History of House Resolutions
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HISTORY OF HOUSE RESOLUTIONS Resolution No. 1 REED Resolution No. 7 READSHAW , SAYLOR , MARSICO , B. O©NEILL , PASHINSKI , D. COSTA, DEAN, WATSON , HENNESSEY , Printer©s No. 1. BURNS, CHARLTON, SONNEY , DUSH, MENTZER, DiGIROLAMO , W. KELLER , COX , PICKETT , ROZZI, MURT A Resolution adopting permanent rules for the House of , BAKER , MATZIE, CALTAGIRONE , MACKENZIE, Representatives, further providing for general appropriation bills SCHLOSSBERG, KAUFFMAN , LONGIETTI , KINSEY, and non-preferred bills, for consideration of bills, for standing McNEILL, RAVENSTAHL, TOEPEL, O©BRIEN , MILLARD , committees and subcommittees, for organization of standing NEILSON, STAATS, BIZZARRO, BOBACK , R. BROWN, committees and subcommittees, for powers and duties of GOODMAN, ZIMMERMAN, WARD, HAHN, ROEBUCK , standing committees and subcommittees, for ethics committee, GABLER, THOMAS , DEASY, FREEMAN , GILLEN, KORTZ , for status of members indicted or convicted of a crime, for BARBIN and RAPP investigations and for ethical rules definitions and conduct; and providing for committee on ethics. Printer©s No. 13. PN 0001 Introduced and adopted, Jan. 3, 2017 (167-32) A Resolution observing February 12, 2017, as the 208th (Remarks see House Journal Page 14-19), Jan. 3, 2017 anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States. PN 0013 INTRODUCED AS NONCONTROVERSIAL RESOLUTION Resolution No. 2 REED UNDER RULE 35, Jan. 23, 2017 Printer©s No. 2. Adopted, Feb. 8, 2017 (199-0) A Resolution providing for the adoption of a temporary rule relating to the consideration of a resolution providing for the Resolution No. 8 BULLOCK, DEAN,YOUNGBLOOD , DiGIROLAMO Rules of the House of Representatives. , KINSEY, HENNESSEY , MILLARD , CALTAGIRONE , WATSON , READSHAW , MURT , CONKLIN , D. COSTA, PN 0002 Introduced and adopted, Jan. 3, 2017 (132-67) DONATUCCI,WARD, SCHLOSSBERG, BIZZARRO, EVERETT (Remarks see House Journal Page 14-16), Jan. 3, 2017 , V. BROWN, GILLEN, THOMAS , M. QUINN , FREEMAN , KORTZ and McCLINTON Resolution No. 3 GODSHALL and MICCARELLI Printer©s No. 14. Printer©s No. 11. A Resolution recognizing the week of January 15 through 21, 2017, as "Healthy Weight Week" and recognizing Thursday, A Resolution providing for the appointment of members to January 19, 2017, as "Women©s Healthy Weight Day" in the Standing Committees of the House of Representatives. Pennsylvania. PN 0011 Introduced and adopted, Jan. 23, 2017 PN 0014 INTRODUCED AS NONCONTROVERSIAL RESOLUTION UNDER RULE 35, Jan. 23, 2017 Adopted, Jan. 25, 2017 (196-0) Resolution No. 6 READSHAW , BAKER , CALTAGIRONE , DEASY, DEAN, KNOWLES, WATSON , BURNS, DUSH, SONNEY , HENNESSEY , DiGIROLAMO , PICKETT , RYAN, MURT , R. Resolution No. 9 BULLOCK,W. KELLER , DiGIROLAMO , KINSEY, BROWN, MACKENZIE, SCHLOSSBERG, LONGIETTI , HENNESSEY , MILLARD , CALTAGIRONE , WATSON , KINSEY, McNEILL, O©BRIEN , MILLARD , NEILSON, O©BRIEN , MACKENZIE, READSHAW , MURT , CONKLIN , DRISCOLL, BIZZARRO, BOBACK , D. COSTA, V. BROWN, SIMMONS, D. COSTA, DONATUCCI, SIMS, SCHLOSSBERG, WARD, MARSICO , DeLUCA , CONKLIN , HAHN, BRIGGS, STURLA , LONGIETTI , BIZZARRO, V. BROWN, ROZZI, GABLER, THOMAS , FREEMAN , GILLEN and KORTZ GILLEN, EVERETT , PHILLIPS-HILL, FARRY, GREINER, KORTZ and McCLINTON Printer©s No. 12. Printer©s No. 15. A Resolution recognizing the month of January 2017 as "Radon Action Month" in Pennsylvania. A Resolution recognizing the month of February 2017 as "National Spay and Neuter Awareness Month" and recognizing PN 0012 INTRODUCED AS NONCONTROVERSIAL RESOLUTION February 28, 2017, as "World Spay Day" in Pennsylvania. UNDER RULE 35, Jan. 23, 2017 Adopted, Jan. 25, 2017 (196-0) PN 0015 INTRODUCED AS NONCONTROVERSIAL RESOLUTION UNDER RULE 35, Jan. 23, 2017 Adopted, Feb. 6, 2017 (201-0) House H-1 House HISTORY OF HOUSE RESOLUTIONS Resolution No. 10 DUSH, GROVE, REESE, GILLEN, GABLER and Resolution No. 13 BURNS, MILLARD , MATZIE, D. COSTA, DIAMOND HENNESSEY , MURT , DiGIROLAMO , DRISCOLL, READSHAW , BOBACK , LONGIETTI , WATSON , A. HARRIS Printer©s No. 272. , SCHLOSSBERG, CALTAGIRONE , NEILSON, WARD, BIZZARRO, GILLEN, CONKLIN , FREEMAN , KORTZ and A Concurrent Resolution directing the Congress of the United KINSEY States to call for an amendment convention pursuant to Article V of the Constitution of the United States that shall be entitled Printer©s No. 16. the Countermand Amendment Convention and limited to proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States A Resolution designating the month of May 2017 as "Law to grant state legislatures authority to countermand and rescind Month" and May 1, 2017, as "Law Day" in Pennsylvania and urging any mandate issued by any branch of the Federal Government lawmakers, attorneys, judges and schools to participate in this or its agencies that encroaches on states© rights and the personal year©s celebration. liberties of their citizens. PN 0016 INTRODUCED AS NONCONTROVERSIAL RESOLUTION PN 0272 Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT, Feb. 2, 2017 UNDER RULE 35, Jan. 23, 2017 Adopted, April 26, 2017 (189-0) Resolution No. 11 DUSH, GROVE, REESE, GILLEN, GABLER and DIAMOND Resolution No. 14 BURNS, MILLARD , DUSH, MATZIE, D. COSTA, SONNEY , HENNESSEY , BAKER , MURT , R. BROWN, Printer©s No. 273. DiGIROLAMO , READSHAW , BOBACK , SAYLOR , MULLERY, WATSON , KAVULICH, SCHLOSSBERG, A Concurrent Resolution establishing a delegation to CALTAGIRONE , NEILSON, SCHLEGEL CULVER, WARD, represent the Commonwealth at the Amendment Convention BIZZARRO, GOODMAN, GILLEN, MARSICO , CONKLIN , pursuant to Article V of the Constitution of the United States FREEMAN , KORTZ and KINSEY entitled the Article V Amendment Convention and limited to proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States Printer©s No. 17. to grant State Legislatures authority to countermand and rescind any mandate issued by any Branch of the Federal Government A Resolution recognizing the month of March 2017 as or their agencies that encroach on states© rights and the personal "National Nutrition Month" in Pennsylvania. liberties of their citizens. PN 0017 INTRODUCED AS NONCONTROVERSIAL RESOLUTION PN 0273 Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT, Feb. 2, 2017 UNDER RULE 35, Jan. 23, 2017 Adopted, March 13, 2017 (194-0) Resolution No. 12 DUSH, BAKER , BARRAR , BLOOM, CAUSER , D. COSTA, DeLUCA , DIAMOND, DOWLING, GODSHALL , Resolution No. 15 BURNS, MILLARD , DUSH, D. COSTA, SONNEY PHILLIPS-HILL, KAUFFMAN , KEEFER, MACKENZIE, , ROZZI, HENNESSEY , MURT , R. BROWN, DiGIROLAMO , MILLARD , B. MILLER, ROTHMAN, RYAN, SOLOMON, READSHAW , SAYLOR , LONGIETTI , McNEILL, STAATS, STEPHENS, WARD, WHEELAND, ZIMMERMAN, SCHLOSSBERG, CALTAGIRONE , NEILSON, STURLA , TALLMAN, McGINNIS, REESE, SACCONE, RAPP , KLUNK, BIZZARRO, DEASY, V. BROWN, GOODMAN, WATSON , GABLER, ELLIS , COX , M. K. KELLER , EVERETT , MAHER GILLEN, WARD, MARSICO , FREEMAN , KORTZ , MATZIE , PICKETT , HICKERNELL , HARPER , METCALFE , and KINSEY HENNESSEY , TAYLOR and KNOWLES Printer©s No. 18. Printer©s No. 274. A Resolution designating the month of April 2017 as A Resolution amending House Rule 45, further providing for "Occupational Therapy Month" in Pennsylvania. powers and duties of standing committees and subcommittees. PN 0018 INTRODUCED AS NONCONTROVERSIAL RESOLUTION PN 0274 Referred to RULES, Feb. 2, 2017 UNDER RULE 35, Jan. 23, 2017 Adopted, April 4, 2017 (197-0) House H-2 House HISTORY OF HOUSE RESOLUTIONS Resolution No. 16 BURNS, DUSH, D. COSTA, ROZZI, SONNEY , Resolution No. 18 BURNS, READSHAW , NEILSON, QUIGLEY , HENNESSEY , KAUFFMAN , PETRARCA , MURT , MILLARD , D. COSTA, PICKETT , HENNESSEY , KAUFFMAN MACKENZIE, RAPP , DiGIROLAMO , DRISCOLL, READSHAW , PETRARCA , MURT , R. BROWN, DiGIROLAMO , DRISCOLL, , BOBACK , BENNINGHOFF , SAYLOR , CUTLER , LONGIETTI KNOWLES, LONGIETTI , WATSON , BARRAR , MATZIE, , WATSON , BARRAR , MULLERY, O©BRIEN , COX , A. MULLERY, O©BRIEN , DUSH, SONNEY , A. HARRIS , HARRIS , KAVULICH, B. O©NEILL , McNEILL, MOUL , KAVULICH, SAYLOR , MOUL , SCHLOSSBERG, TOEPEL, SCHLOSSBERG, CALTAGIRONE , NEILSON, CALTAGIRONE , REESE, STAATS, STURLA , BARBIN, SCHLEGEL CULVER, GROVE, GERGELY , STURLA , CORBIN, BOBACK , WARD, BIZZARRO, DEASY, MILLARD ,WARD, BIZZARRO, GOODMAN, GILLEN, SANKEY, HICKERNELL , GOODMAN, MARSICO , FARRY, GABLER, MARSICO , B. MILLER, CONKLIN , FARRY, GABLER, MARKOSEK , JAMES, TURZAI , McGINNIS, FREEMAN , DeLUCA , FREEMAN , KORTZ , RYAN, MATZIE, COMITTA KORTZ and DeLUCA and WHITE Printer©s No. 3. Printer©s No. 19. A Resolution designating the week of January 29 through A Resolution recognizing the week of May 14 through 20, 2017, February 4, 2017, as "Catholic Schools Week" in Pennsylvania. as "National Police Week" and recognizing May 15, 2017, as "Peace Officers© Memorial Day" in Pennsylvania. PN 0003 INTRODUCED AS NONCONTROVERSIAL RESOLUTION UNDER RULE 35, Jan. 23, 2017 PN 0019 INTRODUCED AS NONCONTROVERSIAL RESOLUTION Adopted, Jan. 23, 2017 (197-0) UNDER RULE 35, Jan. 23, 2017 Adopted, May 10, 2017 (196-0) Resolution No. 19 PHILLIPS-HILL, READSHAW , BAKER , R. BROWN, BULLOCK, CALTAGIRONE , CORBIN, DiGIROLAMO Resolution No. 17 BURNS, MURT , DiGIROLAMO , DRISCOLL, , GODSHALL , HICKERNELL , MATZIE, MILLARD , NEILSON, GAINEY, READSHAW , MOUL , NEILSON, MILLARD , DEASY, B. O©NEILL , QUIGLEY , RYAN, SCHLOSSBERG, SNYDER, McNEILL, FARRY, FREEMAN , WATSON , KORTZ and TOOHIL, WARD, WATSON , PICKETT , MURT , D. COSTA, PASHINSKI MARSICO , B. MILLER, LONGIETTI , MADDEN, TOEPEL, MACKENZIE, MENTZER, TALLMAN, GROVE, SAINATO , Printer©s No. 20. DOWLING, PEIFER , IRVIN, GABLER, FREEMAN , KORTZ , BIZZARRO, EVERETT , WHEELAND and