A Route Description to Tata Steel Ijmuiden

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A Route Description to Tata Steel Ijmuiden www.tatasteel.nl Route description Tata Steel Tata Steel Headquarters Main entrance Wenckebachstraat 1 Breedbandweg 1 1951 JZ Velsen-Noord 1951 MC Velsen-Noord The Netherlands T: +31 (0) 251 49 91 11 TSIJ:500:UK:10/2018 Gate Wenckebach BEVERWIJK Recruitment Dudok To the Dudok House Head- Business Congress Units Velsertunnel Centre quarters Headquarters (Dudok House) IJMUIDEN Wijkertunnel N For your navigationsystem: Wenckebachstraat 1 ZAANSTAD • Continue straight ahead at the crossing Gate Rooswijk 4K-01 Wenckebachstraat/Breedbandweg • After 700 metres and after passing a bridge you will find the parking lot (with gate) of the Safety Centre Dudok House 4K-13 Academy Recruitment (Dudok House) AMSTERDAM HAARLEM Wenckebachstraat For your navigationsystem: Wenckebachstraat 1 Breedbandweg • Continue straight ahead at the crossing Wenckebachstraat/Breedbandweg Velsen-Noord HOOFDDORP • After approx. 700 metres, after passing the SCHIPHOL bridge, you will see an air bridge over the road. Wijk aan Zee After passing the air bridge you can take first left or first right to park your car. The building is situated on your left just before the gate 1. Route description 2. At Tata Steel Congress Centre Main entrance (Rooswijk) For your navigationsystem: Wenckebachstraat 1 From The Hague/Amsterdam/ From Alkmaar For your navigationsystem: Breedbandweg • Continue straight ahead at the crossing Utrecht Wenckebachstraat/Breedbandweg • On the A9 follow the direction of Haarlem • Turn right at the crossing Wenckebachstraat/ • Continue straight ahead at the crossing • Follow the A9 to Alkmaar Breedbandweg • At junction point Beverwijk, take exit Beverwijk/ Wenckebachstraat/Breedbandweg • You will find the entrance to the Tata Steel-site, • At junction point Velsen, take exit IJmuiden/ IJmuiden/Haarlem-Noord (A22) • After 800 metres - after passing a bridge and an gate Rooswijk after 300 metres Beverwijk/Tata Steel (A22) air bridge - go to the left (downwards) for the • Take the First exit with direction Tata Steel parking lot of the Congress Centre • Directly after the Velsertunnel take exit Poort Rooswijk: Visitors • At the end of the junction turn right, Beverwijk/Tata Steel and follow • Visitors can obtain a day pass at Poort Rooswijk and follow the roadsigns Tata Steel Academy the roadsigns Tata Steel (4K01) (ID obliged) For navigation system: Rooswijkweg 61 • Continue, see 2 • Continue, see 2 Safety Centre: Company and contractor • Continue straight ahead at the crossing employees Wenckebachstraat/Breedbandweg • Company and contractor employees • Take the first right, and then directly right again can obtain access badges at the Safety • After 50 metres, you will find the Centre (4K13) (ID obliged) Academy on your left.
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