THE OHIO INFORMER Mcnoese State Colleges
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Louisiana Legal Moves Foiled Grand Jury To Probe Benson Slaying Court Knocks Out Richard Benson, 19-year-old Akron youth slain by the Ravenna. On patrol in the allotment Evans was in the llien Benson's father engaged Akron Attorney O. bu'let from a special deputy's pistol, was buried Tuesday night spot when the trouble started. Henri Corvington and the two began to dig up some wit- before one of the largest turnouts of young people in He told Portage County Prosecutor Robert E. Cook that nesses to the shooting. Their stories were in conflict with recent years. he fired a shot into the floor to disperse the crowd. He the one earlier told by Evansw As a result, Corvington Segregation Laws said the brawlers pushed themselves outside and he fol began to press either for diarges ag^nst the speciai But the circumstances and facts which led to h's fatal NEW ORLEANS -- Segregation lowed. It was then that they "crowded" him against a depunty or a hearing before a Grand Jury. decision that the New Orleans City shooting outside of the Green Tea Room in Skeel's Allot was dealt another death-like blow Park Improvement Association ment, Ravenna, will not be cleared up until the April wall. In desperation he again fired. Meanwhile, three youths have come foi"ward to test'fy last week when the U. S. Fifth could not keep Negroes away from Grand Jury meets to hear conflicting testimonies from On the strength of this testimony authorities exon that the shooting of Benson was unnecessary and that Circuit Court of Appeals handed I>ark facilities. witnesses. erated Evans and were all set to prefer charges against at the time of the fatal shot Benson was running away down decisions to prevent con The basic principle Involved in THE SHOOTING occurred last Friday when Benson Kenneth L. Williams, 20, of 380 Hickory st.. who v/as from the night spot toward his car. Evans explained that tinued efforts to keep Negroes out the university cases was a new was shot by Special Deputy John Evans after a near riot charged with striking Norman Cotton, 30, of Ravenna, Benson was hit by a bullet that had ricochetted. He of four statelnstitutions of higher Louisiana law which demanded occurred at the club between groups from Akron and to start the brawl. (Continued on Page 8) learn'ng and out of New Orleans that state colleges have a certifi public parks and public schools. cate of eligibUlty s'gned by the Here were the decisions: principal of the high school from 1—^It turned down the appeal of which he graduated. A companion the Louisiana State University law prohibits Negro high school Board of Education to keep Negro principals from signing certifi students from, entering LSTJ, cates except for a Negro college. Southeastern, Souithwestern and The public schools appeals case THE OHIO INFORMER McNoese state colleges. grew out of a decision by U. S. 2—^It upheld for the second District Judge J. Skelly Wright Vol. XII—No. 23 AKRON, OHIO. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1958 Price, 10c time a lower court ded^on order, who ordered the New Orleans tog New Orleans to desegregate Parish School Board to desegre Its public schools. gate schools "with all deliberate Alliance Begins Trust Fund Little Rock Girl Expelled —It agreed with a lower court speed." No date was set. NAACP Opposed Julius Thomas To Speak For Victims of Fire Tragedy Suspension Of Student At Center Dinner Meeting ALLIANCE—A three-pronged of the police and fire department THE CITY-WIDE committee is Julius Thomas, director of in Award; in 1950, the Chicago De campaign is imderway to give in rushing to the scene of .the NEW YORK—The National As "is an absurdity which your board headed by Rev. A. B. Adams, pas dustrial relations. National Urban fender Award and the Russwurm much needed assistance to the fire tragedy. sociation for the Advancement of cannot accept ... in the extra tor of Antioch Baptist Church and League, will make two appear Award. For distinguished post mother and her five-month-old The probe grew out of charfres Colored People urged the Little ordinary situat'on obtaining at a corespondent for the Ohio IN- ances in the AkronjCanton area graduate ach'evement, Howard Ibaby, the sole survivors of Alli male at council meeting last week Rock Board of Educat'on to "re- Central High School." FORMER. This group met Satur next week. University awarded him. the hon ance's worst fire tragedy which by Cliarlcs King, who critloized ject the recommended suspen NOTE: Despite this plea and day at the Red Cross Chapter orary degree of doctor of social took the lives of seven children the action of the flremien. His sion" of Minnie Jean Brown, 16- many others the school board ex. On Tuesday, Feb. 25, Thomas House to set up a Lilly Trust science. and their father last week. Fund. Other members are Mrs. charges were being backed up year-old Negro student of Little polled Minnie Monday night for will address the Annual Meeting Thomas became a consultant to Eagles, secretaiy; Commander bj' Alvin and ]\Iervin Miller, Adele Rock's Central High School. her "retaliating" to han*assment of the Canton Urban League. On The Red Cross Chapter, Salva^ the President's Committee on Gov William Danzel of the Dixon Post, Klrksey and James Thomas. by wh'te' students. Wednesday, Feb. 26, he will speak tlon Army and Local 2211 of In a telegram to Wayne Upton, ernment Contracts Compliance in Councilman Curvis Rhjoie, Law- King claimed that it tojk the president of the Little Rock She had been involved in five on "A New Look at Industrial American Steel FoundPy gave im Race Relations" at the Annual 1952. mediate emergency aid to the sur. rence Tull, head of the health, firemen 15 or 20 minutes to come board, Roy Wilklns, NAACP ex racial incidents since she and and welfare committee of Local about six blocks to the fire. He ecutive secretary, cited the har- eight other Negro students en Meeting of the Akron Community viving mother and baby; a city, Service Center, Urban League. wide drive to create a trast fund 2211, American Steel Foundry, was joined by other witnes3.jj in and other Negro students at the tered Central High under the pro for the balQ^ was initiated with whp'-e the father of the burned charging that nothing waj done assment to which Miss Brown tection of federal troops. This year, the Akron Commu three local banks offering to re ch Idren worked; and Rev. J'. Mi T;o rescue, the seven chi'dron and school have been subjected. The Minnie explarned that she just nity Service Center's meeting will ceive all donations; and a special Malnor, paj?tor of the Church of father tiapped in the flaiaing suspension of Miss Brown on the' couldn't stand it any longer. "Can be held in the ballroom of tlie benefit program is planned by the God in Christ. ^ home at 7ii Reed st. They charge charge of "talking back to a you imagine having the school Sheraton Hotel on Wednesday, Louis B. I>ixon American Legion T'he three banks acting as de- • that the irrr>Tnen did not go '>n white girl," Wilkins pointed out allow white students to do or say Feb. 26. The Center will honor 25 Post and Its Auxiliary for Wei- positories for donations are the; the side of the house where, tlie anything they want to, then you Akron citizens and groups on this nesdav, Feb. 26. at the N. Frank, AUiance First National, City Sav/ 'Children sought safety not be able to raise your voice occasion for achievement that rep. lin School auditorium. ings Bank and Trust Co., and the Several witucsses stated that to them?" she asked. resent democracy in action. Din ->'•• ^^nion Bank. they called ths to the attention Indiana Baptists ner will be served at 6:30 p.m. of th«t firemen atnl told thenj if Meeting arrangements arc being The program by the Dixon Post Akron Youths Finish they were afriul to enter the made by Mrs. Alice Cami^bdl and will have Atty. Frank Beane, Can. housor they would If ladders were Donate To NAACP Naval Boot Training members of her program commit Jackie RobTnson ton, former tsomiraander "of the made available. They also charge NEW YORK—The Indiana Bap. SAN DIEGO, Calif.—Two Ak tee. Community Guild members 10th District of the American that firemen didn't attempt to en ron vniiths were among the Na will serve as hostesses. Legion, as guest spealter. The tist State Convention's "Pennies To Tour South ter the hooise until the flame had for Privilege," project has netted val trainees who finished their Thomas, as director of indus. JULIUS THOMAS Paiul Weston Band of Youngstown died out. "boot training" at the Naval wUl donate Its services. Each per the National Association for the trial relat'ons for the National NEW YORK—Jackie Robmson, Curvis Rhyne, vice cha'rman of Training Center here on Feb. 7. son attending is expected to con Advancement of Colored People Urban League, is founder and the former major league baseball council,- presided at the meeting. They were Daniel Moton, Jr., son tribute a dollar. $1,029.56, Rev. Edward J. Ddom, prime exponent of the League's Akron NAACP Plans star and member of the national He is president pro tern in the Jr., the Association's church sec of Daniel Moton of 857 Lucy st.