The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of

The Uzbek State World Languages University

Translation/Interpretation Faculty Translation Theory and Practice Department


Pirimkul Kadirov “THE DIAMOND BELT” (pages 465-515) The Translation of Positively Evaluated Words

Written by: KHaydarova Saida Group № 402 Scientific advisor: Teacher Khodjaeva S.S Reviewer: Associate professor.

Muminov O.M.

Tashkent – 2011


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Introduction ....………………………………………………………………...3-5

CHAPTER I. Translation of the Passage from the Novel «The Diamond belt» by Pirimkul Kadirov, (pages 465-515)………………………………………6-74

CHAPTER II. Analysis of the Translation of Positively Evaluated Words used in the Novel «The Diamond belt» by Famous Uzbek Writer Pirimkul Kadirov………………………………………………………………………75-112

2.1.Theoretical Problems of Present Day Semasiology………………….…75-80

2.2.Denotative and connotative meanings of a word…………………….....80-93

2.3. Some Facts on the Concept “Evaluation”………………………….....93-103 2.4. Positively Evaluated Words used in the Novel «The Diamond belt»by Famous Uzbek Writer Pirimkul Kadirov………………………………..103-108

2.5. The Ways of Translation of Positively Evaluated Words used in the Novel«The Diamond belt»by Uzbek Writer Pirimkul Kadirov...... 108-110

2.6. Difficulties in the Translation of Positively Evaluated Words used in the Novel «The Diamond belt» by Pirimkul Kadirov………….……….110-112

Conclusion...... 113-114

Bibliography …………………………….………………………………..115-116



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Nowadays, the experience of Uzbekistan in the sphere of education and upbringing the upcoming generation attracts the attention of foreign specialists. The state policy in this direction continues to develop. As President Islam Karimov has said, the rise of quality of education, creation of broad opportunities and assistance to university and institute graduates in applying the acquired knowledge and professions must become principally important issues.

The upbringing of the harmonically developed young generation in Uzbekistan is of the most significant priorities. At the same time, it is important that upbringing and education of the forthcoming generation are based both on the national traditions and values, and advanced international experience.

In educational entities of the country purposeful work is being held for upbringing of young people in sphere of respect to national values, love and devotion to the Motherland. With that aim a subject “Idea of National Independence and Bases of Spirituality” is being taught, regularly conducted are contests, science conferences, discussions and meetings with participation of propagandists of spirituality, science men, poets, writers.

The President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov has noted the need to support and render assistance to the implementation of projects by non-state organizations that make a significant contribution to the development of young generation.

“The youth is not only our hope and future, but it is a decisive force of our today and tomorrow”. Such definition will serve as the basis of the country‟s youth policy. In this respect, the year is called upon to establish the foundation based on which the builders of the country‟s future will have to address the tasks on its further democratization and constructing the modern democratic society.1 1 Islam Karimov «High spirituality – invincible power»

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The present graduation qualification paper deals with the matter of the present day linguistics - the analysis of the structural – semantic and functional properties of the positive evaluated words and their translation in the novel«The Diamond belt»by Famous Uzbek Writer Pirimkul Kadirov

The actuality of the investigation is explained on one hand by the profound interest to the function of positively evaluated words in the Russian and English languages, their structural, semantic features and the ways of their translation, also their use in the literary text and in speech, and, on the other hand by the absence of widely approved analysis of positively evaluated words from the semantic, stylistic, structural and transnational points of view.

The main aim of the present graduation qualification paper is to work out a thorough and detailed description of the structural, semantic and functional features of positively evaluated words and find their correct translations in the novel.

On the basis of this main aim we‟ve determined some concrete tasks:

1. To analyze the actual problems of Present – Day Semasiology.

2. To analyze the essential features of positively evaluated words.

3. To analyze the role of the context in determining the meaning of positively evaluated words.

4. To analyze the structural-semantic and functional properties of positively evaluated words.

5. To find translations of positively evaluated words and ways of translating them from Russian into English.

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The theoretical importance of the present graduation paper is explained by the fact that this paper presents solution to some problems which were not solved to our days, like the comparative study of positively evaluated words in two non related languages, like English and Russian.

Practical importance of the present work is doubtless due to the fact that the material of the work, as well as the conclusions and practical recommendations can be helpful for the teachers and the students of the translation faculty in learning lexicology and translation theory.

The structure of the present graduation qualification paper was determined by the main aim and tasks of the work. So it has an Introduction, Two Chapters, a Conclusion and a Bibliography.

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CHAPTER I. Translation of the Passage from the Novel

«The Diamond belt» by Pirimkul Kadirov (pages 465-515)


The sun was slowly rolling out from The Chatkal Mountains. Abror met the sunrise at a balcony. From the third floor it seemed, as a fiery disk, more clearly - its top edge, compressed, stopped in the guarded waiting, and then it began to light uncountable iron and slate roofs with faster and faster beams, concrete and asphalt spaces of an enormous city which had already woken up, by filling streets with multi-colored streams of motor cars.

The light sparkles on a steel and glass - intolerably to an eye. And, falling on rich greens, it dissolves in a powerful crone of centenary plane trees and oaks, gently pouring by golden-yellow shades on blossoming djida1; its honey aroma carries far around by a morning wind. The Apricots, almonds, the peach trees and the apple-trees have already blossomed in April; recent May rains have washed their leaves, they seem as dark like in summer. It is difficult to distinguish the high bushes of a pomegranate from textures of grapevines, only bright red bells of garnet inflorescences excrete, as if flashes of red-hot coal, among violent greens. Their scarlet velvety florets are afraid of a cold and darkness; at night, compressing, close their petals, and in the morning they revive again by a touch of sunbeams, widely opening their bright red bosom towards to light and heat.

The sun rises more above, its disk becomes more less and bright. Eyes do not maintain this dazzle furious blazing of the fire, and we have to back up a shadow.

All night long Abror was working on a draft of the ancient channel Bozsu that which leaked in these, nowadays concrete-asphalt, and open spaces. And what was it before the channel? Two thousand years ago instead of a green oasis there was an

1. Djida-an oriental oleaster

~ 6 ~

endless steppe burnt out by the sun, waterless and ruthless.

Yes, the sun is generous here, and the greens of May are dense and vivifying, but rain is over in the middle of May, then a cloudlet is not found in the sky several weeks, the days are clear, ruthlessly hot and dry days till the autumn.

Then the man needs a rescue at a shade of trees. And trees wait a rescue from water, flowing and irrigation, which has obeyed by people nowadays.

Now this thousand-year interdependence of the man and the nature became for Abror a clue in a difficult labyrinth of an ancient intention.

Green oasis of ... The Green droplet of the life, recently burned in the steppe, gradually extended and at last turned into the sea of greens... The rescued life is twice valuable. Every bush, every tree as if reaches for the man, trusting its destiny, relying on his good will and the kind mind, which reasonably directs a stream of water for rescue of all live...

- Daddy, we are late! - The concerned voice of the daughter was heard.

Abror, having interrupted the meditation, saw her already down, at an entrance. Yes, it is time to go down. He had to bring his wife to the airport, for the Moscow flight.

Only to the first crossroads he had sufficient forces to keep in, that special feeling which had come to him there, at the balcony. And further... A stream of cars picked up and incurred him... Attention, attention, he should collect the thoughts, instead of that or a traffic light will be missed, either you will be hooked, or you will run over somebody... Also it is necessary to make haste, the time was hardly enough, and a way from Yunusabad1 through the centre of the city is considerable.

1.Yunusabad-the name of the northern part of Tashkent

~ 7 ~

At last railway station was passed; there from there to the purpose is not so far, the blessing that there is Tashkent airport in city boundaries. «And we, people of Tashkent, sometimes grumble and complain because of it...»

Aha, here is the railway crossing, now absolutely nearby.

Abror has put on speed, wishing to cross dimly gleaming rails more soon, but the semaphore sharply started blinking red , and a striped barrier unexpectedly fast

1 - It seemed so - has fallen before "Zhiguly" .

Abror slowed down in time - wheels have screamed, the car wagged, shaken forward, not having flown on a barrier.

The train is not visible, and the call shrilled overstrained in the rail box. The semaphore continued annoyingly to blink red.

Vazira, having sighed grievously, has looked at a tiny watch:

- Ah, it is as lost! We will be late now... it had better to go by an overpass!

Abror has pulled a manual brake with force. The angry impatience boiled in his soul.

- May be, we should go through Beshagach? (a name of square) - He has bitten, naming distant area of the city.

- Through Beshagach - no, if we went through Rustaveli Street, we would be in time without fail. And now the registration comes to an end...

The never-ending long, heavy train has gone-has floated. The tanks, the platforms loaded with logs, stacks of the boards, filled with bright red tractors slowly moved.

- Look, daddy, and cars! - Enthusiastic fidget Zafar has almost cried out from a 1."Zhiguly"- a mark of Soviet car

~ 8 ~ back seat . – Same, our "Zhiguly"!

Abror has kept silent. Malika corrected the little brother:

- No, they are not such. It is other mark.

- Why? Where do you know it from?

- Our car has two headlights. But those "Zhigulys" have four.

One more open platform has slowly floated.

- There are Bulldozers! – Zafar cried out, having already forgotten about "Zhigulys"

Vazira gazed to the platforms and the red rail-cars.

- Why is it so long? The end-edge is not visible!

But may be Zafar wanted that the train was longer and would go as it is possible more slowly: it carried so much interesting things! Abror sat motionlessly; it was visible, that he did not hurry up.

But at last the striped barrier trembled and began to rise. The cherry "Zhigulys" just whisked through railroad tracks... And soon Abror stopped the car at the entrance of the airport building.

The glazed hall of the registration of passengers was crowded.

-Malika will bring things!

Vazira jumped out of the car and run trying to take out the ticket and the passport from a handbag, directed to the hall.

Abror deliberately got out the children, locked a door, opened a luggage compartment. There was the long black case near a suitcase .It was drawings of Vazira. Abror took an easy case for the handle and passed it to Malika. He

~ 9 ~ carried a dark brown, leather suitcase. It was not too great, but it was very heavy. Abror felt the aroma of the khandaljaks1. «She could not without gifts! » - He became angry to the wife.

They were already entering the glass doors, when the voice of the announcer was heard from upstairs: «the enplaning came to an end, departing of flight of six hundred thirteen to Moscow. I repeat: It was coming to an end...»

Vazira was in crowd which gathered round a window of registration and an aperture with round scales for luggage weighing. She impatiently snatched away a suitcase from Abror, pushed it on scales herself.

It was lucky; my place was remained for me! And places of the latecomers are sold at once...

There were many interested people, but the kind fellow travelers were found, they did not admit...

Abror looked around. He recognized a tall and statuesque man who standing back to them near a rack.

-My ticket is being registered...

-Is Bakhramov flying? - Abror`s voice became like a tin for any instant…

There was the time when they studied together at the institute and Abror called the contemporary only by name - Sherzod. Then a lot of things had happened because of what he began to call the fellow student only by a surname. And here now Abror saw Vazira`s passport in the Sherzod`s hands. Abror frowned, looked down.

That very Sherzod almost married to Vazira. Sherzod`s father, the man of high position, solid, managed through his people, even to get prior consent of the

1.the khandaljaks-a sort of early melon, which is smaller then melon and has delightful aroma.

~ 10 ~ girl's parents. But it was not her consent, no! Abror till now can't calmly remember about those days: how many things they had to endure with Vazira, before it was possible to prevent the parents` intention.

Vazira sensed her husband`s mood. She recovered the breath, quietly started talking, glancing aside for smoking a middle-aged man with a briefcase in his hands:

- They are flying together...

«He says, as if he has just learned it...»Abror became even gloomier, interrupted the wife:

- Well, so if Bakhramov tried so hard to preserve for you a place, means he had known in advance that you will fly three!

"Maybe he knew, but I knew nothing - Vazira wanted to protest, but restrained. - Excuses? What for?

"Looking straight into the Abrors` eyes, she asked like to cut:

- But does it matter?

Here Sherzod went with Vazira‟s passport and ticket in his hands.

- The enplaning is over; the ladder can be removed after all...Oh, Abror...

The winner medal of the Republican premium gleamed on a lapel of Sherzod`s fashionable light jacket. Abrors` hostile compressed lips did not promise the pleasant conversation, and there was no time to stand on the ceremony. However Sherzod tried to add an imperturbable correctness in his voice:

- Abror Agzamovich, I greet you.

Abror frostily nodded.

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Vazira took the passport and the ticket from Sherzod and hurried to hide them in her handbag. They began to bustle to an exit.

To go to the ramp of Moscow plane was far enough - through the central air terminal.

- If run we will be in time! - Sherzod vigorously offered.

For his forties, he was still slender. Vazira involuntarily glanced at her husband's heavy body.

- Well, here we will say goodbye, - she said and the first hugged her little son.

He tenderly nestled on his mother and had time to whisper to her ear:

- Bring to me a self-propelled car, well; it is like a tank...

- Well. And platform shoes for Malika, of course?

Malika nodded with readiness, and immediately rushed to the mother's neck:

- Mummy, come back more sooner!

Vazira took away a case from the daughter. She approached to Abror; put a hand with a handbag to the husband on his shoulder. Abror guessed that his wife wanted to kiss him, and slightly inclined a head. Vazira rose, touched Abror`s cheek with lips.

- Well, good luck! I will call from Moscow in the evening. Bye...

Sherzod turned away. The happy couple! Good family! Oh well, still look...

At last Sherzod and Vazira rushed to catch up the man with a portfolio.

Vazira hurried is not as easy as in her younger years, and the high heels made her mince; Sherzod running took from her handbag and case.

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They reached in time when a terminal service was going to back the ladder from the board of plane. After receiving their portion of blame, they climbed the stairs, slipped through the door.

Sherzod`s follow traveler immediately sat down on the first free seat. A stewardess evidently took Sherzod and Vazira for a husband and wife, and led them into the third saloon, seating them near each other at the very tail of the plane.

Abror returned home flurried and angry very much. Then he increased the speed, and then broke abruptly, the car swerved and swayed in the turnings. Malika and Zafar were frightened, snuggled to each other on the back seat, silently watching his father.

Abror still remembered a recent picture: Sherzod Bakhramov and Vazira are running to the plane.

Well, Sherzod is adroit! First, he accomplished a ticket, Vazira‟s passport was too much time in his hands, and then he took her handbag. Abror twitched and froze as a person under one's shirt climbed a wasp. That's about to bite ... Of course, the strangers of plane will take Vazira like a wife of elegant Sherzod. The wasp stung mercilessly under Abror`s shirt, and for a moment he simply forgot that he sits behind the wheel rapidly riding machine. In front of him at the next intersection yellow light up. Abror pressed harder on the gas. The New "Volga"1 with white folding shutters on the rear window flashed in the face of "Zhiguly".

It had a right to beep shrilly: the road was its, Zhigulys should wait. Unknown reflex triggered - Abror managed to slow down, otherwise ... Suddenly he felt scared for the children...

Abror tried to calm down, ran with his tongue on the dried palate, put his

1."Volga"- a mark of Soviet car ~ 13 ~ hand on his chest, it seemed that his heart was ready to jump out and he unbuttoned his shirt collar quickly. "Luckily, a policeman was not at the crossroads» - he tried to calm himself. At the moment he reined the car at the curb, once bloody crossroads left behind.

Before the next crossroads Abror quietly stopped the car, turned to the children:

- I'll take you home, and I'll go to work - rummaged in his pocket, took out a jagged key and handed it to his daughter: - Malika, you are responsible for the door.

- But I have to go school soon, Daddy.

- When you are going away, leave the key to Zafar.

The boy was delighted:

- Of course, I'm at the second shift.

- And if I will come back, you have not yet come home, where will I get it? - Asked the girl.

Zafar became bewilderment silent.

The green light switched on. Abror quickly started to go and without taking his eyes off the road, threw:

- Key, Zafar do not forget to leave to the neighbors.

- That's right ... Okay, Dad.

- Malika, there is the yesterday pilaf1 in the refrigerator. Heat up and eat before going to school.

- Dad, then may I cook an omelet? - Zafar wanted to be an adult, self-reliant.

1.pilaf - the most tradition Uzbek dish of rice

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-Yourself? No, do not come to the stove. If Malika return early, and she'll fry it for you.

Abror tried to distract himself with talking about the upcoming children chores, to concentrate on the road, but the wasp from the shirt still didn`t fly off. Clearly, he was angry in vain, for nothing, his behavior is silly, unworthy, - think of it, Sherzod ran with his wife, could get a ticket ... But at parting Vazira touched his cheek so confidently and gently, to his own cheek, dammit, not Sherzod`s cheek, and if she looked at him, at Abror-hubby, strictly, because otherwise there could be, if hubby was puffed up like a turkey at the sight of an old rival. He had to behave calmly and with dignity, he's not green lad eventually he is forty, and lived with Vazira fifteen years, there, children grow up, even ashamed of them for the stupid, unworthy jealousy!

But what can I do, if this wasp nestled in some hard-convolutions of the brain, in the darkest corners of the soul? It is kind of doll –sit there, some different Abrors hid in each other. And one of them is the best, maybe the original (from the first primitive genes!) it hides and bites another Abror. "Not husband, a rag ... he was hurry, fool, he was driving a car ... for what? For giving his dear in the care of an opponent ... gave him a great chance for the revenge. In the former, the men of pre-war Tashkent`s mahalla1 would be expelled from their circle so husband as unworthy! In the former... In the old East, a man, to be sure, imagined about himself knows what - a woman consented to sit for ages in the inner, closed to prying eyes of the house, and when went away, from head to toe veil was closed with yashmak2. Moreover, even her voice was not supposed to hear a strange man. It was believed that he could not enjoy with her beauty, but with the tenderness of her voice and give at least a modicum of tenderness to another - it means to violate a vow of fidelity.

1.mahalla - the form of self-management, which has definite functions and rights 2.yashmak - veil concealing the face except the eyes, worn by some Muslim women. [Arabic]

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Oh, bother the obsession! Much to him somehow, Abror, his family does not include such things ... But Go inside he lived in the dolls, was the old one, "eastern" Abror. Age-old instinct was ... genes? Let it be so, but his wife must be perfectly honest, loyal.

And nobody has the slightest reason to doubt that!

But now Vazira is fling to Moscow with Sherzod, who (Abror knew for sure) will do everything to settle down with Vazira in the same hotel, invite her to a restaurant, a theater ... So what? Vazira can fend for herself. He believes her! But the wasp stung him more and more... Sherzod is cunning, experienced, and how many opportunities now he will have to win Abror!

He was restless and drove into the courtyard of his five-story brick house, is «a masterpiece of architectural thought, how bitterly he sometimes joked. A court is - even better! Broken off trees, the center of the courtyard was dug over, unwrapped by trenches and with pits, there was the heap of the ground along the edges of pits , clouds of dust around the giant dump trucks. "Here it is, Sherzod‟s face without a mask ..." - thought Abror.

Two years ago, Vazira could still achieve that Abror, forgetting long- standing, went to Sherzod, classmate, to decide the delicate question, which concerned the improvement of a residential neighborhood. That is now she could not drag Abror with the lasso as a supplicant to the responsible office mate Bakhramov. But two years ago ... Abror thought that long-standing rivalries are gone, especially because Sherzod married to the daughter of minister and now he has a solid head, having a strong voice in the affairs of the municipal urban construction.

It was vividly remembered how important Sherzod was sitting deep in a spacious office at a large table with four telephones. Obviously frightened two designers unfolded just drawn sketches before him. Sherzod was unhappy that

~ 16 ~ someone opened the door without a report, frowning glance at the newcomer. But, he smiled, seeing Abror, turned in a comfortable chair, climbed out and strode forward. At the same time –it was an amazing deal! – It survived on his face, and disregard for subordinates.

- When I‟ll free, call you - Sherzod growled them, shaking Abror„s hand.

The designers took off the table drawings, left the office. Sherzod did not return to the chair. Abror was sat by him on one side to an added table, and he sat on the other.

"He takes all by the rules. Chief! "- Mentally Abror was chuckling. But he said aloud:

- Here I came for our Mahalla...

- You're ... for Mahalla? - Sherzod asked incredulously.

Abror went on to explain that their neighborhood was built on the site of old Mahalla. Former residents were moved from the adobe houses in modern. But these people from time immemorial accustomed to clean air, to life in the yard. Here, in the new district they began to establish the wooden bridges to a common, unifying several five-story courtyards lay the blankets on them and relax in the shade of trees. There were the noisy wedding parties; holidays were celebrated in the yards, as usual, crowded with karnay1 and surnay2, crashing drums.

- ... And for the new neighborhood – Sherzod put - all these and karnay and surnay are not quite appropriate, right?

- Well, I would not say so. Was not the old Mahalla, in fact, a kind of original neighborhoods of that time?

1.karnay - a wind musical instrument for wedding and large national festivals 2.surnay-a wooden conical tube with a wide bell

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- There were, of course ... But it is better to bury the old customs under the demolished pise walls of the mud huts. Don‟t you think differently?

- Bad habits ... Yes, they should be buried. But there is good. I personally love the bass of karnay. Tunes of surnay, rhythms of doyra1 - all these, in my opinion, are very suitable for Tashkent. Where else can you hear? A unique sound and color ... perhaps should not we value them? - Abror asked Sherzod.

- Yes there is some originality? Each summer day, there are dozens of weddings in all parts of the city. Microphones are used. Karnays roar – the glasses tremble. There is enough noise without it in Tashkent. Whether it is in my power, I would simply forbid these karnays in big cities!

- Well, yes, I forgot, you were still a student, you ware fond of jazz.

- Fond of, but what? Now the whole world enjoys pop music...

- But why all world to unify under a jazz or pop music? Let there - jazz, here - karnay surnay and let for everyone – his own.

- Come on, enough of that. I hear you ... come on business.

Abror again began to say that his case is in that of their neighborhood has acquired distinctiveness. Architectural masterpieces - the boxes were already built, there's nothing being said, do not be helped. But the general court may be still decided more interesting. The dry concrete trays, on which water did not flowed, has already been removed from the yard. The small aryks2 with live green banks were made. The flowers and trees were planted in the courtyard; Chorbog3 is a kind of traditional for the Eastern land surveying "Four Gardens".

There are beds with four different visibilities of colors. The shady trees shot up at the edges of it, pyramidal poplar and plane trees: the yard is a considerable 1.doyra - a musical instrument 2.aryks - a small channel 3.Chorbog - "Four Gardens"

~ 18 ~ area. A place for fruit was found in it - cherry, peach and quince, as custom orders.

And the playground is in the middle of the yard - where children frolic all day. And everybody were done by hashar1 - a sort of Saturday antiquity, when unselfishly donated all the Mahalla develop shared yard, or as a joke said Abror –to hashar.

- All? - Polite surprise depicted on Sherzod‟s face.

"Not all, alas, not all." There were, of course, and who does not recognize something like hashar, close to his apartment and lives so that even does not want to know the neighbors on the stairwell... But most people are accustomed to spend their free time in the yard under the open sky in our dry, hot climates, and they work together.

- Yes, - has added Abror - There was the famous baker in the former mahalla

– Who could make great cakes, and his tandyr2 was famous.

His farm was destroyed by quake; the baker changed his career, got behind the wheel of watering machine.

As soon as a tandyr was built in a new yard, the current driver of the watering can "was right there, now he engages of bread baking by applying ...

- Why do you no end to describe your yard for me? - Sherzod Interrupted.

- Because now the entire yard - and Chorbog, and playground and walkways, and tandyr –are in jeopardy.

- Why is it so? Who told you it?

- Cooperators ... They want to build another of their masterpiece in our yard.

1.hashar - a sort of Saturday antiquity 2.tandyr -Uzbek oven for making bread and some national dishes

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And this is not the project. They have already drilled shafts in the yard, took the soil samples. I began to figure out and the thread led me to you.

Sherzod rubbed his forehead with concentration:

- Really? Well, let's check.

He stood up from the little table, went behind his desk, drew out one of the boxes. He rummaged in it, and drew a plan of the district, where Abror lived. He unfolded it. Quickly he read a large pinkish-plan tablecloth, looked around the circle with his finger on it.

- Aha ... clear... here; there are a lot of free lands between the three five-story houses, in fact. The phone rang. Abror looked at the red, black, blue and steel- colored telephones, but which one is ringing – he didn‟t clear up. Sherzod distinguished them by "bells", immediately picked up the blue receiver.

- Please call back ten minutes later - he said with a muffled voice, and hung up. He turned to Abror:

- You know, the old designers in the confusion following the earthquake did not particularly think about saving land for development ...

(It was hardly valid, but Abror was silent.). The city thus stretched out on a huge area.

Now we can reduce the intervals between the buildings. Now, as they say, every inch of the urban area is worth its weight in gold. On this score, you know, a special resolution came up. So we have to... condense.

- It needs to firm up, but with the mind - Abror could not resist –It‟s considered the other decisions. It should be built so that there are the grounds for the green, kids, and sports in every public yard... Now where do we put them?

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- They are ... remaining. Yard, then you have too much area! Co-operative house will take only a part of the yard.

- Yes there is some part of it! Look at the calculation - I figured.

It was clearly stated how much space takes himself a new house on a sheet of paper, extracted from an inner pocket Abror‟s jacket, how many square yard will be under the wheels of cars and construction of mechanism, will be break up underground and aboveground communication.

- Yes, it‟s not a cheerless picture - Sherzod had to admit and could not resist - cursed his predecessor in the heart, the head of institutions, in which there were many colored telephones .- What did they think about, blunderer, at the time! And now we suffer, puzzle. There is nothing worse than someone else's mistakes to correct!

- You can rebuilt, Sherzod. I'm ready to show you where the cooperative house can be put in the neighborhood.

Sherzod bent over the plan-cloth:

-Well, show me.

Abror took a pencil and showed it.

- Along the highway - Sherzod reached disappointedly. - The cooperative did not agree.

- Why?

- It‟s very noisy. A cooperative pays in cash to state. Now co-operatives are throughout conceded.

-To create a comfortable for one at the cost of inconvenience to others?

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-Telling in general... you're right ... Approximately... I somehow would not be against to... But...

While still a student years Sherzod often used in his speech, "telling in general" and "approximately". Abror reminded about it, grinned friendly:

- Come on, Sherzod, the ancient "telling in general", eh?

We are with you wise enough ourselves, after all, professionals. Both of us understood: It will be really false, and humanly, and in architectural telling –Abror almost had a laugh - if this house will be in the middle of our common yard. Is that right?

- Approximately...

- If so, you have an opportunity to prevent the error. The reasons are enough. We‟ll find where to build a cooperative house - not hurt them, do not be afraid.

- A project is ready to de revised, change the binding - is it easy?

- I understand, and without that you have a lot of concerns. So I came on purpose. I ask on behalf of all mahalla. Vazira assured me that only you can save our trees, our Chorbog, our comfort. (How much time, Abror executed himself later for a mention of the name Vazira!)

- Well, I'm really on the role of savior who can not ignore. We will try to remove the house cooperative from your yard...

- Do not "approximately ", not «telling in general "?

Sherzod, too, was smiling:

- No, exactly.

- So, I can not go to other instances, can I?

~ 22 ~

- Why? If I can not master this issue, then let you know, we‟ll go together. The group mates exchanged with the strong male handshakes and Abror thought that their relations will now be cloudless, that someday he will invite Sherzod with his wife, who was a minister‟s daughter, to his place.

The summer had passed since then the autumn passed, winter has passed. The dig out trenches filled up in the courtyard, the talks about building a house seemingly disappeared. "Good fellow, Sherzod, still kept his word!" – Abror thought.

But last spring, when the leaves were just beginning to blossom on the trees, Abror saw once in their yard, a deafening buzzing motor, the excavator was busily working. The playground was not a trace left - where he was sometimes getting close to a young volleyball net himself in rare leisure hours -, there were already deep pit in human growth. One of the trenches almost reached the tandyr, the ground from under its foundation crumbled, and the finished oven helplessly was tipped up and ready to collapse. Nearby, in the garden-Chorbog, builders were preparing the place for the hoisting crane – there was the poor grass, the poor trees! The rails under the crane would be paved where the fruits of black cherry and quince should have given the first time this year.

The worker in the tarpaulin overalls already picked up an ax and headed for the trees, but he was stopped by running up a tenant:

- Hey, wait, wait! I am a member of the House Committee, do you hear? We spent so much effort that trees had taken roots, turned green, and you‟ll be cutting them...

- There are interesting people! Who lays out a garden at the construction site? - The construction has been finished, you know? Where did you come from? –The member of the House Committee looked around, noticed Abror, and waved his

~ 23 ~ hand towards him. - So let he confirms ... Abror-aka1, you were linked with the institution.

You said: "I convinced them." We believed you and became calmly. And what have we got?

- Urinbay-aka, I was firmly assured...

- So run quickly to someone who assured that he may stop injustice, let he‟ll take the ax.

Abror saw how far preparations work has gone and how fast, it was suddenly gone - now it can not be stopped. Nevertheless, he went up to his third floor and immediately called Sherzod to department. Nobody answered. Abror sought Sherzod„s home number by directory. The call prevented Bakhramov from the well-cooked pilaf; the owner was pleasant to share this pilaf with him, as immediately said Sherzod "Dear Abror Agzamovich.

Abror told about what happened. Sherzod was initially silent, tried to remove with tongue pieces of meat which stuck between his teeth.

- So much time, really? "He said finally ...Well, well! But I had detained this business all winter, in general! When I went on vacation, and my deputy gave the cause of progress ... Well, you know these shareholders; the people are paying in cash...

- But why had you said nothing to me? I could go to other instances! You wanted to act too...

-It was stupid. The project had passed the statement at the head.

- But after all, you could explain the situation, they entrusted you building business. 1.aka - literation-brother-it adds to names for respecting - Abror-aka

~ 24 ~

- It did not work, did not work ... Now, nothing can be changed. The people interfered the joke is not worth with them.

- Among these people is your brother-in-law?

- Who is the brother-in-law?

- Who wants two bedroom apartments in this house!

- I would not advise you, Comrade Agzamov ... put the question this way. If my brother-in-law got an apartment, it could legitimately.

- You know the laws very well. But you have no decency. And you have no fellow- feeling, too. It turns out that to believe you - is like bog take for solid asphalt!

The several days Abror and Urinbay-aka disturbed by various organizations, this related to new construction. They were listened, but ... the time was hopelessly missed and the charges were too big.

The iron machine of the crane continued to busily rumble, in a definite interval filling the courtyard hard shrill ringing. The trees remained intact, they planted by people under the balconies, all the rest of the yard space enclosed by wooden fence, now turned into a dusty construction courtyard where bulldozers and dump trucks rumbled...

And before this incident Abror came across with Sherzod in his life. The group of architects, which designed new quarters in Tashkent, was nominated for the Republican premium. The initial list of candidates was Abror. In print his name flattering mentioned, which, of course, raised the spirit. A young architect Khatam Yuldashev was in the list. Then a preliminary list began to grow once, Abror found in it Bahramov‟s name. And when they decided to build a list of candidates in alphabetical order, Bakhramov entered the top of three, but Yuldashev was closing.

~ 25 ~

Abror as a member of the institute's board was preparing the documents and the characteristics of candidates. He did not like the nature of the "clarifications", but everything became clear when the director of the Institute (who also directed the council) once said that only a group of six people can nominated on one prize. Yuldashev was the seventh in list, he supposedly was still young, only thirty-four, remain him to the next time, and he‟ll have all ahead, and so on. These words are pronounced by the director, with deathly silence members of the council, it seemed for Arbor, but sooner the director didn‟t complete and a supporter of Sherzod Bakhramov hastened to break the silence. Of course, he supported the proposal, and then again a painful silence came. The director rigidly asked:

-Who else wants to say?

Abror shifted in his chair, rested his eyes on the floor. He was silent and felt himself like a rascal, cowardly, greedy, and unscrupulous. Khatam Yuldashev gave so much effort, energy, talent to this project, which put forward for the prize! In fact, it's because Yuldashev was the engine throughout their working group, it will bypass and Sherzod Bakhramov, who had not made a tenth of...

As if from afar Abror heard the voice of the director:

- Well, if there are no other suggestions...

His self-contempt has become unbearable, suffocating. Abror raised his hand and said dully:

-I propose to keep Yuldashev ... I am sorry to say this. But the other person is silent, and then I must say...

And Abror began talking about a huge Yuldashev‟s contribution in their overall work, his ideas, truly creative, and Comrade Bakhramov... because most of us know that Sherzod almost lost the habit of working as an architect ... In other he could not bent long hours over a drawing desk, day and night to search for new

~ 26 ~ solutions - he did not have enough time for it or exposure, or, bluntly, abilities. He loves to sit at the table with multi-colored telephones through which supports "the right contacts." And for this, he is at the first author's three?

-I am ashamed ... I suggest instead Sherzod Bakhramov put Khatam Yuldashev.

Sherzod was not at the council meeting - he already worked at another institution, rank higher. But the director got to protect Sherzod himself. The director remarked ironically looking at Abror:

- It is commendable to be dedicated towards our colleague Yuldashev. But Comrade Abror Agzamov wants to get the chestnuts out of fire by proxy: he has shown dedication by Sherzod Islamovich Bakhramov...

Abror realized that saying about Bahramov‟s creative weakness, he accidentally touched his director‟s honor that also has not carried a drawing instruments. He put forward ideas and then became the head of "a group of authors."

- Saifullah Rahmanovich, I'm not just talking about technical solutions – I do not remember a case when Bakhramov gave original ideas to our authors and, at least in general terms...

- No, No, Comrade Agzamov, you still remember the proverb: «You strike with a knife first yourself, and if you do not get hurt, hit the other."

Oh, yes! But the silent colleagues, apparently, agreed with the Director in it? Abror broke out:

- Okay. If the comrades consider that it is necessary to push Yuldashev instead of me, I'll only be happy for him...

~ 27 ~

Until now, he remembers that he did not experience any pleasure from these words then. After a minute or two he felt scalding pain. It was not because of the prize, no. (Yuldashev and Bakhramov received the same prize, and Abror lost it on own wish.) Not so much he was hurt and angry because of the loss of his prize. He was sick more because of his performance he lost one more battle with Sherzod Bakhramov.

Sherzod and his supporters are still at every opportunity to remind Abror - indirectly, or directly - say, remember proverb: Who digs a pit to another, he gets there himself...

Today Abror could see the laureate medal on Sherzod‟s jacket at the airport. Probably Bakhramov assumed that will meet Abror. He pinned a medal not without intention, not without malice. It was done for causing Abror‟s confusion and envy – It was Sherzod‟s cherished desire from students‟ years. From student‟s years, Abror and Sherzod often fought at the chessboard, and when each unsuccessful Abror‟s move caused almost indecent pleasure to an opponent.

Well, Abror was very sincere with respect to Sherzod? He did not envy a group mate? Sometimes Abror even surprised constant of that mental stress, with it he watches Sherzod. As soon healed the wound which inflicted by Bahramov‟s claim to Vazira - so this story is at a premium! And the pain was dulled - well, I never, if it was for spite of him, we can say –near by his house, turned this building of the cooperative house!

It was clean and spacious in the yard before. And now “Zhiguly” can not be parked at the entrance. We have to go home through the hill of the soil, piles of rubble, stride with caution along a wooden fence.

- Zafar, do not try to drive scooters on the street!

~ 28 ~

- Where can I ride? - Asked Zafar, getting out of the car and discontented taking view to the wooden fence. - This is building...

- What is about a sidewalk?

Children accustomed to open spaces of the yard; they are certainly closely on this strip of asphalt between the dirty side of the house and very big wooden fence. But Zafar meekly agrees:

- Okay, Dad ... Goodbye!

Abror glanced at his watch - he was late for work - and quickly departed. The asphalt road, skirting the house, output to the highway. But around the corner, across the tracks, was digging a tractor – they were preparing a trench for the water. Abror backpedaled, try avoiding a house on the other side, but then from the wooden fence, straining humming, the dumper which was tough load got. In the back of it‟s was the hill of freshly exposed soil, from under the wheels flying lumps of clay. The heavy lump of clay hit the hood of Zhiguly, spray soiled the windshield. Abror braked cautiously and began climbing out of the cab - not for arguing with the driver of dump truck (which already removed, carpeting for a way to sand and clay), and just clean the glass of this "Bahramov‟s lumps," as he swore in his heart. And again it came to life in front of him which happened recently: Vazira and Bakhramov were very closely running to the plane... Again a long- standing dismal rage was suddenly waved in his heart...

~ 29 ~


The plane flew over the dense layers of clouds, perfectly clean, the sky was flood with dazzling of sunshine.

It was calm and pleasant.

They swung the fortified on the backs of chairs tables, started to have breakfast, and served on light bluish trays.

Sherzod, trying not to offend a neighbor, reached for a plastic cup of tea. Vazira noticed, how a wedding ring flashed on the ring finger of his hand.

The chicken was soft, rice is well cooked. Vazira said:

-Is it not bad, eh? Anyway, Aeroflot feeds tastier than other restaurants. Or is it just seems to me?

- No, you're right. I also like. - Sherzod was ready to keep the conversation about food.

- And that's tea worse, right?

- Telling in general ... Yes, - agreed Sherzod and immediately laughed. "Telling in general"! Telling in general, he would like to turn a conversation in another direction.

The white teeth smile was suited to Sherzod very much, to his youth. True, hair over the temples thinned out a bit, and there were many wrinkles under the eyes. His eyebrows also lost their softness, had grown considerably and became coarse.

Vazira did not have time to look away - Sherzod intercepted it. The feeling of pleasant complacency and naturalness left them. Vazira was eating chicken altogether silent. Sherzod first finished his tea, and then he also took for chicken.

~ 30 ~

- And in fact, nice!

- Do you remember, Sherzod, when we did kebab1 of partridge at Chimgan?

- Where? - Sherzod turned in his chair, as far as it is to make a table, just looked at Vaziras‟ glittering black eyes.

- And “The Twelve Keys”! I remember something here.

"Not me – She remembers Abror " - Sherzod thought. It was Abror who shut the mountain partridge - Keklics and kebab was ate everybody and they praised the hunter and chef with all the heart.

-I know, I know - Sherzod laughed - your spouse one of the lucky hunters.

It was hint at the past rivalries for her, Vazira? Abror was the victor. But why did Sherzod smile so convincingly? The matter of the past, no such, then he saw the beauties?

Vazira felt that is just about to begin, the serious talk and, it was feared, and from which, as she understood the female instinct it was impossible to avoid.

The plane gently and quietly made a turn; a bright ray of sunlight from the window has moved to a chair and fell on the lapel of Sherzod‟s jacket. The Laureate medal reflected it, and a beam sparkled in Vaziras‟ eyes...It was condescending tone, please tell me ... Yes, her Abror could become a winner too, if he would not defended Yuldashev so nobly and so ... inappropriate.

Vazira carefully wiped her hands with a napkin. She turned again to her companion:

- But you were among the lucky winners!

- Your husband wanted to deprive me of this.

1.kebab - pieses of meat, cooked on a skewer

~ 31 ~

- Because of it he was punished by fate. No, joking aside, I believe that Abror did not behave quite tactfully in this delicate situation. I told him about it.

Vazira reached out to Sherzod and touched his laureate medal as if in proof of the sincerity of her words. Her words and gentle touch were pleasing to him, what's to hide

- I admire your independence, Vazira! Really, Abror still needs to grow up to you.

Vazira felt as strongly Sherzod separates her from her husband in talk. How it was more insistently than more the plane was taking her from Abror.

She was afraid for some reason.

- In some ways, and I should grow up to him.

- I do not think so ... And yet, about what?

Vazira replied immediately:

- In the conscientiousness. In the ability, to grieve for others... Yuldashev received then the prize only because of Abror, didn‟t he?

- Yes, as the papers were printed so, self-sacrificing hero of our time. Dedication, telling in general, he can not be refused.

Sherzod said his taunt so pompously-ironic that it was obvious how highly he placed himself in comparison with Abror.

- It would be advisable for you, Sherzod, have at least a piece of his total dedication.

- It does not help in the case very much. It does not help in even in the fight for good, humane goal.

~ 32 ~

- You are wrong, and life is already proven.

- What is specifically?

-That cooperative house ... Remember ... It was unfairly and so bad, ungrammatical built it. Abror highly hoped on you.

- Hoping to easily - Sherzod shrugged.

What would this reckless resoluteness and perseverance cost for him? He would have a heated debate with so many people, some of whom grapple in earnest. And he got in someone's disgrace. Because of what, telling in general? "And I was done such a good by Abror to justify his hopes; did I have to rush hastily into the fire?"

Sherzod did not say it all, but Vazira caught from his face what he could not mentally utter. "In fact how he was indebted to Abror?" - She thought.

The waitress collected trays.

Folding table – now must be in place, in the slot bag at the back of the front seat, my seat lay back, very relaxing, just to stretch my legs.

It is calm and pleasant.

- Believe me, Vazira, - Sherzod‟s voice was soft and convincingly - I fed up of all these grievances about housing. They will not be end. Never. You are doing for someone good, but doing so you harm to someone else... That is why now I change my job to another.

- Yes, I heard you got promoted. Congratulations!

- Thanks, Vazira! I'm not only out of office ... You know, of course, that the earthquake brought down all the old water supply system in Tashkent.

- So it all? Did the earth open and swallow up all canals?

~ 33 ~

The aryks are not canals, but, according to Sherzod it is better learn waterless steppe than landscaped city. What the steppe is! It is a blank sheet of paper on which write or draw what you want. And in order to reconstruct communication of a big city the first you must destroy the old to the foundation, yes, no way! –There was the whole world under the ground: the rivers of hot and cold water, gas, sewerage, electrical cables were here. In order for the new convert all, the whole city on the surface along and across was dug over... And these old canals! Start up water in them, so it immediately strives in the new trenches. The water leak under the new houses, foundations are beginning to shrink beyond the norm. Accidents, scandals ... Imagine: Bozsu channel, Salar, Burdjar, Kukcha1 channel, Karasu2, Janggoh3, Chorsu, Botirma4, Kayirma5, Yalangach. And Tal6-aryk, Rumol7-aryk, Gurunch8-aryk.

-They are strange names; I did not know all them - Vazira surprised.

Oh, there are aryks with even more amusing names ... In the side near the channel Karasu, there is aryk which is called Pulemas – hence it does not require money. Sherzod calculated how much would cost concreting its race course, and it turned out - about one million rubles! Here's your Pulemas - a kind of abyss of money is ready to gobble up! And those funds that the city council allocates and the starter for the test is not enough, not like for the cake. Therefore he, Sherzod asked for help from a rich family - the Ministry of Water Resources. (He is sitting in front of our fellow-traveler with a portfolio ... he is one of the wealthiest families.")

Sherzod told entertaining, and listen to him was interesting. Temporary Sherzod looked into Vaziras‟ eyes, without ceasing to marvel how they were coal-black. What were eyelashes? As before, in the years of college – They were thick and soft, the eyebrows were silky. Look at Vazira, though secretly studying her face

The name of canals and ditches in Tashkent: , Kukcha1 channel – cyan, Karasu2– black water, Janggoh3 - battle- field, Botirma4- drown, Kayirma5 - wavy-grained, Tal6 - willow , Rumol7 - scarf, Gurunch8-rice.

~ 34 ~ was painful for Sherzod, but it was also irresistibly attractive pleasure. To win her emotional bond as well, but not just achieve for pretty woman- It was that he wanted.

- Telling in general, khanum1, it is hard work - to support the irrigation system. Surely there are edges, where and when it needs to rain, where round summer God gives the moisture for all the verdant and growing up. And then, without man-made channels did not grow up anything! And besides: dug canal, dug irrigation aryk- and suffer later with them, care for the capricious as any.

- But we have thousands years of accumulated experience in it. - Vazira smiled. - As my husband likes to say, it needs to support, support to living traditions of the people ... There is much talk about the landscape architecture. It is folk art; you do not think so, do you?

Sherzod thought Vazira again remembered Abror‟s purpose. Talking with this woman was nice, but restless.

- Your husband, thereby proving ... I can say frankly? Do not you take offence?

- No, no, please tell me!

- Proves thereby ... its limitations, its conservative! He was stuck in the narrow framework of national traditions...

- You know how to go too far Sherzod! And what you turn out bad!

- Vazira, you pledged not to take offence.

- Yes, but Abror did not deserve such accusations.

-He deserved, deserved them... I know your husband was defending his thesis

1.khanum-as “a woman rank or position”

~ 35 ~ in landscape architecture; he sought to be given department of landscape architecture. Even he went to the Ministry with proposition ... And again, for some reason I was dragged in to the facts of irrational, hasty "conquest of nature." - I will not hide, and it happens!

Vazira felt again that their talking gets a dangerous turn.

- Who said you it, Sherzod? Do you think that Abror behind your back...

- Khanum, I think nothing bad I am only talking about facts.

"At the end I'm tired from these constant bickering Abror with Sherzod» - Vazira thought. They only bring troubles for her and her husband. May be possible during the trip to Moscow to let a little bit, but mitigate the conflict, if only to dispel misunderstandings which complicate it, and her feminine intuition tells her that these misunderstandings came from the former rivalry between two men.

“As she naively believes that she can make peace between them at one stroke” - Sherzod thought and recalled his recent conversation about Abror in the ministry, the office of the Chief ...

Bakhramov as authoritative experts was given a whole stack of proposals and explanatory notes received from the institutions which dealing with urban problems. The paper was signed by the Director of the Institute, but they were made by Abror Agzamov, according to the character of ideas, they set out. In any case, it was with active participation. There was for example a persevering idea of the need to open a department of Tashkent landscape architecture in the paper. The Arguments remind Abror‟s articles and speeches which was familiar to Sherzod. At first, he even asked himself, may be better to be support Agzamov, quickly he went to this department, would take the theory - all away from the area in which they have faced and will face, as Sherzod felt more than once, and on a grand scale. But Sherzod Bakhramov reasoned that the decision would be precipitate: Abror

~ 36 ~

Agzamov at his vigor could become stronger and to appear not just the founder of the new department, but almost initiator of the new direction of urban development, urban accomplishment. Agzamov may have followers, and he will with decouple force, of course, to attack what Bakhramov makes, including Sherzod‟s cherished idea of concreting all waterways in Tashkent. No, it needs to outstrip Abror!

... Sherzod remembered without pleasure, now, sitting in a soft, comfortable seat of the aircraft, and then subtly and discreetly he was able to report that idea to the ministerial head with passionless, even voice, of course, the idea was not bad, we could dream of such a department can but open it too early.

- The First, it is now everywhere is a struggle for savings, particularly for staff reductions, but here as needed ... um ... wardens and guards just for landscapes. The Second, the very landscape architecture as a discipline only began the formation here. Even at the Moscow, telling in general, Architectural Institute of this department opened recently.

- But just there Agzamov graduated postgraduate study and defended the master's thesis, - the chief objected.

- Yes, there are some specialists in Moscow, who helped him.

- But it now says that this department is working in Kiev. And, there are entire departments of landscape architecture in Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia.

- So what? There are even special institutes of similar profile in bourgeois countries. Millionaires build their own fancy villas; lay out gardens on the shores of oceans and seas or near different “Niagaras” (waterfalls). They just need little more landscape architects. And we get involved in this luxury ...- Sherzod shrugged.

- Sherzod Islamovich, sometime in the twenties, a tie regarded like bourgeois relic. You somehow do not remember, but it was also a "class approach" ... now we go on our own cars with you, but in the pre-war period it was also widely seen as a

~ 37 ~ luxury... Life teaches us to distinguish unnecessary from unrealizable at the moment, but premature – from becoming a necessity.

Sherzod almost gaily laughed then, as if recognizing his defeat in a dispute which concerning such high matters.

- You're right, you're right ... landscape architecture should serve for our working people. We should not assign this art to the capitalists. This is our perspective art! That is why I heartily congratulated Agzamov when he defended his thesis.

- Do you know him well?

- Why, five years of studying together.

-Is he a perspective employee?

- We are fellow students; I must defend and support him.

If you want to attack someone, pretend that you defend and support him - a maneuver is old, proven, then gives an advantage in the attack. Sherzod uttered the last sentence so convincingly, that the chief was hooked.

- I do not mean your friendly relations, but ... Agzamov is a man ... who needs protection? From whom, from what is he defended?

- He is very capable, but, telling in general, with bents...

- In which direction?

- The side of national limitation... the absolutization of national traditions ... Slippery interpretation, you know?

- It‟s mean you protect him in it...

~ 38 ~

- Him from himself ...We have to criticize. Like companionable, but ... I'm not going to a compromise in the ideological issues.

Such a response is clearly pleased to Sherzod‟s interlocutor. The chief thought, and began to look through the received papers.

- So. Hence, we have a specialist by the landscape architecture... He is very Agzamov ... And such a specialist, that ... one man is no man, eh?

- Because I dared to say that while we can only dream about our present landscape architecture and the relevant department. Now we are not ready to open such department.

- Well here that: scribble for me a brief of your arguments, so I could report to the Minister of the case.

Sherzod hesitated: confidential conversation face to face and a written expert‟s opinion, which will be read by many people, including, perhaps, supporters of Abror‟s idea ... The difference is, dammit, essential.

Now then, sitting in an Aeroflot chair, he smiled contentedly, remembering his troubled question to the chief:

- With my signature?

The chief smiled knowingly:

- No, no signature. It is for my internal use.

And Sherzod outlined his arguments in the official cheat sheet ", without a signature, yes, he felt uncomfortable with the burden inside, but tried to reassure himself: pass, pass it like the severity of a hangover. And the burden is easily and quickly left him, a little in order, the soul in the mood for major way, though he won another game of chess with Agzamov. Yes, yes, Sherzod managed to

~ 39 ~ immobilize Abror‟s figure. Seek not seek out, even be up against a blank wall, and the department of landscape architecture got an inevitable and foregone mat...

Ah, Vazira, dear Vazira - Sherzod turned in his chair, caught the questioning Vazira‟s look - naive, sweet woman, who looks forward to her former power over him, Sherzod, to power her faded, though, we will not hide, still not faded Beauty ... Vazira still believes that some conversations can reconcile him with Abror. Well, let, let believe, he likes simplicity of pretty women...

After a long pause Sherzod said Vazira that talk of the department, which Abror promoted, this talk was everywhere –at the faculty and at the ministry, and it is quite possible, of course, to guess that Sherzod was deliberately laid about Abror‟s intrigue.

- Have you read his book? – Vazira asked in hope, to over persuade Sherzod.

- Yes, I have read! - As if giving in to her, Sherzod said.

- Well, remember, Sherzod, on what lands was there a question about?

What was it about? Yes, there was a lot. He wrote about the irrigated lands of and Ukraine, Turkmenistan and Stavropol.

Sherzod listed.

But Vazira added that Abror than not once traveled through this lands, studying the formulation problems of irrigation. When Vazira was in Moscow Architectural Institute on defending, the scientists told about the All-Union value of Agzamov‟s work.

- The national limitations are in it, aren‟t they, Sherzod? - Vazira asked suddenly sharply.

- I do not argue with you, khanum, on the success of your spouse in Moscow, but in Tashkent, in general, it is clinging very much too old traditions. ~ 40 ~

Abror want to save the green banks of the old irrigation aryks, he would be right fifty years ago. Then there was almost no water supply, and high-rise buildings ... how many were there? People drank water from aryks and because of that they were keeping them clean. «Defile aryk - still have defiled his father's house or cloth-dasturkhan1"-This belief is no coincidence, of course, arisen. Aryks were carefully cleaned by hand. How much work it takes! And now everywhere is sewerage, water pipes, and few people think about clean of aryks. They throw there any waste and debris. Nobody clean them and no time for it. Savings of social labor involves the reduction of professions based on manual labor, is not it? Canals have become ...source of insanitary conditions, and more! Why now do we have to save them? Because Sherzod advocates for ensuring that the old irrigation aryks replaced with concrete culverts everywhere.

Vazira saw these trays in the Hunger Steppe. They're real save water, facilitate work. They were not enough, everybody looks for them. But in Tashkent too many extra concrete trays installed in every new court! Concrete, concrete ... Economy, urbanization ... But the concrete as fact - it is too expensive! It is not enough. Especially the metro builders of Tashkent great need in concrete. And then the mass of concrete trays are without water, because the old, the Mahalla, aryk‟s network is destroyed, and the new has not been established. Nothing grows around the concrete. But grass always grows on either side of aryk, flowers, and mulberry. The air is cleaner near the aryk because of it... Abror said that the aryk is a kind of roots, a man rooted into the ground, the great gift of Mother Nature.

- How you are eloquent, it turns out, dear companion khanum! Your husband also told me about the aryk with such ardor, like Leonid Leonov - about the Russian forest, - Sherzod stung jest.

- Of course, the analogy is a little ridiculous, the extent is incommensurable.

But there is a point of contact, Sherzod. After all, the novel Leonov soulless people

1.dasturkhan - tablecloth, dishcloth

~ 41 ~ destroy living forest in vain and justified by the needs of technical progress. And we ruin the live bank of thousands irrigation aryks and also explain: it is supposedly necessary for the STR (scientific and technological revolution), for the modern urbanization!

- Excuse me, Vazira, but what am I opposed of saving live nature? But let us be realistic. How to save the nature, in the modern city with two million inhabitants? There are a lot of machines as asphalt, steel, glass around!

- I tell you frankly? I also argue with Abror, I also think that nature in a city such as Tashkent should move. Not disappear, I'm against it, but – inevitably move. But Abror do not agree with me. He has a lot of arguments.

- Yes, what arguments are there? - Sherzod said excitedly, showing that he is ready to immediately refute.

- It is mainly - water. It was plenty not only in the canals and irrigation aryk of the Tashkent city, but outside the city.

-So what?

- What? Hence, we can beat the heat. In the hot summer last year guests came from the Baltic state... I do not remember which seminar took place. I accompanied them. At forty - forty-five heat our fountain-waterfall on Lenin Square just saved the Baltic guests. Free time comes up, they immediately tell me: "Come into the shadows of Niagara" - so they called our fountain.

- Here is how Niagara in the center of Tashkent! But where is shadow from?

As any present people of Tashkent, he knew a marble track, a padded bridge across the pool, in which cascades of water fall down from the eight meters high.

Vazira and Sherzod involuntarily shivered, as if now the cool mist fountain touched their faces with sparklets of all the colors of the rainbow.

~ 42 ~

- Sherzod, You walked this path, and did not you notice the shadow? I do not believe it. Recall: people go to the gentle water spray with delight, try not to step foot on the quivering shadow of the jets. Funny sprays so fawn to you, you do not want, but laugh. Even the tired, sullen man involuntarily smiles on this shade the track at the fountain. This is the live nature in the heart of big city.

Sherzod fancied Abror even in a manner of Vazira‟s speaking.

- Well, khanum completely fallen under the influence of her husband which lag behind of life. I'm surprised Vazira, what had happened with your recent independence?

- But if is the husband right? You for sure know the story of this fountain...

Sherzod frowned - it was unpleasant to recall, as then, seven years ago, he ardently objected the idea to erect fountain-waterfall in the center of the city. That was the year of the earthquake. The urgent case was surrounded. But the people wanted to see the center of the city the majestic and beautiful.

Sherzod puzzled over how to place under Lenin Square, powerful air conditioning, which would be capable to sustain the normal temperature and humidity in two huge office buildings. These buildings should have, according to designers, to set grand scale for the future space. Air conditioners need much water, first they thought to pump water through a pipeline from the canal Bozsu, but then the transparent blue water found there too, nearby at depth, and decided to use an underground stream.

And another task - to give beauty to the area, picturesque - and hope to achieve appropriate linkages basin, in which water will be supplied, and in the network air conditioners with topography. Sherzod offered an easy as he pointed out, cost-effective solution: to strengthen slope with turf, plant with fir trees, install

~ 43 ~ a beautiful modern ceiling illuminators. This variant put in the first reconstruction projects of square.

However, the idea was not met by other architects.

He is especially Abror. Really do not, he asked, to use water and water level difference the more original and more effectively than a simple construction of chalking slides? Abror was the first, who has the idea to get lifted out of the ground water fall in line with shoulders relief.

One morning, after another sleepless night Abror at a drawing table, Vazira saw the draft sketches of future fountain-waterfall on Whatman paper. It has not seen such impressive and colorful for Abror, as actually it happened - fantasy lacked the scope and audacity. It seemed quite possible to settle downward in the central part of the slope water band at fifteen - twenty- meters in wide. But the colleagues have boldly developed this idea...

Sherzod trying to find the most convenient for him the continuation of the dispute with Vazira (dangerous, he received a tow-edged, telling in general, and attractive Vazira was not naive opponent...).

- Your husband was right then, because he did not contrast nature with technique, but instead of it he found a way to rational unity.

Vazira sighed with relief: if she can not reconcile Sherzod with Abror, but perhaps she can put an end unnecessary in her view, exasperation of their fight. The plane shuddered. The sun was hidden somewhere, outside the white-grey clouds whipped cutting horizontal with wing. It is shaken again. The edge of black case was seen and ready to fall from a grid above the head. Sherzod rose, packed the case reliably on a shelf, sat comfortably in a chair.

- If it is not a secret ... What kind of project is in a case?

~ 44 ~

- I have no secrets from you. But first we would like to hear the answer for my question, okay?

- Please!

- From whom did you know that I fly this flight?

- Yesterday I went by my work in your management... By the way, you were not found.

- I had already gone home to get ready for a trip.

- I was done and said. So I found out your flight.

- And you were not said by what exactly the cause of my flying to Moscow?

- No. Management maintains a "military secret". But I guess are they the interiors of subway?

- You are really quick-witted ... Metro is new for us. No experience. So I must often travel to Moscow for advices and consultations.

- I think metro builders will have business with us.

- What do you mean?

- The metro tunnel will be driven under the channel Bozsu, won‟t it?

- Yes, this is a very complex problem.

- I have a friend in Moscow, he also designed the subway. Paul Daniilovich Katinov, maybe you know?

- I heard about one Katinov, which paved the tunnel under the Moscow River. - He is ... Paul Daniilovich talked about the problems tunneling. We went

~ 45 ~ together in Japan. We lived there in one room and became friends. He gave his home phone. If you need the advice of the expert, I am at your service.

- Thank you ... maybe I will use them ... And in Japan you have been recently? - Vazira revives.

- In the seventies.

- In Osaka? The model of our new Tashkent was shown at the World Exhibition.

- Well, of course! In Osaka, whole room was taken for a model of Tashkent.

- It was not looking bad? Then I could not go to Osaka. I collected but the materials of the model. The Leningrad‟s people made the model of polystyrene. Very nice ... In that year, I was not once flying in Leningrad during the business trip. Like now I am flaying in Moscow.

- You were flying knowingly. The model of Tashkent in the Soviet pavilion users the great, very great success, all day room was full of visitors. Hotel Tashkent, Navoi Theatre, Lenin Square, twenty-stories buildings were all at a glance. And all of these were against the background of the original lighting inside and outside. And of course, our eastern melody sounded in the room. When you are far from home see and hear such things, capture such a sense of pride that ... difficult to express in words. Do you believe me, Vazira?

- Yes, I believe. It's no joke to say - the model of our capital at the World exhibition. At the World...

- Nobody, as the Japanese know what is an earthquake. Considering of it, approximately the model was made. Minute or two visitors were examining the present center of Tashkent. Then, suddenly, the model was inverted, and the same place of the city, but before the earthquake. Do you remember? The unsightly, squat houses are on the bank of Anhor. There are the Old street Lahuti and so- ~ 46 ~ called Kashgarka. There are Adobe bricks around. The cramped small streets are there. And here are the old houses which were destroyed by an earthquake. The walls are in the cracks ... So a minute or more the panorama of the old Tashkent is hold and then the model slowly flipped again - once again appears as urban renewal. Telling in general, Tashkent has long needed a reconstruction - an earthquake to speed it up.

Vazira smiled:

- I Got it. The answer is a complete and correct.

Sherzod felt overly instructive tone of his narrative. He asked grinning:

- Perhaps, have you also follow-up question, the teacher-khanum?

- So, do you want mark “five”? Well, then here ... They say that a woman in Japan is very beautiful. Who has been there, admired.

What is your point of view?

- Japanese women, in general, very beautiful, it's true, and the word of them, approximately, is not in vain. But for my taste ... Tashkent„s women are more beautiful!

Vazira involuntarily blushed. She was annoyed to herself, but responded like before in student years, fervently and playfully:

-Sit down, Ahmetka – your mark is five!

Both of them laughed.

And the time passed quickly and quietly, in the playful of ease, in calm of Aeroflot comfort, but for Sherzod still waiting for something nice in the future, in Moscow.

~ 47 ~

The plane began to make a left turn, raising the right wing higher. Sunbeam slid along Vazira‟s chest, lingered on her face.

- Oh, look here, Sherzod, absolutely clear skies! - The woman exclaimed, rejoicing in the calm and kind, what was fallen in her soul. (Be glad at heart)

- Yes, there the forest turns black!

Above the door of the saloon broke the inscription in Russian and in English: "Do not smoke! Fasten your seat belts! "Sherzod glanced at the clock:

- We flew fast!

"Still, Vazira is charming woman. And she was, and remains charming! "- He said to himself, slowly, separately by the syllables, as if prolonging the pleasure derived from such an assessment.

The ends of the gray canvas straps were hanging on either side of chair. Vazira, bending to the right to get her belt involuntary lean on Sherzod‟s arm, which is bent at the elbow.

- I'll help you...

- Thanks, I am.

Vazira laid ears, eyes slightly darkened. She endured bad landing. She comfortably settled in her chair, threw back her head, and closed her eyes. She tried to sit without move.

Sherzod slightly bent over a chair nearby, admiring the beautiful Vazira‟s neck, her high breasts. Moscow suburbs could be seen through the window.

- It is still spring here. And the green is so fresh ... It is good to live in a cool climate... Vazira; you are going to stay in a hotel?

- In "Russia" hotel.

~ 48 ~

Sherzod delighted:

-And we booked rooms in "Russia"! It was said by the phone.

Hence, three of us are going in one taxi.

Vazira opened her eyes and saw close to smiling Sherzod, tried to straighten up ... Leaned awkwardly.

- The first we should Land.

And her embarrassment seemed charming for Sherzod. Moscow, Hotel "Russia", the upcoming "travel" days – everything are promising high spirits and fun enjoyable.


This river was so named- Bozsu not for nothing. It watered virgin land long since and therefore was called the "virgin water". And the word "boz" means - a white clean cloth. The water in the river is really like that. Only when the spring rains fill up, its water becomes turbid, while in other months it is clean, clear, Small River is streaming, like a smooth whitish fabric spreads.

Abror grew up on the shore Bozsu, since childhood was splashing in its slight and safe waves; by his memory of the river came another name - Anhor, canal Anhor. Many of the papers and to this day Bozsu River, which flows through the center of Tashkent, called Anhor. However, this is still the same river!

The Table surrounded by members of the architectural studio, headed by Abror. The plan is on Abror‟s drawing table, which is designed in color.

~ 49 ~

Bozsu is like a blue zigzag ribbon, winds, bends around the hills in Tashkent freely and beautifully.

Abror fixedly looking at the plan, which he is drawing day and night, and anxiously thinking: understand whether his colleagues?

- Abror Agzamovich, Bozsu considered old channel. And you have here, this is capricious river.

The first remark is encouraging. Abror says:

- It was built in the old days, a thousand years ago. The people of Tashkent had not modern technique then, they heard hints of landscape.

- Is it possible that Bozsu is millennial age? - Helen incredulous shrug, her cute face with freckles, perplexed.

- If not more, darling. Tashkent is two thousand years. But any settlement in our natural environment can not exist without irrigation, therefore, no aryks, and no channels.

Another employee, Karim Makhkamov, balding fat man of forty (in a workshop called him as erudite in the eye and behind), added:

-I read somewhere that the most ancient channels of Tashkent were Salar and Djune. Not Bozsu.

Abror supported scholar. Yes, the old Tashkent is known Shash, was formed on the bank of the canal Djune. Now this place is in the southern part of town, near the airport, Shash was called, and people called Tashtepa. When Shash was destroyed by the nomads, the city moved up five to six kilometers from the old location to the northeast, on the bank of the canal Salar. And it was called Minguryuk that is "a thousand apricot trees”. Now this place is near the Museum Art in Tashkent, where the garment factory “Zarya Vostoka” locates. However, this

~ 50 ~

Minguryuk was destined long life, in the seventh century, it turns out desperate resistance to the Arabs, but the commander of the caliphate Ku-Taiba still burned it to ashes, after which the center of Tashkent had gone for a few more miles to the north and was revived under the name Binaket - where today there are medreses Kukeldash, circus and theater “Yosh Guard»

Abror telling led with a pencil on blue ribbon Rivers on the plan. He invited to pay special attention to the bed Bozsu was ably laid by ancient masters. Oh yes, they knew the characteristics of their land, they knew their hills and foothills, as they would not have prevented the natural, the natural flow of the river, just corrected it, turned not-made-by-hand into man-made - just extending or deepening a little or somewhat straighter river cannel.

They account with a jeweler's precision the stream angle, and speed the flow, and the nature of the bottom under the water flow, finding correspondence between the underwater layers of the earth, stony, hard, and irregularities in relief, creating a moderate flow, which persisted for centuries. If a channel was dug under the slope more than it was necessary, it would make the bed in a deep ravine, in the canyon for hundreds years. Bozsu originates from the gusty mountain streams of Ugam Koksuv and it still flows so easily verified that it is possible to scoop up water in a handful from the bank. This closeness Bozsu to the man is wonderful, the ancient canal-river – as if a tame deer.

- But the ravines are enough behind Victory Park or lower, in Burdzhare, Abror objected again Karim Makhkamov. He was not only erudite, but also a distant relative of the director of the design institute, their workshop subdue to this institute.

- Karim aka, - Abror said softly - we're talking about the part of Bozsu, where it flows through the city center. It is beautiful, is not it?

~ 51 ~

- Here Anhor too winds in two places, is not it? - But it has its own beauty in the natural bend. This is exactly what makes the channel to river ... We do landscape architecture with you... This picture is richer and more interesting than whether direct of.

- But how much extra space will these loops occupy? In the city center, every square meter on the special account.

- Do you think the channel should be straighter?

- Well, it is not for me to decide such issues, there are more competent people.

- But we are creative people with you, our opinion-the opinion of specialists, we are special demanded.

- I do not know, I do not know ... I do not follow of the general idea of your plan, Abror Agzamovich.

- The general idea? Bozsu is a monument of ancient culture, art properties if you want. It was created by the people‟s mind and hands, and it must be protected as cherish the monuments in Samarkand and Bukhara. When tourists come to Tashkent and asked to show them historical places, they were taken to the old city, and show them the ancient tombs, madrasas Kukeldash. Who argues, it all – work of art, decent memory of future generations. But why we do not recall that there is another, Millennium Monument - Channel Bozsu? Maybe it‟s not remembered because of that Bozsu still lives and flows in full force? But it is doubly nice to creation of the people, once it lives a thousand years and still flows in full force... True, the bank of the channel need repair in many places.

And the bed of it needs to renew and strengthen here and there. But do not align! Do not take liberties in own way!

Karim Makhkamov ironically laughed: ~ 52 ~

- you know I read somewhere that in the last century Bozsu framing by such dense thickets, such a wild violence prevailed here, that Tigers have taken roots. Yes, yes, tigers were in Tashkent, well, near Tashkent. It was written by eyewitnesses. Would you like, Abror-aka, restore those impenetrable thickets, together with the tigers?

- It would be nice, Karim aka! Do you ever read that tigers are the pride of the forest - thanks for care of people; they were again settled in the Ussurian taiga? Not far from the big cities, imagine! It is a pity that in the last century people of Tashkent did not make “the Red Book”.

His colleagues laughed. True, Karim Makhkamov immediately frown his face, went to the drawing "combines", which deployed along one wall of the shop.

The Skepticism of the erudite alerted Abror. He felt that some unseen but strong thread tied a balding fat man with Sherzod Bakhramov. And why is it unseen? Abror knew Mahkamov with Bakhramov are friends on families. Karim Makhkamov married to an older sister of the Director of the Institute, Saifullah Rakhmanov, and thus became a link between Rakhmanov and Bakhramov. When Sherzod sought his candidature for the award, Karim, of course, contributed to this. And they triumphed, when he got success.

From day to day to work in the same room with a man who every word could present Director in a false light, and every creative idea, one that you still keep in the Secret, could reveal this secret to contender, Bakhramov - Is not this punishment of Allah? Here and now Mahkamov showed with his dissatisfied air that Abror spends time in mere words, but meanwhile the management ordered to us... gave an urgent

Task... And indeed as soon as the workshop was to provide detailed drawings of the new public garden in the city center.

~ 53 ~

Abror carefully turning the plan-project of Bozsu, Abror handed over the sign - a conversation, they say, is over...

So ... Here they are, drawing of public garden ... Simple, clear. And it is boring. What would it immediately come up?

Abror took a sheet of white paper, outlined the bustling city highway with light of parallel strokes – It went along the assumed public garden. "Well, we situated at the perimeter of the little park oaks, plane trees, maples ..." Abror sketched the symbolic hide quickly, precisely, train movements, like the ordinary letters when writing. Moreover, every sings were guessed in the contours, a plane is it, or weeping willow or maple. Let there will be many trees, let they hide the gray asphalt of the boredom! But we compare the height and width of the plane area in the center of the public garden... Abror laughs: Hmmm, the wild life amateur took a great interest, with sort of conception of space could have completely shaded by lush crones in due course.

Abror crossed out decisively sketch, took a new sheet of paper again. But the phone rang on the table. The work extension it is with three – figure number. Abror picked up the phone, ready to utter angrily to anyone who interfered him concentrate.

- Hello! Abror Agzamovich! - The familiar bass voice came in a receiver.

He was the director of the institute. Abror pulled up tightly the receiver to his ear:

- I am heard you, Saifullah Rahmanovich.

- Can you come for a moment?

- Now?

- Yes ... If you're not too busy.

~ 54 ~

Usually, when it was not very important and urgent, Director calls the necessary worker through his secretary, from the reception. But he called rarely himself.

- I thought come to you myself, Saifullah Rahmanovich. I am going. The employees heard the name and patronymic of the director, which was pronounced by Abror. Everyone thought about the project of restoration Bozsu, especially Abror took this very rolled in a tube plan with him. All Helen‟s cute freckles sparked when she wanted to catch up Abror and say him like in the student‟s time:

- Good luck, Abror Agzamovich!

The director's office was located on the fifth floor. Abror slowly climbed up the marble staircase from his third. At the reception four waited for their queues.

- Come in! You are waited - Tamara, the girl-secretary, nodded Abror to the door.

Saifullah Rahmanovich slight inclination of the head, answered to Abror‟s greeting, motioned him to a free chair. The pretty middle-aged woman was sitting in another – who was a manager of the institute‟s department.

- Go on, go, Comrade Ilkhamova...

- I was looking forward to your return from a trip, Saifullah Rahmanovich. The way to Kislovodsk ... I have already bought the tickets. And so came to you asking for leave ... It does not disrupt the schedule, just three days earlier. I brought a statement a notice to leave.

- Leave it. Think about it.

Clearly Ilkhamova embarrassed to talk about personal affair in the presence of Abror, but nevertheless he decided:

~ 55 ~

- Saifullah Rahmanovich, I had just enough time to leave...

I must fly in three days... Please ... If you sign it now...

- Come later - the director discreetly, interrupted her without raising his voice.

- Tomorrow?

- After a weekend.

The woman blushed with excitement.

- On Monday? But I have to depart on Sunday; it is necessary, Saifullah Rahmanovich! I have tickets in hand...

But then Ilkhamova showed greater concern, then Saifullah Rahmanovich became unflappable.

- Return the tickets. We especially obliged to do state‟s task- he said dully.- Come on, on Monday...

It is clear that Saifullah Rahmanovich invited Abror to his office he wanted quickly to finish an unpleasant conversation with Ilkhamova, who realized that further bickering is useless, dejectedly said goodbye to the director and left the office.

After her departure Saifullah Rahmanovich was silent some time. He tilted the head, as if looking at something in front of him on the table. The lock of his hair is thick whitewashed gray, but the director was not yet forty-five. His black eyebrows especially were noticeable under the fallen strands of gray hair on his forehead. His brown eyes slightly dimed, his face is smooth, but grayish. It was some kind of unhealthy. "I guessed he was ill, but hides" - Abror thought.

~ 56 ~

- What is the project of the public garden about? – The director suddenly asked.

- We‟ll turn over our duty in three or four days.

- And then, it is all right know, too many workers, who think of themselves, how to relax better - the director suddenly gave to break his irritation. – It is not so in your workshop, Thank God.

He glanced at the folded sheet of drawing paper into a tube, which Abror held with both hands, as if the newborn.

- Is it something new?

Abror hesitated – show it or no? Here is how the Director ignored Ilkhamova. If he is not in the spirit, then…

Seeing Abror‟s cautious hesitancy, the director smiled:

- Well, do not weary. Tell and show.

Saifullah Rahmanovichs‟ eyes turned into barely visible slits when he smiled. If a person narrow eyes in pleasure, and his face becomes the embodiment of pacification and complacency.

But Abror just deploy the plan-project updates of Bozsu and began to tell about his ideas and the director‟s face again became like his former rigid expression.

- You may not continue - he interrupted Abror. - I understood you...

The area around Bozsu is valid like main magnet for architects of Tashkent. It is not for nothing and there is the most important institution here - The Central Committee of Party. Over time, the Writers' Union will move to the Bank of

~ 57 ~

Ankhor, and its facade will look at the channel. And on the left side of the bank, we erect a building of Drama Theatre named in honor Maxim Gorky...

These buildings will rise and then, respectively, and we will improve, them like you suggest...

- Saifullah Rahmanovich, you are often opposing the architectural jumble. In fact, the individual buildings, squares, streets were obtained relatively good. But as for the whole ensemble, then they form spontaneously.

- But why we are sitting here? Have we lost the ability to coordinate, yes, yes, coordinate?

-So I understand my task, Saifullah Rahmanovich: the projects based on objective requirements of landscape, many times, but it is better one time, we must develop a plan comprehensive and independently for improvement of this beautiful countryside. Incidentally, the best recreational area is not in Tashkent like a bank of Bozsu, for some reason Abror finished his thought.

- Who does not know this? I also love Anhor. Such a channel does not exist in Samarkand or Bukhara. Bozsu fed by mountain water, and so the mountain air and cool with it went in Tashkent. I repeat: I love and appreciate this gift of nature ... Even now, as it is possible, we arrange well the bank of Bozsu, create there a place for recreation. That is - a park of Gagarin. It is no worse Victory Park. But - as far as possible. We do not winged birds, but we are realist builders and there are so many beautiful buildings and shady, cool parks were already built by us...

Abror as that previously heard continued: "So it is not causing for your disturbing. We have to wait and that is all."

- How long can you wait? And how long we will think – and brag! – With Individual accomplishments? - Abror did not try to soften his speech. - Park of Gagarin is good. But the bank of the channel was neglected debris –stream from

~ 58 ~

ENEA (metro of the exhibition of national economy‟s achievement) to . From Ukchi to Burdzhara cases a great deal. One of the most beautiful places in the channel occupied for some reason, brewery...

- It's all gone away. Wait!

- Of course it is not gone away, Saifullah Rahmanovich! We must think in a complex ... For a long time I studied landscape architecture ... And I ask you to listen to me.

Giving his face an expression of attentive of benevolence, the director said:

-Well, let's educate ... it is as far as possible.

- the speech is about - Abror began with the heat – about national traditions in the relationship between man and nature ... the Irrigation system in the East taught during long time, it instructed a man - work with nature, especially with the water, do not commit acts of violence against it, do not obstinacy!

Hot climate and crowded life forced the ancient residents of Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara to appreciate, if I may say so, the logic of natural water. All of the famous gardens and parks during the Ulugbek, Navoi, Babur, all these Bogi Balind1, Bogi Shimoliy2, Bogi Dilkusho3 were created complex, it was the same landscape architecture, which is based on the river, a network of canals and irrigation system- but not on a separate bed or flowerbed. In the next century architecture in many respects lost those traditions. But the original elements of garden architecture always lived among the people. Even in a small courtyard of the city, note it, please - trees and flowers were planted in special order, which was organized by the flow of water.

1.Bogi Balind - high garden

2.Bogi Shimoliy - garden of winds

3.Bogi Dilkusho - garden of amusements ~ 59 ~

The aryks served as a natural axis design. "Listen, the architect what the freely flowing water prompts you!" - Here, I think with what tradition, we should be especially cherished, the people of Tashkent. Look, here Ganchtepe - a natural elevation. It is beautiful by its form! - Abror enthusiastically drew in the air smooth, rounded lines of the hill. - Here Bozsu winds like a real river. It is a rare find for the urban landscape architecture... Look - here you can throw a wide bridge over the entire loop, directly on the hill. Now Ganchtepe is a dusty wasteland. There is no water. But what does it for us to install a pump, to irrigate, weed fringed water-hill, to plant the globular elm, pines and weeping willows, plane trees, to lay out beds of flowers.

And we can build a beautiful building with a mosaic with tiles on top of the hill - in the style of Samarkand classics.

- And what will it be happen in that building?

- For example, a history museum in Tashkent. It is from ancient times until today. It is fitting, because the whole history of Tashkent associated with irrigation.

- As for the loop Bozsu and there are other proposals.

- I know one of them, Saifullah Rahmanovich. They offer to cut this loop and pave the direct concrete track.

Saifullah Rahmanovich frowned even more – but no longer concentrated and precise, and gloomy.

- You are impatient, but ... Really must every body think like you?

Abror remembered Mahkamova Karim, who is a relative of the director.

- I am keeping in mind Bahramov‟s proposal. This comrade rushed with the idea of concreting all aryks and canals in Tashkent. And for the sake of the concrete beauty he wants to straighten Bozsu.

~ 60 ~

- Leave Bakhramov alone ... you are with him accustomed to held tournaments. - Saifullah Rahmanovich has a rare ability to instantly become a severe and immediately soften and he relented again. – I had an idea about Ganchtepe. We need to leave a loop channel, of course, - then you're right. Well, we must organized Bozsu so, that Ganchtepe turn into a beautiful island in the center ring of the water.

- It is interesting idea...

- It was, as you know, the epicenter of the earthquake. Because of it- the monument of "Courage" will be built here. It will speak about the heroism of Tashkent.

- It's just great! The Museum of the city‟s history and the monument in honor of the heroism of Tashkent people perfectly suited to each other ... And what else?

- The city restored by all country. That is why here, the granite stele will stand here, near the hill - in the language of architecture and sculpture pay homage to all the people who came to the aid of Tashkent in its hour of need ... we must make ideological saturated The Museum on Ganchtepe. It is likely that there a museum of Soviet friendship of people will rise.

Suddenly the director‟s face became strictly gloomy.

- You, Abror Agzamovich, I generally suggest more to pay attention to the ideological content of the projects. Traditions are traditions, but our new socialist is no less important.

- It is new, if we bear in mind a socialist, it is born without the influence of good traditions?

- I urge you do not to abandon from tradition and do not carry away by them unilaterally.

~ 61 ~

- All of us, Saifullah Rahmanovich are opposite unilateralism...

- So let's suspend the debate ... You are a creative man. You have your own ideas. You develop them at home. The time will come, the issue will be actually, and we review your proposals thoroughly, detail. And now ... Now we are waiting for urgent task with you. About it and, I have invited you. - Saifullah Rahmanovich opened the safe, pulled out repeatedly rolled a large sheet of paper and carefully unrolled it before Abror. - Learn?

How he can‟t learn it, the restructuring plan of the city center! That's Lenin Square. Among the sponsors of the restructuring were listed and their names, Saifullah Rahmanovich and Abror Agzamov. The debate about the principles of restructuring was heated. They proposed to expand the area in the north-east to Prospect Navoi. But we must to carry a lot of homes, entire neighborhoods. The old building movies home must be demolished. The small square, the areas of Communards have to be removed and the entire Engineering Street with buildings of some of the trusts and even one ministry must be pulled down. Abror doubt: will they go there at all? But here's the new plan, the project – there are fountains, beds of flowers at this place, which are offered by Abror.

-Look, here our common idea took over - Saifullah Rahmanovich rubbed his palm of the hand happily.- The city council will this year relocate to new houses thirty families this year for the sake of that area will look grand,. Plus seventeen different agencies, the building which will be went under demolition.

- Yes, this area is unique. And it is the majestic and colorful.

But what news does Abror wants to tell the director?

- So, so Abror Agzamovich! There is the government's decision - a monument of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin will be at the new center square. That is before

~ 62 ~ the war, now near twelve stories Hulk, of course, it will not look. A new monument creates – it is a much bigger and taller then former, it is proportional to the scale area. It is clear, but that this new center should be designed in the best way: there is marble and granite, rare flowers, unique trees, up to the silver firs...

And let there are numerous fountains! - Saifullah Rahmanovich elevated his speech graduated from high recruiting sentence: many specialists were gathered in your workshop, Abror Agzamovich. You are our only landscape architect. We trust you responsible business, working the drafts!

Abror imagined the scope of the work. A term, what terms does the director give him?

- Thank you for confidence, Saifullah Rahmanovich. We will do everything to ensure that this area is truly worthy of the name of Lenin ... Haste here is not the point; do not ruin a great thing with escalade.

- Whether it's in my power, I would give you, Abror Agzamovich a year, but the anniversary of the republic is close, you know. And the builders need some time to manage for turning the draft into a finished object. In short, we have six months.

- This work for six months? It is impossible, Saifullah Rahmanovich!

- The Architects are not alone. There is another group of economists and quantity surveyors. There is a hydraulic engineering. There are Engineers for underground communication. Get to know them with your employees.

The director handed to Abror a thick folder. It was heavy, and rolled in a tube project of Bozsu, with which he came here, like really lost weight. Saifullah Rahmanovich looked at a folded Whatman paper almost openly skeptical.

-Abror Agzamovich, I entrust you with the most delicate artistic part of the project. I ask you now do not be distracted on anything else. The problem of slum ~ 63 ~ of Bozsu, we will back later for it, after a government facility. If you have any questions by this task, please contact with me at any time. And even you can call me home. And so here you enter boldly, in spite of any queue in the waiting room, I said Tamara.

After work Abror went to the market, he pushed in shops and return home, he weighted with bags and packet with food.

Malika opened the doors. She took from the hands of his father buying her gasped joyfully rattled:

- Oh! Hot cakes! Oh, pickles! Cherry!

Zafar ran out from the dining room:

- Where is Cherry?

- Why, look! - Malika Picked a bag. - Daddy, why did you so late come from work?

- There are a lot of people in the shops...

Three of them moved yogurt, sour cream and milk in a triangular bag, sausages, cheese, something else ... to the refrigerator and kitchen table. Zafar could not resist and grabbed a handful of cherries.

- First, you need to wash! Malika shouted strictly.

- "Wash, wash ... One would think, well, wash my ...

Zafar ate berries and spit out bones - check Hit! - Trying to get into an open trash can under the sink.

Abror sat on a stool, fatigue, he calmly and even with interest and looked at Zafar‟s label, and a busybody daughter.

~ 64 ~

- All right, Malika? There was any news?

She rearranged in the refrigerator dairy packages in "Mama's order" Without looking up from the case- - Malika said:

- Grandpa came along. He was waiting for you long time...

- And gone? Long?

- He came for half an hour ago. I regaled him with tea. But he only drank one bowl. He was gloomy.

- Is it something wrong? He did not say you?

- No. He sighs and sighs. He asked to visit him.

Abror stand up from his stool.

- What had it happened? I think I'll go now, eh?

Zafar immediately thinks out exciting idea:

- Daddy, we should go to the car! Take me with you, okay?

Abror looked out the window. There was a bit dark in the street, there was light and included in the house opposite.

- A Malika was home alone? - The girl pouted.

- You go with us too! - Zafar generously allowed.

Malika for some reason remembered: How her grandmother, Hanif grumbling chided her the last time: "You're big, you must now wear long dress ... And then your knees sticking out! “Malika hated long dresses. And now her skirt was on a finger or two above the knees. Her mother allowed. A grandmother will be grumbling again... Malika refused:

- I will stay at home, watch TV. ~ 65 ~

Abror suddenly realized how much he was tired today. The tongue seemed glued to the palatine. His hands became heavier. It was by wheel or something? He was very thirsty! He opened the refrigerator; without looking inside, from the desired shelf ("Mum‟s order") pulled a bottle of lapper milk. And He began to drink, grimaced: the nose hit the smell of gasoline. Well, I never serviced a truck, but I even forget to wash my hands ... In fact, I was so tired.

Abror went to the bathroom.

- So, Daddy, will we have supper? - Malika asked.

- What? That's an idea! – Abror responded washing away the soap subs with running hot water. - Just be quick collect anything. Maybe we eat cheese or sausages?

- Sausages! Of course, sausages, - Zafar declared emphatically.

Malika chose the sausages too.

Abror thought that if I now go to my father, then as soon as possible, but I can not have dinner now, with children, although there do not want to eat, it is impossible too. Oh, I have to save from my fatigue. He decided to have a little rest before cooking sausage, he wanted to lie down on the sofa, went into the room, which they were called like living room. He looked at Zafar‟s opened backpack at the dinner table, a number of books, notebooks, ink - all scattered in disarray. A white shirt carelessly crumpled, which just this morning Malika is carefully stroking for his brother, both arms of it were hanging down to the floor from the back of the chair. There were shorts at the other chair. The slippers scattered on the carpet.

- Zafar! Come on here quickly... What is that mess? Now all shalt! Put your places! Yes, get on the ball, but you are not going anywhere.

~ 66 ~

Zafar was usually a nimble, agile, and lively as quicksilver, with the sour face, as if the patient stood, barely moving around the room, slowly gather his belongings.

- Every day you are repeated: need to clean up after yourself, need a clean house - Abror strictly admonished in any where lie down on the sofa. - Where is your shirt located? Go hang neatly in the closet ... Put on your slippers! Why were the books and notebooks scattered?

- Malika sticks, force to do classes...- Zafar indignantly breathed heavily.

- She was right that she sticks. Today what mark did you got in math? Answer me!

- Well, three...

- "Well, three!" - Abror imitated his son. - Why are you for blunderer, every time you have three? I and your mammy received only “five” at the age of you.

- Yes ... you know what task I had? I thought and thought ...But I do not understand it!

- What the problem is it? Well, show me!

Abror looked at enticing sofa regretfully: he will not have a rest, but he is his son, and, eventually, he must not neglect his upbringing. Mathematics - is the most important...

- Daddy, Zafar! Go on, supper is ready! - Malika called them from the kitchen. The task is the task, but we need to eat and drink, too. And it must be in time. Abror and Zafar went to the kitchen. Malika was holding in both hands the liter jar of peas.

- Daddy, let's open it?

~ 67 ~

- Great idea - peas for sausages! Let me open it... Did you put tea?

- Oh, I forgot! Now, now!

His head was buzzing and these household chores ... Well, where that damned can opener disappeared? He pulled one after the other boxes of kitchen table, stirs them jams, clothes pegs, caps for jars – There is not canning knife into them.

- Here it is! - Malika took out opener from the same box which Abror is going to push.

A few spoonfuls of peas and a piece of butter on top ... two or three sausages - yummy, and only! Abror hastily jumped up from his stool.

-The car was left in the street!

Zhiguly were also like a family member. Even it gives troubles and more problems than others. Last year, he left the car in the street in the evening like now and went to a friend for a minute. During dinner, talked about business, pretty front and small light bulbs, indicator lamps disappeared from his Zhiguly. And you will not go down the street without them; the traffic policeman stops you at the first crossroads. Where he went on foot, where he went by a taxi to comb then the whole city from end to end: Abror had to buy one thing in the store, another at an exorbitant price from the person of mechanics from repair shops. Since then, once for all Abror learned, Abror became cautious and circumspect. Today, for example, he's not for nothing that put the car in a large street lamp, so it can be seen from the balcony. But he forgot to look at the car...

Abror jumped out of the kitchen holding the fork in his hand,

The car resembled sprawled on the pavement turtle from above... It seems everything is in order ... But it is still needed to put it in the garage, from where he

~ 68 ~ will go one and a half kilometer to his home on foot ... Yes, but first, he must go to see his father. What had it happened there? Why did he sigh, as Malika said?

Abror hurriedly finished his sausages, he took an empty paper bag and placed in it four sweet cakes. He had never visited the parents with empty hands. He opened the refrigerator, took good piece of mutton, separated from it two pounds, wrapped in cellophane. I wanted to pour a bit of sweet cherry, but changed his mind. He bought a kilo. And the children love it too.

-Okay, let I bought cherry for you. Malika took and washed half.

Meanwhile, water boiled, the green enameled teapot whistled, the cap began to tremble. Malika poured into a bowl – Kasa1- cherries, berries were washed with water from the tap. Abror took a few dark red, moist elastic berries and ate them standing one by one.

- Tea, daughter, drink yourself. I do not want. I will go to your grandfather and grandmother, okay? Well, Zafar, come on!

Zafar put his hand in kasa, moving - to bring little more sweet cherries. He stretched out his free hand to a paper bag:

- Come on, Daddy, I'll take.

- Just, keep getting stronger.

Abror peeked into the living room, and then walked into the hallway. The apartment seemed to him strangely deserted. Light from the hallway fell into the bedroom, flashing through the opening by half-open door bed with whitening from the folded sheets and blankets thrown across the bed. Vazira had no time to put away in the morning... The apartment was once empty and lonely, without Vazira.

Abror stopped, turned around in the hallway which led into the kitchen.

1.Kasa - a bowl

~ 69 ~

- Malika, did not the mother call?

- No, - the voice of his daughter was heard.

Abror raised his eyes to his left arm. He looked at his watch - ten minutes past nine. There is only six hours in Moscow.

- If she calls, write down her phone number of hotel room in Moscow. Maybe later I'll call myself ... Understand?

Abror jumped out of the kitchen holding the fork in his hand,

The car resembled sprawled on the pavement turtle from above... It seems everything is in order ... But it is still needed to put it in the garage, from where he will go one and a half kilometer to his home on foot ... Yes, but first, he must go to see his father. What had it happened there? Why did he sigh, as Malika said?

Abror hurriedly finished his sausages, he took an empty paper bag and placed in it four sweet cakes. He had never visited the parents with empty hands. He opened the refrigerator, took good piece of mutton, separated from it two pounds, wrapped in cellophane. I wanted to pour a bit of sweet cherry, but changed his mind. He bought a kilo. And the children love it too.

-Okay, let I bought cherry for you. Malika took and washed half.

Meanwhile, water boiled, the green enameled teapot whistled, the cap began to tremble. Malika poured into a bowl - Kasa- cherries, berries were washed with water from the tap. Abror took a few dark red, moist elastic berries and ate them standing one by one.

- Tea, daughter, drink yourself. I do not want. I will go to your grandfather and grandmother, okay? Well, Zafar, come on!

Zafar put his hand in kasa, moving - to bring little more sweet cherries. He stretched out his free hand to a paper bag: ~ 70 ~

- Come on, Daddy, I'll take.

- Just, keep getting stronger.

Abror peeked into the living room, and then walked into the hallway. The apartment seemed to him strangely deserted. Light from the hallway fell into the bedroom, flashing through the opening by half-open door bed with whitening from the folded sheets and blankets thrown across the bed. Vazira had no time to put away in the morning... The apartment was once empty and lonely, without Vazira.

Abror stopped, turned around in the hallway which led into the kitchen.

- Malika, did not the mother call?

- No, - the voice of his daughter was heard.

Abror raised his eyes to his left arm. He looked at his watch - ten minutes past nine. There is only six hours in Moscow.

- If she calls, write down her phone number of hotel room in Moscow. Maybe later I'll call myself ... Understand?

- Yes I got... Give best regards to grandmother.

They went down into the courtyard. The wood fence was yellowish by the light which falling from windows. He remembered Sherzod Bakhramov again.

Abror hurried quickly as possible to cross yard. He tried to dismiss Sherzod: He has enough worries and anxiety without Sherzod.

... That's when the streets become freer: between before evening when people return home from work and late at night, after theatre.

Abror switched on fender lamp and tuned the radio to the desired wave - a pleasant evening of music - and he quietly went over the bright highway. Usman Yusupov Street, Work campus, and then last asphalt street were left behind. The car

~ 71 ~ flicked on potholes and ruts. And the night was kind of dark. Old streets, as if purposely hid their potholes and Abror did not manage in time to see them: the first on, then the other wheel of car goodness knows where the whole body of Zhiguli mercilessly rocked and shook.

One-story, slate roofed houses, pise walled fences, mighty old poplar which descended almost to the aryk‟s water-everything reminded of the village. But no, there is open space in the village, here every molded to each other, here is narrowness, saying that you have entered into one of the old town.

Soon, he stopped the car at the familiar line of pyramidal poplars in front of double doors gates. He and Zafar went out of the car, opened the gate and stepped into the yard. Hanifa-hola1 was tall and she dressed a black velvet sleeveless jacket over unpretentious print dress, and a white scarf.

-Is it you, Abror? Why can not you find time to visit us? While your father did not went to visit you...

Zafar politely shook hands with his grandmother and handed her a paper bag:

- This is for you!

- Oh, my joy, you are grandmother‟s joy! - Hanifa-hola1 touched, pressed Zafar and kissed him forehead.

Agzam-ata2 pensively sitting on chorpoya3, putting stocked lock arms on hantahta4. Seeing his son and grandson, the old man straightened up, stood up on kurpacha5. Abror hurried to his father's hand, shook hands with him, held back by showing that he did not go down from the scaffold. Let rest Agzam-ata, he is over seventy.

1. Hanifa-hola - an aunt 2.Agzam-ata - a father 3.chorpoya - a high wood scaffold with handrail for rest 4.hantahta4-a table on low legs 5.kurpacha - a quilt, people lay and sit on it

~ 72 ~

The parents‟ yard is spacious. There are roofed in canopies from two of its sides, and the house with a porch and outbuildings in the heart of the yard. The light fell from the terrace in the garden, lighting the apple and apricots among the dark foliage. The grapevines were raised on the poles, roofed-in avenue. It is nice and cozy. Look under the eaves stretched gas communication - a pipe to the slab. There is a pipe column in the yard.

Abror climbed to the scaffold, sat down on the spread out kurpachas; the wind brought to him a pleasant smell - the smell of good tobacco, but it is not tobacco, it's a familiar smell like the smell of good tobacco, but it is not tobacco, it is a familiar smell of late spring from childhood, when the grapes blossom. In the dark the grapes are like dark-green waterfall. On the opposite side of the gate was not a fence, a wire mesh, at it the river flows. The house placed on the bank of Bozsu, but the noise of water is not heard in the yard. The water flowed quickly in the wide bed, but silently, only it was lapping at the bank, and the moisture blew from the water, the refreshing coolness.

And when Abror breathed this air of this wind, infused for fresh, clean water and flowering grapes together with its pacification captured his soul, the waves spread over his body.

After the usual questioning about life, about the health Agzam-ata glance at his wife and said softly:

- Call Shakyr.

Hanif-Hola went after Abror‟s younger brother - Shakyr, who sat in a room and watching TV. Agzam-ata fell silent, apparently considered something, pinching the tip of a short gray beard. Every time they came here, Zafar played with a cat, then chickens, then sheep: the boy was very fond of animals. He rushed and now looked for a cat, but it was not there. And the chickens have long been sleeping in the shed at the roost.

~ 73 ~

- Grandmother, and where is the cat? - He stopped Hanif-Hola.

She did not answer, probably not hear the question. Zafar crossed the yard, looked under the canopy. Two lambs turned their heads towards him, he shook the cords, with which they were bounded. It turns out that feed ran out, and Zafar went to a handful of hay harvested in the depth of the pen, and brought two handfuls. "Champ, lambs, champ, you are so good."

Zafar stroked one and the other. Lambs were recent cut; here is a visible sign of scissors.

Shakyr came out, shook hands with his brother and sat on the edge of the scaffold, stretched and cross legs crossed. Long black hair turned a blind guy's neck. "Like a girl some" - Abror thought. But the mustache suited to his brother. Shakyr has broad shoulders; he is thin in a belt and flexible. His shirt tucked in a belt fashionable. Just think, Shakyr is twenty-five, in the autumn Agzam-ata was going to marry him. Lambs, with which Zafar was amusing under a canopy was for wedding. Abror have long waited for his father when he invites him to a family council about the upcoming marriage of his brother.

- Oh, Abror Mullah, Mullah Abror - Father began to talk, almost in mockery of magnifying dutiful son "the mullah”, usually people addressed to highly educated man. - No, we are destined to live our days in the yard.

~ 74 ~

CHAPTER II. Analysis of the Translation of Positively Evaluated Words used in the Novel «The Diamond belt» by Famous Uzbek Writer Pirimkul Kadirov

2.1. Theoretical Problems of Present Day Semasiology

A further subdivision within the lexica-grammatical groups is achieved in the well-known thematic subgroups, such as terms of kinship, names for parts of the human body, color terms, military terms and so on. The basis of grouping this time is not only linguistic but also extra-linguistic: the words are associated because the things they name occur together and are closely connected in reality. It has been found that these words constitute quite definitely articulated spheres held together by differences, oppositions and distinctive values. For an example it is convenient to turn to the adjectives. These are known to be subdivided into qualitative and relative. Among the first, adjectives that characterize a substance for shape, color, physical or mental qualities, speed, size,1 etc. are distinguished.

The group of color terms has always attracted the attention of linguists because it permits research of lexical problems of primary importance. The most- prominent among them is the problem of the systematic or non-systematic character of vocabulary and of the relationship between thought and language. 2 There are many hundreds of articles written about color terms .

V. A. Moskovitch gives a clear systematic description of this micro system in English. The basic color name system comprises four words: blue, green, yellow, red; they cover the whole spectrum. All the other words denoting colors bring details into this scheme and form subsystems of the first and second order, which may be considered as synonymic series with corresponding basic terms as their

1 See, for instance: E.A. Отвар, Прилагательные со значением размера в английском языке (small. little. big. great), канд.лисс., Л., 1994

2 Sec: В А. Московии. Статистика и семантика. М.. 2002 ~ 75 ~ dominants. Thus red is taken as a dominant for the subsystem of the first order: scarlet, orange, crimson, rose, and the subsystem of the second degree is: vermilion, wine red, cherry, coral, copper-red, etc. Words belonging to the basic system differ from words belonging to subsystems not only semantically but in some other features as well. These features are: (1) frequency of use; (2) motivation; (3) simple or compound character; (4) stylistic coloring; (5) combining power. The basic terms, for instance, are frequent words belonging to the first thousand of words in H. S. Eaton's "semantic frequency list"; their motivation is lost in present-day English. They are all native words of long standing. The motivation of color terms in the subsystems is very clear: they are derived from the names of fruit (orange), flowers (pink), coloring stuffs (indigo). Basic system words and most of the first degree terms are root words, the second degree terms are derivatives or compounds: copper-red, jade-green, sky-colored. Stylistically the basic terms are definitely neutral; the second degree terms are either special or poetic. The meaning is widest in the four basic terms; it gradually narrows down from subsystem to subsystem.

Thematic groups as well as ideographic groups (in which words belonging to different parts of speech are linguistically and thematically related) are mostly 1 studied diachronically on the principles of comparative linguistics.

A. A. Ufimtseva's monograph on the historical development of the words eorpye, land, grand; middan-()eard, molde, folde and hruse, centres round OE eorpye>earth and denoting various aspects of the same notion, describes in great detail the semantic evolution of these words from the Old English period up to the present. The set in this case is defined by enumerating all its elements as well as by

1 The boundary between thematic groups and semantic fields is not always clear-cut, so that the treatment offered by Moskovitch can be also, referred to the latter.

Subsequent works of this scholar, including her doctoral dissertation, arc also devoted to the problem of the lexical and lexco- semantic system. А.А. Уфимцева. Проблемы системной организации лексики, докт. днес. М.. 1970.

~ 76 ~ naming the notion lying at the basis of their meanings. This author calls her group lexica-semantic and offers this investigation as a way of revealing the system underlying the vocabulary. The difficulty, however, lies in the transition from this very limited subset of nouns to the whole of the vocabulary. The possibilities of transferring the results on the vocabulary system remain undefined.

The author succeeds in bringing forth different types of within ties within a lexical system. Her comparative analysis of the semantic structures of the words land, grand, middan-yeard very definitely shows particular and concrete manifestations of general features. .Every feature of a notion (and consequently every component of meaning, - I. A.) may serve simultaneously as uniting for equivalent lexical elements and differentiating with respect to other units. Thus all the semantic variants of the word land are united by the meaning of the feature that characterizes extension in space; with respect to all the other words (grund, eorpye, 2 middan-weard, folde, molde) the same feature is distinctive.

All the elements of lexica-semantic groups remain within l i mi t s of the same part of speech and the same lexica-grammatical group. When grammatical meaning is not taken into consideration, we obtain the so-called ideographic groups.

The ideographic subgroups are independent of classification into parts of speech. Words and expressions are here classed not according to their lexica- grammatical meaning but strictly according to their signification, i.e. to the system of logical notions. These subgroups may comprise nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs together, provided they refer to the same notion. Thus V. I. Agamdzhanova unites into one group such words as tight n, bright a, shine v and other words connected with the notion of light as something permitting living beings to see the surrounding objects.

~ 77 ~

The approach resembles the much discussed theory of semantic fields but is much more precise, became this author gives purely linguistic criteria according to which words belonging to the group may be determined. The 1 equivalence of words in this case is reflected in their valency.

The theory of semantic fields continues to engage the attention of linguists. A great number of articles and full-length monographs have been written on this topic and the discussion is far from being closed.

Jost Trier's conception of linguistic fields is based on Saussure's theory of language as a synchronous system of networks held together by differences, oppositions and distinctive values.2 The starting point of the whole field theory was J. Trier's work on intellectual terms in Old and Middle High German. Trier shows that they form an interdependent lexical sphere where the significance of each unit is determined by its neighbors. The semantic areas of the units limit one another and cover up the whole sphere. This sphere he called a linguistic, conceptual or lexical field. His definition (here given in S. Ullmann's translation) is: "Fields are linguistic realities existing between single words and the total vocabulary; they are parts of a whole and resemble words in that they combine into some higher unit, and the vocabulary in that they resolve themselves into smaller units." Since the publication of Trier's book, the field theory has proceeded along different lines, and several definitions of the basic notion have been put forward. A search for objective criteria made W. Porzig, G. Ipsen and other authors narrow the conception down. Ipsen studies Indo-European names of metals and notices their connection with color adjectives. Porzig pays attention to

1 В.И. Агамджанова, О лингвистической природе идеографичес-коп связи слов (на материале группы с доминантной light «совет» в современном английском языке). Ученые записки Латвийского гос. ун-та, т. 92. филол. науки, вып. 2, 1996

2. See: Jost Trier, Der Deutsche Wortschaiz im Sinnbczirk des Verstandes. Die Gcschichtc cines sprachlichen Feldes, Heidelberg, 2003

See: S. Ullmann, The Principles of Semantics, p. 157.

~ 78 ~ regular contextual tics: dog-bark, blind-see, see-eye. A. Jolles takes up correlative pairs like right-, left. The greatest merit of the field theories lies in their attempt to find linguistic criteria disclosing the systematic character of language. Their structuralism orientation is consistent. Trier's most important shortcoming is his idealistic methodology. He regards language as a super- individual cultural product shaping our concepts and our whole knowledge of the world. His ideas about the influence of language upon thought, and the existence of an "intermediate universe" of concepts interposed between man 1 and the universe, is wholly untenable.

Freed from its idealistic fetters, Trier's theory may, if properly developed, have far-reaching consequences in modern semantics. At this point mention should be made of influential and promising statistical work by A. Shaikevitch. This investigation is based on the hypothesis that semantically related words must occur near one another in the text, and vice versa, if the words often occur in the text together they must be semantic-ally related. Words (adjectives) were chosen from concordance dictionaries for Chaucer, Spenser, Shakespeare and several other English poets. The material was studied statistically, and the results proved the hypothesis to be correct. Groups were obtained without making use of their meaning on a strictly formal basis, and their elements proved to be semantically related. For example: faint, feeble, weary, sick, tedious and whole 'healthy' formed one group. Thin, thick, subtle also came together. The experiment shows that a purely formal criterion of co-occurrence can serve as a basis of semantic equivalence.

A syntactic approach to the problem of semantic fields has been initiated by the Moscow structuralist group. From their point of view, the detailed syntactic properties of the word are its meaning. Y. Apresyan proposes an analysis the material of which includes a list of configuration patterns (phrase types) of the language as revealed by syntactic analysis, an indication of the frequency of each

~ 79 ~ configuration pattern and an enumeration of meanings (already known, no matter how discovered) that occur in each pattern.

Preliminary study of English verbs as constituents of each pattern has yielded corresponding sets of verbs with some semantic features in common. A semantic field can therefore be described on the basis of the valency potential of its members. Since a correlation has been found between the frequency of a configuration pattern and the number of word meanings which may appear in it, Apresyan proposes that a hierarchy of increasingly comprehensive word fields should be built by considering configuration patterns of increasing frequency.

2.2. Denotative and connotative meanings of a word

In the previous paragraphs we emphasized the complexity of word meaning and mentioned its possible segmentation into denotative and connotative meaning. In this paragraph we shall analyze these in greater detail. In most cases the denotative meaning is essentially cognitive: it conceptualizes and classifies our experience and names for the listener some objects spoken about. Fulfilling the significative and the communicative functions of the word it is present in every word and may be regarded as the central factor in the functioning of language. The expressive function of the language with its orientation towards the speaker‟s feelings, and the pragmatic function dealing with the effect of words upon listeners are rendered in connotations. Unlike the denotative meaning, connotations are optional. The description of the denotative meaning or meanings is the duty of lexicographers in unilingual explanatory dictionaries. The task is a difficult one because there is no clear-cut demarcation line between the semantic features, strictly necessary for each definition, and those that are optional. A glance at the definitions given in several dictionaries will suffice to show how much they differ in solving the problem. A cat, for example, is defined by Hornby as "a small fur-

~ 80 ~ covered animal often kept as a pet in the house”. Longman in his dictionary goes into greater detail: a cat is "a small animal with soft fur and sharp teeth and claws, often kept as a pet, or in buildings to catch mice”. The Chambers Dictionary gives a scientific definition - "a cat is a carnivore of the genus Felix, esp. the domesticated kind”. The examples given above bring us to one more difficult problem. Namely, whether in analyzing a meaning we should be guided by all that science knows about the referent, or whether a linguist has to formulate the simplest possible concept as used by every speaker. If so, what are the features necessary and sufficient to characterize the referent? The question was raised by many prominent scientists, the Great Russian philologist A. A. Potebnya among them. A. A. Potebnya distinguished the "proximate” word meaning with the bare minimum of characteristic features as used by every speaker in everyday life, and the "distant” word meaning corresponding to what specialists know about the referent. The latter type we could have called „special‟ or „terminological‟ meaning. A. A. Potebnya maintained that linguistics is concerned only with the first type. The problem is by no means simple, especially for lexicographers, as is readily seen from the above lexicographic treatment of the word cat. The demarcation line between the two types is becoming more fluid; with the development of culture the gap between the elementary notions of a layman and the more and more exact concepts of a specialist narrows in some spheres and widens in others. The concepts themselves are constantly changing. The speakers‟ idiolects vary due to different life experience, education and other extra-linguistic factors. The bias of studies depends upon their ultimate goals. If lexicology is needed as the basis for language teaching in engineering colleges, we have to concentrate on terminological semantics, if on the other hand it is the theory necessary for teaching English at school, the meaning with the minimum semantic components is of primary importance. So we shall have to concentrate on this in spite of all its fuzziness. Now, if the denotative meaning exists by virtue of what the word refers to, connotation is the pragmatic communicative value the word

~ 81 ~ receives by virtue of where, when, how, by whom, for what purpose and in what contexts it is or may be used. Four main types of connotations are described below. They are stylistic, emotional, evaluative and expressive or intensifying. The orientation toward the subject-matter, characteristic, as we have seen, of the denotative meaning, is substituted here by pragmatic orientation toward speaker and listener; it is not so much what is spoken about as the attitude to it that matters. When associations at work concern the situation in which the word is uttered, the social circumstances (formal, familiar, etc.), the social relationships between the interlocutors (polite, rough), the type and purpose of communication (learned, poetic, official, etc.), and the connotation is stylistic. An effective method of revealing connotations is the analysis of synonymic groups, where the identity of denotation meanings makes it possible to separate the connotation overtones. A classical example for showing stylistic connotations is the noun horse and its synonyms. The word horse is stylistically neutral, its synonym steed is poetic, nag is a word of slang and gee-gee is baby language. An emotional or affective connotation is acquired by the word as a result of its frequent use in contexts corresponding to emotional situations or because the referent conceptualized and named in the denotative meaning is associated with emotions. For example, the verbs beseech means 'to ask eagerly and also anxiously'. E. g.: He besought a favour of the judge (Longman). Evaluative connotation expresses approval of disapproval. Making use of the same procedure of comparing elements of a synonymic group, one compares the words magic, witchcraft and sorcery, all originally denoting art and power of controlling events by occult supernatural means, we see that all three words are now used mostly figuratively, and also that magic as compared to its synonyms will have glamorous attractive connotations, while the other two, on the contrary, have rather sinister associations. It is not claimed that these four types of connotations: stylistic, emotional, evaluative and intensifying form an ideal and complete classification. Many other variants have been proposed, but the one suggested here is convenient for practical analysis and

~ 82 ~ well supported by facts. It certainly is not ideal. There is some difficulty for instance in separating the binary good/bad evaluation from connotations of the so- called bias words involving ideological viewpoints. Bias words are especially characteristic of the newspaper vocabulary reflecting different ideologies and political trends in describing political life. Some authors think these connotations should be taken separately. The term bias words is based on the meaning of the noun bias „an inclination for or against someone or something, a prejudice‟, e. g. a newspaper with a strong conservative bias. The following rather lengthy example is justified, because it gives a more or less complete picture of the phenomenon. E. Waugh in his novel "Scoop” satirizes the unfairness of the Press. A special correspondent is sent by a London newspaper to report on a war in a fictitious African country Ishmalia. He asks his editor for briefing: "Can you tell me who is fighting whom in Ishmalia?” "I think it is the Patriots and the Traitors.” "Yes, but which is which?” "Oh, I don‟t know that. That‟s Policy; you see [...] you should have asked Lord Copper.” "I gather it‟s between the Reds and the Blacks.” "Yes, but it‟s not quite as easy as that. You see they are all Negroes. And the Fascists won‟t be called black because of their racial pride. So they are called White after the White Russians. And the Bolshevists want to be called black because of their racial pride.” (Waugh) The example shows that connotations are not stable and vary considerably according to the ideology, culture and experience of the individual. Even apart of this satirical presentation we learn from Barn-hart‟s dictionary that the word black meaning „a negro‟, which used to be impolite and derogatory, is now upgraded by civil rights movement through the use of such slogans as "Black is Beautiful” or "Black Power”. A linguistic proof of an existing unpleasant connotation is the appearance of euphemisms. Thus backward students are now called under-achievers. Countries with a low standard of living were first called undeveloped, but euphemisms quickly lose their polite character and the unpleasant connotations are revived, and then they are replaced by new euphemisms such as less developed and then as developing countries. A fourth

~ 83 ~ type of connotation that should be mentioned is the intensifying connotation (also expressive, emphatic). Thus magnificent, gorgeous, splendid, superb are all used colloquially as terms of exaggeration. We often come across words that have two or three types of connotations at once, for example the word beastly as in beastly weather or beastly cold is emotional, colloquial, expresses censure and intensity. Sometimes emotion or evaluation is expressed in the style of the utterance. The speaker may adopt an impolite tone conveying displeasure (e. g. Shut up!). A casual tone may express friendliness о r affection: Sit down, kid [...] there, there - just you sit tight (Chris tie). Polysemy is a phenomenon of language not of speech. The sum total of many contexts in which the word is observed to occur permits the lexicographers to record cases of identical meaning and cases that differ in meaning. They are registered by lexicographers and found in dictionaries. A distinction has to be drawn between the lexical meanings of a word in speech, we shall call it contextual meaning, and the semantic structure of a word in language. Thus the semantic structure of the verb act comprises several variants: „do something‟, „behave‟, and „take a part in a play ‟, „pretend. If one examines this word in the following aphorism: Some men have acted courage that had it not; but no man can act wit (Halifax), one sees it in a definite context that particularizes it and makes possible only one meaning „pretend‟. This contextual meaning has a connotation of irony. The unusual grammatical meaning of transitivity (act is as a rule intransitive) and the lexical meaning of objects to this verb make a slight difference in the lexical meaning. As a rule the contextual meaning represents only one of the possible variants of the word but this one variant may render a complicated notion or emotion analyzable into several semes. In this case we deal not with the semantic structure of the word but with the semantic structure of one of its meanings. Polysemy does not interfere with the communicative function of the language because the situation and context cancel all the unwanted meanings. Sometimes, as, for instance in puns, the ambiguity is intended; the words are purposefully used so as to emphasize their different meanings. Consider the replica

~ 84 ~ of Lady Constance, whose son, Arthur Plantagenet is betrayed by treacherous allies: LYMOGES (Duke of Austria): Lady Constance, peace!

CONSTANCE: War! War! No peace! Peace is to me a war (Shakespeare). In the time of Shakespeare peace as an interjection meant „Silence?‟ But Lady Constance takes up the main meaning - the antonym of war. Geoffrey Leech uses the term reflected meaning for what is communicated through associations with another sense of the same word that is all cases when one meaning of the word forms part of the listener‟s response to another meaning. G. Leech illustrates his point by the following example. Hearing in the Church Service the expression The Holy Ghost, he found his reaction conditioned by the everyday unreligious and awesome meaning „the shade of a dead person supposed to visit the living‟. The case where reflected meaning intrudes due to suggestively of the expression may be also illustrated by taboo words and euphemisms connected with the physiology of sex. Consider also the following joke, based on the clash of different meanings of the word expose („leave unprotected‟, „put up for show‟, „reveal the guilt of‟). E. g.: Painting is the art of protecting flat surfaces from the weather and exposing them to the critic. Or, a similar case: "Why did they hang this picture?” "Perhaps, they could not find the artist.” Contextual meanings include nonce usage. Nonce words are words invented and used for a particular occasion. The study of means and ways of naming the elements of reality is called onomasiology. As worked out in some recent publications it received the name of Theory of Nomination.1 So if semasiology studies what it is the name points out, onomasiology and the theory of nomination have to show how the objects receive their names and what features are chosen to represent them. Originally the nucleus of the theory concerned names for objects, and first of all concrete nouns. Later on a discussion began, whether actions, properties, emotions and so on should be included as well. The question was answered affirmatively as there is no substantial difference in the reflection in our mind of things and their properties or different events. Everything that can be

~ 85 ~ named or expressed verbally is considered in the theory of nomination. Vocabulary constitutes the central problem but syntax, morphology and phonology also have their share. The theory of nomination takes into account that the same referent may receive various names according to the information required at the moment by the process of communication, e. g. Walter Scott and the author of Waverley (to use an example known to many generations of linguists). According to the theory of nomination every name has its primary function for which it was created (primary or direct nomination), and an indirect or secondary function corresponding to all types of figurative, extended or special meanings (see p. 53). The aspect of theory of nomination that has no counterpart in semasiology is the study of repeated nomination in the same text, as, for instance, when Ophelia is called by various characters of the tragedy: fair Ophelia, sweet maid, dear maid, nymph, kind sister, rose of May, poor Ophelia, lady, sweet lady, pretty lady, and so on. To sum up this discussion of the semantic structure of a word, we return to its definition as a structured set of interrelated lexical variants with different denotation and sometimes also connotation meanings. These variants belong to the same set because they are expressed by the same combination of morphemes, although in different contextual conditions. The elements are interrelated due to the existence of some common semantic component. In other words, the word‟s semantic structure is an organized whole comprised by recurrent meanings and shades of meaning that a particular sound complex can assume in different contexts, together with emotional, stylistic and other connotations, if any. Every meaning is thus characterized according to the function, significative or pragmatic effect that it has to fulfill as denotative and connotative meaning referring the word to the extra- linguistic reality and to the speaker, and also with respect to other meanings with which it is contrasted. The hierarchy of lexica-grammatical variants and shades of meaning within the semantic structure of a word is studied with the help of formulas establishing semantic distance between them developed by N. A. Shehtman and other authors.

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Being the medium of verbal communication language is capable of transmitting actually any type of information. It has names for all things, phenomenon and relations existing in objective reality and act of verbal communication is made possible due to the fact that words are referable to the out- word reality. A linguistic unit of major significance, i.e. the word serves to name, to qualify and evaluate the surrounding world.

The most essential feature of a word is that it expresses the idea of a thing, process, phenomenon, denoting (naming) them. The word can denote a concrete thing, as well as notion of a thing. Thus the word has the so-called denotative (referential, logical) meaning. The denotative meaning may be of two types: demonstrative and significative.

It is demonstrative if it makes reference to an actively existing individual thing. It is significative if the word evokes a general idea of an object or phenomenon.

E.g. the word “horse” may denote a concrete object (I see a horse in the meadow) and a whole class of such objects, as a general notion (The horse is a domestic animal).

The knowledge of the word denotation is shared by all the members of language community. Denotation meaning is inherent in any notional word. Notion is a logical category and its linguistic counterpart is meaning.

Meaning according to Vugodskiy is a unity of thinking, generalization and communication. The meaning of a word is liable to historic changes, which is responsible for the formation of an expanded semantic structure of a word. This structure consists of various types of lexical meaning, the major one being denotative (which informs of a subject of communication) and also including connotative (which informs about the participants and conditions of communication). It means that besides denoting a concrete thing, action or notion

~ 87 ~ the word may also carry a connotation, an overtone. These connotations vary. The list and specification of connotation meaning vary with different schools and individual scholars and include such entries as:

Pragmatic (directed at the desired affect of the utterance, associative connected thorough individual psychological or linguistic association with related and non-related notions.

Ideological or conceptual – revealing political, social, ideological preferences of a user: e.g. “The poorer” seems harsh for politicians and they use “less successful”; “starvation” is being replaced by “undernourishment”.

In terms of stylistics we shall deal with the falling connotative meanings: emotive connotations. The emotive component of meaning may have its linguistic expression with the help of suffixes of diminutiveness: hubby, tummy, daddy).

The emotive component of meaning may have no specific linguistic form, but may be contained in notions which the given words denote.

E.g. Lovely, wonderful, horrid.

There are words of purely emotive meaning, which belong to interjections (E.g. “Ouch!”, “Oh!”).

Evaluative connotation states the value of the indicated object or notion, based on the rational assessment, which is always based on the opposition.

Approval – disapproval

Fashionable – unfashionable

Up-to-date – out-dated

The expressive connotation aims at creating an object, action or phenomenon.

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E.g. To work, to toil, to slave.

Stylistic connotation indicates the register or the situation of the communication.

E.g. “maiden” is used predominantly in poetry; “chap” is used in colloquial speech.

The above mentioned meanings are classified as connotative, not only they supply additional and not the denotative information, but also because for the most part they are not observed at once and not in all words – some of them are more important for the act of communication than the others, sometimes they overlap.

E.g. All the words possessing the emotive meaning are also evaluative – e.g. honey; old rascal (both emotional and personal characteristics).

As a rule this is not a reversed process since we can find non-emotive intellectual evaluations (for instance: good – bad, relevant – irrelevant). All emotive words are also expressive, while there is a lot of expressive words, which can not be treated as emotive (e.g. there are expressive verbs, which do not only denote some action or process, but also create their image: the word “to gulp”, which means to swallow in big lumps in a hurry; to sprint – to run fast).

In the semantic actualization of a word the context plays a dual-role. On one hand, it cuts of all meanings, which are irrelevant for the given communicative situation. And on the other hand, it foregrounds (висуває на перший план) one of the meaningful options of a word, focusing the communicator‟s attention on one of the denotative or connotative components of its semantic structure.

The word stock of any given language can be roughly divided into three uneven groups differing from each other by the sphere of their possible use. The biggest division is made up by neutral words possessing no stylistic connotation and suitable for any communicative situation.

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E.g. father (neutr.) – parent (book.) – daddy (colloq.)

Literary words serve to satisfy communicative requirements of official, scientific, poetic messages, ect., while the colloquial ones are employed in non- official, every-day communication.

Though there is no immediate correlation between the written and the oral forms of speech, on one hand, and the literary and colloquial words, on the other hand, for the most part the first ones are mainly observed in the written forms as most literary messages appear in writing and vice versa. Though there are many examples of colloquialisms in writing; in formal letters, diaries, certain passages of memoirs, ect.) Their usages are predominantly associated with the oral form of communication.

The use of polysemy

Polysemy is inherent in the very nature of words, since they always contain a generalization of several traits of the object they denote. The greater the relative frequency of the word, the greater the number of elements that constitute its semantic structure is. These elements are called the lexica-semantically variants of the words, which are inter-related due to some common semantic component and form a unity.

Thus we may speak of the word‟s semantic structure which is an organized whole composed by denotative meanings that a particular word possesses.

The lexical meaning of a word in speech is contextual and rigidly definite, therefore polysemy, as a rule does not interfere with the communicative function of a language, because in every particular case the situation of context cancels all the meanings, which are unnecessary or irrelevant in the given act of communication and make speech unambiguous.

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If a polysemantic word is not intended to produce a particular stylistic effect it generally actualizes only one concrete lexical meaning, but when a word begins to manifest interplay between the primary and derivative meanings a stylistic device of polysemantic effect materializes itself.

Теги: connotative meaning, denotative and connotative meanings, interjection, stylistic lexicology, use of polysemy.

How to convey the connotative meaning of a word into another language

The denotative meaning of a word, while it is the basic one, is not its only or whole meaning. Besides denoting or concrete things, action or concept, a word may carry varios additional overtones generally described as connotations. They are made up of different components: those that express one's attitude to the things spoken about (this is called an emotive component of meaning) or those that indicate the sphere in which the discourse takes place (this is called a stylistic reference of a word).

E.g. Father, dad, daddy, pop, old man - all have the same denotating meaning (they are all synonyms), but they have different emotive meanings and stylistic references.

The same can be said about the Russian words: отец, папа, папуля, папочка, батя, старик, предок.

These additional meanings or components of the general meanings may be part of the words' dictionary meaning, i.e. they may be present in a word taken apart from the context.

At the same time, this additional meaning may be part of the word's contextual meaning. It may appear as a result of the word's correlation with other words.

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Connotation is one of the keys to the power of words. It's especially evident, patient in a literary text, when the most innocent-looking word can acquire the most vivid connotations.

As it has been stated above, one of the components of a word's meaning is its emotive component. Emotive connotations are rendered by the emotional or expressive counterpart of meaning. Emotive connotations of a word can directly express or evoke:

1) Emotion (e.g.: daddy - father);

2) Evaluation (e.g.: clique - group);

3) Intensity (e.g.: adore - love);

4) Stylistic coloring (e.g.: slay - kill).

The content of the emotional component of meaning varies considerably. The range of emotions stretches from positive to negative: admiration, tenderness, respect, scorn, irony, and loathing.

The expressive counterpart of a meaning is optional and even if it's present its proportion with respect of logical counterpart may vary within wide limits.

The meaning of many words is subject to complex association originating in context of which both the speaker and the listener are aware and which form connotation component of meaning. In some words the realization of meaning is accompanied by additional stylistic coloring revealing the speaker's attitude to the situation and his interlocutor.

It's very important to remember that affective connotations of a word can be within its semantic structure registered in its dictionary meaning or can be imposed by the context.

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E.g. Fabulous, stunning, smart, top-flight, and terrific and the like have special emotive meaning fixed in dictionaries.

E.g. He's very rich.

He's fabulously rich.

Many words acquire an emotive meaning only in a definite context. In that case we say that a word has a contextual emotive meaning.

So we can conclude that affective connotations of a word are peculiar to it either on the pragmatic or syntagmatic level.

2.3. Some Facts on the Concept “Evaluation”

Evaluation is systematic determination of merit, worth, and significance of something or someone using criteria against a set of standards.

Evaluation often is used to characterize and apprise subjects of interest in a wide range of human enterprises, including the arts, criminal justice, foundations and non-profit organizations, government, health care, and other human services.


Evaluation is the comparison of actual project impacts against the agreed strategic plans. It looks at what you set out to do, at what you have accomplished, and how you accomplished it. It can be formative (taking place during the life of a project or organization, with the intention of improving the strategy or way of functioning of the project or organization). It can also be summative (drawing learning from a completed project or an organization that is no longer functioning). Someone once described this as the difference between a check-up and an autopsy! {By Cabdiraxman Mixile} The definition of systematic evaluation is often problematic and it can not be argued that evaluation does not need a definition. ~ 93 ~

Practical problems are not due to a lack of a definition but rather are a result of attempting to define evaluation. So it is like a summary of what the job is mainly about.

Within the last three decades there have been tremendous theoretical and methodological developments within the field of evaluation (Hurteau, Houle, & Mongiat, 2009). Despite its progress there are still many fundamental problems faced by this field as Davidson (2005) argues „unlike medicine, evaluation is not a discipline that has been developed by practicing professionals over thousands of years, so we are not yet at the stage where we have huge encyclopedias that will walk us through any evaluation step-by-step‟, or provide a clear definition of what evaluation entails (cited in, Hurteau, Houle, & Mongiat, 2009, p. 307). Using Davidson‟s argument one can argue that a key problem that evaluators face is the lack of a clear definition of evaluation. Hurteau, Houle and Mongiat (2009, p. 307) observe that the lack of a clear definition may “underline why program evaluation is periodically called into question as an original process, whose primary function is the production of legitimate and justified judgments which serve as the bases for relevant recommendations.” However, Potter (2006) postulates that the strict adherence to a set of methodological assumptions may make the field of evaluation more acceptable to a mainstream audience but this adherence will work towards preventing evaluators from developing new strategies for dealing with the myriad problems that programs face.

Datta (2006) states that “from an often huge body of relevant evaluations and reports, only about 10% of these reports” or less, are used by the evaluand‟s (clients) (cited in, Hurteau, Houle, & Mongiat, 2009, p. 308). Fournier and Smith (1993) comment that, “when evaluation findings are challenged or utilization has failed, it was because stakeholders and clients found the inferences weak or the warrants unconvincing” (cited in, Hurteau, Houle, & Mongiat, 2009, p. 308). Some reasons for this situation, may be the failure of the evaluator to establish a set of

~ 94 ~ shared aims with the evaluand (client), or creating overly ambitious aims, as well as failing to compromise and incorporate the cultural differences of individuals and programs within the evaluation aims and process (Reeve, & Peerbhoy, 2007).

None of these problems are due to a lack of a definition of evaluation but are rather due to evaluators attempting to impose predisposed notions and definitions of evaluations on clients. The central reason for the poor utilization of evaluations is arguably due to the lack of tailoring of evaluations to suit the needs of the client, due to a predefined idea ( or definition) of what an evaluation is rather than what the client needs are. As House (1980) explains “unless an evaluation provides an explanation for a particular audience, and enhances the understanding of that audience by the content and form of the arguments it presents, it is not an adequate evaluation for that audience, even though the facts on which it is based are verifiable by other procedures” (cited in, Hurteau, Houle, & Mongiat, 2009, p. 308).

If one were to page through many well reviewed books on the topic of evaluation one would be sure to come across a definition similar to these. An evaluation is a systematic, rigorous, and meticulous application of scientific methods to assess the design, implementation, improvement or outcomes of a program (Rossi, Lipsey, & Freeman, 2004). It is a resource-intensive process, frequently requiring resources, such as, evaluator expertise, labor, time and a sizeable budget (Rossi, Lipsey, & Freeman, 2004).

St Leger and Walsworth-Bell have defined evaluation as „the critical assessment, in as objective a manner as possible, of the degree to which a service or its component parts fulfils stated goals‟ (cited in, Reeve, & Peerbhoy, 2007,p. 122). The focus of this definition is on attaining objective knowledge, and scientifically or quantitatively measuring predetermined and external concepts (Reeve, & Peerbhoy, 2007).

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Stufflebeam defines evaluation as „a study designed to assist some audience to assess an object‟s merit and worth‟ (cited in, Reeve, & Peerbhoy, 2007,p. 122). In this definition the focus is on facts as well as value laden judgements of the programs outcomes and worth (Reeve, & Peerbhoy, 2007).

Stake and Schwandt (2006) argue that “the main purpose of a program evaluation is to determine the quality of a program by formulating a judgment” (cited in, Hurteau, Houle, & Mongiat, 2009, 307). This definition is contested by Reeve, and Peerbhoy (2007, p. 122) who argue that “ projects, evaluators and other stakeholders (including funders) will all have potentially different ideas about how best to evaluate a project since each may have a different definition of „merit‟. The core of the problem is thus about defining what is of value.”

Reeve and Peerbhoy (2007, p.122) argue that evaluation “is a contested term”, as „evaluators‟ use the term evaluation to describe an assessment, or investigation of a program whilst others simply understand evaluation as being synonymous with applied research. The above definitions outline some facets of evaluation whilst excluding other functions and goals of an evaluation. Not all evaluations serve the same purpose some evaluations serve a monitoring function rather than focusing solely on measurable program outcomes or evaluation findings, and it would be a tremendous feat to define the numerous types of evaluations that can be conducted (Reeve, & Peerbhoy, 2007). As Alkin and Ellett (1990, p. 454) eloquently state that “evaluation is a large, but not unified theoretical area. No single theory specific to evaluation is available to describe, explain and predict all types of evaluation activities”.

Potter (2006, p. 88) contends that “evaluation is an eclectic and diverse field”. He argues that this diversity is reflected in the body of literature around evaluation, as the literature, “draws on a number of disciplines, which include management and organizational theory, policy analysis, education, sociology, social anthropology, and social change” (Potter, 2006, p. 88). These arguments ~ 96 ~ capture an important facet of evaluation, namely, that evaluation is a theoretically informed approach, and consequently a definition of evaluation would have be tailored to the theory, approach, needs, purpose and methodology of the evaluation itself. Therefore, the problem of defining evaluation is not that the field of evaluation does not permit a definition but rather that a definition of evaluation would depict evaluation as a static concept rather than the fluid approach it is.

`Depending on the topic of interest, there are professional groups which look to the quality and rigor of the evaluation process.

The Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation has developed standards for program, personnel, and student evaluation. The Joint Committee standards are broken into four sections: Utility, Feasibility, Propriety, and Accuracy. Various European institutions have also prepared their own standards, more or less related to those produced by the Joint Committee. They provide guidelines about basing value judgments on systematic inquiry, evaluator competence and integrity, respect for people, and regard for the general and public welfare.

The American Evaluation Association has created a set of Guiding Principles [6] for evaluators. The order of these principles does not imply priority among them; priority will vary by situation and evaluator role. The principles run as follows:

Systematic Inquiry: Evaluators conduct systematic, data-based inquiries about whatever is being evaluated.

Competence: Evaluators provide competent performance to stakeholders.

Integrity / Honesty: Evaluators ensure the honesty and integrity of the entire evaluation process.

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Respect for People: Evaluators respect the security, dignity and self-worth of the respondents, program participants, clients, and other stakeholders with whom they interact.

Responsibilities for General and Public Welfare: Evaluators articulate and take into account the diversity of interests and values that may be related to the general and public welfare.

Furthermore, the international organizations such as the I.M.F. and the World Bank have independent evaluation functions. The various funds, programs, and agencies of the United Nations has a mix of independent, semi-independent and self-evaluation functions, which have organized themselves as a system-wide UN Evaluation Group (UNEG), that works together to strengthen the function, and to establish UN norms and standards for evaluation. There is also an evaluation group within the OECD-DAC, which endeavors to improve development evaluation standards.

Evaluation approaches

Evaluation approaches are conceptually distinct ways of thinking about, designing and conducting evaluation efforts. Many of the evaluation approaches in use today make truly unique contributions to solving important problems, while others refine existing approaches in some way.

Classification of approaches

Two classifications of evaluation approaches by House and Stufflebeam & Webster can be combined into a manageable number of approaches in terms of their unique and important underlying principles.

House considers all major evaluation approaches to be based on a common ideology, liberal democracy. Important principles of this ideology include freedom of choice, the uniqueness of the individual, and empirical inquiry grounded in

~ 98 ~ objectivity. He also contends they are all based on subjectivist ethics, in which ethical conduct is based on the subjective or intuitive experience of an individual or group. One form of subjectivist ethics is utilitarian, in which “the good” is determined by what maximizes some single, explicit interpretation of happiness for society as a whole. Another form of subjectivist ethics is intuitionist / pluralist, in which no single interpretation of “the good” is assumed and these interpretations need not be explicitly stated nor justified.

These ethical positions have corresponding epistemologies-philosophies of obtaining knowledge. The objectivist epistemology is associated with the utilitarian ethic. In general, it is used to acquire knowledge capable of external verification (intersubjective agreement) through publicly inspect able methods and data. The subjectivist epistemology is associated with the intuitionist/pluralist ethic. It is used to acquire new knowledge based on existing personal knowledge and experiences that are (explicit) or are not (tacit) available for public inspection.

House further divides each epistemological approach by two main political perspectives. Approaches can take an elite perspective, focusing on the interests of managers and professionals. They also can take a mass perspective, focusing on consumers and participatory approaches.

Stufflebeam and Webster place approaches into one of three groups according to their orientation toward the role of values, an ethical consideration. The political orientation promotes a positive or negative view of an object regardless of what its value actually and might be. They call this pseudo- evaluation. The questions orientation includes approaches that might or might not provide answers specifically related to the value of an object. They call this quasi- evaluation. The values orientation includes approaches primarily intended to determine the value of some object. They call this true evaluation.

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When the above concepts are considered simultaneously, fifteen evaluation approaches can be identified in terms of epistemology, major perspective (from House), and orientation. Two pseudo-evaluation approaches politically controlled and public relations studies are represented. They are based on an objectivist epistemology from an elite perspective. Six quasi-evaluation approaches use an objectivist epistemology. Five of them-experimental research, management information systems, testing programs, objectives-based studies, and content analysis-take an elite perspective. Accountability takes a mass perspective. Seven true evaluation approaches are included. Two approaches, decision-oriented and policy studies are based on an objectivist epistemology from an elite perspective. Consumer-oriented studies are based on an objectivist epistemology from a mass perspective. Two approaches-accreditation/certification and connoisseur studies- are based on a subjectivist epistemology from an elite perspective. Finally, adversary and client-centered studies are based on a subjectivist epistemology from a mass perspective.


Politically controlled and public relations studies are based on an objectivist epistemology from an elite perspective. Although both of these approaches seek to misrepresent value interpretations about some object, they go about it a bit differently. Information obtained through politically controlled studies is released or withheld to meet the special interests of the holder.

Public relations information is used to paint a positive image of an object regardless of the actual situation. Neither of these approaches is acceptable evaluation practice, although the seasoned reader can surely think of a few examples where they have been used.

Objectivist, elite, quasi-evaluation As a group, these five approaches represent a highly respected collection of

~ 100 ~ disciplined inquiry approaches. They are considered quasi-evaluation approaches because particular studies legitimately can focus only on questions of knowledge without addressing any questions of value. Such studies are, by definition, not evaluations. These approaches can produce characterizations without producing appraisals, although specific studies can produce both. Each of these approaches serves its intended purpose well. They are discussed roughly in order of the extent to which they approach the objectivist ideal.

Experimental research is the best approach for determining causal relationships between variables. The potential problem with using this as an evaluation approach is that its highly controlled and stylized methodology may not be sufficiently responsive to the dynamically changing needs of most human service programs.

Management information systems (MISs) can give detailed information about the dynamic operations of complex programs. However, this information is restricted to readily quantifiable data usually available at regular intervals.

Testing programs are familiar to just about anyone who has attended school, served in the military, or worked for a large company. These programs are good at comparing individuals or groups to selected norms in a number of subject areas or to a set of standards of performance. However, they only focus on taste performance and they might not adequately sample what is taught or expected.

Objectives-based approaches relate outcomes to prespecified objectives, allowing judgments to be made about their level of attainment. Unfortunately, the objectives are often not proven to be important or they focus on outcomes too narrow to provide the basis for determining the value of an object.

Content analysis is a quasi-evaluation approach because content analysis judgments need not be based on value statements. Instead, they can be based on

~ 101 ~ knowledge. Such content analyses are not evaluations. On the other hand, when content analysis judgments are based on values, such studies are evaluations.

Objectivist, mass, quasi-evaluation

Accountability is popular with constituents because it is intended to provide an accurate accounting of results that can improve the quality of products and services. However, this approach quickly can turn practitioners and consumers into adversaries when implemented in a heavy-handed fashion.

Objectivist, elite, true evaluation

Decision-oriented studies are designed to provide a knowledge base for making and defending decisions. This approach usually requires the close collaboration between an evaluator and decision-maker, allowing it to be susceptible to corruption and bias.

Policy studies provide general guidance and direction on broad issues by identifying and assessing potential costs and benefits of competing policies. The drawback is these studies can be corrupted or subverted by the politically motivated actions of the participants.

Objectivist, mass, true evaluation

Consumer-oriented studies are used to judge the relative merits of goods and services based on generalized needs and values, along with a comprehensive range of effects. However, this approach does not necessarily help practitioners improve their work, and it requires a very good and credible evaluator to do it well.

'Subjectivist, elite, true evaluation'

Accreditation / certification programs are based on self-study and peer review of organizations, programs, and personnel. They draw on the insights, experience, and expertise of qualified individuals who use established guidelines to

~ 102 ~ determine if the applicant should be approved to perform specified functions. However, unless performance-based standards are used, attributes of applicants and the processes they perform often are overemphasized in relation to measures of outcomes or effects.

Connoisseur studies use the highly refined skills of individuals intimately familiar with the subject of the evaluation to critically characterize and appraise it. This approach can help others see programs in a new light, but it is difficult to find a qualified and unbiased connoisseur.

Subjectivist, mass, true evaluation

The adversary approach focuses on drawing out the pros and cons of controversial issues through quasi-legal proceedings. This helps ensure a balanced presentation of different perspectives on the issues, but it is also likely to discourage later cooperation and heighten animosities between contesting parties if “winners” and “losers” emerge.

Client-centered studies address specific concerns and issues of practitioners and other clients of the study in a particular setting. These studies help people understand the activities and values involved from a variety of perspectives. However, this responsive approach can lead to low external credibility and a favorable bias toward those who participated in the study.

2.4. Positively Evaluated Words used in the Novel «The Diamond belt»by Famous Uzbek Writer Pirimkul Kadirov

The emotional and intensifying words could be opposed to the neutral vocabulary may be called evaluatory words. Words which used in a sentence, pass a value judgment differ from other emotional words in that they can not only indicate the presence of emotion but specify it.

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When the emotional variant of the word or a separate emotional word is contrasted to its neutral homonym the emotional word always turns out to be morphologically or semanticaliy derived, not primary.

In evaluatory words the denotative meaning is not superseded by the emotional component, on the contrary they co-exist and support each other.

For example, the verb fabricate has not lost its original neutral meaning of 'manufacture', but added to it the meaning of 'invent falsely'. When using this word, the speaker is not indifferent to the fact but expresses his scorn, irony or disgust, whereas in using the verb forge to name the same action, he merely states the fact. Scheming is a derogatory word, it means 'planning secretly, by intrigue or for private ends. For example: 'I wouldn't exaggerate that, Mildred" said Felix. “You're such a schemer yourself; you're a bit too ready to attribute schemes to other people”. "Well, somebody's got to do some scheming, “said Mildred” Or let's call it planning, shall we? As you won't raise a finger to help yourself, dear boy, I have to try to help you. And then 1 am accused of scheming”. (MURDOCH)

Meanings with emotional components always come into being as secondary, not original; in some cases they may give rise to derivation of separate emotional words. Many of these are to be found among interjections.

One and the same may have different evaluation when it is used with words denoting different sex.

For example, He is a bull- Он – бык (т. е. здоров и полон энергии) -a positive evaluation, but She is a bull – Она корова (толстая и неуклюжая) - a negative evaluation

In Russian there also a lot of such words with both positive and negative evaluation:

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Личико – the word with positive evaluation and, морда has the negative evaluation.

Evaluation is an expression of the value of approval to the object, the opposite narrative, truth-or, with respect. In the case of truth-relation starting point matching statements and the object is the last, the statement serves as a description. In the case of the initial value attitude is the statement, acting as a pattern, standard. Corresponding object is characterized in terms of valuation. Positively evaluation is the object corresponding to the views expressed about him allegedly in charge brought against its requirements.

Emotional, emphatic and evaluatory words should not be confused with words possessing some definite stylistic features although in actual discourse these properties may coincide, and we often come across words both emotionally and stylistically colored.

The collection of positively evaluated words found in the novel

«The diamond belt»by Pirimkul Kadirov.

молодец! Good fellow!

Верный друг! Loyal friend!

Особняк A pleasure dome

Шикарный Smart

Опрятно одетый человек A neat man

Мастер своего дела Expert

…до самой осени стоят ясные, …the days are clear, ruthlessly hot

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безжалостно жаркие и сухие дни. and dry till the autumn

Медовый аромат… Honey aroma…

…буйная зелень. …Rich greens

…зелень Майская густа, …The greens of May are dense живительна. and vivifying

Зелѐная капелька жизни… The Green droplet of the life…

Спасѐнная жизнь в двойне The rescued life is twice valuable дорога.

...добрая воля и добрый ум. …The good will and the kind mind

…крохотные наручные часы. …a tiny watch

Был он не так велик, но очень It was not too great, but it was very тяжѐл. (Чемодан) heavy.

…аромат хандаляков. …the aroma of the khandaljaks.

…добрые попутчики нашлись. …kind fellow travelers.

…человек с положением, ….the man of high position, солидный... solid…

В свои сорок лет, он был ещѐ He was still slender in his forties. строен.

Счастливая пара! The happy couple!

…лацкан модного светлого ….lapel of the fashionable light пиджака jacket

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Добрая семья! Good family!

…Волга с белоснежными …Volga with snow-white folding складчатыми шторками… shutters

…отличный шанс… …a great chance…

Его жена должна быть His wife must be perfectly honest, безукоризненно честной, преданной. loyal.

…шедевр архитектурной ….a masterpiece of architectural мысли… thought…

…заветное желание Шерзода. …Sherzod‟s cherished desire…

Мы с вами сами с усами. We are with you wise enough ourselves.

Самолет летел над плотными The plane flew over the dense слоями облаков, залитым layers of clouds, perfectly clean, the sky ослепительным солнечным сиянием was flood with dazzling of sunshine. неба.

Курица была мягкой, рис хорошо The chicken was soft, rice is well проварен. cooked.

Аэрофлот кормит на много Aeroflot feeds tastier than other вкуснее чем другие рестораны. restaurants.

Ваш супруг удачливый охотник your spouse one of the lucky hunters

...удачливые лауреаты! …the lucky winners!

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…нежное прикосновение… …gentle touch…

…самоотверженный герой …self-sacrificing hero of our time. нашего времени.

Он очень способный. He is very capable.

Женщины в Японии очень A woman in Japan is very красивые. beautiful.

Вазира очаровательная женщина. Vazira is charming woman.

Я люблю и ценю этот подарок I love and appreciate this gift of природы. nature.

2.5. The Ways of Translation of Positively Evaluated Words used in the Novel«The Diamond belt»by Famous Uzbek Writer Pirimkul Kadirov

According to Semasiology, evaluatory words are divided in two groups: evaluatory words with the positive meaning and evaluatory words with the negative meaning. The translation of positively evaluated present no great difficulty because of that fact that such words are often used in everyday speech.

Proceeding from Translation theory positively evaluated words can be translated by the method of

1) Giving equivalents, which completely corresponds to the sense of some English positively evaluated words and is founded in one form with it?

2) finding analogue – positively evaluated word in the Russian language with the meaning similar to an English word, but founded on other form:

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Selecting the analogue often requires from the translator thorough analysis of the context, the nature of translatable positively evaluated words and their Russian correspondence. There are rather difficult cases of different spelling.

3) Calque - a literal translation of the word. This way is less practical than two previous ways and is used in case when Russian positively evaluated word has no equivalence or English analogue (or impossibility of the usage of analogue under the cause of the context).

4) Descriptive translation – transference of a Russian positively evaluated word by free word combinations of the English language. In this case the form may be lost, which means that expressiveness of original positively evaluated word may also be lost.

5) Contextual change - the usage of such a Russian positively evaluated word, which though does not correspond by meaning of an English one, taken isolated, but with sufficient exactness (both semantic and stylistic exactness), gives its meaning in the given concrete context.

Ways of Translation of Positively Evaluated Words

Types№ of the Russian English Translation

1 Finding молодец! Good fellow! equivalents

2 Finding Особняк A pleasure dome analogues

3 Descriptive Самолет летел The plane flew over the translation над плотными dense layers of clouds, in the слоями облаков, sky, which was perfectly clean

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залитым and was flood with dazzling of ослепительным sunshine. солнечным сиянием - неба.

4 Antonomical Дело мастера боится It takes an old hand to do translation a good job.

2.6. Difficulties in the Translation of Positively Evaluated Words used in the Novel «The Diamond belt» by Pirimkul Kadirov

Translation is a means of interlingual communication. The translator makes possible an exchange of information between the users of different languages by producing in the target language.

The functional status of a translation is supported by its structural and semantic similarity with the original. The translator is expected to refrain from any remarks or intrusions in his text which may betray his authorship thereof. He is expected to efface himself as fully as he can to avoid interference with the process of communication between. The s t r u c t u r e of the translation should follow that of the original text: there should be no change in the sequence of narration or in the arrangement of the segments of the text. Of major importance is the s e m a n t i c identification of the translation. It is presumed that the translation has the same meaning as the original text.

The translation process consists of two steps. First, the translator should carefully appreciate the tone and spirit of the whole original work through words, sentences and paragraphs it is made up of and determine what kind of style it reflects from both the literary and linguistic points of view. Then he starts

~ 110 ~ translating it sentence by sentence and paragraph by paragraph from beginning to the end, with the reproduction of the original style kept in mind. The central problem of translation is overall choice of a translation method for a text; the most important particular problem is the correct translation of positively evaluated words.

The translator must give careful consideration whenever these positively evaluated words are found in the source text. The first step towards adequate translation of the positively evaluated words is to determine whether the adequateness is a correspondent or not, whether it is dimply not translatable.

Meanwhile, the translator should pay attention to the three aspects of an utterance, i.e., the verbal, syntactic, and semantic aspects. The verbal aspect is reflected by the sentences in the work. The syntactic aspect involves the interpretation of the parts of the text. The semantic aspect involves the global sense of the utterance, the theme it evokes.

Translatability of the literary style of original works has been reaffirmed and guiding principles and proper methods have been given. Literary translators must consider the reproduction of the original style as their common goal and strive for it in their work.

The translation of positively evaluated words presents the significant difficulties. This is explained by that many of them are bright, emotional saturated, belonging to determined speech stiletto and often carrying brightly denominated national nature. In translation of such words there follows to take into account the particularities of the context, in which they are used.

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Difficulties in the Translation of Positively Evaluated Words

Difficulties in the Examples Translation of Positively Russian English Evaluated Words

1 Absence of equivalents Верный друг! Loyal friend!

2 Absence of analogues Мастер своего дела Expert

3 The difficulty of - - working out a descriptive translation each time it is used

4 Impossibility of finding Чего это у тебя You' ve got antonymical translation такое лицо светится? happy face

5 The absence of the - - calques

6 The difference in the (Ўзига хон) master of the National Picture of the world situation Хозяин положения in English and Russian in the sphere of positively evaluated words

Ханум A women rank

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Our objective conceptual world is realized through our local conceptual world. It is reflected with the help of different language means. The choice of words that we exchange in the intercourse depends much on the specific situation, our up-bringing, social position, education, cultural traditions, gender, and age.

Having analyses the topic under our investigation we‟ve come to conclusion, that:

A word is known as the smallest naming unit of the language. According to L. Bloomfield, word is a minimum free form. Close observation and comparison of words clearly shows that a great number of words have a composite nature and are made up of smaller units, each possessing sound-form and meaning. The term "word" denotes the main lexical unit of a language resulting from the association of a group of sounds with a meaning. This unit is used in grammatical functions characteristic of it. It is the smallest unit of a language which can stand alone as a complete utterance.

It should be pointed out that among the emotionally colored words we could find words which express evaluation, judgment. They are called evaluatory words.

Evaluation often is used to characterize and apprise subjects of interest in a wide range of human enterprises, including the arts, criminal justice, foundations and non-profit organizations, government, health care, and other human services. Evaluative connotation expresses approval of disapproval. Making use of the same procedure of comparing elements of a synonymic group, one compares the words magic, witchcraft and sorcery, all originally denoting art and power of controlling events by occult supernatural means, we see that all three words are now used mostly figuratively, and also that magic as compared to its synonyms will have glamorous attractive connotations, while the other two, on the contrary, have rather sinister associations. It is not claimed that these four types of

~ 113 ~ connotations: stylistic, emotional, evaluative and intensifying form an ideal and complete classification. Many other variants have been proposed, but the one suggested here is convenient for practical analysis and well supported by facts. It certainly is not ideal. There is some difficulty for instance in separating the binary good/bad evaluation from connotations of the so-called bias words involving ideological viewpoints. Bias words are especially characteristic of the newspaper vocabulary reflecting different ideologies and political trends in describing political life. Some authors think these connotations should be taken separately. A linguistic proof of an existing unpleasant connotation is the appearance of euphemisms. Thus backward students are now called under-achievers. Countries with a low standard of living were first called undeveloped, but euphemisms quickly lose their polite character and the unpleasant connotations are revived, and then they are replaced by new euphemisms such as less developed and then as developing countries.


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1. Аракин В.Д. - Очерки по истории английского языка. М. ВШ., 1986. 2. Бўронов Ж.Б. Мўминов О.М. - Инглиз тили лексикологияси, Тошкент, 1992. 3. Бруннер К. - История английского языка М. Прогресс, 1959. (в 2-х томах) 4. Бархударов А.С., Штелинг Д.А. - Грамматика английского языка, Москва, 1974. 5. Виноградов В.В. - Словообразование и его отношение к грамматике и лексикологии, Москва, 1952. 6. Виноградов В. В. - Лексикология и лексикография, Москва, 1977. 7. Иванова И.П., Чахоян В.Л. - История английского языка М. ВШ., 1982. 8. Иванова И.П., Бурлакова В.В., Почепцов Л. - Теоретическая грамматика английского языка, Москва, 1981. 9. Карашук П.М. - Словообразование английского языка, Москва, 1977. 10. Мўминов О.М. - Lexicology of The English Language, Tashkent, 2008. 11. Мешков О.Д. - Словообразование современного английского языка, Москва, 1976. 12. Смирницкий А.И. - Лексикология английского языка, Москва, 1956. 13. Уфимцева А. А. - Опыт изучения лексики как системы, Москва, 1962. 14. Швейцер А.Д. - Английский язык в США и Англии, Москва, 1971. 15. Хидекель С. С. и др. - Английская лексикология в выдержках и извлечениях, Москва, 1975. 16. Aznaurova E.C. - Translation theory and practice Tashkent, 1987. 17. Arnold I.V. - English word, Moscow, 1982. 18. Fries Ch. - The Structure of English, New York, 1952. 19. Francis N.M. - The Structure of American English, New York, 1958. 20. Galperin I.R. - Stylistics, Moscow, 1977. 21. Ginzburg R.S. - English Lexicology, Moscow, 1983. 22. Ginzburg R.S. - A Course in Modern English Lexicology, Moscow, 1979. 23. Hurteau, Houle, & Mongiat - Evaluation of words, New York, 2009.

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24. Ilyish B.A. - The Structural of modern English, Moscow, 1974. 25. Mednikova E.M. - Seminars in English Lexicology, Moscow, 1982. 26. Murphy R. - English grammar in Use, Oxford University from Oxford, 1996. 27. Roberts P. - Understanding English, New York, 1958. 28. Rossi, Lipsey, & Freeman - Evaluation, New York, 2004. 29. Strang B. - Modern English Structure, London, 1963. 30. Sheard А. - The Words We Use, London, 1962.

31. Hoсkett Ch. - A Course in Modern Linguistics, New York, I960.


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Медовый аромат Honey aroma (p.465)

Буйная зелень Rich greens (p.465)

Зелѐная капелька жизни The Green droplet of the life (p.466)

добрая воля и добрый ум. Good will and the kind mind (p.466)

крохотные наручные часы. A tiny watch (p.467)

крохотные наручные часы. The kind fellow travelers (p.468)

Счастливая пара! The happy couple! (p.470)

Добрая семья! Good family! (p.470)

заветное желание cherished desire

На вес золото Weight in gold (p.475)

Ослепительная улыбка The snow-white teeth smile (p.483)

удачливый охотник The lucky hunters (p.483)

удачливые лауреаты The lucky winners (p.484)

нежное прикосновение Gentle touch (p.484)

Богатые родные Rich family (p.485)

Манящее удовольствие Attractive pleasure (p.486)

очаровательная женщина A pretty woman (p.497)

Великий подарок матушки природы The great gift of Mother Nature (p.498)

самоотверженный герой Self-sacrificing hero (p.484)

человек с положением, солидный The man of high position, solid (p.468)

лацкан модного светлого пиджака lapel of the fashionable light jacket (p.469)

шедевр архитектурной мысли masterpiece of architectural thought (p.472)

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