The Ukrainian Weekly 1953
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•1- • — " ' - ... "•^—•———мі Dedicated to the Ideal* Md Interacts of younj UKRAINIAN WEEKLY of Ukramba SECTION *wt 81-88 Grand Street btformative, toetrocttvo. хкрлінський щоАЕнник Jersey Ctty 8, N. i. Beppletueot of UKRAINIAN DAILV Ckfoiotea Daily Sroboda TeL HEndenon J 4-0237 Published, by the 14-0807 Ukrainian National Ukrainian National Aafa The Ukrainian Weekly Section TeL HEndereon 4-lolf РПС LXL 4. 163 SECTION II. JERSEY CITY and NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1953 SECTION IJL No. 163 VOL. LXI Earns M.D. Degree 1,000 Priests Still Serve Underground UCCA URGED SENATORS HfDeekly Gommentator TO PASS REFUGEE BILL SEN. HENDRICKSON LAUDED Eugene Shekitka, son of Mr. In Ukraine, Vatican Says By a vote of 63 to 30, the TOR EXPOSE OF SOVIET COLUMNISTS' COMMENTARIES ON UKRAINE anr Mrs. Andrew Shekitka, 418 Senate approved last Wednes day a bill to to admit 209,000 It is noteworthy that of re-1' The Ukrainian Soviet Fourth Avenue, Blakely, Pa. PAPAL RADIO BROADCASTS THAT PEOPLE REFUSE TO LIES BETRAY EASTERN RITE CLERGY over-quotaa refugees to this centa timea American newspa- Republic then was eatabliehed country in the next three years per columnists have been de-land "recognized" by both Rua- and eight months. Senator Hendrickson of New • national life and aspirations to voting considerable, space to'sia and Poland. To the Krem- LONDON. July 26. —More xnd religion have not been de- Severai days prior to its Jersey was lauded for his sup- national independence, th% Uk- the Ukrainian struggle to winlin, that meant merely that than 1,000 Catholic priests are Jtroyed, it said. passage, the Ukrainian Con port of the recently passed r*- rainians struck back Immediate- jperating underground in the "More than 1.0C0 camou- national freedom • and inde the Ukraine became a captive gress Committee of America fugee bill in a special comu-! ly. Though the cruel yoke of Ukraine, the Vatican Radio re Haged priests maintain under pendence. member of the U.S.S.R. Consti sent telegrams to fifty Sen nication sent him by Mr. Dmy- Soviet Russian rule lay heavi- ported. ground organization and when Thus on July 19 last Andrew tution. ators urging passage of the tro Halychyn, Executive Vice ly upon them, they could not The station said it had re ever possible offer religious Tully, Scripps-Howard staff But if this made it official, it bill. President of the Ukrainian I allow another tyrant to en- ceived "accurate information" services to the faithful. Congress Committee of Amer-I chain them more. They formed writer, wrote the following. did not make it entirely bind The telegrams were signed •m the status of the Eastern "Despite intensive searches ica. 'their own fighting force—the ing on the Ukrainians. Every by Michael Piznak of New" ROUGH ON MOSCOW TO Rite Church in the Ukraine. by police and regular searches year since, in one section or an York, General Counsel of the Ita text follows: underground UPA (Ukrainska KEEP Despite persistent Commu of farms and villages, not one other of the Ukraine, there has UCCA. Povstancha Armiya)—the Uk Joseph Stalin, a political been rebellion, usually armed. nist persecution, the Church priest has been denounced to The Honorable Robert C. rainian Insurgent Army. The realist, put his finger on the In the thirties, when Stalin the authorities," the Vatican Hendrickson Ukrainian insurgents, armed problem of the Ukraine a few started collectivizing farms, station added. Eastern Liturgy,, has 316.785 The United States Senate and equipped with what they years ago when an aide re there were bloody uprisings four letters in football and (The Byzantine Rite Apos members in this country. The Washington, D. C. captured from the enemy, ported with pleasure that at wrestling while earning his tolic Exarchate of Philadelphia, helped to bring about the Nazi which finally were put down Greek Rite Diocese of Pitts Dear Sir: laat the Ukrainians seemed only when Stalin condemned bachelor of science degree at which is the Ukrainian Greek burgh, which embraces Byzan defeat in Ukraine. At the to have been tamed! 5,000,000 persons to death by Columbia. He is a veteran of Catholic Diocese of the United tine Catholics of other nation My attention has been called same time the UPA waged war 18 months' service in the Navy "Yes, .yes," replied Stalin; withholding food. And ae late States and which uses the al origins, has 315,159.) to your remarks in the Con against the Soviet Russian as a gunfire control instructor "but keep a rifle at their as the fall of 1951, guerrilla gressional Record, July 15, con forces. Its objective: the free Dr. Eugene Shekitka at Cuba. backs." fighters in the Carpathian cerning'the perversion by the ing of Ukraine of Russian and received the doctor of medicine Dr. Shekitka is a member of Soviet Russian, propaganda It's just a little more of the mountains were reported to be Alien Veterans' Naturalization Nazi rule, and the establish degree last June from Colum Phi Beta Kappa, scholastic machine of the report submit same in the Ukraine these days, holding down five Russian di ment of a free and independent bia University, New York. honor society, and of Nu Sig ted by the Senate Judiciary where Stalin's bloody-handed visions. Privileges Ukrainian republic, patterned Dr. Shekitka is a member ma Nu, a medical fraternity. Committee on Escapees and on the democratic lines of the heirs are conducting their own The current purge probably of Branch 448 of the Ukrain He received the Brainard Sut- Refugees in Western Europe Ukrainian National Republic little purge. For' the Ukraine will calm things down in the ian National Association. liffe Award as an all around to blacken the name and slan which came into being in 1917 haa been giving _ the Kremlin Ukrane for a while. But the Good news has been just re loyalty, and the Congress has Graduate of Blakely High student. der the reputation of the peo but which fell In 1921 before trouble over since the Soviet record shows the Ukraninians ceived from Washington, re therefore again reciprocated School, where he was a foot- He will intern at Bellevue ple who have fled and who are the combined weight of the Government waa. established. will be making trouble as long garding the passage of new by waiving the fees and by sim ball star, Dr. Shekitka won Hospital. New York. now • fleeing from behind the Bolshevik hordes and the arm It has been a member of the as they're held captive by the legislation by the Congress,— plification of Naturalization re Iron Curtain "in search of free- ed forces of its other national Union of Soviet Socialist Re Kremlin. extending special naturaliza quirements for. Alien Veterans dort and a decent way of life," publics since 1920, but always tion pVivileges to Alien Veter- serving in the American forces enemies. For it* is impossible to keep to quote your words. as an unwilling partner. Rochester Boyan Choir Sings апв serving with the Ameri in Korea. It is said that "about To this very day the Ukrain- rifles at the backs of 40 mil ian The reason behrrfd the Uk can Forces in Korea. 5,000 Aliens, many of them True .Americans will agree , national struggle for lib- lion Russian-haters. eration raine's reluctance to knuckle Before 3500 People Ten times before this,—says now in Korea, are affected." with you that, "It Is no crime j - « UPA, has been raging. Our under to Moscow lies in a his- Mrs., Kenneth F. Rich, Direc Among them are quite to reslet tyranny nor is it at torical fact of life^ The Uk Columnist Selbert wrote the July 19 was recorded in the Cependa. The Choir sang a tor of the Immigrants' Protec number of Ukrainians by birth. I crime to flee from tyranny." American press as well as the 0 raine, covering an, area larger Iouowin8 history of Rochester as "Inter group of 5 songs much to the tive-League, Chicago,—the The' Immigrants' Protective\ Xour eflort. to -uncover and^^P ** preae, haa been re- thwOi»ftt of France, is actually \ When and if the smouldering approval of the a*aemb\ed. This Congress of th© United StAtea I^aagUte would Uke to все theUxpose Soviet lie* *ew*vfeith*)P*rtU»«?**d oommenttns upo: I national Day." Representatives lt '"a Beparate natteff. vktnety per &"e of antf-Communist rebellion was followed by a group of^has'enucted similar legislation families of those Veterans who /approval of all Americans. As\ ^th Increasing frequency. I from the. Scotch', Italian, He y u Sir weU other ' cent of its population of 40 in the Soviet satellite count- dancers from the choir who I in effect for brief periods,—In live in Chicago. This welfare the Executive Vice-president ° - - ** Щ brew, Lithuanian, Polish, and of the Ukrainian Congress Senators, Congressmen, and mDHon persons are, non-Rus tries spreads to the Soviet delighted the audience with I behalf of Alien Veterans of agency specializes in services Union proper, it is not at all Ukrainian nationality groups the traditional gay dances of World War I and Warld War II. to the foreign born desiring to Commlttee of America, a na four foreign policy makers, sian, and it has its own lan have demonstrated your aware unlikely that it will flare up presented their native songs Ukraine. The biggest applaud The American Army, ever become citizens of the United tionally-wide organization of guage, literature and national ness of the fact that the un in the Ukraine.