2017 3rd Annual International Conference on Modern Education and Social Science (MESS 2017) ISBN: 978-1-60595-450-9

She Nationality Traditional Sports Development Li Jin (Department of Sport, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, ) [email protected]

Keywords: She Nationality, traditional sports, development

Abstract: In this paper, we have shown the kind of She Traditional Sports in Gangzhou City. Fewer and fewer teenagers of She Traditional are often participate in exercise. For participating in this national tradition sports people Partial aging problem, the paper She Nationality traditional sports development direction are discussed, and recommendations, and related measures. The She Nationality traditional sports culture has been digging and inheritance.

1 Brief Introduction of Traditional Sports of She Nationality 1.1 The Origin of She Nationality Traditional Sports The primitive society is an extremely low social productivity, People's lives are extremely difficult, only through the collection, hunting and other collective way to survive[1-3]. The invasion of the beast, the torture of the disease, coupled with the harsh environment and climate, forcing people to have to struggle to survive and continue to learn and create, and the She traditional production of labor sports projects in the struggle, learning, creation produced [4]. For example, "the burden of guns" is derived from the She people mountain production development, grass and other basic wood; "Picking tea" is derived from the She people picked up the mountain tea. She has its own religious beliefs, they put the "Dragonscale" as the ancestor of their own nation. In some festivals and rituals, they must express their admiration and admiration for the ancestor. "Scholar teacher" is such a religious ritual. Its main content is to reflect the ancestral struggle of the ancestors of the process, and expressed the spirit of the ancestors of the She for the survival, and development, with nature and all evil forces stubborn struggle spirit. The main plot of "Scholar teacher" are presided over by the master (the priest handheld devices to different fathers) to complete the form now singing, now dancing[5]. She is a diligent and brave nation and has a glorious history of revolutionary struggle. But because of the weak, sparsely populated, poor equipment etc, The people of the She has long been subjected to the brutal repression, discrimination, exclusion and exploitation of the historical reactionary ruling class. In order to self-defense to make their own family to continue and protect the fruits of labor, the brave people of the She continue to create a military technical action to combat oppression and invasion of the enemy. The traditional sports of the She nationality were produced and developed in the military struggle[6]. Legend of "Da Chi Cun" movement is a traditional sports activities which to commemorate the She Nationality heroes Lan Fenggao against the Tang Dynasty and spread so far [7-8]. 1.2 Introduction of the Main Items of She Nationality Traditional Sports 1.2.1 Category of Production Labor "Hippocampus" is also called "Scooter", prevalent in the coastal area. It is a traditional sports in the She group that combines production labor. When the sea water at low tide, people who on the beach use a wood which about 1m long and 40cm wide. One foot on the board and the other foot hard to slide forward to the sea[11]. “Hit the Gun pole” Is the She ethnic compatriots to simulate the production of labor for a healthy body of an activity. “Gun pole” also known as "string Tam". When the people of the

887 She went up to cut the firewood, cut a bamboo or stick, sharpen both ends. It is both firewood tool of She group, but also self-defense device. When She group go up the mountain, they While singing folk songs while striking gun pole, and gradually drilled out “Hit the Gun pole”. Now the number of participants in this event is generally 8 to 16 people. At the beginning of the event, people dressed in national costumes and stood in two columns with one hand holding the sticks of the sticks and the other hand holding the machete. As people walk, they beat the stick with a knife and beat the rhythm of Da Da Da. They are knocking and dancing, sometimes in the chest or the shoulder, sometimes in front of the body. The whole event about 7 ~ 8 min, the activities of the scene warm, unrestrained, in the course of the whole process there are martial arts two pairs of training, offensive and defensive one, into the characteristics of the She sticks [12]. 1.2.2 Category of dance “Hunting dance” also known as “step dance” and jumped by the priest when ancestors which belong to ritual dance. In the ceremony, the priest wearing a robe. In the folk dance accompaniment, the dancers both face to face or back to back, each left and right hand holding the dragon horn and spirit sword while singing and dancing, rhythmic rotation of the dragon angle and waving spirit sword. People are squatting in a step-by-step manner, and then walking step by step, everyone is surrounded by circles, jumping step by step and often changing the formation in the dance[14]. She's people's economic source is one of the tea cultivation and they regard tea as "God soup". The customs of She nationality can’t do without tea, wedding dance "tea dance" is one of the traditional sports dance. At the wedding, a tea man who good at dancing that Lead people to jump "respect tea dance". Tea people holding tray, arms upward to form a circle to the knees to the chest and do salute action to the dancers. All chest interleaved, knees do salute action and then tea man repeatedly to salute the people. “Dragon Lantern Dance” is very popular in Fu'an City of Province, also known as the "noisy dragon". Muyun Township is one of the most populated towns in Fuan City. Every festival, She people spontaneously formed a dragon team and put on uniform clothing. A person holding the "dragon ball" in front of the team, the man who hold the "leading" with the "dragon ball" constantly up and down, change around [16]. 1.2.3 Category of Military struggle “Hit Chicun” is a traditional sporting event in order to commemorate the She Nationality hero Lan Fenggao resistance to the Tang Dynasty. At that time, the leaders of the She Nationality led by Lan Fenggao to against foreign invaders but forced to retreat to the south of the river to build a fortress. The enemy in Jiangbei and Ten thousand arrows shot at once. Lan Fenggao was anxious to swept the enemy’s arrows with a broken bow. “Chi” representative the bow and representative the bow.

2 The Current Situation of She Nationality 's Traditional Sports Development 2.1 The Results of the Development of She Nationality Traditional Sports According to the purpose and requirements of this study, 150 people were randomly selected from the She Autonomous Township in City to participate in the survey. This time a total of 150 questionnaires were issued, and 130 were recovered. The recovery rate was 86.7%. The valid questionnaires were 100 and the effective rate was 66.7%. 2.1.1 The Basic Situation of the Respondents Participate in the survey of Ganzhou She compatriots, men accounted for 60%, women accounted for 40%. 10% of the formal education did not receive, 15% of the primary school culture level, 30% of the junior middle school culture level, 20% of the high school culture level, 25% of the college education. 888 2.1.2 Respondents' Understanding of the Traditional Sports of the She Nationality

Table 1. respondents on the She traditional sports understanding of the degree. Very Not quite Hardly understand commonly understanding understand understand number 10 20 40 20 10 % 10 20 40 20 10 As can be seen from Table 1, the respondents on the She traditional sports understanding of the degree is still considerable, but there are still 30% of people do not understand. This indirect description also requires further inheritance of the She’s compatriots. 2.1.3 She Nationality That Investigators Have Tried As a group gathering way, the traditional sports of the She nationality enables people to broaden the channels of intercourse between the inner and interracial groups of the She nationality under the constraints of certain rules and sports morals. It is also an important activity of social communication. It helps to improve ethnic relations and promote the economic and cultural development of the She region. As can be seen from Table 1, the military struggle and the game competition class sports more people's favorite, and customs and production of labor-like sports are only a small number of people play. It can be seen that young people like to compete with some of the more stimulating items. 2.1.4 The Way of Investigators to Study the Traditional Sports of the She Nationality

Table 2. The way of investigators to study the traditional sports. Elders Physical Friends Self-study other teach education class taught number 15 20 25 25 15 % 15 20 25 25 15

As can be seen from Table 2, the respondents to learn the traditional sports of the She ethnic diversity, their respective proportion is also quite. This will be more conducive to young people inheriting traditional sports activities. 2.1.5 The Degree of Preference For the Traditional Sports of the She Nationality

Table 3. Respondents' preferences for the traditional sports. like very much Like General dislike Do not like it number 15 30 40 10 5 % 15 30 40 10 5 From the participants on the national traditional sports preferences table can be found, most of the respondents on the She traditional sports are holding a more optimistic attitude, only a small number of people do not like to play the traditional sports activities of the She.

3 The Development and Protection of Traditional Sports of She Nationality 3.1 Government Attaches Importance to Increase Investment and Publicity In the rapid economic development of the community, only by the She traditional sports folk organizations have been unable to bear the She traditional sports excavation, finishing and carry forward the work. This requires the government to continue to give help and support, at the same time to constantly update the concept to absorb the traditional sports culture She and

889 make effort to more of the She traditional sports project organization declared as cultural heritage protection object. Economic input is the foundation, government departments must increase investment in the economy in order to reduce the excavation and finishing process difficulties. In addition, the government departments should organize relevant experts and scholars to study the theory and practice of the traditional sports of the She nationality. Strengthen the cultural identity of the She traditional sports, and constantly expand the research field and research perspective of the traditional sports of the She, from the economic field, tourism industry, cultural heritage, folklore, philosophy, anthropology, religion, school education and other fields and different Perspective to study the traditional sports of the She [21]. Using the collective memory method, fieldwork method, questionnaire survey method and other research methods to continuously enrich and enrich the She traditional sports research methods, and gradually establish the She traditional sports science theory system. 3.2 Strengthening the Transformation of the Traditional Sports of the She Nationality In order to better carry forward the fine traditional culture of the Chinese nation, the government should pay more attention to national sports, increase support for the She's sports, take effective measures to give full play to the strength of the school and society, and strive to dig, organize and develop. And the use of She traditional sports, inherited the fine cultural heritage of the Chinese nation. Ganzhou City She traditional sports many, rich and colorful, which not only with a strong national character, but also without losing the competitive sports of the project, in the inheritance and development of both to retain their original and have to be innovative. So that Ganzhou minority sports continue to be given new content, new forms, new values, new characteristics of the times, so that it continues to scientific, standardized and socialized. To adapt to the development of the times, good at absorbing the world and other ethnic groups of outstanding sports culture, enhance their own ability to integrate, so that the traditional sports of the She is more open [22]. 3.3 Strengthening the Cultivation of Traditional Sports Talents of She Nationality At present, the urgent task facing the traditional sports of the She Nationality is the cultivation of sports professionals, and the professional talents of the traditional sports of the She nationality can guarantee the inheritance and development of the traditional sports of the She nationality. At present, the lack of talent, the imbalance between supply and demand in the traditional sports research of She nationality has seriously restricted the development of the traditional sports of the She nationality. In the process of excavating, developing and applying the traditional sports of the She ethnic group, we need to invest a certain amount of human, material and financial resources. Therefore, we should organize various training activities in various forms and at different levels to train the professional people of the She traditional sports "To promote the extensive development and popularization of traditional sports of the She". Make full use of She residential areas near the university site resources, human resources, in these colleges and universities set up traditional sports courses She, so that students learn to master the traditional sports of the She, in order to better promote, carry forward and inherit the traditional sports of the She. On the other hand to strengthen the training of the traditional sports translators of the She nationality. At the same time, but also do the inheritance of the cultivation and heritage work.

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