UIAA CLIMBING WORLDCUP 2006 – PUURS (BEL) LEAD CLIMBING (DIFFICULTY) Friday April 28th – Saturday April 29th, 2006 1. Organization Klimax Goldfinger Team of BVKB (BergsportVereniging Klein Brabant) member of VBSF (Vlaamse Bergsport en SpeleoFederatie) is very proud to invite you to this Benelux Wolrdcup difficulty climbing. This worldcup is made possible thanks to the Benelux partnership of VBSF, NKBV (Nederlandse Klim-en Bergsportvereniging) and CAB (Club Alpin Belge). Organizing club: BVKB, pa Klimax, C. Verschaevestraat 15, B 2870 Puurs. Special Website for the Worldcup: www.worldcuppuurs.com and E-mail:
[email protected] VBSF: D. Herreynslaan 155, B-2610 Wilrijk. Tel +32 3 830 35 60; fax: +32 3 830 36 24. Website www.vbsf.be ; E-mail :
[email protected] 2. Participation Three (3) men and three (3) women of each country (6+6 for the host country) are allowed to register. The first 10 men and the first 10 women listed on the CUWR at the registration dead-line date for a given competition, and those placed first in the Youth ‘A’ and Junior age groups in the latest Youth Continental Championships shall have the status of pre-qualified competitors and can as such register on top of the above stated quota. Any other supplementary participants need to be approved by the ICC according to the rules. 3. Registration Please use the new system for registration at http://uiaaclimbing.com/egroupware/ Please also send a list of competitors to: UIAA Climbing :
[email protected] Copy to organization:
[email protected] , KLIMAX, C. Verschaevestraat 15, B 2870 Puurs, Belgium, or fax: +32 3 830 36 24 IMPORTANT: Those competitors whose Federation have not applied for a 2006 International Licence will not be allowed to compete! VISA: ask your government which kind of requirements you need to request the Visa and inform us via
[email protected] 4.