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2 DATE: January 08, 2021

3 DURATION: @35:51 to @55:15, 19 min. 36 sec.






10 Ret.); Born March 15, 1937 Havre de

11 Grace, Maryland, U.S.;


13 _McInerney

14 Questioned ’s birth

15 information; One of 235 retired generals and admirals who

16 endorsed President Trump’s 2020 reelection.



19 01-08-Ann-Vandersteel-WAR--and-Facebook-PURGE-has-

20 Begun-Mike-Smith-Out-Of-Shadows-The-Steel-Truth-Jan-08-

21 2021.mp4 (652.38 MB)

22 STARTING @ 35:51

23 LT. GEN. MCINERNEY: The fact is COVID-19 was a

24 biological attack on the world. It was, to number one, impact

25 the economies, look at it. Look at this place [Washington,

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1 D.C.], this is the first time I have been here since COVID-19.

2 It's an air raid.

3 So, they have impacted our economies.

4 No. 2, it was a direct attack on the election, and

5 they knew what was going to happen. So obviously, the

6 Democrats, whether they're in the party or in collusion with

7 them.

8 They initially started with Hong Kong. Taking over

9 Hong Kong. Violating what the treaty was and all that. So,

10 they wanted... its hybrid warfare using cyberwarfare and

11 different tools, economics and a whole host of things to

12 change the world.

13 They have done it very effectively, and what we are

14 all of a sudden realizing... I didn't become involved in this

15 until the first of November (2020) when I found out that the

16 program Hammer and Scorecard were going to be used as a

17 cyberweapons tool, cyber warfare tool, to take and change the

18 voting, and it did.

19 I called Rudy [Giuliani] and Sydney [Powell] and

20 someone got me in touch with them and I told them on the first

21 of November [3], Sunday.

22 On the 2nd [Nov. 02, 2020], I was on Steve Bannon's

23 show with Sydney [Powell] as a co-host saying what was going

24 to happen. And on the 3rd, what happened? It's factual.

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1 As of now we have unconstitutional government, and

2 you don't even have to know what I know about the cyberwarfare

3 because they violated their [state] constitutions when they

4 changed the rules.

5 Let's examine those battle ground states that they

6 know the fraudulent voting came in [from]. It always comes in

7 late at night,

8 And so, what we found ourselves with, and again, I

9 found this out Tuesday night [Nov. 4, 2020], they've taken

10 control, they have taken control of our society.

11 We have just one person, we just came from there in

12 the White House, standing in the way, and it is going to

13 mean, you don't fully realize it, but every one of us here,

14 every American out there, is going to have to stand up

15 We read about it in history.

16 We read about Normandy, and all that.

17 But now, we are in it.

18 And so, we must spread it.

19 We cannot surrender.

20 And the President said he wouldn't give up.

21 You all know that the attack on the Capitol was done

22 by Antifa, but it was enabled by McConnell, by Schumer, by

23 Pelosi, and the mayor [Muriel Bowser].

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1 They knew that was coming. You've all been up there.

2 There were hardly any security police there, and they moved

3 in, and Antifa did their thing, then the media picked it up.

4 I worked for Fox for almost 17 years, and it is

5 disgraceful what they are doing. Unfortunately, Rupert

6 [Murdoch] is driving that with his sons, and they have now

7 merged with the rest of the mainstream media.

8 This is serious. This is expanding. We cannot let it

9 happen. We don't have four years. As Hong Kong has seen, we do

10 not have time. Time is against us.

11 Ann and I were just talking to someone about the

12 information that is being released that shows clearly in those

13 battleground states the cyberwarfare that was used.

14 We also found out, I found out yesterday, that

15 [James B.] Comey, the former FBI Director, sold the Hammer and

16 Scorecard, this top-secret program to the Chinese.

17 You now have this top-secret program that is like

18 your iPhone. It gets in, it’s called Hammer, it gets in to the

19 voting network, then it has an application, like on your

20 iPhone, you have all those apps.

21 It [Hammer] puts it on, and it modulates the voting

22 so they win. Not by a large number.

23 I got a call Tuesday night at 11:30 pm [Nov. 03,

24 2020, Election Day]that the ISI [Inter-Services Intelligence]

25 from Pakistan was now in the voting machines in Georgia. I

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1 called someone, let them know, the two [Republican]

2 candidates, Loeffler and Perdue [Sen. Kelly Loeffler nor David

3 Perdue], were ahead.

4 I watched. One hour later they were behind.

5 I thought that they should stop it.

6 I think their game plan is, no, let them do it. We

7 have this evidence. We will present this evidence to the

8 American people so we [pointing to the listeners in the hotel

9 lobby] can judge. We don't need someone to tell us. We can

10 tell when we have unconstitutional acts going against us.

11 And when you think about it, COVID-19, why are they

12 trying to kill our small businesses and make everybody

13 dependent on the government?

14 Democratic socialism is the front door to communism.

15 None of us ever thought that we would be in that

16 position today where this country became a communist society.

17 But think of what is happening right now in Twitter,

18 and Facebook. They won't let the President be on it. They're

19 censoring the President of the .

20 This is amazing, in our country, that we would have

21 ever thought this would happen.

22 That is why I was so disappointed in the Vice

23 President [Michael R. Pence]. He had the opportunity. Because,

24 if we had a 10-day audit, it would be very clear to all of us,

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1 and all 323 million Americans, whatever the number is today.

2 It would be very clear what has happened to our society.

3 So, God bless you. Let's keep fighting it. Let's

4 support this President and the people like ourselves that

5 understand what's happening in front of us.

6 We shall not let it happen. We cannot let it happen.

7 I never thought we'd have so many Americans who have

8 betrayed [us], and I believe it is for money, and the Chinese

9 are moving the money.

10 LISTENER: [Question and comment on Italy's role re.

11 Leonardo SpA satellite systems.]

12 LT. GEN. MCINERNEY: That's true.

13 There were many countries that were doing that

14 [changing US 2020 votes], but it had to be controlled from

15 China using Hammer and Scorecard, in my opinion, you cannot

16 have so many different attacks because you would be changing

17 numbers in all 50 states, it just wouldn’t match up. That has

18 to be synchronized.

19 And they all do it, like it was late at night.

20 This is a scorecard from Joseph Goebbels [Minister

21 of Propaganda of Nazi from 1933 to 1945].

22 [Goebbels:] “If you tell a lie big enough.”

23 That's what they are doing.

24 And you see Pelosi, you see Schumer.

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1 Ann [Vandersteel] just told me that Pelosi called

2 the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark

3 Milley, and they are trying to get him [President Trump] out

4 under the 25th Amendment, or to impeach him.

5 Why?

6 Well, because on Wednesday they took Pelosi's

7 laptop. She's frantic.

8 There were some people in there, [American] Special

9 Forces, mixed with Antifa, and they took her laptop, and they

10 have that data. So, you'd say, well look, you've only got 12

11 days, or whatever it is, until the 20th, why worry about it?

12 Just let him go out.

13 No, they are terrified because they [Special Forces

14 and President Trump] have that data.

15 I believe they also have a source that is talking

16 like song bird.

17 The president is going to spring that person on us

18 so that it will completely, completely change... because it is

19 someone who said, I'm not going to do this. This is treason,

20 remember, this is treason, high treason.

21 ANN VANDERSTEEL: Sir, could he use the Emergency

22 Broadcast System, Emergency Action Message to communicate

23 this?

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1 LT. GEN. MCINNERNEY: I don't know if you saw

2 yesterday, an email went around telling everybody about the

3 Emergency Broadcast System?


5 LT. GEN. MCINNERNEY: So those little signals that

6 you see, you see that what I saw on September 18th or 19th,

7 Executive Order 2018, if foreigners were involved in the U.S.

8 election that the President could declare a national

9 emergency.

10 That means he knew back two years ago.

11 That is why it has just all come together that

12 COVID-19 is a biological attack.

13 Let's not say it was an accident and it slipped out

14 of a food market or anything. We're not that naïve anymore.

15 It's standard. Simultaneously remember, when was the

16 impeachment?

17 LISTENERS: Sametime.

18 LT. GEN. MCINNERNEY: December and January when

19 COVID-19 was coming in. So, they had that deception.

20 The media is just like now.

21 You look in the media [today] and all they are doing

22 is talking about Wednesday [Jan. 06, 2021]. So, something is

23 going on. [@48:03]. It's a distraction.

24 In military terms it is a tactical deception.

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1 LISTENER: And, Congress is using it as an excuse not to

2 give the delay [on the Electors vote], because they said, oh,

3 now it’s been violent, so [garbled])

4 LT. GEN. MCINNERNEY: Yah, so that is how they played it.

5 And they knew it.

6 And, all I can say is, [with emphasis] we must stand

7 up. You are just like a young soldier at Normandy, or the

8 Battle of the Bulge. This is a critical time for the world.

9 Because if America goes down ...

10 ... ah, my wife is ill. So, it was interesting that

11 this morning the night nurse, I've got 24x7 nurse care, so

12 that is why I'm here. The night nurse said, this is why we

13 came here. She came from Haiti. She said, this is what we tell

14 our... she's got twins, boy and a girl, 12 children, she said,

15 my husband and I tell them this is why we came here, for

16 freedom, she understands it.

17 So yes.

18 LISTENER: We have church networks across the

19 country. What would be certain points we need to communicate

20 to all our church networks around the country?

21 LT. GEN. MCINNERNEY: Well, I was on with Carla Dean

22 [sp?] last night and there were like 625 civic leaders, and

23 that's the question they asked me.

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1 I think what we need to communicate is, back the

2 President, tell him how serious this is. This is not just a

3 fraudulent election; it is changing our whole lifestyle.

4 It's engineered. It's coordinated, COVID-19, it has

5 to be. Look at this. What is going on?

6 We think it is because of medical.

7 Dr. Fauci tells us, well, we've got to shut

8 everything down.

9 Look at what they have done to the world.

10 And look at the Republicans, the depth of this

11 corruption.

12 I had a call from a chap who was a Congressman in

13 Georgia. And he called me, trying to get General Flynn,

14 because he's talking about corruption in other areas, what

15 they have done.

16 As I said, it’s just yesterday they found out that

17 Comey sold the Hammer and Scorecard system to the Chinese.

18 So, we've got a problem.

19 Now, I happened to see this four years ago because I

20 was the Air [Force] Attaché in London.

21 I was Vice Commander of 111 Wing in England, and I

22 was the Commander of the 3rd Air Force when we attacked

23 Tripoli in 1986, Kaddafi.

24 I know that GCHQ [Government Communications

25 Headquarters], which is the [UK] government communications

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1 headquarters, which is our equivalent of Fort Meade, NSA,

2 Signals Intelligence. And ah, what is important about it when

3 it started the Russian Collusion, I saw how the information

4 was coming out of the United Kingdom.

5 They [British Intelligence] were falsifying it,

6 creating all this so and so said he's Russian.

7 Well, that's the Saul Alinsky model. They were

8 doing, they were accusing President Trump of doing what

9 [emphasis] they were doing. Hillary paid 'em.

10 So, if you see the corruptness that's going on, and

11 it’s been how many years it’s been going on.

12 Why did President Obama move to Calor-rama less than

13 three miles as the crow flies, have Valerie Jarrett move in

14 with them with her husband, and put a SCIF [Sensitive

15 Compartmented Information Facility] in his home?

16 Because of signals intelligence.

17 Now, that's the danger.

18 You asked the right question.

19 I don't know exactly what we need to do. Except, we

20 must understand that this is pervasive. That this has cut

21 through our whole society.

22 Every senator and house member of the Democrats know

23 that Biden was elected unconstitutionally.

24 I mean, is that the model for the future?

25 Stay in your basement?

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1 Have one rally with 14 people in the care blowing

2 their horns? Please.

3 It doesn't pass the sniff test.

4 Wake up America.

5 That's what we've got to tell our neighbors. That's

6 what we've got to tell our church groups.

7 And the people that say, well there's no evidence,

8 there's tons of evidence. Look for it.

9 But how much has gone out? And I just

10 started the first of November [2020], a single person.

11 I don't have people helping me. You know, except Ann

12 [Vandersteel] and these types of people who are on the air.

13 But the fact is, they have not investigated when

14 they say that they did, that this is not real, that there

15 isn't evidence.

16 What have they done to investigate it?

17 LISTENER: Nancy Pelosi's laptop, is it with the FBI

18 today?

19 LT. GEN. MCINNERNEY: Well, I wouldn't give it to the

20 FBI. It's somewhere else. Ann's got pictures of it.

21 I thought that was counter-information operations

22 honestly. But I've seen the laptop our Special Forces took

23 out.

24 That's why she's [Rep. Pelosi] so frantic.

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1 Think about it. You've only got 12 days to the 20th,

2 today's the 8th, 12 days. Well, let him go out.

3 But they're calling for, she calls the Chairman of

4 the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

5 The Vice President [Pence] misses the opportunity

6 to. And unfortunately, I believe the Vice President has

7 committed treason.

8 Now, never would I have thought in these halls,

9 after walking through the White House, and when my last job in

10 the Air Force, when I was No. 3 man in the Air Force, on the

11 air staff, and I also did Vice President Gore's Reinventing

12 Government.

13 I would go to the White House every two weeks; with

14 the whole federal government I was the one person who

15 represented the Department of Defense for Vice President

16 Gore's Reinventing Government.

17 I never would have thought what has transpired since

18 that time frame.

19 And so, tell everybody.

20 Wake up America.

21 This is serious stuff.

22 We're thinking what those soldiers that went across

23 the Delaware in 1776 with George Washington.

24 That's where you are now.

25 That's where we are.

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1 Are we going to stand up for that?

2 ENDED AT @55:15


4 TRANSCRIBER: Anonymous Patriot.




8 Vandersteel-WAR-Twitter-and-Facebook-PURGE-has-Begun-Mike-

9 Smith-Out-Of-Shadows-The-Steel-Truth-Jan-08-2021.mp4 (652.38

10 MB)

11 Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (USAF ret.), Jan. 08, 2012, Washington, D.C., Interview with Ann 12 V andersteel, The Steel Truth. 13










23 24


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1 Million-Man MAGA March, Stop the Steal, Jan. 06, 2021. Source: Ann Vandersteel 2










12 13













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