Monmouth Boat Club Has Diamond Jubilee
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For All Departments Call RED BANK REGISTER RE 6-0013 VOLUME LXXVI, NO. 49 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1954 10c PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. Coast Guard Auxiliary to Hold Oceanic Fire Company Celebrates 75th Anniversary Monmouth Boat Club Courtesy Exams This Week-End Has Diamond Jubilee ••- NEW YORK CITY—Roar Ad- This is the diamond jubilee year miral Louis B. Olson, commander save him a g d deal of trouble if of thn Monmouth Boat club cover- of the Coast Guard's eastern area he is inspected later by a regular State Chamber ing 73 years of boating activities. and third Coast Guard district, this Federal Communications commis- Its anniversary program, the birth- week called attention to all pleas- sion official. This check is also day date being May 29, culminates ure boat.owners to the free public rendered as a "courteBy," and no Opposes Bill 9 with thin week's activities. service of the Coast Guard auxili- report Is made to F.C.C. should it The club has Issued a souvenir ary in conducting safety examina- be found that the boat owner has history and roster, 'he introductory tions of pleasure boats. not fully complied with the laws On Teacher Pay page of which carried a message "This season," he said, "presents pertaining to vessel radio stations. from Commodoro Harvey N, a. greator challenge than ever be- Each auxiliary flotilla has its Commissioner Schcnck as follows: fore. Many new boat owners are corps of qualified examiners and "Tho Monmouth Boat club's his- venturing on the waters for the will sponsor certain localities in its Isn't Arbiter, tory over the past 75 years reveals first time with little or no experi- immediate vicinity. Arrangements that its boating activities have ence. Seasoned yachtsmen avail may be made with any of the Ackcn Declares been varied including sculling, row- themselves of the auxiliary courtesy sponsoring flotillas to examine a ing, canoeing, sailing and pfewer examinations as a matter of pru- boat not onl on the designated NEWARK — The New Jersey boating. These varying activities dence. With this example, all now week-end but at any time through- state Chamber of Commerce Tues- have always been synonymous boat owners should be interested out the summer months to suit the day urged members of the State with the spirit of good sportsman- in having a double-check on safety convenience of the owner. Assembly to oppose passage of As- ship, friendliness, competition and requirements before subjecting sembly Bill 0, saying it would im- good fun. their families and guests to an acci- pose a mandatory teachers' salary While the issuance of this ros- dent on the water that could and schedule on local school boards. ter and historical resume commem- should have been prevented." Ho Many Artists Albert H. Ackcn, secretary 'of orates the '-\ lb's 75th .anniversary, said there are more than 70,000 reg- tho state Chamber, wrote assem- we also helievc that it marks the istered pleasure craft in the dis- blymen that the bill would remove .start of an era of even greater trict. To Show Their "from tho hands of local achool boating interest and activity. We , • The district has designated Sat- boards all control over their teach- "eel sure that the present and fu- urday, June 5, and Sunday, June 6, er employees" and further would ture club met. bers will continue to as "courtesy motorboat examina- Work Saturday permit teachers to appeal to the make greater contributions to boat- tion days.'" Auxiliary Commodore state commissioner of education ing history and always keep the Joseph, M. McAndrews has ar- League to Stage any school board's decision to Monmou'.h Boat club young at ranged for examiners to be avail- withhold ;i salary increase. heart." able afa great number of the prin- Annual Exhibition Mr. Ackcn called changes pro- The history of the- club Is so cipal yacht clubs, marinas and posed by Bill 8 appear "neither ad- interesting that Tho Register is boating centers throughout New In Marine Park ministratively feasible nor educa- pleased to devote the space neces- Jersey, Connecticut, New York and tionally sound," in that they would sary to print same verbatim as it Many fields of art will be pre- require the commissioner to adju- Vermont. Auxiliary examiners will sented at the annual outdoor art appears in the anniversary booklet. be "on deck" to afford this service dicate salary disputes. show of '.he Junior Service League HISTORY MONMOUTH to as many boat owners as possible of Red Bank Saturday In Marine 'Slight Lose Prestige' at a time when outfitting is prac- BOAT CLUB 1879-1951 Park. Despite heavy showers Saturday, Oceanic Hook and Lad- company; Edward J. Macklin, master of ceremonies; Charles F. Ho said "the commissioner of tically completed and before their The show, planned to create pub- education is not an omployer-em- On May 29, 1879, a group of ten departure on summfir or holiday lic interest' in Monmouth county der fire company held a parade in Rumson celebrating its 75th Briggs, president of the Oceanic company; Chief Daniel Shea ployeo relations arbiter" and such men met in the office or Dr. Rich- trips. artists' work, will be an, all-day anniversary. Scenes of the celebration above, top left, shows of Rumson and Arthur Pauels, parade chairman. In the lower svork might tend to "undermine ard F. Bordcn on Broad at., Red Capt. Chester M. Anderson, third event, featuring a program of in- the prestige" of his Important of- Bank, for the purpose of organizing Coast Guard distrist director of terest to children and adults. , the' Fair Haven fire company marching past the reviewing stand. left photo, Jay Francis Forrar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester fice "In the eyes of local boards of thn Monmouth Boat club. These auxiliary, outlined the purposes of One of the exhibitors will be At top right, Chief James Cottello of the Fair Haven company, Fdrrar of Shrewsbury, leads the Shrewsbury Hose company past education and teachers." ten Founders—Archibald Antonides, the auxiliary. "Our auxiliary is Nlel Festa, ceramic designer, who It was Mr. Ackon's view that the Thomas H. Applegate, Enoch L. dedicated to pleasure-boat safety," is exhibiting some of his pieces at accepts prize for* the best looking company in the parade from the reviewing stand. At the right, Chief Andrew DePonti of existing teacher law should be re- Cowart, Dr. Edwin Field. Ephriam he said. "The auxiliarist Is commit- the Whitney Art show in New Chief Russell McCue of the Oceanic company. Others, left the Red Bank fire department, leads the local firemen. placed with a "continuing contract Ovens, William Pintard, George V. ted to the premise that boating can York city. He will give demon- law." He said many states now Sneden, William S. Sncdcn, Dr, Hor- be the safest and most pleasurable strations of tho primitive German to right, are Robert VanBrunt, president of the Fair Haven have a "continuing contract" law ace B. Van Dorn and William N. of sports if certain simple but vital kick wheel at work and in glaz- that gives teachers all the protec- Worthloy—had a common interest safety precautions are taken." He ing, using compounds of his own tions of tenure except one. "the in rowing, a popular aport in those said boating accidents are easily invention. He will display sev- right to appeal dismissal to the days, and felt the need or somo jireventable. They result solely Introduce Ordinance at Rumson eral of his original pieces to fur- Metzger Named Ordination Set courts." formal organization which they from carelessness, lack of knowl ther illustrate his uses of glazes. Such n. law. he said, requires might represent in competition with edge or unsafe equipment, he said. Mr. Festa has a home at Tinton that a teacher who is dismissed other clubs. In addition, they had During the months when boating To Regulate Land Subdivision * must be given due notice with at their doorstep the Shrewsbury Is active, the auxiliary conducts Falls and will soon open his new Ad Manager For Rev. Snable x studio in Middletown. He studied causes submitted In writing. She (Navcslnk) river, an ideal body of public instruction courses at vari- NEW YORK CITY—Albert W, EATONTOWN — Robert M. Sna-then has the right to a public water for rowing regattas. under the famous ceramic Instruc- RUMSON—A land subdivision or- June 18 and for the Public Health ble, student pastor of the Presby- ous easily accessible points through- Metzger o£ River? Oaks, Fair Haven, dinance designating borough coun- Nursing association of Rumson, hearing, though not In court. In tho course of organizing they out the district to combat this lack tors, Franz Wildcnheim and Olin terian church here, will be ordained Russum, and at the School of has been appointed advertising man- cil as the ajent to administer its Sea Bright and Fair Haven June "It is tile right to demand iron- wrote tho following preamble to of knowledge. ager of Alexander Smith, Inc., in the Presbyterian church of Bas- clad proof of cause for dismissal the Constitution of the Monmouth American Craftsmen, which is provisions was introduced by coun- 16. Mayor Francis J. Nary ex- king Ridge Sunday at 2:30 p. m. To Issue Decal part of the Rochester Institute of White Plains, N. Y. He will be cil at its meeting Thursday night. plalnod that council has received that makes the existing tenure Boat club: 1 responsible for the .Carpet com- several applications for raffle li- Mr.