Jm R Uuyw Ui Slo 4Tll ATCIIII* Taencwm. Jbxamdjr. Qwonsboit

Jm R Uuyw Ui Slo 4Tll ATCIIII* Taencwm. Jbxamdjr. Qwonsboit

Jm r uuyw Ui SlO 4tll ATCIIII* ebaiaeterAlaoaoowa tiad^ioB taencwm. JBXaMdJr. QWOnsboiT- •MM aMd CkaakkaiUM laa- // TAS Br B. T. Tan tadlfi mannar tba giatt —Taluabto odamd. w&ta tba adlUon of nonr Maw of dinaUao anion, bow Umicbttel gad. IB naaa. Br Vbl Vdlkar. of fiaoth.Q«UB% Baptist Book fioose. atoat vttboBt any aKtlflea «C aooi Frica *l.ea. Badoftfarf wbatmoaaIHil aad tbaMte mat or It la aot tba Mtt or taa ini— Br B Bar- A mora a» ocdarad at ooaaL all who wUh ^^ad^ XK SccMAtt. XempWs, T< Bt> boMKliwlMa tOfOiiatr-^rrrmiti Stand ye inthewayB. aad see and wk tor the old patha, which are the goal wayB.a»MlwaUc thereto, aiid ye ahaH Ibid niat tor yo^ •STlyMlVntiKi!! %-^apSuaS! wttoBs and aaid«-«dkaat Qlaratan ~ OoTa doul,« Mia.« eoL la ttuaa it* oetero Kictaaa* IMltw^Eitatitaaoaadi aaA < iM>9l mar*iarm. aad at twMlilnn'f MODnnmn «r noc AcoE. BrSd-'- TrJTiTn— TTTtr m vmm. Tbia Talnabta Entered at the Port OSea of Mecaphta. Teaa.. aa MJMUnSATnUIAI. & Baker. lBeloth.mpacM,«M^ wSBTSmm atnoat a ooapicta uitem ol mtMt. 11 BrDr.N. Old Seri^Vol. XXXVuT MEMPHK, TENS. SEPTEMBER 18,1880. Sew Seriee-Tol. XDL So at SB.^ k a booker gnat ralna HaivatfctkePalrlt. UoUi,*Ua. .: .4. SS^SuteW^ifeIwtwmrtni <M & ' erwbODaia '—- yijlt/fcwaa. OoUMtm. Uat iromH^t^ taimili-ra rtmrrtuii, uui aUa titaad vttbla iba the rich, but God rabed him from the doods; as the tender giaas sju-lnRing out of the «tat baa imi tba •naal •Mb op ta Ua torn, and. vUb a fclW V •racttDaaf tbaebanbaaofChiMbi i3l Mk «tnaitVmi U> Uiclnis=saant. BjrFaiidia- T^feC ft^M^T VB UBV Our Pulpit. deM, thus attesting his chaiacter and vindicaling earth by dear shining afterthe r»in. Ood hath S^umtmgm. TUawakiantfKtaBaipCana •|o BsTrlattoo. Itu ln_Mmpla . made with me an evetfcating tvxvewiat, urd^ •SuBt^Sil talBnn«l1nit,aad •'KaoBplatB tbaYoosz. Kr<^>*sruatar. it —tba. bis kingly dalms. Since his wjecUtm by bis own —..fw Knrr r»« lAadnaikar Aoold I •!!»MBi III <HR«MCRO». Br W: in all things and sore; for this Is aU my salva- laliwMSira tt_a^lai«Mt po^ e,Batt. AaaMa«a(k,andsMtliateuiba THE TWO THRONES. nation he has be«n an exile In beave^ exalted tton and d^re, althoogh he made it not to grow." oao. niinar memK^m. laitf «Mb fraat br atadaata aud mlatateia above all principalities aad ^wces, waiting " un- laWu WW* SttOMlniilutA. teeintb.W^L BY C R. HBSDEICKAON, D.U., JACKHO.S, TKSN. • 2 y^sm, xjalL 5-5. This covenant of the throneand tsmmmmmmmmmaxmutMUAr- bttofLarauB. W. KPttmn- IntSuiJble to eaUdren and anadoealad til the Ume ol the resUtutlon of all tUngs, ^ken trrr wsmacMi MMBMcmgMMu. CH«IIIAI»MWJNRR BAXS.BOOK iSSSrwlUjoul Inrtber exiOanaUon^ ^ Ba. II. kingdom was David's derire and rtU-alion, l«c- MzUta. J.B.aiaTea__ U oo ttm Wtu. on of by all the prophcte since the world began." Bat came lt promL«d him a resnrrecUtm to oiiemal faXT •BT or BiaHT. BrHlvUiMa THB THBOMT OR CHBISRR. I<nBf»«eP«r.M AThSwi ^wToBBrtamiiadrpr. Han- M " be will come a^n, with great power and glory lite, in the asBuranca that Ua kitspW— alwriMuSmapiaiiiila a^Hn^m^ er Tdeae Wiaiiti of tbeo - To him that orereomeUi wiU I «r«nl to att with me on my tUawkwUlbaTBTmaablaL Frloe throna,«*cnaalalao ov«came, <u«l am »et dowu with and shall sit upon his own throne, and reign over ^ Ood'aBaa andlSs Son sltUngnpoe It slitiuld gaSSSaatH. and wi* of tl- the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom - in packauM,' M Ma. poat* my Father on hU throne"—Her. Ul. a. be estabtlshed In his presence forever. "1 have liaid; Utiaa paekatM, BLagi N last lotd'8 day, la dbcourslng upon these there shall be no end." made with my choaen, 1 have sworn nnfo David, QMB |B uiv HWrnini iim i i—i WMM JM vaa aBeHptanl Idaa DAII>TTBBASC< It may bo sjdd by some, that the text is meU- aWdaaWi aad baMra the f ' KW. Br Kbenaaer Tenuiie. Dila book O wonlii, I endeavored to show that Jtsias, the my servant, saying, thy seed will I ttteWIA for- SSSIT^ phorical, and to be interpreted of ^irltnal Influen- ever, and bufld up thy throne to all semaatloas. ••CKASM m«TW«T. BT Q. H. Christ, b wUted to two throni»; one, the throne nd. VOL 1.1aablatarol mSt ^It'Sm took. rM W^nd A ail ces, by whidi the he«urts of men are snbdned and He shall cry unto -mc, thou art my Father, my ToLU-iaaUaMnor lha narAuallrlofaaduritta tba BuatT&>tar> ,.f G,)d In heawn, the other, not yet U t^ng, Christianity peirpetttally maintain^ in the world. t^ eUanlMa aB4 •uji—iil £> an tmr to tettand.. Both atoonafcKlBally artlasiuyab0alcraa«*vnad,aadiriu ex. Jwitextatlng in promise only. Having dwelt up- God, and the rode of my salvaUoo. I win make SS> a lai«a aaaibK otOm moat dUBealt ItmJSr In reply, I would say that this Is mereaSKimptton him, my first born, higher than the kings W the SSHCM^rSeHptBia. Tooaboald nad It alaobeotcrcsaTaloa In tha dauy r^lnga on the latter clatBe of the text^ahowing the exal- Br Bar. mtSSSaai. ]MeabrniaU.ncia. ortbaCbiStian: It may beoomaliU u«wa- without one partide of proof, and coatrary to the eailh; my covenant will I not l>reak, twr alter the KBXaat or nxMMOK oo Otmrtarnnn. A ry. Frloe JlJO. tation of Jeaun to the throne of God, 1 propose history'of the fulfillment of the history of the baad bookor BuMlathMacr. ^Uawotkla thing which has gone out ol my Hps- have Uaa wSBhrnt irertief ee pa«w «BK CHimCK KBCOBD-BOOK U a tliU morning to give an exposition of the Savior's Mewianic prophedes. Ibe predictioos that rdata a Talnabla ecotrttmtton to BajpHat mnratara, Pilea» la ctotb lUBk bblSrbo^wttlf prtniadJtttlgjB^J^ 1 swcm by my hrfincw. thtA I wIU not Ue unto Max a eollflcttaa of blatarfeal fli^ with Balea of JIaconim. M^ ^iifiilSLSHK prouliM in the p««ge before U8. » To blip tnat to the Virgin Mother, birth, and Urthplaoe, char- IPRIAITDMMSY T^ICTSU^ASR. ILN |II — I gplijwag^ot flootaato and Mda-notaa. _ugcBikoo»« nwm •Mmvmm ebai^ea. OqunsIndaxHrMbWiafai^ overcoroeth will I grant to ait with me on my David. Hh seed shaU endttte forever, and bis nnrAKCn. taevaii^ ben. Klaa haaTy —• —• acter, minlrtry, pewcutlon, hnmiliaUon, euflte- umui Bunsr. bt J. M- iuttiB. bla Adlai Hharwood, DJX, aa able dlTlna aad la tbe naat throne." throne as the sun before me. It AaU beestabltal^ aad ilpa aebolarita baat work wa know Beeonl-Book vnt — Ings, death and i^surrectkm erf Jesus were tnlfiUed LUXTAAATAAPTEKOT CTANBUS «•». B U- <sr Ibr aaadaT'^dioola aad Bondar-adioot derfea who haTep^l^^o^ttntjjiag^ We have here the prototse of a glorious exalU literally, and this undeniable feet establishes the ed forever aa the moon and as a fiuthful wltneas. taatliarai XwoTaIamaa.aaebtuab tba mlantca and bMmaaa moMMMaw p* andwttOm t aiatmr> By J M Oiunp, S D. A Itufeaairt tbatr ehoKbad VS^Sf^SfS tion of Chrtst's follower) made dependent on a principles of interpretation to aU the nnfiilBUed PS. IxxxIx. lot tiwmSuSt W plwMtn Uta faa^tfUM r ttom tba fcnnitaHini oriba •rarr pwtlettlar. TbaUadlag^ 'ttmat.- » wiwluU _Sj^j^jiytaM a •*1ieelgbteantb apoB a critical emJ^ specified condition. To fedlitate the dlscuiwion prophecies reapectlng the future coming, rdgn Theae tesUmonles csUblish the fact that DAVU'S MealneteUi.. IiaelaUr ikmily was consUtuted by covenant the Boyal GI^DI>,aatb«r<ir A and a«lst the memory, it will be convenient to and glory of the Messiah. i,eaatlimltr, SowBaiiBaaroftbaOaqiala,e(e. Ttuaeara note— The only figure In the i>hrase, " thr<«e of na- House of God's K ingdom. and that one of IMvW'a TMa la a TCTT aMa tnartMa ait Uia *a«ciliia -I. and talnabla eomaiantarlaa, aud ib« anUtor la a •M poUiT tf UM Jtaw TMtamMU aBoreh. S^Mt aebolar wbo (kiumnir wltt I. The pr»>naised exaltation. poatwlty, whom God should acfcn«.wleJge as his iSai^lalaclau and unnuat Met,Netik pradneedqalt vid," Is that by which the Utend seat or throne is Uoa-» wort. Frtoa,perTOI.,<LSI> II. The eflBential condition. • made to symboliie tnc royal authority oc govetn- own Son, Rhould be its everlasting King. Kow, L THB PBOMBKU EXALTATION: I tcUl ffrtml SoimallSntBn. l«eale«lnto.lUfc mentof David, which is to be perpetn^ and according to Gabriel, Jraus was lK<h the 8wi of ai I—I ina iminaa NY IT xowwswaa ' ' Bnb|eeta:< to sit veM me on my throne. God and the Son ot David, and aa f«dt ^-as to la tbla IttUa taoo^ _rAi.t or t*« AM ot Mf enta^ and glorified thn»gh Je«B Chris* to the Knlombim ttUl» iror«, and h»li tt-Mi hiMairl __ Br iM ^ mttOi ' I had oceasioB to ahow In the lonner daeouiae endof thei^es. sit upon the throne of David and rule over the IB tlM «mmnaao m aaar rryaa^tbaatUfaMwUsabf tb* ofUaWair.'UtpNtc*. twie tiHXK words that the throne of God, - aaotttcwiailimaein iKMa Jacob (uteva. •avOM •mii.a«wi«wni»ntiiit atvliOnA Wk* l»Mraa«atar.^Br. «yR BaHBrT H H»^«y.wSoSaSwD Da. Ato It mw. •C.&ffSA'SS'Si.aSV' lai^iScla ja»«laad;norwll cloth, tXJXV. SSSSSitTxFEfr^^fsp 'Mpmatnl ti^ exist wnrhe^ cuxpt- VMAB. Jtaliia dlWlw'j^iitaB. JCanyenitariesiiigDtlHV - « St exMed and were csalled the kingdom aad throne lmm,ta eioia.aD«a.

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