Jm r uuyw Ui SlO 4tll ATCIIII*

ebaiaeterAlaoaoowa tiad^ioB taencwm. JBXaMdJr. QWOnsboiT- •MM aMd CkaakkaiUM laa- // TAS Br B. T. Tan tadlfi mannar tba giatt —Taluabto odamd. w&ta tba adlUon of nonr Maw of dinaUao anion, bow Umicbttel gad. IB naaa. Br Vbl Vdlkar. of fiaoth.Q«UB% Baptist Book fioose. atoat vttboBt any aKtlflea «C aooi Frica *l.ea. Badoftfarf wbatmoaaIHil aad tbaMte mat or It la aot tba Mtt or taa ini— Br B Bar- A mora a» ocdarad at ooaaL all who wUh ^^ad^ XK SccMAtt. XempWs, T< Bt> boMKliwlMa tOfOiiatr-^rrrmiti Stand ye inthewayB. aad see and wk tor the old patha, which are the goal wayB.a»MlwaUc thereto, aiid ye ahaH Ibid niat tor yo^ •STlyMlVntiKi!! %-^apSuaS! wttoBs and aaid«-«dkaat Qlaratan ~ OoTa doul,« Mia.« eoL la ttuaa it* oetero Kictaaa* IMltw^Eitatitaaoaadi aaA < iM>9l mar*iarm. aad at twMlilnn'f MODnnmn «r noc AcoE. BrSd-'- TrJTiTn— TTTtr m vmm. Tbia Talnabta Entered at the Port OSea of Mecaphta. Teaa.. aa MJMUnSATnUIAI. & Baker. lBeloth.mpacM,«M^ wSBTSmm atnoat a ooapicta uitem ol mtMt. 11 BrDr.N. Old Seri^Vol. XXXVuT MEMPHK, TENS. SEPTEMBER 18,1880. Sew Seriee-Tol. XDL So at SB.^ k a booker gnat ralna HaivatfctkePalrlt. UoUi,*Ua. .: .4. SS^SuteW^ifeIwtwmrtni Uiclnis=saant. BjrFaiidia- T^feC ft^M^TV B UBV Our Pulpit. deM, thus attesting his chaiacter and vindicaling earth by dear shining afterthe r»in. Ood hath S^umtmgm. TUawakiantfKtaBaipCana •|o BsTrlattoo. Itu ln_Mmpla . made with me an evetfcating tvxvewiat, urd^ •SuBt^Sil talBnn«l1nit,aad •'KaoBplatB tbaYoosz. Kr<^>*sruatar. it —tba. bis kingly dalms. Since his wjecUtm by bis own —..fw Knrr r»« lAadnaikar Aoold I •!!»MBi III TTBBASC< It may bo sjdd by some, that the text is meU- aWdaaWi aad baMra the f ' KW. Br Kbenaaer Tenuiie. Dila book O wonlii, I endeavored to show that Jtsias, the my servant, saying, thy seed will I ttteWIA for- SSSIT^ phorical, and to be interpreted of ^irltnal Influen- ever, and bufld up thy throne to all semaatloas. ••CKASM m«TW«T. BT Q. H. Christ, b wUted to two throni»; one, the throne nd. VOL 1.1aablatarol mSt ^It'Sm took. rM W^nd A ail ces, by whidi the he«urts of men are snbdned and He shall cry unto -mc, thou art my Father, my ToLU-iaaUaMnor lha narAuallrlofaaduritta tba BuatT&>tar> ,.f G,)d In heawn, the other, not yet U t^ng, Christianity peirpetttally maintain^ in the world. t^ eUanlMa aB4 •uji—iil £> an tmr to tettand.. Both atoonafcKlBally artlasiuyab0alcraa«*vnad,aadiriu ex. Jwitextatlng in promise only. Having dwelt up- God, and the rode of my salvaUoo. I win make SS> a lai«a aaaibK otOm moat dUBealt ItmJSr In reply, I would say that this Is mereaSKimptton him, my first born, higher than the kings W the SSHCM^rSeHptBia. Tooaboald nad It alaobeotcrcsaTaloa In tha dauy r^lnga on the latter clatBe of the text^ahowing the exal- Br Bar. mtSSSaai. ]MeabrniaU.ncia. ortbaCbiStian: It may beoomaliU u«wa- without one partide of proof, and coatrary to the eailh; my covenant will I not l>reak, twr alter the KBXaat or nxMMOK oo Otmrtarnnn. A ry. Frloe JlJO. tation of Jeaun to the throne of God, 1 propose history'of the fulfillment of the history of the baad bookor BuMlathMacr. ^Uawotkla thing which has gone out ol my Hps- have Uaa wSBhrnt irertief ee pa«w «BK CHimCK KBCOBD-BOOK U a tliU morning to give an exposition of the Savior's Mewianic prophedes. Ibe predictioos that rdata a Talnabla ecotrttmtton to BajpHat mnratara, Pilea» la ctotb lUBk bblSrbo^wttlf prtniadJtttlgjB^J^ 1 swcm by my hrfincw. thtA I wIU not Ue unto Max a eollflcttaa of blatarfeal fli^ with Balea of JIaconim. M^ ^iifiilSLSHK prouliM in the p««ge before U8. » To blip tnat to the Virgin Mother, birth, and Urthplaoe, char- IPRIAITDMMSY T^ICTSU^ASR. ILN |II — I gplijwag^ot flootaato and Mda-notaa. _ugcBikoo»« nwm •Mmvmm ebai^ea. OqunsIndaxHrMbWiafai^ overcoroeth will I grant to ait with me on my David. Hh seed shaU endttte forever, and bis nnrAKCn. taevaii^ ben. Klaa haaTy —• —• acter, minlrtry, pewcutlon, hnmiliaUon, euflte- umui Bunsr. bt J. M- iuttiB. bla Adlai Hharwood, DJX, aa able dlTlna aad la tbe naat throne." throne as the sun before me. It AaU beestabltal^ aad ilpa aebolarita baat work wa know Beeonl-Book vnt — Ings, death and i^surrectkm erf Jesus were tnlfiUed LUXTAAATAAPTEKOT CTANBUS «•». B U- By J M Oiunp, S D. A Itufeaairt tbatr ehoKbad VS^Sf^SfS tion of Chrtst's follower) made dependent on a principles of interpretation to aU the nnfiilBUed PS. IxxxIx. lot tiwmSuSt W plwMtn Uta faa^tfUM r ttom tba fcnnitaHiniorib a •rarr pwtlettlar. TbaUadlag^ 'ttmat.- » wiwluU _Sj^j^jiytaM a •*1ieelgbteantb apoB a critical emJ^ specified condition. To fedlitate the dlscuiwion prophecies reapectlng the future coming, rdgn Theae tesUmonles csUblish the fact that DAVU'S MealneteUi.. IiaelaUr ikmily was consUtuted by covenant the Boyal GI^DI>,aatb«rhrase, " thr<«e of na- House of God's K ingdom. and that one of IMvW'a TMa la a TCTTaM a tnartMa ait Uia *a«ciliia -I. and talnabla eomaiantarlaa, aud ib« anUtor la a •M poUiT tf UM Jtaw TMtamMU aBoreh. S^Mt aebolar wbo (kiumnir wltt I. The pr»>naised exaltation. poatwlty, whom God should acfcn«.wleJge as his iSai^lalaclau and unnuat Met,Netik pradneedqalt vid," Is that by which the Utend seat or throne is Uoa-» wort. Frtoa,perTOI., II. The eflBential condition. • made to symboliie tnc royal authority oc govetn- own Son, Rhould be its everlasting King. Kow, L THB PBOMBKU EXALTATION: I tcUl ffrtml SoimallSntBn. l«eale«lnto.lUfc mentof David, which is to be perpetn^ and according to Gabriel, Jraus was lKaal of Hrmaa eiiltibM''tDieti5l» v.... ——. er it issure to be folfilled to all who are the subjects thousand years before. Tha b«o atartrr af tba atx- loatnaataadaaalaatton ot tUuia uul iSiw«a oo the OW and Naw Taa- throne down to the ground." Pfe, Ixxxix. SB-it, tamenta,wlth a lainr maaa of Bcilptanl of it. It reveals to us the future exaltation of the God said toDivid, "and when thy days shall ads abonft OMtitxx* - --.Wnri. la«iotb.M aaM TtTmrnami aad tba anrioia InftirmjuHm for BthleTeaehefaaad Htadenla This Is descriptive of thecondiUon of tbe timme ,raar-Y«B,»«MiT MSa. aad aaa ha oaad br tboaa tbaa arar belore boood, la oaa Tolams, redeemed and glorified sahits and deserves the be fulQlled, and thou diait sleep with thy tethers, and kingdom of DavM, for neariy two thoasand •tbnit Uw Baanaa cUbolla ohaxab ka a ^nH ih**iwi**i*iintMaairan Bar maklnc a baadaooM anpar-royal (vo of orer tnaaltas^MUirMb Hrma aad Tana Book kar tba nS- profound and earnest study of all who hope to I wQl set up thy seed after thee, which shall i»o- and five hundred yean. The crown and thone ntanatf —.aBdoMteaaehBbUd. Tblilada- wnpecaa. l^elolb.tKw. . anltfaac. tolaka^ykwaoftbaold apntbya PailaltCiaBH. Flaas-lbr Barmonabr W appeu with Christ in glory. ceedeutofthy bow^ and I will estaUish his are In the dust; the territory is trodden down of ttSaitl W. Wytbe. Uaco, anted, papar. Ptloa. jn (boBMkaTatblaboak. Mea la eiotb. ILSA ttbaftraroBi *eloUi.^jeL j^l* iMtA'SSDfakataton THE THBOSB OF CHi^: WHAT 18 IT AND kingdom. He shall build a hoaselbrmy name, the Gentiles, and Israd ia sified like com among maa.tij|l'aaab.licr aermooa aw laay yooaa ailnai WHERE IS IT? and 1 -will estaUIsh the throne of his kli^dom the nations. In view of these things, -tbe FSalm- J^^JATOCT AMOI ••OK. eaicnlatBa to iai d I1n *ba prepaiatloadi aar^ Waaaa at MwalaMiiWi tt^lWigiaiit RWBBMICAI. This throne. L4 spoken cf in connection with forever. I will be Lis Fathor and he sh^ be my irt inquires," How kmg, I/Btl? wUt thou lilde aMaUMi.ana aart alL at* ber "taurtM" COUTB.BRSUat BBBATK. Son. Even in suCfertng for iniquity, I will chas- thyself, forever? Lord, where are thy lonnar TU» la tha abtaai aadauMiaanaddiMW. .lawblebwlUbaAwid, adaa't OTVf^Mton^orS^bS!l5eo!«5 i the Dlrth of Christ. TheangelGabrid announcing ..aMiiailalilal alMiedbaaca. So taeta vataabta book «• la piaaa of Ita old lailax.oaaat larm, bok< to the ^^rgln Mother, the birth of her Son, said, ten btm with the rod of men, and mth the stripes loving klndncBses, which thou swtairest unto Da- griSSSStiMHta ^. itm tmfUmm « aliiatli - - Qr^ aad ako laaar nav aad fikvorlta due to the chiidr^ of Adam. Bnt my mercy •asUata and IMbodjati baa mr ltmii pc*. at a com^ale book Of reMreooa <» aU "Thou Shalt call his name Jesa^ .^He «hall be vid in Ity froth?" PS. Ixxxix. 4i»i Bm^tm raalad oa daa papar. wara vaMtacla aMdt. Tba anaacanaat anojeeta. Bdlted br J. Wewtoa great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest; Yes, where are they? In {munlse atiU. Jefao- otnuSMuS UUwaiW^ lb nhaat a aouuar dai^ •Ml MManac baxra aot baaa latarraplad. Browa. IUnairatedbrwood-eata,mapa,'aad whom 1 put away before thee. Thy house and win badlTldad lataatz vbtaa«L una* lu. angnTin«a oa copper aad ataol. m» paeaa. and the Lord God shall give unto him the thnme vahaays, "Ifyeean break my covenant of the gataman,,, VLM laaaaepemaWuw. thy kingdom shall be estatdL-ihed .belbretbee; thy day and tbe night, that there should not be day Pila«)vmall.«e«a. of his lather David: and beshaU rrign over tbe KABSOirr ABB KXTonnoit or throne shall be established forever." (S8am. and night in their seaam, then also may my cov- •jurn^f BBsouajmox. Br Ht* i.sUt,p«Wtad Ui •«wu»B»*««MATrp«riU(nr. at H. J. Walab. • yrtaa boofc of tba 0.01.Back. OmWlaabaataaokapaMIUBad house of Jacob forever: and ot his kingdom there vil. 12-16.) enant be broken with David, my servant, (hat be Maiaiuur-artHni Bu. Nearly ninete«i hundred years have passed Oiam viA oatk aotn^ aad la a BMuaar a> TUa laaaaertka QVEsnoBs TO iHrkBmnrr: enant, even the sure macies of David." (Isaiah Jer.xxiliL 20-21. aaia aaiAla ow aotlnr m Ua aobfaot aztaat. Be Br J. M. fwxtlatnn. Tbialaa Teqr poanat since the birth of Jesus, but he has iiever yet oc- Wbid shall we say. to this? There has beai no gSttt^gaB ttaaBaprtila laaiatli* mnalatar «aa waU aflbn«lt loDawitboatU. Uttla work, aad la waUoaloaiatad tMMakaa Iv. S.) There can be no doubt to whom th^ re- Hw Olnck-na Mitir mm* •wtt. Oatawaf owWpataa. VtlMk tba IboaahUaaa aad bring Ibata to ~ cupied the throne of David, tfor reigned over the fer, for the writCT of the epistle to the Hebrews son at David reigning npon Itis throne since Uie •aai - "r-— r^-" TUaaoafe. CAsraxExnut IaelMbrlMpacea.)nela. •• B* • uapaci—tiaiWii!*. «n™a«l>a nastta WlUlajB^D-U OaaortbaabiL- hoiM of Jacob. He wasbom » Kti^ of Israel apples them spedally to Christ. dcUiionemeBt of Zedekiab by Sdmduttineaaer ml Lr. madMm at aMwyamaadpntdaaa d la nfMaUoa of taa , »aawal aT t^ as such the wise m«i irom the E^ paid him n* btit fwl — XIMaiat aau and laacbt br OM maMv. Coatalnliic Br r. iL Mall, iu>. In his last words, David expresses hiaM«f ooo- live hondred mod ninely-iive years briore t£ir CbiMtaaahaiah.inMataakitt.ILIk diilliBi M ttraiaa aad nalaia, aa la dallbacaitva homage; he presented hb credentials in the mlr- birth ChrtaL. It Is, however, nci « qneatlonaf aial dalfcaSitxaa tba STS 75 CM. . centinc this covenant In this manner: " Tlie God lapnt^awUibal btok hr.tha pdaaa w wittaa, -I)B. A. 42. - AnaMlaa,tinatbarwm> ^Awi^aaow ABB aaawft^^i* ades he wrought; be came to his own land and nnittteiTBptBd suuiBrinn, bat of tiie evcataatiac »!• Ill I—in wbg want to »»T»at baag Dartga, la ma that mrwty laa By lib laH' iw^wattom MitiMet BrJ-M.nucatea. TuabookAMU laMtabt of Ishtd spake to me, saying. He that rnhitt over » MnnualMl oai* Wamiliia «ur vtewa xX em(rpciaun.aitb*nadlBgaftt will taaalt prodaim^ the kingdom of God to his own peo- ichetilanoBof thethroiM^ according to the oove- MM jwiwd ip^iflr S la good to the taatrtad aad tba ""r'-, af Tde: but they received him not, " He de- men must be Jost, rulinrln th« fear Ood. And paeuurtbalaoar. t3ou>.«pag«^1l2. he, the Just one, Shan be as the light ol tl» moni- «nt.. Send Ibr eatalogaa. spisM and rejected of men;" he was pot to death Jost bdbre tbe ca{^re of JeranlaB fiy the hy wicked hands, and buried in, the tomb of Ing when the son riseth, even a momlnf without IV Ml<«iM aoHOf raar MathadM. AddrM an ortcnto tba la ekcMti. m rm^^mmm. TmjD JBA.PTIBT. Tjaifi camidwiiw. Oie ^ of JTndab and Kb km* lud aad diAr eanaUally from theaubjec^ of the kins- and Jts glorifled occupants. Thto earth was crated •Uteined to the 61IL ZedeUah was thea cn tbn dooB, the^veiaed dass. wearing the cnnrn of D>Tld. EaekM for the eternal home of man. He received the yoar wtoh for the letten on the second qnertioo Pet»Beva feU away in the sense Paul used not true. It to not the pleasure of God to mve any Sacfa«kii«dam,8ovaat,ao exalted, so spiritu- diarta of sovereignty and dominkMi. AU was to be extended to eighth What harm in eithnr of the phrae, Heb. vi. 6. or the Holy OhoBt did ac- except ttM»e who trost in tJie ahtoement of tito ma oomtumdedtoMiytolilini "Tlioa pnlime al, 80 Inflniteiy fzansoending aU earthly empira, ai^ wlckad itt^ of lanMl. whoBB day ia «Hi». perfect and good. Bat when man fdl, crwtlon us dairing eight instead of six T tually codtradict himsdr. ma was ovenmne Ben for thdr mlvatitHi. It |aea.-ws God 10 ave win require a aauititode of adminbtratocs, aueh fdl with him. He lost all. Hto Ufe, bis diminion, 2. After giving three false quotations to prove for a moment with sodden /ear, bat hto bith in tboM who.AelicM, t C: exalt him ity and It groans and travaiila in pain nntU now." ferent passage which doa yoa^ good, for what logism a ttie seiubhmce tif f »«>. There to an ilUttit dead and clothed with Immortality. They are the (Rom. vill. 22.) But God's unspakable love was 9. God's government aver aU hto crated Intelli- proceas, ruling more,—«chdar< undors^and thai ia low (aven Jem) and a^ him that to though God win repeopte the ^ains of Sudom in genea to a mnrtU government, and the aim of that wUI called, the eieet M God, but they are called by manilieBted in the redemption of man, and not coming genaations, how doa Utat act mve the me. It to not irae tfaat all wen wi^re to hicb »Uiatl>d«thn»eZedekiah. Bntthenwhatto the gospel 00 the principle of fiUth, and choeen government to to use ali tMoni/ InOeDca to In- man only, but hto abode also. "Creation itadf souto of thote fUthy tbmert whom he destroyed Christ to be mwd. but givtHi info hL* hB»d^ lo tu become of the kiogdomol David f Heartbe In Oirfat by the (fetation of the Hdy ^>irit. daa men and angda to do right, and to panish "Iwill overtoni, owtnra.overtuniit; ahaU be ddivered irom the bondage of corrupUon from the lace of the earth two thousand and seven all who will do wrong. God newer determined to ruU, to reirarti bU frieodn and to d4^»<r thv panevdoo. Aimiahed in that day, when Jesus shaU sit on the The curse shau be removed and the lost domin- ning far he amid not do il6»ihe mrtimxif iHtre And thou sliaU rale with a rxi nf iron; thoa shall Thia pmiiction waa tolfiikd Utaraiiy. The with thevwretcha who rejected and cruci&ed power. Ung'a egroi were pot oat, tfaetempiewMatzipBed throneof his glory in the regeae^tm. (Matt, ion regained. This comidetcd redempUcm our Uhrirt. dash thaa tii a a |mtter> vrsHd. Ktos Ute zix. SB. The time fw collecting the divine ens^^nia LordBtyla"TheJEl^ei.eration,"in which "the 10. Your logic again. I have shown that firom aoo lest he be angry and ye •,xriHt from tlie way, ofite fnmitnre, the palacH were honied^ to almost linlshed. The teachings of prophecy and Son man ShaU sit on the throne of hto tfory It is/a/w that you have convicted me of h)rgery, the first to your hist letter yoo Aw not coastrnd-when iifa anger is kindivd bat»Unlc!. EUcehmI fl», the capital waa destroyed, and not a tribe the aignaof the Uma Indicate this. Those who having for hto associates hto Cdthful loUoweis.'' and}/ouitH)tsU, See my reply to thto. ed one logical tcplloelsm. You have not ptesnmed all are they wlio pat their innt lo him." And this remained In the land. After aeventy yeam cap-smrviTe the terrible desolations and fiery Judg. " The earth to the Lord's," It belongs to him by 3. Yuu baveaignaity failed*to show Uul, God to question rny aeaertion. I have repeatedly impUa that all do nut and are not all bte^neiL tivity than waa a partial nstotation under V-w^, 'ment s of the last days of thto di^iensationi may covenant. He redeemed it from the hand of the puiUsba to correct, or that hto punithmtntt ever diarged you with being uOeriy ^pMrmU of the Thto answers for the second nr tUrd time your KefaemlahandZaraMMUMt. But ftmn the time of become the subjects of the Heasianle kingdom. enemy. He breathed its air,waa baptized in Its wa- corrated and reformed thesiDotrr. Yoar piwage first prindpia of logic, or knowing logic you alignment from X Cbr. xv. IS, i. e., gcivmiment, hnw ramld II Tm laaxsTiAi. ooasmos of thib sx- the boning, to now, and ever shall be. world he be Jast and permit H for (kiOO years? K ^aoiate, who aet nplhe Idnmean frmily of AurAnos. "To him that ovocometh will withwit end." Amen* iiatin noon poena, determina nothing. Peual of others, and you are the ignorant dnpe of your q HiBRML The Henxla were Undliy dqeeed, and grant to ait with me on 'my throne." suffering, iu no law, human or divine, to inflict- own false teachers. mote «iU it require it in the future than in the ed fur the reformation of the criminal. See past and note, it to not true that jostic* rpqairM Jodaa waa redmxd to a Soman province, ands a Kverything depends upon overcoming evU. Here yru faunch out eight somethings wtiich procurator; uins voUying the prophecy of the my last letter. yoa call syllogisms to prove the final salvaUon of thededruelion, bot it to learrnlly irne that it re . P»marth Jacob, that the aceptre ahooid depart " To him that ovecometh wiU I give to eat of theDiscussio n on Universalism. 4. My crijne in quoting Hedge and Dewey aU men, a wdl as the devil and hto angda, buqairt a the puniiitm'nt of all wn>ng. from Jodah whenShOoh came. From the time tree of life" "He that overcometh shall Tk« Mcrlrtarea (rach the flaal raHlrMMkuni- Bestorationisis to precisely what yours fa not one of them to a l<^cal syllogism, and conse- Your Fifth has has not even the ftwin of a f>yi- .««.1.11 mmnum^ MU. BCBBmta^ among of ^Zedekiah to this hoar there haa been no not be hart of the second death." "To him that DK-OKATES Dcmica. in calling your paper " Univeraalid JJtraid," quently no argument, and yoa know it If you logism. Three indepni But the atadent and beUever of " the sure woid " I have overcome the world," indnding aU the ^nst the Word of God and the aiuments I MonMjf JReVgknu JUagaxim, that advocated uni- frieiKla, but a con<«ninlnir firr to bti pn^mies. Gfid ^ve weighed against it, to proof ol the utter ex- which can hate but three.' powenof evU.anforms of satanie temptaUon; vei8al salvation. If not dassiacatioa has misled iyiil work no vrong to h»« creator^ Uul he would njoten in theaureand certain hope hamUon of your resources and yoor signal iUl- The reader unfamiliar with logic wiU nnda- rf Og rertoimtion of the throne of David and Ito ^so^ofsufltelng. Hewaa plunged Into the me. stand the difference between a iiUaturabte vill— srork wrong tohinutelt and to his moral povim- giodous perpt^nliy thnogh bg« to come. lo^d^pthsijl^nman somw, pain and agony, 1. I have exatnined the pabliation you have How wdl it becouia you who iutve garbled my dwlre—and a determined pttrpoae. God as tnoch mjent, and to all tlie righteon* ou «Tirth, and in wiUs and taon tint aU xnen •hooid tie wved In this baven U be did not vindicate his diazweta a a- Brt the inquiry natm^y ariaea, when will the ^yetcameup unharmed. He came np from put forth aa "the dtscuanion between tm. Dr. j. letters as yott have don®, wtod paim^tl them off mt ,gBcl qgeu|iM bgf the Box^ with garments dipped In blood, the victor It.Gravaant render Innetmr the law-«faidin(r. And what ahaU ^ brother «f our Lord, anhl, hi the couneO ot A alm^vlefotyover tlie wxSSt yoa have the aadadty to deny, after dee^edly advaucedDewey amonf steg p]tolorationists beyond, yoa. , l>ecauae ttey had not tie Mwd. To eneape tMa he wtit leuieititiet Jtraafcan," Hmho hath dedand how uod at Oah and the devH, to demanded of those who PMt ofmy^ 5. I Bj^iii •murt tliat X have never referred to that yoo denied Christ divine, or God — tha lay to yoar Efi^th and last ? The prhonl-buys in the lliat did vtolt the Gentiles, to take oat of them would ahare Christ's thrwie. The apostle Paul pues, 9nd when yoor dishonesty to brought to Ilada sa the place of ei^iesR pantobment, but as confessed yourself an inSdeL God diga work aU logic wni totigh at it, 'while pprh.ips y»ar dnpa a peoplefi» hh i name." Then, quoting thtf wmds Bays- ,• bdlevers ar—e "jirfnt heirs witwiuhi Clir«, uif ssoo Ught, you openly deny it, and assert that your an intermediate state. In which the rigbteoaa are tilings after the counsel of hto determinate wUl, will gulp it down far rea<4nu! This we nmnnt M WBsuffier with him, that we may be glorified pamphlet" contains ott that was written on that happy and the wicked unhappy, but that the and that wilt to to mve all those who accept hto hdp, for it is wriUcn, "Ood shall aend them orthe^phet,hBii^»AllerthtoIwm return strong delusion tiiat they may bdieve a He, that md Iiaildagato the tabramade of David that fa l««eth«" Tommothy he say*, "If wesufte subject and to complete In itself," moral character to forever fixed. Son, and he will i»ii'eral>ly destroy aU who die we ShaU atoo rdgn with him." To theambitous Xow what wUl the reader thifik of yoar verac- G. I charged you in " Bible Language," and rejecting him. they all maydeceived, elc.,wbo bdieve not tlie i^down, audi wm build again the raina diKipleB who dealred to alt one on hto right hand truth, bat have pleasore in anrlehteoa'inesB.'' theteol and I will aet It up; that^ raid^ ity and honesty when I teU him that you have still charge you with holding and teaching that In your Second yoo incorporate theame faUaty, and tte otha on hto Idt, aid, " Ye know left out, ave a few unimportant lines, aU my first those condemned to the "lake of fire and brim- Let mecbangethetenw and tbf sensible will ]y,the exerci« of God'a 'hey amthoae of whom John and Peter speak, that God may laUow thOT to pass unnoUced in thfa fast ^ to renew such an one to repenttmce. You no Th^'fore feathers are contrary to darlcnem." If you were not already past fedlng. If the almighty powa, It would not be an act r>f Mercy whm they say, "Those who suite with QM you wojUd daim that Ideemed thm u^i^ more'hesitate to putting a lie into the Up? of the any more Uian of Jastioe to the sinaer. ^Dntfjp, with him faglory." Ibtrmtba hdn. In erosion, thto aoltfect of Christ's throne fa Holy Ghost than you do into mine, or to opinion of schotars and logicians could shame In petfectacreemutwiili other tCMfalngs of the I'-'-tdevoteafew'SJrrto you, you coald not for shame look them In the Yoa aay aU thlncs are made for God, wl qooto the pasesBois, the rnlen of the kii^dom of ObS Smptm rdatiac to the .viU.ll,toFcaTethe adeqnaieiy pwiMiii^ it, and to be regardlOB of fadd aU the eaaeBtial and Important doctrines of OiriBtianlty. BntUiaafaot thewhcde church i>*I«Ui|riia- edtoailtzansgteaaorsorthelaw. Wereitnotao therefore to be presumed ti^ a doctrine wholly nal depths were depicted to a man tHunlng to his gnawed theU tongues for pain, "MtyMoaipAcMed unknown to tlie Oirlatian ehurch fiur eighteen lusts, and he were lc4d,'Bee, you are to havethe Ue God of heaven beoatue of their pate ourf tkeir lliin iifthn iieiaaiLt lii thr nmmntTTr*'' Toa tiie government would be radically defecUve and centurtes, and never believed to be taught by the hapirfneis of angeb.' How would the combat There wen thamit it mulUtodai commit wtBrt Matt. xxTi. A to makB caurfat cootiadict impertect. with evU be given over in the supposed assurance tore*, ami rtpmUd not o^tMr dtedi;" aad this day who There is never forgivenoiB forIhe m word of God by any Gieek Father or person re- was the remit of the pooriiur oat, of tiw fourth binaBir. miKsa he aaid K wen bettcir lor Judas Ftomtlieveqrnatmwor moral law we see that garded orthodox, most be false and a hereoy, and that the result was established M God's decreet had ha oBtet been bom. Ton affirm that Judas itsofmcatioos lie oatside the province of mmar, In the very nature of things, therefore, tlie final vial: " Aiid with great hwt^ *•£. AU those who crucify to tbemselve t^ om i» part of that " fidth once dellvoed to the salvation of all men can nev«r become a fixed partook of the Sapper, that cauist said to him as and that it iroold be deatncUve of idl law. and ioA^^r-^'e^l^nameofOodwiiekikUk^F of God afi«h and. put hto ^ «« saints." doctrine of the church."—July, 1861. Hdi. vt 4-7. If Bestorationiste beUe^e ta^ weUaa the other ainrtkstha the ahoold drink ot the aim and parpoae of aU govonmeot, for God V F. Starr " I freely say I do not find y>' .^•ertkete plaffuesandrtpmtiamaliont-' the fitnit of the vine new with them Ui the kin^ loveor Alm^tty power to disregard the daims Added to these this crowning atgament: That doctrine of ultimate salvatkm of aU fiooW cte^ ry." Wo see that ttib not in**" natme-^p^ Km bdng ever «immitt«l this rin, th«i tb.^ dum of hia Father. Bat Jodaa never paitodfc aC/aatteinordertocoadoae gailt,and therefore all infidds, sceptics, and opposas of the Bible stated Inany text in any dtscoume that has been tshmoit however severe, to bring mm to re^ must hdleve that there is no f.«givenMB for such %r the Lord'a Sapper. John aays (ziiL eh.) UisImpoodUeforGod to extend mercy in any from the days of Julian until to^iay, have urged reported from theli|M of Christ There la no argth tanee. to regenerate thdE natures, to produce fcro ment tor the Baal triamph of goodness reoonled to Qod ia their heart* or to reform th«ir Uvea, and •T SlttS^Sto have or may dte in their ^ that white they were eating the Passover sap- cane, or the taMt lots to abate the stem demands It as an objecthm to Oizist aad Christianity that in the tout goopds, not any dogmatic textual as- Thfa has been true of all the mlUions of unbdtev-, per Jena designated Jndaa as hi* lietzByer by of law, nnlees all the ends hir which goyem- oar Scriptarea do teach the endless punishment of sertion of the doctrine." U la prepceteroos to base the hope tag Jews since the day it wasapctam. ^ " ««« civinc him the sup aftadipping It in the gravy ment waa originated coaid be fidly mM and the a dass of God's creatures. Th«y have, one and One of the editore ot the monthly BeUffiou* tun purikation and hap^nesa of the nngodly be equally true of the mUlions of Gcntlus since In of bitter berta, and so soon as hs did this eom- infinite demands (tfjastice satisfied, whieh could all, so understood the language of th^ Bcrii^urea. MoffceOne of July 1861, wrote;— upo*nisn tho eshowe correcUveefc^od that U futurf e puniahmen"JSSf't uteci^ manded him to leave, and he did go oat imnwdi- 'ofdy be done by a Divine Being vol- laddthls othCTbct, that aU orthodox Christians • It wUi hardly be asserted by«om/>«rfeMJy tot And God cannot be Jastuntoas tie punishes it salt de- brimstone, which is the second death." You con- tcoreg in both Tratements and d<«maUcaUy al- Tr^tta^'suifering, to ito disembodied whoM i«ixttsw«n with IXvea In Aoder, after the cede that mllUcms have died In their sins, and are а. nuiinBiiMui BuuowB. — finally, to dow these tretiinonlcB. and aa a com- serves In the offender or his snbstitnte. I showed firmeil that each one adduced, unquettional^ ^r^tation ot all your reaaontopfrom your — "" ill' *~i T«iiil. iadwd Myt thwmilinat the IHyina law Book that evsty yearly dying In sin, and that theae will be at I be taught the salvation ol aH God's creatuies I How state, is cwential to supptement the at<»l« b^ tErakaiid ayntMit In ^"""tin laagoage was of iLlstand the i«floencee of the H^ of the aeco^ death. This b their final and ii^ last Jo^pnent cast into •• the lake flie." ahw wUl your arroaant aasationa and idlly petttfoy** ^Ise poatoiates— Itancted to convey to the human mind an Idea of far tee ptrfecOy agrte. But the point of oar disa- appw tn tbo eyoi ot Sromr owu •ch«SUu» »nd all 4.Th^tUlB bedy admitted by UntversaUrta "That wjspd tovltaUons are cMttooooa. stale, and yoo cannot ahow witere any on* of the^ terrihleaeiB of the fatnre pnidshmait that themselves, that It ta not in (be natnxe or (todgn "xSt ^ato not weary In. weU-doing " these ever escaped or ti^ an oflfcr ot mertT-was. greonent Is this. Yoa h

wt I not a. Where there are laws there most be adequate ontiKr; they ahaU seek me eitiy. hat ihe» um whldhyou did not notice, in sapport of the end- potcer, aa all can aea, necessitates the oonver* tat/bre*aitd*ufferti^. aBadeBolatlsn.andtbdr destmctiott asa whiri- ecmvetsed with the apoatks. A doctrine thotfore torationista by stem facts. should not come, are deprived of their weight a^p«ltobe protected, and i)bmercilUlqaantyis OSie method yoo have puEBued to make a show and solemn significance. wind; when dlsiiessandangnish wUi eomeupon is exact ratio to ib ben^ fnflmm^ to restrain totally unknown and believed t^ no one fix 1. That no human government inflicts penalty them. Sow BeBtorationi»tHcbargeGod herewith hundreds of years after Cairist cannot be tree. of sustainhig yoar the«Mry has been in the highest for the purpose of reftsrmlng the guUty. - 9. AndUltianecewiiytosavesome that the thoae who wanld, from the viotaiUh of law and degree reprdien^ble and will secure the con- infiuCTce rm the guUty.". lalso urged— Infinite penaitieB he faaaattache d to hb lawe. thus ed from the apoBUes: via., that the ti^teoiB 10. Ihat yiwr theory of loobatlon to calamity, tet will eommisefate aod rdteveJt. woold be rewarded with endless happiness, and iwomlnent writer gives the reason, because it Dr. Channing (Unlveraalist) said; "Crime is to harmony with the poiiddoas doctrine of the TSiushave I shown that those who beiteve ta a nwifcing them as! pratetwe and M zertralnlng aa would be aSiotrfawf di/aaf <*« oKf o^ pro&jt&w. ta,W8 formora l bd^ can be poslbly ma& Iqr an the finally impenitent with endless punishment. thrivea under severe penalties; thrives on the Bomlshchureh-that purgatorial fires*are cor- second probaUon and the nlOnaUe purity and ail wise God, and since the values itjwigw*^ to be n. Wearein reaaon bound to bdleve that 3%e editor of the Modify Sel^^out Miffazine, bloodkrf ofSsnders." zedive and purilytogtotheir nature, a^- b^ifiinaB of aU God's creatures, r^ the dearert the apo3taUeFBtfaen,nuiBt af whom were teamed whOedietishingtheldeaofunivaaalmtozationlam • 8. That in ttit life God has never infiided pan- 11. Thatr«ay»o®ned forrinnoa tahdl would statamentaof Ood's Wcml,and the sate and a£l proteded br God's laws are Infinite, te theae Bufildenqr of the atonement of ChrM. reaama, if far noSotfaer, the lawsthat protected Greeks, oodezstood their own langoage, whicfa as one of the hopes of humanity, fkanUy dedazee ishment fortbereformatt«m rfthe guilty. In be as eUadual as those oSBerei for men to this w»s the language the New Tiitaineat was wrlttfsi thaSIt lsantamfwoM doctrine, becawe It would my last 1 showed that he visited his ponlahments To^bV the publication ot these Letlan than dioald be made CQRinpondln^ protective, nresent probatim. I wm mcke you this propoOtioa: If you will which can only be so by infinite penalties. bi, ftr better than the izian wrho orlginatad Uni- be abused, tad even if announced to sinnen In upon the antedOuvians, tho people of SodMn and IthinkwhOett has not devolvednpoo me to IshavedthattDeandoae tfae^rtolatioa of God's venatismalttfleoverlUty years ago, who knew the wodd of woe It would defeat the end of a GOTOOTrab, the Canaanites, upon MoabandBdom, destroy the npurtous pamphlet you have put forth prove a negative that I have done so 1 win join you to the puUkation, tertiidjii« one- lawa witboat pceaerviiv thdr protective and re- nothing of the Greek. 8ec9od jobation, as It would the firstl upon Assyria and Babylon, not for their rtforma- Sspute, and proved thai there can be, and t^ stiainlng Infinenees, woobi be aa act oC the griM m. Weare lareasim boood to believe that " Even If there be sadi a consummation awav i^but for their utter destroction, as an en^ half the meaas aad recdving haU the copies pnb- 18 no second probation to eternity,^ lished. The garbled wortt you have put out to be est tetioBtiee to both God and man, since It •auld the Chz&tlan chnrch ot tiie flzst and potest ages to tl» ^tj^bow dear It mm^ rfetoothOT. God vWted his puniUve justice those who dte to thdr sins must peririi, and that that tt couM not to made the snt^ of divine S«,n ST^fSO' thatdnned, and that Its Inflic recalled and supplied with a gtawtoe copy by jwa. robOodof hiachaiacferaaa Jort and beBefieoit —the saints, to wbtan was ddfvered ** the fUtl^" zevdation to a fidten anddnftd zai^ If It be » wlthoot remedy. . wM peitber calculated nor dedgn^ to r^ In reply to your repeated chaUengw to prove bF This b a fair proportion. I wffl apprise my we Ijave ample evidence, since the Dei« and to posltiva and explicit Bciiptnrs th^ «»y pw of Saden If you accept It }fy half of the means ia aagete. Instead ol losing have inaeaaed in tb«r FW ever feoptiprty iqfi*, I MW eniplty, sulJsiDg 230 QSl H Ac P^I^IBT. «dobaptiat> now teach, but that to each local church is committed severally right to authorize a ministw to lareach and baptize Bock. w pcMtice would be ex|dictUy condemned by the Uw of <%rist. which provides for the preacli- WeleamtbatBev.J. W.Upsey, of HiiMp- idotators M wdl as wocshippeta of the true God. Ti^vmjtmr «nnc» jt BAnm -J — ~ can see inai a commit- in her absence, then the question at issue Is one of 2. That it was piacttood as the demoostraUffli of •ouraxjkxaMxuartjkXMa tnAT nus xkn the word •< MrtmL, «iie Aurefa, and d estroy their own ew»cfa onrani- let them be driven back to the old landmarks. Bev. T. B Bsi^ recently tackled Presiding Eld- kingdom so his churches are the only execuUvts But in the name of consistency, if ministers have « E. N. Watson, at Cabot, AA., In a discniriw &. No instance Is rsoorded in wliidipcsniaraoiB TM they in tbe ft«r of lie U dandng by the two sexes took piace. their eharchttT^d not^receive their work, but expre^ion "minl.leri»l not transcended their instrucUons from tbe oa the subject of bapUam. Bro. Espy mast have would violently opp<^ it. authoritj- is churches, we in^ that the churches ate responsi- taken Mr. Watson by surprise, lot slnoo his de- 8. "Riat when the dance was perverted fmm We Mid to Breth. Araiitige, Judd. Wycoff and T w ^ Baptist vocabulary. Every ble lor their acUons. Here is the real Issue. IM bate with Bro. Griffin, at Center, and with Bio. a telii^oas aenrioe to men amnsemait. It was M«a*y. you cannot orjouuza a unioaof aUde- ^eriy mInWer is a member of so.^ chS it be Wriy met. We are wUUng to abandon our Undsey, at ChambsrsvUle, Bro. GriiBn and our- regarded disreputable, and was perfkamed bytbe nooiinaUoos that will liuUtfuily translate the portion when shown that we are wrong. aeif tried every laudable means toget Mm to meet " vain fdlows." ^ew Tajtament, or even the third chapter of authority per« any more than the huniblfet J. B. 8. one of us in a discnsdon of thelsBnea between 7. lite only instanoea of dandng lor amnaeinent Matthew. If you do put forth a faithful trdnate- Baptists and Methodists, bat all to no avalL He mentknied are of tbe woridly buniUe* described aplw we think are firmly held in cpmm.m by uH SUSlMABY. by Job, the daughter of Herodia^ and tha " vain tioa all other denominationa will leave the Bap- i„ thfa discu«ion. But aboutThfja" would notmeet the issue, and we indict that tist part of the union to finish and pay for it. J. B. S. Bro. :&py will nev«r get aaotha chance at him. Idiom." Nettber of these had any tendency to t" »t»«w» lor ttrii onUnaacm of Outat appl.«u«i„,,ha«prin«ples there i^dVff^^^^ promote piety- Let the American Bible Union reorganize un- of OPIIHH.. And so tong as this is so it iTS A good meeting has been in proirreas at Enon der the name of the Baptfat. BiWe Translation cburcfa, near this place for several days. Yestrar- DEATH. 8. tbe Bible (umlshes not the KUghleat a^ietyj, and one million of the two million of the day Bev. N. C. Denson, pastor, baptized two On the 2Ut of August, little Maima Davis, sanction for promiacnoa* dandng as an amuse- laChr--«, uut slTto, credStoe*^^^ ^pu^fe of Amerio-, ami ^ half miUion more of .K of the cheerful candidates in the Saline river one in&nt daughter of our oteemed Irieod, Dr. a meat, as practiced at tbe present time. Tbe Cbsreli PsUl^ En^wh Baptists will rally at once lothSrftuppoA Um«. the church quertion is defined to undenro whom was our daughter, Theodocia. We teel that Davis, ol Hennltage, Ariu, died of ^ms. This dandng profeaaor of religion mnst aoi decwve pay ^ the debt in sixty days. We believe from Alpha to Om^ himself with tbe impteanon that be is inrtlfied ..LiJffil."''' "f eliaicli ia m UKail oan- It would Uike morfe space than we desire to de^^ the lord has been merciful to us, for which we was his last child of seven. In a little more than would approve oJ the act. It would be put- thank him and take courage. one year he hat buried five sweet little i^dren, by the word of God. ting honor upon Christ's church, and thetvffire L the'^S'"' 'o o« views on this ibj«: three in one week. How dark this inrovideoce cBmraittwl the loto nantt- and the ^ns therefor. We are in suljetantiai The following good news from our esteemetl APPOINTMENTS. tfV^Ji?"^'®"^'^ «tu»-prncftlnK tile em^ upon Christ, and Gad would honor the Society' young Bro. Wharton we highly appreciate; as seems. But there is one satis&ctioa these are all and raue up friends and aU needed means lor it. accord with.wr editor-in-chief in the use of the saieintheBwadiseof God. May it be tl» happy The Baptists must gi>-e the world the Bible "church" and "kingdom." The word we fed that we could not improve the form by Central Aflsodation, which meets at Pteasant .i^.iS.'?^'^'?-^'™' to»e»»»it with lit eede- re-writing, We publish the card Just as he sent lot of the st^en parents to meet tbem there. Plains, two miles eaat of Carroll SUUon, on ihe M« 'lzlc.. Aog. 28. JWO > . ot Aoik>v«. Ark-, dted ot CMicMtloB, ^ oai batt to Octob«, and doring on Mfloday ai devfln leant ticmcanoiaK U, awl wa vegt*^ toaajr that we properly "In tb«acrlplurai baptl^l^the the Sid day or Be«*eaAicr, WSaan, liam Uttki «rf guod to hope Irotn It so lar its Retting It. It to aUtte better «>r this. And U lii a fact i>nif hlgibity deemed friend, Bw. W. A. Focbes, o'dock. The piace win be twdtemiks bom Tal- that the translaUons of the Old Testament are first public act of a believer and is ordinarially baa fen Little Bock and gone to ArkaddphiH, to aged something over a year, daoighter of the same ladega. It pare vsnOiKt ot God'a won] ia eonceraal. We aolely the work of Dr. GmaaU Nor do w« oWect Initiat'jry to the church. At the Pentecwt ' tht-y mao. died of coaHwitl Avar. Wa taodar ocor xepaU with rraewed eiBplia9i!<, the caavleUoa we take of tho Baptbt Kiarh aeboot tlxmw VAX^JBUB Kama raox A sanesotncs.—Tba to thfa. We only object to IMIHVT the term Onion first gtadiy received the word,' and were then We* wish Brother Forbes and tbe aebonl over mmwt ufmpmCby to Oar taraaved a^Bttbata. af&drs of this country have become so exteodei wijea tiie UiWe Union, New York, waa when there is no Union. It is a deceptive twni baptized, and added to the church." Tr.e Lord does all things well. Tliese little ones setuotiMjt to trmuiAti tlieBibie: There Lt but which he is to prtiilde abundant sucucss. We h(rpe can never come to us again, but by divine grace that it ia oiily by a carefoUy prepared aynop^ in We aay to oar " Bible Union " bn-thten in New Dr. Harvey .AYS, on page 24 of his b<«.k, TUE he will l«-t our readers bear f^tm him and the tbe form of figures th^ one ean hope to under- one oqpuiLtitiwn earth that » authorized to York, duae out the afiUira ol tbe defuiM-t Bible we can go to them. May such be oar happy lot. Mth/uitjr tnmaJittiB tiud'« , »nd that " tiie CUCKCU 'Utptliiu is the Iniilal. public act of sub- school fTFquenUy. With Prof. James at Jud^onia, J. B.8. stand what is reaUy going on. Hon. A. E. Siiof- Union, by«^niztnga new Society bearing the misniou to hiiu, the »aeraniadum, or oath of fwilly Forbcn at Arkadelphia, aud Paxton at Warren, ford, tbe Librarian in Congreas, is tbe only man huttMf of Ood whieh ii tb«; church of the living: name of the Baptist BiWe TnuvUation b-idety, firtl—the pillar and the i;rt)iind of the Truth.'* to his kiu^oiu, and hence, this ordinance, which these three sections of the Stale are well supplied CONFIDENCE TOWARD GOD. who has U>o Cadlitles his txMnmand Icff coUect- Cluriiit appoiatal hi^t churdu» tu b« the nolc cos^ obtaifl a charter, aud boy oat the desired effects of is eomnumli, inUkUorj/ to the churcA, was adiuinii- with facUltlw for. rclue^ting tbe maases. We the ffiWe Union, and come before the world in a would like like to hear from all our schools in the 1' is not because of character that I, a sinner, Ing complete national statisticta and he doea it diiuus of JUtvlne Itcvelatiun, and he made it their tered to a believer even where there was no l,K-al with the greatest care and accuracy. Hla lataat tnietlgitf, and appeal to the Bap^ot churches of church as the 8>u.b..l »f hubmlasion to the State. We lo»ik fur a forward movement all along 1can find Cavor In tbe eyes of God. Sudi m my »Kjunden duty to give it to evtiry natioa and tribe the line this year. character, even at its best, that I can found on it isBao, "Tbe American Tmwnry of FWcta," has of curth in Ciltlifal tearulatioaii uaobKUNd by "a Amerioi and England for a constituency and heavenly Kiog." Our arm opinion is that Iwplis... meona to carry on tlie work, und God will rally no plea of acceptance. I may labor hard to men been •^ent to us by Mesaia. H. H. Wannr A Ou., huoiua ttUditiuu or a human oinLiidon." Oo 18 more than a ui. ro ciit-mouy of initiation iuto We k-am'tbat the &oiner, formc-rly published proprietors of the valuable Warner Sate Bame- his faobtst o your bhaner inscribed, TUE PCRE and mdlorate It; yet, after aO, I find myadfa that, uti a fbuodatioa, msta ewry purpoae of his a church, though couimouly connected with it at Judsiinla, has turned over lU subscrliuiim list dies. IMs boiJt is a mlniatnre cydofwdia In it- VRUBD OF GOD TWB ALL XAT10S8. There are instances where church organiz itioii i," sinner still; and, being ao, my chancter cannot KRiLf; and aii Itb mi|£hty tuve in ChriM is made to the Central BaplUl, of St. Louis. This was, justify me, nor can it in the vcay leant c«wtribute sdA containing, in additien to a vast amoont of tu hiiige Bi>oo Hi faithful kt-eptntf. Nexi to the impracUcable, but where iuUividuaU mitht wo- perhaps, wise on the part of the proprietor of the THE CHUBCH CONTBOVEB6Y. aught toward my joBtificatloo. nwti^mal matter, about all value that baa txans- ht-tftiyai of the e^ m of Qod muat be the aln of be- their fealty to Christ the great kiug in the act Banner, as the Baptists in the State would not pired in this countty daring tbe peat'year, and trajiuK Uiia I mat. Wa^ therw ever another trmt »pHIScootrove»ycarried forward by Dr.Graves unite upon it and give it support.. A number of I dow>t expect anything from God on aceoaot Jt our editor-in-chief, Bro. Gambteil, of tbe of b_.piis.u. Such were true of many Christian reflects credit npon tbe compiler aa wdl as apcm put int«* human hantitt m> fnighted with i&ipaasl- soldiers during the late war. ».ho answered to a good Iffethren have at different times in the list of what I am, or feel, or do. Granting that my biilty? -I— Beeoni, and others-has taken such a wide range character is a good one, stIQ it Is ao good aa the enterprise of Messrs. Warner A Co. in aited- good coiK^lence in the act of baptism, and wei.i tw«ity-two years wdl nigh ruined themselves inglt t^t it is quite difficult to fell what the real qnes- flnandally, and very materially injured tbe that God can show me tav(» on accoont of it. I Th» eJuirches oi Chrfat cain fnithfuUy tranafote Uon at issue is. Perhaps however jhe i^rase M.their way rrjoldng Ull the missUw of de«th cut Chrk>t'.4 word to the l«t.,t "jut and title" and them down an quaitflcmtioo to imnalaie it cor- to follow. But we are aware of the fact that It L^ And with such Ikilure the friends of a paper en- by God. What Uis good in me (ifsoc(if suchb there be) TTiiUm.n to preach the introductory sermon; frequent referecc:} to our views have been ntaile terprise In the Sb»te have been discouraged. Our ceetJy. if we should remain sUent our silence would be argued on ihe other side that Philip bapU^Hl by does not make me better than a ainner; and what •. Sm. J. P. Kincald altmate. Bev. G. W. Griffin is bad does not make ma w<»Rie. So that, what- to preach a Missiaaary smnon; Bev. G. & Fmm this k Is evident to every thooghtfiil misonderstood. We do not think the parUes to direct mvirafiwH and that we have nor^t o Bro. apy, of LitUe Bock, still seems hopeful of follow his example unh^ wedaim to be alike ev« I be, I mast stiU meet God Just as a ainnecJ Williams alternate. mlml thut the Scriptures cannot faithful!/ trans- this contnmnv are so far apart as even ihey telng able to start a paper before long on a soUd W. P. JoxsBii Praddent. divinely What different condusions basis, that will be worthy «jf the patronage of the And as such he is wilUog to meet me; as such be lated by -J. fO!«niitt»» aiiu{)Ow>d of acliolais of ten themselves aeem td think. Often the and Is willing to reodve and hl« me. Theonlycoa- J.H Bo«m, Secretary. or a d'jsen dUferent' creedd without destroying unguarded use of terms leads to mnc^iTuBujii men letdi fhm the same premise! To us it seem! denomination in the State. But we frankly say I^J^' why we sho^d dition he m«kes is that I shall oome to^him as I tJr<«t! Ill them whtM LUth and practice are not dfectaaiun. We think brethren ought to now that we have no confidence at all In the en- CoaaEtTiox.—Thicagh accident, lie following apostolic example i, because it was Inspired taprbe, and he will see in the end, as he did in am, making no secret of my s^ nor pceteoding «a4taiii«.l by the word of God. For IlluatmUoa: agree w £»r as poadble and let the subjects of to be—what I am not, and nevw can be here— pan«t^ii was (fitted in Mr. Boinua' dghtk Should " Uwlati " be trudlated. In water, and Convince us that it was not and we would be the case of the tt'eafem, that he does not know Idter, publlshrf last wedt:— controveny be real issues. So far as we* know, the Baptists of Arkansas. leas than a sinuer.—iSr. Awior, D. JD. evwy schoLu- Isaows it eaanot be traadated cor- an the parties to this controveri^ hold that "Cairtet "true of Philip that h^ , I ooxvicTKD Yoo OT nKBOEKTv—Oor readets rectly any .,th« way. Sptinlsling and poadnc Id beiad over all things to tbe (^urdi, which is bis was directed by thb Spirit whom to baptize and We learli that it is likdy that tbe two Baptist THA A*E a BIBL# E VB". DANCIN— —G- —- ' knosaavw wI did, and air, »kmaw — . tt—ytn_ ^ __added —— >to • — would be it-iDilHtaofd, and would wither and die churcheBlnUtUeBock wiU unite, making one body," that a looa church is an usembly of Im- whom not? If so, how do we account for the EV. DB. PATTON, In an aUe artlde ta an fAe twrti in to help oot yoor crnd, ia the light oTaucta a tran^atlooa. Then translate naeised b^even who meet sUtedly In one place strong dinrch, and by selling their surplus chundi iimitaiHfHoui" Acta ii: . "The eaved^" Simon M.g«. who ^ i® R to w«H9hip God and to attend to the budneaa per- the gall of blttemees and tbe bonds of iniquUy • property they could payaU their oatatonding In- exdiange on the subjert of dandng, thns baibanws ereed—the moat fiendish thai can be aa all ttimmentatoBi agrw* that It should be and tiinlng to the kingdom of Uirist. debtedness, and start off with some reaonaWe •eekeiaand i>tul»Uonos,kifiuiti and sinneis coald It rather seems that although PhUip J^ aumsBphlseondaalons: ooncdved of. Yoar qulbito and ewrlk m tbm- ThatetthloMl tJinxtfa ia built afler the mme Qluminated by the Holy Spirit, he had som^ bopeofsocoeas. We think tbe measure Is a wise Having carefully examined every text in tbe sobjoct, are of no avail-tiie cmas are tx» plain. authority from tb« choich at Jemsalem to prea^ QS4 TMIB BAITIST. TBLB 3AJr*TlST:*. 333 BBEVmES. baeiHni; for the diacoasioRt and unite with as in vlval meetings are now in procreas at the Flnt Bapliiit LOGICAL AXIOMS. AND THE RELIGIOUS We Bjcaia OTtte the brethren who expect to a pabUcation of the whole diiKoasion. without church, thU dty, tKooxvllle.] with tevorable piospeelK- firms the union and separatkm of two terms, ae- exisUng, are the primary coodiauns of the Btnam. —Bro. W. C. Oraoe. In speaklnc of U.e HERALD. ttttnxi the i^te CunTentioo to rend the card of change, then we shall be pleased to pu^kh; bat cixdingasthe relation of agreemeokor diaagtee- paadbiUty of valid thooghU plan of Mission work adopted by the Sweet water Aaocia- 'HAT is the provlnoe of Logic ? The answer Paator Btridduid, and eootpiy with hb leqaeat. but if he aerveti thin ai^ he did the last, we shall ttonsays: •* It U in snbstanee the plan of the Big Balchie menfis seen to exist between them. The mere We cannot affirm tir deny tbe ivlatioa of agree- to this is the laws of thought as thoqKht be compelled, in self defense, to pubUsh. We a I d OntnU AsaodaUona of Wast Tenaesaee, and alao that uf W Bucceaiitm or coexistence of two conceptions in ment or disasreement between two terms withoui Weahnii poblbb Dr. J. M. Pendlcloa'a review our State convention." that is, it considera thought to the exdosion of shall wait to hear from him, or to see what he the mind, does not constitute a judgm^ We submission to tiiaae axioms which underlie and nf "Old Landnuakism—What h UV" that itsobiject. wUldo. ' SMih raT*ll«a.-Iter. N. G. COoner.of Bato^ may think of church and then of visibility, but govern every act and product of tbe hanian mwnti; aptttatrad [a the lUiiaiotu HaxUd, in oar poru the following revival newa to the BofUtt COttritr. and Wean diacciminate In consdooanesB ia every no iudgement takes place until we afllnn in (md«»tiindinir. TiKwe laws always, to'aay tbe i»ae of neat week. It will be followed the week vcws rmax the ktateh. the cooise adopted mlgbt be prontaMy adopted by many act of thought three thingii: The mind whidi tbooghta poodved relation between than — un- leMt imjiUdtly diivct our thought. an«r by the rejUy of cttremiiBuid above that Utese laws an one and tite aamc, and prsyed for nearly two yeais."— The State Miwlon We an? in ivctdpt of a eircular letter from Rev. dral aiMt tix wan led Into the w»ler, uoe at a Uuc, and tm terminate mode. Of the flist and second of tliM terminatioo of the other. ditTering only by a pydUve and Brgative exprts- menad. Qraa pnpaimUon ww nuutr tbr It, and about iLity Board pmpomm to raise l«/)00 by the meeUng of the Stale S. M. WitHM. irf^ Narthviile, chairman of tlie Logic takes no direct acooant, that ia, of tbe real slon, hence, in the languugti pf a learned antboc, hanJ» worked a liay or two. pcn^rinit the baptUmal pool." UanvenUon. Dr.M.& Wharton, who is canvassing the If both were dtteimining then would benothing subject or of the rcal ol^ioct of thoaght, bat It is Minbfafrial Rt^lief BuarU oT thebtate Cuavefltioo, Bra. J. H. Waa*«r wrtlca Itom BanieavlUe. Augmit State lor the Southern Baptist Tlioolog cal Semtiiaiy,aecnn.-d determined, and both cannot be determined unless " we neal not be suppriaud to find that the then SKb: •*UnrUiKoarmcentieileBof four were tU4W for th£ endowment from the church at Anderson limited exdiaiyely to the forma of thoaght, to the which we .ihatl pabtMli En 4jur upxt iarae. The meetinjpifaeie. thoe ia something determininj; Ihem. There are primary axiom of pure thought are perhaps Ee^ .T. W. Keed. pastor ol MounUIn cret-k church, near 'iuifjc'ct of miniHtKrisU ri'tit^ ih une of vital iut«- added to the eboFeh by bapUuu, and icTenl by letter. " mete ptucew of thinking, irrespective of what redudble to this single prindi^c; all thought Htaea liar lat. we fasT* reeelredflftm-n b y letti-raEd Bve b/ Urvenvllle, held a nieeUn^ reeenUy, and bapUzed thirty, three neceasary parts to every judgment: First, and we ant |ilfaM!d t<> noif Uiat Bru. Wat«8 we are thinking about." mhst be consilirol A'imaayi: -In addition to the liogic, then, as a q^edal science of thought, is Then according tu this prlndplc, a tboughl that • lM>iaalp|>l.-H>.-v. A, f:. T«>lor, ol (irenada has betn secondly, the determining or attributive notion, rrcnlar nervteeaat thr lUpttat cbnrch last Kabbotb, Uiere nitK plan <>r scUimi. ai<>>UUiiKl*aiiturKIUK,orSenalobla.luam«eUng. Will not to be viewed Ml conversant exclusively almt the which is called the predicate; and thirdly, that diredly or inilir4r. W. A. Muntsomrry laborvd lu a meeting at Wiuo- " assumes that, the proem bf thinking, like every ambiguit}*—that it b bolU vit>il>}tt and invisible— txfKBDe* (>f tiudr pa^m to tiw^jState Onnvestica ? LaCiiance£cpar(cr,'*uawso(«at the ItapUat na. Four ptt>l«nscd conversion. Could he have remained between the subject and tbe invdicate, which is other operation in nature, docs not take place that it can be seen and not seen, in the luue tintf We Nhciuld be ffiad tu knuw that every cbtirch ehoreb at BairbmrtUe, in which twenly-thim Joined, longer, doubtliM larger resuiu would have iieen wltne«erDre«*louoriktlband baptlani. The as every Indloatiun pointed to a good meeUut- Pastor at random, but aciortUng to certain fixed Uws or and tho sauM {dace, nur can I Hflirm of a "''f that had ranlved to do thia very UtioK- The iatercMta Bectlnc huied elKbt or atae days and ended (Sonday ul«faL Judgment consists of two term-s yet it is a single COrhna continued tbe meeting. The Reeord says B'R invariable modes of procedure. There could be he is now b^ old and yuunf. Were 1 to Uti (if th« State Cnoveation am of the h^heeit im- It waa eoadoelfflt by Ken. Mr. Kelly, the paator, who had no act of the mind by which we percd\-e and afiirm Iliuchlec-inuibntedooly r.'SUlo b .me mlwtlons last year. aMistattce except what the prlvat* mrmbera save him. no communication of thought from one miud to myallirmaUon vrould not cunsirtttit, bat iidf- portance, and in no better way rould thecluirrfaeo You- may add, Bro JtarurO. that the Flrw church, MempAlit, the relation* of agreement between them two Thla waa cpoaideTahte. a> the membera were (niuiy n- another, if the process of thinking in all minds dtBtrucUvc. s. pat themaelvcii in ctJ.0w\oder. were not subject to the same geaeral rules." than by m>n>Iioic op tbeir iniHtoni to the next of thooghL NuTK.-Fli e at By hitlla,and Is now at 0(ford,whvre be goes to It is manifest that he who thinks correctly of Lost work : Kiot A-O," pm -A-no« A- O,or .1 meetine, and aifio;; with theiii a liand.~H>niv con- atodasu an (teatly pleaMd with their new . .\XXl .VL OPEMNU —THE OflANlk- way tu B«'nt>Hi. RKI> RTinECns MATBlllTIJl eunnty, la wlthoat a paatar. gnut work In that station of caantry, and wedoubt.u* in that capacity. Bro. terms—that is, the predicate is the definition. lu is to obscure and disparage it, for when it Is found Uu Wctlnctjday at!»a. m., St pti>jnber Rtb, (hf Uarria runk^i wcund t<» none of the ubte yomiK Sortli CwUa«.-I)r. Teaadale waa exiiected to besln sUIl greater results will follow his Uboni la the future. meeUns with the ehntch In Charlotte to-day (nth). The the latter the predicate merely expresses one K{iacise dta|K>l was crowded with hih- Texaa.-We regret Io learn Uwt Ur. J. H.Strlbling ban ti at it cannot do wluit its unwise friends daim miulati>» jji>nt out by K-ntucky, and we beapeak paMorofthecbarehaays: •• I eardratly nntoeat the prayen attribute of the subject, and the tt>iaUon U tbat of forit, thececoUwiUbenataral. Hit Mis to ac- d«>Dts and pMlrons and the muAt intdiigi-nl tuiiJ for hint a amllal wi-icoine from the Arkansas of oar bnUiren ferlta anecoa In reviving and ttpbu>ldlu( tendered his nalsnsUon as pastor of the church at Tyler, to a whole to its parts, since only a portion of that iufiuenliiil citieens of Winchester. the Unxdum of Chriat In Charkxt* "—BMirat Steonirr. Uike ellect the IJnl of iibxI Jiineaiy. Bro. Stribllng b one of complish everything promised it will be as un- bretimni. He will reprwent TDK BAFtiaT and lbs best paKt«rs<^id preacher* in the SUte. Wedo not thiy the a pastor as he, U hard to find lhf«e days. - Aipfut lltmUL iunOr believed the number will mach two hundred mean that visibility-church, but that viiibility is Prt>l. I'enn^ csmp lureUng at MoXitt, Bell county, two Logic, we sh^l expect Irom tbe study ot this sd- Tnawirer ^'cathery luforma oa Uwt thirty o«w school hoarew»l a g>x)d hoiw In WirixL ence what the science itself does not warrant. ^To Kluiiiii}; by the SIihIimiLs Kai-ulty, by marks by which the subiect church is determined. attend to tieveral uialter^, the Rtxonl notexce|i(ed, forwanl movement" wiHthy of Imiution, and mranx Elder ». C. Mulllns takea wrong gronnibi against Inter- suppose tbat Logic takes cognizance of the matter i'roL VbarJe* U. tiailfonl. real pracrcM. KIder B. 1. I)e\-in, the puu>r, cloaed an communion among BsptW churrlie*, In a recent Imae of the Wow mm Uu» <-»i*i^iiaBkH iif an obji-ct by in our next i*ue. ITie ieply of the aenior io Mr. Bnptist llrnM. of thought—that aboat which we think is to in- 3. AppropriatisLft'tureiun IbcHtriniiithainl io- IntneKtlnc meeUns of thirteen dayaconUnnanca at Moun- separating it frum otheix, that is, liy^ marKing U BumsM if U-ntiUty, but'will rfpayr. in Alalnnta Rn" BemlU: rorty-nlue profenklonm twenty baptlaed. and a To say, then, that thb scienoe must not be ap- the foUowiiii?: oT'lrt-: Prfi't-Z..C. (•r*,YW» I'rufx each Hiile lt\ tract form, fur ({enrrat circulation, at SOadly number awalUn« tba onUnaaea.—md t>r. lUt. K.S moT ;e«I >ny una elsa. Bat would It not be an met. incoaes it in certain fixed limits—determian it. plied to aay one sut^eci is to nitsappateliend ita a W. Joi.ustun, T Born-U. C. C' ill centrt per n>py; ft W per dozen, by mail, W1iltaMkaBd««lliudUiK call to Ureenaburo. ^Tha Bap- or commnn ftlruMa, B<3t to say )i>stlen. to br. Monlaomery If this discriminating act bo exprwant in wonts tlalaof Oallaa have a new h-riue aaUrrway, to be coniplcicd to print his speeeti In yoor eolnmns, »o that your rewli>r« nature and ptovlrfee. " logic," uys Dr. Thorn- we predicate the marks, note:>, characten) or E^ M. CiardiK>r, and an imiiuliivt!, (triginai >eui jiortpMld, Send tur a doaen ciipicH to etrcnlate. by winter. coulu see uxartly lie did say ? II is short, and will be eon, " like philssophy, of which it is a part, determlnatioos ot tho thiBK. Whra w» ca">«r by Hrtu A. Umx'ni. Tbtif eontain the aummaiy of tiie arjpicarats, pro —Ur. Katon praaebed bia an>ranuiTtr.mry >er read with Interest Dr. Benftoe. ol tbe Alabamut BnxiiM ariaasfiromareSoctioaof tbemind upon its own up these attriNitCM, mjirics, etc.. Into one total 4, A tellluff gptveh n.i tlif>|Kirt of Ibr Ikmrd ,il ' and row. moB oa'taat Bunaay. ttarlac the flva yewa. the chnrrli baa gives this aeconnt of a meeUng held al the colorad ebnn-h »..uL.iisii.sf»iii«lrfn' im aj^ ooe who thinks, t>ul "P atinrtitos, m^rns etc., into one loiai badm adth<^r subjects. otixand uniivoidableniuseR. Instead of twenty- The lijKXfth of Ju lfc-v Turn«*y wkii able and lu- for Vartott* purpose*. t^OOT TS. This doca not Include the cbnrch and they have an excellent pastor H* tells ui tlist reach. It being the science of tlie Formal Laws We may now see thiit thouj^ht in all Its grada- four, the lettew have rcachtd thirty-two, and expense atteodlus the nUH-tlnc of the General AxaocUtlon. th<'re ww« not » visionary or dreamy experlenee told during luuraijing, ami thriUisI h»« aitdii-ace. Ttie advt^r- •of thought, it can only propose to purge the un- tions of conceptions, judgment and reii.-rtain qualities sityand <>p}>0!iition through which Maiy Khatp IhuttSK the pastorale of J>r. W. A. Montgome^ at the We were with Ihem at Ibe closing Kervlce, and we do not ^leiatanding of thoee errors which lie in the con- and «Mir ahaena* in C^ifomia have intervened. CoIlpRe has were but a.^ the rnkto Umt Fliat church, lomchboix. contlbning four years and nine remember evir being more Imprrawd by cbnrch mniiic. fusion and perplexity ot an inooasequent think- or marks to the object about which we think. But thtisp Intrrfstrd haw hinl time to thoroughly The songs were new to ns,yet they were all In tbe book! gatlier itr<.>und our mountains near by, which months, he baptlied :tl perauna Into the fel'owahlp of that ing. This attribution must be regulate 1 by laws, which and there must hnve l^n several hundred voices engsgid examiniT the arKumfiiit-* and ex(aya It needs two tblnss: " One of these Arfcaaaas—Bro. Harmon came Into our meeting at this tbe application of absolute equivalence of a We havesaid that Logicfa» exclusivel y coiiver- lUisnl by the breath ol man can qoeiicb the orb of day « Is an ample endowment—ta0O,niO of Interext-beortne tunds; place, and, as 1 had other engagements, Bro. Hirmon cloK.d whole, and all ot its parts taken to^-ther, to tho dlacuMiiiin hat» tx^'u of -^rvat wlvantage to as in He hat reiluusa his gtklden flood. lu other need la nndents: Two hundred yonn« men In lu the meeting IsKt Saturday with good results. Seven were versant about thonght considered as tbe u|ieratioa •evenil rtHp«Tt<. All tiie Scriptures and my meat!/ thinking of a thing by the attribution of con- To warm the nations with radoohM ray ! ** •at. I wonld compromise on that number. It doca not baptized, received twelve by letter. Bro. H. will likely b... •ofcomparisiin or the faculty of relation?. l%ought more than KAitonttlonLits rttly on to support their now need addlUonal bolkllnci. Money spent In eompleUng stituent qualities or characters. I conceive the come pastor at this place, he haa a One InHaence with this in this sense, is the G(.>gnition of one mental ob- Mar>- Sharp Oidlege lor the first time tince the theory Mr. BarruM has bruught forward, and we the dealcn of the present noJldloxs would be wasted. Tbe people. Bro. J. G. Doyle, of El-Pasao, was enxaged In a thing as a whole, the characters or marks aie the war, is freefrom debt, and and« the coatnW ol CoUe^ Indeed, oucht to have beauUfnl bolldlncs, but the ject by another in which it is considered as inclu- knuw them. All ^e ni^iU'^nt t and in^^ioua precious meeUng with his church. I went to his awl-taiice parts of the whole. The thing is equal tu itself. an fffident Board of Trtrrtees, and an tinosaally erocUon of mch boUdlnip mnat be the work of another (en. onTursday. The meeting conUnued nine days, eUisIng laj.t ded. In this view all that we think about Is able and expeti«noE>d Facniy —evis lor Haiy liillacits Which they use have hwn presented, and naUon. Let thU generatloo eodoir It, and give U stodenta." The whole-la equal to tbe sum of its parts and— Sunday night. Nineteen were baptised SabbaUi mornins. considered either As domething containing, or as Sharp College-which never had an ineffiJdent we know thfiu, it we bave.uot fully exploded The above win apply with tqnal force to poadbly ever) Forty-two were added to the church during the meeting.— of oouise, the sum of the parts is equal to the BaptUt rolle)^ In the Soaih something contained, that is, every proce» of £%cttlty. Thectdl^iias now folly entered up- them. The dimnMsion iiait c>>mpell«^ us to exam- a*. Jf. Lnt, Otmrrg. —Of the proposed union between whole. This law is tbe principle of all logical thou^rht is only a cognition of the necessary rela- on a new era of prosperity. ine tu the bottom all the {iroundx this new delu- Te»»mm.—Caison to leee, at Mnmy <'reek, opi-i^I her the churches in Little Bock. Bro. T. P. Espy writes: " You a£3irmation and definition. Let her friend^ the time honored advooates of nvdon with one huedml atwlents in auendance. Msny will be rejoiced to learn that the work of consolldaUon here tions (.f our general notions. It is for this reason sion r«it» up«in, and we ajre rtnuly to meet any higher education for womoi, eveiTwbere, more have malrlcnlated sine*.—^lict os see; twelve miles will be a snccvw. The work will be tlnlsbed next Wednes- we alBrm that Logic within its proper sphere, is But it must not be supposed that the law ilettorutionLst, at anytime, with alirn> for tbe •Jur youag; and middle-aged members wUl iuve square mltea ofdesUtatIon.-iea/)«j( JBsfoftir. But the peo- BaptlMB In this place. Rejoice with tui. the sdenccs, and their pecnliar certainty flows certain ine\itable results, but it is a law salted to women of the South, immeasurably, than anjr other college. this ni>w and dunj^roui error to meet, whether ple who Uve In this distrtct, whatever the number of square IiMiiiJUM.—Imr meeting at Bocgy Bayou, in Caddo par- fh>m the same source. Both are conversant about a bee intdligenre - an ideal neceesity given in the miles May be, are not •• wholly Icnorant.- Feeling so mucb She will yet, abreast of tbe times, eduode more they will or not, fur it la spdupngup iilte thistles teh. clowd Augnst after eight days ccnUnuance. sixteen certain a priori forms of intelligence; Mathemat- form of a precept which we are ccrtainly able to •"(•nst in the matter, one would natntally Infi^r you would than five thousand others In the higher and ad- everywhere, and it certainly becomes to make were added to tbechurch, all by baptism except three. The be njolced to know the Asmlatloa ptoinjaed to snpply this Ica about the necessary forms of imagination; violate, but which If we do not obeyTWxr whole vanced learning of the day. snm of 1st 31 was eoUected, In cash and pledgee for State themsrivcn ttmiliar with its argumrats and eoph- desutntlon. but that point aeema to be stDdlously avoided. Logic about the neceasary forma of nnderstand- process of thinking is absolutely nulL The numbers present at opening have generally missions. An old gentjeman was baytlzed who dat«a bU istrifs, and ntit Im taken unawares. So should rhe church at Sweetwater are pnahlns iorward tbe ing. been doabled dating the oouegiate year. Let e\'- converson hack to Acgust 7, 1810. The congregation was work or bulhllnc * parsonafe. They need help, and con- Now as the law of identity is tbe iirindple of ery friend say a word ibr sodi a raoceBS, and let every intir^irigent &ptbt who would be a witness lance, and tbe Interest Increasing at the time we cloaed. trtbatlons wUI be (reatniBr apprecUted. Elder W. C- Qiaea, Logic is then conversant alwut the relations of every student faastoi'lo enter at once. for the truth, and who would nut be overrun by a Brti. C. W. Tomklns preaehea for thla church. Brethren afltonatlcm and definition, so is the law ol oon- the pastor, wiu nmiveand aeknm. We trun the discus- a handsome collertloa for the State Mission Boud. before leartKd Uiat Bro. M. O. Stribllng baptised twenty six at other; i. e., as In diffisrait relations, rqppecUvely Those two laws, are, in fact, one and the same lavf, -•JIATE OJSVESTIOS. Mount UUve, DeSoto parish, oa the aoth. Tba Lord be ^iou liai! nut been in vain, and that gnat good the State OBnveatlon meeta. It would cheer the hear of oar containing and contained. Ia » propasitloa the differing only by a portion and nq^ative expren- I leiegates to the State Con rautkm, to be bald is KaorvUle t^respondin* Secrrtary, Bnx J. D. Andenon, to have the In «>ctobet next, are Twjaattail to send la their uam« lmra»- wiU come of it. " Will you pabliah it?" That praiiied.-t;. IT. UariyMd, im Mnunacr. Tha BapUst subject is either contained tindor the predicate, or aon. llieae together with that whkh enoonces dele^tes creet him vrith a contrlbnUon. AU the deatlta- dUtely that tbe CommlUee may assign tbsfa boms*, and protracted meeting closed Saturday night. Five aeceaslons tbepredloata is oootained io tbe aibiect. This tbat condition of thought whkb cumpds us, of d^pendt on Mr. Burrm. II be will de^tips bn tlOB In the !«ate. we foar, ts not eonflned to Bif Hatphle .Vs- then have time tc BoUfSr eacfc dd««s«s Jar post^ «r Om by baptism. Tbe meailpf war ably ooodneted by |;idet« J, ;!Piibted publio^on, which hfi has j«t fojth and •oelatlon. Mid the State Boaidndlynenlfhads to aend out i^Ul dearly iippw from t}ief»ct that »Jnd|:tpait Is two repngnant notions, which mwot- both whetaboo-s of ^t. home thw aairtsne^ ^ iirBoatx. ^ nMssSonarte* into tbotji djsttttjta pbic«ik. A Hrlf f>r re- p. Er^tt ^ u 8. fweiRaji, pf SblIoh.-f>»iM /StiWbw;, wOl, Nt «f- co-eil^ tg thUils^ther tbe or ^ other as Pssiw rint BifMstif-raU.^aM'-iif •Uii' V

234 THLJb;' B A H i i w«y», and she hac kept upf md may-be abe-JU b^ in iJbany., Wfaaa ha appUed far emptoipneat ha The Young South. die." wm miktA: « Wby, niy UtMa bi^, what can ^ do?" " Qm do wha^'l am M," was the answer, whidi To all Sufferers from Pro- tbejj^of aad have* 985 OiUMl hr " UXCLK JAMIX.* to Whnm »n t But Edith greir sidwiy btiUer^ aod «ft«>r 6he viis lorttl/Oapntauni aar addrMHd eu»IXB BATcnt oot of danger, Harry had to go Jbwk to achool. aeciiir^ him the piac^' Senator Wilaoa, of Maaaa- lapsed Organs. Btte Jeooy Bent wsb vary willing to: »an raow aod ^naetta,,waa a idtoemaker. ^oriow 'Wa^ waa a CawfordvUlc, ^ ^^ VASZ TO BAV -aa" cana)4wat ^ver. Blon*, of Iowa, waa VCSnx«ST PVBIM WKAKnW autyoa' with him, Irat be longed for £dith> a caUnA maW, wh^ trade Stephen A. DooglaM t takethb nttthod M calling yoor av mn^eiwia ^ -n&UB to BV **•><>" «lum roa'n (ampud to drink, gentle lyiap^thy aad JSwglvenesB. iJow.wtthout ba^ortaavM J'niM tv • moaiaii^ or brmva bcqr. and tlUBk— workd at te hia yoti^ umtion to the oelebrsted Bodr aDd i her, Jie fait how much better t>lie wa» than many large h^mlm ol men of prominence now Uri^t have Btsec, whi<^ 1 haw aold for the ntalE of Uia wneka apoo oew tOHod ^^n yearn, thaii 1 mav make b a O^ jr foina,£o3dhewearit T^foUowi^ rertifio^te than Gov. JteanawartaWrat" wtUaoaleaanUsK Uw eart; •boogergida. > Dear ai^ Edie^'he thought, riaoi frq^ ^^mbie, life by ^t of Udua^, witbont tiraefit to paper by maklag it a te ftwtcr, w1k> has IhoiWuv tc^ci XUak. oTlha mothar wtw bon TOO IB sain ; oaght to.talcecaieoriteraadiMveberlromlatigae. oediwly UwL and only tight whea tte of oar ^^ Xktak «kfa>g or pattisg forth onnaual eflbrti.. should be read by lUl'suataSHr^ Thlak of bar Ittwt. ud hmr cnal Uu Uov ; O if ahe only geto well, lliahow .what a good alouipakes mMl^^t,'attd it dM not depmd alone I will bneay ^ve M my lauom for Itiaapreierverofagood voice and ofa Iktakoi; Jmt !ow,»nd»loaee«nmf«r-BO." tootberis.' 9n ^e Idnd ol woi|t ywfi iave to do, whedter you rtoe recommendliw thb ini^asble articb to aonnd ^yaical oondiSon. It ahoald be Tktak 01 Uia boom watara dzowoad In tba bowl; Bat Harry was not ea^ -nnta he bad toid h^ ocnot ; it^pen^ on tow you do iU—Unie'Tablet. worn by every minbter and puhUe TblBltaf Uiadugar totadraodaool; &ttlia of ids impatient way, and asked him if be wS"thoi^^ li^SrAt^Tfa"tSJ yeaker to cany the energy and viiw ol TUtnX or mmi Ut w, oca* u pun M iha «no*; /r(MB eatMlve pnachiig:' I e»okl sneak hja youth br wto old age, and hy^;^ Lo»fc >t Ibmrn now. »gd nnrti «jaiw«a-" no." eoold think of anything he could do to make it . PSpVE rr^Y MOTHEB. bat a little whitMSugiitinrbW oM man te a«abt Um to npi^ ;he a>r. J. R. Cnavcsa—DearSIr mak of a BuuUtooi wtUi mnfc-talnUd bnatit; esaier for Edith to g^ to achotd. grainy w«dai«. of l-t"" uie I ni^ the Brace %cmt hf yovr^ XhlBkal Itaand.anaUwtaniMadaUb: " Coald you not pull her in a little ws«on -nrBILE driving aiong tha sU^ one day, Uat Hoirfreto of old men yearly are wutnaaawt Tatokof tlwliam«tI>M.iiotr«liado«n>itwUb wo«, •'YeB,indeed-fMWt way, anyhow-" » ** winter, in my (aelgfa, a littto boy, alx or aeven using tto Brace far mat JaafcTwith It vrata ofvery gTMU Ittgu turn ban kiwnn lud Uia aiunrar Ineit •( ik^" " Well, I'll bay four strong wheels and mate a. ysan a)d,.aiked; ipe the nsoal qnestipn,," ^ease may invariable. safislacUon. W'ce «• "e, aad 1 reel very TMi"ri.M#BT Xktnkor the baui gcx-nm, boUn uw^pt aad onkBowo. I do not daim that the Btidv and vrcU sallmaed tbat iri had coi;^ box for the wagon." ride?", I wwered him, "Y^il ypnareagood the ^u of a duonie bm^**^ neaced IU nM« a weeh earUer EOdtBS tat bopak tB«t wa^?haf1 XlOnk or aU tUa aa tllL% laamay to, x Can yon prove it 7" lutlona, whKi are caused by pro- ABd wiwB yoata aaallad br Uia (cmptar atr " I 'i^ster' in white leUera in front. voice, t^t to • ndniater or lawyer b fepiM *- men, stomach, fungs and womb. It. OEAa BKU. tUtATEHs-TMi MM. » no whining or {rettinic alwat her." different from moat men?" And Edith, grew joy to his mother while ^ Uvea.' She can tmst him iwevent Ppovldenee threw PJfvents laadtnde, hoaw^ into a stiong and beautlAil woman.— the leme^ in my way. My wib waa UUHlMi. MlK^Juuaiys.'wk' Edith's pate bux flashed, and pictdxig ap ha out of her i^t, teelii« that he will notmn nnto evil. -oAring fiom ptobpens uterL and the A«UCOattIA KTATCBUHT. fang (tf books she stalled again, ssyiiq; wistfoUy, A BOVS I^ISCRE HOUBS. do not think he will go to the saloon, the theatre, iTofeawroJ the fteory and pzacuce of '*'IsappaaeI am a tnnble to aoeb a bdgbt, healthy "^^HA.? a boy does with his ieisote is moBt impor- or the gambling boose. OUldren who have praying j^one in theUnivetnty ofNashviUe fellow as you, Hazry. How I wi^ welud alittte motherl and niothers -*ho havs cnildrea they can l)r. Winiiton, waa her {Ayddan, and he I can perfom my labor wHL taht; what ge geU in achool is maialy drill and tmst, are bleai^ Indeed. B>ya aad girla, can yoa prescribed for her thb i^ntical Bnwe. Jt more SMS and cMabrt ihaa ponqr-wagoo, so yoa could drive me to school." exerciae; it is agrmnaainm to him, he most eat etae- which speedily ir- ^^ a^thu r^^ br.«thin{r free aS3 jjSV^wT-^iSrS.^I^^JS^ aetjte wiflwBt it for Her gentle answer mad^ her brother ashamed whexvL WIiathedoeawithhist^MuaLonjs determines "prove by mother" that you are good? Try to de- pW^ oi a "dragdng dowt;" and easy,and thereby pnHnotendigeBtlon. I ! ""i SliSTeZ twins tta pnce. T. C. Botsm. of his words. serve the confidence of yoor parenta, and every one DO iMguage coaW better expnm my bis destiny. Sappoaa ho reada liiatory every .day, or fceUngs, and eapecblly after weachini » Here, give me yoor bag, Edie," he said mcoe ^.ntific hooka, in the oooiaeol a£ew yean he beounw It oecnrtpd to me If it was go5 foT^ g^® wJi® ^ ottea- m^ nTw kindly. "If you're not as strong as J&ny, yoa're learned. Itm^ersJUtto wlu4be.uniJ(BrtaJM>»—t^i COLS^j^ TEAHmON OF THE FLOOD. "drying down," wl^ not for It invariably- nu^^r^ .j. ^ lake a deal better natnred; I heard hs scold Tom ani> -ziennw,l3bra^ Sanaoit, lOl disappear it be naas hte mH£ Chinese say thai oar fint fittfaerand first Mother. - WbhrnBaon^ltlnr any one. Kvlapnu uiart in femaleti. a disease ^y^iW^HaM TOW u KoreaiS^ But though Edith bore the unkind words so spare time on them. A- muthec were s brother and sister who had I piocued uoe bige ei^^tor my^ that no medicine can reara, tiecaoao, Bweatly, Uiey made a deep impccadon upon her. A boy waa «uBploj«d ta s law;er'a offio,. «nd had ^ pnt it q^ the foirt time dout^ like a broken limb, it nee^ mecdtanW galaed itbo (ood wtU ot m arowi Uon by flEeaoenUy J*]«ever mo for; tuch a calsupport. < "I mum't com^aln,'* she aaU to bexa^ "no the daily paper to amaaa hlmarit with. HeoommtaMd givlxis U lbod> 'When thei aoM tocsaa to ovw It rcueves.pUerweves.piles and profopRixa mi,oni. 1 • to itildy French, and at that Uttle desk, became a Boent r it* ftfnend cifj do get tired, or Hany will grow weary rip Jar aad vri^ ol ths French Iangaag& Ue ac whdm the earth this stone Uod sadd to them: the ha(^ ere box ceaa^, and the Ibeaffll-trd. ajofaiiot. um dem^J* a^ cpoajdiBbad thlalqr layiaa ^ mwhw^w. aad MJamp into my mouth and you will be safe." ndoe-commenced haa^ag aa. unta I aayffiSifihBb iti^^mehiaal•mtd t-frj^ig np aomediing not to amniiinfc hot ^ more ^tbegr^mbedlnto hla Baoatb. aml«B th«t waters aw fwwfeiMat^ and ven'adonlciMi- mitarOirtiiiUni BepoittciT. T riiiNveil the Bmcn for my laOit^ii bai^ never aeklng ifKiin«n was o&en obliged to wait lung hoots they were saved while all the reist of the world wore newly WyMrtthoutcommua; and by those having stooping shou!- find te of Ktftit Iwajf'fit to me. I was am wdl plHwci with the Bi^ it wooU walk fiiat, run races, w go home by a perished.—iC F. a eating itB wonderful advaotacea to anv Afraid it wa.*! oof what it W!h reoiRD. «« ^eo^ 'Wll'orter that 1 have-^.* vhila his miatnas made calls. He determined to ooe. l»«asB I thought IwwoMgai deis and hacking cougtS, a»« sur*> raondaboat way. One momi^ Edith had darted improTe llw time; he found a small Tolwne containing prewnsois of consumption. Anil Tofaii^Hl to be; hut I was indn«d by w nsed in my ejai!nj4ve pmctios thSu on before her broths', tbat she might walk more ttM WM invnted for of many a surttrer has been cured of niy pby^ewK t<» otje, Shortlv I ou) rely ni^trj without any aniie«r^ the Edogoea o( Vii^ bat. could not read it, and ao A white garment appera worae with slight faoMlMc^y. 'PrivateIr. toafcw4«ial d^peia aud livw coniphiinf who afierwanl. the »-hun4-. that I wss a anceorevilfnTOitsnse. lAanWv dowiy; and Hury, as he ran down the lace, pnxchaaed a Latin gtammer. Cay by day be studied frbnds who weie aa 1 lufered. iisember of called me to «erw thwn aft** mfaocluce It Into my i>mctex> heard the servant calling. staling than do colored garments when much been consitl«Ted in the -Ohot and finally mastered all its intricaciea. ' Uia wiled; ao a little fault io a good man attracts I exr4|ifaed t^ aae ot tie Brace, and ofconiflimptinn. l«.^rtr: ,.nd T a sIwum **Nonsense! It wont rain. Besides, she's not POeT.OFFlCE. ?ex. I remedied it by an inii-.rtant lon^rer than fifteen minntw un- Theffficeof thb Cflaoe bskwe the •• What, do yoa read Latin?" '*A litUe. my UdyJ Wa have raeelvad ieveial anavan thla weak for Antokt •peaken, and then coramencnl oSerine it improvement, us the folU»winKwil l L i.S^wvwry hoaise; Init, with wwaa gaiL andtS trim fitted by made uT SMit," aald Harry to iUmseiH as be ran She mentioned thia to her hoaband, who Inaisted that Ittii. an* isqueatBaaaing Sit another trial at the loos and aa a pieminm to miniMeTs for allow:— the Brace .m, I can npeak with per- themedicBl pralMoii. ^^ ' on. He canght np to Edith, Ksd they heard eadi Bairid ahould bare a teacher to inatract him. In a dlfflcolt Kntpna, and aa we bave not aa yat reeelved saUs- fwrteaseimehom': and, aflter sp«k- otho's lesions as they walked on, Harry never (feetudlj eonreet uawm. we delay anoUwr week before The canw of tioaiwne», sure thiuat. nu. tmr^t^ I nnrfeasantMHf lew yeaza he became a learned man, and was a nsefnl jmbUiUiiC tbaanawer. once thtnitlng of the tain. But they had hardly and loved minister in Scotland. laryngitiB; and finallyhronchU B in ^ubiic SiJi'^S? ^ »»»7 stomach thnt I did ^re started for home when a storm came on, and the We and fn our drawer a kind UlUelaUer wbieb we have •n»^n,«nd aU these «ymptom» of "rfrai; SoKalSS'ii^TV^ I can saj- that the A boy was hired to open and ahnt the gates to let ovutookad:- down, gonenem, eihaustion alter > di « > ^ r hngprices:ing prices: - two wae both thorooghly wet before they readied the teama out an iron mine. Htaatanalogall day • i it the fiSSS I WiMlWIMMd (ui^nH! aU (•r«ake(s who teetadi nua Baae.atdu thehooso. bsax Cxcxjt JAXBSW#iMdvad Tbb Bamsr to-day. -ii* and weakocM of the back and ! •^le aew'ta anwkM. Plato Jteaaa.ortuui.y_ate. VMuaa by the Me of the leate. Sometimes an hour would irblehlaal'waraaweieoiiMTtritar.cspecUIIraotoma aince tol^ldlea.aBd ,«niia u Uu' Might n "I eay, Edith, get in the back way if you ran, faxa^ the tAdi,minal ^mde*, I ujP>i Bu uiaumeanws Hto> gtt uM3thenn a Bcscuiace^, I , . paas before the tsama came, and this be employed ao you havabaen edlttng the Tooac aoath. I ddl^t In aolvlng OOtoeo UmnrtCo^C^SS^m^ bdope they have toirtopppeaking,ml ^ -y..^ «ne for mother sent Bridget after me with ytHir mb- wdl that there was acareely any fact in hifitory that the BUgaiafclmt hate never aeataaawer toon e before. i i»ii.,Mari B?t, I before they have to lidonfineBkinff. ml hexs ami umbrella, and I didn't go back for them. aadtheaatwvtoUMOBelntt^dajra'paptrto be, "Moww knmm »y n^M hoUotct ow the _ party in this dtyorthe * Siiia—M/ «. WW-^lf^i U1^ I ta'SSSr rtts 'Mbm ta eacaped Ida attention. He begim with a little book bh otgam, aad tba glanroC man la U>reit.bae8]iaetbagraai that &ulh Bea Goldsmith's HIatorr of Greece. Thai good man be- max*nth*moreintsnatlns. Withmoehlovatoyoa aad toe vo^ oijm^ and when the stonuudh TumaoHiAUk IbavetiventfaeBnoea fair triaL 1 riedly, not the precaotlon to mb betatil, aUtbeeoaBtna.IwiUelaNa. BnKKLB.XAnw. finks a stnunii^ b brought to bear I could produce the testimony of find it aQ that b claimed for it. I greatly interested in him and loaned him books, AiUnvUI^I^ i^ t. ai)on the throat, aad apeWns or talk, would not take $100 forthe r^t to xm and want down stairs chilled and tired. Harry and waa often seen kitting by him on the \6g, conTeia- hundreife cY emin^t physiaans tuad it. t hoi* that aU my aiBui anaaa. log wlU irritate it an^piodaw boane surgeons of the Ncnrth, but prefer to brethren will pncnre one. ??? itsiaiaaaid ar sua aama was a little anxioua, out never had Edith's cheeks ing with him about the people of ancient tim w Tb*anawarlaeompoecdol alettara. neai, and if oonthitiiu sore thr^ and give a few Scmthem prscHtioners. J. A. ItKTJtoua. r'* "•"'••"' 1 -r-rrriiTlitoaiiaSri been so red or eyes so bright All of these show that in thia country any one can l.'3[yl^S^S.U.13,l.M.ttaadailawhatahaUbe dose to all the inin of evib tbat public menkera who are known or may be written to. Flilton, Mba., 1S74. " I am ^ yoa didn't take cold," he wliisperw anwbowvAtpthebeaat. Bev.xv. are wcat to conmbin o^ and wmch has The bte Dr. Stone, the great snr- learn that wanla to. II he is at work, lie BtHI haa to thebr naTe^ and e^ of New Oriesns. pronoooced it 1 t^ pt^ ^y and n^t tor two ed ; and Edith did not tell him her tliroat was three honra that he can call iiia own. Let him 3. My B, S, U. S,». o; U. U and ai la what Faal loht the the perfe^n of medtani^ inven- monthi with my Bnu* en and not be ai Hie and tier tead aching. But by midn^ht the aallanthayiboald have done oato hla. Aettzzvu. hoarae ai I woald in one week without thoae wisely,and ha ^^ hismiad withstoreaof S. Ky S.», S, U.Uaad n li aomathing we ara lidvtMd not pooc girl was so ill that hor ^er went in haste knowle^e.—Ex. the upUfting^^^bowds, ami reliiS 'iuL fJV^ Miabter, sUQt« or weak, teglnheedto. of air causes of prolapsia rf the la- i for tlw doctor^ and for days ehe laid almoct un- S,MLai.S.«laadUlBwhatwe ahonid aeknowladca Unka Depot, Eart Tawnwirea. ram^ns. fbom: small begissig& oaaloaaothar. Jaaaav. 5!?" «»" aihib- temal organs. & Ky U, <, I, Ik T. t^ i. it aad n la tha State of mind the man I nrescnbed one ot your Bracee to Wmmrtmtm la Oaa. •^The wettjUig finLihed the buBiness," said the r la not neceaaary that a boy who learns a trade waalawbnhetall dhtltt. l{a:t.xtz. a lady patient of mine last fitIL She I kave DRl«rc« trona yoa toorteea niaiM Ib^ eases the ossh most aeoacn- doctor, bat Uie giil has been going beyond her ahonid toOow it all hla life. OoTemor Faimer, of >• myM;U.gaa«ir»aaniiiaHiiin pattalaU* to pntaa- I amprepaied to fcatl^of its sm she woald w^ take one handled tasty SHBai* mendk WOM an^S paxV tiM order, with rnarert Eiim strength for fotm time." Hany heard his wcwds, r was a cnaatiy blacksmith onc& Thomss dara «(laUltaB wkl^ ahan be made manUHt. a tub. tu. (kdlars for it. If she oould not get an- (dka^MBODe are sent oat oatnu fo and thangbt*with shamti and dismay of hii cue- ^yae, a rich aad eminent lawyer, ahn of IIUxk^ 7.1(^f.&Bbi(.IXtaadiOlaaaas«tbfii(>y whkb Ood haw been wdiws&r^ other one 9t the same kind. be letamed. We send eat the •lw«adhMwtoMi*aterCiRM.^Ai«ah. S. TUBXSB, 2UX Btaeebyinaa. Bnt a perhrt fith was once a book'>Under. Erastus Ccnning; of Kew Xy whoto taita as wiqr aatvatton la aotltely ot sraea. —^ and Baum will hn ex- "I teased her again and again aboot her tired Yoik, too lame to do hard wodc, commenced as a diop AatortMrn J.S. and am hle«»d with one of nnoo^ HaynevlUe, La., April 19, M77. 'espoNi poiy aad widnnmce. mthoatiLtwo All the Braces which I havB or- fef^.AlL!^ grea^ srtfa&ctien. Vf ^ eidUMt SMl gh« SMIta r all kinds of wcaahdiaeneB, weak C.W>8rBSOOK. j.^fiKAna, f

•rti jhJ jj^^l^Ms*. S37

riaattav Strawftwrlea. , intbefalLtottteproccas July, August and September are of storW up &t After coid wbeiher the best lU'inths to si-t out a straw- has set In, a mnch largw prnportifm of the fboil ounsaaKd Is tt*'d dircctly FEYE^agUE 9S6 berry phintation. I set one patch Tte last April, and« recently been for malntaiuiae the n(>riiL4l U at of theUmeseen on ^^^^ the aniouil, snU the fal;<'ui'- «rASMT04kTvmionainju.niraE«(ius.| SPECIFIC Septamberi.m9.of6p«cont. Tbeln^nhood^ making an addition thtarrto of five nor the care or aU ktnds or Ats* aM cans U has H^kidHBkriKi •XCHJkS IXXJO. new vdrioties inelwllng Sharpleis, portiunaii ly j>l>»w. naeqoal: harmg stood the testornniTeaslOSS for tktrb ta the i enwximent was made ai 9:30 ^^ 2. It Is Wfll known hy all fanuers Raa«*tlaaatseR«.»>tmetelytaMnlBgfarattaeUM*jiB|asas.b«< , PMkfasit Ha^ to making m toor Crescent, Oumlierland, Triumph and the disease, thoeby miUagapenaaaeucsn. PBICS 03iI«T 75 CaSNTS. p. m. This is believe^ to be tfce Cbpt. Jack. Although I set in a very that pi>rk kUhnl in Ii<»v<-njlx>r and of tfae Bii^^atea. ^test distance at which lUumina- dry time in August, the plants bore December itt:ikti.g«rtp'» ft«cr«»d Agmc sPtg Mve bestphrdci»«s tatasiflllHS.'' ci^tioD is 8», a dedine of 2 pw had commenoMl, both foliagn and Editorial Notices. the Boprenie Oourt uT Gwrgio, by cent, since August 1. and 3 pa cent. selves that they never do more ur. Barla>» Fttir aai J«m S^telM the gorernur. Jew than September 1. time to get them growing aeain. ta my pnctioe^ and can heartily recmaiiieid It to the yibllc.* Baiiiaad eanuuBi to IS19 in the rotuaux. There is a freshness and vigw about KKXOVAI. ~ xUanxlTi United Statai neatly duabied ttie Wtrkcd tmr Cler»f a new^ly started layer that makes jjuUa G. Mead^ sculptor, of Mr V B Thayo'. the popular and enU'rprta trial. It BOW aflbrds me great pUawire 10 THB CIICKCII eatira nnsun! of tht» FeOeod Quvoii- p has shlppeil toi bdi.w a to be .u wivn« ^ removal veiy safie and sure. It has tngjewtler, baa removed bis stock «( gooda to cay that I haTe derind mnch benefit (ram ment. Flocence, Italy, hw shippeil to tlMuseof the Brace, in tlie way of tncreaslng America. wiexea wr — . no half-dead leaves to act as a dn« Ho Main street, (old Bamum aland), whwe the tKM and strength ol-my ^toloe. as weU SB The miBW enunjemtoni only un- fa^-to oapf to itU e Wncoln |«H.> bD.O tei in«> sivm^ srr on the plant, and all its roots, if he U fittedu p In the man tasteftil manner. the stRn^hming ot the entlra aerraas BoU & Becord Book. doctoia or to vile isto^* callcd in«>lleliu!*. bat protected (torn tlie air, will start at system, x ean dteerfiilly lecommood- U lo eaitlud SXOOO Chineae in San Fnm monument ipdnicfidd. lU. Be has opened up In bla new stand with one 4 BIJLSCK BOOK, with pttntadfAJtaeiaa at daco. It b e^iisated that tiieie lonumem » "" I s r.-mUy meiltortoca »nicle U mMie up once into vigorous growth. It is so ot the flneat stocks of watches, docks and The perfect of Oourgor and FalOi • EnV ot Dwmrwm, , saltabte te teM tliaa oOiOW in tiie eonntiy. mayor of Anchialon, Bulgaria, l»ve ^y^^^pbTsieUainieMHitnntindmUT. easy to make an ordinary layer grow fine JeweliT to be kmnd in any ett'tn the Paletine. AndacBoa«Xk.T«zas Sest.U.'TJ Baptist Eburcbfl*. COpioo* Index 1 A Cadam BtOHiiafato of 900 too8 Centuries of Triumph that nn1e» idanta have to be sent Boath, aad he InTltes tlrase wbo contemplate ormembeis.showiagata|0aaas any laaui- been dismiaaed, and other funmon-1 ^ it^mu treeiy commend tu i tberefore DnDenU. LtvCT Dtacaca, Bowel com- long distances, it is scarcely worth poichMlng to gire him a call and aee Isr ber% staadlng;' bow and when taMsad; haa anhml mt Ban naiieiaco, tlie aria have been punished in iwious | ^iiMEtnur ud h«utar eonuuend Bop Bit- whue to have them grojvn in pots. Premiums Extraordinary! orthia natkn.U is aald, '— In Muinlnnee I ^ pxxi Oier hare done me mnd my SSfrSl^tebrUe md nervoo.dt^ tbemsdres that great hatgains areoSbred. bow and when illiiiil—I—in sepaiali) ooi- that ever Tentnrtd so i«r from home. ^ aVSStjed U>e SeUier MP^ ««} I think, with a UtUe extra care, I Mr Thayer is a manufitctsring jeweller, and rrUaxlii, flrmlj boUorlu* iJwj bare uo equal S.^iiow«H«t«d thro^nt anuM; also colnmn fur remarln. Cbalaiss •can make August-planted strawber- texeoutnspecial order* prompUy.and at ruled paper in baiA sadkeie^t to mud tor ianuty oae. I not bo wltlwat ries yidd as heavily next summer as remsrkably cheap rated' While he k«epa a ? SttSr^ppy nm\a The Baptist Mmntji* ot each cburcb maeUng aw twatn RHMKoAIe, the aiid Bidos. The those planted last IK. J. F., tbU line or good* ot the best quality and yean^•IIawtng one full page tor MlmnuaoC nilttedby the militia and iatast and most arUsUc deitgns,tf yen wish tndncea bai to provide for thej^e the Turks and -AND— eacb meeting, which aeldam requr* aata of the French cr^ the peasantry rare •f Ike Tectk mt ChU«r«. Jlonroe county, N. Y, anything not in slock, be wiU bare It mad* than one-Omrtta of a page. Flas. b«a«y are eBamated to be worth 7,500,000 Greeks. for yoa at abort notlee. Blsobfwtlalo give paps, aenuately ruled, and Is the mnst esa- Madrid, 8eptember;i5.—The ^n- At the Deital Association of Care af Treea After riaaUac. It U Wartli a TrUI. satvfKtloB to his customers, and he guaian- Bemorest's Magazine tnnot. The mpney will be expended United States, which met in thisd^ Talent sad Dsrlul Beeoro Book era- oSsnd in part^asdng wanEsof art. dl ot ministezs have recommended a F^ures in tree planting too open was troubled Ibr many yean with Kld- tecata do this both in qnaUty of good* and lo the churcbea. Oarks wbo bare used this last week, a paper ^ r^ by arise from the mistaken notion that low prices. Bemember the ptaoe,283 Main book tbrieeordlngtbsMUmles aad liininsM The day for bdding the Mia^p- general amnesty for political Dr. C. C. Patrlcfe, of Charleston, m -ney Complaint, Grmvel, etc.; my Itlood lie- street, (old Bamom stand), opposite Court BEXOBSSn IIXtWIKATKO KAOA- pi -nSbef intaartiae convmtion, to ^ and a reduction of the sentsices when the roots of a small tree are «ame thin; 1 waa doll and InaeUve; could tzansaclioDS uf tbwlr chnrebec pwmmmre th-e preventio, n of dental decayKisnrlvo. Hne once in the ground the worfcis don^ acioare. Bxm. tbe model parior msgasine of Amer. a»wa perfect in enay parBmlsr. Tbe bind- tha Impmvement erf thejgmun^ of crimmalscriminals.. • I said that special cara should be given hardly etawl about, and was an old worn out lea, Lh. Moesitlals of all others, and navlgnttm of the Misalsrippi Alter a tree is careful^ planted it man all over, and oonid get nothing to help inrlnrtlng Hocne Interests In aUits depart- tng >s saperb. Madried, September 15.—The pni^ | ^ cjaudien, and the treatment to be should be mulched with lcay», me, unU 1 got Bop Btttrra, ann now I am a xivavhwroanpoBtponedftum Octo- CC9mB has been baptiaedoapuxea, mMud n^™ I effective should be from mthe vervewy ments. Hie only Bellabto Fsahlona In all Price, br mail, post-paid. Ibr t^vda tar to November 16th. straw, tan, or any similar material, boy again. My blood and. Kidneys are al' their details. lion>,asa>o^ -•„ —IIM Maria Mocedes laab^, beeinninz. The chUd should be not so thick as to exclude the air, but riaht, and T am as aeUre as a man of Ihlrty, TbeCaUneBe emfaoa^. owing to the Xaabdla was sponsor. The function-1 ^jugj, jije teeth as soon as For t*^!* we wUl send TK* BAirnr, AddtSM, snffidenOyto retain themol^ure in alUuKi^ I am B«Tenty-two.aQd I UTe no (price sue, and Demorcat^ Monthly Maga- saeeoedstneL and mffianlam at the 2«ew ades and ambasdois were ^ it OMild handle a brush. The teeth doobtltwm do aaweUftv others of my age York street-loafcis, has bera enmi^ the sou; for, although there nwybe Healthy Child Food liunni* robnst manbood ctneS3J»per aiu»un)wltSiai>eof Uw really The archbishop Toledo officiated. I ^ chUdren should always be ex- plenty of rain early in the s^n, It la worth the triaL^-tlMher). Feed your ebUdren on lUdge> Food. A«k Taluable prantoms ol&ted by Demonat to led to remain in doors. Oojnplaint St. P^eidHiig, September 15.—The amined after sickness,whatever tod. roar drngglst lor it. Take no other. Trial hissabienbeta:— has been, made to the pcOIce, but the chances are that a drought paore CansKeent*. HTMJf BOOKS. Gofofsass that the minister of warjc^ofeed and irregular teeth should or Iras severe wiU fbllow.-Cfcmfwn UMIe Kack*a TraaMe. I. Aselsctionot AHYTWOortbe IbUow- withcnt saHahetibn. recommends the estaWishment his UAHLESTABT LAW. n«C:apUT*ChUd."I7 z K -ARer tha rwofdi ooir). A about one million doOarsftom its to- kmd, and » diange of the dty s j teeth.—/ir. fe,tolcment Crom a weOl known Drug House «arm,"l&xa ^-TbeOid Oaken eoUectlon of UO of the b«t aad swcawstor name to Alexandrograde. _Iir,BaU"»Ooo«h Syrup la the m<.»t popular did l)ef^lB-|iStar aiamonia bath. A eiil of liquid sanltaiy and other improvements es- rarliaaaeatary Law. A< to atxe,It Is so tndasa aqaaia, IH lBcb«a w^gbs eove^isets pereopy.Cver dMi: In Sexlbt* WWIPMWg^**^^*''"'^ Ttae ItaUan. vmlMuy la OKMCtad _ak ainiaoniK In St p«lt uT water nmlraB small that it may be carried tntbepoeket iriUo >SS,&10.40, part of the indebtsdneHs SmmtV «»lk£Srr&aSS* D^ Chart. the Sooth than in any other section pcrsonH, thw Is rtc<.uimeudt>d as an lt» aid a tym miiy «wny tweome IhmUlar prieeSUS: pcaanee. By Iiowry ft DoanB. A ehotae eoUeetloa tt of the eonnt^. says the latest note drawn up by the incouipantble luxury aiiil timic. It with FarliamentatT osage. the roles that a. A bnutilul SUver-pIaled Napkin Bing British cabinet, and now commui- cl^to'^Sn^)^ ^tk.** .S^her lev- postiMnve. Bymna and Masie, old aud new, sor as* la Washington September 15The d«>nses the s-isin luttl stiuiulaies it regulate it, and their pracUcal apiOicatloti. nne Eaable SUTer.plated Butter KnlJ^ cated to the powers, demands the wonderfully, and leaves the fiesh u ied some days ago is for the wmrat While Mr. rixblii manna] 1* adapted So u*r in pnjtar^neeting, Ikmlly drda aad dundi work of hoise the ceiisas of the In- of a indcment on a suit brought Beooomle Oook. IS pages ctoth SNTtea. It enntains 4S Hymsa tSmKlsr SB dhua of the United States will be cession ot Duhdgno without further firm and cool as marble. More than Ayer's jarge popnlai aaaembtiesjt is peenUarly suited delay. this, the ammonia purifiiM the body ^Ul^ ^tyby Hert)ert Wi^ to the needs oT debating cr eoOege aneieUca, biBding. ttetainaorer 4eo tiled neeipts; aU Christians, aad ao tbaroBghly elasSBan cmnmenced October 1st. The caisw The LitUe Bock GateUe. announcing and of tbe governing Mdles of incorporited (hat the pastotor IradsrwffibeaMetnpar. », September 15.—The news frcHu all odor of perspiration. Those .er^Scale. Weighsnpto wfll include enumoation of the In- in w^hom the srcretion is unpleasant, these ihcts, exidains that the State eompaniea. By a careftil perusal of it U» Mpooads; an Indlspeuaabieattl^ in every eeive almost at a glaaa* tbe eliBtar aCIarmas dians by wmximate ages, the vital that the Monten^ns are marching Hair Yigor^ noTlee may be enabled to master Uie general boose. IW^rreggrsd.«eeats. Cram wbleblomakebUsalaetliia. labaad- wUI find relief by using a spoonful of constitution of 1874 limits the amount KL Box oftebMoable StatiaoaryStatiao , . rtyti^ oiQected by the United on Doldgno is confirmed by a later the tincture in a nasU of water, and of taxes which can ba levied by the prlnelplea which lie at the toundaUui of tuning S^alra ot lateat stylatyla note .pape . r soase elotb Wsdlng aad blaek stamp, tad StatMsmgeonaon'the ditKuent res- telegram, but it is impossible to as- washing the armpits with it every FOR RESTORUIG 6iUY HAIR TO ITS city government, and states that this Parliamentary law, and thus be prepared Ibr Kavdives to mairb, post edgm. price liiet* per copy, ts an vnuumtaa. emcttiaia, educational statistics col- certain whether Prince Kikita ac- eztzaordinaiy emergencies, as well n Ibr the PlTe oeats estia when «i*d««ad Iqr inall. morning. NATURAL VITAUTY AND COLOR. levy is for general purposes. The la. One of Hr Walter Seott^ Nonls, leeted by fovcrnment teachers, and companies them. One of the aids suits brought against the dty upon eurrent and ordinary occasions of a dellbera- volume eompleta; elear type, bawdi. Address BArTItIT BMK mrSC. indiBLiiai atatlBti« gathered by de-camp passed through Baguss to- It is a most agreeable dressing, 'w'bich which these mandamuses are issued tlvebody. I'rioe in doth, CO eenta, «a leather dqlb btttdlnK, a MW ediUoa t post tree. Haaa^kla. •>•». dal agents. tlay. Ue had been in consultation A r» iperate l>e|uurf-. wltb typessdBeleat mr sevana with Austrian officials, and the The foltowlnc oommunlimUuu cxpiiiJw It •efr^ th* hair. It restore^ with the adoption ot the constttation of 1874, i>ama£u>fcel&,eoaaoMe; post tree. The Great &Mitern, the lun?^ movement of the Montenegrins la. TbeXadiea* Oolde to Needle Wock, 14-StopOi^;ans attainahip in the wurid, has been ' Al.KXi»D«lAA.BAY,N. Y.,1IW». ^o«s and freshnen of yooth, fUed or gray, and It has beat held by the courts Embroidery, etc HO pages. Wandsoma appears to be the result of the con- Mrtm. U. a. Warn, rd Cb; li^t, and red hair, to a rich brown, or docp that these debts are not subject to the etotb btndlngrvast ftee. chartereif iur a trip from Uverpool saltation. provisions of that constitntltm. !«. HBOsatoItt Hints and Beeelpts, eon. asrf «««. to New Oriains aHd return. She will flESTUcao:—1 have beca doctrine the la*t OUck, as may be desired. Jty iu use tltiu Order Bepartmeut* Lining on SI MS valaabler»ealp«s,pertaining SUBBASS foor ycarx ibr RbcaniatUm L- ibe beck. Thoeforethejudgesof theeouns is- rSeteosAoid. lWp^hp B. Gordon. 1'. 8. Senator. Maxim electric light was put in The heat ot Summer having passed Bom an Szprw* OIBee, ean hare them seat Augnaa. Malaa. xUUxtUM United StKtta was .ia.a)O,U00, and the Hao. John UtU Sborter, Kx-Uoremor oi operation on the tower of the Orand propeitiet. It heals most if not all ot the Ala. away, the process of laying on fat to their Postofflea. A eircnlar will be sent ninnfa«r over ten vears of age i Union Hotel. Saratoga Springs N. hmnots and diseases peculiar to the scalp, may be encouraged byUbeial feed- to aayonasending ns postal eard. suiai Of thw, l:2,SDS,00U w... B«t. narid WUls, DJX, Preiddent Ugle- tbotpe CMlegs. Y., with a view to t»»«i the extent oi keeping ft cool, clean, and soft, under ing and pasturing. There ate two Tfatlaaaay a*r tke Ba4y Brace. Baptist Moots* engaged in varknn occnptaions, the its iliuminating powers. An opera which eonditimis diseases of the scalp and Important reosoos why hogs should be Tbe very bsMts that ws have been saUing iHt bring women, yomur pennts of Blahop Flere*. ut Hvor^iM. Uoit. Jiune» Jaekaoa {Orm Bowelt, CM>b ± parabolic reflector was used—no hair an Impossible. fiittraed during the all months and them In tneresaed nnmbeni Ibr more than nnth atocm, idlers and dronca The lenses—and care was takoi t>yMr. hereof for kuling hy the first cold twenty yean past, and wbea one is used In a TBAnmtiior canaMW. Br A. efltacU^e inodudng^fianw the na- Jamoi Jaekaon), Attamey at l«w> Macon t^eorsta. Maxim to At the points of the car- As s Dressinff for Ladies' Hair, weather: ns^borbood. and the ranilta are made toln went thus, in round number^ bons a little at one side of each other, kaowB. lai|S numben bay tham. iettaSathiSwIaadiaad It emnOi^ xmaiiiaDsr only 1S,S^0CIQ. about half-3,022,000 John & Cobb. 1. Animal* of all kindly &tten read- eh«b,n " R- U Matt, COlumbas, Ua. and to adjust them to the exact focus Tha-YiooB is incomparable. It is color- OTAgnyoiaeotgia.writes: "Ihavebeen —ortheBbeiog exdndvely ccmpi- of tite Kfiector. When this was ily during mild weather, and WAITTED AT 05CS, less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will c&lly during the months immedli^ oalngtbsBMeaslnea July, IKS, and find It JSm^BM^UMSM fr^ owS m iiiisnHii.biii^ pawop,«aal»nrllasi , ed In agricalture. Thus two-thlnli Kealtk aroM rm»rl*. frOrly accomplished, the light was not soil white cambric. It imparts an anittsreeammendedtobe. TDmeltlain- to of the population is supported b^ one ly preceding the winter season. Fat turned toward a spot in Bailston Spa, agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an isanatntal i>rovl8ion—both for the Taloabie. azwi ererr minister should pioeoi* "SttSBsJ^ws^StsStSaS third. Would it not At well for the Wholesome, nutritions food, pure New York, seven miit« distant, aad asaooe.'* •0TBS M CMSnO. MP MATmCW. tba agaT* BB. BH11BB'» VBBBTABUC cetMaMxiRis to secure ftjrns the ex- air, and «teep are the best tooic for where, by previous anangement, a •rtide for the toilet it is economical and protection ot the vital organs against ByB.M.WUttassa,IUl. TMalsawTabla vuSmnm," aw SM aiMiaianm cold, and for the supply of carbo- TeaUaaaay t a Lawyer. ^^ a^saandart de- aru art nnmbR'af idlers in thecuuntiy. old people. Old people shoald reduce group of several himdrea petsona nnsniraised in Ua excellence. I hava wen the Umg aal Body Bi^ ^^ the amount of care and labor they hydrates, or fuel for tip the m* atnee tbe iau> ot JalT.ltn, and dstayed KJ^^SSSiSXBrurAtBcaEn. were assembled to witness the expert FWFitm ar ini by"lte'h*SrHbSan'l!aK MJ^^ewBrsnswlek.MevJsswr- aiUU U Washinittoo. Beptemba id.— The take upon thenudves, to such an iment. So powerftil was the light, internal wormtb; and the nymta Is WTtUngyoa onUl t ht^glTeDltathoroa^i andSoQlk lYIwIUa. Bhiteuient of thedfpartnient of agri- amount that they flhall not be over- so uecurate the fomasing and align- ctdtore-ahnws the ei»iditi«>u Septem- taxed in body and mind. Wlien the ment, that the dealgnited spot in I)r.J.C.ATEB&CO.,linri,Im.; bnrli^iaQt, adedlne of 1 per i^t. Vital income it sn^, tfa« vital ex- Ballston was instantly iUamtnated, Drastkal Md Aaalytkal Ckentsts. «i8e»M>eAuguatretnrw. (;cit an lo- penditures muxt be unail also; wl>en •o th«t vrOinaiy print oouM be rf«d. • cyej the ^dUon report^ tfaf vitja Iweme i4 }(use,«! in njalM? •OLD 87 AW PRrWHBTB gVSRTWffSafc Q89 iMii. B^PJ^IS^ A M ABTEl. OF CBEAPKHS." ''iiT u mi IOC wiAi wi mm. ' Warner's Safe, MJ^nir SH^HI* COLLEQ-E, -TUE- »wi»r»»»i» uaiwttr ft** tfc." Ik iJolii^ Slitel Bbi i ^ditey I liyer WteCiicster.:FiraidtllB C*. - - - - Teaaeuee. OPOH^oTHK CimBBBl.AKO FLATSAD,- CRUBEN'S IM £ BIC A I. A T> V IS E B A loeatkm ananrpaawd tot xBltAr M»d baaMy oCwWMnr.aiidaBtlnlraeBptftwa TO A FOU. AJtK PI^l^ TR"? .r KE OS THE IS'ow Heady I •UmaUrima and aplaemle diMMat. CUBE. [n tkUloatltatlaa.araaaeh woomiBonaesa-[cOMdaa imsTd Ili 1—a vladotratuW gauM. d fMaa iBBsexpslcaca Comply Concordwce »» have te ma* eotcttva. SopXao la aaoaplad.oc wjeet^.ia'Sii m» H^ash ville | La^vs of Healtb and IDisease. Baptist Doctrines, $1.26 PER ! - oW."O orr - oswW,-bu, WI t being PBOVEN baat, no illiM la plMad opoa to baea»p u ta tba TO THE ttrtkof yeataida^ tothaprogreatfradnnandaaftkettnta. Xvoy A I^UTfl Berwcdy ftr ii.1. ttaaoeeeaa In pnaMMlBc UMWcte adneatkm, loly Scriptures; lont Tos KIdacjr, UTcr Md Vrtmmrr tmnn of Uwoght. and whicfa. while UBXidtsa toextMMtodaeiantiae tweanA. aliaHl^ vrtE^ttatpor* »orat cnltan by OB A Tlicor- idfi Practice ol Hedicine, for FamUy Use. Tr*aMcs Af k*tk' MUe tadwhlehatooelhelranbgalUyan d wtOl belngof hmnanltyla InatOTd. Female. m>«]r Tcwa cnosiiT m iLniimcAi ti »in» mm »r ihbu raassii. ^poisra OF The Marv Sharp haawood arm amid thadtaanlatlon of war and the peraeentlona o^^ ISKL and Je^my. a»l tbta kHig lecatd of lattlUU aad loeceaaftal toa 1I101& be ^ TKBBLL BEAD Tin ^^ lU ffontlmmira In the totore. • BY ALEXASDER CBTDES U. A. TO I «I BapUst Fattl. and Practioc It WTail ny aebM .^io. InIlccaatainauedbyan«atandinexpeni4Teimlfarm;Bo^^M^^ chaaed at KaabvUIe prloea,aad no comMnattoaa are airmed with mlUlneci aad merehula chmttu«ac» fc Uie S««tS»«aJit', tSua r of Uito TtS^^^tSeemS.^ U» namltn ef hto by wUebanytewhertatamakeanytklBcaamaoleaapenthy popUa. By which. I. Any vetae ta the KHo but Msdeats mt tkla OaUege U. Tba idgniaeationaarthe pruMtel woMa, SS^iSSJ^Th^ .^Dbi^S^^rtt"^ {^liS^ .d -pud to th.^ eompreh^niaou of the j tWIED K ttV. C. A. JliiSSS UI B Icata and woo andefae- Oeenpylng poalUiioa of honor Uin>iiglM«st tha bud m Uvli« wUaeaMa of the UranRi^ bywhMitlielr tme in BctlMna ^^OTtM. wiU* «air mmunte- menia from asm* of tba htaheat anedl work dwM £u« in edncating mind abd haart,«nd are by that etoeatm mada bleaitags to Biedaown. ' nwina. ««» •'« taint In UiU eeoBtzy^-Jlinf ft^ World. - o " aoatheca Homm " and to the commnnltlea In which th«y Uva. UI. An aeeoont of Jewlah coMnmaaad ear- OF scosrrH cxbolisa. Ho i«ia«dr b«TCtae gaiDlBe and entire adUion ot H. H. WAMBB * CO., t^wleB^ireat wbrk-tbaoolyoaaaaikneliic M aal EunistMS rf ToMstt - Itmle. witli iwe of Innnunent, per • wtbfa e ftatarea wbldi cndaa ktmadf and tba Bacheater, S. T. - special Vocal Lnaona . (aePnbUe.teiBcmbaaahiiiidra d yaua.ka'n For Ode by~V n WUkeraon * on, Xemphm - Palnllng. nottnclodlng material - . 4m rmrted aa iiTitlal to «a iintii|ililiaiiw aBd t. BMhrt to d»»u«ut only Tl« MeKen^r. n. o. an±vTGr & CO., frice • Tann. - Untwtsg . S5»mertlmabi a valaa. In IMflompletotamthw - Uanoan and Frt-ticu, «aeh . 1 evai bees regarded aBlnuBaaaimUowiMrlar For tldi.1. a-l tatOer In ornaUon .pply BoM. Inclndlng waiMng. fbel and Ughta, . ua to any other wnrit of tlia klBd. u, JXXa SFEED. TlcSet A«ent, In FiiU l«atuer Paormenta to be one ~ II In advance tor each half aeaaion of twenty wwfte I Til mill wUt be rl VM ta Iteta, iBeliable Farm Impl®"^®^^ - r uatali aMreaa the Pta-Ment, or Prattu«. W. Jobnatoa aM A^. Ban^ •r Five mr mmrr Cmplmm. " ar M»ln Ititnt. HATDEN MABOH. Pleat Board of TnuKca. Or DeiK* offlce. l>«.d« Memphta. xUT BAPTIST BOOK HOCKE, C, F. ATMOBJE, Jr , SSHime liamyUa, Tmi. rA«rat.M«inphlit. ^nd i:>ealers, The BArrisT BOOK HorsEU the "o" J. S. WII'KINS, SEED lor aud M«a«ippl. A»ento wanttd. to whom Ut»»l diKoanU wUl be (SacceaMr t« F. H. CUtSKB * Oa.) '^SfSriT given. Addnaa, - SOLD UArrisT Boo»^ MOUSE, BY Kit. m Main Strccj, ^ MEMPfflS, TESX. Mcmpliia, Tenn. - TAMXAMUB rmtrxm. Fine Wat ekes. Jewelry Itvndb!rh«aaB xn kalth.Of'tagsli^ Where we h«ve no AgenI the b«>>c :ajoaab.:dof i*l3Ma» akacjer.te Kit bymiOl. p«»tp«ld.on receipt of price. —ASD— Bitten smovaTM. If rno arc«iinp1y»nilic fad I (Karrvmar t. JtlTCHEIA, HorFMA* * COJ djapirttnl. wlHimt cl«» yluwUgetj, |8UU Tlc»orl«a» —E»ur *car« STERLIlSJ^a SIL^EIIW^RE Bojp Bitters wm Hartve Taeu IB r»e—The Somber 'Hi If »rB a minJ^ter lad bate eewtBHl jva^ apjf»>ii>Tnort»ui n.»adf<^ l>« Tear Tennessee. cb-vfia&laatag orate dstBg. wIdM t XIH 13 M ALSO DEALERS CN -etiBg* SnSS^cbmiBdok^^^ am Bittere Is OTbM Tm ITaa<. Till 9 Meow Watches, Jewelry, SilTcr and SUver-Plated Ware, BcrvHsamedj.aaiyaan>tm«rr«i>l.aDd7aa>i kcattlMWBhiii^Mte f^, MSimrUlrrmhnmmlMwmnr. Whota Isernionsby the RcT. Clias. H. Spurgeon, knSiwSSu^tSSbSTBAlJNG P^ Clocks, Etc., Etc. nop BUfcra wOI KSTS TM Vew nnmb«rp<*«ilBL«»»rTOia. lf«rbl« paper STOVE PIPE SHEll anA nsAT. •laM, eioUt back, PUB. OF, E-\GE.4SD. t Ike City, mm* mt vrlcea tltat wlU Jaatfy ia Tr; Hop Cousfa Coranad Pain RsUal. mtMM mi»Uim Bnofc,tbr A. C. DaytooJ I StAX DARD PUEBS tO. MertdUn. ^^ ^ uamtt&mm, *ara.:jbj andraggUu. Vcfla.l.aiWIlL.""*.®'* ^sssrtsssie'stsj kcfkre jparckaatac. HritM ItPWHim Tkn^ U- w«"»tT) The Saint and hlsBavlor. 1 rot. 12mo— 1 SO ~ ~ agMtaMMvak Vtarabie by W.K. WUketaoa * Oa. riTKtSertWi W»h an JntrwlocUon an-t Oleanlngt Anions the Shearea. 1 vol. 1 275 Main St^t, Memphis, Tenn phK, Tenn. CtiUin TMTtli'—• In Rhrnw (Mrs A. C. Sketch of bla UR». Ky Se^ K L Marw", ^ XllUtT U D. With a ane meel plate portrait. ISmo, beveled board* I = THE SEW TESTAMENT. JCBOQERS. J V JIBTICK BtwC CatMddan on Ktbla Doctrine (Or. J. " 1 John Plonghman-a Talk*; or. Plain Ad- In Greek and Ensllab, BLVE nOVXTAU p. Bnnai p« doaot. Ml eia. vice «hr Plain People. IvoLlftno SO New Music Books KMond Bwlefc c«aiuim»r.ic * new »t«M- Featben for Arrowa. 1 vol. Wmo I « E^m-ED THE Bogers Sc Oo, Utikii(C!ji««»>UoaB<»>c(I* B. ShaeU plste portnat, .nsraTrd eipreinly B>r Mdaaai.»«iik th« Tyi«» and Kmblema. Being « Oolleeuon FEMALE COLLEGE The Anthem Harp.Vr'^o Utti» ! •••••« Pwt U tB- «««W. •«»•> P* ThUd Berlefc tmnlalntrw a stwl-plate «f SermoM preiwhed on Sanday aod Emphatic Diaglott, ONE DOLLAR .JOB PRINTERS, «n«imTtn« of Surrey Mmlc Hall. Lon- TbuCTday evfcnlDga atthe MetropolUan RICB UW. DiSBUCmS nottco"^^ssrat^dad.,,. ^ don. e=sraT«deTpr«.»ly»« tile Tolome I £0 : Tobemacle. 1 vol. Cmo, cloth 1 » I Perklaa'k /tntltam Book.!* fartHbdiad mna BOOK. PCBUSBEBS, "Tlm-TSnni^ ^ lU 'JS- tr-i P«roOTt b Swtea. fontalnln* a Stcrmoni.. noted fbr iMalthfalneOT and ar> yean alnee, and vhlen vaa a aieelded aaoeeaa d()am,««nL Leetnna to my Stadenta. A 8fi?«!on to the Yearly dcrty aoelety. K P LOWRBT. D D, Prealdent. The new book eeBtel*e«lepert«Uywltli_ ChUtfattOMtloa Book. PbtU, (B. Manly from Addre«e« delivered to the Wn- Beodlbreatalogiw. AddrMo, In thereaeh of eoaaMmtMrMad ladatmad NsiEis 4 HOE Ml liiniemua, Jr.) p«r dooMi, lUO. Filth rterte*. lUmOraled with a llM dent» of the Paator'a College, Metropol- liOWRET * BESRt, Proprietora. to have a great ila tW-fcQo-ttra BooU. Pwt U, IR Manly Mcel plate. Tepr«»-ntlng the Kev C H itan •ntberoacle, by the prwldent. Eev DITSOX « nxalaa eaU attcntSh to their Bs. SIS antn MrMt. .opnnte^n preacnlB* In Surrey MmIc C H Spoigeon. 1 vol 12mo 1 a& Bloa ICoontaln, Tippah eoonty, Mlea. t^ree boota toramomo Ca.AmKW. recently jrJpwdonm.IU*. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE xlUU FObUalMd. almady very popUar, and worthy Banday-maitMi a—Boota. p«r dJ*. » 0» Han.1 Tot ISmo— « » Cnmieentlng and commentarlea. Lee- atimtvei9alada»aon»- HEJiPIIIS, . . - TESjy. BmuUyHRbMi Ptim««, ** 8lxaiS-rt«. Vlath Sertm. I vel. tJmo, eloth J » Prenehem;" also a complete Itot ot all WElPiY APPEAl ozuazuia Mom ID* by Jlamln»: h«d In I Ttilsvalaaole work la now complete. The Johnson's Method for Sink-Ymmsa CxKSt, Wxoiura Ocmn, inp. iTOUttmo thhcoantry.wlth the Scrtptore texta aweaklnyMr ing Classes. Kreotn* by KTenlng: or. leading* f used. I vol. Kmo. ahether the THE TEXFIJB oontalaa an exeanent sing- liiK (sm wm,. BCn ErenildeKVeDllttK^. 1I .wx^ol. . » ^ The Maichleaa Myaterj and other Ser- m ing tiehool Coutve, nA a Ian »nab«^ Qema. Belmt BnlHant Pawairea from the m.m.: with Indexea of Scriptare Texta. All Of whldi la done In Ibe BMat • Sermawi ot the Rev C H HparjSeon. of 4ndsobJectttothel4vola.oftheAmEd 1 So l>* TMa iORS nmM^it'W^^^ SSto ror hlBMaU wh k«c •toeaiaeeiuttnveated. wulkBUaii^«< London. I vaL ISno, .-loth ' W «ni> •RSl.aad TMt OCB STATIOXQIT '^^i^Tpoat-pald.on ol price. Add^^ ^^ HpraB, T>—. Mto a» _ __Ilt«. IfwUlakpkBltaiieaiTartety Itto^SevaS

24:0 a W annbartT- lUat Mi« raMtilVT- la»- jBJbtiaflr- m—ma^ros^ otban. . AFalter Tkloabl, * TMK SS^rtSSTLSSX^u S^t booK. ana iVr*" Mt tf"" taad. In Baptist Book House, ^^ l/t^-lur' Br I> B Bvr. A imeoataS •Berlllea at eonaetanee, Stand ye in fha waya, axid aae aad adc Ibr the Old paths, vfabdx ar» good'WST^ yinwiM. a^rj BecM*"- MemFfcta, TeMBapcUte . K4e»tB«loUHlJ«. ^ IMCIBIHAI. AM» BXBOBnCAI. Sotarad at the tat OOea of MenpUa, aa Wwfg; uS*5Sa».wiai»i prtSTiii Old Series-Yol. XXXVU. auMUtuLiTi oatAJL. MBmosR ar m wArk ASDroB •imiTBi a wWi**" Frte«.P«r ToLfUBo MElfPlflS, TENS., SEPTEMBER 25, tSSO. Hew Seriefr-YoL XDL H» 16. B, , a^JSui^^M hi fHeodship. If aman cansayi "lamnotadmnkwill- ? IsUpiainlyapnceptofhlswiBdTTIteDU wltb ^awim'M HT^ Onr Palpit. ard, I am not dishraoest, I an^not ondua^ II sam no t yoan to rasaon why, nor to raise aay iliKtlf—Co» W«rtui F»»eettr . meeMBar.ik WBe aiHA-FiaCBIUtKUrm a«ne. M not a violator of the Sabbath, I am not a Uar;qnesUon" so . The reality of yoor satiecUon to your HtioaitotheJmpeBlwnt . By Ptrml*- THE FRIENDS OF JESU8. tu so good; bat snch rizhtaoosDeas does noLordt ex' and Maiter may hinge npim IbaaeBaeBdngly tnn — " ' — U)5 FROM SERMON DEUVRBKO A0G08T 8, 1880oeed, thaBYt of the seribes and Pbaxtsees, and insignificantbey t points. " Whataoevtar he ailth to A KBV. C. H. SPUBQHON. cannot enter the Icingdom. It Is well if yooyoa do, doit" Only by an earned eadeavor to ciny • Ye are mr ftrlenda, If ye do whalaoeror 1 oommannodt yoo." wllfnil— y traMgren; batif yoa are to lie Christ'oats th e whole of hb. wiU can yoa live in happy ESSSSUIS-•—ofLwrwoI Httitr. -W.J£.P»x«>o_ John XT. 14. * friends, there most be fu mere than thisfriendshi. It p with him. and be indeed Us friends. Ouireb—- •VT W «i«m. By BELOVED, U h the highest hoDiff in the worlwoiddbeCapood r itienAaiip which only said, "INot e w^ that this obedieaice is to be reoderrd HDtrUmn. lor Bapttim to be calked the friend of Oirist. There iasm no you r blend, and to prove it, I don't insulas tourist t hlmsdt Pat the wnphaatt on the ^'^^^UrJw mihSeUier n«w itmunenu. uSSri CbadMttnwI. Dr. Hen- » :t:aw<»at- title surely Uiat exo^ la digtdty that whieh yoowas, 1 tloa't rob yoo, I dont qieak evil ot UOlB'i^Iyoo." : ** Ye arc my frietds, if ye do what- el^^baok. worn by Abraham, who was culled " The Sarelftiendy ther e most be more positive evidejia§4soeveo r I command you." We an to do these exlA-tnetaar WO p»«w ^P"^*^ ® aUCBIXAWCOIIS. of God.»' liOid Brooke was so deHghted withcerU the^ friend^p. Ihe Lord Jesns t3iMst laythingss * becanse Jeeus can mantis tfa«sn. Does not aiua»oii,>i«tgrowtn* dlwtttstiieo tUs-{uoa : uiiw puducc^UJia. friondahip of Sir Philip Sidney that he orderedgrea tot stress aponposiUvedatta; itis, "if ye dthoe royal person of oar Lord cast a vtsy atnmg -TT arttK r>nr tWMent uiarxoucALi. SJ^SSnTYoa w«it to pww be engraved upon his tomb nothing bot whatsoevethis, r I command yoo."' At tha last dayligh het upon the necesBily of obedience f When we iipLinrtlbi ^ " Here Ilea the friend of Wr PhUlp Sidney." wilTherl esay , " I was aa hnngoed, and ye gavreftise mee to obey we refuse to do what the Lord beauty in rnich a fceUng, but yet it is a amaUit ; 1 was thiBty, and ye gave ine drink.himadfoommands" In . Whec the LcHdJaos Christ, matter ooinpared with lielng able to say, " Herthate memoniU a twaity-filth of Mattbew nothinthge Son of God and oar Bedeemer, is denied lives a friend of Christ." O wondrous condeis sai- d about negative virtues; hat positive actionofaedienceia , it is tzeaaoo. How can reheta agniaiA Hcension that be should call me "friend." arVeI dte d and dwdt opon in detalL the &lng be His Ha}«sty's friends? Thepnsee|its am indeed a true believer, not only is he Wmey ar e clear, tnm the wonling of the texto,f tha Scnpturt e are not the oommandmoita of man friend, without wWch I could have no hopthee obedienc here e tifarist expecti from as is continnor- the ordinances of angds, hat the laws of' twto^ims »Ubl eoUtwUoe or ocontent of hl^rf* aiid^ •limtSiD^MTW o> Tinnw Fin* bMTT or nereafter, but be hath in the aboundlngs of his ue does not aay, "If yoa sometimes Christdo , and how dare we deqsise than t We are ud U the BM ^race been i^eaaed to regahl me as his friendwha, antd I command yoa—if yoo do It on Bondaysto ac,t righUy because Jesos commantls us, and we write mo n, but s^th, " If it W«e ntth^e so wa, y of salvation, bates tlie evtdeooea ofwool fel-d have ns ob^ him oat of a friendly qdrit Vm V^TriiaMtMli—liMi «> tbt *ehineJi diwnt.M I would have told you." Beloved, in what a lowahiplight i whidkiaqaue another thing. We marObedienct e to Christ as if we were toned to do il SJSSwrt^ ehineJi. this sets obedience to Chridt's Ik in evoy pibi^ all limes, aad nndetonde all r pain and penalties would be of no worth as cannot 'h^p at. tlUa early moment lit the aermodfcnmstanosnita o do as Jesas bids as, out aof proo a f otfrienoship; every one can BBS that He PrtBhlndoUuttJS. BoaAHOUi. him. Bmbb, apei^ not oC ataves. bat of Menda ; ha WioaM not t> 'rhlaao^ It most be aeUve oliedieoce, notice that ••no Yt« se e any am fa it; lean be aaMd wit^fiirgnat Itt fclBg,; b^ be who will not yield him hto imin.r are my fHends if ye do whatsoever I commantheroaraagreid A awny diflbcent otdnioas 49 the is a traitor, and not a Mend. Oar HamUtoB.» T. 1MB » brm ' AS» MaBM^D UFB. yon." Some think it is quite snffidoit if th«point,*y * and so on. AH thta eoaieth of evil, fbl>»dd la Is ^ HMd over afi tUi^VB tohis diBRh, and belMmaaiwrtaUy avoid<«hat he forbids. Abstinence from evilBotooodrten is a t with tfae^iittor iirlendsliipwithtU s invdvea Iha Joyfldi aahmfctfan of tbemem- Wa«Ua» o«r news o« great part of rigfateoosness, but it is nofenoaghChri^fbrlovepleaaeieveBiatriflea for . IsItQhrirt'kbt^ t diaoeedfeBoedenka to CfaAit the dignity of Band aiIr aU eataioiiM oidantoth. * •.unmunrwTr Mm.MJiuai .«» Tha^etyboo» ktEMMIcd . Ti»e aniaeet Of JbiMptlBn lath»"^rarOm :aoiia la «1.m BDCI aavn-vmboH mmi fawmal aynm- 13,,,- ctatb, . anoacne fHHtaM,]^ r *MetbodlatlMmda . Fiiee,tn duU>,fUaL anmiwtinn, with trm-