Libraries at Webscale Libraries at Webscale A discussion document OCLC Dublin, Ohio USA Copyright © !"##, OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. $%$% Kilgour Place Dublin, Ohio &'"#(-'')% ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Graphics appearing in the report and excerpts of text from the report may be reproduced by library organizations and OCLC member libraries for their noncommercial use without the prior written permission of OCLC, provided that such use is accompanied by clear and full attribution to OCLC (see format below) and proper acknowledgment of any works cited by OCLC in the graphics or excerpts used. The full report may not be reproduced, republished, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or otherwise used, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of OCLC. Please direct permission requests to
[email protected]. Form of attribution to OCLC: “OCLC, Libraries at Webscale” The following are trademarks and/or service marks of OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.: OCLC, WorldCat, WorldCat Local,, OCLC WorldShare and “The world’s libraries. Connected.” Printed in the United States of America Cataloged in WorldCat on December !, !"## OCLC Control Number: ($$""&%%' ISBN: )(*-#-%%$%'-&'*-$ #-%%$%'-&'*-* Table of Contents Introduction: our world now scales ! Our Web wide world " The case for Webscale #! Libraries operating at Webscale #$ Big collaboration !# Appendix A: World views !" The future is personalized !# Creating and consuming a universe of content !$ In a flat world, there is one road