The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan The Uzbek State World Languages University Translation/Interpretation Faculty Translation Theory and Practice Department Q U A L I F I C A T I O N P A P E R Pirimkul Kadirov “THE DIAMOND BELT” (pages 465-515) The Translation of Positively Evaluated Words Written by: KHaydarova Saida Group № 402 Scientific advisor: Teacher Khodjaeva S.S Reviewer: Associate professor. Muminov O.M. Tashkent – 2011 Contents ~ 1 ~ Introduction ....………………………………………………………………...3-5 CHAPTER I. Translation of the Passage from the Novel «The Diamond belt» by Pirimkul Kadirov, (pages 465-515)………………………………………6-74 CHAPTER II. Analysis of the Translation of Positively Evaluated Words used in the Novel «The Diamond belt» by Famous Uzbek Writer Pirimkul Kadirov………………………………………………………………………75-112 2.1.Theoretical Problems of Present Day Semasiology………………….…75-80 2.2.Denotative and connotative meanings of a word…………………….....80-93 2.3. Some Facts on the Concept “Evaluation”………………………….....93-103 2.4. Positively Evaluated Words used in the Novel «The Diamond belt»by Famous Uzbek Writer Pirimkul Kadirov………………………………..103-108 2.5. The Ways of Translation of Positively Evaluated Words used in the Novel«The Diamond belt»by Uzbek Writer Pirimkul Kadirov...............108-110 2.6. Difficulties in the Translation of Positively Evaluated Words used in the Novel «The Diamond belt» by Pirimkul Kadirov………….……….110-112 Conclusion....................................................................................................113-114 Bibliography …………………………….………………………………..115-116 Appendix Introduction ~ 2 ~ Nowadays, the experience of Uzbekistan in the sphere of education and upbringing the upcoming generation attracts the attention of foreign specialists. The state policy in this direction continues to develop. As President Islam Karimov has said, the rise of quality of education, creation of broad opportunities and assistance to university and institute graduates in applying the acquired knowledge and professions must become principally important issues. The upbringing of the harmonically developed young generation in Uzbekistan is of the most significant priorities. At the same time, it is important that upbringing and education of the forthcoming generation are based both on the national traditions and values, and advanced international experience. In educational entities of the country purposeful work is being held for upbringing of young people in sphere of respect to national values, love and devotion to the Motherland. With that aim a subject “Idea of National Independence and Bases of Spirituality” is being taught, regularly conducted are contests, science conferences, discussions and meetings with participation of propagandists of spirituality, science men, poets, writers. The President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov has noted the need to support and render assistance to the implementation of projects by non-state organizations that make a significant contribution to the development of young generation. “The youth is not only our hope and future, but it is a decisive force of our today and tomorrow”. Such definition will serve as the basis of the country‟s youth policy. In this respect, the year is called upon to establish the foundation based on which the builders of the country‟s future will have to address the tasks on its further democratization and constructing the modern democratic society.1 1 Islam Karimov «High spirituality – invincible power» ~ 3 ~ The present graduation qualification paper deals with the matter of the present day linguistics - the analysis of the structural – semantic and functional properties of the positive evaluated words and their translation in the novel«The Diamond belt»by Famous Uzbek Writer Pirimkul Kadirov The actuality of the investigation is explained on one hand by the profound interest to the function of positively evaluated words in the Russian and English languages, their structural, semantic features and the ways of their translation, also their use in the literary text and in speech, and, on the other hand by the absence of widely approved analysis of positively evaluated words from the semantic, stylistic, structural and transnational points of view. The main aim of the present graduation qualification paper is to work out a thorough and detailed description of the structural, semantic and functional features of positively evaluated words and find their correct translations in the novel. On the basis of this main aim we‟ve determined some concrete tasks: 1. To analyze the actual problems of Present – Day Semasiology. 2. To analyze the essential features of positively evaluated words. 3. To analyze the role of the context in determining the meaning of positively evaluated words. 4. To analyze the structural-semantic and functional properties of positively evaluated words. 5. To find translations of positively evaluated words and ways of translating them from Russian into English. ~ 4 ~ The theoretical importance of the present graduation paper is explained by the fact that this paper presents solution to some problems which were not solved to our days, like the comparative study of positively evaluated words in two non related languages, like English and Russian. Practical importance of the present work is doubtless due to the fact that the material of the work, as well as the conclusions and practical recommendations can be helpful for the teachers and the students of the translation faculty in learning lexicology and translation theory. The structure of the present graduation qualification paper was determined by the main aim and tasks of the work. So it has an Introduction, Two Chapters, a Conclusion and a Bibliography. ~ 5 ~ CHAPTER I. Translation of the Passage from the Novel «The Diamond belt» by Pirimkul Kadirov (pages 465-515) CHAPTER ONE The sun was slowly rolling out from The Chatkal Mountains. Abror met the sunrise at a balcony. From the third floor it seemed, as a fiery disk, more clearly - its top edge, compressed, stopped in the guarded waiting, and then it began to light uncountable iron and slate roofs with faster and faster beams, concrete and asphalt spaces of an enormous city which had already woken up, by filling streets with multi-colored streams of motor cars. The light sparkles on a steel and glass - intolerably to an eye. And, falling on rich greens, it dissolves in a powerful crone of centenary plane trees and oaks, gently pouring by golden-yellow shades on blossoming djida1; its honey aroma carries far around by a morning wind. The Apricots, almonds, the peach trees and the apple-trees have already blossomed in April; recent May rains have washed their leaves, they seem as dark like in summer. It is difficult to distinguish the high bushes of a pomegranate from textures of grapevines, only bright red bells of garnet inflorescences excrete, as if flashes of red-hot coal, among violent greens. Their scarlet velvety florets are afraid of a cold and darkness; at night, compressing, close their petals, and in the morning they revive again by a touch of sunbeams, widely opening their bright red bosom towards to light and heat. The sun rises more above, its disk becomes more less and bright. Eyes do not maintain this dazzle furious blazing of the fire, and we have to back up a shadow. All night long Abror was working on a draft of the ancient channel Bozsu that which leaked in these, nowadays concrete-asphalt, and open spaces. And what was it before the channel? Two thousand years ago instead of a green oasis there was an 1. Djida-an oriental oleaster ~ 6 ~ endless steppe burnt out by the sun, waterless and ruthless. Yes, the sun is generous here, and the greens of May are dense and vivifying, but rain is over in the middle of May, then a cloudlet is not found in the sky several weeks, the days are clear, ruthlessly hot and dry days till the autumn. Then the man needs a rescue at a shade of trees. And trees wait a rescue from water, flowing and irrigation, which has obeyed by people nowadays. Now this thousand-year interdependence of the man and the nature became for Abror a clue in a difficult labyrinth of an ancient intention. Green oasis of Tashkent... The Green droplet of the life, recently burned in the steppe, gradually extended and at last turned into the sea of greens... The rescued life is twice valuable. Every bush, every tree as if reaches for the man, trusting its destiny, relying on his good will and the kind mind, which reasonably directs a stream of water for rescue of all live... - Daddy, we are late! - The concerned voice of the daughter was heard. Abror, having interrupted the meditation, saw her already down, at an entrance. Yes, it is time to go down. He had to bring his wife to the airport, for the Moscow flight. Only to the first crossroads he had sufficient forces to keep in, that special feeling which had come to him there, at the balcony. And further... A stream of cars picked up and incurred him... Attention, attention, he should collect the thoughts, instead of that or a traffic light will be missed, either you will be hooked, or you will run over somebody... Also it is necessary to make haste, the time was hardly enough, and a way from Yunusabad1 through the centre of the city is considerable. 1.Yunusabad-the name of the northern part of Tashkent ~ 7 ~ At last railway station was passed; there from there to the purpose is not so far, the blessing that there is Tashkent airport in city boundaries. «And we, people of Tashkent, sometimes grumble and complain because of it...» Aha, here is the railway crossing, now absolutely nearby. Abror has put on speed, wishing to cross dimly gleaming rails more soon, but the semaphore sharply started blinking red , and a striped barrier unexpectedly fast 1 - It seemed so - has fallen before "Zhiguly" .
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