The Rollright Stones; the Stonehenge of Oxfordshire; with Some Account Of
RoMp With soras account of the Anciesat Dwidi, and Sagas rendered into English fflortif U HmwprattH Eibrarg 01? B ^ Pic THE CELTIC LIBRARY PRESENTED BY CLARK SUTHERLAND NORTHUP CLASS OF 1893 ©I,,m,m. J^-^^MM'%fC and Scenes in this Neighbourhood are Photographed OQd Published by J<enrY W. Jaunt &. Co., OXFOI^D. ^^^^r. All Genuine Pictures ^ju} bear our Trade Mark. OCR** JA^lQ 196013 3 MMf i2 7?-AP 2 JAN * •^OOl 3 1, 96, A S'""'*^ Z^' . l^c. AMES, 34 Mi 21s. A G. POCE THE R j3^^ N 2 8 GFORD, Xllustra^ 'hillings. THERJ >UNTRY, Ind lood. EADING, Shillings. Do\ ingdon, ^^^-^-iS^d-n xpence. With a Guide to the Ncighlioiu-noou. Niiiepence. Gorirjg, Streatley aod the Neighbourl^ood, With Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. cloth, T-v\-o f hillings. pirt0&(tUn ^omev on ^Xax} xncvnxn^, ThifJ Edition, Illustrated, Sixpence. Words and Music only, 2d. Tne Stonehengre of Oxfordshire, (The RoUright Stones,) With Plan and Illustrations. GODSTOW, BINSEY, WYTHAM &c., and the Story of Fair Rosamund, With Map and Illustrations. Paper. Sixpence. Cloth, One Shilling. New Illustrated Books. One Shilling each. Blenheim and Woodstock. Witney and round it. Chipping- Campden. Beaulieu Abbey. Charlbury ar corneii university Library -the -Water. DA 143.098T22 Rollrlaht stones q 4094^027 948 466 with the OXY-HYDRCGEN LANTERN AND CINEMATOGRAPH, Suitable for all Classes, Over 1200 LECTURES AND ENTERTAINMENTS U'|Ml,i\'J. il %il,!iStlj£l_4 HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFULLY GIVEN BY Mr HENRY W. TAUNT, FRG.S., 3cc. Mr. TAUNT'S Lecture on the THAMES ran at the London Polytechnic over 200 Nights.
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