Name:______Date:______Period:______World History Chapter 4 Study Guide 4-1 300-200 B.C. Political History 1. Which century corresponds with the years 300-200 B.C.? 2. What Hellenistic kingdom in Minor was ruled by the Attalid dynasty from 282 to 133 B.C.? 3. Who inhabited the British Isles and were the dominate culture by the 3rd century B.C.? 4. What war was fought between Epirus and the in southern from 280 to 275 B.C., and resulted in a Roman victory and the assertion of Roman dominion over southern Italy? 5. What was a major political and cultural power in ancient from 247 B.C. to 224 A.D.? 6. What war was fought between Ancient and the Roman Republic, the two great powers of the Western Mediterranean, from 264 to 241 B.C.? 7. What battle was fought off the coast of on March 10, 241 B.C. and was the final naval battle fought between the fleets of Carthage and the Roman Republic during the ? 8. Who was a Carthaginian general and statesman, and was the of Iberia from 237 to 229 B.C.? 9. Who was a Carthaginian military leader and politician, governor in Iberia after ’s death, and founder of Cartagena? 10. Who was a Carthaginian general and commander of the Carthaginian army when declared war on Carthage in 218 B.C., and is considered to be one of the greatest military commanders in history? 11. What war was fought between Carthage and the Roman Republic from 218 to 201 B.C., and was fought across the entire Western Mediterranean region for 17 years, and was one of the deadliest human conflicts in ancient times? 12. What major battle took place on August 2, 216 B.C. in southwest Italy, in which the army of Carthage surrounded and decisively defeated a larger army of the Roman Republic, and is regarded both as one of the greatest tactical feats in military history and as one of the worst defeats in Roman history? 13. Who was a Roman statesman and general, and employed a delaying strategy and other tactics against ’s forces in the , and is regarded as the originator of many tactics used in guerrilla warfare? 14. Who was a Roman general and later consul, and his main achievement was defeating the Carthaginians in 202 B.C., and is often regarded as one of the greatest military commanders and strategists of all time? 15. What battle was fought in North in 202 B.C. between Carthage and the Roman Republic, and resulted in a decisive Roman victory, and defeated on their home ground, the Carthaginian ruling elite sued for peace and accepted humiliating terms, ending the 17-year war? 16. What war was fought by Rome against Macedon from 214 to 205 B.C. with no decisive engagements and ended in a stalemate? 4-2 300-200 B.C. Innovative History 17. What was built in 275 B.C., and was a center knowledge and learning, and was one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world? 18. What was a lighthouse built by the Ptolemaic Kingdom, during the reign of Ptolemy II in 247 B.C., and was one of the tallest man-made structures in the world, and was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World? 19. Who was a Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer, and wrote On Floating Bodies in 250 B.C., and developed the value of pi, and invented a screw that pumped water to higher elevations, and is regarded as one of the leading scientists in classical antiquity? 4-3 300-200 B.C. Cultural History 20. What statue of the Greek sun-god Helios was erected on a Greek island in 280 B.C., and was the tallest statue of the ancient world, and was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World? 21. What culture heavily influenced the Romans? 22. What was an ancient Roman festival celebrated on the winter solstice with a sacrifice at the temple in the Roman Forum, and a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, continual partying, and a carnival atmosphere? 23. Who were the religious leaders in ancient Celtic culture, and were also legal authorities, lorekeepers, medical professionals, and political advisors? 24. Who is the Celtic god of fertility, life, animals, wealth, and the underworld, and is depicted with the antlers of a stag, often seated cross-legged and often with animals? 25. Who is the Celtic earth-mother goddess, and is referred to as the mother of the Irish gods, and is the goddess of fertility, wisdom, and wind? 26. What is the Celtic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter, and is traditionally celebrated on October 31, and is about halfway between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice? 4-4 200-100 B.C. Political History 27. Which century corresponds with the years 200-100 B.C.? 28. What war was fought between Macedon and Rome from 200-197 B.C. and marked a significant stage in increasing Roman intervention in the affairs of the eastern Mediterranean which would eventually lead to their conquest of the entire region? 29. What war was fought between the Roman Republic and Macedon from 171-168 B.C., and resulted in a Roman victory, and the division of Macedon into four client republics each subservient to Rome? 30. What was a war of resistance fought by the Lusitanian tribes of against the advancing legions of the Roman Republic from 155 to 139 B.C.? 31. What war was fought between Carthage and the Roman Republic from 149 to 146 B.C., and resulted in the complete destruction of the city of Carthage, the annexation of all remaining Carthaginian territory by Rome, and the death or enslavement of the entire Carthaginian population? 32. What was an uprising by an alliance of Greek states against the Roman Republic in 146 B.C. and was swiftly defeated, and as a lesson, Rome destroyed the ancient city of Corinth, and ended Greece’s independence, and made Greece a Roman province? 33. What war took place from 112 to 106 B.C. between Rome and Jugurtha of , a kingdom on the north African coast? 34. What war was fought between the Roman Republic and the Celtic tribes of the Cimbri and the Teutones from 113 to 101 B.C.? 4-5 200-100 B.C. Innovative History 35. What stone monument was created in 196 B.C. during the , and is inscribed with three versions of a decree issued by King Ptolemy V written in Ancient Egyptian, , and Ancient Greek, and proved to be the key to deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs in the 19th century, thereby opening a window into ancient Egyptian history? 4-6 200-100 B.C. Cultural History 36. What mystery religion arrived in Rome via the Greek colonies in Southern Italy around 186 B.C. and since the initiates were bound to secrecy, little is known of the cult or its rites? 37. What is a marble Hellenistic sculpture of Nike that was created in 190 B.C., and is described as the greatest masterpiece of Hellenistic sculpture, and is one of the most celebrated sculptures in the world? 38. What ancient Greek statue was created in 120 B.C., and is a marble sculpture, slightly larger than life size, and is widely renowned for the mystery of her missing arms, and is one of the most famous works of ancient Greek sculpture? 39. What is a monumental construction built in the 2nd century B.C. in Asia Minor and the base is decorated with a frieze in high relief showing the battle between the Giants and the Olympian gods? 4-7 100-1 B.C. Political History 40. Which century corresponds with the years 100-1 B.C.? 41. What war was waged from 91 to 88 B.C. between the Roman Republic and several of the other cities in Italy, which prior to the war had been Roman allies, and resulted in a Roman victory and the granting of citizenship to almost all of its Italian allies, to avoid another war? 42. What were three wars between Rome and the Kingdom of Pontus from 88 to 63 B.C. and are named for Mithridates VI who was King of Pontus at the time? 43. Who was a Roman general and statesman and was Dictator of Rome from 82 to 81 B.C.? 44. What slave rebellion against the Roman Republic took place from 73 to 71 B.C.? 45. Who was a Thracian gladiator who was one of the escaped slave leaders in a major slave uprising against the Roman Republic from 73 to 71 B.C.? 46. Who was a Roman general and politician who played a key role in the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire, and was defeated and killed at the in 53 B.C.? 47. Who was a military and political leader of the late Roman Republic and was bestowed with the nickname Magnus, “the Great”, and was defeated at the Battle of Pharsalus in 48 B.C., and sought refuge in Egypt, where he was assassinated? 48. What pirates dominated the from the 2nd century B.C. until their speedy suppression by in 67 B.C.? 49. What was a plot devised by a Roman senator with the help of fellow aristocrats to overthrow the Roman Republic and establish a monarchy, and was exposed in 63 B.C. forcing the conspirators to flee from Rome? 50. Who was a Roman statesman, orator, lawyer and philosopher, who served as consul in the year 63 B.C., and defended the Roman Republic in its final days, and his works rank among the most influential in Western Civilization? 51. Who was a Roman politician, military general, and historian who played a critical role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire, and was assassinated in 44 B.C. by a group of senators who stabbed him to death in an attempt to save the Roman Republic from tyranny? 52. What was an informal political alliance of three prominent men from 60 to 53 B.C. and included , Gnaeus Pompey, and ? 53. What were a series of military campaigns waged by Rome against a group of Celtic peoples in West-Central Europe from 58 to 50 B.C., and resulted in the expansion of the Roman Republic over the whole of ? 54. Who was a king and chieftain of the tribe, and united the in a revolt against Roman forces during the last phase of Julius Caesar’s and was captured in the of Alesia in 52 B.C.? 55. What military conflict took place from 49 to 45 B.C. within the Roman Republic between Julius Caesar and his political supporters and his legions against the , supported by Pompey and his legions? 56. What decisive battle was fought in central Greece between Julius Caesar and his allies and Gnaeus Pompey and his army in 48 B.C.? 57. Who was the Queen of Egypt from 51-30 B.C. and was the last ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt? 58. Who was a Roman politician and general who played a critical role in the transformation of the Roman Republic into an autocratic Roman Empire, and was a key supporter of Julius Caesar, and according to tradition, he tried to crown Julius Caesar to make him king? 59. Who was a politician of the late Roman Republic, and took the leading role in the assassination of the dictator of Rome in 44 B.C. in an attempt to save the waning Roman Republic? 60. Who was the grand-nephew of the Roman dictator who was assassinated in 44 B.C., and helped form a coalition to defeat the assassins, and ruled over a portion of the divided Roman Republic as a military dictator? 61. What was a political alliance of three prominent men from 43 to 33 B.C. and included Octavian, , and Lepidus? 62. What war was started by the to avenge the murder of a Roman tyrant, and was fought from 43 to 42 B.C., and resulted in a defeat of those who sought to save the Roman Republic? 63. What was the final battle of the Liberator’s Civil War and was fought between the forces of Mark Antony and Octavian and the forces of Brutus and Cassius in 42 B.C.? 64. What was the last of the Roman civil wars of the Roman Republic from 32 to 30 B.C. and resulted in a unified Rome under one ruler? 65. What was the decisive confrontation of the War Between Antony & Octavian, and was a naval engagement that took place on the Ionian Sea in 31 B.C., and resulted in a victory for Octavian which enabled him to consolidate his power over Rome and its dominions? 66. Who was a Roman statesman and military leader, and was the first Emperor of the Roman Empire, controlling Imperial Rome from 27 B.C. until his death in 14 A.D.? 67. What period of ancient Roman civilization existed from 27 B.C. to 395 A.D. and had a government headed by emperors and large territorial holdings around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, Africa, and Asia? 4-8 100-1 B.C. Innovative History 68. What calendar system was adopted in 45 B.C. and uses 12 months, 365 days in a year, and a leap day every four years? 4-9 100-1 B.C. Cultural History 69. What is Julius Caesar’s firsthand account of the Gallic Wars, and was written in the 49 B.C., and in it Caesar describes the battles and intrigues that took place in the nine years he spent fighting the Celtic peoples in Gaul that opposed Roman conquest? 70. What took place from 27 B.C. to 14 A.D. and oversaw great advancements in art, literature, and architecture and coincided with the Golden Age of Roman Literature? 71. What Latin epic poem was written by Virgil in 19 B.C. and tells the legendary story of a Trojan who traveled to Italy, where he became the ancestor to the Romans? 72. What monumental history of was written in Latin, between 27 and 9 B.C. by the historian and covers the periods from the legends concerning the founding of Rome down to Livy’s own time? 73. What is a well-preserved Roman villa on the outskirts of Pompeii, southern Italy, and is famous for a series of frescoes painted around 30 B.C., which show the initiation of people into a Greco-Roman mystery cult? 74. What marble statue was sculpted in 27 B.C., and depicts a Trojan priest and his sons being attacked by sea serpents, and has been one of the most famous ancient sculptures ever since it was excavated in Rome in 1506 and placed on public display in the Vatican, where it remains today? 75. What altar in Rome was completed in 9 B.C., and is dedicated to Pax, the Roman Goddess of Peace, and depicts a procession of members of the senate, and members of the imperial household, and Tellus, the mother earth goddess?