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Spap,5S:;* Mc Special Price ^ -• -•* Daughter, Marjorie

Spap,5S:;* Mc Special Price ^ -• -•* Daughter, Marjorie

i""^": 1- •

^GLE LAKE HEAOiLK^T, EAGLE LAKE, TEXAS, FBIDAT, SEPTEMBER 13, nU ETHIOPIA I» LAND OF < m- lAOLB LAKE BKAlNJOHt, EACd£ LAKE. TEXAS, FKIDAT, "BEUtVE IT OR NOT' grades have new miOrUaoks. • New York.—Ethiopia U the land The students should appreciate of "Believe It or Not,'" a country having all of these new books, and that in many wajb seems lifted out Fill Out This Coupon: keep them looking as pood as pos­ Synnott Auto Supply sible for the next student to use. ol Biblical B^ges, A major factor in an international Chess game that /, Austin MutusI'Life Ins. Qo. ., ,.-„-^,...,.. -•• ,•.- (A Lack's Allied Auto Store) may affeet the ciurse of nations, lb :_i>Tlp« To Students lias not yet thro-iii off'the sorcery 324-330 Littlsfielii BIdg. V ^ l..-,-^^-^ •-4ieit You Have Forgotten— of ancient Egypt ol the blacl. magic Austin^ Texas. Or Neven knew of-the jungle nn ilicin^.mah. •'' Raise your hand, to get permission E VECrDAy /PECIAL/ to leave your seat in the study hall.' -M night',through the streets o» Gentleman: ^ '*,; •-T^r ^--7^ - £ ^: •:-^aaa^aailtaL,,..^, ;t7/ the capital — Ailuis Ababa —, roam Without obligation, I wwid like to have Information aboiit the AH magazines and reference books, are to be used h> the library only. I hyenas, and outiide the city, lioHSi fc Austin Mutual's dependable, low-cost llvd-premiuih policy issuefd' $ :v,-v-^. .- • • .;•:•:•:• •;-.x.-.-'.''^--. j—immune from diath by royal edict from ages 15 to 60 Inclusive. I.'understand that" no membership Remember that the waste paper LONG tIFE BATTERIES, as low as . t 3.39 —seek hapless mules and camels in fee nor semi-annual du'is are required, and that premiums pay i belongs, in the basket and not in lUnprotected corrals. With th« dawn be made monthly, quartely,.semi-annually 6t annuaUy. My age '. the aisles. '^ ,| come the vulture?, flapping awkward Be in your classroom by the time the second bel^ rings. up wlng§, sharp-eyi-ii, scanning thf is , ...„• •.::.'-, , •.•.,• Cold Patch, can , .7 Tire Boots, ^' , h^ mud-hutted towti for carrion. Do not get up to leave class uivtH It is in Addis Ababa that King a(0r' the second b^U. Katoe — In Sets c Haile Selassie resides. A man of You ate not allowed to leave ydilr i^iamsmt:w desk until the roll has been checked shrouded hiihseU in a cloak.(rf^great Address at nine and one o'clock, dignity; his royal estate is a collect ^ Mwana tUT' llli M' -i4t^ I )(»hai|i»!Wn'».etctetly iftiW(!i;M»4^. ONLY HEALTHY WHITE PEBSONS ADMITTED tlon of perhaps loO mud, huts sur­ —especially in Mrs. Parker's classes. BRUNSWICK TIRtS. 4.40x21 . rounded by a wall;'his castle is a Remember these and you'll be O. '4.85 K. ' . Get Our Prices On Sets I frame building and a mud house. The huts of hi,s retainers differ Society not- at all Xrbm tliuse of. the rest of Over fifty girls were present at a HeavyOuty the city's 50,000 residents. Architec­ pep squad meeting In the English Eirab Lining Sets Sy Red Inner ture is primitive; mud-plastered on room Tuesday morning after school. Tubes 89^ "P a wattle frame, a thatched roof, ane* The girls decided upon orange cor- an Ethiopian ha;; a town house. •' SEVERAL HUNDRED li duroy jackets with black braid, cut •The hou^ is liirn.ished with thi military style, and white pants. m Timers. "T19" Auto Lamps; . . 5^ ^P same' siniplicitjf. Earthern floon (fail There,Trill be a drum and bugle earthen fireplace and earthern, jars. corps under the direction of Mr, Finest 5| foot. Wide--,:. ,••,.., Per Yard Beds are rawhide spread taut over FALL ''>U/W<«/"rABRICS Lund'gren. Mrs. Parfcei- will be the .ii,.'iji*.--j wooden frames. SiiurningchairSj^ the 4 pep-squad sptonser again this year. ebony burghers squat on mats and TOP C0yERIN6 MMI..^/:* - eat off mats. \ ''•„,•;:*••'• BjWrts "• •-'••^"•'" Everything 'is spread on the, iTie Eagle's football team has ground or, as in ihe cas-e of me'at, Made 7S Full been gaadually Increasing each day hung on" hooks. Biater in great yel­ since the beginning of practice on low mounds when purchased -is Sept, .2, Twenty-five-boys are com­ scooped out by" hands. Suits are ing, out ifow to make the Eagle's Synnott A uto made without measurements,- The fcaai.aiti-~i «an ride cemfortably t Wright. " 'Eaglet' game-. "Fhe- -first conference- game4 thofight trpropa^rtjrgivf^is trr^ continent, ha^ been cataloguea ana tne United States-InUucea the coru- VV<^M^V«A^«^M^A(^^AA^^^^ they play a native version of chess, a feeling of substantial size.-'" - -^f-'-r^ is now beint; translated by The Uni­ i mandanf general to carry his policy formation tn you'and to all officials Jack Putney returned Saturday VOLUME VI will be played here October VI with the country's onlv game. the front seat of the Fordor Sedan, NUMBER 1 versity of Ttxas. It consists of 400,- of excluding foreigners from Texas of both Americas. This is done in from Huntsville, where he has been El Campo. Most of the games will There is monotony to the iriar- 000 pages of original Spanish hand- to its extreme^ and* thus £111 plans order that you may avoid any pos­ The Ford gives you extra body room Fordpc Touring Sedan, Convertible doing engineering work on a city Eagle Uke, Sept 13, 1935. be played at night this year. bu> Tissue, Sf oils 17^ ket's food display, Ethiopian.^ care w'ri'tted docuiTients comprising the for development suddenly came to sible sui-prise and in order that, if paving project. , they will be out-of-town games. little for variety. Corn is th?!r prin­ because of the compact design of the Sedan and Phaeton, a^d in the Coupes Editor-in-chief. Daphene McEl- official archives of the Mexican an end. • it should happen that our ambitious cipal foodstuff, though nomadic hlnney; Society Editor, Jane Reed; Jokes government for the Department of enemy should try* such a project, V-8 engine —an exclusive Ford fear and Roadster. The seat of the Ford ' Miss Ruth Powers left Monday IGA BAKING SODA, 1 lb. package ...: 06c The tenseness of the situation is tribes hve on milk and wheat. The Sports Editor, Lawson Swearingen; Traffic Cop: Say. do you know Bexar, which covei'ed almost the you will have taken all effective morning for Rock Island, where she shown h)- an o/der issiied on March ' only alcoholic' drink is made in an ture at a low price. This V<8 engine V-8 Roadster is 52 inches wide. A ride Feature Editor, Madeleine McCarty, how to drive a car?. • j, IGA SALAD DRESSING, quart jar 7tTtt:Tt:rar whole of what is now the State of measures, under tfte prudent resehve is a member of the-school faculty 1, 1B09, by Martin Garay, secretary earthen jar from water and honey *^»^^VMSAA^^V»^AA<»A^rf^^.<»A^»^>V^^WWM^^»SA^^»^i.^^ Tom Haley: Oh. ves. officer. What t'A rh;''RM'pr;m;'r.nt;;T^rnnnni'nf;whlcn-ymir^mr-known zeal m the takes up less space in the hood and jn the Ford V-8 will sbowihfkt it com- tills term. •—-^— Green Beauty Sour or Dill Pickles, qt. jar ...... 17c . Texai, for—thP pprinri from 1«.31. whifh is fermeni,i-i] hy a herh is it you wish to know? Spain and the Indies., and by the I service Of our legitimate King and Eagle Lake High School is off to soon-after Tejas became a seperate The only departure from tlie or­ < • > commandant general on June 22. | oui-country Shall dictate, to prevent permits more of the car's length to be bines unusual body roon^with fine-car Early's an early start this year with new Did you ever take -IGA POTTED MEAT, 3 No. V4 cans ; 10c province of Mexico, to 1836, .to the dinary fare,in Ad(li,s Ababa and '.he Good Cold Beer, 34;or, flc;Ei Jack, Ney:- 1809, A translation of the first of; the landing of the royal parents or thoughts and new ideas. chloroform? Regular 45c Pyrex Battle of San Jacinto. This series of other towns of Abyssinia is a dish used for passenger comfort. Many a performance, safety and comfort. '• ,i'- Buffet. these documents in the Bexar Ar- "f any other pers»n who is their Coach Hinton. who will be re­ Mary Ethel No. Who teaches it? articles will consist principally of called berberi. It is very similar to membered by many of the upper PIE PLATES chives in the Library of The Uni- ] representative in any port within < • » '• quotations from the documents, an Indian curry, and Is highly Speplal. Prlc« veisity of Texas is as follows: I'he limits of the general command- classmen and graduates as a fpjmer COLLEGIATE FAREWELL VRMSTRONfilt many of which have heretofore spiced. "Certain information has been re- ''•"cy upon any pretext whatever; coach of this school has retiimed * DANCE AT LAGRANGE 36c been uhpublished, and will reveal Other than the niarket places of and Ls capably taking over the ath­ for the first time what actually ceived from which it appears that j for " »« evident that such attempts LARD,4 the Orient, there are few places letic division of this school. His as­ For the special benefit of all the transpired during the century in the Emperor of the French, having are not authorized by our King, Regular 25c Pyrex lost the hope of overcoming the^ 0°" Per^lmand, since he is not free, where goods and foodstuffs can be sistant. Mr, Frank Cheatham, who boys and girls who will soon be which Texas was transformed from bought. There is only one really CRAWFORD-MONTGOMERY A TALK ABOUT BOLL WEEVILS Rirdbranil Spanish Americas through the or-i"°'' •'V *e supreme central junta, off his food supply. also teaches some history, short leaving for college over the state, a MEASURING CUP a wilderness, inhabited only by sav­ modem store—conducted, by an IN -NO .MORE LADIES" Pound Carton dinary means of seduction and de-1 Therefore, it can only be for the Destroy all cotton growth just as hand, and typing is the second new collegiate farewell dance, with Jim- Special Price-^^^—: age Indian tribes, to an indepen­ American—in the town. This store ceit has conceived the design of purpose of introducing dissensions (W. H. Young, County Agent) soon as picking is over^ teacher In the high school, mie Klein's fine orchestra, is being dent American reirabllc.) carries a line of general gpods. A • brilliant piclm-lzallbn of a forcing the royal parents to embark ' '"to these domains and of prepar- Woiilffyou raise and feed a biinch Kill the plant entirely by setting Mr, James^Ehfhardt. fiftii ^rade given by the LaGrange Fire De­ 20c ^ In the summer of 1808 the, entire There are also- a few oth,er stores famous stage play comes to the IGA DeLUXE TOMATO CATSUP, 14 o^ToTtleTTc^ for. America with the object of di- '"K for their seizure or their sepera- lof skunks to feed on your poultry? the plow shallow and turning out teacher, and Mrs, Laura Wenzel, partment in the big. cool LaGrangs Spanish nation began to mobilize conducted by British Indians, who Avalon Theatre next Thursday and vlding it into fractions and of tri-i"o" ^o*" the Mother Country." jNo. If your neighbor did that you the stalks or by equally effective third grade teacher fuilsh the list ol fair pavilion Saturday night. Col­ Regular 35c Wear Ever Alum. lor resistance to Napoleon's plans in recent years have been filtering Friday when "No More Ladies," IGA HALVES RIPE APRICOTS, No. 21/2 can 21c umphing over It after It is thus, Upon receipt of this warning the I would say that he was crazy, yet method. Running a stalk cutter over new teachers. lege students and the public, gen­ both-for seizing the Spanish Pen­ in to join the merchant ranks. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's new pro­ LAYER CAKE (llvi(je(j commandant general wrote to Ber- the cotton farmers of Colorado the stalks will not do if the stubs The enrollment this year is some­ erally arc invited to attend thij IGA DeLUXE PRUNES, No. 2V2 can ... . 17c insula and for stirring revolution in Very Uttle of a modeitn city's duction co-starring County are doing something just as ••v^,. "o.. '•i,Ao^., T,.,... l^j.»'"ardo Bonavia, on duty in Texas, are left for new growth will "start what less than that of last year, al­ gala end-of-vacation dance. It PAN America, A hastily organized gov­ You are already aware and it ^^ foUows- mechanization Ls evidenced in Ad­ and Robert Montgomery opens to foolish and nothing is said or done and this is weevil food.. though other students are expected holds promise of being a merry French's Cream Salad Mustard, 9 oz. jar ,11c ernment at Mexico City to repre- is known to the whole world, that dis Ababa. Excluding the legations, an enthusiastic audience. Special Price ^ "I send you.this order so that about it. What? You raise a nice DO not bum -the refuse as the later, send-off for the college students «mt Charles IV and fierdinaiui VII, Charles IV voluntarily and freely an inventory of the town would re­ Produced by , the you may be informed of the situa­ crop of boll weevil each fall to feed soil needs this material returned to I The CTirollment of the grade and a gay occasion for all others I <)IJ|C — f the captive rules of Spain, issued an abdicated in favor of his eldest son, veal perhaps one bathtub and about picture is brilliantly moimted and tion and so that, under the strictest on your crop the following year. the land in the nature of humas. ] .school l,s put at 233, and that of the who attend. The dance will be in CRYSTAL WHIT^ order for th arrest of all French the sworn heir, Ferdinand VII, who 500 automobiles. The tub is owned expensively framed. Under Edward caution, you may see to the exact Here is how. Your clean up will help your high school at 130, making a total progress from 10 until 2. agents venturing upon Spanish soil j at once ascended the throne amidst by a Greek boniface, and the cars H, Griffiths direction the A. E, Regular 45c Wear Ever Alum. fulfilment of the royal decision While in the inactive winter state neighbor, provided your neighbor I of 363 —— < » >. « anc' enjoined the strictest precau-Uhe rejoicings, afclamations and are the posses.sions of local chiefs Thomas stage play has developed herein contained, you mast rest as­ the weevil can live for several cleans up so that both cleanups frill Melvin Pennington who moved SQUARE CAKE tions to prevent any intrigje., u j well-founded hopes of his faithful and cab companies. into a swift, hilarious scrjen vehicle. sured t^at, because of your earnest months without food. help the other neighbor and so here last year from East Bernard ...^ock Island Items Louisiana or other parts of the west, I vassals. It is well known, too, that The cars are operated principally I With Joan Crawford cast as a Weevil Infestation starts from the zeal in the just cause the nation de forth and so on, I but did not attend school, is a Mr, and Mrs, Henry Smith and PAN It was the intention of this body to all subsequent acts protestations , by Arab drivers who careen wildly beai'Mfiil young "modern," and f,.,i. ,.„pj,ji., thfi; nnss t*ic \vtTit»T Tn other word':. In order for tills Junior this vear and Is out for foot­ Spap,5S:;* Mc Special Price ^ -• -•* daughter, Marjorie. left this week \iphold the 'diginity of the Spanish and renunciations have been null „., ' ... , , \^...... i. about .in a bedlam of traffic. Montgomery as a charming Loth­ Boll weevils breed only In green method of weevil control to be ef­ ball, for Winters. Texas, \\-hcre they ex­ crown to secure tlie help of England because thVv have been the result "°' "^'^ P'^"'^''*'' '" *^* ^^^^ *'^^ Once when the automobile had ario, the picture-W set against lavish squares and bolls. 36c fective it must be done by entire John Ranch, Who dropped out of pect to make their home. Miss Mar­ in conquering Napoleon in Europe, ooecausf violence mee any dnav thee oeemosnt intyrannicae resultl i ^j^^ ^^^^^^ ^,^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ j^^^ ^^^jus^ t been introduced into Addis New York and Westchester County Boll weevils eat green cotton only. JAY TEE PEANUT BUTTER, qt. jar 36c communities. the^ Help school last year, is back again. jorie will enter Texas University to avoid any misunderstandings oppression It is known, also, that you will take all precautionary Ababa an Arab driver ran over and backgrounds. Closely following the KilliiTg 'cotton early removes the measures you can to avoid a sin-prise The sensible thing to do Is to Lillian and . Gladys Jacobscn of She will be a senior this year. Miss 15c Regular 45c White Enamel • with the United States and, above our king. Don Ferdinand VII, has killed a pedestrian. Puzzled at first play in theme, it is a penetrating food of the weevil. If the growth of MICHIGAN NAVY BEANS, 3 lb. pkg. both along the coast of Texas and call a meeting of your agricultural Rock Island, Caspar Elnkoff.and Ruth Smith moved to Garwood, all, to prevent the spread of the been ^lemnly proclaimed in both as to what penalty should be im­ study, .told with irresistible humor, cotton is killed as early as two STEW PAN across the frontier of Louisiana. To council and plan a community-wide Lloyd Criswell of Sheridan and where she will be a member of the SNAPPY DOG FOOD, 4 cans 23c revoluntionary spirit in the Ameri- continents; that, for his liberty, posed, it was finally decided to in­ of the problems of a 1935 wife who weeks before frost, practically all the Telephone Special Price, this important end, it is absolutely campaign. Now, what are you going Donald Obenhaus, of Bonus are faculty of the Garwood school. We ca.s. The brunt of the burden, so honor and rights, as well as for the voke the Biblical law of "an eye suspects her husband of unfaithful­ weevils will starve before they can 17c necessary for you to close the door to do about It? Just talk and do other new students of the high regret to lose these people, but wish RED A BLEND COFFEE, 1 lb. pkg. , far as Texas was concerned, fell freedom, honor and independence of for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." ness. enter winter" quarters. ^ 36c -upon Nemesio Salcedo, the com­ entirely to the immigration of in­ nothing and still raise skunks, or school. them much success in their new the nation, the Spaniards have tak­ The Arab was hanged and after­ Along with the co-stars, sagacious­ get busy and really accomplish mandant general, and his nephew, dividuals who have lived in a for­ Killing cotton early prevents new People Here homes, Regular 30c White Enamel en up arms and death alone can ward was less reckless. ly cast, is the trepiendouS array of something for your community? Time Manuel de Salcedo. the Govenior eign country, whatever may be the weevils breeding, thereby permitting Mrs. Fannie Hudson returned CAMPBELL'S TOMATO wrest, these arms from them; that, < > » '•— School has started anew and ev­ evidence they may submit to sup­ talent implicit in such featured only the older ones to enter winter < > »\. • MILK PAN of Texas, To guard against Napol­ coiisequriitjy, our-king. Don Fer­ Youll find the homo of tha eryone is wondering-what it has in this week from a few days visit to eons wiles, the corti'mandant general port-their pretentions, Cai-rying into EAST BERNARD MAN players as Charlie Ruggles, Pran- quarters. Few of these have enough "You carry the baby and let me Special Price dinand VII. alone is the sovereign HEADS POULTRY RAISERS chot "Tone, EMna May Oliver, Oali ttlephone ffntem in the quiet, store for him. relatives and friends in Houston. ordered precautions taken to pre­ execution the idea clearly conveyed vitality to live until spring. have the eggs," a local woman was Miss Florence Cooper and bro­ of Spain and her colonies; and that, Patrick and . •haded itrorti oi a thouiand Course we all are anxious for foot­ 25c vent the sending of .seditious papers a.s long as his unjust captivity con- in my previous orders concerning You can not live long without heard saying to her hasband recent­ ther and Harvey Jacobsen of Waco the apprehension of persons cross­ (From Wharton Spectator!, Pa.st, spirited and very funny, the ly; "you might drop them." Cowni and citict throughout the ball season to open, kood. Neither can the weevil. Shut Hinton and Cheatham are sure arrived Satiu-day night. Miss Flor­ ing the said frontier, yoii nrtist hot. • J. R. Peace of East Bernard, poul­ story builds rapidly, to a climax of land. In little buildingi where Sottp,Zcans IS^ Regular 45c Gray Enamel ence will teach in the Sheridan under any circumstances, permit try breeder whose birds have been pure' humor, to a party which will swell coaches. the opcraton work, and through school this year. Mr. Cooper and the introduction of any person into shipped to every part of the United go down In screen history as one of Of them all, the first day is the COFFEE POT -^"VSK: Harvey returned to Waco Sunday. the .said province or consent to an? States, was in Wharton Monday and the funniest parties ever filmed. •hoM doen come and go tbt most_ exciting. RED A BLEND COFFEE, 3 lb. pkg. . . 50c Special Price . . comniuniotttion thfough it, sinee yeu while here spent a plea.sa^y half Without revealing too 'much-»f^th» ~wfi5"(aild and iBtiiittiB~ Oine TeTIlf cRsesnT mtnd -them^ haU-j- Mrs. Nln^-Comely,AnA-t.wg_§sr»; .•..::J men Harold and Wajne of Damon, were well know, that, imder the present hour with the Spectator, Mr, Peace plot, it .should be explained that as much as he pretends he does. PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAi>, 3 bars TTTr;^;. 14e -- "^^'^''"''^^ 36c '. .:.. "^ the line*. visitors here one day last week. conditions, no precaution Ls super­ LS the first vice president of ,the Marcia (Joan Crawford), suspecting Love your teachers—that's a good Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and daugh­ LIPTON'S TEA, i/4 lb. package 20c fluous when the great number of newly formed Gulf Coast Poultry her husband. Sherry (Robert Mont­ Evtrr other pirt of the 8*11 motto. ter, Virginia of St. Louis, Missouri, Regular TSc Gray Enamel deceitful enemies which the country Council, and it was in the interest gomery*, decides to invite all his ex- SjrMem exiiti timply Down deep in our hearts we are White King Granulated Soap, 24 dz. pkg. 10c already has within its confines is of this organization that he talked Aladdin Lamps glad when they begin.. arrived Tuesday for a visit to Mr. sweethearts to their home for a then— and Mrs. Beckman. STEW PAW realized," while here. week-end. The resultant party, and A good pepsquad is what we want AaMTiMa Teltpliont ft Miss Lois Jones left Monday for Specld Price The following clipping taken from Its denouement, will cause you to to make the football games peppy. Thus the door was theoretically Edlnburg, where she will enter SILVER RAY the Hoaston Chronicle of last week chuckle for a long while after you've Telegraph Company, parent Yea, Eagles! yea Eagles! Plte! ' 60c closed but the seeds of rebellion liad Edinburg Junior College. Texas Gulf outlines the directorate and purpose] left the theatre. company of the BcU Syitam So how we have a whole year to already been sown and additional of the new organization: Miss Ora CurrfSpent Monday in revolutionary agents secured entry with tti great ataC of telephone look, forward to. MIS H, L, ftuarte, pfesideHt ot Houston. under one pretext or another. Events __Givej^pure white light experti. B«U Laboraioriet, the newly organized Poultry Council COLORADO COUNTY COUPLE Books < a > nioved rapidly. IS MARRIED AT SEALY hundred! 6f fCHIfUi ^RCOLATOR Wednesday announced officers. This year the school has a great Chesterville NewS ZS%J^ •-•-» They are,J. R, Peace, East Bernard, BurnteTosene oil Kientisti intent upon telephone many new text books. Every grade Special Price Little Wifey—Why didn't you stop first vice president; Jerome Elhert, 'From Sealv News) problem*. Weitem Electric, has a new set of books of some type. Mrs. F. A, Hoeninghaus and SulphurCo. at the drugstore yesterday and get A wedding of q«llet dignity was $1.25 Cypress, second vice president; J, I with in factoriei and itr (ar^ The State is issuing the new text niece, Miss Maruine Gideon were SILVER RAY FLOUR, 24-lb. sack .83c that box of rouge for me? McGregor, -Houston Chamber of solemnized at the home of Judge Just the light for study and books by the gradual adoption s^ pleasant callers of Mrs, Carles ?. Little ^ubby. - "Well, dearest. I E, E, Kaiitfop Innt Tuor.riay at throa IGA Spanish Style Tomato Sauce, 4 buffet cans 19c hajipened tp remember that I prom­ Commerce, .secretary-treasurer; cx- tern, and in a lew years all trtf and Russell A. saliaday on lost Lot Pearl Ivory '. eeutlve committee, the foregoing of­ o'clock, uniting Miss Louise Ramm ThJa entire, apecialized group books will be new. Wednesday afternoon. ised never to do anything to bring and Herbert Garllng. Teading in rural homes ficers and Maury Smith, Highland, of companiaa hat on* porpoae^ The second and third grades have Miss Ina Tanksley and sister, OVALTINE, 50c size ... 32c ENAMEL WARE a blush to your cheek. The bride is the charming daugh­ and D, A Stringer, Houston, only: to help th* men who' new spellers this year, and the four­ Pnuu^na Culkiti of Houston are TREASURE SARDINES, 2 No. 1 cans rrrrr. 15c Special Price Each county in the gtlf coast dis­ ter of Mr, and Mrs. Hemy Ramm PRICED FROM th and sixth grades have new ge­ guests of their grandparents, Mr. of Colorado county, and the groom patrol, th* lin**, trict wi!l select one director, J. C, ographies. and Vrs. A. L. Jordan. EXTRA FANCY TRUBLUE RICE, 3 lbs 17c 19c is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Herman Fox. Houston, has been selected for and the women Every grade in grammar school Miss Elsie MUler of Lissi* was Garllng of the Cleveland community Refreshing Rdief Harris county, who keep has- new readers. There are some in Austin county. Both young peo­ the guest of Miss Ina Tanksley on When You Need a Laxatrre »The Poultry Council Is a unit of $4.95 TC •tant vi(3 before' very interesting ones. Among whlcih Tuesday. ple are popiijar In their 'respective are "Cltiunatup readers" for the the Oulf Coast council of Agricul­ communities and have a host of the iwitchboard Mr. and Mrs. M, K. Selph. Lenora, Because of tke refreahlof relief It fbui^ grade and "Our National ture Its purpo,sp is to raise the friends who wish for them a full Gene and Budddy, Vera Graves, Mr. bas brought them, t^unads of men 'an your town, do Parks." for the sixth grade. The Uul women, wtu could alfonl mucb standirds of the poultrv Industry. share of marital bHss. SIC.CC and Mrs. Russell A. Salladay and e ***—7 • better job of fseventh grade has a 8et«{ "Young R.; L, OravM and (oh, Raymond, more espenrive lazativet. uie BUMlk- The young people will reside with Mrs, J, J, Everett of Alleyton and giviag you good, Fu," a chemistenL that should were in Eagle Lake Saturday. . Drausht wtxa needed. It ti TOT the groom's parents where he is ""Frank Stephens Co Mrs. Mary Holland of San Antonio economical tele- prove very htterestlng. School opened Monday for the economical, purely Tegetable, ttifhly a.s.sociatPd with his father in his were guests Tneviay of Mrs. Arthur iJiniw Mfvif* The 'high school has three, sets All ^rm with 15 students enroUed ... y.»:^-'-.%N I egeeUea. •, Ui, J Leeter gntiawin -1 " n—. i ' »i 1 HI—I I faimlug inteiulfl. ^:;— dealff at Mar- Shannon and Mrs, Dirk-CTrmwrts; fawalian-%90iES. ' ^1' my wyiftii. fill>agraliirtnMMrtllii Bi I e1l« » BBi ' • r J • . Iii . (F*.. Ik - ii? -ir ifi in c (E );-Tji.ii BUBt.nmirit •• • wm. ne* type af iRS* aItog«fterj^-j^^g -^nmnfins abSBicr; iMdi6m« _ I h»?« taw It for «OMUB»|1OB «ith Mrs, EvcrfcU i from the old English books, having louDd it vcr7 utUtulorr,'* Saturday—Wharton Spectator, Fphrafm—Oh. thank you sir. Eagle Lake, - Texas selections of the literature to b< Mrs. F. J. KaUina of Garwood was 1 —— < » »» Employer-=-3o. I'm giving you a 1 studied included with the study ot a visitor in tfie city Tuesday after­ fiLACK-DAAUGHT BEER, Always Ctfd. Early's Buf­ week off to go out and get somebody the history. noon. Owing to the flood waters) fet. • else to give It to you, for I can't. All of the l)|Jrtpry clasKS han over the Garwood road, ihi came by way of Altair. —-, -t^-. 4.-..- new booki, and tlM ninth and tenth •71