Article Beneficial Use of Dredged Material from the Firth of Clyde
The Roman Harbour of Velsen Pauline van Rijn The Roman Harbour of Velsen Abstract Pauline van Rijn received her Masters in Prehistoric Archeology from the Though the Dutch are considered world leaders in the University of Amsterdam, The dredging industry, many archeological excavations in Netherlands. She is specialised in the The Netherlands reveal that in the first four centuries of research of archeological wood our era, the Roman army were already busily at work in remains, and is presently on staff at The Netherlands. Archeological sites show examples of the Dutch Center for Dendrochrono- the engineering skills of the Roman army. logy of the State Service of Archeolo- Recent discoveries in Velsen, North Holland during gy in Amersfoort, and freelance construction of a new tunnel underneath the North Sea consultant for the Institute of Pre- and Canal, the canal that connects Amsterdam Harbour Protohistoric Archeology of the Pauline van Rijn with the North Sea, indicate the extent to which University of Amsterdam, several Roman technicians were active. Amongst their dredg- municipal archeological offices, and ing and infrastructure activities were permanent dikes, municipal and state musea. roads, long-distance canals and elaborate harbours. All information on the construction of the camp and harbour of Velsen and all drawings can be found in the PhD thesis of Dr. J.-M.A.W. Morel “De Vroeg-Romein- se versterking te Velsen 1, Fort en Haven”, Amster- dam, The Netherlands, 1988. Photographs made by Mark IJdo, Institute of Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeolo- gy (IPP), University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. the Rhine River. Between The Hague and Leiden, at Drawings and photographs are used with permission.
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