows: Fifteenth and Seventeenth avenues. Area of Item 1 ...... age prepaid, to the Deputy Receiver in which- !, ...... $2,500 00 gal' See General Instructions to Bid- assessment: Both sides of Fifty-second and Fifty- ever Borough the property is located. Item 2 ...... 400 00 ders on the last Page, last column, of third streets, from Fourteenth to Seventeenth ave. NO REBATES ALIOWED. the "City Record." flue; both sides of Fifty-third street, from Four- teenth to New Utrecht avenue; west side of Checks should be mailed as soon as possible A separate proposal must he submitted for each after the bills have been received by the tax- item and award will be made thereon. Seventeenth avenue, both sides of Sixteenth, Fit sayer. teenth and east side of Fourteenth avenues, be- On No. 2 the bids will be compared and the HEADQUARTERS OP THE FIRE DEPARTMENT OP tween Fifty-first and Fifty-fourth streets, and west DAVID E. AUSTEN. Receiver of Taxes. crrtract will be awarded in a lump sum to the THE CITY OF NEW YoRK, Nos, I57 AND 159 EAST side of Fourteenth avenue, both sides of Thir- al,30 hnest bidder on each contract. SIXTY-SEVENTit STREET, BOROUGH OP MANHATTAN. teenth avenue and east side of New Utrecht ave- Un No. 3 the bidders muststate the rice of THE CITY OF NEW Yoax. nue, between Fifty-second and Fifty-fourth U NTIL FURTHER NOTICE SURETY COM- each item, by which the bids will be teste(.. Itiank forms, plans and specifications may be SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE streets. panies will be accepted as sufficient upon received by the Fire Commissioner at the the following contracts to the amounts named: obtained or seen at the office of the Superinten- nrnt at Estimating Room, ninth floor, Ifall of the above office until 10.30 o'clock a. In, on THIRTIETH WARD, SECTION 18. Swpplsrs of Any Description, Including Gas and Ih„nrd of Education, Park avenue and Fifty-ninth WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21), 1009. BATTERY AVENUE AND DAHLGREN Electricity. street, Borough of Manhattan. PLACE—SEWERS, between Eighty-eighth and One company on a bond up to $50,000. Boroughs of Manhattan. The Bronx Ninetieth streets, and OUTLETS between Nine- When such company is authorized to write that C. B. J. SNYDER, and Richmond. tieth and Ninety-second stream Area of assess- amount as per letter of Comptroller to the Superintendent of School Buildings. ment: Both sides of Battery avenue and Ilahl- No. 1. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVER- surety companies, dated September 16, 1907. Dated September 23, 1909. ING FIFTEEN THOUSAND (15,000) FEET gren place, from Eighty-sixth to Ninety-second s22,o4 street; south side of Eighty-sixth Street, both sides Cosstrrctioa, OF 2'%-INCH COTTON FABRIC RUBBER t See General Instructions to Bid- LINED HOSE. of Eighty-eighth and Ninetieth streets, from Gat- One company on a bond up to $25,000. line place to Parrott place, ders on the last Pane, last column, of The time for the delivery of the articles, ma- Including regulating, grading, paving, sewers, the "City Record.' terials and supplies and the performance of the SEVENTY-SEVENTH STREET—PAVING maintenance, dredgingconstruction of parks, AND RECURBING, between Fourth and Fifth contract is sixty (60) days. Iarkways, docks, buifdings, bridges, tunnels, The amount of security required is fifty per avenues. Area of assessment: Both sides of tqueducts, repairs, heating, ventflatin`, plumb Seventy-seventh street, from Fourth to Fifth DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CORNER or PARK cent. (50%). of the amount of the bid or esti- ng. etc., etc. mate. avenue, and to the extent of half the block at When such company is authorized to write Avenue AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, BOROUGH Or the intersecting avenues. hat amount as per letter of Comptroller to the MANHATTAN, CITY or NEW Yoac. Boroughs of Brooklyn and queens. THIRTIETH WARD. SECTION 19. mrety companies, dated September 16, 1907. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE No. 2, FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVER' THIRTEENTH AVENUE—SEWER, between fspholt. Asphalt Block and Wood Block Pave- received by the Superintendent of School ING FIFTEEN THOUSAND (15,000) FE Seventy-ninth and Eighty-second streets; and USeISU- Supplies at the above office of the Department OF 2%-INCH COTTON FABRIC RUBBER EIGHTY-SECOND STREET—OUTLET SEW- of Education until 3 p. m. on LINED HOSE. ER, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth ave- Two companies will be required on any and The time for the delivery of the articles, ma- nues. Area of assessment: Both sides of Thir- very bond up to amount authorized by letter FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1008. terials and supplies and the performance of the teenth avenue, from Seventy-ninth to Eighty- If Comptroller to the surety companies, dated contract is sixty (60) days. 3e (ember 16. 1907. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING second street; both aides of Eighty-second street, DIRECT TO EACH SCHOOL, TOOLS, The amount of security required is fifty per from Thirteenth to Fourteenth avenue, and both Dated June 19. 1909. LABORATORY APPARATUS, ELECTRICAL, cent. (S0%) of the amount of the bid or esti- sides of Eighty-first street and south side of H- A. KETZ, Coaptro 1a. PRINTING, CABINET-MAKING, PLUMBING, mate, IRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1909. THE CITY RECORD. 10721

The bidder will state the price of each item or DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION, No. 148 EAST one hundred and fifty (ISO) consecutive work- Departments, Boards, Officers, Corporations and article contained in the specifications or schedules TWENTIETH STREET, BOROUGH OF MA14HATTAN, ing days. Institutions Making application for appropriations herein contained or hereto annexed, per pound, THE City of NEW YORK• The surety required will be Twelve Thousand for the year 1911), that the following dates have ton, dozen, gallon, yard or other unit of measure, SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE Dollars ($12,000). been fixed for hearings in regard thereto, such by which the bids will be tested. The extensions The bidder will state one aggregate price for hearings to begin at 10.30 o'clock a. In. on each must be made and footed up, as the bids will be received by the Commissioner of Correction at the above office until it o'clock a. m. on the whole work described and specified, as the day, in Room 16, City hall, Borough of \fanhat- read front the total. The bids will be compared contract is entire and for a complete job. tau: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1908, and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate Blank forms and further information may be MONDAY, OCTORER 4, 1909. sum for each contract. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND obtained at the office of the Architect of the De- Board of Aldermen, Delivery will be required to be made at the MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUC- partment, foot of East Twenty-sixth street, The time and in the manner and in such quantities City Clerk, TION ANI) COMPLETION OF A SINGLE City of New York, where plans and specifications Mayoralty. as may be directed. SCREW STEAMER. may be seen. Law Ilepartment. Blank forms and further information may he The time for the completion of the work and ROBERT W. IIEBBERD, Commissioner. obtained at the office of the Fire Department, the full performance of the contract is by or Dcpartlnent of Bridges. Dated September 16, 1909. Departulcnt of Water Supply, Gas and Elec- Nos. 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Man- before one hundred and seventy-five (175) con- s16,29 hattan. tricity. secutive working days. M See General Instructions to Bid- NICHOLAS J. HAVES, Commissioner. Dc hart ment of Parks, Park Board. The amount of security required is fifty per ders on the Last paste, last column, of Ilrpalrtmcnt of Parks, Manhattan and Richmond. Dated Sepletnbcr 17, 1909. cent. (50%) of the amount of birl or estimate. s18,29 the "City Record." I'cp;u-t ti-it l of Parks, Brooklyn and Queens. Rids will he compared and the contract awarded Drpartntcnt of I'ark:, The Bronx. at a Itunp or aggregate stint. tO- See General Instructions to Bid- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CIIARITIP.S, FOOT OF I)r-1 artrncnt ,f Public (harities. ders on the last page, last column, of ,flank forms and further information may be obtained still the plans and drawings may be EAST 'I'WENTY-SI%Ttt STREET, NEW Yoax. Itch le -ue and Allied Hospitals. the '(City Record." Department of Correction. see" at the office of the Department of Correc- TO CONTRACTORS. Il~rard of Parole. tion, the Borough of Manhattan, No. 148 East HEADQUARTERS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT OF Twentieth street. \\"I.TNESDAI', OrT11BER 6, 1909. THE CITY of NEW YORK Nos. 157 AND 159 EAST PROPOSALS FOR BIDS OR ESTIMATES, JOITN I. BARRY, Commissioner. Department of Health. SIXTY-SEVENTH STREET, OROUGII OF MANHATTAN, Dated September 21, 1909. Tne CITY OF NEW YORK. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WIT.T, BE Tenement house Department. s22,o7 received by the Department of Public Chari- Department of 'Taxes and Assessment%. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILT, BE Rio' See General Instructions to Bid- ties at the above office until 2.30 o'clock p. in. on Bard of A,sessors. received by the Fire Commissioner at the ders on the last page, last column, of WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1909, Police Department. above office until 10.30 o'clock a. m. on the "City Record." ii lard of Ilectinus. FOR FIJRNISITING ALL TILE LABOR AND MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1909, DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION, No. 148 EAST MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR THE COM-' THuRsnnv, OTORt:R 7, 1909, Borough of Brooklyn. TWENTIETH STREET, BOROUGH or MANHATTAN, I'I.E'UE RE\1ODELING OF THE BUILDING l)epartntent of Street Cleaning. NO. 124 EAST FIFTY•NINTII STREET, hire No. 1. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIV- THE City OF NEW YORK. Department. IIOROU(;H Oh MANHATTAN, TILE CITY Municipal Expl'.sivos G.mmission• ERING VARIOUS SUPPLIES TO TILE RE- OF NEW YORK. PAIR SHOPS. AUCTION SALE. Department if Docks and ferries. The time allowed for the completion of the Armory Board. The time for the delivery of the articles, mate- work and full performance of the contract is rials and supplies and the performance of the THE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION Nati~rnal (ivard. will sell at public auction six condemned one hundred and twenty-five (125) consecutive I)t:Parl111ent ..f Educatirm. contract is by or before December 31, 1909. working days. The amount of security required is fifty per horses, at the Department Stables, No. 516 East I'„IIege ''flit,, (ity of Nrw Y'irk, Twentieth street, Borough of Manhattan, on The surety required will be Ten Thousand N „nual College. cent. (50 9) of the amount of the bid or esti- Dollars ($10,000). mate. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1909, I'RIDAY, OrtoRtR 8, 1909. Borough of Queens. The bidder will state one aggregate price for at II a. m.: the whole work described and specified, as the ('~-r ncr', Borough of a Manhattan. No. 2. FOR FiURNISIIING AND DELIV- Lot No. 1, Horse No, 20, contract is entire and for a complete job. .rone,s, Borottxh of 'the Bronx. F:RIN G VARIOUS SUPPLIES TO THE RE- I.ot No. 2, Horse No. 22. Blank forms and further information may he I 'rioter.., Bornlgh of ltrnoklyn• PAIR SI101'S. Lot No. 3, horse No. 25, obtained at the office of the Architect of the De- (''ilers• lturnugh of Oueens. The time for the delivery of the articles, mate- Lot No. 4, horse No. 26. partment, font of East Twenty-sixth street, Bor• I'-,utters, Ili r zhi if Richmnml. rials and supplies and the performance of the Lot No, 5, Horse No. 27. tough of Manhattan, The City of New York, ('„ulnti.,ioucr s of :Accnunts. contract is by or before December 31, 1909. Lot No. 6, Horse No. 30, .here plans and specifications may be seen. (' ,mutts-.inner of i,rcen e•', The amount of security required is fifty per TERMS OF SALE. ROBERT W. 1IEBBERD, Commissioner, ( nil Service ('nnrtni ssion. cent. (50 9) of the amount of the bid or cstf- hi-itch cif City Record. The purchase money to be paid in cash or Dated September 16, 1909. ntatc. s16,29 l-.ttnliuing hoar I of I'lunthera. 'file bidder will state the price of each item certified check at the time of sale. Board if I:uilrling l-,xa ninr•r.. or article contained in the specifications or ached- 'the horses will be required to he removed by t.4T See General Instructions to Bid- 1 -,lited Sta:cs l' .1unteer Life S;tvine 1 Itt .. tiles herein contained or hereto annexed, per the purchasers immediately after sale. ders on the last page, last column, of Ir ,pc,—i rs and Sealers r,I Weights and Meas- pound, ton, dozen, gallon, yard or other unit of JOHN J. BARRY, Commissioner. the "City Record." measure, by which the bids will he tested. The September 14, 1909. rt,it. n T-lint .\<,nciali•tu of Arts and Sciences. extensions must be made and footed tip, as the s 15, 28 DEPARTMENT OF Pt'RLrC (CttARITIES, 'FOOT or \IrrNntl•, 0. Ti~Bt R 11, 1909. bids will he read from the total for each class FAST 't'wENTY-stXTII STREET, NEW YORK. and awards made to the lowest bidder on each New Yrr;k Public Library. class; or the bids will be compared and the con- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC Ilrooklytt I'ttblic: Library. tract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for CHARITIES. BOROUGHS OF BROOKLYN AND QIUEI.:NS_ Ortccus It .rough Library. each contract. lirm,kl)n Disciplivary Training School. Delivery will be required to he made at the TO CONTRACTORS. Art l'ummi-si,nI. time and in the manner and in such quantities llt•aRT sit s'T OF I'i' (-HARITIES. FOOT of Shrriif, New York C,,nnty. as may be directed. East 'IWtNTY-Slxrlt STREET, NEW YORK. PROI'OS.1T.S FORBIDS OR ESTIM.\TES. Sheriff. King. I'.-unty. Blank forms and further information may be Sheriff, ( tuecns l 'unfity obtained at the office of the Fire Department, TO CONTR.AC'1'ORS. S E:\T.ED BIDS OR ESTIMATES \WILT, BF: Shelift. 12ichm inrl County. N's, 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Man- receiver! by the 1)e1iartment of Public ('hari- r, New Y.,rk Count)'. hat tan. l'RON)SALS FOR BIDS OR ESTI\l:\TES. ties at the above office until 2.30 o'clock p. in. Rr Ri-tee, Kings ('molt'. NICHOLAS J. IIAYIS, Commissioner. on Public \, Iminictra'or, New Y„rk ('mtuly. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WII.T, BI{ 1i fir .\,Imini•trat~,r. (.)nevus ('runt)'. Dated September 14, 1909. received by the Department of Public l'hari- TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1900, I unty Minsk. Nets' 'irk ('minty. s15,27 tics at the above office until 2.30 o'clock p. nl. .,it FOR FURNISIIINC AT.T, TITS LABOR :\NI) I' nuts' Clerk, Kings l'unty. t4' See General Instructions to Bid- MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1909, MATERIALS REOI?II1F:D FOR 'I'IIE EREC ~title t jerk, Owrens l'nttntv. ders on the last page, last column, of •PION AND CO\{I'LE•1'ION OF ANNEX ON I.,u..t,- ('I,-rk. Richmnnrl ('orn).. the •'('Sty Record." UIt I ('kNltilll\t; .\I.L'rIIE LABOR .\NI) \\'I?S'r SIDE OF MAIN II('II.DINC, ICINGS Iii,tr; t .\ttrney, New Y,,rk ('nutty, \L\'I'F:RL\I, RI?OI'IRF:I1 TO 1'.\Iti'I' 'I'III•: ('01'NTY TIOSI'CCAL, BOROUGIT OF BROOK- ti,trict .\tt,'rney. Kings I unty. I':\'I'1:RIt)R 01' 71•:N B(711,DIN(;S Lt,t'.\'fEll LYN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. I li.t rirt .Att rney, O nut-ens Connt5' 11X R:\NI1.\Lr.S ISI.:\ND, Tllt- clF\ I)F The time allowed for the completion of the Iii-'girt .\tl, true.. Richmrrnd ('imnty. OFFICIAL PAPERS. \t—:v 'it 114K. work and fall performance of the contract i' r. mnlis.i -rncr of Inr-ur,, Ncty Y-rrk County. the tittle allowed for the completion of the twit hundred (200) consecutive working days. I'.,rnmi,Si„uer of lurer', Kings County. work and full performance of the contract i, The surety required will be Sixty Thousand 1 .~mmi•+i~mer if Ines',, ( )ueens County. Morning—"The Sun," "." fitly-lice (45) consecutive working days. Dollars ($60,000). t'„mmi-,inoer of Inn-n:. Richm~md Cuuntt•. Evening—"The Globe," "The Evening Mail." The surety required will be Three Thousand The bidder will state one aggregate price fir I mmi=.iner of kee n~! , N,-o- 1• irk I .rttntl•. Ililacs I$.t,000). the whole work described and sp(•cifierl, as the i"mm is.i„ner of Re,.I ', Kirnc; (' ,tarty. Weekly—"Democracy," "Tammany Times." The hidder will state one aggregate price for contract is entire and for a complete job. I its- ('mist. the whole work described and specified, as the Blank forms and further information may be \lluticipal I ill't<. ;111 l;.t. uch=. German—"Staats-Zeit ttng." enntract is entire for a complete job. obtained at the office of Helmle & Ifuherty, archi- ('tint ,~f Sp' oil So,sinns, First Division. Designated by the Board of City Record, Jan- Blank forms snit further information may be tects, No. 190 Montague street, Borough of It vii,- (molt ..f S' rial Scssinns, First I)ivision, Chil- nary 22, 1906. Amended March 1, 1906; Novem- obtained at the office of the Architect of the Ile- lyn, The City of New York, where plan.; and drru ': yo ur I. ,r ber 20, 1906; February 20, 1907, and March 5, partntent • font of East Twenty-sixth street, The specifications may be seen. "fort of Sire al Sec;ions, Second Divi,inn. 1908 Pity of New York, where plans and specifications I'•-urt of Special Sessions, Second Division, may be seen. ROBERT W. IIEBBERD, Commissioner. Dated September 14, 1909. r'1-iLlrcn'. Gnirt. ROBERT V1'. IIEIIRERD, Commissioner. s15,28 (ity Alagi.trat,'..' Courts, First Division. Dated September 22, 1909. I'i;v Alagi

10722 THE CITY RECORD. FR11).11', Sl'P'I'I{1111 -R 24, Ilxl9.

BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. The En gin cc is estimate of tho quantities is 220 linear feet of old curbstone, reset in 135,000 feet (It, 111.) foundation planking. IS fohim,ws •concr,tc. 10(1,11(10 feet 01, 111.) shectiug and bracing. f asphalt Pavement (five 21 not-,'less c,ners and heads, c„mvlete, for (Iii !,I „r •Ilu? 1'I:F~Inr NC CI 7nE BOROUGH OF 935 square cants I, The 'iuu• allowed for the completion of the yo;ns' mai(trnance), scwtr manholes, furni.11ed and set. I,,r,:,t n l l.11 t.. ISOROUatl work au ,l (ull per forum ice of the contract is I'c•. en N R , ,a _ 10 square yards of old stone pavement, to 9'he Celle allmv,'d for lb,' cnml+letiun of the 11!n•c holm, ll (300) wnrking days. I:x:,ut.ISS. I ILI ('Iry of Ni iv YORK. be relai.l. o:,rk ;Iml the trill p('rform;lncc of tl!e contract is The amount of —cmity required is Thirty-five SI•:.\I.ICI1 lil l li i111 1•:S'1-1 \I.\'f I{S \\'l I.I. lIE, 1.11) cul'ie s- Ards of concrete f"r pavement thirty -list' (35) ,corking days. Thattsand IluIlars ($35,00(1), cice.l by the jr,, lit "t the I='r.,uch of f•,un•lali,ol. 'hi r Ii, ',unt of see urily rcgnind is I'.,rly-five 'Iii,' bi, lid r will Utate the price of each item or IL•1,2nn ;u tl,. :'.b.:.r ,I'l ice until II u. lock ,.:it liuc:nr flct of new curbstone, set in con- lln,lr, •t I1•,1Llrs ($♦.Sill)). article' rontaincd in tilt' specifications or schcdttl,'s Crete. N,,. u. 11)1: Rl-C1'I.\'1'1\t; \\It Ith:l'.\\'- ho rein contained or hereto annexed, per linear W I'1I1]I:4D.t', () 'TOB6:It R, 1909, I;u linear fsrt of Old curbstone, reset in con- IN1; \\11II \~1'll,\L'1' 1'.\\'I(\II1N'r ON :\ f''1, foot board tnrasttre in other tut it of nlcas- Flllt I lI:\1,'111\1; \1.1.'11112 I,\It(112 \NI) crete. I-II"Nt IRD:l I. iCU('\I1.\'I'IUN '1'111•: Rl).\IIW.\Y ure, Ii)' which the bids will be tested. .: m,icc!vs, covers atol brads, Complete, for 11411211 L't'"11\Yll'IC The bids will be compared and the contract \I.\l ll:l \Ii- P+'11 'I II'. 1.141:1 III (7, \N II 211111112k Sh.it1.I2'h'. ♦ Iii \ "I'\\It1-'II11121 1llllt is sewer luanhulcs, futnistled and set. (\'I:\L'I: "fl) L'I11;:\1:"I' til'121•:1:I', Tl)l;l':'I'lll•:It ,yarded at a lump or aggregate sum for the con- I)sII'I III IN tract. I:l"I!.I1I \I; I ! II, I II V I:I'R1•:.\l• u1 The time all ,nc,l for the comIJcti„u of the \1I Ill .\I.I. \\1(1111 IN('II)EN -121\r,'I', ; I1 'rk amt the full perfurmauce of the contract Ill )it, )l (;It (I1' I:ht)1lhl.l'X, LIN [Ill IlliiII'- ll+' 1•:nhiucer ia estimate' of the gtta)ilitirs is as PLlnk forms and further information may be I`.ItIY 111 tilt: l I I'1 I (F NI•:11• \'i 'Ilk. tt+cnty (2)1) working days. f llnws: obtained and the plans and drawings may he strut FN11\%N \r TIlk tll1:l'1)R.\'PION Y.\111 7, The am'nult of "cc unity required is Seven 4,S0 square yards of asphalt pavement (five at the nlTice of the Itureau of Sewers, No, 215 s1'I'I'.\'11.:11 (1N '1'111•: Nlll2l'11 X1111•: 1)1 Ilundn-,I I(ll.lar, (5711(11, year,' maim ena lice). Jlontaguc street, tll:' I;,,rouglt of Ihonlavn. 'I'll lit 1'Y l•:It11*1'1] S1'RI:I2I'. 'no 11:121' WWII' The bid'ler will state the price of each item or 1,75 cubic yams of concrete, for pavement 111141) S. COLER, President. W 1:11' 111 .\\'1:V1't:. IN I' iii: Ill lRl ll-G11 oF art)rlr cntaincd in the snccilicalions or schedules fonnrlatiun. Dated August 13, 1909, L'Rlulhl.\ N, i I i\ of NI•:\v \' Ilk, herein rnt:liuc,l „n merit,, annexed,per linear 2.470 linear feet of new curbstone, set in con. s l 0, 29 f.•„L square fo,,t, square yard, cubic vard or The time a'l.,tic,l t,'r The c',nll,lcti„n of the er,te. ,t=•' See General Instructions to Bid- work and full :'crformauce of the contract is other unit if measure, by Which the bids aill lie 3111 lilt,ar feet of old curbstone, reset in trstod. '1-1w hi,l. will be compared and the elm- Ilerlr on the lent pnlrc, last column, of title lntndro,l :(ci t(,cntc (1 201 working days. r,•ncrcte. titre "Lily Iterorll.” The ;,Ili tint .,f security required is Four Thou- tract awarded at a lump or aggregate stun for 14 nnirelrss covers and heads. complete, fur satol I),'liars If),u00). each contract. sc,cer manhnlcs, furnishv,l and s,t. Ilse bids will be rml,ate'l and the contract rllank form= and further informati'.n nlav be The lime alloyed for the completion of the htaine,l aid the plans and drawing= OILS be •c •n DEPARTMENT as, aiile,I -1t a 111,101 or aggrl'g:ltc srttll. :, si,,rk :old the full performance of the contract is OF PARKS. [l';luk frnls and further mfornmtion may be St the , ITice of the l:nrcatt of lligImay7', the t lloty-five (35) working days. ,al I1uil,liug. (h I , ,.1. .fin: U I'nu- ,'btained at the , tike of the' Ilureau of Sewer, lit, ngh ,if Sr„•,kl,rl, N,,, 12 (llmici; lt of secrityu required is Thirty- is!I;r ii i' 1'.sRKs, .\RSL:NAI, 'rile "tne un I:. us.. Flint .CPNI I: R:'r,ugh ,~f Rnn,klrn, Ni,. 215 Montague street, I:1 „ukly n. -cccn Ilun,lr,',1 I(„llars ($3.700). .1]l) :`1\11” 1:,1111.1 111111) S. C111.1?R, 1'rc~idcnt, i-!r.!:C, It•,rncltt of \l.ivntrrns, 'I'll)' ('ITS' uF 7, 111)11 RF-(;I'I..A'I'IN1 AND 12121' \\'. III , 1)2''. No. lal:n 11 I I( Prritcnt. nail I - I'll; (('1111 .(1'lr (II 1'.\\'I.7u1ENT (1N \ Sl- \I.f:n ItlIlS (III hill (IVIES (1'11.1, Ill-; Itotal .:•2' - _ . I""", I ,+X('I"e'l'l- t III'N1l \'I'ION '1'111' I241(i)\( \\' r, c'I,, ! I,+' I Ii, Ink I:,, a ''55•5• 1:,•nc•rtll Instr,,eI ions 10 ilk!- I0. NI':\\'I:(IN 'l'ITI::ICr. I'Itll\I I;R\11 \211 ;Ir,l al Ill, 'i' -. .:f th,- In, 'Ii '.!c, !i! ..f 1`.0 l., until ., n'cl•'t'I • 'fir.• I :c'nernl Instruct lunw to Ilill- der', on ill,- lust Paai;e, Inst a•u1umn, of I(YI'1{ 'Ill I11\1 ('IFS 21\'11.1. It-: , I ilt.: I;IIRI)l'lill\ 111 I ,F I;R't1, lie r,'lai l- 1:I2U11K1.\ 21: .\\II 11(1:1:715. S Iceciv, d lit, tic 1'„-i•i, It .'f the 1: -n'n_h 205 cubic . oud of concrete, for pavcm,•nt S I: \1.1:1) I:111S IIR I'_l'I\I \l'IS 21\"11.1. ltl i I:. ,.kl,,i, at the ;tls ,c .ti:,. u•.til ,1 :,. :k 'Ill, liter f.., the c:nnp!c!iuu of the c:,rlr:lcl i, ,.t 1 121' I .,le!, fnttndation. t :, jr., .,. n,. „Il '. 540 linear feet of new curbstone, set in con- tlirlc (3n1 , rti; 1 •I'lle :nm,unt if -,:ulity required is Five Ilun- WJi DNESDAY, SEPT1:NIlE1I 21), 191)9, crctc. Ii ,l I).'l ;lrs I551ul. q(1 linet1l• fret of old curbstone, reset in A'12I) :SD.Y, OC'POH1:R IT. 1909. •lilt' bile 1%i•l be r•,ml,arc'I an,l Colilract Pull Ili (A'I..21'1'ING .(NI' 11I2I'\\'- c.'ncrcte. I l at a lnml, „r agar'-gal,' stmt. \ ' I : ! \ \ I I 111.1'.\\-. N. 1. cle-s c,'crs and head=, complete, for N. I Ii III 121 I I 17,li \\1"1'11 \si'IL1IA 11I.11tiii I'.\\'I•:\II:N 5 not, I;L5,k f +n ns may hr „ I \+. I 211! Ni 1,\ -\ ,'r nl1nhc'lvs, fur,,i'lte'l and set. Mailed at tho ,17ic.• l,f 17\I; \1I111 \"I'll \1. I L,ll\t I,IIIII IiWNI).\'I It IN 'r 111'. setc 111• UrparUrlrnt of Palk;. 1:•, ,,:klyn I ill': ILI I \I1\\.\S 'I\ .\ The tittle alloyed fir the completion of the n!ughs of I:n tI IN( Ith:IIC Itlt'\II \ 11N It+l\I1\\'.(Y 111: I:Itll(11,1.\N \\'I:XI'I-:,F14, 111 nil t lu„ u-. Larhticl,l .U:lu.ioo, I'm -1 i-I Ihu'k, I'ill l\I 11 \\111.'111\ rk au.l Tile fill] Perf"rmance of the contract i? ItI I;.\RXI•:"r srkiTlIr. l'R(Irl'I:ll' II. .\1 1? Ill 14.2151kilN I'.\RK- '.c•, Cr- ,1:11. \\'1'\l'(: i'11 S\11.111 iI4:i- f. flll;I:l'llhl: ,;.•'ILI, 120) werkintt I lays. \\'.\1, 'f(n;I1'1'III:ll \11111 :\LI, WORK 1N- antnn,t of Feeimrhs- required will be Twelve II l2\111' 521V'I'II. l'n'.si,lenl: \\'ITli \_I, \\11121: INt:IIIENT.\1, '1'111:1:1•: to (1 l' h: l' l l I, 111,R 2(". "Ii PiOgin1 's c tI:naIe of the ,luantitics is as 'I'hc Engineer's estinlcnc of tl:e quantities is as \I I( II.\F:1. I. hi':\NI{I1\-. f of I, _,c.: f„lt,u,vs: N,, , c 111)12Rli(:1'T.A'I'TNC. AND R1:PA\- ( •irmi. ''11,1 f I'ark's. 1.750 square cants of asphalt pavement (fire 5,590 sgnarc earls of asphalt block 1'aveuleTIt 1X1; \\'1'1'11 \SI'll\I.'I' 1'\\'11211 :N1' years' maintcnaocc). 1V '1111, 1121)\n\\"\\ - (five \cars' maintenance). fll\CRi''l'F P(ll'\11.\'I'Tf ;i 'N,',. t:c'nl'ratl luxtruc'tlony to 111,1 30 square cards of old stunt' pavement, to 20 square yams of old stone pavement, to lll' s('IIT:N(- K A\'1'\I'lI. FROM I 21211.\11' \ .\\'F\1'I; '117 .\TL\N'rlh \21'E7's1'F.. Tfl 41, on l6,• Inst mutts', Inst ('lilutnn, of be eel :iii. he rclailt. t 11 .. •• (iii- K.•rn r/i.•• 245 cubic \ands of C„ncrctc, for palcmcut 8) 0 cubic var,ls of concrete, for pavement Ilr:'111r.R \\"real :211.1. WORK TN('Il1ENT.\I. futt vial ion. foundation. 'Ill 1'II ITO < a= 1170 linear feet of new curbstone, set in con- 1,310 linear feet of new curbstone, set itt con- 'lie Incinccr's ei-Coati '.f the quantities i ()rI I. a „F full'. 121!'\8:.11: NT OF PARKS, ARSENAL crctt, Crete. Ill iu L\';- I'll : II .\s1 [I' E AND SIxn--FnsRlit 131) linear feet of old curbstone, reset in 1,310 linear feet of old curbstone, reset in 5.1`'U sgnare cards of a=n1!alf pavement (fine line:,', I:'Rnc,at OF 2,I.ANIIAT17AN, TttE Curs' or concrete. years' maintenalice). New YORK. concrete. „ 7 noiseless c•n.crc amt bra' Is, complete, for 8 n•,Cclsss covers and heads, enml,lete, (or 20 square \'ants of oIl stone pavement. I 512 (1,1•;11 1111(5 (11 ESTI\I.('rllS (('ILL BE sewer n:anh'de:, furnished ant set. sewer manholes, furnished and set. lie relaid. received by the Park Iloarl at the above The time allowed for the completion of the The time allowed for the completion of the 715 cubic yard= of concrete, for pavement office of the Ucllartment of Parks until 3 o'clock work a,'I the full per fi~rntaucc of the contract is work and the full performance of the contract t' fnutv 1st ion. p. In. on thirty (3)1) scnrking days. forty-five (45) working days. 2,920 linear feet of new curbstone, set in con- The am'iunt ,if "enrity required is Fourteen 'the amount ,•f n--clmrity rcynircd is Six TIt,nt cretc. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 191)1. ISO linear feet of old curbstone, reset in llun,1mrI I1„'la's 1$1.4(11)1. sand Two Ilun,lrc,l Dollars ($,-,2200)• BuriatiI of 3lnnitattan. 1(111 RI(l;[ c,.ncretc. N. 2. FOlt RFIi('f..\TIN(; AND REPAY. N. 2. -L.\TI\I; .(NI) RL1'.\\'- 16 11010-lees covers and head", complete. for Full ALr, M ('rllRI.\l S AND LAlt1)R RE- IN; 21211-I'll .\'I'II \1.'I' I'.\\ I. 21! E\ I' (IX \ IN1; \\'[I'II :211'il.\I.7' I':\\ - I'21IIC\T uV \ ul'IRI':11 Puts I'VRNISIIIN(; .(NI) 1\""1:211.1: , sewer nlanl: ,lr<, fm- nishcd amt set. t -I IXt'I21•:I 1: II ll'\11\11 th\ I ill: Ili I l .\('RI'!IP: 1811'71I).\I'JIIN 'Fill•: Rll\I)\\ \1' l for the conlplclinn of the IX1; I•:I.FCI'Itlt' 1.011)1 IN . h"IXTl'RI•:S IN (II' I11C\Illi 'IIiIl-I1 l, IR(1\( t'(Ill.\II OF (R'I', LOCATE1) IN (21II'11 \I.I. \\llttk INl'lI7IlNl'.\I.•1'llI.ItI.lU. thirty live (35) w'„rkine days, 1111:12 \\'ITI1 .\1. I. 211)126 1N('11)l-:N1.211. nce anlo'Int „( Seel+ity tcyuircd is It„ur Tho'a. ( i-N'I'R.\L I'.\RIK. ON TIM (('K-i1' SIDE OF The Engincctb eslinlate of the , p lantititv, is as • 'i'III-:R) ill. o.l n„Ilan, 154,1)5111. p11- rlI (\''-INI'l1. 01'1'11$1"I E 1?1(:IITY- fhc 1•: n>;l cr': estimate of the quantities is as follow.: '1'111121) STRIIEI', II0ROUGII UP 211:\NI1.\'1'- 2,040 square .'ants of a;l,l!alt I,accntcrt (live N.,, '1, 111)12 ItIU;t'L\'I'1\t; .(NI) RI:I'.\\' f,•il,,,r,; I'III .\'.1I•II.\I.'I' l'\\'F21IIIN'I' (1\ .\ T.\ N. 4,1311 square vat Is of a=!+halt pacattcnt (five years' ma in Ii iii mice), I]I: \1- 'File amount of security required is Two t ll\('1:6`1'1: Pl1I'Nll.\'1'11 1\ '1'111; Rot \11\\'.\1' y,' ar,' llla!ntellallce). 285 cubic parts of cuucrcte, for pavcmcul Th.,usand Five ltundred Dollars ($2,500). foundation. nP ((N SICLIiN :\\'1:211'1':. PR' 1\i 1 \\I.2111' \ 4,130 square cards of accnrity required is Fifty-nine \1'ITIf ALL \\I11:K INt h111.N7'.(L'lilt-T I:h:7l. title •• ('It' Reword.” tine .nnrei(ieatlnll S. Ifnn'll"I hulloes I$S.'lnUj. fiLncsthe Y_ngineer'> cs[iolitr II the yuautitic, ii :. IU:ulk form; and further information may be N. .1. FOR RE(;I'r.\'rING :1N1) RI?- .dlIallouI and sarnnl-'s lisp' br seen at The nITice P.\\ I\1; 21VITII .\SPIL.\1.l' l'.\\'l-Ml2NT ON 4,31U square s-ard; of asi halt pavement (five I lrFIrE OF TILE PRESIDENT OF TIle BOROUGH OP - f the Chief Clerk of the I),- nartntc!lt of Ilcallh, yearn' maintcnancc). \ Ii INC r21:1'F. h1 ,l'\11.\"1'111\” '1'111: Rfl.\n. 1:toenYN, [loot 2, BOROUGH IIAI.L, BoaouGH e'l corner of Flfty-(ifth street and Sixth IF tc rRI.:I•:r. YR(1\1 Ill). 20 square yards of old stone pavement, to OF BROOKLYN. •I HE CITY OF NEW YORK. ,rcur. 11, 1,.,:cll of :1lanh.'Ittan. ~\".\Y 111.\\1,':' be iilaid. li \R r '-TREAT 7'I) 211u1(t;.\N .\\'FNl"E, TO. S 11.\LI•a 11I1)3 Olt I•:5'1'1\I:\'Cla \\'ILL 11 12 'Ii 11)1.(5 11.(RI.I Nc•rON. ar. T7., F:'1"IIER (Viii! .211.1. \\'1)RK INCIDENTAL 600 cubic yards of concrete, fur pavement rev-ire,1 by the !'resident of the It,,ruugh of President; foumtatian, 11ERI•:T0. lir.''klyn at the above office until 11 o'clock 1T.\•.\il I1, 1)OTY, 111- I)., 'the Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as 2,460 linear feet of new curbstone, set in con- a, In. Out WILLI.\M F. II:\KFR, crete. Board of Ifealth. follows: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 19119, 1,380 square cards of asphalt pavement (five 130 linear feet of old curbstone, reset in September I3, 1909. years' maintenance). concrete. FOR FURNISHING All. TILE r..A1':(1R (N1) sI8.o4 10 square cards of old stone pavement to 12 noiseless covers and heads, complete, for \I.\T1CR1 \I.5 IIEOI•IIIEI) FOR Co NSl'RC('T- 1=;' See (:enernl Inwtruetlonrl to Bid- be rclaid. sewer manhnlcs. furni-hcd and set. INI; SF2121-1•:R IN NEP CNE :\\•IINCI-, 1110\1 shorn on the Inst pnrre, last column, of 195 cubic van, of concrete for pavement Tie' lime al!o.ccd fir the con:t'lctii,n of th, ((hr-I' 'fIIIIIlY..IIIIIt1) S'iRE1;;'I' '110 '1'111•, llte "('ity I4I'eord," founrtati"n. ark aunt the full ncrformance of the contract i. 1'I \I I' (('E1.1 A•1' CAISSON NO. 2. NEAR tLirty lure 135) tc::rking days. 710 linear feet of new curbstone set in cott- \\'I:rI r\\"I•:r.Prll sr, P.E:l:'r. rtx;E'l'IIF14 I)r,'ARTMENT OF IIEALT7f, CORNER OF Furry' C rete, TI•,• amount of serurity required is 'rhirty-five 121 II II A\- INTFitNIEII1.\"fl•: I'('\tl'INI; '(I'.\- 11:,1'l,,d II"llInrs ($3.504), 5'?'tIt STREET AND SIXTH AVENUE, BORODUiu or- 120 linear feet of old curbstone, reset in '111 1N :\NII \PI'11R'I'PN.(N('I':5 \'I' 'rllE IN- ,\I:\NIrATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK, concrete. N. ;. FOIR l:h:(Ih'T..\ •rlxr AND Irlcf \\' Ih:lttiI•:C'I'ION (LII NEI'TVNII AVENUE AND 5 n „iseless heads and covers, complete, for IN'1; With :\SPIi.1r"'r 1'AVrNIEN'l' ON \ (21I:ST "I'\\'I:NTY NIN"r1I STR1-:LT. S I-IALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE sewer manholes, furnished and set. ('OXd'RE"rE room)ATi(IV •rllk RI) \nAV'.A1- 'file Lnginecr's estimate of the quantities is as received by the 1]:,ard of Ilealth of the The time allowed for the completion of the (IF Li\( ()I N I'L.\CE, 111(1211 TItn1• AVE follows: nepartntent of l kilt l until 10 o'clock a. in. on work ar.'l the full performance of the contract Nl'E'r0 RI)t'fll::rl:R \\'I:xt'T:. rrlt 1:9'1,'1:8 I pumping station. MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 194)9, is twenty (201 w.,rking days. WITH \I.l. \\•n1(K IN('IIIEN•r.\r. 9'IIERr•:Tn. 2,6;0 linear feet 36-inch pipe sewer. FOR F1'RNISIIIN(; ALT, THE NECES- The ant-Ill of security required is Eleven he Enginrcr's Istiniate of the rluautitics is as 1,4”; linear feet 30-inch pipe sewer, S VItl' 1..Al:uR :(NI) AI V'1'ERI:(I. REOL'IRE1) Ifnndred IL, :l'ar- (4;1.100) 3u0 linear feet 22-inch pipe seteer. I" Ill INST:\I.f.INr; '1111A\I HE,\TING AP- N,.. 5. FOR 1LE(;r'I.:\TINE; :1Nn REP:\\'1NI; 5.,1'O .-lllarc varl; of asl,l!"lit iaven)crrt (rive 550 linear fret 2u-inch pipe sewer. 1' 114 ('I'T'S IN t'I':1.'f:21IN I1l5ILIIINI;S AT WITH .\Sl'll \I'I' 1' (('EVENT ON A CON'. year.' nln i ntr'nancel. 8'17 linear feet Ill-inch pipe sew, r. 11112 'rt'IIEI<('tL(lSbS S\N:\T(IRI(lif A•1' CRETE PI llN it \T1))N TIlK Rn'IT)W \\” OF 10 square vards of old stone pavement, to 140 linear feet 12-inch pipe sewer. (1'I'IS\'II.LK. (114.21711;1•: C11('NTY. N, Y.. FOR \'F.RNIV 1\'ENI • E. PRO\f Sri 'Y\'1'('('ES (NT be relaid. 11.11110 linear feet I2-inch Pipe subdrain. 1'IIE nl•:I'.\]t'I'\MEN -1' OF ILEALTII, CITY OF \\'F.Nl'E TO IBROADW.\1', AND STCY- 100 cubic yards of concrete, for pavement 3(10 linear feet l2-inch cast iron force main. NEW YORK. \'F.SANT AVENUE. FROM VERNON AVE- foundation. 9,1100 linear feet 6-inch house connection drains, The time for the completion of the work and NUE TO BROADWAY. TOGETHER WjTII 4,090 linear feet of new curbstone, set in con- 46 manholes. the full performance of the contract is forty-five ALL WORK INCIDENTAL THERETO. I crete, 153 standpipes. (45) consecutive working days.

Fif1DAY, 51':1''1'1:.Ml ER 24, 1919. `T' H. E C M 'T. Y F. E U -) H O., 10723

Tbc anthtml of security required is fifty per I. iu,ning, the Iiurutlgh of 1l:uthattc:n, Nos. 13 to nl.I acr•uuut any estimate of the probable amount will be ragnircd to cnntplcte the entire work to cent. (50'7) of the amotnrt of the bid. _I I'ark r,.w. of puling. the sati,factiun of the Conrtnissiuncr and in ac- Iii,; will be cunlpared and the contract \1'\I. If, 1•:1)1\.\kllti, (, In ni- I:lank forms and further inforniation stay be ,,-od:lncv wi;h file plans and s1,,cilications oil or awarded at a lump or aggiegaie sail. 1:111 '1 S, tnh,r -I, IVU'!. iii taint,I at tl:e Office of the Department of street h,-lire the espiration of fnnr (4) calendar months L'lau k fortes and further information may he I I,caninc, the l;uruugh of \lauhattau, Nos. 13 ir„nl the dine of such crrtilication. nhlaiucd and the plans and drawings may be if ' Sro t;rurral IiNlruellon5 to 111d- to -11 lark roty- The ttnnunt of security to guaraMec the faith- s,-e ll at the office of the Chief Clerk of the de'ry fill tit,' lint PUR+•, lent cull until, of W\L 11. FI)W \ltl)S, Conlntissi',ner, -II terl,rin:uu•c of the work twill be Seven Thou. (Department of ii'alth, southwest corner of Fifty- the '• 1 1/. Itc•ru rd.'' It,,),-) I",Int-n,Llf --. I'nly. •,u,. I lullars ($7,(11/0), fifth street and Sixth avcuue, Borough of Man- 'I hr- ri ithil is rr,erved Ili, the Commissioner to hattan. City of New York, or at the Tynte:nrt LAIN (Iii l,' E (Ii' THHE. 1)EPARTMr.NT OF STREET g':" Sue Cenc'rnl lust rnetluns to llid- reitrt all the hits should lie deem it to the Mouse at the Tuberculosis Sanatorium at Otis- dern on 111+• Last laIlK-m', lust column, of int,; • -I of the ('itv so to rin. villc. Orange County. N. V. CtEANIsc, Rust 1-103, Nos. 13 To 21 PARK ROW, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK. Ii,, '• ('ity Itrcural.^ I'Iaul: furors and citeibrati,ms may be obtained THOMAS U.\lfI.INGI'1)N. M. D., President; Si lit: ullicr of IL,. Ihoparinlrnt of Ilri,lges. \I.\'.\II H. I OTY, M. U., SEA1.1':D I:I115 flit li"TIM \ -ri-:s Will, I:E I. W. S'I'I•:\'ICNSI)N, Commissioner. W1i,l.l.\1I F. 1::\ICRR, rre, iii by Lhc l'„Inmi. I.'nc r of Strrct \I nIN (IFFi: E OF tile IJEPA tttstn N'r OF STRt:r:r F'I.r:.tNiNI:, Rt,u.v I40.i, Nils. 13 To 21 1'ARK Itow, idler It, I'll)'), Board of Health. tl,;loing at the nL„vc utlicc witil 12 n'rly,k lI. slf,2') i,Il I:nKnl',;11 OF MANHATTAN, 'fits CITY OP NEW 11:,)e,1 i.I,t5't11h.'r IS, 1909. , 71'UI,SD:\Y, OC'rOBI•:H 5, 1909. Yon K. It ” Se' ' (ht•nernl liesNi ratt'linnw 10 INtI- sl8,o4 ders fin Ill.' lamst huge, last roloutn, of SI-:.\I.I'.Il I1ID5 OR Set' 6c•uc•rsil lust rtteli1H/R to 1)1d- iloroutx4 of Itlaohltt Iii t. ES'l'I\T.\TI{S \1'ILL BE ehr ••(ity Itrrnrul,'' nut le, ~l by till- C„!nnlI-suouer „f Street tiers err 111r hint I'll lt', IIt st role us u, of I I N'I'It.\('I' 1)11, 1'1'I,\1.;111\(; .\LI, 'I Ill: (Irauiug at the aL,ltc ollirc until 12 u'c:ucic m. Ilie s' lily Iterord.'s L.\ClIlt .\NU 2iI.\'1'1':141.\1.~ Itl•:nl'1111%1l Ptll( I'l'!o\IsIIISI; .\NI) I\s'1'\I.I.1\1; :\ 111'I:- CHANGE OF GRADE DAMAGE Il1Ilcrt Ilv:ulinq, the lIorougb of Manhattan, Nis. 'Is inut the actual depth of ;now and ice in the Dated New York City, July 27, 1909. Emil, 1-l'I(NlSIIlN(; ALI. flit: I..\Ill)R -\?'I) 13 to 21 ['tick row. n1.,r•. (n- places where work tinder this contract is 1VI1.l lath! K. S"I'ILLINGS, \I \ I'I-.R1.\I_S RI•:I ll'1121•:Ii 1112 I'Itl.l'.\Itl\1; \\'\l. 11. 1':111\'\l1l Iti, (',mtali=si'mcr, r:l„1 oi,. liv the area of the 'trctt or avcut ie I;Fl(RIlF. C. NOI('I'I IN, 1111 .\XLI CC'II.UINt; A \I:\1' sI'1:I:I. 1 mist] Si t'ii mbcr 15, I'~t1Y. Lich is c;rancd. The deiuth of snow and lee I.E- WIS A. ,hItIfA\15, PRI•:IlillI Sill-:lt \\'1'211 .\I'l'L- ItII•:\.\\lI•:S cue „S ',l: u l be ,Ictcrrlinc,l by the official r,-punts of tie Commissioners. N, us' York hint rur„h,gical (dust rvalury of , I IN -I- ill•: III I- It UI(I \\'EI•:N 'IIII It1'\'-l'llt -i-f g, h, T-AMONT McLnrrtrtzs, Clerk. :•Set' Celle rum Inn lroetions to lild- U,-p:altmt'nt of ['arks, G-ntral !'ark, in The Cite .\NIr -Illlltl'Y 51:1 I_NII s'rRICIC'I's. IN "I'lli-: dc•rm on file list Pnt;r, luisi a•ulumn, of I:1 )kiIt'll Iml' I.Itr111K1.1N,'I'() I:I•: F,NII\\N ••f New York, or by th,' t,fici.J reports of au Iii.• ••/Ety Itett-ord." I,,, •rc!t''ry or , \s 'I 1I1•: TI II R I* I.I lt1'L' . CRI{I?'I' I'l IC!: ,h:ct, att,rics , -rlbl sh, d nr BOARD OF WATER SUPPLY. +I:It,,l by the Connni-'u',nrr of Str•t-t Ci catl:n.•i sill': ii. M•1', 1 )1!I,I: ,it 'fill: ill.l'\KT111 .VT tip `TRrrr the arty of llte strort fir avtnnc shall hr tat:,IS tint, f,•' tilt' cuntpl,-lion of the work an-1 (- ()N'I I3.A1 "C N . I ntut u, . IO• • ,tt Ian: N,•s, 12 To 21 ['ARK Row, fl„m Iii' an'a flints nn Ill,, in the l)r-1,arfcot „t the full perf.,rul:once of th,' contract is fin or ,um use \IAsu.uiIAv, '1'HHE (try of New Slfcct l lvaninnt, which have I,,., it drawn flmu I,,f„n- the rsliratinn of out' handled and eighty \'tu K. SI \I I II 1111TH \\'11.1, 111: It!;t'I:1\- Uj) IlY the origin:tt surveys an,l have bt•on tna•le by Ih It ( Sit) cal, n,lar Ilays. ❑ - l ••1 55.11: 1. .. io It„unl 910, S l-:.\LI:I) (IIIIS OR FST1\f.\TES WILL I:!i i' anh„t Slap Company for file Ur pat tmcut ,I li -,, - , I,.. ,!% , t-. NI IF 1, .i: .,:lti1 11 a. III. fin "fife cull„Ifni it security required is Srccnt- r,-ti.,- d by tilt' (''u t,u--t nrr ,.f Street >t,trt. Ci-,utintl. 0,11110). 'Ill ,u'att,l Dilutes ($77 C 1, al in;; at the alive o:li,c tndil 1' ,,,:,ek ill., (,Im:-cn.a ttIin at s-, mach per e, ntwn of C1,. 'I'1 1;S1) t Y, SRI"1'1.7)1 I(1:It 34, 191111, 1:011 r5 trill slat,- a price fur furoiahinh ,It of nit,, re raft' or Price will he allowed f. .r unit Ity at,'l the labor and material calltd for, as the Contract I',, firni-'O: 'rtv I rl, li c, r:n•, tidier or both of W l0i)\I:SD.\1', 0/^111111-ai C. tlnl! , it a that has he, -n pied but has n.,t been re- is uiiijre and fir a cunlplrtl- juh, au,l if away l,•-, ► , the i ". , sing ci:r,-cs of 5971)m1c:: lis of Hunhntlltn and The Brous. 'I, tutu becansc of 1110 Murk III in4 stnpp,-d by the will h, a%% nh!v I to 10,• hi,hl,-r who,''- price in the nnnr.s-iunrr of Street ('lcanim; alt:-r th_ ,n-nv CUN'Ik \(f' N- host t f ,,r thing ail of the work and whose bid is (')tyFI,-A('1' Plllt P1'I!NIsIIIN(; ALI-'1'111( :- bent sn pi lest and hurl-re it teas removed, alt -1 regular in all r,:'pots. (1:=s N, No. 1—F1'IONITI'RI: (51'1':('1 \L), f..\Dill: AND SIATI•:R1.\I.ti RI.'il'IRF.)t 1.1)21 i t cu much per cr-nttun th,-t cof for rough clean- flu.' N, No. 2-1-URNITURE (C 11 A I R S, \1'ik nlu,t be dome at file time and in the T111•: RE.\ll)V.\L UP SNO\Y \":U It F. Itcnttse of the work b•in5 stnl'p,•'I h5' thn• I \RII:S, 1-:10.). ntavucr an,l iu such quantifies as may be directed. ''f irut No. I," as designate-th by rc,ulati''u ,'f . ,nuni,siouer of Sit-cut Graining alter the piles 'I lie qu:uttities of the t•arinns items of supplies Iaank farms and further iufurntatiott may be the 1:,,anl If Esfiotate and .\pportiuumcnt of ha,c tacit removed, leaving a c er;aiu amount of 1)-e rtal,tl in the hill or pr!posal, and further obtain. l and th_• nInns amt drawing; nlay be June 25, 190'1. crust or a fin” of ice fin the surface of the street it f-,rm:ttion is given in the Infnrmatiun for .tut :It th,: nl9iea of the sail U,-I,artnu•nt. The time for the completion of the work and t-, be netnotcd. I:i, Llern, f,nnin:, Part of the contract. At the ALLEN N. tit'(IINI(h, Omani-~,iunrr. the full p,rforrn;lnr-e of the contract is by or This trice an'I these percentag,'s mast be .I ,ve place :I,, l tittle hi,Is will be Publicly bef'ac April I5, 1910. .,ri ten ,.tit a:-.,I mil fit also be gun-ti in Gutnn-s. tied 'old real. The a,var'l of the contracts, 'I lie ant-'tint of security tegnit-el is One Itun- s21,o4 'lit,' cu;ltr,1ct, if :nvanb ,l, will be sward„1 1t' -i awanitdI %ill he made by the Ruarrl as soon dred and Nifty T1:ousand Dollars I$150,000). thr k,oc:t hi•Ider t'mu- eul,ie var,l, with.,nt t':kit, x : lure mitt- as it act irablc. 'The lioard reserves 'N,•t• Grnt•rltl Itlstru'l bums to Ill.) The ennlpensation will be at a rate or price per into a,-rnunt any rsiimale If the prubahle ant„ant III,- right to roject any amt ::11 bile. slurs uu Il+r luwl sluice, lust eultuurr, of cubic yard of snow and ice, CoTI:.,nli,•d by 1111116- if titling ,r tench c'e:lninc, A b hnrl f•,r till• sum „f thi:-ty-five per cent. 11he •• 1741 ItrrurJ.” plying the actual depth of ,n„tv and ire in till- hank forms and f;lrth'r infnnrtti,m way lie '",) ,'f the Gral an!nnnt of the contract will place or places where work undr-r (It is conteatt •1I,taint•d at the tinier ,.f IIt,' I)eparunent of Street L, rc,)nired fur the faithful performance of each I': ru •a _'C r I ,, I.s iii l t I:Ru s, 1'l-!:a "A." is carried in, by the area of the street or avt'Ilnc n_', mitt' I:'Iruu{;h of hl:ulllaltau, Nos, 13 to T tract, I'•,i I I: \I II KI' II1 N„Kfll 1(12'2 K, 1:1,1<„t'I:II tthich is cleane,l. The depth of snow an,l ice 21 1'iris 1', •,t'. .\„ hill will he received and deposited unh•ss fir \1.ANuarTN, A 'I'ne ('•try uF N,sv \'„RK, shill be dtiern:ined by the official reports of till \111. 11 !'II\t: \!tit', ('nor',-I-i mcr. -u ill,- ' by a r. rtillcll check upon a Na- Ncty York \1 r•tc''rolugieal Utsorvat„ry of the IL•- -'h:\Lltlt 111115 (112 V~'!'It.t\Tl'S \\'1T.T. la•: 1 ,1,11 •,r rt:lte b:lr.k, .Itatcn to file ord,•r of th,- t'artmrnt of Parks, Central ('ark, in tic City ,-f ,.'ul•tt ,Ill-: ,•f •1'Ite (ity „f N, w Y, Ik to the New 1- urk, fir by i!,e oliicial ethic is of an nb- g•-' See I:rnc'rnl luvl rnrllun.. it. Ilid- ,,a . f'fo Fu11un,lrcds,, Dollar; (2_1101 for servatory or uhservalories eel ahlished or drsiv- ders on lilt' lust pnae. last l'nlurnu, of - ' II cl:ls, hid %% 1:n l:.D *, 1, `lIlot iantl•nt III). 71)111), nated by the Cuunnissirn:i.e of Strcct ('leaning; (but' •• ['fly Berard.” 'I ime all, .t,,l fu file c,nnplrti„n of the work ❑ IH.ruul:h of Mn-Alttttt[tn. the area of the street or avenue l, all be lake, - inn 1'!1 n!nnllls from IIt,------u icc of notice by front the area malls on flit in the Dei,iilntrnl of ,I. I:,,ard to cntnrnrnce ,I,dit,ties, Strrct 1:1r an tg, which hate been tlratvn from the tl I •: ('us I: ,-r in: II,rtir:\tNT tip II nl•hl, is c•,nl:uninR information fir bidders, I I•,llt\t'1' Vrt. I! \.. it iginnI surveys and hate ho, n male by the S:In- (us • .I': • I; 'I 1 u, 1.1 To 'I I'.,RK kuw. . 'ti Iflt I,rop',.;ll anal cnnlraet, sl,cciticatiuns, I-III, I-t'It\l'-ill :1; \I1.'II11: 1..\I:nR \i-Sit It r - ~u t,r hi,',utIfns, I111: Crry of New hi \I I-III \L-) tOL(lllltl-:lt I'! Ili I'I)l{1'.\121\t; ii' ,rn Map Company fur the Departntent if St reel 1!.•1 1111 ,•f cnntrlrt IhF:ntiItLs an lie oh- ('l,-aniov. at Ib,.an I'10, at I he above alldr,-, I.\."I' because of lit,' «• ,rk bait!: stopt,ed by ti!c l-unt fir each I,anll Illtt or set of drawings. Itl\'1'.It, I'Nlrl-.k l L..\SS I, .\NI/ Gil.\\111' ' - :;[ will be rt-i::'.,It'I the return of I:LUI'I: Inis.iuner of Street Cleaning after the snow lla, \IUI:Sl)ti', I 'I'(11t1at 1:, 11)11!1, nl.•,u II\\'I'\!l'.NI' I:ICt\\- LIN .\I.I:'\\1' at , .I, t: ;n.l •et of ,iraoint;s in acceptable \Nit 1,110`10) h,'en sn pi'.t'tl an,I bcf,,re it was rcmnvr,l, all • ' iii-' iE'I'S. N(tla'll 1 111.1, o much per eunttnn thcrc,d for ruuzlt cleaninm liiuruuula of It rots klyn. 11, 1 till, i:t thirty chivy fr„m the date „u I'XI,PR I I. \S: 2, .\\II I:h`I11'F!:N \\I:'il' he,attse of the work being stopped by the Cnnt- ( n\ I'bt \c"t' I I)!t ' - I'IRNI>IIIN(; .'sit. TiiI•, I111I:fll:tII \\U \\'1•:..1' '1'lllll'1 1 111121) m is' titter of Street Clcanm¢ after the piles have I \h;ttl< .\:III \1.1ll-.kIAI'S ItI..tlt11,l-:II 1110 S'I'KI-:I•:is. NIlloTll RI\'hit; AND '1)10 L',V- 1101 N \. Ill•.NSET„ Preti'lcnt; hemn reni-ed, le.avtntt a ccrls,in an!,'nnt of cru-t 'IIIh: It I•:\lO1'A1, (j1. SNU\1' :\NI) 1::1':. l.\ ; \ (.It\\I1I: II\I:I.Pa N. l ll.\II\LICK, (ktliSll'.\I.IS \1.1)N; 'rttt-: qtr a fill” of ice on file surface of the street to be " m No. 2,'' as tie,igoated by resul,.uion of SIll'IIII~RI,Y IANV tlh \\'I•:7''1' TWI:''NTV- (II ARIES .5. till.\\\', rctnmveil, th,' Ii and of 1,(imale and Apportionment of June ('..n,, -i.-nrr, „ f th,_' I:-,ar,l of \Vatcr Supply. 51:('llNlt s1R1:1-:'f, NORM !tl\'1•:R, CNUI{It 'II his prier cool these ncrcertages must he writ- _ , 199'), ( I..ASS 3, 10,11.: if turn, Chief Engineer, ten out au,l nitsi at'', be given in figures. 'rile time for the completion of the work and `tarsus 11sssi:rr, S,-cre'ary. 'Ih,• tittle for the contpls' on of th- tv-irk roil 'The contract, if atcar,lr•rl, will be attarde,l to th, fu ;1 Irerturnlaure of the contract is by or the fall per f„rmance ,-f file euntlact and the N.,tc See Iicoeral Instb-nrtionc to Pi'hlers on the lowest biulier per cubic var,l with„.It taking I,, fl ,rc :\ 13, 1910. I:Lt pair, last cululun of file CITY {teroao, s„ altlnullt of s,'cuiitv r,',Iitlrt',l ate as f„Iln1\'s: into account any- estimate of the probable amount 'I ile anu,ul:t of security required is One )lull- far as applicble hereto and not othei%%isc pro- CI:I

SUPREME COURT-FIRST DEPART- Supreme Court of the State of New York, First OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE during the space of five days. as required by Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part N report of Harrison S. Moore H. Stewart law. MENT. III., to be held in the County Court House in McKnirht and Jacob F. Haubeil, Gtommissioners Dated Borough of Brooklyn, New York, Sep- the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of )Clew of Estimate and Appraisal, duly appointed in tember 20, 1909, York, on the 18th day of October, 1909, at the the above entitled proceeding, which report bears JAMES RIDGWAY. FIRST DEPARTMENT opening of the Court on that day. date the 1st day of July, 1909, was filed in the MATTHEW J. KEANY, Fourth-In case, however, objections are filed office of the Board of Estimate and Apportion- Commissioners, In the matter of the application of The City of to any of said abstracts of estimate and assess' ment of The City of New York on the 23d day JAMES F. QUIGLEY, Clerk, New York relative to acquiring title to certain ment, the notice of motion to confirm our final of September 1909, and a duplicate of said re- s21,25 real estate, tenements, hereditaments, cor- report herein will stand adjourned to the date port was files in the office of the Clerk of the poreal or incorporeal rights in the same, and to be hereafter specified, and of which notice County of Queens on the same day. SECOND DEPARTMENT. any and all rights therein not now owned b will be given to all those who have theretofore Notice is further given that the said report '1']te City of \ew York, situate in the Sixth appeared in this proceeding, as well as by pub- will be presented for confirmation to the Su- Ward of the Borough of Manhattan, in The In the matter of the application of The City of lication in the CITY RECORD, pursuant to sections preme Court of the State of New York, in New York, relative to acquiring title to th- City of New York, duly selected and specified 981 and 984 of the Greater New York Charter, the Second Judicial District, at a Special Term by the Commissioner of Bridges of The City lands, tenements and hereditaments required as amended by chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906. for the hearing of motions, to be held at the for the purpose of opening and extending of New York, with the approval of the Board Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, Sep- ('ounty Court House, in the Borough of Brook- of Estimate and Apportionment of said City, MIDWWOOD STREET, from Nostrand avenue tember 8. 1909. lyn, in The City of New York, on the 15th to Kingston avenue, in the Twenty-ninth Ward, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 712 of EDWARD D. FARRELL, Chairman; nay of October, 1909, at the opening of the the Laws of 1901, for the construction of an in the Borough of Brooklyn, The City of New SILAS P. LEVERIDGE, Court on that day, and that then and there, or York. extension to the westerly or Manhattan termi- JAMES R. SLOANE, as soon thereafter as counsel can be beard nal of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge, or Commissioners. thereon a motion will be made that the said the better accommodation of pedestrians, e- JoSEra M. SCHENCK, Clerk. report be confirmed. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TILE hicles and railroad passengers using said bridge s9,25 Dated New York, September 23, 1909. final report of the Commissioners of Esti- or terminal. FRANCIS K, PENDLETON, mate and Assessment in the above entitled matter Corporation Counsel. will be presented for confirmation to the Suprcute NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FIRST DEPARTMENT. Hall of Records, Borough of Manhattan, City Court of the State of New York, Second Depart- report of Edward G. Whitaker, Michael of New York. ment, at a Special Term thereof, to be held in Co:eman and Samuel Kahn, Commissioners of s24,oS the County Court House, in the Borough of Estimate and Appraisal duly appointed in the In the matter of the application of The City of Brooklyn, to The City of New York, on the 27th above entitled proceeding, which report bears date New York, relative to acquiring title, wher- day of September, 1909, at 10.30 o'clock in tt'c 9th day of July, 1909, was filed in the offices ever the same has not been heretofore ac- SECOND DEPARTMENT forenoon of that day; and that the said final of the Clerk of the County of New York and quired for the same purpose in fee, to the report has been deposited in the office of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, No. 277 lands, tenements and hereditaments required Clerk of the County of Kings, there to remai'.t In the matter of acquiring title by The City of for and during the space of five days, as re tuired Broadway, Manhattan, on the 19th day of July, for the opening and extending of PLEASANT New York to certain lands and premises situ- 1909, and notice is further given that said report AVENUE (now Olin avenue), from Gun by law. ated on the southerly side of STATE Dated Borough of Brooklyn, New Yurk, Scp- will be presented for confirmation to the Supreme Hill road to East Two Hundred and Nine. STREET and the westerly side of ROA- Court of the State of New York, First Judicial teenth street in the Twenty-fourth Ward, tetnber 20, 1909. NOKE AVENUE, adjoining Public School 39, E. D. CIIILDS, Dirtrict, at Special Term, Part III., to be held Borough of The Bronx, City of New York. in the Fifth Ward of the Borough of Queens, at the County Court House, in the Borough of ABRAHAM SILVERSTONE, in The City of New York, duly selected as a SOLON IiARBANELL, Manhattan. in The City of New York. on the 4th site fur school purposes according to law. day of October, 1909, at the opening of the N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PER- Commissioners of Estimate. ('ourt on that day, and then and there, or as sons interested in the above entitled pro- E. D. CHILI)S, aeon thereafter as counsel can be heard, a motion ceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant N OTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN THAT TIIE Conmussiouer of Assessment. will be made that said report be confirmed. or occupants of all houses and lots and improved report of William S. Cogswell, Frank I.. JAMES F. QUIGLEY, Clerk. Dated New York, August 31, 1909. and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to Itacon and J. 11. Fitzpatrick, Commissioners of s21.23 HENRY C. S. STIMPSON, all others whom it may concern, to wit: Estimate and Appraisal, duly appointed in the Attorney for WILLIAM F. SUTHERLAND. First-That the undersigned Commissioners of alx,ce entitled proceeding, which report bears SECOND DEPARTMENT. No. 42 Broadway, New York City. Estimate have completed their estimate of dam- date the 12th day of July, 1909, was filed in the s22,o4 age, and that all persons interested in this pro otlice of the Board of Education of The City In the matter of the application of The City rf ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and of New York on the 23d day of September, 1909, New York, relative to acquiring title to the FIRST DEPARTMENT hereditaments and premises affected thereby, hav- and a duplicate of said report was filed in the lands, tenements and hereditaments required ing any objection thereto, do file their said ob- utiice of the Clerk of the County of Queens for the purpose of opening and extending In the matter of the application of The City of jections, in writing, duly verified, with them at sir the same day. STERLING STREET, front Washin;to_i rve- New York, relative to acquiring title to certain their office. Nos. 90 and 92 West Broadway, in Notice is further given that the said report nue to Brooklyn avenue, in the Twenty-utntli real estate, tenements, hereditaments, corporeal the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New %ill be presented for confirmation to the Su- Ward, in the Borough of Brooklyn, Che City or incorporeal rights in the same, and any and York, on or before the 29th day of September. preme Court of the State of New York, in of New York. all rights and interests therein not now owned 1909, and that the said Commissioners will hear the Second Judicial District, at a Special Term by The City of New York, situated in the parties so objecting, and for that purpose will for the hearing of motions, to be held at the Sixth Ward of the Borough of Manhattan, in be in attendance at their said office on the 4th County Court House, in the Borough of Brook- N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 11I The City of New York, duly selected and day of October, 1909, at 2 o'clock p. m. hn, in The City of New York, on the 15th final report of the Commissioners of Esti- specified by the Commissioner of Bridges of Second-That the undersigned Commissioner Say of October, 1909, at the opening of the mate and Assessment in the above entitled ma:- The City of New York, with the approval of of Assessment has completed his estimate of bene- Court on that day, and that then and there, or ter will be presented for confirmation to the the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of ht and that all persons interested in this pro- as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard Supreme Court of the State of New York, Sec- said City, pursuant to the provisions of chapter ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and thereon, a motion will be made that the said ond Dpartment, at a Special Term thereof, to 712 of the Laws of 1901, for the construction hereditaments and premises affected thereby report be confirmed. be held in the County Court House, in the Bor. of an extension to the westerly or Manhattan having any objection thereto, do file their said • Dated New York, September 23, 1909. ough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on terminal of the New York and Brooklyn objections in writing, duly verified, with him at FRANCIS K. PENDLETON, the 27th day of September, 1909, at 10.39 o'clock Bridge, for the better accommodation of pedes. Iris office, Nos. 90 and 92 West Broadway, in Corporation Counsel. in forenoon of that day: and that the said final trians, vehicles and railroad passengers using the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New Hall of Records, Borough of Manhattan, City report has been deposited in the office of the said bridge or terminal. York. on or before the 29th day of September, of New York. Clerk of the County of Kings, there to remain 1909, and that the said Commissioner will hear s24,o5 for and during the space of five days, as ic- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be quired by law. report of Edward G. Whitaker, Michael in altsq dance at his said office on the 4th day SECOND DEPARTMENT Dated Borough of Brooklyn, New Yark, Scp- Coleman and Samuel Kahn. Commissioners of of October, 1909, at 3 o'clock v. m. tember 20, 1909. Estimate and Appraisal, duly appointed in the Third-That the Commissioner of Assessment JOHN W. FOX, In the matter of the application of The City of GEORGE ECKSTIEN. above entitled proceeding, which report bears has assessed any or all such lands, tenements and New York relative to acquiring title to the date the 9th day of Lily, 1909, was filed in the hereditaments and premises as are within the area hands, tenements and hereditaments required Contrnissioners. office of the Clerk of the County of New York of assessment fixed and prescribed as the area of for the purpose of o ening and extending JAMES F. QUIGLEY, Clerk. and Board of Estimate and Apportionment of assessment for benefit by the Board of Estimate P s21,23 and Apportionment on the 8th day of July, 1907, POR'1'Y-THIRD STREET, from New Utrecht The City of New York. No. 277 Broadway. avenue to West street, in the Twenty-ninth and Manhattan, on the 19th day of Lily, 1909. and and that the said area of assessment inciudes all those lands, tenements and hereditaments and Thirtieth Wards, in the Borough of Brooklyn, SECOND DEPARTMENT. notice is further given that said report will be The City of New York. presented for confirmation to the Supreme Court premises 'situate and being in the Borough of of the State of New York. First Judicial Dis- The Bronx. in The City of New York. which. In the matter of the application of The City of taken together, are bounded and described as OTI('E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever trict, at Special Term, Part III., to be held N final report •if the Commissioners of Esti- at the County Court House in the Borough of follows. viz: the same has not been heretofore acquired, to Bounded on the northwest by a line 97.5 feet n:ate and Assessment in the above entitled matter the lands, tenements and hereditaments required Manhattan in The City cf New York, on the ,.ill be presented f,r confirmation to the Supreme 4th day of October, 1909, at the opening of the northwesterly from and parallel with the north- fur the opening and extending of AVENUE X, Court on that day, and then and there, or as westerly line of Olin avenue, the said distance Court of the State of New York, Second De- between Ocean parkway and the easterly line soon as counsel can be heard, a motion will be being measured at right angles to the line of Olin pattment, at a Special Term thereof, to be held of East Fifteenth street; and AVENUE V. be- made that said report be confirmed. avenue, and by the prolongation of the said line; to the County Court House, in the Borough of tween Gravesend Basin and Ocean avenue, in Dated New York. August 31, 1909. on the northeast by a line distant 100 feet north- l:rouklyn, in fhe City of New York, on the 29th the Thirty-first \Yard, Borough of Brooklyn, ptember, 1909, at 10.30 o'clock in HENRY C. S. STIMPSON, easterly from the northeasterly line of East Two day of Se The City of New York, Attorney for William F. Sutherland. Hundred and Nineteenth street, the said distance f,,renuon of that day, and that the said final No. 42 Broadway, New York City. being measured at right angles to the line of East report has been deposited in the office of the sl6,o4 Two Hundred and Nineteenth street; on the Clerk of the County of Kings, there to remain N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY AN southeast by a line distant 95 feet southeasterly for and during the space of five days, as required order of the Supreme Court, bearing date from and parallel with the southeasterly line of by_ law. the 24th day of April, 1909, and duly entered in FIRST JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. Olin avenue, the said distance being measured at Dated Borough of Brooklyn, New York, Sep- the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings right angles to the line of Olin avenue, and by tetnber 23, 1909. at his office in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The In the matter of the application of The City of the prolongation of the said line; and on the ROSWELL H. CARPENTER, City of New York, on the 26th day of April, New York, acting by and through the Com- southwest by a line distant 100 feet southwesterly CHAS. D. DURKEE, 1909, a copy of which order was duly filed in missioner of Docks, relative to acquiring right from and parallel with the southwesterly line of GEORGE B. BOYD, the office of the Register of the County of Kings. and title to and possession of the wharfage Gun Hill road, the said distance being measured Commissioners. we, John C. Fawcett, Moses J. Harris and rights, terms, easements, emoluments and at right angles to the line of Gun Hill road. JAMES F. QUIGLEY, Clerk, Nicholas D. Collins, were appointed Commis- privileges appurtenant to Pier (old) 36, or fourth-That the abstracts of said estimate of s23,28 sioners of Estimate for the purpose of making a Market Slip Pier \Vest, East River, in the damage and of said assessment for benefit, to- just and equitable estimate and assessment of Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, gether with the damage and benefit maps, and SECOND DEPARTMENT. the loss and damage, to the respective owners, not now owned by The City of New York, also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled and all right, title and interest in and to said documents used bythe Commissioners of Esti- Iii the matter of the application of The City of unto or interested in the lands, tenements, here- Pier. or any portion thereof, not now owned mate and by the Cmmissioner of Assessment in New York relative to acquiring title to the ditaments and premises required for the pur- by The City of New York, and all wharfage making the same, have been deposited in the lands, tenements and hereditaments required pose by and in consequence of opening and ex- rights, terms, easements, emoluments and Bureau of Street Openings in the Law Depart- for the purpose of opening and extending tending the above mentioned street or avenue, privileges appurtenant to certain bulkheads, ment of The City of New York, Nos. 90 and 92 EIGHTY-FIFTH STREET, from Narrows ave- the same being particularly set forth and de- dock or wharf property on or near the south- West Broadway, to the Borough of Manhattan, nue to Fifth avenue, Fort Hamilton avenue scribed in the petition of The City of New York, erly line of South street, in said Borough and in said City, there to remain until the 2d day of to Tenth avenue, Twelfth avenue to Waters and also in the notice of the application for the City, lying on both the easterly and westerly October, 1909. avenue, and Fifteenth avenue to Sixteenth ave- said order thereto attached, filed herein in the sides of said Pier (old) 36, or Market Slip Fifth-That, provided there be no objections nue, in the Thirtieth Ward, in the Borough of office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on Pier West, not now owned by The City of filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as to Brooklyn, The City of New York, the 26th day of April, 1909, and the said Moses New York, for the improvement of the water- awards and as to assessments for benefit herein J. Harris was appointed Commissioner of Assess- front of The City of New York on the East will be presented for confirmation to the Supreme NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ment for the purpose of making a just and River, pursuant to the plan heretofore adopted Court of the State of New York, First Depart- final report of the Commissioners of Esti- equitable estimate and assessment of the value of by the Board of Docks and approved by the ment, at a Special Term thereof, Part III., to be mate and Assessment in the above entitled matter the benefit and advantage of the said street or Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, held in the County Court House, in the Borough will be presented for confirmation to the Supreme avenue so to be opened and extended, to the re- of Manhattan. in The City of New York, on the Court of the State of New York, Second Depart- spective owners, lessees, parties and persons re- WE, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSION- 14th day of December, 1909, at the opening of ment, at a Special Term thereof, to be held in spectively entitled to or interested in the respec- ers of Estimate and Assessment in the the Court on that day. the County Court House, in the Borough of tive lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises above entitled matter, hereby give notice to all Sixth-In case, however, objections are filed to Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the situated within the area of assessment adopted bp persons interested in this proceeding, and to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and assess- 27th day of September, 1909, at 10.30 o'clock the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of ment, or to either of them the motion to confirm is forenoon of that day, and that the said final not required for the purpose of opening and ex- all houses and lots and improved and unim- the reports as to awards and as to assessments report has been deposited in the office of the tending the same, but benefited thereby, the said proved lands, pier or wharf property, and all shall stand adjourned to the date to be hereafter Clerk of the County of Kings, there to remain area of assessment being particularly set forth persons interested therein, or in any rights, specified in the notice provided in such cases to for and during the space of five days, as required and described in the petition of The City of New privileges or interests pertaining thereto, affected be given in relation to filing the final reports, by law. York, and also in the notice of the application thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, pursuant to sections 981 and 984 of the Greater Dated Borough of Brooklyn, New York, Sep- for the said order thereto attached filed herejn in to wit: tember 21, 1909. the office of the Clerk of the County of King& New York Charter, as amended by chapter 658 JAMES E. ADAMS, First-That we have completed our estimate of the Laws of 1906. on the 26th day of April, 1909, and of ascertain- and assessment and that all persons interested OHN H. FLEURY. ing and defining the extent and boundaries of Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, June HAS. D. I)URKEE, in this proceeding or in any of the uplands, 9, 1909. the respective tracts or parcels of land to be taken lands, lands under water, premises, buildings, tene- Commissioners. or to be assessed therefor, and of performing the WM. F. BURROUGH, Chairman; JAMES F. QUIGLEY, Clerk. trusts and duties required of us by chapter 17, ments, hereditaments, pier and wharf property WILLIAM SEXTON x21,25 affected thereby, and having objections thereto, title 4 of the Greater New York Charter, as do present their said objections in writing, duly ANDREW J. KELLY, amended, and the acts or parts of acts supple- verified, to us at our office, Rooms Nos. 401 Commissioners of Estimate. SECOND DEPARTMENT. mentary thereto or amendatory thereof. to 404, No. 258 Broadway, in the Borough of ANDREW J, KELLY, AB parties and persons interested in the real isfanhattan, in The City of New York, on or Commissioner of Assessment. Iit the matter of the application of The City of estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of before the 29th day of September, 1909, and Josh P. DUNN, Clerk. New York relative to acquiring title to the opening and extending the said street or avenue, .7,25 lands, tenements and hereditaments required g that we, the said Commissioners, will hear parties for the purpose of opening and extending and affected thereby, and havin any claim or so objecting, and for that purpose will be in demand on account thereof, are hereby required FORTY-FIRST STREET. from Thirteenth to present the - same, duly verified, to us, the attendance at our said office on the 1st day of avenue to West street, in the Twenty-ninth October, 1909, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon undersigned Commissioners of Estimate, at our SUPREME COURT-SECOND DE- and Thirtieth Wards, in the Borough of office, No. 166 Montague street, in the Borough of that day. Brooklyn, The City of New York. Second-That the abstract of our said estimate PARTMENT. of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, with such affidavit or other proof as the owners or claim- and assessment, together with our damage maps, OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and ants may desire, within ten days after the date SECOND DEPARTMENT. N final report of the Commissioners of Esti- other documents used by us in making our re- mate and Assessment in the above entitled matter of this notice. port, have been deposited in the Bureau of Street will be presented for confirmation to the Supreme And we, the said Commissioners, will be in Opening in the Law Department of The City Court of the State of New York, Second De- attendance at our said office on the 6th day of of New York, at the office of said Bureau, Nos. In the matter of the application of The City of partment, at a Special Term thereof, to be held October, 1909, at 3.30 o'clock in the afternoon of 90 and 92 West Broadway, in the Borough of New York, relative to acquiring title, wher- in the County Court House, in the Borough of that day, to bear the said parties and persons in Manhattan, in said City, there to remain until ever the same has not been heretofore ac- Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the 27th relation thereto. And at such time and place, the 9th day of October, 1909. uired, to the lands and premises and at such further or other time and place as Third-That, provided there be no objections day of September, 1909, at 10.30 o'clock in fore- t hee construction of the BORDEN VENUE noon of that day, and that the said final report we may appoint, we will bear such owners In filed to either of said abstracts, our final report BRIDGE, over Dutch Kills, in the Borough relation thereto and examine the proof of such herein will be presented for confirmation to the has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of of Queens, City of New York, the County of Kintta, there to remain for and claimant or claimants, or such additional proofs FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1909. THE CIT'' RECORD. 10725

and allegations as may then be offered by ~ such the said Commissioners will hear parties so ob- running thence southerly and along the westerly and the supplemental maps filed in this proceed- owner, or on behalf of The City of Blew York. jecting, and for that purpose will be in attend- side of Third avenue to the prolongation of a ing. Dated Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, ance at their said office on the 6th day of Octo. September 20, 1909. line drawn parallel with Senator street and dis- Notice is further given that an application will ber, 1909, at 3:30 o'clock o. m. tant 100 feet southerly therefrom, said distance MOSES J. HARRIS, be made at a Special Term of the Supreme Second-That the undersigned Commissioner hcing measured at right angles to the Tine of Court of the State umf New York, to b4 held in NICHOLAS I). COLLINS, of Assessment has completed his estimate of bene- Senator street; running thence westerly and along JOHN C. FAWCETT, and for the 'Third Judicial District, at the City fit and that all persons interested in this pro- st,id parallel line to the easterly side of Second hall, in the City of Albany. N. Y., on the Commissioners. ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and avenue; running thence northerly and along the JAMES F. QUiGLEY, Clerk. 25th day of September, 1909, at 10 o'clock in hereditaments and premises affected thereby. easterly side of Second avenue to a line drawn the forenoon of that day or as soon thereafter a20,30 having any objection thereto, do file their said i arallel with the northerly side of Senator street as counsel can be heard, for an order confirming objections in writing duly verified, with him at and distant 1(10 feet northerly therefrom, said said report and for such other and further SECOND DEPARTMENT. his office, No. 166 Montague street, in the Bor. distance fining treasured at right angles to Sen- relief as may be just. ough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on ator street; running thence easterly along said Reserving 10 The City of New York the right In the matter of the application of The City of or before the 4th day of October, 1909, and that lierallvl line to a point distant 100 feet northwest- to oppose the confirmation of any or all parcels New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever thesaid Coutntissiouer will hear parties so ob- erly of the northwesterly side of Senator street, c'-ntaitted in said report. the same has not been heretofore acquired, to jecting, and for that purpose will he in attend- sail distance being measured at right angles to Dated New Yuri. September 2, 1909, the lands and premises required for the open- ance at his said office on the 7th day of October, the northwesterly side of Senator street; running FRANCIS K. I'ENDLETON. ing and extending of SEVENTEENTH 1909, at 3:30 o'clock p. nt. thence northeasterly parallel with the northwest- Corporation Counsel. STREET (although not yet named by proper 'Third-That the Commissioner of Assessment erly side of Semi slur street to the southerly side Office and Post Office address. hall of authority), from Queens avenue to Oak avenue, has assessed any or all such lands, tenements of .Sixty-seventh street; running thence easterly Records. corner Chambers and Centre streets, in the Third Ward, Borough of Queens, City and hcreditatnents and premises as are within the along the southerly side of Sixty-seventh street L'urough of Manhattan, New York City. of New York. area of assessment fixed and prescribed as the to the point or 'lore of begitnting. 54,25 area of assessmcut for benefit by the hoard of Also beginning at a point on the westerly side WE, THE UNDERSIGNED CO\IMISSION- Estimate and Apportionment on the 10th day of of Second avenue where the same is intersected THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, ULSTER ers of Estimate and Assessment in the April, 1908, and that the said area of assessment Ly the centre line of the block between Sixty - COUNTY. above entitled platter, hereby give notice to all includes all those lands, tenements and heredita- r.cventh Street and Senator street; rtntning thence persons interested in this proceeding, and to the ntcuts and premises situate and teeing in the Bor- westerly and along said centre line to the easterly AaHOR:AN RESERVOIR, SECTION No. 18. owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all ough of Brouklyn, in The City of New York, side of First avenue; running thence southerly houses and lots and improved and unimproved which, taken together, are bounded and de- and along the easterly side of First avenue to Town of Hurley. lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it Sc rihcrl as follows, viz.: the centre line of the block between Sixty-eighth may concern, to wit: Bounded on the north by a line distant 100 street and Senator street; running thence east' In the matter of the application and petition of First-That we have completed our estimate feet northerly from and parallel with the north- c•tly and along said centre line to rite westerly John A. Benscl, Charles N. Chadwick and and assessment, and that all persons interested in erly line of Remsen street. the said distance s;de of Second avenue; running thence northerly Charles A. Shaw, constituting the Board of this proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements being measured at right angles to the line of along sail westerly side of Second avenue to the Water Supply of The City of New York: to and hereditaments and premises affected thereby, Renisen street; on the east by a line midway be- place of beginning. acquire real estate for and on behalf of The and having objections thereto, do present their tween Henry street and Clinton street; on the Fourth-'Heat, provided there be no objections City of New York, under chapter 724 of the said objections in writing, duly verified, to us at south by a line distant 100 feet southerly from filed to either of said abstracts, nor final report Laws of 191)5 and the acts amendatory thereof, our office, No. 252 Jackson avenue, Long Island and parallel with the southerly line of Remsen herein will be presented for confirmation to the in the Town of hurley, filster County, N. Y., City, Borough of Queens, in The City of New street, the said distance being measured at right Supreme Court of the State of Ne•se York, Second for the purpose of providing an additional sttp- York, on or before the I Ith day of October, 1909, angles to the line of Rentsen street, and on the I0- partment, at a Special 'ferrn thereof for the plY of pare and wholesome water fur the use and that we, the said Conmtissioners, will hear west by the easterly line of Furman street. hearing of motions, to be held in the Comity of The City of New York. parties so objecting, and fur that purpose will be Fourth-'flat the abstracts of said estimate of (snort house in the ltorough of Brooklyn, in in attendance at our said office on the 13th day damage and of said assessment for benefit, to- The City of New York, on the 23d day of No- p Ufhl.IC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of October, 1909, at 2 o'clock p. m. gethcr with the damage and benefit maps, and vc•mber, 1909, at the upeuing of the Court on that the first separate rc l,nrt of J. Rider Second-That the abstracts of our said esti- also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other that lay. Cady, Edmund \l. Wilbur and Thomas J. Colton mate and assessment, together with our damage docttntents used by the Commissioners of Estimate I ifth-In ease, however, objections are filed to wh•, were appointed Commissioners of Appraisal and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, esti- anal by the Comntis=ioner of Assessment in mak- either of sail abstracts of estimate and aeon-s in the all ve entitled matter by an order of this mates, proofs and other documents used by us in itt the same, have been deposited in the Bureau ment, the notice of motion to confirm our finalal l our I, trade at a Special Term thereof held at making the same, have been deposited in the of Street Openings in the Law Department of herein will stand adjourned to the date to the City Hall in the City of Albany, N. Y., upon Bureau of Street Openings in the Law Depart- The City of New York, No. 166 Montague street, he- hereafter snerifie'?, and of which notice will be the 22d clay of May, 1909, was filed in the office ment of 'I he City of New York, No. 252 Jackson in the Borough of Iirooklyn, in said City, there given to all those who have theretofore appeared tuf the Clerk of the County of Ulster ,it the 28th avenue, Long Island City, in the Borough of to remain until the 16th day of October, 1909. ill this proceeding, as well as by publication in day of August. 19111, and affects Parcels Numbers Queens, in said City, there to remain until the Fifth - -That, provided there be no objections ir. the Ctry Rr:'rusn and in the corporation news- eight hundred and eighty-two (882), eight hun- 11th clay (if October, 1909. filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as to I'aPcrs, pursuant to sections 981 and 984 of the drerl and eiuhtp-six (886), eight hundred and 'fbird-That the limits of our assessment for awards and as to assessments for benefit herein ;rr-ater New York Charter. as attended by eighty-nine (889), eight hundred and ninety-nine benefit include all those lands, tenements anal is-ill be presented for confirmation to the Supreme chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906• (897), nine hundred (9001, nine hundred and hereditaments and premises situate, lying and Court of the State of New York, Second De- Ilate,l Borough of Brooklyn, New York, Sep- two (902), nine hundred and seven (907), nine being in the Borough of Queens, in The City of partntent. at a Special Term thereof, to be held tcmbcr 16, 1909. hundred and eight (908), nine hundred and New York, which, taken together, are bounded in the County Court House, in the Borough of A. McKINNY. Chairman; f, iu rteen 1914). nine hundred and twenty-two and described as follows, viz.: Brooklyn. in the City of New York, on the 23d JOHN C. P:\W('ICI'T. (922), nine )iuurlr,-d and twenty-four (924), nine Commencing at a point on the southerly side day of November, 1909, at the opening of the Qnnmi--i,t tie rs. btntdred and twenty-five (925), nine hundred of Oak avenue, at the centre line of the block Court on that day. Je~tFs I. f_)i :', Clerk. ai,d Iwcnty-seven (`3d7), nine hundred and twen- between Seventeenth and Sixteenth streets, and Sixth-In case, however, objections are filed to sl ty nine (929) and nine hundred and thirty-two running thence northerly and along said centre the foregoing abstracts of estimate and assess- (132), shown on the neap of this proceeding and line of the block, and parallel with the westerly ntent, or to either of them, the motion to con- the supplemental neaps filed jim this proceeding. line of Seventeenth street, to the northerly side firm the reports as to awards and as to assess- SUPREME COURT-THIRD JUDI- Notice is further given that an apL,lication of Queens avenue; and thence easterly along the ments shall stand adjourned to the date to be will be made at a Special Term of the Supreme northerly side of Queens avenue, or nearly so, to hereafter specified in the notice provided in such CIAL DISTRICT. I „urt of the State ut New 1',,rk, to be held in a point at the centre line of the block between cases to be given in relation to filing the final •rrtrl for the Third Judicial District, at the City Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets; and thence reports, pursuant to sections 981 and 984 of the hall, in the City of Albany, N. Y., on the 25tht southerly and parallel with the easterly line of Greater New York Charter, as amended by cltap- '1111th J(DiCi.\r. DISIRlcf. ,lay of September, 1909, at 10 o'clock in the Seventeenth street along said centre line of the ter 658 of the Laws of 1906. f"renoon of that day, or a: soon thereafter as block to the southerly line of the said Oak ave- Dated. Borough of Brooklyn, New York, Sep- ULSTER COUNTY. Cu'unsel can be heard, for an order confirming nue; and thence westerly along the southerly line tetuber 16, 1909. said report, and for such other and further re- of Oak avenue to the point or place of beginning, JUI.I.tN D. FAIRCHILD, :lchukan Reservoir. Section No. 13, Towns of lief as may be 11st. as such area is shown upon our benefit maps de- l,ER(OY \V. ROSS. Olive and Marley, Ulster County. Reserving to file City of New York the right posited as aforesaid. Commissioners of Estimate. to 0f-ore the cnufirntation of any or all parcel; a,ntainr,l in said report. Fourth-That. provided there be no objections JUI.I.- N I). h:V I(CIIILD, In the matter of the npplicali,,n and petition of filed to either of said abstracts. our final report ('ommissioncr of Assessment. Mated New York ('ite. Attgnat 31, 1000. 1'4rn A. Benseh, Charles N. Chadwick attd FRANCIS K. 1'h:Nur.l•:'l- l)Y, herein will be presented for confirmation to the JAMES F. QUtr:LEV, Clerk. lades A. Shaw, constituting the hoard of Supreme Court of the State of New York. Sec- (',-rpnrali in Cuun.el. s15,o2 Wader Sop dy of The City of New York, to (Ii;------ond Department. at a special Term thereof, for allure rc:t~ estate for and on behalf of The -oil 1', ,-t-„17irr .\'blue-'. Ha ll u , f Rr •- the hearing of motions, to be held in the County ('ity of New York, under ehaptrr 724 rt i r I (: ,,, Leis :nil l u nt,,' 5L, , -, I:.,r- SECOND DEI'-\1(TMENT. of the .•n:h ('nurt (louse, in the Borongb of Brooklyn, in of 1905 and till- acts antettdatory thrrcuf, :f 11: uil;a:u:ui, \,,% 1,-:k l il). The City of New York, on the 8th day of 17e- In the matter of the application of The City of in the Tuw'nm of Olive and hurley, Ulster st 25 eember, 1909, at the opening of the Court on New York relative to acquiring title, wherever C„unto, N. V., fur the purpose of providing that flay. the same has nut beell hie retufore acquired, to an aulditi~unal supply f pure and wh iles,,sue Fifth-Tn case, however. objections are filed to the lands, tenements and hereditaments re- water for the use of 'fhe City of New York. SUPREME COURT-NINTH JUDI- any of said abstracts of estimate and assessment, yuircd fr the ol,vning and extending of CIAL DISTRICT. the notice of motion to confine our final report SI-:N.VfUR srREFT, from lust avenue t•, herein will stand arlinurned to the date to be hifth avenue, in the Thirtieth Ward, Borough PI'I)LIC NOTICEIS f11:ItrffY GIVEN hereafter specified, and of which notice will lee of L'rooklyn, City of New York, that the order of confirmation of the first NINIII JI:IlICI.Al. DIS1'RICT. given to all those who have theretofore ap- Donner report of ('barl,-s V. \lead, A. Win- tl,n,p Williams and henry Brady, who were ap- peared in this proceeding, as well as by publica- W E, TITS UNIERSIGNED, COMMISSION- \Vl,Sfu llesrrR C UNITY. tion in the CITY Reenso, pursuant to sections 981 ers of Estimate and Assessment itt the oiled Cntuntisniuncrs of Appraisal in the above and 984 of the Greater New York Charter, as entitled matter by an order of this Court made above entitled matter, hereby give notice to all 11:11 f'icto Reservoir, Section R'o. 2, amended by chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906. at a Special Term thereof, held at the City hall persons interested in this proceeding, and to the in the City of Albany, N. Y., February 27, Dated Bornngh of Manhattan, New York, Sep- owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all Sixth Separate Report. tember 15, 1x•19. 1909, was filed in the m,tlice of the Clerk of the houses and lots and improved and unimproved C-unty of Ulster at Kingston, N. Y., on the ET.Nl R G. STORY. Chairman; lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it I n li;- matte r of the application and petition of 1TENRY A. v-\N ALLEN, 31'1 day of A\ugrst, 1909, and affects parcels may concern, to wit: numbers six bundred and fifty-five (1,55), six 1•hcsr,I Simmons, Charles N. Chadwick anal IT:\RRY R. (,EI.WTCKS. I-jest-That we have completed our amended ("banes A. Shaw, constituting the hard of Commissioners. hundred and forty-four (644), six hundred and and supplemental estimate andassessment, and •i6ht (608), six hundred and thirteen (613), six Water Supply of The City of New Yuck, to ac- Jotti P. DUNN, Clerk. that all persons interested in this proceeding, or al7,o6 hundred and thirty-seven (637), six hundred quirc real orate for and un behalf of The City in any of the laud-, tenentcuts and lie reditaments and twenty-three (u223), six hundred and forty- of Ncw York, under chapter 724 of the Laws Sild premises affected thereby, and having objcc- if 1905, and the acts amcnJat„ry thereof, in SECOND DEPARTMENT. Ileum (645), six hundred and thirty-nine (639), tiuns thereto, do present their said objections in six hundred and thirty B (63011), six hundred the City of Yonkers, 1Vestchester C'ouuty, New writing, duly verified, to us at our office, No. York, for the purpose of providing an addi- In the matter of the application of The City of nod twenty-seven (627), six hundred and (we mm. 106 Nlontafue street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, tv-eight (628) and six hundred and fifty-four ti•mal suptly of ptn'e and wltolesonte water fur New York. relative to closing and discontinuing in The City of New York, oil or before the the use of The City of New York. DE RRITYNS LANE. from Benson avenue to 1 ,5-f), shown on the map and supplemental maps 4th day of October, 1909, and that we, the said it, this proceeding. ('ronsev avenue, in the Thirtieth Ward, Itor- Cuuuntssioncrs, will hear parties so objecting, and ougb of Brooklyn, City of New York. hated New York, August 31, 1909, PUI:I.IC NO'I'TCE IS HEREBY GIVEN for that purpose will be in attendance at our said FRANCIS K. PENDLETON. c fiice on the 7th day of October, 1909, at 2 that the sixth on parate report of Joseph h:. Corporation Counsel. N OTI(E IS ITEIREBY GIVEN THAT TIIE o'clock p. in. \I, rri;rn, (;eurge Van Shoal and Prank E. Ru;- final report of the Commissioners of Esti- IIall of Records, New York City. -~'i, echo were al'lruinted Commissioner, if %I,- Second-'flat the abstract of our said amended s11,o2 mate and Assessment in the above entitled matter and supplemental estimate and assessment, to- I-,:u,:ol in the above entitled matter. by an order will be presented for confirmation to the Supreme if dais Court, male at a SI'ecial Ternt lhee, if, gether with our damage and benefit maps, and THIIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, ULSTER Court of the State of New York, Second Depart- also all the affidavits, estiutate-s, proofs and other held at the Court lfouse in White Plains, West- ntent, at a Special Term thereof to be held in COUNTY. rstcr Cuenty, N. Y., on May 4, 1907, was filed documents used by us in making the satuc, have i the County Court House, in the Borough of been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings n the ',tike of the Clerk of the (utility of West- oh • err on the 21 day ofJ uty, 1909. Brooklyn, City of New York, on the 29th day of in the Law Department of The City of New York, ASHOKAN RESERVOIR, SECTION No, 11, ULSTER September, 1909, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon 1 report bears elate luly 1, 1909, and affects No. 166 Montague street, in the Borough of COUNTY. of that day, and that the said final report has I:ruuklyn, in said City, there to remain until the I':, ru-I, Nos. 62, 63, 64, b5, r,6. 67, 68, 69, 71, 74 been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the loth day of October, 1909. :c-1 S1. shown on the map in this r,rocecding. County of Kings, there to remain for and during Third-'that the limits of our assessment for Town of Olive. Public notice is further given that an appliea• the space of five clays, as required by law. benefit include all those lands, tenements and riser will he ntarle at a Trial Term of the Supreme Dated Borough of Brooklyn, New York, Sep- hereditaments and premises situate, lying and In the matter of the application and petition at C t rt if the State of New York, to be hell in tember 17, 1909. Ju'hn A. Bensel, Charles N. Chadwick and ant f,-r the Nintn Judicial District, at the Court being in the Borough of Iiro.okl} n, in file City Ii mm Sc, \Vhite Plains, N. V., on the II lb day of MOSES J. HARRIS, of New York, which, taken together, are bounded Charles A, Shaw, constituting the Board of TULTUS SIECELMAN, and described as follows, viz.: Water Supply of The City of New York, to I let •,ber, 1909, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of )IICILAEL RYAN, Beginning at a hunt on the westerly side of acquire real estate for and on behalf of The that lay, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be Commissioners. City of New York, under chapter 724 of the heard, for an order confirming said report, and [:11th avenue where the saute is intersected by a r such other and further relief as may be just. JAMES F. QUIGLEY, Clerk. line drawn parallel to Senator street and distant Laws of 1905 and the acts amendatory there' x17,28 of, in the Town of Olive, Ulster County, Dated Sciutemher 13, 1909. 100 feet northerl•• therefrom, said distance being FR.\NCIS KEY PENDLETON, measured at right angles to Senator street; run- N. Y., for the purpose of providing an ad-, SECOND DEPARTMENT. ditional supply of Pure and wholesome water Corporation Counsel. mug thence westerly along said parallel line to its Office and Post Office ad, intersection with the easterly side of Fourth ave- for the use of The City of New York, lrees, Ilall of Records, In the matter of the application of The City of `'rner if Chambers and Centre streets, Borough r.ue; running thence southerly along the easterly if Mauliattan, New York City, New York. relative to acquiring title wherever side of Fourth avenue to its intersection with a the same has not been heretofore acquired for P UBLIC NOTICE IS IIEREIIY GIVEN s18,oll line drawn parallel to Senator street and distant that the first separate report of William J. the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tene- 100 feet southerly therefrom, said distance being ments and hereditaments required for the 1)eLamater, John Joseph Dwyer and Isaac N. NINTIH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. treasured at right angles to Senator street; run- Weiner, who were appointed Commissioners of opening and extending of REMSEN STREET, ning thence easterly along said parallel line to Appraisal in the above-entitled matter, by an WESTCHESTER COUNTY, from the westerly terminus of the street as rile westerly side of Fifth avenue; running thence order of this Court, made at a Special Term now in use and improved to Furman street, in northerly along the westerly side of Fifth avenue thereof. held at the ('ity Hall in the City of ICensico Reservoir, Section No. 5. the First Ward, Borough of Brooklyn, City of Si' the point or place of beginning. Albany, N. V.. upon the 27th day of February, New York. Also beginning at a point on the westerly side I'309, was fill -d in the office of the Clerk of the Fourth Separate Report. of Fourth avenue where the same is intersected "nutty of Ulster on the 2d day of September by the centre line of the block between Senator NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PER- 1909, and affects Parcels Nos, four hundred o the matter of the application and petition of sons interested in the above entitled pro- street and Sixty-seventh street; running thence ninety-one (491), four hundred ninety-three 1. Edward Simmons, Charles N. Chadwick and ceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant westerly along the centre line of the block be- (493), four hundred ninety-seven (497) four tween Senator street and Sixty-seventh street to ('harles A. Shaw, constituting the Board of or occupants of all houses and lots and im- hundred ninety-eight (498), five hundred four Water Supply of The City of New York, to proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, the easterly side of Third avenue; running thence (504), five hundred seven (507). five hundred acquire real estate fur and southerly along the easterly side of Third avenue ,n behalf of The and to all others whom it may concern, to wit: -fight (50x), five hundred nine (509). five hun- City of New York, under chapter 724 of the First-That the undersigned Commissioners of to the centre line of the block between Sixty- ired twelve (512), five hundred thirteen (513), laws of 1905, and the acts amendatory thereof, Estimate have completed their estimate of dam- eighth street and Senator street; running thence ive hundred fifteen (515), five hundred sixteen easterly and along the centre line of the block in the Tuwn of Mount Pleasant, Westchester age, and that all persons interested in this pro- (516), five hundred seventeen (517) five hun- County, N. Y., for the purpose of providing between Sixty-eighth street and Senator street to ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and ired eighteen (518), five hundreb nineteen an additional supply of pure and wholesome hereditaments and premises affected thereby, hav- the westerly side of Fourth avenue; running 1519), five hundred tw•nty-five (525), five bus- water for the use of The City of New York, ing any objection thereto, do file their said objec- thence northerly along the westerly side of lied twenty-eight (528). five hundred twenty- tiona in writing, duly verified, with them at their Fourth avenue to the point or place of beginning. nine (529), five hundred thirty-two (532), five PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN office, No. 166 Montague street, in the Borough Also beginning at a point formed by the inter- hundred thirty-three C (533-C), five hundred that the fourth separate report of Cornelius of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on or settion of the southerly side of Sixty-seventh lhirty-seven (537) and five hundred thirty-nine S. Pinkney, George A. Slater and ]oho J. Brown, before the 4th day of October, 1909, and that street with the westerly side of Third avenue; (539), shown on the map of this proceeding the said George A. Slater and John J. Brown. 10726 THE CITY RECORD. i~Ri ► ).~Y, s► ':1'r►.:MuF:R24, MO.

who were appointed Commissioners of Appraisal who were appointed Commissioners of Appraisal Second Part. the centre line of said avenue, and continuing ill the above entitle ,l matter by an order of this ill the above entitled matter, by an order of this L'egir,uing at the northeast corner of Parcel along the easterly line of Parcel No, 1039, south C.:urt. made at a Sl,ccnil Term thereof, held at t'uurt, made at a Special Tcrin the root, held at No.Icc9, in Iliv westerly line of Real Estate 4 d,'gre•cs 7 minutes cast 125 feet, to the suuth- the (unit 11 cisc in White Plains, \1c,tchcstcr U+. (mulct Ilu list', ill 1l hitel 1'Iaius, \\'cslchcnter „ lion Nu, 9, Soon hcnt .\gtieduct llcparlmcnt, c:t-1 c„t her if said parcel; thence along the Co tnuy, N. Y., oil Itily 1iJ, 1907, together with t „nnic. N. 1, oht July 10, 1117, logctbcr will, hc his ISOo Iii srrv,'It (the utttp of which section was '.nu lIcily line of sa nc, south 85 degrees 53 min- 1>aac hell Brennan, and the said Isaac licit Isaac :chi 1111 mail. and the :aid Isaac hell ltrru- ,Ilt,l to the u:lier of tile Register of the County , I t , 55 set 25 icct, to tltc southeast corner of Itrcnnan having since departed this life and >aid nau haciug since depart-I this life and said Cor- ,i V'.sichester, at 1\'Lite Plants, N. 1., oil the I'areel Nn, 1045, in the westerly line of said l',.ruelius S. l'iukucy liar tug theICtt +on been ap- n, Pus S. 1'inkncy having thcrcuPuu been at- OJT d,,9' ut :\;,rtl, 19115, as \lap No, 1791), and l'iy,tut acemt,-; tben.e partly along the south' `,uiuted itt place and stead of said Isaac Bell ,in[cl in place and stead of said Isaac Bcll runnu+g thence along the easterly lines of said , t I_v line cu sai,l parcel, along the easterly lines lttcnnan, by an order made Dccrntber 14, 1908, I irenn an, by an order made IJeceutber 14, 1909, l'rcaJ No, 10119 andI'arcels Sos. 1008 and ui Parcels N.'>. 11150 and 1051, partly along and entered in the oliice of the Clerk of the and cutcrt,l ill the oil ice of the Clerk of the lull,, (partly :I. og said nestrrly section line the s.nrthcrly lice of said Parcel No. 1051, along County of \\ estcII >tcr on the 23d day of De- C'„unty of \\'cstchrstrr on the 23d (lay of LIe- and pa+Ily along the ucsterly line of Real Es- the e:+>Icrly line of Parcel No, 1056, and partly ccuhcr 110;t, vas tiled in the office of the Clerk ccmbcr, 1908, was tiled on the office of the Clerk +vle becu„u No, S. 51101115 m Aqueduct I)epart- „i„ng the n.,rtherly lines of Parcels Nos, 1058 .,f the l-:,uuty of \\ustchcster on the 21st day of ,f the County of Vi estchcster ott the 3d day of n.taa, hcnSiru Reservoir like trap of which arc- Will 1((59, the fulluwing courses and distances: June, 1909, 1-,n was tiled in the uliice of the Register, South 85 dct;rrts 5,3 minutes west 100 feet, Said ;rte rt bears date June 16, 1909. and Said report bears date May 18, 1909, and C entity of Vs c etchcster, at White Plains, N. Y., ..,nth 4 dagre s 7 minutes east 70 feet, south atiecN Parcels N.,s. 29$. 340, 350. 353 and 354, affects Parcel, Nos- 291. 293, 295, 296, 297, 298, •n tnc ,14 ,la)- ut Ilrcewber. I'107, as Map No. $4 leg ri-es t8 minutes west 5.9 feet, south 82 sir silt .,n the loop in this proceeding. 3117, 3+'•, 309, 313, 329 and 3.18, shown on the 1;671, south 2 degrees 13 minutes east 374.6 degrees - 48 minutes west 29.4 feet, south 7 de' Public notice is further given that an applica- map inthis pruce'ding, heel, south 45 degrees I, tc,73 fact, and due cnc< -4:, tttntulcs west 223.1 feet, south 33 de- tiuu will be stole at a Trial Tcrut of the Supreme Public notice is further given that alt applica- 0.111 hi 4: II feet, cio,si ug Tarrytown road, to the grees 54 minulcs west 124.8 feet, south 7 dc' (,nrt „f the state of New York, to be held in tion '.till be niade at a Trial 'Irmo of the Str- ., dl least cur cr of .aid lot ccl No. 1007; thence grces 45 minutes west 15 feet, south 18 degrees and for the Niutlt ln,licial District, at the Court prc-tnn C'„urt of the State of New York, to he al -Aug the s, uli+crly line of satue, south 88 de- .o initnrtcs ca,t 177.1 feet, south 27 degrees 19 IL.nsc in White Plains, N. Y., oft the 11th day hrld in and for the Ninth Judicial 11istrict, at c 5 :.,i uuuutcs uv crt 264.7 feet, to the south- n,i+tutr's cart 394.7 feet, north 81 degrees 49 min- of l)ct,'bcr, 1909, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon the Court Ilouse, ill White Plains, N. Y., Ott the ut-t corner of sail parcel, in the easterly line utes e;14 ; 2 felt, south 86 t c' truer of Parcel No. 1060; u;inutes west 106.3 feel; thence continuing along thence along the e:tsterly and southerly lines of NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, WESTCHES- d parcel, south 4 tlr•grecs 7 minutes east 65.2 \\'t:srCiIisrLR COUNTY. TER COUNTY. the southerly line of Parcel No, 1009, and run- tttttg along the southerly lines of Parcels Nos. fill, s„n'h 21 degree's 21 Ill inull rs west 177 feet, Keti i,r, Rescr:-oir, Section No. 12. 1010, 1012 and 1013 the following courses and an+l snout 85 degrees 53 minutes west 23.9 feet, S(,eT1itgg AQUEDUCT DEPARTMENT, SECTION 14, distauccs: Nt'illt I degree 17 minutes e:+st 356.2 to the s'11111host corner of satee, in the easterly First Separate Report. \\'EST(' IHESTstg COUNTY. TOWN OF MOUNT fe- t, north 34 degrees .3 minutes west 318,7 feet, line of 1•:ndicottavenue, said point being also PLEASANT. "nnli 55 degrees 45 minutes west 497.4 feet; in the eaterly line of the easterly part of said n ade at a Spccia; 'Term thereof. bell at U 1)1. 11f.IC NOTICE IS IHERI-BY GIVEN THAT minute= west 206 feet, south 76 degrees 39 tnin- li,dgc's Cltau!b_ers in the City of New Roche uteu is cut 70.7 feet, and south 31 degrees 39 n+a,1, in the easterly line of Parcel No. 1067; the first separate report of Royal E. T. th,•nce p.utly aLmg said parcel line along the \'e•-tciirster ( „uuty. N. 1 ., on Se;netnber -”. Biggs, Samuel 11. Irish and henry 11'. Ilaim.s, minutes west 842 feet, to the most easterly 1''00, was tile,I in the oflice of the Clerk of the 'mint of Parcel No. 1014. in the easterly line of easterly lines of I'atcehs Nos. 1068, 1071, 1072 tl.c Commis-iottcrs r,f Appraisal in the abotee cn- and 1073, partly the easterly lines of l'ar- I..'unity of 1Ccstclicstcr oft the Silt day of August, tilled mat try, was tiled in the office of the Clerk another road leading from Valhalla to MIaw- I')11'+, th,mle: thence Partly along the easterly line of cc1- \os. 1074 and 11,76, along III,' eaterly line of the County of Westchester rut the 7th day of of P::rcrl No. 11177, again pa+lly al mug the east• Sail eel".:t bears (!ate July 30. 1909. and affects said parcel, south 31 degrees 39 minutes west August, 1909, and afflicts Parcels Nos. 961,, ctly line of ParceI No. 1076, and a!,tng the east- I'c:rccls X's. 8., 01,1, 91,4, S',5, S6ti, 01W, 8i 'I, 974, 977, 979, 978, 981, 984, 985, 986, 999 and 19.7 fuel, to the first easterly point of Parcel 971, 874, 975. 982 and 884, shown on die map in erly line ofParcel No, 1078, the following 10,+2. N,, 11)15, in the centre of the last-mentioned c, Il:is l'r'cccdin g. mad: thence partly along the easterly lines of ,ttrscs and di'tanccs: South 88 degrees 35 min- N,nirc is farther given that an application will litcs West 31.5 f, et, south 1 degree 25 minutes Public ether' is further i:en that an applica- lie nta,:e at a Special 'fern of the Supreme Court said t'aterI N. 1015 and Parcels Nos. 1016 and tint will be marl,', at a Trial Tei rn of the Supreme 1017, the 6,lloovi,tg courses and distances: cart 231 feet, s+ uth 5 degrees 43 minutes east of the State of New York, at Cinambcrs tbcrcuf, 178.4 feet. south 17 degrees 54 minutes east t','ttrt ,.f the State „f New 1 uric, to be held in South 31 degrees 39 minutes west 1,744.6 feet, held in and for the Ninth Judicial District, at 477.4 feet, south 24 degrees 34 minutes east amt ft for Ninth judicialh 1)1 trirt, at the Court Nu- 3110 Pelham road, in the City of N,-u' h al dtgrces 12 minutes east 90.8 feet, li„u-e, \\'I. it, l in iris, N. Y.. ;It thin I lth day Lot "+nrh 34 degrees 58 mintncs er,st 91.9 feet, south 211'1 feet, and south 29 degrees 36 minutes west It chellr-, on the 25th day of September, 1909, at 1,197.6 feet. crossing a highway, ('hooter and I let, I,cr, 1'++”, at Ill „':lack fit tine fureno,tu of Ill o'clock ill the forenoon of that dav, or a, .li dcsrc+ s 34 minutes east 473.8 feet south 36 it at '?tr. „r a: suit thereafter as counsel can be 'I' erevs 4 ntirnncs cast 201.8 feet, aura south 39 t'hcevrr atenties and \ alley strr-et, to llte most .,m them-aft,r as counsel can he heard for au southerly point of said Parcel No, 1078, in the I,t.n',1, Pr :m order c ,ntirntinc sail report, awl , -g, r ,-: 17 minutes cast 92 feet. to the most oi ,Irr contirnting said report and for such other nortlierly lint- of before-mentioned Tarrytown f, r .nch ,•thrr and further relief as may be just. an.I further relief as to the Court may seem inst. c:.-Icrly point of said Parcel No. 1017, in the I 'alyd Septt'n+ber 13, 1909. c, litre oI a clad healing from Kensicu Cemetery road, said t mint being also in the easterly line Jlatcd New Y,.rk ('itv, N, V., August 7, 1909, of facer( No, 1051; thence partly along said hRAXCIS KEY PE,N I1Lh-T(1\, FRANCIS K. ['ENLtLETON, =nation to Valhalla; thrvnce along the centre line 1', rp1 r ct it Count-t . parcol line, south 29 degrees 36 minutes west 26 Corporation Gnmsel. .'f said r,tad, and c,nttinuing along the easterly Office an-1 I'd O:lice al-ire--, (tall of Rec.rls, line of Paled No, 1017, south 16 degrees 44 Ivet, to a i' ,inn in the centre ct f said Tar rytuwn Hall of Recnr+Is, Chambers and Centre streets, roam(; thence al,ung the centre line of said road. C, rm•r of l I,amhrrs and Centre strrcts, liorough New York City, N, Y. minutes west 30.1 feet, to the most southerly of \i:n:'.tatt:tr, New V irk Cite. s'urth 44 degrees 12 minutes cast 215.4 feet, to s4,25 point of said I,arcel; thence partly along the the: ntr''t r.«irrly point of said parcel;thence s18,oll westerly line of came, and again partly along '.. the easterly line of ltef,'re-mentioned Parcel No. continuing al-mg the easterly line of said par- NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, WESTCHES- Ii 16• the following courses and distances: cci, south 44 degrees 15 minutes west 25 feet, NIX III JCItICIAL DISTRICT. TER COUNTY, to the most easterly point of Parcel No. 1082, North 39 degrees 17 minutes west 109.5 feet, in the westerly line of said road; thence partly I' 'mull 36 d,-grc•es 4 minutes west 203.7 feet, north \\'t:srCltrslflk COUNTY. a!„ng the easterly lines of said parcel and Par- SOUTIIE[N AQUEDUCT DEPASTMENT, CATSKILL 3') degrees 34 rriinules west 178 feet, south 31 cel No. 10113, and along the easterly lines of Hill l is cc Rrscr: oir, Section No. I AyucnucT, SECTION No. 15. degrees 39 minutes west 258.3 feet, north 43 Parcels Nos. 1084, 1085 and 1056, south 44 de- degrees 27 minutes west 155.1 feet, north 42 de' grees 15 rninutes west 803.1 feet, crossing Fair- trees 30 minutes west 91.4 feet, north 35 degrees Fifth Separate Report. Towns of Mt. Pleasant and Gresaburg, rt:nutt, l'rush,ect and Summit streets, to the 2 minutes west 54,1 feet, north 14 degrees 9 suutheact c„rner of said Parcel No. 1086, in the In the matter of the applicati'm and pr tic- r. + i n.inutes uCut 191.8 feet, and south 31 degrees southerly line of said Summit street; thence I+vard Iimmurs, Clc,rlcs N. Cita,lwick at Notice of Application for the Appointment of 37 minutes west 2,124.7 feet, to the northeast along said line and partly along the southerly 1. 1':, mouser of Parcel N o. 1018, in the northerly line l !tn+ir> A. `.hate, c,ntait,.rting the li- ar: Commissioners of Appraisal. line of said parcel, north 45 degrees 45 minutes \1'at,r Supily of The Cite of New 1"..r;; I o , f T.- , c'.cr C'rnss r"ad leading from Eastview to west 78 feet, to the northeast corner of Parcel ac•ltti:e real estate for an+l on behalf ut I p L'IILIC NOTICE IS IIERI:IBY GIVEN \ al'-• ,Ila; thence along the easterly line of said No. 1087; thence along the easterly line of said I iv of New York, under chapter 724 of t! ,: that it is the intenti'm of the Corporation ; ar,-. I. -,-:+tit 31 degrees 39 minutes west 46.2 pared(, suutll 3(i digress west 99.8 feet, to the laws „f 1907. and the acts amen Sat. ry there- C', nm=el of '1 lie City of New York to make all' it , I, cr .s-ing the line between the Towns of 'uuthcast corner of saute, in the northerly line of ill tic (its' of Yonkers, \Cestche,ter C ,auto, t'Icati,-n to the Supreme Court of the State of \It. l'Ica-nnt ar,d Greenberg, to the northeast ll:tr:sdale road; thence along said road line and ~N, Y., fur the pure, se of prnctiling an ad' it 1civ York fur Ill,• app,Sntntent of Commissioners c c of Parcel No, 1019, in the southerly line the suuthcrly line of sairl parcel, north 78 de- sup}+Iv of Pure and is iii umc water fur „f Apt.raisal under chapter 724 of tire Laws of ,,f said I-owcr Cross road; thence along the grees 22 minutes west 54.9 feet, to the south- ailing use of the City of New Y+,rk, 19,+5 as amended, and the acts relating thereto. easterly line cf said parcel and partly uest corner of said Parcel; thence along the Such applic:,tion will be made to the Supreme the easterly line of Parcel No. 1021, along the westerly line of same, north 36 degrees east 129.7 I) I I;f.IC N(UTIC'E IS 11ERERY GIVEN Court at a Special '1 ern thereof to be held in '.:>terly line of Parcel Ni. 1022, partly along feet to the northwest corner of same, in the • the fifth s, parate rel,ort of Bernard P. and forthe Ninth Judicial District, at the the nu+th,rly line of l'nrcel No. 1032, along the ".utherly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. t, James K. and George N. RiKbv. Judge's Chamber:, in Nyack, Rockland County, ,'a-teriy lines of the last-mentioned parcel and I11:6, in the southerly line of before-rnentioned • here appoint^,l Cunttui-'iuncrs of _\ N. 1'., on the 25th day of September, 1909, at l'arccl= Nc,s. 10.13 to 1038, both inclusive, and summit street; thence along said street line and III,- all--re entitled matter by an order of tins 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day or as II!. ng the Southcrly line of said Parcel No, 1038, partly along said parcel line, north 45 degrees t .nut, male at a 9pecia! Tenn thereof, held :,t s,,on thereafter as counsel can Lie heard. The the f,d;nuing courses, distances and curve: 45 minutes west 121,5 feet, to the southwest Il,c t'surt 11, ausc, in White Plains, 1\'cstcbcstcr bj,-,'t of such application is to obtain an order S,nah 13 deprces 21 minutes cast 106.1 feet, corner of said parcel; thence along the westerly l'''usty, N. Y. on May 4, 1907, was filed in the , f the Court appointing three disinterested and south 31 degrees 39 minutes west 208.9 feet, lines of .same and before-mentioned Parcel No, nice of the I rIt-rk „f the County of \\ estehester c,.mpcteut freeholders, 'inc of whom shall re- s, t!th 4 degrees 59 minutes west 89.8 feet, 1Uol5, north 44 degree's I5 ntintnes east 250 feet, tho 15th +lay of 3une, 1909, side in the County of New York and at least south 21 degrees 42 minutes east 261.8 feet, '.. rec r„sling Summit street, to the northwest cur- hail retort bears date June 8, 1909, and affect: lie of Wb+nn shall reside in the County of south 3 degrees 42 minutes east 487.2 fret, nu-n of said Parcel No. 1085, in the southerly Parcel No. 5, shown on the map ill this procecd- 1Crrtchester, to adt as Commissioners of Ap- .on li 56 minutes West 966.6 feet, south 17 le- +i: r• of heft ire-inc tItioned Parcel No, 1083, in the ing. praical under said act still discharge all the grecs 1J minutes ea't 67.5 feet, south 2 degrees e+nnhrrly line of before-mentioned Prospect Public notice is further given that an appli- colt;,-' conferred by said act and the acts 12 minutes east 78.1 feet, south 8 degrees 4 circa; thence partly along said parcel line and catiun will be made at a Trial Turin of ti.e amendatory thereof. minutes east 138.9 feet, south 2 degrees 6 min- along swirl southrt9y street line and its produe• Slit reroe Court of the State of New i irk, t, 'I lie fulluwing is a description of the real es• utes west 41 feet, south 2 degrees 29 minutes tiun, north 45 degrees 43 minutes west 1.,5 feet, he hr ld in and f,,r tine Ninth Judicial District, ,ate to be a'rluired, together with a reference ea-t 193.7 feet, south 9 degrees 24 minutes east let the southwest corner of said parcel, at the at the Court (louse, White Plains. N. Y., on to ti:e date and place of filing the map: ?'9.5 feet, south So d,'grces 36 minutes west 23,8 southwest corner of said Prospect street and the 11th day of October, t909, at 10 o'clock in All those certain pieces or parcels of real cc- feet, south 34 degrees 37 minutes west 987 feet, before-mentioned Cheever avenue; thence along the forenoon of that day, or as soon thcrcafter, lore situated in the Towns of Mt. Pleasant and n a curve of 641-S'feet radius to the left 453.4 the westerly line of said avenue and its produc- a= counsel can he heard, for an order confirtui::g I;I ecnburg, County of Westchester, and feet, s.-nth S degrees 52 minutes east 116.4 feet, tion, and the westerly line of said Parcel No. said report, and for such other and further re- State of New \'„rk, shown on a map entitled north SU degrees 33 minutes east 44.4 feet, north 1083, north 44 degrees 15 minutes east 538.2 lief as may be ill=t, •'tiu,.itheru Aqueduct Department, Section Ni'.. +'5 degrees 59 minutes east 11.4 feet, south 4 de' feet, recrossing before-mentioned Fairmount Dated September 13, 1909. 15. Board of Water Supply of The City of frees 7 minutes east 626.8 feet, and south 85 de- street, to the southwest corner of said Cheever FRANCIS KEY I'ENDI.ETOX, New York. Map of real estate situated in the grees 53 minutes west 100 feet, to the southwest avenue and before-mentioned Tarrytown road, uS Corporation C'nucsrl. 'loons of Mt. Plea,ant and Greenberg. County corner of said Parcel No. 1038, in the easterly the westerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. Office and Post Olice Address. (fall of Rec- of Wc•tchestrr, and State of New York, to be litre of Sec avenue, said point being also in the In01; thence partly along said parcel line and ords, corner (if Clambers and l-entre Streets, ac,luired by The City of New York, under the carterly line of Parcel No, 1039; thence partly along the westerly line produced of said avenue, Borough of 7rlauhattan, New York City,'ions of chapter 724 of the Laws of 19:5 along said parcel line and along said easterly r.erth 44 degrees 15 minutes east 25 feet, to the sl 8,o9 amended; fur the con-traction of Cat=kill avenue line and the same produced, south 4 de- p.,int of intersection of said produced line with \c'icduct and appurtenances, from Kensico kes- grees 7 minutes east 100 feet, to the southeast the centre line of said Tarrytown road' thence er% „ir. Iekin, linty near Lakehurst %'ilia Park, c ,rner of sail avenue and Payne street; thence along the said centre line, continuing along the NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. to Elm,fr, rd,' which map was filed in the office a:cng llte southerly line produced of said street, us-esterly line of Parcel No, 1081, and running of t1:e l+•cister of the County of Westchester, south 85 degrees 53 minutes west 25 feet, to partly along the southerly line of Parcel No. at White P'lai'ts, N. 1'., on the 7th day of July. the point of intersection of same with the centre WESTCHESTER COUNTY, 111811, the following courses and distances: 1149, a Map No, 1683, which parcels are bound- line of before-mentioned See avenue; thence North 44 degrees 12 minutes west 219.6 feet, ed and described as follows: Kcnsico Reservoir, Section 11:0, 5, along said centre line and continuing along the u„rth 49 degrees 31 minutes west 723 feet, easterly line of Parcel No. 1039, south 4 degrees north 51 degrees 30 minutes west 1,446.2 feet, Third Separate Report. First Part. 7 minutes cast 150 feet; thence continuing along north 67 degrees 48 minutes west 430.8 feet, Beginning at the most westerly point of sail easterly parcel line, south 85 degrees 53 north 67 degrees 53 minutes west 111.5 feet, In the matter of the application and petition of Charles street (between Adaline and Columbus n.iuutcs west 25 feet, to the southeast corner of north 68 degrees 40 minutes west 239 feet, crth 69 degrees 43 minutes west 64.3 feet, and 1. Edward Simmons, Charles N. Chadwick ail,( avenues). and running thence m'rth 13 degrr'es farce( No. 1041, in the westerly line of said rr- ('h:ules ,\- Shaw, constituting the Board of 50 rninutes west 373.5 feet, on a curve of 270 avenue; thence along the southerly line of said north 70 degrees 8 minutes west 105.7 feet' Water Snpu:v of The City of New York. to feet radius to the left 142.9 feet, and north 44 parcel No. 10.11, partly along the easterly and thence contintung along the southerly line of acquire real relate for and on behalf of The decrees Ill minutes west 451.5 feet, to a point in along the southerly lines of Parcel No, 1042, Parcel No. 1080, south 19 degrees 52 minutes City of N,-w York, under chapter 724 of the the suutherly line of Upper Cross road, leading .with 85 degrees 53 minutes west 100 feet, south wr=t 24.5 feet, to a point in the southerly line I.a.•, „f 1905, and the acts amendatotry thereof, from Mt. Pfr-arant Cemetery station to Kensicu; 4 drerees 7 minutes east 125 feet, and south 85 If said Tarrytown road; thence along said road ill .: a frown of Mount Pleasant, N'estcltester thence along said line north 81 degrees degrees 53 minutes west 10o feet, to the south- line and continuing along the southerly line of -'id Parcel No. 1080, north 70 degrees 8 min- l-„uoty. New York, f.,r the t,trpns,• of t,n,vi•1- 10 min-rtes east 74 feet; thence south tvest corner of said Parcel No,10.2, in the g Saw hfill River and ing an additional suit's. of 111-1, an-1 uhu,9-s,o,e 44 degrees 10 min:ttrc east 402.8 feet, easterIv line of Bryant avenue, said point being tnes a vest 95 feet, crossin water for the use of The City of New York. on a curve of 330 fret radius to the also in tit,- easterly line of before-mentioned Ole Putnam Division of the New York Central rieht 174.7 feet, and south 13 degrees 50 mintrt, s fare, l No. 1039; thence partly along said Parcel and Hudson River Railroad Company, to the PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT east 374.8 feet, to a point in the northerly line line and along said avenue line, south 4 de- southwest corner of said parcel; thence along the third separate report of Cornelius S. of before-mentioned Charles street; thence along grees 7 mitmtts east 50 feet; thence south 85 the westerly line of same, north 19 degrees 57 Pinkney, George A. Slater and John J Brown, said line south 77 degrees 20 minutes west 60 degrees 53 minutes west 25 feet, to a point in minutes east 49.5 feet, to the northwest corner the said George A. Slater and John J. Brown feet to the point or place of beginning. the centre of said Bryant avenue; thence along of said parcel; thence partly along the nartherli FI IT),AY, SlPTFN1llI'l' 24. ion . THE CITY FtECORD. 10727 line of saute, south 70 degrees 8 minutes east of intersection of said produced line with the plicati,-n to the Sul, retie Court of the State of west 298.9 feet, snuih 6 degrees 36 minutes 200.7 fort, recrossing Saw Mill River and the it ntic line of said Bryant avenue; thence along .\,,t lark for fill. appointment of Commissioners west 476.7 fcdl, south 13 degrees 16 minutes Putnam Ilivision of the New York Central and said centre line, north 4 degrees 7 minutes wc~t •,f ?.pl,raisal umlen chal.ter 724 of the Laws of oa,t 318.9 feet, on a curve of 275 feet radius Hudson River Railroad Company, to a point in IOU feet; thencecunlimling along the westerly 19115 as amcud II, and the acts relating thereto. to the right, 259.7 feet; south 40 degrees 50 the northerly line of said Tarrytown road; thence lil,c of Parcel No. 1u:7, north 85 degrees 53 T111-11 alq•lir.t it In v ill he nlarlc to the Sopreune minutes wca 33.4 Get, ii, a curve of 641.8 feet aloe sail road line and continuing along the nliuutes cast 25 feet, to (lie northwest curner of C'''unit at a SIic-riot 'Jelin thereof to be livid in ra•lius to 111,- Icft, 318.7 feet; south 12 degrees northerly line of Saul Parcel No. 1080, the fol- I' No. 1031 • thence al"ng the northerly ;ul,l i.., the `intll Indicial I)isuict, at the '.4 I'm...:r; vrest 7111.4 feet, on a curve of 125 lowing courses and distances: South 69 degrees 'if sail parcel, the westerly lines of parcels Judie, ( llandwr;, in Nyack, R,,•- ktand County, t ra'liu; to the left, 86.1 feet; south 27 de- 43 minutes east 65.4 feet, crossing Saw Mill nnLcre l f1-„nt 1029 to 1023, both inchuive. N. Y., in the 2 111 day of St•I,tcmbcr, 1909, at gum --s 3 Minutes cast 333.2 feet, and south 39 River road, south 68 degrees 40 minutes east I ,., ily along the northerly line of said Parcel 10 ,,'cluck In the furem,,,n of that day or as 1Ir^rcr•s 35 minute., west 97 feet, to the most 238.6 feet, south 67 degrees 53 minutes east No, 1112.1, atnug the we-telly lilies of before' nlnt thcrc;lfr,-r a, (oonscl can he heard. The a-ticly p'rint of I';"eel No. I1?I, in the easterly 111.7 feet, crn,tiing Slone avenue, south 67 de- n•,utiuncd Parcels Nos. 1022 and 1021, partly `d.j,ct of such apldic:,lion is to t,I,lain an order lim of I'iatt avenue; the-n,•e along the easterly grees 49 mitnrtes east 454.4 feet, crossing Lawn slung the southerly and along the westerly f the l' lit app"inting three disinterc'tcd and linos of said pared and Parcels Nos. 1122 and and IIullside as chum, south 51 degrees 30 min- lines of Parcel Nu. 1(1'0, and partly along the e5it, ctcu[ frrchol,lers, ooc of whim shall re- 11-13. and tartly along the easterly line of Par- utes cast 1,450.2 fret, crossing Mortimer, Good- wr.;lcrly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. sole in the Courav of New York aurl at least cel No, 1137, the fulb,wing courses, distances win, I'.'. arts, I 'eels i us and French avenues, south 1019, the following courses, distances and 'tic of whom shall revile in the County of an cn rvt s: Snot It 39 1-1 e•grees 35 minutes west 49 degrees 31 minutes east 724.6 feet, crossing curve: North 85 degrees 53 minutes east 100 \','m,lctiersten, to art as Comnlicsim,nrrs of Ap- 97.1 feel. crussiut sail 1'latt avenue, south 75 Rohbius avenue, a coal, and Knollwood avenue, feet, north 4 degrees 7 minutes west 616.2 feet, ptai-al under said act and discharge all the it,grres 16 minutes west 608 feet, on a curve and s,luth 44 degrees 12 minutes cast 95.1 feet, nrth 83 degrees 57 minutes cast 44.5 feet. Iutie cut, reed by said act and the acts of 125 feet radius to tile left, 100 feet; south to the most westerly point of Parcel No. 1079; north 5 delitcns 52 minutes west 116.9 feet, on amendatory thereof, 29 degrees 25 minutes west 656.2 fret, south thence partly along the northerly line of said a curve of 791.8 feet radius to the right, 559.4 'I he f,dlmaingis a description of the real es- 8 degrees west 137.1 feet, south 11 degrees 11 parcel. north 45 degrees 48 minutes east 105 feet; north 34 degrees 37 minutes east 654 feet, late to Le acrluircd, together with a reference minutes cast 540.4 feet, on a curve of 791.8 feet feet, south 44 degrees 12 minutes east 63.2 feet, tin ti 25 degrees 55 minutes cast 177.5 feet, to tl•r elate and glace of filing the map: radius to the right, 773.4 feet; south 45 degrees and north 45 degrees 48 minutes east 97 feet, unlh 17 degrees 46 minutes west 134.4 feet, .\ll those certain pieces Of parcels of real es- 8 ntinutc.c west 181.1 feet, on a curve of 641.8 to the omit northerly print of said parcel, in north 50 1legrc•es 43 minutes cast 99.3 feet, tatr situated in the 'lbtcn of Cn-enburg and feet radius to the left, 7,,5.7 feet; south 23 de- the westerly line of before mentioned Parcel No. mirth I dcgrcc 15 minutes cast 698.6 feet, south ( iIv of 1''Inkcrs, Cunnty of Wostchwter, and green, 13 minutes cast "1.5 feet, south 411 degrees 1076. in the southerly line of heforc incntioncd Si) degrc. s 514 n:iitutes west 148.3 feet, north Ott,' of New \-nrk, )town oil a map entitled :2 ntiuutrs east 158.6 feet, and south 32 degrees V*llev strict; thence partly along said westerly .1 Ilegrcc, 3,1 minutes west 725.6 feet, north 13 ulhr•rn :\gtterinct Iiepartntcnt. Section No. 57 minutes west 59.1.9 feel, to the most easterly parcel line, north 29 degrees 36 minutes east -I, trees 15 minutes east 349.3 test, north 14 16, I:,,ard of Iii Supply of The City of t---,t f Parcel N. 1125, in the easterly line 51,7 feet, to the southwest corner of Parcel Ni. 'h-genes 28 minutes west 320.2 feet, north 22 New York, Map of real cct,rte situated in the 'f Jack::ur) •tten lie; thence partly ailing the cast. 1075, in the northerly line of said street; thence d, teens 21 minutes east 239 feet, and north 5 'I'- t,n of I rceu6urg and City of Yonkers, County e+-ly line of sail parcel, s„nth 32 degrees 57 along the westerly line of said parcel, north 29 , lm-_rccs 26 ininut,'s west 230.1 feet, to the south- of 11'c,tchr't, r, an,l Slate of New York, to be minutes west 51.4 feet, to the most easterly degrees 36 minutes tact 206.7 feet, to the most lto-t c,lntem of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1'nrk, under the acrluire'l by 'I he City nF New '''int of Parcel Nn. 1127, in the westerly line northerly point of saute, in the moil crly line lots, it, tit,- se.ulhcrly title of bcfure-ntcntioned pnos-i',ns of cl,apt,-r 724 of the laws of 1905 of ide street, at another l it t in the said as',' ii ttet thence partly along the ertct- of Ri, lce, Lower Cruss road; thence along the westerly a< amen-tell, 1'•r the cnnrtrttrtinn of Catdcill crly liuc of said Parcel Nn, 1127, along (lie i., ned Parcel No. line of said parcel, north 5 degrees 28 minutes westerly line of iii' fore-nt cut' A.In,durt amt appurtenances, from Elmsford to ea-lerly lines of Parcels Nos. 1129, 1129 and 1076• thence partly along said parcel line, north west 19 feet, and north 31 do grees 6 minutes Ilill View l4''-,uv,•ir taking lino•," which map feet, to the 1131, Partly alt g the tasterly lien of Parcel No, 29 degrees 36 ininittr-s east 51.7 east 36.8 feel, recr ~ ,ing the befurc-mentioned w:-Is Illcil in the office of the Rcgi,ler of the j 11.72, and aini the easterly lines of Parcels southwest corner of Before-mentioned Parcel No. line lotsveen the '[owns of \It. l'leasant and (', runty "f Wcr tell r-ter, at R'hite Plains, N. Y., 1074, in the northerly line of the last-mentioned (irectthtlrg, to the northwest corner of said par- N's. 1133 and 1134, file following courses, dis• Im the 7th day of July, 1909, as Map No. 1864, tances and curve': S"0th 32 degrees 57 min. street; thence along the westerly line of said c,l, in the northerly line of said Lower Cross which parcels are hounded and described as utrs West 820.6 feet, crossing the line between th 29 degrees 36 minutes east 201.3 n•a,l; thence along sail northerly road line and parcel, nor fist lrwsc the Tun',, of (Ireenburg and the City of Yen. feet, to the most westerly point of before-men- tartly al ,:n¢ the nnrtberly line of said parcel, kern, s•, tioned l'arrr'l No. 1071, in the motherly line of .,moth 58 rleg,ccs 54 ntintness cast 13.9 feet, First Part. tull 25 Icirces 37 minutes west 419.2 felt, c„ttlli 21 degrees 57 minutes west 287.1 lie fore -men Ii,mcd highway; thence along the .,c uth 56 degrees 5 minutes east 78 feet, south, the Rrginning at the southwest corner of Parcel i feet, sntth I2 decrees 14 minutes welt 337.6 westerly lines of said parcel and Parcel No. 55 dagre,-s 23 minutes cast 100.7 feet, and N. 11157, of Rl-al I.,t;ne. Scrli,m No. 15, South-' fret south I5 drugrers 27 mintnes welt 445.5 1070, anti partly along the westerly line of l'ar- south 65 degrees 57 minutes cast 55.3 feet, to 11111.\y, ce4 No. 1069, north 29 degrees 36 minutes east the s„uthwr,t corner of be fire- mcntioned Parcel u-, luct U, l artntcnt (ihc map of which for t. stir) Ii 15 degrees 52 minutes cast 83.9 Jeri, section was filrrl in the office of th, Register of +''4th 2 166.4 feet, recrnscing said highw'l y, to a point in Nu, 1016; theucc along the westerly litres of 4 dre,rees 17 nun,ntes east 644.7 feet, the (•nuntv of \\'e•st.hcster, at White Plains, the centre of Glenartnev street; thence along sail parcel and hrfure-mentionId Parcel Nn. "^1111 7 degrees 31 minutes ca=t 1,377.4 fret, N. Y., of the 7th lay of July 1909, as Map No. the centre line of said street, urn rtIi 13 degrees tul5, north 31 degrees 39 minutes east 2,183.2 a evert of 791.8 fret radius to the right, 1613), said paint being also the northwest. eon- 1111 7 f, ct; stunt, 2 degrees 41 nut mutes west 53 minutes west 130,8 feet; thence continuing feet, north 13 degrees 56 minutes along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1069, west 70 feet, north 31 degrees 39 our of Parcel N,. IO,sS of tl+c section herdLy -1(10.14 firt, south 87 decrees 19 minutes east dent uihc 1. in the n^rrherly line of llartsdale north 29 drgrerc 36 minutes cast 36.3 feet, to III i Iltttcs cast 190 feet, south 45 de- 140 feet, snntit 2 degree, 41 minutes west 30 earl (lemling In nn 1•;hncfurd to IInrtsrlalcl, and the most northerly point of said parcel, in the grees 56 mintites east 51.2 fret, and north 31 f• t't, senlr11 $4 degrees 33 minutes west 141.4 deters 39 minutes cast 1,765.7 feet, to the runuint• thc',ce :,long 'till road lime, the north- I, '-I, cnu:h 2 decrees 41 minnlec went 593.6 easterly line of the last-,,tent i, melt street, said fei-t ,,ins( wcste Ily point of before mentioned Parcel ciIy line of the last-n;rntionc•d parcel, and the • nn a cnrce of 275 feet r:nlftts to the right, point firing also in the westerly line of before- "nthc•rly line of said Parcel No. 1087, south 78 (ii eli ii iii'! Parcel No. 1067; thence partly along N... 1111-1, in the ccntt'e of the last-mentioned Iit 6 f1-"t; moth 32 'ItCre-s 12 minutes welt dcgreec 22 mintttes east 54.9 feet, to the north- said westerly parcel line, north 29 degrees 36 r-ad leading frrnn Ila!vthorne 10 Valhalla; /v 3 f•-ct, conch 25 degrees 19 minutes west ea-t c"rner of said Parer 1 No. 10110; thence ''1.9 fret, minute-s cast 118.2 feet, north 17 degrees 54 th, lice ha, Its' along tb ,- we;h•rly lines of sail srmth 20 drereec 45 min-rates east aLnlg the ecl.!r•'- 11 m;nutes e-u-'t 60.4 fe,-t. cnuth 15 of 1.03' .S feet radius to the right, 13.5 feet, lintel; thence alntt:; the easterly line of said l-„n;iany, to a print in the centre of the before- I'!- -ter,-i's 37 minnlcs west 45.1,? fret, si'ulh 55 to the rrtn:t motherly point of Parcel Na. 1065; (-creel, moth 31 deuces 16 minutes west 64.5 thence shin¢ the westerly an,! tarlly al Inc the Ircnti nc,l r~Iad lcndiog from Valhalla to lfaw- I• •_re, 17 minutes wc.t lo1.R fort, south 25 iiu n,,c; thence along the centre line of said It t, to the s,,uthcact corner of same, in the ,I..••I roc 47 m:nulrc we--t 674 7 feet, o''rth 64 nr'rtherly tones of sail parcel, along the westerly < rtherly line of dirt r,,iol: theme ai't`q said e m line if 1':Ircrl N. 1064, I tinily along the west. r,lal, m,rth 211 degrees 3 minutes wrest 25 feet; 's 1.1 n.inntrc writ 25 P.O. and south 75 n'aml line Root parity al ms± the snittherly line it --;"-,-es 47 ",invites erly and northerly linea of before mentioned Par- Ih,-lice n ,ntinuing aping the northerly line of ,,1--t 2.256.1 frt. to the - ...i,l parcel, s ,nth $3 drones 25 mitntrrc cvr,t • cel No. 1063. snot al - lie the westerly line of 'tired Nm. tot anel running Partly along the thr•a-r c"rner of Parcel \^. 1135• in the 'it 1 fl.-t, to thy nt'rlhc?st comer I-f Parcel Ni. -1- ,11-1-,. .f Tnrktl, Parcel No. l ii' i, the ft' • ,wing etrirs. distances a,'.trrly tine of 1':n-rct No, 1011, north 69 de- ,c road (lr'itinu fr-•,: Y'l l0o1: thence alone the ea,terly lines of said k.•rc to T•„ anll curves: N -rib 1 decree 25 minutes welt n-c. 57 iiiu:ncs ea-t 133 feet, north 60 degrees sit g the -1,abne): thence alone 1111- rasteniy ,l n,- rlh 37 drgrers 'a "••c1 •InI P'vr,•1 Nn Ii,' 0. tartly alo I f.• , f -'iii narrrl, South 2 146.7 feet, on a curve of 8n6.8 feet radius to 7 minute; w:•a 34.1 feet, an 116 aad 5 d1-^rrrc 47 eaI l rly ,ti, minttes west 318.8 (eet. to anther Point in ,nthcrly line if c:lid Perch NO. 1( • t1 $ f, ,•t, ti the nnrtllrrist corner .,f Par' the right. 229,7 feet: north 84 degrees 48 nun- lene the casterly line of Parcel No. 1097, the 'he ccutre of the last-nlenti -mr,l retail; thence 5' . r l t6. i„ ehr cl,ntherly line of said read: tiles east I1 feet, n„rth 21 degrees 21 ntinutre L,II ninc c,,ni el. and rli,tanccc: South 31 de- t, ng ii,' centre line of said nail and cuntinuin¢ irr'c ql.s- ti--' ca-f -riv lit,.- of c+:A ,act 10 5.9 fret. n',+'th 4 leered 7 ntinutcc sve't er' cc 16 rnim,te•c wrest 6°') R feet, snout 0 8 de- rstor'y line of Parcel No. 1011, north na 1-u st, ,n,l tn1 n1- 1111- e•n=•rely line of f'a reel N,,, 66.2 feet, north 85 degrees 53 rnintttel ea-t 31.5 :II, nc the w- ete-c •14 t:u+lutrc east 7; fret, south 31 de- 17 dcnrccs 58 nrtnulec west 52.5 fret, and north 11 !n the fn1Llw-ine courses tort di-tan,, c: Sotlth feet. amt north 21 degrees 21 minutes east 159 2 cries 16 r:irr,,t,, west 3611 fe,-t, smith 27 de' 2 degrees 14 monies west 120.9 feet, to the 2' 'bare,'' 47 minntrc ''-t1 5 ;fr;-t, •,"1111 35 feet. to the most n"rtt,erly point if said Par- en'-es 50 ruinous east 217 (eet. co-7th 1 degree nm•t ❑e,thcrly point of said parcel; thence •tc.ecm', m7 ntinn,•n we't 045.2 feet, s"nrh 21 cel No. 1111.2. in the westerly line of brf,re-mcn- 41) teintltrc nest 9104 fc'"t, smith 79 degrees 59 ull•tt.>; the easterly line of saute, again partly 'I' deers 19 minittes ssest 3nn.2 feet, south 35 tirine'l F'n,lic' it avenue. coil point hi-mg also minutes wc<1 1 -1.2 fart, anti south 1 degree, 40 in the --telly line of before-mentioned Parcel •thug tl•e' nurthrrly line of bef,,re-mcnuonrd d. _reel 42 ntir,utes w,, '1 Rnn f,-•t, south 27 de- hit eel Ni. 10111, and partly along tl:e nnrthcrly it tnlrh•c we-t 734 7 fret, to the northea-'t corner N". 1059: thence partly along sail parcel line ref Prrrrl No, ill)'), in the northerly line of a Cr.,', 41 minutes ra=t 111.11 fret, south 35 rie- tin' ul b, fore-me'n iii me, I I'a reel Nn, 1009, the 're's 42 mir;ln"s west 1211 feet, crn"int S•,rnin and alone sold westerly avenue line, north 4 r. a'l le:i'ting front R-nn,llanrl to liaris,lale; degrees 7 ii, inutes welt 11.2 f~-t t, to the south- c,-nr•:rs anal distances: South 37 de Rroak: nn-th 145 rlecn'es 16 minutes w1--t 174,9 cries :6 milnut,- east 475.7 feet, south 60 de- th, ere ate n¢ the easterly line of sail parcel, f; east corn •r of Parcel No. 1061: thence along -et. =",uf. 3C d''treec 42 min,rtec t•;r•-t 2 211.3 feet, north 69 de- "nth 1 de'Lree 40 minnteq welt 54,7 feet, to the soothcrly line of said parcel, sooth 95 de- ;rrers 27 minutes east 66.5 {,'et. ".nth 2 decrees 54 minutes tcnst 46.2 feet, n s 67 minutes east 102.2 feet, south 84 de- the cnnt!,cn-t c-,rner of same, in the southerly grees 53 ruioutv s wrtt 200 feet, t•; till• •luthwe't =•tnth 35 decrees 4? ninnies west 133.8 feet, south hnr.s -79 minutes east 172.4 feet, south 75 de' line of said 1-i -ad: liler•re alone said road line corner of same, in the easterly line of Abhntt mr the cn„tl,erh• line of sairt var- 2 rlcareec 54 ntinates west 160.? feet. sotnh Ill ours 3,) minutes east 21.1.2 feel, north 80 de- anal earth' rl•, aveuur: thence fling said ave rile line, the ca't- c•cl, moth 75 decries 37 mirnttes tvr-st 26 feet, 'leg"t'ec 21 minutes east 350.6 feet. and south Igrc,., 4? minutes east 2115.9 fret, south 80 de- erly line ,f ,aid p~:rccl, an .1 again partly along tlo, northeast m,•t-nec of Parcel No. 1102: 1 ,lrvree 13 minutes rest 369.3 feet to The line cif Parcel N.. 1059, north 4 de- u,- 5 42 minittes cast 159.3 fl.-ct, south 9 de- cnnr'Ieast corner of said Parcel No. 1140, in the the ca-tent- grin 15 utintnrc wrest 50 feet, south 80 lie- thr•Ice shinny the en=terly linrc of soot parcel grees 7 to,,, 11,-s west 70 fret, crossing before- and Parc,•lc N's. 1103 and 1104, and partly centre elf Palmer acenuet thence alone the een- ulentione,l likoock street, to tile northeast cnr- green 42 tttinulcs east 1,268.8 feet, north 9 de- tre line of =•,i•l avenue, and altng tile cnut}lerly greec 14 minute's east 511 feet, south 80 de- 'iI , ro the en'terly liar of Parcel No. 1105, the tin's of c,il Parcel No. 114(1 an Per of said strut and Ahbntt avenue; thence f,•Il.winc cnnr',c, distances and moves: South ,I Parcel No. along life nnrtherly tine of saill street and its green 42 minutes east 2718 feet, north 57 de- 11.11, north 79 decrees I0 minutes west 25.6 o. 54 minutes east 6'14.8 fret, north 81 de- ,L-" .•e 40 minutes west 444.4 feet, on a curve f,•^t, oroductb n. north 85 Iegrees 53 ntintnes east 235 c,:, and north 77 decrees 43 mintnec west try l s 22 minutes east 316.8 fret, north 2 de- of 641.3 feet radius to the left. 271.5 feet; 25.7 feet, to the anntineest corner of said Par. feet, to the I'•lint of in, ter'ectiun of said pro- grr: I') nunntcs east 217 feet, and north 67 de- cl,rlth 22 rlctrerc 34 rninn!rs east 352.6 feet, duc•rd street line with the centre line of before• cel No. 1141: thence along the westerly line of 124.i Pert, to a point in the nn a c'uri'e of 791.8 feet radius to the r;ght, ,ai,l parc-•1, north I dccrec 12 m!nntec west 354 n+coti',no,l 1• n hie, It acenne; thence aiming said 515.1 fe,-t; sontll 37 decrees 52 minutee wrest ccrtre I.f the bcf,lre-tnrntinnrsl road 11Wlieg C "I, north 10 drerces 21 nllnctlec we=t 353.4 center line. a',! dill contin,ting along the west- m \ alhalla to 1'Iea'a+ncitle; thence along the 13.4.6 furl, on a curve of 041.8 feet radios to ,'I No. 1059. north 4 degrees 7 • f"lit, amt north 2 degrees 54 minutes east 45.6 erly line of l'an- I, titre line if said rail, n•,rth 4 degrees 46 min- the l.-ft. 140.4 feet; s ,uth 25 drerees 20 minutes 400.5 fort, to the northwe,t comer of said parcel, in ninnies woe -t felt, to the northwest corner ,II,; eat 206.7 fcrt; thence continuing al ng w, -t 613.1 feet on a ctnve of 791 R fret radius of sail Ptur''''l, in ill, s, t•rtherly line of before- the easterly line of Parcel Nn. 1139: th,•nce thy• northerly line of said Parcel Nor. 1009, to il•r richt, 1(16 8 feet; south 39 deuces 35 I''ar'ly alone said oared line :Ind along the Inr iii ione'l 1'rr,I Nu, II) 6: thence partly along ,,nth 78 degrees 58 minutes cast 1,0-12.5 feet, to trim,tcs we=t 17,2 feet, on a carve of 641.8 feet said parcel line, s, ntth R? degrees 45 minutes nottrerly line of said Parcel \n 1139, north the mint or place of beginning. en.' iii to the left, 193 feet, and south 23 Ile- is1 'Iccrrc' 49 m inn trtcc west 76') feet, south 35 west 4 feet, to the southwest corner of sai:i 'Pile fee is to Ile acrluirerl by The City of cr,-,-s 14 minutes wc'st 182.8 feet, to a point in ' -gr•'rs .12 minutes writ 115.9 feet, and north parcel; therl, e partly along the westerly line of Nesv York in all the real estate Parcels Nos, 'he n,wilicrly line of t'Pte•r Sprain road (lead' 64 mt"4eees 49 minatrc sve=t 116.4 feet, to the saute, along the southerly and westerly lines of 10116 to I1)57, hotlt inclusive, contained in the iliafr.,nt .\rd,.cy to Ilart'dale); thence con- Parcel N o. 10;7, acain partly along the west- c•etlhtvrattly along the ea-tcrly line of said Par- of said avenue; thence along the centre line Dated August 2, 1909. Nos. 1119 and 1120, the following courses, dis- 'hereof, and continuing along the westerly line FR.\NCIS' KEY PEN1)1.ETON, el Nn 11.44, south 27 d,•geees 56 minutes west faires arch curves; South 7 degrees 56 minutes 1.01,8.2 fcc-t. crossing Dnnw•nodic avenue, and of Parcel No. 1052, north 4 degrees 7 minutes Corllnratinn C,ntnsel- west 233.8 foci, moth 21 ,{deers 7 in ion rites west west 150 feet. to the northwest corner of said =''0111 15 Ictgrccs 18 minutes cast 8054 feet, Office and Post-Office address, Hall of 106.6 feet, on a curve of 641.8 feet radius to parcel; thence along the northerly line of same. Records, corner if ChamLerc and Centre t1-.-sing 7lidl:utd avenue, College place and the left, 385 feet; south 13 degrees 15 minutes r;n•ahcr avenue. to till- m,rth,vest corner of Par- until 85 degrees 53 minutes east 25 feet, to the street,, Borough of Manhattan, New York City, at -1,s25 east 43?.7 feet, south 15 degrees 39 minutes cel N,,. 1145; thence along the n,rrthcrly line of nr•rthwest corner of Parcel No. 1046; thence tvc-t 41,3.2 feet, south 45 degrees 44 minutes along the northerly line of said Parcel, partly -:lip! parcel, n ,rth 74 degrees 42 minutes east went 156.3 feet, south 23 degrees 40 minutes 59.7 feet, to the must easterly point of saute, in moos; the wc.terly line of Parcel No. 1044, and NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, WESTCIHES- urvt 93.9 feet, south I dimee 36 minutes west along the westerly and nnrthcrly lines of Parcel Il,c before-mentioned caster!} • line of Parcel No, TER COUNTY. 252.3 feet, snnth 14 degrees 42 minutes west 1144: thence again partly slung said line, south No. 1043, north 85 degrees 53 minutes east 100 134,6 feet, south 27 degrees 47 minutes west 81 degrees 19 minutes east 26.9 feet, south 28 feet, north 4 degrees 7 minutes west 150 feet, Sou-r rsg AOUFnrtrT DEPARTMENT, CATSKILL 110.4 feet, south 17 degrees 58 minutes east degrees 51 minutes west 27 feet, south 5 de- and north 85 degrees 53 minutes east 100 feet, 113 3 feet, on a curve of 275 feet radius to the to the northeast corner of said Parcel No, 1043. A9ueoucT, SEcrtow No, 16. f;rees 52 minutes west 2'5.1 feet, an,l north 84 right, 230 feet. crossing a road leatling to in the westerly line of before-mentioned Parcel egnecs 8 minutes .cent 95.5 feet, to a point in Toww of Greenberg and City of Yoekeri. t;rcenville, snnth 29 degrees 58 minutes west 'Fe eacterly line of Sr urinary avenue: thence No. 1039, in the westerly line of before-men- lilt. tioned Bryant avenw ; thence along said ave I I, et, smith 6 degrrt-s 57 minutes cast 99 stoup sai~1 averue line an I hill continuing along ntte line and partly along said westerly parcel Notice of Application for the Appointment of fret_ ,..t a curve of 265 feet radius to the right, the easterly line of Parcel N. 1144, south 28 line, north 4 degrees 7 minutes west 75 feet, Commissioners of Appraisal. 1'+l.2 feet; south 32 letrees 53 minutes west degrees 31 minutes west 2,171,5 feet, south 28 to the southwest corner of said avenue and be- 2au.5 feet, sout:i 15 degrees 53 minutes west degrees 32 minutes west 587.8 feet, and on a P UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 78.9 feet, south I degree 7 minutes east 325.3 curve of 375 feet radius to the right, 90.7 feet, fore-mentioned Payne street; thence along the feet, on a curve of 781.8 feet radius to the southerly line produced of said street, north 85 that it is the Intention of the Corporation to the most northerly point of Parcel No. 1151• degrees 53 minutes east 25 feet. to the point Counsel of The City of New York to make air right, 216.3 feet; south 14 degree. 44 minutes thence along the easterly line of said parcel, 10728 THE CITY RECORD. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, ism.

the following courses and distances: North 35 utes east 22.4 feet, north 37 degrees 34 min- 30 degrees 9 minutes east 866.5 feet, to the south 26 degrees 41 minutes west 665.5 feet, to a utes east 29.8 feet, north 43 degrees 3 minutes most westerly point in the northerly line of Parcel No. 1152, degrees 42 minutes east 270.8 feet, north 21 point of before-mentioned Parcel in the northerly line of Yonkers avenue; thence degrees 6 minutes west 39.8 feet, north 30 de- east 172.6 feet, north 30 degrees 46 minutes No. 1164, in the westerly line of before-men- east 76.1 feet, north 31 degrees 35 minutes partly along said parcel line, south 26 degrees grees 6 minutes west 47.6 feet, north 7 degrees lioned McLean avenue; thence partly along the 41 minutes west 39.5 feet, to a point in the cen- ..7 minutes west 290.1 feet, north 35 degrees cast 33.7 feet, north 15 degrees 39 minutes westerly line of said parcel, north 30 degrees east 203.6 feet, north 15 degrees 7 minutes east tre of said avenue; thence along the centre line 42 minutes east 300 feet, south 54 degrees 18 9 minutes east 81 feet, to the most westerly thereof, and continuing along the northerly line minutes east 250 feet, and north 35 degrees 42 60.4 feet, north 13 degrees 15 minutes west point of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1163, in of Parcel No. 1152, on a curve of 370.4 feet minutes east 700 feet, recrussiug before-men- 41.1.6 feet, and north 61 degrees l7 minutes the easterly line of said avenue; thence partly west 115.5 feet, to the southeast corner of Par- radius to the left, 89.1 feet, to the northeast tioned Sprain Brook; north 49 degrees 44 minutes along lbe westerly line of said parcel, and alons corner of said parcel; thence along the easterly cast 309.2 feet. and north 35 degrees 42 min- cel No. 1109, in the easterly line of before- the westerly line of before-mentioned Parcels line of same, south 26 degrees 41 minutes west utes cast 808.6 feet, to the southwest corner of mcntiMmcd New Sprain road; thence along the Nos- 1162 and 1161, north 30 degrees 9 minutes before-mentioned Parcel No. 1135, in the south- southerly line of said parcel, north 61 degrees east 583.2 feet, to the point or place of be. 37.6 feet, to the northeast corner of Parcel No. ginning. 1153, in the southerly line of said avenue; thence erly line of before-mentioned '1'uckahoe road- 17 minutes west 18 feet, to the southwest corner along the easterly line of said parcel, and partly thence along the westerly lines of said parcel of same, in the centre of said road; thence along The fee is to be acquired by The City of along the northerly line of Parcel No. 1155, and before-mentioned Parcels Nos. 1134, 1133 the centre line thereof, and the westerly line New York in all the real estate Parcels Nos. south 26 degrees 4! minutes west 132.8 feet, and 1132, partly along the westerly lines of be- of said parcel, north 28 degrees 43 minutes 1088 to 1165, both inclusive contained in the north 63 degrees 19 minutes west 87.5 feet, forc-mentioned Parcels Nos. 1131 and 1129, cast 124.4 feet, to the southeast corner of be- above description, excepting Parcels Nos, 1126 south 26 degrees 41 minutes west 260.4 feet, along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1130 furc-mentioned Parcel No, 1106; thence along 11.35, 1140, 1141 1142, 1144, 1152 and 1159 and north 77 degrees 14 minutes east 16,2 feet, again partly along the westerly line of Parcel the southerly line of said parcel, north 63 de- t,, 1165, both inclusive, in which perpetual ease- to the northeast corner of said Parcel No. 1155, No- 1129. along the westerly line of before- grees 3 minutes west 18.7 feet, to the south- nent is to he acquired. in the easterly line of Orient street; thence mentioned Parcel No. 1128, partly along the west corner of same, in the westerly line of The rights sought in Parcels Nos. 1126, 1135, along said street line and the easterly line of westerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. said New Sprain road; thence along said road 1140, 1141, 1142, 1144, 1155 to 1165, inclusive, said parcel. south 26 degrees 42 minutes west 127, along the westerly and partly along the line, and partly along the westerly line of said are as follows: 1.141.6 feet, crossing Division street, Belmont easterly lines of Parcel No. 1126, and again parcel, north 29 degrees 11 minutes east 117 In Parcel No. 1126 a perpetual easement to avenue and Fairfield street, and south 6 degrees partly along the westerly line of Parcel No. tret, and north 28 degrees 3 minutes east 181.4 construct, maintain and use a culvert outlet 47 minutes west 55.4 feet, crossing Grove street, 1127, the following courses, distances and fret; thence continuing along the westerly line ]n Parcel No. 1135 the right to construct and curves: north 35 degrees 42 minutes east 123.6 it Parcel No. 1106, north 7 degrees 56 minutes forever maintain an aqueduct on, over or to the most easterly point of Parcel No. 1156, cast 2 in the southerly line of said Grove street; thence feet, recrossing said Tuckahoe road; north 25 30.9 feet, north 32 degrees 13 minutes east through the same. partly along the easterly lines of said Parcel No. ncgrees 47 minutes east 2.369.9 feet, north 64 2.Sl feet, and north 10 degrees 20 minutes west In Parcels Nos. 1140 and 1141 perpetual ease- 1156 and Parcels Nos. 1157 and 1159, south 6 degrees 13 minutes west 25 feet, north 25 de- 130.8 feet, to a point in the centre of Old Sprain uncut to build maintain and use a road. degrees 47 minutes west 497.5 feet. crossing grees 47 minutes east 625.3 feet, north 55 de. road; thence along the centre line of said road, In Parcel Ito. 1142 perpetual easement to con- Holly street, to a point in the westerly line of grees 12 minutes east 234 feet, north 35 degrees n,.rth 34 degrees 18 minutes east 460.4 feet; strttct, operate and maintain an aqueduct and Central Park avenue, at the northeast corner of 25 minutes east 84.6 feet, north 15 degrees 37 thence still continuing along the westerly line of appurtenances under the surface, including tele- Parcel No. 1160; thence along the easterly line minutes east 332.7 feet, north I degree 31 min- Parcel Ps. 1106, south 83 degrees 55 minutes phutx wires or other methods of communica- utes west 413 feet, north 11 degrees 21 min- east 62.9 feet, north 17 degrees 38 minutes east tion and electric power wires, or to construct of said parcel, south 6 decrees 47 minutes west 142.9 feet, north 34 degrees 15 minutes east 160.9 feet, to the southeast corner of same, in utes east 302.7 feet, north 49 degrees 28 min- and maintain said wires above surface. the southerly line of said avenue, said point! utes east 408.1 feet. n,,rth 59 degrees 10 min- 431.6 feet, and north 23 degrees 27 minutes In Parcels Nos. 1144, 1152 and 1155 perpetual being also in the northerly line of Real Estate utes east 282.2 feet, north 35 degrees 20 min- west 44.4 feet, to the southwest corner of be- easement to construct, operate and maintain an Section No. 2. Southern Aqueduct Department, utes east 341.6 feet, north 22 degrees 16 min- fore-mentioned Parcel No. 1105, in before-men- aqueduct and appurtenances under the surface, utcs cast 198.8 feet, north 23 minutes east 361.4 tioned Upper Sprain road; thence partly along including telephone wires or other methods of Hill View Reservoir (the map of which section the westerly line of said parcel, north 23 de- was filed in the office of the Register of the feet, north 20 degrees 45 minutes west 243.3 communication and electric power wires, or to feet, north 6 degrees 43 minutes east 131.2 feet, grees 27 minutes west 25 feet, to a point in the construct and maintain said wires above sur- County of \Ve~tchester, at White Plains, N. Y., northerly line of said road; thence along said or. the 16th day of February, 1907); thence north 32 degrees 12 minutes east 277.9 feet, face. south 57 degrees 4R minutes east 15 feet, north road line, the following courses and distances: In Parcels Nos. 1156 to 1165, inclusive, the partly along smd section line, along the southerly North 66 degrees 33 minutes east 47.5 feet, line of said Central Park avenue, and the south. 32 degrees 12 minutes east 100 feet, north 57 right to construct, operate and maintain an erly line of said Parcel No. 1160, south 45 de- degrees 48 minutes west 15 feet, north 32 de- north 62 degrees 41 minutes cast 29.5 feet, north aqueduct and appurtenances under the surface. grees 12 minutes west 64.4 feet. to the southwest grces 12 minutes east 493.3 feet, on a curve of 55 degrees 27 minutes east 37.7 feet, north 35 Reference is hereby made to the said map filed degrees 5 minutes east 45.6 feet, north 21 de- corner of said parcel; thence along the westerly I25 feet radius to the left, 64.4 feet; north 2 as aforesaid in the office of the Register of the degrecs 41 minutes east 1.344.4 feet, on a curve grees 31 minutes east 70.5 feet, and north 27 County of Wcr-tchestcr for a more detailed de- line of same, north 6 degrees 47 minutes east d,-grees 40 minutes east 28.4 feet; thence con- 160.9 feet, to the southwest corner of before- of 641.8 feet radius to the left. 114.2 feet; north scrihtion of the real estate to be taken as above 7 degrees, 31 minutes west 1,355.3 feet, north tinuing along the westerly line of Parcel No. described. mentioned Parcel No. 1159. in the northerly line 'f'te the westerly line 24 decrees 17 minutes west 747.6 feet, north 1105, and running partly along the westerly line greatest width of the proposed taking of said avenue; thence along of hefore-mentioned Parcel No. 1104 along the along the a of said parcel, partly along the westerly line of S degrees 34 minutes east 315.4 feet, north queduct is 650 feet, which occurs 17 degrees 40 minutes east 559.3 feet, north westerly line of before-mentioned )Parcel No. across Parcels Nos, 1136 and 1137 and the hef,.re-mentimed Parcel No. 1157, along the 1103, partly along the westerly line of before- westerly line of Parcel No. 1158, again partly 21 degrees 57 minutes east 287.1 feet, north least width of the said taking is 25 feet, which 5 degrees 37 minutes east 225 feet, north 2 mentioned Parcel No. 1102, and along the south- occurs across Parcels Nos. 1151, 1152, 1153, along the westerly line of Parcel No 1157, and erly and westerly lines of Parcel No. 1101, the partly along the westerly line of before-men- degrees east 364.6 feet. recrossing the before' 1154, 1161, 1162, 1163, 1164 and 1165. tioned Parcel No. 1156, north 6 degrees 47 mentioned line between the Town of Greenburg following courses, distances and curves: North In case any real estate hereinbefore described and the City of Yonkers; north 59 degrees 6 43 degrees 5 minutes east 168.2 feet, on a curve is used for highway or other public purposes, minutes east 579.6 feet, recrossing before-men. of 641.8 feet radius to the left, 223.7 feet; tioned holly street, to the most wccterly point minutes east 306.4 feet, north 32 degrees 57 st:rh use Shall continue until Stich time as The minutes east 315.5 feet, north 33 degrees 30 north 23 degrees 14 minutes east 74.5 feet, on City of New York may acquire the right to of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1155, in the a curve of 791.8 feet radius to the right, 225.8 westerly line of before.mentioned Grove street; minutes west 275 feet, north 32 degrees 57 chum the same. minutes east 54.5 feet, south 33 degrees 30 feet; north 39 degrees 35 minutes east 17.2 feet, Dated August 2, 1909. thence partly along said parcel line, north 6 de- on a curve of 641.8 feet radius to the left, grees 47 minutes east 60.1 feet. to the junction minutes east 275 feet, and north 32 decrees 57 , minutes cast 156.9 feet. to the most northerly 159.5 feet; north 25 degrees 20 minutes east of the easterly line of said Grove street with 633.1 feet, on a curve of 791.8 feet radius to Corporation Counsel. the westerly line of hefore-mentioned Orient point of said Parcel No. 1127, in the westerly Office and Post Office address, Hall of line of before-mentioned Jackson avenue, said the right, 173.2 feet; north 37 degrees 52 min- street: thence along said westerly line of Orient utes east 138.6 feet, on a curve of 641.8 feet Rcurls, corner of Chambers and Centre point being also in the westerly line of before. stre,ts, Borough of Manhattan, New York City, street. and continuing along the westerly line radius to the left, 254.4 feet; north 54 degrees of Parcel No. 1155. north 26 degrees 42 minutes mentioned Parcel No. 1125; thence partly along said parcel line, north 32 degrees 57 minutes 25 minutes west 113.3 feet, north 25 degrees a I4,s25 east 1.022.4 feet, crossing Park and Vernon 2 minutes east 30 feet, south 64 degrees 57 min- places, another street. and recrossing before' rat 23.2 feet, to a point in the centre of said Jackson avenue; thence along the centre line utes east 100.4 feet, on a curve of 641.8 feet mentioned Division street. to a point in the radius to the left, 370.7 feet; north 22 degrees PROPOSALS FOR BIDS AND ESTIMATES northerly line of said Division street; thence th.renf, and continuing along the westerly line FOR 'PHE CITY OF NEW YORK. of Parcel Na. 1125, north 34 degrees I min- 34 minutes west 352.6 feet, on a curve of 791.8 along the northerly line of said street and con- feet radius to the right, 180.1 feet; north 88 tinuing along the westerly line of said Parcel ute west 378.5 feet, to the northwest corner of said parcel; thence along the northerly line of degrees 20 minutes west 190.1 feet, crossing NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. No. 1155, south 47 degrees 14 minutes east 13 Sprain Brook, and north I degree 40 minutes feet. to the southwe,t corner of Parcel Na. same, partly along the westerly lines of before- menti.oned Parcels Nos, 1124, 1123 and 1122, east 513.7 feet, to the southwest corner of be- 1154: thence along the westerly line of said fore-mentioned Parcel No. 1100, in the southerly parcel, north 26 degrees 41 minutes east 352.4 the following courses, distances and curves: GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. North 45 decrees 21 minutes east 22.8 feet, line of before-mentioned road leading from feet, north 63 degrees to minutes west 37.5 Woodland to llartsdale; thence along the west- feet. and north 26 degrees 41 minutes east north 45 degrees 52 minutes east 70,4 feet, The person or persons making a bid or estimate north 42 degrees 23 minutes east 60.5 feet, erly line of said parcel, north I degree 40 min- f.a ally sees ices, work, materials or supplies for 170.2 feet, to the southwest corner of before- utes east 59.2 feet to the southwest corner of mentioned Parcel No. 1152. in the southerly rorth 44 deg-Fes 12 minutes east 116.9 feet. The City of New York, or for any of its depart north 41 degrees 23 minutes east 28 feet, north Parcel No, 1099, in the northerly line of said mcnts, bureaus or ollices, shall furnish the same line of before-mentions Yonkers avenue: thence road: thence along the westerly line of said along the westerly line of said parcel, north 46 degrees 55 minutes east 571 feet, north 51 in a scaled envelope, indorsed with the title of degrees 39 minutes east 19.9 feet, north 50 parcel, along the westerly and partly along the 26 degrees 41 minutes east 41.8 feet, on a curve northerly lines of before mentioned Parcel No. the supplies, materials, work or services for which of 370.4 feet radius to the left, 41.2 feet, and degrees 54 minutes east 98.9 feet, on a curve of the bid or estimate is made, with his or their 791.8 feet radius to the right, 788.4 feet; north 1097, along the westerly lines of before-men- came or names and the date of presentation to north 26 degrees 41 minutes east 40.6 feet, to tinned Parcel No. 1096 and P,prcel No, 1095, the southwest corner of hefore-mentioned Parcel 45 degrees 8 minutes east 181.1 feet, on a curve the !'resident or Board or to the head of the of 641.8 feet radius to the left, 125 feet; north tartly along the westerly line of before-men' Department at his or its office, on or before the No. 1151. in tl,e northerly line of said Yonkers tuned Parcel No. 1093, along the westerly line avenue; thence along the westerly line of said 45 degrees 36 minutes west 50.9 feet, north ,late and hour named in the advertisement for 31 degrees 44 minutes east 27.7 feet, south 70 of Parcel No. 1094, and again partly along the the same, at which time and place the estimates parcel. north 26 decrees 41 minute= east 590.6 westerly line of Parcel No. 1093 the following feet, to the most southerly point of before-men- degrees 54 minutes cast 50.9 feet, on a curve received will be publicly opened by the President of 641.8 feet radius to the left. 455.9 feet; north courses, distances and curves: forth 1 degree tinned Parcel No. 1144, in the easterly line of 40 minutes east 749.7 feet, north 79 degrees 59 ur hoard or head of said Department and read, hefore-mentioned Seminary avenue; thence nart- II degrees 11 minutes west 672.8 feet, north 29 and the award of the contract made according d-greet 25 minutes east 781 feet, on a curve of minutes east 153.2 feet, north I degree 40 to law as soon thereafter as practicable. lv along the westerly line of said parcel. north minutes east 962.8 feet, on a curve of 816.8 36 degrees 57 minutes west 75 feet. crossing 75 feet radius to the right, 220 feet; north 75 Each bid or estimate shall contain the name decrees 16 minutes east 474 feet, and north 39 feet radius to the right, 421.8 feet; north 31 and place of residence of the person making the said avenue, to a point in the westerly line degrees 16 minutes east 304.4 feet. south 58 de- thereof; thence along said westerly avenue line, degrees 35 minutes east 82.6 feet, to a point in saute, and names of all persons interested with the southerly line of before-mentioned Platt grees 44 minutes east 75 feet, and north 31 de- an i continuing along the westerly line of Par- him therein, and, if no other person be so inter- avenue; thence along said line. and continuing grees 16 minutes east 571 feet, to the northwest ested, it shall distinctly state that fact; also, that cA No. 1144. on a curve of 300 feet radius to corner of said Parcel No. 1093, in the southerly the left. 128.4 feet: north 28 degrees 32 minutes along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1122, it is made without any connection with any other north 49 degrees 7 minutes west 149.7 feet. line of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1092, in the 7.9 feet, and north 28 degrees 31 minutes person making an estimate for the same purpose, east 55 north 46 decrees 13 minutes west 53,4 feet, and o,uthcrly line of before-mentioned Landers road; east 2.176.5 feet, crossing Valentine street, to thence along said road line, and partly along and is in all respects fair and without collusion north 15 degrees 45 minutes west 80 feet. to the . r fraud, and that no member of the Board of the southwest corner of Parcel No. 1149; thence northwest corner of said parcel: thence partly 'aid southerly parcel line, south 83 degrees 25 along the westerly line of said parcel, and partly Aldermen, head of a department. chief of a along the northerly lines of same and before' minutes west 27.7 feet, and south 86 degrees bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1148, north 41 minutes west 34.2 feet, to the southwest cor- mentioned Parcel No. 1121, north 67 degrees 45 officer of The City of New York is, shall be or 28 degrees 31 minutes east 8 feet, and north 15 minutes east 46.3 feet, to the most northerly ner of said parcel; thence along the westerly degrees 18 minutes west 144.5 feet, to the north- beconle interested, directly or indirectly, as con- nnint of said Parcel No. 1121, in the northerly line of same, north 31 degrees 16 minutes east tracting party, partner, stockholder, surety or west corner of said parcel. in the southerly line line of said Platt avenue, said point being also 64.4 feet to the southwest corner of before- of Byron place. at another point in the before- mentioneo Parcel No. 1091, in the northerly otherwise in or in the performance of the con- in the westerly line of before mentioned Parcel tract, or in the sututdics, work or business to mentioned westerly line of Parcel No. 1144: No. 112(1; thence partly along said parcel line, line of said road; thence along the westerly thence again partly along said westerly parcel lines of said parcel and before-mentioned Par- which it relates, or in any portion of the profits along the westerly lines of before-mentioned thereof. The bid or estimate must be verified by line, north 15 degrees 18 minutes west 25 feet, Parcels Nos. 1119, 1117 and 1116- partly along cel No. 1090, partly along the northerly line of to a point in the centre of said Byron place; Said Parcel No, 1090, and along the westerly the oath, in writing, of the party or parties mak- the southerly and westerly lines of before-men- ing the estimate that the several matters stated thence along the centre line of said Byron Place, tinned Parcel No. 1115, along the westerly line line of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1089 the north 74 degrees 42 minutes east 100 feet, to following courses and distances: North 31 de. herein are in all respects true. of lief ore-mentioned Parcel No. 1114, and partly Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the point of intersection of said centre line with along the westerly line of before-mentioned grees 16 minutes cast 551 feet, north 38 degrees the westerly line produced of before-mentioned 45 minutes west 292.6 feet, north 31 degrees the consent, in writing, of two householders or Pared No. 1113, the following courses, distances freeholders in The City of New York, or of a Bennett place: thence along said produced line and curves: North 67 degrees 45 minutes east 16 minutes east 370 feet, north 80 degrees 40 minutes east 229.8 feet, north 7 degrees 30 min- guaranty or surety company duly authorized by and the westerly line of said Bennett Place, and 30.7 feet, north 12 degrees 23 minutes east 150 continuing along the westerly line of Parcel No. utes west 140 feet, north 13 degrees 46 minutes law to act as surety, and shall contain the mat- feet. north 77 degrees 37 minutes west 25 feet, tees set forth in the blank forms mentioned 1144, north 15 degrees 18 minutes west 796.9 north 12 degrees 23 minutes east 209.9 feet, west 697 feet, south 76 degrees 14 minutes west feet. and north 27 degrees 56 minutes east 245 feet, north 13 degrees 46 minutes west 429.5 below. south 77 degrees 37 minutes east 25 feet, north feet, north 36 degrees east 792.8 feet. south No bid or estimate will be considered unless, 1,094.5 feet, recrossing before-mentioned Gunther 12 degrees 23 minutes east 508.5 feet, on a avenue, College place and Midland avenue, cross- 54 degrees east 75 feet, and north 36 degrees as a condition precedent to the reception or con- curve of 791.8 feet radius to the right, 393.2 sideration of any proposal, it be accompanied by ing Orchard street, and recrossing before-men- feet; north 40 degrees 50 minutes east 33.4 feet, east 1,819.8 feet, to the southwest corner of be. lure-mentioned Parcel No. 1088, in the south- a certified check upon one of the State or Na- tioned Dunwoodie avenue, to the northwest cor- north 28 degrees 1 minute cast 57.4 feet. north ner of said Parcel No. 1144, in the southerly erly line of before-mentioned Hartsdale road; tional banks of The City of New York, drawn to 79 degrees 56 minutes west 63 feet, due north thence along the westerly line of said parcel, the order of the Comptroller, or money to the line of before-mentioned Parcel No, 1143; thence 30 feet; north 82 degrees east 65.1 feet, north partly along said line, north 73 degrees 13 min. north 36 degrees east 50.6 feet, to the point or amount of five per centum of the amount of the 13 degrees 16 minutes west 428.7 feet, north bond required as provided in section 420 of the utes west 2.3 feet, to the southwest corner of 6 degrees 36 minutes east 177.7 feet, south 83 place of beginning. said Parcel No. 1143; thence along the westerly Greater New York Charter. degrees 24 minutes east 20 feet, north 6 degrees The certified check or money should not be In- line of same the following courses and distances: 36 minutes east 267.1 feet, north 14 degrees 44 Second Part. North 27 degrees 56 minutes east 60.9 feet, closed in the envelope containing the bid or esti- minutes east 307.7 feet, north 61 degrees 43 north 27 degrees 46 minutes east 937.5 feet, Beginning at a point in the westerly line of mate, but should be either inclosed in a separate minutes west 12.9 feet, north 8 degrees 55 min- north 62 degrees 14 minutes west 50 feet, north Parcel No, 4, of Real Estate Section No. 1, envelope addressed to the head of the Depart- utes east 117.2 feet, north 14 degrees 25 min- Southern Aqueduct Department, Hill View Res- meat, President or Board, or submitted personally 27 degrees 46 minutes east 150 feet, south 62 upon the presentation of the bid or estimate. degrees 14 minutes east 50 feet. north 27 de- utes east 19.8 feet, north I degree 7 minutes ervoir (the map of which section was filed in west 431.6 feet, north 32 degrees 53 minutes the office of the Register of the County of For particulars as to the quantity and quality grees 46 minutes east 1,638.9 feet. north 72 de- of the supplies, or the nature and extent of the 55 minutes west 101.8 feet, and north 27 east 357 feet, north 12 degrees 58 minutes east Westchester, at White Plains, N. Y., on the grees rees 57 minutes west 70.6 work, reference must be made to the speci5ca- degrees 46 minutes east 100 feet. to the south. 75 feet, north 6 deg 18th day of February, 1907) said point being feet. on a curve of 290 feet radius to the right, lions, schedules, plans, etc.. on file in the said west corner of before-mentioned Parcel No. the most northerly point of I;arcel No, 1161 01 186.9 feet, and north 12 degrees 14 minutes the section hereby described, and running thence office of the President, Board or Department 1142, in the southerly line of before-mentioned cast 70.6 feet, to a point in the before-men- No bid shall be accepted from or contract Palmer avenue; thence partly along the westerly partly along the easterly line of said Parcel No. tinned road leading to Greenville; thence partly 1161, and the westerly line of Parcel No. 4, awarded to any person who is in arrears to The line of said parcel, north 27 degrees 46 minutes along the northerly line of said road, and con- south 31 degrees 38 minutes east 28.4 feet to City of New York upon debt or contract, or who east 33.6 feet. to a point in the centre of said tinuing along the westerly line of Parcel No. the most easterly point of said Parcel No. 1161' is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any Palmer avenue: thence along the centre line 1113, north 63 degrees 50 minutes east 27 feet, thence continuing along the easterly line of sail obligation to the City. thereof, south 72 degrees 55 minutes east 101.5 The contract must be bid for separately. the westerlyline and north 38 degrees 28 minutes east 90 feet; Parcel No. 1161, and along the easterly lines feet: thence continuing along thence continuing along said westerly line of The right is reserved in each can to reject of Parcel No. 1142, north 27 degrees 46 min- of Parcels Nos. 1162 and 1163, south 30 degrees Parcel No. 1113, and running partly along the 9 minutes west 580 feet, to the most easterly all bids or estimates if It is deemed to be for the utes east 34.7 feet, to the northwest corner of westerly line of before-mentioned Parcel No. point of Parcel No. 1164, in the easterly line interest of the City so to do. before-mentioned Nlaple avenue, and said Palmer of McLean avenue; thence partly along the Bidders will write out the amount of their bids avenue; thence along the westerly line of said 1110, along the westerly line of Parcel No. 1112, again partly along the westerly line of easterly line of said parcel, south 30 degrees or estimates in addition to inserting the same In Maple avenue, north 5 degrees I1 minutes east figures. g the westerly Parcel No. 1110, along the westerly line of 9 minutes west 81 feet, to the most easterly 726.6 feet; thence continuing alon point of Parcel No. 1165, in the westerly lint Bidders are requested to make their bids or line of Parcel No. 1142, north 35 degrees 42 Parcel No. 1111 and again partly along the westerly line of Parcel No- 1110. the following of said avenue; thence partly along the east, estimates upon the blank forms prepared and minutes east 98.5 feet to the most northerly parcel, south 30 degrees I furnished by the City, a copy of which, with the point of said Parcel l' o. 1142, in the westerly courses, distances and curve: North 5 degrees erly line of said 51 minutes west 56.5 feet, north 17 degrees 58 minutes west 852.5 feet to the southeast cornet Proper envelope in which to inclose the bid, to- line of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1139, in the gether with a copy of the contract, including the easterly line of said Maple avenue; thence part- minutes west 60.5 feet, on a curve of 275 feet of said parcel, in the fine between the City 01 radius to the right, 219.6 feet; north 37 degrees Yonkers and The City of New York; thence specifications, in the form approved by the Coe- ly along said westerly parcel line, and the west. poration Counsel, can be obtained upon applica- erly lines of before-mentioned Parcel No. 1138 59 minutes west 59.8 feet, north 1 degree 45 along said line, and the southerly line of said and Parcel No. 1136, aloe( the westerly line of minutes east 220.4 feet, north 7 degrees 22 parcel, north 68 degrees 36 minutes west 25.2 tion therefor at the office of the Department for before-meutioued Parcelthis No, 1137, and seemn minutes east 193.2 feet, north 76 degree. 52 feet, to the southwest corner of odd parcel' which the work is to be done. Plow and draw. pertly along the westerly of Parod No, 11M, minutes son 17.2 feat, north 61 dsgrea Its saiw theme. slang the we"ly Yee ad mall♦, tatsel too of construction work may also be aw there.