A modern Cosmas and Damian: Sir Roy Calne and Thomas Starzl receive the 2012 Lasker~Debakey Clinical Award

Jillian Hurst

J Clin Invest. 2012;122(10):3378-3382. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI66465.


Cosmas and Damian, the patron saints of surgeons, were twin brothers who dedicated their lives to healing the sick (Figure 1). They are most revered for performing the first transplant operation, when they replaced the gangrenous leg of the sacristan Justinian with one from a recently deceased soldier. In the 1940s and 1950s, when Thomas Starzl and Sir Roy Calne (Figure 2) were training to be surgeons, successful transplantation was still in the domain of the miraculous; in fact, both Calne and Starzl had been told that the procedure was impossible. However, within a period of 30 years, they were able to overcome surgical and biological obstacles to develop transplantation procedures that have saved the lives of thousands of patients and made the transplantation of multiple organs a reality. In the late 1950s, the inability to perform a liver transplant meant that liver diseases were often fatal. The liver is critical to a wide variety of physiological processes. It removes and breaks down toxins in the blood, generates biochemicals necessary for digestion, stores glycogen and vitamins, and produces plasma proteins (such as clotting factors) and hormones (such as angiotensin and cholesterol). Diseases or damage that interfere with liver function can lead to a multitude of abnormal physiological processes. Liver damage can be inflicted in various ways, including infections such […]

Find the latest version: https://jci.me/66465/pdf News A modern Cosmas and Damian: Sir Roy Calne and Thomas Starzl receive the 2012 Lasker~Debakey Clinical Medical Research Award

Cosmas and Damian, the patron saints variety of religious texts, including the Old sue transplantation] on another person” of surgeons, were twin brothers who dedi- Testament, the Rg Veda, and the Lieh-Tzu (4). Overcoming the surgical and immuno- cated their lives to healing the sick (Figure (1). However, the idea of treating a disease logical barriers of transplantation would 1). They are most revered for performing by replacing the injured tissue or organ was consume Starzl and Calne for the greater the first transplant operation, when they a logical one to the first surgeons. Tooth part of their careers. replaced the gangrenous leg of the sac- transplantation was practiced in ancient ristan Justinian with one from a recently Egypt, Greece, and Rome and in pre- “It can’t be done” deceased soldier. In the 1940s and 1950s, Colombian North and South America (2, In 1950, Calne was a medical student at when Thomas Starzl and Sir Roy Calne 3). As early as 800 BC, the Indian surgeon Guy’s Hospital when he began thinking (Figure 2) were training to be surgeons, Sushruta Samhita reported the use of skin about transplant surgery. During train- successful transplantation was still in the autografts (1). These first surgeons realized ing, students were allocated patients for domain of the miraculous; in fact, both early on that there were two primary prob- whom they were personally responsible, Calne and Starzl had been told that the lems to be solved to make organ transplan- presenting their cases during rounds and procedure was impossible. However, within tation practical: the first was the develop- serving as patient advocates. A young a period of 30 years, they were able to over- ment of appropriate surgical techniques, patient, close to Calne’s age, was dying come surgical and biological obstacles to and the second was the rejection of foreign of kidney failure, and Calne was told to develop procedures tissue. Gaspare Tagliacozzi, a 16th century make him as comfortable as possible that have saved the lives of thousands of Italian surgeon considered to be the father since he would be dead within two weeks. patients and made the transplantation of of plastic surgery, may have been the first Calne recalled, “That was a pretty awful multiple organs a reality. to recognize the problem of immune rejec- shock for me, thinking about the patient. In the late 1950s, the inability to perform tion in allografts when he observed that I said, ‘Could he not have a of a kid- a liver transplant meant that liver diseases “the singular character of the individual ney?,’ thinking that you can have a graft were often fatal. The liver is critical to a entirely dissuades us from attempting [tis- of a rose or a graft of an apple tree.” The wide variety of physiological processes. It removes and breaks down toxins in the blood, generates biochemicals necessary for digestion, stores glycogen and vita- mins, and produces plasma proteins (such as clotting factors) and hormones (such as angiotensin and cholesterol). Diseases or damage that interfere with liver function can lead to a multitude of abnormal physi- ological processes. Liver damage can be inflicted in various ways, including infec- tions such as hepatitis, exposure to alcohol or drugs, cirrhosis, and cancer. Inherited disorders can cause pediatric liver diseases such as biliary atresia, Wilson’s disease, Alagille syndrome, progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis, Langerhans cell histiocytosis, and α1-antitrypsin deficien- cy. Once the liver has sustained severe and permanent damage, a patient’s only option may be the transplantation techniques pio- neered by Calne and Starzl.

Mythical medicine Organ and tissue transplantation was originally the medicine of mythology. Figure 1 Many cultures venerate chimeric gods and The healing of Justinian by Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian, Fra Angelico, 1438–1440. Image heroes, and examples can be found in a in the public domain.

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sions of the liver’s double blood supply sparked Starzl’s interest in determining the role of portal blood in whole-body metabo- lism. To study this problem, he developed surgical procedures to replace the liver in dogs (13–19). In 1958, Starzl returned to Northwestern, at which time he received two awards to fund his research in liver transplantation. One was a five-year grant from the NIH, and the other was a fellowship with the Markle Scholars-in-Medicine program. The Markle fellowship was designed to bring innovative young doctors into academic medicine. Each candidate was supposed to propose a project that would require a life- time of effort. “Liver transplantation was perfect,” said Starzl. “Not only had there not been any [successful orthotopic] organ transplants at that time, but the liver was the most difficult organ.” After receiving Figure 2 the Markle Fellowship, Starzl remained Thomas Starzl (left) and Sir Roy Calne (right), winners of the 2012 Lasker∼Debakey Clinical Medical Research Award. on Northwestern’s surgical faculty for four years and continued refining surgical transplantation techniques (20, 21). attending physician told him no. When with the tissues of the embryo (5). This New approaches in Calne asked why, he was told, “It can’t be hypothesis implied that tolerance could be done.” After rounds, Calne and his col- induced if donor tissues were introduced Meanwhile, Calne, after qualifying as a leagues discussed the possibility of kidney to the embryo within a particular develop- surgeon, took a position at the Royal Free transplantation. “We knew what a kid- mental time frame (6). Burnet was proven Hospital in London. Undeterred by the pre- ney looked like, we knew it was joined by correct when Medawar showed that mouse vailing skepticism about the clinical utility an artery and a vein, we knew it drained embryos receiving cells from a different of , Calne began con- urine into the bladder, and we couldn’t mouse strain accepted tissue grafts from ducting experimental kidney transplants figure out why it couldn’t be grafted the strain later on in life, while rejecting in dogs. At the time, irradiation was the from a surgical point of view. Of course grafts from other strains. These experi- primary method used to suppress trans- we were right in that assumption . . . but ments were the first to demonstrate that plant rejection; however, the procedure was [with respect to] the other, biological, side it was possible to manipulate the immune highly toxic and rarely successful. Based of organ transplantation, we, as medical system (7). “At the end of this fascinating on reports from Schwartz and Dameshek students, had no concept at all. I suppose lecture,” recalled Calne, “when it came to showing that 6-mercaptopurine sup- my whole life’s career has been involved in question time, one of the students asked pressed antibody formation, Calne began trying to understand and manipulate the him if there was any possibility that his experimenting with immunosuppressive of rejection,” said Calne. work would have applications in the treat- drugs (22–24). In 1960, Calne — and, inde- Calne completed his medical training in ment of patients . . . I don’t think he was pendently, Charles Zukoski in Virginia — 1952 and served in the Royal Army Medical often asked that question, because after reported that treatment with 6-mercapto- Corps from 1953 to 1955. He returned to thinking about it for a moment or two, he purine could keep dog kidney transplant England and was hired by Wilfrid Le Gros smiled and said, ‘Absolutely none.’” recipients alive for several weeks, marking Clark to teach anatomy at Oxford Uni- the first successful use of chemical immu- versity. While at Oxford, Calne’s younger Proposing the impossible nosuppressants in transplantation (25–27). brother, Donald, a medical student at the Thomas Starzl entered medical school at The results from Calne’s studies were time, suggested that he come to a lecture in 1947. After so promising that he was encouraged by by . three years of medical school, he took a year Medawar to continue his research. Calne Medawar and Sir Frank MacFarlane off to do research with Horace Magoun, was awarded a Harkness Fellowship to Burnet had developed an overall theory of studying the processing of sensory stimuli study at Harvard’s Peter Bent Brigham the immunological nature of self and the by the reticular formation (8–12). His work Hospital with Francis Moore and Joseph idea of immunological tolerance. Burnet in Magoun’s laboratory earned Starzl a Murray. While in Boston, he began collabo- hypothesized that the “self” of the host Ph.D. in neurophysiology and an M.A. in rating with George Hitchings and Gertrude body was not preprogrammed, but rather anatomy. After completing medical school Elion of Burroughs-Wellcome Laborato- actively defined during embryogenesis in 1952, Starzl enrolled in a surgical train- ries, who synthesized 6-mercaptopurine. through the interaction of immune cells ing program. During his residency, discus- One of the compounds they suggested

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Calne, now at the University of Cam- bridge, began studying liver transplanta- tion in pigs, which frequently accepted grafts from unrelated pigs without any immune suppression (46–48). The grafts often underwent histological and bio- chemical rejection, which resolved spon- taneously. Further, the porcine liver graft could protect other tissues from the same donor from rejection. These results fore- shadowed future findings in humans. In 1967, Starzl reopened the Denver liver transplant program. Survival times for patients treated with the azathioprine/ prednisone/ALG regimen began to exceed one year (49, 50). In 1968, Calne performed the first liver transplant in Europe and opened the transplantation program in Cambridge (51). Three more European liver transplant centers were opened in the early 1970s. A trans-Atlantic alliance among these first centers allowed for the development of liver transplant protocols Figure 3 that are still the standard today. Left: Child after a liver transplant (1989). Right: Lisa Cairney 1992 — Underwent Two Liver and Kidney Transplantations at Addenbrooke’s Hospital. Reproduced with permission of Sir Roy Calne. In an August 8 interview, Calne said, “I’ve never not painted and drawn, but I became The experiment becomes standard much more interested in what I tried to do with the painting when I had an English artist as a liver Further research into immunosuppressive transplant patient, John Bellany. In the ICU, when he came off the ventilator, he asked for paints drug regimens continued to improve organ and paper. He couldn’t lift his head. He had to use a mirror to paint himself. He did 60 paintings of transplant outcomes. Calne began test- himself recovering from the liver transplant in three weeks and filled his room. He gave me some ing cyclosporin A, an immunosuppressive lessons, and we became friends. Once, he painted himself in the image of St. Sebastian, being compound even more potent than azathio- tortured by surgeons. In one of the lessons, he painted me and I painted him. My perception of prine, that was particularly effective in liver, him and his perception of himself were so different that I thought it would be a very interesting subject to paint my patients. We used to do a lot of transplants of in children, and I found kidney, and heart transplants and in skin that children rather liked the process of image making and could join in . . . we would color the grafts in several animal models. Initial trials paintings together and criticize each other’s drawings.” in humans showed that high doses of cyclo- sporine could cause nephrotoxicity; how- ever, with careful dosage adjustments, the testing, azathioprine (Imuran), had a better maximum survival was 21 days; however, one-year survival rate for kidney transplant therapeutic index than 6-mercaptopurine the liver grafts did not fail due to rejec- patients increased from 50% to 80% (52–54). and was used in the first series of human tion, but rather because of surgical com- Cyclosporin was the first compound to spe- kidney transplants using immunosuppres- plications (34). Two more surgeons made cifically inhibit lymphocytes and was the sion in 1961 (25, 28–31). single, failed attempts in Boston and Paris, first single drug that could control organ and in the wake of these, the medical com- rejection. Its introduction changed the per- The first liver transplants munity agreed to a moratorium on liver ception of organ transplantation from a Starzl accepted a position as an associ- transplants. dangerous experiment to a clinically feasible ate professor of surgery at the University Between the fall of 1963 and the sum- undertaking (55). Starzl began using a com- of Colorado in 1962, where he obtained a mer of 1967, Starzl and Calne worked to bination of cyclosporine and prednisone supply of azathioprine to develop clinical address problems in surgical technique and in liver transplant patients (56). By the immunosuppression protocols and began immune suppression that contributed to late 1970s, the majority of liver transplant human kidney transplant surgeries. In the previous failures. In 1964, Starzl direct- patients were surviving longer than a year. 1963, he reported that a combination of ed the first extensive trial of tissue match- Based on these successes, three more liver azathioprine and prednisone in humans ing, based on methods to detect tissue transplantation centers opened in Europe. was able to prevent and even reverse rejec- antigens developed by Paul Terasaki in the In 1983, US Surgeon General C. Everett tion (32, 33). This immunosuppressant early 1960s (32, 35–37). Surgical improve- Koop convened a Consensus Development combination was so successful that 50 ments included extracorporeal perfusion Conference for liver transplantation, which more renal transplant programs were to preserve donor organs and infection concluded that liver transplantation was established in the by 1964. containment (38–43). To improve immu- no longer an experimental procedure and Buoyed by the success with kidneys, Star- nosuppression, Starzl began using anti- could now be considered a standard clini- zl performed five human liver transplants lymphocyte globulin (ALG) as an adjunct cal service (57). The number of hospitals between March and October of 1963. The to azathioprine and prednisone (44, 45). offering the procedure exploded. By 1989,

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Starzl wrote in the New England Journal of surviving organ recipients. The organ 3. Peer LA. Transplantation Of Tissues. Baltimore, Mary- land, USA: Williams & Wilkins Co; 1955. Medicine, “The conceptual appeal of liver engraftment in the patients that stopped 4. Dausset J, Rapaport FT. Human Transplantation. New transplantation is so great that the proce- taking their immunosuppressive drugs York, New York, USA: Grune and Stratton; 1968. dure may come to mind as a last resort for and in Calne’s porcine liver transplants 5. Park HW. Germs, hosts, and the origin of Frank virtually every patient with lethal hepatic appeared to be caused by donor leukocyte Macfarlane Burnet’s concept of “self “ and “tol- erance,” 1936–1949. J Hist Med Allied Sci. 2006; disease” (58). chimerism (72–74). The role of microchi- 61(4):492–534. merism in graft acceptance is still highly 6. Burnet FM, Fenner F. The Production Of Antibodies. Moving toward “almost-tolerance” controversial, as it is not perfectly corre- Melbourne, Australia: Macmillan; 1949. 7. Billingham RE, Brent L, Medawar PB. ‘Actively Calne and Starzl continued to seek new lated with graft acceptance, and the effect acquired tolerance’ of foreign cells. 1953. Transplan- immunosuppressive agents that were of microchimerism appears to be organ tation. 2003;76(10):1409–1412. potent enough to fight rejection, but dependent (75–77). “There’s still room for 8. Starzl TE, Magoun HW. Organization of the dif- fuse thalamic projection system. J Neurophysiol. also caused fewer side effects. In 1989, improvement in immunosuppression,” 1951;14(2):133–146. Starzl, now at the University of Pitts- said Starzl, “particularly in developing bet- 9. Starzl TE, Taylor CW, Magoun HW. Ascending burgh, introduced FK-506 () ter strategies for using good drugs that are conduction in reticular activating system, with spe- (59, 60). FK-506 was effective in patients already there.” cial reference to the diencephalon. J Neurophysiol. 1951;14(6):461–477. who were rejecting organs while taking The studies outlined above illustrate the 10. Starzl TE, Taylor CW, Magoun HW. Collateral the standard cyclosporine/prednisone/ rapid evolution of the science of immuno- afferent excitation of reticular formation of brain ALG regimen and was fast-tracked for suppression. In the 1950s, full-body irra- stem. J Neurophysiol. 1951;14(6):479–496. 11. Starzl TE, Niemer WT, Dell M, Forgrave PR. Corti- approval by the FDA in 1993. Calne began diation, a highly toxic treatment, was used cal and subcortical electrical activity in experimen- working with rapamycin (Sirolimus) in to suppress the immune system. The work tal seizures induced by metrazol. J Neuropathol Exp 1989, and the European Rapamycin Study of Starzl and Calne in the development Neurol. 1953;12(3):262–276. 12. Starzl TE, Whitlock DG. Diffuse thalamic group had success in the clinic using it as of regimens projection system in monkey. J Neurophysiol. a stand-alone drug (61–63). The antibody allowed for long-term survival after trans- 1952;15(6):449–468. alemtuzumab (Campath 1H), developed plantation, improved the quality of life for 13. Starzl TE, Kaupp HA, Brock DR, Lazarus RE, John- by Herman Waldmann at the University transplant patients, and made possible the son RV. Reconstructive problems in canine liver homotransplantation with special reference to of Cambridge, was initially used to treat transplant of other organs, including the the postoperative role of hepatic venous flow. Surg rejection, but then became a preemptive heart, pancreas, lungs, and intestines. Gynecol Obstet. 1960;111:733–743. therapeutic used to avoid rejection alto- 14. Starzl TE, Kaupp HA, Brock DR, Butz GW, Lin- man JW. Homotransplantation of multiple visceral gether (64–68). The future of transplantation organs. Am J Surg. 1962;103:219–229. The ultimate goal in developing new The main problem in transplantation is 15. Starzl TE, Kaupp HA Jr, Brock DR, Linman JW. Stud- immunosuppressive therapies is to now the lack of donor organs and the ethi- ies on the rejection of the transplanted homologous dog liver. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1961;112:135–144. improve the lives of transplant patients cal issues that accompany this shortage. 16. Starzl TE, Butz GW Jr, Brock DR, Linman JT, Moss by reducing side effects and costs while In the United States, more than 15,000 WT. Canine liver homotransplants. The effect of host maintaining tolerance of donor organs. patients are awaiting a donor liver, and and graft irradiation. Arch Surg. 1962;85:460–464. Calne’s early observation of liver tolerance both Calne and Starzl have advocated for 17. Kukral JC, Littlejohn MH, Williams RK, Panc- ner RJ, Butz GW Jr, Starzl TE. Hepatic function in the pig suggested that immunological better programs. Calne, a after canine liver transplantation. Arch Surg. tolerance would only be achieved by active gifted artist, uses his artwork to promote 1962;85:157–165. engagement of the recipient’s immune sys- awareness of transplantation. Many of his 18. Brock DR, Starzl TE. Histopathologic alterations associated with the transplanted homologous dog tem with the donor tissue. Calne hypoth- paintings depict transplant surgery and liver. Exp Mol Pathol. 1962;1:187–203. esized that a window of opportunity for transplant patients (Figure 3). 19. Starzl TE, Butz GW Jr. Surgical physiology of the immunological engagement (WOFIE) was Organ transplantation, once considered transplantation of tissues and organs. Surg Clin North Am. 1962;42:55–67. an essential step in the development of tol- impossible, has now become a standard 20. Starzl TE, Kaupp HA. Mass homotransplanta- erance; therefore, recipient immunosup- therapy. According to the National Net- tion of abdominal organs in dogs. Surg Forum. pression should be minimized (69). work of Organ Donors, the number of 1960;11:28–30. Transplant patients themselves began Americans living with a liver graft in 2009 21. Starzl TE, Butz GW, Munger DH. A technique for portacaval transposition. J Surg Res. 1961; conducting their own experiments when was more than 50,000. Furthermore, great- 1(3):218–220. they stopped taking immunosuppressive er than 70% of liver transplant patients 22. Schwartz R, Stack J, Dameshek W. Effect of 6-mer- drugs without telling their doctors. Many survive more than five years. Despite the captopurine on antibody production. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1958;99:164–167. of these patients did not suffer from graft backdrop of constant skepticism, Calne 23. Schwartz R, Dameshek W. Drug-induced immuno- rejection, achieving an operationally toler- and Starzl persevered, converting liver logical tolerance. Nature. 1959;183(4676):1682–1683. ant state. The transplant group transplantation from a divinely inspired 24. Meeker WR Jr, Condie RM, Good RA, Varco RL. Alteration of the homograft response by antime- conducted a study of the risks and ben- miracle into a marvel of science that saves tabolites. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1960;87:203–213. efits of weaning liver transplant recipients the lives of thousands of patients each year. 25. Calne RY. Inhibition of the rejection of renal off immunosuppression and concluded homografts in dogs by purine analogues. Transplant that, with careful monitoring, the practice Jillian Hurst Bull. 1961;28:65–81. 26. Zukoski CF, Lee HM, Hume DM. The prolongation was relatively safe (70, 71). However, the of functional survival of canine renal homografts by mechanisms underlying tolerance were 1. Hauben DJ. Sushruta Samhita (Sushruta’a Collec- 6-mercaptopurine. Surg Forum. 1960;11:470–472. still unclear. In 1992, Starzl reported that tion) (800–600 B.C.?). Pioneers of plastic surgery. 27. Calne RY. The rejection of renal homografts. Acta Chir Plast. 1984;26(2):65–68. Inhibition in dogs by 6-mercaptopurine. Lancet. a small population of donor leukocytes 2. Guthrie D. A History Of Medicine. Philadelphia, Penn- 1960;1(7121):417–418. persisted in the livers and kidneys of long- sylvania, USA: J.B. Lippincott & Company; 1946. 28. Calne RY, Murray JE. Inhibition of the rejection of

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