Trading as FC United of


of an extraordinary General Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an extraordinary General Meeting of FC United Limited will take place on Saturday 25th June 2016, at Longfield Suite, 3 Longfield Centre, Prestwich M25 1AY. The meeting will commence at noon. Registration opens at 11.00am.

The meeting will consider the following business:

1. Chair’s Welcome and Election of Scrutineers

2. Questions for candidates

Re-Open Nominations Members who feel that some or all candidates are unsuitable may indicate this by voting to re-open nominations.

Lawrence Gill

This nomination is supported by Blaine Emmett, Nick Duckett, Alex Jones, Peter Wharton, Robin Squelch.

I’m Lawrence Gill, co-owner, founder member and season ticket holder since 2005. Prior to that I was a season ticket holder and shareholder at OT.

As FC we have achieved so much in a short space of time. However, that progress has not been without its difficulties and the last twelve months have been difficult. I think it’s inevitable that, given our roots as a bunch of ‘arsey’, opinionated Mancunians, we have differing opinions on how we see progress to date and what should happen next. Consensus isn’t always achievable. But we are a democratic organisation and that brings a responsibility on all of us to listen to the opinions of others in a respectful way and decide as a majority on the way forward.

I think we have scored a few own goals over the past few months. As members, we rely on communication from the club. In the absence of timely communication, rumour and conjecture fill the void, leading to some of the social media feeding frenzy witnessed of late. Some of the dialogue on forums and social media has been unacceptable.

The speed of our progress and the opening of Broadhurst Park has put pressure on the club infrastructure that relies heavily on our dedicated volunteers to support our paid staff. Mistakes happen but we must learn from those mistakes and not repeat them. And also say ‘sorry’ when those mistakes are made.

As a board member I would hope to be able to facilitate more timely communications to members; ensure we have an infrastructure and organisational structure to support our activities on and off the pitch; and to always ensure that our actions and strategy are commensurate with our objectives.


My background is in finance with Royal Mail. I have covered budgeting, reporting and analysis roles; business planning and performance management; risk identification and management. Alongside all this I worked in multi-disciplinary groups particularly in communicating with people at all levels in the business explaining change and engaging in dialogue to solve issues.

I believe my experience will enable me to represent you as we rebuild the trust within the club. A final point; I am proud to say that ‘Margy’ is my brother-in-law. I raise this so that I can assure members that should the board discuss Karl’s tenure as team manager, I would excuse myself from those discussions to avoid any conflict of interest.

Michelle Noonan

This nomination is supported by Ian Connolly, Adrian Dowd, Phil Sheeran, Gary Todd, Matt Tansey.

In 2005 I didn’t think I could ever love a football club that wasn’t Manchester United, so I’m ashamed to say I initially dismissed the idea of FC. When I did come along in October 2005 I instantly regretted, and will always regret, not having been involved at the start.

I think I can safely say I’ve been to most FC games since, and the love I have for it has never diminished. I’ve always tried to keep up with what’s going on off the pitch as much as on it, because alongside the pride, I feel a deep sense of responsibility comes with co-ownership.

I work in insurance as a professional lines underwriter and team manager. My main job is to assess the likelihood of companies (and the people running them) facing legal/regulatory actions and other claims (including for neglect of duties as directors/officers; breach of regulatory body rules; employment lawsuits or suffering losses due to crime/fraud). This entails analysis of companies’ financial strength, assessing their internal controls and procedures and their governance practices. I also have responsibility for drafting and approving contract endorsements and amendments.

If elected I feel this knowledge of good governance and internal controls, plus my ability to draft and review wordings would be beneficial to our board, but I am also passionate about improving the way that all of us involved in FC treat one another. I’d volunteer to take on the role of improving transparency and communication between us all. I think we can do more to educate new (and remind existing) members, fans and staff why we exist, but we need to do this in a way that is respectful of the fact that the reason we are here will differ for each person. To increase discussion and debate amongst all parties, we need to address the levels of respect, tolerance and engagement between us all. This does not mean Stalinist monitoring or moderation of behaviour, but facilitating and encouraging honest discussion and debate so that as many members as possible contribute to establishing our short and long term aims, and together find ways to keep us working towards these. Whilst a lot has been done in this area recently, I would like the opportunity to continue this work and find ways to improve upon it with the help of the membership.

Steven Chadwick

This nomination is supported by Jess Manchester, Rob Manchester, Aimee Carter-Roebuck, Sam Coates, Matt Fejos.


I would like to stand for the Board of FC United at the upcoming EGM. As a founder member, I have supported the concept of FC United since it was first mooted in Red Issue. Having attended the EGM at the Central Methodist Hall and the first game at Hilton Park, many said questioned the viability of a club democratically ran by supporters, one member one vote.

It's amazing to see how far we have come and what we have collectively achieved over the last 11 years, both on the field, but most importantly, off it! It's important to acknowledge the work the previous Board did, however it is also important to admit on this learning curve that some mistakes have been made. The current situation however necessitates both a fresh mandate, a requirement for new blood, but also after this election, the need for the unity of supporters and to respect the result. Given the events of the final day, this is why I am standing, the club needs stability, a line needs to be drawn, we now need to look forward, not backwards.

FC United is a both a beacon to supporters of other clubs of how supporters can run their clubs, but also, it is essential to note that we remain the only credible and visible protest against the hostile Glazer takeover and the continued occupation of . It's vitally important that our history is respected and embraced in our future!

As for myself, I currently volunteer on programmes, over the years I have previously volunteered in the ticket office for restricted away games, on turnstiles duty and helped with the half time draw. Outside of FC United I am currently the secretary of a community group I co-formed called 'Horwich Dementia Support'. As secretary of this group, I recently successfully applied for a £10,000 grant to deliver a project in my hometown. It's about using your skills and determination to make a positive difference where you can.

Finally, whilst I feel a person's own politics are irrelevant at FC, in May 2015 I stood for election to my local Town Council as an Independent, against the established parties, I was successfully elected with the smallest majority in the country (one). Never let it be said your vote does not count..."

John Davies

This nomination is supported by John Bradley, Paul Davis, Karl Graham, Kevin Randall, Lisa Rotherham, Peter Wetherby

As a supporter owned club I see the board taking note of the members/owners wishes as developed through general and members meetings supplemented by helpful member surveys from time to time to set the direction of travel whilst also taking cognisance of the founding principles of F.C.

I am concerned that there has recently been the extended use of social media for debate to be carried out in a manner which has helped result in a heavy toll being taken on staff and board members. In my mind nothing can take the place of face – to- face debate at general meetings or when possible as members go about their volunteering work, ensuring that the club and the football matches at all levels are a success.

Board members should be elected or removed at meetings and nowhere else.

Staff members should be allowed to carry out their duties to the best of their abilities subject to normal contractual performance appraisals.


If elected to the board I would expect and indeed welcome to be approached by members who had concerns or questions. I would take part in the board surgery scheme on a home match day and perform any duties that the board felt were appropriate and within my areas of competence.

When in work I was a solicitor in a law co-op operating on an equal pay basis. Like FC I wished to “do things differently”. I was involved with a general legal aid practice and believe a legal training could be of help dealing with legal matters as they arise.

The recent survey of club members indicated a desire for a financially sustainable football club, to be involved in the community in Moston and to be influential in wider football issues. These are aims I support and agree with.

There will be difficult balancing acts to perform to keep admission prices affordable and all budgets attainable as the club develops into a truly community facility. It is important that the board has income and expenditure well under control, makes full use of the fantastic facilities we have and also notes the rejection of outright commercialism. Difficult juggling which could lead to mistakes albeit honest ones. I hope I don’t drop too many balls!

As a volunteer I have dabbled with governance, operated the turnstiles and dug the gardens. I can see no reason to change any of that.

NB If members wish to raise questions with prospective board members I would ask that people note that I will be travelling to Detroit on the 26th May and not returning until 17th June. I will endeavour to catch up as quickly as I can.

Sam Mullock

This nomination is supported by Adrian Naylor, Alan Hargrave, Blaine Emmett, Mark Freeley, Paul Atkinson, Tim Mullock.

I was extremely proud to be elected to the Board last year. However, my decision to stand again has not been taken lightly. The last six months on the Board has been difficult at times. I joined the Board having been critical of how the previous six months had been handled and urging more accountability, transparency and the humility to admit mistakes. I believe I have stayed true to those beliefs.

If I am re-elected I will continue to be open with members and will continue to put some time aside each week to answer questions on the members’ forum. There are very few matters at the Club that require confidentiality and keeping members informed benefits the Club because members can then contribute their ideas and support. I sometimes wish the debate about the Club on forums and social media could be more respectful and mature. However, this is not unique to our club and too much time and energy has been spent by the Club on this at the expense of more critical strategic issues.

The Club now faces a number of operational and financial challenges. Now, more than ever, I believe we need a Board with a broad range of skills and experience covering finance, sales and marketing, communication, HR and governance. I am fortunate that my job as an actuary gives me exposure to all of those areas and I believe I can continue to make a valuable contribution to the Club as a Board member.

At the time of writing, the future of the bar under the East Stand remains uncertain. My view is that members need to be fully consulted and made aware of the different options. The East Stand bar has been a tremendous success and it needs to continue to work as a fans bar.


While on the Board I have had responsibility for “commerce”. I don’t pretend to be an expert on the commercial aspects of a football club. However, I do have ideas about how we can develop the Club’s approach to sponsorship, merchandise and function room hire (while staying true to our founding principles). I will continue to offer help and ideas in these areas whether re-elected to the Board or not.

I hope to be re-elected. However, most of all I hope that after this election differences can be put to one side and we can be United again.

Roy Soule

This nomination is supported by Stephen Bennett, Kevin Randell, Estelle Michael, Roy Williamson, Andrew Smith.

I would like to be considered for a Board position to represent the future running of our Club. I feel that through my time in football I have an array of experience, from both on and off the field of play that could greatly assist the club in its future plans.

I have worked for six professional clubs as a player, coach and chief scout, and seven semi-pro clubs as a manager. Currently I work as a Recruitment Manager for Crewe Alexandra. I’ve been involved in football for 50 years from the age of 10, with 30 years devoted to youth player development for which I have taken my coaching qualifications, culminating in the completion of my UEFA 'A' Licence in 2000 at the FA Coach Education HQ at Lilleshall.

My experience has been enhanced by coaching young players abroad when I successfully revamped the development programme of a club in the USA as their Technical Director of Football. This club had a total of 1700 young players, coupled with 350 coaches. I was in total charge of their progression and development over a 5 year period from 2004. I was of course First Team Coach and Assistant Manager at FC United and during this time I also took great interest in our young player’s development. I regularly attended the youth team’s fixtures to gauge their quality so as to assess any players that could bridge the gap of progression into the first team set-up.

As well as the football side of the club, I also worked full time in our Educational and Community Programme which encompassed social inclusion of those less fortunate to provide them with an opportunity to play the beautiful game. I also delivered coach education programmes, which I delivered as an extension of my FA Coach Educators qualification.

Currently I’m employed as a qualified teacher, for which I hold a Grade 1 qualification, having attended university over a 3-year period to be able to teach to this level. Given the crucial role that the club’s academy could play in the years to come, I feel I would have the knowledge and experience of the requirements for young players’ development that might otherwise be lacking on the Board, as well as a working knowledge of what requirements are necessary for other areas of the actual football side of the club.

Hopefully that gives a broad description of my capabilities to be an asset to FCUM whilst also displaying that I am a responsible and reliable person, and one who will give genuine consideration to doing my best for the development and progression of the club, in keeping with its rules and founding principles.


Adam Wood

This nomination is supported by David Cooper, Sara Cockroft, Clare Cooper, Rob Cooper, Steve Cooper

As a founder member of the club and as someone who strongly believes in the principles on which this club was built, I wish to stand for election to the board of FC United of Manchester.

Seeing the problems our club currently face and with the opportunity to reassert those founding principles these are important times. It appears that our club is at a crossroad. Should I be elected I would of course do everything possible to ensure that those founding principles were adhered to and that FC United is the clear, transparent, accountable and open democracy we were formed to be.

I believe that we must work hard to recapture the spirit and the feelings that helped launch this club and that made so many of us so proud to belong. The club has the perfect opportunity now to reflect on where mistakes have been made and to build on the good work that has gone before.

Am I qualified for such an important role? Clearly I’d like to think so. Part of my current job involves being part of, and representing staff at, governing body meetings. I’m aware of the importance of open and well communicated governance to an organisation and recognise that above all an organisation’s transparency is crucial. I understand the processes required to ensure that effective governance takes place. Previous work as a Rep of the NASUWT highlights further my belief in the importance of ensuring the views of the membership are listened to and acted upon . However, do I have an intricate understanding and a working knowledge of some of the finer issues? No. Not at all. Truth of it? I never felt the need. I’ve always been more than happy with the club’s direction. This, though, has begun to change. I’m aware that this will put some people off but the fact that I come at this with very little ‘FC baggage’ and a desire to see founding principles re-established is to me, and hopefully others, a big positive.

Either way, how we choose to vote and act over the coming months is going to have a huge and long- lasting effect on the future of our football club. This is the time to decide the kind of club we want to belong to. To paraphrase Ken Loach;

Eleven years ago Manchester United left me. I’ve no intention of letting FC do the same.

Jonathon Clegg

This nomination is supported by Gary Parkinson, Tony Jones, Peter Shaw, Paul Oldham, Maggie Yarr, John Stenson, Christopher Fleming.

I’d describe myself as a lapsed United fan and main stander who has been following FC since the first league game away at Leek in season one.

I have previously been involved in setting up and chairing the Oldham branch in the first few seasons,

6 the core of which still attend FC. I also used to attend the old supporters group meetings and whilst I’ve been involved in volunteering in the past, personal commitments have meant that I haven't been as involved recently.

I believe that the attention of the membership has been focused on the ultimate goal of getting the ground built and we haven’t always been in a position to be kept informed of some of the wider issues the club faces due to the pressures of the build.

Over time, there has been a breakdown of communication which I believe has contributed towards many of our recent problems. This breakdown has led to a loss of trust between a significant section of the membership and the board. Clearly this trust needs to be restored as a matter of urgency.

In order to do this, more transparency is required. I warmly welcomed the comments of Sam Mullock in response to the Dave Boyle appointment and the board statement that was subsequently released. I believe that it is important for members to share the thoughts of individual board members on various subjects, rather than simply maintaining the board position. This would enable members to make better informed decisions before voting in a new board.

I would also like to see a closer working relationship between the board and the membership. Ideally the club should make agendas available in the weeks prior to board meetings and actively encourage discussion with members and conversely, to use the opinions of the membership to influence decision making within the club. This would help to develop a more pro-active approach and help to avoid a repeat of events which have divided the membership recently.

Whilst our financial situation needs to be reviewed and difficult decisions made, I believe that our attendances should mean that we are not only sustainable but that we are competitive at this level.

Irrespective of the election results, I trust that with a refocused eye on governance and the management processes of the club, the membership will give their full support to the new board.

Paul Butcher

This nomination is supported by Nick Boom, Graham Shaw, Simon Preston, Andrew Rogers, Jason Plant.

I have been proud to be a member and season ticket holder of FC United from the outset. A huge amount has been achieved by the membership and board during that time. We have a ground and a volunteer set-up that is the envy of most other clubs and is testament to the drive and incredible support from people who want a better way of doing things.

I am seeking a board position at this time as I want to play an active role in helping the club move forward after the turbulent past 12 months.

In my professional role I am a Director of Public Health in a council and have corporate responsibility for all aspects of council and NHS-related services. This job entails setting local strategic direction for health, working in partnership with senior figures across the public, community and private sector and ensuring cost-effective use of public resources.

One of the most crucial aspects of any effective board is to have the right balance of support and challenge. These contrasting behaviours are vital to good governance and the effective discharge of duties. Many organisations fail when they do not listen to voices which come from beyond the appointed leadership. This is one of the lessons we should take from the past year and if given a mandate I will strive to ensure key decisions and plans (e.g. build under SMRE) are subjected to critical analysis and thinking by the board and members.


If elected, I recognise I would be a custodian of the club’s founding principles and looking to ensure we create a sustainable club for the long term, striking the ‘right’ balance between our football ambition, our financial viability and our values. The full involvement of membership in trying to achieve these goals would be a necessity. Effective communication will be crucial for the new board, not merely to inform but to fully engage members and make the most of the skills, talents, ideas and passion we possess.

Finally, to be open and transparent, I confess I did play for Blackpool Mechanics many moons ago.

Adrian Seddon

This nomination is supported by Lynette Cawthra, Andy Davies, Jonathan Grinham, Christopher Small, Scott Taylor. “With respect sir, it can be done, it will be done, I'll make sure of it" (Jimmy Murphy).

After 11 years our club, tipped not to last until Christmas, has achieved so much, but a sizeable section of the membership has become disenfranchised and this EGM is a fresh start, an opportunity we must seize. The role of the new board will be to reach out to the membership with honesty and transparency, to reconnect and make us feel ‘United’. As a lifelong red I would consider it an honour and a privilege to be given that chance and as the parent of a child born into FC United I understand the responsibility.

Programme sellers out there in all weathers, match day traffic marshals, those who give up time to help to run our office; volunteers are the backbone of our club and this absolutely has to continue. However, I believe the membership needs to look beyond voting ‘super volunteers’ onto our board, then trying to fit them into a role. Instead we should ensure that candidates with the right skills are chosen for the specific areas of finance, sales and marketing, communication, HR and governance, all of which we need for a more strategic board.

I have little experience in either finance or HR and I hope you will elect members who do. My strength lies in my 12 years working in sales and marketing; the last 6 years have seen me build up from scratch and run a company in the related field of sports advertising and ground signage. I liaise with football clubs and national federations and with clients ranging from major blue chip corporations to small local businesses about their advertising and sponsorship requirements. I can bring this experience to the board at a time when our function room is operating at a loss and we haven’t reached our sponsorship targets.

An active member of the independent Governance Team, I combine a commitment to good governance with strong attention to detail and an analytical mind. Those of you who read the forum will hopefully agree that I am an able and willing communicator.

Were you to elect me, I would come back to you at the November AGM to decide whether my performance warranted a continued place on the board as the best sides are always those picked on form.


Alison Watt

This nomination is supported by Geoff Keys, Jake Keys, Ross Keys, Bethany Keys, Randi Andersen.

Following my decision to stand down from the Board in April 2016, I’ve received many requests to reconsider. By resigning before the end of my two year term of office, it has been suggested that I compromised the members’ democratic rights. Therefore, I’m submitting a nomination for re-election to enable co-owners to make their own choice, rather than have that decision made by others. My experience and credentials from nearly 10 years as a Board member are unchanged and my top red credentials are in previous Board submissions.

My resignation was prompted when the atmosphere around the club became so unpleasant that I no longer had any pride in being a leading part of the club. As an example, I felt torn trying to represent fellow co-owners who thought it was acceptable for my and others’ personal contact details to be made public on a forum owned by a member or that we should put up with childish insults and worse. There are many similar examples of inexcusable behaviour not only to me, but to many other members, including staff and volunteers. I hope all members feel now is the time to move on from such behaviour to more mature discussions about our club’s future.

There have always been problems within the club, but none so bad that they would require the tactics some are using to impose change. An entirely new Board and a loss of many staff may suit the purposes of some, but instability is likely to cause far more problems than it solves. This is already apparent with a large turnover in November 2015, particularly as a major problem in the club is reliance on memory, not written procedures. As a long-serving Board member, I would bring considerable experience to help new Board members and staff settle in.

Governance is a key issue and it has long been a concern of mine. Several related initiatives in the past have been instigated by me: Simple things like helping to renumber the IPS rules when they got into a mess, and more fundamental, like publication of the Board minutes and later the associated reports, plus establishment of fair contracting and recruitment procedures. I’ve always felt change is better enacted from the inside and with due consideration for the impact on all aspects. If re-elected I would aim to continue driving change while protecting existing club achievements.

George Baker

This nomination is supported by Jason Plant, Tim Worrall, Mark Millward, Russell Reddick, Sam Mullock.

What I have to offer is an overriding passion for FC United which has consumed my life for over 11 years. I now want to turn that passion into something truly constructive by helping the club build towards a successful and sustainable future.

Our club needs steering back towards its core original ethos - providing an exciting and affordable United experience, primarily for the enjoyment of its members. Success on the pitch and involvement in the local community are paramount, however this should not come at the cost of sanitising the matchday experience and compromising on our founding principles.


I became a founder member of the club aged 19, immediately founded the North and West Lancashire Branch and chaired it for two years, an experience which opened my eyes straight away to the diversity of opinion amongst our fanbase. I didn't have the first idea what I was doing when I started but I dived in and we made it work, becoming one of the better known branches of the first season, culminating in our three-day party at The Bridge in Blackpool. I still maintain friendships made through that branch to this day and learnt many life skills as a result.

Channeling that raw, youthful energy into something so positive was a very effective way of bringing various FC fans together, and it's something I want to put to good effect now to help rejuvenate the club and help lay the foundations for a bright future.

Openness, transparency, improved communication and a willingness to answer questions are essential requirements for any new board members. I would make communicating – both face-to-face and online – my key goal. Members need to know they have the voice their co-ownership demands. I'll also be willing to work closely with the governance group and bring forward specific ideas from other fans keen to see changes. My own experiences working closely with many of our official supporter branches has also made me aware of the wealth of ideas they possess and I believe they should have an ongoing avenue for dialogue with the board.

A new way of doing things differently is needed, and now is the time to get behind the lads and lasses stepping up. Let's get this club back to being one of the world's finest examples of supporter ownership. ‘Punk football’ is making a comeback.

Tim Worrall

This nomination is supported by James Attenborough, Matthew Haley, Russell Reddick, Jonathan Allsopp, Nick Duckett.

When I first joined the board last November, I certainly didn’t imagine we were embarking on such a period of turmoil, eventually resulting in the entire board and many key people resigning by the end of June. This has been a stressful time all round and I sincerely thank the staff and volunteers at the club for helping ensure the smooth running of FC United, during the most turbulent period in our short history.

My main area of responsibility has been finance and in November I stated, that we require full supporter involvement, transparency in decision making, and the setting of clear measurable objectives for key areas of club operations, with regular reporting to the board and ultimately the membership.

Since then, I would like to say that we have fully achieved this, but in truth we haven’t. However, there have been some successes, including the recruitment from the membership of new volunteers to the Finance and Risk Committee, with the mandate to both assist, but also to question the club on Finance related matters.

Also, the Finance team have produced and shared Quarterly Financial Reports with members showing the performance in different areas of club operations. Clearly, this year’s attendances and Season Tickets sales have exceeded expectations resulting in strong Matchday income, bolstered further by a good run in the FA Cup and the associated TV revenue. In other areas however, we either have not achieved the revenue and/or the margin we budgeted for.

The focus now must be on developing a robust budget for next season and indeed the following five years, to ensure we are sustainable as a club and meet our future obligations, whilst staying true to our core principles. Achieving this requires a thorough review of all operations and the construction of

10 a detailed action plan with involvement and input from members. We must also determine the optimum long-term structure for FC and recruit accordingly.

Going forward, I want to play my part in trying to heal some of the rifts which have developed over the last few months, believing there is always much more that unites us, than divides us. We must also begin treating each other with much more tolerance and respect, as well as injecting some old fashioned passion, belief, creativity and humour back into the club; which is why many of us fell in love with FC in the first place.

Jim Brunt

This nomination is supported by Nicholas Boom, Vinny Thompson, Lynette Cawthra, Randi Andersen, Lucy Allely, Lisa Rotheram.

To introduce myself, I’m Jim, sometimes known as ‘Huddersfield Jim’ or ‘oftenscore6’. I’m a former Old Trafford season ticket holder. Though I was at the first Wimbledon game, actually it was an Eccleshall away 0-0 at Stafford that sold FC to me - awful game, but a fabulous atmosphere and great non-league day out. I’ve been coming regularly ever since and passionately believe in the club ethos. I watch a lot of football beyond FC and have been scouting future opponents for the club for the last 3 seasons, the last one in an organisational role. I’ve also been volunteering on the turnstiles since the 3rd / 4th season. FC has introduced me to a lot of good friends from all walks of life – far more than I ever met following big United.

In work, I manage IT projects. Whilst our biggest project may be over (to an extent), there’s still plenty of projects to come and I can offer expertise on appropriate project scheduling, organisation and reporting – those aspects are transferable across any project. People who know me well often describe me as independent, calm, level headed, a good analyst/problem solver and a good strategic thinker – with an encyclopaedic knowledge of football grounds, good beer guide pubs and how to split train tickets to get somewhere cheaper!

I’m not currently a frequent poster on either FC forum (my username on other forums -. I recognise that that would need to change if I get elected, but don’t see that as a problem.

Why am I standing now? Well I’m very concerned about the recent splits within the membership and I think we need to get back on a track that we’re all comfortable with ASAP – the core principles haven’t changed and I’d like to refocus on achieving those. I’m not aligned to any particular group at FC and make my own mind up over any issue after appropriate analysis - if I disagree with something, I will definitely record my vote against it. I am committed to doing all this, and encouraging others to do this also, in a spirit of democracy, honesty, openness and respect. I’m proud of what we’ve achieved so far but let’s make this club UNITED again.

Peter Thwaites

This nomination is supported by John Boyd, Paul Cullen, Des Gallagher, Peter Munday, Andy Murtough


My background is public sector (civil service), I'm semi-retired but currently do interim HR work, having 20 years experience as a qualified, HR professional. I've also undertaken general management roles at senior level, managing large teams or running projects including experience of managing through restructures. I've provided HR support to the club in the past, designing the Employee Handbook, drawing up contracts and providing general advice and support on employee relations matters. Most recently, I've participated as a member of the independent governance group.

At both board and club level, I think we should aspire to having people who: - are prepared to communicate openly with supporters - are capable of carrying out their roles - will concentrate on the job of running a non-league football club for United supporters

That would do me fine, I want people to be able to afford to watch a game of entertaining football, in a good atmosphere, without worrying that the club is in danger of insolvency or collapse.

I don't necessarily want us to be a role model for world football or community politics, I want us to put our own house in order and run a self-financing, sustainable football club in the most efficient way we can.

This requires the board to operate in a strategic manner and: - set strategic direction for the club, identifying key priorities - draw up clear business plans to achieve those aims - employ people with the necessary skills to realise those plans and draw on the expertise of willing volunteers - set clear targets and monitor progress, holding senior managers accountable for delivery

Throughout all of this, we need to communicate regularly with owners, listening to and acting on feedback but, above all, telling people what is going on. And when we make mistakes (which we will) own up, put things right and move on.

We can't do everything at once but the immediate priorities for me would be: - Finances. Being transparent about our financial position, identifying what immediate steps are needed to secure our future. - Operations. Ensuring we have the right structure and staffing in place to make the best use of Broadhurst Park, including the SMRE. - Academy. Identifying the right measures required to support and develop young players.

We need to return to our founding principles, make FC the football club we all dreamed it could be in 2005.

Tom Stott

This nomination is supported by Andy Cheshire, Bernard Cashinella, Graham Byrne, John Bentley, Stephen Copeland.

It is just over 12 months since I had a stroke and I felt I had to step down from the Board. However I have now recovered and I am willing to stand again.

The last few months have been a sad time for the Club and I am very sorry that we have lost some good people from the Board who have given many years of service to FC United.

Recent events such as the protest on the pitch against Gainsborough Trinity and the abusive debate in the run up to the General meeting have harmed the Club.


I am standing to defend our Club. There is more that unites us than divides us at FC United. Our founding principles are still intact.

As a volunteer for the Club I organise away match coach travel and also run the ‘Back Issue Programme’ stall on match days. This means I rarely miss a game and I am always available to take up issues on behalf of members.

I am very proud of the Club and what we have achieved in the last 11 years . - Proud that at last after the disappointment of Ten Acres Lane we have a home of our own at Broadhurst Park. - Proud that I played a part in helping the Club to increase it’s membership to over 5000 members – the highest figure in our history which makes us by membership number the largest supporter-owned club in the country. - Proud of the work we do in the community. Our Club is more than putting a team out on Saturday afternoons. - Proud of the way we are changing football for the better and the way we have supported of the Clubs who have become fan owned.

We have had discussions and we have had debate which is healthy for a democratic club. We now move forward and in the words of a song that we ‘older’ ones used to sing at Old Trafford;

We shall overcome.

Randi (Voxra) Anderson

This nomination is supported by: Jim Brunt, Mike Noon, Mike Tomlinson, Matty Wilkinson, Nadim Hammad.

Following the unsuccessful attempt to stop Glazer’s buy-out in 2005 by Shareholders United, I got involved in FC United from the start. I moved to Manchester from Norway in 2006, but worked in Norway until last year – 2 weeks there, one week here. The travelling meant it was difficult to volunteer on match-days, but I’ve been helping out on the technical side of the official website for many years. I was also (paid) temporary club secretary for a couple of months in the summer/early autumn of 2006.

I’m an automatic control engineer (electrical and electronic engineering), and have worked on alarm and control systems for hydroelectric power stations, substations and vessel control systems – and have also been responsible for student data reporting (intake, grades, exam results etc) and student database for a university college in Norway. When the oil price slumped in recently, I lost my job as senior engineer for a company supplying ships with engines, alarm and control systems, and I am in the process of setting up a knitting business here in Manchester. My main output to date has been football scarves (including the almost 50 for statues in town for the Benfica game), and understand that there might be a conflict of interest should the club decide to sell hand-made stripy alpaca scarves in future!

I have board experience from many years in various choirs, and have been chair of a successful Norwegian choir, Stord con Spirito, for the best part of 25 years - we sang at Gigg Lane before an FC match once, some of you might remember. I have also been on the board of a national choir association (approx 8000 members), and deputy to the board of Manchester United Supporters Club Scandinavia (ca 35000 members at the time, around the take-over).


I can, and will – should you vote me on – work with people I don’t agree with on all things.

Nathan Ellis-Scott

This nomination is supported by Michael O’Farrell, John Gallimore, Matthew Haley, Andy Davies, George Hayden, Desmond Gallagher.

We’ve seen a steady increase in things that’ve concerned us as members. A good way to get back on a stable and happier footing is to remember what we are.

Our founding principles: without them we have no foundations and we forget what we were always meant to be. We need to bring them back into sharp focus. This details the image we were created in. It’s a sign of how we will move forward.

Transparency, integrity and effective communication: are the key to rebuilding and maintaining strong relationships. We need a board who are open and honest with the membership. An ever growing feeling of them and us has built up and again we need to re-focus and reaffirm that we are in this together.

United: It’s what we’re meant to be, where we were, what we created. It’s what we need to be again to make this thing of ours not just survive but thrive. We need to mend rifts. That’s not to say all members will always get along, singing Kumbaya in the club house, but we need to co-exist in an atmosphere of respect, humility and maturity. Debate and disagreement are positive, however they need to be done in the right way. Things have gone too far recently.

Accountability and the humility to admit mistakes: these are in my opinion key to being a good board member, It’s my belief that people will accept mistakes made in good faith if board members are honest, open and humble. We’re running this club as a team effort; this means asking for help when needed, holding your hands up when needed. Apologies cost nothing but do wonders for maintaining relationships and confidence.

We’re privileged to vote on decisions. It’s down to the board to uphold the democratic process, carrying out the wishes of the membership by acting upon the results of those votes.

My background is as a youth and community worker. My football education was the immense pride in watching our home-grown players develop, going on to rule Europe. I don’t expect us to be able to do that any time soon. What I do expect us to do is to provide a meaningful further education for young people in our local area – and hopefully a few players we can call our own going out on our pitch, representing our team to the soundtrack of our collective voices.

Pete Cranmer

This nomination is supported by Tim Workman, Andrew Whitehead, Des Gallagher, Chris Stamp, Michelle Noonan, Keith Johnson, Jaunius Zalonas, Helen Goldsmith


At some point in the last 18 months, I've been moved from being a proud member of this football club to being somebody concerned about its very future. A number of already well-documented events have triggered this EGM. I know people on many sides of the various arguments and I've witnessed deep rifts develop within the club's support. For the good of the club we need to learn and move on, quickly, and I put myself forward in that spirit.

I believed in FC United in 2005, and still do.

It wasn't an easy decision to walk away from Old Trafford, but some of us did. Since then, I've loved the madness, atmospheres we've created and thought that FC stood for something different. I’ve made some good friends through this club, but in the last few months it feels like we’ve lost so much.

I respect that those taking decisions have been under pressure, but poor decisions have been made, and then, not even acknowledged. Maybe the membership could’ve given the board a stronger and clearer steer and that’s an area we need to improve. Likewise, communication and engagement from ‘the club’ has been poor, adding to concerns over transparency and accountability.

So what would I offer as a board member? I'm currently employed as a project accountant working on publically funded business support programmes. I’ve also worked commercially and …in the dreaded third sector.

I’m encouraged by the recently formed governance committee and would urge members (board included) to engage with it.

Community work aside, I believe that the club should not be reliant on public funding and that the business plan put in front of investors to the community share scheme is becoming increasingly unworkable, just one year in.

Most importantly I value and will uphold the core principles of the club.

Finally, ‘top red’ credentials (I'll probably be asked at some point): from paying on the gate in the and United Road in the 1980’s to J and then K Stand LMTB’s & ST’s in the 90’s, until when it mattered to hand them back. Some of my favourite FC memories in 2005, ‘10 or ‘15 are on a par with those in 1985, ’91 or ’99. I’m a founder member and have been a volunteer, but place absolutely no merit on that, in terms of capability of being an effective board member.

3. Board Elections 4. Close of Business

By Order of the Board 1st June 2016 John England Office Manager

Registered Office: Broadhurst Park 310 Lightbowne Road Moston Manchester M40 0FJ