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Faculty Papers and Publications in Science Animal Science Department

January 1981


E. R. Wilson Oklahoma State University, Stillwater

R. K. Johnson University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]

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Wilson, E. R. and Johnson, R. K., "COMPARISON OF THREE-BREED AND BACKCROSS SWINE FOR LITTER PRODUCTIVITY AND POSTWEANING PERFORMANCE " (1981). Faculty Papers and Publications in Animal Science. 19. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/animalscifacpub/19

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E. R. Wilson 2 and R. K. Johnson 3

Oklahoma State University, Stillwater 74074

Summary ci-osses of swine (Smith and McLaren, 1967; Fahmy and Bernard, 1971; Fahmy et al., Duroc, Hampshire and Yorkshire boars were 1971; Nelson and Robison, 1976; Schneider, mated with crossbred gilts of Duroc-Hampshire, 1976; Sellier, 1976; Young et al., 1976a,b; Duroc-Yorkshire and Hampshire-Yorkshire breed- Johnson et al., 1978.) have clearly shown the ing to produce 133 three-breed and 259 back- existence of individual and maternal cross litters that were farrowed during four for important swine production traits. Since seasons beginning in the fall of 1975. Three- maternal heterosis has been shown to increase breed cross litters were .31 -+ .27, .57 + .24 and significantly the number of and litter .50 + .24 pigs larger than backcross litters at weight at 42 days (Johnson et al., 1978), a birth, 21 and 42 days, respectively, and .6 -+ crossbred dam should be used in commercial .34, 2.3 -+ 1.2 and 5.4 + 2.4 kg heavier at these swine production. However, several considera- ages. The differences in average weight and tions must be made in the selection of survival percentage were small. Three-breed and breed combinations for mating systems. As cross litters gained faster (.024 +- .007 kg/day) an example, three-breed terminal crosses and were younger (-4.7 -+ 1.5 days) at 100 maintain 100% individual and maternal heter- kilograms. Three-breed cross pigs were about osis but are more complex to manage than 3% more efficient than backcross pigs. The two-breed systems, which have less than maxi- differences in average backfat probe and mum heterosis. Another example is a rotation average daily feed intake were small and not cross, which allows a producer to raise replace- significant. Breed of sire contrasts for litter ment females but maintains less than maximum traits were small and not significant. How- heterosis. ever, significant differences between sire breeds There is a lack of experimental results for existed for postweaning performance. Also, few evaluating different mating schemes. Experi- differences between crossbred dam groups were mental results that verify the relationship significant for litter size or litter weight, but between heterosis and degree of heterozygosity significant differences in postweaning perform-_ are also lacking. ance existed between progeny of crossbred dam The purpose of this experiment was to groups. In general, pigs with Duroc breeding evaluate three-breed cross and backcross pigs had the fastest growth rate and those with from dams of Duroc-Hampshire,Duroc-Yorkshire Hampshire breeding were the leanest. and Hampshire-Yorkshire breeding for litter and (Key Words: Swine, Crossbreeding Systems, growth traits. Specific objectives were to Litter Productivity, Post-weaning Performance.) compare the estimate of one-half individual pig heterosis from this study with earlier estimates Introduction of heterosis, and to compare the performance Reports on specific two- and three-breed of the three types of crossbred dams and sire breeds for litter traits and postweaning perfor- mance. Journal Article 3616 of the Agr. Exp.Sta., Okla- homa State Univ., Stillwater. Research conducted by the Dept. of Anim. Sci. (Project 1620) in cooperation Materials and Methods with the USDA, ARS, Southern Region. Backcross and three-breed cross litters of 2 KLEEN LEEN, INC., 2720 First Ave., NE, Cedar Duroc, Hampshire and Yorkshire breeding were Rapids, IA 52402. 3 Dept. of Anita. ScL, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, farrowed and raised at the Southwest 68503. and Forage Research Station, E1 Reno, Okla- 18 JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, VoL 52, No. 1, 1981 COMPARISON OF THREE-BREED AND BACKCROSS SWINE 19 homa. Farrowings occurred during four seasons, 21- and 42-day litter traits because one died from the fall of 1975 to the spring 1977. and four lost their litters between birth and 21 boars and crossbred females were days. produced at the OSU swine at Stillwater The experimental design and the number of from the purebred Duroc, Hampshire and boars, sows and pigs per breed or breed cross Yorkshire herds that had been established in are presented in table 1. Data were collected on 1969 (Johnson et al., 1973). All females the reproductive success rate of the gilts, litter farrowing were gilts. size, litter weight and individual pig weight at An 8-week breeding season was used each birth and 21 and 42 days. Differences in season, with the fall breeding beginning Dec- conception rates among crossbred female breed ember 1 and the spring breeding beginning June groups were compared by chi-square tests 1. Farrowings took place in a central farrowing (Snedecor and Cochran, 1967). Growth rate, house with crates and slotted wood floors. At days to 100 kg, average backfat probe and pen approximately 1 week of age, the litters were feed efficiency were evaluated postweaning. All moved to a nursery with individual pens and fully formed pigs (alive or dead) were included solid concrete floors. All boars were castrated in litter size at birth. at 21 days of age and creep feed was offered at Statistical analyses of litter productivity and this time. Litters were weaned at 42 days and postweaning performance were done on litter about 2 weeks later were moved to the finishing means. Average daily gain, days to 100 kg and facility. Pigs were group fed in concrete pens, average probe backfat measurements for gilts with 10 to 18 per pen. They were were adjusted to a barrow basis by the addition allotted to pens by breed group, with barrows to gilt records of the mean difference between and gilts mixed in pens, and started on test at barrow and gilt data. Postweaning performance approximately 9 weeks of age. Diets were 16% was analyzed in this manner because these protein to about 50 kg and 14% protein from estimates gave unbiased estimates of 50 to 100 kg, with either wheat or sorghum as parameters and produced an input matrix that the grain base. Pigs were weighed off-test could be inverted by existing computer fac- weekly as they approached 100 kg, at which ilities. This technique was also used by Young time they were probed for backfat. et al. (1976b) and Johnson et al. (1978). Gilts were monitored during the breeding The statistical model was: period and classified into one of three cate- gories: (1) not detected in estrus. (2) detected in estrus and mated but did not become preg- Yijklm = U + S i + Bj + (SB)ij + Rk(ii ) + D 1 § nant or (3) pregnant. The records for five gilts that forrowed were deleted from analyses of (SD)il + (BD)il + (SBD)ij i + em(ijkl ),


No. of No. of No. of No. of Breed of No. of Breed of litters at litters 21 and pigs in pens for feed sire' sires gilta birth 42 days feedlot efficiency

Duroc 24 D H 46 44 324 15 DY 44 44 275 14 HY 43 42 310 17 Hampshire 23 DH 43 43 260 13 DY 42 42 307 13 HY 43 42 247 11 Yorkshire 25 DH 48 47 321 17 DY 41 41 278 15 HY 42 42 267 11 Total 72 392 387 2,589 126

aD = Duroc, H = Hampshire, Y -- Yorkshire. Breed of gilt includes reciprocal crosses (e.g., DH includes both D • H and H X D females) in approximately equal numbers. 20 WILSON AND JOHNSON

where Yijklmtis..ih the litter mean for the i th Results and Discussion year-season, breed of sire, k th sire within Reproductive Efficiencies. The distribution season and breed of sire and Ith breed of of reproductive successes and failures is shown dam. R k()ij and e m(ijkl) were assumed to be in table 2. There were no significant differences normally d~stributed independent random vari- between the reciprocal cross female groups; 2 2 ables with zero mean and variance o r and Oe, thus, they were combined. Differences between respectively. All remaining factors were as- the breed groups in conception rate were very sumed to be fixed. Initial analysis showed that small, whether it was based on the number effects of sire within season-year and breed of retained for breeding or the number that sire were not significant for average number of mated. The percentage of females that did not pigs or litter weight at birth, 21 or 42 days. mate was 2.7%; Johnson et al. (1978) reported These traits were reanalyzed with sires excluded nonmating rates of 8% among crossbreds and from the model. Fixed model analyses were 10% among purebred females. accomplished with the Statistical Analysis Litter Productivity. Breed group means and System (Barr and Goodnight, 1972). contrasts for litter productivity are shown in Survival percentage, average daily gain, days table 3. A contrast of particular interest is the to 100 kg, and average probe backfat and comparison of three-breed cross litters with average pig weight at birth, 21 and 42 days backcross litters, since this is an estimate of were analyzed by mixed model procedures one-half individual pig heterosis (Dickerson, according to Harvey (1972). In these analyses, 1969). The difference for average number of season, breed of sire and their interaction were pigs per litter was .31 + .27, .57 + .24 and .50 + tested by sire for statistical significance levels. .24 pigs at birth, 21, and 42 days, respectively. Feed efficiency and feed intake were analyzed Three-breed cross litters were significantly with a fixed effects model including factors for heavier than backcross litters at 42 days, by 5.4 season, breed of sire, breed of dam and two-and -+ 2.4 kilograms. The difference in average pig three-way interactions. Breed group pen means weight was small and nonsignificant at all ages. were the experimental unit for these analyses. Survival rate of pigs from birth to weaning Each pen contained both barrows and gilts, but was higher among pigs in three-breed cross this should not have affected the analyses since litters but not significantly so. Bereskin et al. (1975, 1976) and Siers (1975) The heterosis estimates from this study are reported that barrows and gilts did not differ compared in table 4 with those reported by significantly in feed efficiency. Young et al. (1976a) for and two- Least-squares means were computed for each breed crosses of the same breeds. The estimates breed group. Linear contrasts were performed of one-half of the heterosis for litter size were to compare backcross to three-breed cross 82, 80 and 66% of the earlier estimates, and litters and to compare the average differences those for litter weight at 21 and 42 days were among breeds of sire and breeds of dam. More 62 and 57%, as compared with an expected contrasts were made than there were available value of 50%. The estimate of one-half heterosis degrees of freedom, so the associated pro- for litter weight at birth was 20% greater than babilities are not exact. the previous estimate reported by Young et al.


Conception rate Conception rate No. saved No. No. not No. based on based on Breed a for breeding farrowing mating open gilts mated gilts saved

DH 161 137 3 21 86.7 85.1 DY 144 127 3 14 90.1 88.2 HY 148 129 6 13 90.8 87.2 Total 453 393 12 48 89.1 86.8

aD = Duroc, H = Hampshire, Y = Yorkshire. Breed of gilt includes reciprocal crosses (e.g. DH includes both D • H and H X D females) in approximately equal numbers. COMPARISON OF THREE-BREED AND BACKCROSS SWINE 21

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(1976a). The heterosis estimates in this study were also larger than those in the study by 44 Schneider (1976), in which the difference between purebreds and crossbreds was .0 for number of pigs born and .29 for number of pigs at 56 days. Indications are that backcross

44 44 matings do not have a greater-than-expected < loss of individual heterosis for litter produc- e~ tivity. The estimate of heterosis for survival rate is lower than the earlier estimate e~ Differences between Duroc-, Hampshire- and

+1 +1 (1971) and Nelson and Robison (1976). Young et al. (1976a) found that Yorkshire-sired litters Z'~. t~ < were significantly larger at 21 and 42 days than those sired by Duroc and Hampshire. Litter > weight and average pig weight differences between sire breeds were small. Several other U I" authors have found nonsignificant differences in average pig weight when these breeds have been used as sires (Fahmy et al., 1971; Nelson m J~ ,-~ IN and Robison, 1976; Young et al., 1976a). +1 -H Although the contrasts between dam breeds .1 were not significant for litter size at birth, 21 or 42 days, the differences were very consistent at all three ages (table 3). Holtmann et al. (1975) [... reported that Duroc-Yorkshire and Hampshire- < ~6 +1 +1 Yorkshire ranked slightly higher than Hampshire- irl i~ Duroc, while Nelson and Robison (1976) reported the reverse ranking. Duroc-Hampshire N e,l dams produced litters that were .9 -+ .4 kg 0 0 o +1 44 heavier than those of Yorkshire-Hampshire dams at birth, but by 21 days this difference = was not present At birth Duroc-Hampshire females had the heaviest pigs (P<.05), but by ~ N rP, 21 days the average weight of their pigs was Z .. +1 -H similar to that of pigs from Hampshire-Yorkshire dams. Pigs from Hampshire cross dams were heavier (P<.05) at 21 and 42 days than those ~o r~ from Duroc-Yorkshire females. At 42 days, pigs u N eq +l +1 from Hampshire-Yorkshire dams were .52 + .21 4 kg heavier than those from Duroc-Yorkshire ,-.1 dams. < "O Since there were only small differences between sire breeds and crossbred dam types, it v appears that a mating plan for litter production should involve the breed crosses that tend to be most productive as females, mated to maintain ~.~ o a high percentage of heterosis in the pigs. Feedlot Performance Table 5 presents the ~e. r162 ~ [--, .o breed group means and contrasts for post- COMPARISON OF THREE-BREED AND BACKCROSS SWINE 23


Avg daily Avg daily Days to Backfat feed intake, Item gain, kg/day b 100 kg probe, cm Gain/Feed kg/day

D • DH a .704 186.1 3.39 .320 2.06 D X DY .700 187.2 3.36 .326 2.02 D X HY .710 183.5 3.23 .331 2.00 H • DH .675 192.2 2.92 .311 2.04 H • DY .699 187.5 3.04 .331 1.98 H X HY .651 196.3 2.95 .320 1.92 Y • DH .704 185.6 3.26 .322 2.03 Y • DY .703 185.5 3,23 .314 2.04 Y X HY .654 192.8 3.11 .317 1.86 Contrasts between breed of sire D-Y .016 • -2.0 + 2.3 .11 • .04** .008 • .003* .05 • .04 H- Y -.012 • 4.0 • 2.3 -.23 • .04"* .003 -+ .003 .00 + .05 D- H .029 • -6.0 • 2.3** .35 • .04** .005 • .003 .05 • .05 Contrasts between breed of dam DH- HY .023 • .008** --2.9 • 1.7 .09 • .03** -.005 • .003 .12 • .05* DY- HY .028 -+ :008"* --3.8 • 1.7"* .10 • .03"* .001 • .003 .09 • .05 DH- DY --.004 • .008 --0.9 + 1.7 --.0t • .03 --.006 • .003 .03 • .05 Three-breed cross vs backcross Three-breed- backcross .024 + .007"* -4.7 • 1.5"* .02 • .02 .010 • .002"* .02 • .04

aD = Duroc, H = Hampshire, Y -- Yorkshire. bstandard errors of the means ranged from .012 to .013 kg/day for average daily gain, 2.4 to 2.7 days for days to 100 kg, .04 to .05 cm for backfat probe, .003 to .004 for gain/feed and .05 to .06 kg/day for average daily feed intake. *P<.05. **P<.O1.

weaning traits. Three-breed cross pigs grew et al. (1971) reported that crossbreds had .23 significantly faster, were younger at 100 kg and cm more carcass backfat thickness than pure- were more efficient in feed utilization than breds. In general, it appears that heterosis for backcross pigs. Young et al. (1976b) found backfat must be close to zero. significant individual heterosis for all of the The efficiency of feed utilization was postweaning traits that were measured in this significantly greater (3%) among three-breed study. The differences between three-breed crosses than backcrosses. There was a non- cross pigs and backcross pigs in average daily significant difference in feed intake. Young et gain and days to 100 kg were close to one-half al. (1976b) reported an increase of .0073 + the individual heterosis estimates given by .0030 kg gain/kg feed compared with an Young et al. (1976b), which are shown in table increase of .010 + .002 kg gain/kg feed in this 6. study. This degree of heterosis is greater than Three-breed cross pigs had slightly more most estimates reported in the literature. backfat probe than backcross pigs; however, Kuhlers et al. (1972) did not find significant this difference was not significant. Young heterosis for feed conversion or feed intake for et al. (1976b) reported less backfat probe (-.06 the period from 56 days to 90 kilograms. Young + .03 cm) for crossbred than purebred gilts, but et al. (1976b) found that crossbred pigs con- slightly more (.02 + .04 cm) carcass backfat in sumed .077 • .037 kg more feed per day than crossbred barrows. Kuhlers et al. (1972) and did purebred pigs. Except for findings on feed Schneider (1976) also found little evidence of efficiency, the results from this experiment do heterosis for carcass backfat. However, Bereskin not deviate greatly from theoretical expectations 24 WILSON AND JOHNSON


Est. of Avg Avg daily ind. gaily Age at Backfat feed intake, Item heterosis gain, kg/dey 100 kg probe, cm Galn/feed kg/day

Fl " P urebreda 1 .054 + .007** --9.9 + 1.3"* --.06 + .03* .007 + .003* .08 + .04* Three-breed- backcross *A .024 + .007** --4.7 +- 1.5"* .02 +- .02 .010 + .002"* .02 -+ .04

ayoung et al. (1976b). * P<.05. **P<.01.

(50% of previous estimates) in the amount of Both Duroc-Hampshire and Duroc-Yorkshire heterosis for postwe aning traits. females produced pigs that made greater Duroc-sired pigs had higher average daily average daily gains and were 2.9 + 1.7 and 3.8 + gains and were younger at 100kg than Yorkshire- 1.7 days younger at 100 kg than pigs from sired pigs, and Yorkshire-sired pigs were 4.0 + Hampshire-Yorkshire dams. Pigs from Hampshire- 2.3 days younger at 100 kg than Hampshire- Yorkshire dams were .09 + .03 and .10 + .03 sired pigs. This finding is in general agreement cm leaner than those from Duroc-Hampshire with previously published estimates. Nelson and and Duroc-Yorkshire dams. This result might be Robison (1976) for example, reported that expected because of the general superiority of Duroc-sired pigs were heavier than Yorkshire- the Hampshire breed in backfat and the ap- sired pigs at 140 days of age, and that Yorkshire- parent maternal component for leanness in the sired pigs were heavier than Hampshire-sired Yorkshire (Young et el., 1976b). Duroc- pigs when two-way cross pigs were produced. Yorkshire and Hampshire-Yorkshire females When three-breed cross pigs were produced, the produced pigs that were similar in feed effi- differences between breeds of sire were very ciency. Pigs with Duroc-Hampshire dams were small. Fahmy et el. (1976) found that York- least efficient. Offspring of Duroc-Hampshire shire and Duroc-sired pigs were similar and females had significantly greater average daily that both were significantly younger than feed consumption than pigs with Hampshire- Hampshire-sired pigs at 90 kg, while Young et Yorkshire dams. el. (1976b) observed that Duroc-sired pigs were This experiment has shown that backcross significantly younger at 100 kg than either pigs maintain heterosis values for litter traits Yorkshire- or Hampshire-sired pigs. and postweaning performance that are con- All contrasts between breeds of sire were sistent with expected theoretical values. This significant for average backfat probe at 100 information can be used to develop and eval- kilograms. Hampshire-sired pigs had .23 -+ uate crossbreeding systems to determine which .04 cm less backfat than Yorkshire-sired pigs, are the most efficient for producing commercial and Yorkshire-sired pigs had .11 -+ .04 cm less market swine. backfat than Duroc-sired pigs. This is in agree- ment with results reported by Young et al. Literature Cited (1976b) and Fahmy et al. (1976). Nelson and Robison (1976) found that Yorkshire-sired pigs Ban', A. J. and J. H. Goodnight. 1972. A User's Guide had a significantly greater backfat probe at 72.7 to the Statistical Analysis System. North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh. kg than did either Duroc- or Hampshire-sired Bereskin, B., R. J. Davey and W. H. Peters. 1976. pigs. Genetic, sex and diet effects on pig growth and Duroc-sired pigs were the most efficient in feed use. J. Anita. Sci. 43:977. feed utilization, significantly more so than Bereskin, B., R. J. Davey, W. H. Peters and H. O. Hetzer. 1975. Genetic and environmental effects Yorkshire-sired pigs. Differences in average and interactions in swine growth and feed utiliza- daily feed consumption were small and non- tion. J. Anita. Sci. 40: 53. significant. Bereskin, B., C. E. Shelby and L. N. Hazel. 1971. COMPARISON OF THREE-BREED AND BACKCROSS SWINE 25

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