Imperial Contenders and Spain's Grand Strategy of Punishment, 1621–1640
CHAPTER 5 Imperial Contenders and Spain’s Grand Strategy of Punishment, 1621–1640 In the late sixteenth century, Spain was the preeminent world power, and its wealthy overseas empire was the envy of the emerging European states (G. Williams 1966, 9). In 1580, Madrid’s claims became even more all- encompassing when King Philip II of Spain secured the Crown of Portugal and its overseas empire in Brazil, Africa, and the East Indies, adding them to Spain’s global empire. Spain found itself in an unrivaled position, dom- inating the world’s trade routes, markets, resources, and strategic lines of communication. The Spanish Crown became the largest handler of bul- lion and accounted for nearly all of the world’s deposits of good quality marine salt, provided the bulk of Europe’s sugar, and became Europe’s leading emporium of pepper. This great wealth allowed Spain to extract resources and borrow money at short notice and in large amounts to ‹nance extensive forti‹cations and fortresses, a large standing army, and a big navy for the defense of its Continental and overseas empire. Spain’s imperial wealth and its scattered empire also attracted chal- lengers for regional hegemony. As early as the 1570s, emerging states began to encroach upon Spain’s global interests at uneven rates, in dis- parate regions, and without the expense of imperial defense.1 On the Con- tinent, Spain confronted England, France, and the United Provinces (Dutch), as well as periodic challenges from the Ottoman Sultan.2 In the East and West Indies (Asia and America), and in Africa, Spain’s empire was challenged by English and Dutch assaults.
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