The League of Veteran Racing Cyclists 2019 Handbook TheThe LeagueLeague ofof VeteranVeteran Racing CyCyclistsclists FoundedFounded by by Percy Percy Stallard Stallard and and Eddie Eddie CookCook inin 19861986 ObjectiveObjectvei of of the the LV LVRCRC Executive Committee 2015 TheThe provision provision of of a programmea programme of competitiveof co mpetiti andve socialChairman: cycling eventsDon Pa forrry male, Castle and Fa femalerm Cottag memberse, 32 ofand 40 socialyears cyof clingage andeven over.ts for male and female North Street, Rothersthorpe, Northampton NN7 3JB mem bers of 40 years of age and over. Statement of Policy (01604) 967293
[email protected] m TStheat Leagueeme ntof Veteranof Poli cyRacing Cyclists came into beingSe tocretar providey: malePeter and Wilson female 52 Knollmembers Drive of, 40 and overThe Leaguewith competitive of Veteran and Racing social Cy events,clists camecompetition into beingSouthg in atthee, formLondon, of age-related N14 5NE. road 0208-368-0698 races where ridersbeing compete to provide against male others and femalein their membersown age groups. of
[email protected] m 40 andov er withco mp etitive and socialev ents, Competitorsco mpetition in bLVRCeing events in the must for mbe ofmembers. age-rel Theated subscription Treasurer provides: Ian B membershipooth, 1 Arde fromn Le ys1st, AsSeptemberpley Heat h of any one year until 31st December of the following year. Each member is covered for third party road races where riders co mpete against others Lane, Tanw orth-in-Arden, West Midlands. B94 5JE. insurance while riding in LVRC events and social activities of up to £10,000,000 indemnity. in their own age groups.