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2-4-1964 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News

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Senate Rejects Tax Credits Blizzard Rips Across For Students WASHINGTON > CAP) - .. The Senate today " narrowly beat down j 48-45, a" proposal to allow a special income tax credit for parents putting their children through college f , New Mexico ^ Texas The vote was a major victory for the Johnson administration, which had, marshaled . all its forces to try to defeat the pro- posal as an amendment to the f oot Drifts $ 7 : tax cut bill. Democratic leaders said the cost of theP college tax credit would be so great that, if it In Some Places were ad op ted , it probably ¦" ' ' would be necessary to cut back ; AMARILLO, . Tex.; • ifft; , — . A blinding, blizzard-likfi .. on the individual income tax snowstorm isolated many Texas and New Mexico com- rate reductions in the bill. It munities today, causing at least three deaths, and whip- ' ' ¦ ¦ ' could amount to $750 million ping up drifts as deep as seven fefit. " . . .; the first year, they said. 7 The f snow, mixed in some spots with hard rains:; Sen. Abraham A , Ribicoff , covered much of Oklahoma, eastern New Mexico,.. and D-Conn., who sponsored the knifed deep into west cen- proposal, argued that tile cred- ' it should be allowed to tral-, Texas. . . ; 'A PA give a Near-blizzard conditions break to middle income fami- . pre- lies, y vailed over most of the Texas Panhandle With : 17 inches of Freentan Cites Opponents of the plan said ft snow at Borger and 14. inches woujd not benefit the poor fam- at Spearman f; v-y-; y ilies reeding help the most. Only a few vehicles were able to negotiate U.S. Highway 66 Agriculfufe : "HISTORIC EVENT . . . President John- A signing were given to Rep. Charles Halleck;. west of Amarillo, The Texas Highway Patrol urged all ' resi- son congratulates, Sen. Spessard Holland, D- R-Ind., left , and Holland. Others photo ¦;• dents not to attempt travel. PRESIDENTIAL TALK IN GYM . ' , . Sen, Barry Gold- Fla., after the ceremony at the; White House from left are i Bernard Boutin ,; GSA admin- Depl Gaiits Baker Paid "¦' water, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomina- . today at which the 24th amen dmeht outlaw- istrator; Speaker John; W. McCormack, D- A Greyhound bus skidded off ST. PAUL (AP) — Secretary U. S. 66 Monday, tion,; standing beneath a picture of himself , gives a talk: at ing the poll tax as a condition to voting was . Mass.,; Sen. George : Smathers, D-Plaf , Jo- night . but all of Agriculture Orville L. Free- certified as in effect: Holland was 26 passengers . were safe. The; Macalester College in, St. Paul. Minn. , during a . stopover principal sesph Rauh; an official of the Americans for man, says f the department Will By sponsor of the legislation. Pens used in the Democratic Action J (AP Photofax); ' driver kept the motor and heat- have 1,350 feWer man-years of Monday. The empty seats filled up later in his talk; His Both Haiti ers running until towing units . appearance Was (AP time put in by employes during .ahead of schedule.f Photofax> could- arrive by daylight , from the next fiscal year. nearby San : Jon , N. M. f , Freeman attributed it to what POPULAR IN tWIN CITIES Buyer; Seller Thousands of stranded travel- he termed the "management ers jammed hotels and motels improvement projgram" in tha By G. MILTON KELLY in the areas. / Agriculture Department aid WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen- C Around Amarillo, heart of the said it was in keeping ; R0a with Pres- . ate investigators disclosed v tes- Texas Panhandle, farmers and ident Johnson's demand for ranchers were jubilant at timony; today that Bobby Baker pros- economy in government. dMO Hear is raking in , rnoriey both from pect of another day of the howl- , The secretary made the re- the seller arid the buyer in a ing wekther. They called it "a marks in a news conference at Haitian meat deal. million-dollar show" and said the office of Gov. Karl Rolvaag the spring wheat crops '- . would, —• an office Freeman held ber The testimony pictured Baker benefit tremendously. Goldwater as helping to engineer the deal, By WILLIAM L; RYAN which could carve the Commu- Possibly it feels more confident ' fore becoming head of U.S, ag- By AD OLPH JOHNSON lege: gymnasium. . which . in the beginning hv AP Special;Correspondent , nist world into two distinct and since the recognition extended A wheat farmer from Perry- riculture when President Kenne^ ' ' dy took office, (AP) - Min- There was a generous sprinkl- yolved Jose Benifez, who was Red China may be on the even opposing blocs, '. . by France. Turning Nikita ton, ". Tex. , -C.A Douglas Smith, "We are not firing people, nesotans like . ing of young people in his noon identified as Puerto Rico's verge ¦ ' of a . go-it-alone :'. policy Peking is flexing new muscles. Khrushchev's own w o r d .-'s- said the snow was moist and " At least the nearly 4,000 who Democratic national commit- against him, Peking implies the clinging—the best kind. said Freeman. "We're simply audience and the Macalester ; "All we not filling sortie vacancies when turned out to hear the crowd was predominantly col- teeman; y y : Soviet premier and his European need is more of it. " senator on his whirlwind one- Communists should '.-; let Red Amarillo' they exist." lege-aged although many faculty the complex transaction s major arteries to day, visit; to the Twin Cities members were present. was China lead the revolution . in Oklahoma, New Mexico, Colora- He said the 1965 fiscal budget described by Francis E; Law calls for; billion less iii Monday in his drive to win sup- The Arizona senator 's listen- New York Boyeatt Asia and Africa. do and the interior of Texas $1.1 and Thomas Webb Wash- spending on agriculture port for the Republicain presi- ers applauded his conservative Jr., were closed by midnight; The than in dential nomination indicated ington business partners, who 7 Khrushchev, who once prom- the current fiscal year. ' ' philosophy and his belief that ised to bury the West's social airport closed;-: Monday after- they do. ; ; - . ' said they also get a cvt of the noon with visibility of less than He chided critics of the progress must be based "upon two-way profit, system, himself is going to be administration' They ga-ve him a rising ova- the proven values of the past." one-eighth of a mile. s program of Called Success buried by the grvain sales to Russia, adding: tion when he got up to speak at They also applauded his crit- Law and Webb testified at movement,, said Peking in its '¦: Most eastern New Mexico and noon at the ; Pick-Nicolet Hotel. of closed hearings last week of NEW YORK (AP) - A "All it did Was furnish ' ah ex- Texas roads branded as "We are not going to starve icism medicare arid federal latest broadside.. were Russia into submission There the crowd overflowed the aid to elementary education, the Senate Rules Committee. "whoopee success," said a lead* cuse for kids to stay out." dangerous by Monday evening. any more now than was the case main ballroom, which seats two programs he said would The Senate group is investigat- er of the boycott for full inte- The attack accused Khru- Roadblocks were set up in some Normally, 100,000 of the city 's under Stalin's dictatorship. 1 ,200, and filled two other small- weaken if not destroy "our con- ing the outsid e business opera- gration of 's shchev of encouraging an communities to advise motor- This schools. one million public school pupils "anti- represents no sensible avenuo er rooms. cept of family responsibility ." tions of Baker, who resigned party group" inside the Chinese ists to stop. ; "Mostly a fizzle ,"; said the stay home each day anyway be- for confronting an adversary. The second crowd , numbering They laughed with Goldwater under fire last Oct. 7 as secre- party. The use of this phrase- more than 1,500, gathered in the tary to the Senate's Democrat- school board president. cause of illness or other rea- Moire than eight Inches of "We should sell the Soviets as he; replied , "I'd be hap- sons. coined by Khrushchev—is tinged anything they can eat j. - afternoon in the Macalester Col- ic majority. Both were talking . about the with sarcasm. snow was reported in Amarillo drink or py with a woman anytime," 464,362 pupils who stayed away by midnight. Boise City, in smoke." when asked if he would Of the 43,800 public school accept Sen i Albert D. Gore, D-Tcnn., from school for one day Mon- The Chinese party never had the extreme western Oklahoma a woman candidate for \ice teachers in the nation 's largest promised meanwhile to intro- day. school system, 3,537 —- three a violent purge in the old Soviet Panhandle, had six inches, Guy- president. President James B. Donovan style. If it had purges it avoided mon in the central Oklahoma Laughter and app duce a resolution to widen the times more than normal — also lause was Rules Committee of the Board of Education said: advertising them. But there is Panhandle had five. Minneapolis Man mixed when he said, as lights 's authority in were absent. Some joined picket investigating all the ins and outs lines of Negroes, Puerto Ricans a hint in the use of the term Heavy snow was reported at Goldwater went out briefly, "The oppo- "antiparty" that Mao Tze-tung Muleshoe,. Parnpa , Hereford, sition is in the dark all of the of the case. and others outside the schools. Children also marched on pick- andled resistance to his poli- Dumas, and Lubbock , in Texas, Dead of Injuries time." One issue has been whether cies within his own Politburo in and at Tucumcari, Clovis and Beckwith' et lines. By THE ASSOCIATED PRE.SS And listeners nodded agree- the group has authority to inves- s Car the only way Communists seem Santa ,,in New Mexico. Rejects ment when Bill Holes, leader of tigate senators and aides to sen- There nre 3,733 Negro and able to deal with differences of A Minneapolis man died early Minnesotans for Goldwater , ators — as distinguished from opinion. today of injuries received Mon- employes of the Senate itself— Puerto Rican teachers in the urged them to attend their Re- At Murder Scene, system. Man Suing for day night in a traffic accident publican precinct caucuses and concerning their dealings with It I K widely known that Khru- in the city, raising 's Judd Plan elect Goldwater delegates to Baker. Chairman B. Everett The absent teachers face pen- 1964 traffic toll to 44, or ona alties ranging from loss of one shchev opposed Mao's attempt $5 Million Gets (AP) their county conventions. Jordan , D-N.C, insists It lacks fo launch Red China on the above the total a year ago. MINNEAPOLIS - Sen. such powers and is not inves- Car Hop Testifies day 's pay to possible dismissal Barry Goldwater has rejected The county meetings will pre- " "great leap forward." Khru- Emil M. Bastyr, 65, was in- tigating senators." JACKSON , Miss. (AP) - A for neglect of duty unless they $25,000 Verdict jured when the car in which he the plea of a group of Minne- pare for district conventions at nervous 1 7-year-old car hop can give valid reasons for being shchev applauded those in the sota Republicans who asked which 16 of the state's 26 na- Peking leadership—like Marshal BRAINERD , Minn. (AP) -A and his wife were riding struck The committee Is Investigat- testified today Byron De La absent, Board of Education of- a bridge . Mrs. Bastyr, 62, was him—in the name of party unity tional convention delegates will Beckwith's car ficials said. Peng Teh-huai, an old comrade jury found in favor of landown- ing whether Baker's outside bus- was parked M.A, injured seriously. —to endorse former Rep. Walt- be chosen , with the balance within a few hundred icet of the of Mao—who resisted the great ers suing tho Hanna Min- iness dealings involved conflict Civil rights groups that spear- ing Co, early today, but reduced A collision of cars north of er H. Judd as a favorite son named al-large at the state con- of interest or other , improprie- murder scene on the night inte- leap. candidate for tho Republican vention . headed the boycott had said the claim from $5 million to Montevideo Monday kUled ties, and whether any other Sen- gration leader Medgar Evers The experiment with thc great presidential nomination. Actual selection of delegales they would retaliate if tho $25,000. William A. Anderson, 73, Clara ate employes were involved. wa.s shot. board punishes teachers with leap and people's communes — City, Minn. His car figured in a "I'm looking for delegates ,' 1 will . demonstrate finally just Baker resigned Oct. 7 as secre- Martha .lean O'Brien said the E. Duran Mattson of Brainerd how well Minnesotans do like anything more than loss of a abandoned ns a failure — is and some 20 others brought suit crash with one occupied by Mr, Goldwater said Monday as he tary lo the Democratic Senate car was left in a comer of the day 's pay. known to have caused trouble and Mrs . Roger Myhre and two nought presidential backing in Goldwater. majority. lot at a drive-in where she against tho firm for alleged im- in the Communist Chinese proper digging at tho Mahno- children of Westminster, Colo. Minneapolis and St- Paul. "I Goldwater himself said he ex- worked. feared it pected to win more than half The testimony (o be made army. Some officers men Pit Mine near Crosby- can't stop people who want to The parking area overlooks Japs to Trade meant an end to Soviet military support me. Ihe state's national delegation. public (oday was taken at n Ironton. Minneapolis Rail tho vacant lot where the killer aid, Others resented expansion Landowners claimed that a He rejected an appeal that he closed session last week from stood hidden in a clump ot With North Korea "There's plenty of party unity back the favorite-son candidacy Thomas Webb Jr. and Francis of the Chinese militia and the straight vertical cut at the edge Workman Killed Law , lawyers who trees waiting for Evers to come (AP) use of regular army soldiers as of their property destroyed lat- MINNEAPOLIS — Wayn« and a campaign properly run of former Congressman Walter WashlnRton home, . ' TOKYO — Japanese un will not disunite the party," thc Judd in the interest of party have been linked with Baker in businessmen have signed trade laborers . eral support for their land. Howland, 41, described as a Arizona senator said in sprua- unity,, remarking that lie had connection with a Haitian meat Evers , 37, state secretary for contract s w I th Communist Peng Teh-huai eventually was Trial began Jan. 7. The jury Chicago and North Western ing the proposal of the Judd- seen no evidence of disunity. deal . the National Association for the North Korea totaling $11,1 mil- removed as defense minister retired at 2:25 p.m. Monday and Railway employe, was fatally for-President Volunteer Com- Advancement of Colored Peo- lion for the first half of 1964 and tossed off the Politburo. Ho returned its verdict at 3:30 n.m, injured in tho railroad yards mittee. ple, was shot in the back by a and hope to reach $27.7 million has disappeared from public today. Plaintiffs had asked $5 early today when crushed Goldwater drew crowds, sniper when he stepped from before the. year i.s out, view. million in damages. between two railroad cars. cheers and optimistic forecasts his car at his Jackson home from his supporters during a Navy Monitors shortly after midnight Juno 12:, six-hour campaign swing in Beck with , 43, is on trial in cir- What a Platform, What a Candidate Minneapolis and St. Paul. cuit court for murder. 2(5 Miss O'Brien said she could Minnesota will have votes Solar X-Rays not identif y the man she saw at the convention , and Goldwa- driving thc car nnd , since she ter 's strategists snid they fig- Hy FRANK CARKV More information Is expected got off 3it midnight , did nfrt Mrs. Luce Would Please Everyone ured at least 10 of them aro al- A.P. Scioncw Writer nt a news conference later in know how long it remained, ready in the senator 's column. By STAN SVVINTON without any increase in labor out of Khrushchev while relax- (AP) - The the day. Sho said sho Identified tho Goldwater (old newsmen he WASHINGTON Already, the Navy scientists (AP) costs. ing U,S.-U.S.S.H, tensions. disclosed today it has se- Beckwith' s company assigned NEW YORK - Clare figures ho had 450-500 delegates' Navy reported , (lie satellite has de- education "I am for supporting tho Eu- cretly launched a satellite to white auto for her Inspection, Boothe Luco took dead aim at "I favor a college votes lined up now. termined that thc sun is fasi The car had a distinctive radio for everyone regardless of race, ropean Common Market as an ()55 monitor solar X rnys nnd trans- the 1961 crop of presidential outlet for moro American chick- A total of votes will be to 15 na- approachinfi its "minimum of antenna installed for two-way creed or pre - entrance Intelli- OOP' mit the information " in its 11-yea r cycle of candidates today and unleashed ens and British agricultural needed to nominale thc s called activity radio communications, gence quotas. presidential candidat e, tions during this period sunspot activ ity. a platform to end presidential products. the "years of thc quiet sun." "I nrn for lifting everyone off Dist. Atty. William L. Wnllcir platforms. "I am for doing away with all TUI R period of relative calm also called another the social bottom. In fact , I am The satellite may help In teen-nRcr , with thc social military juntas except tlioso wo should last about two years, Robert Pittmnn , 10, who lived It was strictly tongue In check for doing away bring into power. WEATHER eventual development of a sys- bottom altogether. tem for predicting storms on thus the l itfM-1%5 period was near the drive-in. Ife testified —or dagger in cheek. "I am for the independence FKDHKA1 , FOK KCAST (he sun which bedevil some ra- given the scientific designation he saw a white car cruising The former Republican con- "1 am for victory in Viet Nam and sovereignty of the young, earth of the intemntionnl years of the back and (orlh In the men fou r gresswomnn and ono - time am- without any increase In U.S, immature African nations and WINONA AND VICINITY - dio communications on expenditures. 1 am and pose a threat to manned quiet sun. nights before the shooting and bassador to Italy said In an in- casualties or tho abandonment of the inde- Mostly fair nnd mild tonight also for neutralisation of Vict how tonight in space flight , The Navy noted thnt the new on the night of the shooting, terview : "I'd enter tho New pendence and sovereignty of all and Wednesday, spacecraft is the latest in a se- Nam as soon as Gen. do Gaulle 20s , high Wednesday MA2. Plttman testified the white Hampshire primary in n min- Iho old , mature European na- The Navy In Its .announcement ries of Navy solar-monitoring enr had n long communicntloas ute If I had a campaign man- apologizes for having suggested tions. LOCAL WKATI IKK didn 't give details on the size of satellites, Three others were antenna mounted on it. A simi- ager, nn organization and n po- it. "I am for a vigorous two - Official observations for the the spacecra ft or when it was launched ip IDfiO , lOfit and 1903 lar auto was assigned to Beck' litical base. I've certainly got "I am for raising living stand- party system in which my party ?A hours ending nt V2 m. to- launched but Indicated il. wns respectively lint the Navy said with for his use ns a salesman the program. " ards of the world hy deep nnd will control the White House , day : Maximum , -12; minimum, put into orbit riding pig( !y-hack the newcomer is now "Ihe only for n fertilize r firm located at Tho program? judicious pruning of U.S, aid. all Uio governorships and over Mra. Luco 52; noon , 42; preci pitation , none, on some other satellite. active solar monitor In orbit. " Greenville , Miss. "I am for tho 35 - hour week "I am for licking tho Bluffing 75 per cent of Congress." Sho 'a Got a Program ^^afeMss^u^^ BUSINESS MIRROR ncflllORANT | r-777: -7-7- 7.1y WL^^^IA^^W/IVMW^^W g ¦ ERYSIPELASPECIALS Public Back in ^^^^^^^^^ ¦V^TTil// {V^K|HH PP VVV I; ULVUVUHii 1 ma w*mm mwg ^^^^^^i VOTT lW^^^B^^^^H LS M I BACTERIN , A' mmmmmmW^^^^/0fa\la^Mm^MmmmmMm iyVTTTMj[M $1.00 Desert Flower O 4Q 1 SPRAYVI li ft I " m J* 50 e >3«*I%F Stock Market | mmmmmT7Ml M F0 ' .jllAWAAA^AAA\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\AAA\ I 1 J I I L ^^H °°* * S | By SAM DAWSON j desire to bring shareprices Into «pwavv ! H ^^^^^ I^^ I^^^^^^^^ HI ^^ IH ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^H^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ gl fl full or AP Business News Analyst the reach of more people to i ^^-^®s:\ $1.50 I ^Dry I Heatine. . Pad 1| have slowed markedly, in ^963. j eral regulatory agencies and ex- _B___4^P ^ x!B___- I ^ ^ ) change officials alike And .he ^ ™*" The role of the institution^ as ^ lay or coidd play in Cake owners goes on increasing. part they p Frust Some top-name corporations , corporate affairs is also of in- traditional choice of the long - terest to individual stockowners, I j jA n Rwhhlgg * term : investor, have seen the I big and little , and to corporate 2 |BQ m^^ HR j y ^ ro _J^j^,_,, j $ number of individual stbckhoM- 1 management. | °r P'nS Va Ue *3i33 ers decline in the last 12 or 18 | Sampling surveys have in- V^O JBB^___ T1__L^___F/ S 88C ~ SI 00 Woodbu f ' dicated that the number of in- months. Others have seen the ' Jr Qt. " long advance in numbers slack- ' dividual stockholders swelled 4 v^rv mr ^___ RH_____ H_V__ Rr I E^r^^^r?^^^^^^ K^?s- ! f%Qf* 11 A nil I AI IAH A w«rv LUllwII en. ; since World War II to as high ^^^VL VL vmmmm\m ^mmmmmmm\a ^m^ammmWJr % lid llll 'vHHHHflHHHffifsHtHH H Many of the stock splits an- , as 17 million. 53 ^^^JS^^Y ~v"^'?.^9lHHs9Hv ^^HHHHHBBF& ^ jfl^^ fa* ^ ¦HmHHHH ^Ffl|BI!!!9B ^IH ''¦¦1 nounced in recent weeks have , frankly named as a reason the I

p ^H < -^^wra ^^H xmmmtz&mmmimizmA -) 1/ / ^I ^ ^ ^ Whiinian\ E Head quarters COlU CfGdlll & BBmHII^ZI111 " Ru,e Se re Pads ' 5 I B°°k' ° ! ^-Oz. Size 69i Head and Shoulder IH || H | Naked Eye •/V DeluxeM Assortmenti , ' I \ ' ' f Bidding Guide % ' i__ H__ IIP ^nJ l < j— Lbs 1^—- - $L79 % SHAMPOO J^^ "^^ i ; t \) 2 $4.50 89; I C ** £ r^s^^ A?r^-^is^/«' | ^Hji ' T>^^^*^ i |^ H ; eted into space. ' 5 '^vs r7"^^'^> v j| , «^ | r^,>!r^^ > c- ^^"^^;''"T ^/ ' „**#Al'ZML, Pi $1 .79 Terra I> HB II IT ICKS,!'; H | ^ The paper, presented by Ma), i J ll /j A f i *f ™~M.E'JKJFii ' ^§M /< William B. Clark, said that with ! J 'I X - H9 i'- mW ••¦¦•'¦ proper reconnaissance training. ] |^* i mm Taxei M ^M ^^^nS9^^^ MmtmMma^WKttWAmwtwm ¦ ^v H K VHPSI l^!?fl^^3 j' -' ^^^^^Hi !!!i**««•¦»• MM i J KHST : m^ jjjy «si ¦^Be^^H%^HEH>^RlGB^B^BBii^^K. I^^PV^d^B K ^B H ^> si!»»^»««»^*w«^«« i ^^^^ l^lm ; military space pilots could read- ! *Paid —y^ip^i ^Ki^B.^MM»M»BW>W«MWM«WWWI|M«IH<| ^ i^^^^ H. «^HMM-, ^MW ^KJ7|^^H^^^ ments, troop movements and j c/ean [ ^B "unsuspected targets of oppor-i 7 «L MN*-,jfft' r.-^i>S4:t P S^^^Bliffirasft^ ^a^s F' $11 33 ' ^^ i tunity " from their 100-mile-high i WESTERN ^ The Colgate Way 1 % ^* ^ | outposts , || ( I IS S^^€ | WB *^* VICKS ? "Specific definition of man's, At tht End of LafayeHt St. maximum visual capabilities in , S 83e Colgate Tooth Paste . . '«' «" VA™ * UB space will be one of the most P ^ » 1 « l Kr ti ^ f 5M *" **••""• L[: 8 HHour« of Medication. \ militarily significant achieve- j * HA, ^fl^ ^Tfei -y fyM ' 1> AIIAP THPP | ^ pluf 4 Coupons Worth 450 FREE I Eases sore ments in future orbital flights," A \mmKn^* }; , — -a-3 Cooper said he clearly saw ; VO A i^^W ^ r' --^" o ^ houses and streets in the Him- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ alaya mountains , on the plains kid stuff ! ^¦ '' ' ''" ' ' "^^p^niT^jF- " of. Tibet and in the southwest ^'- . He said he sight- ed a vehicle moving on a road, Check your child's school. Does it have a daily program of vigorous ^^^ a boat on a river and a steam for Can locomotive on a track. !' exercHf 1 ? . for moro information, - I ONE-STOP VALENTINE SHOPPING "1 I -I '¦ 1 W ^^^ ^tKK Ii ¦ - ¦¦¦ T AI A TT^TO ^71 • . i writ 'p for ' the (roe leaflet fmm Wc have Hallmark Valentines for you to send ^^ ^'^^ Mechanical toys are not new. | HfO^V ' «KK fy A\ % I HK ^ SM I i thi? Prpsirlrnt 's Council jZmm-k to' everyone on your list in our distinctive new ¦: 'X. ''* ¦'* > /L^^__^l//|; / | ^ ^ Before the Christian era , an- ¦ *-* A f H&Y^SillP^I^SSffrI cient Greeks made a wooden j on Physical . Fitness , j^jf collection of quality designs I You'll also find R:??j;; 3CO«9C | ftgJ fvMHK; B DEODORANTS f^'' Fm^ i MK^ ' - pigeon that flew . Air escaping j Washington, D.C 205-4 VJ*^ 7 exciting Hallmark Gift Wraps and Plans-a- ^ ^^ I j^^Ll^a P I BHli Sin fi sS9l I from an animal bladder as from j . fubliihed ii • public in-vict In ronp^ f| Party accessories for easy , entertaining la !¦ ^^^ I | upon wilh The AdvpitKing Council CTIEAM or ROLL-ON I a balloon propelled the toy. perfect taste. l^^^a^HJlJSi Shop easily ... shop now for P —-^(I^^ P DAI llAlllfE1 I BMHllHlifBHHHJ | f your HaUmark Valentino needs, "When you | (^tM^HS^Mh ^^SW m % i MLilflULIVL i 1 care enough to | NOW! V^ ^ ^ m ^ ^ maW M | i ¦ • send the very best." | * fiU«*»«i» I S ' - I _ K^yXK. tatctai^A <~^ I SOAPAAHn I Olin UldSSCS«»»v 1 l; trerero-ysm^^^ | K/>C'^ (T^I ^T^^fT^l I I ~ '» I GOT PROBLEMS I 1 For Your Valentine I 9H (^^RJIJ S for I Se«.-^, Our lor 1 P . r>| refl. 1.00 V^ ^— ^2 , ^ | . a 29CA 0a | ^ iawt^\w>iM*iiwiMw 4 .« |W 1 ' imi>»w:vwwimi»:l,aMWWa!t >«»^ ^L^ * it * ^ *-; Selectionc i »• M VARDURY SO I 1 fe | 1 WITH Hi '^^33ST5S^ ^!S^K?^^SS85W?S?^^raS5a l-j 13 "MONEY- j rf ^ ^H ¥ EBrK^^. ^ I MANAGEMENT"? I wtw WLUK Him ( 1 >-iyi|y • ; Co| | | mm^^„^F^ l i. I IT'S MY 1 | d Capsu es TARDL Y CONVENIENCE j l j 1 (v| 1 BUSIN ESS I I'* iR^^www«^IP'! ^^sKejHBkte ' id|JT»> ' Ih^ "W . A!;. • , l i__.: :. », cs»i^^^-^^lr-sw"7. \i»i r >v/>— ^K ^^ , r. , iP.ilJlMdl/ ': P"5 .... -?*;rrr..'~ TTrrr .T' TO K* vj> nT iri n^i^i^^Bi^Sfc S";'T'.¦.«s,v.*v.ass',«L ^-"'<.''.x.<>^».'-<-'-'"^r :.^.~^"^^-'~-^i.:-*..:(..^ Vydtigffl^ nmm yyAm mat J am': ^ ^ ^fMmiC^^^i^^^^i^Sfc— ' Bma— fl: I TO HELP YOU 1 ' vf] ii^^^^f' ri^^'-'ft^fcSI^SfjKp^llM' t; I ¦¦SSWr^lSJeBiffl^i^^'' '1 [.JI" ii ^^~^JU^^-mam*" PERMANENT R' I 1 p f H i Wili ^nHi^^ T HOM E J|

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KEITH F0YE I r Fabrege Dusting Powder & Cologne Set,. $4 I P°" \ ; jj m 7 A E. 4th si, m P ¦: ¦ '! flrilw $100 LYS0L A : A : H mm vA Zm ° r^.r^W^"^.^v^'"y.^^;yv.-.^' .. - : . v AAXA L Un W ff j' OQ ¦ ¦ ^ma^kmW^ Winona ¦ |: ^^i^A 7rx^ ' :x!A:A^ j j £?JC j f| ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ vv nh Phono 3375 p #%«v Disinfectant coupon il [ HBTTTTITViTTTIl^ I *« I f M § INDUSTRIAL CREDIT COMPANY j k Hi^^yp s^»^A^^i iHw:\nHyr^^i] ltlsiiiiiii5^M *| ¦• 0/# M 77 ¦ ii M **BBnmMKKHRKKK m*pKRKH mmmmmMKMMM0M ?il :i lit kv - * »^WBS«»Ba«a!as8p^^ ¦ ",v *¦« ¦ * " *' *•• . -*• ^J -;. ,*,,,. ;v .; ': . . ^VV^Ji.;^^^^ ;! ^^ * ^?!*^ . TERMED MJNREALiSTIC' 'Financing for WSCM Cifyleachers Asked Dropout Class County Fair To Be Studied 5wb#b/oGifc CortC€pJ Gets $7;500 By C. GORDON HOLTE By FRANK UHLIG of the alley, has been acquired Nelson said. The. state's preli- Daily News Staff Writer Daily News Staff Writer by thef college. Residents of minary request , however, is for ¦ T&Reduc Demands . e Additional study was author- ¦ • Winona's public school teach- the board committee feels it that the request was "totally The first step toward adopt- the f north part , of the . block closure of the single block, of Appropriation ized Monday night for a propos- ing a "superblock" land use still would have access to the "Winona Street, he said. . The V/inona County Board of ers will be asked to scale down can't consider tlie faculty re- unrealistic from a cost stand- ed program of evening class in- quest for an increase of $403 in point.".;.- " . concept at Winona State Col- remaining 180 feet of alley not Vacation Of the street would Commissioners . voted Monday: their proposal for salary sched- struction for high school drop- lege wasytaken-; Monday night included.' ¦; in , the petition for take effect when construction to give ":$7,500 to tlie -Winona the maximums of the current TILLMAN SAID that a letter outs who want io complete re- ule increases for the 1964-65 con- salary schedule. by the City Council. vacation; Persons now living in begins next summer on the new County Agricultural d Indus- tract year on grounds that their was being drafted today and quirements for high school dip- .. After .listening to proposals the library extension area will food service building. A devel- trial Fair Association boardf, original recommendation sub- THE JOINT teachers com- would be sent to the teachers' lomas.. ." ' . by state and college officials , rriove before June this year opment plan displayed by E. the amount the fair group orig- mitted to a Board mittee had asked for the sched- committee . explaining ' that v the Suggested some . time ago by aldermen ordered h e a ring s of Education , O. Eckert , ,'Winona architect, inally requested from -the com-. salary: study committe is not ule change — together with re- board committee felt that the Superintendent of School A. L. March 2 on proposed vacation IMPLIED CONSENT subject — and , was given by shows the new building missibners7 7 realistic. vision of sick leave policy and faculty , recommendation was Nelson, the plan envisions;. or- of a portion of . alley arid one to the hearing; pti, a student union—- ly- '¦¦¦ ' "¦' " ¦' • ¦ ¦ • '¦- ¦ aldermen for vacation of Wi-f later This action reversed , earlier Fourth Ward sehnnl dirprlnr more liberal payments for ' 'unsubstantiated except for the ganization of ' " block Of Winona Street. 7 . ..f ing directly astride Winona indications: that the commis- implication that taxwise the city classes in the nona Street , from King to How- Franklin . Till- teachers with advanced degrees; : street , parallel to King Street; sioners would give the fair only man said to- , vo- of Winona seems to be able to e v e n fi n g THE ALLEY segment is the ard Street. Explaining. ;the pro those in the summer school School and-outlining $5,000. The county.7 board had day that a let- cational agriculture and evening bear the increased cost." school p r p- south 120 feet of north-south posal the super- ALD. HENRY Pailis asked Sch<>bl alley linking W abasha and San- block idea ' was A. J. Nelson, taken no ac- ter . was being school programs — at a meet- Tillman said the teachers wilL gfam t fh a t whether , clearance had been tion on the re- be invited to submit another w .-o 'u Id pro- Board born .streets, between Johnson state f architect. . sought frpm: the state Highway prepared to a ing with the board salary corn- ' PP--I ¦ ' ' : quest before' Vide persons * ¦ A P '' and Washingtony...streets. .- Its Nelson said plans for the next Department: Would its future County joint commit- mittee last month. proposal if they wish and that Monday,' ; but Board who have dropped out of high closure . would permit expan: 10 years call for construction of ' , designate tee of the Wi- Tillman's . .committee met the board committee: will be plans, he; asked W^ comm i s- " willing to meet with : them at school the • opportunity ftp earn sion eastward a new food service building, nona. Street as a thoroughfare riona Education Association > and Monday night to discuss the of Max w ell student union 1 and three dormi- sioners h ad Boarcl the Winona Federation of Teach- overall teachers proposal and their convenience; credits toward diplomas oyer to the interstate bridge? Eckert periods perhaps ranging tip to Library, plan- tories in the four blocks bound- ' made, expressed an ers advising the teachers that came to a conclusion, he said. Salary issues have not come . City y said inquiries;, were and unwillingness to grant the fair before the school board as a three years or so. . n e d as & ed east and west by Washing- the Highway Department had single: conti-; ton and Huff streets and north disclaimed any interest in. this the full $7,566. f; 7. 7: matter for action yet and the NELSON SAID Monday that Last year the board appropri- board as a whole is ¦ awaiting nuous " unit, Council and south by King and Mark idea. - ' : an exploratory meeting to de-. from its pre-; streets.7 ated $10,000 .to the fair , $500 a recommendation from : its sal- termine interest in the commu- 7 Long; range programs call.for less than was . asked. All but ary study committee sent ; location to thef corner of f This plan will unify the four Aviation Consultant .before con- nity for such a program . was use of leftover fareas as park- about $1, of this .amount was sidering the issues, v. . Sanborn and Johnson streets. present'. blocks info a single ing spaces. Eckert said; f Un- 0*0 held last week and attended by. ¦ The south half of the block- block. Streets now going through used to pay thef fair 's debts. The board committee chair- , der the.superblock plan , exist- ' man said his 41 all of whom expressed "sin- including land on both sides the area would be eliminated . ' This year s appropriation will group felt that the cere interest" in the proposal. ing area . can be - fused more pay foi' capital improvements. For City Appointed teachers, if they , review their efficientl y because . ..-ihe elimi- ' "It means that some of them . In a somewhat related action, The Gity Council acquired a OTHER BUSINESS: proposal , would, agree that ;.the would have , nation of smaller blocks cuts original to attend night the county board granted $75 new $l-a-year consultant .on • Appointed temporarily: to recommendation was classes two nights a week for (he total amount of required for Winon County the post of city dogcatcher was not a satisfactory Supervisor for Federaj , a 's . exhibit at aviation Monday night as 7it basis on which three years but that didn't setback space for: buildings he tbe ' Minnesota State Fair. This first created the post , then fill- Lynii Foster, Homier Road. Ap- to beginf salary discussions. said. ' _. seem to discourage them ," Nel- 77 is. the same amount, as was giv- ed; it. , plications for the job were re- NO DETERMINATION A good deal of aldermanic ,. of the son said. "We believe we can A/ianpower Plan Pr6ppsed en last yearfy George E, .Kelley , longtime ceived from Kerrriit Richmond tola 1 cost of. the dp a real service to the Winona opposition melted when Eckert Harry Peirce, 567 E. Sanborn St., and Victor teachers' pro- vocational ag- supporter of increased corh.- posed schedule could be made community if '-: we can bring . The Boardf of ^Education Mon- to the Minnesota border and said adoption , of the superblock riculturial instructor at Winona rnercial a i r - 77 Johnson , 1500 Service Dr. A because plan , would increase.;' -parking be .there was no recom- these people back to school and day night held over for furth- west to Rochester. Senior High School , who is in service f or permanent appointee - will mendation on how raise their educational level to space fivefold. .There are now charge of county' named , at the next Council the increase er consideration a: proposal . Nelson said that a member " the s state fair the city, was ; would he spread over the 13 a point of high school gradua- of the faculty , might be assigned about 60 parking spaces in the exhibit , appeared before the City meeting, Febyn. f that a. person be hired on four blocks .of ; streets within appointed to. steps of the schedule. tion." . a to the program on . a half-time board to request the grant. He the position, f • On recommendation of the Tillman , Asked about the ages of those the proposed superblock. When city attorney, John Gierok, v said that content of part-time basis to assist in the basis for whatever period the told the commissioners that the Kelley, who Council the letter to be sent to the teach- interested- in - enrolling in such organization .off the . growing the big unit is developed, 30O county's booth won a. blue 1069 E. Broadway, will be paid organizational work continued. cars 1 can be accommodated in served , f ofr7 ers" group would be revealed a program i Nelson said they program of vocational instruc- The person selected would ribbon at the 1963 fair, the first $733,95 for damages, labor arid ' • : off-street lots, he told falder- many years on the Chamber after the letter is drafted. .\ ranged from 19 to 55, with a tion under provisions of the assist in surveying the area such awa rd for the county. The of Commerce aviation commit- materials fin connection with rrieri. ' - . - • ' No date has been set for an median age of. about 30. A ques- Federal Manpower Develop- served by the vocational school county's blue ribbon was one of tee, had volunteered his serv- faulty sewer main installations. tionnaire had been submitted Gierpk's claim ha^ , been pend- other meeting of the two com ment & Training. Act. to determine the needs of the FURTHER impressing alder- only six given in , its class at ices to the city. Aldermen vot- mittees . to those interested to determine ing for several months. Several courses are being area as far as employment is men was a. statement by Dr. the 1963 state fair .yPeirce saicL ed promptly and unanimously areas: in which .instruction is Another. : grant , voted by the ' , : • Afldermen voted a supple- studied as possible additions to concerned. Nels Minne. WSC president A . to' accept the offer; wanted and these question- the new food service build- ; county.board Monday .was ah mentary appropriation f or the federally f - financed MDT He'd also prepare courses of that; ' naires aire now being tabulated program and Superintendent of ing would be staffed by 33 fulk allocation of '$500 for .miscella- Ralph Scharmer, general con- as a preliminary to determining ¦ study . for courses that might tractor on last year's Broadway Wabasha Board Schools AA L:",' - •' ' ':: _7-77 be offered , arrange for rental time employes. Dr; Minne told neous expenses involved in set- course content. ting v up A widening project ,7 Scharmer's 7 Nelson s aid of space needed for instruc- the Council W'.i million of con- the newly organized Children Slaft Hiawatha Valley Mental. Health; bill for $105 was : for removal INSTRUCTORS , other than Monday . that Schobl tion, assist in purchase of struction is . under way or plan- of seven trees at .$15 each. They regular, members , of the teach- ned for the: campus in 1964 arid Board. Wabasha and Houston Asked to Expand there appears equipment, supervise courses f" ' ' ' , had been overlooked in original ing staff ,- : would-be; required to to be a. need 1965. ... . counties the/other two counties as they're, established and be involved , will give similar Playhouse Fire; job specifications. Staff such : a program . Nelson for employ- Board responsible for all reports nec- Replying to; Aid . Parks, Ec- \ ' -' amounts , and the " .' state . will • When sidealks are repair- ' 'explained, - because the load ment of some- essary fin conducting the kert . said full consideration ed this year, the city also Plainview bislrict would be too he avy for those ; 7 would be given to tire protec- match the money given by the one who would help supervise courses. counties. This will give the should investigate costs of a , WABASHA ,7Minn . (Special)— with regular¦ teaching assign- details in planning and organ- tion , aspects of the proposed Real Horrie Saved merits. :¦ ' ¦¦ board a total of $3,000 operat- machine to remove tree foots A petition to expand the Plain- ization of new courses. FOURTH WARD Director development. In addition , fhe LA CRESCENT, Minn. (Spe- of line, view school The problem that now pre- " ing expenses. which push blocks out district was receiv- 1 Franklin Tillman questioned the sa :.d, clearance . would be ob- cial)— Pre-school children platy- Aid. Clarence Tribell told the ed when the Wabasha County sents itself . ' he continued, "is INSTRUCTION is y offered advisability of removing an 'in- tained from the city engineer, ing with matches caused a fire THE BOARD this morning councils Board of Commissioners held a that of financing. Most of these through the Winona Area Voca- structor, even on a . half-time city attorney, Board of Munici- at the "J phn . Fuchsel farm resi- , ' approved payment . of a final es- - He spoke from unhappy per- short meeting Monday . people are working in very low- tional - Technical School , with basis, from . an established pro- pal Works and Department of dence near here Monday, ; paying jobs or are :: timate on :a road construction sonal experience, he said . A They . met Monday instead of 7 unemployed the cooperation of the .f Winona gram for such an assignment. Health. : . project done by Funke Con- La Crescent volunteer fire- root-displaced sidewalk block the regular first Tuesday of the arid are not iii a position to office of the state Employment He and several other board Eckert said the plan- would ' ' jneri were called to the : blaze make a large financial contri- struction ; -Co., Theilman, Minn. had once caused him to take a month meeting because County Service which determines need members wondered if the pro- benefit taxpayers because it The work involved grading at 4 p.m. The fire was dis- nasty fall while taking a bowl Auditor Wilbur Koeimel leaves bution . We . believe the econ- for instruction in various w'ork would furnish the . maximum of omic impact that a gram might not warrant addi- and ^ surfacing County Road covered by Gregory Abnet, who of soup to a sick neighbor , ^he today to . attend the state con- successful areas, screens applicants and amount of building space while was passing in his car He , program of this type would tional study before making a 1:25, eight-tenths of a mile north . . . told his colleagues; citing this vention for auditors , in Minne- selects students for classes: taking the. l . e. ..a;s 17 possible from County State Aid Highway alerted Fuchsel, who was in the for apolis. have ori the community would decision on the proposal and ¦ as an example of the need Koeimel is on. the reso- The area served extends , amount of land off city tax 5. Total cost was, 535,811.43, Of barn. , v . . f • . a vigorous anti-root program. lutions committee, justify the Board of Education the . suggestion was held over of the state roughly front Tted. Wing south for further study. rolls. .. • '.- this, $29,209.69 already has been The fire was started in the • A letter will be written to association. in investing some money in it." , : The superintendent estimated paid, f playhouse near: the residence; the Milwaukee Railroad Cof in- A petition was .received for The balance, payment of Mrs. Fuchsel pulled the small forming it that the city will re- the dissolution of District 2394, that it Would cost about $10 a expense month per student and; that in- Citizenship Class which was approved this morn- building. aWay. from the resi- pair Front Street at its South Troy, between Hammond ing, amounted- to . $6 ,601.747. dence. "The playhouse was de- as soon as Milwaukee tracks and Mazeppa. to be Set into the dications now are that there Republicans at At Council Meeting would be between 30 arid .15 Gity Liability Other action by the . board was stroyed, but firemen, arriving are removed therefrom. The Plainview district. A; hearing en- payment, rolled in classes; On this basis City governmental operations approval of of routine fit the scene six miles west of council adopted . Aid. James oh the petition will be held monthly bills. Stoltman's motion and suggest- the total cost would be around were observed at first hand La.Crescent on the South Ridge March .1 at 2 .p.m. -v. ' Sty Cloud Back Road within 12 minutes after ed that the letter request early Awarding of contracts for $3,000 a year. - .. ' :. Monday n i g h t by nine can- Costs Go Up the alarm, saved the residence. action. • county materials bid at the "IF WE ASK the student to didates for United States.citizen- There was only slight damage • There will be curb and gut- meeting was postponed to Feb. furnish one-half the cost , the Goldwater Drive ship.:.'- to the frame structure. ter on Gilmore Avenue from 17. County Enginer B. J. Pin- board would be asked to fur- Attending the regular City City Sidewalk ST. CLOUD. Winn. (APV Council meeting as a part of Chief Don Loechler;said the Orrin Street to the Highway 61- sonneault is. study ing the bids nish about $1,500." Nelson said. A From New taws 14 intersection , City Engineer on five tractor combinations, "It's my feeling that if for resolution endorsing Sen. Barry its curriculum was a class led loss was covered by insurance. Norman Indall , City liability insurance cover- 't injured ,; James Baird told Council Pres- with loader and mower attach- $1 ,500 ve could get even 10 of Goldwater for the presidential by Winona Sen- Contract Asked The children weren nomination was adopted by Re- ior High School social , studies age will be both broadened and ident Harold Briesath. When the ments, a suburban type auto, these people high school diplo- A wh olesale rejuvenation of intersection is rebuilt this year , one-half ton pickup, one - ton mas, the impact on the econom- publicans attending a precinct department head. Indall asked raised , City Council members the group to stand and "told voted Monday night following sidewalks is in prospect for the Baird said, the curb and gutter truck , rental or road building ic life of the community would caucus covering St. Cloud and city this .year. will be laid to join the new con- equipment and two-way radio be terrific and well worth the St. Cloud township Monday the council the visit is a re- a report by City Attorney Birders to Hear night. quired part of the citizenship George AI , ' Robertson Jr. on Aid. Daniel Bambenek told struction. for the highway department , investment. " the City Council Monday night which will be new here. Republican precinct caucuses preparation process. new state legislation. FARMERS MORK EFFICIENT Indall said the prospective it should set the wheels in mo- The board also opened bids started Monday and will be held The old legal principle of. tion for a general sidewalk con- WASHINGTON w~- Farmers through next Tuesday. citizens are from six different governmental immunity from Museum Head on two washing machines and tract letting soon , And , he add- , an extractor for Buena Vista are outpacing industry in ef- countries: Poland . , liability to claims for injuries Pr . Walter . J. Breckenridge Suspension Given ficiency. On the farm, Tlie SI. Cloud precinct worker , Dutch East Indies ed , property owners who want director of the University of Nursing Home , the gain Ukraine or damages has just about in output per man-hour for ag- also endorsed Robert Odegard ( now Indonesia) , Austria and • - their sidewalks included should Minnesota Museum of Natural gone out the contact the city engineer ' RICE INSTANTLY ' AGED riculture wa.s more than double for Congress and adopted anoth- Israel. window , Ro- s of- History and one of the nation 's In Check Case NEW ORLEANS i/Pi-'A proc- er resolution encouraging fice. , the figure for industry, From bertson said. leading ornithologists will ad- received a sus- ess providing "instant aging " 1950 to I960 , farmers gained 5.1 Wheelock Whitney, Wayzata City City Engineer James Baird dress the Hiawatha Valley Bird A Winonan nation passed but: by a much In recent ses- pended jail sentence in muni- for rice has been invented by percent in labor efficiency, while to run for the Senate seat now smaller vote than the Whitney s i 0 n s leg- said his office would make a Club of Winona nt a meeting after a U.S. Department of Agricul- non-farm workers gained 2.2 held by Sen, Eugene McCarthy, islators and check of all known defective Wednesday at fi p.m. at the cipal court this morning resolution. Council charge ture .scientist here. Compared percent . D-Minn. courts also sidewalks for inclusion in the Roger Bacon Center lecture he pleaded guilty to a contract . The city did not have of writing a check with insuffi- with six to ten months for na- Another resolution suggesting ! Odetfar«l Iosl lo Democra t have opened the door to pos- hall on the College of Saint tural aging il takes only a few h up for six hours nt 200 de- former Rep. Waller Jucld also , Alex Olson in a H'R II I f>(h Dis- sible claims against public em- a sidewalk contract last year. Teresa campus. cient funds. nomi-: Congressional race in 1962. ' lie was Wayne Richer , 22 , hours. The process is to seal grees t emperature. run for the GOP Senate t rict ployes for damages caused by An nulhority on birds , parti- 461 Wilsie St., who was arrested (hem while in pursuit of (heir cularly (hose in Minnesota , Ihe by city police Monday at .Sam- normal duties. the FAMILYAM S; Upper Midwest and Canada , my 's Pizza Palace, on a war- ANYBODY MIXED UP? STATUTORY limits on com- Dr , Hreckenridge also is a well rant issued by Virgil Rticocher , known artist on bird subjects . pensation for deaths by acci- Red Top Trailer Court. dents , injuries and aggregate He hns been his own illustrator Hichcr hnd issued a check for several books on bird life. damages were raised by the for $16,25 drawn on ' the Winona H)fi;i In his talk to Ihe bird club , Legislature , James Schain , National & Savi ngs Bunk pay- insurance broker , Dr Breckenridge will show a Alley Becomes One-Way Again told aldor- . able to Stieocher. men. They now are : $25 , film , "Island Treasure , " pro- 000 for .ludgc John McGill sentenced accidental death , $50,000 for in- duced for the most part on Richer to 20 days in the coun- Hv FRANK I HLIG ence Trihell' s motion to this ef- the committee of the whale , (cr- his longtime advocacy of a lay , dividual injured and '$1100,000 to- Casey's Island in the Mississi p- ly jail , but suspended the sen- Daily News Staff Writer fect i minated with instructions by giving pedestrians in crosswalk s Brecltenritlge I Council President Harold Brie- right of way over vehicular traf- tal damages from one accident pi River near thc tence if Richer would make City traffic patterns got a ma- TRAFFIC ON' 2nd Street may or occurrence. home in Brookl yn Park north check within jor share of attent ion nt Man- sath to Aid, James Stoltman fic, President Briesath asked restitution of the soon have right of way over Aid, Park s to check on cost of The city now is insured for of Minneapolis , The film is a 20 days, day night's Cily Council meet- | for discussion with Acting Chief that on Franklin Street instead ! of Police James McCnbu. appropriate signs and sugges- Wfi .OOO and $100 ,000 limits. To record of observations of birds ing. of vice versa , aldermen decided and ot her wildlife made over Aldermen voted to; In n tentative vole, never ted .'ird Street ns a testing sit e bring the city 's coverage up (0 after some extended discussion, , for such a regulation , a(top> the new limits would mean a n period of years by Dr. Breck- Lucy Reported in • Reinstate one-way traffic made official four aldermen , if enridge and members of his in n controversial alley — for Cily Engineer James Baird , Mrs, Ollom , Stoltman , Briesath ted. premium of $1 , 185 annually, family. The movie hns been Bed With Cold good , they hoped; whose department recently ac- nnd Steve Morgan , favored Schain said. quired additional counters , said ALDERMEN LAID over for adopted by the National Audu- WASHINGTON " (AP) - Pres- • Consider making 2nd Street through traffic for 2nd Street. Robertson said governmental traffic surveys showed much Opposed were Aid . Parks , Trib- further study a Planning Co-n- bon Society ns one of its wild- | idcnl Johnson 's youngest (laugh- a through street ; mission recommendat ion alter- Immunity has not applied to the ,' , was report- Install elect ric flashers at more traffic on 2nd than on ell nnd HamlxMiek, Two alder- city since by its purchase of in- life film series, I ler , Lucy Raines 16 • ing through-city routes tor aut o " 1 ed In bed with a cold Monday. Ilulf nnd Sarnia st reels; Franklin Street . Aid. Daniel men , Jim Mohan and A. Del surance it has waived immu- A display of Dr. Brcckcn- liamlieiiek snid stop signs Schneider , we re not present , irullic The commission had rldgc 's bird paint ings nnd draw- A White House spokesman • Delay action on proposed nity from liability. On the other should he posted on Franklin suggested a simplified rout e hand , he snid , when a city car- ings will be shown at the meet- said Lucy, a student nt National I brough t'jly routes. A PETITION signed by 170 from Highway (il north on Man- , Street to conform to slnte laws ries such insurance , it is liable ing, Guests will be welcome. Cathedral Schoo l was confined , members of the Lincoln Klomon- kato Avenue , west on broad- lo her room while other mem- TWO WEEKS ago nldenuoii requiring railroad grade cross ..ii)' School PTA , asking for aug- onl y lo the limit of its insur- Earlier Wednesday Dr. Breck- had opened the north-south al- ing stops . Motorists now mny way to Cummings Street , sout h ' enridge will speak to members bers of her family greeted 400 mented traffic control at the (iilmote Avenue , then wot ance coverage In cases whore ley between Simliorn and Ki«i|i , drive unhindered over Milwau- to tbe insurance applies. of biology classes nnd others nt college editors ux an afternoon kee (rucks Huff-Sarnia interseetlo'i, was to Highway (il , Uniform state- reception. Main and Center si reels to two- which cross Finnic- Senior High School. Whitti House lin Street anil follow 'Jnil Slreel , read by Mrs. Donald Ilittncr , approved signs would Indicate RKCKNT legislation si e jns ¦ way traffic. They actr-il in re- PTA president sponse lo a petition bearing l'< he pointed out. the route , lo have broadened liability of of which only 10 Aid, Tribell objected to I lie Full scale automatic signul President Iii iesatli snid hi. Ui- such public employes as police , Garbage Collection signatures , control at the crossing ' w e r e found change, saying people would he does not vors the present routing, not ch firemen , jailors and Inspectors , CIVIL AIR j Issue in Campaign unnl lo adjust (heir driving appear Justified by traffic on Mankato Avenue to :ird Schain said. In some cases, Inter to he /le counts , (AP ) . c of habits to another system Aid. the cily engineer I old ai- Slreel , west to M;»ln , south to these persons may be held per- j RVKRETT , Wash. - t ll 0 ' City der men. He suggested flashing PATROL ICi.K. Carlson , running for city n e i g h b o r- Henry Parks reiterated an old ."illi , west on Sth to Cummings, sonally liable for incidents oc- NEEDS SENIOR ing residents , demand that 2nd Street no made warning lights instead. south to (iilmore Avenue , and curring where they have some j safety commissioner , can spot a Subject to approva l of Die MEMBERS Thc alloy lino Council n one-way thoroughfare ftr east- west to the highw ay, lie sa id discretionary authority. De- crowd and nn Issue anyt ime. PTA , nldermc-n voted to install I Nice weather brought dozens hei'ii rest lie bound traffic, Aid, Mrs Muriel (his is o( benefit to downtown partment heads nre protect ed. Pkrtte report to Ollom reminded him lint (his amber flashers on Sarnia Street met chants and to those along Schain said , but individuals sire R EAD-USE of cit izens to (he cily dump Sun- tod to northbound traffic onlv at the intersection Administration Building I trash in n pre- by council action Inst year. would require designation of . A letter will 51 li Street . not, under present policies, lie dny with loads of be sent to the PTA , nsiting if Al thc Airport : spring cleanup, Waiting nt Ihe Monday night , a new petition , anothe r street — probabl y Hid The commission 's levomme n- snid coverage could be furnish- DAILY NEWS ' signed hy 19 adjacent residents , -- as a one-way return mule. thin will bo of sufficient value, dalion hnd Included a provision ed for individuals In these en ses dump to buttonhole voters wa.s Cost of Iho Iwo signs TONIGHT—8 P.M. ' candidate Carlson, lie's op- asked for restoration of Hi" This point hnd been the down- would he for signs al various points itn for another M25 , bringing Ibc Wl , Ilnird said, (Tuesday, Fob. 4) i posed to compulsory gurbnge northbound-only rule . Aldermen fall of previous proposals . Broadway, pointing to business total proposed premium to $1 , - WANT ADS collection. voted unanimously for Ald.Ctnr The discussion, carried un In MAYOR It. K. Ellings revived districts. 510. Theyf II Do It Every Time By Jimmie Hatlo DEAR ABBY; Russians Accuse jf£ diappsmsxL<& IA£ 'nig ht rToQAlM^ West Germany of Building Rockets Automatic G/r/s vShdwer MOSCOW (AP) - The Soviet ;W e|di rrgf ; Union has accused Vr'eSt Ger- ' By ABIGAJL VAN BUREN yyy'y'7 many of developing military capable of carrying nu- A- my. daughter rockets, ¦ DEAR ABBY : A year ago last. November dear "weapons. ¦ ¦ '.• ' y^tfif'|(OT;^tn^:K was married in Las Vegas. She was four months along had been . in a protest to the United ¦ 'By EARL WILSON then, but, to save face, we told everybody she . ' high school gradua- States, Britain , France and Fair secretly married in June, right after her NEW YORK — I helicoptered out to the World's^ . .. f. the Army but was able to get West Germany, the Kremlin tion. Her husband was in alleged rocket develop- In 12 rhinutes . . . we made our landing 130 feet up in the air a 10-day emergency leave at that time. Now he won t oe said the "¦- .; '•;'.: .oh the roof of "thef Top of the -Fair— .:. . then I set out was in "gross violation" . able to come home again . until he , is discharged in °«^" ment to interview somef ''animatronic actresses" . . A girls made of and a half old.. the limitations placed on Ger- ' ' ' ber, when our grandson will be a year: . steel . ";• .,. real steel. ' . ./ fast there wasn't time for showers many by the unconditional sur- Everything happened so War II, They're life-sized automatons thai walk, talk, and kiss, but or even a wedding reception. The kidsf will have to start render after7World . . that's about as loving . as .they .cin get. Walt Disney created housekeeping from scratch and they don't have a tjung. The Soviet; note disputed the them ; they're artificial Holly- Would it be proper to give them a big shower-t^e wedding West • . German government's . wood gals (but what; girls stiatement in December that the . their figures , like?" I asked, reception when her husband¦ gets back? aren'i) who¦ are coming to our wondering if I'd brought my .: WONDERING rockets were for : weather pur- , y Fair. . ' . .;: poses; . ¦ . ¦ . ' ¦ 7 ' ¦ - - tape measure. -¦ ¦ . . , ; "Unlike Liz . Taylor, . these ¦ ' . DEAR WONDERING:.' , You may pp r ¦ • ;.' ' actresses can be controlled ,"" "A BIT metallic," the G. E. . honor the . '.couple'- with a "partyi." but 7 f ' sail .fa .. - chap at the General man admitted , "They're still at . .'•'¦ ¦:' .fl wouldn't recommend a "shower-typa Two in La tvia •:- Electric exhibit: "They'll never Walt Disney's in .7weddin g . reception'' for ; parents. of. a fall; for Richard Burton — un- but will be here in a week or one-and-a-half^-yearrold child. . ; Face Firing Squad , less we tell them to;" two. These girls," ; he added /MOSCOW (APO-Two fleading-: confidentially, "can be insulted 7 D EAR ABBY; Recently our son brought Thirty-eight of these "compu- ' ' officials of a Latvian state ,ter actors" ' including several . . : .and can't answer you back.'.' .: afgirl to burfhome so we could meet her. trade ; organization have . been men and a glamorous grand- f "Pinched, you mean?" I leerr He is probably serious about her because -to. die before a firing " " ,.f ' sentenced . . mother •will give ; a show in a ed f X A AP he never brought a girl home for us to squad for taking bribes, ff. "Anything: Buster!" he chor^ meet :before. Well , that boy could not sit f Abby theater that moves from stiage ' Short-Term to stage asf on a carousel while tied. "They re, 'programmed.' down without this girl plopping herself ori A. ¦ ¦ ' They're given a speech to say voice of lhe you're ' . sitting in it; .. ... his lap. She always had to be holding; his hand, smoothing Philippine Leader and an act to do; on a tape. his hair and she Would riot let him out of her sight for one NO SOONER had New York That s all . they'll do and say lisli license minute. We tried; hard to like her, Abby, but she was dis- : Has Heart Attack Airways Capt. Vincent Ciriello —just' what's been 'program- 7 gusting! Our son is a college junior: and so is she. , If you" ., (AP med.' -^f : ' ' ' " . ' Outdoors MANILA : )-Gen; Emilio set his 3-passehger Bell Sight- . /: .. were us, would you tell your son what you thought of such r Aguinaldo regained conscious- seeing . whlrlybird down oh the Automatic babes that, can be P-A't t)tjaim .^p / ' ' ' A-P PAA: HIS MOTHER¦. - .: ' turned on and off ' ' that can \ . . ness today and "was reported ral- roof after: a beautiful . flight than — [Plan ' ¦ ' suffering two heart I cried but excitedly: be turned "hot" and "cold" — Aired ' •' ; 7DEAR MOTHER:' Only: if he 'asked me.v lying after 7 • FERGUS ;FALLS, Minn. TAP) attacks in a .week. . f f "Bring on the . ..'. uh ... WOV' h, What'll y they think 7 of ' ¦ ¦' next!? We rode around the whole A short terrh fishing license for fDEARf ABBY : Can ypii tell mie why the brides who The 94-year-old Philippine rev- automatic girls! " • .;,• . . always f "You should feel honored," Fair — We were especially en- non-residents: would provide an never found time to get put their thahk-you notes pl.utionary leader was still on ing. thralled by the beautiful Ter- added, spur to Minnesota's tour- find the time to get but ftiirth announcements? the critical list at . Veterans .Captain Ciriello .was say MISSISSIPPI MRS. , "First landing 'we made on this race. Club ($1,250 . for member- ist industry and is necessary if A. Memorial hhospital ' roof."v ship ), the Morriidn Tabernacle, resorts;; are to . compete f with ¦A'' ; , ' those :;in neighboring states DEAR MRSl: That's not always the case. It just . "We didn 't conie to discover the IBM exhibit, which , looks f seems that way. ' which have . such plans. Liifefisk 4 Lefse roofs , .. but girlsf What are like an egg,. a nd the real-f or- ' s'ure non-electronic moon that ; That was one of the proposals ¦IA:P CO^FFIDENTIAL TO BERT : You . . expect too7much: happened to come- up over the advanced . Monday as resort The nearest most people come, to . perfection is when they f Unisphere, just at that :hour. men from central and north- are filling out an employment application. . DSNNER; ¦ western areas of the northern Family Style • "THAT MO O N," remarked part of the state presented their Get it off your chest. For a personal, unpublished. ENDS TONITE somebody looking, out: the Ter- views to a legislative interim '. ".. reply, write to ABBY, Box . 3365, Beverly Kills, Calif. . WED., F£B. 5 , ; race Club windows, "is the most commission. . .7 f Enclose/ a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Serving Starts 5:30 P.M. "GUNFICHT AT beautiful thing but here. And COMANCHE CREEKS Reiervationi Appreciated- : yet it's not anirnafrbnic , it's not Suggestions were that the throughout the world with ¦ ' short license be made .good for 7 .Phone 3150 :' Aff.f automation , it's not electronic, actress Elizabeth Taylor. They , STARTS WEDNESDAY it's just always-been hereb y from three days to two weeks, ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ' were it to be issued,. have said they Tvill '.marry - . 'as. ' .' ,' , .: ¦: . ." At. 7:l |and 9:15 vy f "Yeah," another looker-outer Witnesses Burton May replied. "God does , some nice said that forcing- vacationers to soon . as she vis . divorced from < STEAR SHO M things, too." buy a full year's noh-resideht singer Eddie. Fisher. 7 I ^ A MOST TODAY'S. BEST . LA U GH: license for the few days the DISTINGUISHED Nowadays when a cowboy actor average visitor spends in the Lose Visa state constituted a tourist bar- says he's gonna slap .leather, T/ASHINGTON (APV- Rep..' FILM!" it may not rnean a , gynfight rier. . ¦;.; :; -Nw rtii tlam , FREE Motorcycle Movies —he 's just gonna; lie down, on Resort owners . from Brainerd, Michael ; A;. . Feighah, D-Ohio his psychiatrists couch. Alexandria, Detroit Lalcesr Wa- said Monday; that the govern- ' '¦ ¦ : ' : ¦¦¦ ''FIRS T'RaATE f WISH. I'D SAID ; THAT: It's dena and -... Otter Tail County ment is considering revocation ' : - ':j7\ • ''Hof Howley ori a Hot ' ' DISTING UISHED , easy for a fellow to quit smok- 'appeared'; ' .before the commis- of the visa of British actor ing. All he has to . do is marry sion, .with Sen. Peter Holand , Richard Burton . " ' - it,—Jack , presiding. . ' ENGROSSING!' a girl: who objects to . Austin . . Feighan reported this to news- ¦ ¦ "Bonneville" : «-/iW»W Trlbciw Herbert'/ : ' ' • /^sfegfcteC : • ' Joe Bond of the Brainerd area men after a House subcommit- ; ^ REMEMBERED Q U . 0 f E: ¦- ' M proposed the state legalize slot tee .on immigration questioned • "Oreehhorn" A CINEMA "A perfect example of minority officials of the State 7 Depart- CS ^ raS S^^ J rule is a baby in the house." machines during the summer ¦¦ *¦ ¦ ¦ ~ Winona Area Publicity known this . for a long-time.:. ' ment and ; the immigration and : ., * ,_ . -. :.. , In Color »nd Sound months. .'; '.. APPX :" . ACHIEVEMENT! —Jacob M. Braude. 7 And anglers and vacation- . Naturalization Service in a 1 EARL'S PEARLS; It's use- Winona did pretty well on the Robert Anderson , legislative MAGNIFICENT! . ers 'from other , states are closed meeting. Feighan is chair- WarU Uktnmitp,: less to. hold a fellow to any- widely advertised David Brink- chairman of the Otter Tail: Em- — .rapidly learning it." pire Association, . said resorts man of the subcommittee. j thing he says while he's drunk; ley Journal, "Our Man on the ¦ ¦ ¦ should , be .taxed ' and licensed w¦ : ¦ ' 7:30 P.M. .; . . in love or running ; for political Mississippi" w that it won men- George alscs has. fished; oh Feighah said the matter: was P. - - —- . —- . office , — Don: Miner. 7 other :' sectors of the river. He only for the portion of the year handled in closed session be- r '^^ATrr tion as the most beautiful sec- they are open. 7 ^^ , - One thing we've learned about has fished the! Buffalo City and 7 cause he .''wanted..'' to protect the cigarets .ih the past few weeks, tion of the river, although the Alma ' area with John Brasch, Other criticism was directed public from all this discussion ROBB BROS/573 East MOTORCYCLE Fourth Street SHOP says Bob Orben. Smoking defi- several thousand feet of film fisheries maii for at Minnesota 's sports booth - . ' . . of morals, ". ., TRIUMPH BSA • BRIDGESTONE • JAWA nitely causes reports . . . That's taken by: the ,NBC crew here from Black River Falls. In fact , which is on display at various Burton has been traveling * , '. f f shows around the country, It earl brother,. . and at Red Wing and other up- his visit here is unquestionably a part of Wisconsin's campaign isn 't elegant enough and well river communities did not ; get to popularize the Upper riven enough manned ,- one protestor Negro Judge Takes past the film editor. said> - . National Wildlife Week Ov«r in Atlanta ¦ Robert Edmund, executive All of this probably is a The .theme of National ' ' secretary of the Minnesota Out- ATLANTA , Ga. (AP)-An At- bit disappointing to our Wildlife Week , March .15-24, High prices got you down? mayor who devoted three door Recreation Resources Com- lanta attorney, A...T. . Walden , will be "America Needs mission , ' days to hauling the crew reported it appears the has. been sworn in as Atlanta s Outdoor Recreation — Act one-cent tax on cigarettes as- first Negro judge since Recon- around in his houseboat and Now to Provide for the Fu- to Dick Whitlaker who did signed for re c r eat i on and struction days. ture." State and local units resources development will pro- Walden , 78, who has been ac- everything in the; world for of the f National Conserva- Brinkley and others on tho vide at least the $7 million tive in civil rights activities for tion Federation , it is sug- expected during the biennium. KUrrlnHIIINTAnO» ua slaves and a graduate of Mich- ers may remember when Truck Collision i g;in State University Law they are /vacationing and Roger E. Preuss, Minneapolis Sch'nol. travel into the area to come wildlife artist , widely known for ISTANBUL , Turkey ^ to say nhout Mississippi YOU STUNNED f ^ |J H . ^-^t ft River fishing in the Winona OF HE sector: "^T T i] "Asido from being tho big- l (tMM ^^ gest river lp the country, YEAR 'S BEST" y3WS»PS&C¦ ~N. r, TIMES Xft v 'i ,,.',,, :¦ \ \- ' , / A .'// X the northe rn part of the -N. r, HERALD TRU ^A V» ¦ ¦ ' ¦', ' .•', ' , ' ^ \. st ream thnt passes Tom s -N. r. POST ^fA' -l ' '¦•'P.. w H hometown , Is one of the DAW urn ' ,' y - - J-u^^ "f,^.''t:.; 'Vf ' «' ' < \ {'' .- -X.^.,.£* 1 country 's f inest fishing wa- ters. People who live along =s^ffifflFii^s^^ii-KnrswtK '^^^^a&^sa^HL—^ s ™n tho Upper Mississippi hnve -CU[ UACAQNE P LUS ) FAMILY STYLE ) SPRING TIME IN SCANDINAVIA Winona DAILY News PERFORMANCES AT 2:00-4:00-7:15 9:30 P.M. "" " "~ CHICKEN and FEATURES AT 2:30-t:3O-7:«-»:45 TUESDAY, PEBRUAKY 4, 1»»4 DUMPLINGS ADMISSION $1.00 - PASSES NOT HONORED VOLUWF. ica, NO, AS Publl»hf(1 rt/illy •*rept SnlnriKiv and hnll ADVANCE TICKETS NOW ON SALE clayi hy Ri>pt/lilln%hn, nutlnnn , Jncmon, Pfpln nnd I Served 5:30 , to 8:30 p.m, \ ¦ ¦« VVflif¦¦ ¦ I DlBLdtB Tr«mp««ltnii counllti: 1 I Oilfjv_ , .voiir ttnmblordenlor. m« V MT IDIMII I Hi ' ' 1 y»»r , . . H3.00 J monlhi ^ , . *1 50 4- monlhi , , , IO J0 I monlh , , . »Ua *- No. 1 in ¦»+*w/l . MISSISSIPPI ROOM & COFFEE SHOP ——J Usefulness to the User All ollirr mlntrlpllons; | 1 V"«r ,,. 11100 I nionlh , , . II *fi Mis WINONA AUTO SALES, * monlhi . . , »a.0O 3 monlln , . King and Mankato TECHNICOLOn* PANAVISION* ^^>J t Si>n«« !^^ PU' IBO in lh» I llmiiiy Mut ol Burti-i 1, Qtgnst. %] Sacnnd clan i>oi l«o« paid al Winona, I Ydu'Ve W^ "TV SIGNAL'S" GREATEST OFFER! ; ¦ 1 * * ¦'¦ "' : . ¦ mm ;¦' - ¦ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1' - tpflflflflflflflflflflflvM ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H - - flflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflfl ^i ^i^i^A ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ & ' fl ^^^^^^^^^^^^ H ' H^^MH^^H^^BHMB - A ^mmmmmmmmmmmmmm . fl^^^^fl^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ fl

mmmmmm mmmmmm mm mmm mmmm ^^^^^^^^^^ ' ^^^^^^^^^^^mmm mmmmmimmmmmmmW M m M ^ *»^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ammmaa ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^—

" i ¦ * *^ ^^A- ^' " ' y I mm. ! . „ V V - . J ' ; / injoy Peace of Mind During

| "*"• ^^ i ; u«iA * ~ ^4KrAJ'KJl*»«\ -it ^ 5i ' /X The Spring* 9 Thunderstorm wt ^ W^^f eason • • • "tort ™# ^" ¦ e^ = " ° ^^^^^ fi BIl ^ i ! * s o ^^^^ B l Dangerous Antenna OW ROOF TOP ANTENNAS ARE THIS COULD HAPPEN y „ FOR THE BIRDS! TO YOU! ™ur Home ... Act Now! THIS OFFER !S SO STARTLING IT CA^n>E MADE FOR OS^LY A FEW DAYS! WE EXPECT TO BLS ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ~~— ~ ~~| A . " - . ' .. ' —;.. . . . ' ' • Think of it! Your old roof-topof an tenna has cash value because it covers the $25 iflstal,ation char e ^TV Signal" Service. And it's acceptable on this I I 0 ll i i VC f li^ S VI S I I / VMl J yilfa l • antenna trade-in event regardless of its condition whether it is now operating "¦'¦¦¦ "" 1 ' " '"¦¦""" y , . ' ' — but it must be attached to your ho me to be eligible. Rotor, chimney top, I I OFFER GOOD FROM 8:00 A.M. WEDNESDAY , sin£,e > double or triple bay — no matt er what. We'll accept it in trade. Re- member though that judging from our previous experience we will be flooded 1 FEB. 5,TO¦ 5:00 P.M. MONDAY , FEB. 17 I I ' with calls so contact us immediately to avoid undue delay. I I Conditions of Offer! YOUR OLD ANTENNA WILL BE REMOVED FROM YOUR HOME BY ,u ,:oo , EX PER TS AT AMB E'S A R TE N N A SE R VICE... A N IN S U R ED CO N- I I L^Plre5a P,M. ^ 7 HOOffer covers complete installation of ono "TV Signal" te rvics In I K/IIJ I OH H tfma hom o or apartment of owner of antenna. Additional taps (outlets) ¦ ¦ will be billed at actual time and material, r^^^^^^ -w ^f a Th IS is VOU f bi g Opportunity to get "TV Signal's" a*^aa~t***m**^ *mm,

H *» Com plete ant-onna system, including antennas, rotor , rotor controls, / 10-channcl Service WITH NO INSTALLATION I m 11 1 ttar |#p.rft||nrI ff\ ¦ ¦ Oi two- and three-way switches , pi pe, tower , twin leads etc become ) "dCIVgrilUna _ ) IWeaiH8l " 1 , , ...__. .... —^ ¦ ¦ property of Winona TV Signal Co, ( « I CHARGE IF YOU HAVE AN OLD ANTENNA TO I / ' j SCan A M ,. ( ( TRADE IN? ACT NOW! ( Oil / I HI /IM \tAntenna* will..h be removed as soon as possible after ....insfallatlon.. 1 1 J % I I *"7a "TV Signal" Oil ff - / AM orders will bo filled exactl y in the V toMMEJjtffi Mffij fl *^^ \ "* Antennas in wMtte ^te^a^i^fcrfflkiS ^WflB a\\\jy\\ TTmC\ mMm\mwmmmmmmmm ^Mt . 12 1 ¦ H¦ order thoy are received. will be rem oved in the tamo I) UnannelnL .- .^ l 12 ff ^^—1 \W^amm ^a\ Channel ( J HIKI^ ) Subscribois giunranlee thoy arc , in fact , tho owner* of tho / ne/ititifnl hackj;i(nnnl i ¦ m\ H I" PByl|MmfW|^ M fl f ^^^^^^ H^^ H^^^^^ H^ l I Current weather -con- I H a&a to bo removed. 1 is 1 'inur New Look HOW DO YOU STAND, /SI R? A^AA-rApAAAA^ TODAY IN WORLP AFFAIRS At Moort Fli ght Barry Tells Why - CAM't DOA LITTLE CU I^WIttM^Poi iTirAL T^i k-- Paharna^rlm THERE IS IN Washington these day» a healthy, though not yet widespread, tendency toward reappraisal of our pro- Be Stops Column gram fpr sending a; manned space capsule Mns Beep (Editor ' s Notef. Although the Wiiioria to the tnopn; Although fo rmer President By DAVID LAWRENGE Daily. Kcu-s stopped the SenA Barry Gold- : ' Eisenhower has expressed doubts as the ¦ WASHINGTON — It may .seem «asy to conclude that Jo icatcr ' coluvi n •' lest week , the following arid the Republic ol \vi?dom Of pouring out , so many billions for the dispute between the United States article, bij the. senator anouncirig thai he a case of excessive emotionalism about this project, the matter cannot be. consid- is].discontinuing ' is. Panama is merely . the: column published flags - but the controversy goes deeper. ered—not sensibly, at any rate—^as a par- as a service to our readers.) ¦ f ly ing national The basic cause is a feeling of discouragement among tisan controversy.- Leading, scientists Avith- who see nu economic future for themselves have- By SEN: BARRY GOLDWATER Panamanians out fstrori^partisa:n orientation raised except as related -to questions most persistently. ;In a sense, this is my valedictory , as a potential income from the newspaper columnist, V use of the canal./ Letters to The Itralso is,sign ificant, that Senator Eul- A- AA^-or the -time being. — at least until after p r ide, brighf, ia Deiipocrat whose position as head When, national /this year's election — I shall suspend my ac- , complicates an Editor of. the Foreign H-elations Committee , .gives tivities as a working writer for American news- moreover international problem, there About his opinionf special weighty is among those papers. - ' ; for Misconceptions are always, opportunities • •¦/¦' ¦ Judd's Position f v concern ed . about p the, relative importance This, then, is my final column, I write it action, and the • provocative To the Editor: - . . 'A f. of a moon landing and such other things as with great reluctance, for the decision to sus- intensification of : bitterness. full yempldyment, better, education, an im- pend , was not' an easy one. There have been many T thoroughly enjoyed The people ol Panama misebneeptions about the proved ' transportation system, andyso on . In the f irst place, the candidacy of r eiideavorTT wonTpretend that .turning but three; originally leased their terri- "favorite son " lie feels;- that We are ,payin.g too much' for interoceanic can- Dr. . As Chair- '¦ columns a week, even with . the help of my tory for an the lunar race with Russia , v and that even al- The United States built woman for Dr. Judd in the if '• .we,win race the boost to 'our ' pres- staff , was not something of a; chore. And it. the tias become more difficult: since the waterway and has been First Congressional District, tige will not be worth the price: As one my announcement, that I intend collecting tolls from the I should like to explain the But purpose of the move- commentator put: it, Fulbright "believes to .: seek the Republican presi- ships of all nations: real thei nation's prestige will never be greater ' ' ¦ - ' the Republic of Panama ment- . .;• dential nomination. . . , than its ability to house, transport, edu- But it was great fun, and I gets less than $2 million a The Judd prograrn is not to be only movement in any cate and employ its own people;" have mixed feelings about my It used an "anti" decision. My first inclination $250,000 . Surely in the . .50 sense of the woxd. We feel y answer. since the canal has that our course is compati- THERE IS no simple^ read was to. let : it be made , in the years How much , money and energy we put into open market place through the been operating it would ble with; the candidacies of and all of those being the moon 'venture' ; is a riiat ter of judgment operation of the-law _ of supply s "e e . m that any considered by Minnesota based on many factors; But sober .second and demand, y the United ¦ ¦ Republicans. ' ' . ' : . . ¦ thought may ,'nqw suggest - that we have In other words. I would con- States could 'nup. Our purpose Is: to elect gone overboard;, that the f national interest h . writine the column under afford to in- Goldwater the auspices of the Los Angele? crease con- as delegates from Minne- might; be better served by using some of Republican na- Times Syndicate as long as a substantial num- s i d erably /. sota to the the moon billions for earthly benefits. It anr tional convention men and ber of newspapers wanted to subscribe. In this, more its . ¦ is a question that should be; fully examin- I want to say that T'was highly gratified that nual f-pay- ¦". •' women who will be pledged ed , and .preferably in a non-partisan light . less than 25 cancellations and suspensions:were ment, espe- to vote for Dr. Judd on the ¦ ' first ballot. . Thereafter, -- . P- -¦ A- received out of a total of J 40 newspapers which c 1 ally7 in ; took this column, these d ays these f26 delegates will be of "foreign free to cast their ballots us- ¦ BUT ON DEEPER reflection it struck nie a 1 d" .t ;b ;^ ' . ~^ ' '- ing their own good judg- Big Shoes that a moral question was involved. For ex-. many coun-, tawrence ment in , the light of devel- ample, was- it fair to expect . newspapers, no opments that transpire be? ¦ : ; : ¦ THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND tries which; do hot furnish . ' ; ;.^ .y; ^ • .matter how; friendly . nor.;hov' closely oriented : tween now and July 13, y to. my conservative views, any facility to the United . . Minnesota for Judd they might be to Pan-1 '". The continue publishing the work of an active can- States as useful as the . movement stands as a ral- CARL T. ROWAN, our ambassador to ' " ¦;. ama Canal has been, includ- didate for the. nation 's; highest office? • '. f lying point of strength and Twin , Cities news- other¦' - ing its military value in unseen chal- Finland - and a former . Did this give me an advantage over . World War unity for the big aspirants for the Republican ",A.- nomina- World War! and , and opportunities man , is going to: step, into sonie mighty . "' - ' lenges tion? Weren 't; the newspapers:; putting them- Gree^fe .II. . . that lie. ahead. 7 : professional shoes when he becomes direc- tor of the United.. States Information Office. selves iii a position where other candidates for There are economic im- What will the Judd pro- Those raost familiar with tliis young man's the office If seek could /legitimately demand provements which can be gram do? First, it will give "equal tirrte ," . or I should say ''equal space"? recognition to swift rise in the professions of journalism . Is €/dse f d JG/i made after proper . nego- well deserved All of these questions and many more were nsb/i for the outstand- tiation.. But since there's an Dr. Judd and/diplomacy ace confident that he will weighed carefully before "I decided that the By DREW PEARSON Spessard Holland to his withdrawn , the c o u h t r 'y ing s ervice he: h as rendered ' " election campaign going on ably meet what he describes as "the chal- time had come .to terminate - 'How Do You : WASHINGTON - It isn't home in Bartow. 7 would collapse. inside the Republic of Pan- to our state and nation. Sec- • ¦ " ' Mansfield ¦ lenge of ¦trying to. tell. the- . , world what the Stand, Shr?" often a guest at a formal and . Dirksen There was a time when ama , it is customary for na- ond, it will give Minnesota a United States really isf " White House luncheon gets, asked the Defense Depart- Turkey was considered es- unified and therefore a far. ¦ A:. ORIGINALLY MY column was designed tional, sensitiveness . to be to lip, wanders around . the ment to give them a jet sential to . American de- : the political more influential delegation give ah editorial page airing to the f viewsf of ride back expressed in fit will not be easy, as was suggested room, and drops.... his arm . to .'Washington, fenses. But modern missiles arena. On top of this, the at the convention! Third , it above, to fill Edyvard R/ Murrow'sf shoes. a growing group of American conservatives, around the President of the Supposedly, it is: against have , , made tlie United j Americans who live inf the will preserve party unity. When the lafter 7\vas /brought inv to ;:head approached - the whole project like a sales- United States as if the Defense Department policy States much m ore impor- We .'. ":Republicans niust re- man peddling a product. My objective ' to furnish canal zone have families . the USI'O at theystart of'the Kennedy ad- was to President were his son. planes for sena- tant to Turkey than Turkey with teen-age students who member that there are oth- make the word . "conservatism " first acceptable tors and congressmen ' , hey stood virtually unchal- But this is what happen- ex- is , to the . United States. We naturally have a feeling of er important contests at minislration and ultimately popular. And: this purpose has cept , official business. known and ed at the re een t . White for have withdrawn our missile patriotism about , flying the state — senatorial , congres- lenged as the be^t . most able held throughout .the four years I have been But the brass hats dis- bases, , House luncheon for the . some of our bomb- American flag. sional and state legislative TV, and .' radio commentatbr ori .political writing my column., 77 creetly decided that the ! two ers, and are con sidering the ' Queen of Greece. Members races. The purpose of any and international affairs. Rowan is consid- ,'.. I believe it has helped , over (he long . run , Senate leaders were too . in- withdrawal . of rriore. ; of the cabinet , leading sen- political party organization erably, .younger, one.reason he does not to create a better climate throughout the coun- ators, distinguished diplo- fluential to offend. The Air •On Cyprus Turks have FOR MANY years, only the American flag was is to win elections. and this have Miirrow's stature in the communica- try, for the conservative Viewpoint, At least the mats were Force not only, cranked up refused to integrate with accomp))ished only mariy thousands of letters and- ' ' flown , inside the- . . Canal can . be tions world, other communi- p r: e sent. a Lockheed . Jetstar . for Greek: population. On the . when a party is unified. :: cations,' !have received since the column began S u d d e n- them: but ; sent Gen. C. R. Greek island

it HIGH RECOVERY NOW THAT ALL THE I * .^ST' ?k > * n u ^ [ f3Pm5tlf | ¦ X. i ^W '"iff * > *&!<'¦ < < ¦ ¦ LAHfl'LIMCO WATCM H*ATCN« GAS ¦ ) ¦ \ i 5- ^fe - "J *' • |nj.uliiuiiuiiti | v/ATER HEATER

¦ ' IS OVER , . ¦ ' . *»

' - ¦ ¦ ¦ WE WANT TO ANNOUNCE THAT . . ,, .. . - ,. ...., v-» THE PONTIAC GTO ^m ; I rejs-iu.] i^^BBT rm.WaJm It takes a gas water heater to keep Nw,-H ,w«iit«i n a^^^^^^^^a1 w *M H ^ JBM WON CLASS 2 ¦^^THBBIHH^^^H 'I: *A. ^^^ m 1 ^k^^H i^H^^^^^H ', ^^B ' HRMSH I'Bi^^^^i r%^H mt a\M i H up with the Joneses. OF THE PURE OIL PERFORMANCE TRIALS ^H'i IIIII^^^HHHHHIWBHI I^^^I^^^^^ ¦ ¦ i i—mwiWHffPri ^ww H I ^^HiHflM^flHHMNfllHHHBBBp Keoping up with tho Joneses is a tough job for a water heater. That's why de- ^^ \flHmH pond.'iblo gas does the job. ^H , < I ¦^^HH^^4j4tjI*r| ^^^H " ^M^M^M^M^M^M^MwM^M^MwMtaAmAAAAAAAAtAAAAt Every nip.lil the Joneses bathe away about 75 gallons of hot water. All in about l ' nn hour. (Sometime try heating 75 gallons of water yourself by pan or kettle and : Don' t he nnt\» Cw(l wil h an see what a job it is.) ordinnry heater when you | | Vol the Joneses never have been known to have a frosty father can have n new IVrmn RliiH , a chilled child J: | or a mad mom because their water heater couldn't keep up with the crowd, i! Arintorrat. . It didivfra hot, ' water twice an 1'IIH I IIH the That' s because gas delivers hot water in gallons. Not trickles and dribbles or

m l a m m , ! ovcrnRH beater in use today. drips and drops. s %\Wt tt - P^^^UMI ^^^i^^^mfcJ!i^J_fciJ_j *a! **^'* *Yitn i^^^^M^*^^^Tifl^A* *?*77 }!??*tf ttf lTf^ | Before you buy, HOC IIH nnd I the powerful IU'W l'crmaRln.i The moment yoa turn on tho Lip, fhe little blue flame is rea dy fo go (o wor k Aristocrat. immmiiatoly. It replaces the hot water you're using as fast as you can use it. In addition to being speedy, fci oiininntf 0---H the automatic gas water heater performs best for j • 10-yeni fiill-vnl iio much less. 11111 J j (And lenh» within tl (»t 10 yours , you I j I Illy . j i got B cow honter , * In fact , a gas water heater will vive you so much the Joneses may h.ive troublo keeping up wilh you See your plumber ' 11 S| I I " Orloinnl Pormftyln s gUsu-iinod . or gas appliance dealer and loam how you y tNid tor (,*tr« ynnfS ol service, can live modern for less—with gas. WE'R E NOT SURPRISED AW: ~l I .. [Northern Ml •Afiitotnl imodDl PCD K (Natural Gns plo»« Ih.l th, UmP 010 « .11 Q.!s Trt to. NASC AR Mnri. Zt I wl ^rUltUl , I NCompiiny IM flifli^ft Ik* ring hlttul*l Utk >¦ fMu, |MM |M *-*f>J»»Af WIOl COlCl Ol WIDLIRA CKS ANB GOOD ULtD CAKh, 100 MUOUR AUIH ORI/IP WW IIAC OUlimOU A FRANK O LAUGHLIN C, PAUL VENABLES, INC. PLUMBING & HEATING CO. I JO/ Thirst St. P»ion

# ™ LEAN, DELICIOUS, SMOKED L A MW~h BIf I filia l ^ % ^*^™- /l\j. R # ¦ m VAM ¦ ¦»¦ M MWC\ %. 1 E^I-fAll^f^ *^ftr l^fjj Pl \ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^* Jb G00D VALtE SUCED lit 5J*L^—¦ rliHIl Iw > ' Jr* ¦ «^l • I ^a -Lb... FiirM» i / w " «# Ml«*l# ¦%.¥*¦* # *fc > ^ ^.^ < % f Al FnnNI A jf WIIICKGnS JLAvg 37 I 1 c X 39 I ^U MINNESOTA *$"-^ I : 1 l 1 CAMPBELL'S SUPER VALU If^fe*. W^^ JB B^Bm^l ^*^ fjff W^^^' " • ^BP ^ MP*^ B^B ^^ | ^ k f * PpfH f^B .B ^^^^ «^U IBB is& ^^H li ^^n Mr^B I H ^i m4mmwlmmmm B^^^^^ H JHfK^H M^B MIKI

£ FLAVORITE > Chicken—Turkey—Beef S £ ^ML

*¦ BHi^>^^ ,, ir * ' V 1 a^t^—— . HHB ^^ | B | ^ | SURER VALU \ ,?J[ W^HffEE S: (UMIT 10 CA,NS PLEASE) w,h !i3lV!^^ TD ATI! CDC c^s^ c^l ^ FLAV0R ,TE vK AllvclO i w iivrfcPllII @Stmr DL ^fc^R^-B " "r 3» .. i&» A Ml ¦ ¦ ¦¦fe .IMJIJ PP1 ll ts&^ ^JA i H UAJ^N B 9 ^^^&" " **^ ''^ J ill- .- . Hfe ^k m a ^fe ^1 ^Bl ¦ A 7 : a' 19 " ,; POTATOES V \M MM M FLOUR".uun 5j a irr29' ¦ DOLLS <*AM ¦ ¦ B JI-OLA<* VSfeiL. . rr#K HEINZ t^M^Mm s Vv^^ %*/^te^ ^A Jm$$? 1' ^ 29.'. I : I ^**k fm3^^ KETCHUP s» with $3.00 %AAA^AAAAA^AA^NAAAAAAA^^ Purcbm. VV-AX ~ ~ **=- I REGISTER | f^O ) ^ mm ^^on^mM^^ STORE HOURS for fab„ & "%£ 8a . m .,o 6:30 pm | MS | Y^X M ??** Monday fhru Thursday; lm^j¥^a,aCl/aWW GRflND OPENING PRIZES! 1 f O 'J ^Z ^^ -T ^J ^W £ Y ^ ^ l ? 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. v * | | | ^j3»n7* U/C fijWC J Friday and each Jimo you ^£ Saturday Rugi&tor visit Ryan's Supor-Valu. \ ^ AA^^^^^^ X^. P^ N orchq, "«<: °»ary. Drawing will b. \ JE ^t nAja > ° P ::° •* tl ^^ WS ^M^-sAA4nK%Cjf IJtY^^t iJlSjiyV^^W^iii m ^^A^^ilitfx tMQ^ fB I. :^v^rv^onrvvv^rvvvvt ";* Mriill^ l il M " ^ Curran she said Curran stop- TUESDAY ped for the stop sign , before Student Found proceeding; across the highwayf The Dally FEBRUARY 4/ 1964 Mecorc Miss Klebs said . Curran never put her life in danger while At Community A Winona Deaths Guilty of driving and his - driving . was Two-State Deaths not hazardous to ether traffic; Memorial Hospita l Mrs. Ruby Foster BrooWs Boyd F. M«ans She said it was difficult to-tell Visiting hours: Medical and surgical f Mrsf Ruby. Foster Brooks, 62, f CHATFIELD, Minn. - Boyd Careless Driving the boundaries of the road. patients: 2 to 4 and 7 to 8:30 p.m. (No Curran did not testify. children under 12;) . High Springs ,f Fla., died there F. Means, 52> formerly of Chat- A;: jury found a; Winona Maternity patients : 2 to 3:30 «ntj 7 lg Monday evening. . field , died Saturday in Veterans The jury, after hearing tha »:30 pjn. (Adults only.) . ¦ State College student guilty of The former Ruby E. Frey Hospital, Danville, 111. ; :areiess driving in municipal instructions, fromy Judge John ¦ MONDAY She was born here July ;6, 1901, Survivors, off Mr. Means, >ho :ourt this ' morning. . McGill, reached;itsf verdict in ¦¦ ¦ and was ;.: . • - ADMISSIONS ' f x\ a member of the Epis- wasfborn.fhere Aug. 16, 1911, in- Hfe waS Gerald E: Curran , 23, about . 15 rnihutes: . Members of David Nowlan, 381 Druey Ct, copal Church . clude: One daughter , Elizabeth , the jury were Ernest Barthol- : a student from Cloquet, Minn., ¦David Kowalczyk, 1657 : W. Survivors are: Her- husband, Hammond , Ind,; two brothers, who paid a $30 fine/He plead- omae, Alvin Voss, Mrs; Wil- ¦ " "' Broadway.: ' ' ' ' Alva; three sons by a previous Jack , Minneapolis, and Morti- ed , not guilty to a charge cf liam fFinkelnberg, "Willard Mrs; George Cassutt, 195 Me- marriage, Arthur, Winona; Ken- mer, Billings, Mont., and one careless . ' driving, after city Critchfield , Mrs. B. R: Wand- chanic: St, neth, Phoenix; Ariz.; and Stan- sister, Mrs. Kermit Wiengamb, police arrested him at 2:16 snider and Miss Edith Wendt. : Mrs; Alphonse Lejk,, 261 E. ley Foster , Winona ; 11 grand- Elmore.' ' . . ¦:;:' ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ '' a.m. Saturday on Service Drive Sanborn St. - . children, and one great-grand- Graveside funeral services and requested a jury trial. Mrs, Robert J. Kluzik , 929 E." child. A daughter, Mrs. Harold will be at 1 Wednesday ,in Wabasha Sty : - ' (Vivian) Greeley, died in 1961, Chatfield ; Cemetery, the Rev. THE STATE called as Its wit- 2-Block Owners Mrs. Julia Decker, . 103 ' W. Fawcett • Robert yillwock officiating. ness the arresting officer; John 1 ; ¦ Funeral Home is Wabasha St. . completing arrangements. Boetzer-Akeson Funeral Home Holubar, .180 E. Mark St. 7 f y ;j Mark Schneider, 757 W. Wab- is, iii. charge! .: ;.:¦ " . . Under questioning by City Pros- 1 On Mainkato Se! asha St: - ' ecutor James Soderberg, Offi- Mrs. Lucille Sulla, 811 E. 5th v ' /.Mun'ijtli rp'dl .. Gbii'rt- >. James L. Hallock cer Holubar said he observed ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ . NELSON Wis. (Special) . st, P ' - . . :¦ . • ' . ¦--" ' , — WEATHER FORECAST ., . Rain and ¦: " ' : WINONA :A James . Lacy Hallock, 69, died f It . will be. colder in parts of the Northwest, a vehicle headed south on PeL To Donate Land . . Susan Glover, Stv Charles, thundersbowers are; predicted for tonight for the southern Plains and parts of . the North- zer Street, ¦come".; to the inter- ' ¦. . Forfeit: Edward J. Conway, of a heart attack Monday morn- . Minn . 21 ¦ ; parts of the, southern . Plains' while rain will west. Warmer temperatures are likely over section, slow down, but not Property owners along f two June Galtrude, 788 W; 5th- St. , St. Charles; Minn . $10. charg- ing at St. f Elizabeth's Hospital, ed with failing 7 extend into the .lower Mississippi valley and the Plateau and upper fand mid Mississippi stop for a : stop : sign and con- jLblocks of Mankato Avenue told DISCHARGES . to stop for a Wabasha.¦ Hef had been ill one ' slop sign at, the Milwaukee week; .:. ' y-f the southern Gulf states/Scattered snow flur- valley with little; cliange : elsewhere, tinue across the Highway -61 ' the City Council Monday night Mrs. Wayne Levinei . Winona • CAP they would give the city the ' tracks and Winona St. He was yries are expected in the northern Rockies. Photofax Map) 7 intersection: It entered Service Ety .3; A He was born Sept. 16, 1894, right of way necessary to build f arrested at . S:15 p.m. Tuesday to: Henry arid Essie Hallock at Drive. 7 Mrs; . H. M, Gjerdrum , 1710 Holubar ;. said he followed 1 a 64-foot street;. Gilmore Ave. by. city police: A Burnside, Wis; He married Ma^ j mie.Fagerland Feb . , 31 Curran , who was going east on!I Eighteen owners, with parcels 7 Arthur Halvorson , Rushford , ' 28 ^ 1938 - f [ Weathe r Waterloo, Iowa; Service Drive. While following,.] fronting oh Mankato Aveinue be- Minn. Holubar said, Curran Was driv- t; tween Howard Mrs. Michael Streuber, 1761 OTHER TEMPERATURES Survivors include , his wife; ing east in the westbound traf- jjfand Belleview W, Wabasha St. '-A one : daughter, Ite, Richard . By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Where^mW^^f^iSS?,fie lane. Holubar said he check- • ; streets, will ) . . The . weatherman's , forecast night and was back up to 42 at-i the; night. City Miss Darlene Habeck¦ , Wino- (Romona Carrels, Wabasha; ¦¦ :s1 i gn- agree- -2: f :;-' :" ¦ ' High Low Pr. , two was music in the ears .of Wino- noon today.7 ' - ' :The highest temperature , re- ed Curran 's speed . The police na - Rt. . . Albany, cloudy ,... eight grandchildren f and ments for the Mrs. William Block; 861 f E. 18 13 AP sisters, Mrs: Harold . (Iva) nans today. 7 The sky was clear and'; the , ported in Wisconsin Monday car's speedometer indicated 50 Albuquerque , snow . 25 23 miles per hour but Curran was dedica t i 0 n. Council Wabasha St. .15 Scharr , Nelson , and Mrs. Leon :: . "Mostly fair and Continued warm , sunshine had melted all was 37 degrees at. RoCkford- Atlanta, cloudy ..-A.. 55f f 54 ,i9 '¦ pulling away, Holubar related. Sidewaucs will Mrs, fRaymond Gabrych, 720 ' (Verna)-Brownel!, Pepin , Wis. mild tonight and Wednesday" but a trace of the three inches Beloit , Lone Rock and La ¦ Bismarck, clear ..: 37 19 - ..; was the good word for this vi- of snow — except oh north ' :' Holubar said . he stopped Cur- be built adjacent to curbs in this E; Broadway. Funeral services will be at 2 Crosse. The lo\yest temperature limited-right Boise, clear ...... 26 14 . .. cinity;.' .; slopes where it remains — reported Monday night was 23 ran and charged him with care- section because of Mrs.- Alice Purdy, ?7'/4 E. ¦;¦ p:m. Thursday at Immanuel. Lu- ' there Boston, cloudy ..... 261 16 ; ' which covered th« area on Jan: ' degrees "at-Green Bay arid Wau- less driving. Holubar said it i; of way. Available space Sanborn St. , ¦' theran Church, Pepin , the Rev; A LOW IN THE 20s was pre- ' ' " ¦ ¦ ¦; does not leave room enough for Chicago, clear , f.., 31 27 ., 14; .J . . 7\ - .. . . " Axf -fAl'u.y . • . AA - .'- ." ¦•. was windy and the snow was ] Mrs. Warren Miller and baby, Cincinnati , clear : '.' . 33 12 .. Phillip Kurtz officLating.f Burial dicted for tonight and a high i the customary boulevard f .be- Rushford, Minn. :¦ blowing. ;:j1 : Cleveland, clear :¦.". .25 14 '. •,;,, will . be in Nelson Cemetery. of 36-42 Wednesday./Thursday, P TODAY'S weather was not THE NATION'S HIGH Mon- tween curb and sidewalks. . . Mrs. Wayne ; Albrecbt ' and ' ' Friends may call after 6 p.m. he said, would see . tempera- much like fa ago today at; Denver, cloudy, .. .-;. 32: 20 .. year day ; was 76 Key West, Fla. Cl/RRAiy, In cross-examina- Original engineering propos- baby, Lamoille, Minn.; ' today at Stohr Funeral Home, tures continuing above normal when the high was 27 and the Thc low early today was'37 Des Moines, clear ,.35 22 ;, . ¦" ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ be- tion of Holubar, asked about ' als were for a 54-foot street in Mrsf Herbert Van Riper and Detroit, clear ;..y. '¦¦ Alma. - . with no significant precipita- low -—8.; Four inches of snow low fat Craig, Colo. . '¦' -¦ -• '• . 31 19 /. . . '¦ ' ¦ ' . the weather. "Holubar said/vis- the two-block area , while the ¦-' ¦ ¦ ¦ baby, Dover, Minn. tion likely. lay on the ground at that Urne. . Fairbanks, snow ... 10 . ^6 .02 Julius Tutteroeh ibility . -. -. was about . one-fourth rest of the nines-block project Mrs. - Fred Sacia, G a les ville, Fort Worth , rain .. ..58 44 .13 The Winona' temperature was All-time high for the day was Ay PA-A: . AA- .PPA MABEL,' Minn. (Special) — niilef Curran asked the officer. I would have a 64-foot roadway. Wis. : . Helena, cloufdy" •- ..: ,. 30 16 . up to a mild 38 Monday after: 53 in 11590 and the .low for Feb. ¦;• ! Specifications ] called for elim- John- ¦ Julius Tutteroen , 87, died sud- ¦' Rifle Bul let why he was not charged with i R. Schmidt¦ , 615 Grand Honoliiluyclear ' .]' .". A, 82 68 . noon , dropped to 22 during the 4 was —26,:in 1893. Mean for , stop-sign ' j ihation of parking lanes between st.' - : -;- -- " v ,: denly this morning at Green " the violation. fi . . Indianapolis, clear , 34 17 ; f the past 24 hours Was;:30, in - Kills Roch ester Holubar said he;wasA going; to 1 Howard and Belleview streets Mrs. David Wagner and baby, Lea . Manor . nursing .home, contrast with the normal for ' 1 Jacksonville; cloudy 58: 52 ,09 fWhere' he had Irved. about a at first until Curran drove in to accommodate . f our traffic 1603 W. 5th .St. ' -A Kansas City, clear . 54 34 :¦'.. ' , this time of the year of 17. : ! , year:. 7 AAX A Real Estate Man the wrori£ lane of traffic and lanes. Residents and business- Mrs. Arthur Orlikowski and Los -Angeles ,. 'clear: . ;.68'. 48 .. ¦All main Minnesota and Wis- j :¦ He was born March 6, , was clocked fat .50 miles . an j men objected to proposed elim-. baby, 5420 6th St., Goodview. Louisville, clear;. - .v.- 46 20 ...... 1876 Four Testify consin roads were reported in j ROCHESTER, Minh; (AP ) - l ination of parking and made the BIRTHS near Hesper, Iowa , son of John 1 hour. Under, : law this consti- Memphis, clear ... 61 31 f, good winter ; driving, condition , Olmsted County sheriff's detec- ' substitute proposal which in- ,. Mr, and Mrsf Roger Ladewig, and Krisfinia Tutteroen. Except tives said Norman Kujuth , 55, tutes careless driving, Holu- Miami, rain ...... 77 C6 .12 all but a few spots were entire- f bar said. '': | volved granting additional right Lamoille, Minn., a daughter, x Milwaukee, clear .. 33 18 for af few, years in Houston ly clear of snow and ice. . -i in the real estate business: here of way without cost to the city. Mt.": ahd .Mrs. Lester Heiden, ls;-St.P., County, ,he - spent his life in the In 10 years, was killed late Mon- Under questioning Holubar Mp clear .. 34 21 . .:. iWOO v Mild temperatures prevailed said the dividing line of Ser- New sidewalk: will be built on Rushford , Minn /, a son. y New Orleans, cloudy 55 54 ,19 Hesper community. He; never ' ' day by the apparent ace idental ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ across the Northwest with an , ' vice Drive could not be seen be- the east side of the street in the Mr. and Mrs. William Schultz, New York, cloudy - . 32 20 f if. 'married. - ' ¦18 at St. ' discharge of a .303 caliber rifle " ¦"¦ ¦ . Clpudi Minnesota 's | cause of the show ; arid the two-block area. to-, replace old 926 E. - 5th St., a son. - . - Okla; City,;rain ' .. ..59 40 : .35 One brother , Eddie , Parkside, lowest, Rochester had a low of he had removed from its case ' ] snow packed conditions. walks which will be removed. Omaha, cloudy . .>. . 45 30 ... Canada , survives. Twjo brothers Bnjuhr Suit 24 after a Monday high of 3T7 at a shooting dub southeast . of ' None, ¦will BIRTHS ELSEWHERE " Rochester. Curran called Sharon Louise be- installed on the Philadelphia , clear .. 36 16P A.. and one sister have died. Four witnesses appeared this and La Crosse posted figures ¦] west side, however, since there Phoenix, clear 77-, 63 37."-..' ; Funeral arrangements aren 't morning , in : .-a District Gpurt of 24 and 37 for the same times. Klebs as a witness. She was KELLOGG, Minn. ; (Special )- ' ' ! Investigators said. Kujuth fwas in the car with him when he is none there at present. If side- Mr,, . and . Mrs.. Gerald , Agin , Pittsburgh, clear .. 30 11 . . . complete but are being made trial involving a $37,000 injury the only person at the club, fwalk eventually is installed it suit from ' WISCONSIN , TOO, cphtinued was arrested. ; , Coon Rapids, Minn., a sonfFrh Ptlnd, Me , cloudy ... 24: 14; .. by Mengis Funeral Home; Serv- a 1961 automobile ac- where he had gone for target ivill be placed next to the Curb. Ptlnd, Ore.; fog• - . '.... 50 . 29 .. cident.' .; to . enjoy unseasonable warm • Miss Klebs .said snow was day at Methodist Hospital, -;St. ices will be held at the Hesper weather along: with sunshine to- practice. They said indications Louis Park. ' She is the former Rapid City,: clear .40 17 .. Lutheran Church , the Rev. : Al- In this second day of . the trial ' ¦ ' j blown across the road and on- day./ 7 :. . ' ' . " ;' .:7 . A] were the rifle had slipped and ly a section of ; the highway Sea otters are insulated from Bernice Steinberg, daughter , of St. Louis * clear .... 49 25 .. len Hermeier .officiating. Burial Andrew Synder, 970 W. 3rd St., discharged. The bullet struck Salt Lk. City; clear 729 ? 11; .. . The skies ; were partly cloudy.j was clear. She said Curran was the icy waters of the North Pa- Mr., and Mrs, Edward Stein- ¦ will be in the church cemetery. continued testimony concerning to, ' him in.the head. . San. Frari;, clear : .' .: 65 49 '.- .. the accident in which be claims cloudy Monday with a . trace driving on the clear section of cific by air pockets trapped in berg, Kellogg. : of snow in Green Bay and Wau- His body was seen by a pass- their soft f: (Special) Seattle, cloudy f .:.. , "5l : 44 -.; Mrs. John Fjeran ?37,000 . damages when a car 1 . ¦ the highway. , deep fur. They; lack BLAIR, Wis. - Mr. sauf f areas, The skies, cleared ing motorist, fwho called ,; the whale's layer of blubber to and Mrs thornas Lee, Milwau- Washington, clear . 7 44 M .. MABEL, Minn, (Special) — driven by David L. Fitzgerald , j ¦ o^ , ; ¦' - Oyer most of the state during '-ficers. . : . • ' , "¦>' :, UNDER QUESTIONING by keep them warm. kee, a. son Saturday. Maternal Winnipeg, cloudy . - . 33 -28 ":.. Mrs. John Fjeran, 47, St, Paul, 64 Lenox St., struck his automo- grandparents are Mr*, aiid Mrs. died at 11 p.m. Monday of sec- bile, -P. Blair, ond and third degree burns re- Ernie Knutson , :;'f IN THE FIRST Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Olson £lum City Pupils ceived in a fire Sunday eve- two days of , : testimony Snyder said that on a son Sunday at the Black Riv- Occupy New School ning. Seventy-five percent of her body was burned. 7 Dec; , 18, 1961, he was driving er Falls hospital Maternal of his 1951 blue Mercury east: on grandparents -are Mr. and Mrs. PLUM CITY, Wis, . (Special) Mr. Fjeran^ formerly Har- Sidney Lee, Blair. . —Plum City : High School stu- mony arid Mabel , had gone to a slippery 3rd Street. Snyder ARCADIA, Wis. (Special ) dents moved into . their new bed .Sunday night but was said he had been absent irom - work that day at Whetstone Mr , and Mrs. Wilrner Putz Jr., 5400 ,000 building on Highway 10 awakened by smoke. His wife Machine Co. and had driven : ¦ ¦ Old Hickory, Tenn.,: a son Jam Monday. had been sitting watching tele- ' ' ' ¦ downtown to pick up his wife . yy- . ^y- -f :y : .7'7yyy.f:v-y-: :f . • . - 277 Putz is the son of Mr. and Buchholtz Construction Co.. vision and apparently went to ^ ^ Durand, began construction of after she finished work. After Mrs . Wilmer Putz Sr., rural Ar- sleep with a lighted cigarette ¦ a doctor 's appointment and a ¦ ' ' :- : ' ' -¦ ¦ ' - ' : ' ¦ ' ' ;¦ ' ¦ cadia. . . the concrete block , brick and in her hand.,: :¦ . . - -¦: . - -v . - - . - - , Ai A-:"AX ;'.7' ;.:y^iw.. -f- ,.' :. ;^ .-¦ . . i dinner at "a lunchroom , he said ' '' - ¦ ¦¦ ' -: " - - : - . - '' ' ' ¦: - i , metal building last April, - . - . - ' - . • . 7" v.v , A:&. - ::-¦ *-.: AA. .: - -: ...... ' . ^ -7 ::v:r '.. :vV --:7v:v.> :- >::. i-^vv^iviii-^V v^^v^ :A. : . .. RACINE Wis. - Mr. and The funeral service will be he pulled out of his , parking Mrs . Gene H. Wieczorek a . •" Superintendent Wallace Lind- at the John Adams & Con Col- holm announced that a recep- space on the south side of 3rd daughter .Ian. 25. Mr.s. Wieczor- onial Funeral Home Wednesday Street and began driving east ek is the former Betty Bam- tion and tour of the school will at T::;o p.m . be held Feb. 29 and formal ded- at about 15 miles an hour. He benek , daughter of John C. Bam- Survivors are her husband; stopped in the traffic lane to benek . 57R E, 5th Si: and thc ication later. There are over molhcr and one sister, Minne- 180 high school students here. pick up his wife at the Kewpee late Mrs. Bambenek. Wieczorek apolis , and two brothers. Lunch , 151 E. 3rd St., when the is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hen- The gym and multi-purpose room hns a seating capacity of Mrs, Elmer H. Thompson Fitzgerald car struck him from ry Wieczorek , 516 E. Broadway, the rear , knocking him to the NVinonn. 825. The entire former buildinR PRESTON . . Minn. (Special )- used by the high school now Mrs. Elmer H. Thompson , 58 , floor. ALMA , Wis. - Mr. and'Mrs. He claims this impact caus- Erwin Gehrke a son Sunday at houses elementary classes on- died suddenly at 7 p.m. Mon- ly. day at Spring Valley Memorial ed him severe and permanent St . Elizabeth' s Hospital , Wabn- - neck pain. film. Hospital. . The former Aurelin Krause , Snyder , who is represented in St. Charles Postal she was born bore April 4 , 1 90,) , court by Pluokett & Peterson , IMPOUNDED nor.s Winona law firm, accuses Fitz- lications Due She was married to Elmer None. Job App Thompson Aug. 2!> , I !l2,ri , at Mod- gerald of negligent operation of homes: Available for Hood STf CHARLES, Minn. (Spe- ford , Minn. She was a memlM-- his automobile. Throe male and female. One cial) Residents of thc St, of the Royal Neighbors of Amei • part cocker, — . 1 FITZGERALD . 18, also took ¦ Charles post office " area ' were ica and lived in the area fhc'r the stand this morning. He said DR. OUT.NS , NAMI-I D reminded tfiat the closing date entire life. thnt ns he was driving the night Dr. Willlnrn A. Owon.s Jr., for applying for clerk-carrier Survivors include hei hus- of the accident , he noticed a head of the occupational re- positions is Friday. Both men band ; two sons , Edv/aid :md car about 65 to 73 feet abend , 1 James , Preston; two d.'iugntcrs , search center at Purdue Uni- and women are encouraged to without any lights on , onul he ¦ apply. The register of persons 1 Mrs, Allen Lawrence, Mankato , ' ¦ '" ¦ ' ' ' : ¦ ¦ ; versity and .-son of William A. thought the vehicle was in mo- I ' . ' . :- .; 7 . ' . . . - ''A A' fA A..AAp ;A ''AfA A,A. .A®f'' 'AyX: ; AAAPP^P ; . ' ' ' ' , Owens, 368 Washington St., will who pass the examination will \ and Mrs. Darrell Fre'licit . Pres- tion , As he approached thc car ^ ^ evaluate clinical psychology be used to fill full and pari ton , and seven Rrandchildren. at about 10 miles an hour , he program of ;i number of Mid- time vacancies. Applicati on A I' .'iniily ."ervice will he HI said he tried to stop but sk idded west, universities for the Amer- blanks may be secured at the 1:30 p.m. Thursday at Thnu- and hit the Snyder car. Seconds ican Psychological Association. post office. wald Funeral Home. later , he said , a third automo- j Funeral services will be at '1 bile driven by Joseph Wachowi- 1 p.m. at Preston Methodist ak , 67 Chatfield St., hit his car. ¦ 1MMMMAAAAWMMAAAAma\W8mbmt^^r'*?yr Church , the Rev, John Payne Damage to the Snyder car ^PJPPS P^wiy , "¦">: ¦ A ¦ officiating. Rurial will be in was estimated at $31 , and dam- miim^timmkmAmmlamAal/ttlM ^tMiMMtMMM^MMMMtMlmAaVm^ ^ ; Crown Hill Cornel cry. age to thc front grill , fenders ! Friends may call nt the fu- and hood of Ibc Fitzgerald car ; neral home Wednesday and un- at $125. til time of service Thursday. " Richard Braithwaile , Winona .-.. JOttfV DID ]—. Jlr) DIPrvl '7 • police officer for seven years, ! Mrs. Henry Gosse also appeared as a plaintiff' s WABASHA , M inn. iSpeelnl ) witness, He said there was no '^M!9 "M 'Mrs. Henry Gosse died nt 10 evidence of intoxication , and he a.m. today at St, Elizabeth 's confirmed thnt prc-holidny traf- [ Hospital. She hud been n pn- fic was heavy, tho streets ! tient five weeks. sli ppery and the drivers appar- ANNOUNCING THE COMET CYCLONE- 1 The former Dnrn Budde nnd ently unable lo stop in time. a lifelong resident of Wabasha , The trial recessed at nnon to she wa.s ;i dangliler of the la.'c be resumed lit 1:30 p.m. today, WITH A HERITAGE 100,000 MILES LONG! ; Mr. and Mr.s. Gerhnrd Kuclde. Mrs. Ed Rivers , 426 E. Wa- I She wns 11 member of St, Felix basha St., of Kewpee Lunch , | n m MHH CAPTURES THE SPIRIT OF DAYTONA. Racy, sporty, elegant ' Church and Altai' Society. Sur- also testified for a few mo- HHHnH That's the new Cyclone, ! vivors nre her husband , neph- ments before court recessed B^^ PyPJ^^^i^^l Inspired by Comet 's historic Durability ews and nieces . for the morning, ¦ Run ot Daytona , where four Start Your Savings Account Today With I^UaHWQ |fL > |j;,-—'!'. | • '/ specially equipped Comets each ran Funeral arrangements nre be- Fil/.gerald is represented by ing m.'Klc by Abbot!-Wise Fu- Ernest II, Stenerodcn , St, Paul , |' 100,000 miles, averaging over 105 mph! Standard |^^^ flH |B| ^^Y' . / <. equipment in neral 1 lome. and Wachowiak by Joseph ' Moonan , Waseca, ' ' ¦• eVGr/ Comet cyc,one : Super 289 cu. in. V-8 , tachometer, bucket ^^^^i B^ V ¦ ^ I^ ' -i FIRST OSSIW PrNI) CAMPAIGN Jurors chosen Tuesday after- A- seats , chrome engine The i .,• .$M fittings and competition-type .^^^ HB i \\ wheel covers. WM OSS ICO , Wi.s, — Mr.s. Melvin noon; Eugene Schultz , Lewis- fe/ Krienkt\ Osseo , hus accepted ton; Mr.s. Anna Osowski, 620 ' ' ¦' ¦ iny covere c ro optional. ^KK ^^Km*'' " * - "•'^L . ' '\/ j ^: am\ ^ ' ' °f j#i f^ r\ KM CT Bank the cli.'iii'inimshlj.i of the Osseo I''.. 3rd St.; Mr.s. Mabel flrnnt , ^^^^^^^^^^^> K '^^^«1 '"'SMULaAAm \A- v^ v^lwBL* I 1 National • ¦"< Ofod area "Pnss-tlH i-IEeail" envelope Dakota ; Roger Ehlcrs , Winona WMMmMMMMMKamk.- ^m m* ^Vtmmm' • l :" wonuo a 100,000.WIL * DURABILITY CHAMPION lp drive for tbe cur rent heart fund Rt. I; Kennelh Anderson , Rush- campaign. Mrs, Krlenke urged ford; Mrs. George Heuhlein, Wi- DRIVE COMET-AT THE "HOME OF CHAMPIONS" -YOUR MERCURY AND COMET DEALERS IB of Winona all residents to }>nss the envel- nona Rl, 1; Mr.s. A. E , Stoa , I ope on as soon ns thoy receive 305 Winonn St.; Mrs, Harry K> ^JuJi|||l Member Federal Deposit it so the campaign may be com- Spitzer , St. Charles ; Karl pleted by the end of February. Drenckbahn , Mlnneiska; Eman- ' OWL MOTOR COMPANY ln»uranc» Coi porallom Contributions will enable re- uel Wiskow , St. Charles; Arthur ^ ^ i i- '^^ ^ search inlo causes of heart dis- Kehoe , Drcsbnch , and Mrs. Hel- 4lh * Main Winona , Minn. l ease to continue, en St oehr , Dakota , Inky Chief of Naval Spots Sing Personnel Named Mrs, Oswald's Fun rest WASHINGTON (AP) - Rear Ta Small But.% Adm. Benedict J. Semmes Jr., has been selected by President At Cotter Johnson; for chief of naval per- Report May Good Qowcl : ' sonnel. By Michael .'.. O'llearn Johnson sent Semmes' nomi- Is ^odayp ad- St. Mary's College played host nation to the rank of vice tf to the ¦weil-known Ink Spots at miral to the Senate Monday for Hot Be Tol Cotter High School's annual WASHINGTON (AP) — The held today the Winona Senior High School confirmation . ; Fun Fest is being Monday- ¦// Mem-f y testimony at the Catholic Recreation Cen- Auditorium night Semmes is r native of : secretly given . \ of/ Thef only disappointing thing phis, Tenn. . Mrs. Marina Oswald op events ter and; at Cathedral Hall. .: - ¦ ' ' about the evening was thef size :. - ¦ assassination of An innovation this year is , a of the audience. About 300 per- preceding the Fun Fest dinner to ;f- be served sons witnessed a well-rounded President John F. /Kennedy from' 5 to 7 p,m. in the Hall, musical evening. The Ink Spots Vmay not be released in .your PA with Mmes. Elaine f Malbney sang their past hits such as "If Food Stami) lifetime," Chief Justice Earl and John Leaf, as; chairmen. 1 - Didn't Care" and ; "You ; Al- Other events are in the Center. Warren has disclosed. ; ways Hurt the One YouiiLtive" ; ' ' Decorations are in a Valen- they sang blues fin the , Ray : Warren said the presidential investigating commission which tine Fiesta motif and special Charles vein •- /'T Can't Stop Shelved Plan he heads will issue a statement attractions include a disguise Loving You" ; folk songs like ^WASHINGTON :(AP ) — -The salon,, fish . pond, candy valen- "Wolverine Mountain" ; musical ^-perhaps Wednesday-—when it House Agriculture .. Committee questioning its . first . tines, gifts,. a valentine cafe, a MR; AND MRS. TED show tunes such as ''So in Love" shelve a bill to finishes voted today to witness, the slim and . pretty wid- western .jail and games for all Johnson. Hixton; - Wis:,;an- from "Kiss Me Kate" and even expand and make permanent ages, -;; /¦ - < yy/-., rock and roll : like : "Kansas ow of Lee Harvey Oswald. nounce the engagement of ¦ the food stamp plain— . a key Mmes. Paul Koprowski and their daughter, Miss Nancy Citv:" •; part of Presiden t Johnson's She goes before the commis- Ray Kulasiewicz were cc-chair- Louise Johnson; to Daryl THE AUDIENCE was enthn- farm plan sent to Congress last sion again today. "I: don't ; know y, men of a sloppy joe lunch serv- ' ¦ ¦ l Skaar. son of Mr. and Mrs. siastic7 and. receptive: artd even W6ck. ' . ' .. ' . how newsworthy" the commis- ed to the students at noon. started ; Bert Skaar Taylor, Wis. No sang along on several numbers : The food stamp plan, sion's statement will be, War- The highlight of the evening v -pilot basis in l961;, enables He added . date has been, set for the including "R a m b li ri Rose." on a . ren : told reporters. . will . be the crowning of Fun needy, families to ; buy more: it contains Information ¦wedding. Miss Johnson and Those who attended were treat- that if Fest royalty by Winona . Winter food -at . . - regular; grocery fstores affecting national: security, it , '' .her ; fiance both are stu- ed to fan hour and .45 minutes Carnival/rovaltv at 8 p.m. ,/. . of good music and variety. Mas? by means: of coupons. It is still may be suppressed for decades dents at Wisconsin State , operating in 39 Class representatives compet- ter of ceremoniesf Jerry Hicks on a pilot basis ^"andvl -say that seri ously." ing for king and queen of the College, Eau Claire, f introduced the Ink Spots7 and .counties and three cities. this suggested that the com- Fest are : f Roger Przybylski and did; a comedy routine. Miss Ne- Johnson coupled his request mission intends to :. explore : as Paula Gappa, seniors; ; Dennis braska also f got into the; show "to expand the food stamp plan thoroughly as possible, through Woychek and Anne Losinski , Chautauqua with a couple: of tap-dance num- with a request for a five-year Mrs . Oswald and ;other witness- juniors;. Jim Blank and ; Carol bers.' ' . extension of . the Food for Peace es, delicate subjects/ such as Kohner, sophomores, and ; Mike From the young point of view, under which more visit to Russia, : Members Tour * .program, Oswald's 1959 Hoeppner and .Susan Mitchell , probably the high spots came than $12 billion in farm sur- his • unsuccessful efforts to de- freshmen... Borne Ec Areas, with the rendition of "Mack the pluses , have been sent to , under- fect to the Soviet Union and his Each home room is in charge Knife" or "I Left My Heart !¦ developed countries- attempts, on a Mexican, visit of a booth . Chairmen of fvari r A conducted tour of the Col- in San 'Francisco." The: older committee; vote was to { obtain visas7 ' The last September,.to , ous : committees are : . Ronald lege of Saint. Teresa s home- group appreciated the skil:iul table the food stamp measure, i for Eussia or ./ Kohner, Pa t r i ek Thompson , making department in the Rog- numbers like . blend of voices in: GENERAL STORE ITEMS y.;Mem- •modeling a nearly-new coat, ; dropping it from consideration. I ; Kathy Walsh, Rona|d Gainey, er Bacon - Center was given;to "I Don't Want to Set the World . is Andrea ' But Monday's day-long qoes- :. ."' bersf of;the Episcopal Church Women are ¦ • " : Mrs, ' . The action did not affect the 1 Sue Lund , Ellen Casper, Thom- the Chautauqua Club members on Fire" , or "We fThree." ¦:.;', - • .-/.White; daughter . 6f: Mr. and William Food for Peace program, which tibnirig of the Russian-born, 22- . :¦• collecting items for theirf nearly-new sale 7 I | as Joswick, Kathy Huelskamp, Monday afternoon by Sister : Summing it upr fit .was an ¦ F. White. Mrs. Underdahl holds aii antique is generally popular, in Con- j year-old Mrs. Oswald—who be* Bernadette. f .' .¦ chairman of the _' ': Fridaiy ' from 9:30f;. to 4:30 '-pi- m, in St. ' . . frame , ; ¦¦ 'i Marxist husband asi Robert Sawyer, Thomas Van evening well worth-while,/ . from the old Laraberton house which gress. : / . / . .;: . ';; //¦;:' - .. . /] lieves .her HoofV Robert Roekamp, Kathy department of home economics. ] : Paul's; Church ' Parish House. Old picture cdiild make a frame for a hjirrori or possibly . sassinated Kennedy — .d e a ! tu The . department ¦ ' The food : stamp lill can lie '/ ' Greden, . Mary Sue Van fHoof , has many frames and children's clothing to be among a . top for a coffee table. Other articles to . be .! with Oswald's activity . arid sections and the group was A revived in cbriimittee if. some LJ n i t e d James Przytarski, Mike Lee, Sister M Eyrnard many ; choice items in the sale , are being : : offered; in the General Store nearly-new sale . : movements in the . shown thef sewing and ; fitting member on the winning side iri ;after he: brought his f Anne Losinski and Kathy Quhv Before ' checked over here by Church Wometi . mem- will ; include books, jewelry , furniture , yard f States. Ian. rodms, home planning and fur- To Speak . j today's vote moves; for recon- . bridef here. p bers;. from left , Mrs. John. H.; Irish , chair- : goods; curtains , !and all kinds of clothing. I Administration pres- nishing room, the large and col- Three rAiixiliaries A- pp sideration 7 ; reported by ' the man , Mrs. .TV. H. Underdahl and Mrs. Miles . The event is open to the public: (Dail y News ¦'¦ ' !• sure for that can be expected. This was . orful lecture room , and the ¦ . ¦' ¦ 's general counsel, supiervisor Peterson ,, decorations chairmen. The thild, ,. phOto) ' ffv - ' ' ' • •'- . i :- .'- commission home management , home; In Sister M. Eyrnard, - -.v ;!. Lee Rankin, during a break: High School of the : home mirsing program J. this home the girls live for six . in the laborious ; testimony-tak- weeks as: part of their training of St. Mary's Hospital, Roches- of tickets first available-'; Rural Heart Fund ' Department Gohcert Prpgrarh will be the guest speaker ing : through a State in managing an average home.. ter, ers' ; parents, with the players interpreter; ' , ' at:the third quarterly meeting A The interesting kitchens : il- Godsey Proposes themselves to determine the or- County Asked Chairman Named I told us some Is Announced lustrating the parallel , U and L of St; Anne Hospice Auxiliary at "Mrs. Oswald der of priority . 't heard before— v The program the mid-win- shape, were; explained and the 8 p.m. Thursday at the Hospice. Maurice F.: Schah 7 4455 6th ; things we hadn for Should¦ . Winona enter the re- some new things, new evi- ter concert of Winona Senior group shown the latest in/mod- She : will show slides and talk •¦ '' ''¦ St., Goodview , has . been /ap- j ' Plan gional ¦tournament . and lose, poirited chairman; of the 1964 , dence, " Rankin told question- High School Choir and Orches- ern equipment: on her experiences with Sister Hew for players would have first , For Y ield Sign chance, Heart Fund campaign for rural ; ers. He/said she was, ''a very tra at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the The dining room was beau- Mary Jude,7administrator .of at the tickets —- oh their; own Winona County . / j cooperative witness." v school: auditorium has been an- tifully arranged and the table the . Hospice, when they toured '¦ ¦ ' ¦¦" priority . basis. . Any tickets re- . - . - . - . the Scandinavian countries on a ( ¦ nounced. set for the tea which followed Tourney Tickets maining in the event plaj'ers At ¥alley Road - ;.: - . Meryl Nichols will direct the the tour. ;. . f f study tour on; the care of the A suggestion for a change in were unable to attend the tour- ' ¦-Loumy commission ers cleclin- . ' ;¦ | Pe rsonalized License I U.S. Ambassador singing group and Milton Dav- Mrs! , -Edward : Hartert - and aged., . the method of distribution of nament Would be made avail- ; asked to approve a yield sign on enport is conductor of the : or- Mrs. S., D. Jf .Bruski- were host- : Members of Winonaf Commu- Winona's: allotment of tickets able to the school: representing : "SAH 17 at its PleasantfVallp'- Plates for Alaska j Will Stay On ¦' chestra ' esses and , Mrs. A. L. Nelson , nity Memorial : Hospital • a nd ' 7; A- for the state high school bas- this region fin the tournament.. • Intersection with old trunk High- : (AP> ; ; The program follows: : club president, presided at the Watkins Methodist Home auxili- ketball tournament was receiv- ] ,' - ' JUNEAU. Alaska (AP) - For W^ASHINGTON — Wil- ' ' ¦¦ way 61. . . - f:/.;// 7 ..CHOIR. „ ' aries are being invited to at- -GODSEV.emphasized that un- an extra $50—if the Seriate. goes - liam /E. Stevenson has been ' ¦ tea: table: . .• ed Monday night by the; Board Amending an. earlier request "Adoramu.s Te", Palestrln.a. . During, "Refreshments and a social der no condition would he along with a House - approved - asked - to continue as /U.S, am- "Vlctlmae Pascholl Laudes, " (Double the short business tend, of- Education. A' A- ' -A or; for a -stop sign ; - Choir), . Victbria-Rledel , bill — Maskan motorists will be '; bassador to, the Philippines be- ¦ meeting which f followed the tea ,: hour will follow the, : meeting: anyone else outside" the groups ' change at the ' -Cfiant: . Bruce OdelU tenor Maurice D. Godsey, 702 Grand , ¦ cause of the unstable situation ", ' ¦' " reports were given on the meet- and program. ' 7 he'd mentioned be authorized to "j ablef to get personalized vehicle ' ".Th" Silver Swan, Gibbons-Button. . ' St.,. a former school director , junction, . the County ; • "Glory .arid; Honor Are Before Him." ing: with the state; and first dis- purchase one of the: tickets, j license plates. ; i ;in Southeast Asia: 7. Bach'Tkach. from the; 2nd City Council: • ¦ ; ,7 I , i . Board .President Lawrence : The fee, added to thef usual ! The White House announced - ' -'Out ol the Depths,. . O Lord, We Cry," trict presidents oh plannihg f for Ward , Sought A Monday night . Ki>'*busch-Zurbier . the . state convention to be held Third Democratic Santelman said he. thought . the : said the license tax, would get you any ; Monday that Stevenson had ' "Set Down .Servant, . srr. Shaw. approval by new Board ' ¦ ¦ ¦ " in . Winona in May. School ! school: system should retain the ! .combination of seven letters or agreed to stay on at President ¦;•' "Nobody Knows The Trouble , I See. " District ftp Meet the board of A 7- plan would ac- ¦erf. Large. AAPP - .I authority . to distribute the tick- ' . numbers, to form names, ini- Johnson's request. a p la n for : ; ¦ ¦ complish the desired effect but . . ."AAakef Someone Happy . ("Do . Re ST. MATTHEWS LADIES AID At La Crosse Sunday ; ets:f 7 ' - ' . ' - .. . •; ' . ' '.¦;•.' " .¦/¦ . . , -A tials or slogans: The possibilities ;: Stevenson submitted his resig- . Wi"';" Styne.j . . giving Senior Board ¦ . ;; be: . less f restrictive/ Traffic .- ORCHESTRA. - St. : Matthews Ladies Aid will j Director Frank J.' . ' ' Allen Jr., are staggering; ;. . . nation last; month. . . ¦ Hieh iSchool . counts indicate ; much . greater "Sonq ot -Jupiter." from. "Semele." meet in the church basement A caucus for the Srd Congres- commehfed, "It seems tof me ' iVnndel. : sional District, to elect delegates basketball team members and .volume on the old highway than "Violin ¦Concerto, " First Movement, at 2:30 pfm . Thursday. Host- . the high . school league : has in • ¦ their parents , rather than school on the county road, City Engi- Vivaldi; . ' . ' . esses will be Mmes. Arthur to the Democratic national con- mind a certain intent in its pro- J .."Pizzicato Polka , tor Stilhgs," ' Streuss . personnel, priority in ticket . - neer James Baird tol d the.coun- "The Typewriter, Beyers and William Boettcher. vention in Atlantic City/ .N.J., " Novelty, Anderson. gram for the distribution of: cii.7 :;¦ ' ./ "Queen . of Shebe, .. , will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at purchases. ¦ ¦'.' ¦ ¦ Processional . tickets arid I question whether ' Oound. . . .: LEGION AUXILIARY Stoddard Hotel, La Crosse. ; He said state Highway/De- ' ¦ ¦ ¦ 7 THE MINNESOTA State High: it's up to us to; change this. I'd ST. . CHARLES, Minn. (Spe- Persons ..wishing-, to be dele- partment traffic eng ineers ree-. cial) — American Legion Aux- School League allocates: state ] think that this , is a matter Mr, ommended that right of way be gate candidates and to vote for ; Ettrick Lutheran iliary to Post 190 will meet at tournament tickets ytp schools Godsey should bring before the given to cars on the old high- tlie four delegates from the dis- throughout the state on the ba- ¦ league rather than this board Groups to 8 p.m. Monday. Legion mem- trict must he paid-up members way as against northbound Meet sis of enrollment.' Winon a now of education. " A] bers are being invited to join of '. .the ' , party. Additional dele- CSAH 17 traffic. # present, the . ETTRICK , Wis. ( SpecialV - the women at 8:30 p.m. for an is entitled to IB tickets which; Directors took no action on opposite situation prevails, | gates-at-large will he selected .. ' f Hardies : Creek in years past , have been offer- the proposal. ¦ . . - - . \ LCW will meet Americanism p rog ram and by;Ihe administrative commit- ¦;. j ounty commissioners will ht j ed to members of the coaching m Feb. 13- at; 1:30 p.rn. Hostesses lunch. tee. Alternate delegates will be ed a previous ' request by the will be Mmes. Albert Engen , chosen ; by the state central staff and other school person- Ann-Margret" Packs ¦ ' ' council for installatio n of a stop ! Gust Byom and MORAVIAN LADIES nel. " ./ ! Misses . Julia ) committee. . sign : for northbound traffic at and Clara Engen. BETHANY, Minn: (Special Godsey proposed tha t he be A Wicked Bottle j thc junction. Bethany Moravian Ladies Aid Wisconsin will be represented . j South Beaver Creek Luther by ACi -votes¦ allowed to . purchase the entire . HOLLYWOOD (API - Ac- 1 will be . entertained by Mrs. at 'thc national con- League will meet Sunday, at 8 vention , which will open Aug. 24. allotment of , tickets , two o( tress Ann - Ma.gret hit actor i breaks easily on impact, if used p.m. A program is being ar- Olivia Beyer al her home in which would be reserved f 0 r James Ward on the head with a Lewiston Thursday at 1:30 p,m. ;, j correctly. ranged by Doris Bott and Da- CHANGE DATE. purchase by the head football ; bottle and sent , Ward to the hos- ; But An n-Margref hit Ward ' ' The Bible Study .will be based ¦ vid Klinkunberg. Lunch , will be Senior Ci tizen Kings and conch and his top assistant, ' . ! pit al with a concussion. with the butt end of the boiUe. on Job 2, . 3 and the topic is ¦ served by Mmes, . Marvin Tran- If Winona were to win the ; •fiBB^^H^Hiil. ff \B» ^V \ "First Reactions lo Trouble. " Queens Club will meet at Lake It happened in a . movie brawl j Next on her . -schedule: Les- ' ^i^ii^^j i^^^"^^^^r^T> berg and Donald Johnson. . Park lxxlge this , week Friday regional tournament , GodseyYj scene. The bottle , made of a sons in how to hit with the bot- The Mission Study will be taken plan calls for making the quota WEDNESDAY MEETING from On the Roof of the World at 2 p.m., instead of the reg- ! clear candy - like material , tle. ular Feb. 14 date. ¦ The Degree of Pocahontas artd "The Moravians Arrive . " — ' '——-— ¦ ¦ . Lodge will meet at fi p.m. Wed- All women of the congregation ESTIIFR ¦CIRCLE nesday at Red Men 's Wigwam ra.iv attend BLAIR . Wi.s. ( Special) - Mr.s. Leland Hcdberg will be hostess AT WILLIAMS \ " to Ihe Esther Circle of the Trcmpcnlcnii Valley Lutheran Church Saturday at 2 p.m. BAPTIST AUXILIARY MINNESOTA CITY , Minn. - The Minnesota City Baptist %~l * Sunday School Auxiliary will P Pretty Dusters meet nt 1:150 p.rri. Thursday with Mr.s, Howard "Volknrt , Minne- / „ for your Valentine sota Citv. ff^&^i l ^ffm. ART FILM FESTIVAL mm M I lft ^^^^^^^^ Hi^^^B^B fc*3^^ v *t* i *u?~ i> I 1 MCMA* sto^w , THc Wcn«. ttKmn ^K 'A^^m x m A / W'"1 l>n '">' V,,l,l,ll 'r,\ ). ^jfogW*%*, S \ '' ! / 'his'er from our IK W y. | r ip p i| 0 fpltfttAl K' C%?- Vit \ II ' ^l ¦B ... WtSW&KOW! >< «' <> **le Pf»* «Mwoty ondi •jatu rdny, February », Ull, J ' sl)r I I e r I i n ' "J^ */-JK$ 'r . k.A'~v^>AA-A A^w^l. A' HHI L ^ A: " if fff/^^Xfl ONLY , you ron purchmi moit loughl oiler \l ¦/" " *' 'v s • ' ,! if- ^ ^¦ ¦ 0Nl}f th* , widely worn "A CONSPICUOUS ¦¦ I : ^%'W\ • ' h Hr \ '"'"' ' '" "''l"'IV''' . . ^f fjfc^ ' ¦ ' '/¦ KINC >m l,, » w|lh l«n»«> i • - ,«! ll) &) \'aSL \ solids or prints . S I/ . •«>/ ' ' , •# ^Jr R"f ' " P , ol Iho low , low inlo p,;cn ol FILM ACHIEVEMENT, r , ' ¦ • f' ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ' 4 . Thi* combindllo-n ,***^' ' . 4 - r. -P-\^^^ ' ?"- ' ftame o( lylonilo and al motf In- ' ' ' vl,i bl# ca,h«fwtiQht metol U GUARANTEED lo jlviyou n theme ol supremo simplicity • -\ \. %.iJP^ . ' lighl . , . primeval pAttion and bll ,y J** I00 OTHER STYLES? * ° ' ¦ 5 physicnl power." SHAPES ANP rP$m%\*v<\ '« ll I, \ mJ A/Jff ^y ^j—^ - BOSLEY CROWTHER BUTTESSA, JONATHAN r i J-A 'V . I \ /A N. Y. TIMES LOGAN S ,] INC MA| ¦ 1 REVOLUTION IN KNITS, 22.95 . I . M S*^ "/IB . Ib '* N - \T v */ V'..# ' In a now word, a now wor 'r] for Uit ^' : far^: \ \ \ \ 4 -yy --./•Jfife '" V. . ' r ' ' "Buflossa ," mC/'o ar.nta! , so .i lMur, HOSIERY nnd ¦¦:- ':"¦ ¦ ' • ¦ i HMMPHNM^ittnii^MMM^MMUHMA, - ^^tfHBHl ""' *'"'" | | '7v ^^ ' ^ '. , BEEP W-WMiWiiiilffl.¦ ^^ , | JPtmmom Streel Vacation Taxes Down for Two Transferred; Two Cases Set Issue Delayed Funds Four Cuban S^H^eiMipf iM for Whitehall WHITEHALL, Wis. (Special! Fishing Boats y Transfers of funds from one gas, $61.11 f or freight. $31.36 —Two Circuit court cases are At La Crescent county fund to another were for express, $5 for boiler cer- scheduled in Trempealeau.Coun- LA CRESCENT, Minn. (Spe- voted Monday by the Winona tificates and $6 for tax-exempt ty beginning Monday at 9:30 cial) County Board of Commission- ' ¦¦ : — The public hearing on ¦ license plates; v a.m.' . /-'/:, ' . Held in Florida the petition of Mr. and Mrs. Al ers. A Another transfer took $571.32 Jurors drawn , to serve the fall KEY WEST, Fla/ (AP)-Four Moore to vacate a portion of The transfers are bookkeep- from the/county reveriue : fund term have been notified to re- Cuban fishing boats and their the North side of F Street was ing procedures adopted to and deposited it in the road and port at that time. Judge Merrill crews were held here today . set for March 3 at 9 p.m. at straighten out: the county's fi- bridge fund.;. The money was Farr . will preside. while : Cub a and the United . the Mondajry meeting of the La nancial records for 1963. paid ; from the latter fund for The cases are. the of an States prepared protests about Crescent Village Council. labor and .materials for the fol- automobile accident one mile the Cubans' disputed position. ; The hearing . was scheduled THE LARGEST such action lowing county south of Eleva -April ; 21, ,1962. transferred $1,684 from the road Cuban Foreign Minister Raul this month but because of fail- units during Richard Kulig aind Wyliss Espe- Roa contended the fishing boats ure of the petitioners' lawyer and bridge fund to the inciden- 1963 $214.68 sethy both/ of- rural Indepen- tal fund for bills paid from the - . County were detained on the high seas to publish notices of the hear- for the court-; dence, were passengers in a car and forced into U.S./territorial . ing the new date was set. latter fund during 1963. Of the h' o u s e and driven by Warren Nelson, Eleva U.S; . total , amount . waters/by armed7 Coast , $95 was for post- $356.65 f or Board Rt;' 2. . All three, were fatally in- Guard patrol craft, a Havana THE SEWAGE nse and con- age, $844.63 for telephone, $65.23 the jail. •¦ - "- jured. -: ¦. .;¦ - broadcast said. nection ordinance was passed for water, $575.67 for lights and . . Another transfer to the road Mrs/ Julia . Kulig, administra- by the council. It establishes trix of the Kulig Rap said protests -would be . fees for property not assessed and bridge-fund involved $310 estate, and Mrs. Stella Espeseth, adminis- made to the U^S. State Depart-; which will be connected to the from the county ditch fund. The '¦ paid; for material tratrix of the EspeseUi estate ment and the United Nations, sewer. , money . was and ordered an energetic de- used in work on County Ditch are plaintiffs./ Each is asking . 7 The ordinance also establishes damages, mand for: release of the boats sewage use charges fat a $4;5Q Trooper Says No. 3 (near the College of Saint ot $20,000/ Economy . " ¦—¦ ¦ —¦ ¦—v^—:—:—-r :—-~- -- ¦ . I and; and 38 crewmen. . . . ' . Teresa) during 196"5 Fire Casualty: Co , is; de- .: DEBATE WINNERS i . . Winner of the -without a loss: Left to flat fee payable quarterly for fendant. A State Department official . right are Jay Knox, each single family residence . 1964 RegionX jiigh school debate champion- Joe Kaminski, George Hojgensori, Coach . IN TWO SEPARATE actions, said the United States planned ¦ ' For larger units, the charge will He Failed fo to protest violation of U.S. ter- ship here Monday was this: Rochester team Eric Peterson and Clague Hodgson, (Daily be viBO percent of the water bill the commissioners voted home- which went through three rounds pf debate News photo) 7; ¦ stead classification for a coun- Russian Scientist / ritorial waters by Fidel/ Cas- or a minimum of ^ISO/quarter- tro's commercial fishermen. ly. The charges will be effec- ty resident for real estate tax Gets Opt of Hospital purposes and approved a reduc- The four fishing boats were . tive the second quarter , which Report Offer intercepted . off .: Dry Tortugas starts April 1. ¦" ' ; tion in another resident's per- MOSCOW (AP)-Lev Davido- ;. - . CENTER DISCUSSED ¦ ¦ By GAVIN SCOTT sonal property tax. Both actions vich Landau , winner of the 1962 Sunday and escorted 65 miles 7 Rochester Wins •' 'A' .•sample: of the discolored 7 " CHATTANOOGA, ;Tennry for the mentally ill. Why not do This will be matched by $1,5(10 that area, Harold Vetsch . of the .Under : defense questioning, taxes' -. payable: in 1964, contend- recovered it now?," Garth T. Harrison funds, ff , gional finals, ¦Rochester John maintenance department said Patrolman James M. Paschal ing that he had lived on his enough to resume his work. electric "mules" : — locomotive , in state ' ' ¦ ; psychiatric social worker at the Marshall High School returned the unusual amount of discolor- said E. Hbpton, assistant property since April 23,. 1963. 7 The scientist is/ believed to engines runing on rails atop the Monday lo win: the 1964 Region . W- have played ' ' for braking; South Central Mental Health HARRISON, whose mental ation came from a switch fail- state safety. commissioner; told This would mean that he was a leading ; role, jn lock ..walls." Towing ¦ health center serves Dodge j 1 high, school debate . champion- ure at one of the pumping star him when his wife was seated living there at the time of the . planning the:. Soviet space pro- the engines never -go more than Center, Owatonna, Minn., ask- ' gram; , Rice / Steele and Waseca coum ship and -.-a; place in this year's tions Friday morning, on the jury, ' T : might be assessment" for taxes payable He/suffered Seviere brain 2 miles an hour and are guided ed about 60 attending a meet- ap^ damage. , ing of the Winona County Men- ties, said that about , 85 percent state debate tournament.. / The : council, rejected.a state proached and to be prepared this year ^- May 1, 1963. A re- byf signals frpm.the ship's pilot tal Health Association Monday of the state .now provides fa- Rochester posted a record, of proposal to install 14 lights at for f it/' He gave no indication duction in his taxes from $220 . night/at the YMCA. ; cilities for the treatment of the six wins and ho. losses to, edge the new intersection , at the why Hopton warned' him. to 3165 was involved, meentally ill. . After reviewing Winona and Announcement was made that Albert : Lea, each southeast entrance to the vil- him, The reduction in personal the; history of treatment of the with . 5-1 records, in a tourna- "I didn 't call " said the Winona County Board of lage if the village would pay of "Woodbury, Tenn. property taxes was taken .at the ' mentally ill, he emphasized a ment held at Senior . High Pasdhal , Commissioners had taken arir the operating costs of $770 a "I didn 't want to get involved- request of Reuben K. Olson , a I need for a mental health cen- School with 39 schools , : Congratulations other step toward providing . partici- year phis maintenance. 't make af report, but I resident of Saratoga Township . ter rather than clinic, pating, y I didn ' such help for this area by vot- A Northern State Power Co. should have." near ; Utica. He stated that he TO THE WINNERS OF OUR PRINCESS KAY DAIRY A center, he explained, em- ' representative from Winona ex- ing $500 earlier in the day for On the:.basis of speaker points, , said he first had sold his farm machinery FOODS FESTIVAL REGISTRATION FRIDAY NITE braced many professional and plained the proposal , He also Paschal , , organizational expenses. judges awarded Albert Lea sec- was interviewed by government before the May 1 1933 assess- interested citizens, in the com- ond place and the region's sec- suggested the village install ; a ment, but that the 1962 values Each of 7 the three; counties munity, who are available and 10,000 lumen . light at the new agents "the day my wife: was aiming toward the Hiawatha ond berth in . the state tourna- " This were inadvertently entered for SANDRA BERGER ' willing to help/ ment at the "University pf/.Mih>' sewage disposal plant. He said removed from the jury. year. The re- • / was:Dec. 6, 1962, after the gov- thef current tax —410 East Fourth Si. nesota Feb., 13-14, the cost would be $50 a year duction granted was from $1,475 MISS- PAULINE yUlnger, ed- ernment reported an attempt WINNER OF THE FIRST PRIZE Other schools participating installed. The council voted to to v$438. ucation chairwoman, announced withold action until the sewage to contact her. $15 SAVINGS ACCOUNT that all clergymen from Winona , were Austin , Elgin¦ , Houston, Paschal testified Monday IN OTHER action, the hoard: Goldwater Unit Plainview,. St. . .Charles-;¦¦ • 'Spring treatment : plant is completed. Houston and Wabasha counties Construction is in the final that Ewing King/ theh; presi- • Voted to pay its share of will be invited to a mental Valley and Zumbrota. 0 CYNTHIA SPELTZ ¦stages;. .'- ' . .' dent off; the Nashville Team- the 1963 poor relief bill for the —RoUingstone, Minn. health workshop March S at the : Members¦ of the: Winona team sters local, had met him three city of St. Charles. The amount Formed af Alma Winona YMCA. Dr. . Fredrik coached by Robert Neujahr THE COUNCIL will enter into weeks earlier, hear Woodbury the county paid was $1,459.40. WINNER OF THE SECOND PRIZE ALMA, Wis. . (Special)-A Buf- Midelfdrt, psychiatrist at Gun- were Lee; Turner and Wendy $10 SAVINGS ACCOUNT an agreement . with La Crescent and offered a promotion ¦if he This amount was determined by falo County for Goldwater com- dersen Clinic, La Crosse, will Weimer, affirmative , and Car- Township for fire protection at would speak to his wife. ¦' • . taking the total bill $2,704.72), , mittee was organized at a meet- discuss the nature of man and ole; Van Thorama, the rate oi $75 for the first hour and Barbara Hoffa , president of the inter- subtracting one mill and pay- O KAREN PELLOWSKI ing at the American Bank : so- individual clinical : cases. ; Ferguson, negative. and , for each additional , $35 national union , is; being tried ing 75 percent of the remain- :'—411 Hamilton Street cial roomf Saturday night . Community / Mental Health Tournament judges were froni hour, .payable once a year. der./ Plans of Pepin County Repub- before: U.S. Dist: Judge Frank WINNER OF THE THIRD PRIZE Center board members are: the and Chief . Donald Loechler; said attempt- Received contracts and licahs, also invited, are not yet has asked Wilson on charges of • ?5 SAVINGS ACCOUNT George Schauble, Caledonia; St. Olaf College, Northfield, Dresbach . Township ing to influence jurors in the borids from firms awarded con- completed. Mrs . Kathleen Flesche, Lake Minn. :/ ,. for an agreement , too. L. L. Officers elected were: Del- . 1962v trial at Nashville, which tracts at the board's January City ; James .Papenfuss, Dako- Neujahr was tournament Duxbury, village attorney, is to ended with a hung jury. King meeting. 9 OUR SINCERE THANKS more Zirzow, Alma, chairman ; man- draw a contract. ta; William Dumond, La Cres- ager for the meet which was in and four other men are code- "< ' Granted an on and off-sale TO ALL WHO PARTICIPATED Mrs. . Willis Capps, Alma , vice cent; Mrs. Marie Theisman, Wa- The .; proposed advertisement /• chairman;. . Robert . Anderson, progress throughout the after- fendants. beer license to John E. Heath , IN THIS GALA EVENT. ' basha; Dr. M. L. De Bolt, Wino- noon. for dump site specifications oh Alma, secretary.;/ Mrs, PEA A. a leased basis include descrip-f Paschal said he refused to go proprietor of Big John's Hilltop na; Grant Lapham, Caledonia; ' Tavern in Hillsdale Township. Rleili, Cochrane, treasurer; and Theodore J. Zabel tion . and location of site ; open along With Kingls proposal. "I , Plainview, , The . license request was ap- Lance Lamphere, Nelson, youth and Dr. S. 0. .Hughes,ywinona. dump or sanitary landfill ; didn 't :\vant to;get . involved " he director, f :v . ¦ ITU Loca l 246 monthly rental for each type said. '"- proved by the town board and The committee will Seek ; af- the Winona County Sheriff. of dump ; days and hours the The ¦ ¦ filiation with and sanction of State Income Tax Elects Officers dump is to/be open , and how • Received a letter from the llmV Winona County Historical So- FIRST the state committee on Gold- many, times a sanitary land fill water for President. Asked in Robert Ozmun , Winona Daily is to be covered , the lessor pro- ciety, asking the commissioners Speakers were Herbert Tat- News compositor , was elected to be present at the courthouse National Bank . viding all covering material. Kenyon Finally NEWARK , N:J- (AP) - Gov! BJI mm ley, member of the Pepin High president of Local. 246, Interna- Saturday when a group from m^AAA^t am* ¦ ^ — ** Richard J. Hughes proposed a The length of .the lease is to School faculty , and Lamphere. tional Typographical; Union , at be 10 years which may be ter- the society tours the building to or wmona Tatley discussed Goldwater 's state income tax Monday in his the Labor Temple Monday night. determine its architectural and annual budget message to the minated by the village within MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT stand on political issues and /He succeeds Percy Rogers of a CO-day notice. The lessor must Gets Mayor historic value. The tour is be- New Jersey Legislature. ing made as part of the socie- INSURANCE CORPORATION Lamphere on his appeal to Leicht Press. provide public liability insur^ KENYON , Minn. (AP ) -Ken- young people. Zirzow was meet- Asked what they thought of * ty 's evaluation of buildings in Hughes' proposal , 13 private cit- Also elected : Donald Schaefer , ance with a $100,000 to $300,000 yon finally has a mayor today ing/chairman. vice president; Kenneth Mc- limit. The bids will be opened after three months of feuding the proposed downtown urban @ izens here said they didn 't know ' renewal project area. jAmm*mmmmmmmMm\*miTar*mBmn%mmmmmm*mmtmmMBmwmmmmmm^ any thing about it , 3 declined Cready, secretary - treasurer; March 2 at 8 p.m. over the office. / Soviet Cosmonaut- comment, 3 said they lived in Tom DcGrood , recording sec- The council voted down;a pro- Clarence A. Dahlen , operator New York and weren't con- retary, and Richard Mueller, posal by Mishler that an ordi- of a jewelry store , was appoint- Visits Queen cerned , and a man asked: sergeant-at-arms. nance be established stating ed Monday night by the village "Who's Hughes?" that all liquor licenses be ap- council, LONDON (AP)-Quccn Eliza- ¦ ¦¦"'¦ ¦ ¦ . plied for and fees paid one beth II will receive Soviet cos- Fillmore month previous to the issuance Last November , Glcri Aronson KELLOGG PATIENTS County ARA Bolian on Looking for more car for the money ? monaut Valentina Nikolayeva of . the licenses, or 30 days be- defeated Mayor W.A. j Tereshkova Wednesday during KELLOGG. Minn. "(Special )- To Hear State Man fore the licenses expire . Alder- write-in votes, but Aronson re- fused to accept the office when her visit to London , Bucking- Robert Appcl underwent major PRESTON , Winn. - Richard men also voted down his pro- , I ham Palace sources snid Mon- surgery Thursday at St. Eliza- posal that all liquor license charges of irregularities were ^^A ^^r Johnson of the special educa- made. day night. beth's Hospital , Wabasha. An- tion department of the state De- owners be residents of Minne- The first Soviet spacewoman thony Tentis , son of , Mr. and partment of Education sota. A Goodhue County grand jury , St. Paul , but re- arrives in Britain today for a Mrs. Norman Tentis underwent w ill be the speaker at the meet- checked into the matter , three-day visit at the invitation eye- surgery at Community Me- A PETITION was rend hy. In- turned a no bill , and then both ing of the Fillmore County As- dependent School District Mf' of the British Interplanetary So- morial Hospital , Winona. Mrs. sociation for Retarded Children men rejected the office. ciety. Wednesday evening she Grace Holland is a medical pa- for annexation ol a portion of It's Dahlen 's first municipal at the courthouse here next the school site which i.s to be will be presented the society's tient at St. Elizabeth's. Patrick Tuesday ul fl p.m. office. gold medal at a special meet- Blee Sr. was admitted to St. used for the building of a now Johnson w ill talk on the state high school, The board asked ing. Elizabeth' s senior section . and local special education pro- that a water line , sewer trunk Rockefeller Expected gram. All interested parents line and water hydrant be in- and friends are urged to at- tend, stalled and a new public street To Say He Won' t ¦ be opened on the west side of ,r Run in Wisconsi n DR. C, R. KOLLOFSKI l» A.m. thrmiKh . p.m. TAYLOR CUB SCOUTS the site. ;:10 The council will meet w ith DR, MAX L. DEBOLT S«iunl»y » tw 12 TAYLOIt , Wi.s. (Special) - MILWAUKEE W-New York the village engineers nt 7 p.m. (lov. , an an- Five Taylor Cub Scouts receiv- Feb. 17 and attend thc regular Optonavlriata ed awards , nt the Cub Scout nounced candidate for the Re- • meeting of the school board nomina- pack meeting Friday night at which follows to consider the publican presidential ANI AIN MONK ««.')<» - ;j(i;u will mall a letter soon Timm > M sis. I' Taylor Lutheran Church. Lead- requests. tion , er M e r I i n Joten presented say ing he will not enter Wis- Village maintenance men were primary, an awards to Robhin and Kent 01- authorized to buy necessary consin 's April 7 equipment for flushing water aide sail! Monday. mains, Up to this time equip- All the oilier announced or potential GOP candidates who BlOSf -85 ment from the fire department has been used , were contacted have written !~ 1 71 yeevtA. \ i Donald Rntemnn , buildi ng Hint they will defer to the fa- timyiwnvikrtliiiiimrfilitJM committee chairman , asked tho vorite son plan of the state Re- _^ 1§93 /A. 1^64 council to consider the commit- publican party. CC i-^ # PA VVVP'VVVSAAVV startsat Iwertlimwprices/ ,j*KS ^r^S^j *v,V*%sm ~^j^^ tg0^J MjLF\j\-^AA£ y • • U^-.^' ^ ' tee's now building code. A spe- Rop. .lohn W. Byrnes , R-Wis., f - = m y ""^ cial public information meeting who will bond the favorite son =^ on it will be held Feb. 17 nt 7 delegate slate, said last week p.m , In the village hall, only Rockefeller had not ro.. plied. You nnmo it . . . Oldsniobilo 'fl new F-8!"> has itl fflHrHlIfML1111 son , Alan Lien , Larry Stensven V-Rs and V-Cs! Scdnna nnd coupea with moro IIIILIKL Business , Industry and Homes nnrl Jeffrey Kling. The blue and room than ever, plus big-car rido nnd Bmnll-car gold potluck supper will be Feb. For All Around flPTIflHI IQI 25 at 7 p.m. at the church. maneuverability. WagoiiH with 20 '1'ti more cargo fillIIUI* It) f Performance Rpace. And if you'ro intereated in a nporty ' cur, AT YOUR OLDS DEALERS' Through America s Leading thrvo new Cutlnsa mndcln fenturo n now 290-h.p. ^^ CUN (fiitlaBs COMMANDER V-8! Yet F- 85 prices start lutvtr than cii°r/ Ajff^# m Jl a\ I Get tho duUiilH at your Olds Quality Deulrr'a! Insurance Companies t)iii»i>i< COAL MSU/mfmmmaYmM FURNACE Can't Be Boall B4DWS..MmMAEittmist' ^join* OIL EAST END COAL & /^p^N WINONA. INSURANCE ^> - FUEL OIL CO. s« rim nt« Auiiiii/d ottmoiK i io«nr UMII .,. nnasiuitu FOI ninny IIH I , lutriu, nm m, iiumt N, KIIIU I. fimu N, i« ASK Burmelster Co. 901 Eatt Sanborn SI. V,„„.^r/ / INSURANC E QUESTION? - USI 353 W««t Second Strt«t PHONB 3344 H'Jirrr ;/ou gel moro \\eol WESTERN MOTOR SALES, 225 W. 3rd St. ^^i i,. ->^ C»nl«r St. Pl"»n» 3M* at lower ¦ i?4 -mLwmmmmmr . mm MM HIS IIHH mm • ysii cm mm \\*c \n\ IIRKLKIIH «I LIH - MIIU »U« UUI I«I MUI — WORLD TODAY A DENNIS THE MENACED mmissmvEY US. Will Ask Negro Youths De Gaulle fa Presidents Use Stage Riot in Barryp SIips^ in Clarify Views Many Tecftn/gtfes Jackson, Miss By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER By JAMES MARLOW humorous, barbed, consoling; f. JACKSON, Miss. (AP) - A WASHINGTON1 '(AP) . -A" VSA Associated Press News Analyst concerned and ' always f con- traffic injury to a Negro pedes- officials are expected to seek WASHINGTON (AP) - Lucky trolled voice. No . wonder ; he trian has; touched off this Mis- clarification from Paris in; the Calvin Coolidge was president stayed in office; Who wants to sissippi capital city's first racial By LOUIS HARRIS ' a two-way race from 14 . to 8 when the strong silent type throVv Put the head of the demonstrations in more than next few days as to what Presi- was ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ .six percentage points—many GOP dent Charles de still an American ideal. It fitted family? : ' months. .; A major reason for Sen. ; Gaulle means ' voters there show a distinct in proposing a neutrality treaty him fine. He didn't have much Police used tear : gas and Barry Goldwater s recent slipp- 1 No-w radio and television have now to both the; New for Southeast Asia and what ' fo say ahywaiy. When he did use warning blasts frbni shotguns to age in the New Hampshire Re- coolness he. . made a president an almost con- radio, it was dismal.. break up, a protest Monday publican primary—as reported York governor and the Arizona intends to do about it. ; stant shopman . This be ]. ' President Franklin D. Roose^ can f be a night involving about 1,000 Ne- ^yesterday-—can traced to senator.. - ; .Along with De Gaulle's rec- political help, velt went on radio every time But when he has groes — many of them high growing disagreement with his " One of the roofs of this dis- ognition of Red China , the neu- to keep asking himself—how he thought it useful, and he used ani school and college students. positions on the issues. comfort rests , in the fact that tralization plan is a.source of I doing?—in order to ' news conferences, too, although stay in '-. Earlier officers had quelled a ' ' Republicans of New Hampshire deep concern at the highest fpciis, it's, bound to make ' ¦: When presented, with 11 re- the latter weren't: on radio arid him protest inarch by barbing com- essentially as a levels of U.S. government. cent/.stands taken ; by the Ari- see themselves there wasn't -tele-vision: self-cOn^cious/' mands to disperse through bull- ' From; zona senator, 7 voters , in the : "middle-of-the-road' lot. -Gold- President Johnson He became a kind of national ; President John F. . Kennedy horns. : 'Grahite f stale part company water is; looked on as too "con- down , U.S. leaders are worried worked :, bvertime, : staying, in :. ' father by the sheer magic of his ' with Goldwater on the major- servative , " Rockefell.ery as too about the impact of French front of the camera, The picture Three Negroes received treat- Goldwa- "'liberal"' :¦/' ;' ' moves in the Far East and es- that came across Was of a high- ment for superficial, buckshot ity. - Agreement : with ¦ I ' ter has been dropping¦ on- -near- pecially in Viet Nam*'where this ly intelligent, extremely well - wounds following the second I Political Spectrum ly every issue since he began ¦ country has/more ft .han 15,000 informed , witty and self-assured flareup on the campus of Jack- 1 ¦• .' •;•: ; . " . 7 Cohser- men engaged in a fight against 3 GAP Members son State College, a state - sup- campaigning actively for the ' ¦ young man. f .. ' :. ¦ ': Middle ya- ported all-Negro institution. Presidency. Communist expansion. This was how he wanted to GOP Voters Liberal Road five ¦;•:: , more than 1 ¦ appear , of course, and he did 'it Last summer ,000 " '' MS By contrast, the same voters Classify: ' r Uncertainty over r~ff Gaulle's ' JiWmWN'AB^ ° . 7 PA Ac Assist in Search all with great ease and grace. Negroes were arrested during a ^ * say they go along with sev en themselves 12 . ' 61; 27 proposa 1 was evident in . Presi- month of:, demonstrations .cli- HAOOl^ M^SfT&UV^ pVW . ; out; of 10 stands.,-drawn from; dent JOlinsbn 's news conference Three members of the WinO- f Goldwater R ' A\2 7 80 aa squadron of the Civil Air But no one watching^ either at maxed by the assassination of the record of Gov. Nelson 7- Rockefeller 69 .21 10 Saturday .when, discussing the; one of his news conferences or a Negro leader. Rockefeller. / Rockefeller; :¦ who neutralisation " '- ..plan..: Johnson Patrol took part in a search for a missing plane oVer: the •vveek- on television, could escape the Mamie Balardy 20, of Flora, has cut Goldwater's lead in : -Rockefeller is . thought to be told:reporters "you will . have to coed suf- end: . - ' "' , . : ' ' '',' feeling be, was conscious of the Miss., a Jackson State Eialf during the past two months, 57. percentage points more "lib- ask; Gen. De Gaulle about the . : - ' ;The men/ ' along with " other whole : country , observing¦ ; his fered a fractured leg 3ate Mon- has nevertheless not convinced eral'';pn the political spectrum details , of his proposal. " : ' . CAP members from throughout every expression and . gesture, day when she was struck by a v-f Hampshire voters than , these voters consider From other high officials it , most .Ne. the state, \yere searching, for a and judging accordingly. car while crossing Lynch Street is; closer to their themselves to be. On the other was learned that the .United a busy thproughfare which cuts that he much . . plane missing from the Clither- President Johnson in public States does not know precise!}' (he.; campus.: Witnesses " middle-of-the-road" / position hand. Goldwater is - believed : to all; Minn., airport since Satur- has neither Kennedy's wit nor through . more what ,.fif any, action; De Gaulle said the driver ; was : a white on the political spectrum than be 53 percentage points day afternoon , wliett *wo Clitn- ease. He not only looks far mere ¦ ¦ ' has to carry out his -' , • " his ;• more . ' conservative op- "conservative'' than the voters in7mind erall men Took off oh a fox self-conscious than his predeces- person: • • ;;. . .P proposition. If he Is talking ponent.. . . •' ";/ : see. themselves. hunting ;, trip.;' sor ... but acts that . way, . For , goal, Officers said later they had Here j? the extent to which In his; pronouncements to about a vague ultimate The planes and the todies;of example, af last Saturday's perhaps years off . they see no arrested the .motorist. - who was a; ; careful]y-dra\vn : cross-section date; Rockefeller has not been the two hunters were found rteWs conference, which was tel- difficulty. But if fhe in- ticketed for failure to yield to of likely voters in New Hamp- as outspokenly liberal as some great Sunday on a farm near Hen- evised, . '/// ¦ tends now to; wage a campaign a pedestrian. Police declined to shire's . March 1Q primary say voters had expected./''Goldwater. ning, Minn,, about . 40 miles east identify the motorist. , : for .neutralization of. South Viet ' ' Johnson is a hcartj'7 positive they agree with Goldwater on has been . .more extreme,; espe; of Fergus -Falls.-; A. : Small groups of students be- ' Nam/~t)Tey~see—serious trouble ebullien t man. Saturday. be 11 recent campaign stands : dally ' on world affairs.' than Taking part in the search gan to; protest speeding on .ahead. . 1 ; ¦ looked deliberately subdued , al- many imagined. The senator ^ 7/ from the Winona unit were CAP has a 35 - Goldwater Support on Issues most mournful Avith dignity/arid Lynch Street, vvhich has thus lost ground/ Following vhiis , Sgt. . Iver Odegaard Jr.; pilot of mile an hour speed, lim it. As the /: today Nov. up " recognition certainly not too positive on at . the Winon a aircraft ,; and Sgt : crowd grew: they began march- Agree with Goldwater: ""/ "-At But there are two hidden.fac- of Red China last : Monday, De least one,area of foreign affairs. Gaulle told a Paris conference VVarner Buswell, who . act ceive of " a neutrality' - . treaty... . Donald Bauer , commander of The. milling students;blocked Allow state right- y yy ., . Gaul le's proposal to; neutralize ' : ¦ ' concerning the : states; of South- the . Winona squadrony acted. .. as traffic - but . - . dispersed when ¦- • ' • to-work laws ...... ;. 61 ¦;' ¦ X sues. The next report will. cov - Southeast . Asia, f Later , after ' east Asia''without the. par.tic.i-' a radio operator,; coordindting police arrived. ,;. ' .Sel l TVA to private f ¦¦ ¦ er these- . deepest of all dimen- some . conversations with tlie - . patipn1 of Red China; He went (he work of thef Winona men ¦ ¦ ' . .- ,.. 59. . X sions in the/New Hampshire sit- . State Department, his aides ' ' ' companies ¦ ¦ ¦¦; ori to. say what neutrality would with that of 'CAP groups from ; Some of ... the. -. . world's '. oldest uation.. .• . sought to clarify his meaning: Do away with farm / mean in the area—such other points. renown vestiges . of flowering ' ¦ ¦ things : subsidies ; .- .> f 57 7 61 ' '/ The whole performance ap;-^ plants were found several years ' as; ending 'foreign interven- Oppose wheat sale to. tion "—but did not spejl out. the peared unnatural for a man of ago . in Colorado 's San Juan ¦ : 52 ' ;/. - Russia/.. .•/y.:/ ... . -57 countries , to .which it would ap- John son s, zip. This probably ex- Mountains. Eighten-inch f fossils fFederal government v v:" plains why he still hasn't set- imprinted on red rock show a ' ' : Poland to Buy piy///- -/" / Whitehall Honor .A -* irv wmtK:ti'S: tiwo,.ro ¦A-A P: going too fast on Johnson , said that if Commu- tled on any one way to hold a palmlike growth that flourished : : ^m ¦ '¦ ' ' ' ¦' ¦ > ' • • '.' civil rights;¦.;, :,, . -. 48 -56 nist North Viet news conference. 165 million years ago. A%£l£. iM& SOVS fROM vTW£ GIFIS J AP- . ;.; ¦ : Nam and Un- : Leave; Medicare to ' supported South Viet Nam could :¦¦ ¦¦ 59 Roll Announced APARTMENT 3-G . By Alex Kotzky v .. private companies . 46 U^S. Products be neutralized - 'I am sure that Oppose atom test Would be considered ;sympa- WHITEHALL, : Wis. (Special) WASHINGTON (API - The : - - . ' : bari; treaty; , :;;.. .;. 39 47 thetically'.;'//: - Whitehall High; School stu- . . ' ¦'. Agriculture Department Monday U.S. missiles un: dents who. attained the "A" hon- ' announced an agreement wilh dependable . ...;. 23 X But he added that he does not or roll for the first semester . Poland tof sell that , country S90 ' : consider leav-' - -. '¦ ' ' see any indication / that; the were announced by Principal U.S. ; million worth of farm products U ,N. A.AAX .A 16 / 17- Communist forces are wining James Olson . as f ollows: /.ving I this year. Two-thirds of the NATO commander "to - let their (neighbors live in Seniors:. MyronvBey;. John Guse, Lynda ¦' ! products would move under a peace" and therefore he sees iOis.on,. Bri/Ce Anderson, ' Mary. Jessie, .- . . use niielear ff :" ' ¦ •' ¦ Mary Olson . , and -Vookko Pykalainen; ¦ I Food-for-Peace program: no alternative luhlors—Susan Gaucher Ronald ,Anderson, vf; : weapons '/ . ",.. - . ¦ ¦ 12 . .. X except to press The agreement provides for the war as vigorously as possi- Rolle : Blank, : Warren Dahl, ..^uia'nne Ha- (X—Sot asked in yNovember) : : gen, Richard; Herried, Barbara Jacob: shipment this year of $30 mil- ble.:.;- p - ' son, Susan Mattison and Sheila ¦ R as- - " /:0- - ¦ . , lion worth of wheat , edible oil With ' mu.son:, " -: /On domestic issues,A Goldwa- . . obvious satisfaction , .Sophomores—Thomas Mattison, - Karen ter meets with af fair amount cotton and tobacco under the Johnson arinounced he had re- Wa rd,;. Karen . Amundson; Cathryn Berg, Food-for^Peace /program this Rodney ¦Everson, ¦ Day/n Fischer, AAelinda of agreement arnong his fellow ceived assurances from the new Gunderson, Larry Saqen, Rulh Svefn. and Republicans in New Hampshire. .year. - ' military leader of South Viet Maren ..Thomie, . and . freshmen—Roger for- Nam. ilaj. Gen. Nguyen Bieri , Janet Everson, Diane Guse.- . Julie But on most/military and An additional S.'!0 million Reichehbacli,-- Margaret Hanson; .Ronald eign policy standsvhe; has taken, Khanh , that the operations Hanson, Sandra Nelson, Sandra Itnomp- . worth of . wheat, rice and cotton soh and Marian Thorson. ,' rather, against the Communist Viet he has been greeted with ; will be shipped to Poland under Attaining thev tor honor roll for the disagreement, Cong forces will be stepped up second nine weeks ' .-were: Seniors—John solid fa Food-for-Peace plan with pay- ¦ ¦ " immediatelv. ' ' ¦ ' . Guse, Bruce . Anderson. . Myron Bey, AAARY WORTH APf ByVSaunders and Ernst . His. criticisms of the United f ment in dollars over a three- John Ellison, Mary Jessie, Lynda Olson, To some authorities in Wash- Nations, the missile program year period . . piAary. Olson and Vuokko . Pykalajnen; ' ington it appeared that if De juniors^Susan Ganger, Roy7 .A-anerud; and the. test ban treaty have ' -Warren In addition , Poland will buy Gaulle presses his neutraliza- Ronald : Anderson, .Rolf Blank, not been helpful to the Gold- $30; Dahl, Suzanne Hagen, Richard Herried, : million worth of undesig- tion proposal to the extent that Barbara ,J acobson, Susan Mattison and water cause. On the other hand, nated farm products this year Sheila Rasmuson; Siis positions on right-to-WOrk it threa tens to upset the anti- ' Sophomores—Karen Amundson, Welinda on commercial terms. Communist war effort in South Gunderson. Tom Mattison, Karen vVard, Jaws . TVA , farm subsidies and lAareri Thomie, Cathryn Berg, Donna The Agriculture Department Viet Nam , Washington - Paris ' the tax cut have hen helpful Oahl, Rodney Evwson. Dawn FKch"r , said the commercial purchases tensions could become much Carole Holen. John Kuliq, Billy Wel'.on this part of the country .' and Larry , Sanen. and Ircshmen—Rorjer —in probably will be feed grains, greater. ' balance for Rockefeller Bieri, ' Janet Everson , Diane Guse, Julio Th.e . wheat, cotton , rice and other Relchenbnch, Bruce ' Ausderau, M^rqaret on the issues is more favorable: farm products. .Vohnshn said that ns he un- Hanson, Ronald Hanson. Sandra NeKon,; derstood De Gaulle 's proposals Sandra. Thompson, Marian Thorson and Support Bernadlne Waldera, Rockefeller "the neutralization talk has ap- On Issues plied only to South Viet Nam Today Nov. r r and not lo the whole area of the Agree with Rockefeller: P < Operation for world;" Man Shot Four Keep Portsmouth "I think , " he continued , "that Naval Rase 91 X the only thing we need to do to Times by Wife US, should support : Queen Mother, 63 have complete peace in thai MINNEAPOLIS .f - A man . RR A3 ¦NANCY U . N. , LONDO N (AP)-Qucen Mot h- area of the world now is to police identified as Leonardo By Ernie Bushmiller Support test ban er -Elizabeth underwent a sur- slop (he invasion of South Viet Ilueno. 1211, Minneapolis , was in 6S' a croom out , W eesslul emergency appendect o- Nam by some of its neighbors critical condition at General GDP repudiate Birch- my today which forced her to and supporters. " Hospital today after having ers. ri ght winR fi:i R2 cancel a ."10 , 000-mile trip to Can- In oilier words, by contrast been shot four times w'ilh a Go all out for Negro ada. Australia ' nnd New Zea- with De Gaulle 's apparent de- small-caliber pistol. .r)9 rights f.n land. sign , Johnson sees no possibility Officers said Ihe wounds wore Pass optional Medi- Sir Art hur Porritt , the royal of arriving at a peaceful solu- inflicted by the victim 's wife , care |il an 57 .11 surgeon, said the operation on tion for South Viet Nam except Irene ,, from whom he wa.s sep- Revamp farm price the (ili-ye.-ir-old mother of llr Sl- through carrying the present arated , as he visited her north- support s .12 M um 's reigning queen , lasted war to a successful conclusion ¦ side home Monday night. She Negotiate wheat snle about ha lf an hour . was brought into headquarters to Ru.ssia . 4.1 . SO "The queen mother i<; very for quest ionini! hut released Riglit-to-work laws well, " Porrill told newsmen, U. of Wisconsin when Hucno refused to sign a wrong ... 37 X "lint she will nol receive any complaint against hor. Pass bi^ lax cut visitors today. " Gets $387,000 this year 37 X (X —Not asked In November ) Stricken willi neule pain aft- Carneg ie Grant Quee n Frederika er churc h Sunday, the quoon REX MORGAN, MD. Returns to Greece By Dal Curtis Hnckcfollor finds agreement mother was taken to Ihe Kin/; MADISON , Wi.s, ' r Tho Uni- among New Hampshire GOP Kdward Hospital for Officers in versity of Wisconsin said Mon- ATHENS , (Iroeco (API -- voters for his . .strung support London Monday night . day it had been awarded, a Queen Krodorika and hor nf Ihe Cnil od Nations and civil She had been s-chcduled In grant of S:;il7. (HM ) liy tho Car- dauglilor Princess Irene re- rights ns well as Ins urging* leave on her six-week lour Fri- negie Corp. to hel p finance a turned from the United States t hat the Republican [' art y re- day. now approach to hi^lier educa- Monday after n t wo-week unof- pudiate- right-wing influence A woman of malimilv charm. tion. ! ficial visit, cut short because of Duly on his backing of the Ihe queen mot her holds a hi^li Tho iiiinotinconierit said tin' tho Cyprus crisis. wheat deal with Russia has the place in the British public ' s ;\f- grant b\ tho Now York orgim- TNow York governor tended to leclion. i/iilion will lie formally present- )o: e ground ed to university reitent.s at a Maureen Reagan to Rut ho has obviously hit pay mooting in Milwaukee Friday . dirt wniMi n local voters with "Tho program aims to hrinR Wed Marine Officer Train er Shot university work within Ilie his p lea that Ihe . Portmouth LOS ANOKLKS (AIM - Mau- Naval Yard not he closed down. ro.ich oi Iho odiicalionally dis- Down by R uss liossosscd hy elim inating (he reen Kliznheth Ileagan , I!,'!, B.S suggested in Washington. cost of lengthy periods of cam- daughter of actor Honald Hen- Desp ite Rockefeller's clear Is Examined pus residence and liy introduc- gan and his former wife , ,l»ne Advantage on the issues in New Wyman, obtained A WlKSIiADKN, (lennany f AF' » ing flex ible forms ;mil time of license Mon- Flnmpslnre - ami I lie recent drop , "" The I' .S. Air Forc e hpgun iiislniclion. " snid Dr, I'' i'od 11 j day In marry Marino Lt David MARK TRAIL In Goldwater 's lead over him in O , Sills. :>!i , of San Clemente , By Ed Dod d ai piccc h^' -ijirct' *>\Miniti.ition of Hiiri'ington , the university pros- j I lie wrcrkage of an Air Knrcv ident. Calif. Thoy plan to bo married .Saturday, jet Iriiiiic r sliol (low n over Com- ¦ munist (i r-. o i' rn a n y Mrs. Johnson Has Tui'sday, Madison Cubs Cited Thi' ii'riiiiinin i: |i,iits aro lx> - A Very Good Reason Inf.'. laid iml m a hangar al llir Awards wore preson leil lo W' icsliailcn air I KI - C lo recoil WASHINGTON i Al' i (Molr I Joint or Muscle Pain p five Cub Senilis Friday nieln nt stiui t as fiir as |p(r,sihlp thi' of (lie (|a\ : Mrs. Ly ndon It n meeting of Pack 5 Madison ' I .. use l)c W' I M 'I I' I IK l-ii l.i-l .ind- | plane s original shape An Air .lollllsiin . speakini; In -llll) col- School , They were Michael Mil- I fcic relief. I)CWIH> I' I IU t.i": ForceI .spokcMnim snid tlieri - li'Kc oilitors win) \ i:,ite«d llir ieu , Mnymond Kulns , Hilly Cnl- I p.nm , hrl|i Mini hiul\ wi 'ik II , pin- would\ hi> no statement until the While House , recalled - she had eloiigh and Frank and liohorl I. r.illv npimsi the umsr Smp I H HIR J sliuht Is conihlcled 'bulled .inialism N "bfnt n\ct m p.un " - In DrU ni 'i lo' in colloj!o, Lnvos , Tho films. "The Invisi- Tlircc I' when 1 I Pilli pt\r MIII llir lie -1p win nrcil , S nllivi is wei r t hen ilm\ ii lini^h slir ble Km my " and "Mine Annels , " killed w Jicn the piano \\;is iiddod "llowovi 'iv , snmoimr woro shown. Den J, directed by ," ihnMiot l ,ii mi lo.s inside c;inio bet w een me and n por- Mi> . Willinin Colclouglv, pro- (jorin.iny. ninnonl newspaper Jol> ." seated a Civil Defensn skit . wi wi IW HW IB MI ml.i i^nw ¦¦¦¦ , r., H ff^r^ fwipyrr. TWW ,„ n¥ „„ w y, H i n r l ffl pjjM"f'","" nw ww^wiiinnwiiyj TM i n .IJI. H, ^ y ^ Y^ ) » ; >IW I . w ww,„TlTYWWr , .y ; / > " - ""MJ ^ '^wg'"* -f r i i i , .w «MWB(H imw J T . HHIHMTI j un F -.^.-T ijium m; , „», -^—t- - I M WO -.— < — ..- ^ ^ ^ ''" Ex-Harmony Coach Headed for Hawk Grid Job Thirty-tvyo-year-old Marvin : mended by Superintendent of terest in the Winona post and ministration . job. He is Eugene Nardini: a taken on increments to be Gunderson , /who laid the foun- Schools A. L.: Nelscri to fill that four had come in for per- ,' ¦;Only one member of the Wi- football coaching assistant for paid for coaching. assignments dation for an all-time state the vacancy created on the sonal interviews by the , ad- nona staff had ; applied for the four years and head wrestling next year. record for high school football coaching staff last fall with coach this year. This , year's schedule pro- coaching successes at Har- !' the resignation of James El- Board members felt that it vides a base , salary of $6,050 mony five years ago, Monday liott/ ;.- would be advisable to secure for instructors . on the , sixth night won unanimous endorse- The board was meeting Winona. (Daily.TbuvA, someone with more extensive step and an S8O0 payment for ment of the Winona. Board of Monday informally as a com- head football coaching experi- the head;football coaching as- Education for appointment as mittee of the. whole and could ence. signment; head football coach at Winona take, no formal action oh the Gunderson, who has indicat- Nelson said that although a Senior High School. appointment but indicated ed he would accept appoint- definite teaching assignment Gunderson, whose teams at that it would approve the rec- Sports ment here, would be hired on has. . not- been made, Gunder- Hairmony . and St. James — : ommendation at its regular the sixth step of the' teachers' son is qualified:, to teach b io!o- where he's how a member of meeting next Monday night. salary schedule. The 1964-63 gy, physical education or gen- the faculty —. went 43 games Nelson said that ; about. 25 schedule hasn 't been drafted COACH without a defeat, was recom- persons had indicated an in- 1 Tuesday, February 4. 1964 Page 1.1 :- yet nor has final action been ( Continued on Page 15) ¦ * , v , ¦ ¦ #"< i >,-i ;- -, v - ,"'/K ~ \-, -& -A -: "?AZ &v <' _• < ", //x ' />r .*' fj;VS, X/>X'l&W. V*V? VS-S? )/ - v 'A% Redmen Cage, Puck Teams Triumph XAC:*GERS~f --- SKATfRS •

' ' ' ' " ' . ; . ' • ' ; •• •' y MARVIN GUNDERSON ';¦ Recommendation Unanimously Approved Run League Win Over Mark to 5-4 Concordia ST; PAUL, Minn, . (Special)-^ : St. Mary's hockey tearh won ;;pliM3iQi]; St. Mary's roared back f rom a its - eighth straight MIAG test 10-1 deficit early in the game Monday night in St. Paul's Aid- " ' :' AAA PA AA ^^Af A. I and then found en&ugh reserve A\ ' 'A. - A .Pt^l^m 'm^. .A rich Arena , topping ¦ ¦ Concordia strength to go to its fifth MIAC 8-1." A' - . -A - ' .•;; . " . ; " .; f . yy;. f victory against four losses.: . '/; : -The Redmen , now; hold a Using a superb first-haJf per- i two and a half game lead over formance by Denny Burgmari: Macalester with -four ¦waning games re- and a stall in the min- j maining. Coach Keith HanzeVa utes of the contest, to good ad- vantage charges get their next test SINCE THE LAST time this column hit the sp»rts page; , St. Mary's posted a 55- l^^iPO^Si 51f victory, over Macalester at ' against ; Augsburg Wednesday . there have been some changes made, f f ' Mac Field House here. -f ; night at 7:30 o clock at Ter- Bob Junghans f who until. Monday helped fill-the spaces race Heights^ The Redmen watched the for this department; has departed for Mankato and the sports Scouts jump off to a 10-1 lead AGAINST CONCORDIA, St. editor' s iob on the Free Press. as the: host team canned five Mary 's was led by the -jswi'ft. The new hired hand is Jtollie Wussow, a of its first six; shots. skating of: captain Andre. Beau- sophomore at Winona State Gblleg-e . and ..' the.. ¦ With: Burgman replacing Jim . lieu.: who scored five gor-lsf sports editor iof that school's Winonan . Rockers, the Redmen started i f Phil . Reichen'bach got the Stv We know WinOna High Coach John; Ken- v the long trail back. The: rally j Mary 's scoring started early in ney and Rollie will have their fun talking was climaxed as two - free ; the first period.: He .scored 40 over old times. throws by George Valaika drop- 1 seconds after, the opening face- Wussow was ' a; freshman at Shawano, ped through with just oyer eight ' off on a .double assist from minutes left to makef it 16-15 ; Wis., High School when Kenney was piloting: ¦ Dannis Cooney and Brian Des- for St. Mary's. '.;' " " ,' - . . f i -7 MEDALS, MEDALS7 MEDALS .¦ .- ' , '. The :ph0to ; at ' left given for the tie. The photo ' ' the Marty : Gharrity and . John . Cantwell-led " . at right catches Terry IVlcDer-. biens. Shortly, thereafter. - -Dick . Indians to thef Badger state championship for THE TWO TEAMS battled on shows the trio who won medals in the women's giant slalom mott, 23-year-old barber frornfFssexville, Mich;, on his way : McCormick made it 2-0 with ' ¦ the second straight year in 1957.. even terms through the remain- ski race during the Winter Olympics at Innsbruck , Austria, to the first gold medai for the United States in the 500.meter ' •: . ah unassisted goal. -»¦' ' ¦ ¦' ¦ ' - . . * ' m" der of the first halty and the today. .From left are : Marielle Goitschcl pf France , the Win- . speed skating event. -He trimnied one-tenth, of fa second ;, of f Beaulieu .got rolling midway v Junghans ; y WE'VE BEEN TAKING our share of kid- score at .intermissibn wound up! ner; Jean Saubertv Lakeview, .Ore., and Christine Gbitschel the Olympic record by flashing the 54-6.8 yards in 404 sec- in the second period, scoring deadlocked at 29^29.Z9r29. ,, ' i , '' ¦ ding; from Bob Warren of KWNO , but now a story; of the .pudgy . 7 of France, who tied for second place. Marielle and ".'Christine ' . , onds. CAP Photofax.) unassisted . to . m ake the score . Had it not been for Burgman , are . sisters. Under. Olympic rules, two silver medals will be 3-0. in favor of the Redmen. disk j ockey's athletic endeavors comes to light -4 one that St. Mary r s might have suffer- threatens to throw him into the infamous limelight "with Stan- Concordia couldn 't penetrate ed a disastrous 20 rninlites. . The the St. Mary 's defense,: ford's Roy Reigels. .until ; reserve pivbtman dumped early in the, third staniza when , 1s held in the same Warren , at North Branch High School through 16 of his 22 points to player-coach - . Bruce Untried esteem as Reigels at Stanford. keep the Redmen in contention. scored on an assist , 7by Dor? a back, who lost a home- . : Another reserve, Valaika; fig. ; ft was Bob , As fa : ^ wart at 1:46: . corning ^ame for his team. senior , he ured heavily in the last half , Skate Barber(AP)— Shaves , Record drive to victory. Sweeping the INNSBRUCK Austria: from 19 countries irt giving lhe ¦ ; V ROiU THIS POINT on Bean- raced the wrong way/ wound up in the wrong **¦ . f^: . ' f* . end zone and saw North Branch , Minn,', High , boards on both ends f of the Terry McDermott ,; a barber ! United; States its first speed j lieu and Reichenbach took Essexville, Mich., cracked) ,' 1952, when ' School, bow. f y -A. court.Mie . let his-teammates do from skating;.medal- since . ONLY COOK; AMERICAN 1N WAY charge. Beaulieu: hit successive ' " ' ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦ the scoring. . '; ' the Soviet Union's: long-time] Ken Henry won the 50ft. 7 /goals at 5:16 and 9:06 -to up the - ; - v . . ' , ;. •-. . .; • • Midway in , the f half. St.: speed skating monopoly and 1 IF LYLE PAVER'S theory comes true. The medal v;as. the third (or ! Redmen advantage to 5-1. Mary 's took command with , an won the first gold medal for . the ; , with a silver Reichenbach then scored his the population as well as bowling at White- ; the United States . eight-point lead and then was United States with: a 500-rneter; and a bronze won previously b second, this , one unassisted at -undergo ¦' ' .' y . hall is. about to an explosion. : " content to let the Scots : chase victory today in the ninth Win- : spunky Jean Saubert of Lake- 11:17, and Beaulieu rapped in It seems that Mrs. Jim (Georgia ) Hughes f ; • ' ¦¦¦• ¦ France Thredfens the ball.: ier Olympic . Games : . ' ' view, Ore., in the ladies giant two more to finish the scoring Is ¦expecting a visit- from the stork shortly. This they did with a verve The 23-year-old former Michi- slalom fand slalom oil the skiing at 13:29 and 13:43. McCormick :¦ . Saturday night she broke the women's f that brought them within two gan Tech student, who clips; ' ¦ slopes of Lizurh .Valley . . and Reichenbach each had. an record at Pavek 's Whitehall Lanes with a sizzr Wussow points at 53-51 late in the con- hair and: shaves customers in] assist While .Desbiens '. ¦ ¦ ' ' - ' a skiing marksman To Sweep A/p/he . . and Bob :.. ";¦ ling 669. • '. ' :;. ' ~ ' .;,-, ' -. tesLff f ' Y-y his dad's barber shop , trimnied i Earlier, Sauser then hi t from the Soviet Union , Vladimir Paradise each had two assists. 7 Sometime over a year , ago, she set the previous record Guard Jerry . one-tenth of a . , second off the . INNSBRUCK, Austria W ingly, impossible now that tw>6 crucial free throws to make Olympic record by flashing the > Melanin , won the tough biathlon St, .Mary's goalie Jack Scott with a 609. The Hughes then were expecting, their, second child. —-Ah Austrian cook , and a electric clocks measuring had 14 stops and Tomf tlalver- , it 55-51 and the cat-and-mouse 546.8 yards in 40.1 seconds. . : test . and Germans , dominated "I suppose;' chuckled Pavek Saturday morning, " ' sturdy American girl ara in hundredths of a second ¦ son of Concordia finished with ¦¦ game lasted it out. both the men's and women s in- almost all that in thn ;. • all the ladies will decide they have to have a baby to boost The record had liccn set at stjind; are- used. 725: . y, . . ST, AIARY'S lilt an even 511 dividual events in tobogganing, way of France in fcleaninj ? . their bowling scores " Red - Cortina , Italy, in 1955 by the So-1 a new Olympic event. The Gotschel sisters are ' ¦ ; percent for the game. The j , Hanzel said after the game, ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' '# ' ' up the Alpine events in the . '• ' . •'. ' , : '• ¦ ' ¦7 7' v men shot at a torrid 20-for-40 viet Union s Eugeny Grishnin, j Also; ScoLly Allen ,, the 15- also without precedent as "the score de finitely is not in- ninth winter Olympic a one - two i Dr. Mc Cown Is a member of the first pace from the field and hit a who finished in a triple tie for year-old schoolboy from Smoke punch in the dicative of the . game, they , " a mag- second with another Russian. Games. Olympics. Christine won the base panel for the January issue of "Coaching Clinic cool 15 of 30 from the charity Rise, K.I.. held fourth place in The Austrian, Egon Zim- j pushed us pretty hard up un- azine in which coaches of the 1963 track and baseball champ- stripe. Vladimir Orlov. andf Alv Gjest- the men's figure skating compe- special slalom with . Marielle , mcrmann , won , the men 's second and : Jean Saubert l til the third period." "Beau- ions bring the reader tips, ideas and tech- Coach Ken Wiltgen was a dis- vahg of 'Norway-¦ all clocked inl tition, still being contested , and ¦ - . ' :* ' ¦ " " : ' ¦ downhill and will be a third .. " • ' ' lieu took the pressure off in niques for championship coaching. satisfied individual after Mon- • : ;. Monty lloyt of Denver remained I the f last period. If it wouldn 't McDermott outstied 4,'l skaters strong contender Saturday . ¦ '¦Never before has Serving with McCown on the panel were day 's battle , bul this morning among the leading contenders. in-the slalom '; . a sister i have been for that , the score ) Cross, Julian had a different outlook on the The Russians, witli two med- combination won both the ( Would have been tighter. Albert D. (Hop Riopel of Holy The American girl , Jean gold and silver medals in " Mock of Atlanta , Ga„ High School , George contest . als in the biathlon and two sil- Saubert , added the silver "I guess you're never satis- vers in the 500-meter speed an event/ let nlone doing it DENNIS COONEY injured N.H., Seminary and James medal in thc women's giant Cullen of Sanborn , fied when you play a team like skating tie, boosted their total twice. his knee . in the tilt and will Coming of Benson Union High School , the 1%3 slalom Monday to tha Under Olympic rules both that ." he said. "There was sn Basketball to 19 — more than twice that of bronze she won previously probably miss the Augsburg Arizona Class "B" state champion. . . much physical contact that it second place Germany, with 8. Miss S a u b e r t and M i clash, reporte d Hanzel , Anolh- magazine are based on in the special slalom. The Christine • received silver Selections for the makes it impossible to play bas- Just when it seemed as if the State University co- ; er lineup change will have past records, and McCown's is the t opper with ketball , United States would be shut out medals. Jerry Archambeau in the nets Scores ed is a favorite in the wom- , . 243 wins and 107 losses in baseball at Winona "We didn 't play real well, hut of any first places in thc Games , A Frenchman Francois | replacing Scott. " en 's downhill Thursday. Ronlicu , won the men 's gi- Stale. I' m just glad we got out with Duqutmi tl, Santa Clara 41. I McDcrmoLt uncorked a superb France went right on win- 1 The rcmaleh with Macalester ¦ Ihe win," S«lon Hal| 110, Wagnrr ti. ' race to overtake the three lend- ant slalom gold medal Sun- M-cCown " • • • Batti I0», Brandols 14. ning glory in the Alpine lis tentatively slated (or Ter- Nearly, all the Redmen nre Kentucky 10], Ocorili 13. day, giving France three ONCE AGAIN IT'S time for our mWI -vvcck cha t with the ers. events — so distinguished .' nice Hei ghts ice Feb. 15, but nursing bruises as the result of Vanderbilt 111. Alabama 11. i out of the four Al pine gold 1 Svvami who, after last weekend's round , now stands with 313 Gr-orn a Tnch 61, Auburn il. I "Vorlhbronk , from the Nordic events bo- ritfht now Hanzel is concerned the Macs ' pushing and shoving , No. Carolina B», Virginia . ' ] Eddie Rudolph of . medals contested. of 457 right for a ,686 percentage. He lost 7*. cause they are swift de- with taking them one nt a out Tom Hall is Ihe only ques- Cll.idcl 85, East Carolina 79. j III., knowing be had to do II has been a stunning ground in thc handicap department where ho New Origan!- Loyola tl. Tampa S3, or better lo stand any chance scents of mountain trails performance for a country time, starting with Augsburg tion mark . Oho Slate tl. SMcMpnri IS rather than cross country has 235 of 457 right for a .55R. Indiana 104 , llllnoli U of a medal — only just missed that will next host I Wednesday night. "I'd suro races or jumps , the Win- About the only Ihi ng we can say in Ilie HALL MADE n diving trip Pi-rdue HI, Mich, State tl, ! it. He vyi'R clocked in 40,9. ter Olympics. And France [ like to go undefeated in tho Colorado ti: Okla. Slnte St, It was Golschel again Swami's behalf this time around is that he into the bleachers to retrieve Nolro Oame 73, Butler H. Tom Gray of Iiloominglon , may well go into the 19611 I MIAC , " said the Redmen an errant pass and wound up Kan , SI 73, Nebraska 14 loll. I , did Monday in the women 's Ri- Olympics at coach, "it looks good did pick fhe St. Mnry 's-Gustnvus game on Iowa Slate 7t, Oklahoma 73 the other American entrant Grenoble as ' right 41 ", ant slalom , only this time the nose . injuring his hip. Washington, (St. Louis) li , Drake it . the defendinR Alpino cham- | now , but you never can tell , SI. Mmy' j CS) fA«c»lo«l«r (Jl) Omaha ti, Fort Hays 7'. The Germans finished 1-2-3 in it wa.s Marielle , 11) , instead pion. 1 you never can tell . , ." Now for tonight : Kenyon over Catinon h II P ' ip fa II p' it Arli. St , U, 71, So. Cnlif . to , 11 -1 1 Msl 111 ] 's tobogganing—known of her older sister , Chris- , over Mazeppa l>y fi , Hail Utah State 7S, Denver 16. the men Falls by 8 Morristown Burqm«n I « I 13 Jricobien 4 0 11 Seattle IDS, Memphis Statr tl. as luge in —-and 1-2 in tine , 19, Randolph over Lakeville by 7, Alma over Pyllrw-li l 0 C I 0 Mullen 7 1 4 14 AI,T U» IDA, St. Miirlln '* « I Marielle , who along with Vatailik 111* Buyer 1 e 1 4 Cnncnrdln , Minn. 65 , Dululh M. tho women's , with the bronze Wabasha by li , Caledonia over Harmony by Mnlcncy llllCanhflm 1 011 St. Cloud 101, Mankato It. medal going to Austria, her sister received a tele- 4 , Spring Valley Wllll.imi llllVerdoM i l l 11 St. Mary 'i, Minn. Jl, Macalester Jl. gmm of conRratul ilinna 5, Wykoff over Cnnton by Sauser 1 l l 4 Jo'imon 3 0) < Wahnclon If., Mnrrls 7? The luge is a small sled, little over Le Rov bv 3. Chatfield over Mabel by .. : „ tioin o • i « Whitewater tt, St. Nortierl n. moro thnn a wooden plank and from President De Gaulle , Tot.m ;o is 11 SI Klcvtn 0 111 Stout 78, River Falls 73 , took the giant slalom gold 10, Uwiston over Gilmanton by 5, Red Wing over West SI , Eau Clalrt 7t, La Crow 71. two iron runners, on which Eu- Tolali 11 I II 11 medal with tho sensational Paul by 4 , Fairchild over Osseo by 6 and Mindoro over Ona- Stevens Point IJ, Platteville «4. ropean children slide down snow r ST MARYS 1* 14- 3S tlfloit 71, Lake rnrrd, III 63 banks. lime of l: , )2.24 , laska Luther hy 5. MACALESTER It 11- SI Oshkosh 11. Wisconsin Mllwaiikee 10 She was almost a second faster thnn her sister, Chris- 700TH WIN line , nnrl .Jean Snnbert , who WILDCATS TOP GEORGIA TO GIVE COACH tied for second at 1:54.11— a lie without precedent in Olympic annals and seem-

Rupp Sees South Rise—In Basketball C-FC Mat Team By THE ASSOC I ATM) PRESS In basketball — now respecta- Proof? Look at Ihe notional The Buckeyes ' Clary Rrndds 'lin-Hfi romp over Wsipner , Colo- ble and with teams ratf-d amnnR rankings. Four of thc nation 's spnrked their upset effort with rado upse t Oklahoma Stale (>:i- Trips Blair Like any good Kentucky colo- nationally. " lop ten come from Ihe Soiilh; 42 points , I S nnd sained a share of the Bifj nel le Ihe top ten BLAIR, Wis. — Cochrane- , Adolph Rupp had a coup Rupp made the observation No. 3 Kentucky , No , ft Davidson , In Athens , (in., site of Hupp 's Eiuht lead , while Washington of of kind words to NUV about the night after his Ken- No, 7 Duke and No. II Vander- first I OSM as a Kentucky coach St. Louis put on n fant astic sec- Fountain City moved past lilmir South. Monday 24-19 in high school wrestling luckv Wildcats k nocked off bilt. Feh. U, in:il , Cotton Nash and ond half shootinR show , hitting "One of my greatest satisfac- (leorgin 10:wi:i and; 1, took ove r Roth Kentucky and Vanderbilt Ted Decken led tho charge fov lfi of 21 attempts fro-m the. floor , action between two Dairyland tions i?; seeing the South — once of Ihe South- protecled those high ratings No, 700 . Nash tossed in .'13 point M in a 7r»-(ill conquest of Drake, Conference teams here Monday sole possession ¦ nighl. the Int lullin g stock of the nation eastern Conference lead; 2 , pro- Monday, Vandy with a 111-73 and Docken added 2!t as Ibc ?f)Ot h coach- romp over Alnbnm.i but second- Wildcats moved to a lfi-2 over- I' -VV 24, HL.UK l!l vided Hupp with his 101-Norrli Ntr«no (CI l 700 victories ago. Ohio Slate trailed the championship, 1:04 , Aiid l l> ozn. 7 Crown. Garnish with orange slice In thnt time, undox the leader- points threo limes in Ihe drat In sonic of the other major The Canadians , w ith a record DUANE RINGLER (or an 111-73 lead , Kansas State had to , and chnrtf . Add hot water, f orget the ice. P.O, Box 665 WINONA ship of ttupp and Kentucky, Iho half bul rallie d names n<; of four victories iin

BANTAM¦ ! 25 with Tom Browne as the W ' L ' . ' ' ¦ ' . ' -:W L leading scorer with L5 points. Athletic Club 7 o Petrlnt ' J 5 ¦ Sunbeam 3 1 Red Men 0 1 Centrll Mtth . 4 S BARGAIN DAYS In: Park-Rec Bantam League action Saturday, league-leading Watkins City Over 2,294 From! Athletic Club kept its record New Tires To Choose unblemished by moving past Peerless 28-21 and Central Methodist turned Ln a 37-24 vic- WHITEWALLS BLACKWALLS TUBE-TYPE TUBELESS NYLON RAYON tory over Red Men Club. League Champ, • • • • • • After trailing 13-12 at half- time, Athletic Club turned it on Factory Seconds in the second half . Mike Rodg- 3 in Second New Car Take-offs — Discontinued Treads — ers led the win with 13 points i FIND YOUR SIZE AND COME IN FOR THESE BARGAINS: and Jim Baird got 11. Brant- | CITY LEAGUE ly Chappell topped Peerless ! (Final) with 11 and Robert Spalding w L w L meshed eight. Watkins 7 1 Westsitp* 7 I :.< Miller Salvagi « « Rollingtlona 17 PASSENGER TIRE BARGAINS 1 Central Methodist held quar- Standard Oil « 4 Nit'l Guint 11 TRUCK BARGAINS ter leads of 13-4. 21-13 and 27-17 Despite losing on the final in ripping past Red Men Club. SAVE night of competition. Watkins Glenn Hubbard flipped in 18 ; won the City Basketball League li£S rcr ^^ TRUCK OWNERS! points for Methodist and Eob- championship with a 7-3 record . *% $*% ^^^^^ M THEY'RE ert Massie 10. Jim Carroll and ** * K fmOf Watkins was defeated 51-44 wKT (N lon) O CHECKNELSON'S THE DEALS AND SERVICE AT Don Walski hit 17 and eight re- ,by Westgate which forced a y A£ J y spectively for Red Men Club. Tubeiess ^ H ! three-way tie for second place. ^" ^" DU —- THE BEST! PEE WEE i Also winning to finish second ' ** 1^^^ ^^^^^ W L . W L were Standard Oil , which top- Winona Hotel ( 1 McKinley Welti. ,' .» . -1 ped RoUingstone 73-51, and Mil- Coca-Cola 7 J Jay Bees 3 t "! I" ^^^^^^ A.SOx 4*fe For C^ 0n,y Paint Depot 4 4 Amer. Legion 11 ler Salvage, which beat Nation- * ^^^ SS ^/ ^^El / ,^k*^\D " '^ mS S^ * >al Guard 56-51 . Narrow M * M V^^WmwWMPLUUK 6-Ply Traction M fer V C ^I Winona Hotel kepi sole pos- White ^ L ^ ^ Playoffs begin Sunday with ^ ¦¦ B (Nylan) mmw ^ ^ ^ ' " ™^^ ^^ "^ 6.00x1 6 J ¦ I session of first place tanks to Tubeiess mmmmAmm* AmJ \\//r//r/f/rr//WmYM ,.' mmwm^ muw Paint Depot. The HoteLmen ; Watkrns meeting Westgate at dropped a 22-21 decision to Mc- J5:15 p.m. and Standard Oil tangling with Millers at 6:45 Kinley Methodist, but held the ' lead as Paint Depot downed p.m. ¦^r~=—znfr km- MX * Coca-Cola 14-13 American Le- Standard Oil built a 34-27 half- 6.50x14 ^ ( MJ For 1¦ ll^ftf l ^^7.00x15 M $iv* \ M ' Black - *JM Extra heavy n^L-^ *<* M M molded -•* gion grabbed credit for its first time lead. Bob Cyert got 17 for IWlwPWAV l • Tubeles, mm\m\ AW* ¦ ~~ ^ win as J ay bees was forced to the winners and Larry Modjes- \% S ^«\\ rubber. frfeit. iki flo. Dick Kalmes hit 14 for ¦ Colorful - — Tom Walch 13. 7 McKinley led 5-4, 9-7 and 15- RoUingstone and »«\ # cus,om —JSV timamM Wat- 10 Only C#fe } ^^^^ iv^ " " .o, ? .- T S C f ]« 14 at the quarter turns. Ron Westgate was ahead of 7.00x14 ^*% ^ *% ^ s ,in5- 6-Ply Tract,on M For ^ W Koehler hit 10 points for the kins 51-44 at halftime. Bob Lar- J ^5> JJ * r II IISS ^ ^ 7 ,0x1 5 ^ winners and Mike Semling nine. son paced Westgate with 18 Black M ^r * ' Mm M MWMM mWmW maWJ ^ *9 Charley Hanson had eight for i points , Bob Hazelton got 14 and Tubeiess fr^^^^^ REG" $S'9S VALUE -—------— .-.—-—-—------.--—- ___ Brace Hartert was high for the ^ S ^^^^^^ l Hotel and Steve Wiltgen seven. "~~~ ""' losers with 13. «^^^^^^^^, - 8 Onl ¦? Paint Depot won a see-saw _^ £+ aMmmt M €M y ^% C ^fc • * contest, leading 4-2 at the end A Miller rally defeated Na- ¦I 6.00x169 of the first period, falling be- tional Guard , which led 29-23 at _. _ $ ¦ ——— M 4O M "\M ^% m^^aH^iI «S ! 9 M ^Vi A^--J ^ hind 9-6 at halftime and 11-10 j intermission. Bob L^eiberman C* T ^ S ^ N8OPTOSSX ^ ^* ^ | ¦' Tubefy pe (N ylon) | ^^ at the end of the third period. and Don Klagge led a twin- J/ ^ ^ i|^^^^^^^^^ &- AWM Gary Bauer and Joe Fer- pronged Miller attack while Don I Fick got 20 and Bill Schultz 13 ^ ¦ Whi,e Blue guson paced the winners 'with 1 ' ^^^oS ^^^^ » Black 8 P^ ^% Q*, ^ * \ fl^^* six points each while Gary Wil- for Guard. 24 Only (Tubeiess) ' ' ' ¦ ^2§pS §SSf Red, Green and Brown 9 00x20 M For ^ ^ J I 1 kens got eight for Coke. i 7.00x14 40^ -^c^# C^ WBaW Non-Directional AmmM AT \kW MIDGET Narrow White M a$w M M w ¦_«««¦-_^-__ -_____ ^__—__^_____ ^___ W l W L Original Equip. M For AT M — '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Biib' i ' ' io e Elks ' - . ? . I . JMrnMA mmmM M 12 Only TV Signal t 4 UCT t I Seconds ^ SENIOR HICH SCHOOL GIRLS League-leading Bub's had lit- i, H«|.Rod W. L. ^^ ^ ^^ ^^ tie trouble subduing Elks. The Alley Gaton .... 7 1 .1 Ribbed ^ Plir Ups 1 W^/VCK^ undefeated leaders took a 54-3 * 8 Onl y r + tm± * i v U cTmaT ^aT: 13-INCH S.p„ ;R,bib Mm Jfc "> each from Emerson and Kaeh- BRAVES L 1QUAWS 7.60,15-' . ^T ' $Tft -fci and op ** ft * lcr while Brooks was hittin R 10 Weslgate Bowl W. L. ^ Holubar-Fakler . |3 1 ¦ for the Johnnies. HJizellon' t Variety , |« 1 £,_ nly ' Saehler had 11 for the Fal- Knopp Lublnskl . ,, |0 ( *»' J>Xa¥ 3Bo . Strenij-Kuhlmnn . . 1 < _^ ; C*\ OO 7.50x20 . m mm cons and nine for i Ciman-WICfrK * I ^% * * the Hustlers. H oilman-Mennlnq * 4 | Bt.vidtKiYlrman • 7 $ Kohnci Glrtlrr .. , ¦ 7 ; 14 ,NCH HEAVYWEIGHT Ahrens-Walsh . , 7 I ' I) | PriyUylskl WIcirk . . . 7 I $ (Finn 3 ' 4/ Worcester.Bocke nhauer 7 * ' .^2- W L . W L • Tubeiess3 JMMMW ,::, MmmM M%W Bjuer-Mflnkf . . a t . - 51 Mnry ' i » 0 SI, Stnn 'i 3 , « 7. 2 5 OUon Tntlc a Olhi-itrJil 1 Ri)lllnqslnn# ( t * * Schewe Kniitsoh I 10 BrlikThflrn 4 11 SI. M.-iry ' s Royals won the Wayne-Funk 1 \) $ $ . MAJOR y Heavyweight title and kept their 1 l5 lNCK Athletic Club W L. - record clean wit h a .'15-27 win Nolscin Tire . «2 .. 3 I ^2- Peerless Chain 1 1 ?.T'- P Knight s, ln 178^ over the Cathedral 4!! Mlsslislpplan 3 $^o 1 Tr.:':.. X 'Mv»"' AVT —: the oi lier game, the St. Sinn's J R, Walklni . 1 7 Skulls topped the Roll ing si one T«amslm 1 ) Home Furniture 1 1 Rockets :i|-21. LADIES LEAOU f i Red Men VA L. F Grorlin got 15 points and Mei- Leicht Pren ~iS~ it 4 ?? " ers 11 for Ihe Royals and ! Sthmldls Beer ... 11 4 " ° 2 ^^ " 10/ n ' Narrow WhitB For $r/\¦¦ FREE MOUNTING " Browne had Hi for Ihe Knifibls. ! Walt Bulck-Oldi I ; J j ' Zywicki Investment Co, i 7 t Tubeie ,, Mm St. Stan s Lipinski Iih 12 Pallralh Pilnl 4 ll rn*W ___ Complete points and Speltz had eight for Merchanl Naf'l Bank 4 11 Wagon & Changeover OVY1 ft D0LL3 RolliiUislonc. Weitoali W L . F enikr. • Cl»t-w«kl «)i , l(i , Sundown Moral «l 33 Ti Sehachl • Emmons , Jl 11 Ffrnpuon . Colbenson Jl'^ 31"i resfcWheels Schmlti • Llca =n=^r . 31 11 J~L ... Tubeiess _13• Hutchinson - Luedlka 11 17 1Ma\m TP Ma\W 14-INCH Roller . Mohan * it' i ll' i Ptte nnan . Konkel »]' ) H' i KINGS t QUEENS K Wrilgate WV . I., ' " Double O't I3i ] JH ! 9.00x14 ^ \ % Narrow White M For <_ l _FC S ^M Four Am ^mY Acei 13 I Narrow White For ^ F%—— Nylon AmmM °L Tro|«ns IH, 4"i , J £ ^ TV Fourr (KAi CS C and Sen » t Soconds MM ^ T Seconds TP %# Spares | it %# Alley Cats 1 n , D«ucet Wild 7 11 •¦Oaili s u WESTOATE 1CRATCH I Weslnate i/v I., ' | Bvilatia 5 1 ! Parkers Boys . , l' i ?' i Tom (lick , Hck ) TIRE 4 Gardner 14 TnY ¦ NELSON " ^ni Tw elve nf Army '.-s lil-man KING V liockf'y .sqiiiid come I rom Mas- SERVICE ' siicliusotts, Five are irom Min- EDWARD" 1 nc.-iot ii nnd ono oiirh from In- ^ ^ ^5 ^ ^ ^ Fourth and Johnson phone 2 3Q6 Amtrlr.a 'i LnQtst Saili ng Cigar I diunn and Now York. I ^^ Lockeretles Officials Group Gets New Name Golfer Squads Tebbetts Feels Indians Are Ready Take Honors . The .Minnesota - Wiscon- sin Officials Association , is the name of the newly or- ganized, group of local and Post Victories For Run af Ai Lewiston area officials.: The . Lewiston . City fWomens' No officers have beea elected to head the orgariiza- Bowling , Association Tourna- ¦; tipri yet. Any coaches or Over Sl Peler AL Pennant ment team events , were play- . athletic,., directors desiring The Cotter High "B" and ¦ ¦ Freshman squads walked away (Editor '* ¦Nole:\ Firsl . of a ed, off in a three-day : span end- information about this pr- teriei of baseball team pros- i ing Saturday night. . .' ganization may write Mike from St. Stan'8 gym Monday night with wins over the Hok ah. peels /or 1064 .whiten . by . '] Gostomski, 362 . W; 4th St., ¦ :¦ ' ' ' ¦ T h e Lewiston • Tjockerettes St. Peier varsity and "B" . CHICAGO OP) - The Buck- Indiana scored on 34 of ¦managers .; ' . .-•_ ' A . ";. - . .•;, ,j Winona. . copped first! place honors with 169THS- eyes . By- BIRDIE TEBBETTS ! a 2,656, Reddy Kilowatt placed Trie. - Cotter ; Manager, Cleveland Indians I in the riinner-up. slot eight pins Hokah'i varsity 69-57 . in a tight years, kept, alive their: Big first Big Ten.: victory of the . Ten basketball title hopds . battle until the fourth p&riod. ¦ se&son.¦ ' fBRADENTON . BEACH. Fla. : behind with a 2,648 total. Mid- . - with an 86-85 victory over : Cotter held a 29-28 halftime ad- . . Indiana led 46-43 at half- (AP;—I believe the Cleveland land Co-op carried off third- Slate Tank and increased the lead Michigan Monday night. time,, then outscored Illinois ' place /laurels by posting 2,623.7 vantage ¦ Indians have rounded the comer ] by,sixfin the third quarter, be- Michigan, . nevertheless, in the second half. in their quest for: a contending i ...Members off the Winning team Skip - Thoren scored 26 fore Scoring . 22 points to . Hew moved into the . conference /. ^ position!in the American . League were Rita Pet .ersony vMurie) kah's 16 in (he final stanza for lead as Illinois dropped a points for Illinois, but Tom pennant race, f } Bearden , Joan Pierce, Karen Team V/ill ¦ Vara Arsdale had 27 and his n ' the victory. . i(M-95 .decislofi to Indiana; Last year s Indians finished in] Yezner and Marge Campbell , ' Kulas led the Cotter scoring Michigan, 6-1, meets Itli- brother , Dick , had 25 for the a tie for fifth place , which ,' Singles honors went ; to Jo . ¦¦ ¦ with 22 points on 11 field goals. . nois, 3-1, Saturday at Cham- added: 27 to the lloosier means; - .we must have had some i Tews with : a 607. ' ' ' Marty's cause. .- . Meet Indians Pellowski had 17, Holmay 14 paign; to determine the/Big 7 problems. However/ before dis- Haedtk e had a 599 for brides- and Leaf 10. Francis Stamper Ten leadersh ip. 7 D aye Schellhase poured! in cussing 1964 and how we are maid honors ; and Alice Berg- The WinOna State : swimming : hit 15 for Hokah while Ross had . 7 Michigan ' - found Gary 38: points in leading Purdue prepared to face our . problems, man smashed a 585 for the squad takes a 64 record into 11. ¦ : dvef " _ ¦ 14 and Horihan : Sradds tooymuch in its ef- to a 101-98 triumph . I would like to point out some third-place position. • the La Crosse meet tomorrow,; The Cotter freshmen raked : Michigan State. of: our 1963 mishaps, f A mother-daughter team com- , :;fort to win a seventh " ' ' and it you think this sounds im- the Hokah "B" fteam over the straight Big Ten game. Mel . :Garlarid . added -:¦ 23 Shortstop pick Howser . suf- posed of Mabel Boyntonf and pressive, you T re right. ¦ : coals, posting a-50-33 win. Johii " Bradds scored 42 poinls in points, to Pifrd u ef's cause. fered a serious Jegf injury in Mitzi Hennessey rolled an .1, 111 Coach John Martin has de- 10 for Pete Gerit had 26 points for . Leaf had 12 and Heinlen leading;the Buckeyes to vic- . Jdne and was virtually useless count , for the doubles master- veloped himself a powerhouse; Cotter. Thesing. hit 11 {or St. ' ' Michigan State and Marcus for the rest of thev season. Our p. Beverly Nelson-Carrole tory. : y . ' 77 7 . shi . in; hisff'first: year; ai? the State Petery '. ."A ; A.AA X Sanders finished f with 25. , ¦' : ' center fielder VicDavalillo. has Nelson , hit a; 1 ,093 for! second! ; ' ' '- Hokah (J7) 7 Colter¦ "B" 6? . ,-' Cazzie Russell whipped in mentor In- .-his ; team's six vic- ¦¦ ¦ ¦ Bpth teams had five scor- his forearm broken In . June.12 and Eloise Ballard , and Nylene lg ft pt lp "'• ' . li ft »l If) .30 for Michigan and . B ill : tories, the Warriors have piled Stemper St « 15 Meier 3 0 ;3 4 ers in double; figures. and missed eight .lveeks. Catcher Jories teamed for a 1,074 to ROSS it 1 14 OabrycK 0 0 , 10 Buritin had 26 for the Wolv- up 412 pointsftof ttieir opponents " ' Illinois must capitalize on John-Romano fractured his hand place third. .. 150. The only blemish on the Mich . *. . 1 '•¦• 3 Jertsek 1 0 » J erines in the . tight contest. ; ¦ ¦ Morlhan . 4 3 t 11 Kulas 11 0 3 23 itsv- -meetihg - with Michigan R . . . . . - •tmsa-ywammmm - . y immiammamu in May and.was out for severa 1 Alice Bergman won the all- . Ohio State trailed three - . - . gssssiBWsr aaamm . wwm ty Warrior slate is a 53-42 loss to Conlll 00 1 0 Bmbenek 0 t 0ft to move into first place. ( weeks. Woodie Held sustained a events (handicap V von a . 1,64 5 Fl-uerhlmAi 3 » -» Hoepphr Xt 0 V ft times by nine points, f LEAPS FOR REBOUND . . . Bill Buntih 2ih , Mchigaii Macalester early in the season. Vertheih 0 0 0 0 P?llowski J V : .17, Other games find Purdue fractured finger and was on the count ) while Jo Tews belted a ¦ " ' ' ' center, pulls down , a rebound dilring Monday, night's Ohio ' • • '. The most . recent of the . Nnemchr i 1 o, 3 Brorri o ? .- » ft Free throws by Jim Schaf- at Wisconsin Jn . a regionally bench fpr three .Weeks. 1.640 to . fihish . second. . ElOlse *ins Miller 0 0 10 Leaf 7 5 0' 1 . 10 ',' '- State-Michigan basketball game, " 0 1 ft fer and Tom Bowman, a televised contest, Mich ig'a.n . Watching the. leapirig Bunt- f .These were our 'more '.' serious Ballard was third: with a 1,636. came , last weekend when vJIar- Schhdckr ' 0 0 0 - 0 Wehzel 0 . . . .. ^ __-Holmay -J- .0 -1. 1.4 in are Ohio's Jim Shaffer; (341. Michigan 's. Larry Tregoning tjn 's. tankmen copped two. On ' ¦' couple of unknowns, clinch- State at Northwestern ^ . Min- injuries and we had several less- In the al.lvevents (scratch ) Mar- Tolalt Jl 15 3 57 Holly . 0- . 0 1 0 ed the victory for the Buck- nesota at Iowa and Ohio .(35): 'and the Buck 's Don DeVoe (31). Ohio handed Michigan ones. While every cliib has some lys Haedtke look first by slam- Friday Ihey journeved to Osh- Wnlfrer 0 0 8 « ' ' ; kosh, .(.Wis.) State and swamp- eyes. . . . PP- State at Indiana. its first Big Tenhloss 3645. (AP Photofax) .y :f injuries in the course of a sea- ming a 1 ,487 and Sharon Kilt - Totals 34 , I -'H. M •' • son. I believe we had far more mer placed second with a 1,448. ed the Titans .73-23. The team HOKAH . ..' ....: . :.. . 13:'15 .:, 13 l«-57 : came back home the same eve- COTTER .'' B'." -' ... , .7'18- 11, 1» . 32-«» th^n our share. Hokah-Sf. Peter Coffer Fres/rrneri 5c> HAL BILTGEN RAPS 653 In addition , Dick Donovan , a ning, rested a few hours , and . "B" 33- -:. -. - . .Ij -ft pl lp COACH ran Mankato put of (he Memor- fl It pl 10 Helnlin . 5 0 3 1l> 20-game winner in 1962,' . "had fa Powtll 1 IIS- Erd'yk 3 1 0 7 (Continued From Page 13), ; • ¦ sub-standard f year . as did Tito ial Hall pool Saturday 82-13 in Plttman ft 9 ft' ft . Wernr . 0. ft. ft- ft ' Blssin 1 ft 1 1 Pcpllnskl 1 0 1 I ' vFfahconay who batted 5(1 points an NIC tesL . 7. eral science. ¦ ¦' Wise 10 ft 1 Ouamen 1 0 13 under his lifetime , average! ¦- ' REOMEN5 CLASS B . Martin doesn't mean . to pile Connlrr - ."1 3 ,3 7 >loeppner (I 3 0 ,1 ¦ 0 1 0 1 If the contract isP approved v Redmtns Alll.ti .- . W L' ¦ Von Art ft 1 1 1 Schneider I feel confident that Fred ¦)' lip . tlie points aga inst his op- , next Monday,. Nelson said , ef- Doercrs 7 v7 .... v...... ,... .; 11 ¦ . .- .' Mach '¦ ft ft oo twomoy .1 0 3 .? Whitfield , Larry Brown and Max Sunbpam ,.:...;. - .... ;';., : ....' :¦ .1 f ¦ pdnentsy however. Indicativi* of Theslnq ' . ' i 1 3 11 M. Erd'yk 1 Oft. ' . Hal-Rod forts ; will be made to emoloy 'chmldli' . „ A::...A.- .:.:.. : '. V.h . -» Seh' cken 4 1 3 J Ernmons O-O 0 ,J m S . ¦ Tea Smashes : ' Alvis: of our . infield and Vic ¦' ¦ ' ¦ - ' ' ¦' »' this is when he ' ran his ace . _' _¦ _- .- ' Gunderson as art ihstrucior in Bubj . •.. . . . ' . :. :...... , ;• 7V>'HVi — Smith :•' • 0 oo ft total 13 7 10 33 Leal ' S 11 11 Davalillo of the outfield, all first . PiN TOPPLERj . 500 yd. freestyler' Rich Childers ' the summer school program. ¦ ' ' ' . P ri^ ylsKI -I 71 0 3 .' ' Jrd Roiind Finilt in an exhibition slot -against r year meii for us in 1963, will ' .. . ." . - . . . Angst ' .-.. 0 0 ft 0 That would mearif that he and , .Vp/eslgate . W L ¦ continue to improve in 1964. Bemidji two weeks ago. '.'I just ¦ ¦. . • ' - . Breia 0 0 ft ft his farnlly probably would Hamernik'i Bar 15 » . ¦ •' • '-•¦ '. '¦ •- ' . . Schoe'ner 1.- 1 4 '5 . .loe , Winona Paint vi Ola JI .7: T3 I 't want to pdiir fit oii " said ¦ Aicne, who enjoyed a didn j '. - . ' Ehmk ft '. 0 . '«' 1 ft for 4th-Place move to Winona immediately MS.In Tavern : .,-1J i ¦ '" t' 3.047 --Mariollk l fl » Tie : . ¦X great season for us, together the: former La Grosse State \ f or after the end of the current Lincoln insurance • ;:: ... .: 13 I • '¦ . The men tiuied up the came from the Monday night ke's APCO and -Blanches Tav- , Walkini Wary King ...... 11 .10: athlete, "we had already won ¦ with Romano gives us fine ¦ ' ¦ . Tolalv f 31 I 13 Sft school year in June, f 'Lakeside Clliel Service .....IV 13 " ¦ coming city: tournament: at Hal- League at;:Win6na Athletic Club. : ern, registered -998 inf the, the meet and I , felt that some HOKAH ? . ¦•¦ 7 t-31 ^ depth catching depart- Wally 'J ¦:. ..- ¦. :v: . ..:.-.: ..: . VS: ¦ Rod Lanes Tuesday night by 'll ' ' .. • COTTER ;• '.:.'.. 11 13 10 .15—50 Rich Chuchha rapped 607 -end, Junior Girls — Cathy Bee- He also probably be . as- ment. A:-healthy' 'e'r , plus Vic 's Barv- v. .'- S 13 - of the other boys on the team .. Hows m ¦ going on a scoring rampage along -with: John Bell's 231; led man's 143 paced Pin Smashers sighed , as an assistant in ei- ¦ ' '. '' ' Davalillo , improves four team ALLEY . OXT EUrl : .- needed a chance:at competition that saw a quintet climb into Schlitz Beer , to , 1,064-2,9947 to 66l while Cheryl Biltgen was ther, a spring or Winter vars- WeslSata Bowl • • ' - v . W L top. " Incidentally; Childers in ' ¦;¦ ¦ speed considerably, 7, Winona Dally Newi . ,...,10 . 1 a fourth-place tie in team ser- Tops ;oh the distaff side came tagging 8 7263 for All-Stars ' " and ity sport. ' • : : ¦ . :.. Our club has good over-all Mohan't¦ Window...... 7. I 4 . his exhibition showing finished CRC Stars Meet ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - - ies. . ' - /. , .-. . . . . -: ' •: from the Pin Topplers League Diamonds were hitting 1V245" , ' ¦: Board President LaSVronce power. Leon vWagher, Held; Al- Nash' s • . .. .' ...:.. . 7' .. .5 the event befoie any of the The . Hal-Rod Lanes . team , at W«stgate Bowl where Audrey WKSTGATE BO\VL: All ey Taverna Barber Supply . .7. en to 2f825 to his conduct both oh and off None of our infielders ; can : : ' - Wiltgen . Jack Lipinski, Cfharles BiUgen sweep to individual hdn- WESTGATE LADIES juniors.; , .- . . , Joan . Heftman 521, Leoria Lii- with his 236 and Mark Warren thef field. It's hard, to predict ease up knowing that a Versa- Westgate Bowl , W L Wicka; Micke Schneider , - Bob ors with 246-653. . - - GruHiowikl Beaufy Shop .: ( "• ••! State puts their . G-l record on binski 520, Esther Pozanc 504 led Sunbeam Bread to* 991 with how he'll do in this league tile jperforrner like .lerry • K'm- ¦ ¦ ' Tho .Oaks •. , . ::... :$ . A the -line ' - . tomorrow when-they Pomeroy. Jim .Browne, Bruca ,• Mich Schewe smashed a 609 ahd -Svlvia Hassinger 502. his 59p. (the Big Nine conference.;.) but dall is sitting on the bench. Bob Tausche!s ' . ' . v . ' : .... ' 5 ' 4' ' 7 7 ' ¦ travel to La Crosse for , a dual Brooks, Tom Grzechowski , fBob in the league and Ken Donahue HAL-ROD ".LANESr VFW' . - liis record seems to speak Chance. . the: Eastern Leagued Winona . Chick Halchiry • ¦ ' '*' •' 5 . •" : Junior fKeglers — Harriet ; . Steve' s .. Loiinge .'.:. . :..:: ...: 4 -3 with the Indians. .After the La Hildebrandt and Ed Saehler . and Irv Praxel ripped 555 and Harold Skroch rifled:a f 218 (0 lVell for him in e\ ery league Most Valuable vPla Ver last sea- Country.' Kitchen ¦ . ... . : . ' 1 Kowajczyk and Blii e Bells grab- . . , . * Grosse swim, the Warriors re: 533 errorless sets, respectively. pace Bernie's DX to 2 ,795. Del ' , MONDAY LEAGUE bed all honors. Harriet hit 133- lie s coached in." son showed me that he can hit turn home for a dual witk St. The only other honor count Prodsinski shot a 575 for Bun- major league pitching ' in his Winona Athletic Club 7 W L "Can't stop?" asks Ba rney 249 ; arid the group 558-1.077. Gunderson is certainly no Cabinels by Rabst ...... 4 1 Thomas on Saturday afternoon. ¦; Ladies — Mary Jo. Grulkow- stranger to area football fans, brief spell with iis last Septem- Phillip 's : U 7...... 4 . . .1 r ber.!,. ..v ' • •¦ - • Schllti Beer ...... 4 • j CONCORDIA DUMPS DULUTH ski took individual honors for having piloted Harmony to . East End Coal Co ...... : 3 1 Grulkowski Beauty Shop wilh three consecutive undefeated Our reports on another rookie , 1st: National Bank ...... 5 4 200-540 and The Oaks grabbed seasons frbm 1058 through Ruthford (Chico) Salmon . who PoMy . Meadow . . . .. T A Devils; Hawks ¦ PARK REC JR. GIRLS tearri - . laurels with 5190-2.537. i960. .y." .yy • .-• . led the Pacific Coast League in Hal Red Lanes W : L hitting, are outstanding and Hal Rod All Stan ..- .': l« I tyiri . m' .YV;f tfl WINONA AC: Go-Getters f ¦' | — The Cardinal aggregation young Tommie Agee has un- Diamonds- . lt " Tews Garage tumbled 878-2 .521 Pin. Smfllheri .- ...; 14 U YMCA BASKETBALL was the District One cham- limited potential Lucky Strlkei "...... 13 1J ¦ ' ¦ . ' ¦ ' ' • • St. Cloud Rip while Dianne Ulbrech of Wi- Powder -Pulti .... :.;...... 13 14 .:¦ ..- - . (FiiiBl ) s pion in 1958 and then the Ma- Alley Cats :.,...... 11 15 nona Plumbing was recording We should start the WA sea- ¦ ' ¦¦ " ' ple Leaf champion under Gun- Spare Masltrs ' 16 H : . r r w L - - W L son with practically the same ¦ ¦ 185-470. : . derson for the next two years Pin Dusters ...... i 11 , Hawkr 1 1 Upiaft * t ' pitching staff which broke the Snaksl A i Devllj 3 < RED " MK.V'S CLVK : Class R when District . One was divid- GO GETTER . American League record hy Athletic Club W L — Robert Nelson Jr . poked 136 5' - ed into two separate confer- striking out 1 ,018 batters last E. B:'s torner . .,:.. 1 | Last Saturday 's YMCA bas- Kato 101-76 and Floy N-elson 524 lo lead Sun- ences. Tews Garag* ., 4'' i 1' i ketball results found the Devils year. It is -versatile , ' deep and Graham 1 McGuire ;...,. 3 3 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Keith Bangs and Keith beam io 954 .-2.656. Warnken ' s Meals .,..:. 3 1 j winning over the Snakes 6.'J-4 1 Larsen . Under Gunderson, Harmony talented. ¦ led the Cobbers with JR . - ' ;' ST.^U A HttlN's: Ladies-Irene W' nchn Plunihlnq .' ' . .,..., l' i ' 41'i ari d tb« Hawks posting a win YOUR GAR'S READY Augsburg gels a chance to each. ' was the only unscored upon Donovan, .lim. .Grant . Jack Kramer Pluinbeictlrs ..... V J : ' . . i over the Upsets 74-41. SteVe climb into a first place tie with Mike Patterson scored 24 for Bronk tugged 1!!R and team- learn in the state in 1 9R0. Kralick , Pete Ramos, Gary Bell V,F,W. FOR Duluth for Ihe Minnesota Inter- Duluth . . , male Les Krnge 48R as the pair From Harmony, the Alexan- Jerry Walker and Don McMa- Hal Hod ' W L j Gerlach hit 14 for the Devils led Coca-Cola to 877-2.554. Hamms Beer . 1 1 while Steve Holubar had 11 for SAM'S BRAKE WORK collegi ate Conference basketball In other'MIAC-action Monday, dria native moved on to St. hon are seasoned veterans and Bakkeh Con. .Co. ...,.,.. } 1 ¦ ' lead tonight after Ihe Bulldogs St. Mary 's (5-1 1 downed ' Bernlrs D.X. 3 1 Ilie Snakes. In- the other tilt, ¦ Maybe all you need . is to Macal- .lames where he continued they are joined by youngsters Golden Bmrid Foods.:,..., j v ' , ' : Pat Hopf scored 22 and Joe have those brakes iislit-onod were dumped by. Concordia ester 55-51 as - Denny ' Burgman . his coaching ' - -mastery for the such ns Tommy .John , Sam Mc- W.isohs Suppfr Clul) . ::.., 3 1 ! ' ' .Blanches Tavern 3 1 Ives 21 for the Hawks, ' and Bill lip a riOIch. Ainybe j 'otr Jincrt . - Monday night. scored 22 points. Bob Mullen was past three seasons. Dowell , and Gordon Seyfried. ¦ ' Fdvnlaln Brew ,,.., 1 3 . Christiansen netled 17 to lea( : new linings . - . . new liytfrnu- The Auggies , whose only loss high lor the Scots with lfi. In addition to setting a new Sonny Siebert and Floyd Weav- Winona Milk Co. . , .... 1 . 3 ¦ : lie fluid. was to Duluth, nre host to Gus- Meantime , St. Cloud went sail- Golds Stay punkes APCO ..... 1 3 j the Upset scoring. - ; state high school coaching er are two others who ha\e im- Abrami Furnace Co...... 1 3 Sam 's . brnke . 'specialists will tavus Adolphus . ing along unbeaten in (he North- record by winning 4,1 straight pressed me. Buhs Beer . .,.. 1 X Playoffs begin Sa(urday7Fcb. Rive you the word fast — do Duluth , losing Its first MIAC em Intercollegiate Conference . ' gamps, he piloted the Jim- Last year , we were . fortunate 7 Up 1 J 115 with the Hawk s vsf Devils the work nt money-sa ving game 05-04 held onto the lc-ngue whipp ing Mankato 101-70 , St. in having two top rookies in Al- CITY LEAGUE nnd the Snakes vs, Upsets, Fi- prices. Remember , Siim 's is In Fi rst mies to the South Central Hal Rod Points lead with a 9-1 record: Augs- Cloud is fi-l) iiiid Mankato. nin- W.illy'i F, Cily St nals will be played the follow- nlso where great gas costs . Conference championship in vis and Davalillo develop inlo SP ; ' nerup 5-2, Spe^rt .Wnsli i inK Saturday, Feb. 22 with the you less. • burg I.s III. Concordia s victory with St . Cloud got 15 I tin I and a second-place finish top-notch major leaguers. This Hotel Winona ,, SP I ' ; ' ' boosted it from a seventh place points or more from five play-: Willi a 7-A-2 mark in 1 !)R2. year it mny be John , Chance, Merchants Bank ., 4» ' i winners playing for first place tie to a fifth place tie with the ers , toppeil hy Dnve Line- Salmon or Agee . Wc must try Linahans Cale Al' i and (be losers meeting for third With Wins His Ififi.l team compiled a fi- Hal-Rod Lnnei Al j Gusties and Macalester , wit h 3-G ban at 2,'i. Mnnknlo ' s Hagen ll record anrl- finished fourth to improve our defense and bo Blinkes APCO 4? ' place, , records , scored 25 YY VEH; IIT ready to handle left-handed Prn»l Coin 45'!>2. NEW YORK (AIM - Dotig ST. MARTIN'S LADIES ITS HEW ihe Colds nnd Stove (Jerlaeh Jones' manager planned lo SI Martin's W L JUTU^ He is married, the father nf United Building Cenlfr ;., * 1 It. I.urrv Tarras got 15 (or W- Iwo children and served for leave for Europe today in nn at- Wlnnna Typewriter Ser . t 4 K. tempt to line up lucrative fights Cora Cola .. . 7 I two years with the U.S, Army Farm A Harden Supply . i 7 Sieve (lilmaii led Jeff with paratroopers. for his heavyweight contend"!' Brelllows . 4 I 12 nnd Tom l.rn hnd .15 for against Peep Hock Rockellet . 1 ? , cither Floyd Patterson Phelps. He was born March 2 1931 , German Karl Mildenbergcr. I nnd graduated from Alexan- I.KillTWKUllIT 1 Jones, Zfi-ycar-old second-rnnk- St. Ma ry's W I. Wl dria High School in mm. He ing contender from New York , CrnliKt r.nld » » Crntral Blua 1 I began his undergraduate ca- I I slopped hig, brawny Tom Mc- JHIrrion « 1 Phflpi > reer at Gustavus in l!W> and Hockey Statistics Waihlnitnn K. $ 1 r Neeley of Arlington , Moss,, on graduated in I9..f. with n a technical knockout In five STANDINGS Central (lolds kept their rec- Bachelor of Science degreo W I. T Pti. 0 OO W L T j rounds al the Coliseum Mondny SI Mary ' s I o 0 ll tt i ; lt 1 C ord unblemished hy rolling past ivnri mnjors in physical educa- Macalester S 1 0 10 3» It 10 J 0 night . The tlineup showed Ihe Aliqsliupg 4 A rnenu quickly pre- Washington-Kosciusko 211-10 in tion and biology, thn Inl tor » tO I JO It 1 t 0 • ANY lt*m from our k ' ring-rusty c.v-GI wns ready for Hamline ,. ,, 4 t 0 t 31 13 t t 0 / thc l.lghhveiglil Division sad . determining factor in Nelson ' [ < pared ond p«cked to ao — |u«' phono 9955 ¦ s faster competition again, Conropdla 3 5 1 Ml II 1 i I jM p^ Up to $600 .IcIfiM'Mm nipped Pliel ps 20-^2. recommending him for (ho SI. John's 3 3 I S 10 II I « 1 ! — /ill refldy when you «lop by, i ' SI. Thomas 3 t 0 U1 I1 I U UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PA.Y ^ Rill Miller , who wns singled job , GAMES WCONCStM Y i N IIW - >!ol. inoiipy wlien you Juil phono nnd oi v8 *lir*pl« i • Tally lunclmi packed—re«Jon*blv priced. out for n I rip rebnundlng job , Lake City Puck Augshiirq al St. Mary 's , ?:30 p.m. ^ hit five points for the (iolds He has done graduat e work SI John ' i al Brinlrill 5l»t». 1 p.m. . nrod il without Iranian your credit Information — or »-«nd INC), . /mmr .'We ofl'er t hin extra new ^„ allached toupon —we 'll • V»cuum bolllei filled w ith coffee for work , > .-md (lordon Will got six for nl Mankato State College , Teams Split (iustnvus mcrvii -p loriunlifi- pd pen|i|«who ,j0 ,),, fe„| < hunting or ice fithlng -trip*. , W-K. nnd lown Stole Un- ST. MARY'S I, COMCORDIA 1 prefe r lo do hiiHinwm by tiuiil, iversity, I.AKK CITV , Minn , (Special! FIRST PERIOD. Ill SI, Marys-- Steve Bergeron lopped Jeff on n National Sci- Relchrnhacn (Cooney Oasbelnl 0:10 I3| "* Homemade p ici and paslrlei lor lhal ? I.nko Cily senior and junior ,..... _ . »¦•< • villi 14 nnd (inry Egge got ence Foundation scholnrshlp , SI, Maiy's-MrCormKk lunasslsledl 13i- POK MONMY »Y MAIL—U»i THIS •* p. hockey teams mot teams (rom U PenHlini.-Cooney (s-MI 4;4t Reich- ' «xtri» ipeclol louchl Thone W53. piejit Phelps, , His graduate work hns boon ' PH ONt • for It ochesler al I lin Ire skating enhacn (SMI Ii4) , : , NUMBER ¦ In the fields of driver educa- SECOND . PERIOD-|)| SI, Marys-- ! I WANT * . J tion , biology nnd- physical ed- rink here Suilflnv. Beaulieu {unassisted | Sill Penalties ~ I • six IN it CNNIM ; Lnke City 's Juniors won lt- Orn IC| 3;U Paradise (SMI Donley (C| fUtol ucation. 10:0 , J 2_ _ I'llll.ADRI -PHIA (AP )-- .lorry " "' ' .l. In the senior Riune , Hoches- THIRD ffiRlon -|4I Concordia- un. J A& 0RIS4 | Wolmnn , nilllionnire WnsbinR- He hns eight yours touching ter was a fi-fl winner. tried (Dorsad) li4t (S) SI. Mary'i- UTH'S experience in phy ed , biology Beaulieu ^McCnimlckl S114/ It) SI lon builde r who officially he- Following Ihe gnmns , limoli Mary' s hemlieu (far artl»» F llmer«ld) ranir Ihe new owner nf the Nn- nnd general science , was served at ihe Legion Club »iOt; (ti M . Mary ' t~R eittienbaeli (un- ESTAU RANT i lona I Eool h/ill Latif iue Pliilnrlel- asslsledl 11:11; («) SI Mary' s-Beau- "tijZUBUC FINANCE He began his coaching nnrl rooms in Lake (fitv. lieu (Oeshains Reichanhtrhl llitti (tl 11 { -VHAkaff^* " ~ > pliln K JIR I PS Mnnilny, Is cimrtid- leaching enreer al Kensington , Wlllln m Webster Is conrh of Mary'i -Boniullfii |P«rld l»a» 1)|43 , Pen- i \F '" * COfirOPATION — 126 Ea*t Third St.— >• allies- Oestvln ISM) (.10) Paradise , J pring " al U MI M half n dozen " for Minn ,, In mnn , moved tn llnr. th* senior team, and Peter (JMI 1li07. B ! IM Choate Bldfl,, Third * Center , Winona Phone 1)58 • tho job ns head conch o( the mnfly In inriB STOPS: l > _ ond St. Jnmon Webster , roach of lh» Junior I »»«»M*««»WPH««»«p»»«M"»ic»«iri» i« p>« p» «i«p«»««""" mmnmmt * : . i team. I Scnit (SI, Maiysl T J J-1* «" In mot. tp«m. j llalverion (Concordia) I I •-)» Truck Overturns Slocks Edge Want Ads Start Here ' Driver Nol Hurt NOTICE • Thli nswspeper will bt rospomlbl* A rural Winonan escaped in- LoweryJr?din{! Incorrect Insertion of Buff alo tor : only one jury Monday, when his. pickup *ny classified advertisement pub- rolled over on a service road lished In fhe Want Ad section. Check:. . your ed and call 3321 If •' correc- near Homer. tion must be: made. ,:¦.' ' . . . ' He Avas Ronald Biep, 23, Wi- More Active nona Rt. 3. He was driving a (AP)-The stock BLIND ADDS NEW YORK ' ' ¦' ¦ " vehicle owned by Watkins Ex- market edged lower in moder- E—28, ;J3i «i,:V 57, «; '/ Goi^ ' " ' ' " ¦ ¦ " ¦ -+ perimental -Farm , Winona Rt. 3. ately active trading early this . . " _ . .. afternoon. ^ According to the Winona sher- Card of Tliank* iff's office, Bien was going in Losses of fractions to a point ¦ ¦ ~ ERPELDING^ . ¦ ' •' .. ' - - .. , '.:-. a northwesterly direction down gainers among ¦ ¦ , outnumbered ¦ = bur sincere and grateful thanks art). a , service road to the south : of key stocks. . - - ¦ extended to til our friends , nelcth- bors - and relatives .'for - -their, variom: Emil Liers place in ; . Homer The decline was irregular. acts of. kindness, . messages Vol sym- ' Township at 10:15 a Am:when he Utilities were a iirin f spot. ;Se: 7 path// ' flowers. -, arid memorials, sent, during the death of; our beloved hus- slowed down for a, dip in the iected oils, chemicals and non- ' .' ¦' ¦" ' ' band; father and . grandfather;. Thanks road.' :.{ .' .pf ferrous '.y 'iiietals resisted ; the , to Rf. Rev. .Msgr. Julius Hahn, Fafh-V ¦ er Stamschro/, . Father- v&lyhn.- . Spe- In . accelerating, 'his. . vehi cle ¦ downtrend. . , .t:lal thanks to .Dr.: ,S . q, Hughes, VFW ' ¦ OSSEO NURSING HOME . . . Garsteh Torpen, in wheel- the ;-honorary .pallbearers. started to slide and the front ' ¦ : Although the general back- 668312; arid 1 ;• '. ;'. chair, was one of the first residents received Monday- at - . - ' Mrs. VfAiket Erpelding and Family hooked a rock. The vehicle roll- ¦ ground of business and econom- : Osseo (Wis.) Nursing Home. Jessie Wilson', orderly, is at . , KLEIN BACH — ed over on its top and came to ic news remained encouraging, ¦ Sincere thanks to. those wtio sent cardi rest, f his left and Robert Briggs, ,R.N., supervisor of nurses, is considerable caution end gifts and visited me in the hospital. facing the bluff.: Damage ¦ there was . ' w:as estimated at $673. at his "' .right..' .-(Mrs..'. William Matchette photo) ' ¦• ' ¦ ' ; about the state of they market. . . Fred . Klelnbach LOWENHAGEN— , .' - , - I I wish to express my. slncer* thanks to Sharp profit taking continued my relatives, rieighbors and trlends for - in some of the higher-priced, their, gifts, flowers, lette rs, .- 'cars ' ancf - Want Differential Upped visits, also Pastor Ponath for his. corn-,, more, volatile issues; The trend fbrt 'mg '; prayers, , dOrlng my. stay .at . mostly lower among elec- '.' Comhnunily Memorial Hospital, Winona, - >^as ¦ air lin es, - -cigarette arid alter ,'I. returned horrie. It. Is all ' tronics, . , deeply -. appreciated. stocks. motors and rails. ¦ . Mrs. - Charles Lowenhagert Record production of autos Lost and rouna ; for January and progress on <• LOST—10.00x20 . Goodyear tlrm and rlrn, the tax cut bill were part of the ' : Friday morning ..between Winona .anol market backdrop.: !: Galesville on Hwy. 53. Reward. Tel. ' ' ' '• ¦ The Associ ated . Press aver- 3381...... - . . . " -. . . - .f- 7. V LOST—black, field survey notebook^ . age of 60 stocks , at noon was off : CSAH 17 printed, on cover, - Reward, 'y, ' ¦¦ " ¦ ' ¦'¦ ¦; AA at 289.9 with . industrials off -. Tel. . 8-3675. - .- ' ' - . : - . . - LO, rails off 2 and utilities up ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ' ' ¦ ¦¦ Personals :- ,' 7'7" 'A'- : 'A'- ' .,' , • :7'-, .;,f ' : , :' . ' ' .' .YOU NAME^IT, we have it I Come .' to ; Noting that the ; ratio -of-Wi- THE';-' 'VOCATIONAL- , director schedule issues. The Dovv Jones industrial av- .our ' GENERAL STORE, Frl;, Feb; .7,: FIRST BUFFALO iVIEETING . y . Orr '. ] . Left to right, .lohn Schaefgen, architect-(seat^ - : starting at !' ;30 a.m. 'if .- . St. . .Paul's .. nona . public school . principals' in 1955-56 was receiving $7,050 He said that one joint meet- erage7Was off ;; 2.6i at; 782.11. .' Episcopal Church' Parish, : House. V vy«' - ganized . -a year ago, the group p romoting ed); Dr. . John Fbatt,; Wabasha;•¦ Belmont . have good,- nearly new clothing, arir ¦ '. salaries . to maximums . paid while the : teacher maximum ing; had been held at which the Several . ex-dividends of . com- ¦ the golf-ski^marina area between Cochrane Krause .and Cyril Reidt , Alma.;. Jake. Zeches ' . - fique's arid bo-oks on salev . 7 . .y teaching - personnel has declin- was $5,150 for.: a ratio of 1.36. teachers' request for fa $403 in: ponent stocks had the effect; of ~ r" .YOU'TwANT to knowT ''Wliat' s newT* . ¦ and Alma: had its first annual meeting Mon- Cochrane, chairman; 0. H. Sohrweide; But- - ed in recent years, a delega- This year, at $10,000, the vo- crease in the maximums of the lowering the average by 0.93. - . -See Ray ' Weyer, Innkeeper; WILLIAMS 'f- ' ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' day, night.; These are some of the .people who falo City, secretary , , iand .Warren Foettiger, ti on of principals Monday re- cational director 's salary, in ra-f present salary schedule, in ad- Prices on the American Stock - . -HOTEL. A • '.: ., " _ - ~ ~' ' worked hard on the $t million project on Fountain . City, directors. (La Croix John- . quested that the Board : of Ed- tio to the teaching maximum , dition to other miscellaheotis Exchange were mixed in mod- WE HAVEvrco'rnprete CERAA/l l c flLE ucation give consideration to an is f '' benefits , I bathrooms '. on- display at COPLEY'S which tentative approvalfis expected shortly. : son ohotb) : . ' 1.19.7; . f. ff . - had been made to a erately vactive grading. . , ! <:ERA/WIC-TILE:.CO.,.«0 W; Stl). Wm.. upward adjustment in their: rel- The average ratio for. the pe- board salary- study committee Corporate bonds declined . -"Curley" . Sievers. . ¦:' ; ¦ ¦ ; ~ ~ ~ By RUTH ROGERS $1 million limit for recreational I" ' They ; include 7 $100,000 for ative ' salary position. ;' riod from 1950 to: 1956 was 1.J7 by a joint committee represent- slightly. TJ.S; government bonds : OTi USU AL A/AL E NTIN E G I FT idea His . f : ' - . 'ri' Her Pen..Sets, S1.50, al RAINBOW Daily News Area Editor FHA loans; "We cut- back' .to land ; $5,000 rejuvenation and for the Senior High principal , ing, members of the Winona Ed- were niostlv unchanged.: . ' ; ' - : : The principals had no spe- . . JEWELRY, Jl* W.'.-.-4lh. . $850,000 so we can arrange for remodeling; $250,000, ski area; the delegation stated, 1.31 for ucation,: Association fand the Wi- : r - ALMA , Wis.i-r- The docket ap- j cific, salary proposal but only ARE YOU ,A PROBLEM 'DR'fNKER?^- ¦ ' ' plying for an $850,000 FHA loan a supplemental loan to help you j $240,000, golf courses; 595,000; asked that "some; progress be junior high and elementary prin- nona Federation of Teachers; , ,- Man or woman,. your .drinking creates . ' over the hump in the final :• 1 elated recreational a re a s; cipals- ,1 Py M. New York numerous problems.7 11 yojvrieed and tor development- of a compre- made in bringing us., up to and 1.36 for the vocation- Santelman said that the bpard want help, , contact Alcoholics Anony.nv stages of construction if neces- ! $55,000, mariiia - . -?50,000, site more equitable - al director. These have drop- salary committee, ' ous,' Pioneer Group, Box . 622,, Winona, hensive Buffalo . County recrea- something in headed by Stocky ; ¦ ¦' ' " Priced Mlniv : , . - . -. . • . tion area has been approved by sary " Nielson ; said. . development , a n d. - . $415,000, terms of past; experience.'!' ped, respectively, in the years 4th Ward Director Franklin Till- ~ ~ _ ~ ^ J ¦ T|T ~imposs! j . club house-chalet. '- . - . 7 ' from 1956 to 1964 to 1.29, 1.21, man f was planning another joint All'd Ch - 53V8 Int'l Ppr 32VR Nd, SN''f .ble l6 have that the state and Was sent to the • The ; docket - as revised esti- ¦ ¦ . old . suit restyled, Warren Belslnger, For promotion , organization , ; MEETING WITH directors 1.20 and L24. ' ..- ' JTailor, 46W W national office at Washington , mates the total project at $l ,- ' meeting with the : teachers' AIs Chal 16 Jns I-L ' ; 69=54 . .^.rd^d.oes the . trick.. Monday were Thomas Raine, ' ' ""7 " : ¦ DX, today. ;, AAA: A 237,040. This doesn't include the programming, legal,. corporate Mitchell said that in some group, .'. . Amra'da- 75% Kn 'ct ..; 76 DAY OR . NIGHT . . the food Is' rlghM ¦ and other fees , $20f000 has. been director Of the : Area ] Vocation- ' ' ¦' ' RUTH'S RESTAURANT As soon as¦'.tentative approval cost of two water conserving : school / systems some sort of in- Dr. C, W. Rogers,. 3rd Ward Am Cn .41«-8 Lrld- : 43-1V '" ¦ ¦ ¦ ' : 1 •' Sherman ' ' Af - • 126v E 7.3rd f . - . of the plans for the combination dams provided :; under Public allowed , plus $5,000 for prelimi- al-Technical School dex, based -.on . , maximums for director, said he recalled from Am M&F 18'/2 Mp Hon 139:, .i ' ' ¦¦fRUSSE'v^ABDbMiNALT BELTJ golf course - ski hill - marina Law. 566 — an approved project . nary planning. 7 Milchell,.principal at Jefferson teaching personnel, is used in reports on .-; the jo int committee Am Mt:.- - .' . 167 k Mn MM 68va ¦ ¦". SACftO-IL I AC SUPPORTS area is completed . the board of as. an extension of the Rose I Fixed expenses - 'the' .first, two School, : ancl Verdi F. Elli es, arriving at salaries for princi- meeting that ; the teachers had AT&T 143-r8 Mn '&: Ont 22Vi GOLTZ PHARMACY principal at Central Elementary : ' ' ' directors of Buffal o Valley,; Inc., Valley watershed. . v/hieh would ; years have been, estimated at pals;/ ; recommended appointment of a Am Tb 28 Mn . P&L 431,2 27A E. -3rd . . . . - - " . . . Tel. 15A7, . and Madison; schools, ''We're : not askinjg . for this," ¦ may contract, for work on the be paid by the government, — ; $199,190,- including interest at 5 ' cross . " country coach , another Ancda f 45\& Mn Chm 63=1.8 Avto Seryicej Repairing 10 , ttie first : . They pointed.put that in l!>50- he said , ;•hut only .saying-.; that 700-acre project , according to and funds that would.:¦• become - percent operating loss : ¦ '" ¦ basketball coaching P. assistanl Arch Dn 38'-4 Mon Dak 351k and area promotion fig: 51 when . the . ' ' • " • " - in some systems this is done.-' ' ' ' " ' DON'T TAKE yourself too seriously. Re- Seward M, Nielson, county FHA available from Rural Electrifi; [year; ; , and certain other extensions . in Armc St . 65^..'Mn . 'Wid f - . . -34'^ .. member, to- - a: mosquito- you' re lust.' ' ¦ ¦ teacher maxi- f : supervisor. ; ' ¦ ' cation; Administration .-, amount- l ured at $25f00O . Ellies added, y "If you the athletic program. Armour ,46 Nt Dy ; '66 : another, filling station. WE ARE NOT mum was $3V- /, lust another filling station to your . ing to 80 percent of electrical 0)40: School should see fit to; establish Avco Cp 23ls N Amf Av 50A: ; i The $1 ,237, also includes "I CAN'T see," Dr. Rogers f ear, our -expert service department "WE HA\!E no reason to be- ' ¦ 9O0, j un i or some sort of; a ratio like Beth Stl; ¦ will-keep 11 in top running condition; V installation costs, 77 I $102, 850 as fa - contingency fund V 34'/8 Nr N Gs : 5V'B ¦ ¦ lieve: weWqn 't receive tentative high school tin's, a change in the pat- sa''d, "where these things have Bng Air f ' ¦" ' -. Drive In and let us check It. GOO D- i including architect's, and engi- ' f 40Vi Nor Pac . . 48^ 8 , VIEW TEXACO, 1650: Service Drive. - '. ' " Nielson said '•The MONIES ..$S50 - and elemen: ¦ anything to do wjth- ay discus- approval , . . BEYOND 4 and delivery.: Free estimate; Tel. IbAt ' , , $10,000 for junior that such: issues ' : Monday night. of $11 100 . cipals ' hoped "you 'll make the were outside Deere 37!8 fRp Stl . noon ahd evenings. Robert Graves; ' high and $9 ,500 for . elementary the scope of Consideration of 4m :. Jake -Zeches,: Cochrane, board picture more equitable ; than it Douglas 24=! 4 Rex Drug 39-1a Roofir.q principals. ' ' 't salaryf issues . : Plumbing, 21 chairman, said he hoped tenta- is -how: f- Dow :hm 6197 Rey Tob 40! 8 ¦ ¦¦¦ " The 1 ratio has dropped , Raine At the conclusion of the hoard . - ROSES' are red, . tive approval of the.-plans would du Pont 252 Sears Roe 101 .. Violets are: blue, bef received within . two week's. pointed out, to . 1,33 for Senior BOARD PRESIDENT Law- meeting, Tillman's salary study ^ . Bathroom fixtures East Kod 117'i Shell Oil 46!i come colored; loo. . . . High , f 119 in the junior hi^h rence Santelman reviewed brief- committee met for an informal T Nielson said Sen.\ Gaylord . •Ford: Mot 49 R : Sinclair 47',2 Pink and green and . - ^^liic^i^^l 1.14 in the elenwi- ly progress made, in dicussions discussion of the teachers' re- : - .:' ¦ yellow Nelson; has been watching the schools and :( Gen Elec 884 Socony 70 4 ' . '' ' ' ¦' ¦ ' ' tarv schools. with teachers, on 1964-65 salary quest. - - .. .- . ' Pick the: co.lor thaf'i- 7' . • • project closely and calling the Gen Fds 87-:i Sp Rand 19'k best, lor you.' A A I Madison FHA office to see what Gen .Mills 39 St Brnds 74' 4 Frank O'Laughlin M was holding the plans up. As " ' " PLUMB ING «, Gen Mot ' HEATING MI^^ LIVESTOCK . 79'i, St Oil Cal 63'i ¦ ¦ WINONA MARKETS ' 307 E. 3rd - . : . . - - . Tel. 3703 ( governor off Wisconsin he pro- Hit With Penny, ST. PAUL Gen Tel 32"8 St Oil Ind 63' s . . moted conservation extensively SOUTH Sf. PAUt, Minn, . if) — USDA Reported by Gillette : .31' ''St ' — Cnlile 4,S00; calves 1,600; . slaughter U "Oir"N.I 82Vi ELECTRIC RDTCpROOTOR throughout the state. Brings sleers fltid heilers flcllve, sleftdy lo 25 Swift & Company Goodrich ' For. clogged sewers end drains Man 534 Ssvft & Co 46 Tel. 9509. or 6436 - : ' fbrwse higher: nclvanco only on good and ' . 1 year guarantea The same board ot directors Lhien to market quolalions ' over Goodyear 41'4 Texaco 73=!i i^ choice; cows steady to wcflK; bulls ' and same officers were elected. KWNO at 8;45 a.m. and 11:41 : a.m. CALL SYL KUKOWSKI Assault Charge steady; bulk choice 1100-1300 Ib steers Buying hours are from, 1 a.rn. to • Gould Bat 374 Texas Ins 63 ~ Chosen for two-year terms were 51 00 2? 00; good .19 50 ?l -SO; choice 850- p.m. Monday Ih rough Friday. Gt No Ry 56" t Un Pac 39=> 4 lERRY'S A 20-vear-old Winonan plead- 1100 Ib heilers ?1 .00:?? .00; good 19.00- Ther e will be no calf market durino, PLUMr3INCr Zeches ; O. H. Sohrweide, Buf- . 827 E. 4th ' ' Tel 9394 71.00; canner and culler. , 12.00-.14 .00; util- the winter months on Fridays. Gryhnd 4fl! s - U S Ruh 474 _ _ . . falo City, secretary ; Dr. M. O. ed not guilty .to; a charge of as- ity and commercial cows 13.00-13.50; 0 7 " lhes« quotations apply as of noon Gulf Oil 50' 4 US Steel 55 s Help Wr/nted—Female Vou mav want to ' own stock with thc .limof building a 'second , sault in municipal court this canner nnd cutter- 1 J . S0- .13.00; utility today, 26 Bachluiber Almn ; La Crojx bulls 17 0O-18.50; canner and cutter U.50- ¦ Homestk - ' 4:i-V-Wcsfg El H " All livestock arriving alter closing time 31=' CASHIERING nnd generaPofflce work income. Or to ive your money a chance to-increase ." as 'the . , morning. 50,- . g Jolm.son, Cochr.-ine treasurer , .1* vtmlers anil UnugMer -culvei will , he, properly cart;d . for , sve ighcrl and IBM.-ich 53,9 Wlvvorth 72'j Experience firlptul bul nol necessary. sleacly; high choice and by. Whatcveryour here are 5 directions to hel , , He was .Tames Ramrn, R2fi E, prime vealers priced the following morning: Wc will train person with the desire ' yea rs fl y goal , p and Dr John Flatt , Wabasha 34.00-35.00; choice - liU Harv 61 Yg S & T 4;; , : . 31.00 33,00. choice ' . 16 learn and assume responsibility. Minn, Sth St ., arrested on complaint dives 25 ,00 26 00. HOGS you stay on the track : -5-rlny week , . Ilhoral vacation, Christ- Hons 11 ,000; barrows ' The hog market is steady. Re-elected for one-year terms of .John M, Rozek , 875 E. 4lh and alllt - only inas bonus flnrl employe discount. Wrila First, give cart fu l thought to the broker you efinosc. At a moderalely, active; steady with Mon- Strictly meal type additional 20 40 cents; Kotlar/,, St. Rozek said Rarrtm threv a E-6B Daily Now-,. were William Buffalo day 's averaqe; sows unchanged; most lal hogs discounted 20-40 cents per bun- GRAI N "' 'll "- Member Firm of the New York Stock . Exchange you have City; Belmont Krause and Cyril penny at his face and hit hum 1-3 1 90-J40 Ib harrows and gills 15.00- dredweighl . BAnYSITTER- v^est Ioca!lon7~ 8 to i the help of a broker who, when he was registered , 'had to police ar- 15 25; mixed 1-3 lvO-240 lbs largely Good hogs, barrows and gilts— MINNEAPOLIS (AP ) -Wheat rm. .1 children, must be dependable . Reitz , Alma; Warren Rocttiger , near the eye. Cily 14.71; 240-270 lbs 14.00-U 75;. 2 3 270-3O0 i<40-i(io . iaoo-14 oo Include phone number and address In ' ' receipts 'Monday fil).?; year ago meet Exchange standards. Thoug h Member l inns may diffe r Fountain City, and ('. |' . Pingle. rested Ramm at 7:55 p.m. Mon- lbs 13 50 14'.'5; I, . 2 and medium 160- 180-200 14 0O-I4 50 letter. Write E 87 Daily News. . 190 . lbs 13.75-14 .75; 1-3 25O-400 Ih SOW ! 200)20 ..,, -. U 10 ;¦ ' ¦ " ' Mankalo 261 trading basis-unchanged to COMRINAflON • barmaid-wnltress, ag» in. many ways, they arc ftll' subject to the Exchange s rules Buffalo City, vice president. day at Broadway antl 12 50M3 ?5. 23 40O-500 lbs 12 220240 ... 14,25, 14 50 .25-13.00; 25-40, neat appeal Inn, experience not ¦ ¦ choke l?O I6fl Ib fpedcr ?^O ? 70 . - I-1.JO-I4.25 1 cent lower; prices to Pi and regulations, . Herbert Stohr and Clcrn . Her- A venue. piqs 1.3 00-13.50, . A * essential, mostly day worK. Write E-M ' set' for !):,tfl Sheep 2,500; very active trade on J70-.1O0 17,75-1.1 50 lower; Cash spring wheat bas- Daily News old , Alma , and Robert Grebe , Itamm s trial was wooled slaughter lambs, 3OO3.30 ,, ., ;, IPSO 1? 75 You 'll he w ise to be candid with him about your resources 25 to mostly is. No 1 dark northern 2.2!> ' formerly of Buffalo City, first am. Fch. 13. Me posted b> ;iil 50 higher; slauqliter ewes steady; leeder 33O .U0 t'-'OO 12 50 V NIGHT WAITRESS full time. Apply Iri' and ambitions . I or thc investing route vou take depends of $:!,> ' : ' lambs rtnrt shearinq lambs slronq; choice Good sowl— 2,2() ' v; Spring wheat one cent pi.'rsnn Country Kilclicn. chairman of the hoard, were . anrl pr ime RO 105 Ih wnoletl -slaughter 270 ,100 . ' :, 1? 10 I! M " " upon where you hope to j;o . And you 're more likel to get WAITRFSS WANTFD -evenlno work. Ap y lanilis 19 76 :«.0tl; good , B0 95 Ihs 111.00- 300 3.1(1 17 50-12 75 premium each lb over :>ft-r >\ lbs; the nominating committee . i nly in poi'on atler 4 p m. Sammy 'i there when your investments snug iy (it your |>o;»ls . 'He eau 19 50, cull to nooct vyonled fwrs fc.OO- 3J0i«i ir.:s-u .o Spring wheat one cent discount Pu/.v PRODUCE l 50; moire anil 'cy 65-03 In wooled 3(50 400 ... . 11 . 5 0 12 00 M¦ help you wilh vour decisions—but don ' t expect to find ' a. JOHNSON reported lhat 17fi ' each lj lb under lbs; Pro- (AP) ) li'erier Inmbs 18 .SO 19 75; rhnire and 400-4 50 ii in 12 on IMMfDIATE PI.ACFMFNT civstal ball on his desk. $25 memberships- in the non- CHICAGO - (USDA - fancy 90 100 Ib slii'.ulnq lambs 19.00 19 50 . 450 SCO P OO- 11 so tein proms : 11 per cent 2.25' -- For mnhiimir. vvnnian In - .rrve Avon profit organization were {inid in Live poultry: wholesale buying 5l.i\r»o T usnA -¦ HCKIS , 4.-0-UH . r.oo-1.og No I hard Montana winter /V.ii't act at on(p| Wtiln Avon, Box 11,1, has c prospered greatl y and their slia reins net s has c benefited with some pledges pnrlly paid. M 1 ;; special fed white rock fry- h ittcbei s steady lo 25 hlqlirr . mixed CALVE5 2 .Hi l a-2 .34'.2 . , Roctieslrr, M niv — sometimes handsomel —IVo mtlicir gross th. Hut other com- ' 1-3 190 330 lb biilclM-i s ).5?5 H. ;5; around Tin veal market I) Hr-arty, y He reported recei pts of .$•! ,- ers lll ' a- HI' a. 125 he ,id mostly 1? 200 220 Ihs 16 00 3 on choice ... 7° 00 JO 00 Minn. - SI) , No 1 hard win- WANTKI. ) panies base found thc going roug her , perhaps nuking no 11 230 J 50 lbs 14 75 1525: 2-3 250 270. Choice 2*i OO 11 .00 , « : Anirs nr-rrtrct linmrtrliatrly In Winnna fiiW . fiO to 5 p.m. Monday, with 1 i tor 2.14 i!-2.25» a. CHICAGO (AP) -- Cbiciigo lbs 1 4 r . 14 75; !70 125 Ih II 50 14 25; 1 (.oon 2n on ?', on rtiul suiiouiidi.->g mea In stirvv and tal- a profit , paying no dividends: Keep in mind , too , that stock 350 400 l|) sows 1? 75-13 2V 400 <50 111" C nmnierclal to good 1" 00 14 00 No I hard amber durum , nulris lnr ., ^rati some memberships paid just Mercnnlile Exchange — Iluller ' Ciivenlr-y r.nslimn ju ices, like other prices , fluctuate for many reasons . prior to tbe meet inn. Promot ion- I? ?\ I? II ; 7 1 45fM0fl lbs II 75 17 50; Utility II 00 I? 00 choice 2.:M-2,:{7; discounts , am- lewr-lry. I, ,isy woik , ver y qond pay, st eady ; wholesale buying prices 50O 60O lll l U 25 u no , ¦Caiwcri and cvilH 10 00 douvn paid wfekly hli-a',» v,-nt«! F.-H2 Daily rattle 4,000 ( ber fw; durum 7-10 , Mewi, Inrlndr Third , consult your pocketbook , Arc your living expenses al expenses left a $1)7, 05 balance 1 . .slvcs 25; slauohter sleerf hrlr-t irsume nt p.vst iiiichangcd ; 9:i score AA Tw ;; 92 steariy lo slinnri; ttlqti choice and CATTLB r- -pri ien, i-s no srtir-s p>ppi |enre i«. in the treasury. . ¦ Corn No 2 yellow l.lfV .t-l.ll ' i. mn pl y cared foi ? I lave you made proper pros isio n for emer- A r>7.a; ' !)(> H r>(i' 1; 11!) C .15; enrs prime 1.050 1 100 Ih slaughter steers II Tim rattle market lj steady to sliono. . -(!'„ quli I'd. v. r- ha in Dr. Flatt , who described him- r ( 5021 25 rhoirc 950 1,250 lbs 21 75 22 50; Drylfrt sleert arm yearlingi— Oats No 2 white Ml' t " i; No gencies? l)o you still have funds left ov er '.' I'heii you ma y be 91) 11 , » 7; «i) ' .W i. good 9W11,700 lbs 20 , Help self as 11 " recreational" skier , 00 71 50; choice 850 f xlierne top 21 10 .1 white ufl ' i-Hl ' .,; No 2 heavy Wonted—Male 27 Eggs about slendy ; whnles:i|e 1 ,100 Ih he,(pis 'Jl '.'5 22 00; Inart and Choice lo ¦ " ' rea dy to consider making; some of your woik as haiil prim* 20 J5 Jl 00 iw.oon PLUS --irw CAR AS said Tele-mark, a popular ski par t lo .iri high rhoKe and P' un e 975 GonrJ to chcnre IO white 01 '' i-04 ' !; No ,t heavy BONUS buy ing jirices iinclianged; 70 per .1O-20 M tnr ni .iii r vr-r 4d m winonn area, for you ns you worked for them—throu g h ins esurient in 1,025 It-is 77 50 gcnrl 19 75 JO 5fy le, It-,* area in northern Wisconsin , -has Comm. to good w moo while fiO-Vfil•'' •«. fl,< , p rM , t.mri . 2 ,00(1 skiers a day over week- lully sieady; aiounrt sU dr-cl- i rlinlte Dry-lr-d helfett— cars 2a4 year ago .VA' ; mixed 33; mediums ltd31..; * .(an I mn Kan 's (n . Rn. m, [laylori ' and pr Mhe 100 115 In wooled slaughter F Klpeme lop 20 15 2:10; bright color nr»-l. 2K; st raw Fourth. nlwnys distinguish between fact nnd ru mor. When ends and pointed up the possi- lambs ?0 75 .- 1, CHlin st andards Xi;' dirties 30; checks oood nnd chnlia 1900 20 , 50 Choi- e tn niin-i a 20 on :o sn no in M;ir color ,i« trip . , |-; ()n Fins No I ,1,07. lloaver H M Sufipif, inr , G*lr\. tant in lot mat ion. And impure abou t the relative safety and . -Ilie , 'Wis John Srhnofgrcn of It. ( . demand steady, prices un- ilinn dollar SiD'i; previous dny Cnninirrrial ]r CO 17 <0 Soybeans No 1 yellow 2. til, Ma bility of bonds. r Utility ll 7 ,5 i: so r. N WANTf O Inhrrstrd ,n (¦ ,02,i7. ¦ ^^ pfiptograpliyf ' rea ves & Associate s , archi- changed, r.innen and cullen ir.iO dovs n (lirsl Pub. 1in" .ttny, Jun. 21; 1HA) ni-er ?(1, neat appearanc e Bulls - , ahvnlutriy I-'inii , send for a copy of-DiviDl NI > S OVI'R 11 IK VI AHS. tects employed on the plan , was free In trave l lliiounlinut \l 1 , workina " Cheese steady; prices un- Unionna I« OO IMO SlAlr Ot Millllf'-Olft I is . ni-p,Mlniin| stnes i ,, II Mr , Ciauvry lor 5(1 attended n\-orni!c) 3I- .T2; peewees (31 lbs, Coriirneirlal n ',n IS sn Counly ot Winonn i In PiolmU Coud ¦ Thc coupon below will bring vou , free , thc records of moie present. About . changed. eippninlmi-nl. I l-l . ia9 , nvcrajjc ) ' 211-211 ». Llfjlit tlno l« oo doAn tin. IS.7W than .MX) stocks that have paid cash dividends ea ch year for Wholesale <'gg offerings fully ' In Rn Csldlc cit 25 scars oi more. It also tells about the Monthl y Investment ample , demand fair today. ChrlUinfl Flury, Oeci-rtrnt. CHICAGO IAP ) - ( USDA) -- Winona F.RR Oritrr lor Menrliifl on Prlitmn lor Pio- (I H- .I full . Tuesday. Jan, 31, 1M<) Pli«n thi oii g h which vou can stall iici |uiiing stuck h invest- (Wholesale selling prices Clliese nuntations apply as nf b«t« ol Will, t. unitim Tlmt to FH< ^Ute nl Mmnesrin | y Pntntoes arrivals -1-1 ; nn track ^ b.-iM'd on esebaiige and other 10 10 a in, today) ClKinn nnrl lor HrArlnn Thtri-on. Counly nl v.'innn i ) ,„ p,r,h | ing; with as little as S-10 every thicc months (5.3.U8 a week). Juveniles Admit . 211; total U,S. f ( n S cnui ) shi pments 421; C. i tit A (iiimhol tl John ' fu ist IMVUIO tilrrt a petition 'In V. ji t, volume sales.) Now York spot C, rait a A llarn e ,, ,,, ;a tor lin pmhiilr nl tin. Will 01 i.url na Send the coupon today, old — supplies liberal; demand In the Malln nf the Ouat dUnshlp of c.iarl A imrclium) }1 (fdrnt our) , rnml nt ions : ' tor Iho oppninlin« nl ol Jnim Chrlilma riury, w»rrl moderate; market for russets r. i aiu is ;i ( o. I.rrtilni liri.l , \sliuh V'.' ill Is nn Hie nl the ahrw e namieri Mixed colors: fancy honvy C.Mila C ... II fi|»* In this (otu l And nnrii to in-pci tion, War d, Two Breakins dull, round reds steady; eurlot VI.: .inhn W ( twin, t,,,,,, ,, ,„a,|, , ni Own your tin re of American huttnai* (47 ) IT If. flRlil III O, llinl ih« lir-Ai mo, weight lbs . min. Htl- .'17'-.> ; l)-aniin-rf rnveiTd at ll:, vt n.m. Saturday. es' medium (-1 1 lbs. nvcrage 1 II'IP (IAIIH- trn hiniird In four inniilhs I v. l\iin(;c , m lo the New V i-U Slink I vdi;inj;f , llrpl, 4-1 , P.O. Il n^ -- Dressed poultry: northeast I' and i,y ,1,,. , - niir)( fl| ,, J od J 1 t-r.ui tii" (Mti- lioiroi , Anr| iliflt tun m , 10711, Nr « Snrk , Nrw IDlioi. , I The .second, breakin was at I lie 'W-W ;;. fancv heavy weiglil 147 nirlol and I nick lot turkeys liny NI JI I P .Uilliii ff r»iri|i;iiiy P' PD.IIc murt ,nr,m in n,r ( „„,) ),„„,,, , ,,, J ^ ,,, , . Inims ! mini kioi- k imcsirnrnt." I covered nl n:,'ifl n.m. Saturday.! •stl lbs, average ) :il- ,'!.'i; .smuH.s read y-tu-eook , frozen: increased I clMuai v. \%> . al in it) n ' c inrk AM ICInscil S A 11. r 11 fi v s I ( Oiu l linum In WinnnA, Mmor'nM, And , S - IK WO and Hint thn nrne, |, r sp, ^rrt hy „|-,|, Winona police . I I ju- Mi' lbs , iivcrngc i ;tl- ;i:> ; peewees offerings of fiynr-ronsloi's ponei' t;r», 1 nnilbfrn spr uicj vstieaf ? 17 I' irtI iwlu r lirrrnf ho olvm liy puhli- ralir. r - . n lliprer.t u, i,,, VJtnnM 0fll| Nn. 2 nnrthrin sprinq wheat J 15 i Mion ol Hus r-rrlrr In tin SA'lnann Pnily tr-ws a,y, NAMt I veniles bad been apprehended ,'JI lbs. in eriigc ) :!«-;!ll . . nlly nv ,„,,„,, „„ htp |n r/|r)) |)(i i | | ' : Unlit dornnnci; offerings Mn , 1 northern sprlnq v.hrat 1 11 News nnrl hy niAlIrd pntKri (is pinvided and ndmilled I lie bre.-ikins """ rt,''", , 4fllrt nereasrd Mon-| Drowns: extra fancy he/i vy younp hens am|ile; youii R toms No, -4 nnrthrin sprum i-.heat 7 01 h/ IA... v7uri "' t.n I liflirl \ ntei v-heai J OiS DAlr-rt .lAnuAi y r "' I AnnKlsi . day. They were turned over to v.< No 7 hrsirt winter wheal 7 04 r n i mi PA ) I O MR f Prt , juvenile /iiitlnirilies ' •>' medium HI lbs. a verage .'ft- Ihs .14 cents; .VOIIII R lom.s M-22 No 1 hnid woler wheal ... I 00 l' ioh/St« Juriuc Apparentl ;. Nn 4 hmrf vs. inter wlieal ,,, , I U iTiOtiAtA rmn t S<>nl) , I' inciatn .ludoe , y nothing was- taken ' ' >li ' ;; fancy honvy weight 1 } ~ 7 lbs ,t::; offerings fryer-roa.slers , t.n I tn .... I 15 HAIO II J torI ihn A Hnmid | i n,r , ,, , from cither pUicc. I Us , min.) ;>n-;m , *niall« c:ir> Un, IIIila-iKi ' a ccnl.s. No 2 if , 1.33 Alt(l^n^y Olitlnnfr. Aimrnay L====J fnr I' rlilmnrr t STRICTLY BUSINESS Farm Implements y, 48 "urn., Rugs, Linoleum 64 Farms/ Land for Sale 9S Houses for Sale 99 ~ ¦ - . CLAY BARNf'EQUIPMENT CENTRAL LOCATION-^-bedroorn home, OAK RIDGE SALES «. SERVICE Complete Selection of oil hot water heat, combination win- ' ¦ ' ' ' ' dows and doors, carpeting, new kitchen. Used Cars 109 Used Cars • .;. ^v V y-f 109 Mlnnelska. .. ; Tel, Altura 7884. : Pr' Tel. B-1683. v f NQTIGE CHEVROLET.-1W3 : 4-door Bel . Air, »• CHEVROLET—1957, J-door i«Jan, h»i iT^GOpDTwest Mark Street location. ' . -cylinder; - ' power , steering,.: automatic radio and . heater, . 4 cylinder wltti Remington Chain Saws QIJ^LITY Private bids will be receiv- Big corner lot.. ' 3-bedroom, 2-story transmission, radio, healer; Must, see standard transmission. Here Is a sharp fA.M., Febru- home. . 24xJ^fbot new garage. OH . heat. to appreciate. $1995. Home Oil & one, runs perled. Only :Ji9J, Oyer JO Partsy» Sales Service - ed until 10:00 Close to grocery store, laundromat In Motor Co., Corner 2nd & Washington. mors nice;sharp cars to chooie from • Linco ln SchooLdistrict. T block to bui. at low; , (ow prices. Stop In for a buy CARPETING ary 10th, 19S4 toward the CHEVROLET-IMS wJor , : Low price of. 58,100. ABTS AGENCY, : 'J7 Chevrolet of a li(« time. Don's Auto Sales, 141 New Bantam Saw $14? V-8 enolne and transmission;-runs ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' purchase of the William J. INC., Realtors, 159 Walnut St. . Tel. good, E. ' 2nd.. Tei. g-1678. " ". , - ', ¦ '¦' ' ' • Nylon Wool .. . • Acrilan $175. Lakeside Service/ Washington and . . • Norton farm in Elba Town- 42«, or after hou rs: E; Rl Clay.B-3737; • - '• - 'V 7 Sarnia./ - ' .. - . - ' . - ' v.. . . BUICK—1955,-Roadmaster, 2- Foley & Foley,. .Attorneys, - ; : matlci ' - godd condition. $293, May, bt THREE- OR FOUR-Bedroom home want- ¦ ' ¦ ¦ Wabasha, Minnesota., The ed; condition not Important. Tel, 8-2374. Station V/agbn seen at 2it W. -Stlievlew : : . . : • ¦ ' USED : : :: : : - right is reserved to reject WILL PAY HIGHESTXASH PRICES ;v ; :SEARS' ;. :: ;- . FOR YOUR CITY PROPERTY Station Wagons? • ¦ f7 any and all bids and any Unusually fine locally ' ^^123 E. Third '. ': ' Tel: 8-1551 •'sale - is- subject to approval "HANK'' JEZEWSKI You Bet We Have Them!- .- , -, owned Mercury Wagon. ¦ MACH . Excelf«nf . CdndlfIori ' by the f Probate Court, Wi- (Winona's Only Real Estate Buyer) ' and Priced to Move. ' ^ . Box 345 Power steering, .automatic 3-^Good used Chopper Boxes nona County, Minnesota. , Til. 4388 and 70?3 P.O. transmission; low miles, 196 1 Pl_YMOUTH 1—290 Corn Planter FLOOR : Lots - Acreages - Farms'-Hornet : Rentals - Custom Builder. ' . : " : ¦ ;¦ 3—Good 'used Wagons Deeiler In Wausau Pre-Fab Homes. . ' . .- :y.. .V' .: - '$1-295 ' • ' v "V: y Daniel F. Foley £ ; y;S; ':;^^;-;- evpassenoir coupe, . V-J motor, auto- 4-r-Grobd used Spreaders, ; PROBLEMS? CORNFORTH REALTY ^i^: t Executor of the Estate of ¦ y Previbus owner will matic, ransmission, radio, heater, and ready to go. Also many . La Crescent,. Minn. . Tel. B9S-2104 new white sidewall tires. This car li- Free 'advice from our floor William J. Horton, deceased recommend. . Immaculate inside and out. Extremely . good used plows. ' ' 'low mileage, former, owner » priest,' - . W« Pi . .. experts. See ova large "in - . yf- ' AAA-f A " AA..\ Advertise Our Ices : name: given -on request, Weflnvltp ' 3—No, 66 . New Holland : y^» . . ¦ ' ^_ . you Id .inspect and compare this . car. . '' . Balers '. ': . ... ' ' -. - ' . stock" selection of ^^ 1-r-Super 68 New Holland, ; Houses for Sale 99 1960 DODGE with bale thrower Armstrong's Vinyl , :. '$ ' ¦" • ' WEST LOCATION^-4: bedroom, V/i siory, ' .- 1395. ' lr-^Super 77 New Holland; oil heat, . full lot, new siding, combina- ' Delux.s 9-passentier',; Vf8 motor, auto- X Sheet Corlon. tion windows, garage, carpeting. Tel. matic , transmission; radio, heater,' v A-l shape .y ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ ' .' ',- ' ¦ ' • ¦' ' - - ' • - v - : I- . ' .- ' 40 years in Wnona:. . power steering, white, sldeivall- tlrei, « , ;. : . . ' 1—14-inch Hammermill, with -^^ B^^A " Comnletelv'¦ . reconditioned v.from stern. . Also all types of floor and AT THE ARCHES—2-bedroom . niod.e.rn. .A Lincoln—fMercury—Failcon to stern. 90-day v new -car warranty PTO- and vtrailer.. - - . Donald ¦ ¦ wall tile, f Ceramic tile and home, 75x175' V lot, garage. . Comet—Fairlane on . motor, transmission ¦ and . . . rear "Vov shouidri-t have told her she could deduct ' Halvorson, Lewiston, Minn. Tel. 2»3i, PK.9B60 CErVITIE R STV, axle. Reduced 5300 for quick sale. - "¦ ' . 7 A Full Line of: all New • • . counter top covering. Gall W Open Mon .f & Fri, Evenings yher beauty treatments as a Joss!'' 2871 for free estimates. SEVEN ROOAAS, upstain has renters: Oil 1959 MERCURY Machinery on display ! . burner heat, full lot, garage. Near and Saturday pim. , ; school and colleges, on bus line. Tel. ;¦ : - " ' ¦ - ' ¦ ' ' ¦' : fARE f YOU IN DOUBT? f . f .;. .y y;$.Tl95 :: ./; • 2672 after 1 p.m. A . . 1 . Help Wanted—Male 27 Horses, Cattle, Stock 43 The New .Gehl Mixer : About Real Estate valua- <-passenger station Wagon . Low mil* ' ¦ ¦ B7~NEAT, 2-bedropm; t-floor home. All age, one owner,-fully equipped Includ-v " :. : ' on display, with all H; Gh6ate;&Gb MARRIED . COUPLE . wanted . for year ANGUS-HOLSTEIN. cross feeder calves, . floors tiled. Nice , kitchen with ample tion . . . about sales meth- ¦ . . Ing poWer steering, power- braves,, luq- ' Con- round farm work-. ." - ..Separate tenant 7, about .425 lbs.; 1953 Ford truck, 1 new improvements. :' cupboards. Located In Goodview, ' NOW IS THE ¦goge rack, whlte - sidewa' lj' -tires, with . Vill- ;..ods? ffy -.yf house, jobd wages. David Nienow, St. ton, V-8, with new motor . and dual Household Articles 67 venient , to Warner Swasey plah). while body, and. .contrasting gold In- Charles, . Minn. 7' wheels. . Willard ." Rafz, Fountain City, age water and sewer now in the home. f, ' terior '.' ¦ • ¦:- : .y:/ TIM E!,- ;\£A ; '.Wis. - . 7' ' ' '¦:¦' : ' ¦¦' ¦' . ' ¦ TREAT rugs right, they'll be a delIght Full lot, 50x150, Priced at S8.O00. Then list with us and let us y FARMVVOH K—experienced married man ; . - . - Af . 7- - . - F A KRAUSE > ¦ . : cb. il . cleaned . with Blue Lustre. Rent ABTS AGENCY, INC., Realtors, T59 help you decide the best 1 956 CHEVROLET : wanted. Modern home, on school' bus FEEDER PTGS—120, 8 weeks ' oldTfthrllty 7 ' 4242, or alter hours: The selection is at its peak ' : ;' . electric shampooer, $1. H. .Choate. & Co. Walnut. St. -Tei. ¦ ' ' ' route.7Alan Garhess, Harmony, Minn; and -castrated . Cecil Harmon, Plum "BREEZY .ACRES E. ' R. Clay 8-2737; Bill Ziebell 4B54; method of disposing of your . •:; '" .y >;' 4495y.y '/' ' ; ' . . 7 7, : ~ ~ City, Wi!s. Tel. Ml 7-31367 . -7 A. Abts 3184. : .. - - , ...... -;. . . and the deals aref at their *-cylinder motor v.-ilh stjindn 'rrl. ^tran}.. - . ' South on New Highway 14-61 Radios, television 71 - . E. . _ property. . ¦ ~~ ^ mission, lu-tone blue body.. ' ^Nai^^FFS 7 ' HOLSTE.ifii7 BULXs^ijeiff 1-13 months, ¦ 5rBEDROOW - hbgse. on ' large Mot, best.; . .Completely , NEW ' reconditioned .to : OR SLACK periods. Steady job with un- from high - producing dams (700-900 Closed Saturday Afternoons Needles, and Service y : gas furnace, walk-out basement. Quid A ".' ' ' protect you, New . . .. List.with lis TODAY . ;. tires. Quito a car for. , limited future. APBl.icant must be Will- lbs.). Athol Jackson, milt SW ot .: Tel. 8-3849. , . " : 7- the . price! ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • All Makes Record Players neighborhood. . ' ¦' ing . tp. move Within XO-mlle radius - of Eleya, , Wis. . . . : . 7 "; ' ¦ ' . , - - .' . .- for results tomorrow ! . - - .;• 1959 Chevrolet Impala :4-dry ' ' . will' GbpbVIEW — modern 2-bedroom home, ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ , Winona. Man . be company trained. Hay, Grain, Feed SO -: . ^ :- - . - -V S e d a n , pbwer steering,. POLLED HEREFORD : BULL — double Hardt' s Music Store . carpeted " living room, bulltrln . stove, : Immediate employment to man selected, ~ ¦ ¦¦" - ¦' ' • ' ' : : . registered, 20 . months old. Joe Min- - . 118 E. . 3rd- . " . . " . . W inona IpLvTel. 5868. " . " .y power b r-. -a k e s .radio plus ,: guarantee during : training. Send BALED HAYT~for saler:Grant Werma: . tile bath,-corner _ _ " . , ' V ner, Lamoille. Minn; Tel. ' S43-2088. . : GALL: 8-1833 ;: fNYS|R©^ $v : . - resume fo Dept. t, Box E-83 Dally ger., Rusliford, Minn, tTivOfBEDRObW home wlih 2-caT at- heater, tinted glass," tu- ¦ ' ¦ ' :¦ ' ¦ •- ' ~ Refrigerators 72 ,- . . -Chrysler -piyniouth 7 News. . . . :• . . - HAMPSHIRE S OARS—purebredTflaVerne pir tached , oarage, . In Hllke Subdivision , ; ' ¦ : TwEETflfcbRN SILAGE^aSO ton ,7 AFTER^HOURSy y tone, red and white with . ' . ' -¦ . Open ' Friday; Nisht X. . ." ., y Peterson,' Utica, Minn. ' Tel. Lewiston 1 Tel. 4127 'for appointment. '" . ' ¦ ¦ ¦; ¦- . loaded. Nelson and Gray. Plainview, CORONADO—1962 refriQeraTor for. iiief .4817. . .. .ff ;. ' :¦ ;, . . . ' ; ¦ '' :¦ - '' •- ' ¦' ' ¦ • ¦ ¦¦ ' ' • matching upholstery. This Wlnri. v . yv . ..- , . .Tel. - 21M, y - ." ' . y , : '. . ' . A.' 3 ROOMS and shower bath In this Auction; Sales Train for PRI NTING ANCHOR'S .'-7 . . neat' coltagD. Electric stove arid space f car is exceptionally clean; Antiques, Coins, Stamps 56 Stoves, Furnaces, Parts ,75 Included. A big lot with ample '¦¦ ' ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ~ neater Accessories, Tires, Parfs 104 for only— ' •. - ."- - ' .- ¦' - '¦ .'.- • ' ALV tiA-KOHNER " A ; Mastit is Treatment' ; - , garden space. On: paved . street, one • MffiQuis-ct,ln7~,andA'glasswareTTtirc GAS OR . OIL heaters, range], ' water • .AUCTIONEER, City " and -staff, licensed ¦fc Hand Composition block to bus. ' Choice west location. GASOLINE—lowest priced in townl. Reg- : ; discount .. to reduce stocK' before:. Inven- healers, , complete Installations: Service, ¦ yyy -^i295Vf7 ' and .bonded, ?52 Llb°rty St. (Corner y ' " Full price. 52,500. ABTS AGENCY, ular 23.9; Ethyl 34.9; motor .Voil. J9.c ry . :yyy' ' 5 y ring e ' . ' parts. RANGE OIL BURNER CO., 907 . E ,Jth.and Liberly). Tel, '4980. . ' - ." ¦ ; tory. 1114 W.. -Broadwa y. . - INC,, - Realtors, . 159 Walnut . St. . Tel. per qal, (in -your container). Home _ 1 . Linecasting arid Presswork Only 49c E. 5th. Tel. 7479. Adolph MlchalowikI. 7 4242, or.after hours : E. R.:Clay 8-2737; Oil Co,, - corner 2nd . 8. 'Washirigtor)'. .;: 1959 Fbrd Station Wagon , f ¦ SI Slie -: Naylor' ! Dlalators A 7. 79e Articles iFor, Sale f S7 f . - " Minnesota v ¦ ' ¦' Typewriters f 77 .BIN Ziebell , 4854: E; A. Abts 3184;_ standard shift with fi cyi- ; . ¦:• Write SHOE . ROLLER SKATES-^glrl' s. V white, : home., ~^ : TEDvMAIER DRUGS ' FOURTi-rE7~863—2-bedroom inv ' ' Land & Auction Sales , " ' condi- tiREs- ;:• ; ' : finder.' Light beige in col- i ¦ size .tfA, and Case, very good TYPEWRITERS and adding machines . mediate possession. $6,950. Tel. 5751 or ' '| . • ' Everett vj... Kohrier . .. . Animal Health Center ¦ ¦ . . GRAPHie ARTS - 7 Tel, 8-3080 niter " 4 p.m. ¦¦ ¦ ' , ' for ' sale or rent. Reasonable rates, ' ' ' . Due to the . ; tion. . 2m, • ¦" ' ¦"¦" '¦ ¦¦• ' • ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' •• - or. A lot of autom obile for .158 VJatndt . Tel. 8-5710, ^afler hours 7814 ^ . fre» delivery. See us for all your of- -.A ,!_ -- : Tremendous Reception . ¦ ¦ PbultryV; Eggs, Supplies' ' HOUsi^ sale, 809 ¦ ' " ~/" " Technical School . 44 AND GARAGE for . fice supplies, .desks, files or oflicc FOUNTAIN CITr-large il-room build- .. ' we received trom this price, FEBy.5^w ecTPlT-30 aTn mlies s71) f 7 ' W. Broadway. Will sell , separate. To : for , Farnier.Days r- ' ' ' ¦ . , chairs. Lund Typewriter Co. Tel. 5222. ing on "N. , Shore Drive; .Suitable : ' Houston; ;Minn .- Elmore Peterson, own-v ' for DEKALB 20 week-old pullets, fully vac- be' removed or. demolished. Contaci opts., warehouse or store. For sale or . . . - , . ' We will extend these " : ' . er; Schroeder Bros., auctioneers; Thora> Catalog. ¦ -f y- . ;-: :$895' ' y,\ :y.\.f7- cinated, light . controlled, raised -: ori: slat Mckinley Methodist Church Office, 1 WINOtslA . TYPEWRITER Is the place , to rent. Also large modern, mobile, home, Special prices . . -. ,' y^ r . / ysalcs Co., clerk. ; ¦floors. Approvedior Veteran Available year around. SPELT Z ' to 'll. a.m., Tues. through Frl. for de- .gowhen you're looking for a typewriter sacrifice- for . quick sale. , C. SHANK. •' thru Monday and Tuesday! . - ~ " Training CH I C K- HATCHERY,', RoUingstone, or adding rhachine; New or. used, we ¦ - F.EBf ,B~Sat„. iif7nopZT' a7 ni'ij7s S.' of . Homemaker'B' Exchange, S52 E . 3rd. II you were unable lo:mak« -It in-dur.ln; : ' Minn. ' guarantee all our machines for one full ~ our Farmer, Days, come In now and fak« St . Charles on Highway 71, then '.* mil* ,rl9h-handed, 3 4f . : MAN'S - GOLF CLUBS, year. WINONA TYPEWR ITER SERV- fHREE BEDRO0M and bedroom ; homes ' 'cjG of this.' . . ' : W. Gordon Hllko, owner ';': Alvin Koh- 1104 Currie Ave., Minneapolis ' and cart, , $100; 'edv anto . ,. ' woods, 9 irons . .baa . . ' ICE, 161 E7 3rd. for- sale or .renl. Center . of town, oh - ner, auctioneer,- Thorp Sales Co., clerk.. Wanted—Livestock 46 4-sfring tenor banio, $25. ¦ : : Leo Master : , . line. . Trt ,. «059. : : bus . J ^_ __ f FIRESTONE fy F.E8. , 1 '^ iir~ ' ": ' ' NW"f of ~ - 0^IV\on^r) 5 mlier * . Don Wendland, Buffalo City or WSC. .. Washing, Ironing rAach. ^ l ¦ ¦ sell or trade :: li i HEREFORD OR ANGU S steer calves, 79 I F VOU WANT lo buy, 200 West 3rd ' ' . ., . Tel. «060 BUICK-OLDSMOBILE-GMC Melrose on "N," . then '-i mile .N. :¦ MACHINIST • -;- .; 350-500 lb average. . Robert, Selfrecht, GAS RANGE, 30", glass oyen door, elec- . be see Shank, HOMEMAKER'S Gene & Henry Maurer, owners;. AW in. tric clock, griddle fop, panel , light ,.1962 MAYTAG AND^RfGIDAIRE—Fast7"ex- ' , - ' ¦ Open Friday nights ' . Gilmanton, ; Wis. Tel. 946-34?2; : . :..EXCH'ANGE, 552 E. 3rd. _ " _ _[ :¦ Boats, Motors, Etc." 106 . Kohner, euclidneer; Northern '1nv . . Co.. ¦pA ' ' ' model, used 6 months, -S125; ail . wool pert service. Complete stock ' - Clerk. fA '-: 2nd- Shifty ;; ? - . fy. FEEDER PIGS—wanted. .TtiTLa- Crosse -ciose to the lake. 5- " ~ ~"~~7r ' " . rugs and - pads,' approximately, . '12x13', H. Choale '&. Co. Tel. 2871. LAFAYETTE ST. BU l TTH E R E y oufTrr a ve ti me '¦ " ' '"' bedroom down. .buth. Y 2-7788 or 5-0232. , '[A. . . . . $30. 12x14' , S3S; 17". brass pull-down . .bedroorri Kome. 1 . ¦and money.always. WARRIOR BOATS. Experienced all around vfurnace, " large yard, lull lot. This . tool- LEWISTON SALES BARN light fixture, SI5; 54" double dralnbo.ard ¦ new : Tel. 8-3866Y .: 7', ; ¦ ; ¦ ' ¦ ' bought for S9.300. Archie room machinist. A real oood auction market for your sink ano cabinet, - $10; : 54" . metal cab- . ¦:• ' ' house can be . Preferably A ^ NOW" . ' Esfate, 106 W. 3rd. Tel. ' ' ¦ livestock. Dairy cattle von hand all inet tops . J10; 5-pc. dlnelte set, 5151 - . McGill Real Moforcycles, •.• Bicycles' -' . , someone ; with some ¦ :4015 or 51377 107 die or. week , hogs ' bought every day.: trucks bathroom sink, $10;. .toilet , $5, 749 W. " ' ' ' ' USED MOTOR sCO CusiimanT ex. fourslide experience. V available. Sale Thurs., 1:p.m. Tel. 2667 . ¦4th ., after 6 pvm , - - . . ,: V- " V$I SEARS y and Lincoln School. OTER^' -y^ NEAR THE LAKE eellent condition: Tei. S6Bi ^ : ~ ¦ ' 4-bed room home, oil . , ^*^^^?)IK(«S ™w«W Interesting permanent jot, ONE PERSON f t.elir^another an0 . that ". Catalog Sajes Office 7 Here's .a dandy .u&BSSSSKS'SSSfSKKWSSraiM Farm Implements 48 Is why ELLIOTT'S VINYL SUPER ' heal, basement, lull' lot, double garage. FREE full color and; sound motorcycle some development Under mOOO: See or ". thrill- movies,.lornorrow nigh.1, 7:30, at Farm has been sold , so will sell all personal property , work, . SATIN LATEX Is, so popular for . In- Choice location. . * good wages; ALLIS CHALMERS-Model B with mount- terior decoration. -Easily ' -applied and • We Are Featuring ROBB BROS. MOTORCYCLE - SHOP , located 3 miles noith of Coon Valley on Highway 162 , or ' paid, insurance. ed plow and 1-row cultivator . ' , ' ¦ . $175. Tel. cleaned. Colors galore. PAINT DEPOT, : ; 576 E . 4th. 7. Write or call Mr: ¦ ' ' , Lewiston 37C5 «ter t p.m. , ' " ' ' 5 miles south of Highway 33 on Highway 162, then v4 mile Bade- - . . ¦A . the -V ¦ ¦ "? -ym STAH^^-:V - REkATtTsALEjfand Service, Parts ava.lf- ' "' ' . ' Te, HOMEUTE CHA7N SAWS .374 W. - Marie. . XX A j 7*"i_ Trucks, Tract's; Trailers 108 yybji .-Evans Dwyer road — follow Thorp arrows, on I Milwaukee Wire • able for all . models ,. 263? University " ~ ~ "T" Products See the new 12 Ib. XL.12 ' ' ¦¦ ' ' ¦ - ¦ WE HH.V ETTTI0 22fTori f7uck *~TioTsfsT Aye., St. P>i)l, Minn: . - , _ . . ' NEW 4834 North 35th St., Milwaukee AUTO: ELECTRIC SERVICE - ¦ NEW > : :; See us ndw! BERG'S . 2nd & Johnson Tel. : 5455 ARTICLES WANTED BACK musf bo ' SATURDAY FEBRUARY . ; ; ' ' :.. 39S0 W. 4th;. -Goodview. . . Tel. .4933 f Tel. HOpkins , 4-1350 picked up by Feb. 15, Bargain Center, 3-speed , FULL LINE of Veterinary Instruments) ¦-¦ ¦ ySaiewill start at 9:30 a.m. :: Lunch;by St; Mary's Parish/ . 253 , E .3rd . ' ' .' - . ' -A ' | :¦ syringes, dehorners, balling guns, eias- j 1_ _ 'A Lady Kerimpre Us^di-Cirs 109 ¦ ' . : f 63 HEAD OF: HI-GRADE trafors, ; ear notchers, .. .emasculoto.mes, PATIO PUSH BROOMS-for all rough HOLSTEIN; CATTLE -- ' 15; 1 ¦ all necessary . Inlectlbles... - surfaces. S2.98. Special Va price. $1.49, Automatic fWasher 7 ; Holstein fcows j fresh and open; 15 Holstein cows, close 1 IBM ¦ BAMBENEK'S, 9th.:& Mankato.. • : ' AA A ' IF YOU CANT ' SUPERVISOR : Exce I lent Cpn d it ion P . . A springers ;(s6me ^ of these due before sale-date);; 9 Holstein I. TEDyMAIER DRUGS BUILDING—8x10,. with floor.suitable tor '".For further information ?,bedroom , librae vji|h carpelpd llylng ; Your Veterinary Supply Headquarters :nic« kitchen with ; cows, fresh and bred back; ! Holstein bull, Registered , 2 brooder or tool house. Tel. S145. and dihinq rooms, . ^' :: ' | Mail to supervise installa- " " Tel. 8-1551 orfwrite built-in stove " and oven, disposal, new. y ;\;'... ' S^b EEZE: ' y;:;y:' y. years; 12 Holstein Heifers, under 12 mos.; 8 Holsteins Heif- ^Ecf"Rlc.wALL>IXTURfESr57indi7icl : oii furnace, garage. . Desirable wesf - ¦ \ ; JOHN . DEERE: DAY lighting,.. S2.50 each; 2 electric outside ' " : : - " ¦;.- . . Merlyn Klebig, I21 E. ¦ location. ' - ' - v. . '- , ¦' " \ ers , 3 to6 weeks old. . " • tion consisting of 403, 602, wall fixtures, ., both for $5; 1. ceiling - ¦INTO'' A; COMPACT— f :- J - .' - y iN;WINONA.f . :/;- 7. : ¦ : ¦ ¦¦ . . " /;'¦/ NOTICE: This is a good ; producing;herd : of cattle, all I light fixture, $2.50. Inqu ire BORZYS- 3rd. St.7 Winona , Minn. ¦ ' •• '' - . Pr6fit ¦Taking •' - .-.. ." • . 514, 082 and 2 key punches. KOWSKI .. FURNITURE, 302 .Mankato. . . ;f Saturday, February 87 assured-Infthe- ovmership of . this Well . - BUT.LIKE ECONOMY.;; are springers of fresh since December 1st All vaccinated -j USED TV SETS, $2.50 and up. B . .& B located ..building now bringing -in . rent- y and State Lab ,tested. AU cattle will be shot for shipping i Proficient yon 403 wiring. f —All Farmers Invited— ELECTRIC, 155 E : 3rd. ' . Wanted to Buy 81 al from v. h'erette on first floor and /; : _ . . _ _ / _ . . 'as. : 'fever. " A\ T ' ~ .2 aparlm^hts . on second, Combination Thc-n you'll like this 1962 . y 602 wiring experience: FEITEN IMPL. CO7 y .NEW ANO USED appliances, at bargain drawer meiai~tlling,. cabinel help- : ' USED A storm and screens. In .good, condition MACHINERY¦¦— Massey Ferguson Tractor Model No. ¦= prices. Come and see th>m; FRANK - wanted . Tel..8-2913, in Chevy II- ^doory^-cylinder, \ 113 Washington St. Winona- " throughout. Extra lot Included' A LILLA.8..SONS, 761 E. St h- . - . ^ ' " ' ¦ ¦ ' 65 Diesel, new in '62 with Multi-power, live PTO, power ;! ful/ A A- WW7 MILLER SCRAP IRON i METAL .- .property.• - . ' . . . - " a u t o m a tic transmission , ¦ • ' ¦ '¦ . . - Truck load li/sf-arrived! . ' .- . ' pays ' hiqheit prices - for scran ? steering, live hydraulic; fluid in tires, bumper, heat hous- \ ¦ ' ¦ CO . . . : radio and heater. Vou can - " 1964 LAWN BOY Iron, metals, hides, wool and raw fur, Recently Painted ¦ ¦ ¦ - 2-lloor horn "- west. 7 er only 1300 hours on this good tractor; fMassey Ferguson i Systems background - . : POWER MOWERS 22! W. 2nd. '. -. . ' ' Tel. 2067. -Three hc-droorn, . *: get an amazing 2fi miles to JOHN DEERE DAY ' room, hall and Put yours . Vaway now, - easy monthly Closed Saturdays . Living room, dining the gallon in this car. Look l 3-14 high . clearance tri p bottom mounted plow, 3 Point . 1 payments and' you will own It free and _ stairway are carpeted. Large screen- desirable. " " "7 LT" 7 hookup cultivator; IHC MD Diesel Tractor; f j clear by grass cutting time. . WANTED SCRAFn'RON S. MET A ed front porch. : oil heat; qaragei - ' , at this price. • much more, Thursday, Feb. 6 COW HIDES, WOOL & RAW FURS. weatherstripped and fully Insulated. ROBB¦ ¦ BROS . STORE FEED , CAR AND TRUCK/SHOP TOOLS, QUARRY -I 576 E. . -, mile West. tl Loans- Insurance - Oliver 770, fully equipped , used. Tel. B-30IIO niter 4 p.m. nnd hot w,iier lnrni'.hcri WIIM renl Air cr.ndltiontMl. Private rntrarue. Im- MERCHANTS NATIONAL ldlil D0DGK Polura auto- hydraulic, wide Coal, Wood, Other Fuel 63 mediate possession, Tel, 777A Stiirting nt 12:00 Noon Lunch on grounds f : Real Estate RANK OF WINONA matic , front ... $2250 ' ' full power, radio, FRANK WEST AGENCY "MOn ll.MEAT" fuel oil h tho ftneit DROADWA Y C, J09 - 1 room bachelor 5(1 npt ,, corriplele kllchenclte, shared ].)«pt good rubber . HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE - 22 cows; 1 springer , |i 175 Ufnyette St Tel. 5340 John Deere 60, full y equip- money can huy. The vnst laboraforlei Trust . huth with shower, utilities Included. 2 due in early summer , 2 freshened in Jan., 12 freshened (Next to Telephone Ofllcc) ped , A-l $1350 of the Mnliil Oil Co . are working $ dally to pi'rfert ami bring you a HO . Tel 7707. in Nov. ¦&. Dec , fi freshened in August , 4 bred Heifers John Deere A with lift and product llmi will (ilvn you period f Dogs, Pets, Supplies 42 CENTRAL LOCATION-nlee 1 room with .! Rimini; 2 yr. old ; IB yearling Heifers ; 2 Blk, white face f-i good rubber ... .. $ 250 hoallnti cornlmt. Onlcr today from Wlchrnrlle, all utilities lurnl^he-d. WINONA ;. the LAST INI) COAl. S. f-UEL OIL PAYS CASH SMALL PUPS make oood pi-lv Gnlrn Employed Indy preferred . Available *f; Heifers fi months old ; It Heifer Barn cajves ; 4 bull barn Grain drills, 14 ft. John CO.. 901 E. Sanborn , "Whers you gel | r.ngcl. Fountain City, Wis. Tel. Mnrch I, Tel. VH9. If yon nro soiling ynur home more heat al n lower tor.!," AUTO SALES 7 cnlves. All of the Heifers and mosl of the Cows are vac- |? B-MU-7-47J6 . Deere double disc, low ~~ niir) h.ivo liouhle finniiciiif;, '' ¦ rubber Powertrol lift , OAK woor> Business Places for Rent 92 RAaini ,KR - I)f>I)GK , cinalfd. I , Good oak slahs -.nwerl In Hove lengthd ' Morses/ Cattlo, Stock 43 THIFID E. !.» • niilldlnrj lor rent. Tel. contact V 40 HOGS — fi Bred sows Lnndrace-Duroc cross; 25 like new ' .. , CIS Sultabli- for range anil turnnro Price 3rd St. Is Mankato Ti>|. ft-llG W | " $ , 5094 , " nlrl, onod rensnnnlile Feeder Pigs , 40 lb . Ave ,; H Feeder Pigs , 75 lb , Ave .; Pure- K HfRFrORD HIM l 4 yMr* John Deere 10 ft. single . Maul II ynur )«lt or W« wil ' Ojion Friday Niphts norl bmrky, I' r lyn I. John'.on. Whn- deliver , PRIME DOV/NTOWN LOCATION - Re - "Hank" Jozowski bred Tjimworlh Bonr; 2 Hog FecdorK . f Inn. Winn. Tol 871, WA , disc, II I II wheels ., $ 1)5 IIRUNKDW SAW MILL Intl and otflco spaco , Avnllahlo now, . R "I jiny cnMi!" FE10D -- IKK) ( round) John Deere 10 fl , single Trempoah-nu , Wi -. . Tel, 534-A31o Stirncman-Solo-vcr Co. Bales of liny; 100 Bides of Straw; t Tel . MN1 or 7D0.T or ! 500 Bu, 0;its; 400 Bu. Corn ; 00 Ton Corn SihiRe . i'! disc fertilizer , power- Furn., Rugs, Linoloum 64 «''i F . 3rrt AT OUR SALE lift $ IfiS Tel. «06« or 7349 Write r.O. llox .145 SERVICE \ 4-TftACTORS A EQUIPMENT - Farm nil "M" Trac- |-j FLOOR (dVllKIMCS -- VII ctimplnle ' tor with Livo PTO, <, brand nanii^. iiuahly line-.; ceramic, Farms for Rent 93 new tires , and recently overhauled; \; LAST WEEK . . , VWE • ALL ABOVE WITH GRASS pln-.llr wnll tile. , loinilra. f ree till ' WHAT i Farmall "II" Trnctors; Wl) Mod, It Tractor 2 cultiva- #, ' mates Trl H llus lyh- ' s Tlnnr Serv- DAIRY FARM- tor rent , Mnrrh l pos- We had n pood run of nil SEED ATTACHMENT ice, l yle 7ii'«i,«,i'iii, Minnesota Cily, session, rir.nsnnt Vallry Dairy, T«l . tors; ll 14 IHC Plow on rub.; 2 10 IHC Plow on rub.; set. p types of eallle , and prices Minn, 4425 , IS VOUR HOME WE SELL of |2x2U Tractor chnins; Set of chains to fit "11" ; Super p New 4-soction all ' steel Lind- ' wore ^onorally renl Rood. FOAM PunilER MATTRESS full slii", Houses for Rent 95 ti Manure Louder : it'M) New Idea Traclor Mower; UIC p. say drag, 5 usnl i 2 new In nrkilnal cartons . ~ TOO BIG A 2 row Corn I'lnillor; 2M IHC Corn Picker; Model 24 IHC ';< Cnlves , up to ;i5 .7f> generally Contact Nell Clau-.on, Wlnonn Motel, CENTRALLY LOCATnD -9 moms, J- SI7f).r * complete , $ 130 ilory home , 190 per month with option 1%2 Clxnrolot 4-floor > (i from 14. 00 lo :12,00 ; -irn OR TOO SMALL? Corn Picker; AC Koto Baler; Mil ft, Clipper Combine P, Lindsay drag, NYI. ON CARPET- In. tmck , 13' wide. to buy, Tel. 797B. J'.Hil C:iic\ rolct 4-do{»r $i.v.r> 4-secllont Good rnlrr assorlrnent, tl Wv a iq. yd with molor; 4lt ft, Harvey Ilny-(lr:iln-Corn l'Jlov. : IHC i.'j Cows , up to i:i.r >n, f>oncrnlly THREE flEDROOM home, « miles frnm F-fin used 2 years $ 00 SMUMSKI'S. ',11 W. Jrd. Wo will be mill Oldsmobile Mod. v? 200 Manure Spreiu'ler ; UK! Jlnnure Spreader on from 12,00 to lli .'Jfi; (Ihwnlown Wlnonn on all weather rond fll'icl Station Wagon . Jillins y John Deere 4-row 490 corn SAVE 1100 on thM f-plccn llvlno room on Ollmor« Ridge, Tel. J9K0 after KIH ;'•] Bulls , up to lll.lllt , generally grnupimi, Inrludmg Miffl, 2 chairs to make r rubber; Lindsay 4 \ flexible Drag with foMing draw planter wilh disc opener , 2 3 p.m, l«i,.',i Plymoulli -l-diior , $7ii.1 bar; .11) , .11) (t from 17.0(1 to 111,00 ; slep lalilri, I cocklnll tfltilr, 2 tahln " A Free Appraisal $11(15 .sec. Drue with folding draw bar; lfi . single -ii fertiliser $ 225 lamps, 1 pnla lamp. Regular 1279.55 , Wanted to Rent 96 ]9M Ford 4dour; ,11.) II It , single Disc; New Idea Side-Del-Hake; Minn, Steers, ' up lo 1D,20 on Hol- Now only Hr.9 .55 , Dnwn payment tlt. SJ Allis Clinlmers 4-14 semi- " nnd show you homes to lflHO Ford Station II) , ^ sleins. anil tlJ.7 4-door $?ns mount ed $ 75 llnlly News . AFTER HOURS CALL: ChrvhltM' speed trims ,; 1!»!>II Dodge a ton Pickup, !1 speed , V-8 , with iji Boars from il .ftO to 11.00 per 10,r Old.smobile 4 rlnor S4nrt ' Allis Chalmers 2-lfl SOFA-BED Forms, Land for Salo 98 >7 liome-innde I 'mnpor. U owl , $ 05 W, L, (Wlb) Heizer «i-2iai lO.lll slrr 4-dmir .f:!!»,1 Weaned (o mount ed Chr> DAIRY UQl'IPMENT fc M1SC, - H Surgp Buckets; M p|#.s up 11.70 John Deere field cul- Luxurious deep pil<> rnrnmpl FOK SALE I.nurn Fisk 2tlft Hirif) Oldsmobile 4-flnor S'J'tS finch , a ft. Surgi.* Milker Pump (4 units ); f> Can Milk Cooler, Strainer tj tivator 125 brown frieze, llpiuillful sofn 200 Aero Fnrm Hon Koll 4 "iltl lOM Cudillno Coupe ,. . S.l'lfi Feeder pips up to 15. .10 per * hy (Iny, coniforliihlf! bed n| :i20 Aero Fnrm and Cans ; 2 Feed Bunks on a sleigh; 12 Stanchions; 2 M John l>eere fi ft. tandem Ua.s Sliiics; Cros.serl Herman Pollen and Shepherd Pup; j? ewt ; liiKhl. Will nccopt cily property In Bob Selover 7A27 •Sliopc Wnables I.oR NowJ disc $ 75 II ft , Freezer and Mise. Items. liq Holstein npringors from landem Irntlo or will ncccpt small lMl IHC 10 ft. • : THOBI' SALES COMPAMYS' EASY TERMS U .OO lo 105.00 disc $ 115 $79.95 , M. down pnyment , New row stanchions $ 4 en. 2 1.0(8 y (JOHDON HILKE , Owner (lj LEWISTON 4 l lousen f"°" vt^ VENABLES ' ' Alvin Kohner , Auctioner B . BURKE'S 0 Tel, 2340 ' SALES BARN Will sell on pnyment plan. \ CAfcX' 75 W. i!wl Tel, fi- '.' /U B. A. Smith & Sons , ivpr. ifj Tel, aiifl? Lnvlslim , Minn. ED ST I EVER niUNITlIRK MART h -* 120 Center St, Thorp Sales Co ,, clerk jj ( ;ird WALTJOK NKUMANN ; ¦¦ Open Monday Rt 2. Winona Wilson) Mast and I'Vanklin L' ! ii.^. > ._ ...,.» tu -. . • ^r.-i:-a: : JivsiiX:tii> Kv^mngs ¦ , ,, Sales ;it J ;: JD n.m, Tliur.sday -,rw* f- .- tmi**rjj ;A *• "1 ii'ti, i- iniyv'i ''\' <• ' ,' ,- v* * ¦T r "i-'' ' '-'i" ¦**• ,'' VV' '*l' rr'*tt'arr*l&Tf'*&,'«<*W* •,- »^. ¦ .-• ' .;- V.SA. X t- r^*. iUUiitob^oUU^A ¦UiAuAU-mmJtikfa^nv 'QM U; wXitiW***vi^JMwIiiiW ; A AA : A By Roy ¦ ¦ ¦¦ Cran* ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ :¦ ,y,f .BUZZ. SAWYER ' ff AAAAy A[ Af f ' - . • . . '. •--' ' - 'A . . ' :

DICK TRACY By Chester Gould ¦¦ i iiii M—w n ¦ ' ¦¦ w> lj ' ' ¦¦ m ¦ ¦'¦¦¦¦¦ '¦¦¦ **— .i ^ MMi ^— wi ^ iMi ^ i— ii aU —",™"-y . >^^ ^^* . ' i* ^ « ««"- ' ' in

'' : /' |:y7' BEEtLEf BAILEY' . 'y^

¦ ' '-:;. ..- .VitH.E FLIMfSTONES By Ha nna-Barbera

: ' ' ' :By;. bonySKerwoo;d ;// ;'7 . ^ .DAN' ' FLAGG:' ' ' ,v ' , ' '...

BLONDIE y By Chic Young V

; : ; :;: ¦ ¦ ¦ :^^^ .:y LI^.AB^^ . H ;V¦^ : y¦? . ^'' y -' ' " ' ByvAt - 'Capp ; AAA ¦ " " ' ¦ : " ¦ ; ' ¦ " ' - " ' " ' ' ^^ STE VE CAN YON ^ f" '^ ,- > '. ;. f - - -v .' - ':; '- f '.:' BY. MNfon' Canniff ; '> ,; -

' jgl | There s a BIG FREE Culllgan Bonus Waiting ES3| For You At 12 Winona Appl lance Dealers!

¦ ¦' ¦ ~~ W . : ' : -^ ~~ \ '"" Appliance dealers know that Washers D ryers and Dish- J' ^ *m~ ''^Mw >^"" ^ v /J/fif S^ , " ^ ^ washers do a much bette r job in homes that operate on *- \ Ov XvV^^' ^^\J/f) "\ and the x Conditioned Water proper Washing \ \Cv\^/ r/y^/^K . ¦ ¦ J Products.¦ 1 f™ llWltld| H | I *1 *" \ v >^\ \ . A \KS/r / J \ - . >: ¦ ' That's why this generous offer comes your way \ m m i A KO/ ^T/xyQ' V ' them from 12 \ of in Winona. If you have been considering any f pftll^® 1 \ \cS-2'^ ,of these appliances, see your favorite ^UO®^ TIll irt tys dealer tomorrow r ' on »w» \ C X/nBa .kl.0 V ^ed \ I HIS V UflUaDie ^^A and qualify for the Culligan Bonus. Your Bonus Certifi- ^ tvoii^ -, {_ y*^^- j ¦ \1 ^ i the Y" ^ > K 1 ^ cafe <» «« < wi openif a whole new world of supcrior Perfornv \ ->*¦ **' w "tt - *<*"*" \ JUSunprpe r VerilflCCort if irateQie \<2>\ ance and" "\ *IU«^yS- ** \C^- \ you've never experienced the joy of Condi- vv vva \ \ ^ , . tioned Wafer you'll really be surprised at what " 3at \ fe~ >\ that T 11 - V( CertlfY 1 1 l , il , l , ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ I ,ittle fank" does. Any of the dealers liste d here are par- \ u€reby s w P"" " ! F ^ | P " l S>- V/e cV»A ' on ^ " U i ^ "J ¦ S^O tici \ ¦ | "Vi B ^ 1 ! pating in the Culligan Super Certifica te Bonus offer! \ m ^i^^^^^^^^^^ e^^i^^^k^k^^B^^ ¦ ¦ «tt' t\\C* ( ' tj^ mm^mmm ^mmmmmmmmmi l e^^^e^^^^Hk^^H^Ne^^^^^M ^^^^^^^ e^^e^i^^^H e^^^^^^V ri 'i* r>e, I K a ' -- » *•*>¦• <¦ > bM InJ L J (fel H, Choate & Co. \ P«rrf^ " vn vocrwo ^^ * C^I Gail - Ross Appliance * ' fV AA ,w ',AN Electric: Winona Electric Const. Co. \ - p W W ^v- * ' tt1 cnA.v.^. \ WITH YOU R NEW WASHER /^> B & B " W inona Fire & Power \ ,,¦•»- . -SS^' ""' „v \ DRYER OR DISHWASHER iS? R. D. Cone's ' , ,, 1" *^ c^ . ' PURCHASED FROM ANY ./£§V ™» *""«• \ w> \ Tanseh^ Wesfcate^ Fra"k • r DEALER LISTED IN THIS AD! , t ^f * * So"s \ " . \ , £§/ Gamble Store 1 9S , ,W .,,/ ' \ - f^j,/ Schneider (Mark) Sales Feiten "" N" "' \ Implement Co. \ „^«'* *'**' -i^^ /

\ >- WOnrfr^x W' Ja\h™ 1*1il l I/M ft* fs&w \ ,,„ y::,,;:::!:;'-y f^tf lMi/Jl/^'' WvlrliittAlw JfiBt Cond!lion :: : Woi, 3rd s». ns Co 2 wino„n |, & t!S- m ~ m - ^'''"^ ^*^^ \ — ~£l^TH'S IS A REAL WH« ' ' ^J ^~~- BELL-RINGER \ I ^^^A APPLIANCE BONUS FOR YOUI ^ ^ SV I . S^' PHONE 3 A 00 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " """ — — «*»*» »¦— '. —,,, . ^^ „