Published by the Anglicanorum Coetibus Society concerning the POCSP ST. PETER’S RAMBLER 3rd Sunday in Lent Mar. 7, 2021 [Edition 2, Volume 7] SUNDAY HYMNS 3rd Sunday of Lent Our Lady of Walsingham Cathedral This week’s newsletter includes news from around the Ordinariate, Lord, as to Thy Dear Cross We Flee (1838) John Hampden Gurney (1802-1862) notes on the Year of St. Joseph and a sermon excerpt from OLSJ, an Forty Days and Forty Nights (1856) excerpt from St. John Henry Newman on the virtues of fasting, a poem George Hunt Smyttan (1822-1870) by George Herbert, a review of this Sunday’s propers by Dr. Clint St. John the Baptist, Bridgeport Brand, notes on the Vicar General of the POCSP’s nomination as a Lord Christ, When First Thou Cam’st to Men (1931) monsignor by Pope Francis, and more. Congratulations to Rev. Msgr. W. Russell Bowie (1882-1969) Timothy Perkins! Lord, When We Bend Before Thy Thone (1802) Joseph D. Carlyle (1759-1804) Would you consider writing a Parish Profile? Is there a ministry, good St. Thomas More, Scranton work, or event you’d like others to know about? Would you help ex- Praise to the Living God cerpt passages? Email
[email protected] to tell us Tr. Max Landsberg (1845-1927) more. Thank you to all the contributors this week! O Thou Who Camest From Above (1762) Charles Wesley (1707-1788) The opinions expressed here by different authors are their own, and do not officially All My Hope on God is Founded (1899) represent the POCSP unless otherwise indicated.