Catalogue of Marathi and Gujarati Printed Books in the Library of The
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation : MhA/^.seor,. b^pK<*l OM«.^t«.lT?r>">-«-^ Boc.ic'i vAf. CATALOGUE OF MARATHI AND GUJARATI PRINTED BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. BY J. F. BLUMHARDT, TEACHBB OF BENBALI AT THE UNIVERSITY OP OXFORD, AND OF HINDUSTANI, HINDI AND BBNGACI rOR TH« IMPERIAL INSTITUTE, LONDON. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. •» SonKon B. QUARITCH, 15, Piccadilly, "W.; A. ASHER & CO.; KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TKUBNER & CO.; LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. 1892. /3 5^i- LONDON ! FEINTED BY GILBERT AND RIVINGTON, VD., ST. JOHN'S HOUSE, CLKBKENWEIL BOAD, E.C. This Catalogue has been compiled by Mr. J. F. Blumhardt, formerly of tbe Bengal Uncovenanted Civil Service, in continuation of the series of Catalogues of books in North Indian vernacular languages in the British Museum Library, upon which Mr. Blumhardt has now been engaged for several years. It is believed to be the first Library Catalogue ever made of Marathi and Gujarati books. The principles on which it has been drawn up are fully explained in the Preface. R. GARNETT, keeper of pbinted books. Beitish Museum, Feb. 24, 1892. PEEFACE. The present Catalogue has been prepared on the same plan as that adopted in the compiler's " Catalogue of Bengali Printed Books." The same principles of orthography have been adhered to, i.e. pure Sanskrit words (' tatsamas ') are spelt according to the system of transliteration generally adopted in the preparation of Oriental Catalogues for the Library of the British Museum, whilst forms of Sanskrit words, modified on Prakrit principles (' tadbhavas'), are expressed as they are written and pronounced, but still subject to a definite and uniform method of transliteration.
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