A Wi Ndowi Nt O S U Bs Urface Life Int He S Olar Syste M

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A Wi Ndowi Nt O S U Bs Urface Life Int He S Olar Syste M Deep Trek: Missions Concepts for Exploring Subsurface Habitability & Life on Mars Deep Trek : Missi o n Concepts f or Exploring Subsurface H a bit a bilit y & Lif e o n M ars A Windo w into Subsurface Life i n the Solar Syste m L e a d A ut hor : Charles D. Ed wards (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology ). C o ntact : Charles. D. Ed wards @j pl. nasa. g o v C o -A ut hors : 1. Vlada Sta men kovi ć Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2. Penelope Boston N A S A A mes 3. Kennda Lynch L PI / USR A 4. Jesse Tarnas Bro wn Uni versity 5. Barbara Sher wood -Lollar University of Toronto 6. Sushil Atreya University of Michigan 7. Ale xis Te mpleton University of Colorado 8. Anthony Free man Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 9. Wood ward Fischer California Institute of Technology 1 0. Til man Spohn International Space Science Institute 1 1. Chris Webster Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 1 2. Alberto G. Fairén Centro de Astrobiología ( C SI C -I N T A) 1 3. John (Jac k) Mustard Bro wn University 1 4. Michael Mischna Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 1 5. Tullis C. Onstott Princeton University 1 6. Magdalena Rose Osburn North western University 1 7. Tho mas Kieft N M T 1 8. Robert E. Gri m m S w RI 1 9. Willia m B. Brinc kerhoff N AS A Goddard 2 0. Sarah Johnson Georgeto wn University 2 1. Luther Beegle Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 2 2. Ja mes Head Bro wn University 2 3. Albert Halde mann ES A/ EST EC 2 4. Charles Coc kell University of Edinburgh 2 5. John Hernlund E L SI, To kyo Tech 2 6. Brian Wilco x J P L / Marine Bio mass 2 7. David Paige UCL A 2 8. Giuseppe Etiope Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Ro ma, Italy 2 9. Daniel Glavin N A S A Goddard Space Flight Center 3 0. Maria -Paz Zorzano Centro de Astrobiología ( C SI C -I N T A) 3 1. Yasuhito Se kine E L SI, To kyo Tech 3 2. Stalport Fabien LIS A 3 3. Joseph Kirschvin k California Institute of Technology 3 4. Cara Magnabosco E T H 3 5. Roberto Orosei Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica A Windo w into Subsurface Life in the Solar Syste m i © 2 0 2 0. All ri g hts reser ve d. Deep Trek: Missions Concepts for Exploring Subsurface Habitability & Life on Mars 3 6. Matthias Grott D L R 3 7. John D. Ru m mel Friday Harbor Partners L L C 3 8. Atsu ko Kobayashi Earth -Life Science Institute, To kyo institute of Technology 3 9. Fu mio Inaga ki J A MSTEC 4 0. Janice Bishop S E TI Institute 4 1. Vincent Chevrier University of Ar kansas 4 2. Mary Sue Bell Jacobs @ N AS A /Johnson Space Center 4 3. Beth N. Orcutt Bigelo w Laboratory for Ocean Sciences 4 4. Jennifer McIntosh University of Arizona 4 5. Katarina Milj kovic Curtin University 4 6. Doris Breuer D L R 4 7. To mohiro Usui J A X A 4 8. Kris Zacny Honeybee Robotics 4 9. Essa m Heggy University of Southern California 5 0. Edgard G. Rivera -Valentín Lunar and Planetary Institute ( U S R A) 5 1. Nathan J. Barba Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 5 2. Ryan Woolley Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 5 3. Oliver Warr University of Toronto 5 4. Mi ke Malas ka Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 5 5. Jennifer G. Blan k N A S A A mes / Blue Marble Space Institute of Science 5 6. Donald F. Ruffatto Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institut e of Technology 5 7. Haley M. Sapers Caltech / U S C /J P L 5 8. Larry H. Matthies Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 5 9. Le wis Ward Harvard University 6 0. Svetlana Sh kolyar N AS A GSFC/ USR A 6 1. Cedric Sch melzbach E T H Zurich, S witzerland 6 2. Travis S.J. Gabriel Arizona State University 6 3. Ceth Par ker Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 6 4. Her mes Hernan Bolivar -Torres Universidad Nacional Autóno ma de Mé xico 6 5. Bernadett Pál CSFK KT M CSI 6 6. Dir k Schulze -Ma kuch Technical University Berlin 6 7. Jorge Andres Torres Celis Universidad Nacional Autóno ma de Mé xico 6 8. A kos Kereszturi Research Centre for Astrono my and Earth Sciences 6 9. J. Andy Spry S E TI Institute 7 0. Kyle Uc kert Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 7 1. Marc A. Hesse The University of Te xas at Austin 7 2. Rachel Harris Harvard University 7 3. A na -C atalina Plesa D L R 7 4. Renyu Hu Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 7 5. Ali -a kbar Agha -moha m madi Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 7 6. Brian D. Wade Michigan State University 7 7. Sneha moy Chatterjee Michigan Technological University 7 8. Patric k Mc Garey Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 7 9. Heather Valeah Graha m N AS A GSFC 8 0. Shino Suzu ki J A MSTEC 8 1. Matt Schren k Michigan State University 8 2. Kristopher Sherrill Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 8 3. Scott Ho we Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology A Windo w into Subsurface Life in the Solar Syste m ii Deep Trek: Missions Concepts for Exploring Subsurface Habitability & Life on Mars 8 4. Raju Manthena Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 8 5. Mari ko Burgin Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 8 6. Kalind Carpenter Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 8 7. Louis Giersch Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 8 8. Velibor Cor mar kovic Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 8 9. Nigel S mith Snolab 9 0. Jeffrey J. Mc Donnell University of Sas katche wan 9 1. Joseph Michals ki University of Hong Kong 9 2. Devanshu Jha M VJ College of Engineering 9 3. Morgan L. Cable Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 9 4. Elodie Gloesener U C Louvain 9 5. Varun Paul Mississippi State University 9 6. Ste wart Gault University of Edinburgh 9 7. Sharon Kedar Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 9 8. Eloise Marteau Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 9 9. Or kun Te mel Royal Observatory of Belgiu m 1 0 0. Seth Krieger U S C 1 0 1. Ryan Ti money University of Glasgo w LI N K t o List of C o -A ut hors & C o -Si g n at ori es: https://drive.google.co m/file/d/1qogP3k AubSt918v1 MSo Bvqt Tl Y N Q E_cS/view?usp =sharing A Windo w into Subsurface Life in the Solar Syste m iii Deep Trek: Missions Concepts for Exploring Subsurface Habitability & Life on Mars 1. M otivati o n : A n Unprecedented Scientific Opportunity A c o m pa ni o n w hite pa per e ntitle d “ Dee p Tre k: Scie nce of S u bs urface Ha bita bility & Life o n Mars ” highlights the i m mense sc ience return potential of Mars subsurface exploration. Here we focus on missi o n c o nce pts, dri vi n g scie nce o bjecti ves, a n d technologies t hat e na ble access t o a maj or ne w fr o ntier i n pla netary scie nce , the Martian subsurface , wit h a f oc us o n m o der n s u bs urface ha bita bility & life. Differe nt missi o n arc hitect ur es spanning s mall spacecraft (SS C) , Discovery, Ne w Fr o nti ers, t o Fl a gs hi p cl ass es will ge nerate maj or disc o veries relati n g t o t he p ote ntial f or life i n t he Martia n su bsurface. find the water explore the (bio)geoche mistry Fi g . 1: E xploration of the Martian subsurface with S S Cs, Ne w Frontiers & Flagship mission concept s using the V ALKYRIE concepts . S S Cs with liquid water sounders can detect ground water to depth s of many kilo meters (a) . Ne w Frontiers -type mission concept s would allo w more advanced & co mplete characterization of subsurface habitability with drills accessing sa mples to depths of 1 0 -1 0 0 m (b) . a) b) T h e arc hitect ures sho wn here b el o n g t o a cl ass of missi o n co nce pts c all e d VALKYRIE : “ V olatiles A n d L ife: K eY R econnaissance & In-Situ E x pl orati o n ”. Building a bridge over four decades fro m t he first dari n g missi o n t hat searc h e d f or si g ns of e xta nt life on Mars wit h t he 1 9 7 6 Vi king la nders , the V AL K Y RI E mission concepts re -address the question of whether there could be habitable environ ments and/ or life o n Mars t o day.
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